Repair Autocom CDP VCI

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Repair Autocom CDP VCI

Test interface with usb cable, not bluetooth

use software without internet connection or add "12!"!"!1 acti#ation!autocom!se" to
C$%&indows%s'stem(2%dri#ers%etc%hosts file
firmware must be up)raded with #ci connected to car, and to pc with usb cable
*ost important is Chan)e R+ and R, - 2 ./line trancie#ers and will be 0. on 1*& 23" and
You have to change all together5 If chan)e first ./line trancie#ers and than connect to
an' brand of car, you will have to buy another pair of trancievers56
1! chec78replace 2 resitors 9 (4" ohm$ R+8R, :*D ones should be mar7ed 391 or 3900 ;not
(4R" < (4 ohm, not ("" < (" 0hm6
2! chec78replace poor =ualit' Vishay or SI9241 ./line transcei#ers 9 9241A
Chec7 #olta)e on . and > line with multimeter! 0n idle 'ou must ha#e about 12V on them! &hen
'ou start communication with car lines shortl' )o down on about 1V! If 'ou don?t )et that #olta)e
drop tr' to chec7 si)nal on T@ input of 9141 I!! If 'ou ha#e some pulse ;i thin7 from "#V to #V6
durin) initialiAin) of connection with car then 9241 I! is surel' defecti#e
ma'be transcei#er is o7, chan)e (!4 or (4 ohm 9 #$0 ohm on pull/up resistor of SI9241 ;or 4%0
ohm up to 1 &oh'6
(! chec78replace rela's$
bad ./>ine comunication$ 1 rela' in rela' board freeAe to position "0B"! open the rela' with a
7nife and I set the wei)ht inside the sprin) to automaticall' switch to the 0CC position
&hen CDP powered and connected to D:1, run :& and connect to an' car ;no need for a
real car56 and then )o bac7 to main :& window! measure rela' coils and see how man' are
0B$ ( rela's must be 0B when in this window5 If onl' 2 are 0B 1*& 23" and 24" don?t wor75
onl' 2 red mar7ed must be 0B when standb', both 2 red and 2 )reen mar7ed ;1 rela' for obd pin
1 and 1 rela' for obd pin and 1,6 must be 0B with bmw
replace rela's dri#ers ic?s (V12#) 9 *+, %4(V12#)
when applied ,# on one rela', if ( rela's turn 0B this is not 0., onl' one b' one must turn 0B ;-
is common for all rela's, dri#e with E, 'ou can test all of them Fust mo#in) )round6
with bmw problem is on rela' pcb, rela's are o7, must be 1 of the rela' dri#ers
replace *A@ chips on rela' board and if Cord not wor7 )et new 0.I chip
+! chec78replace o7i chip, some come defecti#e, or replace made in Fapan 9 thailand
,! chec78replace capacitors ;need 4%u- #0V for truc7s6 replace all capacitors on PC1 to electrolitic
3! chec78replace #olta)e re)ulator near capacitors
! chec7 obd2 connector pins, all strai)ht, not bended
G! chec78replace + resitors to)ether maH14.%$ /3$ ;/11436 + 0hms, /34 ;/11446 1"., /33
;/11416 1"., /3# ;/11426 1". or +" ohms III
4! chec7 resitor /#. and capacitors !11 and !# ;different between wor7in) and not wor7in)
autocoms6! with 9241A dia)ram 'ou can see that . line need resistor to Vbat ;this is #00oh' on
both autocom6 and capacitor to JBD ;measured this capacitance in circuit and on wor0ing AC is
40n- and on non wor0ing AC is 100n-6 or chan)e !11 to 102p- < 1n-
1"! solder some surface of pcb with hot air
11! open the clone ,)et a )ood fluH, rema7e all soldures of the pcb
12! chec78replace IC close to usb port A12(3124 9 93(!4$.1

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