Role of Homeopathy in Post-Surgical Dental Implants Paresthesia - A Case Report JCSH Vol - 1 Issue - 1

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Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy

Cite it as: Mouro, L.C; Moutinho, H.M; Canabarro, A.

Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy 2013; 1(1):6-10
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Case Report Dentistry

Role of homeopathy in Post-Surgical Dental Implants

Paresthesia A case report
Mouro, L.C1; Moutinho, H.M2; Canabarro, A3

Paresthesia is the partial loss of sensation and paralysis is the total loss of sensation and
movement. They generally originate from injuries in the trigeminal terminal branches. This
article discusses the implants complications, but it is important to note that other surgical
procedures can cause the same damage and the source of the injury changes the indication of the
drug to be prescribed. The objective is to report to implantodontists knowledge of Hypericum
and Causticum, from the homeopathic therapy, and effective help in the resolution of postsurgical dental implant. According to the results observed in the present case, the authors
conclude that the use of Homeopathy as a complementary therapy is effective in treating
postoperative paresthesia. However, controlled trials are needed to assess the real benefit of
homeopathy as an adjunct in the treatment of post-surgical paresthesia.
Keywords: Paraesthesia, inferior alveolar nerve(IAN), homeopathy, osseointegrated implants

Paresthesia can be defined as an isolated
condition of altered sensitivity of transient or
permanent form at a given point or region, due to
the injury of a sensory nerve. The patient may
complain of feelings of strike, numbness,
burning, or itching, and it can cause change of
feeling of pain at the site. Paresthesia of inferior
alveolar nerve (IAN) should reflect these
symptoms in nerve spanning region, promoting
changes in sensitivity in the lower lip, chin skin,
teeth and gums below the affected side (Nickel
Jnior, (1990); Rose et al, (2007); Tolstunov &
Pogrel, (2009)). These injuries usually have
spontaneous resolution; however, in some cases,
they can become permanent and present varying
degrees of sequels (Strauss et al (2006)).
The literature presents some alternatives for
treatment of paresthesia of the IAN through laser
therapy, allopathic or homeopathic drug therapy,

acupuncture, microneurocirurgia with or without

autogenous or aloplstico. However, there is a
protocol defined and widely accepted within the
dentistry. In this way, it is important to gather and
evaluate the therapeutic modalities that have been
used; as well as research in search of new
supporting alternatives. (Coradazzi, Luis f. et al
(1999); Cold, Jose c. m., (2011); Gregg, (1995);
Kloth, (2003); Lizarelli, (2005); Nardy,
(2000);Rose, Franncine et al., (2007), Smiler DG
(1997); Seo et al., (2004); Wolford & Stevao,
Homeopathy is a promising aid for the drug
arsenal of dental surgeon to integral health of
patients, and this is due to its holistic principles,
pathophysiological balance of complex system
(i.e. body). The homeopathic medication acts as a
complement to possible relief manoeuvres.


Periodontics UERJ-Brazil; Master Dentistry UVA-Brazil;

Homeopathy Specialist Hanhemanniano Institute of Brazil
2Homeopathy Specialist at Hanhemanniano Institute of Brazil
3.PhD in Dentistry USP-Brazil; Doctoral UERJ - Brazil, Master in Periodontics

Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy

Cite it as: Mouro, L.C; Moutinho, H.M; Canabarro, A.
Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy 2013; 1(1):6-10
Available online at

Homeopathy provides a new treatment option,

with improvements of local symptoms, in
addition to the balance of the patient as a whole.
Nardy in 2000 aimed to lead to dentists
knowledge of Causticum,
medicine of
homeopathic therapeutics, and effective in
According to the literature review, the indications
of medicine confirm its efficacy in clinical
symptoms of paralysis and paresthesia after
surgery. Barros et al. (2007) have made a case
report of patient with post-surgical paresthesia
treated with homeopathic medicine Hypericum
perforatum. According to the literature review,
the indications of medicine, confirm its efficacy
in clinical symptoms of paralysis and paresthesia
dental implant surgery Lima Filho, J (1991).

medicines Hypericum and Causticum, as an

adjuvant in the resolution of post-surgical
Materials and Methods
Early history was made, addressing the
pathophysiology and clinical evaluation, where
the panoramic radiographic analysis was done,
and thermography and sensitivity testing was
conducted using the heated gutta-percha cane in
alcohol burner and ice bat elements: test: 43,
44.45 control: 33 (Table-1) and therapeutically
managed with Causticum 6CH and Hypericum
6CH thrice daily.
Informed consent of the patient was obtained.
Consent was also obtained from the Ethics and
Research Committee CAAE-0017.0.309.000-11.

Therefore, the objective of this study is to bring

lmplantodontists knowledge of the homeopathic
Table 1 - Initial Consultation, patient without medication



not felt

not felt


not felt

not felt


not felt

not felt


Immediate and

Moderate after


Case Presentation
AGS patient, 63 years, Male, Professor
Past history: The patient's clinical record was
described that he underwent implant of three
elements 31, 41 and 46, 01 years ago with
paresthesia shown.
Procedures previously performed: Laser therapy
- 05 applications of 15/15 days of prescription
medicines and Citoneurim Dexacitoneurim.





Examination: Little ogival palate, presence of a

few plates, the central tongue with little coating
and teeth marks, drooling saliva. Sharp deviation
from the midline of the lip.
Panoramic radiography: Implant very close to
the IAN (Figure-1)

Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy

Cite it as: Mouro, L.C; Moutinho, H.M; Canabarro, A.
Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy 2013; 1(1):6-10
Available online at

Follow Up Investigations

Figure-1 Panoramic radiograph

Psychic symptoms: discouraged, poor appetite,

extremely indignant.
General Symptoms: Constipation.
Metabolic disorders: Diabetes Mellitus II
First Prescription: Causticum and Hypericum
6CH - 03 times a day

Cold sensitivity element 45 after a week proved

to be lightweight to light and heat removal after
20 seconds. The 44 element sensitivity to cold
after 20 seconds and heat after 13 seconds, 43
element sensitivity to cold after 10 seconds and
moderate after removal and control was
immediate and strong with the cold and heat
(Table-2). Sixty days after the beginning of the
treatment elements 45 as the sensitivity showed
mild to cold and heat, 44 immediate sensitivity
element and moderate to cold and heat,
immediate and strong 43 to cold and heat and the
immediate and strong 33 control element (Table3)

Table 2: Patient treated with homeopathy for 01 week





Take after removal

After 20 "Lightweight


After 20 "average

After 13 "Lightweight


After 10 "average

Moderate after removal


Immediate and strong

Shown after removal

Table 3: - 60 days after the 1st Prescription



Sensitivity before
treatment Homeopathic
Impervious to cold
and heat

Sensitivity after treatment


Bring to heat and cold

Immediate and Moderate to
heat and cold


Impervious to cold
and heat


Take the cold and

insensitive to heat

Immediate and strong to

heat and cold


Immediate and strong

Immediate and strong

The drugs used in the study were Causticum,
medicine indicated, 2 Medical Materials, Cairo,
Nilo (1997); Lathoud, Joseph (2001); Rajput

(2007); 15.annierV, Leon et al (1987). The main

indications are: used in facial paresthesia, when
exposed to cold, facial neuralgia, paresthesia may
occur followed by stiffness of the jaw and mouth,
paresthesia, bites easily the inside of the cheek,

Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy

Cite it as: Mouro, L.C; Moutinho, H.M; Canabarro, A.
Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy 2013; 1(1):6-10
Available online at

lip palsy present is common and can be caused by

nerve lesion deep (Hirsch JM & Branemark PI
(1997); Garg AK & Morales MJ (1998), Kan JY
et al (1997)). It is also a medication of excellence
when paresthesia as if heading for the chronicity.
Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort), is a
noble medicine for injury to nerves, tingles, Bell's
palsy, and capable of annihilating the side effects
of anesthetics.
In the case report comparing with the control
element (33), it was observed the beginning of a
clinical improvement from the 2 nd consultation
after a week. The similar results as also been
reported by previous authors (Barros et al.
(2007); Nardy, R (2000)). The lack of sensitivity
had a positive response to the tests after the
treatment and the 45 element was the one to
introduce lightweight response to cold and heat at
the end of 60 days (Table-3). The homeopathic
treatment in addition to acting locally contributed
to the overall health of the patient, who reported
more confidence and reducing stress.
Learning Points
From the results obtained, it can be concluded
that homeopathic treatment is effective in
adjuvant treatment of post-surgical paresthesia.
There was reversing of local oral symptoms and
contribution to improving the overall health of the
patient. There is need for further research
(longitudinal study) the use of homeopathic
medicines in numbness after dental implant.


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Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy 2013; 1(1):6-10
Available online at

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