CHP 1 - Answers
CHP 1 - Answers
CHP 1 - Answers
1.1 What is the major difference between advertising and promotion?
Advertising goes way beyond the public announcement of products. It is about inclining the client
towards an offering by making information available of the product that leads a customer to
develop a positive sentiment towards the brand. It develops an emotional authenticity that leads
the consumer to build a positive attitude towards the brand. The consumer then looks for the
offering being advertised in the marketplace. Advertising generates long lasting brand image that
enhances consumers loyalty towards the brand. It aids in selling the offering even before the
salesmen try to sell the offering. Marketers benefit long term by successfully creating a well-known
brand equity that significantly will boost sales in the long term.
Promotion aims at grasping the market share. The main message is not brand oriented but to
accelerate brand sales immediately. It is unemotional in nature and persuades consumers to act
immediately to buy the product. Marketers at times provide incentives such buy 2 for price of 1,
distribute free samples, etc. The main objective of promotion is brand purchase intention that
causes the target market to immediately try out the offering or purchase the offering immediately.
Moreover, Prentice claimed that promotion is a consumer franchise building that creates brand
awareness, builds favorable brand attitude and augments sales immediately.
promotion, an element of the marketing mix which consists of public relations and personal selling.
Public relation is unpaid promotion. Personal selling makes use of brochures, catalogs, presentations
by the salesmen. With all types of marketing communication, the selling message must be
3 types of promotion
a) trade promotion discounts or incentive to help move more product
b) retail promotion promotions offered by the retailer or originated with the brand.
c) Consumer promotion offered B2B customers or consumers to accelerate or reinforce the
decision process.
1.2 What is necessary for persuasive communication to work?
For persuasive communication to work, a consumer must notice or hear the message, must pay
attention to it, must comprehend the meaning of the message, and must accordingly provide a
response to the message. This sequence is known as consumer response sequence necessary for
persuasive communication to work. For example, Kinder Bueno advert shows a women relaxing and
claims A little bit of what you fancy. This shows that Kinder Bueno will be more satisfying and
enjoyable than any other chocolate. It will provide a sensual experience. The advert aims at creating
a positive emotional authenticity among the woman towards the brand. Marketers should place the
advert in a magazine that their target market, women browse through. As the women browse
through the magazine, they would notice the advert, comprehend the meaning behind the advert.
The favorable brand attitude will encourage the consumer to look out for the product and try out
the product.
Furthermore, at times we may an advertisement many times without paying much attention to it.
The visual images from the advertisement will get registered in our mind. We will be able to
associate the visual images of the product with the brand and this may influence us to purchase the
product one day. The consumer response sequence takes time and does not occur instantaneously.
1.3 Why are brand awareness and brand attitude always communication objectives?
All advertisements must arouse four communication forces in the consumers minds. These forces
comprise of category need, brand awareness, brand attitude, and brand purchase intention.
A) Category need is when a consumer purchases a product because he is interested in purchasing
that product category.
B) Brand awareness: The consumer must be able to identify the brand through recognition or
recall. Recognition aids in identifying the product on the shelf at the point of purchase. While
recall lets the consumer think of the brand own their own before purchasing it.
C) Brand Attitude: Along with brand awareness, a consumer must form a favorable attitude
towards the brand by forming an emotional bond with the brand. The attitude includes the
gained knowledge about the brand and the feelings linked to the brand.
D) Brand purchase intention: The brand purchase intention is when a consumer tries or purchases
the product. Purchase intention is a primary objective of promotion.
For instance, the Kinder Bueno advertisement shows a clear image of the packaged product and
specifies the brand name clearly which encourages brand awareness among consumers through
recognition. As discussed the advertisement creates favorable brand attitude and could lead to
positive brand purchase intention too. The most essential communication forces of the
advertisements were to create brand awareness and favorable brand attitude. It was not trying to
create a category need as its target market already consumes chocolate bars. The advertisement is
not trying to encourage people to consume chocolates or persuade them to purchase it.
With all types of marketing communication, the selling message must be consistent. One of the
forms of marketing communication is advertising which is about inclining the client towards an
offering by making information available of the product that leads a customer to develop a positive
sentiment towards the brand
1.4 What is basic difference between informational & transformational brand attitude strategies?
Consumers must have enough knowledge of the brand and have a positive feeling towards the
product being advertised. The favorable brand attitude will encourage the consumer to look out for
the product and try out the product.
Type of purchase decision: When a consumer wants to purchase a product of low involvement,
monetary risk and psychological risks involved are quite low and not much time is invested for
research of information. For example, the decision to purchase a chocolate bar is low involvement.
On the other hand, a high involvement product such as a car requires to go through a lot of
information and large monetary risks are associated to such a product.
Types of motivations: We engage in a purchase decision due to negative or positive motivations.
Negative motivation leads us to purchase products that removes or avoids a problem. Positive
motivations lead us to purchase products that make us feel good.
Our purchase decisions depend on whether we are looking for high or low involvement product and
whether the motivations are negative or positive. In advertisements, brand attitude strategy
comprises of:
a) Low involvement driven by negative motivations
b) Low involvement driven by positive motivations
c) High involvement driven by negative motivations
d) High involvement driven by positive motivations
Kinder Bueno chocolate bar is aiming at providing consumers a more statisfying and enjoyable
chocolate that any other chocolate could provide. The chocolate is trying to offer sensory
gratification to consumers and hence it aims to create positive feels among consumers and the
brand. Hence, the advertisement is driven by Low involvement driven by positive motivations.
If a wrong brand strategy is used, the target audience will not notice the advertisement much or
understand the meaning behind the advertisement.
Summary: advertising stimulates communication forces in the minds of the consumers. Brand
awareness and brand attitude are always essential communication objectives of an
advertisement. The brand attitude strategy should effectively incorporate the type of
involvement and type of motivation that would lead consumers to purchase the product.
The message appeals usually consists of logos, pathos and ethos. Logos appeal encourage
viewers of the advertisement to draw out conclusions against the arguments provided in the
message. This usually occurs when the product is of low involvement and the consumer is
negatively motivated to find a solution to remove or avoid the problem. In contrast, when the
purchase decision is of high involvement and the consumer is negatively motivated, then the
arguments provided in the advertisement are accepted as true. Brand attitude strategies that
consist of negative motivations are known as informational as they provide a solution to avoid
or solve the problem.
Advertisements use pathos appeal in their message to build a feeling and a favorable attitude
towards the brand. Brand attitude strategies that consist of positive motivations are known as
transformational as the marketers aim to create emotional authenticity between the consumers
and the product.
Message appeals also consist of ethos that consist of a famous spokesperson to endorse the
brand to encourage the target market to use the brand in order to be associated with them.
Ethos appeals persuade the consumers to pay more attention on the source while the logos and
pathos appeal motivate consumers to pay attention to the content of the message. The logos
appeal requires a credible source or an expert to deliver the message while the pathos appeal
attractiveness is needed.
1.5 What problems if any do social media pose for advertising?
The brand message must be consistent throughout all marketing communications. The message
presented in social media must follow the same regulations as the message presented in traditional
media. In conventional media, the message is framed by the advertiser while in social media, the
consumers are also allowed to frame the message. Social media encourages user generated content
where consumers can voice out their reviews to companies, organizations,etc. It encourages culture
of participation and comprises of consumerspace. Consumers now can request organization for the
type of products they want and how, when, where they want to learn about these products. This
can only pose a problem to the advertisers if user generated adverts are seen as advertisements
directly created by the brand. Moreover, before buying a product, consumers often like to read the
reviews and view the rating of the product on social media. It can alter the purchase decision
process of the consumers. Consumers can easily identify alternatives to the product through these
reviews which can be a significant threat to the brand itself. It is a consumer world, consumers can
either make a product succeed or damage its reputation. read chp 10
1.6 Discuss the issue of ethics in advertising.
Government authorities regulate the advertisements through the code of behavior acceptable in a
country. Unethical advertising can be caused by egoism. Marketers create products that would
benefit them rather than the consumers. They are just concerned about the success of the brand.
This may lead to a behavior or building a product that may actually cause harm to the consumers.
We would consider an advertisement unethical if the advertising was misleading consumers and
causing potential harm to consumers. For example, medicines can pose serious side effects that
consumers might not be aware of.
Advertisers should aim to tell the truth to consumers about their products. They can engage in a
certain level of puffery (exaggeration) but should not lie intentionally, which would be considered
unethical. Conscious omission is not right. If the advertisements are not truthful or are misleading,
competitors will soon find out and spread the word among consumers. This would cause consumers
to lose trust over the brand.
NO DEFNITION OF ETHICS: With ethics, one must be able to answer what is considered to be
unethical behavior and if the behavior is unethical and it causes no harm, does it matter? Hume
suggested that moral judgement is the sentiment of approval or disapproval. Kant suggested to
follow the law of categorical imperative which means to act according to the rules or principles
known globally that everyone has to follow. There is no exact definition of ethics. Hence, it makes it
difficult to define unethical behavior in advertising. Will one consider an advertisement unethical if
the behavior was unintentional?
1.7 In what ways does advertisement make a positive contribution to the economy?
Most marketers believe that advertisement does make a positive contribution to the economy. If, by
no other way than pumping a great deal of money into the economy. For example; it was estimated
that spending on advertisement for the year 2010 was US$ 104 billion in Western Europe, US$ 106
billion in Asia Pacific, and US$160 billion in Northern American. Morover, Cost of product does
include the cost of advertising but dropping advertising does not mean the price of the product will
decrease. Advertising aids in elevating consumption which leads economies of scale to drive own
1.8 Do you feel that there is merit to any of the traditional criticism of advertising?
One of the criticisms that can lead potential harm to consumers is if the advertising is misleading.
If a product is misrepresented and one buys it. How likely is he or she to buy that brand again or any
other product of that particular company? Likewise, if advertising is deceptive, it will kill the brand.
Competitors will be able to quickly point out the deceptive advertisements. Although advertisers by
law are allowed to engage in puffery (obvious exaggerations such as best ever), they are not
allowed to make false claim about the brand.
Other Criticism of Advertising:
a) Advertising creates unnecessary desires Advertising stimulates materialism, making a
consumers wants feel more like needs. It exaggerates the requirement of having a good life.
Advertising create the desire of unattainable goals, same way television, movies, etc convey a way
of life.
b) Advertising insults our intelligence sometimes advertisements might be regarded as offensive
by the target audience. The message will not be effectively communicated with youre the target
audience. Always test the adverts before running them in the public.
1.9 Why is it important for an advertiser to be aware of the trends in public attitudes towards
advertising in general?
It is essential to track consumers perception towards a product and accordingly frame the message
to be presented in an advertisement. Once an advertisement has been aired, it is then important to
track the consumers responses towards advertising. The advertisement can then be modified so
that the required message is effectively communicated with target audience.
1.10 Advertising and consumer + A question of trust
If someone distrust the advertising, he or she will not also the trust the message that is bing
conveyed in the advertisement. People view advertisement gain essential information about various
products through advertising.
One of the key relationships between a brand and its consumer is trust. If pricing policies have cause
consumers to lose trust over the brand, this could have a great impact on the consumers attitude
towards the advertisement of the brand. The advertising and the intended message are likely to lose
credibility. Hence, the greater budget then needs to allocated for advertising and companies need to
invest heavily in advertisements to change the perception of consumers.
For high involvement products with high fiscal and psychological risks, the credibility of the message
is far more guaranteed than low involvement products.
A company can induce a certain level of credibility to their advertisements by repeatedly
communicating the intended message with their consumers. This may not be always true as it may
cause consumers to get annoyed and ignore the advertisement if shown repeatedly.