Lesson Title: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators

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Lesson Title: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators

Teacher: Ms. Sauerwein

Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: 6
Time Required: 60 minute
Essential Question:
To extend addition and subtraction to mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

Prerequisites (Prior knowledge)

The students need to know how to add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. They
also need to know how to change a mixed number into an improper fraction and vise versa.

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #)

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design,
as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions

Standard 3: Mathematics

Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by

communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-
world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number
systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.

Intended Learning Outcome (Should define what students will know and be able to do and at what level of
mastery they should be able to do it.)

Students will know… Student will be able to…

1. The students will know the definition 1. Student will be able to add and subtract
of a mix number. mixed numbers with like denominators,
2. The students will know the definition by show all their work on the math
of an improper fraction. journal page 136.
2. Student will be able to change a mixed
number to an improper fraction to solve
addition and subtraction problems.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
Teacher-Created Assessments
Math message: The students will add and subtract mixed number with same denominator. There
are eight problems. The students have about 5-10 minutes to complete this. Students will then
take out a red pen and as a whole group we will correct the worksheet.

There will be a test when we complete all of unit four.
(Performance Assessments: )
The students will be asked to write down (wipe off board) an addition problems mixed number
with unlike denominators.

(Other Assessments: Peer, Self)


(Assessment Adaptations)
There are no adaptations to any of the test for students with special needs. The students will be
able to get an accommodation they need for the unit test but the test itself will be the same.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities
Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:
e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc.
This lesson will take place in the classroom with the students at their assigned seats. The lesson will start off
as a whole group then the students will work independently.
Introducing the lesson:
(capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior knowledge).
To introduce the lesson the students will complete the math message. Once we go over the math
message problems, I will ask them what do you think you do when you have a mixed number
addition or subtraction problems that have different denominators.

Instructional Sequence:
(representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.)
Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…)
1. On the smart board, I will load page 136 1. The students will write the steps and the
in the math journal. Together we will work to the problems in their math
walk through the steps of answering the journals, we answer on the smart board.
problems. 2. The students will finish the math journal
2. After the first half of the paper is page by themselves and show all work.
finished I will ask the students to show 3. While the student is at the smart board
their work and answer the last six teaching us how to work out the problem
questions on the page. During this I will the rest of the students should have their
be walking around the room to check for eyes on the student and they should be
student understanding of the material. checking their work. If they have the
3. I will then ask students to come up to the wrong answer they should be coping the
board and teach us how to answer the work the student puts on the board.
problems they just worked on. 4. The students should be answering and
4. On the smart board, as a class we will coping what we have on the smart board
answer the questions in the math journal in their journal.
on pages 137 and 138.
Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate:
There are no adaptations.
Discussion and Assessment of Learning:
(Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’
learning as a result of the lesson)

Extensions for early finishers:
For any student that finishes early they may start on their homework, which is study link 4-5.
Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:
For the struggling students they are asked to come and see me during a study hall or to stay over
school for 13th period.
(already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this lesson)
The ticket out of the room is to write down (wipe off board) an addition problems mixed number
with unlike denominators.

Lesson Development Resources

Technology Tools and Materials:
(classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)
~ Math Massage half sheet work sheet
~Students Math Journals
~Teacher manual (Everyday math book)
~Red pen
~Study link 4-5
~Wipe Off board
~Smart Board
(Parent/Community Resources)
(Contact Information)
Lesson Title: Teacher Tube Video on Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with
Unlike Denominators
Teacher: Ms. Sauerwein
Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: 6
Time Required: 60 minute
Essential Question:
To extend knowledge on addition and subtraction to mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

Prerequisites (Prior knowledge)

The students need to know how to add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. They
also need to know how to change a mixed number into an improper fraction and vise versa. As of
now they should have an understanding on how to add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike
Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #)

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design,
as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions

Standard 3: Mathematics

Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by

communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-
world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number
systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.

Standard 5: Technology

Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and
evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
Intended Learning Outcome (Should define what students will know and be able to do and at what level of
mastery they should be able to do it.)

Students will know… Student will be able to…

1. The students will know the definition of 1. Student will be able to add and subtract
a mix number. mixed numbers with like denominators,
2. The students will know the definition of by show all their work on the math
an improper fraction. journal page 136.
2. Student will be able to change a mixed
number to an improper fraction to solve
addition and subtraction problems.
3. Students will be able to watch a teacher
tube video about adding and subtracting
unlike denominators.
4. Students will be able to work in a group
and write a script for a teacher tube video
about the same topic.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
Teacher-Created Assessments
Math message: The students will add and subtract mixed number with unlike denominators.
There are eight problems. The students have about 5-10 minutes to complete this. Students will
then take out a red pen and as a whole group we will correct the worksheet.

The students will be taking a unit test when we finish all of unit four.
(Performance Assessments: )
The students will be producing a teacher tube video based on their knowledge on adding and
subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

(Other Assessments: Peer, Self)


(Assessment Adaptations)
There are no adaptations to any of the test for students with special needs. The students will be
able to get an accommodation they need for the unit test but the test itself will be the same.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities
Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:
e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc.
This lesson will take place in the classroom as a whole group and small group activities.
Introducing the lesson:
(capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior knowledge).
To introduce the lesson the students will complete the math message. Once we go over the math
message problems. I will then show the teacher tube video on the smart board (this is the same
video as yesterdays). I will then explain they will be using their scripts they made yesterday to
create a teacher tube video.
Instructional Sequence:
(representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.)
Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…)
1. I will load and watch the teacher tube 1. The students will write the steps and the
video on the smart board. work to the problems in their math journals,
2. I will ask the students to get into the same we answer on the smart board.
groups of four as yesterday. I will had out 2. The students will get together with their
the scripts and ask the students to practice groups and start practicing their skits.
their skits. During this time I will be 3. After about 15-20 minutes the students
walking around the room helping each group will set up and perform their skits. For those
out. who are not participating they will be
3. After about 15-20 minutes I will ask the respectful and quietly watching the other
students to get ready and I will ask each groups perform.
group to set up and I will record their skits.
Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate:
There are no adaptations.
Discussion and Assessment of Learning:
(Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’
learning as a result of the lesson)

Extensions for early finishers:
Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:
(already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this lesson)

Lesson Development Resources

Technology Tools and Materials:
(classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)
~ Math Massage half sheet work sheet
~Red pen
~Teacher Tube video
~Smart Board
~Any materials may be used that are around the room for the group skits
~Video Recorder
(Parent/Community Resources)
There is a consent form the parents need to sign. This is permission for their student to appear in
a teacher tube video that will be placed on teacher tube.
(Contact Information)

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