Health Teaching Plan For Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Schoolers, and Adolescents Based On The Following
Health Teaching Plan For Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Schoolers, and Adolescents Based On The Following
Health Teaching Plan For Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Schoolers, and Adolescents Based On The Following
GENERAL HEALTH TEACHING 1. INFANT a. NUTRITION SPECIFIC HEALTH TEACHINGS a. First 6 months Breast Feeding This is the !st desira"#e $! %#ete diet &!r &irst ha#& !& the 'ear( Re$! ended s)%%#e ent !& !ra# *ita in D +,-- I. %er da'/( F!r )#a Ir!n &!rti&ied $! er$ia# &!r )#a is a $! %#ete &!!d &!r the &irst ha#& !& the 'ear( Other hea#th tea$hings:
E0$#)si*e "reast &eeding is re$! ended &!r the &irst 1 !nths( A## the ne$essar' n)trients, *ita ins, inera#s, and 2ater are %r!*ided "' h) an i#3 &!r the &irst 1 !nths !& #i&e, 2ith e0$e%ti!n !& *ita in 4 + 5 g intra )s$)#ar#' is ad inistered at "irth/6 *ita in D + ,-- I. !& !ra# *ita in D dr!%s is ad inistered dai#' "e3ginning d)ring the &irst , !nths !& #i&e i& there is #i ited s)n#ight e0%!s)re/6 *ita in B5, i& the !ther is a stri$t *egetarian and ta3es n! B5, s)%%#e ent6 and &#)!ride, ")t !n#' i& this is n!t in$#)ded in the 2ater s)%%#' +Thi#! 7 R!sen"erg, ,--8/( With e0$#)si*e "reast&eeding, an in&ant is &ed !n#' "reast i#3( The in&ant is gi*en n! !ther &!!d !r #i9)id, n!t e*en 2ater +WHO, ,--8/( In&ants 2h! are e0$#)si*e#' "reast&ed a' sti## re$ei*e *ita in and inera# s)%%#e ents !r edi$ines, in the &!r !& dr!%s !r s'r)%s( The' a' "e gi*en !ra# reh'drati!n s!#)ti!n, i& needed +WHO ,--8/( E0$#)si*e "reast&eeding t! si0 !nths !& age is ass!$iated 2ith $!ntin)ed %r!te$ti!n &!r the in&ant against gastr!intestina# in&e$ti!ns and i##ness +4ra er et a#(, ,--:6 4ra er 7 4a3) a, ,--,/ as 2e## as res%irat!r' tra$t in&e$ti!ns +Chantr', H!2ard, 7 A)inger, ,--1/( The "reast&eeding !ther a#s! "ene&its &r! e0$#)si*e#' "reast&eeding her in&ant t! si0 !nths( Her 2eight #!ss is !re ra%id a&ter "irth and there a' "e a de#a'ed ret)rn !& enses +4ra er 7
4a3) a, ,--,/( H!2 #!ng t! $!ntin)e "reast&eed is an indi*id)a# $h!i$e, a#th!)gh it is re$! entire &irst 'ear
b. Second 6 months Intr!d)$e s!#id &!!ds 2hi#e sti## $!ntin)ing "reast&eeding The entire &irst 'ear !& #i&e is !ne !& e0tre e#' ra%id gr!2th, s! a high %r!tein, high $a#!rie inta3e is ne$essar'( Ear#' 2eaning &r! "reast &eeding $an #ead t! an in$reased in$iden$e !& !"esit'( F!r in&ants 2h!se !thers $h!!se n!t t! "reast&eed, a $! er$ia# ir!n &!rti&ied &!r )#a 2i## s)%%#' ade9)ate n)triti!n( S)%%#e entati!n is )nne$essar' 2ith ir!n &!rti&ied $! er$ia# &!r )#a )n#ess the 2ater s)%%#' d!es n!t $!ntain &#)!ride( c.
Selection and Preparation of Solid Foods/ !antities " T#pes of Food ; 1 !nths: Ir!n &!rti&ied in&ant $erea# i0ed 2ith "reast i#3, !range <)i$e, !r &!r )#a( Rati!na#e: Aids in %re*enting ir!n de&i$ien$' ane ia6 the #east a##ergeni$ t'%e !& &!!d6 an easi#' digested &!!d = !nths: >egeta"#es Rati!na#e: G!!d s!)r$e !& *ita in A6 adds ne2 te0t)re and &#a*!rs t! diet 8 !nths: Fr)it Rati!na#e: Best s!)r$e !& *ita in , g!!d s!)r$e !& *ita in 6 adds ne2 te0t)re and &#a*!rs t! diet ? !nths: @eat Rati!na#e: G!!d s!)r$e !& %r!tein, ir!n, and B *ita ins 5- !nths: Egg '!#3 Rati!na#e: G!!d s!)r$e !& ir!n
d. Introd!ction of Solid foods De#a'ing s!#id &!!d )nti# this A t! 1 !nths he#%s %re*ent !*er2he# ing an in&antBs 3idne's 2ith a hea*' s!#)te #!ad that $an !$$)r 2hen %r!tein is ingested( In&ants are %h'si!#!gi$a##' read' &!r s!#id &!!d 2hen the' are n)rsing *ig!r!)s#' e*er' : t! A h!)rs and d! n!t see satis&ied !r ta3ing !re than :, !C +?1- L/ !& &!r )#a a da' and d! n!t see satis&ied( Intr!d)$e !ne &!!d at a ti e, 2aiting ; t! = da's "et2een ne2 ite s( Intr!d)$e the &!!d "e&!re &!r )#a !r "reast&eeding 2hen an in&ant is h)ngr'(
Intr!d)$e s a## a !)nts !& ne2 &!!d +5 !r , ts%/ at a ti e( Res%e$t in&ant &!!d %re&eren$es6 a $hi#d $ann!t "e e0%e$ted t! #i3e a## ne2 tastes e9)a##' 2e##( .se !n#' ini a# t! n! sa#t and s)gar !n s!#id &!!ds t! ini iCe the n) "er !& additi*es( Re e "er that the e0tr)si!n re&#e0 is %resent &!r the &irst A t! 1 !nths !& #i&e, s! an' &!!d %#a$ed !n an in&antBs t!ng)e 2i## "e %)shed &!r2ard( T! %re*ent as%irati!n, d! n!t %#a$e &!!d in "!tt#es 2ith &!r )#a( Intr!d)$e &!!ds 2ith a %!siti*e, DE!)B## #i3e thisF attit)de(
e. $eanin% T! 2ean &r! &!r )#a !r "reast i#3, $h!!se !ne &eeding a da' and then "egin !&&ering &#)id "' the ne2 eth!d at that &eeding Ch!!se a ti e !& da' that is n!t an in&antBs &)ss' %eri!d A&ter : da's t! 5 2ee3, 2hen an in&ant has "e$! e a$$#i ated t! the !ne $hange, $hange a se$!nd &eeding Sh!)#d an i##ness s)$h as an )%%er res%irat!r' in&e$ti!n !$$)r !r sh!)#d the $hi#d ha*e teething set"a$3s, s! n! set n) "er !& 2ee3s sh!)#d "e %res$ri"ed t! $! %#ete 2eaning In&ants )s)a##' need !re &#)id d)ring h!t 2eather than $!#d 2eather "e$a)se !& in$reased %ers%irati!n this a' a3e it !re di&&i$)#t t! "egin 2eaning d)ring s) er( Self&feedin% Can "e started at a%%r!0i ate#' 1 !nths !& age There is great dea# !& s%i##ing d)ring &eeding d)e t! )nderde*e#!%ed $!!rdinati!n S%read ne2s%a%ers, a %#asti$ ta"#e$#!th, !r a t!2e# !n the &#!!r ar!)nd a high $hair t! $at$h !st !& the dr!%%ed &!!d, and then #et the $hi#d %ra$ti$e( Let the $hi#d ta3e Din $hargeF !& the &eeding When in&ants n! #!nger atte %t t! &eed the se#*es at a ea# ")t ere#' "egin t! %#a' 2ith their &!!d "' s9)eeCing it thr!)gh their &ingers !r da""ing it in their hair, it is ti e t! end the ea#( This "eha*i!r indi$ates that the' ha*e had en!)gh( Sleep Problems Nightti e Feeding In$rease da'ti e &eeding inter*a#s t! A hr !r !re + a' need t! "e d!ne grad)a##'/( O&&er #ast &eeding as #ate as %!ssi"#e at night6 a' need t! grad)a##' red)$e a !)nt !& &!r )#a !r #ength !& "reast &eeding( O&&er n! "!tt#es in "ed( P)t t! "ed a2a3e(
When $hi#d is $r'ing, $he$3 at %r!gressi*e#' #!nger inter*a#s ea$h night6 reass)re $hi#d ")t d! n!t h!#d, r!$3, ta3e t! %arentBs "ed, !r gi*e "!tt#e !r %a$i&ier(
De*e#!% enta# Night Cr'ing Reass)re %arents that this %hase is te %!rar'( Enter r!! i ediate#' t! $he$3 !n $hi#d ")t 3ee% reass)ran$es "rie&( A*!id &eeding, r!$3ing, ta3ing t! %arentBs "ed, !r an' !ther r!)tine that $r'ing(
Re&)sa# T! G! T! S#ee% E*a#)ate i& h!)r !& s#ee% is t!! ear#' +$hi#d a' resist s#ee% !& n!t tired/( Assist %arents in esta"#ishing $!nsistent "e&!re "edti e r!)tine and en&!r$ing $!nsistent #i its regarding $hi#dBs "edti e "eha*i!r( I& $hi#d %ersists in #ea*ing "edr!! , $#!se d!!r &!r %r!gressi*e#' #!nger %eri!ds( .se re2ard s'ste 2ith $hi#d t! %r!*ide !ti*ati!n( Trained Night Cr'ing +Ina%%r!%riate S#ee% Ass!$iati!ns/ P)t $hi#d in !2n "ed a2a3e( I& %!ssi"#e, arrange s#ee%ing area se%arate &r! !ther &a i#' e "ers( When $hi#d is $r'ing, $he$3 at %r!gressi*e#' #!nger inter*a#s ea$h night6 reass)re $hi#d ")t d! n!t res) e )s)a# r!)tine( Nightti e Fears E*a#)ate i& h!)r !& s#ee% is t!! ear#' +$hi#d a' &antasiCe 2hen n!thing t! d! ")t thin3 in dar3 r!! /( Ca# #' reass)re &rightened $hi#d6 3ee%ing night #ight !n a' "e he#%&)#( .se re2ard s'ste 2ith $hi#d t! %r!*ide !ti*ati!n t! dea# 2ith &ears( A*!id %atterns that $an #ead t! additi!na# %r!"#e s +e(g(, s#ee%ing 2ith $hi#d !r ta3ing $hi#d t! %arentBs r!! /( I& $hi#dBs &ear is !*er2he# ing, $!nsider desensitiCati!n +e(g(, %r!gressi*e#' s%ending #!nger ti e a#!ne6 $!ns)#t %r!&essi!na# he#% &!r %r!tra$ted &ears/( Disting)ish "et2een night ares and s#ee% terr!rs +$!n&)sed %artia# ar!)sa#s/( c. )(NTA' -(A'Ta. Oral -#%iene On$e the %ri ar' teeth er)%t, $#eaning sh!)#d "egin( The teeth and g) s are initia##' $#eaned "'
2i%ing 2ith a da % $#!th6 t!!th "r)shing is t!! harsh &!r the tender gingi*a( Ora# h'giene $an "e ade %#easant "' singing !r ta#3ing t! the in&ant( In&ants sh!)#d ha*e an !ra# hea#th e0a inati!n "' 1 !nths !& age &r! a 9)a#i&ied %ediatri$ hea#th %ra$titi!ner( In&ants at high ris3 &!r denta# $aries sh!)#d "e seen "' a dentist "et2een 1 !nths and 5 'ear !& age( .se s a##, s!&t "rist#ed t!!th "r)sh as !re teeth er)%t and the in&ant ad<)sts t! the r!)tine !& $#eaning( F#)!ride is needed "eginning at 1 !nths !& age i& the in&ant d!es n!t re$ei*e 2ater 2ith ade9)ate &#)!ride $!ntent( b. )iet A*!id %r!%%ing the i#3 "!tt#e !r gi*ing the i#3 "!tt#e in the "ed A*!id &r)it <)i$es in a "!tt#e, es%e$ia##' "e&!re 1 !nths !& age F!!ds 2ith $!n$entrated s)gar +s)$r!se/ are )sed s%aring#' +i& at a##/ in the in&antBs diet( The %ra$ti$e !& $!ating %a$i&iers 2ith h!ne' !r )sing $! er$ia##' a*ai#a"#e hard $and' %a$i&iers is dis$!)raged( Besides "eing $ari!geni$, h!ne' a#s! a' $a)se in&ant "!t)#is , and %arts !& the $and' %a$i&ier $an "e as%irated( a. Aspiration of Forei%n Ob/ects Birth t! A !nths Ne*er sha3e "a"' %!2der dire$t#' !n in&ant6 %#a$e %!2der in hand and then !n in&antBs s3in6 st!re $!ntainer $#!sed and !)t !& in&antBs rea$h( H!#d in&ant &!r &eeding6 d! n!t %r!% "!tt#e( 4n!2 e ergen$' %r!$ed)res &!r $h!3ing( .se %a$i&ier 2ith !ne %ie$e $!nstr)$ti!n and #!!% hand#e( A t! = !nths 4ee% ")tt!ns, "eads, s'ringe $a%s, and !ther s a## !"<e$ts !)t !& in&antBs rea$h( 4ee% &#!!r &ree !& an' s a## !"<e$ts( D! n!t &eed in&ant hard $and', n)ts, &!!d 2ith %its !r seeds, !r 2h!#e !r $ir$)#ar %ie$es !& h!t d!g( E0er$ise $a)ti!n 2hen gi*ing teething "is$)its, sin$e #arge $h)n3s a' "e "r!3en !&& and as%irated( D! n!t &eed in&ant 2hi#e he !r she is #'ing d!2n( Ins%e$t t!'s &!r re !*a"#e %arts( 4ee% "a"' %!2der, i& )sed, !)t !& rea$h( 8 t! 5, !nths
4ee% #int and s a## !"<e$ts !&& &#!!r, !&& &)rnit)re, and !)t !& rea$h !& $hi#dren( Ta3e $are in &eeding s!#id ta"#e &!!d t! gi*e *er' s a## %ie$es( D! n!t )se "ean"ag t!'s !r a##!2 $hi#d t! %#a' 2ith dried "eans( b. S!ffocation Birth t! A !nths 4ee% a## %#asti$ "ags st!red !)t !& in&antBs rea$h6 dis$ard #arge %#asti$ gar ent "ags a&ter t'ing in a 3n!t( D! n!t $!*er attress 2ith %#asti$ .se &ir attress and #!!se "#an3ets6 n! %i##!2s @a3e $ertain $ri" design &!##!2s &edera# reg)#ati!ns and attress &its sn)g#' $ri"s s#ats 1 $ +,(:=; in$hes/ a%art P!siti!n $ri" a2a' &r! !ther &)rnit)re and a2a' &r! radiat!rs( D! n!t tie %a$i&ier !n a string ar!)nd in&antBs ne$3( Re !*e "i"s at "edti e( A t! = !nths 4ee% a## #ate0 "a##!!ns !)t !& rea$h( Re !*e a## $ri" t!'s that are str)ng a$r!ss $ri" !r %#a'%en 2hen $hi#d "egins t! %)sh )% !n hands !r 3nees !r is ; !nths !#d( 8 t! 5, !nths 4ee% d!!rs !& !*ens, dish2ashers, re&rigerat!rs, $!!#ers, and &r!nt #!ading $#!thes 2ashers and dr'ers $#!sed at a## ti es( I& st!ring an )n)sed a%%#ian$e, s)$h as a re&rigerat!r, re !*e the d!!r( S)%er*ise $!nta$t 2ith in&#ated "a##!!ns, i ediate#' dis$ard %!%%ed "a##!!ns, and 3ee% )nin&#ated "a##!!ns !)t !& rea$h(
c. 0otor +ehicle in/!ries/*ar Safet# Trans%!rt in&ant in &edera##' a%%r!*ed, rear &a$ing $ar seat, %re&era"#' in "a$3 seat( D! n!t %#a$e in&ant !n seat !& $ar !r in #a%( D! n!t %#a$e $hi#d in a $arriage !r str!##er "ehind a %ar3ed $ar( D! n!t %#a$e in&ant !r $hi#d in &r!nt %assenger seat 2ith an air "ag )n#ess air "ag is dea$ti*ated( d. Falls Birth t! A !nths A#2a's raise $ri" rai#s( Ne*er #ea*e in&ant !n a raised, )ng)arded s)r&a$e( When in d!)"t as t! 2here t! %#a$e $hi#d, )se &#!!r( Restrain $hi#d in in&ant seat and ne*er #ea*e $hi#d )nattended 2hi#e the seat is resting !n a raised
s)r&a$e( A*!id )sing a high $hair )nti# $hi#d $an sit 2e## 2ith s)%%!rt( A t! = !nths Restrain in a high $hair( 4ee% $ri" rai#s raised t! &)## height( 8 t! 5, !nths A*!id 2a#3ers, es%e$ia##' near stairs( Ens)re that &)rnit)re is st)rd' en!)gh &!r $hi#d t! %)## se#& t! standing %!siti!n and $r)ise( Fen$e stair2a's at t!% and "!tt! i& $hi#d has a$$ess t! either end( Dress in&ant in sa&e sh!es and $#!thing +s!#es that d! n!t D$at$hF !n &#!!r, tied sh!e#a$es, %ant #egs that d! n!t t!)$h &#!!r/( e. Poisonin% Birth t! A !nths This is n!t as great danger t! this age gr!)%, ")t "egin %ra$ti$ing sa&eg)ards ear#' +see )nder A t! = !nths/( A t! = !nths @a3e s)re that %aint &!r &)rnit)re !r t!'s d!es n!t $!ntain #ead( P#a$e t!0i$ s)"stan$es !n a high she#& !r in #!$3ed $a"inet( 4ee% edi$ati!n *ia#s and "!tt#es #!$3ed in a se$)re %#a$e( Hang %#ants !r %#a$e !n high s)r&a$e rather than !n &#!!r( A*!id st!ring #arge 9)antities !& $#eaning &#)id, %aints, %esti$ides, and !ther t!0i$ s)"stan$es( Dis$ard )sed $!ntainers !& %!is!n!)s s)"stan$es( D! n!t st!re t!0i$ s)"stan$es in &!!d $!ntainers( 4ee% $!s eti$ and %ers!na# %r!d)$ts !)t !& $hi#dBs rea$h( Dis$ard )sed ")tt!n siCe "atteries6 st!re ne2 "atteries in sa&e area( 4n!2 te#e%h!ne n) "er !& #!$a# %!is!n $!ntr!# $enter +)s)a##' #isted in &r!nt !& te#e%h!ne dire$t!r'/( 8 t! 5, !nths Ad inister edi$ati!ns as a dr)g, n!t as a $and'( D! n!t ad inister edi$ati!ns )n#ess %res$ri"ed "' a %ra$titi!ner( Re%#a$e edi$ati!ns and %!is!ns i ediate#' a&ter )se6 re%#a$e $a%s %r!%er#' i& a $hi#d %r!te$t!r $a% is )sed( Ha*e s'r)% !& i%e$a$ in h! e6 )se !n#' i& ad*ised( 4ee% %h!ne n) "er &!r %!is!n $!ntr!# $enter readi#' a*ai#a"#e( f. 1!rns Birth t! A !nths
Insta## s !3e dete$t!rs in h! e( .se $a)ti!n 2hen 2ar ing &!r )#a in i$r!2a*e !*en6 a#2a's $he$3 te %erat)re !& #i9)id "e&!re &eeding( Che$3 "ath 2ater( D! n!t %!)r h!t #i9)ids 2hen in&ant is $#!se "', s)$h as sitting !n #a%( Be2are !& $igarette ashes that a' &a## !n in&ant( D! n!t #ea*e in&ant in s)n &!r !re than a &e2 in)tes6 3ee% e0%!sed areas $!*ered( Wash &#a e retardant $#!thes a$$!rding t! #a"e# dire$ti!ns( .se $!!# ist *a%!riCers( D! n!t #ea*e $hi#d in %ar3ed $ar( Che$3 s)r&a$e heat !& $ar restraint "e&!re %#a$ing $hi#d in seat( A t! = !nths 4ee% &a)$ets !)t !& rea$h( P#a$e h!t !"<e$ts +$igarettes, $and#es, in$ense/ !n high s)r&a$e( Li it e0%!s)re t! s)n6 a%%#' s)ns$reen( 8 t! 5, !nths P#a$e g)ards in &r!nt !& !r ar!)nd an' heating a%%#ian$e, &ire%#a$e, !r &)rna$e( 4ee% e#e$tri$a# 2ires hidden !r !)t !& rea$h( P#a$e %#asti$ g)ards !*er e#e$tri$a# !)t#ets6 %#a$e &)rnit)re in &r!nt !& !)t#ets( 4ee% hanging ta"#e$#!ths !)t !& rea$h +$hi#d a' %)## d!2n h!t #i9)ids !r hea*' !r shar% !"<e$ts/( %. )ro2nin%/1athin% and S2immin% Safet# Ne*er #ea*e in&ant a#!ne in "ath( Fen$e s2i ing %!!#s( A#2a's s)%er*ise 2hen near an' s!)r$e !& 2ater, s)$h as $#eaning ")$3ets, drainage areas, !r t!i#ets( 4ee% "athr!! d!!rs $#!sed( E#i inate )nne$essar' %!!#s !& 2ater( 4ee% !ne hand !n $hi#d at a## ti es 2hen in t)"( h. 1odil# )ama%e Birth t! A !nths 4ee% shar%, <agged !"<e$ts !)t !& $hi#dBs rea$h( 4ee% dia%er %ins $#!sed and a2a' &r! in&ant( A t! = !nths Gi*e t!'s that are s !!th and r!)nded, %re&era"#' ade !& 2!!d !r %#asti$( A*!id #!ng, %!inted !"<e$ts as t!'s(
A*!id t!'s that are e0$essi*e#' #!)d( 4ee% shar% !"<e$ts !)t !& in&antBs rea$h(
3. TO))'(R a. NUTRITION a. N!tritional *o!nselin% @ea# ti es sh!)#d "e en<!'a"#e rather than ti es &!r dis$i%#ine !r &a i#' arg) ents( Ca## t!dd#ers 5; in)tes "e&!re ea#ti e t! a##!2 the a %#e !%%!rt)nit' t! get read' &!r eating 2hi#e sett#ing d!2n their a$ti*e inds and "!dies( O&&er #ess than t!dd#ers a' eat and #et the $hi#d as3 &!r !re( Pr!*ide &re9)ent, n)triti!)s, %#anned sna$3s .se %#asti$ dishes and $)%s Intr!d)$e at #east three ite s &r! the gr!)%s in the @'P'ra id g)ide at ea$h ea# t! he#% de*e#!% a *ariet' !& taste %re&eren$es and 2e## "a#an$ed ha"its( F!r sna$3s, se*era# s a## %ie$es !& &!!d +$arr!t sti$3s, $heese "#!$3s, raisins, $ra$3ers, s#i$ed $!#d eat, a%%#e s#i$es/ $an "e %#a$ed in an i$e $)"e tra' &!r a %i$3GandG$h!!se en)( Fr)it <)i$es sh!)#d n!t "e !&&ered as a re%#a$e ent &!r &r)it sna$3s !r &!r dai#' re9)ire ent !& &r)its( The A eri$an A$ade ' !& Pediatri$s re$! ends that &r)it <)i$e inta3e n!t e0$eed A t! 1 !CHda'( a. Sleep Problems Bedti e rit)a#s +sa e h!)r !& s#ee%, sna$3, 9)iet a$ti*it'/ are he#%&)#( Pr!*ide transiti!na# !"<e$ts s)$h as &a*!rite st)&&ed ani a# !r "#an3et a. Re%!lar )ental (4amination/Tooth *are The A eri$an A$ade ' !& Pediatri$s, Se$ti!n !n Pediatri$ Dentistr' +,--:a/, n!2 re$! ends that e*er' $hi#d ha*e an !ra# hea#th e0a inati!n "' a %ra$titi!ner "' 1 !nths !& age( I& the $hi#d is in a high ris3 $ateg!r' &!r $aries, an initia# *isit t! a dentist !r %ed!d!ntist +%ediatri$ dentist/ "' age 1 !nths !r 2ithin 1 !nths !& the er)%ti!n !& the &irst t!!th is re$! ended( b. Remo5al of Pla6!es The !st e&&e$ti*e eth!d &!r %#a9)e re !*a# are "r)shing and &#!ssing( One that is s)ita"#e &!r $#eaning the %ri ar' teeth is the s$r)" eth!d( The ti%s !& the "rist#es are %#a$ed &ir #' at a A; degree ang#e against the teeth and g) s and are !*ed "a$3 and &!rth in a *i"rat!r' !ti!n( The ends !& the "rist#es sh!)#d "e !*ing gent#' t! a*!id da aging the g) s and ena e#( The !st e&&e$ti*e $#eaning is d!ne "' %arents( Se*era# %!siti!ns &a$i#itate a$$ess t! the !)th and he#% sta"i#iCe the head &!r $! &!rt:
c. )(NTA' -(A'T-
Stand 2ith $hi#dBs "a$3 t!2ard ad)#t( Sit !n a $!)$h !r "ed 2ith $hi#dBs head resting in ad)#tBs #a%( Sit !n the &#!!r !r a st!!# 2ith $hi#dBs head resting "et2een ad)#tBs thighs( With a## %!siti!ns, )se !ne hand t! $)% the $hin and the !ther t! "r)sh the teeth( F!r easier a$$ess t! "a$3 teeth, h!#d the !)th %artia##' !%en( F!r e&&e$ti*e $#eaning, a s a## t!!th"r)sh 2ith s!&t, r!)nded, )#tit)&ted n'#!n "rist#es that are sh!rt and )ni&!r in #ength is re$! ended( T!!th"r)shes sh!)#d "e re%#a$ed e*er' : !nths !r as s!!n as the "rist#es are &ra'ed !r "ent( When )sing t!!th%aste, $hi#dren sh!)#d se#e$t the &#a*!r the' #i3e t! en$!)rage "r)shing ha"it( c. Fl!oride Base re$! endati!n !n the &#)!ride $!n$entrati!n in $hi#dBs drin3ing 2ater, in$#)ding "!tt#ed 2ater, &i#tered and 2e## 2ater, and %r!$essed &!!d( I& 2ater is &#)!ridated, )se ta% 2ater &!r drin3ing and &!r %re%arati!n !& &!r )#a +e0$e%t s!' &!r )#a, 2hi$h has t2i$e the &#)!ride !& reg)#ar &!r )#a/, &r!Cen $!n$entrated <)i$es, %!2dered i0es, s!)%s, i$e, and ge#atin( I& the 2ater is n!n&#)!ridated !r $!ntains #ess than -(: %% +ages 1 !nths t! : 'ears/ !r #ess than -(1 %% +ages : t! 1 'ears/ &#)!ride, !r i& $hi#d re&)ses t! drin3 ta% 2ater !r re&)ses drin3s !r &!!ds ade 2ith ta% 2ater, $!nsider &#)!ride s)%%#e ents( I& the 2ater, s)$h as 2ater &r! s! e 2e##s !r s%rings, has a $!n$entrati!n !& &#)!ride a"!*e the re$! ended #e*e#, en$!)rage )se !& "!tt#ed n!n&#)!ridated 2ater &!r drin3ing( En$!)rage s)%er*isi!n !& t!dd#er 2hen "r)shing teeth !r )sing a &#)!ridated !)th rinse t! %re*ent !*eringesti!n !& &#)!ridated t!%i$a# s)%%#e ent( .se &#)!ridated t!!th%aste( C!nsider !ther s!)r$es !& &#)!ride &r! diet, s)$h as tea( d. )iet En$!)rage a #!2 $ari!geni$ diet s)$h as ra2, &resh &r)its and *egeta"#es Nat)ra# &!!ds, in$#)ding h!ne', !#asses, $!rn s'r)%, and dried &r)its s)$h as raisins, are high#' $ari!geni$( C! %#e0 $ar"!h'drates, s)$h as "reads, %!tat!es, and %asta, a#s! $!ntri")te t! $aries "e$a)se the' #!2er the %#a9)e %H( E#i inate "edti e "!tt#e $! %#ete#'( Feed the #ast "!tt#e "e&!re "edti e S)"stit)te a "!tt#e !& 2ater &!r s2eet #i9)ids D! n!t )se the "!tt#e as a %a$i&ier Ne*er $!at %a$i&iers in s2eet s)"stan$es
a( G)ide#ines When t!dd#ers dress the se#*es, the' in*aria"#' %)t sh!es !n the 2r!ng &eet and shirt and %ants "a$32ard( Parents sh!)#d gi*e )% %er&e$ti!n &!r the "ene&it !& the $hi#dBs de*e#!%ing sense !& a)t!n! '( I& $hi#dren end )% 2ith )nder%ants !r shirt !n "a$32ard, in !st instan$es it d!es n!t a3e that )$h di&&eren$e, and t!dd#ers are n!t #i3e#' t! &ee# inde%endent and $!n&ident i& their atte %ts at dressing are $riti$iCed( I& %arents &ee# the' )st $hange the $hi#dBs $#!thes, the' sh!)#d "egin 2ith a %!siti*e state ent, s)$h as DE!) did a g!!d <!",F "e&!re a3ing the s2it$h( As s!!n as $hi#dren are )% !n their &eet and 2a#3ing, the' need sh!e s!#es that are &ir en!)gh t! %r!*ide %r!te$ti!n &r! r!)gh s)r&a$es( H!2e*er, t!dd#ers d! n!t need e0tre e#' &ir !r an3#e high sh!es( Be$a)se a t!dd#erBs ar$hes are sti## de*e#!%ing, it is "etter &!r their ar$hes t! %r!*ide &!!t s)%%!rt rather than ha*ing it %r!*ided "' sh!es( Snea3ers are an idea# t!dd#er sh!e "e$a)se the s!#es are hard en!)gh &!r r!)gh s)r&a$es and ar$h s)%%!rt is #i ited( The ti e &!r a t!dd#erBs "ath sh!)#d de%end !n the %arentsB and the $hi#dBs 2ishes and s$hed)#e( T!dd#ers )s)a##' en<!' "ath ti e, and %arents sh!)#d a3e an e&&!rt t! a3e it &)n "' %r!*iding a t!', s)$h as a r)""er d)$3, "!at, !r %#asti$ &ish( A#th!)gh t!dd#ers $an sit 2e## in "atht)", it is sti## n!t sa&e t! #ea*e the a#!ne )ns)%er*ised( The' ight s#i% and get their head )nder 2ater !r rea$h and t)rn !n the h!t 2ater &a)$et and s$a#d the se#*es( a. 0otor +ehicle in/!ries .se &edera##' a%%r!*ed $ar restraint6 i& restraint n!t a*ai#a"#e, )se #a% "e#t( S)%er*ise $hi#d 2hi#e %#a'ing !)tside( D! n!t a##!2 $hi#d t! %#a' !n $)r" !r "ehind a %ar3ed $ar( D! n!t %er it $hi#d t! %#a' in %i#e !& #ea*es, sn!2, !r #arge $ard"!ard $!ntainer in tra&&i$3ed area( S)%er*ise tri$'$#e riding6 ha*e $hi#d 2ear he# et( Li it %#a'ing in dri*e2a's 2ith %ar3ed $ars !r %r!*ide %h'si$a# "arriers #i iting a$$ess( L!$3 &en$es and d!!rs i& n!t dire$t#' s)%er*ising $hi#dren( Tea$h $hi#d t! !"e' %edestrian sa&et' r)#es: - O"e' tra&&i$ reg)#ati!ns6 $r!ss !n#' at $r!ss2a#3s and !n#' 2hen tra&&i$ signa# indi$ates it is sa&e( - Stand "a$3 a ste% &r! the $)r" )nti# it is ti e t! $r!ss( - L!!3 #e&t, right, and #e&t again and $he$3 &!r t)rning $ars "e&!re $r!ssing street( - .se side2a#3s6 2hen there is n! side2a#3, 2a#3 !n #e&t, &a$ing tra&&i$(
- Wear #ight $!#!rs at night and atta$h &#)!res$ent ateria# t! $#!thing( b. )ro2nin% S)%er*ise $#!se#' 2hen near an' s!)r$e !& 2ater, in$#)ding ")$3ets( Ne*er, )nder an' $ir$) stan$e, #ea*e )ns)%er*ised in "atht)" !r ar!)nd "atht)" &i##ed 2ith 2ater( 4ee% "athr!! d!!rs $#!sed and #id d!2n !n t!i#et( Ha*e &en$e ar!)nd s2i ing %!!# and #!$3 gate Tea$h s2i ing and 2ater sa&et'( c. 1!rns T)rn %!t hand#es t!2ard "a$3 !& st!*e( P#a$e e#e$tri$ a%%#ian$es, s)$h as $!&&ee a3er and %!%$!rn a$hine, t!2ard "a$3 !& $!)nter( 4ee% e#e$tri$ $)r#ing ir!ns !)t !& $hi#dBs rea$h( P#a$e g)ardrai#s in &r!nt !& radiat!rs, &ire%#a$es, !r !ther heating e#e ents( St!re at$hes and $igarette #ighters in #!$3ed !r ina$$essi"#e area6 dis$ard $are&)##'( P#a$e ")rning $and#es, in$ense, h!t &!!ds, and $igarettes !)t !& rea$h( D! n!t #et ta"#e$#!th hang 2ithin $hi#dBs rea$h( D! n!t #et e#e$tri$ $!rd &r! ir!n !r !ther a%%#ian$e hang 2ithin $hi#dBs rea$h( C!*er e#e$tri$a# !)t#ets 2ith %r!te$ti*e %#asti$ $a%s( 4ee% e#e$tri$a# 2ires hidden !r !)t !& rea$h( Insta## s !3e and $ar"!n !n!0ide a#ar s6 $hange "atteries e*er' A !( De*e#!% &ire es$a%e %#an &!r the entire &a i#' and ha*e dri##s( D! n!t a##!2 $hi#d t! %#a' 2ith e#e$tri$a# a%%#ian$e, 2ires, !r ")tane #ighters( Stress danger !& !%en &#a es6 tea$h 2hat Dh!tF eans( A#2a's $he$3 "ath2ater te %erat)re6 ad<)st 2ater heater te %erat)re t! A?C +5,-F/ !r #!2er6 d! n!t a##!2 $hi#dren t! %#a' 2ith &a)$ets( Ne*er #ea*e '!)ng $hi#dren )nattended in !r ar!)nd "atht)" the' $an $#i " in t)" as 2e##( A%%#' a s)ns$reen 2hen $hi#d is e0%!sed t! s)n#ight +a## 'ear r!)nd/( d. Poisonin%/'ead Screenin% P#a$e a## %!tentia##' t!0i$ agents !)t !& rea$h !r in a #!$3ed $a"inet, in$#)ding $!s eti$s, %ers!na# $are ite s, $#eaning %r!d)$ts, %esti$ides, edi$ati!ns( Ca)ti!n against eating n!nedi"#e ite s, s)$h as %#ants and %ers!na# $!s eti$ %r!d)$ts( I ediate#' %)t a2a' edi$ati!ns !r %!is!ns6 re%#a$e $hi#d g)ard $a%s %r!%er#'( Ad inister edi$ati!ns as a dr)g, n!t as a $and'( D! n!t st!re #arge s)r%#)s !& t!0i$ agents( Pr! %t#' dis$ard e %t' %!is!n $!ntainers6 ne*er re)se t! st!re &!!d ite !r !ther %!is!n( Ne*er re !*e #a"e#s &r! $!ntainers !& t!0i$ s)"stan$es(
4n!2 n) "er !& nearest %!is!n $!ntr!# $enter( P!st n) "er near %h!ne !r !n re&rigerat!r( e. Falls .se 2ind!2 g)ards d! n!t re#' !n s$reens t! st!% &a##s &r! 2ind!2s( P#a$e gates at t!% and "!tt! !& stairs( 4ee% d!!rs #!$3ed !r )se $hi#d%r!!& d!!r3n!" $!*ers at entr' t! stairs, high %!r$h, !r !ther e#e*ated area, in$#)ding #a)ndr' $h)te( Ens)re sa&e and e&&e$ti*e "arriers !n %!r$hes, "a#$!nies, "#ea$hers, de$3s( A%%#' n!ns3id de$a#s in "atht)" !r sh!2er( 4ee% $ri" rai#s &)##' raised and attress at #!2est #e*e#( P#a$e $ar%eting )nder $ri" and in "athr!! ( 4ee% #arge t!'s and ") %er %ads !)t !& $ri" !r %#a'%en +$hi#d $an )se these as DstairsF t! $#i " !)t/, then !*e t! '!)th "ed 2hen $hi#d is a"#e t! $#i " !)t !& $ri"( 4ee% $hi#d restrained in *ehi$#e6 ne*er #ea*e )nattended in *ehi$#e, sh!%%ing $art, !r high $hair( f. Aspiration and S!ffocation A*!id #arge, r!)nd $h)n3s !& eat, s)$h as 2h!#e h!t d!gs +s#i$e #ength2ise int! sh!rt %ie$es/( A*!id &r)it 2ith %its, &ish 2ith "!nes, dried "eans, hard $and', $he2ing g) , n)ts, %!%$!rn, gra%es, arsh a##!2s( Ch!!se #arge, st)rd' t!'s 2ith!)t shar% edges !r s a## re !*a"#e %arts( Dis$ard !#d re&rigerat!rs, !*ens, and s! !n6 i& st!ring an !#d a%%#ian$e, re !*e the d!!r( 4ee% a)t! ati$ garage d!!r trans itter in ina$$essi"#e %#a$e( Se#e$t sa&e t!' "!0es !r $hests 2ith!)t hea*', hinged #ids( 4ee% 2ind!2 $!*ering $!rds !)t !& $hi#dBs rea$h !r )se straight $!rds 2ith!)t #!!%s( %. 1odil# )ama%e A*!id gi*ing shar% !r %!inted !"<e$ts s)$h as 3ni*es, s$iss!rs, !r t!!th%i$3s, es%e$ia##' 2hen 2a#3ing !r r)nning( D! n!t a##!2 #!##i%!%s !r si i#ar !"<e$ts in !)th 2hen 2a#3ing !r r)nning( Tea$h sa&et' %re$a)ti!ns +e(g(, t! $arr' 3ni&e !r s$iss!rs 2ith %!inted end a2a' &r! &a$e/( St!re a## danger!)s t!!#s, garden e9)i% ent, and &irear s in #!$3ed $a"inet( Be a#ert t! danger !& s)%er*ised ani a#s and h!)seh!#d %ets( .se sa&et' g#ass !n #arge g#assed areas, s)$h as s#iding g#ass d!!rs(
8. PR(S*-OO'
a. Promotin% N!tritional -ealth O&&er s a## ser*ings !& &!!d Ens)re that $hi#dren are n!t sna$3ing s! &re9)ent#' s! that the' 2i## n!t
c. )(NTA' -(A'T-
ea#s F!r sna$3s, !&&er &!!ds s)$h as &r)it, $heese, !r i#3 rather than $!!3ies and a s!&t drin3 @a3e ea#ti e a ha%%' and en<!'a"#e %art !& the da' &!r e*er'!ne( A##!2 a $hi#d t! %re%are si %#e &!!ds, s)$h as a3ing a sand2i$h !r s%reading <e##' !n t!ast( )iet F!!ds sh!)#d "e "ased !n &!!d %'ra id gr!)%s, a3ing s)re t! !&&er a *ariet'( Additi!na# *ita ins are %r!"a"#' )nne$essar' i& $hi#d is eating &!!ds &r! a## %'ra id &!!d gr!)%s and eets the $riteria &!r a hea#th' $hi#d s)$h as "eing a#ert and a$ti*e, 2ith height and 2eight 2ithin n!r a# a*erages( I& %arents d! gi*e *ita ins, a $hi#d 2i## )nd!)"ted#' *ie2 a *ita in as $and' rather than edi$ine "e$a)se !& the attra$ti*e sha%es and $!#!rs !& %res$h!!# *ita ins, s! the' )st "e st!red !)t !& rea$h( D! n!t gi*e !re *ita ins than the re$! ended dai#' a !)nt, "e$a)se %!is!ning &r! high d!ses !& &at s!#)"#e *ita ins !r ir!n $an res)#t( Sleep Problems Pres$h!!#ers a' need a night #ight d)ring s#ee% S$reen !)t &rightening st!ries !r te#e*isi!n 2at$hing <)st %ri!r t! "edti e C!ntin)e &a i#iar "edti e r!)tines (4ercise R!)gh h!)sing is a g!!d 2a' !& getting rid !& tensi!n and sh!)#d "e a##!2ed as #!ng as it d!es n!t "e$! e destr)$ti*e( Pr! !te #!*e ti e h!n!red ga es s)$h as ringGar!)ndGtheGr!s', L!nd!n Bridge, !r !ther !re str)$t)red ga es( Red)$e te#e*isi!n 2at$hing( *are of Teeth A $hi#d sh!)#d $!ntin)e t! drin3 &#)!ridated 2ater !r re$ei*e a %res$ri"ed !ra# &#)!ride s)%%#e ent i& &#)!ride is n!t %r!*ided in the 2ater s)%%#'( One g!!d t!!th"r)shing %eri!d a da' is !&ten !re e&&e$ti*e than !re &re9)ent ha#& hearted "r)shings( Che$3 that a## t!!th s)r&a$es are $#eaned( Ens)re that the $hi#d &#!ss the teeth 2e##( S)%er*ise $hi#dren 2hen )sing an e#e$tri$ t!!th"r)sh and tea$h n!t t! )se it !r an' !ther e#e$tri$a# a%%#ian$e near a "asin !& 2ater( En$!)rage $hi#dren t! eat a%%#es, $arr!ts, $e#er', $hi$3en, !r $heese &!r sna$3s rather than $and' !r s2eets t! %re*ent t!!th de$a'( Chi#dren sh!)#d ha*e ade a &irst *isit t! a dentist "' ,5H, 'ears !& age &!r e*a#)ati!n !& t!!th
&!r ati!n(
d. )R(SSIN7
b. -,7I(N(
a. 7!idelines Pres$h!!#ers %re&er "right $!#!rs !r %rints and s! a' se#e$t ite s that d! n!t at$h( Chi#dren need the e0%erien$e !& $h!!sing their !2n $#!thes( One 2a' &!r %arents t! s!#*e the %r!"#e !& is at$hing is t! &!#d t!gether at$hing shirts and %ants s! a $hi#d sees the as a set rather than indi*id)a# %ie$es( I& $hi#dren insist !n 2earing is at$hed $#!thes, %arents sh!)#d a3e n! a%!#!gies &!r their a%%earan$e( A si %#e state ent s)$h as D@ar3 $h!se his !2n $#!thes t!da'F e0%#ains the sit)ati!n( a. 7!idelines Pres$h!!#ers $an 2ash and dr' their hands ade9)ate#' i& the &a)$et is reg)#ated &!r the s! the' d! n!t s$a#d the se#*es 2ith h!t 2ater( Parents sh!)#d t)rn d!2n the te %erat)re !& the 2ater heater in their h! e t! )nder 5,- F t! he#% %re*ent s$a#ds( Pres$h!!#ers d! n!t $#ean their &ingernai#s *er' 2e##, s! these !&ten need Dt!)$hing )%F "' a %arent !r !#der si"#ing( Hang a !"i#e !*er the t)" s! the' ha*e a reas!n t! #!!3 )% &!r rinsing and )se a n!nirritating sha %!! A#th!)gh %res$h!!#ers a' sit 2e## in "atht)"s, the' sh!)#d sti## n!t "e #e&t )ns)%er*ised at "ath ti e( D! n!t )se ")""#e "ath 2ith %res$h!!#ers as s! e gir#s de*e#!% *)#*ar irritati!n +and %erha%s "#adder in&e$ti!ns/ &r! e0%!s)re t! s)$h %r!d)$ts( a. 9eepin% *hildren Safe: Stron%: and Free Warn a $hi#d ne*er t! ta#3 2ith !r a$$e%t a ride &r! a stranger Tea$h a $hi#d h!2 t! $a## &!r he#% in an e ergen$' +'e##ing !r r)nning t! a designated neigh"!rIs h!)se i& !)tside, !r dia#ing ?55 i& near a te#e%h!ne/ Des$ri"e 2hat %!#i$e !&&i$ers #!!3 #i3e and e0%#ain that %!#i$e !&&i$ers $an he#% in an e ergen$' sit)ati!n E0%#ain that i& $hi#dren !r ad)#ts as3 the t! 3ee% se$rets a"!)t an'thing that has ade the )n$! &!rta"#e, the' sh!)#d te## their %arents !r an!ther tr)sted ad)#t, e*en i& the' ha*e %r! ised t! 3ee% the se$ret E0%#ain that ")##'ing "eha*i!r &r! !ther $hi#dren is n!t t! "e t!#erated and sh!)#d "e re%!rted s! the' $an re$ei*e he#% anaging it b. 0otor +ehicle and 1ic#cle Safet#
Sa&e#' ")$3#e %res$h!!#ers int! $ar seats in the "a$3 seat Stress the i %!rtant r!#e !& seat "e#ts in %re*enting in<)r' in a$$idents and sh!)#d a3e it a r)#e that the $ar d!es n!t !*e )nti# seat"e#ts are &astened( Che$3 the %!siti!n !& the sh!)#der harness s! it d!es n!t g! a$r!ss a $hi#dIs &a$e !r thr!at( Pr! !te "i$'$#e sa&et'6 %r!*ide a sa&et' he# et a%%r!*ed &!r $hi#dren their age and siCe( De !nstrate sa&e riding ha"its "' 2earing he# ets as 2e##(
;. S*-OO'(R
a. (stablishin% -ealth# (atin% Patterns Ha*e '!)ng $hi#dren $!##e$t %i$t)res !& hea#th' &!!ds and a3e a %!ster &!r dis%#a' in the s$h!!# $a&eteria( @a3e hea#th' &!!ds +&r)its, *egeta"#es, 2h!#e grains, #!2 &at sna$3s/ a*ai#a"#e in s$h!!# *ending a$hines and at s$h!!# s%!rting e*ents( Dis$!)rage the )se !& high &at &!!ds +$and' "ars/ as %art !& s$h!!# &)nd raising %r!<e$ts( A*!id the )se !& &!!d as re2ards &!r "eha*i!r6 )se *er"a# %raise and t!3en gi&ts t! rein&!r$e hea#th' eating and %h'si$a# a$ti*it'( As3 ea$h $hi#d t! 3ee% a diar' !& &!!ds eaten in 5 da'6 )sing the F!!d G)ide P'ra id, e*a#)ate these &!!ds( b. )iet Ch!!se a diet 2ith %#ent' !& grain %r!d)$ts, *egeta"#es, and &r)its( Ch!!se a diet #!2 in &at, sat)rated &at, and $h!#ester!#( Eat a *ariet' !& &!!ds( Ch!!se a diet !derate in sa#t and s!di) ( Ch!!se a diet !derate in s)gars( a. 7!idelines S#ee% needs *ar' a !ng indi*id)a# $hi#dren( E!)nger s$h!!# age $hi#dren t'%i$a##' re9)ire 5- t! 5, h!)rs !& s#ee% ea$h night, and !#der !nes re9)ire a"!)t 8 t! 5- h!)rs( @!st 1 'ear !#ds are t!! !#d &!r na%s ")t d! re9)ire a 9)iet ti e a&ter s$h!!# t! get the thr!)gh the re ainder !& the da'( D)ring s$h!!# 'ears, an' $hi#dren en<!' a 9)iet ta#3 !r a reading ti e at "edti e( At a"!)t age ?, 2hen &riends "e$! e !re i %!rtant, $hi#dren genera##' are read' t! gi*e )% %re "edti e ta#3s 2ith %arents in %re&eren$e t! $a##ing !r te0t essaging a &riend(
a. Sports C! !n a$ti*ities &!r s$h!!# G age $hi#dren in$#)de "ase"a##, s!$$er, g' nasti$s, and s2i ing( E9)i% ent )st "e aintained in sa&e $!nditi!n, and %r!te$ti*e a%%arat)s sh!)#d "e 2!rn t! %re*ent seri!)s in<)r' D)ring %)"ert' stage, it is )s)a##' re$! ended that gir#s $! %ete !n#' against !ther gir#s "e$a)se at this stage "!'s "e$! e #arger and ha*e !re )s$#e ass A$ti*ities sh!)#d in$#)de "!th %ra$ti$e sessi!ns and )nstr)$t)red %#a'6 the a$t)a# ga e !r e*ent sh!)#d "e anaged in a anner that stresses aster' !& the s%!rt and enhan$e ent !& se#& G i age rather than 2inning !r %#easing !thers( A## $hi#dren sh!)#d ha*e an !%%!rt)nit' t! %arti$i%ate, and s%e$ia# $ere !nies sh!)#d re$!gniCe a## %arti$i%ants, n!t <)st indi*id)a#s 2h! e0$e# in s%!rts !r ath#eti$s( b. Ac6!isition of S=ills With the t!!#s !& #ang)age and reading, $hi#dren $reate %!e s, st!ries, and %#a's( With !re ad*an$ed &ine !t!r s3i##s, the' are a"#e t! aster an )n#i ited *ariet' !& handi$ra&ts, s)$h as $era i$s, need#e2!r3, 2!!d2!r3ing, and "ead2!r3( S$h!!# G age $hi#dren are $a%a"#e !& ass) ing res%!nsi"i#it' &!r their !2n needs, a#th!)gh their distaste &!r s!a% and 2ater and JdressJ $#!thes is #egendar'( S$h!!# G age $hi#dren $an and 2ant t! ass) e their share !& h!)seh!#d tas3s, 2hi$h )s)a##' are re#ated t! the a#e and &e a#e r!#es that ha*e "een de&ined "' their $)#t)re( @an' $hi#dren a#s! ass) e res%!nsi"i#it' &!r tas3s !)tside the h! e, s)$h as "a"'sitting, !2ing #a2ns, !r %a%er r!)tes( c. (4ercise E0er$ise $an $! e &r! neigh"!rh!!d ga es, 2a#3ing 2ith %arents !r a d!g, !r "i$'$#e riding( As $hi#dren enter %read!#es$en$e, th!se 2ith %!!r $!!rdinati!n a' "e$! e re#)$tant t! e0er$ise( .rge the t! %arti$i%ate in s! e dai#' e0er$ise, !r e#se !"esit', !r !ste!%!r!sis #ater in #i&e, $an res)#t( One h!)r !r !re !& !derate and *ig!r!)s %h'si$a# a$ti*it' !n !st !r a## da's( Parti$i%ate in se*era# "!)ts !& %h'si$a# a$ti*it' !& 5; in)tes !r !re ea$h da'( A*!id %eri!ds !& ina$ti*it' !& , h!)rs !r !re( a( Denta# Pr!"#e s Denta# Caries Denta# $aries are #arge#' %re*enta"#e 2ith %r!%er "r)shing and )se !& &#)!ridated 2ater !r &#)!ride a%%#i$ati!n( When $arries d! !$$)r, it is i %!rtant the' "e treated 9)i$3#' and the $hi#dBs denta# h'giene %ra$ti$es t! "e e*a#)ated and i %r!*ed i& ne$essar'(
e. )(NTA' -(A'T-
@!st i %!rtant, $hi#dren )st "e#ie*e the' ha*e a sta3e in the hea#th !r disease !& their teeth s! the' 2i##ing#' )nderta3e the se#& $are eas)res ne$essar' t! ens)re hea#th' teeth, 2ith %arenta# s)%%!rt rather than %arenta# $! and( @a#!$$#)si!n Chi#dren 2ith a#!$$#)si!n sh!)#d "e e*a#)ated "' an !rth!d!ntist t! see i& !rth!d!nti$ "ra$es !r !ther thera%' is ne$essar'( The ti e t! "egin $!rre$ti!n *aries 2ith the e0tent !& the a#!$$#)si!n and the <a2 siCe( Bra$es are e0%ensi*e and %ain&)# 2hen the' are &irst a%%#ied and at %eri!di$ *isits 2hen the' are tightened t! aintain %ress)re &!r &)rther straightening( S! e $hi#dren de*e#!% i#d, sha##!2 )#$erati!ns +$an3er s!res/ !n the ")$$a# e "rane &r! &ri$ti!n !& eta# 2ires( R)""ing the !&&ending 2ire 2ith denta# 2a0 d)##s the s)r&a$e and gi*es re#ie&( Ora# a$eta in!%hen !r an agent s)$h as OraGKe# +an !*erGtheG$!)nter dr)g/ r)""ed !n the )#$erati!n a#s! gi*es re#ie&( Chi#dren 2h! 2ear "ra$es need t! ha*e their teeth assessed &re9)ent#' t! see the' are "r)shing %r!%er#' ar!)nd the "ra$es and that the' are )sing denta# &#!ss t! re !*e %#a9)e ar!)nd 2ires( A&ter re !*a# !& "ra$es, an' $hi#dren )st 2ear retainers t! aintain the $!rre$ti!n the "ra$es a$hie*ed( Sh!2 a%%r!%riate s' %ath' and he#% $hi#dren %r!"#e s!#*e i& the' are "!thered "' the a%%earan$e !& "ra$es !r 2earing a retainer( "( Care !& Teeth S$h!!# age $hi#dren sh!)#d *isit a dentist at #east t2i$e 'ear#' &!r a $he$3)%, $#eaning, and %!ssi"#' a &#)!ride treat ent t! strengthen and harden the t!!th ena e#(
S$h!!# age $hi#dren ha*e t! "e re inded t! "r)sh their teeth dai#'( F!r e&&e$ti*e "r)shing, a $hi#d sh!)#d )se a s!&t t!!th"r)sh, &#)!ride "ased t!!th%aste, and denta# &#!ss t! $#ean "et2een teeth t! he#% re !*e %#a9)e( Sna$3s are "est #i ited t! high %r!tein &!!ds s)$h as $hi$3en and $heese rather than $and'( Fr)its, *egeta"#es, and $erea#s &!rti&ied 2ith inera#s and *ita ins $an a## "e &)n a&ters$h!!#
I& the $hi#d d!es eat $and', a t'%e that is eaten 9)i$3#' and diss!#*es 9)i$3#' is "etter than s#!2#' diss!#*ing !r sti$3' $and', 2hi$h sta's in $!nta$t 2ith the teeth #!nger(
a( H'giene Chi#dren !& 1 !r = 'ears !& age sti## need he#% in reg)#ating "ath 2ater te %erat)re and in $#eaning their ears and &ingernai#s( B' age 8, $hi#dren are genera##' $a%a"#e !& "athing the se#*es ")t a' n!t d! it 2e## "e$a)se the' are t!! ")s' t! ta3e the ti e !r "e$a)se the' d! n!t &ind "athing as i %!rtant as d! their %arents( B!th "!'s and gir#s "e$! e interested a( Pr! !ting S$h!!#Gage Sa&et'
>. A)O'(S*(NT
b. )(NTA' -(A'T-
b. P(RSONA' *AR(
a( G)ide#ines
a( G)ide#ines
a( Ad!#es$ent Sa&et'