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Volume IV, Issue II, February 2015


ISSN 2278 - 2540

Power Quality Improvement by Input Current

Harmonic Reduction Using Three-Phase Multi-Pulse
AC-DC Converter
Sanjeev Kumar Rajoria

Bharat Modi

M.Tech. Scholar, Power System,

SKIT, Jaipur

Reader, Department of EE,

SKIT, Jaipur

AbstractThis is a well-known fact that during a transformerrectifier combination undesirable harmonic line currents may
be generated. The rectification of alternating current power to
direct current power itself may produce undesirable current
harmonics. The non-linear loads cause the severe current
harmonics that can not be tolerated. These harmonic currents
can cause either a shutdown of the device or the unacceptable
powering of the devices. The non-isolated multi-pulse
converters and the Multi-pulse converters in general can be
applied to achieve the clean power which is of major priority in
higher power rating applications. Generally, by increasing the
number of pulses in a multi-pulse converter THD (total
harmonic distortion) can be reduced up to the allowable limits.
Thepresentwork istoanalyses the differentmulti-pulse AC
toDC (18-pulse, 24-pulse, 36-pulse, and 48-pules) converters
insolvingthe harmonic problem in athree-phase converter
system. The effect of increasing the number of pulses on the
performance of ac-dc converters is analyzed. THD is the major
factor considered for the performance comparison of various
Keywords-Power quality, harmonics, total harmonic distortion,
ac-dc converter.


ower electronic devices are non-linear loads that create

harmonic distortion and can be susceptible to voltage
dips if no adequately protected. The most common
damaging power quality problem
encountered in volves the use of variable-speed drives.
Variable-speed motor drives or inverters are highly
susceptible to voltage dip disturbances and cause particular
problems in industrial processes where loss of mechanical
synchronism is an issue. Three-phase acdc conversion of
electric power is widely employed in adjustable-speeds
drives (ASDs), uninterruptible power supplies(UPSs),
HVDC systems, and utility interfaces with non-conventional
energy sources such as solar photovoltaic systems (PVs),
etc., battery energy storage systems (BESSs), inprocess
technology such as electroplating, welding units, etc.,
battery charging for electric vehicles, and power supplies
for telecommunication systems. Traditionally, acdc
converters, which are also known as rectifiers, are developed
using diodes and thyristors to provide uncontrolled and


controlled unidirectional and bidirectional dc power. They

have the problems of poor power quality in terms of injected
current harmonics, result ant voltage distortion and poor
power factor at input ac main sand slowly varying rippled dc
output at load end, low efficiency, and large size of ac and
dc filters.
This paper is divided into five Sections. First section is
Introduction (Section I). Other sections are review on
configuration (Section III), Simulation and results
(Section IV) and the last section is the conclusion of the
analysis (Section V).
A large number of publications have appeared in the field
of multi-pulse converters, many giving new concepts and
verifying their claims by simulations and experimental
work. Paice [1] proposed maximizing the efficiency of a 12
pulse AC-DC converter based on a hexagonal auto
transformer arrangement. Choi [2] in this paper has
presented new auto transformer arrangements with reduced
KVA capacities are presented for harmonic current
reduction and to improve AC power quality of high current
DC power supplies. Simulation results are given in the
paper. Falcondes and Babri[3] have proposed a new isolated
high power factor 12KW power supply basedon18-pulse
transformer arrangement. The topology used in volves a
simple control strategy. Simulations and experimental
results are given in paper. S.Kim Etal [4] has given an
analysis and design of a passive and novel inter connection
of a star/delta transformer approach to improve power factor
and reduce harmonics generated by a three phase diode
rectifier. Chen Etal [5]has proposed anew passive28-step
current shaper for three phase rectification with a phase
shifting transformer on the ac side, per phase input current is
shaped into sinusoidal waveform.
The term multi-pulse method is not defined precisely. In
principle, it could be imagined to be simply more than one
pulse. However, by proper usage in the power electronics
industry, it has come to mean converters operating in a three
phase system providing more than six pulse of DC per cycle.
Multi-pulse methods involve multiple converters connected
so that the harmonics generated by one converter are

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Volume IV, Issue II, February 2015


cancelled by harmonics produced by other converters. By

this means, certain harmonics related to number of
converters are eliminated from the power source.
Multi-pulse systems result in two major accomplishments,
1. Reduction of input line current harmonics.
2. Reduction of output voltage e ripple.
of ac input line current harmonics
important as regards the impact the converter has on the
power system. Multi-pulse methods are characterized by
the use of multiple converters or multiple semiconductor
devices with a common load. Phase shifting transformers
are an essential ingredient and provide the mechanism for
cancellation of harmonic current pairs, e.g. the 5thand
7thharmonics or the 11th and 13thsoon. Thus for harmonic
current reduction them ulti- pulse converters are fed from
phase shifting transformers. The phase shift has to be


ISSN 2278 - 2540

using a phase-shifting transformer with phase displacement

of 20o between any two adjacent secondary windings. The
typical values of are 20o, 0o and -20o for the first, second
and third secondary windings, respectively. The other
possible arrangement for this is 0o, 20o and 40o respectively.
B. 24-Pulse AC-DC Converter
Fig. 2 shows the general configuration of 24-pulse ac-dc
converter. The rectifier has four identical units of 6-pulse
diode rectifiers fed by a phase shifting transformer.24pulse ac-dc converter can eliminate six dominant
harmonics the 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, and 19th[6]. In 24pulse ac-dc converter there must be a phase displacement
of 15o between any two adjacent secondary winding
voltages. For this phase-shifting transformer is employed
with phase displacement of 15o.


A. 18-Pulse AC-DC Converter

Fig. 1 shows the general configuration of 18-pulse ac-dc
converter. The rectifier has three units identical of 6-pulse
diode rectifiers fed by a phase shifting transformer. The sign
Z enclosed by a circle represents a three-phase zigzagconnected winding, which provides a required phase
displacement between the primary and secondary line-toline voltages.

Fig. 2: 24-pulse ac-dc converter configuration

The typical values of are -15o, 0o, 15o and 30o for the
first, second, third and fourth secondary windings,
respectively. The other possible arrangement for this is 0 o,
15o, 30o and 45o respectively.
C. 36-Pulse AC-DC Converter

Fig. 1: 18-pulse ac-dc converter configuration

18-pulse ac-dc converter can eliminate four dominant

harmonics the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th. This is achieved by


Fig. 3 shows the general configuration of 36-pulse ac-dc

converter. It has six identical units of 6-pulse diode
rectifiers fed by a phase shifting transformer. In 36-pulse
ac-dc converter the required phase displacement between
two adjacent secondary winding voltages is 10o and the
typical values of are -25o, -15o,-5o, 5o, 15o and 25o [6].

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ISSN 2278 - 2540

The MATLAB Simulink model of an 18-pulse

uncontrolled rectifier is shown in Fig. 5. For 18-pulse
controlled rectifier all the diodes in bridge rectifiers are
replaced by thyristors and a gate pulse generator is added as
shown in Fig. 7. THD in the input current is calculated and
shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 3: 36-pulse ac-dc converter configuration

D. 48-Pulse AC-DC Converter

Fig. 4 shows the general configuration of 48-pulse ac-dc
converter. The rectifier has eight identical units of 6-pulse
diode rectifiers fed by a phase shifting transformer.

Fig. 5: Three-phase uncontrolled 18-pulse ac-dc converter

Fig. 4: 48-pulse ac-dc converter configuration

For 48-pulse ac-dc converter the required phase

displacement between two adjacent secondary winding
voltages is 7.5o and the typical values of are -26.25o, 18.75o, -11.25o, -3.75o, 3.75o, 11.25o, 18.75o and 26.25o.


Fig. 6: Input current THD of uncontrolled 18-pulseac-dc converter

A. 18-Pulse AC-DCConverter Simulation


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ISSN 2278 - 2540

rectifierrespectively. The calculated THD is 12.82% and

10.96% respectively.

Fig. 9: Input current THD of uncontrolled 24-pulseac-dc converter

Fig. 7: Three-phase controlled 18-pulse ac-dc converter

Fig. 8 shows the FFT analysis of one of the three-phase

input currents to the 18-pulse controlled rectifier. The
calculated THD to the input current of 18-pulse controlled
rectifier is 13.86%.

Fig. 8: Input current THD of controlled 18-pulseac-dc converter

Fig. 10: Input current THD of controlled 24-pulseac-dc converter

C. 36-Pulse AC-DCConverter Simulation

As explained in Section III (C) 36-pulse ac-dc
converter have six identical rectifier units connected in
series and the phase difference between two adjacent
secondary winding voltages is 10o.

Fig. 11: Input current THD of uncontrolled 36-pulseac-dc converter

B. 24-Pulse AC-DCConverter Simulation

Addition of one more identical rectifier circuit in series
with the 18-pulse converter with a phase shift of 15o
between two adjacent secondary winding voltages, 24-pulse
uncontrolled rectifier is obtained. Replacement of those
diode rectifiers with the thyristor converters will become
24-pulse controlled ac-dc converter.Fig. 9 and Fig.
10showthe FFT analysis of one of the three-phase input
currents to the 24-pulse uncontrolled and controlled


Fig. 12: Input current THD of controlled 36-pulseac-dc converter

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ISSN 2278 - 2540

D. 48-Pulse AC-DCConverter Simulation

Eight identical rectifiers connected in series with the
phase difference of 3.5o between two adjacent secondary
winding voltages, operate as a 48-pulse ac-dc converter.
The MATLAB Simulink model for 48-pulse uncontrolled
rectifier is shown in Fig. 13. If all the diode rectifiers from
Fig. 13 are replaced by thyristor bridges, it will become 48pulse controlled ac-dc converter as shown in Fig. 15 below.
Fig. 14 and Fig. 16 show the THD calculated for the 48pilse uncontrolled and controlled ac-dc converter

Fig. 15: Three-phase controlled 48-pulse ac-dc converter

Fig. 16: Input current THD of controlled 48-pulseac-dc converter

Fig. 13: Three-phase uncontrolled 48-pulse ac-dc converter

From the above simulations and their results it can be
concluded that with the increase in number of pulses of
converter improves the power quality by reducing the input
current harmonics from the ac mains. Hence pulse
multiplication technique can play an important role in
power quality improvement in various applications such as
power distribution networks, HVDC transmission systems,
critical industrial and commercial loads etc. Table 1 shows
the positive impact of increase in number of pulses on the
input current harmonics.

Fig. 14: Input current THD of uncontrolled 48-pulseac-dc converter


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Volume IV, Issue II, February 2015


Table 1: Comparison of input current THD

ISSN 2278 - 2540


Sr. No.



















Uncontrolled Multi-pulse Converter





Paice, Derek A. "Auto-connected hexagon transformer for a 12pulse converter." U.S. Patent No. 5,148,357. 15 Sep. 1992.
Choi, Sewan, Prasad N. Enjeti, and Ira J. Pitel. "Autotransformer
configurations to enhance utility power quality of high power
AC/DC rectifier systems." aa 5 (1996): 7.
Seixas, F. J., and Ivo Barbi. "A new three-phase low THD power
supply with high-frequency isolation and 60V/200A regulated DC
output." IEEE
CONFERENCE.Vol. 3. 2001.
Kim, Sikyung, et al. "A new approach to improve power factor and
reduce harmonics in a three phase diode rectifier type utility
interface." Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1993.,
Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE. IEEE, 1993.
Chen, Chern-Lin, and Guo-Kiang Horng. "A new passive 28-step
current shaper for three-phase rectification." Industrial Electronics,
IEEE Transactions on 47.6 (2000): 1212-1219.
Wu, Bin. High-power converters and AC drives. John Wiley & Sons,

18-Pulse 24-Pulse 36-Pulse 48-Pulse

Fig. 17: Reduction in input current THD with increase in number of pulses
in uncontrolled ac-dc converters

Controlled Multi-pulse Converter

18-Pulse 24-Pulse 36-Pulse 48-Pulse

Fig. 18: Reduction in input current THD with increase in number of pulses
in controlled ac-dc converters


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