Well House Consultants Samples Notes From Well House Consultants 1
Well House Consultants Samples Notes From Well House Consultants 1
Well House Consultants Samples Notes From Well House Consultants 1
Notes from
Well House
Thesenotes arewritten by Well HouseConsultants and distributed
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for details.
2 Notes fromWell House Consultants Well House Consultants, Ltd.
1.1 Well House Consultants
Well House Consultants provides niche training, primarily but not exclusively in
Open Source programming languages. We offer public courses at our training centre
and private courses at your offices. We also make some of our training notes available
under our "Open Training Notes" license, such as were doing in this document here.
1.2 Open Training Notes License
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You are NOT allowed to charge (directly or indirectly) for the copying or distribu-
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1.3 Courses presented by the author
If you would like us to attend a course (Java, Perl, Python, PHP, Tcl/ Tk, MySQL
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1.4 Contact Details
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Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 295
Database Access
Java accesses relational databases, such as Oracleand MySQL, through
JDBC classes. A manager class which oversees theprocess is provided with
theJava distribution, but you'll also need to obtain a driver class to talk to
thespecific databaseof your choice. UsingMySQL as an example, this
moduletakes you through thesourcing, configuration and useof JDBC so
that you can access data in a relational databasefromwithin your Java
Prerequisites: In order to makethemost of this module, trainees need
prior knowledgeof Java to an intermediatelevel and a littleprior knowl-
edgeof SQL.
Interfacing MySQL to Java. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Using JDBC to access other databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Using JDBC on the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
296 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
As from Java 1.1, connectivity to relational databases has been provided through
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) in the java.sql package. Note that the Java distri-
bution does not include a full relational database package, nor even the Java classes
to access any particular database, which you will need to obtain and install in addition
to your J2SE in order to have a Java front-ended relational database.
JDBC drivers are not necessarily available for all databases.
They are available from various vendors for commercial databases such as Access
and Oracle.
Free or inexpensive databases such as PostgreSQL have limited drivers available at
Basic Techniques:
Register the database driver
Obtain a Connection object
Use a Statement object to send a statement
Retrieve the results in a ResultSet object
These basic techniques (and thejava.sql package as a whole) are mostly interfaces
rather than classes.
The DriverManager class (a true class, this one!) is responsible for managing all
the cl asses avai l abl e and provi di ng the appropri at e one for you. The
Class.forName method will register with the DriverManager for you.
DriverManager.getConnection will obtain the connection object for you;
we use a URL of the form:
jdbc:subprotocol:/ / host:port/ database
In a web environment, youll note that the JDBC connection is made from the
client using a TCP service and sockets. It follows that the specific driver class needs
to be available to the browser and the security aspects of distributing that driver need
to be considered.
The getConnection() method takes a user name and password as parameters.
You should consider carefully where you obtain and store this information.
createStatement() does exactly that it creates an object with which you can
submit queries using either the executeQuery() method or for an update the
executeUpdate() method.
Queries are formed and sent in SQL (Structured Query Language).
Finally, the getResultSet() method retrieves an object of type ResultSet.
As ever, get methods allow you to collect data row-by-row or column-by-column.
As well as querying and updating data, facilities are available to learn about the
structure of the database.
Thisisknown asMetaData; the DatabaseMetaData interfaceallowsyou to
retrievethisinformationusingthe getMetaData methodofthe Connection class.
Most database accesses will be either to obtain data or to update data, but you can
go so far as using SQL CREATE TABLE statements to add tables and structure to
your database (i.e. you have both the DDL and the DML elements available).
Although most queries are handled as one-offs, each query being committed to the
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 297
Chapter 26
database as it is sent, you are able to send queries in sections, for example, atomic
transactions which are combined when you commit().
26.1 Interfacing MySQL to Java
Java interfaces to databases through JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Your Java
Runtime Environment should include the java.sql package by default, which is basi-
cally a dri ver manager class and does not i nclude any dri vers for any speci fi c
databases. You then source appropriate drivers from elsewhere; there's a list of suit-
able drivers on Sun's site:
http:/ / industry.java.sun.com/ products/ jdbc/ drivers
which currently lists almost 200 drivers, including several for MySQL.
In addition, you could interface MySQL to Java using the JDBC to ODBC bridge
but ... don't; you'll be adding in an extra layer of conversions, and the drivers listed
on the site above are all "type 4" drivers which means that they're written in native
Java code.
Here is a complete working example, using drivers sourced via this web site.
public class jdbc1 {
public static void main(String [] args) {
java.sql.Connection conn = null;
System.out.println("SQL Test");
try {
conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Connection established");
try {
java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
java.sql.ResultSet r = s.executeQuery
("SELECT code, latitude, longitude FROM dist");
while(r.next()) {
System.out.println (
r.getString("code") + " " +
r.getString("latitude") + " " +
r.getString("longitude") );
catch (Exception e) {
298 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
And in operation:
$ java jdbc1
SQL Test
Connection established
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Table 'test.dist' doesn't exist
$ sql2.pl populate abc123
Table populated from text file
$ java jdbc1
SQL Test
Connection established
AB 3 57.8
AL 0.4 51.7
B 2 52.5
BA 2.4 51.4
BB 2.6 53.8
BD 1.9 53.8
BH 2.9 50.8
Portugal -8.5 37
Denmark 14 55.5
Germany 9 50
Norway 10.5 59.8
Sweden 18 59
Austria 18 47
Italy 14 42
Italia 14 42
26.2 Using JDBC to access other databases
We've chosen MySQL as our example database for this section since we run it on
our training machines, but just to show you how portable the code is, here's an
example that uses the Oracle database:
package mypackage1;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Bruce09
public Bruce09()
public static void main(String[] args)
Connection conn = null;
System.out.println("SQL Test");
try {
(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
catch (Exception e) {
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 299
Chapter 26
try {
conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:username/[email protected]:1234:dbSID");
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Connection established");
try {Statement s = conn.createStatement();
java.sql.ResultSet r = s.executeQuery
("Select display_name from kbi_periods");
while(r.next()) {
System.out.println (
r.getString("display_name") );
StringTokenizer Tok = new StringTokenizer(r.getString("display_name"),"-");
int n=0;
while (Tok.hasMoreElements())
System.out.println("" + ++n + ": "+Tok.nextElement());
catch (Exception e) {
The example extracts the display_name field from the kbi_periods table,
and manipulates the data using utility classes such as the string tokenizer. Here's the
data description to help you read the example in context:
SQL> desc kbi_periods
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
SQL> select * from kbi_periods;
---------- -------- --------- --------- ------------
MONTH 2002-04 01-APR-02 30-APR-02 APR-02
MONTH 2002-05 01-MAY-02 31-MAY-02 MAY-02
MONTH 2002-06 01-JUN-02 30-JUN-02 JUN-02
MONTH 2002-07 01-JUL-02 31-JUL-02 JUL-02
300 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
MONTH 2002-08 01-AUG-02 31-AUG-02 AUG-02
MONTH 2002-09 01-SEP-02 30-SEP-02 SEP-02
MONTH 2002-10 01-OCT-02 31-OCT-02 OCT-02
MONTH 2002-11 01-NOV-02 30-NOV-02 NOV-02
MONTH 2002-12 01-DEC-02 31-DEC-02 DEC-02
MONTH 2003-01 01-JAN-03 31-JAN-03 JAN-03
MONTH 2003-02 01-FEB-03 28-FEB-03 FEB-03
MONTH 2003-03 01-MAR-03 31-MAR-03 MAR-03
12 rows selected.
26.3 Using JDBC on the Web
These days, most users want to access data (including data held in their relational
databases) from a browser, and Java provides you with tools to facilitate this. For
Data is held in a relational database (such as MySQL), which is managed by an
appropriate database engine (such as mysqld).
A Java Class, using JDBC drivers, interfaces to the database engine allowing data
to be transferred between that class and the database
The Java class is then referenced by another class which extend the Servlet
The Servlet is accessed by Tomcat, which provides the JRE conforming to the
Servlet specification
The Apache Web Server uses Tomcat to provide the Servlet capability via an
Apache module interface
The user who wants to access data in the database enters his request on a form on
his browser, and when he submits the form data is accessed ...
Browser -> Apache Server -> Tomcat -> Servlet Class -> JDBC class -> Database Engine -> Database
and then returned to the browser
Database -> Database Engine -> JDBC class -> Servlet Class -> Tomcat -> Apache Server -> Browser.
In order for a scheme such as this to work, you need to have a number of resources
other that just your regular Java compiler available:
A Web Server
Java Servlet capability for the web server
(Your Java environment, but we'll assume that as this is a Java course)
Javax classes for handling Servlets and databases, from the Enterprise edition
Appropriate JDBC driver classes
A relational database, such as MySQL
You will also need to have knowledge of (or access to) skills in:
This may seem to be a daunting list of topics to learn (as indeed it is if you're new
to all of them), but once you have acquired and tuned those skills, and configured
and installed the appropriate software, you can write powerful applications quickly
and efficiently.
We'll go on and look at two examples that use the mechanism and technologies
we've just described to manage single database tables; each shows you a framework
structure that you're free to learn from and develop to suit your own needs.
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 301
Chapter 26
Example: Managing a table of information about a population
This example was written as a demonstration for a client who is involved in
medical research. His organisation needs to keep records which includes peoples
names, dates of birth, and ethnic background amongst other information, so that the
data can later be analysed and extracted for trend, etc.
With an application such as this one, there are usually a number of tables and
many fields involved, and the experienced programmer will write general code to
avoid much repetition; such code is, however, often hard to follow as you're learning,
so this is very much a training example, and you'll find that the code would be long-
winded to expand into a complete system [the following example shows you a solu-
tion to this problem].
The first file that we'll look at is a piece of pure HTML, and it includes the forms
that the user starts with. To avoid too much code fragmentation, a single HTML page
has forms for both inserting and searching for data from our population table:
<title>Servlet to JDBC demo - population for Biomedical research</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<h1>Servlet to JDBC demo<BR>Biomedical research - table about a population
Please complete any of the forms on this page to run the demonstration
programs that allow data entry and extraction for members of a population
who are included in a sample in use for biomedical research
<H2>Enter new data</h2>
<form action="http://hawk:8080/nan/servlet/J850insert"><table border=1>
<tr><td>Full name of person</td><td><input name=fullname></td></tr>
<tr><td>Ethnic Origin</td><td><select name=origin>
<option value=Caucasian>Caucasian</option>
<option value=Chinese>Chinese</option>
<option value="West African">West African</option>
<option value=Iranian>Iranian</option>
<option value=Indian>Indian</option>
<option value=Other>Other</option>
</select><br>or enter: <input name=special></td></tr>
<tr><td>Date of Birth</td><td><input name=day size=2 value=16>
/ <input name=month size=2 value=07> /
<input name=year size=4 value=1972></td></tr>
<tr><td>then ...</td><td><input type=submit value="Enter this data">
<H2>Select data</h2>
<form action="http://hawk:8080/nan/servlet/J850select"><table border=1>
<tr><td>Name</td><td><input name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td>Ethnic Origin</td><td><select name=origin>
<option value=Any>Any</option>
<option value=Caucasian>Caucasian</option>
<option value=Chinese>Chinese</option>
<option value="West African">West African</option>
<option value=Iranian>Iranian</option>
<option value=Indian>Indian</option>
</select><br>or enter: <input name=special></td></tr>
<tr><td>Year of Birth</td><td><input name=year size=4></td></tr>
302 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
<tr><td>then ...</td><td><input type=submit value="Search for this data">
The forms provided both refer to Servlets:
and J850select
J850insert includes input fields names full name, origin, special, day, month
and year into which the data entry clerk can enter information about a new member
being added to the population. J850select includes fewer fields, being the fields
on which data can be selected.
When the user completes and submits the form, the data is added to the table
we'll look at the code that does this in a minute and he gets a short report back:
Figure 104 What the data entry will
appear like on the browser.
Figure 105 The resulting page after
the formis filled in.
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 303
Chapter 26
The J850 insert script is as follows:
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* Inserting record into a population table
public class J850insert extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
String called = request.getParameter("fullname");
String origin = request.getParameter("special");
if (origin.equals("")) {
origin = request.getParameter("origin");
String day = request.getParameter("day");
String month = request.getParameter("month");
String year = request.getParameter("year");
String born = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
// Now do the real work ....
String SQLcommand = J850_jdbc.insert(called,origin,born);
// After the work is done, send the reply out ....
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<title>Thank You</title>");
out.println("<body bgcolor=\"white\">");
out.println("<h1>Thank you for adding to our population</h1>");
out.println(called + " has an origin type of " + origin +
" and was born " + born+"<BR>");
out.println ("SQL Statement:<BR>"+SQLcommand);
which is a fairly regular Java Servlet. Just note the call to the static insert method in
304 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
the J850_jdbc class, to which the Servlet has passed the variable fields extracted from
the form. The J850_jdbc class itself is as follows:
public class J850_jdbc {
public static String insert(String name, String group, String born) {
java.sql.Connection conn = linktodata();
String todo = ("INSERT into population " +
"(fullname, ethnicorigin, born) "+
"values ('"+name+"', '"+group+"', '"+born+"')") ;
try {
java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
int r = s.executeUpdate (todo);
catch (Exception e) {
return ("Oh oops - code 003\n"+e);
return (todo);
public static String select(String name, String group, String yearborn) {
java.sql.Connection conn = linktodata();
StringBuffer reply = new StringBuffer("<table border=1>");
StringBuffer conditions = new StringBuffer("where ");
if (! group.equals("")) {
conditions.append("ethnicorigin = '"+group+"'") ;
if (! name.equals("")) {
if (conditions.length() > 6) {
conditions.append(" && ");
conditions.append("fullname = '"+name+"'") ;
String selector = null;
if (conditions.length() > 6) {
selector = conditions.toString();
} else {
selector = "";
String todo = ("SELECT id, fullname, born, ethnicorigin "+
" from population " + selector);
try {
java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
java.sql.ResultSet r = s.executeQuery (todo);
while(r.next()) {
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 305
Chapter 26
catch (Exception e) {
return ("Oh oops - code 003\n"+e);
return (reply.toString());
private static String tabit(String box) {
return ("<td>"+box+"</td>");
private static java.sql.Connection linktodata () {
java.sql.Connection conn = null;
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return conn;
// return "Oh dear - code 001 and a quarter";
try {
conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
catch (Exception e) {
return conn;
// return "Oh dear - code 001 and a half";
return conn;
306 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
This code contains the class that uses the JDBC API; to keep the example easy to
follow, it's very specific in the information it uses. You'll find that we've hard-coded
many items that would be better held in variables such as:
field names (fullname, ethnicorigin and born)
Database (J850)
Table name (Population)
User name (Jtest)
Password (There is no password leaky security!)
Host server for database (implicitly localhost)
Database engine type (mysql)
Since we're going to be making other connections to this same database, we've split
out the common code into a private method called linktodata to avoid code
duplication. Our insert method returns the actual SQL command that it used in its
call to executeUpdate (used rather than executeQuery, since an Insert oper-
ation returns a count of the number of lines affected by the change, rather than data
from tables). Again, you would not normally report back to your user in raw SQL, but
it demonstrates the mechanisms for trainees "learning the ropes".
The initial form, together with the Java Servlet class and the Java JDBC access class,
provide a complete mechanism for entering data into our simple SQL database; no
other user-written files are required. What we haven't yet provided is any mechanism
to access the data in our table. Let's look at that; a form has already been provided on
the base of our initial HTML page (see Figure 106).
Figure 106 A formhas been provided
on the base of our initial
HTML page
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 307
Chapter 26
Completing and submitting this form, we get a thank you page (see Figure 107).
Figure 107 The thank you page after
completing and submitting
the form.
The only additional file here is the Servlet class J850select, which is called up from
the HTML form and provides the servlet mechanism; it calls the select method in the
same JDBC referencing class that we used to insert data although that class has too
many constants embedded in it for a real live application, it does at least encapsulate
most of that information so that we could change the password or database engine or
user name or some other value without the need to start changing other classes too!
Here's the source:
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* Inserting record into a population table
public class J850select extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
String called = request.getParameter("name");
String origin = request.getParameter("special");
if (origin.equals("")) {
origin = request.getParameter("origin");
if (origin.equals("Any")) {
origin = "";
String year = request.getParameter("year");
// Now do the real work ....
String matches = J850_jdbc.select(called,origin,year);
// After the work is done, send the reply out ....
308 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<title>Thank You</title>");
out.println("<body bgcolor=\"white\">");
out.println("<h1>Thank you for viewing our population</h1>");
out.println (matches);
Once again, this is a straightforward wrapper that calls the JDBC referencing class
from within the Servlet.
As an aside, you might like to note how we've written our search mechanism. Users
will want to search by name, by year born, or by ethnic group; the where clause of
our SQL request starts off empty (thus calling up all records), but if any entries are
made into the selection form before it's submitted, then each such entry is combined
(using an "and" operator so that everything must match) to allow us to become highly
selective in the records that are chosen.
A final note on this example: The example assumes that the database and table
already exist when data is first inserted or selected. Creating the table in a live appli-
cation should be a one-off operation, and you really don't want to write a Servlet just
to do it; much better to use the tools provided with the SQL engine. In our case that
means the mysql program itself. In order to recreate an empty table before new
courses (and also so that trainees can do this for themselves), we've provided an SQL
script file:
# make_J850.sql - make up database for Java Servlet to JDBC demo
# Data is based on populations for a medical research group.
drop database if exists J850;
create database J850;
use J850;
drop table if exists population;
create table population (
id int primary key auto_increment,
fullname text,
ethnicorigin text,
born date
# Make up a test record
insert into population (fullname, ethnicorigin, born)
values ("Graham Ellis", "Caucasian", "1954-07-16");
Example: A more general table management Servlet
We've just completed above the study of quite a long example to show you the
mechanisms of updating and querying a specific table. Code in that example is
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 309
Chapter 26
repeated for each field, and the field names occur in multiple places in the code.
Why?Just because that makes it easier to follow for newcomers for maintenance,
it's going to be a nightmare as the code grows.
Here's a further example, which is a single servlet class that generates the forms,
and also calls both the insert and the select queries. It replaces three files from our
previous example, and furthermore it only includes one explicit reference to each
field name making it very easy to change in the future.
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* General class for inserting and reporting on a table
public class J850staff extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
String action = "Unselected";
try {
action = request.getParameter("action");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (action == null) action = "Unselected";
String [] fields = {"name","job","office","hometown","title"};
String reply = "";
if (action.equals("Unselected")) {
reply = "Hello and Welcome";
} else if (action.startsWith("Insert")) {
reply = runInsert(fields,request);
} else if (action.startsWith("Select")) {
reply = runSelect(fields,request);
} else {
reply = "Corrupt form";
reply = reply + "<BR><HR><BR>" + getForms(fields);
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String runInsert (String [] fields,HttpServletRequest request) {
StringBuffer fnames = new StringBuffer("");
StringBuffer fvals = new StringBuffer("");
310 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
String called = request.getParameter(fields[i]);
if (i>0) fnames.append(", ");
if (i>0) fvals.append(", ");
J850sjdbc.insert(fnames.toString(), fvals.toString());
return ("Insertion Done");
String runSelect (String [] fields,HttpServletRequest request) {
StringBuffer fselect = new StringBuffer("where ");
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
String called = request.getParameter(fields[i]);
if (! called.equals(""))
if (fselect.length() > 6) {
fselect.append(" && ");
fselect.append (fields[i] + " = '" +
called +"' ");
if (fselect.length() <= 6) {
fselect = new StringBuffer("");
return (J850sjdbc.select(fields, fselect.toString()));
String getForms (String [] fields) {
StringBuffer insert = new StringBuffer("<table border=1>");
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
insert.append("<tr><td>"+fields[i]+"</td><td><input name="+
insert.append("<tr><td>then ..</td><td>"+
"<input type=submit name=action value=Insert>"+
"<input type=submit name=action value=Select>"+
return ("<form>"+insert.toString()+"</form>");
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 311
Chapter 26
Let's see the form (see Figure 108.) that generates when we first run it (and note
the URL is direct to the servlet!).
Figure 108 The formwhen first run.
The form here was generated by the Servlet itself, which starts off by checking
which submit button was pressed, and if it was neither puts up the welcome form.
Should the Insert or Select button be pressed, the resulting action is performed and
the result reported prior to the generation of a new form - thus providing a mecha-
nism through which a series of updates and enquiries can be made without having to
keep following links back to the form.
Figure 109 Result of the completed
312 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
Here's the source code of that class that references the SQL database:
public class J850sjdbc {
public static String insert(String names, String values) {
java.sql.Connection conn = linktodata();
String todo = ("INSERT into staff " +
"(" + names + ") values (" + values + ")");
try {
java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
int r = s.executeUpdate (todo);
catch (Exception e) {
return ("Oh oops - code 003\n"+e);
return (todo);
public static String select(String [] fields, String selector) {
java.sql.Connection conn = linktodata();
StringBuffer reply = new StringBuffer("<table border=1>");
String todo = ("SELECT * "+
" from staff " + selector);
try {
java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
java.sql.ResultSet r = s.executeQuery (todo);
while(r.next()) {
for (int i=0;i<fields.length;i++) {
catch (Exception e) {
return ("Oh oops - code 003\n"+e);
return (reply.toString());
private static String tabit(String box) {
return ("<td>"+box+"</td>");
private static java.sql.Connection linktodata () {
Java Programming for the Web JDBC Relational Database Access 313
Chapter 26
java.sql.Connection conn = null;
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return conn;
// return "Oh dear - code 001 and a quarter";
try {
conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
catch (Exception e) {
return conn;
// return "Oh dear - code 001 and a half";
return conn;
Perhaps the most major change in this example from the previous one is the use
of loops to pass through each field of the database table in turn, collecting the field
names in each case from an array of strings that is set up in just a single place in the
code. Note the heavy use of StringBuffers to build up response strings (e.g. HTML
tables, SQL commands) affecting every field.
Although there are many enhancements that can be made to this example, you'll
find that it provides at least a starting point for many applications of Java, where you
want to provide an Internet-(or intranet) to-database bridge.
Enhancing our examples
Remember, "Design MATTERS". If you're in at the start of a project, you should
give great attention to the overall structure and design of that project and plan to the
best of your ability for current and foreseen future requirements from day one, and
you should give great consideration to the design before you write even one line of
code. If you jump in to coding on day one without a thorough understanding of your
customer's requirement of your work, then you risk both wasting a huge amount of
resources, and providing a poor or unacceptable solution. For larger projects, you
may wish to consider using formal design methods such as UML, and design tools
such as Rose to manage your designs.
Our examples in this section of the course are fit for the purpose for which they
were written, which was to illustrate the mechanisms that you may use to interface
SQL databases to the Web through Java, but for a production environment there will
be many more aspects to consider. Here are a number of pointers and ideas for you
to consider. Many of these would be necessary enhancements to our examples were
you to wish to use them in a live situation:
Provision of edit and delete capabilities. Did you notice that once we had inserted
data into our table, we had no way of removing or correcting it?
Provision of the ability to handle fields of different types; our example was
restricted purely to table of textual strings.
Limiting the number of records reported back and/ or providing a paging mecha-
nism; while our table remains short, reporting everything is fine ... but if you have
a database of several megabytes it would not be.
Requesting confirmation as data is entered (or updated). It's very clever of our
table to provide a single form for both data entry and selection, but it's almost too
clever; it would be very easy indeed for the user to make errors.
314 JDBC Relational Database Access Well House Consultants, Ltd.
A mechanism to allow different levels of access to different users, including a login
capability, passwords, maintenance of state (i.e. Knowing who is who as users move
on from one page to the next in a sequence), and also the provision of a mecha-
nism to manage the users.
You may wish to consider using the JSP interface as an alternative to using Servlets
directly, especially if your database is a small part of a major web site which is main-
tained by a team using software tools such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage, and
coming from a graphic arts background.
The selection mechanism should be improved; our samples required an exact
match to a field for a record to be supported, whereas a regular expression match
might be more appropriate. This could be done using the Apache class (Java prior
to 1.4), the built-in Regular Expressions introduced in Java 1.4, or the regular
expression capabilities that are available in database engines such as MySQL. You
might also wish to provide more advanced search capabilities such as "or" as well
as "and", "not", and so on.
The application could be enhanced to support multiple tables, and relate them to
one another as data was entered, and also as the data is selected and reported.
Rather than generating the complete HTML response page within your Java, you
might wish to read in template response pages from files (or from another database
table) and then replace markers in those templates with your results. This helps
keep the HTML and Java separate, allowing for easier maintenance, especially if
you have different experts in each of the languages on your staff.
As a further step of generalisation of our example, you might wish to hold the field
names in a configuration file rather than in the Java code itself, allowing the same
applet to be used across a series of applications. As you start to provide enhance-
ments such as this (the config file would include text descriptions of each field,
field names, field types), and also standard profiles for the HTML, you're moving
away from developing a specific application and towards a much more exciting
content management system!
Remember: Design MATTERS. If you are about to embark on a project which
uses the facilities described in this section, you need to talk to your user, listen and
learn about his requirements, and consider how which of the enhancements we
describe above might apply and don't be too shocked if they all apply to you!
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