1) Test the Repair Autocom CDP VCI interface with a USB cable rather than Bluetooth and add a line to the Windows hosts file to use the software without an internet connection.
2) The firmware must be upgraded with the VCI connected to both the car and PC using a USB cable.
3) It is important to change both R+ and R- line transceivers together, as changing them separately could require purchasing new transceivers when connecting to a different car brand.
1) Test the Repair Autocom CDP VCI interface with a USB cable rather than Bluetooth and add a line to the Windows hosts file to use the software without an internet connection.
2) The firmware must be upgraded with the VCI connected to both the car and PC using a USB cable.
3) It is important to change both R+ and R- line transceivers together, as changing them separately could require purchasing new transceivers when connecting to a different car brand.
1) Test the Repair Autocom CDP VCI interface with a USB cable rather than Bluetooth and add a line to the Windows hosts file to use the software without an internet connection.
2) The firmware must be upgraded with the VCI connected to both the car and PC using a USB cable.
3) It is important to change both R+ and R- line transceivers together, as changing them separately could require purchasing new transceivers when connecting to a different car brand.
1) Test the Repair Autocom CDP VCI interface with a USB cable rather than Bluetooth and add a line to the Windows hosts file to use the software without an internet connection.
2) The firmware must be upgraded with the VCI connected to both the car and PC using a USB cable.
3) It is important to change both R+ and R- line transceivers together, as changing them separately could require purchasing new transceivers when connecting to a different car brand.
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Repair Autocom CDP VCI
Test interface with usb cable, not bluetooth
use software without internet connection or add "12!"!"!1 acti#ation!autocom!se" to C$%&indows%s'stem(2%dri#ers%etc%hosts file firmware must be up)raded with #ci connected to car, and to pc with usb cable *ost important is Chan)e R+ and R, - 2 ./line trancie#ers and will be 0. on 1*& 23" and 24"! You have to change all together5 If chan)e first ./line trancie#ers and than connect to an' brand of car, you will have to buy another pair of trancievers56 1! chec78replace 2 resitors 9 (4" ohm$ R+8R, :*D ones should be mar7ed 391 or 3900 ;not (4R" < (4 ohm, not ("" < (" 0hm6 2! chec78replace poor =ualit' Vishay or SI9241 ./line transcei#ers 9 9241A Chec7 #olta)e on . and > line with multimeter! 0n idle 'ou must ha#e about 12V on them! &hen 'ou start communication with car lines shortl' )o down on about 1V! If 'ou don?t )et that #olta)e drop tr' to chec7 si)nal on T@ input of 9141 I!! If 'ou ha#e some pulse ;i thin7 from "#V to #V6 durin) initialiAin) of connection with car then 9241 I! is surel' defecti#e ma'be transcei#er is o7, chan)e (!4 or (4 ohm 9 #$0 ohm on pull/up resistor of SI9241 ;or 4%0 ohm up to 1 &oh'6 (! chec78replace rela's$ bad ./>ine comunication$ 1 rela' in rela' board freeAe to position "0B"! open the rela' with a 7nife and I set the wei)ht inside the sprin) to automaticall' switch to the 0CC position &hen CDP powered and connected to D:1, run :& and connect to an' car ;no need for a real car56 and then )o bac7 to main :& window! measure rela' coils and see how man' are 0B$ ( rela's must be 0B when in this window5 If onl' 2 are 0B 1*& 23" and 24" don?t wor75 onl' 2 red mar7ed must be 0B when standb', both 2 red and 2 )reen mar7ed ;1 rela' for obd pin 1 and 1 rela' for obd pin and 1,6 must be 0B with bmw replace rela's dri#ers ic?s (V12#) 9 *+, %4(V12#) when applied ,# on one rela', if ( rela's turn 0B this is not 0., onl' one b' one must turn 0B ;- is common for all rela's, dri#e with E, 'ou can test all of them Fust mo#in) )round6 with bmw problem is on rela' pcb, rela's are o7, must be 1 of the rela' dri#ers replace *A@ chips on rela' board and if Cord not wor7 )et new 0.I chip +! chec78replace o7i chip, some come defecti#e, or replace made in Fapan 9 thailand ,! chec78replace capacitors ;need 4%u- #0V for truc7s6 replace all capacitors on PC1 to electrolitic 3! chec78replace #olta)e re)ulator near capacitors ! chec7 obd2 connector pins, all strai)ht, not bended G! chec78replace + resitors to)ether maH14.%$ /3$ ;/11436 + 0hms, /34 ;/11446 1"., /33 ;/11416 1"., /3# ;/11426 1". or +" ohms III 4! chec7 resitor /#. and capacitors !11 and !# ;different between wor7in) and not wor7in) autocoms6! with 9241A dia)ram 'ou can see that . line need resistor to Vbat ;this is #00oh' on both autocom6 and capacitor to JBD ;measured this capacitance in circuit and on wor0ing AC is 40n- and on non wor0ing AC is 100n-6 or chan)e !11 to 102p- < 1n- 1"! solder some surface of pcb with hot air 11! open the clone ,)et a )ood fluH, rema7e all soldures of the pcb 12! chec78replace IC close to usb port A12(3124 9 93(!4$.1