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Kingdom News

Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever.… (Matt. 6:13)
Volume 3, Issue 6 June 2009

The Leadership Corner

The Sovereignty of God and/or the Leadership Living, Inc.
Will of Man
Either or Both? Change from the Inside Out

The Lord woke me up one morning with a most amazing

revelation. Okay … okay it was amazing to me. He had
shown it to me previously; it was right before my very
eyes; He had even spoken it into conversations that I’ve Do you ever wonder how things in your environment could
had. But I did not make the connection. change for the better? For example, would you like to see
family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or others experience
Stated as a proposition: How can man have “free” will positive changes? Surely there are many situations that could
and God be Sovereign? Aren’t these two mutually stand some improvement. Someone’s boss needs to improve
exclusive? her attitude. There is a teenager who needs to learn to make
better life choices. Maybe your spouse needs to learn to
There are at least two Schools of Thought (SOT) on this better manage the household finances. Undoubtedly we
topic. could think of hundreds (maybe even thousands) of changes
One School of Thought (we’ll call this SOT1) we would like to see take place in the lives of those around
believes that the sovereignty of God determines us.
everything; and the will of man doesn’t really
account for much; outside of what to eat for But, how can this happen? None of us can control the
breakfast; what color socks to wear. choices other people make. And, as many have already
learned, we can’t change other people’s behaviors … or can
we? I submit to you that each of us holds the key to helping
Another School of Thought (we’ll call this SOT2)
those in our environments to experience positive changes in
believes that the independent will of man their lives.
determines outcomes. We define our destiny; we
make it happen. A mystery? Not really, instead it is a basic principle that is
guaranteed to work in many situations.
Absent revelation on the subject, these two positions seem
to have perspectives that are diametrically opposed. From As Christians, we each have the Holy Spirit living in our
these divergent Schools of Thought, we get a great deal of hearts. We know that through God’s Spirit he leads and
other presuppositions and worldviews. These two guides us (if we obey). What we may not think about is that
as we allow the Holy Spirit to change and grow each of us
Sovereignty … Continued on page 3
internally it affects our behavior. And, when our behavior
changes it causes changes in the behaviors of those around
Let’s take parenting for an example. We understand the
1 Sovereignty of God and/or the Will of Man importance of modeling positive behaviors for our children.
We know they do what they see us do, not what we say.
1 Leadership Living Parents are in fact guidebooks for their children.
2 The Servitude of Leadership
By this same token or principle, we as Christians and
therefore leaders, are guidebooks for those in our
5 Boot Camp

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Leadership Continued from page 1

environments. And we must understand that many people

need our guidance. They watch to see who they can
pattern their lives after. <> The Servitude of Leadership <>
By David L. White
In Romans 8:19 (paraphrased) it says that all of creation is All scriptures are paraphrased from the King James Bible
waiting to see God manifested in his people. They want to
see God in the flesh. In Psalms 37:37 (paraphrased) scripture Matt 20:26-27 But whosoever will be great
instructs people to model their lives after mature, obedient
Christians; and, by doing so they will find peace.
among you let him be your minister; and
whosoever shall be chief among you let him be
Finally, Paul said (in II Corinthians 3:2) that we are epistles your servant.
(letters or documents) that others read. Imagine that!
People read us so that they can practice the behaviors they Let us begin this article in question. As Christians,
see in us.
are we really the head and not the tail? Are we
So, how do we help bring about positive changes in really above and not beneath?
others? We must allow the Holy Spirit to model these
behaviors in us. God changes us internally. Our behaviors It is becoming ever more popular to speak about
change externally. Others see our positive changes. This being the head and not the tail. We have well
allows the Holy Spirit to minister to their hearts and cause
them to start making positive changes also. That’s how it
aroused our emotion with being above and not
works. beneath. We have clapped our hands and said our
amen’s. We have even danced and shouted in the
No longer do we need to keep asking God to change this aisles; but when the sermon is over, when the
person or that person. Of course, we will always pray for music stops playing, when we leave the tabernacle
people. And, in addition, we will consciously allow the
Holy Spirit to change our hearts and our behaviors in very
what does this mean? Why has the Lord placed
practical ways so that others can see it and begin to make anyone in leadership? What are His purposes for
changes in their lives. this structure within the hierarchy of mankind?

One example is when we see someone lose weight and Matt 24:45 Who then is a faithful and wise
keep it off. This happened in my life. God taught me how
to change my personal habits to create an environment that
servant, whom his lord has made ruler over his
would support my health goals. I was able to lose sixty- household, to give them meat in due season?
five pounds and I’ve kept it off for several years. Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he
comes shall find doing so.
My family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers saw the
changes and began to make similar changes in their lives. I
didn’t have to preach to them. In this case, I didn’t even
I challenge you...that the reason any person
have to pray for them. They saw the positive changes and whatsoever has been put in a place of leadership is
followed suit. to lift up those who are not so placed. The reason
you have been left with the food is to feed those
I encourage each person to commit to allow the Holy who have been left without. And as His Word
Spirit to change you on the inside. This will bring about
positive changes on the outside. And people in your
portrays above: blessed are you O servant who is
environment will begin to follow the pattern they see in faithful and as to feed those without food,
you. clothe those without clothes, and house those
without home.
[] LL []
If resources of any kind have been bestowed upon
you it is so that you supply those without. This is
Leadership Living, Inc., Joyce M. White, MSW – CEO what it means to be the head.

I submit that a look at the human body will further

For additional information you may contact us at illuminate this for us. For how else is the body
[email protected]
nourished; but by the mouth? How else is the plan
laid; but in the brain? How else does the body see;

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Servitude Continued from page 2 Sovereignty … Continued from page 1

but through the eyes? And how else does the body perspectives have given birth to a myriad of divergent
hear; but through the ears. Without the head we systems of belief throughout the ages.
see that the body is lost.
On the topic of Salvation:
SOT1 is inclined to conclude that God chooses man;
Matt 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to whereas SOT2 is given to the belief that man chooses
be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give God; by an act of his free will.
his life a ransom for many
On the topic of Predestination:
This word ministered is diakoneō. This is a Greek SOT1 believes that man’s destiny is set before he is
word which means to serve. The Son of man came born; that God has already determined it; whereas
SOT2 is more inclined to believe that man determines
to serve. So then if The Head came to minister, if his own destiny.
the Lord came to serve; then what else is any other
master to do. For what other reason are you The list could go on, but for the sake of brevity this
placed above, than to reach down and pull your should suffice.
brethren up? Why else are you placed on a lifted
podium than to show those below how to bow Now, oddly enough there is scriptural support for both
down before God? Schools of Thought. There are ways of interpreting
scripture that would seem to agree or concur with both
perspectives; as divergent as they may seem. This is a
Pro 4:7 ...with all thy getting get understanding very key and pivotal point; because there are some who
refute the authenticity and authority of the Bible (as the
This is the bottom line: If our elevated position inspired Word of God), for these very reasons. An
does not lead us to fall down in servitude; then we undiscerning eye would see the presence of two
have not understood our position. If our fortune seemingly, mutually exclusive perspectives as
does not lead to the fortune of others; then our “contradictions.”
I will tell you from personal experience there are
fortune will be counted by God as misfortune absolutely no contradictions in Divine Truth, none.
when our works are judged. Our Lord Jesus led us Jesus Christ is Himself, TRUTH. The truths of the
by becoming a servant. So then if our leadership Bible are simply an expression of His Person. The
is not servitude we have misled. I admonish you, scriptures teach us that there is no division in Him.
then, to lead by serving, and to serve as a leader. Begin your beliefs here. Then ask God for revelation
<>KN <> and clarification; as you move forward from this
starting point. I’m sure that what you’ll find is that what
seems to be a contradiction is actually our inability to
reconcile the differences within our own understanding.
SARDIS As stated in (Rom. 3:4 KJV reference) let God be true
and every man (contrary opinion) be a liar.

Our Prayer for Readers: Scriptural support for School of Thought #1 (SOT1)
1. No man can come to Me [Jesus] unless the Father
draws him … (John 6:44, 65 KVJ reference)
Our prayer for each and every one of you is that 2. It is God who works in you both to will and to do
God will give you such a genuine and sincere according to His good pleasure … (Phill. 2:13 KVJ
hunger and thirst for righteousness; the likes of reference)
which you have not seen or conceived before. 3. Whom God did foreknow, He also did predestinate
… (Rom. 8:29 KJV reference)
Amen For SOT1, this line of thinking follows:
♦ That man does not have, within the jurisdiction
of his will, the ability to choose God or to
choose in favor of God. We are naturally
unable, or incapable.
♦ God chose a portion of humanity to be saved.

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Sovereignty … Continued from page 3

The rest He did not choose; therefore they will

not be saved. Because, in His sovereignty, He For clarity I’ll restate the two “ideas” this way:
didn’t choose them.
♦ Sidebar: This interpretation can and has 1) God chooses and so it is … potentially resulting in the
gendered great strife and distrust in the belief that what we see in our world is the result of the
hearts of many. Particularly our brothers sovereignty of God.
and sisters who are atheists. Atheists and 2) Man chooses and so it is … potentially resulting in the
others, by this, perceive God to be belief that what we see in our world is the result of man’s
duplicitous and irrational in His choices, decisions and actions.
sovereignty. How can He both elect certain
ones to salvation and not elect others and Here we have two Schools of Thought; both seeming to
still hold the “un-elect” responsible for have scriptural support. If they are not contradictory how,
their sin? Many of them believe it to be then, are they to be resolved?
unrighteous of God to do something like
this. And to most any rational mine, the On the one hand, there is the sovereignty of God; and on
concept (understood as such) is difficult, at the other the will of man.
best; and impossible “at worst” to embrace.
It provokes confusion and does not There is a sense in which both of these perspectives are
encourage sublime trust in such a God. germane to the whole of this truth. Unfortunately, it is
often the case that these two Schools of Thought hold their
Scriptural support for School of Thought #2 (SOT2) opinions as mutually exclusive to each other. As if a
1. For God so loved the world that whosoever will (or thing is either purely the result of the Sovereignty of God
chooses) may come… (John 3:16 KJV or purely of the will of man. The scriptures taken as a
paraphrased) complete expression of Jesus Christ reveal something
2. Work out your own soul’s salvation … ( Phill. 2:12 different. There is a communion (a marriage even) of
KVJ reference) these two realities: God’s Sovereignty and man’s free
For SOT2, this line of thinking follows:
♦ That man does in fact have it within the control In Genesis (2:18) when God said “it is not good that man
of his will to choose God and to choose in should be alone:” He was revealing an eternal truth!!! But
favor of God. He didn’t stop there, His next statement also revealed a
♦ We are fully responsible for our choices and complementary truth. He said, “I will make him
actions: (humanity) a help meet for him. We often relegate this
• Sidebar: Of course, there is seeming statement to the concept of marriage (between a man and
opposition to this way of thinking, too. a woman); and this is an appropriate expression.
Our own personal experience leads us However the breadth of this truth is considerably farther
to say like Paul “when I would do go, reaching then just the union of the humanity to humanity.
evil is always present with me. While I It is an expression of the communion of Divinity with
am aware that I can choose to do good; Humanity.
it is actually difficult to be consistent
in doing it. (Rom. 7:18-21 KJV Bless God for how the Gospel writer Mark captured this
adapted) truth so succinctly (Mark 9:23-24 KJV). A father brought
his son, possessed with a dumb spirit to Jesus. The father
Perhaps one may inquire; if there is scriptural support said, “Jesus if you can do anything, have compassion on
for both perspectives, don’t these opposite polarities us, help us.” Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are
constitute contradictions? Please do not go away possible to him that believes.” Listen to the father’s
thinking that “the Bible is full of contradictions; response. This is the marriage of these two truths.
therefore it cannot be completely trusted.” These
“challenges” might serve to induce more intense The father said in tears. “Lord, I believe. Help, Thou, my
research and inquiry into a matter. unbelief.”

So which School of Thought is correct? How, pray tell, When I read this father’s plea; I understand him to be
do we reconcile these seemingly disparate and saying:
divergent paths? 1) Lord, as much as it is possible for me to believe, I
do. But there is a part of me that is fearful and

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Sovereignty … Continued from page 4

uncertain. Here is where I need help. Or …

2) I am “willing” to believe, Lord, please help me to
be “able” to believe. Or … Boot Camp (( ))
3) I believe as much as I understand. But there is a I’d like to share with you a series of meditations that the Lord
place in me where I lack understanding therefore gave to us; as He is working to transform us into the image of
my faith may be compromised, Lord help me, His Son. (Rom. 8:29 ref) If you feel so inclined you are
here. Or … welcomed to join us. I cannot fully express to you how it has
4) Etc. already begun to change my life, personally. I have also seen it
change the lives of some of those around me.
See the wisdom of God in the father’s statement; it is the Warning: there are sharp edges, please handle with care.
revelation of the “I/You” relationship between Humanity
and Divinity. Our Father is a God of relationship, PROMISE
communion and intimacy. He has never intended for man Father, if we confess our sins, You are Faithful and Just to
to be alone … in anything … ever. forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness. This is Your promise to your children.
Man is capable of choosing God; and choosing in favor of (1 John 1:9)
the things of God. However, man is not alone capable of
choosing God. Man is as personally and as naturally
Father, we confess that our heart is deceitful above all
capable of choosing God (et al); as he is of choosing things and desperately wicked. We cannot know the
anything else. However, he must choose within the depths of its depravity. Who can know it?
sovereign framework of the provision of God. (Jer. 17:9) Father, You have judged righteously. How
weak is our heart, seeing the things that we do and we
• God’s Sovereignty is infinite and absolute; as with all allow. They are even the works of an idolater.
of His other characteristics. And as such God (Ezek. 16:30)
• Man’s free will is finite and circumscribed; as with all FATHER’S ADMONITION
of His other characteristics. And as such man chooses. Father, You require that we cast away from us all our
transgressions, that we have transgressed; that we repent,
and turn ouselves from all of our transgressions; so that
You’ll find this truth to be everywhere evident.
iniquity will not be our ruin. You have directed us, Father,
to make for ourselves a new heart and a new spirit.
One example from scripture is Deut. 30:19 (KJV (Ezek. 18:30-31)
paraphrased) where God tells Israel that He has set before
them life and death; blessing and cursing. He then OUR PRAYER
admonishes them to choose life …. God established the Father, we receive Your command to make for ourselves a
parameters of life and death. Within (and only within) new hear and new spirit. But we cannot do this without
those parameters we may choose. While we are free to You. We beseech You, please create in us a clean heart;
choose within those parameters; we are however, not free and renew a right spirit within us. Purge us with hyssop,
to redefine the parameters. The parameters are left to the and we will be clean: wash us, and we will be whiter than
Sovereignty of God. snow. Father, You desire truth in the inward parts: and in
the hidden parts You will make us to know wisdom. You
Now one example from politics: The Presidential voting will cause us to have intimate knowledge of Your wisdom.
Then will we teach transgressors Your ways; and sinners
process: Someone(s) choose who the electoral candidates
will be converted to You. (Ps. 51:6-13~)
will be. You, the voter, is then free to select from this
predefined list of candidates. You are also free to forego FATHER’S RESPONSE/ANSWER
choosing. But whichever option you prefer, you’ll do it Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope
within the framework of the options established. the LORD is. He shall be like a tree planted by the waters
that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see
We have the Divine Sovereignty of God and the free will when heat comes, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not
of man. Both roles are held in tension the one with the be careful in the year of drought (spiritual or economic
other. Within God’s relationship with mankind these are famine), neither shall cease from yielding fruit.(Jer. 17:7-8)
sin quo non to each other. They are “that without which”
there is no communion; no relationship. Father, You have heard our supplication; You will receive
our prayer. You have humbled us and You do hear the
<>KN <> desire of the humble. You will prepare our heart, and
cause my ears to hear You. (Ps. 6:9; 10:17) <>KN <>

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But WHO is this man?

A Journey to Intimacy Him of whom it was prophesied; “There shall come

forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse ... Him of whom
The Journey Continues – My Biography Moses in the Law and the prophets did write, Jesus of
(Received May 15, 2009 AM) Nazareth.” (Isa. 11:1)

One sometimes contemplates writing his memoirs or He cries out, “Come to Me, all of you who labor in
an autobiography even; an opportunity to the strength of your own will to be free from the law
memorialize our journey here on this earth. in your members (appetites & passions). You who
are burdened by your failures to do right, come to
During one of my contemplative periods not long Me, and I will give you rest.
ago, I noticed that someone had already written my (Matt. 11:28 KJV)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. I’m
My skeletons aren’t in the closet any more… they are beginning to understand. I see that when I submit to
written across the pages of the most widely the truth of God, that I believe in my heart; I serve
distributed book in the world. Talk about airing God. But when I submit or acquiesce to my passions
one’s dirty laundry. and appetites I serve sin and self. I’m beginning to
see it now. (Rom. 7:25)
It reads …
Lord, I acknowledge my sin to You and my iniquity have I
Oh, wretched man, that I am, who shall deliver me not hid. I determined in my heart and I confessed my
from the body of this death? For I know that in my transgressions to the Lord. And Lord, You forgave the
flesh dwells no good thing. I know the law; that it iniquity of my sin.
requires that I love the Lord with my all and my
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me
neighbor as my self. And I sincerely intend to do just
from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions and my
that. Certainly the ability to will (intend) to obey is sin is ever before me. (Ps. 51:3)
within the blush of my prerogative. But ascertaining
“how” to do what I intend, is where I run afoul. How I would probably have written this myself, but I was too
do I love the Lord with all my heart? For the things I arrogant and self-deceived. <>KN <>
do are against my better judgment. And what I know
I ought to do, I don’t. I “love” what I “ought to do;”
I “hate” what I actually do.
(Rom. 7:24)
My Personal Creed as a Child of God
- JoAnn White
I acknowledge that the commandments of God are
righteous. But I am not. For I find in me a law (in
Who we are as Christians, determines what we do.
my appetites & passions) that opposes the law of
God, to which my mind consents. Somehow I Example: I am created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26);
manage to lose the battle to the law of my passions & therefore I am committed to love the Lord with all of my
appetites. heart, soul, mind and strength and my neighbor as my
self (Luke 10:27). Now that I know who (and whose) I
Again I ask, “Who shall deliver this wretched man am; I no longer engage in contrary actions and attitudes
that I am?” Who!?! …. Who’s that? … A man? of the heart. For this same reason I am also committed to
How will a man deliver me? refraining from lying, stealing, committing adultery,
coveting, engaging in idolatry, dishonoring my parents,
He was wounded for my transgressions. He was etc. (Deut 5:16-21) I am committed to meekness,
pureness of heart, the giving of mercy (Matt. 5).
bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my
peace was upon Him and by His stripes I’ve been
(Inspired by lecture by Ravi Zacharias entitled:
made free … I’ve been made whole.
Leadership Seminar Workshop- Session 1)

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Are You Sure?
If you are not certain of your standing with Jesus
Christ, I’d admonish you to consider a few things:
1) Every man has an appointment with death; after Sovereignty and/or Free Will
that the Judgment (Heb. 9:27 KJV). Because He has God’s Sovereignty is infinite and absolute; man’s free
appointed a day, in which He will judge the world in will is finite and circumscribed.
righteousness… (Acts 17:31 KJV)
2) We are required to love the Lord with our whole The Leadership Corner
heart, soul, mind, and strength … and our neighbor Allow the Holy Spirit to change you on the inside. And
as our self. (Matt. 22:37-40 KJV) people in your environment will begin to follow the pattern
they see in you.
3) Every one of us will give an account of himself to
God. (Rom 14:12 KJV) God will judge every man
according to his deeds. (Rom. 2:6 KJV)
Servitude of Leadership
If our elevated position does not lead us to fall down in
servitude; then we have not understood our position. If our
4) All have sinned and come short of the glory of fortune does not lead to the fortune of others; then our
God. (Rom. 3:23 KJV) fortune will be counted by God as misfortune when our
works are judged.
5) God commands all men everywhere to repent.
(Acts 17:30 KJV) []o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]
Boot Camp
6) Jesus Christ has come that we might have Father, we receive your command to make for myself a new
abundant life. (John 10:10 KJV) And to save us from hear and new spirit. But I cannot do this without You. I
the wrath to come. (1 Thess 1:10 KJV) beseech You, please create in me a clean heart; and renew a
right spirit within me.
7) For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, whoever believes on Him shall have []o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]
everlasting life. (John 3:16 KJV) Journey to Intimacy
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. I’m beginning to
understand. I see that when I submit to the truth of God, that
8) Repent therefore and be converted that your sins
I believe in my heart; I serve God.
may be forgiven. (Acts 3:19 KJV)
Be Sure

Electronic Editions

We have electronic copies of the newsletter available for you at [email protected].

Here you will also find the prior monthly newsletters.
Do we have your email address? If not, please send us an email to [email protected] and
we’ll send your copy of the newsletter via email. We also welcome questions and comments on any of the
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Enjoy them and share them at your leisure.

Editor: J.C. White, sMHG [email protected]

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