May Architecture and Design
May Architecture and Design
May Architecture and Design
24497 Beierman Warren, Ml 48091 810.759-4469 www.mayarchitecturedesi n.c!m "ecem#er 11, 2001 Mr. $im Mitte 8479 %!l ate &a' (ar', M) 482*7 "ear Mr. Mitte+
&ne m!nth a !, y!u a,,r!-ed May .rchitecture and "esi n/s ,r!,!sal t! desi n a ara e 0!r y!ur h!useh!ld. 1!u t!ld us that y!u w!uld need en!u h s,ace in y!ur ara e t! ,ar' tw! 2ee,s and st!re t!!ls as well as #i'in , s'iin and sn!w#!ardin e3ui,ment. ) c!m,leted the 0l!!r ,lan !0 y!ur ara e and am ,re,ared t! ,resent the desi n and my rec!mmendati!ns t! y!u and y!ur r!!mmates. .ttached is my re,!rt !n the ara e desi n 0!r y!ur h!useh!ld. %!-ered in the re,!rt are the ara e desi n, an analysis !0 the desi n includin a c!st analysis, and rec!mmendati!ns. )0 y!u ha-e any 3uesti!ns, ,lease c!ntact me at 810.759.4469. 4incerely,
.my May %5& and %hie0 .rchitect May .rchitecture and "esi n 5ncl!sures
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6,!n a,,r!-al !0 the desi n ,r!,!sal, an architect desi ned a ara e 0!r a h!useh!ld in &a' (ar', Michi an. 7he architect w!r'ed !n this ,r!2ect !-er the c!urses !0 se-en wee's. 4he inter-iewed the three clients t! determine what 0eatures they needed in a ara e and researched the 8!nin in0!rmati!n 0!r the city !0 &a' (ar' t! determine the ma9imum ,!ssi#le ara e si8e. 7he architect c!m,iled the clients/ in0!rmati!n and 8!nin in0!rmati!n t! determine the actual ara e si8e, desi ned the 0l!!r ,lan, and c!m,leted the re,!rt. 7he rec!mmended desi n is a 1*/ hi h, 24/ : 24/ ara e, which is a m!di0icati!n !0 the desi n 0!und at htt,+;;www.aard-ar'h!use-,lans.c!m. 7he desi n ,r!-ides am,le r!!m t! ,ar' tw! 2ee,s and st!re t!!ls and s,!rts e3ui,ment. 7he ara e 0eatures a tw!-car ara e d!!r !00erin easy access t! either !0 the -ehicles inside. 7he desi n als! includes a d!!r !n the h!use side !0 the ara e all!win 0!r easy access t! the ara e when c!min 0r!m the h!use. 7he desi n c!st is <1,700. 7he estimated c!st !0 c!nstructi!n is <11,*78.90. 7he estimated t!tal c!st !0 the ,r!2ect is <1*,078.90.
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7he desi n 0eatures a 1*/ hi h, 24/ : 24/ ara e with en!u h r!!m 0!r tw! 2ee,s and st!ra e area 0!r s,!rts e3ui,ment and t!!ls =htt,+;;www.aard-ar'-h!use-,lans.c!m>. )t has a side d!!r !n the west side =h!use side> !0 the ara e all!win 0!r easy access 0r!m the h!use, and a tw!-car ara e d!!r 0!r easy accessi#ility when m!-in either -ehicle. 7he ara e will ,r!-ide Mr. Mitte and his r!!mmates with a ,lace t! ,ar' their 2ee,s that will 'ee, them sa0e 0r!m harsh weather. 7hey will als! #e a#le t! clear u, the clutter in their #asement #y m!-in their s,!rts e3ui,ment and t!!ls t! the ara e. ?a-in a ara e will als! increase the resale -alue !0 the h!use =htt,+;;www.century2l .c!m>.
7he desi n c!st is <1,700. 7he estimated c!nstructi!n c!st is <1 1,*78.90. 7he estimated t!tal c!st is <1*,078.90.
"ue t! the reat #ene0its that will result 0r!m ha-in the ara e and the a00!rda#le c!nstructi!n c!st, there is n! reas!n n!t t! m!-e int! the c!nstructi!n ,hase at this time, and ) su est that Mr. Mitte+ @ ?a-e, May .rchitecture and "esi n #uild the ara e desi n. @ Maintain the ara e e9teri!r #y cleanin the sidin e-ery s,rin @ 5-aluate the s,ace in si9 m!nths t! determine i0 additi!nal shel-in is needed @ %!ntact May .rchitecture and "esi n with any 3uesti!ns, c!ncerns !r needs. What 0!ll!ws is a re,!rt !n the ara e desi n 0!r the Mitte h!useh!ld. )ncluded in the re,!rt are the ara e desi n, a c!st analysis !0 the desi n, and rec!mmendati!ns.
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4ince Mr. Mitte and his 0riends t!!' residency in the 1100 s3uare 0!!t h!use in &a' (ar', Michi an nearly tw! years a !, they ha-e needed a ara e 0!r their 2ee,s and eneral st!ra e. 7he three men/s 2ee,s ha-e #een dama ed #y weather due t! lac' !0 ,r!tecti!n 0r!m a ara e. .ls!, items that w!uld !therwise #e st!red in a ara e, such as #i'es, s'is, sn!w#!ards and ,!wer t!!ls, clutter the #asement !0 Mr. Mitte/s h!use. Mr. Mitte, Mr. %arney and Mr. M! elnic'i wanted a ara e #ut did n!t ha-e the e9,ertise t! desi n !ne t! suit their needs =4. %arney, $. Mitte, $. M! elnic'i, ,ers!nal c!mmunicati!n, &ct!#er *0, 2001>. &ne m!nth a !, Mr. Mitte a,,r!-ed a ,r!,!sal t! ha-e May .rchitecture and "esi n desi n a ara e 0!r his h!use in &a' (ar', Michi an. ) c!m,leted the ara e desi n, which 0eatures a 1*/ hi h, 24/ : 24/ ara e with am,le r!!m t! ,ar' tw! 2ee,s and st!re t!!ls and s,!rts e3ui,ment. 7he 0l!!r ,lan can #e seen in Ai ure 2 !n (a e 7, and is a m!di0icati!n !0 the desi n 0!und at htt,+;;www.aard-ar'-h!use-,lans.c!m.
When desi nin the ara e 0!r the Mitte h!useh!ld ) c!ncentrated !n ma'in the desi n+ Bar e en!u h t! acc!mm!date the needs !0 Mr. Mitte and his r!!mmates 5asy t! access, c!nsiderin #!th the st!ra e area and -ehicle s,ace .00!rda#le en!u h 0!r Mr. Mitte t! all!w c!nstructi!n
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By 'ee,in the ,recedin !als in mind durin the desi n ,r!cess, ) c!m,leted a desi n with the 0!ll!win 0eatures, ,resentin the 0!ll!win #ene0its t! Mr. Mitte and his r!!mmates+ @ . 1*/ hi h, 24/ : 24/ ara e with en!u h r!!m 0!r tw! 2ee,s and st!ra e area 0!r s,!rts e3ui,ment and t!!ls @ . side d!!r !n the west side !0 the ara e, all!win easy access 0r!m the h!use @ . tw!-car ara e d!!r 0!r easy access when m!-in 2ee,s in and !ut @ .n a00!rda#le desi n that c!mes within #ud et
What 0!ll!ws is a re,!rt !n the ara e desi n 0!r the Mitte h!useh!ld. )ncluded in the re,!rt are the ara e desi n, a c!st analysis !0 the desi n, and rec!mmendati!ns.
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7he 0!ll!win is a list !0 the su,,lies used t! c!m,lete the desi n and ,r!2ect+ @ Cra,hics (r! ram @ W!rd (r!cess!r @ )nternet
(a e *
) w!r'ed 0!r se-en wee's !n the inter-iewin ,r!cess, research and ara e desi n. 7he #rea'd!wn !0 when each ,art !0 the ,r!2ect was c!m,leted and h!w l!n it t!!' can #est #e seen in a Cantt chartD =4ee 7a#le 1, #el!w>. 7a#le 1+ Cantt %hart 4h!win Wee'ly 4chedule Task Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Oct 28 )nter-iewed %lients %!m,iled (r!,!sal Eesearched &rdinances %!m,iled ; .naly8ed "ata Nov 4 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 25 Dec 2 Dec 9
7he time ) s,ent w!r'in !n the inter-iew ,r!cess, ,r!,!sal, research, and desi n all 0act!r int! the desi n c!st. ) l! ed the h!urs s,ent !n each tas'. ) char e <52 an h!ur, ,lus a retainer 0ee !0 <400. 7he #rea'd!wn !0 the desi n c!st can #e seen in 7a#le 2, #el!w. 7a#le 2+ "esi n %!sts. Week 1 2 * 4 5 6 Task )nter-iewed %lients %!m,leted (r!,!sal Eesearched %!m,iled )n0!rmati!n "esi ned Cara e %!m,leted Ee,!rt Hours Worked @ $52 per Hour 2 h!urs F <52 ,er h!ur 4 h!urs F <52 ,er h!ur 1 h!ur F <52 ,er h!ur * h!urs F <52 ,er h!ur 8h!ursF<42,erh!ur 7 h!urs F <52 ,er h!ur Cost <104.00 <208.00 <52.00 <156.00 <416.00 <*64.00
Tota Hours
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Figure 2: Garage Floor Plan. 7he 0l!!r ,lan 0eatures a 1*/ hi h, 24/ : 24/ ara e. 7his si8e ara e ,r!-ides am,le r!!m 0!r tw! 2ee,s and st!ra e area 0!r t!!ls and s,!rts e3ui,ment. 7he hei ht all!ws r!!m 0!r st!ra e in the ra0ters and 0!r shel-es t! #e #uilt later i0 the st!ra e s,ace is needed. 7he side d!!r all!ws easy access int! the ara e 0!rm the h!use side !0 the l!t. 7he ara e d!!r is a tw!-car d!!r as the clients re3uested. 7here is n! wind!w !n the s!uth side !0 the ara e, ,er clients re3uestD h!we-er, there is a wind!w !n the side !0 the ara e. 7he ara e 0eatures and #ene0its are summari8ed in 7a#le * !n (a e 8.
(a e 7
4ide "!!r
4in le 2-%ar Cara e "!!r White .luminum 4idin Blac' .luminum 4idin
7he desi n has si9 n!ta#le 0eatures that ,r!-ide reat #ene0its t! the clients and meet their uidelines.
(a e 8
7he rec!mmended desi n meets the !als !0 the ,r!2ect, which are+ e00icient si8e, easy accessi#ility and a00!rda#ility. 7he desi n c!st was discussed and can #e seen in 7a#le 2 !n (a e 5. 7he c!st !0 c!nstructi!n is the ne9t 0act!r t! c!nsider when e-aluatin the desi n and can #e seen in 7a#le 4, #el!w. 7a#le 4+ 5stimated %!nstructi!n %!sts. *ater$a W!!d2/:4/:8/ W!!d2/:4/:12/ W!!d 2/ : 12/ : 18/ 7russ 5nds %enter Beams W!!d 4/:8/:G/ Aacial W!!d 4ide "!!r 4hin le 43uares 4idin (i'es 4idin Metal Cara e "!!r 5lectrical A!undati!n Buildin (ermits Ba#!r +%$ts Needed 70 24 2 2 17 27 148 1 1* * 5.75 1 1 1 1 1 Tota Cost Cost per +%$t <2.00 <*.00 <100.00 <60.00 <60.00 <8.00 <0.80 <90.00 <*0.00 <*0.00 <*0.00 <700.00 <1,500.00 <4,000.00 <50.00 <2,500.00 Tota Cost <140.00 <72.00 <200.00 <120.00 <1,020.00 <216.00 <118.40 <90.00 <*90.00 <90.00 <172.50 <700.00 <1,500.00 <4,000.00 <50.00 <2,500.00 $1 1,378-9.
) am ,leased with the 0eatures !00ered #y the rec!mmended ara e desi n and the !utc!me !0 the c!st analysis. ) am ,re,ared t! m!-e int! the c!nstructi!n ,hase !0 the ,r!2ect u,!n Mr. Mitte/s re3uest.
(a e 9
7he additi!n !0 a ara e, desi ned #y May .rchitecture and "esi n, t! the Mitte h!useh!ld ,r!-ides the 0!ll!win #ene0its. . ,lace t! ,ar' the 2ee,s, sa0e 0r!m harsh weather. 4t!ra e 0!r s,!rts e3ui,ment and t!!ls. )ncreased resale -alue !0 the h!use =htt,+;;www.century2l .c!m>.
"ue t! the reat #ene0its that will result 0r!m ha-in the ara e, and the a00!rda#le c!nstructi!n c!st, ) su est that Mr. Mitte+ Eetain May .rchitecture and "esi n t! #uild the rec!mmended ara e desi n. Maintain the ara e e9teri!r #y cleanin the sidin e-ery s,rin . 5-aluate the s,ace in si9 m!nths t! determine i0 additi!nal shel-in is needed. %!ntact May .rchitecture and "esi n with any 3uesti!ns, c!ncerns !r needs.
7he desi n will ,r!-ide the Mitte h!useh!ld with a suita#le ara e 0!r their 2ee,s and eneral st!ra e. ?a-in a ara e will als! increase the resale -alue !0 the h!use =htt,+;;www.century2l .c!m>. 7here is n! reas!n n!t t! m!-e int! the c!nstructi!n ,hase at this time. )0 y!u ha-e any 3uesti!ns ,lease c!ntact me at 810.759.4469.
(a e 10
.ard-ar' h!use ,lans, ara e ,lans. Aardvark house plans. Eetrie-ed H!-em#er 21, 2001 0r!m the W!rld Wide We#+ htt,+;;www.aard-ar'-h!use-,lans.c!m %arney, 4., Eesident. =&ct!#er *0, 2001>. (ers!nal inter-iew. %ity !0 &a' (ar', Michi an "e,artment !0 7echnical and (lannin 4er-ices. City of Oak Park, Michigan. Eetrie-ed &ct!#er 29, 2001 0r!m the W!rld Wide We#+ http:Ilwww. !a',ar'-mi.c!m;technica.htm Mitte, $., ?!me!wner. =&ct!#er *0, 2001>. (ers!nal inter-iew. M! elnic'i, $., Eesident. =&ct!#er *0, 2001>. (ers!nal inter-iew. 4ellin my h!me with %entury 21. Century 2 real estate for the real world. Eetrie-ed H!-em#er 1, 2001 0r!m the W!rld Wide We#+ htt,+;Iwww.century2l .c!m Winer, C., %ity !0 &a' (ar' Buildin )ns,ect!r. =H!-em#er 20, 2001>. (ers!nal inter-iew.
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