Yearly Plan Maths 4sklp
Yearly Plan Maths 4sklp
Yearly Plan Maths 4sklp
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
1.1 Numers t! 1 """
1.1.1 #e$el!% numer sense u% t! 1 """ """
i. Name an& 'rite numers u% t! 1 """
ii. #etermine the %lace $alue !( the &i)its
in any 'h!le numer u% t! 1 """ """.
iii. C!m%are $alue !( numers u% t!
1 """ """.
i$. R!un& !* numers t! the nearest tens+
hun&re&s+ th!usan&s+ ten th!usan&s
an& hun&re& th!usan&s.
1., A&&iti!n 'ith the
hi)hest t!tal !(
1 """ """
1.,.1 A&& numers t! the t!tal !( 1 """ """
i. A&& any t'! t! (!ur numers t!
1 """ """.
ii. S!l$e a&&iti!n %r!lems.
1.- Sutracti!n .ithin
The Ran)e !( 1""
1.-.1 Sutract numers (r!m a numer less than
1"" """.
i. Sutract !ne !r t'! numers (r!m a
i))er numer less than 1"" """.
ii. S!l$e sutracti!n %r!lems.
1.4 Multi%licati!n 'ith
the hi)hest %r!&uct
!( 1"" """
1.4.1 Multi%ly any t'! numers 'ith the hi)hest
%r!&uct !( 1"" """.
i. Multi%ly three/&i)it numers 'ith 0/
a1 1""2 an&
1 T'!/&i)it numers
ii. Multi%ly (!ur/&i)it numers 'ith 0/
a1 !ne/&i)it numers+
1 1"2 an&
c1 t'! &i)it numers
iii. Multi%ly t'!/&i)it numers 'ith 1 """.
i$. S!l$e multi%licati!n %r!lems.
1.3 #i$isi!n 'ith the
hi)hest &i$i&en& !(
1"" """
1.3.1 #i$i&e a numers less than 1"" """ y t'!/
&i)it numers.
i. #i$i&e (!ur/&i)it numers y 0/
a1 !ne/&i)it numers+
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """2 an&
c1 t'!/&i)it numers
ii. #i$i&e 4$e/&i)it numers y 0/
a1 !ne/&i)it numers+
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """2 an&
c1 t'!/&i)it numers
iii. S!l$e &i$isi!n %r!lems.
1.5 Mi6e& 7%erati!ns 1.5.1 Per(!rm mi6e& !%erati!n in$!l$in) a&&iti!n
an& sutracti!n.
i. Per(!rm mi6e& !%erati!ns in$!l$in)
a&&iti!n an& sutracti!n 'ith numers
less than 0/
a1 1""+
1 1 """2 an&
c1 1" """
ii. S!l$e mi6e& !%erati!n %r!lems.
Week Topic / Learning Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
,. !RA"T#ON
,.1 Pr!%er 9racti!ns
,.1.1 Name an& 'rite %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith
&en!minat!rs u% t! 1".
i. Name an& 'rite %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith
&en!minat!rs u% t! 1".
ii. C!m%are the $alue !( t'! %r!%er
(racti!ns 'ith 0/
a1 the same &en!minat!rs2 an&
1 the numerat!rs !( 1 an& &i*erent
&en!minat!rs u% t! 1".
,., E;ui$alent 9racti!ns ,.,.1 E6%ress e;ui$alent (racti!ns (!r %r!%er
i. E6%ress an& 'rite e;ui$alent (racti!ns
(!r %r!%er (racti!ns.
ii. E6%ress e;ui$alent (racti!ns t! its
sim%lest (!rm.
,.- A&&iti!n !( (racti!ns ,.-.1 A&& t'! %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith &en!minat!rs
u% t! 1".
i. A&& t'! %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith the same
&en!minat!r u% t! 1" t! its sim%lest
a1 'ith 1 as the numerat!rs (!r !th
(racti!ns2 an&
1 'ith &i*erent numerat!rs.
ii. A&& t'! %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith &i*erent
&en!minat!r u% t! 1" t! its sim%lest
a1 'ith 1 as the numerat!rs (!r !th
(racti!ns2 an&
1 'ith &i*erent numerat!rs.
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) a&&iti!n !(
%r!%er (racti!ns.
,.4 Sutracti!n !(
,.4.1 Sutract %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith &en!minat!rs
u% t! 1".
i.Sutract t'! %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith the
same &en!minat!r u% t! 1" t! its
sim%lest (!rm.
a1 'ith 1 as the numerat!rs (!r !th
(racti!ns2 an&
1 'ith &i*erent numerat!rs.
ii. Sutract t'! %r!%er (racti!ns 'ith
&i*erent &en!minat!r u% t! 1" t! its
sim%lest (!rm.
a1 'ith 1 as the numerat!rs (!r !th
(racti!ns2 an&
1 'ith &i*erent numerat!rs.
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) a&&iti!n !(
%r!%er (racti!ns.
-. $E"#MAL
-.1 #ecimal Numers
-.1.1 =n&erstan& &ecimal numers.
i. Name an& 'rite &ecimals 'ith 0/
a1 !ne &ecimal %lace2 an&
1 t'! &ecimal %laces.
ii. Rec!)ni>e the %lace $alue !( 0/
a1 tenths+
1 hun&re&ths2 an&
c1 tenths an& hun&re&ths
iii. C!n$ert (racti!n t! &ecimals !( 0/
a1 tenths+
1 hun&re&ths2 an&
c1 tenths an& hun&re&ths
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
-., A&&iti!n !( #ecimal
-.,.1 A&& &ecimals u% t! t'! &ecimal %laces.
i. A&& any t'! t! (!ur &ecimals !( !ne
&ecimal %lace in$!l$in) 0/
a1 &ecimals !nly+
1 'h!le numers an& &ecimals2 an&
c1 mi6e& &ecimals
ii. A&& any t'! t! (!ur &ecimals !( t'!
&ecimal %laces in$!l$in) 0/
a1 &ecimals !nly+
1 'h!le numers an& &ecimals2 an&
c1 mi6e& &ecimals
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) a&&iti!n !(
&ecimal numers.
-.- Sutracti!n !(
#ecimal Numers
-.-.1 Sutracti!n !( &ecimal numers
i. Sutract !ne t! t'! &ecimals (r!m a
&ecimal !( !ne &ecimal %lace
in$!l$in) 0/
a1 &ecimals !nly+
1 mi6e& &ecimals2 an&
c1 'h!le numers an& &ecimals
?mi6e& &ecimals1
ii. Sutract !ne t! t'! &ecimals !( !ne !r
t'! &ecimal %laces.
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) sutracti!n !(
-.4 Multi%licati!n !(
#ecimal Numers
-.4.1 Multi%ly &ecimals u% t! t'! &ecimal %laces
'ith a 'h!le numer.
i. Multi%ly any &ecimals !( !ne &ecimal
%lace 'ith 0/
a1 !ne/&i)it numer2 an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
ii. Multi%ly any &ecimals !( t'! &ecimal
%laces 'ith 0/
a1 !ne/&i)it numer2 an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) multi%licati!n
!( &ecimals
-.3 #i$isi!n !( &ecimal
-.3.1 #i$i&e &ecimals u% t! t'! &ecimal %laces y
a 'h!le numer.
i. #i$i&e &ecimals !( !ne &ecimal %lace y
a1 !ne/&i)it numer2 an&
1 1"
ii. #i$i&e &ecimals !( t'! &ecimal %laces
y !ne/&i)it numer.
iii. #i$i&e &ecimals y a 'h!le numer 'ith
the &i$i&en& $alue !( u% t'! &ecimal
i$. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) &i$isi!n !(
4. MONE%
4.1 M!ney =% T!
RM1" """
4.1.1 =n&erstan& an& use the $!caulary relate&
t! m!ney.
i. Rea& an& 'rite the $alue !( m!ney u%
t! RM1" """
ii. A&& m!ney u% t! RM1" """
iii. Sutract m!ney (r!m RM1" """
i$. Multi%ly m!ney t! the hi)hest %r!&uct
!( RM1" """
$. #i$i&e m!ney 'ith &i$i&en& n!t m!re
than RM1" """
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
$i. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) m!ney in real
li(e situati!ns.
$ii. Per(!rm mi6e& !%erati!n in$!l$in)
a&&iti!n an& sutracti!n in$!l$in)
m!ney u% t! RM1" """.
$iii. R!un& !* m!ney t! the nearest
4.1., =se an& a%%ly Bn!'le&)e !( m!ney in real
i. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) m!ney u% t!
RM1" """.
3. T#ME
3.1 Rea&in) an& .ritin)
3.1.1 =n&erstan&+ rea& an& 'rite time in h!urs
an& minutes.
i. Rea& time in h!urs an& minutes
acc!r&in) t! the 1,/h!urs system.
ii. .rite time in h!urs an& minutes
acc!r&in) t! the ,4/h!urs system.
3., Time Sche&ule 3.,.1 C!nstruct a sim%le sche&ule
i. C!nstruct+ rea& an& e6tract in(!rmati!n
(r!m a sim%le sche&ule.
3.,., Rea& a calen&ar.
i. E6tract in(!rmati!n (r!m a calen&ar.
ii. S!l$e sim%le real li(e %r!lem in$!l$in)
rea&in) the calen&ar.
3.- Relati!nshi% et'een
units !( time
3.-.1 =n&erstan& the relati!nshi% et'een units
!( time.
i. State the relati!nshi% et'een units !(
a1 1 &ay C ,4 h!urs
1 1 year C -53 D -55 &ays
c1 1 &eca&e C 1" years
ii. C!n$ert 0
a1 years t! &ays+ an& $ice $ersa+
1 &eca&es t! years+ an& $ice $ersa+
c1 years t! m!nths+ an& $ice $ersa+
&1 h!urs t! &ays+ an& $ice $ersa.
iii. C!n$ert time (r!m 0
a1 h!urs t! minutes+ an& $ice $ersa+
1 h!urs an& minutes t! minutes+ an&
$ice $ersa+
c1 minutes t! h!urs an& minutes+ an&
$ice $ersa.
3.4 Easic 7%erati!n
In$!l$in) Time
3.4.1 A&&+ sutract+ multi%ly an& &i$i&e units !(
i. A&& time in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !( units
'ith ans'ers in c!m%!un& units !( 0
a1 h!urs an& minutes+
1 years an& m!nths2 an&
c1 &eca&es an& years.
ii. Sutract time in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !(
units 'ith ans'ers in c!m%!un& unit !( 0
a1 h!urs an& minutes+
1 years an& m!nths2 an&
c1 &eca&es an& years.
iii. Multi%ly time in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !(
units 'ith ans'ers in c!m%!un& unit !( 0
a1 h!urs an& minutes+
1 years an& m!nths2 an&
c1 &eca&es an& years.
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
i$. #i$i&e time in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !(
units 'ith ans'ers in c!m%!un& unit !( 0
a1 h!urs an& minutes+
1 years an& m!nths2 an&
c1 &eca&es an& years.
$. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) asic
!%erati!ns !( time 0
a1 h!urs an& minutes+
1 years an& m!nths2 an&
c1 &eca&es an& years.
3.3 Time #urati!n 3.3.1 =se an& a%%ly Bn!'le&)e !( time t! 4n& the
i. Rea& an& state the start an& en& !( an
e$ent (r!m a sche&ule.
ii. Calculate the &urati!n !( an e$ent (r!m
a sche&ule in 0/
a1 minutes+
1 h!urs2 an&
c1 h!urs an& minutes
iii. Calculate the start !( the en& !( an
e$ent (r!m a )i$en &urati!n !( time an&
rea& the start !r en& !( an e$ent.
5.1 Measurin) Len)th
5.1.1 Measure len)ths usin) stan&ar& units.
i. Rea& measurement !( len)th usin) units
!( millilitres.
ii. .rite measurement !( len)th t! the
nearest scales !( tenth &i$isi!n (!r 0
a1 centimetre2 an&
1 metre.
iii. Measure an& rec!r& len)ths !( !Fects
usin) units !( 0
a1 millilitre+
1 centimetre an& millimetre+ an&
c1 metre an& centimetre
i$. Estimate the len)th !( !Fects in 0
a1 millilitre+
1 centimetre an& millimetre+ an&
c1 metre an& centimetre
5., Relati!nshi%
et'een =nits !(
5.,.1 =n&erstan& the relati!nshi% et'een units
!( len)th.
i. State the relati!nshi% et'een
centimetre an& millimetre.
ii. C!n$erts units !( len)th (r!m 0
a1 millimetre t! centimetre an& $ice
1 c!m%!un& units t! a sin)le unit.
5.- Easic 7%erati!n
In$!l$in) Len)th
5.-.1 A&& an& sutract len)th.
i. A&& units !( len)th+ in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units in 0/
a1 millilitre+
1 metre an& centimetre2 an&
c1 centimetre an& millimetre.
ii. Sutract units !( len)th+ in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units in 0/
a1 millilitre+
1 metre an& centimetre2 an&
c1 centimetre an& millimetre.
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
5.-., Multi%ly an& &i$i&e len)th.
i. Multi%ly units !( len)th+ in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units+ y 0/
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer2 an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
ii. #i$i&e units !( len)th+ in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units+ y 0
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer2 an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) asic
!%erati!ns !n len)th.
8. MA
8.1 Measurin) Mass
8., Relati!nshi%
et'een =nits !(
8.,.1 Measure mass usin) stan&ar& units.
i. Measure !( masses usin) units !(
Bil!)ram an& )ram.
ii. Rea& measurement !( masses t! the
nearest scales &i$isi!n !( Bil!)ram an&
iii. Estimate the masses !( !Fects usin)
Bil!)ram an& )ram.
8.,., =n&erstan& the relati!nshi% et'een units
!( mass.
i. C!n$ert units !( mass (r!m 0/
a1 Bil!)ram t! )ram+
1 Bil!)ram an& )ram t! )ram2 an&
c1 Bil!)ram an& )ram t! Bil!)ram
8.- Easic 7%erati!ns
In$!l$in) Mass
8.-.1 A&& an& sutract units !( mass.
i. A&& mass+ in$!l$in) units !( mass in 0
a1 Bil!)ram+
1 )ram+ an&
c1 Bil!)ram an& )ram
ii. Sutract mass+ in$!l$in) units !( mass
in 0
a1 Bil!)ram+
1 )ram+ an&
c1 Bil!)ram an& )ram
8.-., Multi%ly an& &i$i&e units !( mass.
iii. Multi%ly mass+ in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !(
units+ 'ith 0
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer+ an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
i$. #i$i&e mass+ in$!l$in) c!n$ersi!n !(
units+ 'ith 0
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer+ an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
$. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) asic
!%erati!ns 'ith mass.
:. 'OLUME O! L#(U#$
:.1 Measurin) G!lume !(
:.1.1 Measure an& c!m%are $!lume !( li;ui&
usin) stan&ar& units.
i. Rea& measurement !( $!lume !( li;ui&
in letres an& millilitres.
ii. .rite measurement !( $!lume !( li;ui&
t! the nearest scales !( tenth &i$isi!n
(!r 0
a1 litre+ an&
1 millilitre
iii. Measure an& rec!r& the $!lume !( li;ui&
in litre an& millilitre.
i$. Estimate the $!lume !( li;ui& in litre
an& millilitre.
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
:., Relati!nshi%
et'een =nits !(
G!lume !( Li;ui&
:.- Easic 7%erati!n
In$!l$in) G!lume 7(
:.,.1 =n&erstan& the relati!nshi% et'een units
!( $!lume !( li;ui&.
i. C!n$erts units !( $!lume+ (r!m 0
a1 litre t! milliliter+ .
1 millilitre t! litre+
c1 litre an& millilitre t! litre+ an&
&1 litre an& millilitre t! millilitre.
:.-.1 A&& an& sutract units !( $!lume.
i. A&& $!lume !( li;ui& in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units in 0
a1 litre+
1 millilitre+ an&
c1 litre an& millilitre.
ii. Sutract $!lume !( li;ui& in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units in 0
a1 litre+
1 millilitre+ an&
c1 litre an& millilitre.
:.-., Multi%ly an& &i$i&e units !( $!lume.
i. Multi%ly $!lume !( li;ui& in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units y 0
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer+ an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
ii. #i$i&e $!lume !( li;ui& in$!l$in)
c!n$ersi!n !( units y 0
a1 a !ne/&i)it numer+ an&
1 1"+ 1"" an& 1 """
iii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) $!lume !(
<. HA)E AN$ )A"E
<.1 T'! #imensi!nal
Sha%es ?,/# Sha%es1
<.1.1 =n&erstan& the %erimeter !( a ,/# sha%es.
i. I&enti(y the si&es !( a 0
a1 s;uare+
1 rectan)le2 an&
c1 trian)le.
ii. Measure an& rec!r& the %erimeter !(
a 0
a1 s;uare+
1 rectan)le2 an&
C trian)le.
<.1., =n&erstan& the area !( a ,/# sha%e.
i. I&enti(y the &imensi!ns !( a 0
a1 s;uare+ an&
1 rectan)le
ii. C!m%are 'ith unit s;uares the si>e !( a
a1 rectan)le2 an&
1 s;uare.
iii. Measure an& rec!r& the &imensi!ns !(
s;uares an& rectan)le.
<.1.- 9in& the area an& %erimeter !( ,/# sha%es
i. Calculate the area !( s;uares an&
ii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) %erimeter an&
area !( ,/# sha%es.
Topic / Learning
Learning Objective / Learning Outcome Remarks
Yearly Plan Mathematics Year 4
<., Three/#imensi!nal
Sha%es ?-/# Sha%es1
<.,.1 =n&erstan& the $!lume (!r cues an&
i. I&enti(y the &imensi!ns !( cues an&
ii. C!m%are 'ith a unit cue 0
a1 cu!i&s an&
1 cue
iii. Measure an& rec!r& the &imensi!ns !(
cues an& cu!i&s.
<.,., 9in& the $!lume (!r cues an& cu!i&s.
i. Calculate the $!lume !( cues an&
ii. S!l$e %r!lems in$!l$in) $!lume !(
cues an& cu!i&s.
1". $ATA HAN$L#N&
1".1 Pict!)ra%h
1".1.1 =se a %ict!)ra%h t! rea& an& &is%lay &ata.
i. #escrie a %ict!)ra%h (eaturin) 0
a1 the %icture use& t! re%resent &ata+
1 the title !( the )ra%h+
c1 'hat the a6es re%resent2 an&
&1 'hat !ne unit !( %icture re%resent
ii. E6tract an& inter%ret in(!rmati!n (r!m
iii. C!nstruct %ict!)ra%hs t! illustrate )i$en
i$. S!l$e a )i$en %r!lem y !r)ani>in)
an& inter%retin) numerical &ata in
1"., Ear Hra%h 1".1., =se ar )ra%hs t! rea& an& &is%lay &ata.
i. #escrie a ar )ra%h (eaturin) 0
a1 the title !( )ra%h2 an&
1 'hat the a6es re%resent.
ii. E6tract an& inter%ret in(!rmati!n (r!m
ar )ra%hs.
iii. C!nstruct ar )ra%hs t! illustrate )i$en
i$. S!l$e a )i$en %r!lem y !r)ani>in)
an& inter%retin) numerical &ata in ar