Metaphysical Anat.
Metaphysical Anat.
Metaphysical Anat.
Bladder Problems
See Bladder Cancer, Candida, Inflammation, Interstitial Cystitis, Urethritis, Urinary
People store a great deal of their daily emotional irritations in their bladder and in the
urinary tract. When a person is overwhelmed with a lot of stress, irritation and feeling
pissed off by someone, it can physically surface in these areas. Bladder problems often
start when a person is trying really hard to resist being controlled by an authority figure.
This could be a boss, mother, father or sibling. They feel a great deal of anger toward
someone that is challenging them. The client feels unsafe to express themselves toward
this person and often revert to aggression to emotionally protect themselves. They fear
being ridiculed, punished or attacked if they do not project their aggression. Their
aggression forms a buffer between them and an abuser or influential person that is
challenging their self-worth and territory.
This person may have had a conflicting relationship with an authority figure (often a
father figure if the client is female). The client often feels powerless to express
themselves. An influential figure in their life may never have given them a chance to fully
express themselves. They feel extremely irritated by someone who invalidated their
opinions. This is often a childhood pattern that is now repeating itself in their adult life.
They find it challenging to control their own personal desires and what they want.
Their motivation and talents may have been attacked by this influential resulting in
them feel greatly challenged to by their ability be successful.
Sometimes people dont completely empty their bladders when visiting the restroom.
This means that they are not completely letting go of their resentment and anger toward
someone. This person feels angry, as they dont feel that they can get away from the
person that is pissing them off. They are not resolving the issue / s that are pissing them
When someone suffers from bladder infection, it is also related to a recent quarrel
that stirred and triggered strong resentment in the client. They feel disgust toward
someone and their circumstances. This is also accompanied with feelings of sexual
disgust. They seem to feel disgusted, shame and guilt when they have sexual needs and
they also do not feel respected by their intimate partners.
They feel a great deal of unresolved fear and anger towards an authority figure. The
client may have been raised with certain values that disempowered their ability to stand
up for themselves. Instead, they feel they have to obey a certain person leaving them
feeling invalidated and resentful. They may also feel that they cannot meet the standards
and expectations of others. They seem to always attract people into their life that trigger
their low self-esteem, causing them to feel challenged and resentful. It seems to be a
repetitive cycle.
If it is a child that has bladder problems then explore the childs mothers relationship
with her partner, are they having problems? Is the mother being submissive toward the
husband? Is the clients mother resenting him for his controlling or dominant role in the
family? Explore the childs relationship with their father. Often the father would be quite
dominant, harsh and controlling. This is affecting the childs relationship with their
father. This results in the child building up a fear of men or people in authority. They
learn that people in authority cannot be challenged; they have to give their power away.
Key Points:
What is the benefit of holding on to resentment, irritation, frustration or anger? Note
that there can be more emotions other than the ones mentioned. Often the answer would be that the
emotions help them to express boundaries. Sometimes its easier for the client to express him or herself
or say no when they are angry. The answer could also be that the emotions keep them safe and stop
them from feeling hurt all over again.
Ask the client by whom they feel intimidated by in their life? How does it make them feel
to be intimidated by this person? What would happen if they did express their truth? Explore
further possibilities.
Did the clients mother or father have similar boundary issues as the client? Did the
clients parents also feel challenged to express themselves or move away from abuse or negative
situations? If yes, work on the associations that the client made during their childhood by observing
and copying their mother and fathers behavior towards each other.
How does it keep the client safe to be disempowered by others? What is the benefit?
Often the answer is that they will be accepted by others and also to avoid confrontation.
It feels safer to suppress their ability to control their environment as the dominant
figure in the household made it clear there is only room for one dictator. How did this
make the client feel?
Strong feelings of anger and resentment toward someone or circumstances. Who or
what made them feel this way? How does this make them feel? What is the benefit of holding on to
the anger and resentment?
Who suppressed the clients ability to express themselves? Explore further and observe if
these emotions that arise from this question are also present at the fertilization stages. If yes, then
work on it.
The key here is to find out whom and what makes the client angry, irritated, feel
invaded and pissed off. Explore their boundaries and feeling unable to control their environment
and how people treat them.
Explore feeling out of control and angry during fertilizations, ovulation, ejaculation
of the sperm and the clients birth.
Explore stages after fertilization when the cell division started. This can sometimes be
experienced as another big change or as a cell death and feeling out of control.
The clients lower spinal cord might also be out of alignment and its creating a great
deal of pressure on the bladder. If this is the case then the client is feeling angry, pissed off and
resentment towards someone or a situation including feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities. What
did the client feel responsible for during their childhood? Heal the traumas and stress along with the
Breast Cancer
See Cancer, Lymphatic System Compromised
The client feels that they are the foundation of the family and hold it together. They
often feel that they have to project a strong faade toward the public while their private
is causing them great stress.
This person may find it challenging to grieve and show emotion due to fear of
rejection and abandonment. In the past, expressing their emotions may have made them
look weak and as a result felt judged.
They either suppress their emotions or it comes out in explosive ways that sets off
more triggers such anger, resentment, failure, abandonment, rejection and family
disputes. Their outburst only results in them feeling even more rejected and pushed away
by their loved ones. They may feel that communicating how they feel comes at a great
price. They often feel conflicted by what they need to say and the ramifications of it.
They may associate expressing themselves with punishment and rejection.
Family members and the public have fallen in love with their strong faade. The
image that they have portrayed to the public has become draining and its emotionally,
spiritually and mentally taking its toll. There is a great need to just be them, yet they fear
criticism and rejection if they do let go of their faade. There is a fear of moving outside
of the perfect wife, friend and mother stereotype. They may have experienced a stressful
and hostile relationship with their mother (influential female) or partner. Influential
females or their partner may have been emotionally absent, cold or hostile.
The client feels attacked by people that should love them, such as family members.
They feel drained of giving and not receiving as well as pretending that everything is ok
when its not. They have a great desire to shed their faade and become who they truly
are. They have had enough of the negative patterns, feeling resentful and feeling
unsupported when making new changes. Their boundaries have been invaded, violated
and they feel disempowered and suppressed by when taking the initiative to make their
own decisions.
They are not allowing themselves to move forward and create change. Moving
forward in the past and changing may have resulted in them to feel invaded, violated and
disempowered, as their goals were not supported. This person may feel that if they
change then it will affect everyone else, especially those that rely on their strong qualities.
These qualities might change if they change certain aspects about their life; as a result
they often hold themselves back for the sake and benefit of others who rely on them.
They keep themselves small to avoid creating ripple waves in the family. They are
often the peacekeeper, however they may have realized that this role has only been
enabling abusive and selfish or controlling people to get away with their behavior.
They didnt feel nurtured, cared for and loved enough during their childhood by their
mother or father. They feel unable to change and improve challenged relationships that
they have with their children, partners, parents, family or friends.
They often right and ability to make their own choices have been suppressed in their
childhood. This begs the question, Who was the dominant parent? Who suppressed
them? What would happen if they started to make their own decision? They have a fear
of creating or causing drama and conflict. The client also has a fear rejection if they had
to make their own decisions. Their decisions may not be approved of and result in them
being isolated.
You can observe these patterns in the clients current relationships. How does the
client handle conflict in their life? Is the client using anger and rage to express boundaries
and their opinion? Does the client withdraw and keeps their own counsel resulting in
them suppressing how they feel? This has a vicious cycle as their suppressed emotions
transform into explosive anger. As a result of these patterns, they become stuck in their
The client is suppressing a great deal of sadness that they have not processed and
expressed. They process their suppressed grief more easily once a loved someone passes
away or if someone leaves them. Grieving for the loss of someone often opens the
gateway to grieve for all their losses that are unrelated to their current stressful
circumstances. They seem to need something unrelated to their trauma to trigger to them
in order to feel and express their pain, trauma and stress.
There may also be trauma related to being infertile. The client may also have suffered
a miscarriage and they may be grieving and feel resentful for what could have been if
they didnt suffer from the miscarriage.
Left breast
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Right breast
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Cancer between the breasts
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Breast Adenocarcinoma
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Breast Melanoma
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Intraductal carcinoma of the breast
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Cancer of the milk ducts
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Breast Tumor
See Metaphysical Anatomy for more information
Key Points
Explore trauma related to an incident that took place two years before this condition
started. What happened? How did the client feel? What was the unresolved dispute or conflict?
Explore further possibilities.
Breast cancer seems to have a strong pattern of resentment, especially toward family
members who may have taken advantage of the clients goodwill (this includes their
time, support, financial etc.). This may also have felt attacked, abandoned, not supported, not
accepted, not allowed to be them and also feeling attacked by their own children (I feel attacked by my
own blood - meaning family).
They have been accused of shaming their family and they feel judged in many aspects
of their life. Where in their life do they feel judged by their family? How does this make them feel?
Explore further possibilities.
Feel obligated to behave a certain way (like a stereo type female, mother, wife and
friend) in order to be accepted by society that does not resonate with their true self.
This is often a strong consciousness from the ancestral line. How did this make the client feel?
Explore anger, rage, resentment, giving up, had enough etc.
Feel that women should be strong, foundation for the family and look strong in
public. This cycle may have taken its toll. How does or did this make them feel?
They have suppressed a great deal of grieve. They feel safe to process their suppressed grief
once someone passes away or there is a loss in their life. The grieving for the loss of someone opens the
gateway for them to grief about everything that they have suppressed, without looking weak in the
presence of others.
Has the client ever lost a child or had a miscarriage? If yes, then explore this further.
By whom do they feel attacked? How does this make them feel? They feel that they have had
enough and they want an exit from their circumstances. Explore their boundaries, such as saying
no. What trauma do they have around saying no especially towards men?
What type of relationship did they have with their mother? If they had a challenging
relationship then ask the client if something happen in their life that reminded them or made them
feel the same way as their mother made them feel? If yes, then explore this. Sometimes they attract
someone else in their life that projects the same qualities as what their mother did.
What was the clients health like before the cancer started? Did the client live close to
pollution stations? Where did the client work? Are there any circumstances that also could have
challenged the clients lymph nodes?
Trauma related to feeling rejected. By whom? How did that make the client feel? What did
the client emotionally when they were rejected? Explore association made with the emotional need they
had when they were rejected. Explore further possibilities.
Needing to be needed. Why? What is the benefit? Explore further possibilities.
Feel lack of love, being cared for and important. Who made them feel this way? Explore
how this affected the client.
If the client is a mother, then ask if she has a challenging relationship with her child
or children? If yes, then how is this affecting her?
Explore the clients relationship with her partner. How did this person meet her need for
love? Explore further possibilities.
Explore the clients relationship with her father. How did he meet her need for love?
Explore further possibilities.
Does the client have other family members that had / have breast cancer? If yes, then
explore similarities between the client and the family members. Especially trauma and patterns that
might be repeating itself again. Explore sabotage as well.
Trauma related to feeling challenged, abused or attacked (verbally or physically) by a
family in their own territory. They feel invaded in their safe haven. Explore further.
Feel unimportant to their children. Feel that they have been thrown away.
Trauma related to lack of supported when she needed it most. How did that make her
feel? Explore further.
See Dermatitis, Inflammation, Itching, Rashes, Skin Problems
The client seems to be feeling controlled, judged and manipulated. This person feels
aggravated by those around them, as they seem to know that certain people are unhealthy
for them. They are too scared to move away from these people. The client seems to have
a fear that they wont know who and what they are without the unhealthy relationships in
their life as they their identity and self-worth seems to be tied-in with it. They may have
built their identity around their destructive yet familiar environment. They fear being
without their broken and unhealthy foundation as they may have learned how to survive
amongst chaos.
The client often feels bullied and held back by influential people in their life. They
may have learned that they are not allowed to challenge those that are more powerful
than them. The client often reverts back to a victim state when they feel dominated and
They seem to be resenting the people that they love as they have made negative and
traumatic associations with them in the past. They dont seem to recognize the negative
associations that they formed with a person. This is causing them to sabotage their future
and success, as these negative associations tend to come full circle and repeat itself in
This person is holding onto a great deal of resentment. They are fighting against
people and circumstances that control and restrict their freedom. The client seems to
keep attracting controlling people and circumstances, reinforcing feeling more resentful,
trapped and angry. They may feel under attack (verbally or physically) and scrutinized by
influential people in their life. They feel a great deal of irritation and anger toward them.
This person also feels powerless to change their circumstances as they rely on the people
that they resent.
The client has become stuck in an unhealthy pattern. They feel powerless to break
free from a never-ending abusive or hostile cycle. They may feel that they are destined
for the chaos, meanness and rejection that life is throwing at them. This has left them
feeling stuck, helpless and bitter. This person has fallen victim to a lifestyle they have
been chasing and the people that are part of it, now they feel unable to break away from
something that once seemed like a good idea. Their good intentions were abused and
taken advantage of.
The client has forgotten that they always have a choice. There are circumstances that
may not be able to change. They can though change how they feel about it. What they
should understand and remember is that they are unique in their own right. They no
longer need certain unhealthy and challenging circumstances that test their strength or
give them status and an identity. Their identity has formed part of something that is
moving them away from where actually want to be. As a result of their fear of rejection,
abandonment and loneliness, they may feel that it is safer to stay where they are.
There seems to be a power struggle between them and someone else in their life. This
could also be an internal conflict.
This person feels very irritated by their intense emotions and they are trying hard to
keep it out of sight. They fear that their emotions could destroy their relationships
resulting in them losing people they love. They seem to be attracted to toxic people who
are not for their highest and best.
Key Points
Trauma related to feeling controlled and manipulated. Who and what made them feel like
this? Is there a sexist issue? Explore trauma of feeling controlled and manipulated by others and
giving their power away.
Explore how giving their power away kept them safe. Explore relationships that client had
and explore the one that stands out the most for the client (the one that was most upsetting /
They feel angry and even venomous toward their circumstances and the lack of
emotional freedom. How does this make them feel? Explore these emotions during the clients
womb stages. How did the clients mother feel while she was pregnant with the client
Who or what is getting under their skin and irritating them? What stops them from
expressing boundaries toward this person or circumstances? They may have a fear of being attacked
and rejected. Explore this. If the client is a female then she might feel suppressed in the face of
influential males, as women have been immensely suppressed in the past. If the client is male, then
explore his relationship with his mother and father. Is history repeating itself in his personal
Pattern related to self-punishment. Explore further possibilities.
Feeling powerless and as a result they give their power away. Explore fertilization stages
and the clients birth (see Birth section).
Fear of being alone. Explore rejection and abandonment trauma. They seem to tolerate negative
and unhealthy circumstances due to their high tolerance for abusive circumstances and fear of rejection.
They may feel that its safer to be in unhealthy circumstances than to be alone. They may have only
had bad experiences with relationships thus far, hence why they feel safe in these different yet, similar
and familiar circumstances.
They are painfully sensitive how others see them. What is the worst thing that could happen
if people dont like what they see? Explore their self-loathing and past trauma of rejection and
hostility down the ancestry line.
Stubbornness and refusal to let go of their anger. Explore the secondary gains.
There might also be an unconscious secondary gain. The client might unconsciously use this
condition set boundaries with others. They might use the condition as an excuse to avoid certain
situations, they feel safer using the condition as an excuse rather than saying no and facing possible
consequences when saying no or expressing boundaries.
The client feels irritated with themselves as they feel that they have to control their
behavior otherwise they might provoke confrontations or be rejected.
Trauma related to being attractive. It is safer to be unattractive. Why? Who made them feel
this way? What happens when you feel unattractive? Explore further possibilities.
Fear of judgment and being judged incorrectly. Who made them feel this way in the past?
This condition of often related to a person who had a bad or challenging relationship
with their mother. Their unresolved issues with their mother may be repeating it in their
relationships. They seem to keep avoiding these issues, which only results in it growing out of control.
Explore further possibilities.
See which area is affected the most and then refer to the Cheat Sheet for more info.
This condition often surfaces in a person who had an alcoholic parent. The parents
inconsistent or hostile parenting style caused this person to feel unsafe or even traumatized.