Homework 3
2.4-3 Three prismatic bars, two of material A and one of material B, transmit a tensile load P (see
figure). The two outer bars (material A) are identical. The cross-sectional area of the middle bar
(material B) is 50% larger than the cross-sectional area of one of the outer bars. Also, the modulus of
elasticity of material A is twice that of material B.
(a) What fraction of the load P is transmitted by
the middle bar?
(b) What is the ratio of the stress in the middle
bar to the stress in the outer bars?
(c) What is the ratio of the strain in the middle
bar to the strain in the outer bars?
2.4-9 The aluminum and steel pipes shown in the figure are
fastened to rigid supports at ends A and B and to a rigid plate C at
their junction. The aluminum pipe is twice as long as the steel pipe.
Two equal and symmetrically placed loads P act on the plate at C.
(a) Obtain formulas for the axial stresses a and s in the
aluminum and steel pipes, respectively.
(b) Calculate the stresses for the following data: P = 12 k, crosssectional area of aluminum pipe Aa = 8.92 in.2, cross-sectional area
of steel pipe As = 1.03 in.2, modulus of elasticity of aluminum Ea =
10 106 psi, and modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 29 106 psi.