Short Criminal Notes
Short Criminal Notes
Short Criminal Notes
NHS v Bland
Causation factual (White) or legal: free, voluntary act (Pagett),
substantial and operating, more than minimal, does not have to only
cause (Cheshire); intervening act (Jordan, Cheshire, Malcherek; Roberts,
peace with intent to kill (express malice) or cause GBH (implied malice)
Legal person born and capable of breathing (Enoch)
Unlawful act manslaughter unlawful act (Andrews v DPP; strict
liability or negligence cannot be the basis), a base crime (Lamb driving;
Senior-omission); Dangerous (Church such that all sober people would
regard as subjecting V to some harm); causes Vs death; not necessary to
be aware the act is unlawful or dangerous or to recognise the risk
glass slipped out, father injured his kid, did not think he will)
Battery (s39 CJA) D used unlawful force against V and intended or was
reckless as to use of force. Does not include everyday touching (Collins
Malicious wounding (s20 OAPA) unlawfully, maliciously (foresight of
some harm Parmenter and Savage) wound (break in the continuity of
skin Eisenhower; direct application of force? Wilsons article) or inflict
(cause - Burstow (D and V split up, harassed, severe depression) GBH
(really serious bodily harm DPP v Smith; look at totality of injuries, can
V is consenting (K).
Rape (s1 Sexual Offences Act 2003) D penetrated vagina, anus or mouth
of V with his penis; V did not consent to penetration and D did not
reasonably believe that V did; conclusive presumption under s76 if D
intentionally deceived V as to nature or purpose of the act (Williams
(singing teacher, deception as to nature), Tabassum (deception as to
quality-not right), Linekar (prostitute, 25), Jheeta (anonymous texts), EB
(HIV positive, didnt disclose, not relevant), Denovald (webcam, deception
as to purpose)) or D impersonated a person known personally to V
(Elbekkay - V assumed D was her boyfriend, had sex at night, D didnt
pretend so not guilty); evidential presumption s75 (open to D to rebut); no
consent under general meaning s74 - V must actively agree to penetration
(Lartner V asleep so no consent; Bree V and D drunk, may be so drunk
as to lose capacity to consent so left to jury; H 16year old, no
recollection, couldnt have possible decided to have sex with unknown
man; Nathan Wright was V so drunk that had no capacity, even if yes,
did she genuinely consent?); consent provided through fear (Olugboja
didnt struggle or resist because scared following another rape by D
friend; question of consent v submission); mistaken consent unclear; MR
= intent to penetrate; did not reasonably believe that D was consenting
jury to decide having regard to all circumstances, including any steps
taken by D(s1(2))
Infancy ReJTB; abolished rebuttable doli incapax presumption of no
liability under 10
Insanity D insane at trial so unfit to plead (Podola hysterical amnesia,
held fit to plead); insane at the time of offence; MNaghten suffered from
defect of reason caused by disease of mind (did not know nature or quality
of his actions, did not know what he was doing was legally wrong, not in
moral sense (Dean Johnson)); internal cause; not a defence to strict
liability; D voluntary intoxicated and commits crime as a result = no
defence (Lipman -LSD, imagined g-f was monster, killed her); if intoxicated
but can show it was disease of mind which caused defect of reason might
plead defence (Burns); weird cases: diabetes, sleepwalking etc. held to be
Self defence D was (or believed to be) facing an unjust threat from V
and used the level of force which was reasonable in circumstances; s3 CLA
1967 & common law; defence only to crimes involving force (Renouf
reckless driving forcing car of the road sufficient; Blake v DPP writing
didnt amount to force); could be defence to other offences(Bayer Ds
preventing sowing of a maze, couldnt use since not unlawful); degree of
force has to be reasonable by objective standards, could take into acc Ds
disabilities (Martin Anthony D shot 2 burglars, 1 died, argued he was
more likely to believe he was about to be attacked than general person,
rejected) whether D used reasonable means of protection is question for
jury (AG Reference - D possessed explosives to protect shop from rioting).
4 elements: V posed a threat, which was unjustified, use of force by D
necessary and reasonable by objective standards, D acted in order to
protect him or another or property; mistaken self defence jury asks if
reasonable on the facts as perceived by D (Williams Gladstone D
punched V who he thought was making unlawful assault, but he was
preventing robber from escaping); self induced ask whether force was
reasonable in light of fact that D instigated the fight; excessive use of
force is not justified (Clegg soldier on patrol, shot 3 times, then 4th, killed,
not in defence); D cannot rely on drunken belief that he was about to be
attacked (Hatton drank with V, returned to flat, believed V was attacking
mistake of fact
Intoxication 1) voluntary (D knowingly consumed substance or unaware
of strength - not a defence; if prescribed substance and aware of effects
but misuses - no defence; intent based crimes jury considers all evidence
to see if D has MR; recklessness based cannot introduce evidence to
rebut MR (Majewski). 2) involuntary (legal substance, but unaware of
effects (Hardie took Valium, thought it will calm him but got excited and
set fire); if D had MR then no defence only used to determine MR
(Kingston paedophilic tendencies, spiked drink, lured onto a boy, still
their actions which are part of AR); judged on the facts as Ds believe them
to be; Anderson conspiracy to effect escape of prisoner, D received
money, got paid, then injured so couldnt carry out the plan, claimed was
going to buy the rope and do no more guilty, even if he didnt intend for
agreement to be carried out v. controversial, widely accepted as
incorrect)/ common law conspiracy to defraud & corrupt public morals/
impossibility common law available as defence if could never be