Asme Seccion 5 2010
Asme Seccion 5 2010
Asme Seccion 5 2010
Nondestructi e E!a"ination
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee on Nondestructi e E!a"ination
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Date o. Issuance6 ;ul' 1% 2010 ?Includes all Addenda dated ;ul' 2002 and earlier@
T)is international code or standard ,as de elo&ed under &rocedures accredited as "eetin( t)e criteria .or A"erican National Standards and it is an A"erican National StandardA T)e Standards Co""ittee t)at a&&ro ed t)e code or standard ,as *alanced to assure t)at indi iduals .ro" co"&etent and concerned interests )a e )ad an o&&ortunit' to &artici&ateA T)e &ro&osed code or standard ,as "ade a aila*le .or &u*lic re ie, and co""ent t)at &ro ides an o&&ortunit' .or additional &u*lic in&ut .ro" industr'% acade"ia% re(ulator' a(encies% and t)e &u*lic#at#lar(eA ASME does not Ba&&ro e%C Brate%C or BendorseC an' ite"% construction% &ro&rietar' de ice% or acti it'A ASME does not ta-e an' &osition ,it) res&ect to t)e alidit' o. an' &atent ri()ts asserted in connection ,it) an' ite"s "entioned in t)is docu"ent% and does not underta-e to insure an'one utiliDin( a standard a(ainst lia*ilit' .or in.rin(e"ent o. an' a&&lica*le letters &atent% nor assu"e an' suc) lia*ilit'A <sers o. a code or standard are e!&ressl' ad ised t)at deter"ination o. t)e alidit' o. an' suc) &atent ri()ts% and t)e ris- o. in.rin(e"ent o. suc) ri()ts% is entirel' t)eir o,n res&onsi*ilit'A Partici&ation *' .ederal a(enc' re&resentati e?s@ or &erson?s@ a.!liated ,it) industr' is not to *e inter&reted as (o ern"ent or industr' endorse"ent o. t)is code or standardA ASME acce&ts res&onsi*ilit' .or onl' t)ose inter&retations o. t)is docu"ent issued in accordance ,it) t)e esta*lis)ed ASME &rocedures and &olicies% ,)ic) &recludes t)e issuance o. inter&retations *' indi idualsA
T)e .ootnotes in t)is docu"ent are &art o. t)is A"erican National StandardA
T)e a*o e ASME s'"*ols are re(istered in t)e <ASA Patent O.!ceA BASMEC is t)e trade"ar- o. t)e A"erican Societ' o. Mec)anical En(ineersA T)e S&eci!cations &u*lis)ed and co&'ri()ted *' t)e A"erican Societ' .or Testin( and Materials are re&roduced ,it) t)e Societ'Es &er"issionA No &art o. t)is docu"ent "a' *e re&roduced in an' .or"% in an electronic retrie al s'ste" or ot)er,ise% ,it)out t)e &rior ,ritten &er"ission o. t)e &u*lis)erA Li*rar' o. Con(ress Catalo( Card Nu"*er6 14#F2FG Printed in t)e <nited States o. A"erica Ado&ted *' t)e Council o. t)e A"erican Societ' o. Mec)anical En(ineers% 121GA Re ised 12G0% 12G1% 12GF% 12G4% 12G2% 1212% 121F% 1214% 1212% 1242% 1241% 1243% 1251% 125G% 1255% 1230% 123F% 1234% 1232% 1222% 1221% 1223% 2001% 200G% 2005% 2010 T)e A"erican Societ' o. Mec)anical En(ineers T)ree Par- A enue% Ne, 7or-% N7 10014#1220
Co&'ri()t H 2010 *' T+E AMERICAN SOCIET7 O8 MEC+ANICAL ENIINEERS All Ri()ts Reser ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
List o. Sections A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 8ore,ord A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A State"ents o. Polic' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Personnel A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ASTM Personnel A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Su""ar' o. C)an(es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A List o. C)an(es in Record Nu"*er Order A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A !i ! i ! iii !i! !!!i !!!ii !!!i
S<BSECTION A Article 1 T#110 T#120 T#1F0 T#110 T#140 T#150 T#130 T#120
NONDESTR<CTIVE MET+ODS O8 E=AMINATION A A A A A A A A A A A A Ieneral ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ProcedureA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"inations and Ins&ectionsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Records 0Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 F F F
Mandator' A&&endi! I Non"andator' A&&endi! A Article 2 T#210 T#220 T#2F0 T#240 T#250 T#230 T#220 I"&er.ection s T'&e o. NDE Met)odA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Radio(ra&)ic E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ieneral ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent and Materials A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 5 5 5 5 2 10 1G 11 Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Nondestructi e E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G
8i(ure T#251 Ta*les T#2FFA1 T#2FFA2 T#254 T#23F +ole#T'&e IKI Desi(nation% T)ic-ness% and +ole Dia"eters A A A A A A A A A A A A Lire IKI Desi(nation% Lire Dia"eter% and Lire Identit' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IKI SelectionA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui alent +ole#T'&e IKI Sensiti it'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3 3 1F 11
Mandator' A&&endices IIn#Motion Radio(ra&)' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIReal#Ti"e Radiosco&ic E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIIDi(ital I"a(e AcJuisition% Dis&la'% and Stora(e .or Radio(ra&)' and Radiosco&' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IVInter&retation% E aluation% and Dis&osition o. Radio(ra&)ic and Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Test Results Produced *' t)e Di(ital I"a(e AcJuisition and Dis&la' ProcessA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIlossar' o. Ter"s .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIDi(ital I"a(e AcJuisition% Dis&la'% Inter&retation% and Stora(e o. Radio(ra&)s .or Nuclear A&&lications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIIRadio(ra&)ic E!a"ination o. Metallic Castin(s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIIIRadio(ra&)' <sin( P)os&)or I"a(in( PlateA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I=A&&lication o. Di(ital Radio(ra&)' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
14 15 12
20 21 2F 23 23 F0
Non"andator' A&&endices AReco""ended Radio(ra&)ic Tec)niJue S-etc)es .or Pi&e or Tu*e LeldsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C+ole#T'&e IKI Place"ent S-etc)es .or Lelds A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A DNu"*er o. IKIs ?S&ecial Cases@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
FF F4 F4
Article G T#G10 T#G20 T#GF0 T#GG0 T#G10 T#G40 T#G50 T#G30 T#G20
<ltrasonic E!a"ination Met)ods .or LeldsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Miscellaneous ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Tec)niJues A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
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Mandator' A&&endices IScreen +ei()t Linearit' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIA"&litude Control Linearit'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIITi"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ Tec)niJueA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IVP)ased Arra' Manual Raster E!a"ination Tec)niJues <sin( Linear Arra's A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VP)ased Arra' E#Scan and S#Scan Linear Scannin( E!a"ination Tec)niJues A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
14 14 14 41 42
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
<ltrasonic E!a"ination ReJuire"ents .or Lor-"ans)i& Based Acce&tance CriteriaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A <ltrasonic E!a"ination ReJuire"ents .or a 8racture Mec)anics Based Acce&tance CriteriaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Procedure Kuali!cation ReJuire"ents .or 8la, SiDin( and Cate(oriDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
4F 4G 44
Non"andator' A&&endices A B C D E I I ; 9 L La'out o. Vessel Re.erence Points A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 43 Ieneral Tec)niJues .or An(le Bea" Cali*rationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 43 Ieneral Tec)niJues .or Strai()t Bea" Cali*rations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5G E!a"&les o. Recordin( An(le Bea" E!a"ination Data A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5G Co"&uteriDed I"a(in( Tec)niJues A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 55 Alternate Cali*ration Bloc- Con!(uration A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3F E!a"ination o. Lelds <sin( An(le Bea" Searc) <nits A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3F Alternati e Basic Cali*ration Bloc- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 31 Recordin( Strai()t Bea" E!a"ination Data .or Planar Re!ectors A A A A A A A 34 TO8D SiDin( De"onstration0Dual Pro*e M Co"&uter I"a(in( Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 33 Ieneral Tec)niJues .or An(le Bea" Lon(itudinal La e Cali*rationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20 Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ Inter&retation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2F Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ Tec)niJue M Ieneral E!a"ination Con!(urations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 112
<ltrasonic E!a"ination Met)ods .or Materials A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 111 Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 111 111 111 114 113 112 112
8i(ure T#1FGAF Ta*le T#122 Mandator' A&&endices I II III IV Article 4 T#410 T#420 T#4F0 T#4G0 T#410 <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Pu"&s and Val es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Inser ice E!a"ination o. NoDDle Inside Corner Radius and Inner Corner Re(ions A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Inser ice E!a"ination o. Bolts A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 121 121 122 12F 12G 12G 12G 12G 12G 121 Varia*les o. an <ltrasonic E!a"ination Procedure A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 114 Strai()t Bea" Cali*ration Bloc-s .or Boltin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 115
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#440 T#450 T#430 T#420 Ta*les T#421 T#452 Mandator' A&&endices I II III
ReJuire"ents o. a LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination Procedure A A A A A A A A A A A A 124 Mini"u" D,ell Ti"es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 125
Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or LiJuid Penetrant E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F0 Control o. Conta"inants .or LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F0 Kuali!cation Tec)niJues .or E!a"inations at Nonstandard Te"&eratures A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F1 Ma(netic Particle E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FF Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Miscellaneous ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FF 1FF 1FF 1FF 1FG 1F5 1G0 1G2 1G2
Article 5 T#510 T#520 T#5F0 T#5G0 T#510 T#540 T#550 T#530 T#520
8i(ures T#51GA2A1 T#51GA2A2 T#54GA1A1 T#54GA1A2A1 T#54GA1A2A2 T#544A1 Ta*le T#521 Mandator' A&&endices I II III IV Ma(netic Particle E!a"ination <sin( t)e AC 7o-e Tec)niJue on 8erritic Materials Coated Lit) Non"a(netic Coatin(s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ma(netic Particle E!a"ination <sin( t)e 7o-e Tec)niJue Lit) 8luorescent Particles in an <ndar-ened AreaA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Kuali!cation o. Alternate La elen(t) Li()t Sources .or E!citation o. 8luorescent ParticlesA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1GG 1G4 1G5 1G3 Non"andator' A&&endi! A Article 3 T#310 Measure"ent o. Tan(ential 8ield Stren(t) Lit) Iauss"eters A A A A A A A A A A A 110 Edd' Current E!a"ination o. Tu*ular ProductsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 111 Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 111
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Sin(le#Pass and T,o#Pass Central Conductor Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A T)e E..ecti e Re(ion o. E!a"ination L)en <sin( an O..set Central Conductor A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Pie#S)a&ed Ma(netic Particle 8ield Indicator A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Arti!cial 8la, S)i"s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Arti!cial 8la, S)i"s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 9etos ?BetD@ Test Rin(A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Mandator' A&&endices IIlossar' o. Ter"s .or Edd' Current E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIEdd' Current E!a"ination o. Non.erro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*in( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIIEdd' Current E!a"ination on Coated 8erritic Materials A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IVE!ternal Coil Edd' Current E!a"ination o. Tu*ular ProductsA A A A A A A A A A A VEdd' Current Measure"ent o. Nonconducti e#Non"a(netic Coatin( T)ic-ness on a Non"a(netic Metallic MaterialA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIEdd' Current Detection and Measure"ent o. De&t) o. Sur.ace Discontinuities in Non"a(netic Metals Lit) Sur.ace Pro*esA A A A A A A A A A
Ta*le T#221 Mandator' A&&endi! I Article 10 T#1000 T#1010 T#1020 T#10F0 T#10G0 T#1010 T#1040 T#1050 T#1030 T#1020
Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Visual E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 142 Lea- Testin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IntroductionA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Miscellaneous ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ProcedureA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 152 152 152
Mandator' A&&endices IBu**le Test M Direct Pressure Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIBu**le Test M Vacuu" Bo! Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A III+alo(en Diode Detector Pro*e Test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IV+eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M Detector Pro*e Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A V+eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M Tracer Pro*e Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A VIPressure C)an(e Test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIIIlossar' o. Ter"s .or Lea- Testin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIIIT)er"al Conducti it' Detector Pro*e Test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I=+eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M +ood Tec)niJueA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A =<ltrasonic Lea- Detector Test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
15F 15G 154 153 131 13F 13G 131 133 120
Non"andator' A&&endi! ASu&&le"entar' Lea- Testin( 8or"ula S'"*ols A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12F Article 11 Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er#Rein.orced Plastic VesselsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12G
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent and Su&&liesA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A&&lication ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
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Ta*les T#1121 T#1131 Mandator' A&&endices I II III Instru"entation Per.or"ance ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20G Instru"ent Cali*ration A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 201 Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er#Rein.orced Plastic Vessels A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 205 ReJuire"ents .or Reduced O&eratin( Le el I""ediatel' Prior to E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12G E aluation Criteria A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20F
Non"andator' A&&endi! A Article 12 T#1210 T#1220 T#12F0 T#12G0 T#1240 T#1230 T#1220 Sensor Place"ent Iuidelines A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 203 Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. Metallic Vessels Durin( Pressure Testin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21G Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent and Su&&liesA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A&&lication ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21G 21G 211 211 215 215 215
8i(ures T#12GGAFA2 T#12GGAFAF Ta*le T#1231 Mandator' A&&endices I II III Instru"entation Per.or"ance ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 220 Instru"ent Cali*ration and Cross#Re.erencin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 221 Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. Metal Pressure Vessels A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 221
An E!a"&le o. Pressure Vessel Test Stressin( SeJuence A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 215 An E!a"&le o. In#Ser ice% Pressure Vessel% Test Loadin( SeJuenceA A A A A 212
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Non"andator' A&&endices ASensor Place"ent Iuidelines A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 22F BSu&&le"ental In.or"ation .or Conductin( Acoustic E"ission E!a"inations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 223
Article 1F T#1F10 T#1F20 T#1FF0 T#1FG0 T#1F10 T#1F40 T#1F50 T#1F30 T#1F20
Continuous Acoustic E"ission Monitorin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Procedure ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation 0Results A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Re&orts 0Records A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
222 222 222 2F0 2FF 2FG 2FG 2F1 2F4 2F4
8unctional 8lo, Dia(ra" M Continuous AE Monitorin( S'ste"A A A A A A A A 2F1 Res&onse o. a La e(uide AE Sensor Inducti el' Tuned to 100 -+D A A A A 2F1
Mandator' A&&endices INuclear Co"&onentsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IINon#Nuclear Metal Co"&onents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IIINon"etallic Co"&onentsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IVLi"ited None Monitorin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A V+ostile En iron"ent A&&lications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VILea- Detection A&&licationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A VIIIlossar' o. Ter"s .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"inationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Article 1G T#1G10 T#1G20 T#1GF0 T#1GG0 T#1G10 T#1G40 T#1G50 T#1G30 T#1G20
E!a"ination S'ste" Kuali!cation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ieneral ReJuire"entsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A&&lication ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Conduct o. Kuali!cation De"onstration A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation and Records A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
2G3 2G3 2G3 2G2 2G2 211 212 212 21G 21G
Total Nu"*er o. Sa"&les .or a Ii en Nu"*er o. Misses at a S&eci!ed Con!dence Le el and POD A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21F ReJuired Nu"*er o. 8irst Sta(e E!a"iners sA Tar(et Pass Rate A A A A A A A A 21G
Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or E!a"ination S'ste" Kuali!cationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 211 <T Per.or"ance De"onstration Criteria A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 211 Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent Tec)niJue ?AC8MT@A A A A A A A Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 212 212 212 212
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8i(ure T#11FF Ta*le T#1122 Article 14 T#1410 T#1420 T#14F0 T#14G0 T#1410 T#1440 T#1450 T#1430 ReJuire"ents o. an AC8MT E!a"ination ProcedureA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 240 Ma(netic 8lu! Lea-a(e ?M8L@ E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 24F Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ReJuire"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 24F 24F 241 241 241 241 241 241 AC8MT Cali*ration Bloc- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 241
8i(ures T#1422A1A1 T#1422A1A2 Ta*le T#142F Article 15 T#1510 T#1520 T#15F0 T#1510 T#1540 T#1550 T#1530 T#1520 ReJuire"ents o. an M8L E!a"ination ProcedureA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 241 Re"ote 8ield Testin( ?R8T@ E!a"ination Met)od A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 245 Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cali*rationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E aluation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Docu"entation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 245 245 245 245 243 250 250 250 Re.erence Plate Di"ensions A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 24G Re.erence Pi&e or Tu*e Di"ensionsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 24G
8i(ures T#1542 T#154FA1?a@ Pit Re.erence Tu*e ?T'&ical@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Volta(e Plane Dis&la' o. Di..erential C)annel Res&onse .or T)rou()#Lall +ole ?T)rou() +ole Si(nal@ and 20O Iroo e S)o,in( Pre.erred An(ular Relations)i&A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Volta(e Plane Dis&la' o. Di..erential C)annel Res&onse .or t)e Tu*e Su&&ort Plate ?TSP@% 20O Iroo e% and T)rou()#Lall +ole ?T)rou() +ole Si(nal@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Re.erence Cur e and t)e A*solute C)annel Si(nal Res&onse 8ro" T,o Circu".erential Iroo es and a Tu*e Su&&ort Plate A A A A A A A A A A A A A 243
242 242
S<BSECTION B Article 22 SE#2G ?ASTM E 2G#0G@ SE#5G5 ?ASTM E 5G5#0G@ SE#222 ?ASTM E 222#01@ SE#1021 ?ASTM E 1021#01@ SE#10F0 ?ASTM E 10F0#01@ SE#111G ?ASTM E 111G#0F@ SE#1141 ?ASTM E 1141#0G@ SE#1211 PASTM E 1211#24 ?R2002@Q SE#1G14 ?ASTM E 1G14#0G@ SE#14G5 ?ASTM E 14G5#0F@
Docu"ents Ado&ted *' Section V A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 25F Radio(ra&)ic Standards Standard Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 25F Standard Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo('A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Test Met)od .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination o. Metallic Castin(s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Test Met)od .or Deter"inin( t)e 8ocal SiDe o. Iridiu"#122 Industrial Radio(ra&)ic Sources A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Test Met)od .or Measure"ent o. 8ocal S&ots o. Industrial =#Ra' Tu*es *' Pin)ole I"a(in(A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard Practice .or Radiosco&' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
235 F0F
Standard Test Met)od .or Radiosco&ic E!a"ination o. Leld"ents A A A A A A F11 Standard Practice .or Deter"inin( Contrast Sensiti it' in Radiolo('A A A A A F40
Article 2F SA#F330SA#F33M ?ASTM A F330A F33M#05@ SA#GF10SA#GF1M PASTM A GF10A GF1M#20 ?R2005@Q SA#1550SA#155M PASTM A 1550A 155M#20 ?R2005@Q SA#1530SA#153M ?ASTM A 1530A 153M#05@ SA#4020SA#402M PASTM A 4020A 402M#21 ?R2005@Q SA#5G10SA#5G1M PASTM A 5G10A 5G1M#2G ?R200F@Q SB#1G3 ?ASTM B 1G3#0F@ SE#11G PASTM E 11G#21 ?R2001@Q SE#21F ?ASTM E 21F#0G@
<ltrasonic Standards Standard Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. +ea ' SteelF41 8or(in(s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Standard S&eci!cation .or Strai()t#Bea" <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Steel Plates A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F5F Standard S&eci!cation .or <ltrasonic An(le#Bea" E!a"ination o. Steel Plates A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F54 Standard S&eci!cation .or Strai()t#Bea" <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Rolled Steel Plates .or S&ecial A&&licationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F52 Standard Practice .or Castin(s% Car*on% Lo,#Allo'% and Martensitic Stainless Steel% <ltrasonic E!a"ination T)ereo. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F31 Standard Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Austenitic Steel 8or(in(s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F21 Standard Met)od .or <ltrasonic Ins&ection o. Alu"inu"#Allo' Plate .or Pressure Vessels A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G01 Standard Practice .or <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Strai()t#Bea" E!a"ination *' t)e Contact Met)od A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G04
Standard Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Metal Pi&e and Tu*in( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G11
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
SE#25F PASTM E 25F#01 ?R2001@Q SE#525 ?ASTM E 525#01@ SE#2G21 ?ASTM E 2G21#04@
Standard Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. t)e Leld None o. Lelded Pi&e and Tu*in(A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G2F Standard Practice .or Measurin( T)ic-ness *' Manual <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Contact Met)od A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G23 Standard Iuide .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. P)ased#Arra' <ltrasonic E!a"ination Instru"ents and S'ste"s A A A A A A A GF1 LiJuid Penetrant Standards Standard Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?Ieneral Bo"* Met)od@A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G1G
Article 2G SD#122 PASTM D 122#00 ?R2001@Q SD#114 ?ASTM D 114#05@ SD#303 ?ASTM D 303#01@ SD#1112 ?ASTM D 1112#05@ SE#141 ?ASTM E 141#02@
Standard Test Met)od .or C)lorine in Ne, and <sed Petroleu" Products ?Bo"* Met)od@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G4G Standard Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?+i()# Te"&erature Met)od@A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G42 Standard Test Met)od .or LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G55
Article 21 SD#1134 ?ASTM D 1134#01@ SE#502 ?ASTM E 502#01@ Article 24 SE#2GF PASTM E 2GF#25 ?R200G@Q SE#2024 ?ASTM E 2024#01@
Ma(netic Particle Standards Standard Test Met)ods .or Nondestructi e Measure"ent o. Dr' 8il" T)ic-ness o. Non"a(netic Coatin(s A&&lied to a 8errous Base A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 100 Standard Iuide .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 10G
Edd' Current Standards Standard Practice .or Electro"a(netic ?Edd'#Current@ E!a"ination o. Co&&er and Co&&er#Allo' Tu*es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1G2 Standard Practice .or In Situ E!a"ination o. 8erro"a(netic +eat#E!c)an(er Tu*es <sin( Re"ote 8ield Testin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 114 Acoustic E"ission Standards 410#25 Standard Iuide .or Mountin( PieDoelectric Acoustic E"ission Sensors A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 144 254#01@ 1211#05@ 1G12#02*@ Standard Iuide .or Deter"inin( t)e Re&roduci*ilit' o. Acoustic E"ission Sensor Res&onse A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 142 Standard Practice .or Lea- Detection and Location <sin( Sur.ace#Mounted Acoustic E"ission SensorsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 155 Standard Test Met)od .or E!a"ination o. Sea"less% Ias#8illed% Pressure Vessels <sin( Acoustic E"issionA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13F
Article 22 SE#410 PASTM E ?R2005@Q SE#254 ?ASTM E SE#1211 ?ASTM E SE#1G12 ?ASTM E
Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations Standard Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 121
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent Standard Standard Practice .or E!a"ination o. Lelds <sin( t)e Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4F3
MANDATOR7 APPENDICES I II Su*"ittal o. Tec)nical InJuiries to t)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""itteeA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 411 Standard <nits .or <se in EJuationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 41F
NONMANDATOR7 APPENDI= A Iuidance .or t)e <se o. <ASA Custo"ar' and SI <nits in t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 41G 415
Inde! A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Di ision 2 M Code .or Concrete Contain"ents Di ision F M Contain"ents .or Trans&ortation and Stora(e o. S&ent Nuclear 8uel and +i() Le el Radioacti e Material and Laste IV V VI VII VIII Rules .or Construction o. +eatin( Boilers Nondestructi e E!a"ination Reco""ended Rules .or t)e Care and O&eration o. +eatin( Boilers Reco""ended Iuidelines .or t)e Care o. Po,er Boilers Rules .or Construction o. Pressure Vessels Di ision 1 Di ision 2 M Alternati e Rules Di ision F M Alternati e Rules .or Construction o. +i() Pressure Vessels Leldin( and BraDin( Kuali!cations 8i*er#Rein.orced Plastic Pressure Vessels Rules .or Inser ice Ins&ection o. Nuclear Po,er Plant Co"&onents Rules .or Construction and Continued Ser ice o. Trans&ort Tan-s
I= = =I =II
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Addenda% ,)ic) include additions and re isions to indi# idual Sections o. t)e Code% ,ill *e sent auto"aticall' to &urc)asers o. t)e a&&lica*le Sections u& to t)e &u*lication o. t)e 201F CodeA T)e 2010 Code is a aila*le onl' in t)e loose#lea. .or"atR accordin(l'% t)e Addenda ,ill *e issued in t)e loose#lea.% re&lace"ent#&a(e .or"atA
and 2% ,ill *e included ,it) t)e u&date ser ice to Su*sec# tion NCAA Inter&retations o. t)e Code are &osted in ;anuar' and ;ul' at ,,,AcstoolsAas"eAor(0inter&retationsA
T)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee "eets re(u# larl' to consider &ro&osed additions and re isions to t)e Code and to .or"ulate Cases to clari.' t)e intent o. e!istin( reJuire"ents or &ro ide% ,)en t)e need is ur(ent% rules .or "aterials or constructions not co ered *' e!istin( Code rulesA T)ose Cases t)at )a e *een ado&ted ,ill a&&ear in t)e a&&ro&riate 2010 Code Cases *oo-6 BBoilers and Pressure VesselsC and BNuclear Co"&onentsAC Su&&le# "ents ,ill *e sent auto"aticall' to t)e &urc)asers o. t)e Code Cases *oo-s u& to t)e &u*lication o. t)e 201F CodeA
ASME issues ,ritten re&lies to inJuiries concernin( inter&retation o. tec)nical as&ects o. t)e CodeA T)e Inter# &retations .or eac) indi idual Section ,ill *e &u*lis)ed se&aratel' and ,ill *e included as &art o. t)e u&date ser ice to t)at SectionA Inter&retations o. Section III% Di isions 1
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e A"erican Societ' o. Mec)anical En(ineers set u& a co""ittee in 1211 .or t)e &ur&ose o. .or"ulatin( standard rules .or t)e construction o. stea" *oilers and ot)er &res# sure esselsA T)is co""ittee is no, called t)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""itteeA T)e Co""itteeEs .unction is to esta*lis) rules o.'% relatin( onl' to &ressure inte(rit'% (o ernin( t)e construc# tion 1 o. *oilers% &ressure essels% trans&ort tan-s and nuclear co"&onents% and inser ice ins&ection .or &ressure inte(rit' o. nuclear co"&onents and trans&ort tan-s% and to inter&ret t)ese rules ,)en Juestions arise re(ardin( t)eir intentA T)is code does not address ot)er' issues relat# in( to t)e construction o. *oilers% &ressure essels% trans&ort tan-s and nuclear co"&onents% and t)e inser ice ins&ection o. nuclear co"&onents and trans&ort tan-sA T)e user o. t)e Code s)ould to ot)er &ertinent codes% standards% la,s% re(ulations% or ot)er rele ant docu"entsA Lit) .e, e!ce&tions% t)e rules do not% o. &ractical necessit'% re!ect t)e li-eli)ood and conseJuences o. deterioration in ser ice related to s&eci!c ser ice !uids or e!ternal o&eratin( en i# ron"entsA Reco(niDin( t)is% t)e Co""ittee )as a&&ro ed a ,ide ariet' o. construction rules in t)is Section to allo, t)e user or )is desi(nee to select t)ose ,)ic) ,ill &ro ide a &ressure essel )a in( a "ar(in .or deterioration in ser# ice so as to (i e a reasona*l' lon(% sa.e &eriod o. use# .ulnessA Accordin(l'% it is not intended t)at t)is Section *e used as a desi(n )and*oo-R rat)er% en(ineerin( Sud("ent "ust *e e"&lo'ed in t)e selection o. t)ose sets o. Code rules suita*le to an' s&eci!c ser ice or needA T)is Code contains "andator' reJuire"ents% s&eci!c &ro)i*itions% and non"andator' (uidance .or construction acti itiesA T)e Code does not address all as&ects o. t)ese acti ities and t)ose as&ects ,)ic) are not s&eci!call' addressed s)ould not *e considered &ro)i*itedA T)e Code is not a )and*oo- and cannot re&lace education% e!&eri# ence% and t)e use o. en(ineerin( Sud("entA T)e &)rase en(ineerin( Sud("ent re.ers to tec)nical Sud("ents "ade *' -no,led(ea*le desi(ners e!&erienced in t)e a&&lication o. t)e CodeA En(ineerin( Sud("ents "ust *e consistent ,it) Code &)iloso&)' and suc) Sud("ents "ust ne er *e used to o errule "andator' reJuire"ents or s&eci!c &ro)i*itions o. t)e CodeA
T)e Co""ittee reco(niDes t)at tools and tec)niJues used .or desi(n and anal'sis c)an(e as tec)nolo(' &ro(# resses and e!&ects en(ineers to use (ood Sud("ent in t)e a&&lication o. t)ese toolsA T)e desi(ner is res&onsi*le .or co"&l'in( ,it) Code rules and de"onstratin( co"&liance ,it) Code eJuations ,)en suc) eJuations are "andator'A T)e Code neit)er reJuires nor &ro)i*its t)e use o. co"&ut# ers .or t)e desi(n or anal'sis o. co"&onents constructed to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e CodeA +o,e er% desi(ners and en(ineers usin( co"&uter &ro(ra"s .or desi(n or anal'sis are cautioned t)at t)e' are res&onsi*le .or all tec)nical assu"&tions in)erent in t)e &ro(ra"s t)e' use and t)e' are res&onsi*le .or t)e a&&lication o. t)ese &ro(ra"s to t)eir desi(nA T)e Code does not .ull' address tolerancesA L)en di"ensions% siDes% or ot)er &ara"eters are not s&eci!ed ,it) tolerances% t)e alues o. t)ese &ara"eters are consid# ered no"inal and allo,a*le tolerances or local ariances "a' *e considered acce&ta*le ,)en *ased on en(ineerin( Sud("ent and standard &ractices as deter"ined *' t)e desi(nerA T)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee deals ,it) t)e care and ins&ection o. *oilers and &ressure essels in ser ice onl' to t)e e!tent o. &ro idin( su((ested rules o. (ood &ractice as an aid to o,ners and t)eir ins&ectorsA T)e rules esta*lis)ed *' t)e Co""ittee are not to *e inter&reted as a&&ro in(% reco""endin(% or endorsin( an' &ro&rietar' or s&eci!c desi(n or as li"itin( in an' ,a' t)e "anu.acturerEs .reedo" to c)oose an' "et)od o. desi(n or an' .or" o. construction t)at con.or"s to t)e Code rulesA T)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee "eets re(u# larl' to consider re isions o. t)e rules% ne, rules as dictated *' tec)nolo(ical de elo&"ent% Code Cases% and reJuests .or inter&retationsA Onl' t)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee )as t)e aut)orit' to &ro ide o.!cial inter&reta# tions o. t)is CodeA ReJuests .or re isions% ne, rules% Code Cases% or inter&retations s)all *e addressed to t)e Secretar' in ,ritin( and s)all (i e .ull &articulars in order to recei e consideration and action ?see Mandator' A&&endi! co # erin( &re&aration o. tec)nical inJuiries@A Pro&osed re i# sions to t)e Code resultin( .ro" inJuiries ,ill *e &resented to t)e Main Co""ittee .or a&&ro&riate actionA T)e action o. t)e Main Co""ittee *eco"es e..ecti e onl' a.ter con# !r"ation *' letter *allot o. t)e Co""ittee and a&&ro al *' ASMEA
Construction% as used in t)is 8ore,ord% is an all#inclusi e ter" co"# &risin( "aterials% desi(n% .a*rication% e!a"ination% ins&ection% testin(% certi!cation% and &ressure relie.A
! i
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Pro&osed re isions to t)e Code a&&ro ed *' t)e Co""it# tee are su*"itted to t)e A"erican National Standards Insti# tute and &u*lis)ed at )tt&600cstoolsAas"eAor(0csconnect0 &u*lic0inde!Ac."TPu*licRe ie,&Re isions to in ite co"# "ents .ro" all interested &ersonsA A.ter t)e allotted ti"e .or &u*lic re ie, and !nal a&&ro al *' ASME% re isions are &u*lis)ed in u&dates to t)e CodeA Code Cases "a' *e used in t)e construction o. co"&o# nents to *e sta"&ed ,it) t)e ASME Code s'"*ol *e(in# nin( ,it) t)e date o. t)eir a&&ro al *' ASMEA A.ter Code re isions are a&&ro ed *' ASME% t)e' "a' *e used *e(innin( ,it) t)e date o. issuanceA Re isions% e!ce&t .or re isions to "aterial s&eci!cations in Section II% Parts A and B% *eco"e "andator' si! "ont)s a.ter suc) date o. issuance% e!ce&t .or *oilers or &ressure essels contracted .or &rior to t)e end o. t)e si!#"ont) &eriodA Re isions to "aterial s&eci!cations are ori(inated *' t)e A"erican Societ' .or Testin( and Materials ?ASTM@ and ot)er reco(niDed national or international or(aniDations% and are usuall' ado&ted *' ASMEA +o,e er% t)ose re i# sions "a' or "a' not )a e an' e..ect on t)e suita*ilit' o. "aterial% &roduced to earlier editions o. s&eci!cations% .or use in ASME constructionA ASME "aterial s&eci!cations a&&ro ed .or use in eac) construction Code are listed in t)e Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le ASTM Editions and in t)e Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Non#ASTM Editions% in Section II% Parts A and BA T)ese Iuidelines list% .or eac) s&eci!ca# tion% t)e latest edition ado&ted *' ASME% and earlier and later editions considered *' ASME to *e identical .or ASME constructionA T)e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee in t)e .or"u# lation o. its rules and in t)e esta*lis)"ent o. "a!i"u" desi(n and o&eratin( &ressures considers "aterials% con# struction% "et)ods o. .a*rication% ins&ection% and' de icesA T)e Code Co""ittee does not rule on ,)et)er a co"&o# nent s)all or s)all not *e constructed to t)e &ro isions o. t)e CodeA T)e Sco&e o. eac) Section )as *een esta*lis)ed to identi.' t)e co"&onents and &ara"eters considered *' t)e Co""ittee in .or"ulatin( t)e Code rulesA Kuestions or issues re(ardin( co"&liance o. a s&eci!c co"&onent ,it) t)e Code rules are to *e directed to t)e ASME Certi!cate +older ?Manu.acturer@A InJuiries con# cernin( t)e inter&retation o. t)e Code are to *e directed
to t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""itteeA ASME is to *e noti!ed s)ould Juestions arise concernin( i"&ro&er use o. an ASME Code s'"*olA T)e s&eci!cations .or "aterials (i en in Section II are identical ,it) or si"ilar to t)ose o. s&eci!cations &u*lis)ed *' ASTM% ALS% and ot)er reco(niDed national or interna# tional or(aniDationsA L)en re.erence is "ade in an ASME "aterial s&eci!cation to a non#ASME s&eci!cation .or ,)ic) a co"&anion ASME s&eci!cation e!ists% t)e ence s)all *e inter&reted as a&&l'in( to t)e ASME "aterial s&eci!cationA Not all "aterials included in t)e "aterial s&eci!cations in Section II )a e *een ado&ted .or Code useA <sa(e is li"ited to t)ose "aterials and (rades ado&ted *' at least one o. t)e ot)er Sections o. t)e Code .or a&&lica# tion under rules o. t)at SectionA All "aterials allo,ed *' t)ese arious Sections and used .or construction ,it)in t)e sco&e o. t)eir rules s)all *e .urnis)ed in accordance ,it) "aterial s&eci!cations contained in Section II or re.erenced in t)e Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Editions in Section II% Parts A and B% e!ce&t ,)ere ot)er,ise &ro ided in Code Cases or in t)e a&&lica*le Section o. t)e CodeA Materials co ered *' t)ese s&eci!cations are acce&ta*le .or use in ite"s co ered *' t)e Code Sections onl' to t)e de(ree indicated in t)e a&&lica*le SectionA Materials .or Code use s)ould &re.era*l' *e ordered% &roduced% and docu"ented on t)is *asisR Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Editions in Section II% Part A and Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Editions in Section II% Part B list editions o. ASME and 'ear dates o. s&eci!cations t)at "eet ASME reJuire"ents and ,)ic) "a' *e used in Code constructionA Material &roduced to an acce&ta*le s&eci!cation ,it) reJuire"ents di..erent .ro" t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e corres&ondin( s&eci!cations listed in t)e Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Editions in Part A or Part B "a' also *e used in accordance ,it) t)e a*o e% &ro ided t)e "aterial "anu.acturer or essel "anu.acturer certi!es ,it) e idence acce&ta*le to t)e Aut)oriDed Ins&ec# tor t)at t)e corres&ondin( reJuire"ents o. s&eci!cations listed in t)e Iuidelines .or Acce&ta*le Editions in Part A or Part B )a e *een "etA Material &roduced to an acce&ta*le "aterial s&eci!cation is not li"ited as to countr' o. ori(inA L)en reJuired *' conte!t in t)is Section% t)e sin(ular s)all *e inter&reted as t)e &lural% and ice# ersaR and t)e .e"inine% "asculine% or neuter (ender s)all *e treated as suc) ot)er (ender as a&&ro&riateA
! ii
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ASME )as esta*lis)ed &rocedures to aut)oriDe Juali!ed or(aniDations to &er.or" arious acti ities in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeA It is t)e ai" o. t)e Societ' to &ro ide reco(ni# tion o. or(aniDations so aut)oriDedA An or(aniDation )old# in( aut)oriDation to &er.or" arious acti ities in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e Code "a' state t)is ca&a*ilit' in its ad ertisin( literatureA Or(aniDations t)at are aut)oriDed to use Code S'"*ols .or "ar-in( ite"s or constructions t)at )a e *een con# structed and ins&ected in co"&liance ,it) t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certi!cates o. Aut)o# riDationA It is t)e ai" o. t)e Societ' to "aintain t)e standin( o. t)e Code S'"*ols .or t)e *ene!t o. t)e users% t)e en.orce"ent Surisdictions% and t)e )olders o. t)e s'"*ols ,)o co"&l' ,it) all reJuire"entsA Based on t)ese o*Secti es% t)e .ollo,in( &olic' )as *een esta*lis)ed on t)e usa(e in ad ertisin( o. .acsi"iles o. t)e s'"*ols% Certi!cates o. Aut)oriDation% and re.erence to Code constructionA T)e A"erican Societ' o. Mec)anical
En(ineers does not Ba&&ro e%C Bcerti.'%C Brate%C or BendorseC an' ite"% construction% or acti it' and t)ere s)all *e no state"ents or i"&lications t)at "i()t so indicateA An or(aniDation )oldin( a Code S'"*ol and0or a Certi!cate o. Aut)oriDation "a' state in ad ertisin( literature t)at ite"s% constructions% or acti ities Bare *uilt ?&roduced or &er# .or"ed@ or acti ities conducted in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code%C or B"eet t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeAC An ASME cor&orate lo(o s)all not *e used *' an' or(aniDation ot)er t)an ASMEA T)e ASME S'"*ol s)all *e used onl' .or sta"&in( and na"e&lates as s&eci!call' &ro ided in t)e CodeA +o,e er% .acsi"iles "a' *e used .or t)e &ur&ose o. .osterin( t)e use o. suc) constructionA Suc) usa(e "a' *e *' an associa# tion or a societ'% or *' a )older o. a Code S'"*ol ,)o "a' also use t)e .acsi"ile in ad ertisin( to s)o, t)at clearl' s&eci!ed ite"s ,ill carr' t)e s'"*olA Ieneral usa(e is &er"itted onl' ,)en all o. a "anu.acturerEs ite"s are constructed under t)e rulesA
T)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code &ro ides rules .or t)e construction o. *oilers% &ressure essels% and nuclear co"&onentsA T)is includes reJuire"ents .or "ate# rials% desi(n% .a*rication% e!a"ination% ins&ection% and sta"&in(A Ite"s constructed in accordance ,it) all o. t)e a&&lica*le rules o. t)e Code are identi!ed ,it) t)e o.!cial Code S'"*ol Sta"& descri*ed in t)e (o ernin( Section o. t)e CodeA Mar-in(s suc) as BASME%C BASME Standard%C or an' ot)er "ar-in( includin( BASMEC or t)e arious Code
S'"*ols s)all not *e used on an' ite" t)at is not con# structed in accordance ,it) all o. t)e a&&lica*le reJuire# "ents o. t)e CodeA Ite"s s)all not *e descri*ed on ASME Data Re&ort 8or"s nor on si"ilar .or"s re.errin( to ASME t)at tend to i"&l' t)at all Code reJuire"ents )a e *een "et ,)en% in .act% t)e' )a e not *eenA Data Re&ort 8or"s co erin( ite"s not .ull' co"&l'in( ,it) ASME reJuire"ents s)ould not to ASME or t)e' s)ould clearl' identi.' all e!ce&# tions to t)e ASME reJuire"entsA
! iii
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Co""ittees% Su*(rou&s% and Lor-in( Irou&s
As o. ;anuar' 1% 2010
TEC+NICAL OVERSII+T MANAIEMENT COMMITTEE ?TOMC@ ;A IA 8eldstein% C)air TA PA Pastor% Vice C)air ;A SA BrDusD-ie,icD% Sta.. Secretar' RA LA Barnes RA ;A Basile ;A EA Bate' DA LA Ber(er MA NA Bressler DA AA Canonico RA PA Deu*ler DA AA Douin DA Eis*er( RA EA Ii"&le MA Iold TA EA +ansen ;A 8A +enr' CA LA +o.."ann IA IA 9arc)er LA MA Lund' ;A RA Mac9a' <A RA Miller PA AA Mol ie LA EA Norris IA CA ParMA DA Rana BA LA Ro*erts SA CA Ro*erts 8A ;A Sc)aa.% ;rA AA SelD RA LA S,a'ne
CON8ERENCE COMMITTEE RA ;A A*en% ;rA M Mic)i(an ?C)air@ RA DA ReetD M Nort) Da-ota ?Vice C)air@ DA AA Douin M O)io ?Secretar'@ ;A SA Aclaro M Cali.ornia ;A TA A"ato M Minnesota BA PA Ant)on' M R)ode Island RA DA Austin M AriDona EA LA Bac)ellier M Nuna ut% Canada BA 8A Baile' M Illinois ;A EA Bell M Mic)i(an LA 9A Bri()a" M Ne, +a"&s)ire MA AA Burns M 8lorida ;A +A Bur&ee M Maine CA BA Cantrell M Ne*ras-a DA CA Coo- M Cali.ornia ;A AA Da en&ort M Penns'l ania SA Dono an M Nort),est Territories% Canada DA East"an M Ne,.oundland and La*rador% Canada EA E erett M Ieor(ia CA 8ulton M Alas-a ;A MA Ii en% ;rA M Nort) Carolina MA Ira)a" M Ore(on RA ;A +and' M 9entuc-' ;A BA +arlan M Dela,are EA IA +ilton M Vir(inia 9A +'nes M Prince Ed,ard Island% Canada DA TA ;a((er M O)io DA ;A ;en-ins M 9ansas AA PA ;ones M Te!as EA SA 9a,a% ;rA M Massac)usetts MA RA 9loster"an M Io,a MA 9ot* M Kue*ec% Canada 9A ;A 9ra.t M Mar'land BA 9rasiun M Sas-atc)e,an% Canada 9A TA Lau M Al*erta% Canada IA Le"a' M Ontario% Canada LA McIi ne' M Ne, 7orTA ;A Monroe M O-la)o"a IA RA M'ric- M Ar-ansas SA VA Nelson M Colorado LA RA O,ens M Louisiana RA PA Pate M Ala*a"a RA LA Perr' M Ne ada +A DA P.a.. M Sout) Da-ota AA EA Platt M Connecticut ;A 8A Porcella M Lest Vir(inia MA RA Poulin M Ida)o DA CA Price M 7u-on Territor'% Canada RA SA Puce- M Lisconsin TA LA Rie(er M Manito*a% Canada AA EA Ro(ers M Tennessee DA EA Ross M Ne, Bruns,ic-% Canada 9A AA Rudol&) M +a,aii MA ;A R'an M Illinois IA Scri*ner M Missouri ;A IA Si((ers M Britis) Colu"*ia% Canada TA Ste,art M Montana RA 9A Stur" M <ta) MA ;A Ver)a(en M Lisconsin PA LA Vescio% ;rA M Ne, 7orMA Las)in(ton M Ne, ;erse' 9A LA Latson M Mississi&&i LA Lillia"son M Las)in(ton DA ;A Lillis M Indiana
+ONORAR7 MEMBERS ?MAIN COMMITTEE@ 8A PA Barton RA ;A Ce&luc) LA ;A C)oc-ie TA MA Cullen LA DA Dot' ;A RA 8arr IA EA 8ei(el RA CA Iri.!n OA 8A +edden EA ;A +e"D' MA +A ;a,ad AA ;A ;ustin LA IA 9nec)t ;A LeCo.. TA IA McCart' IA CA Mill"an RA AA Moen RA 8A Reed' 9A 9A Ta" LA PA Nic-% ;rA
ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ;A SA BrDusD-ie,icD% Sta.. Secretar' RA LA Barnes ;A EA Bate' DA LA Ber(er DA Eis*er( ;A IA 8eldstein ;A 8A +enr' PA AA Mol ie IA CA ParTA PA Pastor AA SelD
+ONORS AND ALARDS COMMITTEE MA Iold% C)air 8A EA Ire(or% Vice C)air TA Sc)ellens% Sta.. Secretar' DA RA S)ar&% Sta.. Secretar' RA ;A Basile ;A EA Bate' DA LA Ber(er ;A IA 8eldstein LA LA +aa(% ;rA SA 8A +arrison% ;rA RA MA ;essee LA CA LaRoc)elle TA PA Pastor AA SelD RA RA Ste enson
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REVIEL IRO<P VA 8eli! 7A#IA 9i" SA +A Leon( LA Lin OA 8A Mana.a CA Minu 7A#LA ParRA Re'na(a PA Lillia"son
PRO;ECT TEAM ON +7DROIEN TAN9S MA DA Rana% C)air AA PA A"ato% Sta.. Secretar' 8A LA Bro,n DA AA Canonico DA CA Coo;A Coursen ;A LA 8el*au" BA DA +a,-es NA LA Ne,)ouse AA SA Oli ares IA BA Ra,ls% ;rA BA 8A S)elle' ;A RA Si"s% ;rA NA Siros) ;A +A S"it) SA StanisDe,s-i RA Su*ra"anian TA Ta)ara DA LA Tread,ell EA <&itis 7A Lada CA TA IA Le*ster RA CA Biel% Contri*utin( Me"*er ;A Birdsall% Contri*utin( Me"*er MA Duncan% Contri*utin( Me"*er DA RA 8ri--en% Contri*utin( Me"*er LA EA +a'den% ;rA% Contri*utin( Me"*er 9A TA Lau% Contri*utin( Me"*er 9A O'a"ada% Contri*utin( Me"*er CA +A Ri -in% Contri*utin( Me"*er CA San Marc)i% Contri*utin( Me"*er BA So"erda'% Contri*utin( Me"*er
COMMITTEE ON POLER BOILERS ?I@ DA LA Ber(er% C)air RA EA McLau()lin% Vice C)air <A DE<rso% Sta.. Secretar' ;A LA Arnold SA LA Ca"eron DA AA Canonico 9A 9A Cole"an PA DA Ed,ards PA 8alloue' ;A IA 8eldstein IA LA Ialanes TA EA +ansen ;A 8A +enr' ;A SA +unter LA LA Lo,r' ;A RA Mac9a' 8A Massi TA CA McIou() PA AA Mol ie 7A Ois)i ;A TA Pillo, BA LA Ro*erts RA DA Sc)ueler% ;rA ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA ;A MA TanDos) RA VA Liel(osDins-i DA ;A Lillis IA ArdiDDoia% Dele(ate +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate EA MA Ort"an% Alternate DA NA 8renc)% +onorar' Me"*er RA LA Lillia"s% +onorar' Me"*er
Su*(rou& on 8a*rication and E!a"ination ?BPV I@ ;A TA Pillo,% C)airCA TA McDaris IA LA Ialanes% Secretar'TA CA McIou() ;A LA ArnoldRA EA McLau()lin DA LA Ber(er7A Ois)i SA LA Ca"eron;A PA S,eD'% ;rA ;A +ains,ort)RA VA Liel(osDins-i TA EA +ansen Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV I@ RA EA McLau()lin% C)air;A TA Pillo, 8A Massi% Secretar'DA To"&-ins PA DA Ed,ardsSA VA Tor-ildson TA EA +ansenDA EA Tuttle LA LA Lo,r'RA VA Liel(osDins-i TA CA McIou()DA ;A Lillis EA MA Ort"an Su*(rou& on Materials ?BPV I@ BA LA Ro*erts% C)air9A LA +a'es ;A SA +unter% Secretar';A 8A +enr' SA +A Bo,esOA =A Li DA AA Canonico;A RA Mac9a' 9A 9A Cole"an8A Masu'a"a PA 8alloue'DA LA Ra)oi IA LA Ialanes;A MA TanDos) Su*(rou& on Pi&in( ?BPV I@ TA EA +ansen% C)airLA LA Lo,r' DA LA Ber(er8A Massi PA DA Ed,ardsTA CA McIou() IA LA IalanesDA To"&-ins TA IA 9os"at-aEA AA L)ittle Su*(rou& on +eat Reco er' Stea" Ienerators ?BPV I@ TA EA +ansen% C)airEA MA Ort"an DA DDiu*ins-i% Secretar'RA DA Sc)ueler% ;rA LA RA Dou(las;A CA Ste er"an% ;rA ;A IertDDA To"&-ins IA BA 9o"oraSA VA Tor-ildson CA TA McDarisBA CA TurcD'ns-i BA LA Moore COMMITTEE ON MATERIALS ?II@ ;A 8A +enr'% C)airRA CA Sut)erlin MA Iold% Vice C)airRA LA S,inde"an NA Lo*o% Sta.. Secretar';A MA TanDos) 8A A*eBA EA T)ur(ood AA A&&letonDA 9,on% Dele(ate MA NA BresslerOA Oldani% Dele(ate +A DA Bus)!eldLA RA A&*lett% ;rA% Contri*utin( ;A Ca"eronMe"*er DA AA CanonicoEA IA Nis*ett% Contri*utin( AA C)audouetMe"*er PA 8alloue'EA <&itis% Contri*utin( ;A RA 8ouldsMe"*er DA LA Iand'TA MA Cullen% +onorar' MA +A Iil-e'Me"*er ;A 8A Iru**LA DA Dot'% +onorar' CA LA +o.."annMe"*er MA 9atc)erLA DA Edsall% +onorar' PA AA Lar-inMe"*er 8A Masu'a"aIA CA +su% +onorar' Me"*er RA 9A NanstadRA AA Moen% +onorar' MA LA Na''arMe"*er DA LA Ra)oiCA EA S&aeder% ;rA% +onorar' BA LA Ro*ertsMe"*er EA S)a&iroAA LA Neut)en% +onorar' MA +A S-illin(*er(Me"*er
Su*(rou& on Desi(n ?BPV I@ PA AA Mol ie% C)air ;A Vatta&&ill'% Secretar' DA IA Anderson PA D)oraSia ;A PA Ilas&ie IA BA 9o"ora ;A CA Li()t BA LA Moore RA DA Sc)ueler% ;rA ;A LA Sei(le ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA SA VA Tor-ildson IA ArdiDDoia% Dele(ate
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on E!ternal Pressure ?BPV II@ RA LA Mi-it-a% C)air ;A AA AA Morro,% Secretar' LA 8A Ca"&*ell DA SA Iri.!n ;A 8A Iru** ;A RA +arris III MA 9atc)er DA LA 9urle CA RA T)o"as CA +A Stur(eon% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Su*(rou& on Stren(t) o. Leld"ents ?BPV II : BPV I=@ ;A MA TanDos)% C)air LA 8A Ne,ell% ;rA% Secretar' SA +A Bo,es 9A 9A Cole"an PA DA 8lenner ;A RA 8oulds DA LA Iand' 9A LA +a'es ;A 8A +enr' DA LA Ra)oi BA LA Ro*erts ;A PA S)in(ledec-er LA ;A S&er-o BA EA T)ur(ood
Su*(rou& on 8errous S&eci!cations ?BPV II@ AA A&&leton% C)air RA MA Da ison BA MA Din("an MA ;A Dosdourian PA 8alloue' TA Ira)a" ;A 8A Iru** 9A MA +ottle DA SA ;ani-o,s-i DA CA 9rouse LA ;A La eDDi LA CA Mac;A 9A Ma)ane' RA ;A Marciniec AA SA Melilli EA IA Nis*ett 9A EA Orie ;A S)icEA <&itis RA Na,ieruc)a S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Non"etallic Materials ?BPV II@ CA LA Ro,le'% C)air 8A LA Bro,n SA RA 8rost MA Iolliet PA SA +ill MA RA 9essler 8A Lort)
COMMITTEE ON CONSTR<CTION O8 N<CLEAR 8ACILIT7 COMPONENTS ?III@ RA LA Barnes% C)air RA MA ;essee% Vice C)air CA AA Sanna% Sta.. Secretar' LA +A Borter MA NA Bressler TA DA Burc)ell ;A RA Cole RA PA Deu*ler BA AA Erler IA MA 8oster RA SA +ill III CA LA +o.."ann VA 9ostare LA CA LaRoc)elle 9A AA Manol' LA NA McLean MA NA Mitc)ell DA 9A Morton RA 8A Reed' ;A DA Ste enson 9A RA Lic)"an CA SA Lit)ers 7A +A C)oi% Dele(ate TA Ius% Dele(ate CA CA 9i"% Contri*utin( Me"*er EA BA Branc)% +onorar' Me"*er IA DA Coo&er% +onorar' Me"*er LA DA Dot'% +onorar' Me"*er DA 8A Landers% +onorar' Me"*er RA AA Moen% +onorar' Me"*er CA ;A Pie&er% +onorar' Me"*er
Su*(rou& on International Material S&eci!cations ?BPV II@ AA C)audouet% C)air DA DDiu*ins-i% Secretar' SA LA Ca"eron DA AA Canonico PA 8alloue' AA 8A Iar*ole s-' DA OA +enr' MA Is)i-a,a OA =A Li LA MA Lund' AA RA N',enin( RA DA Sc)ueler% ;rA EA <&itis DA 9,on% Dele(ate OA Oldani% Dele(ate +A LorenD% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Su*(rou& on Stren(t)% 8errous Allo's ?BPV II@ CA LA +o.."ann% C)air ;A MA TanDos)% Secretar' 8A A*e LA RA A&*lett% ;rA DA AA Canonico AA Di RienDo PA 8alloue' ;A RA 8oulds MA Iold ;A AA +all ;A 8A +enr' 9A 9i"ura 8A Masu'a"a SA Matsu"oto +A Mura-a"i DA LA Ra)oi BA LA Ro*erts MA SA S)elton ;A PA S)in(ledec-er MA ;A Slater RA LA S,inde"an BA EA T)ur(ood TA PA Vassallo% ;rA
Su*(rou& on Contain"ent S'ste"s .or S&ent 8uel and +i()#Le el Laste Trans&ort Pac-a(in(s ?BPV III@ IA MA 8oster% C)air IA ;A Solo e'% Vice C)air DA 9A Morton% Secretar' DA ;A A""er"an LA IA Beac) IA BSor-"an LA +A Borter IA RA Cannell EA LA 8arro, RA SA +ill III SA +oro,itD DA LA Le,is CA IA Ma' PA EA McConnell IA DA McInnes AA BA Meic)ler RA EA Nic-ell EA LA Pleins TA Sae(usa +A PA S)ri asta a NA MA Si"&son RA +A S"it) ;A DA Ste enson CA ;A Te"us AA DA Lat-ins
Su*(rou& on Non.errous Allo's ?BPV II@ MA 9atc)er% C)air RA CA Sut)erlin% Secretar' LA RA A&*lett% ;rA MA +A Iil-e' ;A 8A Iru** AA +eino ;A 9issell PA AA Lar-in TA MA Malota SA Matsu"oto +A Matsuo ;A AA McMaster DA LA Ra)oi EA S)a&iro MA +A S-illin(*er( DA T'ler RA Na,ieruc)a +A DA Bus)!eld% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Su*(rou& on P)'sical Pro&erties ?BPV II@ ;A 8A Iru**% C)air +A DA Bus)!eld PA 8alloue' EA S)a&iro
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on Desi(n ?BPV III@ RA PA Deu*ler% C)air RA SA +ill III% Vice C)air AA NA N(u'en% Secretar' TA MA Ada"s SA Asada MA NA Bressler CA LA Brun' ;A RA Cole RA EA Corn"an% ;rA AA AA Der"enSian PA +irsc)*er( RA IA ;etter RA BA 9eatin( ;A 8A 9iel* +A 9o*a'as)i DA 8A Landers 9A AA Manol' RA ;A Masterson LA NA McLean ;A CA Minic)iello MA Moris)ita EA LA Pleins IA Saito IA CA Sla(is ;A DA Ste enson ;A PA Tuc-er 9A RA Lic)"an ;A 7an( TA Ius% Dele(ate
Lor-in( Irou& on Pi&in( ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ PA +irsc)*er(% C)air IA NA To-ars-i% Secretar' TA MA Ada"s IA AA Anta-i CA Basa araSu ;A Catalano ;A RA Cole MA AA Ira' RA LA +au&t ;A 9a,a)ata RA BA 9eatin( VA 9ostare 7A Liu ;A 8A McCa*e ;A CA Minic)iello EA RA Nelson AA NA N(u'en NA ;A S)a) MA SA Sills IA CA Sla(is NA CA Sut)erland EA AA Lais CA#IA Lu DA 8A Landers% Corres&ondin( Me"*er RA DA Patel% Contri*utin( Me"*er EA CA Roda*au()% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Lor-in( Irou& on Su&&orts ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ RA ;A Masterson% C)air 8A ;A Birc)% Secretar' 9A A rit)i <A SA Band'o&ad)'a' RA PA Deu*ler LA PA Iolini AA NA N(u'en IA Saito ;A RA Stinson TA IA Terr'a) IA NA To-ars-i CA#IA Lu
Lor-in( Irou& on Pro*a*ilistic Met)ods in Desi(n ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ RA SA +ill III% C)air TA Asa'a"a 9A A rit)i BA MA A''u* AA AA Der"enSian MA RA Ira'*eal DA OA +enr' SA DA 9ulat AA McNeill III MA Moris)ita PA ;A OERe(an NA AA Pal" IA Saito MA EA Sc)"idt AA Tsiri(otis ;A PA Tuc-er RA MA Lilson
Lor-in( Irou& on Core Su&&ort Structures ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ ;A 7an(% C)air ;A 8A 9iel*% Secretar' 8A IA Al#C)a""as ;A TA Land +A SA Me)ta ;A 8A Mullool' AA Tsiri(otis Lor-in( Irou& on Pu"&s ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ RA EA Corn"an% ;rA% C)air PA LA Be)n-e MA DA E.t'c)iou AA 8raser RA I)an*ari MA +i(uc)i CA ;A ;erD RA AA Lade!an ;A LA Lea itt RA AA Patric;A RA RaSan RA <do AA IA Las)*urn
Lor-in( Irou& on Desi(n Met)odolo(' ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ RA BA 9eatin(% C)air SA DA Sno,% Secretar' 9A A rit)i MA Basol DA LA Cald,ell +A TA +arrison III PA +irsc)*er( +A 9o*a'as)i +A Loc-ert ;A 8A McCa*e AA NA N(u'en DA +A Roart' EA AA Rodri(ueD ;A DA Ste enson AA Tsiri(otis TA MA Li(er ;A 7an( DA 8A Landers% Corres&ondin( Me"*er MA 9A Au#7an(% Contri*utin( Me"*er RA DA Ble ins% Contri*utin( Me"*er LA SA La&a'% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Lor-in( Irou& on Val es ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ ;A PA Tuc-er% C)air IA AA ;oll' LA NA McLean TA AA McMa)on CA AA MiDer ;A OECalla()an ;A DA Pa(e SA NA S)ields +A RA Sondere((er ;A CA Tsaco'eanes
Lor-in( Irou& on Vessels ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ IA 9A Miller% Secretar' CA Basa araSu CA LA Brun' ;A VA Ire(( LA ;A +eil-er AA 9alnins RA BA 9eatin( OA#SA 9i" 9A Matsuna(a DA EA Matt)e,s CA Tur'lo LA 8A LeitDe RA MA Lilson
Lor-in( Irou& on Desi(n o. Di ision F Contain"ents ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ EA LA Pleins% C)air DA ;A A""er"an IA BSor-"an SA +oro,itD DA LA Le,is ;A CA Minic)iello DA 9A Morton +A PA S)ri asta a CA ;A Te"us IA DA McInnes% Contri*utin( Me"*er RA EA Nic-ell% Contri*utin( Me"*er
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on En iron"ental E..ects ?SI#D@ ?BPV III@ LA NA No a-% C)air RA SA +ill III CA LA +o.."ann 7A +A C)oi% Dele(ate
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV III : FC@ LA CA LaRoc)elle% C)air LA MA Plante% Secretar' AA A&&leton ;A RA Berr' ;A VA Iardiner LA PA Iolini IA LA +ollin(er EA AA Ma')e, RA PA McInt're MA RA MinicBA BA Scott CA TA S"it) LA 9A So,der% ;rA DA MA Vic-er' DA VA Lals)e CA SA Lit)ers +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Editin( and Re ie, ?BPV III@ RA 8A Reed'% C)air LA +A Borter MA NA Bressler RA PA Deu*ler BA AA Erler LA CA LaRoc)elle ;A DA Ste enson
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Pol'et)'lene Pi&e ?BPV III@ ;A CA Minic)iello% C)air TA MA Ada"s LA IA Ada"s IA AA Anta-i CA Basa araSu DA Bur,ell ;A MA Crai( RA RA Cro.t EA LA 8arro, EA MA 8oc)t MA Iolliet AA NA +addad RA SA +ill III PA 9ris)nas,a"' EA Le er EA LA McElro' DA PA Munson TA MA Musto LA ;A Petro.. CA LA Ro,le' 8A ;A Sc)aa.% ;rA CA TA S"it) +A EA S etliDA MA Vic-er' NA ;A N)ou
Lor-in( Irou& on Duties and Res&onsi*ilities ?SI#IR@ ?BPV III@ ;A VA Iardiner% C)air IA LA +ollin(er% Secretar' ;A RA Berr' MA EA ;ennin(s 9A AA 9a ana() AA TA 9ei" MA AA Loc-,ood LA MA Plante DA ;A RosD"an SA Scardi(no
Lor-in( Irou& on Kualit' Assurance% Certi!cation% and Sta"&in( ?SI#IR@ ?BPV III@ CA TA S"it)% C)air CA SA Lit)ers% Secretar' AA A&&leton BA 9A Bo*o SA MA Iood,in ;A LA +i()lands RA PA McInt're MA RA MinicRA BA Patel SA ;A Sal ador LA 9A So,der% ;rA MA 8A Sulli an IA EA SDa*atura DA MA Vic-er'
Lor-in( Irou& on Nuclear +i()#Te"&erature Ias#Cooled Reactors ?BPV III@ NA Broo"% C)air TA DA Burc)ell MA 8A +ess)ei"er RA SA +ill III EA VA I"*ro RA IA ;etter 7A LA 9i" TA RA Lu&old DA LA Marriott DA 9A Morton TA#LA S)a" 7A Tac)i*ana TA 7u)ara
Su*(rou& on Materials% 8a*rication% and E!a"ination ?BPV III@ CA LA +o.."ann% C)air LA IA Beac) LA +A Borter IA RA Cannell RA +A Da is DA MA Do'le IA MA 8oster BA DA 8re, IA BA Ieor(ie SA EA Iin(ric) RA MA ;essee CA CA 9i" MA Lau +A Mura-a"i NA MA Si"&son LA ;A S&er-o ;A RA Stinson ;A 8A Strun9A BA Stuc-e' AA DA Lat-ins +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate
Su*(rou& on Ira&)ite Core Co"&onents ?BPV III@ TA DA Burc)ell% C)air CA AA Sanna% Sta.. Secretar' RA LA Bratton SA#+A C)i MA LA Da ies SA LA Do"s SA 8A Du..' OA Ielineau IA OA +a'ner MA PA +indle' 7A 9ato) MA NA Mitc)ell NA NA Ne"et) TA O-u TA S)i*ata MA Srini asan AA IA Steer SA 7u
Su*(rou& on Pressure Relie. ?BPV III@ ;A 8A Ball% C)air EA MA Petros-' AA LA SDe(lin DA IA T)i*ault
Su*(rou& on Industr' E!&erience .or Ne, Plants ?BPV III : BPV =I@ IA MA 8oster% C)air ;A TA Lind*er(% C)air +A LA Iustin% Secretar' MA LA Coats AA AA Der"enSian ;A 8letc)er EA BA Ierlac) +A LA Iustin DA OA +enr' EA VA I"*ro CA CA 9i" OA#SA 9i" 9A Matsuna(a RA EA McLau()lin AA McNeill III +A Mura-a"i RA DA Patel ;A CA Poe)ler DA LA Sandus-' RA RA Sc) DA MA S,ann EA RA Lillis CA SA Lit)ers SA MA 7ee
Su*(rou& on Strate(' and Mana(e"ent ?BPV III% Di isions 1 and 2@ RA LA Barnes% C)air CA AA Sanna% Sta.. Secretar' BA 9A Bo*o NA Broo" ;A RA Cole BA AA Erler CA MA 8aid' ;A MA +el"e' MA 8A +ess)ei"er RA SA +ill III EA VA I"*ro RA MA ;essee 9A AA Manol' DA 9A Morton ;A Ra"ireD RA 8A Reed' CA TA S"it) LA 9A So,der% ;rA 7A <ra*e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Su*(rou& on Ma(netic Con!ne"ent 8usion Ener(' De ices ?BPV III@ LA 9A So,der% ;rA% C)air RA LA Barnes MA +i(uc)i 9A +A ;on( 9A AA 9a ana() +A#;A 9i" SA Lee IA Li =A Li DA RosD"an SA ;A Sal ador
Su*(rou& on 8ati(ue Stren(t) ?BPV III@ LA ;A OEDonnell% C)air SA AA Ada"s IA SA C)a-ra*arti TA MA Da"iani PA RA Dona in RA ;A Iurdal CA 8A +e*erlin( II CA EA +innant PA +irsc)*er( DA PA ;ones IA 9)ars)a.dSian SA MaSu"dar SA NA MaliDA +A Roart' IA Ta!ac)er AA Tsiri(otis 9A Lri()t +A +A Niada
Su*(rou& on Nuclear +i()#Te"&erature Reactors ?BPV III@ MA Moris)ita% C)air RA IA ;etter% Vice C)air TA#LA S)a"% Secretar' NA Broo" IA +A 9oo DA 9A Morton ;A EA Nestell ;OINT ACI#ASME COMMITTEE ON CONCRETE COMPONENTS 8OR N<CLEAR SERVICE ?BPV FC@ AA CA E*er)ardt% C)air CA TA S"it)% Vice C)air MA LA VaDJueD% Sta.. Secretar' NA Alc)aar ;A 8A Artuso +A IA As)ar CA ;A Ban( BA AA Erler 8A 8arDa" PA SA I)osal ;A IutierreD ;A 9A +arrold IA AA +arstead MA 8A +ess)ei"er TA CA In"an TA EA ;o)nson OA ;o all NA#+A Lee ;A Muns)i NA Or*o ic BA BA Scott RA EA S)e,"a-er ;A DA Ste enson MA 9A T)u"" MA LA Lillia"s TA DA Al#S)a,a.% Contri*utin( Me"*er TA Mura-i% Contri*utin( Me"*er MA RA Senecal% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Lor-in( Irou& on 8usion Ener(' De ices ?BPV III@ LA 9A So,der% ;rA% C)air
Lor-in( Irou& on LiJuid Metal Reactors ?BPV III@ TA#LA S)a"% C)air TA Asa'a"a% Secretar' RA LA Barnes CA MA 8aid' RA IA ;etter IA +A 9oo MA Li SA MaSu"dar MA Moris)ita ;A EA Nestell
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Bolted 8lan(ed ;oints ?BPV III@ RA LA Mi-it-a% C)air IA DA Bi*el LA Bro,n LA ;A 9o es MA SA S)elton
Lor-in( Irou& on Materials% 8a*rication% and E!a"ination ?BPV FC@ ;A 8A Artuso% C)air PA SA I)osal% Vice C)air MA LA Lillia"s% Secretar' AA CA E*er)ardt ;A IutierreD BA BA Scott CA TA S"it)
Su*(rou& on Desi(n Anal'sis ?BPV III@ IA LA +ollin(er% C)air SA AA Ada"s MA RA Breac) RA IA Bro,n TA MA Da"iani RA ;A Iurdal BA 8A +antD CA 8A +e*erlin( II CA EA +innant DA PA ;ones AA 9alnins LA ;A 9o es 9A Matsuna(a IA AA Miller LA DA Rein)ardt DA +A Roart' IA SannaDDaro TA IA Sei&& IA Ta!ac)er LA 8A LeitDe RA AA L)i&&le 9A Lri()t
Lor-in( Irou& on ModerniDation ?BPV FC@ NA Alc)aar% C)air OA ;o all% Vice C)air CA TA S"it)% Secretar' ;A 8A Artuso ;A 9A +arrold
COMMITTEE ON +EATINI BOILERS ?IV@ PA AA Mol ie% C)air TA LA Bedeau!% Vice C)air IA Moino% Sta.. Secretar' ;A Calland ;A PA C)icoine CA MA Do e BA IA 8renc) LA LA +aa(% ;rA ;A AA +all AA +eino DA ;A ;en-ins PA AA Lar-in 9A MA McTa(ue BA LA Moore TA MA Par-s ;A LA Sei(le RA VA Liel(osDins-i +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate EA AA Nordstro"% Alternate
Su*(rou& on Ele ated Te"&erature Desi(n ?BPV III@ RA IA ;etter% C)air ;A ;A A*ou#+anna TA Asa'a"a CA Bec)t 8A LA Brust PA Carter ;A 8A Cer en-a BA Do(an DA SA Iri.!n BA 8A +antD AA BA +ull MA +A ;a,ad IA +A 9oo LA ;A 9oo es DA LA Marriott TA EA McIree ' ;A EA Nestell LA ;A OEDonnell TA#LA S)a" RA LA S,inde"an
Su*(rou& on Care and O&eration o. +eatin( Boilers ?BPV IV@ 9A MA McTa(ue PA AA Mol ie
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on Cast Iron Boilers ?BPV IV@ 9A MA McTa(ue% C)air TA LA Bedeau!% Vice C)air ;A PA C)icoine BA IA 8renc) ;A AA +all AA PA ;ones VA IA 9le.tis ;A 9liess PA AA Lar-in EA AA Nordstro"
Su*(rou& on Sur.ace E!a"ination Met)ods ?BPV V@ AA SA Bir-s% C)air SA ;A A-rin PA LA Bro,n BA Cacca"ise NA 7A 8aransso NA 8arren*au() NA AA 8inne' IA LA +e"*ree RA LA 9ruDic CA AA No e 8A ;A Sattler 8A CA Turn*ull IA MA Iatti% Dele(ate
Su*(rou& on Materials ?BPV IV@ PA AA Lar-in% C)air ;A AA +all% Vice C)air AA +eino BA ;A Is-e ;A 9liess ;A LA Sei(le
Su*(rou& on Volu"etric Met)ods ?BPV V@ IA LA +e"*ree% C)air SA ;A A-rin ;A EA A'coc;A EA Bate' PA LA Bro,n BA Cacca"ise NA 7A 8aransso AA 8A Iar*ole s-' RA LA +ard' RA AA 9eller)all 8A BA 9o acs RA LA 9ruDic ;A RA McIi"&se' MA DA Moles AA BA Na(el CA AA No e TA LA Plase8A ;A Sattler IA MA Iatti% Dele(ate
LA LA +aa(% ;rA% C)air ;A Calland% Vice C)air ;A PA C)icoine BA IA 8renc) TA DA Iantt BA ;A Is-e AA PA ;ones
Lor-in( Irou& on Acoustic E"issions ?SI#VM@ ?BPV V@ NA 7A 8aransso% C)air ;A EA A'coc;A EA Bate' RA 9A Miller
Lor-in( Irou& on Radio(ra&)' ?SI#VM@ ?BPV V@ 8A BA 9o acs% C)air SA ;A A-rin ;A EA A'coc;A EA Bate' PA LA Bro,n BA Cacca"ise NA 7A 8aransso AA 8A Iar*ole s-' RA LA +ard' IA LA +e"*ree RA LA 9ruDic ;A RA McIi"&se' RA ;A Mills AA BA Na(el CA AA No e TA LA Plase8A CA Turn*ull DA EA Lillia"s
Su*(rou& on Lelded Boilers ?BPV IV@ TA LA Bedeau!% C)air ;A Calland% Vice C)air CA MA Do e BA IA 8renc) AA PA ;ones EA AA Nordstro" RA EA Olson ;A LA Sei(le RA VA Liel(osDins-i +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate
Lor-in( Irou& on <ltrasonics ?SI#VM@ ?BPV V@ COMMITTEE ON NONDESTR<CTIVE E=AMINATION ?V@ ;A EA Bate'% C)air 8A BA 9o acs% Vice C)air ;A BrDusD-ie,icD% Sta.. Secretar' SA ;A A-rin CA AA Anderson ;A EA A'cocAA SA Bir-s PA LA Bro,n NA 7A 8aransso AA 8A Iar*ole s-' IA LA +e"*ree RA LA 9ruDic ;A RA McIi"&se' MA DA Moles AA BA Na(el CA AA No e TA LA Plase8A ;A Sattler IA MA Iatti% Dele(ate BA +A Clar-% ;rA% +onorar' Me"*er +A CA Ira*er% +onorar' Me"*er OA 8A +edden% +onorar' Me"*er ;A RA Mac9a'% +onorar' Me"*er TA IA McCart'% +onorar' Me"*er RA LA 9ruDic% C)air ;A EA A'cocBA Cacca"ise NA 7A 8aransso NA AA 8inne' OA 8A +edden RA AA 9eller)all MA DA Moles AA BA Na(el CA AA No e 8A ;A Sattler
COMMITTEE ON PRESS<RE VESSELS ?VIII@ TA PA Pastor% C)air <A RA Miller% Vice C)air SA ;A Rossi% Sta.. Secretar' TA Sc)ellens% Sta.. Secretar' RA ;A Basile ;A Ca"eron DA BA DeMic)ael ;A PA Ilas&ie MA Iold ;A 8A Iru** LA EA +a'den% ;rA IA IA 9arc)er 9A TA Lau ;A SA Lee RA Ma)adeen SA Malone RA LA Mi-it-a 9A Mo-)tarian CA CA Neel' TA LA Norton DA AA Osa(e DA TA Peters MA ;A Pisc)-e MA DA Rana IA BA Ra,ls% ;rA SA CA Ro*erts CA DA Roder' AA SelD ;A RA Si"s% ;rA DA AA S,anson 9A 9A Ta" SA Terada EA <&itis PA AA McIo,an% Dele(ate +A Mic)ael% Dele(ate 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate MA EA Pa&&onetti% Dele(ate DA Rui% Dele(ate TA Ta)ara% Dele(ate LA SA ;aco*s% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents0 Personnel Kuali!cations and InJuiries ?BPV V@ 8A BA 9o acs% C)air CA AA Anderson ;A EA Bate' AA SA Bir-s NA 7A 8aransso IA LA +e"*ree ;A LA +ou. ;A RA Mac9a' ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on Desi(n ?BPV VIII@ <A RA Miller% C)air RA ;A Basile% Vice C)air MA DA Lo,er% Secretar' OA AA Bars-' MA RA Breac) 8A LA Bro,n ;A RA 8arr CA EA +innant MA +A ;a,ad RA LA Mi-it-a 9A Mo-)tarian DA AA Osa(e TA PA Pastor MA DA Rana IA BA Ra,ls% ;rA SA CA Ro*erts CA DA Roder' AA SelD SA CA S)a) ;A CA So,ins-i CA +A Stur(eon DA AA S,anson 9A 9A Ta" ;A Vatta&&ill' RA AA L)i&&le AA +A Ii**s% Dele(ate 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate MA EA Pa&&onetti% Dele(ate LA SA ;aco*s% Corres&ondin( Me"*er EA LA T)o"as% ;rA% +onorar' Me"*er
Su*(rou& on +i()#Pressure Vessels ?BPV VIII@ DA TA Peters% C)air AA PA Maslo,s-i% Sta.. Secretar' LA PA Antal..' RA CA Biel PA NA C)a-u RA Cordes RA DA Di!on DA MA 8r'er RA TA +all"an AA +A +onDa MA MA ;a"es PA ;ansson ;A AA 9a&& ;A 9eltSens DA PA 9endall AA 9A 9)are SA CA Mordre EA AA Rodri(ueD EA DA Roll ;A RA Si"s% ;rA DA LA Stan( 8A LA Tatar SA Terada RA Lin9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate LA 8ridlund% Corres&ondin( Me"*er MA DA Mann% Contri*utin( Me"*er IA ;A MraD% Contri*utin( Me"*er DA ;A Burns% +onorar' Me"*er EA +A PereD% +onorar' Me"*er
Su*(rou& on 8a*rication and Ins&ection ?BPV VIII@ CA DA Roder'% C)air ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA% Vice C)air BA RA Moreloc-% Secretar' ;A LA Arnold LA ;A Bees LA 8A Ca"&*ell +A EA Iordon LA SA ;aco*s DA ;A 9re.t ;A SA Lee DA AA Osa(e MA ;A Pisc)-e MA ;A Rice BA 8A S)elle' PA LA Stur(ill TA Ta)ara 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate RA <e*el% Dele(ate
Su*(rou& on Materials ?BPV VIII@ ;A 8A Iru**% C)air ;A Ca"eron%Vice C)air PA IA Litten*ac)% Secretar' AA Di RienDo MA Iold MA 9atc)er LA MA Lund' DA LA Ra)oi RA CA Sut)erlin EA <&itis 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate EA EA Mor(ene((% Corres&ondin( Me"*er EA IA Nis*ett% Corres&ondin( Me"*er IA SA Di!it% Contri*utin( Me"*er ;A AA McMaster% Contri*utin( Me"*er
Su*(rou& on Tou()ness ?BPV II : BPV VIII@ Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV VIII@ SA CA Ro*erts% C)air DA BA DeMic)ael% Vice C)air 8A LA Ric)ter% Secretar' RA ;A Basile DA TA Da is ;A PA Ilas&ie LA EA +a'den% ;rA 9A TA Lau MA DA Lo,er CA CA Neel' AA SA Oli ares DA BA Ste,art DA AA S,anson 9A 9A Ta" AA +A Ii**s% Dele(ate 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate RA <e*el% Dele(ate DA AA S,anson% C)air ;A LA Arnold RA ;A Basile ;A Ca"eron +A EA Iordon LA SA ;aco*s 9A Mo-)tarian CA CA Neel' MA DA Rana 8A LA Ric)ter ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA EA <&itis ;A Vatta&&ill' 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Ira&)ite Pressure EJui&"ent ?BPV VIII@ SA Malone% C)air EA Solto,% Vice C)air TA 8A Bonn 8A LA Bro,n RA LA Dic-erson BA Lu-asc) MA RA MinicAA AA Stu&ica
Su*(rou& on +eat EJui&"ent ?BPV VIII@ RA Ma)adeen% C)air TA LA Norton% Vice C)air IA Aurioles SA RA Ba*-a ;A +A Bar*ee OA AA Bars-' IA IA Ca"&*ell AA C)audouet MA DA Clar;A IA Iordon MA ;A +oltD 8A EA ;e)rio IA IA 9arc)er DA LA 9urle BA ;A Lerc) SA Ma'eu! <A RA Miller RA ;A Stastn' 9A O'a"ada% Dele(ate 8A Os,eiller% Corres&ondin( Me"*er SA 7o-ell% Corres&ondin( Me"*er SA MA Cald,ell% +onorar' Me"*er
Tas- Irou& on I"&ulsi el' Loaded Vessels ?BPV VIII@ RA EA Nic-ell% C)air IA AA Anta-i ;A 9A Asa)ina DA DA Bar-er RA CA Biel DA LA Bo,"an AA MA Cla'ton ;A EA Didla-e% ;rA TA AA Du..e' BA LA +aroldsen +A LA +eaton DA +ildin( 9A LA 9in( RA 9ita"ura RA AA Leis)ear PA Leslie 8A O)lson DA TA Peters EA AA Rodri(ueD CA Ro"ero ;A EA S)e&)erd
!! i
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
COMMITTEE ON LELDINI AND BRANINI ?I=@ ;A IA 8eldstein% C)air LA ;A S&er-o% Vice C)air SA ;A Rossi% Sta.. Secretar' DA AA Bo,ers RA 9A Bro,n% ;rA MA LA Car&enter PA DA 8lenner RA MA ;essee ;A SA Lee LA MA Lund' TA Mel! LA 8A Ne,ell% ;rA BA RA Ne,"arAA SA Oli ares MA ;A Pisc)-e MA ;A Rice MA BA Si"s MA ;A Stan-o ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA PA LA Van 8osson RA RA 7oun( SA Ra()unat)an% Contri*utin( Me"*er SA DA Re'nolds% ;rA% Contri*utin( Me"*er LA DA Dot'% +onorar' Me"*er
COMMITTEE ON 8IBER#REIN8ORCED PLASTIC PRESS<RE VESSELS ?=@ DA Eis*er(% C)air PA ;A Conlis-% Vice C)air PA DA Stu"&.% Sta.. Secretar' 8A LA Bro,n ;A LA Bustillos TA LA Co,le' IA LA Dino o TA ;A 8o,ler MA RA Ior"an DA +A +od(-inson LA EA +unt DA LA 9eeler BA MA Linne"ann NA LA Ne,)ouse DA ;A Painter IA Ra"ireD ;A RA Ric)ter ;A AA Rolston BA 8A S)elle' 8A LA Van Na"e DA OA 7ance'% ;rA PA +A Nie)l
COMMITTEE ON N<CLEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION ?=I@ IA CA Par-% C)air RA LA S,a'ne% Vice C)air RA LA Crane% Sta.. Secretar' LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA CA BA Cantrell RA CA Ci&olla MA LA Coats DA DA Da is RA LA D'le EA LA 8arro, ;A 8letc)er EA BA Ierlac) RA EA Ii"&le 8A EA Ire(or 9A +ase(a,a DA OA +enr' ;A CA 9eenan RA DA 9err SA DA 9ulat IA LA La(leder DA LA La"ond IA AA Lo.t)us LA EA Norris 9A R)'ne DA AA Scart) 8A ;A Sc)aa.% ;rA ;A CA S&anner% ;rA IA LA Ste ens 9A BA T)o"as EA LA T)roc-"orton III DA EA Las-e' RA AA Lest CA ;A LirtD RA AA 7one-a,a 9A 9A 7oon TA 7u)ara 7A#SA C)an(% Dele(ate ;A TA Lind*er(% Alternate LA ;A C)oc-ie% +onorar' Me"*er CA DA Co,.er% +onorar' Me"*er OA 8A +edden% +onorar' Me"*er LA RA 9atD% +onorar' Me"*er PA CA Riccardella% +onorar' Me"*er
Su*(rou& on BraDin( ?BPV I=@ MA ;A Pisc)-e% C)air EA LA Bec-"an LA 8A Ca"&*ell MA LA Car&enter AA 8A Iar*ole s-' ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA
Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV I=@ BA RA Ne,"ar-% C)air EA LA Bec-"an PA RA E ans RA MA ;essee AA SA Oli ares
Su*(rou& on Materials ?BPV I=@ SA EA Iin(ric) RA MA ;essee CA CA 9i" TA Mel! SA DA Re'nolds% ;rA CA EA SainD LA ;A S&er-o MA ;A Stan-o RA RA 7oun( VA Iiunto% Dele(ate
E!ecuti e Co""ittee ?BPV =I@ Su*(rou& on Per.or"ance Kuali!cation ?BPV I=@ DA AA Bo,ers% C)air VA AA Bell LA PA Connor RA BA Cor*it PA RA E ans PA DA 8lenner 9A LA +a'es ;A SA Lee LA MA Lund' EA IA Reic)elt MA BA Si"s IA LA S&o)n III RA LA S,a'ne% C)air IA CA Par-% Vice C)air RA LA Crane% Sta.. Secretar' LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA RA LA D'le RA EA Ii"&le ;A TA Lind*er( LA EA Norris 9A R)'ne ;A CA S&anner% ;rA 9A BA T)o"as RA AA Lest RA AA 7one-a,a
Su*(rou& on E aluation Standards ?SI#ES@ ?BPV =I@ LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA% C)air IA LA Ste ens% Secretar' +A#DA C)un( RA CA Ci&olla IA +A DeBoo RA LA D'le BA RA Ianta TA ;A Iries*ac) 9A +ase(a,a 9A +oSo DA NA +o&-ins 7A I"a"ura 9A 9o'a"a DA RA Lee +A SA Me)ta ;A IA Mer-le MA AA Mitc)ell 9A Mi'aDa-i SA Ran(anat) DA AA Scart) TA#LA S)a" 9A RA Lic)"an 9A 9A 7oon 7A#SA C)an(% Dele(ate
Su*(rou& on Procedure Kuali!cation ?BPV I=@ DA AA Bo,ers% C)air MA ;A Rice% Secretar' MA BernaseRA 9A Bro,n% ;rA ;A RA McIi"&se' LA 8A Ne,ell% ;rA AA SA Oli ares SA DA Re'nolds% ;rA MA BA Si"s LA ;A S&er-o SA AA S&ra(ue ;A PA S,eD'% ;rA PA LA Van 8osson TA CA Liesner EA Molina% Dele(ate
!! ii
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Lor-in( Irou& on 8la, E aluation ?SI#ES@ ?BPV =I@ RA CA Ci&olla% C)air IA +A DeBoo% Secretar' LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA MA Basol BA BeDense;A MA Bloo" +A#DA C)un( BA RA Ianta RA IA Iilada TA ;A Iries*ac) +A LA Iustin 8A DA +a'es PA +A +oan( 9A +oSo DA NA +o&-ins 9A 9o'a"a DA RA Lee +A SA Me)ta ;A IA Mer-le 9A Mi'aDa-i RA 9A Kas)u SA Ran(anat) DA LA Rudland PA ;A Rus) DA AA Scart) LA LA Ser er NA ;A S)a) TA VA Vo 9A RA Lic)"an IA MA Lil-o,s-i SA =A =u 9A 9A 7oon VA AA Nil*erstein
Lor-in( Irou& on Personnel Kuali!cation and Sur.ace Visual and Edd' Current E!a"ination ?SI#NDE@ ?BPV =I@ AA SA Reed% C)air DA RA Cordes% Secretar' CA AA Anderson BA LA Curtis NA 8aren*au() DA OA +enr' 9A MA +o.."an ;A LA +ou. ;A TA Lind*er( DA RA Kuattle*au"% ;rA DA S&a-e ;A CA S&anner% ;rA MA CA Leat)erl' CA ;A LirtD
Lor-in( Irou& on Procedure Kuali!cation and Volu"etric E!a"ination ?SI#NDE@ ?BPV =I@ MA EA Iot)ard% C)air IA RA Per-ins% Secretar' MA TA Anderson CA BA C)eeDe" AA DA C)oc-ie SA RA Doctor 8A EA Do)"en 9A ;A +ac-er RA AA 9eller)all DA 9ureIA AA Lo.t)us CA EA Mo'er SA AA Sa*o RA VA S,ain SA ;A Todd
Lor-in( Irou& on O&eratin( Plant Criteria ?SI#ES@ ?BPV =I@ TA ;A Iries*ac)% C)air LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA +A Be)n-e BA AA Bis)o& TA LA Dic-son RA LA D'le SA RA Iosselin MA +a'as)i +A SA Me)ta MA AA Mitc)ell RA Pace SA Ran(anat) LA LA Ser er EA AA Sie(el DA VA So""er ille IA LA Ste ens DA PA Lea-land 9A 9A 7oon
Su*(rou& on Re&air0Re&lace"ent Acti ities ?SI#RRA@ ?BPV =I@ RA AA 7one-a,a% C)air EA VA 8arrell% ;rA% Secretar' SA BA Bro,n RA EA Cantrell PA DA 8is)er ;A MA Ia"*er EA BA Ierlac) RA EA Ii"&le DA RA Ira)a" RA AA +er"ann 9A ;A 9ar,os-i ;A CA 9eenan RA DA 9err SA LA McCrac-en BA RA Ne,ton ;A EA OESulli an RA RA Ste enson RA LA S,a'ne DA EA Las-e' ;A IA Leic-s EA IA Reic)elt% Alternate
Lor-in( Irou& on Pi&e 8la, E aluation ?SI#ES@ ?BPV =I@ DA AA Scart)% C)air IA MA Lil-o,s-i% Secretar' TA AA Bacon LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA BA BeDense+A#DA C)un( RA CA Ci&olla NA IA Co!e ;A MA Da is IA +A DeBoo BA Do(an BA RA Ianta LA 8A Io'ette 9A +ase(a,a PA +A +oan( 9A +oSo DA NA +o&-ins 9A 9as)i"a RA OA McIill +A SA Me)ta 9A Mi'aDa-i DA LA Rudland PA ;A Rus) TA#LA S)a" TA VA Vo BA SA LasiluSA =A =u 9A 9A 7oon VA AA Nil*erstein
Lor-in( Irou& on Leldin( and S&ecial Re&air Processes ?SI#RRA@ ?BPV =I@ DA EA Las-e'% C)air DA ;A Till'% Secretar' RA EA Cantrell SA ;A 8indlan PA DA 8is)er MA LA +all RA AA +er"ann 9A ;A 9ar,os-i CA CA 9i" MA Lau SA LA McCrac-en DA BA Meredit) BA RA Ne,ton ;A EA OESulli an IA RA Polin( RA EA S"it) ;A IA Leic-s 9A RA Lillens
Lor-in( Irou& on Desi(n and Pro(ra"s ?SI#RRA@ ?BPV =I@ Su*(rou& on Nondestructi e E!a"ination ?SI#NDE@ ?BPV =I@ ;A CA S&anner% ;rA% C)air IA AA Lo.t)us% Secretar' CA AA Anderson TA LA C)an CA BA C)eeDe" DA RA Cordes 8A EA Do)"en MA EA Iot)ard DA OA +enr' DA 9ureIA LA La(leder ;A TA Lind*er( IA RA Per-ins AA SA Reed 8A ;A Sc)aa.% ;rA CA ;A LirtD EA BA Ierlac)% C)air SA BA Bro,n% Secretar' OA B)att' ;A LA Collins RA RA Cro.t IA IA Elder EA VA 8arrell% ;rA SA 9A 8is)er ;A MA Ia"*er DA RA Ira)a" IA 8A +arttra.t TA EA +iss MA AA P'ne RA RA Ste enson RA LA S,a'ne AA +A Tau!Jue TA PA Vassallo% ;rA RA AA 7one-a,a
!! iii
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*(rou& on Later#Cooled S'ste"s ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ 9A BA T)o"as% C)air NA AA Pal"% Secretar' ;A MA A(old VA LA Ar"entrout ;A MA Bou()"an SA TA C)es,ort) MA LA Coats DA DA Da is +A KA Do EA LA 8arro, MA ;A 8erlisi OA 8A +edden SA DA 9ulat DA LA La"ond AA McNeill III TA No"ura LA EA Norris IA CA Par;A EA Sta.!era EA LA T)roc-"orton III RA AA Lest IA EA L)it"an +A LA Ira es III% Alternate
Lor-in( Irou& on Pressure Testin( ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ DA LA La"ond% C)air ;A MA Bou()"an% Secretar' 7A#9A C)un( ;A ;A C)urc),ell TA Coste ;A AA Dou()t' IA LA 8ec)ter IV RA EA +all AA McNeill III BA LA Mont(o"er' PA NA Passalu(o EA ;A Sulli an% ;rA EA LA T)roc-"orton III
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Editin( and Re ie, ?BPV =I@ RA LA S,a'ne% C)air CA EA Mo'er 9A RA Rao ;A EA Sta.!era DA ;A Till' CA ;A LirtD
Lor-in( Irou& on Contain"ent ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ ;A EA Sta.!era% C)air +A MA Ste&)ens% ;rA% Secretar' SA IA Bro,n RA CA Co! ;A LA Crider MA ;A 8erlisi PA SA I)osal DA +A Ioc)e +A LA Ira es III +A TA +ill RA DA +ou() CA NA 9ris)nas,a"' DA ;A Naus 8A Poteet III IA T)o"as LA EA Norris% Alternate
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on Nuclear Plant A(in( ?BPV =I@ TA AA Me'er% C)air DA VA Bur(ess% Secretar' SA Asada 7A#9A C)un( DA DA Da is 8A EA Ire(or AA LA +iser% ;rA AA BA Meic)ler RA EA Nic-ell 9A Sa-a"oto LA LA Ser er RA LA Turner IA IA 7oun( IA EA Car&enter% Alternate
S&ecial Lor-in( Irou& on +i()#Te"&erature Ias#Cooled Reactors ?BPV =I@ Lor-in( Irou& on ISI O&ti"iDation ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ DA RA Cordes% C)air SA AA Nor"an% Secretar' LA +A Ba".ord% ;rA ;A MA Bou()"an ;A LA Collins MA EA Iot)ard RA EA +all AA +A Ma)indra-ar SA AA Sa*o SA RA Scott EA AA Sie(el 9A BA T)o"as IA EA L)it"an 7A 7u(uc)i ;A 8letc)er% C)air MA AA Loc-,ood% Secretar' NA Broo" CA Cueto#8el(ueroso 9A NA 8le"in( SA RA Iosselin MA RA Ira'*eal AA BA +ull RA 9A Miller MA NA Mitc)ell TA Rone' 8A ;A Sc)aa.% ;rA 8A S)a)ro-)i RA LA S,a'ne
Lor-in( Irou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV =I@ Lor-in( Irou& on I"&le"entation o. Ris-#Based E!a"ination ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ SA DA 9ulat% C)air SA TA C)es,ort)% Secretar' ;A MA A(old BA AA Bis)o& CA Cueto#8el(ueroso +A KA Do RA 8ou(erousse MA RA Ira'*eal ;A +a-ii 9A LA +all 9A MA +o.."an AA TA 9ei" DA LA La"ond ;A TA Le,is RA 9A Mattu AA McNeill III PA ;A OERe(an NA AA Pal" MA AA P'ne ;A CA 7oun(er 9A R)'ne% C)air EA ;A Malone'% Secretar' IA PA Ale!ander TA LA C)an MA LA Coats EA LA 8arro, ;A CA 9eenan RA 9A Mattu SA RA Scott IA EA SDa*atura
COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TAN9S ?=II@ MA DA Rana% C)air SA StanisDe,s-i% Vice C)air DA RA S)ar&% Sta.. Secretar' AA NA Antoniou CA +A +oc)"an IA IA 9arc)er NA ;A PaulicMA DA P)a" MA Pitts TA AA Ro(ers AA SelD LA 9A S"it) AA PA Var()ese MA RA Lard
Lor-in( Irou& on Ins&ection o. S'ste"s and Co"&onents ?SI#LCS@ ?BPV =I@ ;A MA A(old% C)air VA LA Ar"entrout% Secretar' CA Cueto#8el(ueroso +A KA Do MA ;A 8erlisi RA 8ou(erousse 9A LA +all SA DA 9ulat TA AA Me'er DA IA NauSocTA No"ura CA MA Ross 9A BA T)o"as IA EA L)it"an
Su*(rou& on Desi(n and Materials ?BPV =II@ AA PA Var()ese% C)air RA CA Sallas)% Secretar' PA C)ilu-uri TA +itc)cocIA IA 9arc)er SA LA McLillia"s NA ;A PaulicMA DA P)a" MA DA Rana TA AA Ro(ers AA SelD MA RA Lard EA AA L)ittle
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
COMMITTEE ON N<CLEAR CERTI8ICATION ?CNC@ RA RA Ste enson% C)air LA CA LaRoc)elle% Vice C)air ;A Pan(% Sta.. Secretar' MA NA Bressler IA Deil' SA MA Iood,in 9A AA +u*er MA 9ot* ;A CA 9rane RA PA McInt're MA RA Minic+A BA Prasse TA EA Kua-a DA MA Vic-er' CA SA Lit)ers MA 8A Sulli an% Contri*utin( Me"*er PA DA Ed,ards% Alternate DA PA Io**i% Alternate ;A LA +i()lands% Alternate 9A MA +ottle% Alternate 9A AA 9a ana()% Alternate BA IA 9o ari-% Alternate BA LA 9rasiun% Alternate MA AA Loc-,ood% Alternate RA ;A Lu'"es% Alternate LA MA Plante% Alternate DA LA Ste&&% Alternate EA AA L)ittle% Alternate +A LA Li(er% Alternate
COMMITTEE ON SA8ET7 VALVE REK<IREMENTS ?BPV#SVR@ ;A AA Lest% C)air DA BA DeMic)ael% Vice C)air CA EA OEBrien% Sta.. Secretar' ;A 8A Ball SA Ca""eresi ;A AA Co! RA DA DanD' RA ;A Doellin( ;A PA Ilas&ie SA 8A +arrison% ;rA LA 8A +art DA Miller TA MA Par-s DA 9A Parris) TA Patel DA ;A Scallan NA Lan(
Su*(rou& on Desi(n ?BPV#SVR@ RA DA DanD'% C)air CA EA Beair ;A AA Conle' RA ;A Doellin( DA Miller TA Patel TA RA Tar*a' ;A AA Lest
Su*(rou& on Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?BPV#SVR@ LA CA LaRoc)elle% C)air PA DA Ed,ards% Vice C)air 9A IA Baron% Sta.. Secretar' LA ;A Bees SA LA Ca"eron TA EA +ansen DA ;A ;en-ins 9A TA Lau LA EA McDonald 9A MA McTa(ue DA Miller BA RA Moreloc;A DA OELear' TA MA Par-s BA CA TurcD'ns-i DA EA Tuttle EA AA L)ittle SA 8A +arrison% ;rA% Contri*utin( Me"*er DA CA Coo-% Alternate RA DA DanD'% Alternate MA AA DeVries% Alternate IA LA +ollin(er% Alternate DA LA 9in(% Alternate BA LA 9rasiun% Alternate PA 8A Martin% Alternate 9A McP)ie% Alternate IA PA Mille'% Alternate MA RA Minic-% Alternate TA LA Norton% Alternate 8A ;A Pa lo icD% Alternate MA TA Ro*'% Alternate ;A AA Lest% Alternate RA VA Liel(osDins-i% Alternate AA ;A S&encer% +onorar' Me"*er DA BA DeMic)ael% C)air ;A 8A Ball IA BraDier ;A PA Ilas&ie DA 9A Parris) ;A LA Ra"se' ;A LA Ric)ardson DA EA Tuttle SA TA 8renc)% Alternate
Su*(rou& on Testin( ?BPV#SVR@ ;A AA Co!% C)air ;A EA Britt SA Ca""eresi IA DA Ioodson LA 8A +art BA 9A Nutter DA ;A Scallan NA Lan(
<ASA Tec)nical Ad isor' Irou& ISO0TC 131' Relie. Val es TA ;A Be ilacJua% C)air CA EA OEBrien% Sta.. Secretar' ;A 8A Ball IA BraDier DA BA DeMic)ael DA Miller BA 9A Nutter ;A AA Lest
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E#5 ON NONDESTR<CTIVE TESTINI ;A SA BreniDer% ;rA% C)air MA Carlos% Vice C)air CA VA 9ro&as#+u()es% Secretar' AA PA Las)a*au()% Me"*ers)i& Secretar'
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e 2010 Edition o. t)is Code contains re isions in addition to t)e 2005 Edition ,it) 2003 and 2002 AddendaA T)e re isions are identi!ed ,it) t)e desi(nation ?10@ in t)e "ar(in and% as descri*ed in t)e 8ore,ord% *eco"e "andator' 4 "ont)s a.ter t)e &u*lication date o. t)e 2010 EditionA To in o-e t)ese re isions *e.ore t)eir "andator' date% use t)e desi(nation B2010 EditionC in docu"entation reJuired *' t)is CodeA I. 'ou c)oose not to in o-e t)ese re isions *e.ore t)eir "andator' date% use t)e desi(nation B2005 Edition t)rou() t)e 2002 AddendaC in docu"entation reJuired *' t)is CodeA T)e Record Nu"*ers listed *elo, are e!&lained in "ore detail in BList o. C)an(es in Record Nu"*er OrderC .ollo,in( t)is Su""ar' o. C)an(esA C)an(es (i en *elo, are identi!ed on t)e &a(es *' a "ar(in note% ?10@% &laced ne!t to t)e a..ected areaA Pa(e !i % ! Location List o. Sections C)an(e ?Record Nu"*er@ ?1@ Para(ra&) *elo, BAddendaC editoriall' re ised ?2@ Second &ara(ra&) *elo, BInter&retationsC editoriall' re ised ?F@ Para(ra&) *elo, BCode CasesC editoriall' re ised Nint) and ele ent) &ara(ra&)s editoriall' re ised ?1@ In t)e t)ird &ara(ra&)% last sentence added ?2@ Last &ara(ra&) deleted Re ised ?03#101G@ Re ised in its entiret' ?02#F5@ Title re ised ?03#1452@ Re ised ?03#1452@ Last sentence added ?02#F3@ 8irst sentence re ised ?02#F4@ Re ised ?02#F3@ Ieneral Note ?c@ re ised ?02#51F@ Last sentence in !rst &araA re ised ?02#F3@ Added ?03#231@ Added ?02#G22@ Added ?02#G22@ Added ?05#122G@ Title and &ara(ra&) re ised ?05#15G3@ Added ?03#112F@ Su*&ara(ra&) ?*@ re ised ?02#1244@ Re ised ?02#152@ ?1@ Title added ?03#145G@ ?2@ Last sentence deleted ?02#152@ 8irst sentence re ised ?02#152@ Re ised ?02#F22@ !!!ii
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
! i% ! ii ! iii
8ore,ord State"ent o. Polic' on t)e <se o. Code S'"*ols T#130 T#G20 T#GFGA1A5 T#GFGAF T#G52 T#G5G T#G21A2
F GF G1 G4 1F 1G
13 40% 41 42U45
C)an(e ?Record Nu"*er@ 8irst sentence re ised ?05#352@ Su*&ara(ra&)s ?a@ and ?*@ re ised ?05#352@ ?1@ Title re ised ?05#352@ ?2@ 8irst &ara(ra&) and su*&arasA ?*@ and ?d@ re ised ?05#352@ Added ?05#352@ Added ?05#352@ Re ised ?0G#1G51@ Second &ara(ra&) added ?0G#1G51@ 8irst and last &ara(ra&)s re ised ?0G#1G51@ Second &ara(ra&) added ?0G#1G51@ Su*&ara(ra&) ?*@ re ised ?0G#1G51@ T)ird &ara(ra&) re ised ?0G#1G51@ Second &ara(ra&) re ised ?0G#1G51@ Second &ara(ra&) added ?0G#1G51@ Second &ara(ra&) added ?0G#1G51@ Re ised in its entiret' ?0G#1G51@ Re ised ?0G#1G51@ Su*&ara(ra&)s ?c@ and ?d@ re ised ?0G#1G51@ Added ?0G#1G51@ Su*&ara(ra&) ?a@?2@ re ised ?0G#1G51@ ?1@ 8irst &ara(ra&) re ised ?0G#1G51@ ?2@ Su*&ara(ra&)s ?c@ and ?e@ re ised ?0G#1G51@ Su*&ara(ra&) ?a@ re ised ?05#355@ Re ised in its entiret' ?04#G25@ Re ised in its entiret' ?03#252@ Re ised in its entiret' ?03#232@ Su*&ara(ra&) ?*@ editoriall' re ised
T#555AF 1G3% 1G2 21G A&&endi! IV T#1220A1 T#1221 T#122FA2 T#122GA2 211 T#12F0 T#12GFA1 T#12GFA2 214 T#12GFA1 T#12GGA1 T#12GGAFA2 215 8i(A T#12GGAFA2 T#1221 212 8i(A T#12GGAFAF T#1222 220% 221 245 G1G#G13 G42UG54 155U132 411 I#1221 T#1510 SD#122 SD#1112 SE#1211 I#200
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
05#122G 05#15G3
02#F22 02#G22
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is Section o. t)e Code contains reJuire"ents and "et)ods .or nondestructi e e!a"ination ?NDE@% ,)ic) are Code reJuire"ents to t)e e!tent t)e' are s&eci!call' enced and reJuired *' ot)er Code Sections or re.erencin( docu"entA T)ese NDE "et)ods are intended to detect sur# .ace and internal i"&er.ections in "aterials% ,elds% .a*ri# cated &arts% and co"&onentsA T)e' include radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination% ultrasonic e!a"ination% liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination% "a(netic &article e!a"ination% edd' current e!a"ination% isual e!a"ination% lea- testin(% and acoustic e"ission e!a"inationA See Non"andator' A&&endi! A o. t)is Article .or a listin( o. co""on i"&er.ections and da"a(e "ec)anis"s% and t)e NDE "et)ods t)at are (ener# all' ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e"A ?*@ 8or (eneral ter"s suc) as Ins&ection% 8la,% Discon# tinuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Mandator' A&&endi! IA
8or e!a"&le% re.erence to T#250 includes all t)e rules contained in T#251 t)rou() T#255AFA 28or e!a"&le% T#2FF reJuires t)at I"a(e Kualit' Indicators *e "anu# .actured and identi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents or alternati es allo,ed in SE#5G5 or SE#1021% and A&&endices% as a&&ro&riate .or t)e st'le o. IKI to *e usedA T)ese are t)e onl' &arts o. eit)er SE#5G5 or SE#1021 t)at are "andator' in Article 2A FSNT#TC#1A ?2004 Edition@% BPersonnel Kuali!cation and Certi!ca# tion in Nondestructi e Testin(RC and ANSI0ASNT CP#132 ?2004 Edition@% BASNT Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( PersonnelRC &u*lis)ed *' t)e A"erican Societ' .or Nondestruc# ti e Testin(% 1511 Arlin(ate Lane% PAOA Bo! 23113% Colu"*us% O+ GF223#0113A
?a@ Su*section A descri*es t)e "et)ods o. nondestruc# ti e e!a"ination to *e used i. re.erenced *' ot)er Code Sections or re.erencin( docu"entsA ?*@ Su*section B lists Standards co erin( nondestruc# ti e e!a"ination "et)ods ,)ic) )a e *een acce&ted as standardsA T)ese standards are non"andator' unless s&e# ci!call' re.erenced in ,)ole or in &art in Su*section A or as indicated in ot)er Code Sections or re.erencin( docu"entA ?c@ An' re.erence to a &ara(ra&) o. an' Article in Su*# section A o. t)is Section includes all o. t)e a&&lica*le rules
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?(@ L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section does not s&eci.' Juali!cations or does not re.erence directl' Article 1 o. t)is Section% Juali!cation "a' si"&l' in ol e a &ersonnel de"onstration to s)o, t)at t)e &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e nondestructi e e!a"inations are co"&etent to do so in accordance ,it) t)e Manu.acturerEs esta*lis)ed &roce# duresA ?)@ T)e user o. t)is Article is res&onsi*le .or t)e Juali# !cation and certi!cation o. NDE Personnel in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA T)e Code <serEsG Kualit' Pro(ra" s)all sti&ulate )o, t)is is to *e acco"# &lis)edA Kuali!cations in accordance ,it) a &rior edition o. SNT#TC#1A% or CP#132 are alid until recerti!cationA Recerti!cation or ne, certi!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e edition o. SNT#TC#1A or CP#132 s&eci!ed in 8ootnote FA ?i@ Li"ited certi!cation o. nondestructi e e!a"ination &ersonnel ,)o do not &er.or" all o. t)e o&erations o. a nondestructi e "et)od t)at consists o. "ore t)an one o&eration% or ,)o &er.or" nondestructi e e!a"inations o. li"ited sco&e% "a' *e *ased on .e,er )ours o. trainin( and e!&erience t)an reco""ended in SNT#TC#1A or CP#132A An' li"itations or restrictions &laced u&on a &ersonEs certi# !cation s)all *e descri*ed in t)e ,ritten &ractice and on t)e certi!cationA ?S@ Eit)er <ASA Custo"ar' <nits or SI <nits "a' *e used .or co"&liance ,it) all reJuire"ents o. t)is edition% *ut one s'ste" s)all *e used consistentl' t)rou()out .or all &)ases o. constructionA ?1@ Eit)er t)e <ASA Custo"ar' <nits or SI <nits t)at are listed in Mandator' A&&endi! II are identi!ed in t)e te!t% or are identi!ed in t)e no"enclature .or eJuations s)all *e used consistentl' .or all &)ases o. construction ?eA(A% "aterials% desi(n% .a*rication% and re&orts@A Since alues in t)e t,o s'ste"s are not e!act eJui alents% eac) s'ste" s)all *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)er ,it)out "i!in( <ASA Custo"ar' <nits and SI <nitsA ?2@ L)en SI <nits are selected% <ASA Custo"ar' al# ues in re.erenced s&eci!cations t)at do not contain SI <nits s)all *e con erted to SI alues to at least t)ree si(ni!cant !(ures .or use in calculations and ot)er as&ects o. con# structionA
?a@ L)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% all nondestructi e e!a"inations &er.or"ed under t)is Code Section s)all *e done to a ,ritten &rocedureA A &rocedure de"onstration s)all *e &er.or"ed to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ectorA L)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a &ersonnel de"onstration "a' *e used to eri.' t)e a*ilit' o. t)e e!a"iner to a&&l' t)e e!a"ination &rocedureA T)e &rocedure or "et)od s)all co"&l' ,it) t)e a&&lica*le reJuire"ents o. t)is Section .or t)e &articular e!a"ination "et)odA L)ere so reJuired% ,ritten &rocedures s)all *e "ade a aila*le to t)e Ins&ector on reJuestA At least one co&' o. eac) &rocedure s)all *e readil' a aila*le to t)e Nondestructi e E!a"ination Personnel .or t)eir re.erence and useA ?*@ T)e nondestructi e e!a"ination "et)ods included in t)is Section are a&&lica*le to "ost (eo"etric con!(ura# tions and "aterials encountered in .a*rication under nor"al conditionsA +o,e er% s&ecial con!(urations and "aterials "a' reJuire "odi!ed "et)ods and tec)niJues% in ,)ic) case t)e Manu.acturer s)all de elo& s&ecial &rocedures ,)ic) are eJui alent or su&erior to t)e "et)ods and tec)# niJues descri*ed in t)is Code Section% and ,)ic) are ca&a# *le o. &roducin( inter&reta*le e!a"ination results under t)e s&ecial conditionsA Suc) s&ecial &rocedures "a' *e "odi!cations or co"*inations o. "et)ods descri*ed or re.erenced in t)is Code SectionA A &rocedure de"onstra# tion s)all eri.' t)e tec)niJue to *e ca&a*le o. detectin( discontinuities under t)e s&ecial conditions eJual to t)e ca&a*ilities o. t)e "et)od ,)en used under "ore (eneral conditionsA De&endin( on t)e Jualit' assurance or Jualit' control s'ste" reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)ese s&ecial &rocedures s)all *e su*"itted to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tance ,)ere reJuired% and s)all *e ado&ted as &art o. t)e Manu.acturerEs Jualit' control &ro(ra"A ?c@ L)en an e!a"ination to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is Section o. t)e Code is reJuired *' ot)er Sections o. t)e Code% it s)all *e t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e Manu.acturer% .a*ricator% or installer to esta*lis) nondestructi e e!a"ina# tion &rocedures and &ersonnel certi!cation &rocedures con# .or"in( to t)e re.erencin( Code reJuire"entsA
It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e Code <ser to ensure t)at t)e e!a"ination eJui&"ent *ein( used con.or"s to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is Code SectionA
G In t)is Code Section% BCode <serC is an' or(aniDation conductin( nondestructi e e!a"inations to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is SectionA
?a@ T)e Manu.acturer% .a*ricator% or installer s)all assure t)at all eJui&"ent cali*rations reJuired *' Su*sec# tion A and 0or Su*section B are &er.or"edA ?*@ L)en s&ecial &rocedures are de elo&ed Psee T#110?a@Q% t)e Code <ser s)all s&eci.' ,)at cali*ration is necessar'% ,)en cali*ration is reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)e Ins&ector concerned ,it) t)e .a*rication o. t)e essel or &ressure &art s)all )a e t)e dut' o. eri.'in( to )is satis.action t)at all e!a"inations reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section )a e *een "ade to t)e reJuire# "ents o. t)is Section and t)e re.erencin( docu"ent?s@A +e s)all )a e t)e ri()t to ,itness an' o. t)ese e!a"inations to t)e e!tent stated in t)e re.erencin( docu"ent?s@A T)rou()out t)is Section o. t)e Code% t)e ,ord Ins&ector "eans t)e Aut)oriDed Ins&ector ,)o )as *een Juali!ed as reJuired in t)e arious re.erencin( Code SectionsA ?*@ T)e s&ecial distinction esta*lis)ed in t)e arious Code Sections *et,een ins&ection and e!a"ination and t)e &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e" is also ado&ted in t)is Code SectionA In ot)er ,ords% t)e ter" ins&ection a&&lies to t)e .unctions &er.or"ed *' t)e Aut)oriDed Ins&ector% *ut t)e ter" e!a"ination a&&lies to t)ose Jualit' control .unctions &er.or"ed *' &ersonnel e"&lo'ed *' t)e Manu.acturerA One area o. occasional de iation .ro" t)ese distinctions e!istsA In t)e ASTM Standard Met)ods and Reco""ended Practices incor&orated in t)is Section o. t)e Code *' ence or *' re&roduction in Su*section B% t)e ,ords ins&ec# tion or Ins&ector% ,)ic) .reJuentl' occur in t)e te!t or titles o. t)e re.erenced ASTM docu"ents% "a' actuall' descri*e ,)at t)e Code calls e!a"ination or e!a"inerA T)is situation e!ists *ecause ASTM )as no occasion to *e concerned ,it) t)e distinctions ,)ic) t)e Code "a-es *et,een ins&ection and e!a"ination% since ASTM acti i# ties and docu"ents do not in ol e t)e Aut)oriDed Ins&ector descri*ed in t)e Code SectionsA +o,e er% no atte"&t )as *een "ade to edit t)e ASTM docu"ents to con.or" ,it) Code usa(eR t)is s)ould cause no di.!cult' i. t)e users o. t)is Section reco(niDe t)at t)e ter"s ins&ection% testin(% and e!a"ination in t)e ASTM docu"ents re.erenced in Su*section B do not descri*e duties o. t)e Aut)oriDed Code Ins&ector *ut rat)er descri*e t)e t)in(s to *e done *' t)e Manu.acturerEs e!a"ination &ersonnelA
T)e acce&tance criteria .or t)e NDE "et)ods in t)is Section s)all *e as stated in t)e re.erencin( Code Section% and ,)ere &ro ided in t)e Articles o. t)is SectionA Acce&t# ance criteria in t)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all ta-e &recedenceA
?a@ Docu"entation and records s)all *e &re&ared as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section and t)e a&&lica# *le reJuire"ents o. t)is SectionA Retention o. e!a"ination records and related docu"entation ?eA(A% radio(ra&)s and re ie, .or"s% ultrasonic scan !les% etcA@ s)all *e as s&eci# !ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e Code user s)all *e res&onsi*le .or "aintenance o. t)e reJuired docu"enta# tion and recordsA ?*@ Personnel or &rocedure de"onstrations &er.or"ed in co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. T#110?a@ or ?*@ s)all *e docu"ented as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA ?c@ L)en docu"entation reJuire"ents .or &ersonnel or &rocedure de"onstrations &er.or"ed in co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. T#110?a@ or ?*@ are not s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded as a "ini"u"6 ?1@ na"e o. or(aniDation res&onsi*le .or &re&aration and a&&ro al o. t)e e!a"ination &rocedure ?2@ e!a"ination "et)od a&&lied ?F@ &rocedure nu"*er or desi(nation ?G@ nu"*er and date o. "ost recent re ision ?1@ date o. t)e de"onstration ?4@ na"e and certi!cation le el ?i. a&&lica*le@ o. &er# sonnel &er.or"in( de"onstration
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nition o. ter"s co""on to all "et)ods used in Nondestructi e E!a"inationA
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 Section A &ro ides t)e de!nition o. ter"s listed in I#1F0?a@A ?c@ Para(ra&) I#1F0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!# nitions% ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article6 de.ect% discontinuit'% e aluation% .alse indication% !a,% !a, c)aracteriDation% i"&er.ection% inter&retation% nonrele ant indication% rele ant indicationA ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 area o. interest6 t)e s&eci!c &ortion o. t)e o*Sect t)at is to *e e aluated as de!ned *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA indication6 t)e res&onse or e idence .ro" a nondestruc# ti e e!a"ination t)at reJuires inter&retation to deter"ine rele anceA ins&ection6 t)e o*ser ation o. an' o&eration &er.or"ed on "aterials and 0 or co"&onents to deter"ine its acce&t# a*ilit' in accordance ,it) (i en criteriaA li"ited certi!cation6 an accreditation o. an indi idualEs Juali!cation to &er.or" so"e *ut not all o. t)e o&erations ,it)in a (i en nondestructi e e!a"ination "et)od or tec)# niJue t)at consists o. one or "ore t)an one o&eration% or
to &er.or" nondestructi e e!a"inations ,it)in a li"ited sco&e o. res&onsi*ilit'A "et)od6 t)e .ollo,in( is a list o. nondestructi e e!a"i# nation "et)ods and res&ecti e a**re iations used ,it)in t)e sco&e o. Section V6 RT M Radio(ra&)' <T M <ltrasonics MT M Ma(netic Particle PT M LiJuid Penetrants VT M Visual LT M Lea- Testin( ET M Electro"a(netic ?Edd' Current@ AE M Acoustic E"ission nondestructi e e!a"ination ?NDE@6 t)e de elo&"ent and a&&lication o. tec)nical "et)ods to e!a"ine "aterials and 0or co"&onents in ,a's t)at do not i"&air .uture use# .ulness and ser icea*ilit' in order to detect% locate% "ea# sure% inter&ret% and e aluate !a,sA o&eration6 a s&eci!c &)ase o. a "et)od or tec)niJueA &ersonnel de"onstration6 ,)en an indi idual dis&la's an understandin( o. t)e e!a"ination "et)od and &ro!# cienc' in conductin( t)e e!a"ination% *' &er.or"in( a de"onstration e!a"ination usin( t)e e"&lo'erEs ,ritten nondestructi e e!a"ination &rocedureA &rocedure6 an orderl' seJuence o. actions descri*in( )o, a s&eci!c tec)niJue s)all *e a&&liedA &rocedure de"onstration6 ,)en a ,ritten &rocedure is de"onstrated% to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector% *' a&&l'in( t)e e!a"ination "et)od usin( t)e e"&lo'erEs ,ritten nondestructi e e!a"ination &rocedure to dis&la' co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is Section% under ?a@ nor"al e!a"ination conditions &er T#110?a@% or ?*@ s&ecial conditions as descri*ed in T#110?*@A &rocedure Juali!cation6 ,)en a ,ritten nondestructi e e!a"ination &rocedure is Juali!ed in accordance ,it) t)e detailed reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA sensiti it'6 a "easure o. t)e le el o. res&onse .ro" a discontinuit' *' a nondestructi e e!a"inationA tec)niJue6 a tec)niJue is a s&eci!c ,a' o. utiliDin( a &articular nondestructi e e!a"ination ?NDE@ "et)odA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ta*le A#110 lists co""on i"&er.ections and t)e NDE "et)ods t)at are (enerall' ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e"A
CA<TION6 Ta*le A#110 s)ould *e re(arded .or (eneral (uidance onl' and not as a *asis .or reJuirin( or &ro)i*itin( a &articular t'&e
o. NDE "et)od .or a s&eci!c a&&licationA 8or e!a"&le% "aterial and &roduct .or" are .actors t)at could result in di..erences .ro" t)e de(ree o. e..ecti eness i"&lied in t)e ta*leA 8or ser ice#induced i"&er.ections% accessi*ilit' and ot)er conditions at t)e e!a"ination location are also si(ni!cant .actors t)at "ust *e considered in select# in( a &articular NDE "et)odA In addition% Ta*le A#110 "ust not *e considered to *e all inclusi eR t)ere are se eral NDE "et)ods0 tec)niJues and i"&er.ections not listed in t)e ta*leA T)e user "ust consider all a&&lica*le conditions ,)en selectin( NDE "et)ods .or a s&eci!c a&&licationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Leldin( I"&er.ections Burn T)rou() Crac-s E!cessi e0InadeJuate Rein.orce"ent Inclusions ?Sla(0Tun(sten@ Inco"&lete 8usion Inco"&lete Penetration Misali(n"ent O erla& Porosit' Root Conca it' <ndercut AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Product 8or" I"&er.ections Bursts ?8or(in(s@ Cold S)uts ?Castin(s@ Crac-s ?All Product 8or"s@ +ot Tear ?Castin(s@ Inclusions ?All Product 8or"s@ La"ination ?Plate% Pi&e@ La&s ?8or(in(s@ Porosit' ?Castin(s@ Sea"s ?Bar% Pi&e@ AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA
Le(end6AE U Acoustic E"ission<TA U <ltrasonic An(le Bea" ET U Electro"a(netic ?Edd' Current@<TS U <ltrasonic Strai()t Bea" MT U Ma(netic Particle<TT U <ltrasonic T)ic-ness Measure"ent PT U LiJuid PenetrantVT U Visual RT U Radio(ra&)' U All or "ost standard tec)niJues ,ill detect t)is i"&er.ection under all or "ost conditionsA U One or "ore standard tec)niJue?s@ ,ill detect t)is i"&er.ection under certain conditionsA U S&ecial tec)niJues% conditions% and0or &ersonnel Juali!cations are reJuired to detect t)is i"&er.ectionA IENERAL NOTE6 Ta*le A#110 lists i"&er.ections and NDE "et)ods t)at are ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e"A It "ust *e -e&t in "ind t)at t)is ta*le is er' (eneral in natureA Man' .actors in!uence t)e detecta*ilit' o. i"&er.ectionsA T)is ta*le assu"es t)at onl' Juali!ed &ersonnel are &er.or"in( nondestructi e e!a"inations and (ood conditions e!ist to &er"it e!a"ination ?(ood access% sur.ace conditions% cleanliness% etcA@A NOTES6 ?1@ Met)ods ca&a*le o. detectin( i"&er.ections t)at are o&en to t)e sur.ace onl'A ?2@ Met)ods ca&a*le o. detectin( i"&er.ections t)at are eit)er o&en to t)e sur.ace or sli()tl' su*sur.aceA ?F@ Met)ods ca&a*le o. detectin( i"&er.ections t)at "a' *e located an',)ere ,it)in t)e e!a"ined olu"eA ?G@ Various NDE "et)ods are ca&a*le o. detectin( tertiar' ?Frd sta(e@ cree& and so"e% &articularl' usin( s&ecial tec)niJues% are ca&a*le o. detectin( secondar' ?2nd sta(e@ cree&A T)ere are arious descri&tions0de!nitions .or t)e sta(es o. cree& and a &articular descri&tion0de!nition ,ill not *e a&&lica*le to all "aterials and &roduct .or"sA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e radio(ra&)ic "et)od descri*ed in t)is Article .or e!a"ination o. "aterials includin( castin(s and ,elds s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article are in Mandator' A&&endi! V o. t)is ArticleA Certain &roduct#s&eci!c% tec)niJue#s&eci!c% and a&&li# cation#s&eci!c reJuire"ents are also (i en in ot)er Manda# tor' A&&endices o. t)is Article% as listed in t)e ta*le o. contentsA T)ese additional reJuire"ents s)all also *e co"# &lied ,it) ,)en an A&&endi! is a&&lica*le to t)e radio# (ra&)ic or radiosco&ic e!a"ination *ein( conductedA
T#222A2 LeldsA T)e ,eld ri&&les or ,eld sur.ace irre(u# larities on *ot) t)e inside ?,)ere accessi*le@ and outside s)all *e re"o ed *' an' suita*le &rocess to suc) a de(ree t)at t)e i"a(es o. sur.ace irre(ularities cannot "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' on t)e resultin( radio(ra&)A T)e !nis)ed sur.ace o. all *utt#,elded Soints "a' *e !us) ,it) t)e *ase "aterial or "a' )a e reasona*l' uni# .or" cro,ns% ,it) rein.orce"ent not to e!ceed t)at s&eci# !ed in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Bac-scatter Radiation
T#220IENERAL REK<IREMENTS T#221Procedure ReJuire"ents T#221A1 Lritten ProcedureA Radio(ra&)ic e!a"ina# tion s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &roce# dureA Eac) &rocedure s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness ran(e ?*@ isoto&e or "a!i"u" =#ra' olta(e used ?c@ source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?d@ distance .ro" source side o. o*Sect to !l" ?d in T#25GA1@ ?e@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?.@ !l" *rand and desi(nation ?(@ screens used
A lead s'"*ol BB%C ,it) "ini"u" di"ensions o. 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ in )ei()t and 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@ in t)ic-ness% s)all *e attac)ed to t)e *ac- o. eac) !l" )older durin( eac) e!&osure to deter"ine i. *ac-scatter radiation is e!&osin( t)e !l"A
S'ste" o. Identi!cation
A s'ste" s)all *e used to &roduce &er"anent identi!ca# tion on t)e radio(ra&) tracea*le to t)e contract% co"&onent% ,eld or ,eld sea"% or &art nu"*ers% as a&&ro&riateA In addition% t)e Manu.acturerEs s'"*ol or na"e and t)e date o. t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e &lainl' and &er"anentl' included on t)e radio(ra&)A T)is identi!cation s'ste" does not nec# essaril' reJuire t)at t)e in.or"ation a&&ear as radio(ra&)ic i"a(esA In an' case% t)is in.or"ation s)all not o*scure t)e area o. interestA
T#221A2 Procedure De"onstrationA De"onstration o. t)e densit' and i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@ i"a(e reJuire# "ents o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure on &roduction or tec)niJue radio(ra&)s s)all *e considered' e idence o. co"&liance ,it) t)at &rocedureA
Eit)er a densito"eter or ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l" s)all *e used .or Sud(in( !l" densit'A T#224 E!tent o. E!a"ination
T#222Sur.ace Pre&aration T#222A1 Materials Includin( Castin(sA Sur.aces s)all satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e a&&lica*le "aterials s&eci# !cation or re.erencin( Code Section% ,it) additional condi# tionin(% i. necessar'% *' an' suita*le &rocess to suc) a de(ree t)at t)e i"a(es o. sur.ace irre(ularities cannot "asor *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' on t)e resultin( radio(ra&)A
T)e e!tent o. radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination s)all *e as s&eci# !ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#2F0EK<IPMENT AND MATERIALS T#2F18il" T#2F1A1 SelectionA Radio(ra&)s s)all *e "ade usin( industrial radio(ra&)ic !l"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#2F1A2 Processin(A Standard Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin(% SE#222% or &ara(ra&)s 2F t)rou() 24 o. Standard Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination SE#2G s)all *e used as a (uide .or &rocessin( !l"A
Set A Lire Dia"eter% inA 0A00F2 0A00G 0A001 0A004F 0A003 0A010 ?""@ ?0A03@ ?0A10@ ?0A1F@ ?0A14@ ?0A20@ ?0A21@ Lire Identit' 1 2 F G 1 4 Lire Dia"eter% inA 0A010 0A01F 0A014 0A020 0A021 0A0F2 Set B ?""@ ?0A21@ ?0AFF@ ?0AG1@ ?0A11@ ?0A4G@ ?0A31@ Lire Identit' 4 5 3 2 10 11
Intensi.'in( Screens
Intensi.'in( screens "a' *e used ,)en &er.or"in( radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination in accordance ,it) t)is ArticleA T#2FFI"a(e Kualit' Indicator ?IKI@ Desi(n T#2FFA1 Standard IKI Desi(nA IKIs s)all *e eit)er t)e )ole t'&e or t)e ,ire t'&eA +ole#t'&e IKIs s)all *e " tured and identi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents or alternates allo,ed in SE#1021A Lire#t'&e IKIs s)all *e "anu.actured and identi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents or alternates allo,ed in SE#5G5% e!ce&t t)at t)e lar(est ,ire nu"*er or t)e identit' nu"*er "a' *e o"ittedA ASME standard IKIs s)all consist o. t)ose in Ta*le T#2FFA1 .or )ole t'&e and t)ose in Ta*le T#2FFA2 .or ,ire t'&eA
Set C Lire Dia"eter% inA 0A0F2 0A0G0 0A010 0A04F 0A030 0A100 ?""@ ?0A31@ ?1A02@ ?1A25@ ?1A40@ ?2A0F@ ?2A1G@ Lire Identit' 11 12 1F 1G 11 14 Lire Dia"eter% inA 0A100 0A124 0A140 0A200 0A210 0AF20
Set D ?""@ ?2A1G@ ?FA20@ ?GA04@ ?1A03@ ?4AF1@ ?3A1F@ Lire Identit' 14 15 13 12 20 21
T#2FFA2 Alternati e IKI Desi(nA IKIs desi(ned and "anu.actured in accordance ,it) ot)er national or interna# tional standards "a' *e used &ro ided t)e reJuire"ents o. eit)er ?a@ or ?*@ *elo,% and t)e "aterial reJuire"ents o. T#254A1 are "etA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ +ole T'&e IKIsA T)e calculated EJui alent IKI Sen# siti it' ?EPS@% &er SE#1021% A&&endi! =1% is eJual to or *etter t)an t)e reJuired standard )ole t'&e IKIA ?*@ Lire T'&e IKIsA T)e alternati e ,ire IKI essential ,ire dia"eter is eJual to or less t)an t)e reJuired standard IKI essential ,ireA
least 1A0 t)rou() GA0% s)all *e usedA T)e ste& ,ed(e cali*ra# tion !l" s)all )a e *een eri!ed ,it)in t)e last 'ear *' co"&arison ,it) a national standard ste& ta*let unless% &rior to !rst use% it ,as "aintained in t)e ori(inal li()t# ti()t and ,ater&roo. sealed &ac-a(e as su&&lied *' t)e "anu.acturerA Ste& ,ed(e cali*ration !l"s "a' *e used ,it)out eri!cation .or one 'ear u&on o&enin(% &ro ided it is ,it)in t)e "anu.acturerEs stated s)el. li.eA ?*@ T)e densito"eter "anu.acturerEs ste&#*'#ste& instructions .or t)e o&eration o. t)e densito"eter s)all *e .ollo,edA ?c@ T)e densit' ste&s closest to 1A0% 2A0% FA0% and GA0 on t)e national standard ste& ta*let or ste& ,ed(e cali*ration !l" s)all *e readA ?d@ T)e densito"eter is acce&ta*le i. t)e densit' read# in(s do not ar' *' "ore t)an W 0A01 densit' units .ro" t)e actual densit' stated on t)e national standard ste& ta*let or ste& ,ed(e cali*ration !l"A
Vie,in( .acilities s)all &ro ide su*dued *ac-(round li()tin( o. an intensit' t)at ,ill not cause re!ections% s)ad# o,s% or (lare on t)e radio(ra&) t)at inter.ere ,it) t)e inter&retation &rocessA EJui&"ent used to ie, radio(ra&)s .or inter&retation s)all &ro ide a aria*le li()t source su.# !cient .or t)e essential IKI )ole or desi(nated ,ire to *e isi*le .or t)e s&eci!ed densit' ran(eA T)e ie,in( conditions s)all *e suc) t)at li()t .ro" around t)e outer ed(e o. t)e radio(ra&) or co"in( t)rou() lo,#densit' &ortions o. t)e radio(ra&) does not inter.ere ,it) inter&re# tationA
T#240CALIBRATION T#241Source SiDe T#241A1 Veri!cation o. Source SiDeA T)e eJui&"ent "anu.acturerEs or su&&lierEs &u*lications% suc) as tec)nical "anuals% deca' cur es% or ,ritten state"ents docu"entin( t)e actual or "a!i"u" source siDe or .ocal s&ot% s)all *e acce&ta*le as source siDe eri!cationA
T#242A2 Ste& Led(e Co"&arison 8il"sA Ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l"s s)all *e eri!ed &rior to !rst use% unless &er.or"ed *' t)e "anu.acturer% as .ollo,s6 ?a@ T)e densit' o. t)e ste&s on a ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l" s)all *e eri!ed *' a cali*rated densito"eterA ?*@ T)e ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l" is acce&ta*le i. t)e densit' readin(s do not ar' *' "ore t)an W 0A1 densit' units .ro" t)e densit' stated on t)e ste& ,ed(e co"&ari# son !l"A
T#241A2 Deter"ination o. Source SiDeA L)en "anu# .acturerEs or su&&lierEs &u*lications are not a aila*le% source siDe "a' *e deter"ined as .ollo,s6 ?a@ =#Ra' Mac)inesA 8or =#ra' "ac)ines o&eratin( at 100 -V and less% t)e .ocal s&ot siDe "a' *e deter"ined *' t)e &in)ole "et)od%1 or in accordance ,it) SE#1141% Standard Test Met)od .or Measure"ent o. 8ocal S&ots o. Industrial =#Ra' Tu*es *' Pin)ole I"a(in(A ?*@ Iridiu"#122 SourcesA 8or Iridiu"#122% t)e source siDe "a' *e deter"ined in accordance ,it) SE#111G% Stan# dard Test Met)od .or Deter"inin( t)e 8ocal SiDe o. Iridiu"#122 Industrial Radio(ra&)ic SourcesA
T#242AF Periodic Veri!cation ?a@ Densito"etersA Periodic ca*li*ration eri!cation c)ec-s s)all *e &er.or"ed as descri*ed in T#242A1 at t)e *e(innin( o. eac) s)i.t% a.ter 3 )r o. continuous use% or a.ter c)an(e o. a&ertures% ,)ic)e er co"es !rstA ?*@ Ste& Led(e Co"&arison 8il"sA Veri!cation c)ec-s s)all *e &er.or"ed annuall' &er T#242A2A T#242AG Docu"entation ?a@ Densito"etersA Densito"eter cali*rations reJuired *' T#242A1 s)all *e docu"ented% *ut t)e actual readin(s .or eac) ste& do not )a e to *e recordedA Periodic densito"eter eri!cation c)ec-s reJuired *' T#242AF?a@ do not )a e to *e docu"entedA ?*@ Ste& Led(e Cali*ration 8il"sA Ste& ,ed(e cali*ra# tion !l" eri!cations reJuired *' T#242A1?a@ s)all *e docu# "ented% *ut t)e actual readin(s .or eac) ste& do not )a e to *e recordedA ?c@ Ste& Led(e Co"&arison 8il"sA Ste& ,ed(e co"&ar# ison !l" eri!cations reJuired *' T#242A2 and T#242AF?*@ s)all *e docu"ented% *ut t)e actual readin(s .or eac) ste& do not )a e to *e recordedA
Densito"eter and Ste& Led(e Co"&arison 8il" T#242A1 Densito"etersA Densito"eters s)all *e cali# *rated at least e er' 20 da's durin( use as .ollo,s6 ?a@ A national standard ste& ta*let or a ste& ,ed(e cali# *ration !l"% tracea*le to a national standard ste& ta*let and )a in( at least 1 ste&s ,it) neutral densities .ro" at
Nondestructi e Testin( +and*oo-% Volu"e I% 8irst Edition% &&A 1GAF2U 1GAFF% BMeasurin( 8ocal#S&ot SiDeAC Also% &&A 20U21 o. Radio(ra&)' in Modern Industr'% 8ourt) EditionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#250 T#251
Radiation Ener('
A sin(le#,all e!&osure tec)niJue s)all *e used .or radi# o(ra&)' ,)ene er &racticalA L)en it is not &ractical to use a sin(le#,all tec)niJue% a dou*le#,all tec)niJue s)all *e usedA An adeJuate nu"*er o. e!&osures s)all *e "ade to de"onstrate t)at t)e reJuired co era(e )as *een o*tainedA T#251A1 Sin(le#Lall Tec)niJueA In t)e sin(le#,all tec)niJue% t)e radiation &asses t)rou() onl' one ,all o. t)e ,eld ?"aterial@% ,)ic) is ie,ed .or acce&tance on t)e radio(ra&)A T#251A2 Dou*le#Lall Tec)niJueA L)en it is not &rac# tical to use a sin(le#,all tec)niJue% one o. t)e .ollo,in( dou*le#,all tec)niJues s)all *e usedA ?a@ Sin(le#Lall Vie,in(A 8or "aterials and .or ,elds in co"&onents% a tec)niJue "a' *e used in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() t,o ,alls and onl' t)e ,eld ?"ate# rial@ on t)e !l"#side ,all is ie,ed .or acce&tance on t)e radio(ra&)A L)en co"&lete co era(e is reJuired .or circu".erential ,elds ?"aterials@% a "ini"u" o. t)ree e!&osures ta-en 120 de( to eac) ot)er s)all *e "adeA ?*@ Dou*le#Lall Vie,in(A 8or "aterials and .or ,elds in co"&onents F1V2 inA ?32 ""@ or less in no"inal outside dia"eter% a tec)niJue "a' *e used in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() t,o ,alls and t)e ,eld ?"aterial@ in *ot) ,alls is ie,ed .or acce&tance on t)e sa"e radio(ra&)A 8or dou*le#,all ie,in(% onl' a source#side IKI s)all *e usedA Care s)ould *e e!ercised to ensure t)at t)e reJuired (eo"etric uns)ar&ness is not e!ceededA I. t)e (eo"etric uns)ar&ness reJuire"ent cannot *e "et% t)en sin(le#,all ie,in( s)all *e usedA ?1@ 8or ,elds% t)e radiation *ea" "a' *e o..set .ro" t)e &lane o. t)e ,eld at an an(le su.!cient to se&arate t)e i"a(es o. t)e source#side and !l"#side &ortions o. t)e ,eld so t)at t)ere is no o erla& o. t)e areas to *e inter&re# tedA L)en co"&lete co era(e is reJuired% a "ini"u" o. t,o e!&osures ta-en 20 de( to eac) ot)er s)all *e "ade .or eac) SointA ?2@ As an alternati e% t)e ,eld "a' *e radio(ra&)ed ,it) t)e radiation *ea" &ositioned so t)at t)e i"a(es o. *ot) ,alls are su&eri"&osedA L)en co"&lete co era(e is reJuired% a "ini"u" o. t)ree e!&osures ta-en at eit)er 40 de( or 120 de( to eac) ot)er s)all *e "ade .or eac) SointA ?F@ Additional e!&osures s)all *e "ade i. t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic co era(e cannot *e o*tained usin( t)e "ini# "u" nu"*er o. e!&osures indicated in ?*@?1@ or ?*@?2@ a*o eA
T)e radiation ener(' e"&lo'ed .or an' radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue s)all ac)ie e t)e densit' and IKI i"a(e reJuire# "ents o. t)is ArticleA
Direction o. Radiation
T)e direction o. t)e central *ea" o. radiation s)ould *e centered on t)e area o. interest ,)ene er &racticalA T#25GIeo"etric <ns)ar&ness T#25GA1 Ieo"etric <ns)ar&ness Deter"inationA Ieo"etric uns)ar&ness o. t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e deter# "ined in accordance ,it)6
<( & 8d 0D
,)ere <( & (eo"etric uns)ar&ness 8 & source siDe6 t)e "a!i"u" &roSected di"ension o. t)e radiatin( source ?or e..ecti e .ocal s&ot@ in t)e &lane &er&endicular to t)e distance D .ro" t)e ,eld or o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed D & distance .ro" source o. radiation to ,eld or o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed d & distance .ro" source side o. ,eld or o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed to t)e !l" D and d s)all *e deter"ined at t)e a&&ro!i"ate center o. t)e area o. interestA
NOTE6 Alternati el'% a no"o(ra&) as s)o,n in Standard Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination SE#2G "a' *e usedA
T#25GA2 Ieo"etric <ns)ar&ness Li"itationsA Rec# o""ended "a!i"u" alues .or (eo"etric uns)ar&ness are as .ollo,s6
Material T)ic-ness% inA ?""@ <nder 2 ?10@ 2 t)rou() F ?10U51@ O er F t)rou() G ?51U100@ Ireater t)an G ?100@ <( Ma!i"u"% inA ?""@ 0A020 0A0F0 0A0G0 0A050 ?0A11@ ?0A54@ ?1A02@ ?1A53@
Location Mar-ers
2 S-etc)es s)o,in( su((ested source% !l"% and IKI &lace"ents .or &i&e or tu*e ,elds are illustrated in Article 2% Non"andator' A&&endi! AA
Location "ar-ers ?see 8i(A T#251@% ,)ic) are to a&&ear as radio(ra&)ic i"a(es on t)e !l"% s)all *e &laced on t)e &art% not on t)e e!&osure )older 0cassetteA T)eir locations s)all *e &er"anentl' "ar-ed on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein( radio(ra&)ed ,)en &er"itted% or on a "a&% in a "anner &er"ittin( t)e area o. interest on a radio(ra&) to *e accuratel' tracea*le to its location on t)e &art% .or t)e reJuired retention &eriod o. t)e radio(ra&)A E idence s)all
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Source sideacce&ta*le
Eit)er side location "ar-eris acce&ta*le Cur ed co"&onents ,it) con e! sur.ace to,ards radiation source PSee T#251A1?a@ ?F@Q ?c@ Cur ed co"&onents ,it) radiation source at center cur ature PSee T#251A1?c@Q ?.@
Cur ed co"&onents ,it) radiation source" distance less t)an radius o. co"&onent PSee T#251A1?a@ ?2@Q ?*@
Source side "ar-er alternate8lat co"&onent or lon(itudinal sea" ! / ?t 0 D@ ?M. 0 2@ ! / additional reJuired co era(e *e'ond .il" side location "ar-er t / co"&onent t)ic-ness M. / .il" side location "ar-er inter al D / source to co"&onent distance PSee T#251A1?*@?2@Q ?e@
8IIA T#251
Source sideacce&ta*le 8lat co"&onent or lon(itudinal sea" PSee T#251A1?a@ ?1@Q PSee s-etc) ?e@ .or alternateQ ?a@
8il" side Cur ed co"&onents ,it) acce&ta*le radiation source" distance (reater t)an radius o. cur ature PSee T#251A1?*@ ?1@Q Co"&onent ?d@ Radiation center M Location source M M "ar-er
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
also *e &ro ided on t)e radio(ra&) t)at t)e reJuired co er# a(e o. t)e re(ion *ein( e!a"ined )as *een o*tainedA Loca# tion "ar-ers s)all *e &laced as .ollo,sA T#251A1 Sin(le#Lall Vie,in( ?a@ Source#Side Mar-ersA Location "ar-ers s)all *e &laced on t)e source side ,)en radio(ra&)in( t)e .ol# lo,in(6 ?1@ !at co"&onents or lon(itudinal Soints in c'lindri# cal or conical co"&onentsR ?2@ cur ed or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ose conca e side is to,ard t)e source and ,)en t)e Bsource#to#"aterialC distance is less t)an t)e inside radius o. t)e co"&onentR ?F@ cur ed or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ose con e! side is to,ard t)e sourceA ?*@ 8il"#Side Mar-ers ?1@ Location "ar-ers s)all *e &laced on t)e !l" side ,)en radio(ra&)in( eit)er cur ed or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ose conca e side is to,ard t)e source and ,)en t)e Bsource#to#"aterialC distance is (reater t)an t)e inside radiusA ?2@ As an alternati e to source#side &lace"ent in T#251A1?a@?1@% location "ar-ers "a' *e &laced on t)e !l" side ,)en t)e radio(ra&) s)o,s co era(e *e'ond t)e loca# tion "ar-ers to t)e e!tent de"onstrated *' 8i(A T#251% s-etc) ?e@% and ,)en t)is alternate is docu"ented in accor# dance ,it) T#221A ?c@ Eit)er Side Mar-ersA Location "ar-ers "a' *e &laced on eit)er t)e source side or !l" side ,)en radio# (ra&)in( eit)er cur ed or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ose con# ca e side is to,ard t)e source and t)e Bsource#to#"aterialC distance eJuals t)e inside radius o. t)e co"&onentA
listed in Ta*le T#254% &ro ided an eJui alent IKI sensiti # it' is "aintainedA See T#23FA2A ?a@ Lelds Lit) Rein.orce"entsA T)e t)ic-ness on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased is t)e no"inal sin(le#,all t)ic-ness &lus t)e esti"ated ,eld rein.orce"ent not to e!ceed t)e "a!i# "u" &er"itted *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Bac-in( rin(s or stri&s s)all not *e considered as &art o. t)e t)ic-# ness in IKI selectionA T)e actual "easure"ent o. t)e ,eld rein.orce"ent is not reJuiredA ?*@ Lelds Lit)out Rein.orce"entsA T)e t)ic-ness on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased is t)e no"inal sin(le#,all t)ic-nessA Bac-in( rin(s or stri&s s)all not *e considered as &art o. t)e ,eld t)ic-ness in IKI selectionA
T#254AF Lelds ;oinin( Dissi"ilar Materials or Lelds Lit) Dissi"ilar 8iller MetalA L)en t)e ,eld "etal is o. an allo' (rou& or (rade t)at )as a radiation attenuation t)at di..ers .ro" t)e *ase "aterial% t)e IKI "aterial selection s)all *e *ased on t)e ,eld "etal and *e in accordance ,it) T#254A1A L)en t)e densit' li"its o. T#232A2 cannot *e "et ,it) one IKI% and t)e e!ce&tional densit' area?s@ is at t)e inter.ace o. t)e ,eld "etal and t)e *ase "etal% t)e "aterial selection .or t)e additional IKIs s)all *e *ased on t)e *ase "aterial and *e in accor# dance ,it) T#254A1A
T#251A2 Dou*le#Lall Vie,in(A 8or dou*le#,all ie,# in(% at least one location "ar-er s)all *e &laced adSacent to t)e ,eld ?or on t)e "aterial in t)e area o. interest@ .or eac) radio(ra&)A T#251AF Ma&&in( t)e Place"ent o. Location Mar-# ersA L)en inaccessi*ilit' or ot)er li"itations &re ent t)e &lace"ent o. "ar-ers as sti&ulated in T#251A1 and T#251A2% a di"ensioned "a& o. t)e actual "ar-er &lace"ent s)all acco"&an' t)e radio(ra&)s to s)o, t)at .ull co era(e )as *een o*tainedA
T#254IKI Selection T#254A1 MaterialA IKIs s)all *e selected .ro" eit)er t)e sa"e allo' "aterial (rou& or (rade as identi!ed in SE#1021% or SE#5G5% as a&&lica*le% or .ro" an allo' "ate# rial (rou& or (rade ,it) less radiation a*sor&tion t)an t)e "aterial *ein( radio(ra&)edA T#254A2 SiDeA T)e desi(nated )ole IKI or essential ,ire s)all *e as s&eci!ed in Ta*le T#254A A t)inner or t)ic-er )ole#t'&e IKI "a' *e su*stituted .or an' section t)ic-ness
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
<se o. IKIs to Monitor Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination T#255A1 Place"ent o. IKIs ?a@ Source#Side IKI?s@A T)e IKI?s@ s)all *e &laced on t)e source side o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"ined% e!ce&t .or t)e condition descri*ed in T#255A1?*@A L)en% due to &art or ,eld con!(uration or siDe% it is not &ractical to &lace t)e IKI?s@ on t)e &art or ,eld% t)e IKI?s@ "a' *e &laced on a se&arate *loc-A Se&arate *loc-s s)all *e "ade o. t)e sa"e or radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar "ate# rials ?as de!ned in SE#1021@ and "a' *e used to .acilitate IKI &ositionin(A T)ere is no restriction on t)e se&arate *loc- t)ic-ness% &ro ided t)e IKI 0area#o.#interest densit' tolerance reJuire"ents o. T#232A2 are "etA ?1@ T)e IKI on t)e source side o. t)e se&arate *locs)all *e &laced no closer to t)e !l" t)an t)e source side o. t)e &art *ein( radio(ra&)edA ?2@ T)e se&arate *loc- s)all *e &laced as close as &ossi*le to t)e &art *ein( radio(ra&)edA ?F@ L)en )ole#t'&e IKIs are used% t)e *loc- di"en# sions s)all e!ceed t)e IKI di"ensions suc) t)at t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e IKI i"a(e s)all *e isi*le on t)e radio(ra&)A ?*@ 8il"#Side IKI?s@A L)ere inaccessi*ilit' &re ents )and &lacin( t)e IKI?s@ on t)e source side% t)e IKI?s@ s)all *e &laced on t)e !l" side in contact ,it) t)e &art *ein( e!a"inedA A lead letter B8C s)all *e &laced adSacent to or
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
on t)e IKI?s@% *ut s)all not "as- t)e essential )ole ,)ere )ole IKIs are usedA ?c@ IKI Place"ent .or Lelds M +ole IKIsA T)e IKI?s@ "a' *e &laced adSacent to or on t)e ,eldA T)e identi!cation nu"*er?s@ and% ,)en used% t)e lead letter B8%C s)all not *e in t)e area o. interest% e!ce&t ,)en (eo"etric con!(uration "a-es it i"&racticalA ?d@ IKI Place"ent .or Lelds M Lire IKIsA T)e IKI?s@ s)all *e &laced on t)e ,eld so t)at t)e len(t) o. t)e ,ires is &er&endicular to t)e len(t) o. t)e ,eldA T)e IKI identi!# cation and% ,)en used% t)e lead letter B8%C s)all not *e in t)e area o. interest% e!ce&t ,)en (eo"etric con!(uration "a-es it i"&racticalA ?e@ IKI Place"ent .or Materials Ot)er T)an LeldsA T)e IKI?s@ ,it) t)e IKI identi!cation and% ,)en used% t)e lead letter B8%C "a' *e &laced in t)e area o. interestA
T#255A2 Nu"*er o. IKIsA L)en one or "ore !l" )old# ers are used .or an e!&osure% at least one IKI i"a(e s)all a&&ear on eac) radio(ra&) e!ce&t as outlined in ?*@ *elo,A ?a@ Multi&le IKIsA I. t)e reJuire"ents o. T#232 are "et *' usin( "ore t)an one IKI% one s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e li()test area o. interest and t)e ot)er t)e dar-est area o. interestR t)e inter enin( densities on t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e considered as )a in( acce&ta*le densit'A ?*@ S&ecial CasesF ?1@ 8or c'lindrical co"&onents ,)ere t)e source is &laced on t)e a!is o. t)e co"&onent .or a sin(le e!&osure% at least t)ree IKIs% s&aced a&&ro!i"atel' 120 de( a&art% are reJuired under t)e .ollo,in( conditions6
?a@ L)en t)e co"&lete circu".erence is radio# (ra&)ed usin( one or "ore !l" )olders% orR ?*@ L)en a section or sections o. t)e circu".er# ence% ,)ere t)e len(t) *et,een t)e ends o. t)e outer"ost sections s&an 2G0 or "ore de(% is radio(ra&)ed usin( one or "ore !l" )oldersA Additional !l" locations "a' *e reJuired to o*tain necessar' IKI s&acin(A ?2@ 8or c'lindrical co"&onents ,)ere t)e source is &laced on t)e a!is o. t)e co"&onent .or a sin(le e!&osure% at least t)ree IKIs% ,it) one &laced at eac) end o. t)e s&an o. t)e circu".erence radio(ra&)ed and one in t)e a&&ro!i"ate center o. t)e s&an% are reJuired under t)e .ollo,in( conditions6 ?a@ L)en a section o. t)e circu".erence% t)e len(t) o. ,)ic) is (reater t)an 120 de( and less t)an 2G0 de(% is radio(ra&)ed usin( Sust one !l" )older% orR ?*@ L)en a section or sections o. t)e circu".er# ence% ,)ere t)e len(t) *et,een t)e ends o. t)e outer"ost sections s&an less t)an 2G0 de(% is radio(ra&)ed usin( "ore t)an one !l" )olderA ?F@ In ?1@ and ?2@ a*o e% ,)ere sections o. lon(itudi# nal ,elds adSoinin( t)e circu".erential ,eld are radio# (ra&)ed si"ultaneousl' ,it) t)e circu".erential ,eld% an additional IKI s)all *e &laced on eac) lon(itudinal ,eld at t)e end o. t)e section "ost re"ote .ro" t)e Sunction ,it) t)e circu".erential ,eld *ein( radio(ra&)edA ?G@ 8or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ere t)e source is &laced at t)e center o. t)e co"&onent .or a sin(le e!&osure% at least t)ree IKIs% s&aced a&&ro!i"atel' 120 de( a&art% are reJuired under t)e .ollo,in( conditions6 ?a@ L)en a co"&lete circu".erence is radio# (ra&)ed usin( one or "ore !l" )olders% orR
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ L)en a section or sections o. a circu".erence% ,)ere t)e len(t) *et,een t)e ends o. t)e outer"ost sections s&an 2G0 or "ore de(% is radio(ra&)ed usin( one or "ore !l" )oldersA Additional !l" locations "a' *e reJuired to o*tain necessar' IKI s&acin(A ?1@ 8or s&)erical co"&onents ,)ere t)e source is &laced at t)e center o. t)e co"&onent .or a sin(le e!&osure% at least t)ree IKIs% ,it) one &laced at eac) end o. t)e radio(ra&)ed s&an o. t)e circu".erence radio(ra&)ed and one in t)e a&&ro!i"ate center o. t)e s&an% are reJuired under t)e .ollo,in( conditions6 ?a@ L)en a section o. a circu".erence% t)e len(t) o. ,)ic) is (reater t)an 120 de( and less t)an 2G0 de(% is radio(ra&)ed usin( Sust one !l" )older% orR ?*@ L)en a section or sections o. a circu".erence% ,)ere t)e len(t) *et,een t)e ends o. t)e outer"ost sections s&an less t)an 2G0 de( is radio(ra&)ed usin( "ore t)an one !l" )olderA ?4@ In ?G@ and ?1@ a*o e% ,)ere ot)er ,elds are radio# (ra&)ed si"ultaneousl' ,it) t)e circu".erential ,eld% one additional IKI s)all *e &laced on eac) ot)er ,eldA ?5@ 8or se("ents o. a !at or cur ed ?iAeA% elli&soidal% toris&)erical% toriconical% elli&tical% etcA@ co"&onent ,)ere t)e source is &laced &er&endicular to t)e center o. a len(t) o. ,eld .or a sin(le e!&osure ,)en usin( "ore t)an t)ree !l" )olders% at least t)ree IKIs% one &laced at eac) end o. t)e radio(ra&)ed s&an and one in t)e a&&ro!i"ate center o. t)e s&an% are reJuiredA ?3@ L)en an arra' o. co"&onents in a circle is radio# (ra&)ed% at least one IKI s)all s)o, on eac) co"&onent i"a(eA ?2@ In order to "aintain t)e continuit' o. records in ol in( su*seJuent e!&osures% all radio(ra&)s e!)i*itin( IKIs t)at Juali.' t)e tec)niJues &er"itted in accordance ,it) ?1@ t)rou() ?5@ a*o e s)all *e retainedA
?a@ .o((in(R ?*@ &rocessin( de.ects suc) as strea-s% ,ater"ar-s% or c)e"ical stainsR ?c@ scratc)es% !n(er "ar-s% cri"&s% dirtiness% static "ar-s% s"ud(es% or tearsR ?d@ .alse indications due to de.ecti e screensA
T#232Radio(ra&)ic Densit' T#232A1 Densit' Li"itationsA T)e trans"itted !l" densit' t)rou() t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. t)e *od' o. t)e a&&ro&riate )ole IKI or adSacent to t)e desi(nated ,ire o. a ,ire IKI and t)e area o. interest s)all *e 1A3 "ini"u" .or sin(le !l" ie,in( .or radio(ra&)s "ade ,it) an =#ra' source and 2A0 "ini"u" .or radio(ra&)s "ade ,it) a (a""a ra' sourceA 8or co"&osite ie,in( o. "ulti&le !l" e!&osures% eac) !l" o. t)e co"&osite set s)all )a e a "ini"u" densit' o. 1AFA T)e "a!i"u" densit' s)all *e GA0 .or eit)er sin(le or co"&osite ie,in(A A tolerance o. 0A01 in densit' is allo,ed .or ariations *et,een densito"# eter readin(sA
T#232A2 Densit' Variation ?a@ IeneralA I. t)e densit' o. t)e radio(ra&) an',)ere t)rou() t)e area o. interest aries *' "ore t)an "inus 11O or &lus F0O .ro" t)e densit' t)rou() t)e *od' o. t)e )ole IKI or adSacent to t)e desi(nated ,ire o. a ,ire IKI% ,it)in t)e "ini"u" 0"a!i"u" allo,a*le densit' ran(es s&eci!ed in T#232A1% t)en an additional IKI s)all *e used .or eac) e!ce&tional area or areas and t)e radio(ra&) reta-enA L)en calculatin( t)e allo,a*le ariation in densit'% t)e calculation "a' *e rounded to t)e nearest 0A1 ,it)in t)e ran(e s&eci!ed in T#232A1A ?*@ Lit) S)i"sA L)en s)i"s are used ,it) )ole#t'&e IKIs% t)e &lus F0O densit' restriction o. ?a@ a*o e "a' *e e!ceeded% and t)e "ini"u" densit' reJuire"ents o. T#232A1 do not a&&l' .or t)e IKI% &ro ided t)e reJuired IKI sensiti it' o. T#23FA1 is "etA
T#255AF S)i"s <nder +ole IKIsA 8or ,elds% a s)i" o. "aterial radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)e ,eld "etal s)all *e &laced *et,een t)e &art and t)e IKI% i. needed% so t)at t)e radio(ra&)ic densit' t)rou()out t)e area o. interest is no "ore t)an "inus 11O .ro" ?li()ter t)an@ t)e radio# (ra&)ic densit' t)rou() t)e IKIA T)e s)i" di"ensions s)all e!ceed t)e IKI di"ensions suc) t)at t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e IKI i"a(e s)all *e isi*le in t)e radio(ra&)A
T#230 T#231
T#23FIKI Sensiti it' T#23FA1 ReJuired Sensiti it'A Radio(ra&)' s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it) a tec)niJue o. su.!cient sensiti it' to dis# &la' t)e desi(nated )ole IKI i"a(e and t)e essential )ole% or t)e essential ,ire o. a ,ire IKIA T)e radio(ra&)s s)all also dis&la' t)e IKI identi.'in( nu"*ers and lettersA I. t)e desi(nated )ole IKI i"a(e and essential )ole% or essential ,ire% do not s)o, on an' !l" in a "ulti&le !l" tec)niJue% *ut do s)o, in co"&osite !l" ie,in(% inter&retation s)all *e &er"itted onl' *' co"&osite !l" ie,in(A
All radio(ra&)s s)all *e .ree .ro" "ec)anical% c)e"ical% or ot)er *le"is)es to t)e e!tent t)at t)e' do not "as- and are not con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' in t)e area o. interest o. t)e o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)edA Suc) *le"is)es include% *ut are not li"ited to6
T#23FA2 EJui alent +ole#T'&e Sensiti it'A A t)inner or t)ic-er )ole#t'&e IKI t)an t)e reJuired IKI "a' *e su*stituted% &ro ided an eJui alent or *etter IKI sensiti it'% as listed in Ta*le T#23F% is ac)ie ed and all ot)er reJuire# "ents .or radio(ra&)' are "etA EJui alent IKI sensiti it'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue details and t)e radio(ra&) re ie, .or" docu"entation s)all acco"&an' t)e radio(ra&)sA Acce&tance s)all *e co"&leted &rior to &resentation o. t)e radio(ra&)s and acco"&an'in( docu"entation to t)e Ins&ectorA
T#220 T#221
is s)o,n in an' ro, o. Ta*le T#23F ,)ic) contains t)e reJuired IKI and )oleA Better IKI sensiti it' is s)o,n in an' ro, o. Ta*le T#23F ,)ic) is a*o e t)e eJui alent sensiti it' ro,A I. t)e reJuired IKI and )ole are not re&re# sented in t)e ta*le% t)e ne!t t)inner IKI ro, .ro" Ta*le T#23F "a' *e used to esta*lis) eJui alent IKI sensiti it'A
T)e Manu.acturer s)all &re&are and docu"ent t)e radio# (ra&)ic tec)niJue detailsA As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e &ro idedA ?a@ identi!cation as reJuired *' T#22G ?*@ t)e di"ensional "a& ?i. used@ o. "ar-er &lace"ent in accordance ,it) T#251AF ?c@ nu"*er o. radio(ra&)s ?e!&osures@ ?d@ =#ra' olta(e or isoto&e t'&e used ?e@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?.@ *ase "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness% ,eld t)ic-ness% ,eld rein.orce"ent t)ic-ness% as a&&lica*le ?(@ source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?)@ distance .ro" source side o. o*Sect to !l" ?d in T#25GA1@ ?i@ !l" "anu.acturer and Manu.acturerEs t'&e0desi(# nation ?S@ nu"*er o. !l" in eac) !l" )older0cassette ?-@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all e!&osure ?l@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all ie,in(
E!cessi e Bac-scatter
I. a li()t i"a(e o. t)e BB%C as descri*ed in T#22F% a&&ears on a dar-er *ac-(round o. t)e radio(ra&)% &rotection .ro" *ac-scatter is insu.!cient and t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e con# sidered unacce&ta*leA A dar- i"a(e o. t)e BBC on a li()ter *ac-(round is not cause .or reSectionA
T)e Manu.acturer s)all *e res&onsi*le .or t)e re ie,% inter&retation% e aluation% and acce&tance o. t)e co"&leted radio(ra&)s to assure co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2 and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA As an aid to t)e re ie, and e aluation% t)e radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue docu"entation reJuired *' T#221 s)all *e co"&leted &rior to t)e e aluationA T)e radio(ra&) re ie, .or" reJuired *' T#222 s)all *e co"&leted durin( t)e e aluationA T)e
T)e Manu.acturer s)all &re&are a radio(ra&) re ie, .or"A As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e &ro idedA ?a@ a listin( o. eac) radio(ra&) location ?*@ t)e in.or"ation reJuired in T#221% *' inclusion or *' re.erence ?c@ e aluation and dis&osition o. t)e "aterial?s@ or ,eld?s@ e!a"ined ?d@ identi!cation ?na"e@ o. t)e Manu.acturerEs re&re# sentati e ,)o &er.or"ed t)e !nal acce&tance o. t)e radio# (ra&)s ?e@ date o. Manu.acturerEs e aluation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8 & source siDe6 t)e "a!i"u" &roSected di"ension o. t)e radiatin( source ?or .ocal s&ot@ in t)e &lane &er&endicular to t)e distance * X c .ro" t)e ,eld *ein( radio(ra&)ed
NOTE6 <se consistent unitsA
In#"otion radio(ra&)' is a tec)niJue o. radio(ra&)' ,)ere t)e o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed and 0or t)e source o. radiation is in "otion durin( t)e e!&osureA In#"otion radio(ra&)' "a' *e &er.or"ed on ,eld"ents ,)en t)e .ollo,in( "odi!ed &ro isions to t)ose in Article 2 are satis!edA
I#250E=AMINATION I#25GIeo"etric and In#Motion <ns)ar&ness I#25GA1 Ieo"etric <ns)ar&nessA Ieo"etric uns)ar&ness .or in#"otion radio(ra&)' s)all *e deter"ined in accordance ,it) T#25GA1A I#25GA2 In#Motion <ns)ar&nessA In#"otion uns)ar&ness o. t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e deter"ined in accor# dance ,it)6
<M & ,d D
I#220 I#22F
?a@ 8or lon(itudinal ,elds t)e lead s'"*ol BBC s)all *e attac)ed to t)e *ac- o. eac) !l" cassette or at a&&ro!i# "atel' eJual inter als not e!ceedin( F4 inA ?21G ""@ a&art% ,)ic)e er is s"allerA ?*@ 8or circu".erential ,elds% t)e lead s'"*ol BBC s)all *e attac)ed to t)e *ac- o. t)e !l" cassette in eac) Juadrant or s&aced no (reater t)an F4 inA ?21G ""@% ,)ic)e er is s"allerA
,)ere <M & in#"otion uns)ar&ness , & *ea" ,idt) at t)e source side o. t)e ,eld "ea# sured in t)e direction o. "otion deter"ined as s&eci!ed in I#24F d & distance .ro" source side o. t)e ,eld *ein( radio# (ra&)ed to t)e !l" D & distance .ro" source o. radiation to ,eld *ein( radio(ra&)ed
I#240 I#24F
T)e *ea" ,idt) s)all *e controlled *' a "etal dia&)ra(" suc) as leadA T)e dia&)ra(" .or t)e ener(' selected s)all *e at least 10 )al. alue la'ers t)ic-A T)e *ea" ,idt) as s)o,n in 8i(A I#24F s)all *e deter# "ined in accordance ,it)6
c ?8 X a@ Xa *
I#25GAF <ns)ar&ness Li"itationsA Reco""ended "a!i"u" alues .or (eo"etric uns)ar&ness and in#"otion uns)ar&ness are &ro ided in T#25GA2A
Location Mar-ers
,)ere , & *ea" ,idt) at t)e source side o. t)e ,eld "ea# sured in t)e direction o. "otion a & slit ,idt) in dia&)ra(" in direction o. "otion * & distance .ro" source to t)e ,eld side o. t)e dia# &)ra(" c & distance .ro" ,eld side o. t)e dia&)ra(" to t)e source side o. t)e ,eld sur.ace
Location "ar-ers s)all *e &laced adSacent to t)e ,eld at t)e e!tre"it' o. eac) !l" cassette and also at a&&ro!i# "atel' eJual inter als not e!ceedin( 11 inA ?F31 ""@A
?a@ 8or lon(itudinal ,elds% )ole IKIs s)all *e &laced adSacent to and on eac) side o. t)e ,eld sea"% or on t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,eld sea" at t)e *e(innin( and end o. t)e ,eld sea"% and t)erea.ter at a&&ro!i"atel' eJual inter als not e!ceedin( F4 inA ?21G ""@ or .or eac) !l" cassetteA Lire IKIs% ,)en used% s)all *e &laced on t)e ,eld sea" so t)at t)e len(t) o. t)e ,ires is &er&endicular to t)e len(t) o. t)e ,eld and s&aced as indicated a*o e .or )ole IKIsA ?*@ 8or circu".erential ,elds% )ole IKIs s)all *e &laced adSacent to and on eac) side o. t)e ,eld sea" or on t)e ,eld sea" in eac) Juadrant or s&aced no (reater t)an F4 inA ?21G ""@ a&art% ,)ic)e er is s"allerA Lire IKIs% ,)en used% s)all *e &laced on t)e ,eld sea" so t)at t)e len(t) o. t)e ,ires is &er&endicular to t)e len(t) o. t)e ,eld and s&aced as indicated a*o e .or )ole IKIsA
Re&aired Area
L)en radio(ra&)' o. a re&aired area is reJuired% t)e len(t) o. t)e !l" used s)all *e at least eJual to t)e len(t) o. t)e ori(inal location "ar-er inter alA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Real#ti"e radiosco&' &ro ides i""ediate res&onse i"a(in( ,it) t)e ca&a*ilit' to .ollo, "otion o. t)e ins&ected &artA T)is includes radiosco&' ,)ere t)e "otion o. t)e test o*Sect "ust *e li"ited ?co""onl' re.erred to as near real#ti"e radiosco&'@A Real#ti"e radiosco&' "a' *e &er.or"ed on "aterials includin( castin(s and ,eld"ents ,)en t)e "odi!ed &ro i# sions to Article 2 as indicated )erein are satis!edA SE#1211 s)all *e used in conSunction ,it) t)is A&&endi! as indicated *' s&eci!c re.erences in a&&ro&riate &ara(ra&)sA SE#1G14 &ro ides additional in.or"ation t)at "a' *e used .or radio# sco&ic e!a"ination o. ,eldsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is radiosco&ic "et)odolo(' "a' *e used .or t)e e!a"# ination o. .errous or non.errous "aterials and ,eld"entsA
contrast sensiti it'% and cali*ration *loc- discontinuit' detection necessar' to "eet t)e IKI reJuire"ents o. T#254A II#24F S'ste" Per.or"ance Measure"ent
Procedure ReJuire"ents
A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuired and s)all contain as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( ?see SE#1211% 1A2@6 ?a@ "aterial and t)ic-ness ran(e ?*@ eJui&"ent Juali!cations ?c@ test o*Sect scan &lan ?d@ radiosco&ic &ara"eters ?e@ i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters ?.@ i"a(e dis&la' &ara"eters ?(@ i"a(e arc)i in(
Real#ti"e radiosco&ic s'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters s)all *e deter"ined initiall' and "onitored re(ularl' ,it) t)e s'ste" in o&eration to assure consistent resultsA T)e s'ste" &er.or"ance s)all *e "onitored at su.!cientl' sc)eduled inter als to "ini"iDe t)e &ro*a*ilit' o. ti"e# de&endent &er.or"ance ariationsA S'ste" &er.or"ance tests reJuire t)e use o. t)e cali*ration *loc-% line &air test &attern% and t)e ste& ,ed(eA S'ste" &er.or"ance "easure"ent tec)niJues s)all *e standardiDed so t)at t)e' "a' *e readil' du&licated at t)e s&eci!ed inter alsA
II#2F0 II#2F1
T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination data s)all *e recorded and stored on ideota&e% "a(netic dis-% or o&tical dis-A
T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all also *e &laced in t)e sa"e &osition as t)e actual o*Sect and "ani&ulated t)rou() t)e sa"e ran(e and s&eed o. "otions as ,ill *e used .or t)e actual o*Sect to de"onstrate t)e s'ste"Es res&onse in t)e d'na"ic "odeA
T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e "ade o. t)e sa"e "aterial t'&e and &roduct .or" as t)e test o*SectA T)e cali*ration *loc- "a' *e an actual test o*Sect or "a' *e .a*ricated to si"ulate t)e test o*Sect ,it) -no,n discontinuitiesA
T)e line &air test &attern s)all *e used ,it)out an addi# tional a*sor*er to e aluate t)e s'ste" resolutionA T)e ste& ,ed(e s)all *e used to e aluate s'ste" contrast sensiti it'A T)e ste& ,ed(e "ust *e "ade o. t)e sa"e "aterial as t)e test o*Sect ,it) ste&s re&resentin( 100O% 22O% 23O% and 25O o. *ot) t)e t)ic-est and t)e t)innest "aterial sections to *e ins&ectedA Additional ste& t)ic-nesses are &er"issi*leA
T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" s)all% as a "ini# "u"% include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ radiation source ?*@ "ani&ulation s'ste" ?c@ detection s'ste" ?d@ in.or"ation &rocessin( s'ste" ?e@ i"a(e dis&la' s'ste" ?.@ record arc)i in( s'ste"
II#230 II#234
A s'ste" ,)ic) e!)i*its a s&atial resolution o. F line &airs &er "illi"eter% a t)in section contrast sensiti it' o. FO% and a t)ic- section contrast sensiti it' o. 2O )as an eJui alent &er.or"ance le el o. FO M 2O M F l& 0""A
T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" &er.or"ance Jual# it' is deter"ined *' t)e co"*ined &er.or"ance o. t)e co"&onents s&eci!ed in II#253A ?See SE#1211% 4A1A@ L)en usin( ,ire IKIs% t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s's# te" "a' e!)i*it as'""etrical sensiti it'% t)ere.ore% t)e ,ire dia"eter a!is s)all *e oriented alon( t)e a!is o. t)e least sensiti it' o. t)e s'ste"A
II#220 II#221
S'ste" cali*ration s)all *e &er.or"ed in t)e static "ode *' satis.'in( t)e line &air test &attern resolution% ste& ,ed(e
To aid in &ro&er inter&retation o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"i# nation data% details o. t)e tec)niJue used s)all acco"&an'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e dataA As a "ini"u"% t)e in.or"ation s)all include t)e ite"s s&eci!ed in T#221 ,)en a&&lica*le% II#221% and t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ o&erator identi!cation ?*@ s'ste" &er.or"ance test data
T)e di(ital i"a(e e!a"ination data s)all *e recorded and stored on ideo ta&e% "a(netic dis-% or o&tical dis-A
Vie,in( Considerations
Prior to *ein( &resented to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tance% t)e e!a"ination data s)all *e inter&reted *' t)e turer as co"&l'in( ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e Manu.acturer s)all record t)e inter&retation and dis&osition o. eac) ,eld"ent e!a"ined on a radio(ra&)ic inter&reta# tion re ie, .or" acco"&an'in( t)e radiosco&ic dataA
T)e di(ital i"a(e s)all *e Sud(ed *' isual co"&arison to *e eJui alent to t)e i"a(e Jualit' o. t)e ori(inal i"a(e at t)e ti"e o. di(itiDationA
Cali*rated O&tical Line Pair Test Pattern and O&tical Densit' Ste& Led(e
An o&tical line &air test &attern o&eratin( *et,een 0A1 and GA0 o&tical densit' s)all *e used to e aluate t)e "odula# tion .unction ?MT8@ o. t)e s'ste"A T)e o&tical densit' ste& ,ed(e s)all *e used to e aluate s'ste" contrast sensiti it'A
Di(ital i"a(e acJuisition% dis&la'% and stora(e can *e a&&lied to radio(ra&)' and radiosco&'A Once t)e analo( i"a(e is con erted to di(ital .or"at% t)e data can *e dis# &la'ed% &rocessed% Juanti!ed% stored% retrie ed% and con# erted *ac- to t)e ori(inal analo( .or"at% .or e!a"&le% !l" or ideo &resentationA Di(ital i"a(in( o. all radio(ra&)ic and radiosco&ic e!a"ination test results s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) t)e "odi!ed &ro isions to Article 2 as indicated )ereinA
III#210 III#211
An' &ortion o. t)e i"a(e data "a' *e di(itiDed and stored &ro ided t)e in.or"ation t)at is di(itiDed and stored includes t)e area o. interest as de!ned *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
S'ste" Con!(uration
III#220 III#221
T)e s'ste" s)all% as a "ini"u"% include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ di(itiDin( s'ste" ?*@ dis&la' s'ste" ?c@ i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste" ?d@ i"a(e stora(e s'ste"
A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuired and s)all contain% as a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( s'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters6 ?a@ i"a(e di(itiDin( &ara"eters M "odulation .unction ?MT8@% line &air resolution% contrast sensiti it'% and d'na"ic ran(e ?*@ i"a(e dis&la' &ara"eters M .or"at% contrast% and "a(ni!cation ?c@ i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters t)at are used ?d@ stora(e M identi!cation% data co"&ression% and "edia ?includin( &recautions to *e ta-en to a oid data loss@ ?e@ analo( out&ut .or"ats
T)e s'ste" s)all *e cali*rated .or "odulation .unction ?MT8@% d'na"ic ran(e% and contrast sensiti it'A
An' arti.acts t)at are identi!ed in t)e ori(inal i"a(e s)all *e noted or annotated on t)e di(ital i"a(eA
S'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters ?as noted in III#221@ s)all *e deter"ined initiall' and "onitored re(ularl' ,it) t)e s'ste" in o&eration to assure consistent resultsA T)e s'ste" &er.or"ance s)all *e "onitored at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) s)i.t to "ini"iDe t)e &ro*a*ilit' o. ti"e# de&endent &er.or"ance ariationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
III#230 III#234
T)e Jualit' o. s'ste" &er.or"ance is deter"ined *' t)e co"*ined &er.or"ance o. t)e co"&onents s&eci!ed in III#213A
S'ste"#Induced Arti.acts
T)e di(ital i"a(es s)all *e .ree o. s'ste"#induced arti# .acts in t)e area o. interest t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' in t)e ori(inal analo( i"a(eA
III#220 III#221
To aid in &ro&er inter&retation o. t)e di(ital e!a"ination data% details o. t)e tec)niJue used s)all acco"&an' t)e dataA As a "ini"u"% t)e in.or"ation s)all include ite"s s&eci!ed in T#221 and II#221 ,)en a&&lica*le% III#221% III#222% and t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ o&erator identi!cation ?*@ s'ste" &er.or"ance test data
T)e di(ital i"a(e s)all *e inter&reted ,)ile dis&la'ed on t)e "onitorA T)e inter&retation "a' include densit' and contrast adSust"ent% Juanti!cation% and &i!el "easure# "ent% includin( di(ital or o&tical densit' alues and linear or area "easure"entA T)e inter&retation o. a di(itiDed i"a(e is de&endent u&on t)e sa"e su*Secti e e aluation *' a trained inter&reter as t)e inter&retation o. a radio(ra&)ic or radiosco&ic i"a(eA So"e o. t)e si(ni!cant &ara"eters considered durin( inter# &retation include6 area o. interest% i"a(e Jualit'% IKI i"a(e% "a(ni!cation% densit'% contrast% discontinuit' s)a&e ?rounded% linear% irre(ular@% and arti.act identi!cationA T)e di(ital i"a(e inter&retation o. t)e radio(ra&)ic and radiosco&ic e!a"ination test results s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) t)e "odi!ed &ro isions to Article 2 as indicated )ereinA A.ter t)e inter&retation )as *een co"&leted% t)e inter&re# tation data and t)e di(ital i"a(e% ,)ic) s)all include t)e un&rocessed ori(inal .ull i"a(e and t)e di(itall' &rocessed i"a(e% s)all *e recorded and stored on ideo ta&e% "a(netic ta&e% or o&tical dis-A
Procedure ReJuire"ents
Prior to *ein( &resented to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tance% t)e di(ital e!a"ination data .ro" a radio(ra&)ic or radio# sco&ic i"a(e s)all )a e *een inter&reted *' t)e turer as co"&l'in( ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e di(ital e!a"ination data .ro" a radio(ra&) t)at )as &re iousl' *een acce&ted *' t)e Ins&ector is not reJuired to *e su*"itted to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tanceA
A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuired and s)all contain% as a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( s'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters6 ?a@ i"a(e di(itiDin( &ara"eters M "odulation .unction ?MT8@% line &air resolution% contrast sensiti it'% d'na"ic ran(e% and &i!el siDeR ?*@ i"a(e dis&la' &ara"eters M "onitor siDe includin( dis&la' &i!el siDe% lu"inosit'% .or"at% contrast% and "a(ni# !cationR ?c@ si(nal &rocessin( &ara"eters M includin( densit' s)i.t% contrast stretc)% lo( trans.or"% and an' ot)er tec)# niJues t)at do not "at)e"aticall' alter t)e ori(inal di(ital data% eA(A% linear and area "easure"ent% &i!el siDin(% and alue deter"inationR ?d@ stora(e M identi!cation% data co"&ression% and "edia ?includin( &recautions to *e ta-en to a oid data loss@A T)e non#erasa*le o&tical "edia s)ould *e used .or arc)i al a&&licationsA T)is is .reJuentl' called t)e LORM ?Lrite Once Read Man'@ tec)nolo('A L)en stora(e is acco"&lis)ed on "a(netic or erasa*le o&tical "edia% t)en &rocedures "ust *e included t)at s)o, trac-a*le sa.e# (uards to &re ent data ta"&erin( and (uarantee data inte(rit'A
T)e di(ital i"a(e e!a"ination test results &roduced in accordance ,it) Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! II% and Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! III% "a' *e inter&reted and e aluated .or !nal dis&osition in accordance ,it) t)e additional &ro isions to Article 2 as indicated )ereinA T)e di(ital in.or"ation is o*tained in series ,it) radio(# ra&)' and in &arallel ,it) radiosco&'A T)is data collection &rocess also &ro ides .or inter&retation% e aluation% and dis&osition o. t)e e!a"ination test resultsA
An' arti.acts t)at are identi!ed s)all *e noted or anno# tated on t)e di(ital i"a(eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IV#2F0 IV#2F1
s'ste" &er.or"ance s)all *e "onitored at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) s)i.t to "ini"iDe t)e &ro*a*ilit' o. ti"e# de&endent &er.or"ance ariationsA
T)e di(ital i"a(e e!a"ination data s)all *e recorded and stored on ideo ta&e% "a(netic dis-% or o&tical dis-A IV#2FG Vie,in( Considerations IV#230 IV#234 EVAL<ATION 8actors A..ectin( S'ste" Per.or"ance
T)e di(ital i"a(e s)all *e e aluated usin( a&&ro&riate "onitor lu"inosit'% dis&la' tec)niJues% and roo" li()tin( to insure &ro&er isualiDation o. detailA
T)e Jualit' o. s'ste" &er.or"ance is deter"ined *' t)e co"*ined &er.or"ance o. t)e co"&onents s&eci!ed in IV#213A
Cali*rated O&tical Line Pair Test Pattern and O&tical Densit' Ste& Led(e
S'ste"#Induced Arti.acts
An o&tical line &air test &attern o&eratin( *et,een 0A1 and GA0 o&tical densit' s)all *e used to e aluate t)e "odula# tion .unction ?MT8@ o. t)e s'ste"A +i() s&atial resolution ,it) 1G line#&airs &er "illi"eter ?l& 0""@ trans# lates to a &i!el siDe o. 0A001G inA ?0A0F1 ""@A Lesser s&atial resolution ,it) 2 l& 0"" can *e acco"&lis)ed ,it) a &i!el siDe o. 0A012 inA ?0AF ""@A T)e o&tical densit' ste& ,ed(e s)all *e used to e aluate s'ste" contrast sensiti it'A Alter# nati el'% a contrast sensiti it' (a(e ?ste& ,ed(e *loc-@ in accordance ,it) SE#14G5 "a' *e usedA
T)e di(ital i"a(es s)all *e .ree o. s'ste"#induced arti# .acts in t)e area o. interest t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit'A
IV#220 IV#221
IV#210 IV#211
To aid in &ro&er inter&retation o. t)e di(ital e!a"ination data% details o. t)e tec)niJue used s)all acco"&an' t)e dataA As a "ini"u"% t)e in.or"ation s)all include ite"s s&eci!ed in T#221 and II#221 ,)en a&&lica*le% III#221% III#222% IV#221% IV#222% and t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ o&erator identi!cation ?*@ s'ste" &er.or"ance test data ?c@ cali*ration test data
T)e e aluation o. t)e di(ital i"a(e s)all include all areas o. t)e i"a(e de!ned as t)e area o. interest *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
S'ste" Con!(uration
T)e s'ste" s)all% as a "ini"u"% include6 ?a@ di(ital i"a(e acJuisition s'ste" ?*@ dis&la' s'ste" ?c@ i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste" ?d@ i"a(e stora(e s'ste"
Prior to *ein( &resented to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tance% t)e di(ital e!a"ination data .ro" a radio(ra&)ic or radio# sco&ic i"a(e s)all )a e *een inter&reted *' t)e turer as co"&l'in( ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e di(itiDed e!a"ination data t)at )as &re iousl' *een acce&ted *' t)e Ins&ector is not reJuired to *e su*"itted to t)e Ins&ector .or acce&tanceA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s relatin( to radio(ra&)ic e!a"inationA
S'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters ?as noted in IV#221@ s)all *e deter"ined initiall' and "onitored re(ularl' ,it) t)e s'ste" in o&eration to assure consistent resultsA T)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ SE#1F14% Section 5 &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in V#2F0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Indication% 8la,% Discon# tinuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) V#2F0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!nitions t)at are Code s&eci!cA Para(ra&) V#2F0?c@ &ro# ides a list o. ter"s and de!nitions t)at are s&eci!c to Section V% Article 2% A&&endi! VIA
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 analo( i"a(e% *ac- scattered radiation% cassette% co"&osite ie,in(% contrast sensiti it'% contrast stretc)% densito"eter% densit' ?!l"@% di(ital% di(ital i"a(e% di(itiDe% di(ital i"a(e acJuisition s'ste"% erasa*le o&tical "ediu"% .ocal s&ot% .o(% (eo"etric uns)ar&ness% i"a(e &ro# cessin(% intensi.'in( screen% IKI sensiti it'% line &air &er "illi"eter% line &air test &attern% location "ar-er% lu"inos# it'% "a(netic stora(e "ediu"% o&tical densit'% &)otosti"u# la*le lu"inescent &)os&)or% &i!el% &i!el siDe% recordin( "edia% screen% source% ste& ,ed(e% s'ste"#induced arti.acts% trans"ission densito"eter% and trans"itted !l" densit'A ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is ArticleA annotate6 to &ro ide an e!&lanator' note on t)e di(ital i"a(eA cali*rated line &air test &attern6 see o&tical line &air test &atternA cali*rated ste& ,ed(e !l"6 a radio(ra&) ,it) discrete densit' ste&s% ,)ic) is tracea*le to a national standardA data co"&ression6 a reduction in t)e siDe o. a di(ital data set to a s"aller data setA densit' s)i.t6 a .unction t)at raises or lo,ers all densit' 0(re'scale alues eJuall' suc) t)at contrast is "ain# tained ,it)in t)e data setA desi(nated ,ire6 t)e s&eci!c ,ire t)at "ust *e discern# i*le in t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. a ,ire#t'&e i"a(e Jualit' indicatorA dia&)ra("6 an a&erture ?o&enin(@ in a radiation o&aJue "aterial t)at li"its t)e usa*le *ea" siDe o. a radiation sourceA dis&la' &i!el siDe6 t)e len(t) and ,idt) di"ensions o. t)e s"allest ele"ent o. a dis&la'ed i"a(eA d'na"ic ran(e6 t)e ran(e o. o&eration o. a de ice *et,een its u&&er and lo,er li"itR t)is ran(e can *e (i en as a ratio ?eA(A% 10061@ o. t)e "a!i"u" si(nal le el ca&a*il# it' to its noise le el% t)e nu"*er o. "easura*le ste&s *et,een t)e u&&er and lo,er li"its% t)e nu"*er o. *its needed to record t)is nu"*er o. "easura*le ste&s% or t)e "a!i"u" and "ini"u" "easura*le aluesA eJui alent IKI sensiti it'6 t)at t)ic-ness o. )ole#t'&e IKI% e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. t)e &art t)ic-ness% in
,)ic) 2T )ole ,ould *e isi*le under t)e sa"e radio# (ra&)ic conditionsA essential )ole6 t)e s&eci!c )ole t)at "ust *e discerni*le in t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. a )ole#t'&e IKIA i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste"6 a s'ste" t)at uses "at)e"ati# cal al(orit)"s to "ani&ulate di(ital i"a(e dataA i"a(e Jualit' indicator )ole t'&e6 a rectan(ular &laJue% "ade o. "aterial radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)at o. t)e o*Sect *ein( radio# (ra&)ed% ,it) s"all dia"eter )oles ?1T% 2T% and GT@ used to c)ec- t)e i"a(e Jualit' o. t)e radio(ra&)A ,ire t'&e6 a set o. s"all dia"eter ,ires% "ade o. "aterial radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)at o. t)e o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed% used to c)ec- t)e i"a(e Jualit' o. t)e radio# (ra&)A i"a(e stora(e s'ste"6 a s'ste" t)at can store di(ital i"a(e data .or .uture useA IKI6 i"a(e Jualit' indicatorA line &air resolution6 t)e nu"*er o. line &airs &er unit distance t)at are detecta*le in an i"a(eA lo( trans.or"6 a .unction t)at a&&lies a lo(arit)"ic "a&# &in( to all densit' 0(re'scale alues in an i"a(eR t)is o&era# tion is o.ten &er.or"ed ,)en t)e resultin( distri*ution is nor"al% or i. t)e resultin( relations)i& ,it) anot)er aria*le is linearA "odulation .unction ?MT8@6 a "easure o. s&a# tial resolution as a .unction o. contrastR a &lot o. t)ese aria*les ?s&atial resolution and contrast@ 'ields a cur e re&resentin( t)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e s'ste"A national standard ste& ta*let6 an !#ra' !l" ,it) discrete densit' ste&s &roduced and certi!ed *' a nationall' reco(# niDed standardiDin( *od'A nonerasa*le o&tical "edia ?o&tical dis-@6 a stora(e "edia t)at &re ents t)e erasure or alteration o. di(ital data a.ter it is storedA o&tical densit' ste& ,ed(e6 a radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. a "ec)anical ste& ,ed(e ,it) &recise t)ic-ness incre"ents and "a' *e used to correlate o&tical !l" densit' to t)e t)ic-ness o. "aterial% also -no,n as a ste& ta*letA &enetra"eter6 no lon(er used in Article 2R see i"a(e Jualit' indicatorA Juanti!cation6 t)e act o. deter"inin( or e!&ressin( a Juantit' ?iAeA% (i in( a nu"erical alue to a "easure"ent o. so"et)in(@A radio(ra&)6 a isi*le i"a(e ie,ed .or acce&tance ,)ic) is created *' &enetratin( radiation actin( on a recordin( "ediaR eit)er !l" on a ie,er or electronic i"a(es on a "onitorA radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination6 a nondestructi e "et)od .or detectin( discontinuities in "aterials and co"&onents usin( &enetratin( radiation and recordin( "edia to &roduce an i"a(eA sensiti it'6 t)e s"allest discerni*le detail and 0or contrast c)an(e ?eA(A% IKI )ole or ,ire@ in a radio(ra&)ic i"a(eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s)i"6 a "aterial% radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)e o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)ed% t)at is &laced *et,een a )ole#t'&e IKI and t)e o*Sect in order to reduce t)e radio(ra&)ic densit' t)rou() t)e i"a(e o. t)e )ole#t'&e IKIA source side6 t)at sur.ace o. t)e area o. interest *ein( radio(ra&)ed .or e aluation nearest t)e source o. radiationA ste& ,ed(e cali*ration !l"6 a &rocessed !l" ,it) dis# crete densit' ste&s t)at )a e *een eri!ed *' co"&arison ,it) a national standard ste& ta*letA ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l"6 a &rocessed !l" ,it) dis# crete densit' ste&s t)at )a e *een eri!ed *' use o. a cali*rated densito"eter% ,)ic) is used to deter"ine i. &ro# duction radio(ra&)s "eet densit' li"itsA LORM ?,rite once read "an'@6 a ter" relatin( to a t'&e o. di(ital stora(e "edia ,)ere t)e data can *e stored onl' once *ut accessed ?nondestructi el'@ "an' ti"esA ?c@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) Article 2% A&&endi! VI6 contrast sensiti it'6 t)e siDe o. t)e s"allest detecta*le c)an(e in o&tical densit'A d'na"ic ran(e6 t)e e!tent o. "easura*le o&tical densit' o*tained in a sin(le scanA i"a(e6 t)e di(ital re&resentation o. a tar(et on t)e ence !l" used to e aluate *ot) t)e di(itiDation and dis&la' as&ects o. a !l" di(itiDation s'ste"A re.erence !l"6 a sin(le industrial radio(ra&)ic !l" t)at enco"&asses t)e tar(ets necessar' .or t)e e aluation and Juanti!cation o. t)e &er.or"ance c)aracteristics o. a !l" di(itiDation s'ste"A s&atial linearit'6 t)e accurac' to ,)ic) a di(itiDation s'ste" re&roduces t)e &)'sical di"ensions o. in.or"ation on t)e ori(inal !l" P*ot) in t)e )oriDontal ?alon( a sin(le scan line@ and ertical ?.ro" one scan line to anot)er@ directionsQA s&atial resolution6 t)e siDe o. t)e s"allest detecta*le ele"ent o. t)e di(itiDed i"a(eA tar(et6 a &)'sical &attern on a re.erence !l" used to e aluate t)e &er.or"ance o. a !l" di(itiDation s'ste"A
VI#220IENERAL REK<IREMENTS VI#221Su&&le"ental ReJuire"ents VI#221A1 Additional In.or"ationA Article 2% Manda# tor' A&&endices III and IV% contain additional in.or"ation t)at s)all *e used to su&&le"ent t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A T)ese su&&le"ental reJuire"ents s)all *e docu# "ented in t)e ,ritten &rocedure reJuired *' t)is A&&endi!A
VI#221A2 Re.erence 8il"A Su&&le"ent A contains reJuire"ents .or t)e "anu.acture o. t)e re.erence !l"A VI#222 Lritten Procedure
A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuiredA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all *e t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e o,ner o. t)e radio(ra&)s and s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Aut)or# iDed Nuclear Ins&ector ?ANI@A L)en ot)er en.orce"ent or re(ulator' a(encies are in ol ed% t)e a(enc' a&&ro al is reJuired *' .or"al a(ree"entA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include% as a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( essential aria*les6 VI#222A1 Di(itiDin( S'ste" Descri&tion ?a@ "anu.acturer and "odel noA o. di(itiDin( s'ste"R ?*@ &)'sical siDe o. t)e usa*le area o. t)e i"a(e "onitorR ?c@ !l" siDe ca&acit' o. t)e scannin( de iceR ?d@ s&ot siDe?s@ o. t)e !l" scannin( s'ste"R ?e@ i"a(e dis&la' &i!el siDe as de!ned *' t)e ertical0 )oriDontal resolution li"its o. t)e "onitorR ?.@ lu"inance o. t)e ideo dis&la'R and ?(@ data stora(e "ediu"A
VI#222A2 Di(itiDin( Tec)niJue ?a@ di(itiDer s&ot siDe ?in "icrons@ to *e used ?see VI#2F2@R ?*@ loss#less data co"&ression tec)niJue% i. usedR ?c@ "et)od o. i"a(e ca&ture eri!cationR ?d@ i"a(e &rocessin( o&erationsR ?e@ ti"e &eriod .or s'ste" eri!cation ?see VI#24G@R ?.@ s&atial resolution used ?see VI#2G1@R ?(@ contrast sensiti it' ?densit' ran(e o*tained@ ?see VI#2G2@R ?)@ d'na"ic ran(e used ?see VI#2GF@R and ?i@ s&atial linearit' o. t)e s'ste" ?see VI#2GG@A
Personnel ReJuire"ents
Di(ital i"a(in( &rocess and tec)nolo(' &ro ide t)e a*il# it' to di(itiDe and store t)e detailed in.or"ation contained in t)e radio(ra&) ?analo( i"a(e@% t)us eli"inatin( t)e need to "aintain and store radio(ra&)s .or &er"anent recordA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Personnel s)all *e Juali!ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ Le el II and Le el III PersonnelA Le el II and Le el III &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in t)e radio(ra&)ic "et)od as reJuired *' Article 1A In addition% t)e e"&lo'erEs ,ritten &ractice s)all descri*e t)e s&eci!c trainin( and &ractical e!&erience o. Le el II and Le el III &ersonnel in ol ed in t)e a&&lication o. t)e di(ital i"a(in( &rocess and t)e inter&retation o. results and acce&tance o. s'ste" &er.or"# anceA Trainin( and e!&erience s)all *e docu"ented in t)e indi idualEs certi!cation recordsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ As a "ini"u"% Le el II and III indi iduals s)all )a e G0 )ours o. trainin( and 1 "ont) o. &ractical e!&eri# ence in t)e di(ital i"a(in( &rocess tec)niJueA ?c@ Ot)er PersonnelA Personnel ,it) li"ited Juali!ca# tions &er.or"in( o&erations ot)er t)an t)ose reJuired .or t)e Le el II or Le el III s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) Article 1A Eac) indi idual s)all )a e s&eci!ed trainin( and &ractical e!&erience in t)e o&erations to *e &er.or"edA
S&atial Linearit'
S&atial linearit' s)all *e deter"ined as descri*ed in VI#21GA T)e s'ste" s)all return "easured di"ensions ,it) FO o. t)e actual di"ensions on t)e re.erence !l"A
VI#2F0 VI#2F1
T)e .ollo,in( .eatures s)all *e co""on to all di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste"s6 ?a@ noninterlaced i"a(e dis&la' .or"atR ?*@ LORM M ,rite#once0read#"an' data stora(eR and ?c@ .ull' re ersi*le ?loss#less@ data co"&ression ?i. data co"&ression is used@A
T)e re.erence !l" descri*ed in Su&&le"ent A and 8i(A VI#A#1 s)all *e used to deter"ine t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e di(itiDation s'ste"A T)e s'ste" settin(s s)all *e adSusted to o&ti"iDe t)e dis&la' re&resentation o. t)e ence tar(ets ?i"a(es@A T)e re.erence !l" and all su*seJuent radio(ra&)s s)all *e scanned *' t)e di(itiDation s'ste" usin( t)ese o&ti"iDed settin(sA
T)e s&ot siDe o. t)e di(itiDin( s'ste" s)all *e6 ?a@ 50 "icrons% or s"aller .or radio(ra&)s "ade ,it) ener(ies u& to 1 MeVR or ?*@ 100 "icrons or s"aller .or radio(ra&)s "ade ,it) ener(ies o er 1 MeVA
At least t,o o. t)e con er(in( line &air i"a(es ?0 de(% G1 de(% and 20 de( line &airs@ s)all *e selected near t)e o&&osite corners o. t)e di(itiDin( !eld and one i"a(e near t)e center o. t)e di(itiDed re.erence !l"A T)e s&atial resolu# tion in eac) &osition and .or eac) orientation s)all *e recorded as t)e )i()est indicated s&atial .reJuenc' ?as deter"ined *' t)e re.erence lines &ro ided@ ,)ere all o. t)e li()ter lines are o*ser ed to *e se&arated *' t)e dar-er linesA T)e s'ste" resolution s)all *e re&orted as t)e &oorest s&atial resolution o*tained .ro" all o. t)e resolution i"a(es e aluatedA
S'ste" &er.or"ance s)all *e deter"ined usin( t)e di(i# tiDed re&resentation o. t)e re.erence tar(ets ?i"a(es@A No adSust"ent s)all *e "ade to t)e di(itiDin( s'ste" ,)ic) "a' a..ect s'ste" &er.or"ance a.ter recordin( t)e ence tar(etsA
S&atial Resolution
<sin( t)e contrast sensiti it' i"a(es and t)e di(itiDed ste&&ed densit' scale i"a(es to e aluate t)e detecta*ilit' o. eac) densit' ste& ?t)e o*ser ed densit' c)an(es s)all *e indicati e o. t)e s'ste"Es ca&a*ilit' to discern 0A02 densit' di..erences@% t)e detecta*ilit' o. eac) densit' ste& and t)e di..erence in densit' *et,een ste&s s)all *e e al# uatedA
S&atial resolution s)all *e deter"ined as descri*ed in VI#211A T)e s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. resol in( a &attern o. 5 line &airs0"illi"eter ?l&0""@ .or s'ste"s di(itiDin( ,it) a s&ot siDe o. 50 "icrons or less% or 1 line &airs0 "illi"eter .or s&ot siDes (reater t)an 50 "icronsA
T)e d'na"ic ran(e o. t)e di(itiDation s'ste" s)all *e deter"ined *' !ndin( t)e last isi*le densit' ste& at *ot) ends o. t)e densit' stri&A T)e d'na"ic ran(e s)all *e "ea# sured to t)e nearest 0A10 o&tical densit'A
Contrast sensiti it' s)all *e deter"ined as descri*ed in VI#212A T)e s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" contrast sensiti it' o. 0A02 o&tical densit'A VI#2GF D'na"ic Ran(e
D'na"ic ran(e s)all *e deter"ined as descri*ed in VI#21FA T)e s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" d'na"ic ran(e o. FA1 o&tical densit'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e di(itiDation s'ste" s)all *e set to read t)e inc) scale on t)e re.erence !l"A T)e "easure"ent tool s)all t)en *e used to "easure t)e scale in a ertical direction and )ori# Dontal directionA T)e actual di"ension is di ided *' t)e "easured di"ension to !nd t)e &ercenta(e o. error in t)e )oriDontal and ertical directionsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
VI#240 VI#241
conducted *' .ollo,in( VI#2G0 and Su&&le"ent AA T)e results s)all *e docu"entedA
T)e ,ritten &rocedure descri*ed in VI#222 s)all *e de"# onstrated to t)e ANI and% i. reJuested% t)e re(ulator' a(enc'% as )a in( t)e a*ilit' to acJuire% dis&la'% and re&ro# duce t)e analo( i"a(es .ro" radio(ra&)sA E idence o. t)e de"onstration s)all *e recorded as reJuired *' VI#221A
VI#230 VI#231
Processed Tar(ets
T)e Le el II or Le el III E!a"iner descri*ed in VI#22F?a@ s)all *e res&onsi*le .or deter"inin( t)at t)e di(ital i"a(in( &rocess is ca&a*le o. re&roducin( t)e ori(i# nal analo( i"a(eA T)is di(ital i"a(e s)all t)en *e trans# .erred to t)e ,rite#once#read#"an' ?LORM@ o&tical discA
T)e di(itiDin( &rocess and eJui&"ent s)all acJuire and dis&la' t)e tar(ets descri*ed in Su&&le"ent AA T)e di(itall' &rocessed tar(ets o. t)e re.erence !l" s)all *e used to eri.' t)e s'ste" &er.or"anceA
An' c)an(e in t)e essential aria*les identi!ed in VI#222 and used to &roduce t)e results in VI#210 s)all *e cause .or re eri!cation o. t)e S'ste" Per.or"anceA
L)en inter&retation o. t)e radio(ra&) is used .or acce&t# ance% t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! IV and t)e Re.erencin( Code Section s)all a&&l'A I. analo( radio(ra&)s "ust *e ie,ed in co"&osite .or acce&tance% t)en *ot) radio(ra&)s s)all *e di(itiDedA T)e di(ital i"a(e o. t)e analo( radio(ra&)s s)all *e inter&reted sin(ularl'A
VI#23F VI#24G 8reJuenc' o. Veri!cation T)e S'ste" Per.or"ance s)all *e initiall' eri!ed in accordance ,it) VI#242 at t)e *e(innin( o. eac) di(itiDin( s)i.tA Re eri!cation in accordance ,it) VI#242 s)all ta-e &lace at t)e end o. eac) s)i.t or at t)e end o. 12 continuous )ours% ,)ic)e er is less% or at an' ti"e t)at "al.unctionin( is sus&ectedA
Di(ital i"a(es o. &re iousl' acce&ted radio(ra&)s "a' *e used as a *aseline .or su*seJuent in#ser ice ins&ectionsA
VI#220 VI#221
An' e idence o. c)an(e in t)e S'ste" Per.or"ance s&eci!ed in VI#2G0 s)all in alidate t)e di(ital i"a(es &ro# cessed since t)e last success.ul eri!cation and s)all *e cause .or re eri!cationA
VI#250 VI#251
T)e di(itiDin( s'ste" s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents s&eci# !ed in VI#2G0 *e.ore di(itiDin( arc)i al radio(ra&)sA VI#252 Arti.acts
T)e .ollo,in( s)all *e docu"ented in a !nal re&ort6 ?a@ s&atial resolution ?VI#2G1@R ?*@ contrast sensiti it' ?VI#2G2@R ?c@ .reJuenc' .or s'ste" eri!cationR ?d@ d'na"ic ran(e ?VI#2GF@R ?e@ Tracea*ilit' tec)niJue .ro" ori(inal co"&onent to radio(ra&) to dis&la'ed di(ital i"a(e% includin( ori(inal radio(ra&)ic re&ort?s@A ?T)e ori(inal radio(ra&)ic reader s)eet "a' *e di(itiDed to .ul!ll t)is reJuire"ent@R ?.@ condition o. ori(inal radio(ra&)s ?VI#231@R ?(@ &rocedure de"onstration ?VI#241@R ?)@ s&atial linearit' ?VI#2GG@R ?i@ s'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters ?VI#2G1@R and ?S@ &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e di(ital i"a(in( &rocess ?VI#22F@A
Radio(ra&)s s)all *e isuall' e!a"ined .or .orei(n "aterial and arti.acts ?eA(A% scratc)es or ,ater s&ots@ in t)e area o. interestA 8orei(n "aterial not re"o ed and arti.acts o*ser ed s)all *e docu"entedA
Arc)i in(
T)e cali*ration .or a s&eci!c set o. &ara"eters ?iAeA% !l" siDe% densit' ran(e% and s&atial resolution@ s)all *e
L)en t)e !nal re&ort and di(itiDed in.or"ation are used to re&lace t)e analo( radio(ra&) as t)e &er"anent record as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% all in.or"ation &ertainin( to t)e ori(inal radio(ra&)' s)all *e docu"ented in t)e !nal re&ort and &rocessed as &art o. t)e di(ital recordA A du&licate co&' o. t)e LORM stora(e "edia is reJuired i. t)e radio(ra&)s are to *e destro'edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o. no less t)an 0A1 l&0""A It s)all )a e distinct resolutions o. 0A1% 1% 2% F% G% 1% 4% 5% 3% 2% 10% 11% and 20 l&0 "" and )a e t)e corres&ondin( re.erence "ar-sA It s)all *e located near t)e "iddle o. t)e re.erence !l"A VI#A#2FF Constrast Sensiti it' Tar(ets
T)e re.erence !l" descri*ed in t)is su&&le"ent &ro ides a set o. tar(ets suita*le .or e aluatin( and Juanti.'in( t)e &er.or"ance c)aracteristics o. a radio(ra&)ic di(itiDin( s'ste"A T)e re.erence !l" is suita*le .or e aluatin( *ot) t)e radio(ra&)ic !l" di(itiDation &rocess and t)e electronic i"a(e reconstruction &rocessA T)e re.erence !l" s)all *e used to conduct &er.or"ance de"onstrations and e aluations o. t)e di(itiDin( s'ste" to eri.' t)e o&eratin( c)aracteristics *e.ore radio(ra&)s are di(itiDedA T)e re.erence !l" &ro ides .or t)e e aluation o. s&atial resolution% contrast sensiti it'% d'na"ic ran(e% and s&atial linearit'A
Contrast sensiti it' tar(ets s)all consist o. a&&ro!i# "atel' 0AG inA *' 0AG inA ?10 "" *' 10 ""@ *loc-s centered in 1A4 inA *' 1A4 inA ?G0 "" *' G0 ""@ *loc-s o. a sli()tl' lo,er densit'A T,o series o. t)ese ste& *loc-s s)all *e used ,it) an o&tical densit' o. a&&ro!i"atel' 2A0 on a *ac-(round o. a&&ro!i"atel' 1A21% an o&tical densit' c)an(e o. 0A01A T)e second *loc- series ,ill )a e an o&tical densit' o. a&&ro!i"atel' FA1 on a *ac-(round o. a&&ro!i# "atel' FAG% an o&tical densit' c)an(e o. 0A10A T)e relati e densit' c)an(e is "ore i"&ortant t)an t)e a*solute densit'A T)ese i"a(es s)all *e located near t)e ed(es and t)e center o. t)e !l" so as to test t)e contrast sensiti it' t)rou()out t)e scan &at)A
VI#A#220 VI#A#221
VI#A#2F0 VI#A#2F1
T)e illustration o. t)e re.erence !l" and its tar(ets is as s)o,n in 8i(A VI#A#1A VI#A#2F2 S&atial Resolution Tar(ets
Ste&&ed densit' tar(ets s)all consist o. a series o. 0AG inA *' 0AG inA ?10 "" *' 10 ""@ ste&s ali(ned in a ro, ,it) densities ran(in( .ro" 0A1 to GA1 ,it) no (reater t)an 0A1 o&tical densit' ste&sA At .our &laces on t)e densit' stri& ?at a&&ro!i"atel' 1A0% 2A0% FA0% and GA0 o&tical densities@% t)ere s)all *e o&tical densit' c)an(es o. 0A02 ,)ic) s)all also *e used to test t)e contrast sensiti it'A T)ese ste&&ed densit' tar(ets s)all *e located near t)e ed(es o. t)e !l" and near t)e center so as to test t)e d'na"ic ran(e t)rou()# out t)e scan &at)A
T)e re.erence !l" s)all contain s&atial resolution tar(ets as .ollo,s6 VI#A#2F2A1 Con er(in( Line Pair Tar(etsA Con er(# in( line &airs s)all consist o. F identical (rou&s o. no less t)an 4 con er(in( line &airs ?4 li()t lines and 4 dar- lines@A T)e tar(ets s)all )a e a "a!i"u" resolution o. no less t)an 20 line &airs &er "illi"eter ?l&0""@ and a "ini"u" resolution o. no (reater t)an 1 l&0""A T)e F line &air (rou&s s)all *e oriented in t)e ertical% )oriDontal% and t)e last (rou& s)all *e G1 de( .ro" t)e &re ious t,o (rou&sA T)e "a!i"u" resolution s)all *e oriented to,ard t)e cor# ners o. t)e !l"A Re.erence "ar-s s)all *e &ro ided to indicate s&atial resolution at le els o. no less t)an 1% 2% F% G% 1% 4% 5% 3% 2% 10% 11% and 20 l&0""A T)e s&atial resolution tar(ets s)all *e located in eac) corner o. t)e needed !l" siDesA
Measure"ent scale tar(ets s)all *e located in t)e )ori# Dontal and ertical di"ensionsA T)e "easure"ent scale tar(ets s)all *e in En(lis) and0or "etric di isionsA
Manu.acturin( s&eci!cations s)all *e "ini"u" reJuire# "ents necessar' .or &roducin( t)e re.erence !l"A T)e re.# erence !l" s)all )a e a uniJue identi!cation ,)ic) a&&ears as an i"a(e ,)en di(itiDedA VI#A#2G1 Material
T)e re.erence !l" s)all *e a !ne (rain% industrial t'&e !l"A T)e !l" used ,ill *e o. )i() Jualit' so t)e reJuired s&eci!cations in VI#A#2F0 are "etA VI#A#2G2 8il" SiDe
VI#A#2F2A2 Parallel Line Pair Tar(etsA Parallel line &airs s)all consist o. &arallel line &airs in at least t)e ertical direction on t)e re.erence !l"A It s)all )a e a "a!i"u" resolution o. at least 20 l&0"" and a "ini"u" resolution
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e !l" siDe s)all *e su.!cient to acco""odate t)e lar(est area o. interest to *e di(itiDedA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S&atial Resolution
castin(s F1V2 inA ?33 ""@ or less in OADA or ,)en t)e s)a&e o. a castin( &recludes sin(le#,all ie,in(A
T)e relati e densities stated in VI#A#2FF and VI#A#2FG s)all *e ,it)in W0A001 o&tical densit'A ?a@ T)e tolerance .or t)e o&tical densit' c)an(es stated in VI#A#2FF and VI#A#2FG s)all *e W0A001A ?*@ T)e "easured densities s)all *e ,it)in W0A11 o. t)e alues stated in VI#A#2FF and VI#A#2FGA T)e actual densities s)all *e recorded and .urnis)ed ,it) t)e ence !l"A ?c@ Densit' reJuire"ents s)all *e in accordance ,it) ANSI IT#2A12A ?d@ T)e *ac-(round densit'% ,)ere t)ere are no i"a(es located% s)all )a e a FA0 o&tical densit' W0A1A
VII#254IKI Selection VII#254AF Additional IKI Selection ReJuire"entsA T)e t)ic-ness on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased is t)e sin(le#,all t)ic-nessA ?a@ Castin( Areas Prior to 8inis) Mac)inin(A T)e IKI s)all *e *ased on a t)ic-ness t)at does not e!ceed t)e !nis)ed t)ic-ness *' "ore t)an 20O or 1VG inA ?4 ""@% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA In no case s)all an IKI siDe *e *ased on a t)ic-ness (reater t)an t)e t)ic-ness *ein( radio# (ra&)edA ?*@ Castin( Areas T)at Lill Re"ain in t)e As#Cast Con# ditionA T)e IKI s)all *e *ased on t)e t)ic-ness *ein( radio# (ra&)edA
T)e "easure"ent scale tar(ets s)all *e accuratel' elec# tronicall' &roduced to W0A01 inA ?W1AF ""@A
VII#230EVAL<ATION VII#232Radio(ra&)ic Densit' VII#232A1 Densit' Li"itationsA T)e trans"itted !l" densit' t)rou() t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. t)e *od' o. t)e a&&ro&riate )ole IKI or adSacent to t)e desi(nated ,ire o. a ,ire IKI and t)e area o. interest s)all *e 1A1 "ini"u" .or sin(le !l" ie,in(A 8or co"&osite ie,in( o. "ulti&le !l" e!&osures% eac) !l" o. t)e co"&osite set s)all )a e a "ini"u" densit' o. 1A0A T)e "a!i"u" densit' s)all *e GA0 .or eit)er sin(le or co"&osite ie,in(A A tolerance o. 0A01 in densit' is allo,ed .or ariations *et,een densito"# eter readin(sA
Metallic castin(s% due to t)eir in)erent co"&le! con!(# urations% &resent e!a"ination conditions t)at are uniJue to t)is &roduct .or"A Radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination "a' *e &er.or"ed on castin(s ,)en t)e "odi!ed &ro isions to Article 2% as indicated )erein% are satis!edA
VII#220 VII#22F
VII#220 VII#22G
A s'ste" s)all *e used to &roduce &er"anent identi!ca# tion on t)e radio(ra&) tracea*le to t)e contract% co"&onent% or &art nu"*ers% as a&&ro&riateA In addition% eac) !l" o. a castin( *ein( radio(ra&)ed s)all *e &lainl' and &er"a# nentl' identi!ed ,it) t)e na"e or s'"*ol o. t)e Material Manu.acturer% Certi!cate +older% or Su*contractor% So* or )eat nu"*er% date% and% i. a&&lica*le% re&airs ?R1% R2% etcA@A T)is identi!cation s'ste" does not necessaril' reJuire t)at t)e in.or"ation a&&ear as radio(ra&)ic i"a(esA In an' case% t)is in.or"ation s)all not o*scure t)e area o. interestA
To assure t)at all castin(s are radio(ra&)ed consistentl' in t)e sa"e "anner% la'out details s)all *e &ro idedA As a "ini"u"% t)e la'out details s)all include6 ?a@ s-etc)es o. t)e castin(% in as "an' ie,s as neces# sar'% to s)o, t)e a&&ro!i"ate &osition o. eac) location "ar-erR and ?*@ source an(les i. not &er&endicular to t)e !l"A
VII#250E=AMINATION VII#251Radio(ra&)ic Tec)niJue VII#251A2 Dou*le#Lall Vie,in( Tec)niJueA A dou# *le#,all ie,in( tec)niJue "a' *e used .or c'lindrical
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or usin( &)os# &)or i"a(in( &late ?&)otosti"ula*le lu"inescent &)os# &)or@ as an alternati e to !l" radio(ra&)'A
Sa"&le la'out and tec)niJue details are illustrated in SE#10F0% A&&en# di! ?Non"andator' In.or"ation@ =1% 8i(A =1A1% Radio(ra&)ic Standard S)ootin( S-etc) ?RSS@A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Radio(ra&)' usin( &)os&)or i"a(in( &late "a' *e &er# .or"ed on "aterials includin( castin(s and ,eld"ents ,)en t)e "odi!ed &ro isions to Article 2 as indicated )erein and all ot)er reJuire"ents o. Article 2 are satis!edA T)e ter" !l"% as used ,it)in Article 2% a&&lica*le to &er# .or"in( radio(ra&)' in accordance ,it) t)is A&&endi!% re.ers to &)os&)or i"a(in( &lateA
VIII#240 VIII#242
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#242 are not a&&lica*le to &)os# &)or i"a(in( &late radio(ra&)'A
VIII#220IENERAL REK<IREMENTS VIII#221Procedure ReJuire"ents VIII#221A1 Lritten ProcedureA A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuiredA In lieu o. t)e reJuire"ents o. T#221A1% eac) &rocedure s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness ran(e ?*@ isoto&e or "a!i"u" =#ra' olta(e used ?c@ "ini"u" source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?d@ distance .ro" source side o. o*Sect to t)e &)os&)or i"a(in( &late ?d in T#25GA1@ ?e@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?.@ &)os&)or i"a(in( &late "anu.acturer and desi(# nation ?(@ screens used ?)@ i"a(e scannin( and &rocessin( eJui&"ent " turer and "odel
VIII#250E=AMINATION VIII#255<se o. IKIs to Monitor Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination VIII#255A1 Place"ent o. IKIs ?a@ Source#Side IKI?s@A L)en usin( se&arate *loc-s .or IKI &lace"ent as descri*ed in T#255A1?a@% t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *loc-s s)all *e suc) t)at t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e *od' o. t)e IKI is Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA ?*@ All ot)er reJuire"ents o. T#255A1 s)all a&&l'A
VIII#221A2 Procedure De"onstrationA De"onstration o. i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@ i"a(e reJuire"ents o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure on &roduction or tec)niJue radio(ra&)s usin( &)os&)or i"a(in( &late s)all *e considered tor' e idence o. co"&liance ,it) t)at &rocedureA
VIII#255A2 Nu"*er o. IKIs ?a@ Multi&le IKIsA An IKI s)all *e used .or eac) a&&lica# *le t)ic-ness ran(e in Ta*le T#254 s&anned *' t)e "ini# "u"#to#"a!i"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e area o. interest to *e radio(ra&)edA ?*@ As an alternati e to ?a@ a*o e% a "ini"u" o. t,o IKIs re&resentin( t)e "ini"u" and "a!i"u" t)ic-nesses o. t)e area o. interest "a' *e used% &ro ided t)e reJuire# "ents o. VIII#23FAF are "etA ?c@ All ot)er reJuire"ents o. T#255A2 s)all a&&l'A
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#221 are not a&&lica*le to &)os# &)or i"a(in( &late radio(ra&)'A
VIII#2F0EK<IPMENT AND MATERIALS VIII#2F1P)os&)or I"a(in( Plate VIII#2F1A1 SelectionA Radio(ra&)' s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( an industrial &)os&)or i"a(in( &late ca&a*le o. de"# onstratin( IKI i"a(e reJuire"entsA VIII#2F1A2 Processin(A T)e s'ste" used .or &rocessin( a &)os&)or i"a(in( &late s)all *e ca&a*le o. acJuirin(% storin(% and dis&la'in( t)e di(ital i"a(eA VIII#2FG 8acilities .or Vie,in( o. Radio(ra&)s
VIII#255AF S)i"s <nder +ole IKIsA 8or ,elds ,it) rein.orce"ent or *ac-in( "aterial% a s)i" o. "aterial radio# (ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)e ,eld "etal and0or *ac-in( "ate# rial s)all *e &laced *et,een t)e &art and t)e IKIs% suc) t)at t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e *od' o. t)e IKI is Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA T)e s)i" di"ensions s)all e!ceed t)e IKI di"ensions suc) t)at t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e IKI s)all *e isi*le in t)e radio(ra&)A
VIII#230 VIII#231
T)e di(ital i"a(e s)all *e .ree o. s'ste"#induced arti# .acts in t)e area o. interest t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit'A VIII#232 I"a(e Bri()tness
Vie,in( .acilities s)all &ro ide su*dued *ac-(round li()tin( o. an intensit' t)at ,ill not cause re!ections% s)ad# o,s% or (lare on t)e "onitor t)at inter.ere ,it) t)e inter&re# tation &rocessA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e i"a(e *ri()tness t)rou() t)e *od' o. t)e )ole#t'&e IKI or adSacent to t)e desi(nated ,ire o. t)e ,ire#t'&e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IKI% s)all *e Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness in t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA Additionall'% t)e reJuire"ents o. T#232 are not a&&lica*le to &)os&)or i"a(in( &late radio(ra&)'A
VIII#220 VIII#221
VIII#23FIKI Sensiti it' VIII#23FA1 ReJuired Sensiti it'A Radio(ra&)' s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it) a tec)niJue o. su.!cient sensiti it' to dis# &la' t)e desi(nated )ole#t'&e IKI i"a(e and t)e essential )ole% or t)e essential ,ire o. a ,ire#t'&e IKIA T)e radio# (ra&)s s)all also dis&la' t)e IKI identi.'in( nu"*ers and lettersA Multi&le !l" tec)niJue is not a&&lica*le to &)os# &)or i"a(in( &late radio(ra&)'A
VIII#23FAF Sensiti it' Ran(eA T)e contrast and *ri()t# ness ran(e t)at de"onstrates t)e reJuired sensiti it' s)all *e considered alid contrast and *ri()tness alues .or inter# &retationA L)en "ulti&le IKIs are utiliDed to co er di..erent t)ic-ness ran(es ?a@ t)e contrast and *ri()tness ran(e t)at de"onstrates t)e reJuired IKI i"a(e o. eac) IKI s)all *e deter"inedA ?*@ inter enin( t)ic-nesses "a' *e inter&reted usin( t)e o erla&&in( &ortions o. t)e deter"ined contrast and *ri()tness ran(esA L)en t)ere is no o erla&% an additional IKI?s@ s)all *e usedA
T)e Manu.acturer s)all &re&are and docu"ent t)e radio# (ra&)ic tec)niJue detailsA As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e &ro ided6 ?a@ identi!cation as reJuired *' T#22G ?*@ t)e di"ensional "a& ?i. used@ o. "ar-er &lace"ent in accordance ,it) T#251AF ?c@ nu"*er o. e!&osures ?d@ =#ra' olta(e or isoto&e used ?e@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?.@ *ase "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness% ,eld rein.orce"ent t)ic-ness% as a&&lica*le ?(@ source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?)@ distance .ro" source side o. o*Sect to stora(e &)os# &)or "edia ?d in T#25GA1@ ?i@ stora(e &)os&)or "anu.acturer and desi(nation ?S@ i"a(e acJuisition ?di(itiDin(@ eJui&"ent " turer% "odel% and serial nu"*er ?-@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all e!&osure ?l@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all ie,in( ?"@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision le el ?n@ i"a(in( so.t,are ersion and re ision ?o@ nu"erical alues o. t)e !nal i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters% iAeA% !lters% ,indo, ?contrast@% and le el ?*ri()tness@ .or eac) ie, T)e tec)niJue details "a' *e e"*edded in t)e data !leA L)en t)is is &er.or"ed% ASTM E 1G51% Standard Iuide .or Data 8ields .or Co"&uteriDed o. Di(ital Radiolo(ical Test Data% "a' *e used as a (uide .or esta*# lis)in( data !elds and in.or"ation contentA
Measurin( Scale
T)e "easurin( scale used .or inter&retation s)all *e ca&a*le o. &ro idin( di"ensions o. t)e &roSected i"a(eA T)e "easure"ent scale tool s)all *e *ased u&on a -no,n di"ensional co"&arator t)at is &laced on t)e cassetteA
8inal radio(ra&)ic inter&retation o. t)e area o. interest s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it)in t)e identi!ed IKI i"a(e contrast and *ri()tness alues or% i. "ulti&le IKIs are used% t)e o erla&&in( &ortions o. t)e identi!ed contrast and *ri()t# ness alues .or t)e inter enin( t)ic-ness ran(es as deter# "ined &er VIII#23FAFA T)e IKI and t)e area o. interest s)all *e o. t)e sa"e i"a(e .or"at ?&ositi e or ne(ati e@A Additionall'% ,)ere a&&lica*le ?a@ isual co"&arators% suc) as !l" stri&s% (ra' scale cards% etcA% "a' *e used to aid in Sud(in( dis&la'ed i"a(e *ri()tnessA L)en co"&arators are used to Sud(e areas ,it)in t)e i"a(e% t)e' need not *e cali*ratedA ?*@ t)e di(ital i"a(e "a' *e ie,ed and e aluated in a ne(ati e or &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA ?c@ inde&endent areas o. interest o. t)e sa"e i"a(e "a' *e dis&la'ed and e aluated in di..erin( i"a(e .or"ats% &ro ided t)e IKI and t)e area o. interest are ie,ed and e aluated in t)e sa"e i"a(e .or"atA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or usin( di(ital radio(ra&)' ?DR@ tec)niJues as an alternati e to !l" radi# o(ra&)'A T)is A&&endi! addresses tec)niJues ,)ere t)e i"a(e is trans"itted directl' .ro" t)e detector as a di(ital i"a(e rat)er t)an usin( an inter"ediate &rocess .or con er# sion o. an analo( i"a(e to a di(ital .or"atA T)is A&&endi! addresses a&&lications in ,)ic) t)e radiation detector and t)e source o. t)e radiation "a' or "a' not *e in "otion durin( e!&osureA Di(ital radio(ra&)' "a' *e &er.or"ed on "aterials% includin( castin(s and ,eld"ents ,)en t)e "odi!ed &ro i# sions to Article 2 as indicated )erein and all ot)er a&&lica# *le reJuire"ents o. Article 2 are satis!edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I=#220IENERAL REK<IREMENTS I=#221Procedure ReJuire"ents I=#221A1 Lritten ProcedureA A ,ritten &rocedure is reJuiredA In lieu o. t)e reJuire"ents o. T#221A1% eac) &roce# dure s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness ran(e ?*@ source t'&e or "a!i"u" =#ra' olta(e used ?c@ detector t'&e ?d@ "ini"u" source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?e@ distance *et,een t)e test o*Sect and t)e detector ?d in T#25GA1@ ?.@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?(@ test o*Sect scan &lan ?i. a&&lica*le@ ?)@ i"a(e dis&la' &ara"eters ?i@ eJui&"ent "anu.acturer and "odel ?S@ stora(e "edia
I=#240 I=#242
I=#221A2 S'ste" Kuali!cation and Procedure De"# onstrationA Kuali!cation o. t)e di(ital radio(ra&)ic s'ste" reJuires a de"onstration o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@A L)en a ,ire#t'&e IKI is used% t)e s'ste" s)all *e e aluated .or as'""etrical sensiti it' *' usin( t,o &lace"ents ,it) t)e ,ire dia"eter a!es 20 de( a&artA I. t)e s'ste" e!)i*its as'""etrical sensiti it'% t)e ,ire dia"eter a!is s)all *e oriented alon( t)e s'ste"Es a!is o. least sensiti it' .or &roduction radio(ra&)'A Once t)e i"a(e eJui alent &er.or"ance e aluation is co"&lete and deter# "ined to *e su.!cient% t)e de"onstration o. t)e IKI i"a(e Jualit' reJuire"ents o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure on &roduc# tion radio(ra&)ic i"a(es s)all *e considered' e idence o. co"&liance ,it) t)e &rocedureA
I=#255 <se o. IKIs to Monitor Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination I=#255A1 Place"ent o. IKIs ?a@ Source#Side IKI?s@A L)en usin( se&arate *loc-s .or IKI &lace"ent as descri*ed in T#255A1?a@% t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *loc-s s)all *e suc) t)at t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e *od' o. t)e IKI is Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA ?*@ All ot)er reJuire"ents o. T#255A1 s)all a&&l'A
I=#255A2 Nu"*er o. IKIs ?a@ Multi&le IKIsA An IKI s)all *e used .or eac) a&&lica# *le t)ic-ness ran(e in Ta*le T#254 s&anned *' t)e "ini"u"#to#"a!i"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e area o. interest to *e radio(ra&)edA ?*@ As an alternati e to ?a@ a*o e% a "ini"u" o. t,o IKIs re&resentin( t)e "ini"u" and "a!i"u" t)ic-nesses o. t)e area o. interest "a' *e used% &ro ided t)e reJuire# "ents o. I=#23FAF are "etA ?c@ All ot)er reJuire"ents o. T#255A2 s)all a&&l'A
I=#2F0 I=#2F1
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#2F1 are not a&&lica*le to di(ital radio(ra&)'A I=#2F2 Intensi.'in( Screens
I=#255AF S)i"s <nder +ole IKIsA 8or ,elds ,it) rein# .orce"ent or *ac-in( "aterial% a s)i" o. "aterial radio# (ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)e ,eld "etal and0or *ac-in( "aterial s)all *e &laced *et,een t)e &art and t)e IKIs suc) t)at t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e *od' o. t)e IKI is Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness at t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA T)e s)i" di"ensions s)all e!ceed t)e IKI di"ensions suc) t)at t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e IKI is isi*le in t)e radio(ra&)A
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#2F2 are not a&&lica*le to di(ital radio(ra&)'A I=#2FG 8acilities .or Vie,in( o. Radio(ra&)s
Vie,in( .acilities s)all &ro ide su*dued *ac-(round li()tin( o. an intensit' t)at ,ill not cause re!ections% s)ad# o,s% or (lare on t)e "onitor t)at inter.ere ,it) t)e inter&re# tation &rocessA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
I=#231Kualit' o. Radio(ra&)s I=#231A1 Non.unctional Pi!el Dis&la'A A non.unc# tional &i!el dis&la' s)all *e (enerated in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs instructions and reco""ended .re# Juenc' as a s'ste" c)ec-A I=#231A2 S'ste"#Induced Arti.actsA T)e rele ance o. non.unctional &i!els s)all *e e aluatedA T)e di(ital i"a(e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s)all *e .ree o. s'ste"#induced arti.acts% suc) as non.unc# tional &i!els in t)e detector in t)e area o. interest t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit'A
I"a(e Bri()tness
T)e i"a(e *ri()tness t)rou() t)e *od' o. t)e )ole#t'&e IKI or adSacent to t)e desi(nated ,ire o. t)e ,ire#t'&e IKI% s)all *e Sud(ed to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e i"a(e *ri()tness in t)e area o. interest .or a ne(ati e i"a(e .or"atA T)is i"a(e *ri()tness reJuire"ent is re ersed .or a &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA Additionall'% t)e reJuire"ents o. T#232 are not a&&lica*le to di(ital radio(ra&)'A
*e o. t)e sa"e i"a(e .or"at ?&ositi e or ne(ati e@A Additionall'% ,)ere a&&lica*le ?a@ isual co"&arators% suc) as !l" stri&s% (ra' scale cards% etcA% "a' *e used to aid in Sud(in( dis&la'ed i"a(e *ri()tnessA L)en co"&arators are used to Sud(e areas ,it)in t)e i"a(e% t)e' need not *e cali*ratedA ?*@ t)e di(ital i"a(e "a' *e ie,ed and e aluated in a ne(ati e or &ositi e i"a(e .or"atA ?c@ inde&endent areas o. interest o. t)e sa"e i"a(e "a' *e dis&la'ed and e aluated in di..erin( i"a(e .or"ats% &ro ided t)e IKI and t)e area o. interest are ie,ed and e aluated in t)e sa"e i"a(e .or"atA
I=#23FIKI Sensiti it' I=#23FA1 ReJuired Sensiti it'A Radio(ra&)' s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it) a tec)niJue o. su.!cient sensiti it' to dis# &la' t)e desi(nated )ole#t'&e IKI i"a(e and t)e essential )ole% or t)e essential ,ire o. a ,ire#t'&e IKIA T)e radio# (ra&)s s)all also dis&la' t)e IKI identi.'in( nu"*ers and lettersA Multi&le !l" tec)niJue is not a&&lica*le to di(ital radio(ra&)'A
I=#220 I=#221
I=#23FAF Sensiti it' Ran(eA T)e contrast and *ri()t# ness ran(e t)at de"onstrates t)e reJuired sensiti it' s)all *e considered alid contrast and *ri()tness alues .or inter# &retationA L)en "ulti&le IKIs are utiliDed to co er di..erent t)ic-ness ran(es ?a@ t)e contrast and *ri()tness ran(e t)at de"onstrates t)e reJuired IKI i"a(e o. eac) IKI s)all *e deter"inedA ?*@ inter enin( t)ic-nesses "a' *e inter&reted usin( t)e o erla&&in( &ortions o. t)e deter"ined contrast and *ri()tness ran(esA L)en t)ere is no o erla&% an additional IKI?s@ s)all *e usedA
Measurin( Scale
T)e "easurin( scale used .or inter&retation s)all *e ca&a*le o. &ro idin( di"ensions o. t)e &roSected i"a(eA T)e "easure"ent scale tool s)all *e *ased u&on a -no,n di"ensional co"&arator t)at is &laced on or adSacent to t)e detector side o. t)e &art near t)e area o. interest durin( e!&osureA
T)e Manu.acturer s)all &re&are and docu"ent t)e radio# (ra&)ic tec)niJue detailsA As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e &ro ided6 ?a@ identi!cation as reJuired *' T#22G ?*@ t)e di"ensional "a& ?i. used@ o. "ar-er &lace"ent in accordance ,it) T#251AF ?c@ t)e s&eci!c scan &lan used .or t)e test o*Sect ?d@ =#ra' olta(e or isoto&e used ?e@ source siDe ?8 in T#25GA1@ ?.@ *ase "aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness% ,eld rein.orce"ent t)ic-ness% as a&&lica*le ?(@ source#to#o*Sect distance ?D in T#25GA1@ ?)@ distance .ro" source side o. o*Sect to t)e detector ?d in T#25GA1@ ?i@ detector "anu.acturer% desi(nation% and serial nu"*er ?S@ i"a(e acJuisition ?di(itiDin(@ eJui&"ent and "anu# .acturer% "odel% and serial nu"*er ?-@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all e!&osure ?l@ sin(le# or dou*le#,all ie,in( ?"@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision le el ?n@ i"a(in( so.t,are ersion and re ision ?o@ nu"erical alues o. t)e !nal i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters% iAeA% !lters% ,indo, ?contrast@% and le el ?*ri()tness@ .or eac) ie, ?&@ non.unctional &i!el e aluation .or eac) i"a(e ?J@ co"&uter "onitor resolution T)e tec)niJue details "a' *e e"*edded in t)e data !leA L)en t)is is &er.or"ed% ASTM E 1G51% Standard Iuide .or Data 8ields .or Co"&uteriDed o. Di(ital Radiolo(ical Test Data% "a' *e used as a (uide .or esta*# lis)in( data !elds and in.or"ation contentA
8inal radio(ra&)ic inter&retation o. t)e area o. interest s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it)in t)e identi!ed IKI i"a(e contrast and *ri()tness alues or% i. "ulti&le IKIs are used% t)e o erla&&in( &ortions o. t)e identi!ed contrast and *ri()t# ness alues .or t)e inter enin( t)ic-ness ran(es as deter# "ined &er I=#23FAFA T)e IKI and t)e area o. interest s)all
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e s-etc)es in t)is A&&endi! illustrate tec)niJues used in t)e radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination o. &i&e or tu*e ,eldsA Ot)er tec)niJues "a' *e usedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
End Vie,
Side Vie,
Source Side T#255A1?a@ T#254 and Ta*le T#254 8il" Side T#255A1?*@ Eit)er Side T#251AF T#251A1?c@
Sin(le# Lall
E!&osure Arran(e"ent M A
Sin(le# Lall
Source Side T#255A1?a@ Sin(le# Lall T#251A1 T#254 and Ta*le T#254 Source Side T#251A1 ?a@?F@
Sin(le# Lall
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Source Side T# 255A1?a@ T#254 and Ta*le T# 254 8il" Side T#251A1 ?*@?1@
Sin(le# Lall
Dou*le# Lall6 T# 251A2?a@ at least F E!&osures 120 de( to Eac) Ot)er .or Co"# &lete Co # era(e
Source Side T# 255A1?a@ T#254 and Ta*le T# 254 8il" Side T# 251A1 ?*@?1@
Sin(le# Lall
Dou*le#Lall T# 251A2?*@?1@ at Least 2 F1V2 inA ?33 ""@ E!&osures or Lessat 20 de( to Eac) Ot)er .or Co"# &lete Co # era(e
Dou*le# Lall ?Elli&se@6 Read O..# set Source Side and 8il" Side I"a(es
E!&osure arran(e"ent M 8
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Side Vie,
Dou*le# Lall6 Read Su&er# i"&osed Source Side and 8il" Side I"a(es
E!&osure arran(e"ent M I
T)e !(ures in t)is A&&endi! de"onstrate t'&ical IKI ?)ole t'&e@ &lace"ent .or ,eldsA T)ese s-etc)es are tutorial to de"onstrate su((ested locations o. IKIs and are not intended to co er all con!(urations or a&&lications o. &ro# duction radio(ra&)'A Ot)er IKI locations "a' *e used &ro# ided t)e' co"&l' ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2A Lire IKIs s)all *e &laced in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2A
T)e !(ures in t)is A&&endi! illustrate e!a"&les o. t)e nu"*er and &lace"ent o. IKIs t)at "a' *e used in t)e s&ecial cases descri*ed in T#255A2?*@A T)ese !(ures are not intended to co er all con!(urations or a&&lications o. &roduction radio(ra&)'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTE6 P and P1 are su((ested &lace"ents o. IKIs and are not intended to co er all (eo"etric con!(urations or a&&lications o. &roduction radio(ra&)'A
LEIEND6 P P1 S+ T TN TS & & & & & & IKI &lace"ent alternate IKI &lace"ent s)i" ,eld t)ic-ness u&on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased no"inal ,all t)ic-ness total t)ic-ness includin( *ac-in( stri& and0or rein.orce# "ent ,)en not re"o ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ P and P1 are su((ested &lace"ents o. IKIs and are not intended to co er all (eo"etric con!(urations or a&&lications o. &roduction radio(ra&)'A ?*@ IKI is *ased on t)e sin(le#,all t)ic-ness &lus rein.orce"entA
LEIEND6 P P1 S+ T TN TS & & & & & & IKI &lace"ent alternate IKI &lace"ent s)i" ,eld t)ic-ness u&on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased no"inal ,all t)ic-ness total t)ic-ness includin( *ac-in( stri& and0or rein.orce# "ent ,)en not re"o ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTE6 P and P1 are su((ested &lace"ents o. IKIs and are not intended to co er all (eo"etric con!(urations or a&&lications o. &roduction radio(ra&)'A
LEIEND6 P P1 S+ T TN TS & & & & & & IKI &lace"ent alternate IKI &lace"ent s)i" ,eld t)ic-ness u&on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased no"inal ,all t)ic-ness total t)ic-ness includin( *ac-in( stri& and0or rein.orce# "ent ,)en not re"o ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ P and P1 are su((ested &lace"ents o. IKIs and are not intended to co er all (eo"etric con!(urations or a&&lications o. &roduction radio(ra&)'A ?*@ IKI is *ased on t)e sin(le#,all t)ic-ness &lus rein.orce"entA
LEIEND6 P P1 S+ T TN TS & & & & & & IKI &lace"ent alternate IKI &lace"ent s)i" ,eld t)ic-ness u&on ,)ic) t)e IKI is *ased no"inal ,all t)ic-ness total t)ic-ness includin( *ac-in( stri& and0or rein.orce# "ent ,)en not re"o ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IKI Source
8IIA D#210#3 ARRA7 O8 OB;ECTS IN A CIRCLE PT#255A2?*@?3@Q 8IIA D#210#5 PLAN VIEL A#A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Article &ro ides or re.erences reJuire"ents .or ,eld e!a"inations% ,)ic) are to *e used in selectin( and de elo&in( ultrasonic e!a"ination &rocedures ,)en e!a"# ination to an' &art o. t)is Article is a reJuire"ent o. a re.erencin( Code SectionA T)ese &rocedures are to *e used .or t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination o. ,elds and t)e di"en# sionin( o. indications .or co"&arison ,it) acce&tance stan# dards ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionR t)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all *e consulted .or s&eci!c reJuire"ents .or t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ &ersonnel Juali!cation 0certi!cation reJuire"ents ?*@ &rocedure reJuire"ents 0de"onstration% Juali!ca# tion% acce&tance ?c@ e!a"ination s'ste" c)aracteristics ?d@ retention and control o. cali*ration *loc-s ?e@ e!tent o. e!a"ination and 0or olu"e to *e scanned ?.@ acce&tance standards ?(@ retention o. records ?)@ re&ort reJuire"ents De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article are contained in Mandator' A&&endi! III o. Article 1A
Ta*le T#G21A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#G21A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#G21 identi!ed as an essential aria*le .ro" t)e s&eci!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &roce# dureA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le .ro" t)e s&eci!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)e alue% or ran(e o. alues% s&eci!ed *' t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e reJuire"ents o. t)is Article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA to ?a@ s&ecial &ro isions .or coarse (rain "aterials and ,elds in T#G11 ?*@ s&ecial &ro isions .or co"&uteriDed i"a(in( tec)# niJues in T#G12 ?c@ Mandator' A&&endi! III .or Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..rac# tion ?TO8D@ tec)niJues ?d@ Mandator' A&&endi! IV .or &)ased arra' "anual rasterin( tec)niJues
A &ulse#ec)o#t'&e o. ultrasonic instru"ent s)all *e usedA T)e instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. o&eration at .reJuencies o er t)e ran(e o. at least 1 M+D to 1 M+D and s)all *e eJui&&ed ,it) a ste&&ed (ain control in units o. 2A0 dB or lessA I. t)e instru"ent )as a da"&in( control% it "a' *e used i. it does not reduce t)e sensiti it' o. t)e e!a"inationA T)e reSect control s)all *e in t)e Bo..C &osition .or all e!a"inations% unless it can *e de"onstrated t)at it does not a..ect t)e linearit' o. t)e e!a"inationA T)e instru"ent% ,)en reJuired *ecause o. t)e tec)niJue *ein( used% s)all )a e *ot) send and recei e Sac-s .or o&eration o. dual searc) units or a sin(le searc) unit ,it) send and recei e transducersA
T#G21Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#G21A1 ReJuire"entsA <ltrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in
T#GF2 Searc) <nits T#GF2A1 IeneralA T)e no"inal .reJuenc' s)all *e .ro" 1 M+D to 1 M+D unless aria*les% suc) as &roduction "aterial (rain structure% reJuire t)e use o. ot)er .reJuencies to assure adeJuate &enetration or *etter resolutionA Searc) units ,it) contoured contact ,ed(es "a' *e used to aid ultrasonic cou&lin(A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#GF2A2 Claddin(MSearc) <nits .or Tec)niJue OneA1 Dual ele"ent searc) units usin( an an(led &itc)# catc) tec)niJue s)all *e usedA T)e included an(le *et,een t)e *ea" &at)s s)all *e suc) t)at t)e e..ecti e .ocal s&ot o. t)e searc) unit is centered in t)e area o. interestA
side#drilled )oles in lieu o. notc)es% !at *otto" )oles in lieu o. side#drilled )oles@A T#GFGA1A2 Material ?a@ Si"ilar Metal LeldsA T)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e *loc- is .a*ricated s)all *e o. t)e sa"e &roduct .or" and "aterial s&eci!cation or eJui alent P#Nu"*er (rou&in( as one o. t)e "aterials *ein( e!a"inedA 8or t)e &ur&oses o. t)is &ara(ra&)% P#NosA 1% F% G% 1A t)rou() 1C% and 11A t)rou() 118 "aterials are considered eJui alentA ?*@ Dissi"ilar Metal LeldsA T)e "aterial selection s)all *e *ased on t)e "aterial on t)e side o. t)e ,eld .ro" ,)ic) t)e e!a"ination ,ill *e conductedA I. t)e e!a"ination ,ill *e conducted .ro" *ot) sides% cali*ration re!ectors s)all *e &ro ided in *ot) "aterialsA
T#GFFCou&lant T#GFFA1 IeneralA T)e cou&lant% includin( additi es% s)all not *e detri"ental to t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA T#GFFA2 Control o. Conta"inants ?a@ Cou&lants used on nic-el *ase allo's s)all not con# tain "ore t)an 210 &&" o. sul.urA ?*@ Cou&lants used on austenitic stainless steel or tita# niu" s)all not contain "ore t)an 210 &&" o. )alides ?c)lo# rides &lus !uorides@A
T#GFGCali*ration Bloc-s T#GFGA1 Ieneral T#GFGA1A1 Re!ectorsA S&eci!ed re!ectors ?iAeA% side#drilled )oles% !at *otto" )oles% notc)es% etcA@ s)all *e used to esta*lis) &ri"ar' re.erence res&onses o. t)e eJui&"entA An alternati e re!ector?s@ "a' *e used &ro# ided t)at t)e alternati e re!ector?s@ &roduces a sensiti it' eJual to or (reater t)an t)e s&eci!ed re!ector?s@ ?eA(A%
T#GFGA1AF Kualit'A Prior to .a*rication% t)e *loc"aterial s)all *e co"&letel' e!a"ined ,it) a strai()t *ea" searc) unitA Areas t)at contain an indication e!ceedin( t)e re"ainin( *ac-#,all re!ection s)all *e e!cluded .ro" t)e *ea" &at)s reJuired to reac) t)e arious cali*ration re!ectorsA T#GFGA1AG Claddin(A L)en t)e co"&onent "aterial is clad% t)e *loc- s)all *e clad *' t)e sa"e ,eldin( &roce# dure as t)e &roduction &artA It is desira*le to )a e co"&o# nent "aterials ,)ic) )a e *een clad *e.ore t)e dro& outs or &rolon(ations are re"o edA L)en t)e claddin( is de&osited usin( an auto"atic ,eldin( &rocess% and% i. due to *locsiDe% t)e auto"atic ,eldin( &rocess is i"&ractical% de&osi# tion o. clad "a' *e *' t)e "anual "et)odA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
3 ?200@
1 ?121@
GA3 ?120@
2A33 ?52@ 1A5F ?GF@ 1A0G ?24@ 0 0 1 ?121@ 10 ?210@ E!a"ination Sur.ace Dia"eter% inA ?""@ 11 ?F51@ 20 ?100@
T#GFGA1A1 +eat Treat"entA T)e cali*ration *locs)all recei e at least t)e "ini"u" te"&erin( treat"ent reJuired *' t)e "aterial s&eci!cation .or t)e t'&e and (radeA I. t)e cali*ration *loc- contains ,elds ot)er t)an claddin(% and t)e co"&onent ,eld at t)e ti"e o. t)e e!a"i# nation )as *een )eat treated% t)e *loc- s)all recei e t)e sa"e )eat treat"entA T#GFGA1A4 Sur.ace 8inis)A T)e !nis) on t)e scannin( sur.aces o. t)e *loc- s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e scannin( sur.ace !nis)es on t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA T#GFGA1A5 Bloc- Cur ature T#GFGA1A5A1 Materials Lit) Dia"eters Ireater T)an 20 inA ?100 ""@A 8or e!a"inations in "aterials ,)ere t)e e!a"ination sur.ace dia"eter is (reater t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@% a *loc- o. essentiall' t)e sa"e cur ature% or alternati el'% a !at *asic cali*ration *loc-% "a' *e usedA
T#GFGA1A5A2 Materials Lit) Dia"eters 20 inA ?100 ""@ and LessA 8or e!a"inations in "aterials ,)ere t)e e!a"ination sur.ace dia"eter is eJual to or less t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@% a cur ed *loc- s)all *e usedA E!ce&t ,)ere ot)er,ise stated in t)is Article% a sin(le cur ed *asic cali*ration *loc- "a' *e used .or e!a"inations in t)e ran(e o. cur ature .ro" 0A2 to 1A1 ti"es t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- dia"eterA 8or e!a"&le% an 3 in ?200 ""@ dia"eter *loc- "a' *e used to cali*rate .or e!a"inations on sur.aces in t)e ran(e o. cur ature .ro" 5A2 inA to 12 inA ?130 "" to F00 ""@ in dia"eterA T)e cur ature ran(e .ro" 0A2G inA to 20 inA ?2G "" to 100 ""@ in dia"eter reJuires 4 cur ed *loc-s as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGA1A5A2 .or an' t)ic-ness ran(eA
T#GFGA1A5AF Alternati e .or Con e! Sur.aceA As an alternati e to t)e reJuire"ents in T#GFGA1A5A1 ,)en
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
e!a"inin( .ro" t)e con e! sur.ace *' t)e strai()t *ea" contact tec)niJue% A&&endi! I "a' *e usedA T#GFGA2 Non#Pi&in( Cali*ration Bloc-s T#GFGA2A1 Basic Cali*ration Bloc-A T)e *asic cali# *ration *loc- con!(uration and re!ectors s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGA2A1A T)e *loc- siDe and re!ector locations s)all *e adeJuate to &er.or" cali*rations .or t)e *ea" an(les usedA T#GFGA2A2 Bloc- T)ic-nessA T)e *loc- t)ic-ness ?T@ s)all *e &er 8i(A T#GFGA2A1A T#GFGA2AF Bloc- Ran(e o. <seA L)en t)e *loct)ic-ness W 1 inA ?21 ""@ s&ans t,o ,eld t)ic-ness ran(es as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGA2A1% t)e *loc-Es use s)all *e acce&t# a*le in t)ose &ortions o. eac) t)ic-ness ran(e co ered *' 1 inA ?21 ""@ o. t)e cali*ration *loc-Es t)ic-nessA As an e!a"&le% a cali*ration *loc- ,it) a t)ic-ness o. 11V2 inA ?F3 ""@ could *e used .or ,eld t)ic-nesses o. 0A1 inA ?1F ""@ to 2A1 inA ?4G ""@A T#GFGA2AG Alternate Bloc-A Alternati el'% t)e *loc"a' *e constructed as s)o,n Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% 8i(A ;#GF1A
t)e *ase "aterial s)all *e ,it)in 1 inA ?21 ""@ o. t)e cali*ration *loc- t)ic-ness ,)en t)e e!a"ination is &er# .or"ed .ro" t)e *ase "aterial sur.aceA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *ase "aterial on t)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e at least t,ice t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e claddin( ,)en t)e e!a"ination is &er.or"ed .ro" t)e clad sur.aceA
T#GFGAF Pi&in( Cali*ration Bloc-sA T)e *asic cali*ra# tion *loc- con!(uration and re!ectors s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAFA T)e *asic cali*ration *loc- cur ature s)all *e in accordance ,it) T#GFGA1A5A T)ic-ness% T% s)all *e ,it)in 21O o. t)e no"inal t)ic-ness o. t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA T)e *loc- siDe and re!ector locations s)all *e adeJuate to &er.or" cali*ration .or t)e *ea" an(les usedA T#GFGAG Claddin( Cali*ration Bloc-s T#GFGAGA1 Cali*ration Bloc- .or Tec)niJue OneA T)e *asic cali*ration *loc- con!(uration and re!ectors s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGA1A Eit)er a side#drilled )ole or a !at *otto" )ole "a' *e usedA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld o erla' s)all *e at least as t)ic- as t)at to *e e!a"inedA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *ase "aterial s)all *e at least t,ice t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e claddin(A T#GFGAGA2 Alternate Cali*ration Bloc-s .or Tec)# niJue OneA Alternatel'% cali*ration *loc-s as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGA2A1 or T#GFGAGA2A2 "a' *e usedA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld o erla' s)all *e at least as t)ic- as t)at to *e e!a"inedA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *ase "aterial s)all *e at least t,ice t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e claddin(A T#GFGAGAF Cali*ration Bloc- .or Tec)niJue T,oA T)e *asic cali*ration *loc- con!(uration and re!ectors s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGAFA A !at *otto" )ole drilled to t)e ,eld "etal o erla' inter.ace s)all *e usedA T)is )ole "a' *e drilled .ro" t)e *ase "aterial or ,eld o erla' sideA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld o erla' s)all *e at least as t)ic- as t)at to *e e!a"inedA T)e t)ic-ness o.
?a@ Leld LocationsA Leld locations and t)eir identi!ca# tion s)all *e recorded on a ,eld "a& or in an identi!ca# tion &lanA ?*@ Mar-in(A I. ,elds are to *e &er"anentl' "ar-ed% lo, stress sta"&s and0or i*ratoolin( "a' *e usedA Mar-# in(s a&&lied a.ter !nal stress relie. o. t)e co"&onent s)all not *e an' dee&er t)an FV4G inA ?1A2 ""@A ?c@ Re.erence S'ste"A Eac) ,eld s)all *e located and identi!ed *' a s'ste" o. re.erence &ointsA T)e s'ste" s)all &er"it identi!cation o. eac) ,eld center line and desi(nation o. re(ular inter als alon( t)e len(t) o. t)e ,eldA A (eneral s'ste" .or la'out o. essel ,elds is descri*ed in Non"andator' A&&endi! AR )o,e er% a di.# .erent s'ste" "a' *e utiliDed &ro ided it "eets t)e a*o e reJuire"entsA
T)e tec)niJues descri*ed in t)is Article are intended .or a&&lications ,)ere eit)er sin(le or dual ele"ent searc) units are used to &roduce6 ?a@ nor"al incident lon(itudinal ,a e *ea"s .or ,)at are (enerall' ter"ed strai()t *ea" e!a"inations or ?*@ an(le *ea" lon(itudinal ,a es% ,)ere *ot) re.racted lon(itudinal and s)ear ,a es are &resent in t)e "aterial under e!a"inationA L)en used .or t)ic-ness "easure"ent or clad e!a"ination% t)ese e!a"inations are (enerall' con# sidered to *e strai()t *ea" e!a"inationsA L)en used .or ,eld e!a"inations% t)e' are (enerall' ter"ed an(le *ea" e!a"inations or ?c@ an(le *ea" s)ear ,a es% ,)ere incident an(les in ,ed(es &roduce onl' re.racted s)ear ,a es in t)e "aterial under e!a"ination are (enerall' ter"ed an(le *ea" e!a"i# nationsA Contact or i""ersion tec)niJues "a' *e usedA Base "aterials and0or ,elds ,it) "etallur(ical structures &ro# ducin( aria*le attenuations "a' reJuire t)at lon(itudinal an(le *ea"s are used instead o. s)ear ,a esA Additionall'% co"&uteriDed i"a(in( tec)niJues "a' en)ance t)e detect# a*ilit' and e aluation o. indicationsA Ot)er tec)niJues or tec)nolo(' ,)ic) can *e de"on# strated to &roduce eJui alent or *etter e!a"ination sensi# ti it' and detecta*ilit' usin( searc) units ,it) "ore t)an
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
10 TG
10 T2 F0 TG
10 T2
10 T2 10 T2
10 T2
Mini"u" di"ensions D / 102 inA ?1F ""@ Lidt) / 4 inA ?110 ""@ Len(t) / F ! T)ic-ness
Leld T)ic-ness% t% inA ?""@ <& to 1 ?21@ O er 1 ?21@ t)rou() 2 ?10@ O er 2 ?10@ t)rou() G ?100@ O er G ?100@
Notc) Di"ensions% inA ?""@ Notc) de&t) & 2O T Notc) ,idt) & 1VG ?4@ "a!A Notc) len(t) & 1 ?21@ "inA
PNote ?1@Q
Mini"u" di"ensionA IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ +oles s)all *e drilled and rea"ed 1A1 inA ?F3 ""@ dee& "ini"u"% essentiall' &arallel to t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA ?*@ 8or co"&onents eJual to or less t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@ in dia"eter% cali*ration *loc- dia"eter s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGA1A5A2A T,o sets o. cali*ration re!ectors ?)oles% notc)es@ oriented 20 de( .ro" eac) ot)er s)all *e usedA Alternati el'% t,o cur ed cali*ration *loc-s "a' *e usedA ?c@ T)e tolerance .or )ole dia"eter s)all *e W 1VF2 inA ?0A3 ""@A T)e tolerance .or )ole location t)rou() t)e cali*ration *loc- t)ic-ness ?iAeA% distance .ro" t)e e!a"ination sur.ace@ s)all *e W 1V3 inA ?F ""@A ?d@ 8or *loc-s less t)an FVG inA ?12 ""@ in t)ic-ness% onl' t)e 1V2T side#drilled )ole and sur.ace notc)es are reJuiredA ?e@ All )oles "a' *e located on t)e sa"e .ace ?side@ o. t)e cali*ration *loc-% &ro ided care is e!ercised to locate all t)e re!ectors ?)oles% notc)es@ to &re ent one re!ector .ro" a..ectin( t)e indication .ro" anot)er re!ector durin( cali*rationA Notc)es "a' also *e in t)e sa"e &lane as t)e in#line )oles ?See A&&endi! ;% 8i(A ;#GF1@A As in 8i(A ;#GF1% a su.!cient nu"*er o. )oles s)all *e &ro ided .or *ot) an(le and strai()t *ea" cali*rations at t)e 1VGT% 1V2T% and FVGT de&t)sA ?.@ Notc) de&t)s s)all *e 1A4OT "ini"u" to 2A2OT "a!i"u"A L)en claddin( is &resent% notc) de&t) on t)e claddin( side o. t)e *loc- s)all *e increased *' t)e claddin( t)ic-ness% CT ?iAeA% 1A4OT X CT "ini"u" to 2A2OT X CT "a!i"u"@A ?(@ Ma!i"u" notc) ,idt) is not criticalA Notc)es "a' *e "ade *' EDM or ,it) end "ills u& to 1VG inA ?4AG ""@ in dia"eterA ?)@ Leld t)ic-ness% t% is t)e no"inal "aterial t)ic-ness .or ,elds ,it)out rein.orce"ent or% .or ,elds ,it) rein.orce"ent% t)e no"inal "aterial t)ic-ness &lus t)e esti"ated ,eld rein.orce"ent not to e!ceed t)e "a!i"u" &er"itted *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA L)en t,o or "ore *ase "aterial t)ic-nesses are in ol ed% t)e cali*ration *loc- t)ic-ness% T% s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e a era(e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eldR alternati el'% a cali*ration *loc- *ased on t)e (reater *ase "aterial t)ic-ness "a' *e used &ro ided t)e re.erence re!ector siDe is *ased u&on t)e a era(e ,eld t)ic-nessA NOTE6 ?1@ 8or eac) increase in ,eld t)ic-ness o. 2 inA ?10 ""@ or .raction t)ereo. o er G inA ?100 ""@% t)e )ole dia"eter s)all increase 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Arc len(t)
Y Notc)es s)all *e located not closer t)an T or 1 inA ?21 ""@% ,)ic)e er is (reater% to an' *loc- ed(e or to ot)er notc)esA IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ T)e "ini"u" cali*ration *loc- len(t) ?L@ s)all *e 3 inA ?200 ""@ or 3T% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA ?*@ 8or OD G inA ?100 ""@ or less% t)e "ini"u" arc len(t) s)all *e 250 de(A 8or OD (reater t)an G inA ?100 ""@% t)e "ini"u" arc len(t) s)all *e 3 inA ?200 ""@ or FT% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA ?c@ Notc) de&t)s s)all *e 3OT "ini"u" to 11OT "a!i"u"A L)en claddin( is &resent% notc) de&t)s on t)e claddin( side o. t)e *loc- s)all *e increased *' t)e claddin( t)ic-ness% CT ?iAeA% 3OT X CT "ini"u" to 11OT X CT "a!i"u"@A Notc) ,idt)s s)all *e 1VG inA ?4 ""@ "a!i"u"A Notc) len(t)s s)all *e 1 inA ?21 ""@ "ini"u"A ?d@ Ma!i"u" notc) ,idt) is not criticalA Notc)es "a' *e "ade ,it) EDM or ,it) end "ills u& to 1VG inA ?4 ""@ in dia"eterA ?e@ Notc) len(t)s s)all *e su.!cient to &ro ide .or cali*ration ,it) a "ini"u" F to 1 si(nal#to#noise ratioA
t,o transducer ele"ents "a' *e usedA T)e de"onstration s)all *e in accordance ,it) Article 1% T#110?a@A
<ltrasonic e!a"inations o. )i() allo' steels and )i() nic-el allo' ,eld de&osits and dissi"ilar "etal ,elds *et,een car*on steels and )i() allo' steels and )i() nic-el allo's are usuall' "ore di.!cult t)an .erritic ,eld e!a"ina# tionsA Di.!culties ,it) ultrasonic e!a"inations can *e caused *' an in)erent coarse#(rained and0or a directionall'# oriented structure% ,)ic) can cause "ar-ed ariations in attenuation% re!ection% and re.raction at (rain *oundaries and elocit' c)an(es ,it)in t)e (rainsA It usuall' is neces# sar' to "odi.' and0or su&&le"ent t)e &ro isions o. t)is Article in accordance ,it) T#110?a@ ,)en e!a"inin( suc) ,elds in t)ese "aterialsA Additional ite"s% ,)ic) "a' *e necessar'% are ,eld "oc-u&s ,it) re.erence re!ectors in t)e ,eld de&osit and sin(le or dual ele"ent an(le *ea" lon(itudinal ,a e transducersA
used to &er.or" t)e *asic scannin( .unctions reJuired .or !a, detectionA Co"&uter#&rocessed data anal'sis and dis# &la' tec)niJues are used in conSunction ,it) auto"atic or se"i#auto"atic scannin( "ec)anis"s to &roduce t,o and t)ree#di"ensional i"a(es o. !a,s% ,)ic) &ro ides an en)anced ca&a*ilit' .or e!a"inin( critical co"&onents and structuresA Co"&uter &rocesses "a' *e used to Juantita# ti el' e aluate t)e t'&e% siDe% s)a&e% location% and orienta# tion o. !a,s detected *' ultrasonic e!a"ination or ot)er NDE "et)odsA Descri&tions .or so"e CITs t)at "a' *e used are &ro ided in Non"andator' A&&endi! EA
T#G40 T#G41
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#G41A1 and T#G41A2 s)all *e "et at inter als not to e!ceed t)ree "ont)s .or analo( t'&e instru"ents and one 'ear .or di(ital t'&e instru"ents% or &rior to !rst use t)erea.terA T#G41A1 Screen +ei()t Linearit'A T)e ultrasonic instru"entEs screen )ei()t linearit' s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! IA T#G41A2 A"&litude Control Linearit'A T)e ultrasonic instru"entEs a"&litude control linearit' s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! IIA
T)e "aSor attri*ute o. Co"&uteriDed I"a(in( Tec)# niJues ?CITs@ is t)eir e..ecti eness ,)en used to c)aracter# iDe and e aluate indicationsR )o,e er% CITs "a' also *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
side#drilled )oleZs re.lectin( sur.ace at clad inter.aceA tolerance / 10 inA ?0AG ""@4G
T#G42Ieneral Cali*ration ReJuire"ents T#G42A1 <ltrasonic S'ste"A Cali*rations s)all include t)e co"&lete ultrasonic s'ste" and s)all *e &er.or"ed &rior to use o. t)e s'ste" in t)e t)ic-ness ran(e under e!a"inationA T#G42A2 Cali*ration Sur.aceA Cali*rations s)all *e &er# .or"ed .ro" t)e sur.ace ?clad or uncladR con e! or con# ca e@ corres&ondin( to t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent .ro" ,)ic) t)e e!a"ination ,ill *e &er.or"edA T#G42AF Cou&lantA T)e sa"e cou&lant to *e used dur# in( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali*rationA T#G42AG Contact Led(esA T)e sa"e contact ,ed(es to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali# *rationA T#G42A1 Instru"ent ControlsA An' control ,)ic) a..ects instru"ent linearit' ?eA(A% !lters% reSect% or cli&&in(@ s)all *e in t)e sa"e &osition .or cali*ration% cali*ration c)ec-s% instru"ent linearit' c)ec-s% and e!a"inationA T#G42A4 Te"&eratureA 8or contact e!a"ination% t)e te"&erature di..erential *et,een t)e cali*ration *loc- and e!a"ination sur.aces s)all *e ,it)in 21[8 ?1G[C@A 8or
i""ersion e!a"ination% t)e cou&lant te"&erature .or cali# *ration s)all *e ,it)in 21[8 ?1G[C@ o. t)e cou&lant te"&er# ature .or e!a"inationA
T#G4FCali*ration .or Non#Pi&in( T#G4FA1 S'ste" Cali*ration .or Distance A"&litude Tec)niJues T#G4FA1A1 Cali*ration Bloc-?s@A Cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGA2A1A T#G4FA1A2 Tec)niJuesA Non"andator' A&&endices B and C &ro ide (eneral tec)niJues .or *ot) an(le *ea" s)ear ,a e and strai()t *ea" cali*rationsA Ot)er tec)# niJues "a' *e usedA T)e an(le *ea" s)all *e directed to,ard t)e cali*ration re!ector t)at 'ields t)e "a!i"u" res&onse in t)e area o. interestA T)e (ain control s)all *e set so t)at t)is res&onse is 30O W 1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA T)e searc) unit s)all t)en *e "ani&ulated% ,it)out c)an(in( instru"ent settin(s% to o*tain t)e "a!i# "u" res&onses .ro" t)e ot)er cali*ration re!ectors at t)eir *ea" &at)s to (enerate t)e distance#a"&litude correction
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
10 CT2
10 CTG
2 CT ?"in@
1 inA ?t'&@1 inA ?t'&@ P21 "" ?t'&@Q P21 "" ?t'&@Q IENERAL NOTE6 All !at#*otto" )oles are 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eterA Tolerances .or )ole dia"eter and de&t) ,it) res&ect to t)e clad side o. t)e *loc- are W 1V4G inA ?0AG ""@A
1 inA ?t'&@1 inA ?t'&@ P21 "" ?t'&@Q P21 "" ?t'&@Q
F0 CTG 10 CT2 10 CTG
2 CT ?"in@
IENERAL NOTE6 All side#drilled )oles are 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@ dia"eterA +oles location tolerance is W 1V4G inA ?0AG ""@A All )oles drilled to a "ini"u" de&t) o. 1A1 inA ?F3 ""@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?DAC@ cur eA T)ese cali*rations s)all esta*lis) *ot) t)e distance ran(e cali*ration and t)e distance a"&litude cor# rectionA T#G4FA1AF An(le Bea" Cali*rationA As a&&lica*le% t)e cali*ration s)all &ro ide t)e .ollo,in( "easure"ents ?Non"andator' A&&endices B and M contain (eneral tec)# niJues@6 ?a@ distance ran(e cali*rationR ?*@ distance#a"&litudeR ?c@ ec)o a"&litude "easure"ent .ro" t)e sur.ace notc) in t)e *asic cali*ration *loc-A L)en an electronic distance#a"&litude correction de ice is used% t)e &ri"ar' re.erence res&onses .ro" t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- s)all *e eJualiDed o er t)e distance ran(e to *e e"&lo'ed in t)e e!a"inationA T)e res&onse eJualiDa# tion line s)all *e at a screen )ei()t o. G0O to 30O o. .ull screen )ei()tA
T#G4FA2 S'ste" Cali*ration .or Non#Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA Cali*ration includes all t)ose actions reJuired to assure t)at t)e sensiti it' and accurac' o. t)e si(nal a"&litude and ti"e out&uts o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste" ?,)et)er dis&la'ed% recorded% or auto"aticall' &ro# cessed@ are re&eated .ro" e!a"ination to e!a"inationA Cali*ration "a' *e *' use o. *asic cali*ration *loc-s ,it) arti!cial or discontinuit' re!ectorsA Met)ods are &ro ided in Non"andator' A&&endices B and CA Ot)er "et)ods o. cali*ration "a' include sensiti it' adSust"ent *ased on t)e e!a"ination "aterial% etcA
T#G4GCali*ration .or Pi&in( T#G4GA1 S'ste" Cali*ration .or Distance A"&litude Tec)niJues T#G4GA1A1 Cali*ration Bloc-?s@A Cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAFA T#G4GA1A2 An(le Bea" Cali*rationA T)e an(le *ea" s)all *e directed to,ard t)e cali*ration re!ector t)at 'ields t)e "a!i"u" res&onseA T)e (ain control s)all *e set so t)at t)is res&onse is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA T)e searc) unit s)all t)en *e "ani&ulated% ,it)out c)an(in( instru"ent settin(s% to o*tain t)e "a!i"u" res&onses .ro" t)e cali*ration re!ectors at t)e distance incre"ents necessar' to (enerate a t)ree#&oint distance#a"&litude correction ?DAC@ cur eA Se&arate cali*rations s)all *e esta*lis)ed .or *ot) t)e a!ial and circu".erential notc)esA T)ese cali*rations s)all esta*# lis) *ot) t)e distance ran(e cali*ration and t)e distance a"&litude correctionA
T#G4FA1AG Alternati e An(le Bea" Cali*rationA L)en a essel or ot)er co"&onent is "ade ,it) a t)ic-ness o. 102 inA ?1F ""@ or less and a dia"eter eJual to or less t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@% t)e an(le *ea" s'ste" cali*rations .or distance#a"&litude tec)niJues "a' *e &er.or"ed usin( t)e reJuire"ents o. T#G4GA1A1 and T#G4GA1A2A T#G4FA1A1 Strai()t Bea" Cali*rationA T)e cali*ra# tion s)all &ro ide t)e .ollo,in( "easure"ents ?Non"anda# tor' A&&endi! C (i es a (eneral tec)niJue@6 ?a@ distance ran(e cali*rationR and ?*@ distance#a"&litude correction in t)e area o. interestA L)en an electronic distance#a"&litude correction de ice is used% t)e &ri"ar' re.erence res&onses .ro" t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- s)all *e eJualiDed o er t)e distance ran(e to *e e"&lo'ed in t)e e!a"inationA T)e res&onse eJualiDa# tion line s)all *e at a screen )ei()t o. G0O to 30O o. .ull screen )ei()tA
T#G4GA1AF Strai()t Bea" Cali*rationA L)en reJuired% strai()t *ea" cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed to t)e reJuire"ents o. Non"andator' A&&endi! C usin( t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
side#drilled )ole alternate cali*ration re!ectors o. T#GFGA1A1A T)is cali*ration s)all esta*lis) *ot) t)e distance ran(e cali*ration and t)e distance a"&litude correctionA T#G4GA2 S'ste" Cali*ration .or Non#Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA Cali*ration includes all t)ose actions reJuired to assure t)at t)e sensiti it' and accurac' o. t)e si(nal a"&litude and ti"e out&uts o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste" ?,)et)er dis&la'ed% recorded% or auto"aticall' &ro# cessed@ are re&eated .ro" e!a"ination to e!a"inationA Cali*ration "a' *e *' use o. *asic cali*ration *loc-s ,it) arti!cial or discontinuit' re!ectorsA Met)ods are &ro ided in Non"andator' A&&endices B and CA Ot)er "et)ods o. cali*ration "a' include sensiti it' adSust"ent *ased on t)e e!a"ination "aterial% etcA
T#G44A2 Cali*ration C)ec-sA A cali*ration c)ec- on at least one o. t)e re!ectors in t)e *asic cali*ration *locor a c)ec- usin( a si"ulator s)all *e &er.or"ed at t)e co"&letion o. eac) e!a"ination or series o. si"ilar e!a"i# nations% and ,)en e!a"ination &ersonnel ?e!ce&t .or auto# "ated eJui&"ent@ are c)an(edA T)e distance ran(e and sensiti it' alues recorded s)all satis.' t)e reJuire"ents T#G44AFA
NOTE6 Interi" cali*ration c)ec-s *et,een t)e reJuired initial cali*ration and t)e !nal cali*ration c)ec- "a' *e &er.or"edA T)e decision to &er.or" interi" cali*ration c)ec-s s)ould *e *ased on ultrasonic instru"ent sta*il# it' ?analo( sA di(ital@% t)e ris- o. )a in( to conduct ree!a"inations% and t)e *ene!t o. not &er.or"in( interi" cali*ration c)ec-sA
T#G41Cali*ration .or Claddin( T#G41A1 Cali*ration .or Tec)niJue OneA Cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGA1A T)e searc) unit s)all *e &ositioned .or t)e "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e cali*ration re!ectorA T)e (ain control s)all *e set so t)at t)is res&onse is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA
T#G41A2 Cali*ration .or Tec)niJue T,oA Cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGAFA T)e searc) unit s)all *e &ositioned .or t)e "a!i"u" res&onse o. t)e !rst resol a*le indication .ro" t)e *otto" o. t)e cali*ration re!ectorA T)e (ain s)all *e set so t)at t)is res&onse is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA T#G41AF Alternate Cali*ration .or Tec)niJue OneA Cali*rations s)all *e &er.or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc-s s)o,n in 8i(A T#GFGAGA2A1 or T#GFGAGA2A2A T)e cali# *ration s)all *e &er.or"ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ T)e searc) unit s)all *e &ositioned .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e re!ector% ,)ic) (i es t)e )i()est a"&litudeA ?*@ T)e (ain s)all *e set so t)at t)is res&onse is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' ence le elA Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?c@ Lit)out c)an(in( t)e instru"ent settin(s% &osition t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" eac) o. t)e ot)er re!ectors and "ar- t)eir &ea-s on t)e screenA ?d@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s .or eac) re!ector to &ro# ide a DAC cur eA
T#G44A2A1 Si"ulator C)ec-sA An' si"ulator c)ec-s t)at are used s)all *e correlated ,it) t)e ori(inal cali*ration on t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- durin( t)e ori(inal cali*ra# tionA T)e si"ulator c)ec-s "a' use di..erent t'&es o. cali# *ration re!ectors or *loc-s ?suc) as IIL@ and0or electronic si"ulationA +o,e er% t)e si"ulation used s)all *e identi!# a*le on t)e cali*ration s)eet?s@A T)e si"ulator c)ec- s)all *e "ade on t)e entire e!a"ination s'ste"A T)e entire s'ste" does not )a e to *e c)ec-ed in one o&erationR )o,e er% .or its c)ec-% t)e searc) unit s)all *e connected to t)e ultrasonic instru"ent and c)ec-ed a(ainst a cali*ration re!ectorA Accurac' o. t)e si"ulator c)ec-s s)all *e con# !r"ed% usin( t)e *asic cali*ration *loc-% at t)e conclusion o. eac) &eriod o. e!tended use% or e er' t)ree "ont)s% ,)ic)e er is lessA
T#G44AF Con!r"ation Acce&tance Values T#G44AFA1 Distance Ran(e PointsA I. an' distance ran(e &oint )as "o ed on t)e s,ee& line *' "ore t)an 10O o. t)e distance readin( or 1O o. .ull s,ee&% ,)ic)e er is (reater% correct t)e distance ran(e cali*ration and note t)e correction in t)e e!a"ination recordA All recorded indi# cations since t)e last alid cali*ration or cali*ration c)ecs)all *e ree!a"ined and t)eir alues s)all *e c)an(ed on t)e data s)eets or re#recordedA
T#G44AFA2 Sensiti it' Settin(sA I. an' sensiti it' set# tin( )as c)an(ed *' "ore t)an 20O or 2 dB o. its a"&litude% correct t)e sensiti it' cali*ration and note t)e correction in t)e e!a"ination recordA I. t)e sensiti it' settin( )as decreased% all data s)eets since t)e last alid cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e "ar-ed oid and t)e area co ered *' t)e oided data s)all *e ree!a"inedA I. t)e sensiti it' settin( )as increased% all recorded indications since t)e last alid cali*ration or cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"ined and t)eir alues s)all *e c)an(ed on t)e data s)eets or re#recordedA
T#G44Cali*ration Con!r"ation T#G44A1 S'ste" C)an(esA L)en an' &art o. t)e e!a"i# nation s'ste" is c)an(ed% a cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e "ade on t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- to eri.' t)at distance ran(e &oints and sensiti it' settin(?s@ satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44AFA
T#G51Ieneral E!a"ination ReJuire"ents T#G51A1 E!a"ination Co era(eA T)e olu"e to *e scanned s)all *e e!a"ined *' "o in( t)e searc) unit o er
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e scannin( sur.ace so as to scan t)e entire e!a"ination olu"e .or eac) reJuired searc) unitA ?a@ Eac) &ass o. t)e searc) unit s)all o erla& a "ini"u" o. 10O o. t)e transducer ?&ieDoelectric ele"ent@ di"ension &arallel to t)e direction o. scan inde!in(A As an alternati e% i. t)e sound *ea" di"ension &arallel to t)e direction o. scan inde!in( is "easured in accordance ,it) Non"anda# tor' A&&endi! B% B#G44% Bea" S&read "easure"ent rules% eac) &ass o. t)e searc) unit "a' &ro ide o erla& o. t)e "ini"u" *ea" di"ension deter"inedA ?*@ Oscillation o. t)e searc) unit is &er"itted i. it can *e de"onstrated t)at o erla&&in( co era(e is &ro idedA
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section s&eci!es a distance a"&litude tec)niJue% ,eld Soints s)all *e scanned ,it) an an(le *ea" searc) unit in *ot) &arallel and trans erse directions ?G scans@ to t)e ,eld a!isA Be.ore &er.or"in( t)e an(le *ea" e!a"inations% a strai()t *ea" e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed on t)e olu"e o. *ase "aterial t)rou() ,)ic) t)e an(le *ea"s ,ill tra el to locate an' re!ectors t)at can li"it t)e a*ilit' o. t)e an(le *ea" to e!a"ine t)e ,eld olu"eA Non"andator' A&&endi! I descri*es a "et)od o. e!a"ination usin( "ulti&le an(le *ea" searc) unitsA
T#G51A2 Pulse Re&etition RateA T)e &ulse re&etition rate s)all *e s"all enou() to assure t)at a si(nal .ro" a re!ector located at t)e "a!i"u" distance in t)e e!a"ina# tion olu"e ,ill arri e *ac- at t)e searc) unit *e.ore t)e ne!t &ulse is &laced on t)e transducerA T#G51AF Rate o. Searc) <nit Mo e"entA T)e rate o. searc) unit "o e"ent ?scannin( s&eed@ s)all not e!ceed 4 inA0s ?110 ""0s@% unless6 ?a@ t)e ultrasonic instru"ent &ulse re&etition rate is su.# !cient to &ulse t)e searc) unit at least si! ti"es ,it)in t)e ti"e necessar' to "o e one#)al. t)e transducer ?&ieDoelec# tric ele"ent@ di"ension &arallel to t)e direction o. t)e scan at "a!i"u" scannin( s&eedR or% ?*@ a d'na"ic cali*ration is &er.or"ed on "ulti&le re!ectors% ,)ic) are ,it)in W2 dB o. a static cali*ration and t)e &ulse re&etition rate "eets t)e reJuire"ents o. T#G51A2A
T#G52A1 An(le Bea" Tec)niJue T#G52A1A1 Bea" An(leA T)e searc) unit and *ea" an(le selected s)all *e G1 de( or an an(le a&&ro&riate .or t)e con!(uration *ein( e!a"ined and s)all *e ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e cali*ration re!ectors% o er t)e reJuired an(le *ea" &at)A T#G52A1A2 Re!ectors Parallel to t)e Leld Sea"A T)e an(le *ea" s)all *e directed at a&&ro!i"ate ri()t an(les to t)e ,eld a!is .ro" *ot) sides o. t)e ,eld ?iAeA% .ro" t,o directions@ on t)e sa"e sur.ace ,)en &ossi*leA T)e searc) unit s)all *e "ani&ulated so t)at t)e ultrasonic ener(' &asses t)rou() t)e reJuired olu"e o. ,eld and adSacent *ase "aterialA T#G52A1AF Re!ectors Trans erse to t)e Leld Sea"A T)e an(le *ea" s)all *e directed essentiall' &arallel to t)e ,eld a!isA T)e searc) unit s)all *e "ani&ulated so t)at t)e ultrasonic ener(' &asses t)rou() t)e reJuired olu"e o. ,eld and adSacent *ase "aterialA T)e searc) unit s)all *e rotated 130 de( and t)e e!a"ination re&eatedA I. t)e ,eld ca& is not "ac)ined or (round !at% t)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed .ro" t)e *ase "etal on *ot) sides o. t)e ,eld ca& in *ot) ,eld a!is directionsA
T#G51AG Scannin( Sensiti it' Le el T#G51AGA1 Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA T)e scannin( sensiti it' le el s)all *e set a "ini"u"F o. 4 dB )i()er t)an t)e re.erence le el (ain settin(A T#G51AGA2 Non#Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA T)e le el o. (ain used .or scannin( s)all *e a&&ro&riate .or t)e con!(uration *ein( e!a"ined and s)all *e ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e cali*ration re!ectors at t)e "a!i"u" scan# nin( s&eedA T#G51A1 Sur.ace Pre&arationA L)en t)e *ase "aterial or ,eld sur.ace inter.eres ,it) t)e e!a"ination% t)e *ase "aterial or ,eld s)all *e &re&ared as needed to &er"it t)e e!a"inationA
T#G52A2 Restricted Access LeldsA Lelds t)at cannot *e .ull' e!a"ined .ro" t,o directions usin( t)e an(le *ea" tec)niJue ?eA(A% corner and tee Soints@ s)all also *e e!a"ined% i. &ossi*le% ,it) a strai()t *ea" tec)niJueA T)ese areas o. restricted access s)all *e noted in t)e e!a"i# nation re&ortA T#G52AF Inaccessi*le LeldsA Lelds t)at cannot *e e!a"ined .ro" at least one side ?ed(e@ usin( t)e an(le *ea" tec)niJue s)all *e noted in t)e e!a"ination re&ortA 8or !an(e ,elds% t)e ,eld "a' *e e!a"ined ,it) a strai()t *ea" or lo, an(le lon(itudinal ,a es .ro" t)e !an(e .ace &ro ided t)e e!a"ination olu"e can *e co eredA
F L)en t)e Re.erencin( Code Section reJuires t)e detection and e alua# tion o. all indications e!ceedin( 20O DAC% t)e (ain s)ould *e increased an additional a"ount so t)at no cali*ration re!ector indication is less t)an G0O 8S+A As an alternate% t)e scannin( sensiti it' le el "a' *e set at 1G dB )i()er t)an t)e re.erence le el (ain settin(A ?T)is additional (ain "a-es t)e re.erence DAC cur e a 20O DAC cur e so t)at indications e!ceedin( 20O DAC "a' *e easil' identi!ed and e aluatedA@A
Claddin( Tec)niJues
T)e tec)niJues descri*ed in t)ese &ara(ra&)s s)all *e used ,)en e!a"inations o. ,eld "etal o erla' claddin(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
are reJuired *' a re.erencin( Code SectionA L)en e!a"ina# tion .or lac- o. *ond and clad !a, indications is reJuired% Tec)niJue One s)all *e usedA L)en e!a"ination .or laco. *ond onl' is reJuired% Tec)niJue T,o "a' *e usedA T#G5FA1 Tec)niJue OneA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er# .or"ed .ro" t)e clad sur.ace ,it) t)e &lane se&aratin( t)e ele"ents o. t)e dual ele"ent searc) unit &ositioned &arallel to t)e a!is o. t)e ,eld *eadA T)e searc) unit s)all *e "o ed &er&endicular to t)e ,eld directionA T#G5FA2 Tec)niJue T,oA T)e e!a"ination "a' *e &er# .or"ed .ro" eit)er t)e clad or unclad sur.ace and t)e searc) unit "a' *e "o ed eit)er &er&endicular or &arallel to t)e ,eld directionA
T#G32E aluation Le el T#G32A1 Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA All indica# tions (reater t)an 20O o. t)e re.erence le el s)all *e in es# ti(ated to t)e e!tent t)at t)e' can *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance criteria o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#G32A2 Non#Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA All indications lon(er t)an G0O o. t)e reSecta*le !a, siDe s)all *e in esti(ated to t)e e!tent t)at t)e' can *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance criteria o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e nu"*er o. an(les and directions o. t)e scans% .or re!ectors *ot) &arallel and trans erse to t)e ,eld a!is% s)all de"onstrate t)e a*ilit' to detect t)e "ini"u" siDe reSecta*le discontinuities in t)e re.erencin( Code Section acce&tance standardsA T)e detailed tec)niJues s)all *e in con.or"ance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Re!ectors e aluated as la"inar re!ectors in *ase "ate# rial ,)ic) inter.ere ,it) t)e scannin( o. e!a"ination ol# u"es s)all reJuire t)e an(le *ea" e!a"ination tec)niJue to *e "odi!ed suc) t)at t)e "a!i"u" .easi*le olu"e is e!a"ined% and s)all *e noted in t)e record o. t)e e!a"ina# tion ?T#G2F@A
Alternati e E aluations
Re!ector di"ensions e!ceedin( t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuire"ents "a' *e e aluated to an' alternati e standards &ro ided *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T#G30 T#G31
It is reco(niDed t)at not all ultrasonic re!ectors indicate !a,s% since certain "etallur(ical discontinuities and (eo# "etric conditions "a' &roduce indications t)at are not rele antA Included in t)is cate(or' are &late se(re(ates in t)e )eat#a..ected Done t)at *eco"e re!ecti e a.ter .a*rica# tionA <nder strai()t *ea" e!a"ination% t)ese "a' a&&ear as s&ot or line indicationsA <nder an(le *ea" e!a"ination% indications t)at are deter"ined to ori(inate .ro" sur.ace conditions ?suc) as ,eld root (eo"etr'@ or ariations in "etallur(ical structure in austenitic "aterials ?suc) as t)e auto"atic#to#"anual ,eld clad inter.ace@ "a' *e classi!ed as (eo"etric indicationsA T)e identit'% "a!i"u" a"&li# tude% location% and e!tent o. re!ector causin( a (eo"etric indication s)all *e recordedA P8or e!a"&le6 internal attac)# "ent% 200O DAC% 1 inA ?21 ""@ a*o e ,eld center line% on t)e inside sur.ace% .ro" 20 de( to 21 de(Q T)e .ollo,in( ste&s s)all *e ta-en to classi.' an indication as (eo"etric6 ?a@ Inter&ret t)e area containin( t)e re!ector in accor# dance ,it) t)e a&&lica*le e!a"ination &rocedureA ?*@ Plot and eri.' t)e re!ector coordinatesA Pre&are a cross#sectional s-etc) s)o,in( t)e re!ector &osition and sur.ace discontinuities suc) as root and counter*oreA ?c@ Re ie, .a*rication or ,eld &re&aration dra,in(sA Ot)er ultrasonic tec)niJues or nondestructi e e!a"ination "et)ods "a' *e )el&.ul in deter"inin( a re!ectorEs true &osition% siDe% and orientationA
T#G20DOC<MENTATION T#G21Recordin( Indications T#G21A1 Non#ReSecta*le IndicationsA Non#reSecta*le indications s)all *e recorded as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#G21A2 ReSecta*le IndicationsA ReSecta*le indications s)all *e recordedA As a "ini"u"% t)e t'&e o. indication ?iAeA% crac-% non#.usion% sla(% etcA@% location% and e!tent ?iAeA% len(t)@ s)all *e recordedA Non"andator' A&&endices D and 9 &ro ide (eneral recordin( e!a"&les .or an(le and strai()t *ea" searc) unitsA Ot)er tec)niJues "a' *e usedA
E!a"ination Records
8or eac) ultrasonic e!a"ination% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"a# tion s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re isionR ?*@ ultrasonic instru"ent identi!cation ?includin( "an# u.acturerEs serial nu"*er@R ?c@ searc) unit?s@ identi!cation ?includin( "anu.actur# erEs serial nu"*er% .reJuenc'% and siDe@R ?d@ *ea" an(le?s@ usedR ?e@ cou&lant used% *rand na"e or t'&eR ?.@ searc) unit ca*le?s@ used% t'&e and len(t)R ?(@ s&ecial eJui&"ent ,)en used ?searc) units% ,ed(es% s)oes% auto"atic scannin( eJui&"ent% recordin( eJui&# "ent% etcA@R
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?)@ co"&uteriDed &ro(ra" identi!cation and re ision ,)en usedR ?i@ cali*ration *loc- identi!cationR ?S@ si"ulation *loc-?s@ and electronic si"ulator?s@ iden# ti!cation ,)en usedR ?-@ instru"ent re.erence le el (ain and% i. used% da"&in( and reSect settin(?s@R ?l@ cali*ration data Pincludin( re.erence re!ector?s@% indication a"&litude?s@% and distance readin(?s@QR ?"@ data correlatin( si"ulation *loc-?s@ and electronic si"ulator?s@% ,)en used% ,it) initial cali*rationR ?n@ identi!cation and location o. ,eld or olu"e scannedR ?o@ sur.ace?s@ .ro" ,)ic) e!a"ination ,as conducted% includin( sur.ace conditionR
?&@ "a& or record o. reSecta*le indications detected or areas clearedR ?J@ areas o. restricted access or inaccessi*le ,eldsR ?r@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and% ,)en reJuired *' re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le elR ?s@ date o. e!a"inationA Ite"s ?*@ t)rou() ?"@ "a' *e included in a se&arate cali*ration record &ro ided t)e cali*ration record identi!# cation is included in t)e e!a"ination recordA
A re&ort o. t)e e!a"inations s)all *e "adeA T)e re&ort s)all include t)ose records indicated in T#G21 and T#G22A T)e re&ort s)all *e !led and "aintained in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or c)ec-in( screen )ei()t linearit' and is a&&lica*le to ultra# sonic instru"ents ,it) A#scan dis&la'sA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or c)ec-in( a"&litude control linearit' and is a&&lica*le to ultrasonic instru"ents ,it) A#scan dis&la'sA
Position an an(le *ea" searc) unit on a cali*ration *loc-% as s)o,n in 8i(A I#GG0 so t)at indications .ro" *ot) t)e 1V2 and FVGT )oles (i e a 261 ratio o. a"&litudes *et,een t)e t,o indicationsA AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ so t)at t)e lar(er indication is set at 30O o. .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A Lit)out "o in( t)e searc) unit% adSust sensiti it' ?(ain@ to successi el' set t)e lar(er indication .ro" 100O to 20O o. .ull screen )ei()t% in 10O incre"ents ?or 2 dB ste&s i. a !ne control is not a aila*le@% and read t)e s"aller indica# tion at eac) settin(A T)e readin( s)all *e 10O o. t)e lar(er a"&litude% ,it)in 1O o. 8S+A T)e settin(s and readin(s s)all *e esti"ated to t)e nearest 1O o. .ull screenA Alterna# ti el'% a strai()t *ea" searc) unit "a' *e used on an' cali*ration *loc- t)at &ro ides a"&litude di..erences% ,it) su.!cient si(nal se&aration to &re ent o erla&&in( o. t)e t,o si(nalsA
Position an an(le *ea" searc) unit on a *asic cali*ration *loc-% as s)o,n in 8i(A I#GG0 so t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e 1V2T side#drilled )ole is &ea-ed on t)e screenA AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ as s)o,n in t)e .ollo,in( ta*leA T)e indication s)all .all ,it)in t)e s&eci!ed li"itsA Alterna# ti el'% an' ot)er con enient re!ector .ro" an' cali*ration *loc- "a' *e used ,it) an(le or strai()t *ea" searc) unitsA
Indication Set at O o. 8ull Screen 30O 30O G0O 20O dB Control C)an(e U4 U12 X4 X12 dB dB dB dB Indication Li"its O o. 8ull Screen F2 14 4G 4G to to to to G3O 2GO 24O 24O
T)e settin(s and readin(s s)all *e esti"ated to t)e near# est 1O o. .ull screenA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! descri*es t)e reJuire"ents to *e used .or a Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ e!a"i# nation o. ,eldsA
T)e reJuire"ents o. Article G a&&l' unless "odi!ed *' t)is A&&endi!A III#G22Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents III#G22A1 ReJuire"entsA TO8D s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all% as a
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
EJui&"ent s)all &er"it stora(e o. all (ated A#scans to a "a(netic or o&tical stora(e "ediu"A EJui&"ent s)all &ro ide a sectional ie, o. t)e ,eld ,it) a "ini"u" o. 4G (ra' scale le elsA ?Stora(e o. Sust sectional i"a(es ,it)out t)e underl'in( A#scan R8 ,a e.or"s is not acce&t# a*leA@ Co"&uter so.t,are .or TO8D dis&la's s)all include al(orit)"s to lineariDe cursors or t)e ,a e.or" ti"e#*ase to &er"it de&t) and ertical e!tent esti"ationsA In addition to stora(e o. ,a e.or" data includin( a"&litude and ti"e#*ase details% t)e eJui&"ent s)all also store &ositional in.or"ation indicatin( t)e relati e &osition o. t)e ,a e# .or" ,it) res&ect to t)e adSacent ,a e.or"?s@% iAeA% encoded &ositionA
"ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*les T#G21 and III#G22A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA III#G22A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*les T#G21 or III#G22 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
III#GF1Instru"ent ReJuire"ents III#GF1A1 Instru"entA T)e instru"ent s)all &ro ide a linear BAC scan &resentation .or *ot) settin( u& scan &ara"# eters and .or si(nal anal'sisA Instru"ent linearit' s)all *e suc) t)at t)e accurac' o. indicated a"&litude or ti"e is W1O o. t)e actual .ull#scale a"&litude or ti"eA T)e ultra# sonic &ulser "a' &ro ide e!citation olta(e *' tone *urst% uni&olar% or *i&olar sJuare ,a eA Pulse ,idt) s)all *e tuna*le to allo, o&ti"iDation o. &ulse a"&litude and dura# tionA T)e *and,idt) o. t)e ultrasonic recei er s)all *e at least eJual to t)at o. t)e no"inal &ro*e .reJuenc' and suc) t)at t)e \4dB *and,idt) o. t)e &ro*e does not .all outside o. t)e \4dB *and,idt) o. t)e recei erA Recei er (ain con# trol s)all *e a aila*le to adSust si(nal a"&litude in incre# "ents o. 1dB or lessA Pre#a"&li!ers "a' *e included in t)e s'ste"A Analo( to di(ital con ersion o. ,a e.or"s s)all )a e sa"&lin( rates at least .our ti"es t)at o. t)e no"inal .reJuenc' o. t)e &ro*eA L)en di(ital si(nal &ro# cessin( is to *e carried out on t)e ra, data% t)is s)all *e increased to ei()t ti"es t)e no"inal .reJuenc' o. t)e &ro*eA
III#GF2Searc) <nits III#GF2A1 IeneralA <ltrasonic &ro*es s)all con.or" to t)e .ollo,in( "ini"u" reJuire"ents6 ?a@ T,o &ro*es s)all *e used in a &itc)#catc) arran(e# "ent ?TO8D &air@A ?*@ Eac) &ro*e in t)e TO8D &air s)all )a e t)e sa"e no"inal .reJuenc'A ?c@ T)e TO8D &air s)all )a e t)e sa"e ele"ent di"en# sionsA ?d@ T)e &ulse duration o. t)e &ro*e s)all not e!ceed 2 c'cles as "easured to t)e 20dB le el *elo, t)e &eares&onseA ?e@ Pro*es "a' *e .ocused or un.ocusedA <n.ocused &ro*es are reco""ended .or detection and .ocused &ro*es are reco""ended .or i"&ro ed resolution .or siDin(A ?.@ Pro*es "a' *e sin(le ele"ent or &)ased arra'A ?(@ T)e no"inal .reJuenc' s)all *e .ro" 2 M+D to 11M+D unless aria*les% suc) as &roduction "aterial (rain structure% reJuire t)e use o. ot)er .reJuencies to assure adeJuate &enetration or *etter resolutionA
III#GF2A2 Claddin( M Searc) <nits .or Tec)niJue OneA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#GF2A2 are not a&&lica*le to t)e TO8D tec)niJueA
III#GFGCali*ration Bloc-s III#GFGA1A1 Re!ectorsA Side#drilled )oles s)all *e used to con!r" adeJuate sensiti it' settin(sA III#GFGA2A1 Basic Cali*ration Bloc-A T)e *asic cali# *ration *loc- con!(uration and re!ectors s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A III#GFGA2A1?a@A A "ini"u" o. t,o )oles &er Done% i. t)e ,eld is *ro-en u& into "ulti&le Dones% is reJuiredA See 8i(A III#GFGA2A1?*@ .or a t,o Done e!a"&leA T)e *locsiDe and re!ector location s)all *e adeJuate to con!r" adeJuate sensiti it' settin(s .or t)e *ea" an(les usedA III#GFGA2A2 Bloc- T)ic-nessA T)e *loc- t)ic-ness s)all *e at W10O o. t)e no"inal t)ic-ness o. t)e &iece to *e e!a"ined .or t)ic-nesses u& to G inA ?100 ""@ or W0AG inA ?10 ""@ .or t)ic-nesses o er G inA ?100 ""@A
III#GF1A2 Data Dis&la' and Recordin(A T)e data dis# &la' s)all allo, .or t)e ie,in( o. t)e unrecti!ed A#scan so as to &osition t)e start and len(t) o. a (ate t)at deter# "ines t)e e!tent o. t)e A#scan ti"e#*ase t)at is recordedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T0G T FT0G Claddin( ?,)en &resent@ Leld T)ic-ness% inA ?""@ <& to 1 ?21@ O er 1 ?21@ t)ru 2 ?10@ O er 2 ?10@ t)ru G ?100@ O er G ?100@ +ole Dia"eter% inA ?""@
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ +oles s)all *e drilled and rea"ed 2 inA ?10 ""@ dee& "ini"u"% essentiall' &arallel to t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA ?*@ +ole ToleranceA T)e tolerance on dia"eter s)all *e W 1VF2 inA ?W 0A3 ""@A T)e tolerance on location t)rou() t)e *loc- t)ic-ness s)all *e W 1V3 inA ?W F ""@A ?c@ All )oles s)all *e located on t)e sa"e .ace ?side@ o. t)e *loc- and ali(ned at t)e a&&ro!i"ate center o. t)e .ace ?side@ unless t)e indication .ro" one re!ector a..ects t)e indication .ro" anot)erA In t)ese cases% t)e )oles "a' *e located on o&&oiste .aces ?sides@ o. t)e *loc-A ?d@ L)en t)e ,eld is *ro-en u& into "ulti&le Dones% eac) Done s)all )a e a TD 0G and TD F0G side#drilled )ole% ,)ere TD is t)e Done t)ic-nessA
Claddin( ?,)en &resent@ IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ T1 eJuals t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e u&&er DoneA ?*@ T2 eJuals t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e lo,er DoneA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Alternati el'% a t)ic-er *loc- "a' *e utiliDed &ro ided t)e re.erence re!ector siDe is *ased on t)e t)ic-ness to *e e!a"ined and an adeJuate nu"*er o. )oles e!ist to co"&l' ,it) III#GFGA2A1 reJuire"entsA III#GFGA2AF Bloc- Ran(e o. <seA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGA2AF are not a&&lica*le to t)e TO8D tec)niJueA III#GFGA2AG Alternate Bloc-A T)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGA2AG are not a&&lica*le to t)e TO8D tec)niJueA III#GFGAF Pi&in( Cali*ration Bloc-A T)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGAF are not a&&lica*le to t)e TO8D tec)niJueA III#GFGAG Claddin( Cali*ration Bloc-sA T)e reJuire# "ents o. T#GFGAG are not a&&lica*le to t)e TO8D tec)niJueA III#GF1 Mec)anics
inA ?1F ""@A I. all t)e reJuired )oles are not detected% t,o additional o..set scans are reJuired ,it) t)e &ro*es o..set *' t)e distance?s@ identi!ed a*o eA See 8i(A III#G4FA1 .or an e!a"&leA III#G4FA4 EncoderA Encoders s)all *e cali*rated &er t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endations and con!r"ed *' "o # in( a "ini"u" distance o. 20 inA ?100 ""@ and t)e dis# &la'ed distance *ein( W1O o. t)e actual distance "o edA
Mec)anical )olders s)all *e used to ensure t)at &ro*e s&acin( is "aintained at a !!ed distanceA T)e "ec)anical )olders s)all also ensure t)at ali(n"ent to t)e intended scan a!is on t)e e!a"ination &iece is "aintainedA Pro*e "otion "a' *e ac)ie ed usin( "otoriDed or "anual "eans and t)e "ec)anical )older .or t)e &ro*es s)all *e eJui&&ed ,it) a &ositional encoder t)at is s'nc)roniDed ,it) t)e sa"&lin( o. A#scansA
Encoder Con!r"ation
A cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e &er.or"ed at inter als not to e!ceed one "ont) or &rior to !rst use t)erea.ter% "ade *' "o in( t)e encoder alon( a "ini"u" distance o. 20 inA ?100 ""@ and t)e dis&la'ed distance *ein( W1O o. t)e acutal distance "o edA
III#G40CALIBRATION III#G4FCali*ration .or Non&i&in( III#G4FA1 Cali*ration Bloc-A Cali*ration s)all *e &er# .or"ed utiliDin( t)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A GFGA2A1?a@ or on t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA III#G4FA2 Cali*rationA Set t)e TO8D &ro*es on t)e sur.ace to *e utiliDed .or cali*ration and set t)e (ain control so t)at t)e lateral ,a e a"&litude is .ro" G0O to 20O o. t)e .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@ and t)e noise ?(rass@ le el is less t)an 1U10O 8S+A T)is is t)e re.erence sensiti it' settin(A 8or "ulti&le Done e!a"inations ,)en t)e lateral ,a e is not dis&la'ed% or *arel' discerni*le% set t)e (ain control *ased solel' on t)e noise ?(rass@ le elA III#G4FAF Con!r"ation o. Sensiti it'A Scan t)e cali# *ration *loc-Es SD+s ,it) t)e" centered *et,een t)e &ro*es% at t)e re.erence sensiti it' le el set in III#G4FA2A T)e SD+ res&onses .ro" t)e reJuired Done s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 4 dB a*o e t)e (rain noise and s)all *e a&&arent in t)e resultin( di(itiDed (ra'scale dis&la'A III#G4FAG Multi&le None E!a"inationsA L)en a ,eld is *ro-en u& into "ulti&le Dones% re&eat III#G4FA2 and III#G4FAF .or eac) TO8D &ro*e &airA In addition% t)e nearest SD+ in t)e adSoinin( Done?s@ s)all *e detectedA III#G4FA1 Lidt) o. Co era(e Con!r"ationA T,o additional scans &er III#G4FAF s)all *e "ade ,it) t)e &ro*es o..set to eit)er side o. t)e a&&lica*le DoneEs ,eld ed(e W 1V2
III#G50E=AMINATION III#G51A1 E!a"ination Co era(eA T)e olu"e to *e scanned s)all *e e!a"ined ,it) t)e TO8D &ro*e &air cen# tered on and trans erse to t)e ,eld a!is and t)en "o in( t)e &ro*e &air &arallel to and alon( t)e ,eld a!isA I. o..set scans are reJuired due to t)e ,idt) o. t)e ,eld% re&eat t)e initial scan ,it) t)e &ro*es o..set to one side o. t)e ,eld a!is and a(ain ,it) t)e o..set to t)e o&&osite side o. t)e !rst o..set scanA
III#G51AG O erla&A T)e "ini"u" o erla& *et,een adSacent scans s)all *e 1 inA ?21 ""@A III#G51A1 Multi&le None E!a"inationA L)en a ,eld is *ro-en do,n into "ulti&le Dones% re&eat III#G51A1 .or eac) ,eld DoneA III#G51A4 Recordin( Data ?Iated Re(ion@A T)e unrec# ti!ed ?R8 ,a e.or"@ A#scan si(nal s)all *e recordedA T)e A#scan (ated re(ion s)all *e set to start Sust &rior to t)e lateral ,a e and% as a "ini"u"% not end until all o. t)e !rst *ac-#,all si(nal ,it) allo,ance .or t)ic-ness and "is"atc) ariations% is recordedA <se.ul data can *e o*tained .ro" "ode#con erted si(nalsR t)ere.ore% t)e inter# al .ro" t)e !rst *ac-#,all to t)e "ode#con erted *ac-# ,all si(nal s)all also *e included in t)e data collected ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( CodeA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
III#G51A3 Re!ectors Trans erse to t)e Leld Sea"A An an(le *ea" e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accor# dance ,it) T#G52A1AF .or re!ectors trans erse to t)e ,eld a!is unless t)e re.erencin( Code Section s&eci!es a TO8D e!a"inationA In t)ese cases% &osition eac) TO8D &ro*e &air essentiall' &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is and "o e t)e &ro*e &air alon( and do,n t)e ,eld a!isA I. t)e ,eld rein.orce"ent is not (round s"oot)% &osition t)e &ro*es on t)e adSacent &late "aterial as &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is as &ossi*leA
Claddin( Tec)niJue
III#G51A2 Su&&le"ental S)ear La e E!a"inationA Due to t)e &resence o. t)e lateral ,a e and *ac-#,all indication si(nals% !a,s occurrin( in t)ese Dones "a' not *e detectedA T)ere.ore% t)e ,eldEs near sur.aces ?iAeA% *ot) to& and *otto" .aces@ s)all *e an(le *ea" e!a"ined &er Article G reJuire"ents ,it) t)e an(les c)osen t)at are closest to *ein( &er&endicular to t)e .usion linesA T)is e!a"ination "a' *e &er.or"ed "anuall' or "ec)aniDedR i. "ec)aniDed% t)e data s)all *e collected in conSunction ,it) t)e TO8D e!a"inationA
A "a!i"u" sa"&le s&acin( o. 0A0G0 inA ?1 ""@ s)all *e used *et,een A#scans collected .or t)ic-nesses under 2 inA ?10 ""@ and a sa"&le s&acin( o. u& to 0A030 inA ?2 ""@ "a' *e used .or t)ic-nesses (reater t)an 2 inA ?10 ""@A
Missin( lines in t)e dis&la' s)all not e!ceed 1O o. t)e scan lines to *e collected% and no adSacent lines s)all *e "issedA
L)en )ei()t o. !a, siDin( is reJuired% a.ter t)e s'ste" is cali*rated &er III#G4F% a .ree run on t)e cali*ration *locs)all *e &er.or"ed and t)e de&t) o. t)e *ac-#,all re!ection calculated *' t)e s'ste" s)all *e ,it)in 0A0G inA ?1 ""@ o. t)e actual t)ic-nessA 8or "ulti&le Done e!a"inations ,)ere t)e *ac- ,all is not dis&la'ed or *arel' discerni*le%
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
a side#drilled )ole or ot)er -no,n de&t) re.erence re!ector in t)e cali*ration *loc- "a' *e usedA See Non"andator' A&&endices L and N o. t)is Article .or additional in.or"a# tion on !a, siDin( and inter&retationA 8inal inter&retation s)all onl' *e "ade a.ter all dis&la' &ara"eter adSust"ents ?iAeA% contrast% *ri()tness% lateral and *ac-,all re"o al and SA8T &rocessin(% etcA@ )a e *een co"&letedA
ReJuire"ents ?As A&&lica*le@ Searc) unit ?ele"ent siDe and nu"*er% and &itc) and (a& di"ensions@ 8ocal ran(e ?identi.' &lane% de&t)% or sound &at)@ Virtual a&erture siDe ?iAeA% nu"*er o. ele"ents% ti e )ei()t% and ele"ent ,idt)@ Led(e an(le Essential Varia*le = Nonessential Varia*le AAA
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e reJuired in.or"ation in T#G22 and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &ro*e center s&acin( ?PCS@ ?*@ data sa"&lin( s&acin( ?c@ !a, )ei()t% i. s&eci!ed ?d@ t)e !nal dis&la' &rocessin( le els
= Additional E#scan reJuire"ents Ran(e o. ele"ent nu"*ers used ?iAeA% 1U124% 10U10% etcA@ Ele"ent incre"ental c)an(e ?iAeA% 1%2% etcA@ Additional S#scan reJuire"ents = =
An(ular ran(e used ?iAeA% G0 de(U10 de(% 10 de(U50 de(% etcA@ An(le incre"ental c)an(e ?iAeA% 1V2 de(% 1 de(% etcA@ = AAA
A re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e "adeA T)e re&ort s)all include t)ose records indicated in T#G21% T#G22% and III#G22A T)e re&ort s)all *e !led and "aintained in accor# dance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e reJuire"ents o. Article G a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed *' t)is A&&endi!A IV#G22Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents IV#G22A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le IV#G22 s)all a&&l'A IV#G22A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le IV#G22 s)all a&&l'A IV#G41Instru"ent Linearit' C)ec-s IV#G41A2 A"&litude Control Linearit'A T)e ultra# sonic instru"entEs a"&litude control linearit' s)all *e e al# uated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! II .or eac) &ulser#recei er circuitA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! descri*es t)e reJuire"ents to *e used .or &)ased arra'% "anual raster scannin(% ultrasonic tec)niJues usin( linear arra'sA T)e tec)niJues co ered *' t)is A&&endi! are sin(le 1 ?!!ed an(le@% E#scan2 ?!!ed an(le@% and S#scanF ?s,ee&in( "ulti&le an(le@GA
Sin(le ?!!ed an(le@ is a .ocal la, a&&lied to a s&eci!c set o. acti e ele"ents .or a constant an(le *ea"% e"ulatin( a con entional sin(le ele"ent &ro*eA 2E#scan ?also ter"ed an electronic raster scan@ is a sin(le .ocal la, "ulti&le!ed% across a (rou&in( o. acti e ele"ents% .or a constant an(le *ea" ste&&ed alon( t)e &)ased arra' &ro*e len(t) in de!ned incre"en# tal ste&sA FS#scan ?also called a Sector% Sectorial% or ADi"ut)al scan@ "a' to eit)er t)e *ea" "o e"ent or t)e data dis&la'A ?a@ Bea" "o e"ent is t)e set o. .ocal la,s t)at &ro ides a .an#li-e series o. *ea"s t)rou() a de!ned ran(e o. an(les usin( t)e sa"e set o. ele"entsA ?*@ Data dis&la' is t)e t,o#di"ensional ie, o. all A#scans .ro" a s&eci!c set o. ele"ents corrected .or dela' and re.racted an(leA Volu"e#corrected S#scan i"a(es t'&icall' s)o, a &ie#s)a&ed dis&la' ,it) de.ects located at t)eir (eo"etricall' correct and "easura*le &ositionsA GSE#2G21 &ro ides additional in.or"ation on settin( u& &)ased arra' instru"entsA
IV#G42Ieneral Cali*ration ReJuire"ents IV#G42A5 8ocal La,A 1 T)e .ocal la, to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali*rationA
8ocal la, is de!ned as a &)ased arra' o&erational !le t)at de!nes t)e searc) unit ele"ents and t)eir ti"e dela's% .or *ot) t)e trans"itter and recei er .unctionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IV#G42A3 Bea" Cali*rationA All indi idual *ea"s used in t)e e!a"ination s)all *e cali*rated to &ro ide "easure# "ent o. distance and a"&litude correction o er t)e sound &at) e"&lo'ed in t)e e!a"inationA T)is s)all include a&&li# ca*le co"&ensation .or ,ed(e sound &at) ariations and ,ed(e attenuation e..ectsA
ReJuire"ents ?As A&&lica*le@ Searc) unit?s@ ?ele"ent &itc)% siDe% nu"*er% and (a& di"ensions@ 8ocal ran(e?s@ ?identi.' &lane% de&t)% or sound &at) as a&&lica*le@ Virtual a&erture siDe?s@ ?nu"*er o. ele"ents% ele"ent ,idt)% and e..ecti e )ei()t PNote ?1@Q Led(e natural re.racted an(le Scan &lan Leld a!is re.erence &oint "ar-in( Essential Varia*le = Nonessential Varia*le AAA
E!a"ination Record
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e reJuired in.or"ation o. T#G22 and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ searc) unit t'&e% ele"ent siDe and nu"*er% and &itc) and (a& di"ensions ?*@ .ocal la, &ara"eters% includin(% as a&&lica*le% an(le% .ocal de&t)% ele"ent nu"*ers used% ran(e o. ele"ents% ele"ent incre"ental c)an(e% an(ular ran(e% and an(le incre"ental c)an(e ?c@ ,ed(e an(le
= = AAA
Rasterin( an(le?s@ A&erture start and sto& ele"ent nu"*ers A&erture incre"ental c)an(e?s@ ?nu"*er o. ele"ents ste&&ed@
= = =
Additional S#scan reJuire"ents6 S,ee& an(ular ran(e?s@ An(ular s,ee& incre"ent ?incre"ental an(le c)an(e% de(@ A&erture ele"ent nu"*ers ?!rst and last@ = = AAA AAA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! descri*es t)e reJuire"ents to *e used .or &)ased arra' E#scan2 ?!!ed an(le@ and S#scanF encoded linear4 scannin( e!a"inations usin( linear arra' searc) unitsA
T)e reJuire"ents o. Article G a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed *' t)is A&&endi!A V#G21A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le V#G21 s)all a&&l'A V#G21A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le V#G21 s)all a&&l'A
NOTE6 ?1@ E..ecti e )ei()t is t)e distance "easured .ro" t)e outside ed(e o. t)e !rst to last ele"ent used in t)e .ocal la,A
,eld Soint (eo"etr'% and nu"*er o. e!a"ination areas or DonesA V#G41A2 A"&litude Control Linearit'A T)e ultrasonic instru"entEs a"&litude control linearit' s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! II .or eac) &ulser# recei er circuitA V#G42A5 8ocal La,A1 T)e .ocal la, to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali*rationA V#G42A3 Bea" Cali*rationA All indi idual *ea"s used in t)e e!a"ination s)all *e cali*rated to &ro ide "easure# "ent o. distance and a"&litude correction o er t)e sound &at) e"&lo'ed in t)e e!a"inationA V#G45 Encoder Cali*ration
Scan Plan
A scan &lan ?docu"ented e!a"ination strate('@ s)all *e &ro ided s)o,in( searc) unit &lace"ent and "o e"ent t)at &ro ides a standardiDed and re&eata*le "et)odolo(' .or t)e e!a"inationA In addition to t)e in.or"ation in Ta*le V#G21% t)e scan &lan s)all include *ea" an(les and directions ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!is re.erence &oint%
Linear scannin( ?also ter"ed line scannin(@ is de!ned as a sin(le &ass scan o. t)e searc) unit &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is at a !!ed stand#o.. distanceA
A cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e &er.or"ed at inter als not to e!ceed one "ont) or &rior to !rst use t)erea.ter% *'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"o in( t)e encoder a "ini"u" distance o. 20 inA ?100 ""@A T)e dis&la' distance s)all *e ,it)in 1O o. t)e actual distance "o edA V#G51A1 E!a"ination Co era(eA T)e reJuired olu"e o. t)e ,eld and *ase "aterial to *e e!a"ined s)all *e scanned usin( a linear scannin( tec)niJue ,it) an encoderA Eac) linear scan s)all *e &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is at a constant stando.. distance ,it) t)e *ea" oriented &er&en# dicular to t)e ,eld a!isA ?a@ T)e searc) unit s)all *e "aintained at a !!ed dis# tance .ro" t)e ,eld a!is *' a !!ed (uide or "ec)anical "eansA ?*@ T)e e!a"ination an(le?s@ .or E#scan and ran(e o. an(les .or S#scan s)all *e a&&ro&riate .or t)e Soint to *e e!a"inedA ?c@ Scannin( s&eed s)all *e suc) t)at data dro&#out is less t)an 2 data lines &er inc) ?21 ""@ o. t)e linear scan len(t) and t)at t)ere are no adSacent data line s-i&sA ?d@ 8or E#scan tec)niJues% o erla& *et,een adSacent acti e a&ertures ?iAeA% a&erture incre"ental c)an(e@ s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 10O o. t)e e..ecti e a&erture )ei()tA ?e@ 8or S#scan tec)niJues% t)e an(ular s,ee& incre"en# tal c)an(e s)all *e a "a!i"u" o. 1 de( or su.!cient to assure 10O *ea" o erla&A ?.@ L)en "ulti&le linear scans are reJuired to co er t)e reJuired olu"e o. ,eld and *ase "aterial% o erla& *et,een adSacent linear scans s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 10O o. t)e e..ecti e a&erture )ei()t .or E#scans or *ea" ,idt) .or S#scansA
ReJuire"ent ?As A&&lica*le@ Scan &lan Co"&uter so.t,are Scannin( tec)niJue ?auto"ated sA se"i#auto"ated@ 8la, c)aracteriDation "et)odolo(' 8la, siDin( ?len(t)@ "et)odolo(' Scanner and ad)erin( and (uidin( "ec)anis" Essential Varia*le = = = = = AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA =
A#scan recorded data need onl' *e retained until !nal !a, e aluation )as *een &er.or"edA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents ,)en an auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated ultrasonic e!a"ination is &er.or"ed .or ,or-"ans)i& *ased5 acce&tance criteriaA V#G51A4 Recordin(A A#scan data s)all *e recorded .or t)e area o. interest in an un&rocessed .or" ,it) no t)res)# oldin(% at a "ini"u" di(itiDation rate o. ! e ti"es t)e e!a"ination .reJuenc'% and recordin( incre"ents o. a "a!# i"u" o. ?a@ 0A0G inA ?1 ""@ .or "aterial ^ F inA ?51 ""@ t)ic?*@ 0A03 inA ?2 ""@ .or "aterial _ F inA ?51 ""@ t)ic-A V#G51A5 Re!ectors Trans erse to t)e Leld Sea"A As an alternate to line scannin(% a "anual an(le *ea" e!a"i# nation "a' *e &er.or"ed .or re!ectors trans erse to t)e ,eld a!isA
T)e reJuire"ents o. Article G a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed *' t)is A&&endi!A VI#G21AF Lritten Procedure and Procedure Kuali# !cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le VI#G21 s)all a&&l'A
Personnel Kuali!cations
E!a"ination Record
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e reJuired in.or"ation o. T#G22 and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ searc) unit ele"ent siDe% nu"*er% and &itc) and (a& di"ensions ?*@ .ocal la, &ara"eters% includin(% as a&&lica*le% an(le or an(ular ran(e% .ocal de&t) and &lane% ele"ent nu"*ers used% an(ular or ele"ent incre"ental c)an(e% and start and sto& ele"ent nu"*ers or start ele"ent nu"*er ?c@ ,ed(e natural re.racted an(le ?d@ scan &lan
Onl' Juali!ed <T &ersonnel trained in t)e use o. t)e eJui&"ent and ,)o )a e de"onstrated t)e a*ilit' to &ro&# erl' acJuire e!a"ination data% s)all conduct &roduction scansA Personnel ,)o anal'De and inter&ret t)e collected data s)all *e a Le el II or III ,)o )a e docu"ented trainin( in t)e use o. t)e eJui&"ent and so.t,are usedA T)e trainin( and de"onstration reJuire"ents s)all *e addressed in t)e e"&lo'erEs ,ritten &racticeA
Lor-"ans)i& *ased is de!ned as a standard .or acce&tance o. a ,eld *ased on t)e c)aracteriDation o. i"&er.ections *' t'&e ?iAeA% crac-% inco"&lete .usion% inco"&lete &enetration% or inclusion@ and t)eir siDe ?iAeA% len(t)@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Instru"ent ReJuire"ents
T)e ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( a s'ste" e"&lo'in( auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scannin( ,it) co"&uter *ased data acJuisition and anal'sis a*ilitiesA T)e e!a"ination .or trans erse re!ectors "a' *e &er# .or"ed "anuall' &er T#G52A1AF unless t)e re.erencin( Code Section s&eci!es it also s)all *e *' an auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scanA VI#GFGA2AG Scanner Bloc-A A *loc- s)all *e .a*ri# cated "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGA1 and 8i(A T#GFGA2A1 e!ce&t t)at its t)ic-ness% T% s)all *e ,it)in t)e lesser o. 1VG inA ?4 ""@ or 21O o. t)e "aterial t)ic-ness to *e e!a"ined and t)e nu"*er and &osition o. t)e side#drilled )oles s)all *e adeJuate to con!r" t)e sensiti # it' settin( o. eac) &ro*e% or &ro*e &air in t)e case o. a TO8D setu&% as &ositioned &er t)e scan &lan in t)e scannerA T)e scanner *loc- is in addition to t)e cali*ration *locreJuired &er Article G% unless t)e scanner *loc- also )as all t)e s&eci!ed re.erence re!ectors reJuired &er 8i(A T#GFGA2A1A
a&&lica*le% lateral and *ac-,all re"o al and SA8T &ro# cessin(% etcA@ )a e *een co"&letedA VI#G34 Su&&le"ental Manual Tec)niJues
8la,s detected durin( t)e auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scan "a' *e alternati el' e aluated% i. a&&lica*le% *' su&# &le"ental "anual tec)niJuesA
T)e Manu.acturer s)all *e res&onsi*le .or t)e re ie,% inter&retation% e aluation% and acce&tance o. t)e co"&leted scan data to assure co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Article G% t)is A&&endi!% and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Acce&tance s)all *e co"&leted &rior to &resentation o. t)e scan data and acco"&an'in( docu"entation to t)e Ins&ectorA
E!a"ination Record
Scannin( Data
T)e ori(inal scannin( data% un&rocessed% s)all *e sa ed electronicall' ?eA(A% "a(netic% o&tical% !as) "e"or'% etcA@A VI#G44A1 S'ste" Con!r"ation ScanA T)e scanner *loc- s)all *e scanned and t)e re.erence re!ector indica# tions recorded to con!r" s'ste" cali*ration &rior to and at t)e co"&letion o. eac) e!a"ination or series o. si"ilar e!a"inations% ,)en e!a"ination &ersonnel ?e!ce&t .or auto"ated eJui&"ent@ are c)an(ed% and i. t)e scan &lan is reJuired to *e "odi!ed ?iAeA% VI#G3F@ to satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44AFA VI#G44A2 Cali*ration C)ec-sA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44A2 are not a&&lica*le to t)is A&&endi!A VI#G44A2A1 Si"ulator C)ec-sA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44A2A1 are not a&&lica*le to t)is A&&endi!A VI#G51A1 E!a"ination Co era(eA T)e olu"e to *e scanned s)all *e e!a"ined &er t)e scan &lanA
T)e reJuired in.or"ation o. T#G20 and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ scan &lan ?*@ scanner and ad)erin( and (uidin( "ec)anis" ?c@ indication data PiAeA% &osition in ,eld% len(t)% and c)aracteriDation ?eA(A% crac-% lac- o. .usion% lac- o. &enetra# tion% or inclusion@Q ?d@ t)e !nal dis&la' &rocessin( le els ?e@ su&&le"ental "anual tec)niJue?s@ indication data% i. a&&lica*le Psa"e in.or"ation as ?c@Q
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents ,)en an auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated ultrasonic e!a"ination is &er.or"ed .or .racture "ec)anics *ased 3 acce&tance criteriaA
Re!ectors e aluated as la"inar re!ectors in t)e *ase "aterial ,)ic) inter.ere ,it) t)e scannin( o. t)e e!a"ina# tion olu"e s)all reJuire t)e scan &lan to *e "odi!ed suc) t)at t)e "a!i"u" .easi*le olu"e is e!a"ined and s)all *e noted in t)e record o. t)e e!a"ination ?T#G2F@A
T)e reJuire"ents o. Article G a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed *' t)is A&&endi!A VII#G21A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA Procedure Juali# !cation is reJuired &er Mandator' A&&endi! VIIIA
E aluation
8racture "ec)anics *ased is de!ned as a standard .or acce&tance o. a ,eld *ased on t)e cate(oriDation o. i"&er.ections *' t'&e ?iAeA% sur.ace or su*sur.ace@ and t)eir siDe ?iAeA% len(t) and t)rou()#,all )ei()t@A
8inal !a, e aluation s)all onl' *e "ade a.ter all dis&la' &ara"eter adSust"ents ?eA(A% contrast% *ri()tness% and% i.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent ?As A&&lica*le@ Scan &lan Co"&uter so.t,are Scannin( tec)niJue ?auto"ated sA se"i#auto"ated@ 8la, siDin( "et)odolo(' Scanner and ad)erin( and (uidin( "ec)anis" Essential Varia*le = = = = AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA =
Scannin( Data
T)e ori(inal scannin( data% un&rocessed% s)all *e sa ed electronicall' ?eA(A% "a(netic% o&tical% !as) "e"or'% etcA@A VII#G44A1 S'ste" Con!r"ation ScanA T)e scanner *loc- s)all *e scanned and t)e re.erence re!ector indica# tions recorded to con!r" t)at &rior to and at t)e co"&letion o. eac) e!a"ination or series o. si"ilar e!a"inations% ,)en e!a"ination &ersonnel ?e!ce&t .or auto"ated eJui&# "ent@ are c)an(ed% and i. t)e scan &lan is reJuired to *e "odi!ed ?iAeA% VII#G3F@ to satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44AFA
VII#G44A2 Cali*ration C)ec-sA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44A2 are not a&&lica*le to t)is A&&endi!A VII#G21AF Lritten Procedure and Procedure Kuali# !cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le T#G21 and Ta*le VII#G21 s)all a&&l'A VII#G44A2A1 Si"ulator C)ec-sA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#G44A2A1 are not a&&lica*le to t)is A&&endi!A VII#G51A1 E!a"ination Co era(eA T)e olu"e to *e scanned s)all *e e!a"ined &er t)e scan &lanA VII#G51AF Rate o. Searc) <nit Mo e"entA T)e rate o. searc) unit "o e"ent s)all not e!ceed t)at Juali!edA VII#G51AG Scannin( Sensiti it' Le elA T)e scannin( sensiti it' le el s)all not *e less t)an t)at Juali!edA VII#G32A2 Non#Distance A"&litude Tec)niJuesA All indication i"a(es t)at )a e indicated len(t)s (reater t)an t)e .ollo,in( s)all *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance criteria o. t)e re.erencin( Code Section6 ?a@ 0A11 inA ?G ""@ .or ,elds in "aterial eJual to or less t)an 11V2 inA ?F3 ""@ t)ic?*@ 0A20 inA ?1 ""@ .or ,elds in "aterial (reater t)an 11 V2 inA ?F3 ""@ t)ic- *ut less t)an G inA ?100 ""@ t)ic?c@ 0A01T or FVG inA ?12 ""@% ,)ic)e er is less% .or ,elds in "aterial (reater t)an G inA ?100 ""@A ?T & no"inal "aterial t)ic-ness adSacent to t)e ,eldA@ 8or ,elds Soinin( t,o di..erent t)ic-nesses o. "aterial% "aterial t)ic-ness s)all *e *ased on t)e t)inner o. t)e t,o "aterialsA
Personnel Kuali!cations
Onl' Juali!ed <T &ersonnel trained in t)e use o. t)e eJui&"ent and ,)o )a e de"onstrated t)e a*ilit' to &ro&# erl' acJuire e!a"ination data% s)all conduct &roduction scansA Personnel ,)o anal'De and inter&ret t)e collected data s)all *e a Le el II or III ,)o )a e docu"ented trainin( in t)e use o. t)e eJui&"ent and so.t,are usedA T)e trainin( and de"onstration reJuire"ents s)all *e addressed in t)e e"&lo'erEs ,ritten &racticeA
Instru"ent ReJuire"ents
T)e ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( a s'ste" e"&lo'in( auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scannin( ,it) co"&uter *ased data acJuisition and anal'sis a*ilitiesA T)e e!a"ination .or trans erse re!ectors "a' *e &er# .or"ed "anuall' &er T#G52A1AF unless t)e re.erencin( Code Section s&eci!es it also s)all *e *' an auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scanA VII#GF2A1 IeneralA T)e nor"al .reJuenc' s)all *e t)e sa"e as used in t)e Juali!cationA VII#GFGA2AG Scanner Bloc-A A *loc- s)all *e .a*ri# cated "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. T#GFGA1 and 8i(A T#GFGA2A1 e!ce&t t)at its t)ic-ness% T% s)all *e ,it)in t)e lesser o. 1VG inA ?4 ""@ or 21O o. t)e "aterial t)ic-ness to *e e!a"ined and t)e nu"*er and &osition o. t)e side#drilled )oles s)all *e adeJuate to con!r" t)e sensiti # it' settin( o. eac) &ro*e% or &ro*e &air in t)e case o. a TO8D setu&% as &ositioned &er t)e scan &lan in t)e scannerA T)e scanner *loc- is in addition to t)e cali*ration *locreJuired &er Article G% unless t)e scanner *loc- also )as all t)e s&eci!ed re.erence re!ectors reJuired &er 8i(A T#GFGA2A1A
Re!ectors e aluated as la"inar re!ectors in t)e *ase "aterial ,)ic) inter.ere ,it) t)e scannin( o. t)e e!a"ina# tion olu"e s)all reJuire t)e scan &lan to *e "odi!ed suc) t)at t)e "a!i"u" .easi*le olu"e is e!a"ined and s)all *e noted in t)e record o. t)e e!a"ination ?T#G2F@A
E aluation Settin(s
8inal !a, e aluation s)all onl' *e "ade a.ter all dis&la' &ara"eter adSust"ents ?eA(A% contrast% *ri()tness% and% i. a&&lica*le% lateral and *ac-,all re"o al and SA8T &ro# cessin(% etcA@ )a e *een co"&letedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
VII#G34A1 SiDeA T)e di"ensions o. t)e !a, s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e rectan(le t)at .ull' contains t)e area o. t)e !a,A ?a@ T)e len(t) o. t)e !a, s)all *e t)e di"ension o. t)e rectan(le t)at is &arallel to t)e inside &ressure#retainin( sur.ace o. t)e co"&onentA ?*@ T)e )ei()t o. t)e !a, s)all *e t)e di"ension o. t)e rectan(le t)at is nor"al to t)e inside &ressure#retainin( sur.ace o. t)e co"&onentA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or t)e Juali!cation10 o. ultrasonic e!a"ination &rocedures ,)en !a, siDin( ?iAeA% len(t) and t)rou()#,all )ei()t@ and cate# (oriDation ?iAeA% sur.ace or su*sur.ace@ deter"ination are s&eci!ed .or .racture "ec)anics *ased acce&tance criteriaA
VII#G34A2 Cate(or'A 8la,s s)all *e cate(oriDed as *ein( sur.ace or su*sur.ace *ased on t)eir se&aration dis# tance .ro" t)e nearest co"&onent sur.aceA ?a@ I. t)e s&ace is eJual to or less t)an one#)al. t)e )ei()t o. t)e !a,% t)en t)e !a, s)all *e cate(oriDed as a sur.ace !a,A2 ?*@ I. t)e s&ace is (reater t)an one#)al. t)e )ei()t o. t)e !a,% t)en t)e !a, s)all *e cate(oriDed as a su*sur.ace !a,A
VIII#GF1Deter"ination Bloc-s VIII#GF1A1 IeneralA T)e .ollo,in( Article G &ara# (ra&)s a&&l' to de"onstration *loc-s6 T#GFGA1A2% T#GFGA1AF% T#GFGA1AG% T#GFGA1A1% T#GFGA1A4% and T#GFGA1A5A VIII#GF1A2 Pre&arationA A de"onstration *loc- s)all *e &re&ared *' ,eldin( or% &ro ided t)e acoustic &ro&erties are si"ilar% t)e )ot isostatic &rocess ?+IP@ "a' *e usedA VIII#GF1AF T)ic-nessA T)e de"onstration *loc- s)all *e ,it)in 21O o. t)e t)ic-ness to *e e!a"inedA 8or ,elds Soinin( t,o di..erent t)ic-nesses o. "aterial% de"onstra# tion *loc- t)ic-ness s)all *e *ased on t)e t)inner o. t)e t,o "aterialsA VIII#GF1AG Leld ;oint Con!(urationA T)e de"onstra# tion *loc-Es ,eld Soint (eo"etr' s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e &roduction SointEs detailsA VIII#GF1A1 8la, LocationA <nless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e de"onstration *locs)all contain a "ini"u" o. t)ree actual &lanar !a,s or t)ree EDM notc)es oriented to si"ulate !a,s &arallel to t)e &roduction ,eldEs a!is and "aSor (roo e .acesA T)e !a,s s)all *e located at or adSacent to t)e *loc-Es (roo e .aces as .ollo,s6 ?a@ one sur.ace !a, on t)e side o. t)e *loc- re&resentin( t)e co"&onent OADA sur.ace ?*@ one sur.ace !a, on t)e side o. t)e *loc- re&resentin( t)e co"&onent IADA sur.ace ?c@ one su*sur.ace !a,
8la,s detected durin( t)e auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated scan "a' *e alternati el' e aluated% i. a&&lica*le% *' su&# &le"ental "anual tec)niJuesA
T)e Manu.acturer s)all *e res&onsi*le .or t)e re ie,% inter&retation% e aluation% and acce&tance o. t)e co"&leted scan data to assure co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Article G% t)is A&&endi!% and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Acce&tance s)all *e co"&leted &rior to &resentation o. t)e scan data and acco"&an'in( docu"entation to t)e Ins&ectorA
E!a"ination Record
T)e reJuired in.or"ation o. T#G20 and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ scan &lan ?*@ scanner and ad)erin( and (uidin( "ec)anis" ?c@ indication data PiAeA% &osition in ,eld% len(t)% and c)aracteriDation ?eA(A% crac-% lac- o. .usion% lac- o. &enetra# tion% or inclusion@Q ?d@ t)e !nal dis&la' &rocessin( le els ?e@ su&&le"ental "anual tec)niJue?s@ indication data% i. a&&lica*le Psa"e in.or"ation as ?c@Q
10 T)e "et)odolo(' contained in t)is A&&endi! is intended .or ne, construction controlled *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionsA L)en t)e <ser s&eci!es t)is A&&endi! .or ot)er uses suc) as &ost#construction e!a"ina# tions% t)e' s)ould consider s&eci.'in( "ore t)an t)e "ini"u" reJuired t)ree !a,s in t)e Juali!cation ,eld% reJuirin( s&eci!c ser ice#induced !a,s% or &ossi*l' s&eci.'in( an Article 1G )i() ri(or t'&e Juali!cationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L)en t)e scan &lan to *e utiliDed su*di ides a ,eld into "ulti&le e!a"ination Dones% a "ini"u" o. one !a, &er Done is reJuiredA VIII#GF1A4 8la, SiDeA De"onstration *loc- !a, siDes s)all *e *ased on t)e de"onstration *loc- t)ic-ness and s)all *e no lar(er t)an t)at s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section ?a@ "a!i"u" acce&ta*le !a, )ei()t .or "aterial less t)an 1 inA ?21 ""@ t)ic-% or ?*@ 0A21 as&ect ratio acce&ta*le !a, .or "aterial eJual to or (reater t)an 1 inA ?21 ""@ t)ic-
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance% unless s&eci!ed *' t)e <ser or re.erencin( Code% is de!ned as t)e detection o. all t)e !a,s in t)e de"onstration *loc- and ?a@ recorded res&onses or i"a(ed len(t)s% as a&&lica*le% e!ceed t)e s&eci!ed e aluation criteria o. t)e &rocedure ?*@ t)e !a,s are siDed as *ein( eJual to or (reater t)an t)eir actual siDe ?iAeA% *ot) len(t) and )ei()t@ ?c@ t)e !a,s are &ro&erl' cate(oriDed ?iAeA% sur.ace or su*sur.ace@
*ased on t)e de"onstration *loc- t)ic-nessA VIII#GF1A5 Sin(le IADA0OADA 8la, Alternati eA L)en t)e de"onstration *loc- can *e scanned .ro" *ot) "aSor sur.aces durin( t)e Juali!cation scan PeA(A% Soint IADA and OADA )a e a si"ilar detail% dia"eter o. cur ature is (reater t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@% no claddin( or ,eld o erla' &resent% etcAQ% t)en onl' one sur.ace !a, is reJuiredA VIII#GF1A3 One#Sided E!a"sA L)en% due to o*struc# tions% t)e ,eld e!a"ination can onl' *e &er.or"ed .ro" one side o. t)e ,eld a!is% t)e de"onstration *loc- s)all contain t,o sets o. !a,s% one set on eac) side o. t)e ,eld a!isA L)en t)e de"onstration *loc- can *e scanned .ro" *ot) sides o. t)e ,eld a!is durin( t)e Juali!cation scan ?eA(A% si"ilar Soint detail and no o*structions@% t)en onl' one set o. !a,s is reJuiredA
De"onstration *loc- !a,s "a' *e siDed and cate(oriDed *' a su&&le"ental "anual tec)niJue?s@ outlined in t)e &rocedure% onl' i. t)e auto"ated or se"i#auto"ated !a, recorded res&onses "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. VIII#G32?a@ and0or it is used .or t)e detection o. trans erse re!ectorsA Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance% unless s&eci!ed *' t)e <ser or re.erencin( Code% is de!ned as t)e de"onstration *loc-Es !a,s *ein( ?a@ siDed as *ein( eJual to or (reater t)an t)eir actual siDe ?iAeA% *ot) len(t) and )ei()t@ ?*@ &ro&erl' cate(oriDed ?iAeA% sur.ace or su*sur.ace@
T)e de"onstration *loc- s)all *e scanned and t)e Juali# !cation data sa ed &er t)e &rocedure *ein( Juali!ed and s)all *e a aila*le to t)e Ins&ector and O,ner0<ser alon( ,it) a co&' o. an' so.t,are necessar' to ie, t)e dataA
T)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ t)e in.or"ation s&eci!ed *' t)e &rocedure *ein( Juali!ed ?*@ de"onstration *loc- t)ic-ness% Soint (eo"etr' includin( an' claddin( or ,eld o erla's% and !a, data PiAeA% &osition in *loc-% siDe ?len(t) and )ei()t@Q% se&aration distance to nearest sur.ace% cate(or' ?sur.ace or su*sur.ace@ ?c@ scannin( sensiti it' and searc) unit tra el s&eed ?d@ Juali!cation scan data ?e@ !a, siDin( data Psa"e in.or"ation as !a, data in ?*@Q ?.@ su&&le"ental "anual tec)niJue?s@ siDin( data% i. a&&lica*le Psa"e in.or"ation as !a, data in ?*@Q
8la,s s)all *e siDed and cate(oriDed in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedure *ein( Juali!edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or esta*lis)in( essel re.erence &ointsA
T)e la'out o. t)e ,eld s)all consist o. &lacin( re.erence &oints on t)e center line o. t)e ,eldA T)e s&acin( o. t)e re.erence &oints s)all *e in eJual incre"ents ?eA(A% 12 inA% F .t% 1 "% etcA@ and identi!ed ,it) nu"*ers ?eA(A% 0% 1% 2% F% G% etcA@A T)e incre"ent s&acin(% nu"*er o. &oints% and startin( &oint s)all *e recorded on t)e re&ortin( .or"A T)e ,eld center line s)all *e t)e di ider .or t)e t,o e!a"ination sur.acesA
,eld s)all *e t)e to& o. t)e noDDleA T)e 0 de( &oint .or ,elds o. eritcall' oriented noDDles s)all *e located at t)e 0 de( a!is o. t)e essel% or% .or )oriDontal essels% t)e &oint closest to t)e inlet end o. t)e esselA An(ular la'out o. t)e ,eld s)all *e "ade cloc-,ise on t)e e!ternal sur.ace and countercloc-,ise on t)e internal sur.aceA T)e 0 de(% 20 de(% 130 de(% and 250 de( lines ,ill *e "ar-ed on all noDDle ,elds e!a"inedR F0 de( incre"ent lines s)all *e "ar-ed on noDDle ,elds (reater t)an a no"inal 3 inA ?200 ""@ dia"eterR 11 de( incre"ent lines s)all *e "ar-ed on noDDle ,elds (reater t)an a no"inal 2G inA ?400 ""@ dia"eterR 1 de( incre"ent lines s)all *e "ar-ed on noDDle ,elds (reater t)an G3 inA ?1 200 ""@ dia"eterA
T)e standard startin( &oint s)all *e t)e 0 de( a!is o. t)e esselA T)e re.erence &oints s)all *e nu"*ered in a cloc-,ise direction% as ie,ed .ro" t)e to& o. t)e essel or% .or )oriDontal essels% .ro" t)e inlet end o. t)e esselA T)e e!a"ination sur.aces s)all *e identi!ed ?eA(A% .or erti# cal essels% as *ein( eit)er a*o e or *elo, t)e ,eld@A
Lon(itudinal Lelds
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides (eneral tec)niJues .or an(le *ea" cali*rationA Ot)er tec)niJues "a' *e usedA Descri&tions and !(ures .or t)e (eneral tec)niJues relate &osition and de&t) o. t)e re!ector to ei()t)s o. t)e V#&at)A T)e s,ee& ran(e "a' *e cali*rated in ter"s o. units o. "etal &at)%1 &roSected sur.ace distance or actual de&t) to t)e re!ector ?as s)o,n in 8i(sA B#G41A1% B#G41A2% and B#G41AF@A T)e &articular "et)od "a' *e selected accordin( to t)e &re.erence o. t)e e!a"inerA
Lon(itudinal ,elds s)all *e laid out .ro" t)e center line o. circu".erential ,elds at t)e to& end o. t)e ,eld or% .or )oriDontal essels% t)e end o. t)e ,eld closest to t)e inlet end o. t)e esselA T)e e!a"ination sur.ace s)all *e identi# !ed as cloc-,ise or countercloc-,ise as ie,ed .ro" t)e to& o. t)e essel or% .or )oriDontal essels% .ro" t)e inlet end o. t)e esselA
B#G41S,ee& Ran(e Cali*ration B#G41A1 Side#Drilled +oles ?See 8i(A B#G41A1A1@ B#G41A1A1 Dela' Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" !rst indication .ro" t)e 1VGT side#drilled )ole ?SD+@A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indica# tion to line 2 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA
NoDDle#to#Vessel Lelds
T)e e!ternal re.erence circle s)all )a e a su.!cient radius so t)at t)e circle .alls on t)e esselEs e!ternal sur.ace *e'ond t)e ,eldEs !lletA T)e internal re.erence circle s)all )a e a su.!cient radius so t)at t)e circle .alls ,it)in 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ o. t)e ,eld center#lineA T)e 0 de( &oint on t)e
Re!ections .ro" concentric c'lindrical sur.aces suc) as &ro ided *' so"e IIL *loc-s and t)e ALS distance cali*ration *loc- "a' *e used to adSust dela' Dero and s,ee& ran(e .or "etal &at) cali*rationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
B#G41A1A2 Ran(e2 Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e FVGT SD+A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 4 on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e controlA B#G41A1AF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e 1VGT and FVGT SD+ indica# tions start at s,ee& lines 2 and 4A B#G41A1AG Notc) IndicationA Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e sJuare notc) on t)e o&&o# site sur.aceA T)e indication ,ill a&&ear near s,ee& line 3A B#G41A1A1 S,ee& Readin(sA T,o di isions on t)e s,ee& no, eJual 1VGTA
sur.ace notc) at its actual *ea" &at) on t)e instru"ent screenA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to its "etal &at) on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA B#G41AFA2 Ran(e Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" second indication .ro" t)e outside sur.ace notc)A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to its "etal on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e control or elocit' controlA B#G41AFAF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e t,o indications are at t)eir &ro&er "etal &at)s on t)e screenA B#G41AFAG S,ee& Readin(sA T,o di isions on t)e s,ee& no, eJual 1V1 o. t)e screen ran(e selectedA
B#G41A2 IIL Bloc- ?See 8i(A B#G41A2@A IIL Re.erence Bloc-s "a' *e used to cali*rate t)e s,ee& ran(e dis&la'ed on t)e instru"ent screenA T)e' )a e t)e ad anta(e o. &ro# idin( re!ectors at &recise distances t)at are not a..ected *' side#drilled )ole location inaccuracies in t)e *asic cali# *ration *loc- or t)e .act t)at t)e re!ector is not at t)e side#drilled )ole centerlineA T)ese *loc-s are "ade in a ariet' o. allo's and con!(urationsA An(le *ea" ran(e cali*rations are &ro ided .ro" t)e G inA ?100 ""@ radius and ot)er re!ectorsA T)e cali*ration *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A B#G41A2 &ro ides an indication at G inA ?100 ""@ and a second indication .ro" a re!ection .ro" t)e ertical notc)es at t)e center &oint 3 inA ?200 ""@ *ac- to t)e radius and returnin( to t)e transducer ,)en t)e e!it &oint o. t)e ,ed(e is directl' o er t)e center &oint o. t)e radiusA Ot)er IIL *loc-s &ro ide si(nals at 2 inA ?10 ""@ and G inA ?100 ""@ and a t)ird desi(n &ro ides indications at G inA ?100 ""@ and 2 inA ?221 ""@A B#G41A2A1 Searc) <nit AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e G inA ?100 ""@ radius ,)ile rotatin( it side to side to also "a!i"iDe t)e second re!ector indicationA B#G41A2A2 Dela' and Ran(e Control AdSust"entA Lit)out "o in( t)e searc) unit% adSust t)e ran(e and dela' controls so t)at t)e indications start at t)eir res&ecti e "etal &at) distancesA B#G41A2AF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e t,o indications are at t)eir &ro&er "etal &at) on t)e screenA B#G41A2AG S,ee& Readin(sA T,o di isions on t)e s,ee& no, eJual 1V1 o. t)e screen ran(e selectedA
B#G42Distance#A"&litude Correction B#G42A1 Cali*ration .or Side#Drilled +oles Pri"ar' Re.erence Le el 8ro" Clad Side ?See 8i(A B#G42A1@ ?a@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e SD+% ,)ic) (i es t)e )i()est a"&litudeA ?*@ AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ control to &ro ide an indication o. 30O ?W1O@ o. .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A Mart)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?c@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" anot)er SD+A ?d@ Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?e@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e t)ird SD+ and "ar- t)e &ea- on t)e screenA ?.@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e FVGT SD+ a.ter t)e *ea" )as *ounced .ro" t)e o&&osite sur.aceA T)e indication s)ould a&&ear near s,ee& line 10A Mar- t)e &ea- on t)e screen .or t)e FVGT &ositionA ?(@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s .or t)e SD+s to &ro ide t)e distanceUa"&litude cur e ?DAC@A ?)@ 8or cali*ration correction .or &er&endicular re!ec# tors at t)e o&&osite sur.ace% to B#G41A
B#G41AF Pi&in( Bloc- ?See 8i(A B#G41AF@A T)e notc)es in &i&in( cali*ration *loc-s "a' *e used to cali*rate t)e distance ran(e dis&la'ed on t)e instru"ent screenA T)e' )a e t)e ad anta(e o. &ro idin( re!ectors at &recise dis# tances to t)e inside and outside sur.acesA B#G41AFA1 Dela' Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" !rst indication .ro" t)e inside
B#G42A2 Cali*ration .or Side#Drilled +oles Pri"ar' Re.erence Le el 8ro" <nclad Side ?See 8i(A B#G42A1@ ?a@ 8ro" t)e clad side o. t)e *loc-% deter"ine t)e dB c)an(e in a"&litude *et,een t)e FVGT and 1VGT SD+ &ositionsA ?*@ 8ro" t)e unclad side% &er.or" cali*rations as noted in B#G42A1?a@ t)rou() B#G42A1?e@A ?c@ To deter"ine t)e a"&litude .or t)e 1VGT SD+ &osition% &osition t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e FVGT SD+A Decrease t)e si(nal a"&litude *' t)e nu"*er o. dB deter"ined in ?a@ a*o eA Mar- t)e )ei()t o. t)is si(nal a"&litude at s,ee& line 10 ?1VGT &osition@A ?d@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s to &ro ide t)e DACA T)is ,ill &er"it e aluation o. indications do,n to t)e clad sur.ace ?near s,ee& line 3@A ?e@ 8or cali*ration correction .or &er&endicular &lanar re!ectors near t)e o&&osite sur.ace% to B#G41A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
DAC 3 10
B#G42AF Cali*ration .or Pi&in( Notc)es Pri"ar' Re.erence Le el ?See 8i(A B#G42AF@ ?a@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e notc) ,)ic) (i es t)e )i()est a"&litudeA ?*@ AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ control to &ro ide an indication o. 30O ?W1O@ o. .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A Mart)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?c@ Lit)out c)an(in( t)e (ain% &osition t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" anot)er notc)A ?d@ Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?e@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e re"ainin( notc) at its +al. Vee% 8ull Vee or FV2 Vee *ea" &at)s and "ar- t)e &ea- on t)e screenA
?.@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" an' additional Vee Pat)?s@ ,)en used and "ar- t)e &ea-?s@ on t)e screenA ?(@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s .or t)e notc)es to &ro ide t)e distanceUa"&litude cur e ?DAC@A ?)@ T)ese &oints also "a' *e ca&tured *' t)e ultrasonic instru"ent and electronicall' dis&la'edA
Distance#A"&litude Correction Inner 1VG Volu"e ?See A&&endi! ;% 8i(A ;#GF1 Vie, A@ B#G4FA1 Nu"*er o. Bea" An(lesA T)e 1VG olu"e an(le cali*ration reJuire"ent "a' *e satis!ed *' usin( one or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ore *ea"s as reJuired to cali*rate on 1V3 inA ?F ""@ "a!i# "u" dia"eter side#drilled )oles in t)at olu"eA B#G4FA2 Cali*ration 8ro" <nclad Sur.aceA L)en t)e e!a"ination is &er.or"ed .ro" t)e outside sur.ace% cali# *rate on t)e 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter side#drilled )oles to &ro ide t)e s)a&e o. t)e DAC .ro" 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ to 1VG T de&t)A Set t)e (ain to "a-e t)e indication .ro" 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter side#drilled )ole at 1VG T de&t) t)e sa"e )ei()t as t)e indication .ro" t)e 1VG T de&t) )ole as deter"ined in B#G42A1 or B#G42A2 a*o eA Lit)out c)an(in( t)e (ain% deter"ine t)e screen )ei()t o. t)e ot)er near sur.ace indica# tions .ro" t)e re"ainin( 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter side#drilled )oles .ro" 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ dee& to t)e 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter side#drilled )ole Sust s)ort o. t)e 1VG T de&t)A Connect t)e indication &ea-s to co"&lete t)e near sur.ace DAC cur eA Return t)e (ain settin( to t)at deter"ined in B#G42A1 or B#G42A2A
B#G4FAF Cali*ration 8ro" Clad Sur.aceA L)en t)e e!a"ination is &er.or"ed .ro" t)e inside sur.ace% cali*rate on t)e 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter side#drilled )oles to &ro ide t)e s)a&e o. t)e DAC and t)e (ain settin(% as &er B#G4FA2 a*o eA
t)e nu"*er 2 on t)e inde!in( stri& at t)e scri*e line ,)ic) is directl' a*o e t)e SD+A ?I. t)e searc) unit co ers t)e scri*e line% t)e "ar-s "a' *e "ade on t)e side o. t)e searc) unitA@ B#G4GA2 1V2T and FVGT SD+ IndicationsA Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" indications .ro" t)e 1V2T and FVGT SD+sA 9ee& t)e sa"e end o. t)e inde!in( stri& a(ainst t)e .ront o. t)e searc) unitA Mar- t)e nu"*ers G and 4 on t)e inde!in( stri& at t)e scri*e line% ,)ic) are directl' a*o e t)e SD+sA B#G4GAF 1VGT SD+ IndicationA I. &ossi*le% &osition t)e searc) unit so t)at t)e *ea" *ounces .ro" t)e o&&osite sur.ace to t)e FVGT SD+A Mar- t)e nu"*er 10 on t)e inde!in( stri& at t)e scri*e line% ,)ic) is directl' a*o e t)e SD+A B#G4GAG Notc) IndicationA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" o&&osite sur.ace notc) indicationA Mar- t)e nu"*er 3 on t)e inde!in( stri& at t)e scri*e line% ,)ic) is directl' a*o e t)e notc)A B#G4GA1 Inde! Nu"*ersA T)e nu"*ers on t)e inde!in( stri& indicate t)e &osition directl' o er t)e re!ector in si!teent)s o. t)e V#&at)A B#G4GA4 De&t)A T)e de&t) .ro" t)e e!a"ination sur.ace to t)e re!ector is T at 3% FVGT at 4 and 10% 1V2T at G% 1VGT at 2% and 0 at 0A Inter&olation is &ossi*le .or s"aller incre# "ents o. de&t)A T)e &osition "ar-s on t)e inde!in( stri& "a' *e corrected .or t)e radius o. t)e )ole i. t)e radius is considered si(ni!cant to t)e accurac' o. re!ectorEs locationA
T)e .ollo,in( "easure"ents "a' *e "ade ,it) a ruler% scale% or "ar-ed on an inde!in( stri&AF B#G4GA1 1VGT SD+ IndicationA Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e 1VGT SD+A Place one end o. t)e inde!in( stri& a(ainst t)e .ront o. t)e searc) unit% t)e ot)er end e!tendin( in t)e direction o. t)e *ea"A MarF
T)e *alance o. t)e cali*rations in t)is A&&endi! is ,ritten *ased u&on t)e use o. t)e inde!in( stri&A +o,e er% t)e &rocedures "a' *e trans.or"ed .or ot)er "et)ods o. "easure"ents at t)e discretion o. t)e e!a"inerA
Cali*ration Correction .or Planar Re!ectors Per&endicular to t)e E!a"ination Sur.ace at or Near t)e O&&osite Sur.ace ?See 8i(A B#G41@ A G1 de( an(le *ea" s)ear ,a e re!ects ,ell .ro" a corner re!ectorA +o,e er% "ode con ersion and redirec# tion o. re!ection occurs to &art o. t)e *ea" ,)en a 40 de(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
an(le *ea" s)ear ,a e )its t)e sa"e re!ectorA T)is &ro*# le" also e!ists to a lesser de(ree t)rou()out t)e 10 de( to 50 de( an(le *ea" s)ear ,a e ran(eA T)ere.ore% a correc# tion is reJuired in order to *e eJuall' critical o. suc) an i"&er.ection re(ardless o. t)e e!a"ination *ea" an(leA B#G41A1 Notc) IndicationA Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e notc) on t)e o&&osite sur# .aceA Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication ,it) an B=C on t)e screenA B#G41A2 G1 de( sA 40 de(A T)e o&&osite sur.ace notc) "a' (i e an indication 2 to 1 a*o e DAC .or a G1 de( s)ear ,a e% *ut onl' 1V2 DAC .or a 40 de( s)ear ,a eA T)ere.ore% t)e indications .ro" t)e notc) s)all *e consid# ered ,)en e aluatin( re!ectors at t)e o&&osite sur.aceA
8S+A Mar- t)e *ea" center line Bri()tC &osition on t)e *loc-AG B#G44AG Le.t o. 1VGT +oleA Re&eat B#G44AF% e!ce&t "o e t)e searc) unit to t)e le.t ,it)out &i otin( t)e *ea" to,ard t)e re!ector until t)e indication eJuals G0O o. 8S+A Mart)e *ea" center line Ble.tC &osition on t)e *loc-A F B#G44A1 1V2T and FVGT +olesA Re&eat t)e ste&s in B#G44A1 t)rou() B#G44AG .or t)e 1V2T and FVGT RB+sA B#G44A4 Record Di"ensionsA Record t)e di"ensions .ro" t)e Bto,ardC to Ba,a'C &ositions and .ro" t)e Bri()tC to Ble.tC &ositions "ar-ed on t)e *loc-A B#G44A5 Per&endicular Inde!in(A T)e s"allest o. t)e t)ree Bto,ardC to Ba,a'C di"ensions s)all not *e e!ceeded ,)en inde!in( *et,een scans &er&endicular to t)e *ea" directionA B#G44A3 Parallel Inde!in(A T)e s"allest o. t)e t)ree Bri()tC to Ble.tC di"ensions s)all not *e e!ceeded ,)en inde!in( *et,een scans &arallel to t)e *ea" directionA B#G44A2 Ot)er Metal Pat)sA T)e &roSected *ea" s&read an(le deter"ined *' t)ese "easure"ents s)all *e used to deter"ine li"its as reJuired at ot)er "etal &at)sA
NOTE I. la"inar re!ectors are &resent in t)e *asic cali*ration *loc-% t)e *ea" s&read readin(s "a' *e a..ectedR i. t)is is t)e case% *ea" s&read "easure"ents "ust *e *ased on t)e *est a aila*le readin(sA
Measure"ents o. *ea" s&read s)all *e "ade on t)e )e"is&)erical *otto" o. round *otto" )oles ?RB+s@A T)e )al. "a!i"u" a"&litude li"it o. t)e &ri"ar' lo*e o. t)e *ea" s)all *e &lotted *' "ani&ulatin( t)e searc) unit .or "easure"ents on re!ections .ro" t)e RB+s as .ollo,sA B#G44A1 To,ard 1VGT +oleA Set t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e 1VGT RB+ at 30O o. 8S+A Mo e searc) unit to,ard t)e )ole until t)e indication eJuals G0O o. 8S+A Mar- t)e *ea" center line Bto,ardC &osition on t)e *loc-A B#G44A2 A,a' 8ro" 1VGT +oleA Re&eat B#G44A1% e!ce&t "o e searc) unit a,a' .ro" t)e )ole until t)e indication eJuals G0O o. 8S+A Mar- t)e *ea" center line Ba,a'C &osition on t)e *loc-A B#G44AF Ri()t o. 1VGT +oleA Re&osition t)e searc) unit .or t)e ori(inal 30O o. 8S+ indication .ro" t)e 1VGT RB+A Mo e t)e searc) unit to t)e ri()t ,it)out &i otin( t)e *ea" to,ard t)e re!ector until t)e indication eJuals G0O o.
L)en "anuall' &ositionin( t)e searc) unit% a strai()ted(e "a' *e used to (uide t)e searc) unit ,)ile "o in( to t)e ri()t and le.t to assure t)at a!ial &ositionin( and *ea" ali(n"ent are "aintainedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides (eneral tec)niJues .or strai()t *ea" cali*rationA Ot)er tec)niJues "a' *e usedA
C#G40 C#G41
C#G41A1 Dela' Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" !rst indication .ro" t)e 1VGT SD+A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 2 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA C#G41A2 Ran(e Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" FVGT SD+A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 4 on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e controlA C#G41AF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat t)e dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e 1VGT and FVGT SD+ indica# tions start at s,ee& lines 2 and 4A C#G41AG Bac- Sur.ace IndicationA T)e *ac- sur.ace indication ,ill a&&ear near s,ee& line 3A C#G41A1 S,ee& Readin(sA T,o di isions on t)e s,ee& eJual 1VGTA D#G10 ?.@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s .or t)e SD+s and e!tend t)rou() t)e t)ic-ness to &ro ide t)e distanceUa"&litude cur eA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides e!a"&les o. t)e data reJuired to di"ension re!ectors .ound ,)en scannin( a ,eld and descri*es "et)ods .or recordin( an(le *ea" e!a"ination data .or &lanar and ot)er re!ectorsA E!a"&les are &ro ided .or ,)en a"&litude#*ased identi!cation is reJuired and di"ensionin( is to *e &er.or"ed .or len(t) onl' and .or len(t) and t)rou()#,all di"ensionsA
T)e .ollo,in( is used .or cali*ration .ro" eit)er t)e clad side or t)e unclad side6 ?a@ Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e SD+% ,)ic) (i es t)e )i()est indicationA ?*@ AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ control to &ro ide an 30O ?W1O@ o. 8S+ indicationA T)is is t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)is indication on t)e screenA ?c@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" indication .ro" anot)er SD+A ?d@ Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?e@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e t)ird SD+ and "ar- t)e &ea- on t)e screenA
Cali*ration *' *ea" &at) "easure"ent "a' *e used *' ran(e control &ositionin( *' t)e *loc- *ac- re!ection to t)e s,ee& di ision nu"*er ?or "ulti&le@ eJual to t)e "easured t)ic-nessA T)e 1VGT SD+ indication "ust *e dela' control &ositioned to 1VG o. t)e s,ee& di ision nu"*erA
Re.erencin( Code Sections &ro ide se eral "eans o. identi.'in( re!ectors *ased u&on indication a"&litudeA T)ese indications% in se eral Codes% "ust *e inter&reted as to t)eir re!ectorEs identit' ?iAeA% sla(% crac-% inco"&lete .usion% etcA@ and t)en e aluated a(ainst acce&tance stan# dardsA In (eneral% so"e &ercenta(e o. t)e distance a"&li# tude correction ?DAC@ cur e or re.erence le el a"&litude .or a sin(le cali*ration re!ector is esta*lis)ed at ,)ic) all indications "ust *e in esti(ated as to t)eir identit'A In ot)er cases% ,)ere t)e a"&litude o. t)e indication e!ceeds t)e DAC or t)e re.erence le el% "easure"ents o. t)e indica# tionEs len(t) "a' onl' *e reJuiredA In ot)er re.erencin( Code Sections% "easurin( tec)niJues are reJuired to *e Juali!ed .or not onl' deter"inin( t)e indicationEs len(t) *ut also .or its lar(est t)rou()#,all di"ensionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
0 = Location
Leld a!is
A sa"&le o. arious Code reJuire"ents ,ill *e co ered descri*in( ,)at s)ould *e recorded .or arious indicationsA
Re!ectors Lit) Indication A"&litudes Ireater T)an t)e DAC Cur e or Re.erence Le el
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuires t)e identi# !cation o. all rele ant re!ector indications t)at &roduce indication res&onses (reater t)an 20O o. t)e DAC ?20O DAC4@ cur e or re.erence le el esta*lis)ed in T#G4F or T#G4G% a re!ector &roducin( a res&onse a*o e t)is le el s)all *e identi!ed ?iAeA% sla(% crac-% inco"&lete .usion% etcA@A
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuires t)e len(t) "easure"ent o. all rele ant re!ector indications t)at &ro# duce indication res&onses (reater t)an t)e DAC cur e or re.erence le el esta*lis)ed in T#G4F or T#G4G% indication len(t) s)all *e "easured &er&endicular to t)e scannin( direction *et,een t)e &oints on its e!tre"ities ,)ere t)e a"&litude eJuals t)e DAC cur e or re.erence le elA
Instead o. dra,in( a 20O DAC or 20O re.erence le el on t)e instru"entEs screen% t)e (ain "a' *e increased 1G dB to "a-e t)e re.erence le el DAC cur e t)e 20O DAC cur e or 20O o. t)e re.erence le elA
L)en !a, siDin( is reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% !a, siDin( tec)niJues s)all *e Juali!ed and de"# onstratedA L)en !a, siDin( "easure"ents are "ade ,it) an a"&litude tec)niJue% t)e le els or &ercenta(e o. t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Leld IndA Ma!i"u" Sound Pat) NoA NoA DAC% OPinA ?""@Q 11G1 1 G1 1A5 ?GFA2@
40 ?130@
Sla( Ri()t end Le.t end Len(t) & 11AG inA \ 1GA5 inA & 0A5 inA ?F21 "" \ F5F "" & 13 ""@
120 20 20 20 20
GA1 ?11GAF@ G2AF ?1 05G@ \1AG ?\1F5A2@ GAF ?102A2@ G1A2 ?1 04G@ \1A2 ?\1F2A1@ GAG ?111A3@ G1A4 ?1 015@ \1AG ?\1F5A2@ GA5 ?112AG@ G2AG ?1 055@ \1A4 ?\1G2A2@ GA4 ?114A3@ G2A1 ?1 030@ \1A1 ?\1F2A5@
G1 ?0@
Sla( Mini"u" de&t) &osition Le.t end Ma!i"u" de&t) &osition Ri()t end Len(t) & G2A1 inA \ G1A4 inA & 0A2 inA ?1 030 "" \ 1 015 "" & 2F ""@ T)rou() ,all di"ension & ?GA5 inA \ GAF inA@?cos G1 de(@ & 0AF inA P?112AG "" \ 102A2 ""@?cos G1 de(@ & 5A2 ""@Q
IENERAL NOTE6 IndA NoA & Indication Nu"*erR LocA ?=@ & Location alon( = a!isR PosA ?7@ & Position ?7@ .ro" ,eld centerlineR Bea" Direction is to,ards 0% 20% 130% or 250 ?see 8i(A D#G20@
DAC cur e or re.erence le el esta*lis)ed in t)e &rocedure s)all *e used .or all len(t) and t)rou()#,all "easure"entsA
Di..erent Sections o. t)e re.erencin( Codes "a' )a e so"e di..erences in t)eir reJuire"ents .or ultrasonic e!a"# inationA T)ese di..erences are descri*ed *elo, .or t)e in.or# "ation t)at is to *e docu"ented and recorded .or a &articular re!ectorEs indicationA In illustratin( t)ese tec)# niJues o. "easurin( t)e &ara"eters o. a re!ectorEs indica# tion res&onses% a si"&le "et)od o. recordin( t)e &osition o. t)e searc) unit ,ill *e descri*edA <ltrasonic indications ,ill *e docu"ented *' t)e loca# tion and &osition o. t)e searc) unitA A )oriDontal ,eld as s)o,n in 8i(A D#G20 )as *een assu"ed .or t)e data s)o,n in Ta*le D#G20A All indications are oriented ,it) t)eir lon( di"ension &arallel to t)e ,eld a!isA T)e searc) unitEs location% =% ,as "easured .ro" t)e 0 &oint on t)e ,eld a!is to t)e centerline o. t)e searc) unitEs ,ed(eA T)e searc) unitEs &osition% 7% ,as "easured .ro" t)e ,eld a!is to t)e sound *ea"Es e!it &oint o. t)e ,ed(eA 7 is &ositi e u&,ard and ne(ati e do,n,ardA Searc) unit *ea" direction is usuall' 0% 20% 130% or 250 de(A
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuires t)e identi# !cation o. all rele ant re!ector indications t)at &roduce re!ector res&onses (reater t)an 20O o. t)e DAC cur e or re.erence le el% &osition t)e searc) unit to (i e t)e "a!i# "u" a"&litude .ro" t)e re!ectorA ?a@ Deter"ine and record t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude in &ercent o. DAC or re.erence le elA ?*@ Deter"ine and record t)e s,ee& readin( sound &at) to t)e re!ector ?at t)e le.t side o. t)e indication on t)e s,ee&@A ?c@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit location ?=@ ,it) res&ect to t)e 0 &ointA ?d@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit &osition ?7@ ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!isA ?e@ Record t)e searc) unit *ea" an(le and *ea" directionA A data record is s)o,n in Ta*le D#G20 .or an indication ,it) a "a!i"u" a"&litude o. G1O o. DAC as Leld 11G1% Indication 1A 8ro" its c)aracteristics% t)e re!ector ,as deter"ined to *e sla(A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Re!ectors Lit) Indication A"&litudes Ireater T)an t)e DAC Cur e or Re.erence Le el
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuires a len(t) "easure"ent o. all rele ant re!ector indications t)at &ro# duce indication res&onses (reater t)an t)e DAC cur e or re.erence le el ,)ose len(t) is *ased on t)e DAC cur e or re.erence le el% do t)e recordin( in accordance ,it) D#G21 and t)e .ollo,in( additional "easure"entsA ?a@ 8irst "o e t)e searc) unit &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is to t)e ri()t o. t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude &osition until t)e indication a"&litude dro&s to 100O DAC or t)e ence le elA ?*@ Deter"ine and record t)e sound &at) to t)e re!ector ?at t)e le.t side o. t)e indication on t)e s,ee&@A ?c@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit location ?=@ ,it) res&ect to t)e 0 &ointA ?d@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit &osition ?7@ ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!isA ?e@ Ne!t "o e t)e searc) unit &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is to t)e le.t &assin( t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude &osition until t)e indication a"&litude a(ain dro&s to 100O DAC or t)e re.erence le elA ?.@ Deter"ine and record t)e sound &at) to t)e re!ector ?at t)e le.t side o. t)e indication on t)e s,ee&@A ?(@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit location ?=@ ,it) res&ect to t)e 0 &ointA ?)@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit &osition ?7@ ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!isA ?i@ Record t)e searc) unit *ea" an(le and *ea" directionA A data record is s)o,n in Ta*le D#G20 .or an indication ,it) a "a!i"u" a"&litude o. 120O o. DAC as Leld 431% Indication 2% ,it) t)e a*o e data and t)e data reJuired in D#G21A 8ro" its c)aracteristics% t)e re!ector ,as deter# "ined to *e sla( and )ad an indication len(t) o. 0A5 inA I. t)e indication di"ensionin( ,as done usin( SI units% t)e indication len(t) is 13 ""A
or re.erence le el used in D#G22A Bot) len(t) and t)rou()#,all deter"inations are illustrated at 20O DAC or t)e 20O o. t)e re.erence le elA T)e re!ector is located in t)e !rst le( o. t)e sound &at) ?!rst )al. ee &at)@A ?a@ 8irst "o e t)e searc) unit to,ard t)e re!ector and scan t)e to& o. t)e re!ector to deter"ine t)e location and &osition ,)ere it is closest to t)e sound *ea" entr' sur.ace ?"ini"u" de&t)@ and ,)ere t)e a"&litude .alls to 20O DAC or 20O o. t)e re.erence le elA ?*@ Deter"ine and record t)e sound &at) to t)e re!ector ?at t)e le.t side o. t)e indication on t)e s,ee&@A ?c@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit location ?=@ ,it) res&ect to t)e 0 &ointA ?d@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit &osition ?7@ ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!isA ?e@ Ne!t "o e t)e searc) unit a,a' .ro" t)e re!ector and scan t)e *otto" o. t)e re!ector to deter"ine t)e loca# tion and &osition ,)ere it is closest to t)e o&&osite sur.ace ?"a!i"u" de&t)@ and ,)ere t)e a"&litude .alls to 20O DAC or 20O o. t)e re.erence le elA ?.@ Deter"ine and record t)e sound &at) to t)e re!ector ?at t)e le.t side o. t)e indication on t)e s,ee&@A ?(@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit location ?=@ ,it) res&ect to t)e 0 &ointA ?)@ Deter"ine and record t)e searc) unit &osition ?7@ ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld a!isA ?i@ Record t)e searc) unit *ea" an(le and *ea" directionA A data record is s)o,n in Ta*le D#G20 .or an indication ,it) a "a!i"u" a"&litude o. 120O o. DAC as Leld 1245% Indication F% ,it) t)e a*o e data and t)e data reJuired in D#G21 and D#G22 .or len(t) at 20O DAC or 20O o. t)e re.erence le elA 8ro" its c)aracteristics% t)e re!ector ,as deter"ined to *e sla( and t)e indication )ad a len(t) o. 0A2 inA I. t)e di"ensionin( ,as done usin( SI units% t)e indication len(t) is 2F "" and t)e t)rou()#,all di"en# sion 5 ""A
L)en t)e re.erencin( Code Section reJuires t)at all rele ant re!ector indication len(t) and t)rou()#,all di"ensions *e "easured *' a tec)niJue t)at is Juali!ed and de"onstrated to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)at Code Section% t)e "easure"ents o. D#G21 and D#G22 are "ade ,it) t)e additional "easure"ents .or t)e t)rou()#,all di"ension as listed *elo,A T)e "easure"ents in t)is section are to *e done at a"&litudes t)at )a e *een Juali!ed .or t)e len(t) and t)rou()#,all "easure"entA A 20O DAC or 20O o. t)e re.erence le el )as *een assu"ed Juali!ed .or t)e &ur&ose o. t)is illustration instead o. t)e 100O DAC
Co"&uteriDed i"a(in( tec)niJues ?CITs@ s)all satis.' all o. t)e *asic instru"ent reJuire"ents descri*ed in T#GF1 and T#G41A T)e searc) units used .or CIT a&&lications s)all *e c)aracteriDed as s&eci!ed in B#G44A CITs s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents .or !a,
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
detection and 0or siDin( t)at are s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e ,ritten &rocedure .or CIT a&&lications s)all identi.' t)e s&eci!c test .reJuenc' and *and,idt) to *e utiliDedA In addition% suc) &rocedures s)all de!ne t)e si(nal &rocessin( tec)niJues% s)all include e!&licit (uidelines .or i"a(e inter&retation% and s)all identi.' t)e so.t,are code 0&ro(ra" ersion to *e usedA T)is in.or"ation s)all also *e included in t)e e!a"ination re&ortA Eac) e!a"ina# tion re&ort s)all docu"ent t)e s&eci!c scannin( and i"a(in( &rocesses t)at ,ere used so t)at t)ese .unctions "a' *e accuratel' re&eated at a later ti"e i. necessar'A T)e co"&uteriDed i"a(in( &rocess s)all include a .ea# ture t)at (enerates a di"ensional scale ?in eit)er t,o or t)ree di"ensions% as a&&ro&riate@ to assist t)e o&erator in relatin( t)e i"a(ed .eatures to t)e actual% rele ant di"en# sions o. t)e co"&onent *ein( e!a"inedA In addition% auto# "ated scalin( .actor indicators s)all *e inte(rall' included to relate colors and 0or i"a(e intensit' to t)e rele ant ari# a*le ?iAeA% si(nal a"&litude% attenuation% etcA@A
"ini"u" s&acin( is 0A011 inA ?0AF3 ""@A De&t) discri"i# nation is de"onstrated *' o*ser in( t)e dis&la'ed "etal &at)s ?or t)e de&t)s@ o. t)e arious )olesA Because t)e )ole .aces are not &arallel to t)e scannin( sur.ace% eac) )ole dis&la's a ran(e Pa*out 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@Q o. "etal &at)sA T)e BAC ro, )as t)e s)ortest a era(e "etal &at)% t)e BCC ro, )as t)e lon(est a era(e "etal &at)% and t)e BBC )oles ar' in a era(e "etal &at)A Additional *loc-s are reJuired to eri.' lateral resolution and de&t) discri"ination ,)en 0 de( lon(itudinal#,a e e!a"ination is &er.or"edA Metal &at) len(t)s o. 2 inA and 3 inA ?10 "" and 200 ""@% as a&&ro&riate% s)all *e &ro ided as s)o,n in 8i(A E#G40A2 .or section t)ic-nesses to G inA ?100 ""@% and a si"ilar *loc- ,it) 3 inA ?200 ""@ "etal &at)s is needed .or section t)ic-nesses o er G inA ?100 ""@A
E#G50 E#G51
Cali*ration o. co"&uter i"a(in( s'ste"s s)all *e con# ducted in suc) a "anner t)at t)e (ain le els are o&ti"iDed .or data acJuisition and i"a(in( &ur&osesA T)e traditional DAC#*ased cali*ration &rocess "a' also *e reJuired to esta*lis) s&eci!c scannin( and 0or !a, detection sensiti it' le elsA 8or t)ose CITs t)at e"&lo' si(nal &rocessin( to ac)ie e i"a(e en)ance"ent ?SA8T#<T% L#SA8T% and *road*and )olo(ra&)'@% at least one s&ecial lateral resolution and de&t) discri"ination *loc- .or eac) s&eci!ed e!a"ination s)all *e used in addition to t)e a&&lica*le cali*ration *locreJuired *' Article GA T)ese *loc-s s)all co"&l' ,it) ;#GF1A T)e *loc- descri*ed in 8i(A E#G40A1 &ro ides an ti e resolution ran(e .or G1 de( and 40 de( searc) units and "etal &at)s u& to a*out G inA ?100 ""@A T)is is adeJuate .or &i&in( and si"ilar co"&onents% *ut lon(er &at) len(t)s are reJuired .or reactor &ressure esselsA A t)ic-er *loc,it) t)e sa"e siDes o. !at#*otto" )oles% s&acin(s% de&t)s% and tolerances is reJuired .or "etal &at)s (reater t)an G inA ?100 ""@% and a G inA ?100 ""@ "ini"u" distance *et,een t)e ed(e o. t)e )oles and t)e ed(e o. t)e *loc- is reJuiredA T)ese *loc-s &ro ide a "eans .or deter"inin( lateral reso# lution and de&t) discri"ination o. an ultrasonic i"a(in( s'ste"A Lateral resolution is de!ned as t)e "ini"u" s&acin( *et,een )oles t)at can *e resol ed *' t)e s'ste"A T)e )oles are s&aced suc) t)at t)e "a!i"u" se&aration *et,een adSacent ed(es o. successi e )oles is 1A000 inA ?21AG0 ""@A T)e s&acin( &ro(ressi el' decreases *' a .actor o. t,o *et,een successi e &airs o. )oles% and t)e
T)e S'nt)etic A&erture 8ocusin( Tec)niJue ?SA8T@ re.ers to a &rocess in ,)ic) t)e .ocal &ro&erties o. a lar(e# a&erture .ocused searc) unit are s'nt)eticall' (enerated .ro" data collected ,)ile scannin( o er a lar(e area usin( a s"all searc) unit ,it) a di er(ent sound *ea"A T)e &rocessin( reJuired to .ocus t)is collection o. data is a t)ree#di"ensional &rocess called *ea"#.or"in(% co)erent su""ation% or s'nt)etic a&erture &rocessin(A T)e SA8T# <T &rocess o..ers an in)erent ad anta(e o er &)'sical .ocusin( &rocesses *ecause t)e resultin( i"a(e is a .ull# olu"e% .ocused c)aracteriDation o. t)e "aterial olu"e *ein( e!a"inedA Traditional &)'sical .ocusin( &rocesses &ro ide .ocused data o er onl' t)e de&t) o. t)e .ocus Done o. t)e transducerA 8or t)e t'&ical &ulse#ec)o data collection sc)e"e used ,it) SA8T#<T% a .ocused searc) unit is &ositioned ,it) t)e .ocal &oint located at t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial under e!a"inationA T)is con!(uration &roduces a di er(ent ultra# sonic *ea" in t)e "aterialA Alternati el'% a s"all#dia"eter contact searc) unit "a' *e used to (enerate a di er(ent *ea"A As t)e searc) unit is scanned o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial% t)e A#scan record ?R8 ,a e.or"@ is di(itiDed .or eac) &osition o. t)e searc) unitA An' re!ector &resent &roduces a collection o. ec)oes in t)e A#scan recordsA 8or an ele"entar' sin(le#&oint re!ector% t)e collection o. ec)oes ,ill .or" a )'&er*olic sur.ace ,it)in t)e data#set olu"eA T)e s)a&e o. t)e )'&er*oloid is deter"ined *' t)e de&t) o. t)e re!ector and t)e elocit' o. sound in t)e "aterialA T)e relations)i& *et,een ec)o location in t)e series o. A#scans and t)e actual location o. re!ectors ,it)in t)e "aterial "a-es it &ossi*le to reconstruct a )i()#resolu# tion i"a(e t)at )as a )i() si(nal#to#noise ratioA T,o se&a# rate SA8T#<T con!(urations are &ossi*le6 ?a@ t)e sin(le# transducer% &ulse#ec)o con!(urationR and ?*@ t)e dual# transducer% tande" con!(uration ?TSA8T@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A210 inA ?F1A21 ""@ 0A510 inA ?12A01 ""@ 0A100 inA ?12A5 ""@ 0AF51 inA ?2A1F ""@ 0AF1F inA ?5A21 ""@ 0A231 inA ?5A1G ""@ 0A244 inA ?4A54 ""@ A3 A5 A4 A1 All )ole dia"eters 0A210 inA ?4AF1 ""@
B5 B4 B1 C3 C5 C4 C1
1A210 inA ?F1A51 ""@ 2A000 inA ?10A30 ""@ 2A100 inA ?4FA10 ""@ 2A351 inA ?5FA0F ""@ FA135 inA ?30A21 ""@ FAG42 inA ?33A11 ""@ FA5FG inA ?2GA3G ""@
Detail 1
See detail 1
T# G0 00
See detail 1
F0 de(
G1 de(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ Vie, rotated .or clarit'A ?*@ Insoni!cation sur.ace is s)o,n at *otto"A ?c@ Tolerances6 deci"als6 0A== & W 0A0FR 0A=== & W 0A001R an(ular6 W 1 de(A ?d@ +ole identi!cation6 ?1@ En(ra e or sta"& as s)o,n ,it) t)e c)aracters u&ri()t ,)en t)e lar(e .ace o. t)e *loc- is u&A ?2@ No"inal c)aracter )ei()t is 0A21 inA ?4 ""@ ?F@ Start nu"*erin( at t)e ,idest#s&aced sideA ?G@ La*el ro, o. ei()t )oles A1UA3A ?1@ La*el dia(onal set o. se en )oles B1UB5A ?4@ La*el re"ainin( si! )oles CFUC3A ?e@ +ole s&acin(6 "ini"u" 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ "aterial *et,een )ole ed(esA ?.@ +ole de&t)s6 F0 de( .ace6 1A000 inA ?21AG0 ""@R G1 de( .ace6 1A510 inA ?GGAG1 ""@ ?(@ Dra,in( &resentation6 )oles are s)o,n .ro" drilled .ace o. *loc-A ?)@ +ole ends to *e !at and &arallel to drilled sur.ace ,it)in 0A001 inA ?0A0F ""@ across .ace o. )oleA ?i@ Ma!i"u" radius *et,een side and .ace o. )ole is 0A001 inA ?0A1F ""@
In (eneral% t)e detected !a,s "a' *e cate(oriDed as olu"etric% &lanar% or crac-sA 8la, siDin( is nor"all' &er# .or"ed *' "easurin( t)e ertical e!tent ?crac-s@ or t)e cross#sectional distance ? olu"etric 0&lanar@ at t)e \4 dB le els once t)e !a, )as *een isolated and t)e i"a(e nor# "aliDed to t)e "a!i"u" alue o. t)e !a,A Multi&le i"a(es are o.ten reJuired to adeJuatel' cate(oriDe ?classi.'@ t)e !a, and to c)aracteriDe t)e actual !a, s)a&e and siDeA Tande" siDin( and anal'sis uses si"ilar tec)niJues to &ulse#ec)o% *ut &ro ides i"a(es t)at "a' *e easier to inter&retA T)e location o. indications ,it)in t)e i"a(e s&ace is in!uenced *' "aterial t)ic-ness% elocit'% and re.racted an(le o. t)e <T *ea"A T)e SA8T al(orit)" assu"es iso# tro&ic and )o"o(eneous "aterialR iAeA% t)e SA8T al(orit)" reJuires ?.or o&ti"u" &er.or"ance@ t)at t)e acoustic eloc# it' *e accuratel' -no,n and constant t)rou()out t)e "ate# rial olu"eA Lateral resolution is t)e a*ilit' o. t)e SA8T#<T s'ste" to distin(uis) *et,een t,o o*Sects in an !#' &lane t)at is &er&endicular to t)e a!is o. t)e sound *ea"A Lateral resolution is "easured *' deter"inin( t)e "ini"u" s&ac# in( *et,een &airs o. )oles t)at are clearl' se&arated in t)e i"a(eA A &air o. )oles is considered se&arated i. t)e si(nal a"&litude in t)e i"a(e decreases *' at least 4 dB *et,een t)e &ea- si(nals o. t,o )olesA De&t) resolution is t)e a*ilit' o. a SA8T#<T s'ste" to distin(uis) *et,een t)e de&t) o. t,o )oles ,)ose a!es are &arallel to t)e "aSor a!is o. t)e sound *ea"A De&t) resolution is "easured *' deter"inin( t)e "ini"u" ence in de&t) *et,een t,o )olesA T)e lateral resolution .or a SA8T#<T s'ste" is t'&icall' 1A1 ,a elen(t)s ?or *etter@ .or e!a"ination o. ,rou()t .erritic co"&onents% and 2A0 ,a elen(t)s ?or *etter@ .or e!a"ination o. ,rou()t stainless steel co"&onentsA T)e
de&t) resolution .or t)ese sa"e "aterials ,ill t'&icall' *e 0A21 ,a elen(t)s ?or *etter@A
T)e Line S'nt)etic A&erture 8ocusin( Tec)niJue ?L#SA8T@ is use.ul .or anal'Din( detected indicationsA L#SA8T is a t,o#di"ensional &rocess in ,)ic) t)e .ocal &ro&erties o. a lar(e#a&erture% linearl' .ocused searc) unit are s'nt)eticall' (enerated .ro" data collected o er a scan line usin( a s"all searc) unit ,it) a di er(in( sound *ea"A T)e &rocessin( reJuired to i"&ose a .ocusin( e..ect o. t)e acJuired data is also called s'nt)etic a&erture &rocessin(A T)e L#SA8T s'ste" can *e o&erated li-e con entional <T eJui&"ent .or data recordin(A It ,ill .unction ,it) eit)er sin(le# or dual#ele"ent transducersA Anal'sis "easure"ents% in (eneral% are &er.or"ed to deter"ine !a, siDe% olu"e% location% and con!(urationA To decide i. t)e !a, is a crac- or olu"etric% t)e crac-# ti&#di..raction res&onse o..ers one criterion% and t)e su&er# i"&osed i"a(e o. t,o "easure"ents "ade usin( di..erent directions o. incidence o..ers anot)erA All constraints .or SA8T#<T a&&l' to L#SA8T and ice ersaA T)e di..erence *et,een L#SA8T and SA8T#<T is t)at SA8T#<T &ro ides a )i()er resolution i"a(e t)an can *e o*tained ,it) L#SA8TA
T)e )olo(ra&)' tec)niJue &roduces an o*Sect i"a(e *' calculation *ased on data .ro" a di..raction &atternA I. t)e result is a t,o#di"ensional i"a(e and t)e data are acJuired alon( one scan% t)e &rocess is called Bline#)olo(ra&)'AC I. t)e result is a t,o#di"ensional i"a(e *ased u&on an area
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
7 L 9 L N PO M C D E ; I + B I A 8
= L S T < V
9 A 8
Ieneral tolerances 0A010 inA and 1 de( ? 0A21 "" and 1 de(@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
scanned% t)en it is called B)olo(ra&)'AC 8or t)e s&ecial case o. a&&l'in( )olo(ra&)' &rinci&les to ultrasonic testin(% t)e i"a(e o. !a,s ?in "ore t)an one di"ension@ can *e o*tained *' recordin( t)e a"&litude% &)ase% and ti"e#o.# !i()t data .ro" t)e scanned olu"eA T)e )olo(ra&)' &ro# cess o..ers a uniJue .eature *ecause t)e resultin( i"a(e is a one# or t,o#di"ensional c)aracteriDation o. t)e "aterialA T)is tec)niJue &ro ides (ood resolution in t)e a!ial direction *' usin( *road*and searc) unitsA T)ese searc) units trans"it a er' s)ort &ulse% and t)ere.ore t)e a!ial resolution is i"&ro edA T)e "a!i"u" *and,idt) "a' *e 20 M+D ,it)out usin( !lterin(% and u& to 3 M+D usin( an inte(rated !lterA Anal'sis "easure"ents% in (eneral% are &er.or"ed to o*tain in.or"ation on siDe% olu"e% location% and con!(u# ration o. detected !a,sA T)e results o. t)e )olo(ra&)'# "easure"ents &er scan line s)o, a t,o#di"ensional i"a(e o. t)e !a, *' color#coded dis&la'A T)e siDe o. !a,s can *e deter"ined *' usin( t)e 4 dB dro& in t)e color codeA More in.or"ation on t)e !a, di"ensions is o*tained *' scans in di..erent directions ?iAeA% &arallel% &er&endicular@ at di..erent an(les o. incidenceA To decide i. t)e !a, is a crac- or a olu"etric !a,% t)e crac- ti& tec)niJue o..ers one criterion and co"&arison o. t,o "easure"ents .ro" di..erent directions o. incidence o..ers anot)erA Measure# "ent results o*tained *' i"a(in( tec)niJues al,a's reJuire s&eci!c inter&retationA S"all ariations in "aterial t)ic-ness% sound elocit'% or re.racted *ea" an(le "a' in!uence t)e reconstruction resultsA T)e )olo(ra&)' &ro# cessin( calculations also assu"e t)at t)e elocit' is accu# ratel' -no,n and constant t)rou()out t)e "aterialA
8la, siDin( is nor"all' &er.or"ed *' "easurin( t)e ertical e!tent ?in t)e case o. crac-s@ or t)e cross#sectional distance ?in t)e case o. olu"etric 0&lanar !a,s@ at t)e 4 dB le els once t)e !a, )as *een isolated and t)e i"a(e nor"aliDedA Tande" siDin( and anal'sis uses tec)niJues si"ilar to &ulse#ec)o *ut &ro ides i"a(es t)at are easier to inter&ret since s&ecular re!ection is used .or de.ects oriented &er&endicular to t)e sur.aceA 8or crac-s and &lanar de.ects% t)e result s)ould *e eri!ed usin( crac-#ti&#di..rac# tion si(nals .ro" t)e u&&er and lo,er ends o. t)e !a,% since t)e &)ased arra' a&&roac) ,it) to"o(ra&)ic recon# struction is "ost sensiti e to !a, ti& indications and is a*le to (i e a clear reconstruction i"a(e o. t)ese re.raction &)eno"enaA As ,it) ot)er tec)niJues% t)e &)ased arra' &rocess assu"es isotro&ic and )o"o(eneous "aterial ,)ose acoustic elocit' is constant and accuratel' -no,nA Sectorial scans ?S#scans@ ,it) &)ased arra' &ro ides a .an#li-e series o. *ea" an(les .ro" a sin(le e"ission &oint t)at can co er &art or all o. a ,eld% de&endin( on searc) unit siDe% Soint (eo"etr'% and section t)ic-nessA Suc) a series o. *ea" an(les can de"onstrate (ood detecta*ilit' o. side#drilled )oles *ecause t)e' are o"ni#directional re!ectorsA T)is is not necessaril' t)e case .or &lanar re!ec# tors ?eA(A% lac- o. .usion and crac-s@ ,)en utiliDin( line scannin( tec)niJues ,)ere t)e *ea" could *e "isoriented to t)e &oint t)e' cannot *e detectedA T)is is &articularl' true .or t)ic-er sections ,)en usin( sin(le line scannin( tec)niJuesA
T)e <T#P)ased Arra' Tec)niJue is a &rocess ,)erein <T data are (enerated *' controlled incre"ental ariation o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" an(le in t)e aDi"ut)al or lateral direction ,)ile scannin( t)e o*Sect under e!a"inationA T)is &rocess o..ers an ad anta(e o er &rocesses usin( con# entional searc) units ,it) !!ed *ea" an(les *ecause it acJuires considera*l' "ore in.or"ation a*out t)e re!ectin( o*Sect *' usin( "ore as&ect an(les in direct i"&in(e"entA Eac) &)ased arra' searc) unit consists o. a series o. indi iduall' ,ired transducer ele"ents on a ,ed(e t)at are acti ated se&aratel' usin( a &re#selecta*le ti"e dela' &atternA Lit) a linear dela' ti"e *et,een t)e trans"itter &ulses% an inclined sound !eld is (eneratedA Var'in( t)e an(le o. re.raction reJuires a ariation o. t)e linear distri*u# tion o. t)e dela' ti"eA De&endin( on t)e searc) unit desi(n% it is &ossi*le to electronicall' ar' eit)er t)e an(le o. incidence or t)e lateral 0s-e, an(leA In t)e recei in( "ode% acoustic ener(' is recei ed *' t)e ele"ents and t)e si(nals under(o a su""ation &rocess utiliDin( t)e sa"e ti"e dela' &attern as ,as used durin( trans"issionA
T)e <T#a"&litude ti"e#o.#!i()t locus#cur e anal'sis tec)niJue utiliDes "ulti&le searc) units in &ulse#ec)o% trans"itter#recei er% or tande" con!(urationA Indi iduall' selecta*le &ara"eters control t)e co"&ression o. t)e A#scan in.or"ation usin( a &attern#reco(nition al(orit)"% so t)at onl' t)e rele ant A#scan a"&litudes are stored and .urt)er &rocessedA T)e &ara"eter alues in t)e A#scan co"&ression al(o# rit)" deter"ine )o, "an' &re#cursin( and )o, "an' &ost#cursin( )al.#,a e &ea-s "ust *e s"aller t)an a s&e# ci!c a"&litude% so t)at t)is lar(est a"&litude is identi!ed as as rele ant si(nalA T)ese ra, data can *e dis&la'ed in B#% C#% and D#scan ?side% to&% and end ie,@ &resentations% ,it) selecta*le color#code incre"ents .or a"&litude and .ast Doo" ca&a*ilitiesA T)is o&eratin( "ode is "ost suita*le .or detection &ur&osesA 8or discri"ination% a t,o#di"en# sional s&atial#!lterin( al(orit)" is a&&lied to searc) .or correlation o. t)e ti"e#o.#!i()t ra, data ,it) re!ector# t'&ical ti"e#o.#!i()t traSectoriesA Tande" siDin( and anal'sis uses tec)niJues si"ilar to &ulse#ec)o *ut &ro ides i"a(es t)at "a' *e easier to inter# &ret since t)e s&ecular re!ections .ro" !a,s oriented &er# &endicular to t)e sur.ace are usedA 8or crac-s and &lanar
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!a,s% t)e results s)ould *e eri!ed ,it) crac-#ti&#di..rac# tion si(nals .ro" t)e u&&er and lo,er end o. t)e !a, since t)e acoustic &ara"eters are er' sensiti e to !a, ti& indications and a clear reconstruction i"a(e o. t)ese re.raction &)eno"ena is &ossi*le ,it) t)is tec)niJueA T)e location o. indications ,it)in t)e i"a(e s&ace is in!uenced *' "aterial t)ic-ness and actual sound elocit' ?iAeA% isotro&ic and )o"o(eneous "aterial is assu"ed@A +o,e er% deterioratin( in!uences .ro" anisotro&ic "ate# rial ?suc) as claddin(@ can *e reduced *' a&&ro&riate selec# tion o. t)e searc) unit &ara"etersA
<ASA Custo"ar' <nits 0A21 Transducer Dia"eters% inA 0A10A511A0 81% inA 2A13 1A31 12A2 21A3 10AF 2FA2 11A2 10F 2FA2 12A2 114 2F2 G1AF 22A2 205 G1F 12AF 113 242 12F 1A121
SI <nits Transducer Dia"eters% "" 1F1221 81% "" 41A1 1G3 F23 411 242 120 1 F1G 2 422 120 1 F25 2 213 1 200 1 0G2 2 F40 1 213 10 G20 1 F23 2 235 4 411 1F 254 22
Auto"ated data acJuisition and i"a(in( is a "ulti#c)an# nel tec)niJue t)at "a' *e used .or acJuisition and anal'sis o. <T data .or *ot) contact and i""ersion a&&licationsA T)is tec)niJue allo,s inter.acin( *et,een t)e cali*ration% acJuisition% and anal'sis "odesR and .or assi(n"ent o. s&eci!c e!a"ination con!(urationsA T)is tec)niJue utiliDes a real#ti"e dis&la' .or "onitorin( t)e Jualit' o. data *ein( collected% and &ro ides .or dis&la' o. s&eci!c a"&litude ran(es and t)e ca&a*ilit' to anal'De &ea- data t)rou() tar(et "otion !lterin(A A cursor .unction allo,s scannin( t)e R8 data one ,a e.or" at a ti"e to aid in crac- siDin( usin( ti&#di..ractionA 8or *ot) &ea- and R8 data% t)e tec)# niJue can collect% dis&la'% and anal'De data .or scannin( in eit)er t)e a!ial or circu".erential directionsA T)is tec)niJue .acilitates detection and siDin( o. *ot) olu"etric and &lanar !a,sA 8or siDin( olu"etric !a,s% a"&litude#*ased "et)ods "a' *e usedR and .or siDin( &la# nar !a,s% t)e crac-#ti&#di..raction "et)od "a' *e usedA An o erla' .eature allo,s t)e anal'st to (enerate a co"&osite i"a(e usin( se eral sets o. ultrasonic dataA All data dis# &la'ed in t)e anal'De "ode "a' *e dis&la'ed ,it) res&ect to t)e &)'sical coordinates o. t)e co"&onentA
?a@ L)en t)e ratio o. R 0Rc% t)e radius o. cur ature o. t)e "aterial R di ided *' t)e critical radius o. t)e transducer R c .ro" Ta*le I#G41 and 8i(A I#G41?a@% is eJual to or (reater t)an 1A0% no (ain correction is reJuiredA ?*@ L)en t)e ratio o. R 0Rc is less t)an 1A0% t)e (ain correction "ust *e o*tained .ro" 8i(A I#G41?*@A ?c@ E!a"&leA Material ,it) a 10 inA ?210 ""@ radius ?R @ ,ill *e e!a"ined ,it) a 1 inA ?21 ""@ dia"eter 2A21 M+D *oron car*ide .aced searc) unit usin( (l'cerine as a cou&lantA ?1@ Deter"ine t)e a&&ro&riate transducer .actor% 81 .ro" Ta*le I#G41R 81& 22A2A ?2@ Deter"ine t)e Rc .ro" 8i(A I#G41?a@R Rc& 100 inA ?2 100 ""@A ?F@ Calculate t)e R 0Rc ratioR 10 inA 0100 inA & 0A1 ?210 ""02 100 "" & 0A1@A ?G@ <sin( 8i(A I#G41?*@% o*tain t)e (ain increase reJuiredR 12 dBA T)is (ain increase cali*rates t)e e!a"ination on t)e cur ed sur.ace a.ter esta*lis)in( cali*ration sensiti it' on a !at cali*ration *loc-A
I#G40 I#G41
To deter"ine t)e reJuired increase in (ain% t)e ratio o. t)e "aterial radius% R% to t)e critical radius o. t)e trans# ducer% Rc% "ust *e e aluated as .ollo,sA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)is A&&endi! descri*es a "et)od o. e!a"ination o. ,elds usin( an(le *ea" searc) unitsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
200 ?1 000@
100 ?2 100@
20 ?100@ D 10 ?210@ E
1 ?121@
2 ?10@
1 ?21@
20 Transducer 8actor 81
Cur e A B C D E
Cou&lant Motor oil or ,ater Motor oil or ,ater Il'cerine or s'nA ester Il'cerine or s'nA ester Motor oil or ,ater Il'cerine or s'nA ester
Transducer Lear.ace Alu"inu" O!ide or Boron Car*ide KuartD Alu"inu" O!ide or Boron Car*ide KuartD Plastic Plastic
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I#G50 I#G51
?c@ attac)"ent and su&&ort ,eldsR ?d@ e!a"ination o. dou*le ta&er SuncturesA I#G5F E!a"ination Co era(e
T)ree an(le *ea"s% )a in( no"inal an(les o. G1 de(% 40 de(% and 50 de( ?,it) res&ect to a &er&endicular to t)e e!a"ination sur.ace@% s)all (enerall' *e usedA Bea" an(les ot)er t)an G1 de( and 40 de( are &er"itted &ro ided t)e "easured di..erence *et,een an(les is at least 10 de(A Additional tVG olu"e an(le *ea" e!a"ination s)all *e conducted on t)e "aterial olu"e ,it)in 1VG o. t)e t)ic-ness adSacent to t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA Sin(le or dual ele"ent lon(itudinal or s)ear ,a e an(le *ea"s in t)e ran(e o. 40 de( t)rou() 50 de( ?,it) res&ect to &er&endicular to t)e e!a"ination sur.ace@ s)all *e used in t)is tVG olu"eA
Eac) &ass o. t)e searc) unit s)all o erla& a "ini"u" o. 10O o. t)e acti e transducer ?&ieDoelectric ele"ent@ di"ension &er&endicular to t)e direction o. t)e scanA
Ot)er an(les "a' *e used .or e!a"ination o.6 ?a@ !an(e ,elds% ,)en t)e e!a"ination is conducted .ro" t)e !an(e .aceR ?*@ noDDles and noDDle ,elds% ,)en t)e e!a"ination is conducted .ro" t)e noDDle *oreR
;#GF0 ;#GF1
T)e *asic cali*ration *loc-?s@ containin( *asic cali*ra# tion re!ectors to esta*lis) a &ri"ar' re.erence res&onse
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o. t)e eJui&"ent and to construct a distance#a"&litude correction cur e s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A ;#GF1A T)e *asic cali*ration re!ectors s)all *e located eit)er in t)e co"&onent "aterial or in a *asic cali*ration *loc-A
?a@ Bloc- SelectionA T)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e *locis .a*ricated s)all *e .ro" one o. t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ noDDle dro&out .ro" t)e co"&onentR ?2@ a co"&onent &rolon(ationR ?F@ "aterial o. t)e sa"e "aterial s&eci!cation% &rod# uct .or"% and )eat treat"ent condition as t)e "aterial to ,)ic) t)e searc) unit is a&&lied durin( t)e e!a"inationA ?*@ CladA L)ere t)e co"&onent "aterial is clad and t)e claddin( is a .actor durin( e!a"ination% t)e *loc- s)all *e clad to t)e co"&onent clad no"inal t)ic-ness W 1V3 inA ?F ""@A De&osition o. clad s)all *e *' t)e sa"e "et)od ?iAeA% roll*onded% "anual ,eld de&osited% auto"atic ,ire de&osited% or auto"atic stri& de&osited@ as used to clad t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA L)en t)e claddin( "et)od is not -no,n or t)e "et)od o. claddin( used on t)e co"&o# nent is i"&ractical .or *loc- claddin(% de&osition o. clad "a' *e *' t)e "anual "et)odA L)en t)e &arent "aterials on o&&osite sides o. a ,eld are clad *' di..erent "et)ods% t)e claddin( on t)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e a&&lied *' t)e "et)od used on t)e side o. t)e ,eld .ro" ,)ic) t)e e!a"ination ,ill *e conductedA L)en t)e e!a"ination is conducted .ro" *ot) sides% t)e cali*ration *loc- s)all &ro# ide .or cali*ration .or *ot) "et)ods o. claddin(A ?c@ +eat Treat"entA T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all recei e at least t)e "ini"u" te"&erin( treat"ent reJuired *' t)e "aterial s&eci!cation .or t)e t'&e and (rade and a &ost,eld )eat treat"ent o. at least 2 )rA ?d@ Sur.ace 8inis)A T)e !nis) on t)e sur.aces o. t)e *loc- s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e sur.ace !nis)es o. t)e co"&onentA ?e@ Bloc- Kualit'A T)e cali*ration *loc- "aterial s)all *e co"&letel' e!a"ined ,it) a strai()t *ea" searc) unitA Areas t)at contain indications e!ceedin( t)e re"ainin( *ac- re!ection s)all *e e!cluded .ro" t)e *ea" &at)s reJuired to reac) t)e arious cali*ration re!ectorsA
?c@ Additional Re!ectorsA Additional re!ectors "a' *e installedR t)ese re!ectors s)all not inter.ere ,it) esta*lis)# in( t)e &ri"ar' re.erenceA ?d@ Basic Cali*ration Bloc- Con!(urationA 8i(ure ;#GF1 s)o,s *loc- con!(uration ,it) )ole siDe and locationA Eac) ,eld t)ic-ness on t)e co"&onent "ust *e re&resented *' a *loc- )a in( a t)ic-ness relati e to t)e co"&onent ,eld as s)o,n in 8i(A ;#GF1A L)ere t)e *loc- t)ic-ness W1 inA ?21 ""@ s&ans t,o o. t)e ,eld t)ic-ness ran(es s)o,n in 8i(A ;#GF1% t)e *loc-Es use s)all *e acce&ta*le in t)ose &ortions o. eac) t)ic-ness ran(e co ered *' 1 inA ?21 ""@A T)e )oles s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e t)ic-# ness o. t)e *loc-A L)ere t,o or "ore *ase "aterial t)ic-# nesses are in ol ed% t)e cali*ration *loc- t)ic-ness s)all *e su.!cient to contain t)e entire e!a"ination *ea" &at)A ?e@ Lelds in Materials Lit) Dia"eters Ireater T)an 20 inA ?100 ""@A 8or e!a"ination o. ,elds in "aterials ,)ere t)e e!a"ination sur.ace dia"eter is (reater t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@% a sin(le cur ed *asic cali*ration *loc"a' *e used to cali*rate t)e strai()t and an(le *ea" e!a"i# nations on sur.aces in t)e ran(e o. cur ature .ro" 0A2 to 1A1 ti"es t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- dia"eterA Alternati el'% a !at *asic cali*ration *loc- "a' *e used &ro ided t)e "ini"u" con e!% conca e% or co"&ound cur ature radius to *e e!a"ined is (reater t)an t)e critical radius deter"ined *' A&&endi! AA 8or t)e &ur&ose o. t)is deter"ination% t)e di"ension o. t)e strai()t or an(le *ea" searc) units !at contact sur.ace tan(ent to t)e "ini"u" radius s)all *e used instead o. t)e transducer dia"eter in Ta*le A#10A ?.@ Lelds in Materials Lit) Dia"eters 20 inA ?100 ""@ and LessA T)e *asic cali*ration *loc- s)all *e cur ed .or ,elds in "aterials ,it) dia"eters 20 inA ?100 ""@ and lessA A sin(le cur ed *asic cali*ration *loc- "a' *e used to cali*rate t)e e!a"ination on sur.aces in t)e ran(e o. cur ature .ro" 0A2 to 1A1 ti"es t)e *asic cali*ration *locdia"eterA 8or e!a"&le% an 3 inA ?200 ""@ dia"eter cur ed *loc- "a' *e used to cali*rate t)e e!a"ination on sur.aces in t)e ran(e o. cur ature .ro" 5A2 inA to 12 inA ?130 "" to F00 ""@ dia"eterA T)e cur ature ran(e .ro" 0A2G inA to 20 inA ?2G "" to 100 ""@ dia"eter reJuires si! *loccur atures as indicated in 8i(A T#GFGA1A5A2 .or an' t)ic-# ness ran(e as indicated in 8i(A ;#GF1A ?(@ Retention and ControlA All *asic cali*ration *loc-s .or t)e e!a"ination s)all "eet t)e retention and control reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Cali*ration Re!ectors
?a@ Basic Cali*ration Re!ectorsA T)e side o. a )ole drilled ,it) its a!is &arallel to t)e e!a"ination sur.ace is t)e *asic cali*ration re!ectorA A sJuare notc) s)all also *e usedA T)e re!ectin( sur.ace o. t)e notc)es s)all *e &er&endicular to t)e *loc- sur.aceA See 8i(A ;#GF1A ?*@ Scri*e LineA A scri*e line as s)o,n in 8i(A ;#GF1 s)all *e "ade in t)e t)ic-ness direction t)rou() t)e in#line )ole center lines and continued across t)e t,o e!a"ination sur.aces o. t)e *loc-A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2 inA ?10 ""@ F inA ?51 ""@ PNote ?1@Q Round *otto" )oles T02 dee& PNotes ?1@% ?F@% ?4@% and ?5@Q T0G T Scri*e lines T02 T0G Drilled and rea"ed )oles F inA ?51 ""@ dee& PNote ?1@Q 1F0GT PNote ?1@Q FT PNote ?1@Q Vie, A PNote ?1@Q
10 inA ?1F ""@ ste&s in T2
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Leld T)ic-ness t% inA ?""@ O O O O O O O er er er er er er er 2 t)rou() G ?10 t)rou() 100@ G t)rou() 4 ?100 t)rou() 110@ 4 t)rou() 3 ?110 t)rou() 200@ 3 t)rou() 10 ?200 t)rou() 210@ 10 t)rou() 12 ?210 t)rou() F00@ 12 t)rou() 1G ?F00 t)rou() F10@ 1G ?F10@
Round Botto" +ole Dia"eter% inA ?""@ PNotes ?F@ and ?4@Q
PNote ?2@Q
PNote ?2@Q
NOTES6 ?1@ Mini"u" di"ensionsA ?2@ 8or eac) increase in ,eld t)ic-ness o. 2 inA ?10 ""@ or .raction t)ereo. o er 1G inA ?F14 ""@% t)e )ole dia"eter s)all increase 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@A ?F@ T)e tolerances .or t)e )ole dia"eters s)all *e W 1VF2 inA ?0A3 ""@R tolerances on notc) de&t) s)all *e X 10 and \ 20O ?need onl' *e )eld at t)e t)innest clad t)ic-ness alon( t)e re!ectin( sur.ace o. t)e notc)@R tolerance on )ole location t)rou() t)e t)ic-ness s)all *e W 1V3 inA ?F ""@R &er&endicular tolerances on notc) re!ectin( sur.ace s)all *e W 2 de(R tolerance on notc) len(t) s)all *e W 1VG inA ?W 4 ""@A ?G@ Clad s)all not *e included in TA ?1@ Su*sur.ace cali*ration )oles 1V3 inA ?F ""@ ?"a!i"u"@ dia"eter *' 11V2 inA ?F3 ""@ dee& ?"ini"u"@ s)all *e drilled at t)e clad#to#*ase "etal inter.ace and at 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ incre"ents t)rou() T0G .ro" t)e clad sur.ace% also at 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ .ro" t)e unclad sur.ace and at 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ incre"ents t)rou() T0G .ro" t)e unclad sur.aceA In eac) case% t)e )ole nearest t)e sur.ace s)all *e drilled at T02 .ro" t)e ed(e o. t)e *loc-A +oles at 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ t)ic-ness incre"ents .ro" t)e near sur.ace )ole s)all *e drilled at 1 inA ?21 ""@ "ini"u" inter als .ro" T02A ?4@ Round ?)e"is&)erical@ *otto" )oles s)all *e drilled onl' ,)en reJuired *' a Re.erencin( Code Section .or *ea" s&read "easure"ents ?see T#GFGA1@ and t)e tec)niJue o. B#40 is usedA T)e round *otto" )oles "a' *e located in t)e lar(est *loc- in a set o. *asic cali*ration *loc-s% or in a se&arate *loc- re&resentin( t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness to *e e!a"inedA ?5@ T02 )ole "a' *e located in t)e o&&osite end o. t)e *loc-A
9#G50 9#G51
O*tain data .ro" successi e scans at incre"ents no (reater t)an nine#tent)s o. t)e transducer di"ension "ea# sured &arallel to t)e scan incre"ent c)an(e ?10O o erla&@A Record data .or t)e end &oints as deter"ined *' 10O o. DACA
di..racted si(nals ,)en a nona"&litude% Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@% dual &ro*e% co"&uter i"a(in( tec)# niJue ?CIT@ is utiliDed and includes a !a, classi!cation0 siDin( s'ste"A
Article G reJuire"ents a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed )ereinA 9#G20 RECORDS0DOC<MENTATION L#GF0 L#GF1 EK<IPMENT S'ste"
Record all re!ectors t)at &roduce a res&onse eJual to or (reater t)an 10O o. t)e distance#a"&litude correction ?DAC@A +o,e er% clad inter.ace and *ac- ,all re!ections need not *e recordedA Record all searc) unit &osition and location di"ensions to t)e nearest tent) o. an inc)A
S'ste" eJui&"ent PeA(A% <T unit% co"&uter% so.t,are% scanner?s@% searc) unit?s@% ca*le?s@% cou&lant% encoder?s@% etcAQ s)all *e descri*ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
De"onstration Bloc-
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides a "et)odolo(' t)at can *e used to de"onstrate a <T s'ste"Es a*ilit' to accuratel' deter# "ine t)e de&t) and len(t) o. sur.ace "ac)ined notc)es ori(inatin( on t)e e!a"ination sur.ace .ro" t)e resultin(
?a@ T)e *loc- "aterial and s)a&e ?!at or cur ed@ s)all *e t)e sa"e as t)at desired to de"onstrate t)e s'ste"Es accurac'A ?*@ T)e *loc- s)all contain a "ini"u" o. t)ree notc)es "ac)ined to de&t)s o. T0G% T02% and FT0G and ,it) len(t)s ?L@ and% i. a&&lica*le% orientation as t)at desired to de"on# strate t)e s'ste"Es siDin( accurac'A See 8i(A L#GF2 .or an e!a"&leA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L "inA ?t'&A@
L ?t'&A@
T0 G T0 2
FT 0 G
C0L IENERAL NOTE6 Bloc- len(t) and ,idt) to *e adeJuate .or <T S'ste" ScannerA
Additional notc)es "a' *e necessar' de&endin( on6 ?1@ t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e *loc-R ?2@ t)e nu"*er o. e!a"ination Dones t)e *loc- t)ic-# ness is di ided intoR ?F@ ,)et)er or not t)e Dones are o. eJual t)ic-ness ?.or e!a"&le6 t)ree Dones could *e *ro-en into a to& 1VF% "iddle 1VF% and *otto" 1VF sA to& 1VG% "iddle 1V2% and *otto" 1VG@R and ?G@ t)e de&t)s desired to *e de"onstratedA ?c@ Prior to "ac)inin( t)e notc)es% t)e *loc- "aterial t)rou() ,)ic) t)e sound &at)s "ust tra el s)all *e e!a"# ined ,it) t)e s'ste" eJui&"ent to ensure t)at it contains no re!ectors t)at ,ill inter.ere ,it) t)e de"onstrationA
PW0A2 inA ?1 ""@Q o. t)e "easured distanceA Encoders .ail# in( t)is c)ec- s)all *e re#cali*rated and t)is c)ec- re&eatedA ?*@ T)ic-ness C)ec-A A .ree#run s)all *e "ade on t)e "easurin( *loc-A T)e distance *et,een t)e lateral ,a e and !rst *ac-#,all si(nal s)all *e ,it)in W0A02 inA ?0A1 ""@ o. t)e *loc-Es "easured t)ic-nessA Set#u&s .ailin( t)is c)ec- s)all )a e t)e &ro*e se&aration distance eit)er adSusted or its &ro(ra""ed alue c)an(ed and t)is c)ecre&eatedA
L#G40 L#G41
T)e de"onstration *loc- s)all *e scanned &er t)e &roce# dure and t)e data recordedA De"onstrations "a' *e &er.or"ed utiliDin(6 ?a@ D#scan ?non#&arallel scan@ tec)niJues ?*@ B#scan ?&arallel scan@ tec)niJues ?c@ D#scan ?non#&arallel scan@ tec)niJues ,it) t)e notc)es o..set *' ar'in( a"ounts to eit)er side o. *ein( centeredA
T)e .ollo,in( c)ec-s s)all *e &er.or"ed &rior to t)e de"onstration6 ?a@ Positional Encoder C)ec-A T)e &ositional encoder s)all *e "o ed t)rou() a "easured distance o. 20 inA ?100 ""@A T)e s'ste" read#out s)all *e ,it)in W1O
T)e de&t) o. t)e notc)es .ro" t)e scannin( sur.ace and t)eir len(t) s)all *e deter"ined &er t)e &rocedure to *e de"onstratedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,)ere6 c & lon(itudinal sound elocit' s & )al. t)e distance *et,een t)e t,o &ro*esE inde! &oints td & t)e ti"e#o.#!i()t at de&t) d t& & t)e len(t) o. t)e acoustic &ulse d & de&t) o. t)e !a, *elo, t)e scannin( sur.ace
SiDin( accurac' ?O@ s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e .ollo,# in( .or"ulas6 ?a@ De&t)6
Dd \ D " D" 100
?*@ Len(t)6
Ld \ L " L" 100
,)ere6 Dd and Ld are t)e notc)esE de&t) and len(t)s% res&ec# ti el'% as deter"ined *' t)e <T s'ste" *ein( de"on# strated% and D" and L" are t)e notc)esE de&t) and len(t)s% res&ec# ti el'% as deter"ined *' &)'sical "easure"ent ?iAeA% suc) as re&lication@
?c@ Botto"#Sur.ace Connected 8la,sA T)e )ei()t o. a *otto"#sur.ace connected !a, s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e distance *et,een t)e u&&er#ti& di..racted si(nal and t)e *ac-#,all si(nalA L#G3FAF 8la, Len(t) Deter"inationA T)e !a, len(t) s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e distance *et,een end !ttin( )'&er*olic cursurs or t)e !a, end &oints a.ter a s'nt)etic a&erture .ocusin( tec)niJue ?SA8T@ &ro(ra" )as *een run on t)e dataA
L#G3FClassi!cation0SiDin( S'ste" L#G3FA1 SiDin(A 8la,s s)all *e classi!ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ To&#Sur.ace Connected 8la,sA 8la, indications consistin( solel' o. a lo,er#ti& di..racted si(nal and ,it) an associated ,ea-enin(% s)i.t% or interru&tion o. t)e lateral ,a e si(nal% s)all *e considered as e!tendin( to t)e to&# sur.ace unless .urt)er e aluated *' ot)er NDE "et)odsA ?*@ E"*edded 8la,sA 8la, indications ,it) *ot) an u&&er and lo,er#ti& di..racted si(nal or solel' an u&&er# ti& di..racted si(nal and ,it) no associated ,ea-enin(% s)i.t% or interru&tion o. t)e *ac-#,all si(nal s)all *e consid# ered e"*eddedA ?c@ Botto"#Sur.ace Connected 8la,sA 8la, indications consistin( solel' o. an u&&er#ti& di..racted si(nal and ,it) an associated s)i.t o. t)e *ac-,all or interru&tion o. t)e *ac-#,all si(nal% s)all *e considered as e!tendin( to t)e *otto" sur.ace unless .urt)er e aluated *' ot)er NDE "et)odsA
L#G20 L#G21
In addition to t)e a&&lica*le ite"s in T#G22% t)e re&ort o. de"onstration s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 ?a@ co"&uteriDed &ro(ra" identi!cation and re isionR ?*@ "ode?s@ o. ,a e &ro&a(ation usedR ?c@ de"onstration *loc- con!(uration ?"aterial% t)ic-# ness% and cur ature@R ?d@ notc) de&t)s% len(t)s% and% i. a&&lica*le% orientation ?iAeA% a!ial or circu".erential@R ?e@ instru"ent settin(s and scannin( dataR ?.@ accurac' resultsA
L#G3FA2 8la, +ei()t Deter"inationA 8la, )ei()t ?t)ru#,all di"ension@ s)all *e deter"ined as .ollo,s6 ?a@ To&#Sur.ace Connected 8la,sA T)e )ei()t o. a to&# sur.ace connected !a, s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e distance *et,een t)e to&#sur.ace lateral ,a e and t)e lo,er#ti& di..racted si(nalA ?*@ E"*edded 8la,sA T)e )ei()t ?)@ o. an e"*edded !a, s)all *e deter"ined *'6 ?1@ t)e distance *et,een t)e u&&er#ti& di..racted si(# nal and t)e lo,er#ti& di..racted si(nal or% ?2@ t)e .ollo,in( calculation .or !a,s ,it) Sust a sin(ular u&&er#ti& di..racted si(nal6
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides (eneral tec)niJues .or an(le *ea" lon(itudinal ,a e cali*rationA Ot)er tec)niJues "a' *e usedA T)e s,ee& ran(e "a' *e cali*rated in ter"s o. "etal &at)% &roSected sur.ace distance% or actual de&t) to t)e re!ectorA T)e &articular "et)od "a' *e selected accordin( to t)e &re.erence o. t)e e!a"inerA An(le *ea" lon(itudinal ,a e searc) units are nor"all' li"ited to 1V2V#&at) cali*rations% since t)ere is a su*stantial loss in *ea" ener(' u&on re!ection due to "ode con# ersionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
M#G40CALIBRATION M#G41S,ee& Ran(e Cali*ration M#G41A1 Side#Drilled +oles ?See 8i(A M#G41A1@
NOTE6 T)is tec)niJue &ro ides s,ee& cali*ration .or de&t)A
M#G41A1AG S,ee& Readin(sA T,o di isions on t)e s,ee& no, eJual 1VGTA M#G41A2 C'lindrical Sur.ace Re.erence Bloc-s ?See 8i(A M#G41A2@
NOTE6 T)is tec)niJue &ro ides s,ee& cali*ration .or "etal &at)A
M#G41A1A1 Dela' Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e 1VGT side# drilled )ole ?SD+@A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 2 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA M#G41A1A2 Ran(e5 Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e FVGT SD+A AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 4 on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e controlA M#G41A1AF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e adSust"ents until t)e 1VGT and FVGT SD+ indications start at s,ee& lines 2 and 4A
M#G41A2A1 Dela' Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e 1 inA ?21 ""@ c'lindrical sur.aceA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 1 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA M#G41A2A2 Ran(e Control AdSust"entA Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e 2 inA ?10 ""@ c'lindrical sur.aceA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 10 on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e controlA M#G41A2AF Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e 1 inA ?21 ""@ and 2 inA ?10 ""@ indications start at s,ee& lines 1 and 10A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
M#G41A2AG S,ee& Readin(sA T)e s,ee& no, re&re# sents 2 inA ?10 ""@ o. sound &at) distanceA M#G41AF Strai()t Bea" Searc) <nit and Re.erence Bloc-s ?See 8i(A M#G41AF@
NOTE6 T)is tec)niJue &ro ides s,ee& cali*ration .or "etal &at)A
M#G41AFAF Ran(e Control AdSust"entA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)e second *ac-#,all indication to line 10 on t)e screen ,it) t)e ran(e controlA M#G41AFAG Re&eat AdSust"entsA Re&eat dela' and ran(e control adSust"ents until t)e 1 inA ?21 ""@ and 2 inA ?10 ""@ indications start at s,ee& lines 1 and 10A M#G41AFA1 8inal Dela' AdSust"entA Re"o e t)e strai()t *ea" searc) unit .ro" t)e coa!ial ca*le and con# nect t)e an(le *ea" searc) unit to t)e s'ste"A Position t)e searc) unit .or t)e "a!i"u" indication .ro" t)e 2 inA ?10 ""@ c'lindrical sur.aceA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)is indication to line 10 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA
M#G41AFA1 Searc) <nit Place"entA Position a strai()t *ea" searc) unit on a 1 inA ?21 ""@ t)ic- re.erence *loc- so as to dis&la' "ulti&le *ac-#,all indicationsA M#G41AFA2 Dela' Control AdSust"entA AdSust t)e le.t ed(e o. t)e !rst *ac-#,all indication to line 1 on t)e screen ,it) t)e dela' controlA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
M#G41AFA4 S,ee& Readin(sA T)e s,ee& no, re&re# sents 2 inA ?10 ""@ o. sound &at) distanceA
?a@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e SD+ t)at (i es t)e )i()est a"&litudeA ?*@ AdSust t)e sensiti it' ?(ain@ control to &ro ide an indication o. 30O ?W1O@ o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is is t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA Mar- t)e &ea- o. t)is indication on t)e screenA ?c@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" anot)er SD+ and "ar- t)e &ea- o. t)e indication on t)e screenA ?d@ Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e t)ird SD+ and "ar- t)e &ea- on t)e screenA ?e@ Connect t)e screen "ar-s o. t)e SD+s to &ro ide t)e DAC cur eA
T)is A&&endi! is to *e used as an aid .or t)e inter&reta# tion o. Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ ultrasonic i"a(esA Di..raction is a co""on ultrasonic &)eno"enon and occurs under "uc) *roader conditions t)an Sust lon(itudinal#lon(itudinal di..raction as used in t'&ical TO8D e!a"inationsA T)is inter&retation (uide is &ri"aril' ai"ed at lon(itudinal#lon(itudinal di..raction TO8D setu&s usin( se&arated transducers on eit)er side o. t)e ,eld on a &late% &i&e% or cur ed esselA Ot)er &ossi*ilities include6 ?a@ s)ear#s)ear di..raction ?*@ lon(itudinal#s)ear di..raction ?c@ sin(le transducer di..raction ?called B*ac- di..rac# tionC or t)e Bti&#ec)o "et)odC ?c@ t,in transducer TO8D ,it) *ot) transducers on t)e sa"e side o. t)e !a,0,eld ?d@ co"&le! ins&ections% eA(A% noDDles
T)e lateral ,a e and *ac-,all si(nals are isi*le as contin# uous "ultic'cle linesA T)e "id,all !a, s)o,n consists o. a isi*le u&&er and lo,er ti& si(nalA T)ese s)o, as inter"ediate "ultic'cle si(nals *et,een t)e lateral ,a e and t)e *ac-,allA ?c@ TO8D (ra'scale i"a(es dis&la' &)ase c)an(es% so"e si(nals are ,)ite#*lac-#,)iteR ot)ers are *lac-#,)ite#*lac-A T)is &er"its identi!cation o. t)e ,a e source ?!a, to& or *otto"% etcA@% as ,ell as *ein( used .or !a, siDin(A De&endin( on t)e &)ase o. t)e incident &ulse ?usuall' a ne(ati e olta(e@% t)e lateral ,a e ,ould *e &ositi e% t)en t)e !rst di..racted ?u&&er ti&@ si(nal ne(ati e% t)e second di..racted ?lo,er ti&@ si(nal &ositi e% and t)e *ac-,all si(nal ne(ati eA T)is is s)o,n sc)e"aticall' in 8i(A N#G21?c@A T)is &)ase in.or"ation is er' use.ul .or si(nal inter&retationR conseJuentl'% R8 si(nals and unrecti# !ed si(nals are used .or TO8DA T)e &)ase in.or"ation is used .or correctl' identi.'in( si(nals ?usuall' t)e to& and *otto" o. !a,s% i. t)e' can *e di..erentiated@% and .or deter"inin( t)e correct location .or de&t) "easure"entsA ?d@ An actual TO8D i"a(e is s)o,n in 8i(A N#G21?d@% ,it) !a,sA T)e ti"e#*ase is )oriDontal and t)e a!is o. "otion is ertical Pt)e sa"e as t)e sc)e"atic in 8i(A N#G21?c@QA T)e lateral ,a e is t)e .airl' stron( "ultic'cle &ulse at le.t% and t)e *ac-,all t)e stron( "ultic'cle &ulse at ri()tA T)e !a,s s)o, as "ultic'cle (ra' and ,)ite re!ections *et,een t)e lateral and *ac-,all si(nalsA T)e scan s)o,s se eral se&arate !a,s ?inco"&lete .usion% &orosit'% and sla(@A T)e ultrasonic noise usuall' co"es .ro" (rain re!ections% ,)ic) li"its t)e &ractical .reJuenc' t)at can *e usedA TO8D scans "a' onl' s)o, t)e lateral ,a e ?OD@ and *ac-,all ?ID@% ,it) BnoiseAC T)ere is also ultrasonic in.or"ation a aila*le &ast t)e *ac-# ,all ?t'&icall' s)ear ,a e di..ractions@% *ut t)is is (ener# all' not usedA
N#G10 N#G11
N#G20 N#G21
TO8D aria*les are &ro*e s&acin(% "aterial t)ic-ness% sound elocit'% transducer dela'% and lateral ,a e transit and *ac-,all re!ection arri al ti"eA Not all t)e aria*les need to *e -no,n .or !a, siDin(A 8or e!a"&le% cali*ration usin( Sust t)e lateral ,a e ?.ront ,all or OD@ and *ac-,all ?ID@ si(nals can *e &er.or"ed ,it)out -no,in( t)e trans# ducers dela'% se&aration% or elocit'A T)e arri al ti"e% 8i(A N#G11% o. t)e lateral ,a e ?t1@ and t)e *ac-,all si(nal ?t2@ are entered into t)e co"&uter so.t,are and cursors are t)en dis&la'ed .or auto"ated siDin(A
?a@ TO8D data is routinel' dis&la'ed as a (ra'scale i"a(e o. t)e di(itiDed A#scanA 8i(ure N#G21?a@ s)o,s t)e (ra'scale deri ation o. an A#scan ?or ,a e.or"@ si(nalA ?*@ TO8D i"a(es are (enerated *' t)e stac-in( o. t)ese (ra'scale trans.or"ed A#scans as s)o,n in 8i(A N#G21?*@A
8la,s ,ill not al,a's *e s'""etricall' &laced *et,een t)e trans"itter and recei er transducersA Nor"all'% a sin(le
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Ti"e Blac-
BL D#scan
<&&er sur.ace
Bac- ,all
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Trans"itter Lateral ,a e Recei er
Bac-#,all re.lection
<&&er ti&
Lo,er ti&
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Cursors Build#in
t1% t2 d1% d2 and ) are auto"aticall' calculatedA
&air o. transducers is used% centered on t)e ,eld a!isA +o,e er% "ulti&le TO8D sets can *e used% &articularl' on )ea ' ,all essels% and o..sets are used to (i e i"&ro ed detectionA Also% !a,s do not nor"all' occur on t)e ,eld centerlineA Eit)er ,a'% t)e !a,s ,ill not *e &ositioned s'""etricall'% 8i(A N#G12?a@ and t)is ,ill *e a source or error in location and siDin(A T)ere ,ill *e &ositional and siDin( errors associated ,it) a noncentered !a,% as s)o,n in 8i(A N#G12?*@A +o,e er% t)ese errors ,ill *e s"all% and (enerall' are tolera*le since t)e "a!i"u" error due to o..#a!is &osition is less t)an 10O and t)e error is actuall' s"aller 'et since *ot) t)e to& and *otto" o. t)e !a, are o..set *' si"ilar a"ountsA T)e *i((est siDin( &ro*le"s occur ,it) s"all !a,s near t)e *ac-,allA E!act error alues ,ill de&end on t)e ins&ection &ara"etersA
8la, len(t)s &arallel to t)e sur.ace can *e "easured .ro" t)e TO8D i"a(e *' !ttin( )'&er*olic cursors to t)e ends o. t)e !a,s ?see 8i(A N#G1F@A N#G1G Measurin( 8la, De&t)
8la, )ei()t &er&endicular to t)e sur.ace can *e "ea# sured .ro" t)e TO8D i"a(e *' !ttin( cursors on t)e to& and *otto" ti& si(nalsA T)e .ollo,in( are t,o e!a"&les o. de&t) "easure"ents o. ,eld !a,s in a 1 inA ?21 ""@ t)ic- &lateA 8i(ure N#G1G?a@ is "id,all lac- o. .usion and 8i(A N#G1G?*@ is a centerline crac-A Note t)at TO8D si(nals are not linear% so "id,all !a,s s)o, in t)e u&&er t)ird re(ion o. t)e i"a(eA It is &ossi*le to lineariDe t)e TO8D scans *' co"&uter so.t,areA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
8la, Position <ncertaint' IENERAL NOTE6 In &ractice% t)e "a!i"u" error on a*solute de&t) &osition lies *elo, 10OA T)e error on )ei()t esti"ation o. internal ?s"all@ !a,s is ne(li(i*leA Be care.ul o. s"all !a,s situated at t)e *ac-,allA
113AF 130A4
T)is section s)o,s a ariet' o. TO8D i"a(es and t)e inter&retation0e!&lanationA <n.ortunatel'% t)ere are si(# ni!cant ariations a"on(st !a,s and TO8D setu&s and dis&la's% so t)e .ollo,in( i"a(es s)ould *e used as a (uide onl'A E aluator e!&erience and anal'sis s-ills are er' i"&ortant as ,ellA
?a@ Point !a,s P8i(A N#G31?a@Q% li-e &orosit'% s)o, u& as sin(le "ultic'cle &oints *et,een t)e lateral and *ac-,all si(nalsA Point !a,s t'&icall' dis&la' a sin(le TO8D si(nal
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
since !a, )ei()ts are s"aller t)an t)e rin(#do,n o. t)e &ulse ?usuall' a .e, "illi"eters% de&endin( on t)e trans# ducer .reJuenc' and da"&in(@A Point !a,s usuall' s)o, &ara*olic BtailsC ,)ere t)e si(nal dro&s o.. to,ards t)e *ac-,allA ?*@ Inside ?ID@ .ar#sur.ace#*rea-in( !a,s P8i(A N#G31?*@Q s)o,s no interru&tion o. t)e lateral ,a e% a si(nal near t)e *ac-,all% and a related interru&tion or *rea- o. t)e *ac-,all ?de&endin( on !a, siDe@A ?c@ Near#sur.ace#*rea-in( !a,s P8i(A N#G31?c@Q s)o,s &ertur*ations in t)e lateral ,a eA T)e !a, *rea-s t)e lateral ,a e% so TO8D can *e used to deter"ine i. t)e !a, is sur.ace#*rea-in( or notA T)e lo,er si(nal can t)en *e used
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
0AGF 0A12
Lateral ,a e
To& ec)o
Botto" ec)o
Bac-,all ec)o
8ront ,all
To& si(nal
Botto" si(nal
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A#scan 3A2 FA1 FA1
Lateral ,a e
to "easure t)e de&t) o. t)e !a,A I. t)e !a, is not sur.ace#*rea-in(% iAeA% Sust su*sur.ace% t)e lateral ,a e ,ill not *e *ro-enA I. t)e !a, is near#su*sur.ace and s)allo, ?t)at is% less t)an t)e rin(in( ti"e o. t)e lateral ,a e or a .e, "illi"eters dee&@% t)en t)e !a, ,ill &ro*a*l' *e in isi# *le to TO8DA T)e i"a(e also dis&la's a nu"*er o. si(nals .ro" &oint !a,sA ?d@ Mid,all !a,s P8i(A N#G31?d@Q s)o, co"&lete lat# eral and *ac-,all si(nals% &lus di..raction si(nals .ro" t)e to& and *otto" o. t)e !a,A T)e !a, ti& ec)oes &ro ide a er' (ood &ro!le o. t)e actual !a,A 8la, siDes can *e readil' *lac-#,)ite% ,)ile t)e lo,er ec)o is *lac-#,)ite#*lac-A Also note t)e )'&er*olic cur e t)at is easil' isi*le at t)e le.t end o. t)e to& ec)oR t)is is si"ilar to t)e e..ect .ro" a &oint !a, Psee N#G31?a@Q and &er"its accurate len(t) "easure"ent o. !a,s Psee N#G10?a@QA I. a "id,all !a, is s)allo,% iAeA% less t)an t)e transducer &ulse rin(#do,n ?a .e, "illi"eters@% t)e to& and *otto" ti& si(nals cannot *e se&aratedA <nder t)ese circu"stances% it is not &ossi*le to di..erentiate t)e to& .ro" t)e *otto" o. t)e !a,% so t)e e aluator can onl' sa' t)at t)e !a, is less t)an t)e rin(do,n distance ?,)ic) de&ends on transducer .reJuenc' and da"&in(% etcA@A ?e@ Lac- o. root &enetration Psee 8i(A N#G31?e@Q is si"i# lar to an inside ?ID@ .ar#sur.ace#*rea-in( !a, Psee
N#G31?*@QA T)is !a, (i es a stron( di..racted si(nal ?or "ore correctl'% a re!ected si(nal@ ,it) a &)ase in ersion .ro" t)e *ac-,all si(nalA Note t)at ,)et)er si(nals are di..racted or re!ected is not i"&ortant .or TO8D c)aracter# iDationR t)e anal'sis and siDin( is t)e sa"eA Also note e en t)ou() t)ere is a &ertur*ation o. t)e *ac-,all si(nal% t)e *ac-,all is still isi*le across t)e ,)ole !a,A T)is "aterial also s)o,s s"all &oint !a,s and so"e (rain noise% ,)ic) is Juite co""onA TO8D t'&icall' o ere"&)asiDes s"all &oint !a,s% ,)ic) are nor"all' undetected *' con entional s)ear ,a e &ulse#ec)o tec)niJuesA ?.@ Conca e root !a,s Psee 8i(A N#G31?.@Q are si"ilar to lac- o. root &enetrationA T)e to& o. t)e !a, is isi*le in t)e TO8D i"a(e% as ,ell as t)e (eneral s)a&eA T)e *ac-,all si(nal s)o,s so"e &ertur*ation as e!&ectedA ?(@ Side,all lac- o. .usion Psee 8i(A N#G31?(@Q is si"ilar to a "id,all !a, Psee N#G31?d@Q ,it) t,o di..erencesA 8irst% t)e !a, is an(led alon( t)e .usion line% so TO8D is e..ecti el' inde&endent o. orientation% ,)ic) is not a &ro*le" .or TO8DA Second% t)e u&&er !a, si(nal is &artl' *uried in t)e lateral ,a e .or t)is &articular !a,A In t)is instance% t)e u&&er ti& si(nal is detecta*le since t)e lateral ,a e si(nal a"&litude is noticea*l' increasedA +o,e er% i. t)is ,ere not t)e case% t)en t)e e aluator ,ould *e una*le to accuratel' "easure t)e !a, de&t)A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Trans"itter Lateral Recei er
1 2 F
Sur.ace#*rea-in( .la,
1 2
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2 F G
1 2 F
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2 F
1 2 F G
?)@ Porosit' Psee 8i(A N#G31?)@Q a&&ears as a series o. )'&er*olic cur es o. ar'in( a"&litudes% si"ilar to t)e &oint !a, Psee N#G31?a@QA T)e TO8D )'&er*olic cur es are su&eri"&osed since t)e indi idual &orosit' &ores are closel' s&acedA T)is does not &er"it accurate anal'sis% *ut t)e uniJue nature o. t)e i"a(e &er"its c)aracteriDation o. t)e si(nals as B"ulti&le s"all &oint !a,s%C iAeA% &orosit'A
?i@ Trans erse crac-s Psee 8i(A N#G31?i@Q are si"ilar to a &oint !a, Psee N#G31?a@QA T)e TO8D scan dis&la's a t'&ical )'&er*olaA Nor"all'% it ,ould not *e &ossi*le to di..erentiate trans erse crac-s .ro" near#sur.ace &orosit' usin( TO8DR .urt)er ins&ection ,ould *e neededA ?S@ Inter&ass lac- o. .usion Psee 8i(A N#G31?S@Q s)o,s as a sin(le% )i() a"&litude si(nal in t)e "id,all re(ionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1 2 F
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Trans"itter Lateral Recei er
Bac- ,all L B
1 2
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
F U Sla(
I. t)e si(nal is lon(% it is easil' di..erentiated .ro" &orosit' or &oint sourcesA It is not &ossi*le to distin(uis) t)e to& and *otto"% as t)ese do not e!ist as suc)A Note t)e e!&ected &)ase c)an(e .ro" t)e lateral ,a eA Inter&ass lac- o. .usion si(nals are (enerall' *eni(nA
di..racted ,a eA T)is e!a"&le illustrates t)e &otential alue o. usin( in.or"ation later in t)e ti"e *ase% *ut t)is is outside t)e sco&e o. t)is inter&retation "anualA ?c@ t)e root crac- is not isi*le at all due to t)e *ac-,all dead DoneA N#G32A2 Plate 2 P8i(A N#G32?*@Q
TO8D i"a(es o. !a,ed ,elds contain .our !a,s eac)A N#G32A1 Plate 1 P8i(A N#G32?a@Q
To& 2 F 1 G IENERAL NOTES6 1A Root crac- ?ri()t@6 ` 1A4U2A1 inA ?G0U4G ""@ .ro" one endA 2A Inco"&lete side,all .usion ?"id#le.t@6 ` GU1 inA ?100U121 ""@A FA Sla(6 ` 4AGU5A2 inA ?14FU13F ""@A GA Inco"&lete .usion at root ?le.t@6 ` 2AFU10A1 inA ?2F5U245 ""@A
1 IENERAL NOTES6 1A Inco"&lete .usion at root ?le.t@6 ` 0A4UA3 inA ?11UG1 ""@ .ro" one endA 2A Toe crac- ?to& le.t@6 ` FUG inA ?30U100 ""@A FA Porosit'6 ` 1A1U4A21 inA ?1G0U140 ""@A GA Inco"&lete side,all .usion ?u&&er ri()t@6 ` 3U2A21 inA ?200U2F1 ""@A
8i(ure N#G32?a@ clearl' illustrates t)e si(ni!cant ad an# ta(es o. TO8D ?"id,all !a, detection% !a, siDin(@% t)e li"itations due to dead Dones% and t)at ?a@ t)e side,all inco"&lete .usion s)o,s u& clearl'% as does t)e sla(A ?*@ t)e inco"&lete .usion at t)e root ,as not easil' detected% t)ou() it did distur* t)e *ac-,allA T)is is not sur&risin( in t)e *ac-,all dead Done due to a s)ear#s)ear
8i(ure N#G32?*@ s)o,s t)at6 ?a@ all .our !a,s are detecta*le ?*@ t)e inco"&lete .usion at t)e root s)o,s u& clearl' in t)is scan *ecause it is dee&erA Bot) t)e *ac-,all &ertur# *ation and t)e !a, ti& si(nals are clearA ?c@ t)e cro,n toe crac- is clearl' isi*le% *ot) *' co"# &lete disru&tion o. t)e lateral ,a e and *' t)e *otto" ti& si(nalA Bot) t)e inco"&lete .usion at t)e root and cro,n toe crac- are identi!a*le as sur.ace *rea-in( *' t)e disru&# tion o. t)e lateral ,a e and *ac-,all si(nal% res&ecti el'A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
2 U Toe crac-
F U Porosit'
?d@ t)e &orosit' is isi*le as a series o. si(nalsA T)is cluster o. &orosit' ,ould *e di.!cult to c)aracteriDe &ro&# erl' usin( t)e TO8D scan alone% since it could *e identi!ed as sla( or a &lanar !a,A ?e@ t)e inco"&lete side,all .usion is clearl' isi*le and could *e easil' siDed usin( cursorsA
TO8D i"a(es can *e corru&ted *' incorrect setu&s or ot)er &ro*le"s suc) as electrical noiseA T)e .ollo,in( i"a(es ,ere all "ade on t)e sa"e &late to s)o, so"e o. t)e t'&ical &ro*le"s t)at can occurA Startin( !rst ,it) an acce&ta*le scan% and t)en su*seJuent scans "ade to s)o, arious corru&tions o. t)is i"a(eA ?a@ Acce&ta*le Scan P8i(A N#G3F?a@QA T)e (ain and (ate settin( are reasona*le% and t)e electrical noise is "ini"alA ?*@ Incorrect Lo, Iain Settin( P8i(A N#G3F?*@QA T)e lateral ,a e and so"e o. t)e di..racted si(nals are startin( to disa&&earA At 'et lo,er (ain le els% so"e o. t)e di.# .racted si(nals ,ould *eco"e undetecta*leA ?c@ Incorrect +i() Iain Settin( P8i(A N#G3F?c@QA T)e noise le el increases to o*scure t)e di..racted si(nalsR t)is can lead to reduced &ro*a*ilit' o. detection% and &oor siDin(A +i() noise le els can also arise .ro" lar(e (rainsA In t)is case% t)e solution is to reduce t)e ultrasonic .reJuenc'A ?d@ Correct (ate settin(s are critical% *ecause TO8D A#scans are not t)at eas' to inter&ret since t)ere are "ulti# &le isi*le si(nalsA As a "ini"u"% t)e (ates s)ould enco"# &ass t)e lateral ,a e and lon(itudinal ,a e *ac-,all si(nalR t)e (ate can e!tend to t)e s)ear ,a e *ac-,all% i. reJuiredA T'&icall'% t)e *est si(nal to use as a (uide is t)e !rst ?lon(itudinal ,a e@ *ac-,all% since it is stron( and
al,a's &resent ?assu"in( t)e transducer se&aration is rea# sona*l' correct@A T)e .ollo,in( !(ures s)o, e!a"&les o. incorrect (ate &ositionin(% ,)ic) ,ill in)erentl' lead to &oor !a, detectionA T)e !rst e!a"&le% 8i(A N#G3F?d@?1@% s)o,s t)e (ate set too earl'% t)e lateral ,a e is isi*le% and t)e *ac-,all is notA An' inside ?ID@ near#*ac-,all !a,s ,ill *e "issedA T)e second e!a"&le% 8i(A N#G3F?d@?2@% s)o,s t)e (ate set too lateA T)e lateral ,a e is not isi*leA T)e !rst si(nal is t)e *ac-,all% and t)e second si(nal is t)e s)ear ,a e *ac-,allA Lit) t)is setu&% all t)e outside ?OD@ near#sur.ace !a,s ,ill *e "issedA T)e t)ird e!a"&le% 8i(A N#G3F?d@?F@% is ,it) t)e (ate set too lon(A T)ou() t)is is not tec)nicall' incorrect% t)e i"a(e ,ill s)o, t)e di..racted *ac-,all s)ear#s)ear ,a e si(nalA T)ese S#S ,a es "a' s)o, additional and con!r# "ator' in.or"ationA T)e di..racted s)ear ,a es s)o, t)e &orosit' "ore clearl' t)an t)e di..racted lon(itudinal ,a es and t)ere is a stron( "ode#con erted si(nal t)at occurs Sust *e.ore t)e s)ear ,a e (ate% ,)ic) could cause inter&retation &ro*le"sA Nor"all'% t)e (ate is set .airl' s)ort to enclose onl' t)e lateral ,a e and t)e lon(itudinal ,a e *ac-,all to clari.' inter&retationA ?e@ Incorrect ?too .ar a&art@ transducer se&aration P8i(A N#G3F?e@Q results in t)e *ac-,all si(nal *eco"in( distorted% t)e lateral ,a e *eco"es ,ea-er% and so"e o. t)e di..racted si(nal a"&litudes dro&A ?.@ Incorrect ?too close to(et)er@ transducer se&aration P8i(A N#G3F?.@Q results in t)e lateral ,a es *eco"in( stron(er% and t)e *ac-,all ,ea-erA A(ain% t)e TO8D i"a(e o. t)e !a,s is &oorA ?(@ I. t)e transducers are not centered on t)e ,eld P8i(A N#G3F?(@Q% t)e di..racted si(nal a"&litudes ,ill
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
OD sur.ace#*rea-in( .la,
Buried .la,
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Lateral ,a e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L#,a e *ac-,all
Lateral ,a e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Stron( lateral ,a e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)ic-ness% t% inA ?""@ ^ 0A1 ?^ 1F@ 0A1 to ^ 1A1 ?1F to ^ F3@ 1A1 to ^ F ?F3 to ^ 51@ No"inal 8reJuenc'% M+D 10 to 11 1 to 10 2 to 1 Ele"ent SiDe% inA ?""@ 0A121 to 0A21 ?F to 4@ 0A121 to 0A21 ?F to 4@ 0A21 to 0A1 ?4 to 1F@ An(le% de( 40 to 50 10 to 50 G1 to 41
No"inal Lall% inA ?""@ ^ 1A1 ?^ F3@ No"inal 8reJuenc'% M+D 1 to 11 1 to 1 Ele"ent SiDe% inA ?""@ 0A121 to 0A21 ?F to 4@ 0A21 to 0A1 ?4 to 12A1@ An(le% de( 10 to 50 G1 to 41
decline to t)e &oint ,)ere !a, detection is seriousl' i"&airedA ?)@ Noise le els P8i(A N#G3F?)@Q can seriousl' i"&air TO8D inter&retationA Noise can co"e .ro" a nu"*er o. sources suc) as electrical% ultrasonic% (rains% and cou&lin(A T'&icall'% ultrasonic and (rain noise a&&ears uni ersall' across t)e TO8D i"a(eA Electrical noise a&&ears as an inter.erence &attern% de&endin( on t)e noise sourceA Once t)e occurrence o. t)e electrical noise increases *e'ond a certain &oint% inter&retation *eco"es essentiall' i"&ossi*leA
T)ic-ness% t% inA ?""@ ^ 2 ?^ 10@ 2 to ^ G ?10 to ^ 100@ G to ^ 3 ?100 to ^ 200@ Nu"*er o. Nones PNote ?1@Q 1 2 F Bea" Intersection ?a&&ro!A@
2 2
VF t
T)is A&&endi! descri*es (eneral ,eld e!a"ination con# !(urations .or t)e Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@ tec)niJueA
Ta*les O#GF2?a@ and O#GF2?*@ &ro ide (eneral searc) unit &ara"eters .or s&eci!ed t)ic-ness ran(es in .erritic ,eldsA 8or austenitic or ot)er )i() attenuation "aterials% see T#G11A
8or t)ic-nesses a&&roac)in( F inA ?51 ""@% t)e *ea" di er(ence .ro" a sin(le searc) unit is not li-el' to &ro ide su.!cient intensit' .or (ood detection o er t)e entire e!a"i# nation olu"eA T)ere.ore% .or t)ic-ness F inA ?51 ""@ and (reater% t)e e!a"ination olu"e s)ould *e di ided into "ulti&le DonesA Ta*le O#G50 &ro ides (eneral (uidance on t)e nu"*er o. Dones to ensure suita*le olu"e co era(eA E!a"&les o. t)e searc) unit la'out and a&&ro!i"ate *ea" olu"e co era(e are &ro ided in 8i(A O#G50?a@ t)rou() 8i(A O#G50?d@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
None 1
Pro*e 2 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 2
None 1
None 2
Pro*e G Pro*e F Pro*e 2 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 2 Pro*e G Pro*e F
None 1
None 2
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Pro*e G Pro*e F Pro*e 2 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 1 Pro*e 2 Pro*e F Pro*e G
None 1
None 2
None F
None G
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Article &ro ides or re.erences reJuire"ents% ,)ic) are to *e used in selectin( and de elo&in( ultrasonic e!a"i# nation &rocedures .or &arts% co"&onents% "aterials% and all t)ic-ness deter"inationsA L)en SA% SB% and SE docu# "ents are re.erenced% t)e' are located in Article 2FA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all *e consulted .or s&eci!c reJuire"ents .or t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ &ersonnel Juali!cation0certi!cation reJuire"entsR ?*@ &rocedure reJuire"ents0de"onstration% Juali!ca# tion% acce&tanceR ?c@ e!a"ination s'ste" c)aracteristicsR ?d@ retention and control o. cali*ration *loc-sR ?e@ e!tent o. e!a"ination and0or olu"e to *e scannedR ?.@ acce&tance standardsR ?(@ retention o. records% and ?)@ re&ort reJuire"entsA De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article are contained in Mandator' A&&endi! III o. t)is ArticleA
not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)e alue% or ran(e o. alues% s&eci!ed *' t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T#1F0 T#1F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
A &ulse#ec)o t'&e o. ultrasonic instru"ent s)all *e usedA T)e instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. o&eration at .reJuencies o er t)e ran(e o. at least 1 M+D to 1 M+D% and s)all *e eJui&&ed ,it) a ste&&ed (ain control in units o. 2A0 dB or lessA I. t)e instru"ent )as a da"&in( control% it "a' *e used i. it does not reduce t)e sensiti it' o. t)e e!a"inationA T)e reSect control s)all *e in t)e Bo..C &osition .or all e!a"inations unless it can *e de"onstrated t)at it does not a..ect t)e linearit' o. t)e e!a"inationA
Searc) <nits
T)e reJuire"ents o. t)is article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA
T)e no"inal .reJuenc' s)all *e .ro" 1 M+D to 1 M+D unless aria*les suc) as &roduction "aterial (rain structure reJuire t)e use o. ot)er .reJuencies to assure adeJuate &enetration or *etter resolutionA Searc) units ,it) con# toured contact ,ed(es "a' *e used to aid ultrasonic cou# &lin(A
T#122Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#122A1 ReJuire"entsA <ltrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure% ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#122A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#122A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#122 identi!ed as an essential aria*le .ro" t)e s&eci!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &roce# dureA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le .ro" t)e s&eci!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% does
T#1FFCou&lant T#1FFA1 IeneralA T)e cou&lant% includin( additi es% s)all not *e detri"ental to t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA T#1FFA2 Control o. Conta"inants ?a@ Cou&lants used on nic-el *ase allo's s)all not con# tain "ore t)an 210 &&" o. sul.urA ?*@ Cou&lants used on austenitic stainless steel or tita# niu" s)all not contain "ore t)an 210 &&" o. )alides ?c)lo# rides &lus !uorides@A
T)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e *loc- is .a*ricated s)all *e o. t)e sa"e &roduct .or"% "aterial s&eci!cation or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
eJui alent P#Nu"*er (rou&in(% and )eat treat"ent as t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA 8or t)e &ur&oses o. t)is &ara# (ra&)% P#NosA 1% F% G% 1A t)rou() 1C% and 11A t)rou() 118 "aterials are considered eJui alentA T)e !nis) on t)e scannin( sur.ace o. t)e *loc- s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e scannin( sur.ace !nis) on t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA T#1FGA1 Tu*ular Product Cali*ration Bloc-s ?a@ T)e cali*ration re!ectors s)all *e lon(itudinal ?a!ial@ notc)es and s)all )a e a len(t) not to e!ceed 1 inA ?21 ""@% a ,idt) not to e!ceed 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@% and de&t) not to e!ceed 0A00G inA ?0A10 ""@ or 1O o. t)e no"inal ,all t)ic-ness% ,)ic)e er is lar(erA ?*@ T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e lon( enou() to si"u# late t)e )andlin( o. t)e &roduct *ein( e!a"ined t)rou() t)e e!a"ination eJui&"entA
T#140 T#141
T)e reJuire"ents o. T#141A1 and T#141A2 s)all *e "et at inter als not to e!ceed t)ree "ont)s .or analo( t'&e instru"ents and one 'ear .or di(ital t'&e instru"ents% or &rior to !rst use t)erea.terA T#141A1 Screen +ei()t Linearit'A T)e ultrasonic instru"entEs ?e!cludes instru"ents used .or t)ic-ness "ea# sure"ent@ screen )ei()t linearit' s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! I o. Article GA T#141A2 A"&litude Control Linearit'A T)e ultrasonic instru"entEs ?e!cludes instru"ents used .or t)ic-ness "ea# sure"ent@ a"&litude control linearit' s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! II o. Article GA T#142Ieneral Cali*ration ReJuire"ents T#142A1 <ltrasonic S'ste"A Cali*rations s)all include t)e co"&lete ultrasonic s'ste" and s)all *e &er.or"ed &rior to use o. t)e s'ste" in t)e t)ic-ness ran(e under e!a"inationA T#142A2 Cali*ration Sur.aceA Cali*rations s)all *e &er# .or"ed .ro" t)e sur.ace ?clad or uncladR con e! or con# ca e@ corres&ondin( to t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e e!a"ination ,ill *e &er.or"edA T#142AF Cou&lantA T)e sa"e cou&lant to *e used dur# in( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali*rationA
T#1FGA2 Castin( Cali*ration Bloc-sA Cali*ration *loc-s s)all *e t)e sa"e t)ic-ness W21O as t)e castin( to *e e!a"inedA T#1FGAF Boltin(1 Material Cali*ration Bloc-s and E!a"ination Tec)niJuesA Cali*ration *loc-s in accor# dance ,it) 8i(A T#1FGAF s)all *e used .or strai()t *ea" e!a"inationA
BBoltin(C as used in t)is Article is an all#inclusi e ter" .or an' t'&e o. t)readed .astener t)at "a' *e used in a &ressure *oundar' *olted !an(e Soint asse"*l' suc) as a *olt% stud% stud*olt% ca& scre,% etcA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
D0 G l03
D) ?t'&@
Dia"eter o. Boltin( Material to *e E!a"ined ?d @ <& to 1 inA ?21 ""@ O er 1 inA ?21 ""@ to 2 inA ?10 ""@ O er 2 inA ?10 ""@ to F inA ?51 ""@ O er F inA ?51 ""@ to G inA ?100 ""@ O er G inA ?100 ""@
Cali*ration BlocDesi(nation A B C
8lat#Botto" +ole De&t) ?L) @ 1A1 inA ?F3 ""@ 0A1 inA ?1F ""@ 0A1 inA ?1F ""@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#142AG Contact Led(esA T)e sa"e contact ,ed(es to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali# *rationA T#142A1 Instru"ent ControlsA An' control% ,)ic) a..ects instru"ent linearit' ?eA(A% !lters% reSect% or cli&&in(@% s)all *e in t)e sa"e &osition .or cali*ration% cali*ration c)ec-s% instru"ent linearit' c)ec-s% and e!a"inationA T#142A4 Te"&eratureA 8or contact e!a"ination% t)e te"&erature di..erential *et,een t)e cali*ration *loc- and e!a"ination sur.aces s)all *e ,it)in 21[8 ?1G[C@A 8or i""ersion e!a"ination% t)e cou&lant te"&erature .or cali# *ration s)all *e ,it)in 21[8 ?1G[C@ o. t)e cou&lant te"&er# ature .or e!a"inationA
t)e correction in t)e e!a"ination recordA All recorded indi# cations since t)e last alid cali*ration or cali*ration c)ecs)all *e ree!a"ined and t)eir alues s)all *e c)an(ed on t)e data s)eets or re#recordedA T#14FAFA2 Sensiti it' Settin(sA I. an' sensiti it' set# tin( )as c)an(ed *' "ore t)an 20O or 2 dB o. its a"&litude% correct t)e sensiti it' cali*ration and note t)e correction in t)e e!a"ination recordA I. t)e sensiti it' settin( )as decreased% all data s)eets since t)e last alid cali*ration or cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e "ar-ed oid and t)e area co ered *' t)e oided data s)all *e ree!a"inedA I. t)e sensiti it' settin( )as increased% all recorded indications since t)e last alid cali*ration or cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"ined and t)eir alues s)all *e c)an(ed on t)e data s)eets or re#recordedA
T#14FCali*ration Con!r"ation T#14FA1 S'ste" C)an(esA L)en an' &art o. t)e e!a"i# nation s'ste" is c)an(ed% a cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e "ade on t)e cali*ration *loc- to eri.' t)at distance ran(e &oints and sensiti it' settin(?s@ satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#14FAFA T#14FA2 Cali*ration C)ec-sA A cali*ration c)ec- on at least one o. t)e re!ectors in t)e cali*ration *loc- or a c)ec- usin( a si"ulator s)all *e &er.or"ed at t)e co"&le# tion o. eac) e!a"ination or series o. si"ilar e!a"inations% and ,)en e!a"ination &ersonnel ?e!ce&t .or auto"ated eJui&"ent@ are c)an(edA T)e distance ran(e and sensiti it' alues recorded s)all satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#14FAFA
8or su&&le"entar' an(le#*ea" e!a"inations% t)e instru# "ent (ain s)all *e adSusted durin( cali*ration suc) t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e side#drilled )ole &roducin( t)e )i()est a"&litude is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()tA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA
NOTE6 Interi" cali*ration c)ec-s *et,een t)e reJuired initial cali*ration and t)e !nal cali*ration c)ec- "a' *e &er.or"edA T)e decision to &er.or" interi" cali*ration c)ec-s s)ould *e *ased on ultrasonic instru"ent sta*il# it' ?analo( sA di(ital@% t)e ris- o. )a in( to conduct ree!a"inations% and t)e *ene!t o. not &er.or"in( interi" cali*ration c)ec-sA
T#150E=AMINATION T#151E!a"ination o. Product 8or"s T#151A1 PlateA Plate s)all *e e!a"ined in accordance ,it) SA#GF10SA#GF1M% SA#1550SA#155M% SA#1530SA# 153M% or SB#1G3% as a&&lica*le% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA
T#14FA2A1 Si"ulator C)ec-sA An' si"ulator c)ec-s t)at are used s)all *e correlated ,it) t)e ori(inal cali*ration on t)e cali*ration *loc- durin( t)e ori(inal cali*rationA T)e si"ulator c)ec-s "a' use di..erent t'&es o. cali*ration re!ectors or *loc-s ?suc) as IIL@ and0or electronic si"ula# tionA +o,e er% t)e si"ulation used s)all *e identi!a*le on t)e cali*ration s)eet?s@A T)e si"ulator c)ec- s)all *e "ade on t)e entire e!a"ination s'ste"A T)e entire s'ste" does not )a e to *e c)ec-ed in one o&erationR )o,e er% .or its c)ec-% t)e searc) unit s)all *e connected to t)e ultrasonic instru"ent and c)ec-ed a(ainst a cali*ration re!ectorA Accurac' o. t)e si"ulator c)ec-s s)all *e con!r"ed% usin( t)e cali*ration *loc-% e er' t)ree "ont)s or &rior to !rst use t)erea.terA
T#151A2 8or(in(s and Bars ?a@ 8or(in(s and *ars s)all *e e!a"ined in accordance ,it) SA#F330SA#F33M or SA#5G10SA#5G1M% as a&&lica# *le% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA ?*@ All .or(in(s and *ars s)all *e e!a"ined *' t)e strai()t#*ea" e!a"ination tec)niJueA ?c@ In addition to T#151A2?*@% rin( .or(in(s and ot)er )ollo, .or(in(s s)all also *e e!a"ined *' t)e an(le#*ea" e!a"ination tec)niJue in t,o circu".erential directions% unless ,all t)ic-ness or (eo"etric con!(uration "a-es an(le#*ea" e!a"ination i"&racticalA ?d@ In addition to T#151A2?*@ and ?c@% rin( .or(in(s "ade to !ne (rain "eltin( &ractices and used .or essel s)ell sections s)all *e also e!a"ined *' t)e an(le#*ea" e!a"i# nation tec)niJue in t,o a!ial directionsA ?e@ I""ersion tec)niJues "a' *e usedA
T#14FAF Con!r"ation Acce&tance Values T#14FAFA1 Distance Ran(e PointsA I. an' distance ran(e &oint )as "o ed on t)e s,ee& line *' "ore t)an 10O o. t)e distance readin( or 1O o. .ull s,ee& ?,)ic)e er is (reater@% correct t)e distance ran(e cali*ration and note
T#151AF Tu*ular ProductsA Tu*ular &roducts s)all *e e!a"ined in accordance ,it) SE#21F or SE#25F% as a&&li# ca*le% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#151AG Castin(sA Castin(s s)all *e e!a"ined in accor# dance ,it) SA#4020SA#402M% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA ?a@ 8or strai()t#*ea" e!a"inations% t)e sensiti it' co"# &ensation in &ara(ra&) 3AF o. SA#4020SA#402M s)all not *e usedA ?*@ A su&&le"entar' an(le#*ea" e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed on castin(s or areas o. castin(s ,)ere a *acre!ection cannot *e "aintained durin( strai()t#*ea" e!a"ination% or ,)ere t)e an(le *et,een t)e .ront and *ac- sur.aces o. t)e castin( e!ceeds 11 de(A
T#15FAF Inser ice E!a"ination o. Claddin(A Inser# ice e!a"ination o. claddin(% e!cludin( ,eld "etal o er# la' claddin(% s)all *e in accordance ,it) SA#1530SA# 153MA
T)ic-ness Measure"ent
T)ic-ness "easure"ent s)all *e &er.or"ed in accor# dance ,it) SE#525% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA
T#151A1 Boltin( MaterialA Boltin( "aterial s)all *e e!a"ined in accordance ,it) SA#F330SA#F33M% e!ce&t as a"ended *' t)e reJuire"ents else,)ere in t)is ArticleA ?a@ Boltin( "aterial s)all *e e!a"ined radiall' &rior to t)readin(A Sensiti it' s)all *e esta*lis)ed usin( t)e indica# tion .ro" t)e side o. t)e )ole in cali*ration *loc- A at radial "etal &at)s o. DVG and FDVGA T)e instru"ent (ain s)all *e adSusted suc) t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e DVG or FDVG )ole ?,)ic)e er )as t)e )i()est indication a"&litude@ is 30O W1O o. .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA A distance#a"&litude correction ?DAC@ cur e s)all *e esta*lis)ed usin( t)e indications .ro" t)e DVG and FDVG )oles and s)all *e e!tended to co er t)e .ull dia"eter o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA ?*@ Boltin( "aterial s)all *e e!a"ined a!iall' .ro" *ot) end sur.aces% eit)er *e.ore or a.ter t)readin(A T)e instru# "ent (ain s)all *e adSusted suc) t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e !at#*otto" )ole &roducin( t)e )i()est indication a"&li# tude% is 30O W1O 8S+A T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA A DAC cur e s)all *e esta*lis)ed usin( t)e indica# tions .ro" t)e t)ree !at#*otto" )oles and s)all *e e!tended to co er t)e .ull len(t) o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA I. an' !at#*otto" )ole indication a"&litude is less t)an 20O 8S+% construct t,o DAC lines usin( cali*ration *loc-s A and B% and cali*ration *loc-s B and C and record t)e (ain settin( necessar' to adSust t)e )i()est indication a"&litude .or eac) DAC to 30O W1O 8S+A ?c@ I""ersion tec)niJues "a' *e usedA
8or e!a"inations usin( DAC cali*rations% an' i"& tion ,it) an indication a"&litude in e!cess o. 20O o. DAC s)all *e in esti(ated to t)e e!tent t)at it can *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance criteria o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T#121Recordin( Indications T#121A1 Non#ReSecta*le IndicationsA Non#reSecta*le indications s)all *e recorded as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#121A2 ReSecta*le IndicationsA ReSecta*le indications s)all *e recordedA As a "ini"u"% t)e t'&e o. indication ?iAeA% crac-% la"ination% inclusion% etcA@% location% and e!tent ?iAeA% len(t)@ s)all *e recordedA
E!a"ination Records
<ltrasonic e!a"ination o. &u"&s and al es s)all *e in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! IA T#15FInser ice E!a"ination T#15FA1 NoDDle Inner Radius and Inner Corner Re(ionA Inser ice e!a"ination o. noDDle inner radii and inner corner re(ions s)all *e in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! IIA T#15FA2 Inser ice E!a"ination o. Boltin(A Inser ice e!a"ination o. *oltin( s)all *e in accordance ,it) Manda# tor' A&&endi! IVA
8or eac) ultrasonic e!a"ination% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"a# tion s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?*@ ultrasonic instru"ent identi!cation ?includin( "an# u.acturerEs serial nu"*er@ ?c@ searc) unit?s@ identi!cation ?includin( "anu.actur# erEs serial nu"*er% .reJuenc'% and siDe@ ?d@ *ea" an(le?s@ used ?e@ cou&lant used% *rand na"e or t'&e ?.@ searc) unit ca*le?s@ used% t'&e and len(t) ?(@ s&ecial eJui&"ent% ,)en used ?searc) units% ,ed(es% s)oes% auto"atic scannin( eJui&"ent% recordin( eJui&# "ent% etcA@ ?)@ co"&uteriDed &ro(ra" identi!cation and re ision% ,)en used ?i@ cali*ration *loc- identi!cation ?S@ si"ulation *loc-?s@ and electronic si"ulator?s@ iden# ti!cation% ,)en used ?-@ instru"ent re.erence le el (ain and% i. used% da"&in( and reSect settin(?s@
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?l@ cali*ration data Pincludin( re.erence re!ector?s@% indication a"&litude?s@% and distance readin(?s@Q ?"@ data correlatin( si"ulation *loc-?s@ and electronic si"ulator?s@% ,)en used% ,it) initial cali*ration ?n@ identi!cation o. "aterial or olu"e scanned ?o@ sur.ace?s@ .ro" ,)ic) e!a"ination ,as conducted% includin( sur.ace condition ?&@ "a& or record o. reSecta*le indications detected or areas cleared ?J@ areas o. restricted access or inaccessi*le areas
?r@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and% ,)en reJuired *' re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?s@ date o. e!a"ination Ite"s T#122?*@ t)rou() ?"@ "a' *e included in a se&a# rate cali*ration record &ro ided t)e cali*ration record iden# ti!cation is included in t)e e!a"ination recordA T#12FRe&ort A re&ort o. t)e e!a"inations s)all *e "adeA T)e re&ort s)all include t)ose records indicated in T#121 and T#122A T)e re&ort s)all *e !led and "aintained in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
II#1F1A1 IeneralA T)e (eneral cali*ration *locreJuire"ents o. Article G% T#GFGA1 s)all a&&l'A II#1F1A2 Moc-u&sA I. sound *ea"s onl' &ass t)rou() noDDle .or(in(s durin( e!a"inations% noDDle "oc-u&s "a' *e noDDle .or(in(s% or se("ents o. .or(in(s% !!ed in struc# tures as reJuired to si"ulate adSacent essel sur.acesA I. sound *ea"s &ass t)rou() noDDle#to#s)ell ,elds durin( e!a"inations% noDDle "oc-u&s s)all contain noDDle ,elds and s)ell co"&onents o. su.!cient siDe to &er"it cali# *rationA II#1F1AF T)ic-nessA T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all eJual or e!ceed t)e "a!i"u" co"&onent t)ic-ness to *e e!a"inedA II#1F1AG Re!ectorsA T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all contain a "ini"u" o. t)ree notc)es ,it)in t)e e!a"ination ol# u"eA Alternati el'% induced or e"*edded crac-s "a' *e used in lieu o. notc)es% ,)ic) "a' also *e e"&lo'ed .or de"onstration o. siDin( ca&a*ilities ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Notc)es or crac-s s)all "eet t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents6 ?a@ Notc)es or crac-s s)all *e distri*uted radiall' in t,o Dones ,it) at least one notc) or crac- in eac) DoneA None 1 ran(es *et,een 0 de( and 130 de( ?WG1 de(@ and None 2 is t)e re"ainin( t,o Juadrants% centered on t)e noDDleEs a!isA ?*@ Notc)es or crac-s s)all *e &laced ,it)in t)e noDDle inner radii e!a"ination olu"e and oriented &arallel to t)e a!ial &lane o. t)e noDDleR t)e orientation tolerance is W2 de(A ?c@ Notc) or crac- len(t)s s)all *e 1 inA ?21 ""@ "a!i# "u"A No"inal notc) ,idt)s s)all *e 1V14 inA ?1A1 ""@A ?d@ Notc) or crac- de&t)s% "easured .ro" t)e noDDle inside sur.ace% s)all *e6 ?1@ Re!ector NoA 1 U 0A20 inA to 0AF1 inA ?1 "" to 2 ""@ ?2@ Re!ector NoA 2 U 0AF1 inA to 0A11 inA ?2 "" to 1G ""@ ?F@ Re!ector NoA F U 0A11 inA to 0A51 inA ?1G "" to 12 ""@
T)is A&&endi! descri*es su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents to Article 1 .or ultrasonic e!a"ination o. ,elds or *ase "ate# rial re&airs% or *ot)% in &u"&s and al esA
I#1F0 I#1F1
Cali*ration *loc-s .or &u"&s and al es s)all *e in accordance ,it) Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;A
I#140 I#141
T)is A&&endi! descri*es su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents to Article 1 .or inser ice e!a"ination o. noDDle inside corner radius and inner corner re(ionsA
II#1F0 II#1F1
Cali*ration *loc-s s)all *e .ull#scale or &artial#section ?"oc-u&@ noDDles% ,)ic) are su.!cient to contain t)e "a!i# "u" sound *ea" &at)% e!a"ination olu"e% and cali*ra# tion re!ectorsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nition o. ter"s related to <ltrasonic E!a"inationA
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 Section I &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in III#1F0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Inter&retation% 8la,% Dis# continuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Man#dator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) III#1G0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!nitions% ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article or ot)er re.erencin( Article or A&&en# di!6 A#scanR a"&litudeR an(le *ea"R attenuationR attenuatorR B#scan &resentationR *ac- re!ectionR *ase lineR *ea" s&readR C#scanR contact testin(R cou&lantR da"&in(% searc) unitR deci*el ?dB@R distance a"&litude res&onse cur eR dual searc) unitR ec)oR .reJuenc' ?ins&ection@R .re# Juenc' ?&ulse re&etition@R )olo(ra&)' ?acoustic@R i""er# sion testin(R indicationR initial &ulseR inter.aceR linearit' ?a"&litude@R linearit' ?ti"e or distance@R lon(itudinal ,a eR loss o. *ac- re!ectionR "odeR noiseR &ulseR &ulse ec)o "et)odR &ulse re&etition rateR ran(eR re.erence *loc-R re!ectorR reSect ?su&&ression@R resolutionR scannin(R searc) unitR sensiti it'R s)ear ,a eR si(nal#to#noise ratioR strai()t *ea"R s,ee&R test sur.aceR t)rou() trans"ission tec)niJueR transducerR ultrasonicR ee &at)R ideo &resen# tationR ,ed(eA ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article or ot)er re.erencin( Article or A&&endi!6 alternati e re!ector6 a re!ector% ot)er t)an t)e s&eci!ed re!ector% ,)ose ultrasonic res&onse )as *een adSusted to *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e res&onse .ro" t)e s&eci!ed
re!ector at t)e sa"e sound &at) distance in t)e *asic cali# *ration *loc-A Auto"ated <ltrasonic E!a"inations ?A<T@6 a tec)niJue o. ultrasonic e!a"ination &er.or"ed ,it) eJui&"ent and searc) units t)at are "ec)anicall' "ounted and (uided% re"otel' o&erated% and "otor#controlled ?dri en@ ,it)out adSust"ents *' t)e tec)nicianA T)e eJui&"ent used to &er# .or" t)e e!a"inations is ca&a*le o. recordin( t)e ultra# sonic res&onse data% includin( t)e scannin( &ositions% *' "eans o. inte(ral encodin( de ices suc) t)at i"a(in( o. t)e acJuired data can *e &er.or"edA a!ial direction6 direction o. sound *ea" &arallel to co"# &onentEs "aSor a!isA cali*ration6 correlation o. t)e ultrasonic s'ste" res&onse?s@ ,it) cali*ration re!ector?s@A cali*ration re!ector6 a re!ector ,it) a di"ensioned sur# .ace ,)ic) is used to &ro ide an accuratel' re&roduci*le re.erence le elA circu".erential direction6 direction o. sound *ea" &er# &endicular to ?c'lindrical@ co"&onentEs "aSor a!isA cli&&in(6 see reSectA co"&uteriDed i"a(in(6 co"&uter &rocessed dis&la' or anal'sis and dis&la' o. ultrasonic data to &ro ide t,o# or t)ree#di"ensional i"a(es o. re!ectorsA CRT6 cat)ode ra' tu*eA Distance A"&litude Correction ?DAC@ cur e6 see dis# tance a"&litude res&onse cur eA D#scan6 an ultrasonic data &resentation ,)ic) &ro ides an end ie, o. t)e s&eci"en indicatin( t)e a&&ro!i"ate ,idt) ?as detected &er scan@ o. re!ectors and t)eir relati e &ositionsA d'na"ic cali*ration6 cali*ration t)at is conducted ,it) t)e searc) unit in "otion% usuall' at t)e sa"e s&eed and direction o. t)e actual test e!a"inationA electric si"ulator6 an electronic de ice t)at ena*les cor# relation o. ultrasonic s'ste" res&onse initiall' o*tained e"&lo'in( t)e *asic cali*ration *loc-A e!a"ination co era(e6 t,o#directional searc) unit *ea" co era(e% *ot) &arallel and &er&endicular to t)e ,eld a!is% o. t)e olu"e s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Per&endicularl' oriented searc) unit *ea"s are directed .ro" *ot) sides o. t)e ,eld% ,)en &ossi*le% ,it) t)e an(le?s@ selected to *e a&&ro&riate .or t)e con!(uration *ein( e!a"inedA e!a"ination s'ste"6 a s'ste" t)at includes t)e ultrasonic instru"ent% searc) unit ca*le% and searc) unitA Manual <ltrasonic E!a"inations ?M<T@ or Encoded Manual <ltrasonic E!a"inations ?EM<T@6 a tec)niJue o. ultrasonic e!a"ination &er.or"ed ,it) searc) units t)at are "ani&ulated *' )and ,it)out t)e aid o. an' "ec)anical (uidance s'ste"A Manual tec)niJues "a' *e encoded suc) t)at i"a(in( o. t)e acJuired data can *e &er.or"edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ulti&le *ac- re!ections6 in ultrasonic strai()t *ea" e!a"ination% successi e re!ections .ro" t)e *ac- and .ront sur.aces o. t)e "aterialA &ieDoelectric ele"ent6 cr'stal or &ol'cr'stal "aterials ,)ic) ,)en "ec)anicall' de.or"ed% &roduce electrical c)ar(es% and con ersel'% ,)en inter"ittentl' c)ar(ed% ,ill de.or" and &roduce "ec)anical i*rationsA &ri"ar' re.erence res&onse ?le el@6 t)e ultrasonic res&onse .ro" t)e *asic cali*ration re!ector at t)e s&eci!ed sound &at) distance% electronicall' adSusted to a s&eci!ed &ercenta(e o. t)e .ull screen )ei()tA re.raction6 t)e an(ular c)an(e in direction o. t)e ultra# sonic *ea" as it &asses o*liJuel' .ro" one "ediu" to anot)er% in ,)ic) t)e ,a es )a e a di..erent elocit'A rin(in( ti"e6 t)e ti"e t)at t)e "ec)anical i*rations o. a &ieDoelectric ele"ent continue a.ter t)e electrical &ulse )as sto&&edA scan &lan6 a docu"ented e!a"ination strate(' t)at &ro# ides a standardiDed and re&eata*le "et)odolo(' .or ,eld e!a"inationsA T)e scan &lan dis&la's cross#sectional Soint (eo"etr'% e!tent o. co era(e% clad or o erla' ?i. &resent@% +eat A..ected None ?+AN@ e!tent% searc) unit siDe?s@ and .reJuenc'?ies@% *ea" &lots o. all an(les used% searc) unit?s@ &osition in relation to t)e ,eld centerline PPro*e Center S&acin( ?PCS@ in t)e case o. Ti"e o. 8li()t Di..raction ?TO8D@Q% and i. a&&lica*le% Donal co era(e o erla&A scannin( sur.ace6 see test sur.aceA Se"i#Auto"ated <ltrasonic E!a"inations ?SA<T@6 a tec)niJue o. ultrasonic e!a"ination &er.or"ed ,it) eJui&# "ent and searc) units t)at are "ec)anicall' "ounted and (uided% "anuall' assisted ?dri en@% and ,)ic) "a' *e "an# uall' adSusted *' t)e tec)nicianA T)e eJui&"ent used to &er.or" t)e e!a"inations is ca&a*le o. recordin( t)e ultra# sonic res&onse data% includin( t)e scannin( &ositions% *' "eans o. inte(ral encodin( de ices suc) t)at i"a(in( o. t)e acJuired data can *e &er.or"edA si"ulation *loc-6 a re.erence *loc- or ot)er ite" in addition to t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- t)at ena*les correla# tion o. ultrasonic s'ste" res&onse initiall' o*tained ,)en usin( t)e *asic cali*ration *loc-A SA8T#<T6 S'nt)etic A&erture 8ocusin( Tec)niJue .or ultrasonic testin(A static cali*ration6 cali*ration .or e!a"ination ,)erein t)e searc) unit is &ositioned on a cali*ration *loc- so t)at t)e &ertinent re!ectors can *e identi!ed and t)e instru"en# tation adSusted accordin(l'A ?c@ T)e .ollo,in( de!nitions are used in conSunction ,it) Article G% A&&endi! L6 acoustic &ulse6 t)e duration o. ti"e *et,een t)e start and end o. t)e si(nal ,)en t)e a"&litude reac)es 10O o. t)e "a!i"u" a"&litudeA B#scan ?&arallel scan@6 scan t)at s)o,s t)e data col# lected ,)en scannin( t)e transducer &air in t)e direction o. t)e sound *ea" trans ersel' across a ,eldA
*ac-#,all si(nal6 sound ,a e t)at tra els *et,een t)e t,o transducers ,it) a lon(itudinal elocit' t)at re!ects o.. t)e "aterials *ac- sur.aceA D#scan ?non#&arallel scan@6 scan t)at s)o,s t)e data collected ,)en scannin( t)e transducer &air &er&endicular to t)e direction o. t)e sound *ea" alon( a ,eldA di..racted si(nals6 di..racted ,a es .ro" t)e u&&er and lo,er ti&s o. !a,s resultin( .ro" its interaction ,it) t)e incident sound ,a eA .ree#run6 recordin( a set o. data ,it)out "o in( t)e searc)#unitsA lateral ,a e6 sound ,a e t)at tra els directl' *et,een t)e transducers ,it) a lon(itudinal elocit' Sust *elo, t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterialA ti"e#o.#!i()t6 t)e ti"e it ta-es .or a sound ,a e to tra el .ro" t)e trans"ittin( transducer to t)e !a,% and t)en to t)e recei in( transducerA ?d@ T)e .ollo,in( de!nitions are used in conSunction ,it) Article G% Mandator' A&&endi! III6 *ac-#,all ec)o6 a s&ecular re!ection .ro" t)e *ac-#,all o. t)e co"&onent *ein( e!a"inedA di..raction6 ,)en a ,a e .ront direction )as *een c)an(ed *' an o*stacle or ot)er in#)o"o(eneit' in a "ediu"% ot)er t)an *' re!ection or re.ractionA .ree run6 ta-in( data% ,it)out t)e "o e"ent o. t)e &ro*es ?eA(A% )eld stationar'@% o. t)e lateral ,a e and *ac-# ,all re!ection to c)ec- s'ste" so.t,are out&utA lateral ,a e6 a co"&ression ,a e t)at tra els *' t)e "ost direct route .ro" t)e trans"ittin( &ro*e to t)e recei # in( &ro*e in a TO8D con!(urationA non&arallel or lon(itudinal scan6 a scan ,)ere*' t)e &ro*e &air "otion is &er&endicular to t)e ultrasonic *ea" ?eA(A% &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is@A &arallel or trans erse scan6 a scan ,)ere*' t)e &ro*e &air "otion is &arallel to t)e ultrasonic *ea" ?eA(A% &er&en# dicular to t)e ,eld a!is@A &ro*e center s&acin( ?PCS@6 t)e distance *et,een t)e "ar-ed e!it &oints o. a &air o. TO8D &ro*es .or a s&eci!c a&&licationA TO8D dis&la'6 a cross#sectional (ra'scale ie, o. t)e ,eld .or"ed *' t)e stac-in( o. t)e di(itiDed incre"ental A#scan dataA T)e t,o t'&es o. scans ?&arallel and non# &arallel@ are di..erentiated .ro" eac) ot)er *' callin( one a B#scan and t)e ot)er a D#scanA Currentl' t)ere is no standardiDed ter"inolo(' .or t)ese scans and t)e' "a' *e interc)an(ed *' arious "anu.acturers ?eA(A% one callin( t)e scan &arallel to t)e ,eld a!is a B#scan and anot)er a D#scan@A
IV#1F0 IV#1F1
Cali*ration *loc-s s)all *e .ull#scale or &artial#section *olts% ,)ic) are su.!cient to contain t)e "a!i"u" sound *ea" &at) and area o. interest% and to de"onstrate t)e scannin( tec)niJueA IV#1F1A1 MaterialA T)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e o. t)e sa"e "aterial s&eci!cation% &roduct .or"% and sur.ace !nis) as t)e *olt?s@ to *e e!a"inedA IV#1F1A2 Re!ectorsA Cali*ration re!ectors s)all *e strai()t#cut notc)esA A "ini"u" o. t,o notc)es s)all *e "ac)ined in t)e cali*ration standard% located at t)e "ini# "u" and "a!i"u" "etal &at)s% e!ce&t t)at notc)es need not *e located closer t)an one *olt dia"eter .ro" eit)er endA Notc) de&t)s s)all *e as .ollo,s6
Bolt SiDe Less t)an 2 inA ?10 ""@ 2 inA ?10 ""@ and (reater% *ut less t)an F inA ?51 ""@ F inA ?51 ""@ and (reater Notc) De&t)Y inA 1V4G
As an alternati e to strai()t#cut notc)es% ot)er notc)es ?eA(A% circular cut@ "a' *e used &ro ided t)e area o. t)e notc) does not e!ceed t)e area o. t)e a&&lica*le strai()t# cut notc)es reJuired *' t)is &ara(ra&)A
IV#140 IV#141
A DAC cur e s)all *e esta*lis)ed usin( t)e cali*ration re!ectors in IV#1F1A2A T)e sound *ea" s)all *e directed to,ard t)e cali*ration re!ector t)at 'ields t)e "a!i"u" res&onse% and t)e instru"ent s)all *e set to o*tain an 30O o. .ull screen )ei()t indicationA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence le elA T)e searc) unit s)all t)en *e "ani&ulated% ,it)out c)an(in( instru"ent settin(s% to o*tain t)e "a!i# "u" res&onses .ro" t)e ot)er cali*ration re!ector?s@ to (enerate a DAC cur eA T)e cali*ration s)all esta*lis) *ot) t)e s,ee& ran(e cali*ration and t)e distance a"&litude correctionA
IV#150 IV#151
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L)en s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination tec)niJues descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e usedA In (eneral% t)is Article is in con.or# "ance ,it) SE#141% Standard Test Met)od .or LiJuid Pen# etrant E!a"inationA T)is docu"ent &ro ides details to *e considered in t)e &rocedures usedA L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e liJuid &enetrant "et)od descri*ed in t)is Arti# cle s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire# "entsA De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article a&&ear in Mandator' A&&endi! I o. t)is Article and Article 1% A&&endi! IA
identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJual# i!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e ter" &enetrant "aterials% as used in t)is Article% is intended to include all &enetrants% e"ulsi!ers% sol ents or cleanin( a(ents% de elo&ers% etcA% used in t)e e!a"ination &rocessA T)e descri&tions o. t)e liJuid &enetrant classi!ca# tions and "aterial t'&es are &ro ided in SE#141 o. Arti# cle 2GA
T)e liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "et)od is an e..ecti e "eans .or detectin( discontinuities ,)ic) are o&en to t)e sur.ace o. non&orous "etals and ot)er "aterialsA T'&ical discontinuities detecta*le *' t)is "et)od are crac-s% sea"s% la&s% cold s)uts% la"inations% and &orosit'A In &rinci&le% a liJuid &enetrant is a&&lied to t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined and allo,ed to enter discontinuitiesA All e!cess &enetrant is t)en re"o ed% t)e &art is dried% and a de elo&er is a&&liedA T)e de elo&er .unctions *ot) as a *lotter to a*sor* &enetrant t)at )as *een tra&&ed in disconti# nuities% and as a contrastin( *ac-(round to en)ance t)e isi*ilit' o. &enetrant indicationsA T)e d'es in &enetrants are eit)er color contrast ? isi*le under ,)ite li()t@ or !uo# rescent ? isi*le under ultra iolet li()t@A
T)e user o. t)is Article s)all o*tain certi!cation o. con# ta"inant content .or all liJuid &enetrant "aterials used on nic-el *ase allo's% austenitic or du&le! stainless steels% and titaniu"A T)ese certi!cations s)all include t)e &enetrant "anu.acturersE *atc) nu"*ers and t)e test results o*tained in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! II o. t)is ArticleA T)ese records s)all *e "aintained as reJuired *' t)e encin( Code SectionA
Sur.ace Pre&aration
T#421Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#421A1 ReJuire"entsA LiJuid &enetrant e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#421A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#421A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#421 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent
?a@ In (eneral%' results "a' *e o*tained ,)en t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art is in t)e as#,elded% as#rolled% as#cast% or as#.or(ed conditionA Sur.ace &re&aration *' (rindin(% "ac)inin(% or ot)er "et)ods "a' *e necessar' ,)ere sur# .ace irre(ularities could "as- indicationsA ?*@ Prior to eac) liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination% t)e sur# .ace to *e e!a"ined and all adSacent areas ,it)in at least 1 inA ?21 ""@ s)all *e dr' and .ree o. all dirt% (rease% lint% scale% ,eldin( !u!% ,eld s&atter% &aint% oil% and ot)er e!traneous "atter t)at could o*scure sur.ace o&enin(s or ot)er,ise inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"inationA ?c@ T'&ical cleanin( a(ents ,)ic) "a' *e used are deter(ents% or(anic sol ents% descalin( solutions% and &aint
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Essential Varia*le = = = = = = = = = = = =
AAA = = =
re"o ersA De(reasin( and ultrasonic cleanin( "et)ods "a' also *e usedA ?d@ Cleanin( sol ents s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. T#4G1A T)e cleanin( "et)od e"&lo'ed is an i"&ortant &art o. t)e e!a"ination &rocessA
NOTE6 Conditionin( o. sur.aces &rior to e!a"ination as reJuired in T#4G2?a@ "a' a..ect t)e resultsA See SE#141% Anne! A1A
As a standard tec)niJue% t)e te"&erature o. t)e &enetrant and t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art to *e &rocessed s)all not *e *elo, G0[8 ?1[C@ nor a*o e 121[8 ?12[C@ t)rou()out t)e e!a"ination &eriodA Local )eatin( or coolin( is &er"itted &ro ided t)e &art te"&erature re"ains in t)e ran(e o. G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@ durin( t)e e!a"inationA L)ere it is not &ractical to co"&l' ,it) t)ese te"&erature li"itations% ot)er te"&eratures and ti"es "a' *e used% &ro ided t)e &rocedures are Juali!ed as s&eci!ed in T#41FA
A.ter cleanin(% dr'in( o. t)e sur.aces to *e e!a"ined s)all *e acco"&lis)ed *' nor"al e a&oration or ,it) .orced )ot or cold airA A "ini"u" &eriod o. ti"e s)all *e esta*lis)ed to ensure t)at t)e cleanin( solution )as e a&orated &rior to a&&lication o. t)e &enetrantA
T#410 T#411
TEC+NIK<E Tec)niJues
L)en it is not &ractical to conduct a liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination ,it)in t)e te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@% t)e e!a"ination &rocedure at t)e &ro&osed lo,er or )i()er te"&erature ran(e reJuires Juali!cation o. t)e &enetrant "aterials and &rocessin( in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! III o. t)is ArticleA
Eit)er a color contrast ? isi*le@ &enetrant or a !uorescent &enetrant s)all *e used ,it) one o. t)e .ollo,in( t)ree &enetrant &rocesses6 ?a@ ,ater ,as)a*le ?*@ &ost#e"ulsi.'in( ?c@ sol ent re"o a*le T)e isi*le and !uorescent &enetrants used in co"*ina# tion ,it) t)ese t)ree &enetrant &rocesses result in si! liJuid &enetrant tec)niJuesA
Tec)niJue Restrictions
8luorescent &enetrant e!a"ination s)all not .ollo, a color contrast &enetrant e!a"inationA Inter"i!in( o. &ene# trant "aterials .ro" di..erent .a"ilies or di..erent " turers is not &er"ittedA A retest ,it) ,ater ,as)a*le &enetrants "a' cause loss o. "ar(inal indications due to conta"inationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Lrou()t "aterials M e!trusions% .or(in(s% &late BraDed or ,elded All .or"s All .or"s All .or"s
10 1 1 1 1
NOTE6 ?1@ 8or te"&erature ran(e .ro" 10[8 to 121[8 ?10[C to 12[C@A 8or te"&eratures .ro" G0[8 ?1[C@ u& to 10[8 ?10[C@% "ini"u" &enetrant d,ell ti"e s)all *e 2 ti"es t)e alue listedA
Li()t "eters% *ot) isi*le and !uorescent ?*lac-@ li()t "eters% s)all *e cali*rated at least once a 'ear or ,)ene er t)e "eter )as *een re&airedA I. "eters )a e not *een in use .or one 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done *e.ore *ein( usedA
T#450 T#451
T)e &enetrant "a' *e a&&lied *' an' suita*le "eans% suc) as di&&in(% *rus)in(% or s&ra'in(A I. t)e &enetrant is a&&lied *' s&ra'in( usin( co"&ressed#air#t'&e a&&aratus% !lters s)all *e &laced on t)e u&strea" side near t)e air inlet to &reclude conta"ination o. t)e &enetrant *' oil% ,ater% dirt% or sedi"ent t)at "a' )a e collected in t)e linesA
T#45FA2 Post#E"ulsi!cation Penetrants ?a@ Li&o&)ilic E"ulsi!cationA A.ter t)e reJuired &ene# trant d,ell ti"e% t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant s)all *e e"ul# si!ed *' i""ersin( or !oodin( t)e &art ,it) t)e e"ulsi!erA E"ulsi!cation ti"e is de&endent on t)e t'&e o. e"ulsi!er and sur.ace conditionA T)e actual e"ulsi!cation ti"e s)all *e deter"ined e!&eri"entall'A A.ter e"ulsi!cation% t)e "i!ture s)all *e re"o ed *' i""ersin( in or rinsin( ,it) ,aterA T)e te"&erature and &ressure o. t)e ,ater s)all *e as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA ?*@ +'dro&)ilic E"ulsi!cationA A.ter t)e reJuired &ene# trant d,ell ti"e and &rior to e"ulsi!cation% t)e &arts s)all *e &re#rinsed ,it) ,ater s&ra' usin( t)e sa"e &rocess as .or ,ater#,as)a*le &enetrantsA Pre#rinsin( ti"e s)all not e!ceed 1 "inA A.ter &re#rinsin(% t)e e!cess sur.ace &ene# trant s)all *e e"ulsi!ed *' i""ersin( in or s&ra'in( ,it) )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!erA Bat) concentration s)all *e as rec# o""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA A.ter e"ulsi!cation% t)e "i!ture s)all *e re"o ed *' i""ersin( in or rinsin( ,it) ,aterA T)e te"&erature and &ressure o. t)e ,ater s)all *e as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA
Penetration ?d,ell@ ti"e is criticalA T)e "ini"u" &ene# tration ti"e s)all *e as reJuired in Ta*le T#452 or as Juali!ed *' de"onstration .or s&eci!c a&&licationsA
A.ter t)e s&eci!ed &enetration ?d,ell@ ti"e )as ela&sed% an' &enetrant re"ainin( on t)e sur.ace s)all *e re"o ed% ta-in( care to "ini"iDe re"o al o. &enetrant .ro" disconti# nuitiesA T#45FA1 Later#Las)a*le PenetrantsA E!cess ,ater# ,as)a*le &enetrant s)all *e re"o ed ,it) a ,ater s&ra'A T)e ,ater &ressure s)all not e!ceed 10 &si ?F10 -Pa@% and t)e ,ater te"&erature s)all not e!ceed 110[8 ?GF[C@A
T#45FAF Sol ent Re"o a*le PenetrantsA E!cess sol# ent re"o a*le &enetrants s)all *e re"o ed *' ,i&in( ,it) a clot) or a*sor*ent &a&er% re&eatin( t)e o&eration until "ost traces o. &enetrant )a e *een re"o edA T)e re"ainin( traces s)all *e re"o ed *' li()tl' ,i&in( t)e sur.ace ,it) clot) or a*sor*ent &a&er "oistened ,it) sol# entA To "ini"iDe re"o al o. &enetrant .ro" discontinu# ities% care s)all *e ta-en to a oid t)e use o. e!cess sol entA 8lus)in( t)e sur.ace ,it) sol ent% .ollo,in( t)e a&&lica# tion o. t)e &enetrant and &rior to de elo&in(% is &ro# )i*itedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ 8or t)e ,ater ,as)a*le or &ost#e"ulsi.'in( tec)# niJue% t)e sur.aces "a' *e dried *' *lottin( ,it) clean "aterials or *' usin( circulatin( air% &ro ided t)e te"&era# ture o. t)e sur.ace is not raised a*o e 121[8 ?12[C@A ?*@ 8or t)e sol ent re"o a*le tec)niJue% t)e sur.aces "a' *e dried *' nor"al e a&oration% *lottin(%,i&in(% or .orced airA
not alter t)e e!a"ination results% lon(er &eriods are &er"it# tedA I. t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined is lar(e enou() to &re# clude co"&lete e!a"ination ,it)in t)e &rescri*ed or esta*lis)ed ti"e% t)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in incre"entsA T#454A2 C)aracteriDin( Indication?s@A T)e t'&e o. dis# continuities are di.!cult to e aluate i. t)e &enetrant di..uses e!cessi el' into t)e de elo&erA I. t)is condition occurs% close o*ser ation o. t)e .or"ation o. indication?s@ durin( a&&lication o. t)e de elo&er "a' assist in c)aracteriDin( and deter"inin( t)e e!tent o. t)e indication?s@A T#454AF Color Contrast PenetrantsA Lit) a color con# trast &enetrant% t)e de elo&er .or"s a reasona*l' uni.or" ,)ite coatin(A Sur.ace discontinuities are indicated *' *leed#out o. t)e &enetrant ,)ic) is nor"all' a dee& red color t)at stains t)e de elo&erA Indications ,it) a li()t &in- color "a' indicate e!cessi e cleanin(A InadeJuate cleanin( "a' lea e an e!cessi e *ac-(round "a-in( inter# &retation di.!cultA A "ini"u" li()t intensit' o. 100 .c ?1000 l!@ is reJuired on t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined to ensure adeJuate sensiti it' durin( t)e e!a"ination and e aluation o. indicationsA T)e li()t source% tec)niJue used% and li()t le el eri!cation is reJuired to *e de"onstrated one ti"e% docu"ented% and "aintained on !leA
De elo&in(
T)e de elo&er s)all *e a&&lied as soon as &ossi*le a.ter &enetrant re"o alR t)e ti"e inter al s)all not e!ceed t)at esta*lis)ed in t)e &rocedureA Insu.!cient coatin( t)ic-ness "a' not dra, t)e &enetrant out o. discontinuitiesR con# ersel'% e!cessi e coatin( t)ic-ness "a' "as- indicationsA Lit) color contrast &enetrants% onl' a ,et de elo&er s)all *e usedA Lit) !uorescent &enetrants% a ,et or dr' de elo&er "a' *e usedA T#451A1 Dr' De elo&er A&&licationA Dr' de elo&er s)all *e a&&lied onl' to a dr' sur.ace *' a so.t *rus)% )and &o,der *ul*% &o,der (un% or ot)er "eans% &ro ided t)e &o,der is dusted e enl' o er t)e entire sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA T#451A2 Let De elo&er A&&licationA Prior to a&&l'in( sus&ension t'&e ,et de elo&er to t)e sur.ace% t)e de elo&er "ust *e t)orou()l' a(itated to ensure adeJuate dis&ersion o. sus&ended &articlesA ?a@ AJueous De elo&er A&&licationA AJueous de elo&er "a' *e a&&lied to eit)er a ,et or dr' sur.aceA It s)all *e a&&lied *' di&&in(% *rus)in(% s&ra'in(% or ot)er "eans% &ro ided a t)in coatin( is o*tained o er t)e entire sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA Dr'in( ti"e "a' *e decreased *' usin( ,ar" air% &ro ided t)e sur.ace te"&erature o. t)e &art is not raised a*o e 121[8 ?12[C@A Blottin( is not &er"ittedA ?*@ NonaJueous De elo&er A&&licationA NonaJueous de elo&ers s)all *e a&&lied *' s&ra'in(% e!ce&t ,)ere' or restricted access &reclude itA <nder suc) condi# tions% de elo&er "a' *e a&&lied *' *rus)in(A 8or ,ater#,as)a*le or &ost#e"ulsi!a*le &enetrants% t)e de el# o&er s)all *e a&&lied to a dr' sur.aceA 8or sol ent re"o # a*le &enetrants% t)e de elo&er "a' *e a&&lied as soon as &ractical a.ter e!cess &enetrant re"o alA Dr'in( s)all *e *' nor"al e a&orationA
T#454AG 8luorescent PenetrantsA Lit) !uorescent &enetrants% t)e &rocess is essentiall' t)e sa"e as in T#454AF% ,it) t)e e!ce&tion t)at t)e e!a"ination is &er.or"ed usin( an ultra iolet li()t% called *lac- li()tA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ It s)all *e &er.or"ed in a dar-ened areaA ?*@ E!a"iners s)all *e in a dar-ened area .or at least 1 "in &rior to &er.or"in( e!a"inations to ena*le t)eir e'es to ada&t to dar- ie,in(A Ilasses or lenses ,orn *' e!a"iners s)all not *e &)otosensiti eA ?c@ Blac- li()ts s)all ac)ie e a "ini"u" o. 1000 L0c"2 on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"ined t)rou()# out t)e e!a"inationA ?d@ Re!ectors and !lters s)ould *e c)ec-ed and% i. nec# essar'% cleaned &rior to useA Crac-ed or *ro-en !lters s)all *e re&laced i""ediatel'A ?e@ T)e *lac- li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured ,it) a *lac- li()t "eter &rior to use% ,)ene er t)e li()tEs &o,er source is interru&ted or c)an(ed% and at t)e co"&letion o. t)e e!a"ination or series o. e!a"inationsA
T#451AF De elo&in( Ti"eA De elo&in( ti"e .or !nal inter&retation *e(ins i""ediatel' a.ter t)e a&&lication o. a dr' de elo&er or as soon as a ,et de elo&er coatin( is dr'A T#455 T#454Inter&retation T#454A1 8inal Inter&retationA 8inal inter&retation s)all *e "ade not less t)an 10 "in nor "ore t)an 40 "in a.ter t)e reJuire"ents o. T#451AF are satis!edA I. *leed#out does Post#E!a"ination Cleanin(
L)en &ost#e!a"ination cleanin( is reJuired *' t)e &ro# cedure% it s)ould *e conducted as soon as &ractical a.ter E aluation and Docu"entation usin( a &rocess t)at does not ad ersel' a..ect t)e &artA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ All indications s)all *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance standards o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA ?*@ Discontinuities at t)e sur.ace ,ill *e indicated *' *leed#out o. &enetrantR )o,e er% localiDed sur.ace irre(u# larities due to "ac)inin( "ar-s or ot)er sur.ace conditions "a' &roduce .alse indicationsA ?c@ Broad areas o. !uorescence or &i("entation ,)ic) could "as- indications o. discontinuities are unacce&ta*le% and suc) areas s)all *e cleaned and ree!a"inedA
T#421A2 ReSecta*le IndicationsA ReSecta*le indications s)all *e recordedA As a "ini"u"% t)e t'&e o. indications ?linear or rounded@% location and e!tent ?len(t) or dia"eter or ali(ned@ s)all *e recordedA
E!a"ination Records
T#421Recordin( o. Indications T#421A1 NonreSecta*le IndicationsA NonreSecta*le indications s)all *e recorded as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re isionR ?*@ liJuid &enetrant t'&e ? isi*le or !uorescent@R ?c@ t'&e ?nu"*er or letter desi(nation@ o. eac) &enetrant% &enetrant re"o er% e"ulsi!er% and de elo&er usedR ?d@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and i. reJuired *' re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le elR ?e@ "a& or record o. indications &er T#421R ?.@ "aterial and t)ic-nessR ?(@ li()tin( eJui&"entR and ?)@ date o. e!a"inationA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nition o. ter"s ,)ic) a&&ear in Article 4% LiJuid Penetrant E!a"inationA
&ost#e"ulsi!cation &enetrant6 a t'&e o. &enetrant con# tainin( no e"ulsi!er% *ut ,)ic) reJuires a se&arate e"ulsi# .'in( ste& to .acilitate ,ater rinse re"o al o. t)e sur.ace &enetrantA sol ent re"o a*le &enetrant6 a t'&e o. &enetrant used ,)ere t)e e!cess &enetrant is re"o ed .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *' ,i&in( usin( a nonaJueous liJuidA
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 Section I &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in I#4F0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Indication% 8la,% Discon# tinuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) I#4F0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!# nitions ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
T)is A&&endi! contains reJuire"ents .or t)e control o. conta"inant content .or all liJuid &enetrant "aterials used on nic-el *ase allo's% austenitic stainless steels% and titaniu"A
II#4G0 II#4G1
L)en e!a"inin( nic-el *ase allo's% all &enetrant "ateri# als s)all *e anal'Ded indi iduall' .or sul.ur content in accordance ,it) SE#141% Anne! GA Alternati el'% t)e "ate# rial "a' *e deco"&osed in accordance ,it) SD#122 and anal'Ded in accordance ,it) SD#114A T)e sul.ur content s)all not e!ceed 1O *' ,ei()tA
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article6 *lac- li()tR *leedoutR *lottin(R cleanR conta"inantR contrastR de elo&erR de elo&er% aJueousR de elo&er% dr'R de elo&er% nonaJueousR de elo&in( ti"eR dr'in( ti"eR d,ell ti"eR e"ulsi!erR .a"il'R !uorescenceR o ere"ulsi!cationR &enetrantR &enetrant co"&aratorR &ene# trant !uorescentR &enetrant% ,ater ,as)a*leR &ost#cleanin(R &ost#e"ulsi!cationR &recleanin(R rinseR sol ent re"o erA ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 *lac- li()t intensit'6 a Juantitati e e!&ression o. ultra i# olet irradianceA color contrast &enetrant6 a )i()l' &enetratin( liJuid incor&oratin( a non!uorescent d'e ,)ic) &roduces indica# tions o. suc) intensit' t)at t)e' are readil' isi*le durin( e!a"ination under ,)ite li()tA
L)en e!a"inin( austenitic or du&le! stainless steel and titaniu"% all &enetrant "aterials s)all *e anal'Ded indi idu# all' .or )alo(ens content in accordance ,it) SE#141% Anne! GA Alternati el'% t)e "aterial "a' *e deco"&osed and anal'Ded in accordance ,it) SD#303 or SE#141% Anne! 2 .or c)lorine and SE#141% Anne! F .or !uorineA T)e total )alo(ens content s)all not e!ceed 1O *' ,ei()tA
Certi!cations o*tained on &enetrant "aterials s)all include t)e &enetrant "anu.acturersE *atc) nu"*ers and
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e test results o*tained in accordance ,it) II#4G0A T)ese records s)all *e "aintained as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
8IIA III#4F0 LIK<ID PENETRANT COMPARATOR ?NOTE6 Di"ensions (i en are .or (uidance onl' and are not criticalA@
Scri*e line
L)en a liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination cannot *e con# ducted ,it)in t)e standard te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@% t)e te"&erature o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) t)is A&&endi!A
F0 inA3
?10 ""@
A liJuid &enetrant co"&arator *loc- s)all *e "ade as .ollo,sA T)e liJuid &enetrant co"&arator *loc-s s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu"% ASTM B 202% T'&e 202G% FV3 inA ?2A1 ""@ t)ic-% and s)ould )a e a&&ro!i"ate .ace di"en# sions o. 2 inAF inA ?10 ""51 ""@A At t)e center o. eac) .ace% an area a&&ro!i"atel' 1 inA ?21 ""@ in dia"eter s)all *e "ar-ed ,it) a 210[8 ?110[C@ te"&era# ture#indicatin( cra'on or &aintA T)e "ar-ed area s)all *e )eated ,it) a *lo,torc)% a Bunsen *urner% or si"ilar de ice to a te"&erature *et,een 210[8 ?110[C@ and 251[8 ?12G[C@A T)e s&eci"en s)all t)en *e i""ediatel' Juenc)ed in cold ,ater% ,)ic) &roduces a net,or- o. !ne crac-s on eac) .aceA T)e *loc- s)all t)en *e dried *' )eatin( to a&&ro!i# "atel' F00[8 ?1G2[C@A A.ter coolin(% t)e *loc- s)all *e cut in )al.A One#)al. o. t)e s&eci"en s)all *e desi(nated *loc- BAC and t)e ot)er *loc- BBC .or identi!cation in su*seJuent &rocessin(A 8i(ure III#4F0 illustrates t)e co"# &arator *loc-s BAC and BBAC As an alternate to cuttin( t)e *loc- in )al. to "a-e *loc-s BAC and BB%C se&arate *loc-s 2 inAF inA ?10 ""51 ""@ can *e "ade usin( t)e )eatin( and Juenc)in( tec)niJue as descri*ed a*o eA T,o co"&arator *loc-s ,it) closel' "atc)ed crac- &atterns "a' *e usedA T)e *loc-s s)all *e "ar-ed BAC and BBAC
BAC in t)e G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@ te"&erature ran(eA T)e indications o. crac-s s)all *e co"&ared *et,een *loc-s BAC and BBAC I. t)e indications o*tained under t)e &ro&osed conditions on *loc- BBC are essentiall' t)e sa"e as o*tained on *loc- BAC durin( e!a"ination at G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@% t)e &ro&osed &rocedure s)all *e considered Juali!ed .or useA A &rocedure Juali!ed at a te"&erature lo,er t)an G0[8 ?1[C@ s)all *e Juali!ed .ro" t)at te"&era# ture to G0[8 ?1[C@A
III#4G0REK<IREMENTS III#4G1Co"&arator A&&lication III#4G1A1 Te"&erature Less T)an G0[8 ?1[C@A I. it is desired to Juali.' a liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination &rocedure at a te"&erature o. less t)an G0[8 ?1[C@% t)e &ro&osed &rocedure s)all *e a&&lied to *loc- BBC a.ter t)e *locand all "aterials )a e *een cooled and )eld at t)e &ro&osed e!a"ination te"&erature until t)e co"&arison is co"# &letedA A standard &rocedure ,)ic) )as &re iousl' *een de"onstrated as suita*le .or use s)all *e a&&lied to *loc-
III#4G1A2 Te"&erature Ireater T)an 121[8 ?12[C@A I. t)e &ro&osed te"&erature .or t)e e!a"ination is a*o e 121[8 ?12[C@% *loc- BBC s)all *e )eld at t)is te"&erature t)rou()out t)e e!a"inationA T)e indications o. crac-s s)all *e co"&ared as descri*ed in III#4G1A1 ,)ile *loc- BBC is at t)e &ro&osed te"&erature and *loc- BAC is at t)e G0[8 to 121[8 ?1[C to 12[C@ te"&erature ran(eA To Juali.' a &rocedure .or te"&eratures a*o e 121[8 ?12[C@% t)e u&&er and lo,er te"&erature li"its s)all *e esta*lis)ed and t)e &rocedure Juali!ed at t)ese te"&era# turesA PAs an e!a"&le% to Juali.' a &rocedure .or t)e te"# &erature ran(e 124[8 ?12[C@ to 200[8 ?2F[C@% t)e ca&a*ilit' o. a &enetrant to re eal indications on t)e co"&a# rator s)all *e de"onstrated at *ot) te"&eraturesAQ
III#4G1AF Alternate Tec)niJues .or Color Contrast PenetrantsA As an alternate to t)e reJuire"ents o. III#4G1A1 and III#4G1A2% ,)en usin( color contrast &enetrants% it is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&er"issi*le to use a sin(le co"&arator *loc- .or t)e stan# dard and nonstandard te"&eratures and to "a-e t)e co"# &arison *' &)oto(ra&)'A ?a@ L)en t)e sin(le co"&arator *loc- and &)oto(ra&)ic tec)niJue is used% t)e &rocessin( details ?as a&&lica*le@ descri*ed in III#4G1A1 and III#4G1A2 a&&l'A T)e *loc- s)all *e t)orou()l' cleaned *et,een t)e t,o &rocessin( ste&sA
P)oto(ra&)s s)all *e ta-en a.ter &rocessin( at t)e nonstan# dard te"&erature and t)en a.ter &rocessin( at t)e standard te"&eratureA T)e indication o. crac-s s)all *e co"&ared *et,een t)e t,o &)oto(ra&)sA T)e sa"e criteria .or Juali# !cation as III#4G1A1 s)all a&&l'A ?*@ Identical &)oto(ra&)ic tec)niJues s)all *e used to "a-e t)e co"&arison &)oto(ra&)sA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#521A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#521 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJual# i!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
L)en s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJues descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e usedA In (eneral% t)is Article is in con.or# "ance ,it) SE#502% Standard Iuide .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"inationA T)is docu"ent &ro ides details to *e consid# ered in t)e &rocedures usedA L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e "a(netic &article "et)od descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA De!nition o. ter"s used in t)is Article are in Mandator' A&&endi! IIA
T)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination "et)od is a&&lied to detect crac-s and ot)er discontinuities on t)e sur.aces o. .erro"a(netic "aterialsA T)e sensiti it' is (reatest .or sur# .ace discontinuities and di"inis)es ra&idl' ,it) increasin( de&t) o. discontinuities *elo, t)e sur.aceA T'&ical t'&es o. discontinuities t)at can *e detected *' t)is "et)od are crac-s% la&s% sea"s% cold s)uts% and la"inationsA In &rinci&le% t)is "et)od in ol es "a(netiDin( an area to *e e!a"ined% and a&&l'in( .erro"a(netic &articles ?t)e e!a"inationEs "ediu"@ to t)e sur.aceA Particle &atterns .or" on t)e sur.ace ,)ere t)e "a(netic !eld is .orced out o. t)e &art and o er discontinuities to cause a lea-a(e !eld t)at attracts t)e &articlesA Particle &atterns are usuall' c)aracteristic o. t)e t'&e o. discontinuit' t)at is detectedA L)ic)e er tec)niJue is used to &roduce t)e "a(netic !u! in t)e &art% "a!i"u" sensiti it' ,ill *e to linear discontinuities oriented &er&endicular to t)e lines o. !u!A 8or o&ti"u" e..ecti eness in detectin( all t'&es o. discon# tinuities% eac) area is to *e e!a"ined at least t,ice% ,it) t)e lines o. !u! durin( one e!a"ination *ein( a&&ro!i"atel' &er&endicular to t)e lines o. !u! durin( t)e ot)erA
A suita*le and a&&ro&riate "eans .or &roducin( t)e nec# essar' "a(netic !u! in t)e &art s)all *e e"&lo'ed% usin( one or "ore o. t)e tec)niJues listed in and descri*ed in T#510A T#5F1 E!a"ination Mediu"
T)e !nel' di ided .erro"a(netic &articles used .or t)e e!a"ination s)all "eet t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"entsA ?a@ Particle T'&esA T)e &articles s)all *e treated to i"&art color ?!uorescent &i("ents% non!uorescent &i(# "ents% or *ot)@ in order to "a-e t)e" )i()l' isi*le ?con# trastin(@ a(ainst t)e *ac-(round o. t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA ?*@ ParticlesA Dr' and ,et &articles and sus&ension e)icles s)ould *e in accordance ,it) SE#502A ?c@ Te"&erature Li"itationsA Particles s)all *e used ,it)in t)e te"&erature ran(e li"itations set *' t)e "anu# .acturer o. t)e &articlesA Alternati el'% &articles "a' *e used outside t)e &article "anu.acturerEs reco""endations &ro idin( t)e &rocedure is Juali!ed in accordance ,it) Article 1% T#110 at t)e &ro&osed te"&eratureA
T#521Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#521A1 ReJuire"entsA Ma(netic &article e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure% ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#521A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a
T#5G0MISCELLANEO<S REK<IREMENTS T#5G1Sur.ace Conditionin( T#5G1A1 Pre&aration ?a@' results are usuall' o*tained ,)en t)e sur.aces are in t)e as#,elded% as#rolled% as#cast% or as# .or(ed conditionsA +o,e er% sur.ace &re&aration *' (rind# in( or "ac)inin( "a' *e necessar' ,)ere sur.ace irre(ular# ities could "as- indications due to discontinuitiesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Essential Varia*le = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = =
?*@ Prior to "a(netic &article e!a"ination% t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined and all adSacent areas ,it)in at least 1 inA ?21 ""@ s)all *e dr' and .ree o. all dirt% (rease% lint% scale% ,eldin( !u! and s&atter% oil% or ot)er e!traneous "atter t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"inationA ?c@ Cleanin( "a' *e acco"&lis)ed usin( deter(ents% or(anic sol ents% descalin( solutions% &aint re"o ers% a&or de(reasin(% sand or (rit *lastin(% or ultrasonic clean# in( "et)odsA ?d@ I. non"a(netic coatin(s are le.t on t)e &art in t)e area *ein( e!a"ined% it s)all *e de"onstrated t)at indica# tions can *e detected t)rou() t)e e!istin( "a!i"u" coat# in( t)ic-ness a&&liedA L)en AC 'o-e tec)niJue is used% t)e de"onstration s)all *e in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! I o. t)is ArticleA
T#510 T#511
TEC+NIK<E Tec)niJues
One or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( ! e "a(netiDation tec)# niJues s)all *e used6 ?a@ &rod tec)niJue ?*@ lon(itudinal "a(netiDation tec)niJue ?c@ circular "a(netiDation tec)niJue ?d@ 'o-e tec)niJue ?e@ "ultidirectional "a(netiDation tec)niJue
T#5G1A2 Non"a(netic Sur.ace Contrast En)ance# "entA Non"a(netic sur.ace contrasts "a' *e a&&lied *' t)e e!a"iner to uncoated sur.aces% onl' in a"ounts su.!# cient to en)ance &article contrastA L)en non"a(netic sur# .ace contrast en)ance"ent is used% it s)all *e de"onstrated t)at indications can *e detected t)rou() t)e en)ance"entA T)ic-ness "easure"ent o. t)is non"a(netic sur.ace con# trast en)ance"ent is not reJuiredA
T#512Prod Tec)niJue T#512A1 Ma(netiDin( ProcedureA 8or t)e &rod tec)# niJue% "a(netiDation is acco"&lis)ed *' &orta*le &rod t'&e electrical contacts &ressed a(ainst t)e sur.ace in t)e area to *e e!a"inedA To a oid arcin(% a re"ote control s,itc)% ,)ic) "a' *e *uilt into t)e &rod )andles% s)all *e &ro ided to &er"it t)e current to *e a&&lied a.ter t)e &rods )a e *een &ro&erl' &ositionedA
NOTE6 to T#110?a@ .or (uidance .or t)e de"onstration reJuired in T#5G1A1?d@ and T#5G1A2A
T#512A2 Ma(netiDin( CurrentA Direct or recti!ed "a(# netiDin( current s)all *e usedA T)e current s)all *e 100 ?"ini"u"@ a"& 0 inA ?G a"&0""@ to 121 ?"a!i"u"@ a"& 0inA ?1 a"&0""@ o. &rod s&acin( .or sections FVG inA ?12 ""@ t)ic- or (reaterA 8or sections less t)an FVG inA ?12 ""@ t)ic-% t)e current s)all *e 20 a"& 0 inA ?FA4 a"& 0 ""@ to 110 a"& 0inA ?GAG a"& 0 ""@ o. &rod s&acin(A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#512AF Prod S&acin(A Prod s&acin( s)all not e!ceed 3 inA ?200 ""@A S)orter s&acin( "a' *e used to acco""o# date t)e (eo"etric li"itations o. t)e area *ein( e!a"ined or to increase t)e sensiti it'% *ut &rod s&acin(s o. less t)an F inA ?51 ""@ are usuall' not &ractical due to *andin( o. t)e &articles around t)e &rodsA T)e &rod ti&s s)all *e -e&t clean and dressedA I. t)e o&en circuit olta(e o. t)e "a(# netiDin( current source is (reater t)an 21 V% lead% steel% or alu"inu" ?rat)er t)an co&&er@ ti&&ed &rods are reco"# "ended to a oid co&&er de&osits on t)e &art *ein( e!a"inedA
s)all *e de"onstrated usin( a "a(netic !eld indicator or arti!cial !a, s)i"s &er T#54GA ?e@ 8or lar(e &arts due to siDe and s)a&e% t)e "a(netiDin( current s)all *e 1200 a"&ere#turns to G100 a"&ere#turnsA T)e !eld adeJuac' s)all *e de"onstrated usin( arti!cial !a, s)i"s or a &ie#s)a&ed "a(netic !eld indicator in accordance ,it) T#54GA A +all#E..ect &ro*e (auss"eter s)all not *e used ,it) encirclin( coil "a(netiDation tec)# niJuesA
T#51FLon(itudinal Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue T#51FA1 Ma(netiDin( ProcedureA 8or t)is tec)niJue% "a(netiDation is acco"&lis)ed *' &assin( current t)rou() a "ulti#turn !!ed coil ?or ca*les@ t)at is ,ra&&ed around t)e &art or section o. t)e &art to *e e!a"inedA T)is &roduces a lon(itudinal "a(netic !eld &arallel to t)e a!is o. t)e coilA I. a !!ed% &re,ound coil is used% t)e &art s)all *e &laced near t)e side o. t)e coil durin( ins&ectionA T)is is o. s&ecial i"&ortance ,)en t)e coil o&enin( is "ore t)an 10 ti"es t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e &artA
T#51FAF Ma(netiDin( CurrentA T)e current reJuired to o*tain t)e necessar' "a(netiDin( !eld stren(t) s)all *e deter"ined *' di idin( t)e a"&ere#turns o*tained in ste&s T#51FA2?a@ or ?*@ *' t)e nu"*er o. turns in t)e coil as .ollo,s6
a"&ere#turns turns
8or e!a"&le% i. a 1#turn coil is used and t)e a"&ere#turns reJuired are 1000% use
1000 & 1000 a"&eres ?W10O@ 1
T#51FA2 Ma(netic 8ield Stren(t)A Direct or recti!ed current s)all *e used to "a(netiDe &arts e!a"ined *' t)is tec)niJueA T)e reJuired !eld stren(t) s)all *e calculated *ased on t)e len(t) L and t)e dia"eter D o. t)e &art in accordance ,it) T#51FA2?a@ and ?*@% or as esta*lis)ed in ?d@ and ?e@% *elo,A Lon( &arts s)all *e e!a"ined in sections not to e!ceed 13 inA ?G10 ""@% and 13 inA ?G10 ""@ s)all *e used .or t)e &art L in calculatin( t)e reJuired !eld stren(t)A 8or nonc'lindrical &arts% D s)all *e t)e "a!i"u" cross#sectional dia(onalA ?a@ Parts Lit) L 0D Ratios EJual to or Ireater T)an GA T)e "a(netiDin( current s)all *e ,it)in W10O o. t)e a"&ere#turnsE alue deter"ined as .ollo,s6
A"&ere#turns &
F1%000 ?L 0 D@ X 2
8or e!a"&le% a &art 10 inA ?210 ""@ lon( 2 inA ?10 ""@ dia"eter )as an L 0D ratio o. 1A T)ere.ore%
F1%000 & 1000 a"&ere#turns ?L0D X 2@
T#51GCircular Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue T#51GA1 Direct Contact Tec)niJue ?a@ Ma(netiDin( ProcedureA 8or t)is tec)niJue% "a(ne# tiDation is acco"&lis)ed *' &assin( current t)rou() t)e &art to *e e!a"inedA T)is &roduces a circular "a(netic !eld t)at is a&&ro!i"atel' &er&endicular to t)e direction o. current !o, in t)e &artA ?*@ Ma(netiDin( CurrentA Direct or recti!ed ?)al.#,a e recti!ed or .ull#,a e recti!ed@ "a(netiDin( current s)all *e usedA ?1@ T)e current s)all *e F00 a"& 0inA ?12 A 0""@ to 300 a"& 0inA ?F1 A 0""@ o. outer dia"eterA ?2@ Parts ,it) (eo"etric s)a&es ot)er t)an round ,it) t)e (reatest cross#sectional dia(onal in a &lane at ri()t an(les to t)e current !o, s)all deter"ine t)e inc)es to *e used in T#51GA1?*@?1@ a*o eA ?F@ I. t)e current le els reJuired .or ?*@?1@ cannot *e o*tained% t)e "a!i"u" current o*taina*le s)all *e used and t)e !eld adeJuac' s)all *e de"onstrated in accordance ,it) T#54GA
?*@ Parts Lit) L 0D Ratios Less T)an G *ut Not Less T)an 2A T)e "a(netiDin( a"&ere#turns s)all *e ,it)in W10O o. t)e a"&ere#turnsE alue deter"ined as .ollo,s6
A"&ere#turns & G1%000 L 0D
?c@ Parts Lit) L 0D Ratios Less T)an 2A Coil "a(netiDa# tion tec)niJue cannot *e usedA ?d@ I. t)e area to *e "a(netiDed e!tends *e'ond 2 inA ?221 ""@ on eit)er side o. t)e coilEs center% !eld adeJuac'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T#51GA2 Central Conductor Tec)niJue ?a@ Ma(netiDin( ProcedureA 8or t)is tec)niJue% a central conductor is used to e!a"ine t)e internal sur.aces o. c'lin# dricall' or rin(#s)a&ed &artsA T)e central conductor tec)# niJue "a' also *e used .or e!a"inin( t)e outside sur.aces o. t)ese s)a&esA L)ere lar(e dia"eter c'linders are to *e e!a"ined% t)e conductor s)all *e &ositioned close to t)e internal sur.ace o. t)e c'linderA L)en t)e conductor is not centered% t)e circu".erence o. t)e c'linder s)all *e e!a"ined in incre"entsA 8ield stren(t) "easure"ents in
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
accordance ,it) T#54G s)all *e used% to deter"ine t)e e!tent o. t)e arc t)at "a' *e e!a"ined .or eac) conductor &osition or t)e rules in T#51GA2?c@ *elo, "a' *e .ollo,edA Bars or ca*les% &assed t)rou() t)e *ore o. a c'linder% "a' *e used to induce circular "a(netiDationA ?*@ Ma(netiDin( CurrentA T)e !eld stren(t) reJuired s)all *e eJual to t)at deter"ined in T#51GA1?*@ .or a sin(le# turn central conductorA T)e "a(netic !eld ,ill increase in &ro&ortion to t)e nu"*er o. ti"es t)e central conductor ca*le &asses t)rou() a )ollo, &artA 8or e!a"&le% i. 4000 a"&eres are reJuired to e!a"ine a &art usin( a sin(le &ass central conductor% t)en F000 a"&eres are reJuired ,)en 2 &asses o. t)e t)rou()#ca*le are used% and 1200 a"&eres are reJuired i. 1 &asses are used ?see 8i(A T#51GA2A1@A L)en t)e central conductor tec)niJue is used% "a(netic !eld adeJuac' s)all *e eri!ed usin( a "a(netic &article !eld indicator in accordance ,it) T#54GA ?c@ O..set Central ConductorA L)en t)e conductor &ass# in( t)rou() t)e inside o. t)e &art is &laced a(ainst an inside ,all o. t)e &art% t)e current le els% as (i en in T#51GA1?*@?1@ s)all a&&l'% e!ce&t t)at t)e dia"eter used .or current calcu# lations s)all *e t)e su" o. t)e dia"eter o. t)e central conductor and t,ice t)e ,all t)ic-nessA T)e distance alon( t)e &art circu".erence ?e!terior@ t)at is e..ecti el' "a(ne# tiDed s)all *e ta-en as .our ti"es t)e dia"eter o. t)e central conductor% as illustrated in 8i(A T#51GA2A2A T)e entire cir# cu".erence s)all *e ins&ected *' rotatin( t)e &art on t)e conductor% allo,in( .or a&&ro!i"atel' a 10O "a(netic !eld o erla&A
E..ecti e re(ion Central conductor Gd
&ac-s o&eratin( as "an' as t)ree circuits t)at are ener(iDed one at a ti"e in ra&id successionA T)e e..ect o. t)ese ra&idl' alternatin( "a(netiDin( currents is to &roduce an o erall "a(netiDation o. t)e &art in "ulti&le directionsA Circular or lon(itudinal "a(netic !elds "a' *e (enerated in an' co"*ination usin( t)e arious tec)niJues descri*ed in T#51F and T#51GA T#514A2 Ma(netic 8ield Stren(t)A Onl' t)ree &)ase% .ull#,a e recti!ed current s)all *e used to "a(netiDe t)e &artA T)e initial "a(netiDin( current reJuire"ents .or eac) circuit s)all *e esta*lis)ed usin( t)e &re iousl' descri*ed (uidelines ?see T#51F and T#51G@A T)e adeJuac' o. t)e "a(netic !eld s)all *e de"onstrated usin( arti!cial !a, s)i"s or a &ie#s)a&ed "a(netic &article !eld indicator in accordance ,it) T#54GA A +all#E..ect &ro*e (auss"eter s)all not *e used to "easure !eld adeJuac' .or t)e "ultidi# rectional "a(netiDation tec)niJueA An adeJuate !eld s)all *e o*tained in at least t,o nearl' &er&endicular directions% and t)e !eld intensities s)all *e *alanced so t)at a stron( !eld in one direction does not o er,)el" t)e !eld in t)e ot)er directionA 8or areas ,)ere adeJuate !eld stren(t)s
7o-e Tec)niJue
8or t)is tec)niJue% alternatin( or direct current electro# "a(netic 'o-es% or &er"anent "a(net 'o-es% s)all *e usedA
T#514 Multidirectional Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue T#514A1 Ma(netiDin( ProcedureA 8or t)is tec)niJue% "a(netiDation is acco"&lis)ed *' )i() a"&era(e &o,er
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
cannot *e de"onstrated% additional "a(netic &article tec)# niJues s)all *e used to o*tain t)e reJuired t,o#directional co era(eA
T#540 T#541
T#541A1 Ma(netiDin( EJui&"ent ?a@ 8reJuenc'A Ma(netiDin( eJui&"ent ,it) an a""e# ter s)all *e cali*rated at least once a 'ear% or ,)ene er t)e eJui&"ent )as *een su*Sected to "aSor electric re&air% &eriodic o er)aul% or da"a(eA I. eJui&"ent )as not *een in use .or a 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done &rior to !rst useA ?*@ ProcedureA T)e accurac' o. t)e unitEs "eter s)all *e eri!ed annuall' *' eJui&"ent tracea*le to a national standardA Co"&arati e readin(s s)all *e ta-en .or at least t)ree di..erent current out&ut le els enco"&assin( t)e usa*le ran(eA
?c@ ToleranceA T)e unitEs "eter readin( s)all not de iate *' "ore t)an W10O o. .ull scale% relati e to t)e actual current alue as s)o,n *' t)e test "eterA T#541A2 Li()t MetersA Li()t "eters s)all *e cali*rated at least once a 'ear or ,)ene er a "eter )as *een re&airedA I. "eters )a e not *een in use .or one 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done *e.ore *ein( usedA
eri!ed a(ain i. da"a(ed in a "anner t)at could )a e caused &otential loss o. "aterialA T#54F Iauss"eters
+all#E..ect &ro*e (auss"eters used to eri.' "a(netiD# in( !eld stren(t) in accordance ,it) T#51G s)all *e cali# *rated at least once a 'ear or ,)ene er t)e eJui&"ent )as *een su*Sected to a "aSor re&air% &eriodic o er)aul% or da"a(eA I. eJui&"ent )as not *een in use .or a 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done &rior to !rst useA
?a@ Prior to use% t)e "a(netiDin( &o,er o. electro"a(# netic 'o-es s)all )a e *een c)ec-ed ,it)in t)e &ast 'earA T)e "a(netiDin( &o,er o. &er"anent "a(netic 'o-es s)all *e c)ec-ed dail' &rior to useA T)e "a(netiDin( &o,er o. all 'o-es s)all *e c)ec-ed ,)ene er t)e 'o-e )as *een da"a(ed or re&airedA ?*@ Eac) alternatin( current electro"a(netic 'o-e s)all )a e a li.tin( &o,er o. at least 10 l* ?GA1 -(@ at t)e "a!i# "u" &ole s&acin( t)at ,ill *e usedA ?c@ Eac) direct current or &er"anent "a(netic 'o-e s)all )a e a li.tin( &o,er o. at least G0 l* ?13 -(@ at t)e "a!i"u" &ole s&acin( t)at ,ill *e usedA ?d@ Eac) ,ei()t s)all *e ,ei()ed ,it) a scale .ro" a re&uta*le "anu.acturer and stenciled ,it) t)e a&&lica*le no"inal ,ei()t &rior to !rst useA A ,ei()t need onl' *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T#54GMa(netic 8ield AdeJuac' and Direction T#54GA1 Ma(netic 8ield AdeJuac'A T)e a&&lied "a(# netic !eld s)all )a e su.!cient stren(t) to &roduce tor' indications% *ut s)all not *e so stron( t)at it causes "as-in( o. rele ant indications *' nonrele ant accu"ula# tions o. "a(netic &articlesA 8actors t)at in!uence t)e reJuired !eld stren(t) include t)e siDe% s)a&e% and "aterial &er"ea*ilit' o. t)e &artR t)e tec)niJue o. "a(netiDationR coatin(sR t)e "et)od o. &article a&&licationR and t)e t'&e and location o. discontinuities to *e detectedA L)en it is necessar' to eri.' t)e adeJuac' o. "a(netic !eld stren(t)% it s)all *e eri!ed *' usin( one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( t)ree "et)odsA
T#54GA1A1 Pie#S)a&ed Ma(netic Particle 8ield IndicatorA T)e indicator% s)o,n in 8i(A T#54GA1A1% s)all *e &ositioned on t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined% suc) t)at t)e co&&er#&lated side is a,a' .ro" t)e ins&ected sur.aceA A suita*le !eld stren(t) is indicated ,)en a clearl' de!ned
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"a(netic &articles are a&&lied si"ultaneousl' ,it) t)e "a(netiDin( .orceA L)en a clearl' de!ned line o. &articles is not .or"ed% t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJue s)all *e c)an(ed as neededA S)i"#t'&e indicators are *est used ,it) ,et &article &roceduresA
NOTE6 T)e circular s)i"s s)o,n in 8i(A T#54GA1A2A2 illustration ?*@ also )a e !a, de&t)s less and (reater t)an F0OA
0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@ 0A51 inA ?20 ""@ 0A0004 inA ?0A011 ""@ T'&e C Section AUA
T#54GA1AF +all#E..ect Tan(ential#8ield Pro*eA A (auss"eter and +all#E..ect tan(ential#!eld &ro*e s)all *e used .or "easurin( t)e &ea- alue o. a tan(ential !eldA T)e &ro*e s)all *e &ositioned on t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"# ined% suc) t)at t)e "a!i"u" !eld stren(t) is deter"inedA A suita*le !eld stren(t) is indicated ,)en t)e "easured !eld is ,it)in t)e ran(e o. F0 I to 40 I ?2AG -A" \1 to GA3 -A"\1@ ,)ile t)e "a(netiDin( .orce is *ein( a&&liedA See Article 5% Non"andator' A&&endi! AA
T#54GA2 Ma(netic 8ield DirectionA T)e direction o. "a(netiDation s)all *e deter"ined *' &article indications o*tained usin( an indicator or s)i"s as s)o,n in 8i(A T#54GA1A1 or 8i(A T#54GA1A2A L)en a clearl' de!ned line o. &articles is not .or"ed in t)e desired direction% t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJue s)all *e c)an(ed as neededA T#54GA2A1 8or "ultidirectional "a(netiDation tec)# niJues% t)e orientation o. t)e lines o. !u! s)all *e in at least t,o nearl' &er&endicular directionsA L)en clearl' de!ned lines o. &articles are not .or"ed in at least t,o nearl' &er&endicular directions% t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJue s)all *e c)an(ed as neededA T#54GAF Deter"ination o. t)e adeJuac' and direction o. "a(netiDin( !elds usin( "a(netic !eld indicators or arti!cial !a, s)i"s are onl' &er"itted ,)en s&eci!call' re.erenced *' t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJues in T#51FA2?d@% T#51FA2?e@% T#51GA1?*@?F@% T#51GA2?a@% T#51GA2?*@% and T#514A2A
IENERAL NOTE6 A*o e are e!a"&les o. arti!cial !a, s)i"s used in "a(netic &article ins&ection s'ste" eri!cation ?not dra,n to scale@A T)e s)i"s are "ade o. lo, car*on steel ?1001 steel .oil@A T)e arti!cial !a, is etc)ed or "ac)ined on one side o. t)e .oil to a de&t) o. F0O o. t)e .oil t)ic-nessA
line ?or lines@ o. "a(netic &articles .or"?s@ across t)e co&&er .ace o. t)e indicator ,)en t)e "a(netic &articles are a&&lied si"ultaneousl' ,it) t)e "a(netiDin( .orceA L)en a clearl' de!ned line o. &articles is not .or"ed% t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJue s)all *e c)an(ed as neededA Pie# t'&e indicators are *est used ,it) dr' &article &roceduresA T#54GA1A2 Arti!cial 8la, S)i"sA One o. t)e s)i"s s)o,n in 8i(A T#54GA1A2A1 or 8i(A T#54GA1A2A2 ,)ose orien# tation is suc) t)at it can )a e a co"&onent &er&endicular to t)e a&&lied "a(netic !eld s)all *e usedA S)i"s ,it) linear notc)es s)all *e oriented so t)at at least one notc) is &er&endicular to t)e a&&lied "a(netic !eldA S)i"s ,it) onl' circular notc)es "a' *e used in an' orientationA S)i"s s)all *e attac)ed to t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined% suc) t)at t)e arti!cial !a, side o. t)e s)i" is to,ard t)e ins&ected sur.aceA A suita*le !eld stren(t) is indicated ,)en a clearl' de!ned line ?or lines@ o. "a(netic &articles% re&resentin( t)e F0O de&t) !a,% a&&ear?s@ on t)e s)i" .ace ,)en
Let +oriDontal <nits s)all )a e t)e *at) concentration and *at) conta"ination deter"ined *' "easurin( its set# tlin( olu"eA T)is is acco"&lis)ed t)rou() t)e use o. an ASTM Test Met)od D 24 &ear#s)a&ed centri.u(e tu*e ,it) a 1#"L ste" ?0A01#"L di isions@ .or !uorescent &article sus&ensions or a 1A1#"L ste" ?0A1#"L di isions@ .or non# !uorescent sus&ensionsA Be.ore sa"&lin(% t)e sus&ension s)ould *e run t)rou() t)e recirculatin( s'ste" .or at least F0 "in to ensure t)orou() "i!in( o. all &articles ,)ic) could )a e settled on t)e su"& screen and alon( t)e sides or *otto" o. t)e tan-A
T#541A1 ConcentrationA Ta-e a 100#"L &ortion o. t)e sus&ension .ro" t)e )ose or noDDle% de"a(netiDe and allo,
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
0A005 inA ?t'&@ ?0A13 ""@ Notc)es6 De&t)6 F0O 0A0004 inA ?0A011 ""@ S)i" t)ic-ness6 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@ ?a@ S)i" T'&e C=#GF0
0A005 inA ?t'&@ ?0A13 ""@ Notc)es6 De&t)6 F0O 0A0012 inA ?0A0F0 ""@ S)i" t)ic-ness6 0A00G inA ?0A10 ""@
0A51 inA ?t'&@ ?12A01 ""@ 0A005 inA ?t'&e@ ?0A13 ""@ 0A105 inA dia"A OADA ?12A33 ""@ 0AF3F inA dia"A OADA ?2A5F ""@ 0A213 inA dia"A OADA ?4A11 ""@ Notc) de&t)6 20O 0A000G inA ?0A010 ""@ OADA F0O 0A0004 inA G#2FG ?0A011 ""@ center S)i" T'&e FCG#2FGG0O 0A0003 inA S)i" T)ic-ness 0A00G inA ?0A102 ""@?0A020 ""@ IADA ?*@ 0A52 inA ?t'&@ ?20A04 ""@ 0A2F1 inA ?t'&@ ?1A25 ""@
0A51 inA ?t'&@ ?12A01 ""@ 0A005 inA ?t'&e@ ?0A13 ""@ 0A105 inA dia"A OADA ?12A33 ""@ 0AF3F inA dia"A OADA ?2A5F ""@ 0A213 inA dia"A OADA ?4A11 ""@ Notc) de&t)6 20O 0A000G inA ?0A010 ""@ OADA F0O 0A0004 inA 2#2FG ?0A011 ""@ center S)i" T'&e FC2#2FGG0O 0A0003 inA S)i" T)ic-ness 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@?0A020 ""@ IADA
0A52 inA ?t'&@ ?20A04 ""@ 0A2F1 inA ?t'&@ ?1A25 ""@
0A211 inA dia"A OADA ?4AG3 ""@ 0A004 inA ?t'&@ ?0A112 ""@
0A20 inA ?t'&@ ?1A03 ""@
0A211 inA dia"A OADA ?4AG3 ""@ 0A004 inA ?t'&@ ?0A112 ""@
0A20 inA ?t'&@ ?1A03 ""@
2F0 S)i" T)ic-ness 0A002 inA ?0A011 ""@ S)i" T'&e C=#2F0 ?c@ S)i" T)ic-ness 0A00G inA ?0A102 ""@ S)i" T'&e C=G#GF0
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
it to settle .or a&&ro!i"atel' 40 "in ,it) &etroleu" distil# late sus&ensions or F0 "in ,it) ,ater#*ased sus&ensions *e.ore readin(A T)e olu"e settlin( out at t)e *otto" o. t)e tu*e is indicati e o. t)e &article concentration in t)e *at)A T#541A2 Settlin( Volu"esA 8or !uorescent &articles% t)e reJuired settlin( olu"e is .ro" 0A1 to 0AG "L in a 100#"L *at) sa"&le and .ro" 1A2 to 2AG "L &er 100 "L o. e)icle .or non!uorescent &articles unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e &article "anu.acturerA Concentration c)ec-s s)all *e "ade at least e er' ei()t )oursA
T#541AF Conta"inationA Bot) !uorescent and non!u# orescent sus&ensions s)all *e c)ec-ed &eriodicall' .or con# ta"inants suc) as dirt% scale% oil% lint% loose !uorescent &i("ent% ,ater ?in t)e case o. oil sus&ensions@% and &article a((lo"erates ,)ic) can ad ersel' a..ect t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination &rocessA T)e test .or conta"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed at least once &er ,ee-A ?a@ Carrier Conta"inationA 8or !uorescent *at)s% t)e liJuid directl' a*o e t)e &reci&itate s)ould *e e!a"ined ,it) !uorescent e!citation li()tA T)e liJuid ,ill )a e a little !uorescenceA Its color can *e co"&ared ,it) a .res)l' "ade#u& sa"&le usin( t)e sa"e "aterials or ,it) an unused sa"&le .ro" t)e ori(inal *at) t)at ,as retained .or t)is &ur&oseA I. t)e BusedC sa"&le is noticea*l' "ore !uores# cent t)an t)e co"&arison standard% t)e *at) s)all *e re&lacedA ?*@ Particle Conta"inationA T)e (raduated &ortion o. t)e tu*e s)all *e e!a"ined under !uorescent e!citation li()t i. t)e *at) is !uorescent and under isi*le li()t ?.or *ot) !uorescent and non!uorescent &articles@ .or striations or *ands% di..erences in color or a&&earanceA Bands or striations "a' indicate conta"inationA I. t)e total olu"e o. t)e conta"inates% includin( *ands or striations e!ceeds F0O o. t)e olu"e "a(netic &articles% or i. t)e liJuid is noticea*l' !uorescent% t)e *at) s)all *e re&lacedA
?*@ <sin( t)e Test Rin(A T)e test rin( ?see 8i(A T#544A1@% is circularl' "a(netiDed ,it) .ull#,a e recti!ed AC &ass# in( t)rou() a central conductor ,it) a 1 inA to 11VG inA ?21 "" to F2 ""@ dia"eter )ole located in t)e rin( centerA T)e conductor s)ould )a e a len(t) (reater t)an 14 inA ?G00 ""@A T)e currents used s)all *e 1G00% 2100% and FG00 a"&sA T)e "ini"u" nu"*er o. )oles s)o,n s)all *e t)ree% ! e% and si!% res&ecti el'A T)e rin( ed(e s)ould *e e!a"ined ,it) eit)er *lac- li()t or isi*le li()t% de&endin( on t)e t'&e o. &articles in ol edA T)is test s)all *e run at t)e t)ree a"&era(es i. t)e unit ,ill *e used at t)ese or )i()er a"&era(esA T)e a"&era(e alues stated s)all not *e e!ceeded in t)e testA I. t)e test does not re eal t)e reJuired nu"*er o. )oles% t)e eJui&"ent s)all *e ta-en out o. ser ice and t)e cause o. t)e loss o. sensiti it' deter# "ined and correctedA T)is test s)all *e run at least once &er ,ee-A
T#550 T#551
Be.ore t)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination is conducted% a c)ec- o. t)e e!a"ination sur.ace s)all *e conducted to locate an' discontinuit' sur.ace o&enin(s ,)ic) "a' not attract and )old "a(netic &articles *ecause o. t)eir ,idt)A
Direction o. Ma(netiDation
At least t,o se&arate e!a"inations s)all *e &er.or"ed on eac) areaA Durin( t)e second e!a"ination% t)e lines o. "a(netic !u! s)all *e a&&ro!i"atel' &er&endicular to t)ose used durin( t)e !rst e!a"inationA A di..erent tec)# niJue .or "a(netiDation "a' *e used .or t)e second e!a"i# nationA
Met)od o. E!a"ination
T)e 9etos ?BetD@ rin( s&eci"en ?see 8i(A T#544A1@ s)all *e used in e aluatin( and co"&arin( t)e o erall &er.or"# ance and sensiti it' o. *ot) dr' and ,et% !uorescent and non!uorescent "a(netic &article tec)niJues usin( a central conductor "a(netiDation tec)niJueA ?a@ 9etos ?BetD@ Test Rin( MaterialA T)e tool steel ?9etos@ rin( s)ould *e "ac)ined .ro" AISI 01 "aterial in accordance ,it) 8i(A T#544A1A Eit)er t)e "ac)ined rin( or t)e steel *lan- s)ould *e annealed at 1410[8 ?200[C@% cooled 10[8 ?23[C@ &er )our to 1000[8 ?1G0[C@ and t)en air cooled to a"*ient te"&erature to (i e co"&ara*le results usin( si"ilar rin(s t)at )a e )ad t)e sa"e treat"entA Material and )eat treat"ent are i"&ortant aria*lesA E!&e# rience indicates controllin( t)e so.tness o. t)e rin( *' )ardness ?20 to 21 +RB@ alone is insu.!cientA
T)e .erro"a(netic &articles used in an e!a"ination "ediu" can *e eit)er ,et or dr'% and "a' *e eit)er !uo# rescent or non!uorescentA E!a"ination?s@ s)all *e done *' t)e continuous "et)odA ?a@ Dr' ParticlesA T)e "a(netiDin( current s)all re"ain on ,)ile t)e e!a"ination "ediu" is *ein( a&&lied and ,)ile an' e!cess o. t)e e!a"ination "ediu" is re"o edA ?*@ Let ParticlesA T)e "a(netiDin( current s)all *e turned on a.ter t)e &articles )a e *een a&&liedA 8lo, o. &articles s)all sto& ,it) t)e a&&lication o. currentA Let &articles a&&lied .ro" aerosol s&ra' cans "a' *e a&&lied *e.ore and0or a.ter "a(netiDin( current is a&&liedA Let &articles "a' *e a&&lied durin( t)e a&&lication o. "a(# netiDin( current i. t)e' are not a&&lied directl' to t)e e!a"i# nation area and are allo,ed to !o, o er t)e e!a"ination area or are a&&lied directl' to t)e e!a"ination area ,it) lo, elocities insu.!cient to re"o e accu"ulated &articlesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
12 F G 1
4 5
50 inA 3
?22 ""@
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ All di"ensions are W0A0F inA ?W0A3 ""@ or as noted in Notes ?1@ and ?2@A ?*@ All di"ensions are in inc)es% e!ce&t as notedA ?c@ Material is ANSI 01 tool steel .ro" annealed round stoc-A ?d@ T)e rin( "a' *e )eat treated as .ollo,s6 +eat to 1G00[8 to 1100[8 ?540[C to 520[C@A +old at t)is te"&erature .or one )ourA Cool to a "ini"u" rate o. G0[80) ?22[C0)@ to *elo, 1000[8 ?1G0[C@A 8urnace or air cool to roo" te"&eratureA 8inis) t)e rin( to RMS 21 and &rotect .ro" corrosionA NOTES6 ?1@ All )ole dia"eters are W0A001 inA ?W0A1 ""@A +ole nu"*ers 3 t)rou() 12 are o&tionalA ?2@ Tolerance on t)e D distance is W0A001 inA ?W0A1 ""@A
E!a"ination Co era(e
All e!a"inations s)all *e conducted ,it) su.!cient !eld o erla& to ensure 100O co era(e at t)e reJuired sensiti it' ?T#54G@A
?d@ L)en "easurin( )al.#,a e recti!ed current ,it) a direct current test "eter% readin(s s)all *e "ulti&lied *' t,oA
?a@ L)ene er direct current is reJuired recti!ed current "a' *e usedA T)e recti!ed current .or "a(netiDation s)all *e eit)er t)ree#&)ase ?.ull#,a e recti!ed@ current% or sin(le &)ase ?)al.#,a e recti!ed@ currentA ?*@ T)e a"&era(e reJuired ,it) t)ree#&)ase% .ull#,a e recti!ed current s)all *e eri!ed *' "easurin( t)e a era(e currentA ?c@ T)e a"&era(e reJuired ,it) sin(le#&)ase ?)al.#,a e recti!ed@ current s)all *e eri!ed *' "easurin( t)e a era(e current out&ut durin( t)e conductin( )al. c'cle onl'A
Accu"ulations o. e!cess dr' &articles in e!a"inations s)all *e re"o ed ,it) a li()t air strea" .ro" a *ul* or s'rin(e or ot)er source o. lo, &ressure dr' airA T)e e!a"i# nation current or &o,er s)all *e "aintained ,)ile re"o in( t)e e!cess &articlesA
T)e inter&retation s)all identi.' i. an indication as .alse% nonrele ant% or rele antA 8alse and nonrele ant indications s)all *e &ro en as .alse or nonrele antA Inter&retation s)all
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*e carried out to identi.' t)e locations o. indications and t)e c)aracter o. t)e indicationA T#555A1 Visi*le ?Color Contrast@ Ma(netic ParticlesA Sur.ace discontinuities are indicated *' accu"ulations o. "a(netic &articles ,)ic) s)ould contrast ,it) t)e e!a"ina# tion sur.aceA T)e color o. t)e "a(netic &articles s)all *e su.!cientl' di..erent t)an t)e color o. t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA A "ini"u" li()t intensit' o. 100 .c ?1000 L!@ is reJuired on t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined to ensure adeJuate sensiti it' durin( t)e e!a"ination and e aluation o. indica# tionsA T)e li()t source% tec)niJue used% and li()t le el eri!cation is reJuired to *e de"onstrated one ti"e% docu# "ented% and "aintained on !leA
T#555A2 8luorescent Ma(netic Particles Lit) BlacLi()tA Lit) !uorescent "a(netic &articles% t)e &rocess is essentiall' t)e sa"e as in T#555A1% ,it) t)e e!ce&tion t)at t)e e!a"ination is &er.or"ed usin( an ultra iolet li()t ?iAeA% no"inal F41 n"@% called *lac- li()tA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ It s)all *e &er.or"ed in a dar-ened areaA ?*@ E!a"iners s)all *e in a dar-ened area .or at least 1 "in &rior to &er.or"in( e!a"inations to ena*le t)eir e'es to ada&t to dar- ie,in(A Ilasses or lenses ,orn *' e!a"iners s)all not *e &)otoc)ro"ic or e!)i*it an' !uorescenceA ?c@ Blac- li()ts s)all ac)ie e a "ini"u" o. 1000 L0c"2 on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"ined t)rou()# out t)e e!a"inationA ?d@ Re!ectors% !lters% (lasses% and lenses s)ould *e c)ec-ed and% i. necessar'% cleaned &rior to useA Crac-ed or *ro-en re!ectors% !lters% (lasses% or lenses s)all *e re&laced i""ediatel'A ?e@ T)e *lac- li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured ,it) a *lac- li()t "eter &rior to use% ,)ene er t)e li()tEs &o,er source is interru&ted or c)an(ed% and at t)e co"&letion o. t)e e!a"ination or series o. e!a"inationsA
*' e!a"iners s)all not *e &)otoc)ro"ic or e!)i*it an' !uorescenceA ?c@ I. t)e !uorescence e!citation li()t source e"its isi# *le li()t intensities (reater t)an 2 .c ?20 L!@% t)e e!a"iner s)all ,ear !uorescence#en)ancin( !lter (lasses a&&ro ed *' t)e li()t source "anu.acturer .or use ,it) t)at li()t sourceA ?d@ T)e !uorescence e!citation li()t source s)all ac)ie e at least t)e "ini"u" li()t intensit' on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art t)rou()out t)e e!a"ination as Juali!ed in t)e tests o. Mandator' A&&endi! IVA ?e@ Re!ectors% !lters% (lasses% and lenses s)ould *e c)ec-ed and% i. necessar'% cleaned &rior to useA Crac-ed or *ro-en re!ectors% !lters% (lasses% or lenses s)all *e re&laced i""ediatel'A ?.@ T)e !uorescence e!citation li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured ,it) a suita*le !uorescence e!citation li()t "eter &rior to use% ,)ene er t)e li()tEs &o,er source is interru&ted or c)an(ed% and at t)e co"&letion o. t)e e!a"i# nation or series o. e!a"inationsA
L)en residual "a(netis" in t)e &art could inter.ere ,it) su*seJuent &rocessin( or usa(e% t)e &art s)all *e de"a(netiDed an' ti"e a.ter co"&letion o. t)e e!a"i# nationA
Post#E!a"ination Cleanin(
L)en &ost#e!a"ination cleanin( is reJuired% it s)ould *e conducted as soon as &ractical usin( a &rocess t)at does not ad ersel' a..ect t)e &artA
T#530 T#555AF 8luorescent Ma(netic Particles Lit) Ot)er 8luorescent E!citation La elen(t)sA Alternati el' to t)e reJuire"ents in T#555A2% t)e e!a"inations "a' *e &er# .or"ed usin( alternate ,a elen(t) li()t sources ,)ic) cause !uorescence in s&eci!c &article coatin(sA An' alter# nate li()t ,a elen(t) li()t sources and s&eci!c &article desi(nations used s)all *e Juali!ed1 in accordance ,it) Mandator' A&&endi! IVA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e &er# .or"ed as .ollo,s6 ?a@ It s)all *e &er.or"ed in a dar-ened areaA ?*@ E!a"iners s)all *e in a dar-ened area .or at least 1 "in &rior to &er.or"in( e!a"inations to ena*le t)eir e'es to ada&t to dar- ie,in(A Ilasses or lenses ,orn
?a@ All indications s)all *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance standards o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA ?*@ Discontinuities on or near t)e sur.ace are indicated *' retention o. t)e e!a"ination "ediu"A +o,e er% local# iDed sur.ace irre(ularities due to "ac)inin( "ar-s or ot)er sur.ace conditions "a' &roduce .alse indicationsA ?c@ Broad areas o. &article accu"ulation% ,)ic) "i()t "as- indications .ro" discontinuities% are &ro)i*ited% and suc) areas s)all *e cleaned and ree!a"inedA
T#520 T#521
T)e Juali!cation test o. Mandator' A&&endi! IV "a' *e &er.or"ed *' t)e user% t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source "anu.acturer% or t)e "a(netic &article "anu.acturerA
A tec)niJue s-etc) s)all *e &re&ared .or eac) di..erent (eo"etr' e!a"ined% s)o,in( t)e &art (eo"etr'% ca*le arran(e"ent and connections% "a(netiDin( current .or eac)
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
circuit% and t)e areas o. e!a"ination ,)ere adeJuate !eld stren(t)s are o*tainedA Parts ,it) re&etiti e (eo"etries% *ut di..erent di"ensions% "a' *e e!a"ined usin( a sin(le s-etc) &ro ided t)at t)e "a(netic !eld stren(t) is adeJuate ,)en de"onstrated in accordance ,it) T#511A2A
E!a"ination Records
T#522Recordin( o. Indications T#522A1 NonreSecta*le IndicationsA NonreSecta*le indications s)all *e recorded as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#522A2 ReSecta*le IndicationsA ReSecta*le indications s)all *e recordedA As a "ini"u"% t)e t'&e o. indications ?linear or rounded@% location and e!tent ?len(t) or dia"eter or ali(ned@ s)all *e recordedA
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?*@ "a(netic &article eJui&"ent and t'&e o. current ?c@ "a(netic &articles ? isi*le or !uorescent% ,et or dr'@ ?d@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and i. reJuired *' re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?e@ "a& or record o. indications &er T#522 ?.@ "aterial and t)ic-ness ?(@ li()tin( eJui&"ent ?)@ date o. e!a"ination
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Procedure0Tec)niJue De"onstration
T)e &rocedure0tec)niJue s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e Ma(netic Particle e!a"ina# tion "et)odolo(' and eJui&"ent reJuire"ents a&&lica*le .or &er.or"in( Ma(netic Particle e!a"ination on .erritic "aterials ,it) non"a(netic coatin(sA
I#5F0EK<IPMENT I#5F0A1 T)e "a(netiDin( eJui&"ent s)all *e in accor# dance ,it) Article 5A I#5F0A2 L)en t)e dr' &o,der tec)niJue is used% a &o,der *lo,er s)all *e utiliDed .or &o,der a&&licationA +and sJueeDed &article a&&licators s)all not *e used ,)en t)e dr' &o,der tec)niJue is utiliDedA I#5F0AF Ma(netic &articles s)all contrast ,it) t)e co"# &onent *ac-(roundA I#5F0AG Nonconducti e "aterials suc) as &lastic s)i" stoc- "a' *e used to si"ulate nonconducti e non"a(netic coatin(s .or &rocedure and &ersonnel Juali!cationA
I#521Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents I#521A1 ReJuire"entsA Ma(netic Particle e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*les T#521 and I#521A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA
I#5G0 I#5G1
I#521A2 Procedure Kuali!cation0Tec)niJue Valida# tionA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#521 or I#521 identi!ed as an essential aria*le .ro" t)e s&ec!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure and alidation o. t)e tec)niJueA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as an nonessential aria*le .ro" t)e s&eci!ed alue% or ran(e o. alues% does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nones# sential aria*les .ro" t)e alue% or ran(e o. alues% s&eci# !ed *' t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
Personnel Kuali!cation
T)e &rocedure de"onstration and &er.or"ance o. e!a"i# nations s)all *e &receded *' "easure"ent o. t)e coatin( t)ic-ness in t)e areas to *e e!a"inedA I. t)e coatin( is nonconducti e% an edd' current tec)niJue or "a(netic tec)niJue "a' *e used to "easure t)e coatin( t)ic-nessA T)e "a(netic tec)niJue s)all *e in accordance ,it) SD#1134% Standard Test Met)ods .or Nondestructi e Mea# sure"ent o. Dr' 8il" T)ic-ness o. Non"a(netic Coatin(s A&&lied to a 8errous BaseA L)en coatin(s are conducti e and non"a(netic% a coatin( t)ic-ness tec)niJue s)all *e used in accordance ,it) SD#1134A Coatin( "easure"ent eJui&"ent s)all *e used in accordance ,it) t)e eJui&"ent "anu.acturerEs instructionsA Coatin( t)ic-ness "easure# "ents s)all *e ta-en at t)e intersections o. a 2 inA ?10 ""@ "a!i"u" (rid &attern o er t)e area o. e!a"ination and at least one#)al. t)e "a!i"u" 'o-e le( se&aration *e'ond t)e e!a"ination areaA T)e t)ic-ness s)all *e t)e "ean o. t)ree se&arate readin(s ,it)in 1VG inA ?4 ""@ o. eac) intersectionA
Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents s)all *e in accor# dance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
= = = = = =
AAA AAA = = = =
I#510 I#511
?a@ A Juali!cation s&eci"en is reJuiredA T)e s&eci"en s)all *e o. si"ilar (eo"etr' or ,eld &ro!le and contain at least one sur.ace crac- no lon(er t)an t)e "a!i"u" !a, siDe allo,ed in t)e a&&lica*le acce&tance criteriaA T)e "aterial used .or t)e s&eci"en s)all *e t)e sa"e s&eci!cation and )eat treat"ent as t)e coated .erro"a(netic "aterial to *e e!a"inedA As an alternati e to t)e "aterial reJuire"ent% ot)er "aterials and )eat treat"ents "a' *e Juali!ed &ro ided6 ?1@ T)e "easured 'o-e "a!i"u" li.tin( .orce on t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined is eJual to or (reater t)an t)e "a!i"u" li.tin( .orce on t)e Juali!cation s&eci"en "ate# rialA Bot) alues s)all *e deter"ined ,it) t)e sa"e or co"&ara*le eJui&"ent and s)all *e docu"ented as reJuired in I#511?c@A ?2@ All t)e reJuire"ents o. I#511?*@ t)rou() ?(@ are "et .or t)e alternate "aterialA ?*@ E!a"ine t)e uncoated s&eci"en in t)e "ost un.a or# a*le orientation e!&ected durin( t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e &roduction e!a"inationA ?c@ Docu"ent t)e "easured 'o-e "a!i"u" li.tin( &o,er% illu"ination le els% and t)e resultsA ?d@ Measure t)e "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness on t)e ite" to *e e!a"ined in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. I#5G1A ?e@ Coat t)e s&eci"en ,it) t)e sa"e t'&e o. coatin(% conducti e or nonconducti e% to t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness
"easured on t)e &roduction ite" to *e e!a"inedA Alter# natel'% nonconducti e s)i" stoc- "a' *e used to si"ulate nonconducti e coatin(sA ?.@ E!a"ine t)e coated s&eci"en in t)e "ost un.a or# a*le orientation e!&ected durin( t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e &roduction e!a"inationA Docu"ent t)e "easured 'o-e "a!i"u" li.tin( &o,er% illu"ination le el% and e!a"ina# tion resultsA ?(@ Co"&are t)e len(t) o. t)e indication resultin( .ro" t)e lon(est !a, no lon(er t)an t)e "a!i"u" !a, siDe allo,ed *' t)e a&&lica*le acce&tance criteria% *e.ore and a.ter coatin(A T)e coatin( t)ic-ness is Juali!ed ,)en t)e len(t) o. t)e indication on t)e coated sur.ace is at least 10O o. t)e len(t) o. t)e corres&ondin( indication &rior to coatin(A ?)@ ReJuali!cation o. t)e &rocedure is reJuired .or a decrease in eit)er t)e AC 'o-e li.tin( &o,er or t)e illu"i# nation le el% or .or an increase in t)e coatin( t)ic-nessA
I#540 I#541
T)e "a!i"u" li.tin( .orce o. t)e AC 'o-e s)all *e deter"ined at t)e actual le( se&aration to *e used in t)e e!a"inationA T)is "a' *e acco"&lis)ed *' )oldin( t)e 'o-e ,it) a 10 l* ?GA1 -(@ .erro"a(netic ,ei()t *et,een t)e le(s o. t)e 'o-e and addin( additional ,ei()ts% cali# *rated on a &osta(e or ot)er scale% until t)e .erro"a(netic ,ei()t is releasedA T)e li.tin( &o,er o. t)e 'o-e s)all *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e co"*ined ,ei()t o. t)e .erro"a(netic "aterial and t)e added ,ei()ts% *e.ore t)e .erro"a(netic ,ei()t ,as releasedA Ot)er "et)ods "a' *e used suc) as a load cellA
?d@ eJui&"ent and "aterials used ?e@ illu"ination le el and 'o-e li.tin( &o,er ?.@ Juali!cation results% includin( "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness and !a,s detectedA
T)e *lac- li()t or ,)ite li()t intensit' ?as a&&ro&riate@ on t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent s)all *e no less t)an t)at used in t)e Juali!cation testA An a&&ro&riate cali*rated *lac- li()t and0or ,)ite li()t "eter s)all *e used .or t)e testsA Mini"u" ,)ite li()t or *lac- li()t intensities s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. T#555A1 or T#555A2 as a&&lica*leA I#542A1 L)ite Li()tA T)e ,)ite li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured at t)e ins&ection sur.aceA T)e ,)ite li()t inten# sit' .or t)e e!a"ination s)all *e no less t)an ,)at ,as used in t)e Juali!cationA I#542A2 Blac- Li()tA T)e *lac- li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured at t)e distance .ro" t)e *lac- li()t in t)e &roce# dure Juali!cation and at t)e sa"e distance on t)e e!a"ina# tion s&eci"enA T)e *lac- li()t intensit' s)all *e no less t)an t)at used to Juali.' t)e &rocedureA In addition% t)e "a!i"u" ,)ite li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured as *ac-# (round li()t on t)e ins&ection sur.aceA T)e *ac-(round ,)ite li()t .or t)e e!a"ination s)all *e no (reater t)an ,)at ,as used in t)e Juali!cationA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nition o. ter"s ,)ic) a&&ear in Article 5% Ma(netic Particle E!a"inationA
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 Section 5 &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in II#5F0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Indication% 8la,% Discon# tinuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) II#5F0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!nitions% ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
?a@ Sur.aces to *e e!a"ined% and all adSacent areas ,it)in at least 1 inA ?21 ""@% s)all *e .ree o. all dirt% (rease% lint% scale% ,eldin( !u! and s&atter% oil% and loose% *listered% !a-in(% or &eelin( coatin(A ?*@ E!a"ine t)e coated ite" in accordance ,it) t)e Juali!ed &rocedureA
I. an indication (reater t)an 10O o. t)e "a!i"u" allo,# a*le !a, siDe is detected% t)e coatin( in t)e area o. t)e indication s)all *e re"o ed and t)e e!a"ination re&eatedA
I#520 I#521
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e in.or"ation reJuired in t)e records section o. T#52F and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ identi!cation o. t)e &rocedure0tec)niJue ?*@ identi!cation o. t)e &ersonnel &er.or"in( and ,it# nessin( t)e Juali!cation ?c@ descri&tion and dra,in(s or s-etc)es o. t)e Juali!# cation s&eci"en% includin( coatin( t)ic-ness "easure# "ents and !a, di"ensions
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article6 a"&ere turns% *lac- li()t% central conductor% circular "a(netiDation% de"a(netiDation% dr' &o,der% .ull#,a e direct current% )al.#,a e current% lon(i# tudinal "a(netiDation% "a(netic !eld% "a(netic !eld stren(t)% "a(netic &article e!a"ination% "a(netic &article !eld indicator% "a(netic &articles% "ultidirectional "a(ne# tiDation% &er"anent "a(net% &rods% sensiti it'% sus&en# sion% 'o-eA ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 *lac- li()t intensit'6 a Juantitati e e!&ression o. ultra i# olet irradianceA "a(netic !u!6 t)e conce&t t)at t)e "a(netic !eld is !o,in( alon( t)e lines o. .orce su((ests t)at t)ese lines are t)ere.ore B!u!C lines% and t)e' are called "a(netic !u!A T)e stren(t) o. t)e !eld is de!ned *' t)e nu"*er o. !u! lines crossin( a unit area ta-en at ri()t an(les to t)e direction o. t)e linesA recti!ed "a(netic current6 *' "eans o. a de ice called a recti!er% ,)ic) &er"its current to !o, in one direction onl'% alternatin( current can *e con erted to unidirectional
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent Identi!cation o. sur.ace con!(urations to *e e!a"ined and &roduct .or"s ?eA(A% *ase "aterial or ,elded sur.ace@ Sur.ace condition reJuire"ent and &re&aration "et)ods 7o-e "anu.acturer and "odel Particle "anu.acturer and desi(nation Mini"u" and "a!i"u" &ole se&aration Identi!cation o. ste&s in &er.or"in( t)e e!a"ination Ma!i"u" ,)ite li()t intensit' Mini"u" *lac- li()t intensit' Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents Re.erence to t)e &rocedure Juali!cation records Essential Varia*le = = = = = = = = AAA AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA = =
currentA T)is di..ers .ro" direct current in t)at t)e current alue aries .ro" a stead' le elA T)is ariation "a' *e e!tre"e% as in t)e case o. t)e )al.#,a e recti!ed sin(le &)ase AC% or sli()t% as in t)e case o. t)ree#&)ase recti# !ed ACA )al.#,a e recti!ed current AC6 ,)en a sin(le#&)ase alternatin( current is recti!ed in t)e si"&lest "anner% t)e re erse o. t)e c'cle is *loc-ed out entirel'A T)e result is a &ulsatin( unidirectional current ,it) inter als ,)en no current at all is !o,in(A T)is is o.ten re.erred to as B)al.# ,a eC or &ulsatin( direct currentA .ull#,a e recti!ed current6 ,)en t)e re erse )al. o. t)e c'cle is turned around to !o, in t)e sa"e direction as t)e .or,ard )al.A T)e result is .ull#,a e recti!ed currentA T)ree#&)ase alternatin( current ,)en .ull#,a e recti!ed is unidirectional ,it) er' little &ulsationR onl' a ri&&le o. ar'in( olta(e distin(uis)es it .ro" strai()t DC sin(le# &)aseA
III#521Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents III#521A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*les T#521 and III#521 a&&l'A III#521A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*les T#521 and III#521 a&&l'A III#52F Procedure De"onstration
T)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
III#510 III#511
A standard slotted s)i"?s@ as descri*ed in T#54GA1A2 s)all *e used as t)e Juali!cation standardA
III#540 III#541
T)e *lac- li()t intensit' on t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent s)all *e no less t)an t)at used in t)e Juali!cation testA III#542 L)ite Li()t Intensit' Measure"ent
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e Ma(netic Particle e!a"ina# tion "et)odolo(' and eJui&"ent reJuire"ents a&&lica*le .or &er.or"in( Ma(netic Particle e!a"inations usin( a 'o-e ,it) !uorescent &articles in an undar-ened areaA
T)e ,)ite li()t intensit' on t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent s)all *e no (reater t)an t)at used in t)e Juali!cation testA
T)e Juali!cation standard s)all *e &laced on a car*on steel &late and e!a"ined in accordance ,it) t)e &rocedure to *e Juali!ed and a standard &rocedure t)at )as &re iousl' *een de"onstrated as suita*le .or useA T)e standard &roce# dure "a' utiliDe a isi*le or !uorescent tec)niJueA T)e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent Particle "anu.acturer and desi(nation Carrier ?,ater or oil@R i. oil% "anu.acturer and t'&e desi(nation Alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source "anu.acturer and "odel Alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source "eter% "anu.acturer% and "odel 8ilter (lasses ?i. needed@ Mini"u" alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t intensit' Kuali!cation records Essential Varia*le = = = = = = AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA =
!a, indications s)all *e co"&aredR i. t)e indication o*tained under t)e &ro&osed conditions a&&ears t)e sa"e or *etter t)an t)at o*tained under standard conditions% t)e &ro&osed &rocedure s)all *e considered Juali!ed .or useA
IV#521Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents IV#521A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. Ta*le IV#521 a&&l' to Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents ?T#521A1@ and ,)en s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section to Procedure Kuali!cation ?T#521A2@A
8or inter&retation% *ot) *lac- and ,)ite li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured ,it) li()t "etersA
III#520 III#521
T)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e in.or"ation reJuired in T#52F and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision Juali!ed ?*@ standard &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?c@ Juali!cation standard identi!cation ?d@ identi!cation o. t)e &ersonnel &er.or"in( and ,it# nessin( t)e Juali!cation ?e@ eJui&"ent and "aterials used ?.@ illu"ination le els ?,)ite and *lac- li()t@ ?(@ Juali!cation results
IV#510 IV#511
Slotted s)i"?s@ 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@ t)ic- )a in( F0O dee& "aterial re"o ed as descri*ed in T#54GA1A2 s)all *e used to Juali.' t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source and s&eci!c &articlesA S)i"?s@ s)all *e ta&e sealed to a .erro# "a(netic o*SectEs sur.ace and used as descri*ed in T#54GA1A2 ,it) t)e notc) a(ainst t)e o*SectEs sur.aceA
8ilter Ilasses
I. t)e alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t source e"its li()t in t)e isi*le &ortion o. t)e s&ectru" ?,a elen(t) o. G00 n" or lon(er@% t)e e!a"iner s)all ,ear !lter (lasses t)at )a e *een su&&lied *' t)e "anu.acturer o. t)e li()t source to *loc- t)e re!ected isi*le e!citation li()t ,)ile trans"it# tin( t)e !uorescence o. t)e &articlesA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e "et)odolo(' to Juali.' t)e &er.or"ance o. !uorescent &article e!a"inations usin( alternate ,a elen(t) sourcesA
IV#550 IV#551
T)e *lac- li()t intensit' on t)e e!a"ination sur.ace s)all *e adSusted *' ar'in( t)e distance or &o,er so t)at it )as a "ini"u" intensit' o. 1%000 L0c" 2 and a "a!i"u" intensit' o. 1%100 L0c"2A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E!a"ination ReJuire"ents
T)e e!a"ination &ara"eters .or t)e o*Sect c)osen s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e rules o. T#510 a&&lica*le to t)e o*Sect c)osen and t)e "et)od o. "a(netiDationA An' o. t)e "a(netiDin( tec)niJues listed in T#511 "a' *e usedA T)e sa"e indication?s@ o. t)e s)i" discontinuit'?ies@ s)all *e used .or *ot) *lac- li()t and alternate ,a elen(t) li()t e!a"inationsA
L)en t)e sa"e &article indication?s@ as ac)ie ed ,it) *lac- li()t can *e o*tained ,it) t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source% t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source "a' *e used .or "a(netic &article e!a"inationsA T)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source ,it) at least t)e "ini"u" intensit' Juali!ed s)all *e used ,it) t)e s&eci!c &article desi(nation e"&lo'ed in t)e Juali!cationA
IV#552A1 E!a"ination Lit) Blac- Li()tA T)e Juali# !cation standard ,it) t)e attac)ed s)i"?s@ s)all *e e!a"# ined ,it) t)e esta*lis)ed &ara"eters and s&eci!c &articles in a dar-ened area ,it) *lac- li()t illu"inationA T)e resultin( &article indication?s@ s)all *e &)oto(ra&)edA
IV#520 IV#521
IV#552A2 E!a"ination Lit) Alternate La elen(t) Li()tA <sin( t)e sa"e &article indication?s@ e!a"ined in IV#552A1% s,itc) to t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source and adSust t)e li()t intensit' *' ar'in( t)e distance or &o,er% to esta*lis) &article indication?s@ essentiall' t)e sa"e as t)at ?t)ose@ o*tained ,it) t)e *lac- li()t a*o eA T)e li()t intensit' s)all *e "easured ,it) t)e alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t "eterA T)e resultin( &article indication?s@ s)all *e &)oto(ra&)ed usin( identical &)oto(ra&)ic tec)# niJues as used .or t)e *lac- li()tA +o,e er% ca"era lens !lters a&&ro&riate .or use ,it) t)e alternate ,a elen(t) li()t source s)ould *e used .or recordin( t)e indication?s@% ,)en reJuiredA
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e in.or"ation reJuired in T#52F and t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t source% "anu.acturer% and "odel ?*@ alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t source "eter% " turer% and "odel ?c@ !lter (lasses% ,)en necessar' ?d@ !uorescent &article "anu.acturer and desi(nation ?e@ Juali!cation standard identi!cation ?.@ tec)niJue details ?(@ identi!cation o. t)e &ersonnel &er.or"in( and ,it# nessin( t)e Juali!cation ?)@ eJui&"ent and "aterials used ?i@ "ini"u" alternate ,a elen(t) li()t intensit' ?(@ *lac- li()t and alternati e ,a elen(t) li()t Juali!# cation &)otos% e!&osure settin(s% and !lters% i. used
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents s)all *e in accor# dance ,it) Article 1A Iauss"eters and related eJui&"ent s)all *e cali*rated in accordance ,it) T#54F o. Article 5A De!nitions6 standard ter"inolo(' .or "a(netic &article e!a"inations is &resented in SE#1F14A
o. t)e &ro*e "ust *e &er&endicular to t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art at t)e location o. "easure"ent to ,it)in 1 de(A T)is "a' *e di.!cult to acco"&lis) *' )and orientationA A Si( or !!ture "a' *e used to ensure t)is orientation is ac)ie ed and "aintainedA T)e direction and "a(nitude o. t)e tan(ential !eld on t)e &art sur.ace can *e deter"ined *' &lacin( t)e +all# E..ect tan(ential !eld &ro*e on t)e &art sur.ace in t)e area o. interestA T)e direction o. t)e !eld can *e deter"ined durin( t)e a&&lication o. t)e "a(netiDin( !eld *' rotatin( t)e tan(ential !eld &ro*e ,)ile in contact ,it) t)e &art until t)e )i()est !eld readin( is o*tained on t)e Iauss"eterA T)e orientation o. t)e &ro*e% ,)en t)e )i()est !eld is o*tained% ,ill indicate t)e !eld direction at t)at &ointA Iauss"eters cannot *e used to deter"ine t)e adeJuac' o. "a(netiDin( !elds .or "ultidirectional and coil "a(netiDation tec)# niJuesA Once adeJuate !eld stren(t) )as *een de"onstrated ,it) arti!cial !a, s)i"s% Iauss"eter readin(s "a' *e used at t)e location o. s)i" attac)"ent on identical &arts or si"ilar con!(urations to eri.' !eld intensit' and directionA
Iauss"eter )a in( t)e ca&a*ilit' o. *ein( set to read &ea- alues o. !eld intensit'A T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e (auss"eter s)all *e at least 0 +D to F00 +DA T)e +all#E..ect tan(ential !eld &ro*e s)ould *e no lar(er t)an 0A2 inA ?1 ""@ *' 0A2 inA ?1 ""@ and s)ould )a e a "a!i"u" center location 0A2 inA ?1 ""@ .ro" t)e &art sur.aceA Pro*e leads s)all *e s)ielded or t,isted to &re ent readin( errors due to olta(e induced durin( t)e lar(e !eld c)an(es encountered durin( "a(netic &article e!a"ina# tionsA
Care s)all *e e!ercised ,)en "easurin( t)e tan(ential a&&lied !eld stren(t)s s&eci!ed in T#54GA1AFA T)e &lane
Docu"entation s)ould include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ eJui&"ent "odel and &ro*e descri&tionR ?*@ s-etc) or dra,in( s)o,in( ,)ere "easure"ents are "adeR and ?c@ !eld intensit' and direction o. "easure"entA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L)en s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e edd' current e!a"ination "et)od and tec)niJues descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e usedA ?a@ T)is Article descri*es t)e tec)niJues to *e used ,)en &er.or"in( edd' current e!a"inations on conducti e#non.erro"a(netic and coated .erritic "aterialsA ?*@ T)e reJuire"ents o. Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire# "ents% also a&&l' ,)en edd' current e!a"ination% in accor# dance ,it) Article 3% is reJuired *' a re.erencin( Code SectionA ?c@ De!nitions o. ter"s .or edd' current e!a"ination a&&ear in t)ree &laces6 A&&endi! I to t)is ArticleR Article 1% A&&endi! IR and Su*section B% Article F0A ?d@ A&&endi! II% Edd' Current E!a"ination o. ro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*in(% &ro ides t)e reJuire# "ents .or *o**in coil "ulti.reJuenc' and "ulti&ara"eter edd' current e!a"ination o. installed non.erro"a(netic )eat e!c)an(er tu*in(A
?e@ A&&endi! III% Edd' Current E!a"ination on Coated 8erritic Materials% &ro ides edd' current reJuire"ents .or edd' current e!a"ination on coated .erritic "aterialsA ?.@ A&&endi! IV% E!ternal Coil Edd' Current E!a"ina# tion o. Tu*ular Products% &ro ides t)e reJuire"ents .or e!ternal coil edd' current e!a"ination o. sea"less co&&er% co&&er allo'% austenitic stainless steel% Ni#Cr#8e allo'% and ot)er non.erro"a(netic tu*ular &roductsA ?(@ A&&endi! V% Edd' Current Measure"ent o. Nonconducti e#Non"a(netic Coatin( T)ic-ness on a Non# "a(netic Metallic Material% &ro ides t)e reJuire"ents .or sur.ace &ro*e edd' current e!a"ination .or "easurin( nonconducti e#non"a(netic coatin( t)ic-nessesA ?)@ A&&endi! VI% Edd' Current Detection and Measure# "ent o. De&t) o. Sur.ace Discontinuities in Non"a(netic Metals Lit) Sur.ace Pro*es% &ro ides t)e reJuire"ents .or sur.ace &ro*e edd' current e!a"ination .or detection o. sur.ace connected discontinuities and "easurin( t)eir de&t)A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s related to edd' current e!a"ination% ,)ic) a&&ear in Article 3A
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e reJuire"ents .or *o**in coil% "ulti.reJuenc'% "ulti&ara"eter% edd' current e!a"i# nation .or installed non.erro"a(netic )eat e!c)an(er tu*# in(% ,)en t)is A&&endi! is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
?a@ T)is standard ter"inolo(' .or nondestructi e e!a"i# nation ASTM E 1F14 )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14% Section 4% Electro"a(netic Testin(% &ro# ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in I#3F0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Inter&retation% 8la,% Dis# continuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) I#3F0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!# nitions% ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
T)is A&&endi! also &ro ides t)e "et)odolo(' .or e!a"# inin( non.erro"a(netic% )eat e!c)an(er tu*in( usin( t)e edd' current "et)od and *o**in coil tec)niJueA B' scan# nin( t)e tu*in( .ro" t)e *oreside% in.or"ation ,ill *e o*tained .ro" ,)ic) t)e condition o. t)e tu*in( ,ill *e deter"inedA Scannin( is (enerall' &er.or"ed ,it) a *o**in coil attac)ed to a !e!i*le s)a.t &ulled t)rou() tu*in( "anu# all' or *' a "otoriDed de iceA Results are o*tained *' e aluatin( data acJuired and recorded durin( scannin(A
?a@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article6 a*solute coil% di..erential coils% edd' current% edd' current testin(% .reJuenc'% &)ase an(le% &ro*e coil% re.erence standard% standardA ?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is ArticleA *o**in coil6 .or ins&ection o. tu*in(% a *o**in coil is de!ned as a circular inside dia"eter coil ,ound suc) t)at t)e coil is concentric ,it) a tu*e durin( e!a"inationA te!t in.or"ation6 in.or"ation stored on t)e recordin( "edia to su&&ort recorded edd' current dataA E!a"&les include tu*e and stea" (enerator identi!cation% o&eratorEs na"e% date o. e!a"ination% and resultsA unit o. data stora(e6 eac) discrete &)'sical recordin( "ediu" on ,)ic) edd' current data and te!t in.or"ation are storedA E!a"&les include ta&e cartrid(e% !o&&' dis-% etcA
II#321A1 ReJuire"entsA Edd' current e!a"inations s)all *e conducted in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all contain% as a "ini"u"% t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le II#321A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA II#321A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le II#321 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJual# i!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Personnel ReJuire"ents
II#3F0A2 Analo( Data AcJuisition S'ste" II#3F0A2A1 Analo( Edd' Current Instru"ent ?a@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e out&uts .ro" t)e edd' current instru"ent s)all *e constant ,it)in 2O o. .ull scale .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eed ?inA 0sec@ ?"" 0s@A ?*@ Edd' current si(nals s)all *e dis&la'ed as t,o# di"ensional &atterns *' use o. an =#7 stora(e oscillosco&e or eJui alentA ?c@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e instru"ent out&ut s)all *e constant ,it)in 2O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA
T)e user o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" edd' current e!a"ination in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
II#3F0EK<IPMENT II#3F0A1 Data AcJuisition S'ste" II#3F0A1A1 Multi.reJuenc'#Multi&ara"eter EJui&"entA T)e edd' current instru"ent s)all )a e t)e ca&a*ilit' o. (eneratin( "ulti&le .reJuencies si"ultane# ousl' or "ulti&le!ed and *e ca&a*le o. "ulti&ara"eter si(nal co"*inationA In t)e selection o. .reJuencies% consid# eration s)all *e (i en to o&ti"iDin( !a, detection and c)aracteriDationA ?a@ T)e out&uts .ro" t)e edd' current instru"ent s)all &ro ide &)ase and a"&litude in.or"ationA ?*@ T)e edd' current instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. o&eratin( ,it) *o**in coil &ro*es in t)e di..erential "ode or t)e a*solute "ode% or *ot)A ?c@ T)e edd' current s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. real ti"e recordin( and &la'in( *ac- o. e!a"ination dataA ?d@ T)e edd' current eJui&"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. detectin( and recordin( di"ensional c)an(es% "etallur(i# cal c)an(es and .orei(n "aterial de&osits% and res&onses .ro" i"&er.ections ori(inatin( on eit)er tu*e ,all sur.aceA
II#3F0A2A2 Ma(netic Ta&e Recorder ?a@ T)e "a(netic ta&e recorder used ,it) t)e analo( eJui&"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( and &la'in( *acedd' current si(nal data .ro" all test .reJuencies and s)all )a e oice lo((in( ca&a*ilit'A ?*@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e "a(netic ta&e recorder out&uts s)all *e constant ,it)in 10O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA ?c@ Si(nal re&roduci*ilit' .ro" in&ut to out&ut s)all *e ,it)in 1OA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
II#3F0A2AF Stri& C)art Recorder ?a@ Stri& c)art recorders used ,it) analo( eJui&"ent s)all )a e at least 2 c)annelsA ?*@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e stri& c)art recorder s)all *e constant ,it)in 20O o. .ull scale .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s 0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s 0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA II#3F0AF Di(ital Data AcJuisition S'ste" II#3F0AFA1 Di(ital Edd' Current Instru"ent ?a@ At t)e scannin( s&eed to *e used% t)e sa"&lin( rate o. t)e instru"ent s)all result in a "ini"u" di(itiDin( rate o. F0 sa"&les &er inA ?21 ""@ o. e!a"ined tu*in(% use dr & sr 0ss% ,)ere dr is t)e di(itiDin( rate in sa"&les &er inA% sr is t)e sa"&lin( rate in sa"&les &er sec or +D% and ss is t)e scannin( s&eed in inA &er secA ?*@ T)e di(ital edd' current instru"ent s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolution o. 12 *its &er data &ointA ?c@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e out&uts o. analo( &ortions o. t)e edd' current instru"ent s)all *e constant ,it)in 2O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i# "u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA ?d@ T)e dis&la' s)all *e selecta*le so t)at t)e e!a"ina# tion .reJuenc' or "i!ed .reJuencies can *e &resented as a LissaSous &atternA ?e@ T)e LissaSous dis&la' s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 5 *its .ull scaleA ?.@ T)e stri& c)art dis&la' s)all *e ca&a*le o. dis&la'in( at least 2 tracesA ?(@ T)e stri& c)art dis&la' s)all *e selecta*le so eit)er t)e = or 7 co"&onent can *e dis&la'edA ?)@ T)e stri& c)art dis&la' s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 4 *its .ull scaleA
?*@ T)e s'ste" s)all )a e "ulti&ara"eter "i!in( ca&a# *ilit'A ?c@ T)e s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. "aintainin( t)e iden# ti!cation o. eac) tu*e recordedA ?d@ T)e s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin( &)ase an(les in incre"ents o. one de(ree or lessA ?e@ T)e s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin( a"&li# tudes to t)e nearest 0A1 oltA
II#3F0A4 Analo( Data Anal'sis S'ste" II#3F0A4A1 Dis&la'A Edd' current si(nals s)all *e dis# &la'ed as LissaSous &atterns *' use o. an =#7 stora(e dis&la' oscillosco&e or eJui alentA T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e dis&la' de ice s)all *e constant ,it)in 2O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA
II#3F0A4A2 Recordin( S'ste" ?a@ T)e "a(netic ta&e recorder s)all *e ca&a*le o. &la'# in( *ac- t)e recorded dataA ?*@ T)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e "a(netic ta&e recorder out&uts s)all *e constant ,it)in 10O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eed ?inA 0s@ ?"" 0s@A ?c@ Si(nal re&roduci*ilit' in&ut to out&ut s)all *e ,it)in 1OA
II#3F0AFA2 Di(ital Recordin( S'ste" ?a@ T)e recordin( s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( and &la'in( *ac- all acJuired edd' current si(nal data .ro" all test .reJuenciesA ?*@ T)e recordin( s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( and &la'in( *ac- te!t in.or"ationA ?c@ T)e recordin( s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 12 *its &er data &ointA
II#3F0A5 Di(ital Data Anal'sis S'ste" II#3F0A5A1 Dis&la' ?a@ T)e anal'sis dis&la' s)all *e ca&a*le o. &resentin( recorded edd' current si(nal data and test in.or"ationA ?*@ T)e anal'sis s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 12 *its &er data &ointA ?c@ T)e LissaSous &attern dis&la' s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolution o. 5 *its .ull scaleA ?d@ T)e stri& c)art dis&la' s)all *e selecta*le so eit)er t)e = or 7 co"&onent o. an' e!a"ination .reJuenc' or "i!ed .reJuencies can *e dis&la'edA ?e@ T)e stri& c)art dis&la' s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 4 *its .ull scaleA
II#3F0AG Bo**in Coils II#3F0AGA1 Ieneral ReJuire"ents ?a@ Bo**in coils s)all *e a*le to detect arti!cial disconti# nuities in t)e cali*ration re.erence standardA ?*@ Bo**in coils s)all )a e su.!cient *and,idt) .or o&eratin( .reJuencies selected .or !a, detection and siDin(A II#3F0A1 Data Anal'sis S'ste" II#3F0A1A1 Basic S'ste" ReJuire"ents ?a@ T)e data anal'sis s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. dis# &la'in( edd' current si(nal data .ro" all test .reJuenciesA
II#3F0A5A2 Recordin( S'ste" ?a@ T)e recordin( s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. &la'in( *ac- all recorded edd' current si(nal data and test in.or# "ationA ?*@ T)e recordin( s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" resolu# tion o. 12 *its &er data &ointA II#3F0A3 +'*rid Data Anal'sis S'ste" ?a@ Indi idual ele"ents o. )'*rid s'ste"s usin( *ot) di(ital ele"ents and so"e analo( ele"ents s)all "eet s&e# ci!c sections o. II#3F0% as a&&lica*leA ?*@ L)en analo( to di(ital or di(ital to analo( con ert# ers are used% t)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e analo( ele"ent
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
out&uts s)all *e constant ,it)in 1O o. t)e in&ut alue .ro" dc to 8"a!% ,)ere 8"a! ?+D@ is eJual to 10 ?+D#s0inA@ P0AG ?+D#s0""@Q ti"es "a!i"u" &ro*e tra el s&eedA
II#3G0REK<IREMENTS II#3G0A1 Recordin( and Sensiti it' Le el ?a@ T)e edd' current si(nal data .ro" all test .reJuencies s)all *e recorded on t)e recordin( "edia as t)e &ro*e tra erses t)e tu*eA ?*@ T)e sensiti it' .or t)e di..erential *o**in coil tec)# niJue s)all *e su.!cient to &roduce a res&onse .ro" t)e t)rou()#,all )ole?s@ ,it) a "ini"u" ertical a"&litude o. 10O o. t)e .ull LissaSous dis&la' )ei()tA
?.@ a"&li!cation .or all c)annels o. t)e edd' current instru"ent s)all *e ,it)in 1O o. t)e "ean alue% at all sensiti it' settin(s% at an' sin(le .reJuenc' ?(@ t)e t,o out&ut c)annels o. t)e edd' current instru# "ent s)all *e ort)o(onal ,it)in F de( at t)e e!a"ination .reJuenc' II#340A1A2 Di(ital EJui&"entA Analo( ele"ents o. di(ital eJui&"ent s)all *e cali*rated in accordance ,it) II#340A1A1A Di(ital ele"ents need not *e cali*ratedA II#340A2 Cali*ration Re.erence Standards II#340A2A1 Cali*ration Re.erence Standard ReJuire"entsA Cali*ration re.erence standards s)all con# .or" to t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ Cali*ration re.erence standards s)all *e " tured .ro" tu*e?s@ o. t)e sa"e "aterial s&eci!cation and no"inal siDe as t)at to *e e!a"ined in t)e esselA ?*@ Tu*in( cali*ration re.erence standard "aterials )eat treated di..erentl' .ro" t)e tu*in( to *e e!a"ined "a' *e used ,)en si(nal res&onses .ro" t)e discontinuities descri*ed in II#340A2A2 are de"onstrated to t)e Ins&ector to *e eJui alent in *ot) t)e cali*ration re.erence standard and tu*in( o. t)e sa"e )eat treat"ent as t)e tu*in( to *e e!a"inedA ?c@ As an alternati e to II#340A2A1?a@ and ?*@% cali*ration re.erence standards .a*ricated .ro" <NS Allo' N04400 s)all *e "anu.actured .ro" a len(t) o. tu*in( o. t)e sa"e "aterial s&eci!cation and sa"e no"inal siDe as t)at to *e e!a"ined in t)e esselA ?d@ Arti!cial discontinuities in cali*ration re.erence standards s)all *e s&aced a!iall' so t)e' can *e di..erenti# ated .ro" eac) ot)er and .ro" t)e ends o. t)e tu*eA T)e as#*uilt di"ensions o. t)e discontinuities and t)e a&&lica# *le edd' current eJui&"ent res&onse s)all *eco"e &art o. t)e &er"anent record o. t)e cali*ration re.erence standardA ?e@ Eac) cali*ration re.erence standard s)all *e &er"a# nentl' identi!ed ,it) a serial nu"*erA
II#3G0A2 Pro*e Tra erse S&eedA T)e tra erse s&eed s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) &ro ides adeJuate .reJuenc' res&onse and sensiti it' to t)e a&&lica*le cali*ration dis# continuitiesA Mini"u" di(itiDation rates "ust *e "ain# tained at all ti"esA II#3G0AF 8i!ture Location Veri!cation ?a@ T)e a*ilit' o. t)e !!ture to locate s&eci!c tu*es s)all *e eri!ed isuall' and recorded u&on installation o. t)e !!ture and *e.ore relocatin( or re"o in( t)e !!tureA Inde&endent &osition eri!cation% eA(A% s&eci!c land"arlocation% s)all *e &er.or"ed and recorded at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) unit o. data stora(e o. t)e recordin( "ediaA ?*@ L)en t)e &er.or"ance o. !!ture location re eals t)at an error )as occurred in t)e recordin( o. &ro*e eri!# cation location% t)e tu*es e!a"ined since t)e &re ious loca# tion eri!cation s)all *e ree!a"inedA
II#3G0AG Auto"ated Data Screenin( S'ste"A L)en auto"ated edd' current data screenin( s'ste"s are used% eac) s'ste" s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedureA
II#340CALIBRATION II#340A1 EJui&"ent Cali*ration II#340A1A1 Analo( EJui&"ent T)e .ollo,in( s)all *e eri!ed *' annual cali*ration6 ?a@ t)e oscillator out&ut .reJuenc' to t)e dri e coil s)all *e ,it)in 1O o. its indicated .reJuenc' ?*@ t)e ertical and )oriDontal linearit' o. t)e cat)ode ra' tu*e ?CRT@ dis&la' s)all *e ,it)in 10O o. t)e de!ec# tion o. t)e in&ut olta(e ?c@ t)e CRT ertical and )oriDontal trace ali(n"ent s)all *e ,it)in 2 de( o. &arallel to t)e (raticule lines ?d@ t)e ratio o. t)e out&ut olta(e .ro" t)e ta&e recorder s)all *e ,it)in 1O o. t)e in&ut olta(e .or eac) c)annel o. t)e ta&e recorder ?e@ t)e c)art s&eed .ro" t)e stri& c)art recorder s)all *e ,it)in 1O o. t)e indicated alue
II#340A2A2 Cali*ration Re.erence Standards .or Di..erential and A*solute Bo**in Coils ?a@ Cali*ration re.erence standards s)all contain t)e .ol# lo,in( arti!cial discontinuities6 ?1@ One or .our t)rou()#,all )oles as .ollo,s6 ?a@ A 0A012 inA ?1AF ""@ dia"eter )ole .or tu*in( ,it) dia"eters o. 0A510 inA ?12 ""@ and less% or a 0A045 inA ?1A50 ""@ )ole .or tu*in( ,it) dia"eters (reater t)an 0A510 inA ?12 ""@A ?*@ 8our )oles s&aced 20 de( a&art in a sin(le &lane around t)e tu*e circu".erence% 0A024 inA ?0A41 ""@ dia"eter .or tu*in( ,it) dia"eters o. 0A510 inA ?12 ""@ and less and 0A0FF inA ?0A3F ""@ dia"eter .or tu*in( ,it) dia"eters (reater t)an 0A510 inA ?12 ""@A ?2@ A !at#*otto" )ole 0A102 inA ?2A5 ""@ dia"eter% 40O t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all .ro" t)e outer sur.aceA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
10 de( to 120 de( 21O F G0 de( Screen +ei()t 0 1 2 Start 21O 20O .lat *otto" )ole res&onse 2 1 Pe a o& ea -t G F G G0 de(
Screen +ei()t 0
100O t)rou()# ,all )ole res&onse 10O Screen Lidt) Screen Lidt)
?F@ 8our !at#*otto" )oles 0A135 inA ?1 ""@ dia"eter% s&aced 20 de( a&art in a sin(le &lane around t)e tu*e circu".erence% 20O t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all .ro" t)e outer sur.aceA ?*@ T)e de&t) o. t)e arti!cial discontinuities% at t)eir center% s)all *e ,it)in 20O o. t)e s&eci!ed de&t) or 0A00F inA ?0A03 ""@% ,)ic)e er is lessA All ot)er di"en# sions s)all *e ,it)in 0A00F inA ?0A03 ""@A ?c@ All arti!cial discontinuities s)all *e su.!cientl' se&# arated to a oid inter.erence *et,een si(nals% e!ce&t .or t)e )oles s&eci!ed in II#340A2A2?a@?1@?*@ and ?a@?F@A
t)e instru"ent and s)all *e distin(uis)a*le .ro" eac) ot)er as ,ell as .ro" &ro*e "otion si(nalsA II#340AFA2 A*solute Bo**in Coil Tec)niJue ?a@ T)e sensiti it' s)all *e adSusted to &roduce a "ini# "u" ori(in#to#&ea- si(nal o. 2 olts .ro" t)e .our 20O !at#*otto" )oles or F olts .ro" t)e .our t)rou()#,all drilled )olesA ?*@ AdSust t)e &)ase or rotation control so t)at t)e si(nal res&onse due to t)e t)rou()#,all )ole .or"s u& and to t)e le.t as t)e &ro*e is ,it)dra,n .ro" t)e cali*ration re.erence standard )oldin( t)e si(nal res&onse .ro" t)e &ro*e "otion )oriDontalA See 8i(A II#340AFA2A ?c@ Lit)dra, t)e &ro*e t)rou() t)e cali*ration ence standard at t)e no"inal e!a"ination s&eedA Record t)e res&onses o. t)e a&&lica*le cali*ration re.erence standard discontinuitiesA T)e res&onses s)all *e clearl' indicated *' t)e instru"ent and s)all *e distin(uis)a*le .ro" eac) ot)er as ,ell as .ro" &ro*e "otion si(nalsA
II#340AF Analo( S'ste" Set#u& and AdSust"ent II#340AFA1 Di..erential Bo**in Coil Tec)niJue ?a@ T)e sensiti it' s)all *e adSusted to &roduce a "ini# "u" &ea-#to#&ea- si(nal o. G olts .ro" t)e .our 20O !at#*otto" )oles or 4 olts .ro" t)e .our t)rou()#,all drilled )olesA ?*@ T)e &)ase or rotation control s)all *e adSusted so t)e si(nal res&onse due to t)e t)rou()#,all )ole .or"s do,n and to t)e ri()t !rst as t)e &ro*e is ,it)dra,n .ro" t)e cali*ration re.erence standard )oldin( t)e si(nal res&onse .ro" t)e &ro*e "otion )oriDontalA See 8i(A II# 340AFA1A ?c@ Lit)dra, t)e &ro*e t)rou() t)e cali*ration ence standard at t)e no"inal e!a"ination s&eedA Record t)e res&onses o. t)e a&&lica*le cali*ration re.erence standard discontinuitiesA T)e res&onses s)all *e clearl' indicated *'
II#340AG Di(ital S'ste" O..#Line Cali*rationA T)e edd' current e!a"ination data is di(itiDed and recorded durin( scannin( .or o..#line anal'sis and inter&retationA T)e s'ste" set#u& o. &)ase and a"&litude settin(s s)all *e &er.or"ed o..#line *' t)e data anal'stA P)ase and a"&litude settin(s s)all *e suc) t)at t)e &ersonnel acJuirin( t)e data can clearl' discern t)at t)e edd' current instru"ent is ,or-in( &ro&erl'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
100 20 30 8la, De&t) ?O Lall 50 T)ic-ness@ 40 10 G0 F0 20 10 0
II#340AGA1 S'ste" Cali*ration Veri!cation ?a@ Cali*ration s)all include t)e co"&lete edd' current e!a"ination s'ste"A An' c)an(e o. &ro*e% e!tension ca*les% edd' current instru"ent% recordin( instru"ents% or an' ot)er &arts o. t)e edd' current e!a"ination s'ste" )ard,are s)all reJuire recali*rationA ?*@ S'ste" cali*ration eri!cation s)all *e &er.or"ed and recorded at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) unit o. data stora(e o. t)e recordin( "ediaA ?c@ S)ould t)e s'ste" *e .ound to *e out o. cali*ration ?as de!ned in II#340AF@% t)e eJui&"ent s)all *e recali*ratedA T)e recali*ration s)all *e noted on t)e recordin(A All tu*es e!a"ined since t)e last alid cali*ration s)all *e ree!# a"inedA
correlatin( t)e si(nal a"&litude or &)ase ,it) t)e indica# tion de&t) s)all *e *ased on t)e *asic cali*ration standard or ot)er re&resentati e standards t)at )a e *een Juali!edA T)is s)all *e acco"&lis)ed *' usin( cur es% ta*les% or so.t,areA 8i(ure II#330 illustrates t)e relations)i& o. &)ase an(le ersus !a, de&t) .or a non.erro"a(netic t)in#,alled tu*e e!a"ined at a .reJuenc' selected to o&ti"iDe !a, resolutionA
II#330AF 8reJuencies <sed .or Data E aluationA All indications s)all *e e aluatedA Indication t'&es% ,)ic) "ust *e re&orted% s)all *e c)aracteriDed usin( t)e .reJuencies or .reJuenc' "i!es t)at ,ere Juali!edA
II#320DOC<MENTATION II#320A1 Re&ortin( II#320A1A1 CriteriaA Indications re&orted in accor# dance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e descri*ed in ter"s o. t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a "ini"u"6 ?a@ location alon( t)e len(t) o. t)e tu*e and ,it) res&ect to t)e su&&ort "e"*ers ?*@ de&t) o. t)e indication t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all% ,)en reJuired *' t)is A&&endi! ?c@ si(nal a"&litude ?d@ .reJuenc' or .reJuenc' "i! .ro" ,)ic) t)e indica# tion ,as e aluated
II#330EVAL<ATION II#330A1 Data E aluationA Data s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A II#330A2 Means o. Deter"inin( Indication De&t)A 8or indication t'&es t)at "ust *e re&orted in ter"s o. de&t)% a "eans o. correlatin( t)e indication de&t) ,it) t)e si(nal a"&litude or &)ase s)all *e esta*lis)edA T)e "eans o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
II#320A1A2 De&t)A T)e "a!i"u" e aluated de&t) o. !a,s s)all *e re&orted in ter"s o. &ercenta(e o. tu*e ,all lossA L)en t)e loss o. tu*e ,all is deter"ined *' t)e anal'st to *e less t)an 20O% t)e e!act &ercenta(e o. tu*e ,all loss need not *e recorded% iAeA% t)e indication "a' *e re&orted as *ein( less t)an 20OA II#320A1AF Non#Kuanti!a*le IndicationsA A non# Juanti!a*le indication is a re&orta*le indication t)at cannot *e c)aracteriDedA T)e indication s)all *e considered a !a, until ot)er,ise resol edA
edd' current e!a"ination s'ste" or &art t)ereo.A ?*@ T)e re&ort s)all include a record indicatin( t)e tu*es e!a"ined ?t)is "a' *e "ar-ed on a tu*es)eet s-etc) or dra,in(@% an' scannin( li"itations% t)e location and de&t) o. eac) re&orted !a,% and t)e identi!cation and certi!ca# tion le el o. t)e o&erators and data e aluators t)at con# ducted eac) e!a"ination or &art t)ereo.A ?c@ Tu*es t)at are to *e re&aired or re"o ed .ro" ser# ice% *ased on edd' current e!a"ination data% s)all *e identi!edA
II#320A1AG Su&&ort Me"*ers II#320A1AGA1 Location o. Su&&ort Me"*ersA T)e location o. su&&ort "e"*ers used as re.erence &oints .or t)e edd' current e!a"ination s)all *e eri!ed *' .a*rica# tion dra,in(s or t)e use o. a "easure"ent tec)niJueA II#320A2 Records II#320A2A1 Record Identi!cationA T)e recordin( "edia s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation ,it)in eac) unit o. data stora(e6 ?a@ O,ner ?*@ &lant site and unit ?c@ )eat e!c)an(er identi!cation ?d@ data stora(e unit nu"*er ?e@ date o. e!a"ination ?.@ serial nu"*er o. t)e cali*ration standard ?(@ o&eratorEs identi!cation and certi!cation le el ?)@ e!a"ination .reJuenc' or .reJuencies ?i@ "ode o. o&eration includin( instru"ent sa"&le rate% dri e olta(e% and (ain settin(s ?S@ len(t)s o. &ro*e and &ro*e e!tension ca*les ?-@ siDe and t'&e o. &ro*es ?l@ &ro*e "anu.acturerEs na"e and "anu.acturerEs &art nu"*er or &ro*e descri&tion and serial nu"*er ?"@ edd' current instru"ent serial nu"*er ?n@ &ro*e scan direction durin( data acJuisition ?o@ a&&lication side M inlet or outlet ?&@ sli& rin( serial nu"*er% as a&&lica*le ?J@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision
II#320A2AG Record RetentionA Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e encin( Code SectionA
?a@ T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e edd' current e!a"ina# tion "et)odolo(' and eJui&"ent reJuire"ents a&&lica*le .or &er.or"in( edd' current e!a"ination on coated .erritic "aterialsA ?*@ Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"ents% also a&&lies ,)en edd' current e!a"ination o. coated .erritic "aterials is reJuiredA ReJuire"ents .or ,ritten &rocedures% as s&eci!ed in Article 3% s)all a&&l'% as indicatedA ?c@ SD#1134% Standard Test Met)ods .or Nondestructi e Measure"ent o. Dr' 8il" T)ic-ness o. Non"a(netic Coatin(s A&&lied to a 8errous Base% "a' *e used to de elo& a &rocedure .or "easurin( t)e t)ic-ness o. non"a(netic and conducti e coatin(sA
III#320 III#321
II#320A2A2 Tu*e Identi!cation ?a@ Eac) tu*e e!a"ined s)all *e identi!ed on t)e a&&li# ca*le unit o. data stora(e and ?*@ T)e "et)od o. recordin( t)e tu*e identi!cation s)all correlate tu*e identi!cation ,it) corres&ondin( recorded tu*e dataA II#320A2AF Re&ortin( ?a@ T)e O,ner or )is a(ent s)all &re&are a re&ort o. t)e e!a"inations &er.or"edA T)e re&ort s)all *e &re&ared% !led% and "aintained in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Procedures and eJui&"ent used s)all *e identi!ed su.!cientl' to &er"it co"&arison o. t)e e!a"ina# tion results ,it) ne, e!a"ination results run at a later dateA T)is s)all include initial cali*ration data .or eac)
T)e user o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" edd' current e!a"ination in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e reJuire"ents o. IV#32F s)all a&&l'A T)e t'&e o. coatin( and "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness also s)all *e essen# tial aria*lesA
Procedure De"onstration
T)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e edd' current s'ste" s)all include &)ase and a"&li# tude dis&la'A
t)e Juali!cation !a,s t)rou() t)e "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-# ness re(ardless o. !a, orientation ?eA(A% &er&endicular% &arallel% or s-e,ed to t)e scan direction@A T)e si(nal a"&li# tude .ro" eac) Juali!cation !a, in t)e coated Juali!cation s&eci"en s)all *e at least 10O o. t)e si(nal a"&litude "easured on t)e corres&ondin( Juali!cation !a, &rior to coatin(A
T)e &er.or"ance o. e!a"inations s)all *e &receded *' "easure"ent o. t)e coatin( t)ic-ness in t)e areas to *e e!a"inedA I. t)e coatin( is nonconducti e% an edd' current tec)niJue "a' *e used to "easure t)e coatin( t)ic-nessA I. t)e coatin( is conducti e% a "a(netic coatin( t)ic-ness tec)niJue "a' *e used in accordance ,it) SD#1134A Coat# in( t)ic-ness "easure"ent s)all *e used in accordance ,it) t)e eJui&"ent "anu.acturerEs instructionsA Coatin( t)ic-ness "easure"ents s)all *e ta-en at t)e intersections o. a 2 inA ?10 ""@ "a!i"u" (rid &attern o er t)e area to *e e!a"inedA T)e t)ic-ness s)all *e t)e "ean o. t)ree se&arate readin(s ,it)in 0A210 inA ?4 ""@ o. eac) inter# sectionA
?a@ Prior to t)e e!a"ination% all loose% *listered% !a-in(% or &eelin( coatin( s)all *e re"o ed .ro" t)e e!a"ina# tion areaA ?*@ L)en conductin( e!a"inations% areas o. sus&ected !a, indications s)all *e con!r"ed *' a&&lication o. anot)er sur.ace or olu"etric e!a"ination "et)odA It "a' *e necessar' to re"o e t)e sur.ace coatin( &rior to &er# .or"in( t)e ot)er e!a"inationA
III#320 III#340 CALIBRATION III#321 ?a@ A Juali!cation s&eci"en is reJuiredA T)e "aterial used .or t)e s&eci"en s)all *e t)e sa"e s&eci!cation and )eat treat"ent as t)e coated .erro"a(netic "aterial to *e e!a"inedA I. a conducti e &ri"er ,as used on t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined% t)e &ri"er t)ic-ness on t)e &rocedure Juali!cation s&eci"en s)all *e t)e "a!i"u" allo,ed on t)e e!a"ination sur.aces *' t)e coatin( s&eci!cationA Plas# tic s)i" stoc- "a' *e used to si"ulate nonconducti e coatin(s .or &rocedure Juali!cationA T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e coatin( or o. t)e alternati e &lastic s)i" stoc- on t)e &rocedure Juali!cation s&eci"en s)all *e eJual to or (reater t)an t)e "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness "easured on t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA ?*@ T)e Juali!cation s&eci"en s)all include at least one crac-A T)e len(t) o. t)e crac- o&en to t)e sur.ace s)all not e!ceed t)e allo,a*le len(t) .or sur.ace !a,sA T)e "a!i"u" crac- de&t) in t)e *ase "etal s)all *e *et,een 0A020 inA and 0A0G0 inA ?0A1 "" and 1A0 ""@A In addition% i. t)e area o. interest includes ,eld "etal% a 0A020 inA ?0A1 ""@ "a!i"u" de&t) crac- is reJuired in an as#,elded and coated sur.ace t'&ical o. t)e ,elds to *e e!a"inedA In lieu o. a crac-% a "ac)ined notc) o. 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ "a!i"u" ,idt) and 0A020 inA ?0A1 ""@ "a!i"u" de&t) "a' *e used in t)e as#,elded sur.aceA ?c@ E!a"ine t)e Juali!cation s&eci"en !rst uncoated and t)en a.ter coatin( to t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness to *e Juali!edA Record t)e si(nal a"&litudes .ro" t)e Juali!ca# tion !a,sA ?d@ <sin( t)e "a!i"u" scannin( s&eed% t)e "a!i"u" scan inde!% and t)e scan &attern s&eci!ed *' t)e &rocedure% t)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated to consistentl' detect
T)e re&ort o. e!a"ination s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?*@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?c@ date o. e!a"ination ?d@ results o. e!a"ination and related s-etc)es or "a&s o. reSecta*le indications ?e@ identi!cation o. &art or co"&onent e!a"ined
Record Retention
Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)is A&&endi! descri*es t)e "et)od to *e used ,)en &er.or"in( edd' current e!a"inations o. sea"less co&&er% co&&er allo'% and ot)er non.erro"a(netic tu*ular &roductsA T)e "et)od con.or"s su*stantiall' ,it) t)e .ollo,in( Standard listed in Article 24 and re&roduced in Su*section B6 SE#2GF% Electro"a(netic ?Edd' Current@ Testin( o. Sea"less Co&&er and Co&&er#Allo' +eat E!c)an(er and Condenser Tu*esA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ents ?As A&&lica*le@ 8reJuenc'?ies@ Mode ?di..erential0a*solute@ Mini"u" !ll .actor Pro*e t'&e Ma!i"u" scannin( s&eed durin( data recordin( Material *ein( e!a"ined Material siDe0di"ensions Re.erence standard EJui&"ent "anu.acturer0"odel Data recordin( eJui&"ent Ca*lin( ?t'&e and len(t)@ AcJuisition so.t,are Anal'sis so.t,are Scannin( tec)niJue Scannin( eJui&"ent0!!tures Tu*e scannin( sur.ace &re&aration
,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire# "ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
EJui&"ent s)all consist o. electronic a&&aratus ca&a*le o. ener(iDin( t)e test coil or &ro*es ,it) alternatin( cur# rents o. suita*le .reJuencies and s)all *e ca&a*le o. sensin( t)e c)an(es in t)e electro"a(netic &ro&erties o. t)e "ate# rialA Out&ut &roduced *' t)is eJui&"ent "a' *e &rocessed so as to actuate si(nalin( de ices and0or to record e!a"ina# tion dataA
IV#320 IV#321
IENERAL Per.or"ance
Test coils or &ro*es s)all *e ca&a*le o. inducin( alternat# in( currents into t)e "aterial and sensin( c)an(es in t)e electro"a(netic c)aracteristics o. t)e "aterialA Test coils s)ould *e selected to &ro ide t)e )i()est &ractical !ll .actorA
Tu*es "a' *e e!a"ined at t)e !nis) siDe% a.ter t)e !nal anneal or )eat treat"ent% or at t)e !nis) siDe% &rior to t)e !nal anneal or )eat treat"ent% unless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on *et,een t)e su&&lier and t)e &urc)aserA T)e &rocedure s)all *e Juali!ed *' de"onstratin( detection o. discontinu# ities o. a siDe eJual to or s"aller t)an t)ose in t)e re.erence s&eci"en descri*ed in IV#3FFA Indications eJual to or (reater t)an t)ose considered re&orta*le *' t)e &rocedure s)all *e &rocessed in accordance ,it) IV#330A
EJui&"ent used s)ould *e desi(ned to "aintain t)e "aterial concentric ,it)in t)e coil% or to -ee& t)e &ro*e centered ,it)in t)e tu*e and to "ini"iDe i*ration durin( scannin(A Ma!i"u" scannin( s&eeds s)all *e *ased on t)e eJui&"entEs data acJuisition .reJuenc' res&onse or di(itiDin( rate% as a&&lica*leA
Re.erence S&eci"en
T)e user o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" edd' current e!a"ination in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
IV#32FLritten Procedure ReJuire"ents IV#32FA1 ReJuire"entsA Edd' current e!a"inations s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure% ,)ic) s)all contain% as a "ini"u"% t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le IV#32FA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA IV#32FA2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le IV#32F identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e re.erence s&eci"en "aterial s)all *e &rocessed in t)e sa"e "anner as t)e &roduct *ein( e!a"inedA It s)all *e t)e sa"e no"inal siDe and "aterial t'&e ?c)e"ical co"&osition and &roduct .or"@ as t)e tu*e *ein( e!a"inedA Ideall'% t)e s&eci"en s)ould *e a &art o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA <nless s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e re.erence discontinuities s)all *e trans erse notc)es or drilled )oles as descri*ed in Standard Practice SE#2GF% Section 5% Cali*ration StandardsA
S&eci!c tec)niJues "a' include s&ecial &ro*e or coil desi(ns% electronics% cali*ration standards% anal'tical al(o# rit)"s and0or dis&la' so.t,areA Tec)niJues% suc) as c)an# nel "i!es% "a' *e used as necessar' to su&&ress si(nals &roduced at t)e ends o. tu*esA Suc) tec)niJues s)all *e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IV#340 IV#341
Per.or"ance o. t)e e!a"ination eJui&"ent s)all *e eri# !ed *' t)e use o. t)e re.erence s&eci"en as .ollo,s6 ?a@ As s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure ?1@ at t)e *e(innin( o. eac) &roduction run o. a (i en dia"eter and t)ic-ness o. a (i en "aterial ?2@ at t)e end o. t)e &roduction run ?F@ at an' ti"e t)at "al.unctionin( is sus&ected ?*@ I.% durin( cali*ration or eri!cation% it is deter"ined t)at t)e e!a"ination eJui&"ent is not .unctionin( &ro&erl'% all o. t)e &roduct tested since t)e last cali*ration or eri!# cation s)all *e ree!a"inedA ?c@ L)en reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure as reJuired in IV#32FA2A
?a@ tu*e "aterial s&eci!cation% dia"eter% and ,all t)ic-# ness condition ?*@ coil or &ro*e "anu.acturer% siDe and t'&e ?c@ "ode o. o&eration ?a*solute% di..erential% etcA@ ?d@ e!a"ination .reJuenc' or .reJuencies ?e@ "anu.acturer% "odel% and serial nu"*er o. edd' cur# rent eJui&"ent ?.@ scannin( s&eed ?(@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?)@ cali*ration standard and serial nu"*er ?i@ identit' o. e!a"ination &ersonnel% and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?S@ date o. e!a"ination ?-@ list o. acce&ta*le "aterial ?l@ date o. &rocedure Juali!cation ?"@ results o. &rocedure reJuali!cation ?as a&&lica*le@
Record Retention
?a@ 8reJuenc' o. Cali*rationA Edd' current instru"en# tation s)all *e cali*rated at least once a 'ear% or ,)ene er t)e eJui&"ent )as *een su*Sected to a "aSor electronic re&air% &eriodic o er)aul% or da"a(eA I. eJui&"ent )as not *een in use .or a 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done &rior to useA ?*@ Docu"entationA A ta( or ot)er .or" o. docu"enta# tion s)all *e attac)ed to t)e edd' current eJui&"ent ,it) dates o. t)e cali*ration and cali*ration due dateA
Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Tu*es are e!a"ined *' &assin( t)rou() an encirclin( coil% or &ast a &ro*e coil ,it) t)e a&&aratus set u& in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedureA Si(nals &roduced *' t)e e!a"ination are &rocessed and e aluatedA Data "a' *e recorded .or &ost#e!a"ination anal'sis or stored .or arc)i al &ur&oses in accordance ,it) t)e &rocedureA Out# &uts resultin( .ro" t)e e aluation "a' *e used to "arand0or se&arate tu*esA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or a*solute sur# .ace &ro*e "easure"ent o. nonconducti e#non"a(netic coatin( t)ic-ness on a non"a(netic "etallic "aterialA
E aluation o. e!a"ination results .or acce&tance s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure and in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides a tec)niJue .or "easurin( non# conducti e#non"a(netic coatin( t)ic-nesses on a non"a(# netic "etallic su*strateA T)e "easure"ents are "ade ,it) a sur.ace &ro*e ,it) t)e li.t#o.. cali*rated .or t)ic-ness .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e test "aterialA Various nu"*ers o. t)ic-ness "easure"ents can *e ta-en as t)e &ro*eEs s&acin( .ro" t)e sur.ace is "easuredA Measure"ents can *e "ade ,it) arious t'&es o. instru"entsA
IV#320 IV#321
V#321Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents V#321A1 ReJuire"entsA Edd' current e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure t)at s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le V#321A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA V#321A2 Procedure Kuali!cation0Tec)niJue Valida# tionA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e encin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le V#321 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent% identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le% does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential ari# a*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
s)all *e adeJuate .or t)e "aterial and t)e coatin( t)ic-ness ran(eA V#3F1 Pro*es
T)e edd' current a*solute &ro*e s)all *e ca&a*le o. inducin( alternatin( currents into t)e "aterial and sensin( c)an(es in t)e se&aration ?li.t#o..@ *et,een t)e contact sur.ace o. t)e &ro*e and t)e su*strate "aterialA
Personnel Kuali!cation
T)e user o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" edd' current e!a"ination in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
A sin(le .reJuenc' tec)niJue s)all *e used ,it) a suit# a*le cali*ration "aterial suc) as nonconducti e s)i"?s@% &a&er% or ot)er nonconducti e non"a(netic "aterialA T)e s)i"s or ot)er "aterial t)ic-nesses s)all *e used to corre# late a &osition on t)e i"&edance &lane or "eter readin( ,it) t)e nonconducti e "aterial t)ic-nesses and t)e no t)ic-ness &osition or readin( ,)en t)e &ro*e is a(ainst t)e *are "etalA I. t)e t)ic-ness "easure"ent is used onl' to assure a "ini"u" coatin( t)ic-ness% t)en onl' a s&eci"en re&resentin( t)e "ini"u" t)ic-ness need *e usedA
T)e &rocedure0tec)niJue s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e edd' current instru"ent "a' )a e a stora(e t'&e dis&la' .or &)ase and a"&litude or it "a' contain an analo( or di(ital "eterA T)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. t)e instru"ent
Non# Essential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA = = = =
ReJuire"ent E!a"ination .reJuenc' A*solute "ode SiDe and &ro*e t'&e?s@% "anu.acturerEs na"e and descri&tion Su*strate "aterial EJui&"ent "anu.acturer0"odel Ca*lin( ?t'&e and len(t)@ Nonconducti e cali*ration "aterial ?nonconducti e s)i"s@ Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents uniJue to t)is tec)niJue Re.erence to t)e &rocedure Juali!cation records E!a"ination sur.ace &re&aration
T)e &ro*e .reJuenc' and (ain settin(s s)all *e selected to &ro ide a suita*le and re&eata*le e!a"inationA T)e &ro*e s)all *e nulled on t)e *are "etalA ?a@ I"&edance Plane Dis&la'sA 8or instru"ents ,it) i"&edance &lane dis&la's% (ains on t)e ertical and )ori# Dontal a!es s)all *e t)e sa"e alueA T)e &)ase or rotation control and t)e (ain settin(s s)all *e adSusted so t)at t)e *are "etal ?null@ and t)e air &oint are located at dia(onall' o&&osite corners o. t)e dis&la'A A t'&ical coatin( t)ic-ness cali*ration cur e is illustrated in 8i(A V#340A ?*@ Meter Dis&la'sA 8or instru"ents ,it) analo( "eter dis&la's% t)e &)ase and (ain controls s)all *e used to &ro# ide near .ull scale de!ection *et,een t)e *are "etal and "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-nessA ?c@ All Instru"entsA 8or all instru"ents% t)e di..erence in "eter readin(s or t)ic-ness &ositions on t)e screen s)all *e adeJuate to resol e a 10O c)an(e in t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-nessA ?d@ Cali*ration DataA T)e screen &ositions or "eter readin(s and t)e s)i" t)ic-nesses s)all *e recorded alon( ,it) t)e *are "etal &osition or "eter readin(A ?e@ Veri!cation o. Cali*rationA Cali*ration readin(s s)all *e eri!ed e er' t,o )oursA I.% durin( recali*ration% a readin( re&resentin( a coatin( t)ic-ness c)an(e (reater t)an W10O .ro" t)e &rior cali*ration is o*ser ed% e!a"ina# tions "ade a.ter t)e &rior cali*ration s)all *e re&eatedA
Coatin( t)ic-ness "easure"ents s)all *e ta-en at indi# idual &oints as indicated in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Air Point
I. it is desired to "easure t)e "ini"u" coatin( t)ic-ness or "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness on a sur.ace% a suita*le (rid &attern s)all *e esta*lis)ed and "easure"ents s)all *e ta-en at t)e intersections o. t)e (rid &atternA Measure"ents s)all *e recordedA
Coatin( t)ic-nesses s)all *e co"&ared ,it) t)e acce&t# ance standards o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides t)e reJuire"ents .or t)e detec# tion and "easure"ent o. de&t) .or sur.ace discontinuities in non"a(netic#"etallic "aterials usin( an a*solute sur# .ace &ro*e edd' current tec)niJueA
V#320 V#321
T)e re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?*@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit'% and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?c@ date o. e!a"ination ?d@ results o. e!a"ination and related s-etc)es or "a&s o. t)ic-ness "easure"ents ?e@ identi!cation o. &art or co"&onent e!a"ined
Record Retention
T)is A&&endi! &ro ides a tec)niJue .or t)e detection and de&t) "easure"ent o. crac-s and ot)er sur.ace discon# tinuities in non"a(netic "etal co"&onentsA An a*solute sur.ace &ro*e containin( a sin(le e!citation coil is scanned o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e e!a"ination o*SectA L)en a sur.ace discontinuit' is encountered *' t)e "a(netic !eld o. t)e &ro*e% edd' currents (enerated in t)e "aterial c)an(e t)eir !o, and &ro ide a di..erent "a(netic !eld in o&&osition to t)e &ro*eEs "a(netic !eldA C)an(es in t)e edd' currentEs "a(netic !eld and t)e &ro*eEs "a(netic !eld are sensed *' t)e instru"ent and are &resented on t)e instru"entEs i"&edance &lane dis&la'A T)ese instru"ents (enerall' )a e ca&a*ilit' .or retainin( t)e si(nal on t)e instru"entEs dis# &la' ,)ere an' discontinuit' si(nal can *e "easured and co"&ared to t)e cali*ration dataA
Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
VI#321Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents VI#321A1 ReJuire"entsA Edd' current e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure t)at s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le VI#321A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA VI#321A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le VI#321 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire# "ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e edd' current instru"ent "a' )a e a stora(e t'&e dis&la' .or &)ase and a"&litude on an i"&edance &laneA T)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. t)e instru"ent s)all *e adeJuate to &ro ide .or a suita*le de&t) o. &enetration .or t)e "ate# rial under e!a"inationA
Personnel Kuali!cation
T)e edd' current a*solute &ro*e s)all *e ca&a*le o. inducin( alternatin( currents into t)e "aterial and sensin( c)an(es in t)e de&t) o. t)e notc)es in t)e re.erence s&eci# "enA T)e &ro*e and instru"ent at t)e .reJuenc' to *e used in t)e e!a"ination s)all &ro ide a si(nal a"&litude .or t)e s"allest re.erence notc) o. a "ini"u" o. 10O .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A Lit) t)e sa"e (ain settin( .or t)e s"allest notc)% t)e si(nal a"&litude on t)e lar(est notc) s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 10O 8S+A I. t)e a"&litudes o. t)e si(nals cannot *e esta*lis)ed as stated% ot)er &ro*e i"&edances or (eo"etries ?,indin(s% dia"eters% etcA@ s)all *e usedA
T)e user o. t)is A&&endi! s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" edd' current e!a"ination in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi! and t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Re.erence S&eci"en
Procedure0Tec)niJue De"onstration
T)e &rocedure0tec)niJue s)all *e de"onstrated to t)e satis.action o. t)e Ins&ector in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Non# Essential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA = = =
A re.erence s&eci"en s)all *e constructed o. t)e sa"e allo' as t)e "aterial under e!a"inationA Mini"u" di"en# sions o. t)e re.erence s&eci"en s)all *e 2 inA ?10 ""@ *' G inA ?100 ""@ and s)all contain a "ini"u" o. t,o notc)esA Notc) len(t) s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 0A21 inA ?4 ""@ and notc) de&t) s)all *e t)e "ini"u" to *e "easured and t)e "a!i"u" de&t) allo,edA I. s"aller len(t) notc)es are reJuired to *e detected *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e re.erence s&eci"en s)all contain a s"aller len(t) notc) "eetin( t)e re.erencin( Code reJuire"entsA T)e de&t) s)all )a e a tolerance o. X10O and \20O o. t)e reJuired di"ensionsA A t'&ical re.erence s&eci"en .or "easurin( !a, de&t)s in t)e ran(e o. 0A01 inA ?0A21 ""@ t)rou() 0A0G inA ?1 ""@ is s)o,n in 8i(A VI#3F2A L)en cur ature o. t)e e!a"ination o*Sect in t)e area o. interest is not !at and a..ects t)e li.t#o.. si(nal% a re.erence s&eci"en re&resentin( t)at &articular (eo"etr' ,it) t)e a&&lica*le notc)es s)all *e usedA
ReJuire"ent E!a"ination .reJuenc' SiDe and &ro*e t'&e?s@% "anu.acturerEs na"e and descri&tion Material EJui&"ent "anu.acturer0"odel
Ca*lin( ?t'&e and len(t)@ Re.erence s&eci"en and notc) de&t)s Personnel Juali!cation% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents uniJue to t)is tec)niJue Re.erence to t)e &rocedure Juali!cation records E!a"ination sur.ace &re&aration
A sin(le .reJuenc' tec)niJue s)all *e usedA T)e .re# Juenc' s)all *e selected to result in an i"&edance &lane &resentation t)at ,ill result in a 20 de( &)ase s)i.t *et,een t)e li.t#o.. si(nal and t)e !a, si(nalsA T)e resultin( si(nals ,ill *e dis&la'ed usin( an i"&edance &lane &resentation ,it) one a!is re&resentin( t)e li.t#o.. si(nal and t)e ot)er a!is re&resentin( t)e re.erence notc) and !a, si(nal res&onsesA T)e (ain control on eac) a!is dis&la'in( t)e !a, si(nals s)all *e adSusted to &resent a"&litude .or t)e !a, si(nal .ro" t)e dee&est notc) to *e at least 10O o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T'&ical Notc) De&t)s 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ 0A020 inA ?0A1 ""@ 0A0G0 inA ?1 ""@
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ T'&ical notc) di"ensions are 0A21 inA ?4 ""@ len(t) ! 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ ,idt)A ?*@ Tolerances on notc) di"ensions are W10O .or len(t) and ,idt)% and X10O and U20O .or de&t)A
t)e ertical or )oriDontal dis&la' it is &resented onA T'&ical res&onses o. t)e cali*rated instru"ent are s)o,n in 8i(A VI#310A Note t)at t)e dis&la' "a' *e rotated to s)o, t)ese indications in accordance ,it) t)e &rocedureA T'&icall'% t)e (ain settin( on t)e a!is dis&la'in( t)e discontinuit' si(nal ,ill )a e a (ain settin( )i()er t)an t)e a!is dis# &la'in( li.t#o..A Discontinuit' indications ,ill *e "ostl' ertical or )oriDontal ?at 20 de( to li.t#o..@A An' sur.ace discontinuities in t)e e!a"ination s&eci"en ,ould &ro ide si"ilar indicationsA
T)e area o. interest s)all *e scanned ,it) o erla& on t)e ne!t scan to include at least 10O o. t)e &ro*e dia"eterA I. t)e direction o. sus&ected discontinuities are -no,n% t)e scan direction s)all *e &er&endicular to t)e lon( a!is o. t)e discontinuit'A T)e o*Sect s)all *e scanned in t,o directions% 20 de( to eac) ot)erA Durin( t)e e!a"ination% t)e "a!i# "u" scannin( s&eed and li.t#o.. distance s)all not *e (reater t)an t)ose used .or cali*rationA
T)e &ro*e .reJuenc' and (ain settin(s s)all *e selected to &ro ide a suita*le de&t) o. &enetration ,it)in t)e "ate# rial so t)at t)e de&t) o. t)e dee&est notc) is distin(uis)a*le .ro" t)e ne!t s"aller notc)A T)e (ain settin(s on t)e erti# cal and )oriDontal a!is s)all *e set so t)at t)ere is a dB di..erence ,it) t)e discontinuit' de&t) (ain *ein( )i()erA T)e &ro*e s)all *e nulled on t)e *are "etal a,a' .ro" t)e notc)esA T)e =#7 &osition o. t)e null &oint s)all *e &laced on one corner o. t)e screenA T)e &)ase or rotation control s)all *e adSusted so t)at ,)en t)e &ro*e is li.ted o.. t)e "etal sur.ace% t)e dis&la' &oint tra els at 20 de( to t)e discontinuit' de&t)A Increase t)e ertical or )ori# Dontal (ain% as a&&lica*le% i. t)e s"allest indication or t)e lar(est indication .ro" t)e notc)es do not "a-e 10O or 10O 8S+% res&ecti el'A Ma!i"u" res&onse .ro" t)e notc)es is ac)ie ed ,)en t)e &ro*e is scanned &er&endicu# lar to t)e notc) and centered on t)e notc)A Di..erences in t)e ertical and )oriDontal (ain "a' )a e to *e adSustedA T)e screen indication len(t)s .ro" t)e *aseline ?li.t#o.. line@ .or eac) o. t)e notc) de&t)s s)all *e recordedA
T)e discontinuit' s)all *e scanned &er&endicular to its lon( a!is to deter"ine its "a!i"u" de&t) location and alueA T)e "a!i"u" de&t) o. an' discontinuit' detected s)all *e co"&ared ,it) t)e a&&ro&riate res&onse o. t)e re.erence s&eci"en as s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
VI#320 VI#321
T)e re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision ?*@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit'% and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?c@ date o. e!a"ination ?d@ results o. e!a"ination and related s-etc)es or "a&s o. indications e!ceedin( acce&tance standard ?e@ identi!cation o. &art or co"&onent e!a"ined
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?.@ identi!cation o. re.erence s&eci"en ?(@ cali*ration results% "ini"u" and "a!i"u" discon# tinuit' de&t) "easured
Record Retention
Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is Article contains "et)ods and reJuire"ents .or isual e!a"ination a&&lica*le ,)en s&eci!ed *' a re.erenc# in( Code SectionA S&eci!c isual e!a"ination &rocedures reJuired .or e er' t'&e o. e!a"ination are not included in t)is Article% *ecause t)ere are "an' a&&lications ,)ere isual e!a"inations are reJuiredA So"e e!a"&les o. t)ese a&&lications include nondestructi e e!a"inations% leatestin(% in#ser ice e!a"inations and .a*rication &roce# duresA ?*@ T)e reJuire"ents o. Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire# "ents% a&&l' ,)en isual e!a"ination% in accordance ,it) Article 2% is reJuired *' a re.erencin( Code SectionA ?c@ De!nitions o. ter"s .or isual e!a"ination a&&ear in Article 1% A&&endi! I U Ilossar' o. Ter"s in Nonde# structi e E!a"ination% and Article 2% A&&endi! IA
ReJuire"ent ?As A&&lica*le@ C)an(e in tec)niJue used Direct to or .ro" translucent Direct to re"ote Re"ote isual aids Personnel &er.or"ance reJuire"ents% ,)en reJuired Li()tin( intensit' ?decrease onl'@ Con!(urations to *e e!a"ined and *ase "aterial &roduct .or"s ?&i&e% &late% .or(in(s% etcA@ Li()tin( eJui&"ent Met)ods or tools used .or sur.ace &re&aration EJui&"ent or de ices used .or a direct tec)niJue SeJuence o. e!a"ination Personnel Juali!cations
= = = = = AAA
= = = = =
T#220IENERAL T#221Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#221A1 ReJuire"entsA Visual e!a"inations s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure% ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#221A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA
condition or arti!cial i"&er.ection s)ould *e in t)e least discerna*le location on t)e area sur.ace to *e e!a"ined to alidate t)e &rocedureA T#222 Personnel ReJuire"ents
T#221A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#221 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJual# i!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T#221AF De"onstrationA T)e &rocedure s)all contain or re.erence a re&ort o. ,)at ,as used to de"onstrate t)at t)e e!a"ination &rocedure ,as adeJuateA In (eneral% a !ne line 1VF2 inA ?0A3 ""@ or less in ,idt)% an arti!cial i"&er.ection or a si"ulated condition% located on t)e sur# .ace or a si"ilar sur.ace to t)at to *e e!a"ined% "a' *e considered as a "et)od .or &rocedure de"onstrationA T)e
T)e user o. t)is Article s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" isual e!a"inations to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA At t)e o&tion o. t)e " turer% )e "a' "aintain one certi!cation .or eac) &roduct% or se eral se&arate si(ned records *ased on t)e area or t'&e o. ,or-% or *ot) co"*inedA L)ere i"&ractical to use s&ecialiDed isual e!a"ination &ersonnel% -no,led(ea*le and trained &ersonnel% )a in( li"ited Juali!cations% "a' *e used to &er.or" s&eci!c e!a"inations% and to si(n t)e re&ort .or"sA Personnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erenc# in( Code SectionA
P)'sical ReJuire"ents
Personnel s)all )a e an annual ision test to assure natural or corrected near distance acuit' suc) t)at t)e' are
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
ca&a*le o. readin( standard ;#1 letters on standard ;ae(er test t'&e c)arts .or near isionA EJui alent near ision tests are acce&ta*leA
EJui&"ent used .or isual e!a"ination tec)niJues% .or e!a"&le% direct% re"ote% or translucent% s)all )a e t)e ca&a# *ilities as s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedureA Ca&a*ilities include% *ut are not li"ited to ie,in(% "a(ni.'in(% identi.'in(% "easurin(% and0or recordin( o*ser ations in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
e!a"ination uses t)e aid o. arti!cial li()tin(% ,)ic) can *e contained in an illu"inator t)at &roduces directional li()tin(A T)e illu"inator s)all &ro ide li()t o. an intensit' t)at ,ill illu"inate and di..use t)e li()t e enl' t)rou() t)e area or re(ion under e!a"inationA T)e a"*ient li()tin( "ust *e so arran(ed t)at t)ere are no sur.ace (lares or re!ections .ro" t)e sur.ace under e!a"ination and s)all *e less t)an t)e li()t a&&lied t)rou() t)e area or re(ion under e!a"inationA T)e arti!cial li()t source s)all )a e su.!cient intensit' to &er"it Bcandlin(C an' translucent la"inate t)ic-ness ariationsA
T#210 T#211
TEC+NIK<E A&&lications
Visual e!a"ination is (enerall' used to deter"ine suc) t)in(s as t)e sur.ace condition o. t)e &art% ali(n"ent o. "atin( sur.aces% s)a&e% or e idence o. lea-in(A In addition% isual e!a"ination is used to deter"ine a co"&osite "ateri# alEs ?translucent la"inate@ su*sur.ace conditionsA
T#230A1 All e!a"inations s)all *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&tance standards o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#230A2 An e!a"ination c)ec-list s)all *e used to &lan isual e!a"ination and to eri.' t)at t)e reJuired isual o*ser ations ,ere &er.or"edA T)is c)ec-list esta*lis)es "ini"u" e!a"ination reJuire"ents and does not indicate t)e "a!i"u" e!a"ination ,)ic) t)e Manu.acturer "a' &er.or" in &rocessA
Direct isual e!a"ination "a' usuall' *e "ade ,)en access is su.!cient to &lace t)e e'e ,it)in 2G inA ?400 ""@ o. t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined and at an an(le not less t)an F0 de( to t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"inedA Mirrors "a' *e used to i"&ro e t)e an(le o. ision% and aids suc) as a "a(ni.'in( lens "a' *e used to assist e!a"inationsA Illu"ination ?natural or su&&le"ental ,)ite li()t@ .or t)e s&eci!c &art% co"&onent% essel% or section t)ereo. *ein( e!a"ined is reJuiredA T)e "ini"u" li()t intensit' at t)e e!a"ination sur.ace0site s)all *e 100 .ootcandles ?1000 lu!@A T)e li()t source% tec)niJue used% and li()t le el eri!cation is reJuired to *e de"onstrated one ti"e% docu"ented% and "aintained on !leA
T#220 T#221
T#221A1 A ,ritten re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all con# tain t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 ?a@ t)e date o. t)e e!a"ination ?*@ &rocedure identi!cation and re ision used ?c@ tec)niJue used ?d@ results o. t)e e!a"ination ?e@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit'% and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le el ?.@ identi!cation o. t)e &art or co"&onent e!a"ined
Re"ote Visual E!a"ination T#221A2 E en t)ou() di"ensions% etcA% ,ere recorded in t)e &rocess o. isual e!a"ination to aid in t)e e aluation% t)ere need not *e docu"entation o. eac) ie,in( or eac) di"ensional c)ec-A Docu"entation s)all include all o*ser# ation and di"ensional c)ec-s s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
In so"e cases% re"ote isual e!a"ination "a' )a e to *e su*stituted .or direct e!a"inationA Re"ote isual e!a"ination "a' use isual aids suc) as "irrors% tele# sco&es% *oresco&es% !*er o&tics% ca"eras% or ot)er suita*le instru"entsA Suc) s'ste"s s)all )a e a resolution ca&a*il# it' at least eJui alent to t)at o*taina*le *' direct isual o*ser ationA
Record Maintenance
Translucent isual e!a"ination is a su&&le"ent o. direct isual e!a"inationA T)e "et)od o. translucent isual
Records s)all *e "aintained as reJuired *' t)e re.erenc# in( Code SectionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ Article F0% SE#1F14% Section 2% &ro ides t)e de!ni# tion o. .ootcandle ?.c@A ?*@ De!nitions o. ter"s .or isual e!a"ination and ot)er "et)ods a&&ear in Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! I% Ilos# sar' o. Ter"s .or Nondestructi e E!a"inationA ?c@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) Article 26 arti!cial !a,6 an intentional i"&er.ection &laced on t)e sur.ace o. a "aterial to de&ict a re&resentati e !a, con# ditionA au!iliar' li()tin(6 an arti!cial li()t source used as a isual aid to i"&ro e ie,in( conditions and isual &er# ce&tionA candlin(6 see translucent isual e!a"inationA direct isual e!a"ination6 a isual e!a"ination tec)# niJue &er.or"ed *' e'e and ,it)out an' isual aids
?e!cludin( li()t source% "irrors% and 0or correcti e lenses@A en)anced isual e!a"ination6 a isual e!a"ination tec)# niJue usin( isual aids to i"&ro e t)e ie,in( ca&a*ilit'% eA(A% "a(ni.'in( aids% *oresco&es% ideo &ro*es% !*er o&tics% etcA lu! ?L!@6 a unit o. illu"ination eJual to t)e direct illu"i# nation on a sur.ace t)at is e er',)ere one "eter .ro" a uni.or" &oint source o. one candle intensit' or eJual to one lu"en &er sJuare "eterA re"ote isual e!a"ination6 a isual e!a"ination tec)# niJue used ,it) isual aids .or conditions ,)ere t)e area to *e e!a"ined is inaccessi*le .or direct isual e!a"inationA sur.ace (lare6 re!ections o. arti!cial li()t t)at inter.ere ,it) isual e!a"inationA translucent la"inate6 a series o. (lass rein.orced la'ers% *onded to(et)er% and )a in( ca&a*ilities o. trans"ittin( li()tA translucent isual e!a"ination6 a tec)niJue usin( arti!# cial li()tin( intensit' to &er"it ie,in( o. translucent la"i# nate t)ic-ness ariations ?also called candlin(@A isual e!a"ination6 a nondestructi e e!a"ination "et)od used to e aluate an ite" *' o*ser ation% suc) as6 t)e correct asse"*l'% sur.ace conditions% or cleanliness o. "aterials% &arts% and co"&onents used in t)e .a*rication and construction o. ASME Code essels and )ard,areA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#1021A2 Modi!cation o. ReJuire"entsA Article 10 contains test tec)niJuesR t)ere.ore% t)ere are reJuire"ents t)at cannot *e "odi!ed *' t)e "anu.acturer t)rou() t)e de"onstration &rocess &er T#110A Onl' t)ose reJuire"ents listed in Ta*les I#1021 t)rou() =#1021 "a' *e so "odi!ed *' de"onstrationA T#1021AF Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in t)e a&&lica*le A&&endi! Ta*les I#1021 t)rou() =#1021 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &roce# dure *' de"onstrationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi# !ed as a nonessential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential and nonessential ele"ents .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)is Article descri*es "et)ods and reJuire"ents .or t)e &er.or"ance o. lea- testin(A ?a@ L)en a lea- testin( "et)od or tec)niJue o. Article 10 is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e lea- test "et)od or tec)niJue s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA ?*@ De!nition o. ter"s used in t)is Article are in Manda# tor' A&&endi! VII o. t)is ArticleA ?c@ T)e test "et)ods or tec)niJues o. t)ese "et)ods can *e used .or t)e location o. lea-s or t)e "easure"ent o. lea-a(e ratesA T)e s&eci!c test "et)od?s@ or tec)niJue?s@ and Ilossar' o. Ter"s o. t)e "et)ods in t)is Article are descri*ed in Mandator' A&&endices I t)rou() = and Non"andator' A&&endi! A as .ollo,s6 A&&endi! I M Bu**le Test M Direct Pressure Tec)niJue A&&endi! II M Bu**le Test M Vacuu" Bo! Tec)niJue A&&endi! III M +alo(en Diode Detector Pro*e Test A&&endi! IV M +eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M Detector Pro*e Tec)niJue A&&endi! V M +eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M Tracer Pro*e Tec)niJue A&&endi! VI M Pressure C)an(e Test A&&endi! VII M Ilossar' o. Ter"s A&&endi! VIII M T)er"al Conducti it' Detector Pro*e Test A&&endi! I= M +eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test M +ood Tec)niJue A&&endi! = M <ltrasonic Lea- Detector Test A&&endi! A M Su&&le"entar' Lea- Testin( 8or"ula S'"*ols
Re.erencin( Code
8or t)e lea- testin( "et)od?s@ or tec)niJue?s@ s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code% t)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all t)en *e consulted .or t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ &ersonnel Juali!cation 0certi!cation ?*@ tec)niJue?s@ 0cali*ration standards ?c@ e!tent o. e!a"ination ?d@ acce&ta*le test sensiti it' or lea-a(e rate ?e@ re&ort reJuire"ents ?.@ retention o. records
T#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA Lea- testin( s)all *e &er# .or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure% ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in t)e a&&li# ca*le A&&endices% &arasA I#1021 t)rou() =#1021 and Ta*les I#1021 t)rou() =#1021A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all
?a@ Ia(e Ran(eA L)en dial indicatin( and recordin( &ressure (a(e?s@ are used in lea- testin(% t)e' s)ould & a*l' )a e t)e dial?s@ (raduated o er a ran(e o. a&&ro!i# "atel' dou*le t)e intended "a!i"u" &ressure% *ut in no case s)all t)e ran(e *e less t)an 11V2 nor "ore t)an .our ti"es t)at &ressureA T)ese ran(e li"its do not a&&l' to dial
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
indicatin( and recordin( acuu" (a(esA Ran(e reJuire# "ents .or ot)er t'&es o. (a(es (i en in an a&&lica*le Man# dator' A&&endi! s)all *e as reJuired *' t)at A&&endi!A ?*@ Ia(e LocationA L)en co"&onents are to *e &ressure 0 acuu" lea- tested% t)e dial indicatin( (a(e?s@ s)all *e connected to t)e co"&onent or to t)e co"&onent .ro" a re"ote location% ,it) t)e (a(e?s@ readil' isi*le to t)e o&erator controllin( t)e &ressure 0 acuu" t)rou()out t)e duration o. &ressuriDin(% e acuatin(% testin(% and de&ressuriDin( or entin( o. t)e co"&onentA 8or lar(e es# sels or s'ste"s ,)ere one or "ore (a(es are s&eci!ed or reJuired% a recordin( t'&e (a(e is reco""ended% and it "a' *e su*stituted .or one o. t)e t,o or "ore indicatin( t'&e (a(esA ?c@ L)en ot)er t'&es o. (a(e?s@ are reJuired *' an a&&lica*le Mandator' A&&endi!% t)e' "a' *e used in con# Sunction ,it) or in &lace o. dial indicatin( or recordin( t'&e (a(esA
T#1010 T#1011
Prior to e"&lo'in( a sensiti e lea- testin( "et)od% it "a' *e e!&edient to &er.or" a &reli"inar' test to detect and eli"inate (ross lea-sA T)is s)all *e done in a "anner t)at ,ill not seal or "as- lea-s durin( t)e s&eci!ed testA
Test SeJuence
T#1040 T#1041
T)e sur.ace areas to *e tested s)all *e .ree o. oil% (rease% &aint% or ot)er conta"inants t)at "i()t "as- a lea-A I. liJuids are used to clean t)e co"&onent or i. a )'drostatic or )'dro&neu"atic test is &er.or"ed *e.ore lea- testin(% t)e co"&onent s)all *e dr' *e.ore lea- testin(A
?a@ All dial indicatin( and recordin( t'&e (a(es used s)all *e cali*rated a(ainst a standard dead,ei()t tester% a cali*rated "aster (a(e% or a "ercur' colu"n% and recali# *rated at least once a 'ear% ,)en in use% unless s&eci!ed di..erentl' *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section or Mandator' A&&endi!A All (a(es used s)all &ro ide results accurate to ,it)in t)e Manu.acturerEs listed accurac' and s)all *e recali*rated at an' ti"e t)at t)ere is reason to *elie e t)e' are in errorA ?*@ L)en ot)er t)an dial indicatin( or recordin( t'&e (a(es are reJuired *' an a&&lica*le Mandator' A&&endi!% t)e' s)all *e cali*rated as reJuired *' t)at Mandator' A&&endi! or re.erencin( Code SectionA
All o&enin(s s)all *e sealed usin( &lu(s% co ers% sealin( ,a!% ce"ent% or ot)er suita*le "aterial t)at can *e readil' and co"&letel' re"o ed a.ter co"&letion o. t)e testA Seal# in( "aterials s)all *e tracer (as .reeA
T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature .or all co"&onents durin( a test s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le Manda# tor' A&&endi! o. t)is Article or in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'drostatic% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic test o. t)e &ressure co"&onent or &artsA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( t)e test s)all not e!ceed t)at te"&erature co"&ati*le ,it) t)e lea- testin( "et)od or tec)niJue usedA
L)en te"&erature "easure"ent is reJuired *' t)e encin( Code Section or Mandator' A&&endi!% t)e de ice?s@ s)all *e cali*rated in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)at Code Section or Mandator' A&&endi!A
T#104FA1 Per"eation T'&e Lea- StandardA T)is stan# dard s)all *e a cali*rated &er"eation t'&e lea- t)rou() .used (lass or JuartDA T)e standard s)all )a e a )eliu" lea-a(e rate in t)e ran(e o. 110\4 to 110\10 std c"F 0sA ?1 10\5 to 1 10\11 Pa "F 0s@A T#104FA2 Ca&illar' T'&e Lea- StandardA T)is stan# dard s)all *e a cali*rated ca&illar' t'&e lea- t)rou() a tu*eA T)e standard s)all )a e a lea-a(e rate eJual to or s"aller t)an t)e reJuired test sensiti it' ti"es t)e actual &ercent test concentration o. t)e selected tracer (asA
<nless s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le Mandator' A&&endi! o. t)is Article or *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% co"&o# nents t)at are to *e &ressure#lea- tested s)all not *e tested at a &ressure e!ceedin( 21O o. t)e Desi(n PressureA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#1030 T#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e acce&tance criteria (i en .or eac) "et)od or tec)# niJue o. t)at "et)od s)all a&&l'A T)e su&&le"ental leatestin( .or"ulas .or calculatin( lea-a(e rates .or t)e "et)od or tec)niJue used are stated in t)e Mandator' A&&endices o. t)is ArticleA
?*@ certi!ed le el and na"e o. o&erator ?c@ test &rocedure ?nu"*er@ and re ision nu"*er ?d@ test "et)od or tec)niJue ?e@ test results ?.@ co"&onent identi!cation ?(@ test instru"ent% standard lea-% and "aterial identi!# cation ?)@ test conditions% test &ressure% tracer (as% and (as concentration ?i@ (a(e?s@ M "anu.acturer% "odel% ran(e% and identi!# cation nu"*er ?S@ te"&erature "easurin( de ice?s@ and identi!cation nu"*er?s@ ?-@ s-etc) s)o,in( "et)od or tec)niJue setu&
T#1020 T#1021
T)e test re&ort s)all contain% as a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,# in( in.or"ation as a&&lica*le to t)e "et)od or tec)niJue6 ?a@ date o. test
T)e test re&ort s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I""ersion Bat)
?a@ Later or anot)er co"&ati*le solution s)all *e used .or t)e *at)A ?*@ T)e i""ersion solution s)all *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e te"&erature o. t)e test conditionsA
T)e o*Secti e o. t)e direct &ressure tec)niJue o. *u**le lea- testin( is to locate lea-s in a &ressuriDed co"&onent *' t)e a&&lication o. a solution or *' i""ersion in liJuid t)at ,ill .or" *u**les as lea-a(e (as &asses t)rou() itA
I#1050 I#1051
Prior to e!a"ination t)e test &ressure s)all *e )eld .or a "ini"u" o. 11 "inA
I#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents I#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le I#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ soa- ti"e ?*@ &ressure (a(e ?c@ test &ressure ?d@ acce&tance criteria
Sur.ace Te"&erature
I#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le I#1021 s)all a&&l'A
As a standard tec)niJue% t)e te"&erature o. t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art to *e e!a"ined s)all not *e *elo, G0[8 ?1[C@ nor a*o e 121[8 ?10[C@ t)rou()out t)e e!a"inationA Local )eatin( or coolin( is &er"itted &ro ided te"&eratures re"ain ,it)in t)e ran(e o. G0[8 ?1[C@ to 121[8 ?10[C@ durin( e!a"inationA L)ere it is i"&ractical to co"&l' ,it) t)e .ore(oin( te"&erature li"itations% ot)er te"&eratures "a' *e used &ro ided t)at t)e &rocedure is de"onstratedA
I#10F0 I#10F1
A&&lication o. Solution
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e test (as ,ill nor"all' *e airR )o,e er% inert (ases "a' *e usedA
NOTE6 L)en inert (as is used%' as&ects o. o!'(en de!cient at"o# s&)ere s)ould *e consideredA
T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all *e a&&lied to t)e sur.ace to *e tested *' !o,in(% s&ra'in(% or *rus)in( t)e solution o er t)e e!a"ination areaA T)e nu"*er o. *u**les &roduced in t)e solution *' a&&lication s)ould *e "ini# "iDed to reduce t)e &ro*le" o. "as-in( *u**les caused *' lea-a(eA
Bu**le Solution
I""ersion in Bat)
?a@ T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all &roduce a !l" t)at does not *rea- a,a' .ro" t)e area to *e tested% and t)e *u**les .or"ed s)all not *rea- ra&idl' due to air dr'in( or lo, sur.ace tensionA +ouse)old soa& or deter(ents are not &er"itted as su*stitutes .or *u**le testin( solutionsA ?*@ T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e te"&erature o. t)e test conditionsA
T)e area o. interest s)all *e &laced *elo, t)e sur.ace o. t)e *at) in an easil' o*ser a*le &ositionA
L)en &er.or"in( t)e test% t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2% T#212 and T#21F s)all a&&l'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
Indication o. Lea-a(e
T)e &resence o. continuous *u**le (ro,t) on t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial indicates lea-a(e t)rou() an ori!ce &as# sa(e?s@ in t)e re(ion under e!a"inationA
cannot *e directl' &ressuriDedA T)is is acco"&lis)ed *' a&&l'in( a solution to a local area o. t)e &ressure *oundar' sur.ace and creatin( a di..erential &ressure across t)at local area o. t)e *oundar' causin( t)e .or"ation o. *u**les as lea-a(e (as &asses t)rou() t)e solutionA
Posttest Cleanin( II#1020IENERAL II#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents II#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le II#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'6 ?a@ &ressure (a(e ?*@ acuu" test &ressure ?c@ acuu" retention ti"e ?d@ *o! o erla& ?e@ acce&tance criteria
A.ter testin(% sur.ace cleanin( "a' *e reJuired .or &rod# uct ser icea*ilit'A
I#1030 I#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area under test is acce&ta*le ,)en no continuous *u**le .or"ation is o*ser edA
II#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le II#1021 s)all a&&l'A
L)en lea-a(e is o*ser ed% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e de&ressur# iDed% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
II#10F0 II#10F1
T)e o*Secti e o. t)e acuu" *o! tec)niJue o. *u**le lea- testin( is to locate lea-s in a &ressure *oundar' t)at
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all &roduce a !l" t)at does not *rea- a,a' .ro" t)e area to *e tested% and t)e *u**les .or"ed s)all not *rea- ra&idl' due to air dr'in( or lo, sur.ace tensionA T)e nu"*er o. *u**les contained in t)e solution s)ould *e "ini"iDed to reduce t)e &ro*le" o. discri"inatin( *et,een e!istin( *u**les and t)ose caused *' lea-a(eA ?*@ Soa&s or deter(ents desi(ned s&eci!call' .or clean# in( s)all not *e used .or t)e *u**le .or"in( solutionA ?c@ T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e te"&erature conditions o. t)e testA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
Vacuu" Bo!
A&&lication o. Solution
T)e acuu" *o! used s)all *e o. con enient siDe PeA(A% 4 inA ?110 ""@ ,ide *' F0 inA ?510 ""@ lon(Q and contain a ,indo, in t)e side o&&osite t)e o&en *otto"A T)e o&en *otto" ed(e s)all *e eJui&&ed ,it) a suita*le (as-et to .or" a seal a(ainst t)e test sur.aceA Suita*le connections% al es% li()tin(% and (a(e s)all *e &ro idedA T)e (a(e s)all )a e a ran(e o. 0 &si ?0 -Pa@ to 11 &si ?100 -Pa@% or eJui alent &ressure units suc) as 0 inA +( to F0 inA +( ?0 "" +( to 510 "" +(@A T)e (a(e ran(e li"it reJuire# "ents o. T#10F1?a@ do not a&&l'A
T)e *u**le .or"in( solution s)all *e a&&lied to t)e sur.ace to *e tested *' !o,in(% s&ra'in(% or *rus)in( t)e solution o er t)e e!a"ination area *e.ore &lace"ent o. t)e acuu" *o!A
T)e acuu" *o! s)all *e &laced o er t)e solution coated section o. t)e test sur.ace and t)e *o! e acuated to t)e reJuired &artial acuu"A
Vacuu" Source
T)e reJuired acuu" can *e de elo&ed in t)e *o! *' an' con enient "et)od ?eA(A% air eSector% acuu" &u"&% or "otor inta-e "ani.old@A T)e (a(e s)all re(ister a &artial acuu" o. at least 2 &si ?G inA +(@ ?11 -Pa@ *elo, at"o# s&)eric &ressure or t)e &artial acuu" reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e reJuired &artial acuu" ?di..erential &ressure@ s)all *e "aintained .or at least 10 sec e!a"ination ti"eA
An o erla& o. 2 inA ?10 ""@ "ini"u" .or adSacent &lace"ent o. t)e acuu" *o! s)all *e used .or eac) su*se# Juent e!a"inationA
II#1050 II#1051
As a standard tec)niJue% t)e te"&erature o. t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art to *e e!a"ined s)all not *e *elo, G0[8 ?1[C@ nor a*o e 121[8 ?10[C@ t)rou()out t)e e!a"inationA Local )eatin( or coolin( is &er"itted &ro ided te"&eratures re"ain in t)e ran(e o. G0[8 ?1[C@ to 121[8 ?10[C@ durin( t)e e!a"inationA L)ere it is i"&ractical to co"&l' ,it) t)e .ore(oin( te"&erature li"itations% ot)er te"&eratures "a' *e used &ro ided t)at t)e &rocedure is de"onstratedA
L)en &er.or"in( t)e test% t)e reJuire"ents o. Article 2% T#212 and T#21F s)all a&&l'A
Indication o. Lea-a(e
T)e &resence o. continuous *u**le (ro,t) on t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial or ,eld sea" indicates lea-a(e t)rou() an ori!ce &assa(e?s@ in t)e re(ion under e!a"inationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
Posttest Cleanin(
T)e )alo(en detector &ro*e test "et)od is a se"iJuanti# tati e "et)od used to detect and locate lea-s% and s)all not *e considered Juantitati eA
II#1030 II#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area under test is acce&ta*le ,)en no continuous *u**le .or"ation is o*ser edA
T)e al-ali#ion diode )alo(en detector &ro*e instru"ent uses t)e &rinci&le o. a )eated &latinu" ele"ent ?anode@ and an ion collector &late ?cat)ode@% ,)ere )alo(en a&or is ioniDed *' t)e anode% and t)e ions are collected *' t)e cat)odeA A current &ro&ortional to t)e rate o. ion .or"ation is indicated on a "eterA
L)en lea-a(e is o*ser ed% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e acuu" *o! s)all t)en *e ented and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire# "ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
T)e electron ca&ture )alo(en detector &ro*e instru"ent uses t)e &rinci&le o. t)e a.!nit' o. certain "olecular co"# &ounds .or lo, ener(' .ree electrons usuall' &roduced *' ioniDation o. (as !o, t)rou() an ele"ent ,it) a ,earadioacti e tritiu" sourceA L)en t)e (as !o, contains )alides% electron ca&ture occurs causin( a reduction in t)e concentration o. )alo(en ions &resent as indicated on a "eterA Non#electron ca&turin( nitro(en or ar(on is used as *ac-(round (asA
T)e "ore so&)isticated electronic )alo(en lea- detectors )a e er' )i() sensiti it'A T)ese instru"ents "a-e &ossi# *le t)e detection o. )alo(en (as !o, .ro" t)e lo,er &res# sure side o. a er' s"all o&enin( in an en elo&e or *arrier se&aratin( t,o re(ions at di..erent &ressuresA
III#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents III#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le III#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
III#1040 III#1041
T)e "a!i"u" lea-a(e rate K .or t)e lea- standard descri*ed in III#10FF containin( 100O tracer concentration .or use in III#104F s)all *e calculated as .ollo,s6
K & Ks OTI 100
,)ere Ks is 1 10\G std c"F 0s ?1 10\1 Pa "F 0s@% unless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% and OTI is t)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as ?in O@ t)at is to *e used .or t)e test ?See III#1052@A
in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ lea- standard ?*@ tracer (as ?c@ tracer (as concentration ?d@ test &ressure ?e@ soa- ti"e ?.@ scannin( distance ?(@ &ressure (a(e ?)@ sensiti it' eri!cation c)ec-s ?i@ acce&tance criteria
Lar" <&
T)e detector s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu# .acturer &rior to cali*ratin( ,it) t)e lea- standardA
Scannin( Rate
III#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le III#1021 s)all a&&l'A
T)e instru"ent s)all *e cali*rated *' &assin( t)e &ro*e ti& across t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standard in III#1041A T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V3 inA ?F ""@ o. t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standardA T)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) can detect lea-a(e rate K .ro" t)e lea- standardA T)e "eter de!ection s)all *e noted or t)e audi*le alar" or indicator li()t set .or t)is scannin( rateA
III#10F0 III#10F1
Detection Ti"e
Iases t)at "a' *e used are s)o,n in Ta*le III#10F1A III#10F1A1 8or Al-ali#Ion DiodeA +alo(en lea- detec# tors% select a tracer (as .ro" Ta*le III#10F1 t)at ,ill &ro# duce t)e necessar' test sensiti it'A III#10F1A2 8or Electron Ca&tureA +alo(en lea- detec# tors% sul.ur )e!a!uoride% S84% is t)e reco""ended tracer (asA
T)e ti"e reJuired to detect lea-a(e .ro" t)e lea- stan# dard is t)e detection ti"e and it s)ould *e o*ser ed durin( s'ste" cali*rationA It is usuall' desira*le to -ee& t)is ti"e as s)ort as &ossi*le to reduce t)e ti"e reJuired to &in&oint detected lea-a(eA
An electronic lea- detector as descri*ed in III#1011 or III#1012 s)all *e usedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( si(nalin( de icesA ?a@ Meter6 a "eter on t)e test instru"ent% or a &ro*e% or *ot)A ?*@ Audio De ices6 a s&ea-er or set o. )ead&)ones t)at e"its audi*le indicationsA ?c@ Indicator Li()t6 a isi*le indicator li()tA
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e sensiti it' o. t)e detector s)all *e deter"ined *e.ore and a.ter testin( and at inter als o. not "ore t)an G )r durin( testin(A Durin( an' cali*ration c)ec-% i. t)e "eter de!ection% audi*le alar"% or indicator li()t indicates t)at t)e detector cannot detect lea-a(e .ro" t)e lea- stan# dard o. III#1041% t)e instru"ent s)all *e recali*rated and areas tested a.ter t)e last' cali*ration c)ecs)all *e retestedA
III#1050 III#1051
A ca&illar' t'&e lea- standard &er T#104FA2 usin( 100O tracer (as as selected &er III#10F1A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ T)e test area s)all *e .ree o. conta"inants t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e test or (i e erroneous resultsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ T)e co"&onent to *e tested s)all% i. &ossi*le% *e &rotected .ro" dra.ts or located in an area ,)ere dra.ts ,ill not reduce t)e reJuired sensiti it' o. t)e testA
eac) tu*e end and )eld .or t)e ti"e &eriod esta*lis)ed *' de"onstrationA T)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e u&&er"ost &ortion o. t)e tu*es)eet tu*e ro,s ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( do,n,ardA III#1053A2 Tu*e#to#Tu*es)eet ;oint E!a"inationA Tu*e#to#tu*es)eet Soints "a' *e tested *' t)e enca&sulator "et)odA T)e enca&sulator "a' *e a .unnel t'&e ,it) t)e s"all end attac)ed to t)e &ro*e ti& end and t)e lar(e end &laced o er t)e tu*e#to#tu*es)eet SointA I. t)e enca&sulator is used% t)e detection ti"e is deter"ined *' &lacin( t)e enca&sulator o er t)e ori!ce on t)e lea- standard and notin( t)e ti"e reJuired .or an indicated instru"ent res&onseA
T)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as s)all *e at least 10O *' olu"e at t)e test &ressure% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Soa- Ti"e
Prior to e!a"ination% t)e test &ressure s)all *e )eld a "ini"u" o. F0 "inA L)en de"onstrated% t)e "ini"u" allo,a*le soa- ti"e "a' *e less t)an t)at s&eci!ed a*o e due to t)e i""ediate dis&ersion o. t)e )alo(en (as ,)en6 ?a@ a s&ecial te"&orar' de ice ?suc) as a leec) *o!@ is used on o&en co"&onents to test s)ort se("entsR ?*@ co"&onents are &artiall' e acuated &rior to initial &ressuriDation ,it) )alo(en (asA
III#1030 III#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area tested is acce&ta*le ,)en no lea-a(e is detected t)at e!ceeds t)e allo,a*le rate o. 110\G std c"F 0s ?1 10\1 Pa "F 0s@A
Scannin( Distance
A.ter t)e reJuired soa- ti"e &er III#105F% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)all *e &assed o er t)e test sur.aceA T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V3 inA ?F ""@ o. t)e test sur.ace durin( scannin(A I. a s)orter distance is used durin( cali*ra# tion% t)en t)at distance s)all not *e e!ceeded durin( t)e e!a"ination scannin(A
L)en unacce&ta*le lea-a(e is detected% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e de&ressuriDed% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
Scannin( Rate
Scannin( Direction
T)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e u&&er# "ost &ortion o. t)e s'ste" *ein( lea- tested ,)ile &ro(res# si el' scannin( do,n,ardA
Lea-a(e Detection
T)is tec)niJue descri*es t)e use o. t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter to detect "inute traces o. )eliu" (as in &res# suriDed co"&onentsA T)e )i() sensiti it' o. t)is lea- detec# tor "a-es &ossi*le t)e detection o. )eliu" (as !o, .ro" t)e lo,er &ressure side o. a er' s"all o&enin( in an en elo&e or *arrier se&aratin( t,o re(ions at di..erent &res# sures% or t)e deter"ination o. t)e &resence o. )eliu" in an' (aseous "i!tureA T)e detector &ro*e is a se"iJuantitati e tec)niJue used to detect and locate lea-s% and s)all not *e considered Juantitati eA
T)e .ollo,in( are t,o e!a"&les o. a&&lications t)at "a' *e used ?note t)at ot)er t'&es o. a&&lications "a' *e used@A III#1053A1 Tu*e E!a"inationA To detect lea-a(e t)rou() t)e tu*e ,alls ,)en testin( a tu*ular )eat e!c)an(er% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)ould *e inserted into
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
IV#1020IENERAL IV#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents IV#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le IV#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent Instru"ent "anu.acturer and "odel Detector &ro*e "anu.acturer and "odel Sur.ace &re&aration tec)niJue Metal te"&erature1 ?c)an(e to outside t)e ran(e s&eci!ed in t)is Article or as &re iousl' Juali!ed@ Personnel &er.or"ance Juali!cation reJuire"ents% ,)en reJuired PressuriDin( (as ?air or inert (as@ Scannin( rate ?"a!i"u" as de"onstrated durin( s'ste" cali*ration@ Si(nalin( de ice Scannin( direction Post testin( cleanin( tec)niJue Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents Essential Varia*le = = = = = AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA = = = = = =
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ instru"ent lea- standard ?*@ s'ste" lea- standard ?c@ tracer (as ?d@ tracer (as concentration ?e@ test &ressure ?.@ soa- ti"e ?(@ scannin( distance ?)@ &ressure (a(e ?i@ sensiti it' eri!cation c)ec-s ?S@ acce&tance criteria
to t)e instru"ent t)rou() !e!i*le tu*in( or a )oseA To reduce instru"ent res&onse and clean u& ti"e% t)e tu*in( or )ose len(t) s)all *e less t)an 11 .t ?GA1 "@% unless t)e test setu& is s&eci!call' desi(ned to attain t)e reduced res&onse and clean u& ti"e .or lon(er tu*in( or )ose len(t)sA
IV#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le IV#1021 s)all a&&l'A
Cali*ration lea- standards "a' *e eit)er a &er"eation or ca&illar' t'&e standard &er T#104FA1 and T#104FA2A T)e t'&e o. lea- standard used s)all *e esta*lis)ed *' t)e instru"ent or s'ste" sensiti it' reJuire"ent% or as s&eci# !ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
IV#10F0 IV#10F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
A )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter lea- detector ca&a*le o. sensin( and "easurin( "inute traces o. )eliu" s)all *e usedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( si(nalin( de icesA ?a@ Meter6 a "eter on% or attac)ed to% t)e test instru"entA ?*@ Audio De ices6 a s&ea-er or set o. )ead&)ones t)at e"its audi*le indicationsA ?c@ Indicator Li()t6 a isi*le indicator li()tA
IV#1041Instru"ent Cali*ration IV#1041A1 Lar" <&A T)e instru"ent s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu.acturer &rior to cali*ratin( ,it) t)e cali*rated lea- standardA IV#1041A2 Cali*rationA Cali*rate t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter &er t)e instru"ents "anu.acturerEs o&eration and "aintenance "anual% usin( a &er"eation t'&e leastandard as stated in T#104FA1 to esta*lis) t)at t)e instru# "ent is at o&ti"u" or adeJuate sensiti it'A T)e instru"ent s)all )a e a sensiti it' o. at least 1 10 \2 std c"F 0s ?1 10\10 Pa "F 0s@ .or )eliu"A
Au!iliar' EJui&"ent
?a@ Trans.or"erA A constant olta(e trans.or"er s)all *e used in conSunction ,it) t)e instru"ent ,)en line olt# a(e is su*Sect to ariationsA ?*@ Detector Pro*eA All areas to *e e!a"ined s)all *e scanned .or lea-s usin( a detector &ro*e ? connected
IV#1042S'ste" Cali*ration IV#1042A1 Standard Lea- SiDeA T)e "a!i"u" lea-a(e rate K .or t)e lea- standard descri*ed in IV#10FF% con#
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
tainin( 100O )eliu" concentration .or use in IV#1042A2% s)all *e calculated as .ollo,s6
K & Ks OTI 100
?a@ a s&ecial te"&orar' de ice ?suc) as a leec) *o!@ is used on o&en co"&onents to test s)ort se("entsR ?*@ co"&onents are &artiall' e acuated &rior to initial &ressuriDation ,it) )eliu" (asA
,)ere Ks is 1 10\G std c"F 0s ?1 10\1 Pa "F 0s@% unless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% and OTI is t)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as ?in O@ t)at is to *e used .or t)e test ?See IV#1052@A IV#1042A2 Scannin( RateA A.ter connectin( t)e detec# tor &ro*e to t)e instru"ent% t)e s'ste" s)all *e cali*rated *' &assin( t)e detector &ro*e ti& across t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standard in IV#1042A1A T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V3 inA ?F ""@ o. t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standardA T)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) can detect lea-a(e rate K .ro" t)e lea- standardA T)e "eter de!ection s)all *e noted or t)e audi*le alar" or indicator li()t set .or t)is scannin( rateA
Scannin( Distance
A.ter t)e reJuired soa- ti"e &er IV#105F% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)all *e &assed o er t)e test sur.aceA T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V3 inA ?F ""@ o. t)e test sur.ace durin( scannin(A I. a s)orter distance is used durin( s'ste" cali*ration% t)en t)at distance s)all not *e e!ceeded durin( test scannin(A
Scannin( Rate
T)e "a!i"u" scannin( rate s)all *e as deter"ined in IV#1042A2A IV#1054 Scannin( Direction
IV#1042AF Detection Ti"eA T)e ti"e reJuired to detect lea-a(e .ro" t)e lea- standard is t)e detection ti"e% and it s)ould *e o*ser ed durin( s'ste" cali*rationA It is usuall' desira*le to -ee& t)is ti"e as s)ort as &ossi*le to reduce t)e ti"e reJuired to &in&oint detected lea-a(eA IV#1042AG 8reJuenc' and Sensiti it'A <nless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e s'ste" sensiti it' s)all *e deter"ined *e.ore and a.ter testin( and at inter als o. not "ore t)an G )r durin( t)e testA Durin( an' cali*ration c)ec-% i. t)e "eter de!ection% audi*le alar"% or isi*le li()t indicates t)at t)e s'ste" cannot detect lea-a(e &er IV#1042A2% t)e s'ste"% and i. necessar'% t)e instru"ent% s)all *e recali*rated and all areas tested a.ter t)e last satis# .actor' cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e retestedA
T)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e lo,er# "ost &ortion o. t)e s'ste" *ein( tested ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( u&,ardA IV#1055 Lea-a(e Detection
T)e .ollo,in( are t,o e!a"&les o. a&&lications t)at "a' *e used ?note t)at ot)er t'&es o. a&&lications "a' *e used@A IV#1053A1 Tu*e E!a"inationA To detect lea-a(e t)rou() t)e tu*e ,alls ,)en testin( a tu*ular )eat e!c)an(er% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)ould *e inserted into eac) tu*e end and )eld .or t)e ti"e &eriod esta*lis)ed *' de"onstrationA T)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e lo,er"ost &ortion o. t)e tu*es)eet tu*e ro,s ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( u&,ardA IV#1053A2 Tu*e#to#Tu*es)eet ;oint E!a"inationA Tu*e#to#tu*es)eet Soints "a' *e tested *' t)e enca&sulator "et)odA T)e enca&sulator "a' *e a .unnel t'&e ,it) t)e s"all end attac)ed to t)e &ro*e ti& end and t)e lar(e end &laced o er t)e tu*e#to#tu*es)eet SointA I. t)e enca&sulator is used% t)e detection ti"e is deter"ined *' &lacin( t)e enca&sulator o er t)e ori!ce on t)e lea- standard and notin( t)e ti"e reJuired .or an indicated instru"ent res&onseA
IV#1050 IV#1051
T)e co"&onent to *e tested s)all% i. &ossi*le% *e &ro# tected .ro" dra.ts or located in an area ,)ere dra.ts ,ill not reduce t)e reJuired sensiti it' o. t)e testA
T)e concentration o. t)e )eliu" tracer (as s)all *e at least 10O *' olu"e at t)e test &ressure% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Prior to testin(% t)e test &ressure s)all *e )eld a "ini"u" o. F0 "inA T)e "ini"u" allo,a*le soa- ti"e "a' *e less t)an t)at s&eci!ed a*o e due to t)e i""ediate dis&ersion o. t)e )eliu" (as ,)en6
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area tested is acce&ta*le ,)en no lea-a(e is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent Instru"ent "anu.acturer and "odel Sur.ace &re&aration tec)niJue Metal te"&erature1 ?c)an(e to outside t)e ran(e s&eci!ed in t)is Article or as &re iousl' Juali!ed@ Tracer &ro*e "anu.acturer and "odel Personnel &er.or"ance Juali!cation reJuire"ents% ,)en reJuired Tracer &ro*e !o, rate ?"ini"u" de"onstrated durin( s'ste" cali*ration@ Scannin( rate ?"a!i"u" as de"onstrated durin( s'ste" cali*ration@ Si(nalin( de ice Scannin( direction Vacuu" &u"&in( s'ste" Post testin( cleanin( tec)niJue Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents Essential Varia*le = = = = = AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Nonessential Varia*le AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA = = = = = = =
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
detected t)at e!ceeds t)e allo,a*le rate o. 1 c"F 0s ?1 10\1 Pa "F 0s@A IV#1032 Re&air 0Retest
10\G std
L)en unacce&ta*le lea-a(e is detected% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e de&ressuriDed% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ instru"ent lea- standard ?*@ s'ste" lea- standard ?c@ tracer (as ?d@ acuu" test &ressure ?e@ acuu" (a(in( ?.@ soa- ti"e ?(@ scannin( distance ?)@ sensiti it' eri!cation c)ec-s ?i@ acce&tance criteria
V#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le V#1021 s)all a&&l'A
V#10F0 V#10F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
T)is tec)niJue descri*es t)e use o. t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter to detect "inute traces o. )eliu" (as in e acu# ated co"&onentsA T)e )i() sensiti it' o. t)is lea- detector% ,)en tracer &ro*e testin(% "a-es &ossi*le t)e detection and location o. )eliu" (as !o, .ro" t)e )i()er &ressure side o. er' s"all o&enin(s t)rou() t)e e acuated en elo&e or *arrier se&aratin( t)e t,o re(ions at di..erent &ressuresA T)is is a se"iJuantitati e tec)niJue and s)all not *e considered Juantitati eA
A )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter lea- detector ca&a*le o. sensin( and "easurin( "inute traces o. )eliu" s)all *e usedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( si(nalin( de icesA ?a@ Meter6 a "eter on or attac)ed to t)e test instru"entA ?*@ Audio De ices6 a s&ea-er or set o. )ead&)ones t)at e"its audi*le indicationsA ?c@ Indicator Li()t6 a isi*le indicator li()tA
V#10F2 V#1020IENERAL V#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents V#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le V#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in
Au!iliar' EJui&"ent
?a@ Trans.or"erA A constant olta(e trans.or"er s)all *e used in conSunction ,it) t)e instru"ent ,)en line olt# a(e is su*Sect to ariationsA ?*@ Au!iliar' Pu"& S'ste"A L)en t)e siDe o. t)e test s'ste" necessitates t)e use o. an au!iliar' acuu" &u"&
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s'ste"% t)e ulti"ate a*solute &ressure and &u"& s&eed ca&a*ilit' o. t)at s'ste" s)all *e su.!cient to attain reJuired test sensiti it' and res&onse ti"eA ?c@ Mani.oldA A s'ste" o. &i&es and al es ,it) &ro&er connections .or t)e instru"ent (a(es% au!iliar' &u"&% cali# *ration lea- standard% and test co"&onentA ?d@ Tracer Pro*eA Tu*in( connected to a source o. 100O )eliu" ,it) a al ed !ne o&enin( at t)e ot)er end .or directin( a !ne strea" o. )eliu" (asA ?e@ Vacuu" Ia(e?s@A T)e ran(e o. acuu" (a(e?s@ ca&a*le o. "easurin( t)e a*solute &ressure at ,)ic) t)e e acuated s'ste" is *ein( testedA T)e (a(e?s@ .or lar(e s'ste"s s)all *e located on t)e s'ste" as .ar as &ossi*le .ro" t)e inlet to t)e &u"& s'ste"A
V#1042AF Detection Ti"eA T)e ti"e reJuired to detect lea-a(e .ro" t)e lea- standard is t)e detection ti"e% and it s)ould *e o*ser ed durin( s'ste" cali*rationA It is desir# a*le to -ee& t)is ti"e as s)ort as &ossi*le to reduce t)e ti"e reJuired to &in&oint detected lea-a(eA V#1042AG 8reJuenc' and Sensiti it'A <nless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e s'ste" sensiti it' s)all *e deter"ined *e.ore and a.ter testin( and at inter als o. not "ore t)an G )r durin( testin(A Durin( an' cali*ration c)ec-% i. t)e "eter de!ection% audi*le alar"% or isi*le li()t indicates t)at t)e s'ste" cannot detect lea-a(e &er V#1042A2% t)e s'ste"% and i. necessar'% t)e instru"ent% s)all *e recali*rated and all areas tested a.ter t)e last satis# .actor' cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e retestedA
A ca&illar' t'&e lea- standard &er T#104FA2 ,it) a "a!i# "u" )eliu" lea-a(e rate o. 1 10\1 std c"F 0s ?1 10\4 Pa "F 0s@ s)all *e used unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
V#1050 V#1051
T)e "a!i"u" scannin( rate s)all *e as deter"ined in V#1042A2A V#1052 Scannin( Direction
V#1040CALIBRATION V#1041Instru"ent Cali*ration V#1041A1 Lar" <&A T)e instru"ent s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu.acturer &rior to cali*ratin( ,it) t)e cali*ration lea- standardA V#1041A2 Cali*rationA Cali*rate t)e )eliu" "ass s&ec# tro"eter &er t)e instru"ents "anu.acturerEs o&eration and "aintenance "anual% usin( a &er"eation t'&e lea- standard as stated in T#104FA1 to esta*lis) t)at t)e instru"ent is at o&ti"u" or adeJuate sensiti it'A T)e instru"ent s)all )a e a sensiti it' o. at least 1 10\2 std c"F 0s ?1 10\10 Pa "F 0s@ .or )eliu"A
T)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e u&&er# "ost &ortion o. t)e s'ste" *ein( tested ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( do,n,ardA V#105F Scannin( Distance
T)e tracer &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1VG inA ?4 ""@ o. t)e test sur.ace durin( scannin(A I. a s)orter distance is used durin( s'ste" cali*ration% t)en t)at distance s)all not *e e!ceeded durin( t)e e!a"ination scannin(A
Lea-a(e Detection
Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated and detected accordin( to V#10F1A V#1042S'ste" Cali*ration V#1042A1 Standard Lea- SiDeA T)e cali*rated leastandard% as stated in V#10FF% s)all *e attac)ed to t)e co"&onent as .ar as &ossi*le .ro" t)e instru"ent connec# tion to t)e co"&onentA T)e lea- standard s)all re"ain o&en durin( s'ste" cali*rationA V#1042A2 Scannin( RateA Lit) t)e co"&onent e acu# ated to an a*solute &ressure su.!cient .or connection o. t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter to t)e s'ste"% t)e s'ste" s)all *e cali*rated .or t)e test *' &assin( t)e tracer &ro*e ti& across t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standardA T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1VG inA ?4 ""@ o. t)e ori!ce o. t)e leastandardA 8or a -no,n !o, rate .ro" t)e tracer &ro*e o. 100O )eliu"% t)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) can detect lea-a(e t)rou() t)e cali*ration lea- standard into t)e test s'ste"A V#1051 8lo, Rate
V#1030 V#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area tested is acce&ta*le ,)en no lea-a(e is detected t)at e!ceeds t)e allo,a*le rate o. 110\1 std c"F 0s ?1 10\4 Pa "F 0s@A
Re&air 0Retest
L)en unacce&ta*le lea-a(e is detected% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
*e ented% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
VI#10F0 VI#10F1
T)is test "et)od descri*es t)e tec)niJues .or deter"in# in( t)e lea-a(e rate o. t)e *oundaries o. a closed co"&o# nent or s'ste" at a s&eci!c &ressure or acuu"A Pressure )old% a*solute &ressure% "aintenance o. &ressure% &ressure loss% &ressure deca'% &ressure rise% and acuu" retention are e!a"&les o. tec)niJues t)at "a' *e used ,)ene er &ressure c)an(e testin( is s&eci!ed as a "eans o. deter"in# in( lea-a(e ratesA T)e tests s&eci.' a "a!i"u" allo,a*le c)an(e in eit)er &ressure &er unit o. ti"e% &ercenta(e ol# u"e% or "ass c)an(e &er unit o. ti"eA
?a@ Ia(e Ran(eA Dial indicatin( and recordin( t'&e (a(es s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. T#10F1?a@A LiJuid "ano"eters or JuartD Bourdon tu*e (a(es "a' *e used o er t)eir entire ran(eA ?*@ Ia(e LocationA T)e location o. t)e (a(e?s@ s)all *e t)at stated in T#10F1?*@A ?c@ T'&es o. Ia(esA Re(ular or a*solute (a(es "a' *e used in &ressure c)an(e testin(A L)en (reater accurac' is reJuired% JuartD Bourdon tu*e (a(es or liJuid "ano"eters "a' *e usedA T)e (a(e?s@ used s)all )a e an accurac'% resolution% and re&eata*ilit' co"&ati*le ,it) t)e acce&t# ance criteriaA
Dr' *ul* or de, &oint te"&erature "easurin( instru# "ents% ,)en used% s)all )a e accurac'% re&eata*ilit'% and resolution co"&ati*le ,it) t)e lea-a(e rate acce&tance cri# teriaA
VI#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents VI#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le VI#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ test0 acuu" test &ressure ?*@ soa- ti"e ?c@ test duration ?d@ recordin( inter al ?e@ acce&tance criteria
VI#1040 VI#1041
All dial indicatin(% recordin(% and JuartD Bourdon tu*e (a(es s)all *e cali*rated &er T#1041?*@A T)e scale o. liJuid "ano"eters s)all *e cali*rated a(ainst standards t)at )a e -no,n relations)i&s to national standards% ,)ere suc) stan# dards e!istA
VI#1042 VI#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le VI#1021 s)all a&&l'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Cali*ration .or dr' *ul* and de, &oint te"&erature "ea# surin( instru"ents s)all *e a(ainst standards t)at )a e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
VI#1050 VI#1051
*e "ade ,it) eit)er an a*solute &ressure (a(e or a re(ular &ressure (a(e and a *aro"eterA ?*@ L)en it is reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% or ,)en t)e ,ater a&or &ressure ariation can si(ni!cantl' a..ect t)e test results% t)e internal de, &oint te"&erature or relati e )u"idit' s)all *e "easuredA
Co"&onents t)at are to *e tested a*o e at"os&)eric &ressure s)all *e &ressuriDed &er T#10GGA VI#1052 Vacuu" A&&lication
VI#1030 VI#1031
Co"&onents t)at are to *e tested under acuu" s)all *e e acuated to at least 2 &si ?G inA +(@ ?11 -Pa@ *elo, at"os&)eric &ressure or as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
L)en t)e &ressure c)an(e or lea-a(e rate is eJual to or less t)an t)at s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e test is acce&ta*leA
ReSecta*le Test
T)e test &ressure ?or acuu"@ s)all *e )eld .or t)e dura# tion s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section or% i. not s&eci!ed% it s)all *e su.!cient to esta*lis) t)e lea-a(e rate o. t)e co"&onent s'ste" ,it)in t)e accurac' or con!dence li"its reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA 8or er' s"all co"&onents or s'ste"s% a test duration in ter"s o. "inutes "a' *e su.!cientA 8or lar(e co"&onents or s's# te"s% ,)ere te"&erature and ,ater a&or corrections are necessar'% a test duration in ter"s o. "an' )ours "a' *e reJuiredA
L)en t)e &ressure c)an(e or lea-a(e rate e!ceeds t)at s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e results o. t)e test are'A Lea-?s@ "a' *e located *' ot)er "et)ods descri*ed in t)e Mandator' A&&endicesA A.ter t)e cause o. t)e e!cessi e &ressure c)an(e or lea-a(e rate )as *een deter"ined and re&aired in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e ori(inal test s)all *e re&eatedA
NOTE6 8or "ore in.or"ation re(ardin( t)is "et)od o. testin( to t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ 10 C8R 10% A&&endi! ;% Pri"ar' Contain"ent Lea-a(e Testin( .or Later Cooled Po,er ReactorsA ?*@ ANSI 0ANS 14A3#1231% A"erican National Standard Contain"ent S'ste" Lea-a(e Testin( ReJuire"ents% &u*lis)ed *' t)e A"erican Nuclear Societ'A
8or te"&erature sta*iliDation o. er' s"all &ressuriDed s'ste"s% suc) as (as-et inters&aces% ,)ere onl' s'ste" ?"etal@ te"&erature can *e "easured% at least 11 "in s)all ela&se a.ter co"&letion o. &ressuriDation and *e.ore start# in( t)e testA
8or te"&erature sta*iliDation o. lar(e &ressuriDed s's# te"s ,)ere t)e internal (as te"&erature is "easured a.ter co"&letion o. &ressuriDation% it s)all *e deter"ined t)at t)e te"&erature o. t)e internal (as )as sta*iliDed *e.ore startin( t)e testA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s ,)ic) a&&ear in Article 10% Lea- Testin(A
Start o. Test
At t)e start o. t)e test% initial te"&erature and &ressure ?or acuu"@ readin(s s)all *e ta-en and t)erea.ter at re(ular inter als% not to e!ceed 40 "in% until t)e end o. t)e s&eci!ed test durationA
Essential Varia*les
?a@ L)en it is reJuired to co"&ensate .or *aro"etric &ressure ariations% "easure"ent o. t)e test &ressure s)all
Co&'ri()t ASME International ##$$%%%%%%$%$$ Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ ASTM E 1F14% Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nonde# structi e E!a"inations% )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""it# tee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 Section 3 &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in ?e@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s suc) as Discontinuit'% E aluation% 8la,% Indication% Ins&ection% etcA% to Article 1% Manda# tor' A&&endi! IA ?d@ T)e .ollo,in( SE#1F14 ter"s are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is Article6 a*solute &ressureR *ac-(round si(# nalR (a(e &ressureR (asR )alo(enR )alo(en lea- detectorR
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
)ood testR lea-R lea-a(e rateR lea- testin(R "ass s&ectro"e# terR "ass s&ectro"eter lea- detectorR sa"&lin( &ro*eR standard lea-R tracer (asR acuu"A ?e@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s% ,)ic) are in addition to SE#1F14% and are Code s&eci!c% are used in conSunction ,it) t)is ArticleA *ac-(round readin(6 see *ac-(round si(nal in VII#1020?d@A cali*ration lea- standard6 see standard lea- in VII#1020?d@A detector &ro*e6 see sa"&lin( &ro*e in VII#1020?d@A de, &oint te"&erature6 t)at te"&erature at ,)ic) t)e (as in a s'ste" ,ould *e ca&a*le o. )oldin( no "ore ,ater a&or and condensation in t)e .or" o. de, ,ould occurA dr' *ul* te"&erature6 t)e a"*ient te"&erature o. t)e (as in a s'ste"A )alo(en diode detector6 see )alo(en lea- detector in VII#1020?d@A )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter6 see "ass s&ectro"eter and "ass s&ectro"eter lea- detector in VII#1020?d@A )ood tec)niJue6 see )ood test in VII#1020?d@A i""ersion *at)6 a lo, sur.ace tension liJuid into ,)ic) a (as containin( enclosure is su*"er(ed to detect lea-a(e ,)ic) .or"s at t)e site or sites o. a lea- or lea-sA i""ersion solution6 see i""ersion *at)A inert (as6 a (as t)at resists co"*inin( ,it) ot)er su*# stancesA E!a"&les are )eliu"% neon% and ar(onA instru"ent cali*ration6 introduction o. a -no,n siDe standard lea- into an isolated lea- detector .or t)e &ur&ose o. deter"inin( t)e s"allest siDe lea-a(e rate o. a &articular (as at a s&eci!c &ressure and te"&erature t)at t)e leadetector is ca&a*le o. indicatin( .or a &articular di ision on t)e lea- indicator scaleA lea-a(e6 t)e !uid% eit)er liJuid or (as% !o,in( t)rou() a lea- and e!&ressed in units o. "ass !o,R iAeA% &ressure and olu"e &er ti"eA lea- standard6 see standard lea- in VII#1020?d@A JuartD Bourdon tu*e (a(e6 t)is )i() accurac' (a(e is a ser onullin( di..erential &ressure "easurin( electronic instru"entA T)e &ressure transducin( ele"ent is a one &iece .used JuartD Bourdon ele"entA re(ular &ressure6 see (a(e &ressure in VII#1020?d@A sensiti it'6 t)e siDe o. t)e s"allest lea-a(e rate t)at can *e una"*i(uousl' detected *' t)e lea- testin( instru"ent% "et)od% or tec)niJue *ein( usedA soa- ti"e6 t)e ela&sed ti"e *et,een ,)en t)e desired di..erential &ressure is attained on a s'ste" and t)e ti"e ,)en t)e test tec)niJue is &er.or"ed to detect lea-a(e or "easure lea-a(e rateA standard dead ,ei()t tester6 a de ice .or )'draulicall' *alancin( t)e &ressure on a -no,n )i() accurac' ,ei()t a(ainst t)e readin( on a &ressure (a(e .or t)e &ur&ose o. cali*ratin( t)e (a(eA
s'ste" cali*ration6 introduction o. a -no,n siDe stan# dard lea- into a test s'ste" ,it) a lea- detector .or t)e &ur&ose o. deter"inin( t)e s"allest siDe lea-a(e rate o. a &articular (as at a s&eci!c &ressure and te"&erature t)at t)e lea- detector as &art o. t)e test s'ste" is ca&a*le o. indicatin( .or a &articular di ision on t)e lea- indicator scaleA t)er"al conducti it' detector6 a lea- detector t)at res&onds to di..erences in t)e t)er"al conducti it' o. a sa"&led (as and t)e (as used to Dero it ?iAeA% *ac-(round at"os&)ere@A acuu" *o!6 a de ice used to o*tain a &ressure di..eren# tial across a ,eld t)at cannot *e directl' &ressuriDedA It contains a lar(e ie,in( ,indo,% s&ecial eas' seatin( and sealin( (as-et% (a(e% and a al ed connection .or an air eSector% acuu" &u"&% or inta-e "ani.oldA ,ater a&or6 (aseous .or" o. ,ater in a s'ste"A
T)ese instru"ents "a-e &ossi*le t)e detection o. a tracer (as !o, .ro" t)e lo,er &ressure side o. a er' s"all o&enin( in an en elo&e or *arrier se&aratin( t,o re(ions at di..erent &ressuresA
T)e t)er"al conducti it' detector &ro*e test "et)od is a se"iJuantitati e "et)od used to detect and locate lea-s% and s)all not *e considered Juantitati eA
T)e t)er"al conducti it' detector &ro*e instru"ent uses t)e &rinci&le t)at t)e t)er"al conducti it' o. a (as or (as "i!ture c)an(es ,it) an' c)an(e in t)e concentration?s@ o. t)e (as or (as "i!ture ?iAeA% t)e introduction o. a tracer (as in t)e area o. a lea-@A
VIII#1020 IENERAL VIII#1021 Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents VIII#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le VIII#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ lea- standard ?*@ tracer (as concentration ?c@ test &ressure ?d@ soa- ti"e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
C)e"ical S'"*ol +e Ar CO2 CClF8 CCl282 C+Cl28 C+Cl82 C2Cl28G C2+28G C+2Cl2 S84
C)e"ical Desi(nation +eliu" Ar(on Car*on Dio!ide Tric)loro"ono!uoro"et)ane Dic)lorodi!uoro"et)ane Dic)loro"ono!uoro"et)ane C)lorodi!uoro"et)ane Dic)lorotetra!uoroet)ane Tetra!uoroet)ane Dic)loro"et)ane Sul.ur +e!a!uoride
An electronic lea- detector as descri*ed in VIII#1011 s)all *e usedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( si(nalin( de ices6 ?a@ MeterA A "eter on t)e test instru"ent% or a &ro*e% or *ot)A ?*@ Audio De icesA A s&ea-er or sets o. )ead&)ones t)at e"it?s@ audi*le indicationsA ?c@ Indicator Li()tA A isi*le indicator li()tA
A ca&illar' t'&e lea- standard &er T#104FA2 usin( 100O tracer (as as selected &er VIII#10F1A ?e@ scannin( distance ?.@ &ressure (a(e ?(@ sensiti it' eri!cation c)ec-s ?)@ acce&tance criteria VIII#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire# "ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le VIII#1021 s)all a&&l'A
VIII#1040 VIII#1041
T)e "a!i"u" lea-a(e rate K .or t)e lea- standard descri*ed in VIII#10FF containin( 100O tracer concentra# tion .or use in VIII#104F s)all *e calculated as .ollo,s6
K & Ks O TI 100
In &rinci&le% an' (as )a in( a t)er"al conducti it' di.# .erent .ro" air can *e used as a tracer (asA T)e sensiti it' ac)ie a*le de&ends on t)e relati e di..erences o. t)e t)er# "al conducti it' o. t)e (ases PiAeA% *ac-(round air ?air used to Dero t)e instru"ent@ and t)e sa"&led air ?air containin( t)e tracer (as@ in t)e area o. a lea-QA Ta*le VIII#10F1 lists so"e o. t)e t'&ical tracer (ases usedA T)e tracer (as to *e used s)all *e selected *ased on t)e reJuired test sensiti it'A
,)ere Ks Pin std c"F0s ?Pa "F 0s@Q is t)e reJuired test sensiti it' and OTI is t)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as ?in O@ t)at is to *e used .or t)e testA See VIII#1052A
Lar" <&
T)e detector s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu# .acturer &rior to cali*ratin( ,it) t)e lea- standardA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Scannin( Rate
Scannin( Distance
T)e detector s)all *e cali*rated *' &assin( t)e &ro*e ti& across t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standard in VIII#1041A T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ o. t)e ori!ce o. t)e lea- standardA T)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) can detect lea-a(e rate K .ro" t)e lea- standardA T)e "eter de!ection s)all *e noted or t)e audi*le alar" or indicator li()t set .or t)is scannin( rateA
A.ter t)e reJuired soa- ti"e &er VIII#105F% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)all *e &assed o er t)e test sur.aceA T)e &ro*e ti& s)all *e -e&t ,it)in 1V2 inA ?1F ""@ o. t)e test sur.ace durin( scannin(A I. a s)orter distance is used durin( cali*ra# tion% t)en t)at distance s)all not *e e!ceeded durin( t)e e!a"ination scannin(A
VIII#1051 VIII#104G Detection Ti"e T)e ti"e reJuired to detect lea-a(e .ro" t)e lea- stan# dard is t)e detection ti"e and it s)ould *e o*ser ed durin( s'ste" cali*rationA It is usuall' desira*le to -ee& t)is ti"e as s)ort as &ossi*le to reduce t)e ti"e reJuired to &in&oint detected lea-a(eA
Scannin( Rate
Scannin( Direction
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e sensiti it' o. t)e detector s)all *e deter"ined *e.ore and a.ter testin( and at inter als o. not "ore t)an G )r durin( testin(A Durin( an' cali*ration c)ec-% i. t)e "eter de!ection% audi*le alar"% or indicator li()t indicate t)at t)e detector cannot detect lea-a(e &er VIII#104F% t)e instru"ent s)all *e recali*rated and areas tested a.ter t)e last' cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e retestedA
8or tracer (ases t)at are li()ter t)an air% t)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e lo,er"ost &ortion o. t)e s'ste" *ein( tested ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( u&,ardA 8or tracer (ases t)at are )ea ier t)an air% t)e e!a"ination scan s)ould co""ence in t)e u&&er"ost &ortion o. t)e s'ste" *ein( tested ,)ile &ro(ressi el' scannin( do,n,ardA
Lea-a(e Detection
VIII#1050 VIII#1051
?a@ T)e test area s)all *e .ree o. conta"inants t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e test or (i e erroneous resultsA ?*@ T)e co"&onent to *e tested s)all% i. &ossi*le% *e &rotected .ro" dra.ts or located in an area ,)ere dra.ts ,ill not reduce t)e reJuired sensiti it' o. t)e testA
T)e .ollo,in( are t,o e!a"&les o. a&&lications t)at "a' *e used ?note t)at ot)er t'&es o. a&&lications "a' *e used@A VIII#1053A1 Tu*e E!a"inationA To detect lea-a(e t)rou() t)e tu*e ,alls ,)en testin( a tu*ular )eat e!c)an(er% t)e detector &ro*e ti& s)ould *e inserted into eac) tu*e and )eld .or t)e ti"e &eriod esta*lis)ed *' de"# onstrationA VIII#1053A2 Tu*e#to#Tu*es)eet ;oint E!a"inationA Tu*e#to#tu*es)eet Soints "a' *e tested *' t)e enca&sulator "et)odA T)e enca&sulator "a' *e a .unnel t'&e ,it) t)e s"all end attac)ed to t)e &ro*e ti& end and t)e lar(e end &laced o er t)e tu*e#to#tu*es)eet SointA I. t)e enca&sulator is used% t)e detection ti"e is deter"ined *' &lacin( t)e enca&sulator o er t)e ori!ce on t)e lea- standard and notin( t)e ti"e reJuired .or an indicated instru"ent res&onseA
T)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as s)all *e at least 10O *' olu"e at t)e test &ressure% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Soa- Ti"es
Prior to e!a"ination% t)e test &ressure s)all *e )eld a "ini"u" o. F0 "inA L)en de"onstrated% t)e "ini"u" allo,a*le soa- ti"e "a' *e less t)an t)at s&eci!ed a*o e due to t)e i""ediate dis&ersion o. t)e tracer (as ,)en6 ?a@ a s&ecial te"&orar' de ice ?suc) as a leec) *o!@ is used on o&en co"&onents to test s)ort se("entsR ?*@ co"&onents are &artiall' e acuated &rior to initial &ressuriDation ,it) tracer (asA
VIII#1030 VIII#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area tested is acce&ta*le ,)en no lea-a(e is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
detected t)at e!ceeds t)e "a!i"u" lea-a(e rate K% deter# "ined &er VIII#1041A VIII#1032 Re&air0Retest
?*@ s'ste" lea- standard ?c@ acuu" (a(in( ?d@ acce&tance criteria I=#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le I=#1021 s)all a&&l'A
L)en unacce&ta*le lea-a(e is detected% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e de&ressuriDed% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
I=#10F0 I=#10F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
A )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter lea- detector ca&a*le o. sensin( and "easurin( "inute traces o. )eliu" s)all *e usedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' a "eter on or attac)ed to t)e test instru"entA
Au!iliar' EJui&"ent
T)is tec)niJue descri*es t)e use o. t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter to res&ecti el' detect and "easure "inute traces o. )eliu" (as in e acuated co"&onentsA T)e )i() sensiti it' o. t)is lea- detector% ,)en )ood testin(% "a-es &ossi*le t)e detection and "easure"ent o. total )eliu" (as !o, .ro" t)e )i()er &ressure side o. all )ooded% er' s"all o&enin(s t)rou() t)e e acuated en elo&e or *arrier t)at se&arates t)e t,o re(ions at ent &ressuresA T)is is a Juantitati e "easure"ent tec)# niJueA
I=#1020IENERAL I=#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents I=#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le I=#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ instru"ent lea- standard
?a@ Trans.or"erA A constant olta(e trans.or"er s)all *e used in conSunction ,it) t)e instru"ent ,)en line olt# a(e is su*Sect to ariationsA ?*@ Au!iliar' Pu"& S'ste"A L)en t)e siDe o. t)e test s'ste" necessitates t)e use o. an au!iliar' acuu" &u"& s'ste"% t)e ulti"ate a*solute &ressure and &u"& s&eed ca&a*ilit' o. t)at s'ste" s)all *e su.!cient to attain reJuired test sensiti it' and res&onse ti"eA ?c@ Mani.oldA A s'ste" o. &i&es and al es ,it) &ro&er connections .or t)e instru"ent (a(es% au!iliar' &u"&% cali# *ration lea- standard% and test co"&onentA ?d@ +oodA An' suita*le en elo&e or container% suc) as a &lastic *a(% ,it) a t)rou() a&erture .or t)e "ani.oldA ?e@ Vacuu" Ia(e?s@A T)e ran(e o. acuu" (a(e?s@ ca&a*le o. "easurin( t)e a*solute &ressure at ,)ic) t)e e acuated s'ste" is *ein( testedA T)e (a(e?s@ .or lar(e s'ste"s s)all *e located on t)e s'ste" as .ar as &ossi*le .ro" t)e inlet to t)e &u"& s'ste"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A &er"eation t'&e lea- standard &er T#104FA1 ,it) a "a!i"u" )eliu" lea-a(e rate o. 1 10\4 std c"F0s ?1 10\5 Pa "F0s@ s)all *e used% unless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
t)e t,o readin(s is t)e res&onse ti"eA T)e sta*le instru"ent readin( s)all *e noted and recorded as M1 in di isionsA I=#1042AF Bac-(round Readin(A1 Bac-(round M2 in di isions is esta*lis)ed a.ter deter"inin( res&onse ti"eA T)e lea- standard s)all *e closed to t)e s'ste" and t)e instru"ent readin( s)all *e recorded ,)en it *eco"es sta*leA I=#1042AG Preli"inar' Cali*rationA T)e &reli"inar' s'ste" sensiti it' s)all *e calculated as .ollo,s6
S1 & CL & std c"F 0 s 0 di ?Pa "F 0 s 0 di @ M1 \ M 2
I=#1010 I=#1011
TEC+NIK<E Per"eation
L)en s'ste"s ,it) lon( res&onse ti"es ?iAeA% lo, )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter t)rou()&ut@ are to *e tested% )eliu" &er"eation t)rou() non"etallic seals can lead to .alse resultsA In cases li-e t)is% it is reco""ended% i. &ossi*le% to locall' )ood test suc) seals or e!clude t)e" .ro" t)e )ood i. t)e seals are not reJuired to *e testedA
T)e cali*ration s)all *e re&eated ,)en t)ere is an' c)an(e in t)e lea- detector setu& ?eA(A% a c)an(e in t)e &ortion o. )eliu" *'&assed to t)e au!iliar' &u"&% i. used@ or an' c)an(e in t)e lea- standardA T)e lea- standard s)all *e isolated .ro" t)e s'ste" u&on co"&letin( t)e &reli"inar' s'ste" sensiti it' cali*rationA I=#1042A1 8inal Cali*rationA <&on co"&letin( t)e test o. t)e s'ste" &er I=#1051AG% and ,it) t)e co"&onent still under t)e )ood% t)e lea- standard s)all *e a(ain o&ened into t)e s'ste" *ein( testedA T)e increase in instru"ent out&ut s)all *e noted and recorded as MG in di isions and used in calculatin( t)e !nal s'ste" sensiti it' as .ollo,s6
CL & std c"F 0 s 0 di ?Pa "F 0 s 0 di @ MG \ M F
8or re&etiti e tests or ,)ere t)e test ti"e is -no,n .ro" &re ious si"ilar tests% t)e &reli"inar' cali*ration% &er I=#1042AG% "a' *e o"ittedA
I=#1041Instru"ent Cali*ration I=#1041A1 Lar" <&A T)e instru"ent s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu.acturer &rior to cali*ratin( ,it) t)e lea- standardA I=#1041A2 Cali*rationA Cali*rate t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter &er t)e instru"ent "anu.acturerEs o&eration and "aintenance "anual usin( a &er"eation t'&e leastandard as stated in T#104FA1 to esta*lis) t)at t)e instru# "ent is at o&ti"u" or adeJuate sensiti it'A T)e instru"ent s)all )a e sensiti it' o. at least 110\2 std c"F0s ?1 10\10 Pa "F0s@ .or )eliu"A
S2 &
I. t)e !nal s'ste" sensiti it' S2 )as decreased *elo, t)e &reli"inar' s'ste" sensiti it' S1 *' "ore t)an F1O% t)e instru"ent s)all *e cleaned and0or re&aired% recali*rated% and t)e co"&onent retestedA
I=#1050TEST I=#1051Standard Tec)niJue I=#1051A1 +oodA 8or a sin(le ,all co"&onent or &art% t)e )ood ?en elo&e@ container "a' *e "ade o. a "aterial suc) as &lasticA I=#1051A2 8illin( o. +ood Lit) Tracer IasA A.ter co"&letin( &reli"inar' cali*ration &er I=#1042AG% t)e s&ace *et,een t)e co"&onent outer sur.ace and t)e )ood s)all *e !lled ,it) )eliu"A I=#1051AF Esti"atin( or Deter"inin( +ood Tracer Ias ConcentrationA T)e tracer (as concentration in t)e )ood enclosure s)all *e deter"ined or esti"atedA I=#1051AG Test DurationA A.ter !llin( t)e )ood ,it) )eliu"% t)e instru"ent out&ut MF in di isions s)all *e noted and recorded a.ter ,aitin( .or a test ti"e eJual to t)e
1 S'ste" *ac-(round noiseA 8or de!nition o. s'"*ols% see Non"anda# tor' A&&endi! AA
I=#1042S'ste" Cali*ration I=#1042A1 Standard Lea- SiDeA A cali*rated lea- CL standard as &er T#104FA1 ,it) 100O )eliu" s)all *e attac)ed% ,)ere .easi*le% to t)e co"&onent as .ar as &ossi# *le .ro" t)e instru"ent connection to t)e co"&onentA I=#1042A2 Res&onse Ti"eA Lit) t)e co"&onent e acu# ated to an a*solute &ressure su.!cient .or connection o. t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter to t)e s'ste"% t)e s'ste" s)all *e cali*rated *' o&enin( t)e lea- standard to t)e s'ste"A T)e lea- standard s)all re"ain o&en until t)e instru"ent si(nal *eco"es sta*leA T)e ti"e s)all *e recorded ,)en t)e lea- standard is !rst o&ened to t)e co"&onent and a(ain ,)en t)e increase in out&ut si(nal *eco"es sta*leA T)e ela&sed ti"e *et,een
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
res&onse ti"e deter"ined in I=#1042A2 or% i. t)e out&ut si(nal )as not *eco"e sta*le% until t)e out&ut si(nal sta*i# liDesA I=#1051A1 S'ste" Measured Lea-a(e RateA A.ter co"&letin( !nal cali*ration &er I=#1042A1% t)e s'ste" lea-# a(e rate s)all *e deter"ined as .ollo,s6 ?a@ 8or tests ,)ere no c)an(e in out&ut si(nal occurs ?iAeA% M2 & MF@% t)e s'ste" lea-a(e rate s)all *e re&orted as *ein( B*elo, t)e detecta*le ran(e o. t)e s'ste"C and t)e ite" under test &assesA ?*@ 8or tests ,)ere t)e out&ut si(nal ?MF@ re"ains on scale% t)e lea-a(e rate s)all *e deter"ined as .ollo,s6
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e co"&onent tested is acce&ta*le ,)en t)e "easured lea-a(e rate K is eJual to or less t)an 1 10 \4 std c"F0s ?1 10\5 Pa "F0s@ o. )eliu"A
L)en t)e lea-a(e rate e!ceeds t)e &er"issi*le alue% all ,elds or ot)er sus&ected areas s)all *e retested usin( a tracer &ro*e tec)niJueA All lea-s s)all *e "ar-ed and te"&oraril' sealed to &er"it co"&letion o. t)e tracer &ro*e retestA T)e te"&orar' seals s)all *e o. a t'&e ,)ic) can *e readil' and co"&letel' re"o ed a.ter testin( )as *een co"&letedA
,)ere OTI is t)e concentration o. t)e tracer (as ?in O@ in t)e )oodA See I=#1051AFA ?c@ 8or tests ,)ere t)e out&ut si(nal ?M F@ e!ceeds t)e detecta*le ran(e o. t)e s'ste" ?iAeA% out&ut si(nal is o.. scale@% t)e s'ste" lea-a(e rate s)all *e re&orted as *ein( B(reater t)an t)e detecta*le ran(e o. t)e s'ste"C and t)e ite" under test .ailsA
T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e ented and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
Alternati e Tec)niJue
I=#1052A1 S'ste" Correction 8actorA 8or )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter lea- indicator "eters in lea-a(e rate units% a S'ste" Correction 8actor ?SC8@ "a' *e utiliDed i. it is desired to utiliDe t)e actual indicator "eter lea-a(e rate units in lieu o. con ertin( t)e readin(s to di isions PeA(A% t)e alues o. M1% M2% MF% and MG are directl' read .ro" t)e )eliu" "ass s&ectro"eter in std c"F0s ?Pa "F0s@QA I=#1052A2 Alternati e 8or"ulasA T)e .ollo,in( .or# "ulas s)all *e used in lieu o. t)ose descri*ed in I=#10426 ?a@ Preli"inar' Cali*ration ?&er I=#1042AG@A T)e &re# li"inar' s'ste" correction .actor ?PSC8@ s)all *e calcu# lated as .ollo,s6
T)is tec)niJue descri*es t)e use o. an ultrasonic leadetector to detect t)e ultrasonic ener(' &roduced *' t)e !o, o. a (as .ro" t)e lo,er &ressure side o. a er' s"all o&enin( in an en elo&e or *arrier se&aratin( t,o re(ions at di..erent &ressuresA ?a@ Due to t)e lo, sensiti it' P"a!i"u" sensiti it' o. 10\2 std c"F0s ?10\F Pa "F0s@Q o. t)is tec)niJue% it s)ould not *e utiliDed .or t)e acce&tance testin( o. essels t)at ,ill contain let)al or )aDardous su*stancesA ?*@ T)is is a se"iJuantitati e "et)od used to detect and locate lea-s and s)all not *e considered Juantitati eA
?*@ 8inal Cali*ration ?&er I=#1042A1@A T)e !nal s'ste" correction .actor ?8SC8@ s)all *e calculated as .ollo,s6 =#1020
8SC8 & CL 0 ?MG \ MF@
I. t)e 8SC8 )as decreased *elo, t)e PSC8 *' "ore t)an F1O% t)e instru"ent s)all *e cleaned and0or re&aired% recal# i*rated% and t)e co"&onent retestedA ?c@ S'ste" Measured Lea-a(e Rate ?&er I=#1051A1@A T)e s'ste" lea-a(e rate s)all *e deter"ined as .ollo,s6
=#1021Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents =#1021A1 ReJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021A1% Ta*le =#1021% and t)e .ollo,in( as s&eci!ed in t)is Article or re.erencin( Code s)all a&&l'A ?a@ lea- standard ?*@ test &ressure ?c@ soa- ti"e ?d@ &ressure (a(e ?e@ acce&tance criteria
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE6 ?1@ T)e "ini"u" "etal te"&erature durin( test s)all not *e *elo, t)at s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section .or t)e )'dro% )'dro&neu"atic% or &neu"atic testA T)e "ini"u" or "a!i"u" te"&erature durin( test s)all also *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e testin( "et)odA
=#1021A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA T)e reJuire"ents o. T#1021AF and Ta*le =#1021 s)all a&&l'A
Scannin( Rate
=#10F0 =#10F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
An electronic ultrasonic lea- detector ca&a*le o. detectin( acoustic ener(' in t)e ran(e o. 20 to 100 -+D s)all *e utiliDedA Lea-a(e s)all *e indicated *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( si(nalin( de ices6 ?a@ Meter6 a "eter on t)e test instru"ent% or a &ro*e% or *ot)A ?*@ Audio De ice6 a set o. )ead&)ones t)at e"it?s@ audi# *le indicationsA
T)e lea- standard s)all *e attac)ed to a &ressure re(u# lated (as su&&l' and t)e &ressure set to t)at to *e used .or t)e testA T)e detector s)all *e cali*rated *' directin( t)e detector0&ro*e to,ards t)e lea- standard at t)e "a!i"u" scannin( distance to *e utiliDed durin( testin( and notin( t)e "eter de!ection and0or &itc) o. t)e audi*le si(nal as t)e detector0&ro*e is scanned across t)e lea- standardA T)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) can detect lea-a(e rate K .ro" t)e lea- standardA
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e sensiti it' o. t)e detector s)all *e eri!ed *e.ore and a.ter testin(% and at inter als o. not "ore t)an G )r durin( testin(A Durin( an' eri!cation c)ec-% s)ould t)e "eter de!ection or audi*le si(nal indicate t)at t)e detector0 &ro*e cannot detect lea-a(e &er =#104F% t)e instru"ent s)all *e recali*rated and areas tested a.ter t)e last tor' cali*ration c)ec- s)all *e retestedA
=#1040 =#1041
T)e "a!i"u" lea-a(e rate K .or t)e lea- standard in =#10F2 s)all *e 110\1 std c"F0s ?110\2 Pa "F0s@% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T)e co"&onent to *e tested s)all% i. &ossi*le% *e re"o ed or isolated .ro" ot)er eJui&"ent or structures t)at could (enerate a"*ient or s'ste" noise t)at can dro,n out lea-sA
Lar" <& =#1052 Soa- Ti"e Prior to testin(% t)e test &ressure s)all *e )eld a "ini"u" o. 11 "inA
T)e detector s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu# .acturer &rior to cali*rationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Scannin( Distance
A.ter t)e reJuired soa- ti"e &er =#1052% t)e detector s)all *e &assed o er t)e test sur.aceA T)e scannin( distance s)all not e!ceed t)at utiliDed to deter"ine t)e "a!i"u" scannin( rate in =#104FA
=#1030 =#1031
<nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tion% t)e area tested is acce&ta*le ,)en no lea-a(e is detected t)at e!ceeds t)e allo,a*le rate o. 110\1 std c"F0s ?1 10\2 Pa "F0s@A
Scannin( Rate =#1032 Re&air0Retest L)en unacce&ta*le lea-a(e is detected% t)e location o. t)e lea-?s@ s)all *e "ar-edA T)e co"&onent s)all t)en *e de&ressuriDed% and t)e lea-?s@ re&aired as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA A.ter re&airs )a e *een "ade% t)e re&aired area or areas s)all *e retested in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is A&&endi!A
Lea-a(e Detection
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8SC8 & 8inal S'ste" Correction 8actor ?G@ Tracer (as concentration6 OTI & concentration o. Tracer Ias% O ?1@ Cali*rated standard6 CL & cali*rated lea- lea-a(e rate% std c" F 0 s ?Pa "F 0s@ ?4@ Instru"ent readin( seJuence6 M1 & "eter readin( *e.ore test ,it) cali*rated leao&en to t)e co"&onent Pdi isions% or std c"F 0s ?Pa "F 0s@Q M2 & "eter readin( *e.ore test ,it) cali*rated leaclosed to co"&onent Pdi isions% or std c" F 0s ?Pa "F 0s@Q ?s'ste" *ac-(round noise readin(@ MF & "eter readin( ?re(isterin( co"&onent lea-a(e@ ,it) cali*rated lea- closed Pdi isions% or std c"F 0s ?Pa "F 0s@Q MG & "eter readin( ?re(isterin( co"&onent lea-a(e@ ,it) cali*rated lea- o&en Pdi isions% or std c"F 0s ?Pa "F 0s@Q
?a@ T)e .or"ulas in t)is Article &ro ide .or t)e calcu# lated lea- rate?s@ .or t)e tec)niJue usedA ?*@ T)e s'"*ols de!ned *elo, are used in t)e .or"ulas o. t)e a&&ro&riate A&&endi!A ?1@ S'ste" sensiti it' calculation6 S1 & &reli"inar' sensiti it' ?calculation o. sensiti # it'@% std c"F 0s 0di ?Pa "F 0s 0di @ S2 & !nal sensiti it' ?calculation o. sensiti it'@% std c"F 0s 0di ?Pa "F 0s 0di @ ?2@ S'ste" "easured lea-a(e rate calculation6 K & "easured lea-a(e rate o. t)e s'ste" ?corrected .or tracer (as concentration@% std c"F 0s ?Pa "F 0s@ ?F@ S'ste" Correction 8actors6 PSC8 & Preli"inar' S'ste" Correction 8actor
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is Article descri*es or re.erences reJuire"ents ,)ic) are to *e used in a&&l'in( acoustic e"ission ?AE@ e!a"ination o. ne, and inser ice !*er rein.orced &lastic ?8RP@ essels under &ressure% acuu"% or ot)er a&&lied stressA ?*@ Test &ressure used durin( e!a"ination s)all not e!ceed 1A1 ti"es t)e "a!i"u" allo,a*le ,or-in( &ressure ?MALP@A Vacuu" testin( can *e .ull desi(n acuu"A T)ese alues are su*ordinate to stress alues in s&eci!c &rocedures outlined in Section =% Part T% Rules Co erin( Testin(% o. t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeA ?c@ T)is Article is li"ited to essels ,it) (lass or ot)er rein.orcin( "aterial contents (reater t)an 11O *' ,ei()tA
Percent o. O&eratin( Ma!i"u" Pressure and0or Load 10 or less 20 F0 G0 10 40 Ti"e S&ent at Percent o. Ma!i"u" Pressure and0or Load 12 13 F0 2 G 5 )r )r )r da's da's da's
E=AMPLE6 8or an inser ice essel% t,o .actors "ust *e -no,n &rior to "a-in( a test6 ?1@ T)e "a!i"u" o&eratin( &ressure or load durin( t)e &ast 'ear ?2@ T)e test &ressure
?a@ L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e "et)od descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article are .ound in Mandator' A&&en# di! III o. t)is ArticleA ?*@ Discontinuities located ,it) AE s)all *e e aluated *' ot)er "et)ods% eA(A% isual% ultrasonic% liJuid &enetrant% etcA% and s)all *e re&aired and retested as a&&ro&riateA
&rior to "a-in( an AE testA L)en t)e ratios .all *et,een t,o alues in t)e second colu"n t)e )i()er alue is usedA T#1122 Vessel Stressin(
Vessel Conditionin(
8or tan-s and &ressure essels t)at )a e *een stressed &re iousl'% t)e o&eratin( &ressure and 0or load s)all *e reduced &rior to testin( accordin( to t)e sc)edule s)o,n in Ta*le T#1121A In order to &ro&erl' e aluate t)e AE e!a"ination% t)e "a!i"u" o&eratin( &ressure or load on t)e essel durin( t)e &ast 'ear "ust *e -no,n% and recordedA Ta*le T#1121 is used as .ollo,sA T)e reduced &ressure is di ided *' t)e "a!i"u" o&eratin( &ressure and t)e Juantit' is e!&ressed as a &ercentA T)is alue is entered in t)e !rst colu"n and t)e corres&ondin( ro, in t)e second colu"n s)o,s t)e ti"e reJuired at t)e reduced &ressure%
Arran(e"ents s)all *e "ade to stress t)e essel to t)e desi(n &ressure and 0or loadA T)e rate o. a&&lication o. stress and load s)all *e su.!cient to e!&edite t)e e!a"ina# tion ,it) t)e "ini"u" e!traneous noiseA +oldin( stress le els is a -e' as&ect o. an acoustic e"ission e!a"inationA Accordin(l'% &ro ision "ust *e "ade .or )oldin( t)e &res# sure and 0or load at desi(nated c)ec-&ointsA ?a@ At"os&)eric VesselsA Process liJuid is t)e &re.erred !ll "ediu" .or at"os&)eric esselsA I. ,ater "ust re&lace t)e &rocess liJuid% t)e desi(ner and user s)all *e in a(ree"ent on t)e &rocedure to ac)ie e acce&ta*le stress le elsA ?*@ Vacuu" Vessel Stressin(A A controlla*le acuu" &u"& s'ste" is reJuired .or acuu" tan-sA
Vessel Su&&ort
All essels s)all *e e!a"ined in t)eir o&eratin( &osition and su&&orted in a "anner consistent ,it) (ood en(i# neerin( &racticeA 8lat *otto"ed essels e!a"ined in ot)er
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
t)an t)e intended location s)all *e "ounted on a noise# isolatin( &ad on a concrete *ase or eJui alent durin( t)e e!a"inationA
En iron"ental Conditions
T)e "ini"u" acce&ta*le essel ,all te"&erature is G0[8 ?1[C@ durin( t)e e!a"inationA E aluation criteria are *ased a*o e G0[8 ?1[C@A 8or essels desi(ned to o&erate a*o e 120[8 ?10[C@% t)e test !uid s)all *e ,it)in W10[8 ?1[C@ o. t)e desi(n o&eratin( te"&eratureA PAt t)e o&tion o. t)e o,ner% t)e essel test &ressure "a' *e increased to co"&ensate .or testin( at ele ated te"&eratures ?120[8@ ?10[C@AQ Su.!cient ti"e s)all *e allo,ed *e.ore t)e start o. t)e test .or t)e te"&erature o. t)e essel s)ell and t)e test !uid to reac) eJuili*riu"A
c)annels s)all *e used .or detection and e aluation o. AE sourcesA Lo, .reJuenc' c)annels s)all *e used to e aluate t)e co era(e *' )i() .reJuenc' sensorsA ?d@ +i() 8reJuenc' SensorsA ?See A&&endi! I#1111A@ Se eral )i() .reJuenc' c)annels s)all *e used .or Done location o. e"ission sourcesA T)is is due to (reater attenua# tion at )i()er .reJuenciesA ?e@ Lo, 8reJuenc' SensorsA ?See A&&endi! I#1112A@ At least t,o lo, .reJuenc' c)annels s)all *e usedA I. si(ni!# cant acti it' is detected on t)e lo, .reJuenc' c)annels and not on )i() .reJuenc' c)annels% )i() .reJuenc' sensor location s)all *e e aluated *' t)e e!a"inerA
Procedure ReJuire"ents
Noise Eli"ination
Noise sources in t)e test .reJuenc' and a"&litude ran(e% suc) as rain%s&ar(ers% and .orei(n o*Sects contactin( t)e essels% "ust *e "ini"iDed since t)e' "as- t)e AE si(nals e"anatin( .ro" t)e structureA T)e !llin( inlet s)ould *e at t)e lo,est noDDle or as near to t)e *otto" o. t)e essel as &ossi*le% iAeA% *elo, t)e liJuid le elA
Instru"entation Settin(s
Acoustic e"ission e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedureA Eac) &rocedure s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ "aterial and con!(urations to *e e!a"ined includ# in( di"ensions and &roduct .or" ?*@ "et)od .or deter"ination o. sensor locations ?c@ sensor locations ?d@ cou&lant ?e@ "et)od o. sensor attac)"ent ?.@ sensor t'&e% .reJuenc'% and locations ?(@ acoustic e"ission instru"ent t'&e and .reJuenc' ?)@ descri&tion o. s'ste" cali*ration ?i@ data to *e recorded and "et)od o. recordin( ?S@ re&ort reJuire"ents ?-@ &ost#e!a"ination cleanin( ?l@ Juali!cation o. t)e e!a"iner?s@
?a@ Sensor Mountin(A T)e location and s&acin( o. t)e sensor are in T#11G1?c@A T)e sensors s)all *e &laced in t)e desi(nated locations ,it) t)e cou&lant s&eci!ed in t)e testin( &rocedure *et,een t)e sensor and test articleA Assure t)at adeJuate cou&lant is a&&liedA T)e sensor s)all *e )eld in &lace utiliDin( "et)ods o. attac)"ent ,)ic) do not create e!traneous si(nals% as s&eci!ed in t)e test &rocedureA Suita*le ad)esi e s'ste"s are t)ose ,)ose *ondin( and acoustic cou&lin( e..ecti eness )a e *een de"onstratedA T)e attac)"ent "et)od s)all &ro ide su&# &ort .or t)e si(nal ca*le ?and &rea"&li!er@ to &re ent t)e ca*le?s@ .ro" stressin( t)e sensor or causin( loss o. cou# &lin(A ?*@ Sur.ace ContactA Sensors s)all *e "ounted directl' on t)e essel sur.ace% or inte(ral ,a e(uides s)all *e usedA ?Possi*le si(nal losses "a' *e caused *' coatin(s suc) as &aint and enca&sulants% as ,ell as *' construction sur.ace cur ature and sur.ace rou()ness at t)e contact areaA@ ?c@ +i() and Lo, 8reJuenc' C)annelsA An AE instru# "ent c)annel is de!ned as a s&eci!c co"*ination o. sensor% &rea"&li!er% !lter% a"&li!er% and ca*le?s@A Bot) )i() and lo, .reJuenc' c)annels s)all *e usedA +i() .reJuenc'
?a@ T)e AE s'ste" consists o. sensors% si(nal &ro# cessin(% dis&la'% and recordin( eJui&"entA ?See A&&en# di! IA@ ?*@ T)e s'ste" s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( AE counts and AE e ents a*o e a t)res)old ,it)in a .reJuenc' ran(e o. 21 -+DUF00 -+D and )a e su.!cient c)annels to localiDe AE sourcesA It "a' incor&orate ?as an o&tion@ &ea- a"&li# tude detectionA
A"&litude distri*utions are reco""ended .or !a, c)arac# teriDationA T)e AE s'ste" is .urt)er descri*ed in A&&en# di! IA ?c@ Ca&a*ilit' .or "easurin( ti"e and &ressure s)all *e &ro ided and recordedA T)e &ressure and 0or acuu" ?in t)e essel@ s)all *e continuousl' "onitored to an accurac' o. W2O o. t)e "a!i"u" test &ressureA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T#11G0 T#11G1
?a@ EJui&"entA ?See T#11F0 and Mandator' A&&en# di! IA@ ?*@ S'ste" Cali*rationA ?See Mandator' A&&endi! IIA@ ?1@ Attenuation C)aracteriDationA T'&ical si(nal &ro&a(ation losses s)all *e deter"ined accordin( to one o. t)e .ollo,in( tec)niJuesA T)ese tec)niJues &ro ide a relati e "easure o. t)e attenuationA T)e &ea- a"&litude .ro" a &encil *rea- "a' ar' ,it) sur.ace )ardness% resin condition% !*er orientation% and cureA ?2@ 8or acoustic e"ission instru"entation ,it) a"&li# tude anal'sis6 Select a re&resentati e re(ion o. t)e essel a,a' .ro" "an,a's% noDDles% etcA Mount a )i() .reJuenc' AE sensor and locate &oints at distances o. 4 inA ?110 ""@ and 12 inA ?F00 ""@ .ro" t)e center o. t)e sensor alon( a line &arallel to one o. t)e &rinci&al directions o. t)e sur.ace !*er ?i. a&&lica*le@A Select t,o additional &oints at 4 inA ?110 ""@ and 12 inA ?F00 ""@ alon( a line inclined G1 de( to t)e direction o. t)e ori(inal &ointsA At eac) o. t)e .our &oints% *rea- 0AF "" 2+ &encil leads and record &ea- a"&litudeA A *rea- s)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e test sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA T)is a"&litude data .ro" successi e lead *rea-s s)all *e &art o. t)e re&ortA ?F@ 8or s'ste"s ,it)out a"&litude anal'sis6 Select a re&resentati e re(ion o. t)e essel a,a' .ro" "an,a's% noDDles% etcA Mount a )i() .reJuenc' AE sensor and *rea- 0AF "" &encil leads alon( a line &arallel to one o. t)e &rinci&al directions o. t)e sur.ace !*ersA Record t)e distances .ro" t)e center o. t)e sensor at ,)ic) t)e recorded a"&litude eJuals t)e re.erence a"&li# tude and t)e t)res)old o. acoustic e"ission detecta*ilit' ?see A&&endi! II@A Re&eat t)is &rocedure alon( a line inclined G1 de( to t)e direction o. t)e ori(inal lineA T)is distance data s)all *e &art o. t)e re&ortA ?c@ Sensor Locations and S&acin(sA Locations on t)e essel s)ell are deter"ined *' t)e need to detect structural !a,s at critical sections% eA(A% )i() stress areas% (eo"etric discontinuities% noDDles% "an,a's% re&aired re(ions% su&# &ort rin(s% and isi*le !a,sA +i() .reJuenc' sensor s&ac# in(s are (o erned *' t)e attenuation o. t)e 8RP "aterialA Sensor location (uidelines .or t'&ical tan- t'&es are (i en in Non"andator' A&&endi! AA ?1@ Sensor S&acin(A T)e reco""ended )i() .re# Juenc' sensor s&acin( on t)e essel s)all *e not (reater t)an t)ree ti"es t)e distance at ,)ic) t)e recorded a"&li# tude .ro" t)e attenuation c)aracteriDation eJuals t)e t)res)old o. detecta*ilit' ?see A&&endi! II@A Lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)all *e &laced in areas o. lo, stress and at a "a!i"u" distance .ro" one anot)erA ?d@ S'ste"s Per.or"ance C)ec-
?1@ Sensor Cou&lin( and Circuit Continuit' Veri!ca# tionA Veri!cation s)all *e &er.or"ed .ollo,in( sensor "ountin( and s'ste" )oo-u& and i""ediatel' .ollo,in( t)e testA A record o. t)e eri!cations s)all *e recorded in t)e re&ortA ?2@ Pea- A"&litude Res&onseA T)e &ea- a"&litude res&onse o. eac) sensor#&rea"&li!er co"*ination to a re&eata*le si"ulated acoustic e"ission source s)all *e ta-en and recorded .ollo,in( sensor "ountin(A T)e &eaa"&litude o. t)e si"ulated e ent at a s&eci!c distance (reater t)an F inA ?51 ""@ .ro" eac) sensor s)all not ar' "ore t)an 4 dB .ro" t)e a era(e o. all t)e sensorsA ?F@ Posttest eri!cation usin( t)e &rocedure in T#11G1?d@?2@ s)all *e done and recorded .or t)e !nal re&ortA
E!a"ination Procedure
?a@ Ieneral IuidelinesA T)e essel is su*Sected to &ro# (ra""ed increasin( stress le els to a &redeter"ined "a!i# "u" ,)ile *ein( "onitored *' sensors t)at detect acoustic e"ission caused *' (ro,in( structural discontinuitiesA Rates o. !llin( and &ressuriDation s)all *e controlled so as not to e!ceed t)e strain rate s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e desired &ressure ,ill *e attained ,it) a liJuidA Pres# suriDation ,it) a (as ?air% N2% etcA@ is not &er"ittedA A suita*le "ano"eter or ot)er t'&e (a(e s)all *e used to "onitor &ressureA Vacuu" s)all *e attained ,it) a suita*le acuu" sourceA A Juic-#release al e s)all *e &ro ided to )andle an' &otential catastro&)ic .ailure conditionA ?*@ Bac-(round NoiseA Bac-(round noise s)ould *e identi!ed% "ini"iDed% and recordedA ?1@ Bac-(round Noise o. C)ec- Prior to Loadin(A AE "onitorin( o. t)e essel is reJuired to identi.' and deter"ine t)e le el o. s&urious si(nals .ollo,in( t)e co"# &letion o. t)e s'ste" &er.or"ance c)ec- and &rior to stress# in( t)e esselA A reco""ended "onitorin( &eriod is 10 "in to F0 "inA I. *ac-(round noise is e!cessi e% t)e source o. t)e noise s)all *e eli"inated or t)e e!a"ination ter"inatedA ?2@ Bac-(round Noise Durin( E!a"inationA In t)e AE e!a"inerEs anal'sis o. e!a"ination results% *ac-(round noise s)all *e noted and its e..ects on test results e aluatedA Sources o. *ac-(round noise include liJuid s&las)in( into a esselR a !ll rate t)at is too )i()R &u"&s% "otors% a(itators% and ot)er "ec)anical de icesR electro"a(netic enceR and en iron"ent ?rain% ,ind% etcA@A ?c@ Stressin( ?1@ At"os&)eric Vessel Loadin(A Stressin( seJuences .or ne, at"os&)eric essels and acuu" essels are s)o,n in 8i(sA T#11G2?c@?1@?a@ and ?*@A T)e test al(orit)"#!o,# c)art .or t)is class o. essels is (i en in 8i(A T#11G2?c@?1@?c@A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?2@ Pressure Vessel Stressin(A Pressure essels ,)ic) o&erate ,it) su&eri"&osed &ressures (reater t)an 11 &si ?100 -Pa@ a*o e at"os&)eric s)all *e stressed as s)o,n in 8i(A T#11G2?c@?2@?a@A T)e test al(orit)" !o,c)art .or t)is class o. tan-s is (i en in 8i(A T#11G2?c@?2@?*@A ?F@ 8or all essels% t)e !nal stress )old s)all *e .or F0 "inA T)e essel s)ould *e "onitored continuousl' dur# in( t)is &eriodA ?d@ AE Acti it'A I. si(ni!cant Psee T#113F?*@Q AE acti # it' is detected durin( t)e test on lo, .reJuenc' c)annels% and not on )i() .reJuenc' c)annels% t)e e!a"iner "a' relocate t)e )i() .reJuenc' c)annelsA ?e@ Test Ter"inationA De&arture .ro" a linear count 0load relations)i& s)all si(nal cautionA I. t)e AE count rate increases ra&idl' ,it) load% t)e essel s)all *e unloaded and t)e test ter"inatedA PA ra&idl' ?e!&onen# tiall'@ increasin( count rate indicates uncontrolled continu# in( da"a(e and is indicati e o. i"&endin( .ailureAQ
se erit' o. &re iousl' induced da"a(eA T)e onset o. Bsi(# ni!cantC e"ission is used .or deter"inin( "easure"ent o. t)e .elicit' ratio% as .ollo,s6 ?1@ "ore t)an 1 *ursts o. e"ission durin( a 10O increase in stressR ?2@ "ore t)an Nc 021 counts durin( a 10O increase in stress% ,)ere Nc is t)e count criterion de!ned in A&&en# di! II#11G0R ?F@ e"ission continues at a stress )oldA 8or t)e &ur# &ose o. t)is (uideline% a s)ort ?1 "in or less@ non&ro# (ra""ed load )old can *e inserted in t)e &rocedureA
T)e )i() a"&litude e ents criterion is o.ten associated ,it) !*er *rea-a(e and is indicati e o. "aSor structural da"a(e in ne, esselsA 8or inser ice and &re iousl' stressed essels% e"issions durin( a stress )old and .elicit' ratio are i"&ortantA
T#1130 T#1131
T)e criteria *ased on total counts are alua*le .or &res# sure or at"os&)eric and acuu" esselsA Pressure essels% &articularl' durin( !rst stressin(% tend to *e nois'A E!cessi e counts% as de!ned in Ta*le T#1131% are i"&or# tant .or all essels% and are a ,arnin( o. i"&endin( .ailureA
T)e acoustic e"ission criteria s)o,n in Ta*le T#1131 are set .ort) as a *asis .or assessin( t)e se erit' o. structural !a,s in 8RP esselsA T)ese criteria are *ased onl' on )i() .reJuenc' sensorsA Lo, .reJuenc' sensors are used to "onitor t)e entire esselA
T#1120 T#1121
T)e criterion *ased on e"issions durin( load )old is &articularl' si(ni!cantA Continuin( e"issions indicate con# tinuin( da"a(eA 8ill and ot)er *ac-(round noise ,ill (ener# all' *e at a "ini"u" durin( a load )oldA
T)e .elicit' ratio is o*tained directl' .ro" t)e ratio o. t)e load at onset o. e"ission and t)e "a!i"u" &rior loadA T)e .elicit' ratio is not "easured durin( t)e !rst loadin( o. &ressure% at"os&)eric% or acuu" esselsA ?a@ Durin( t)e !rst loadin( o. 8RP essels% t)e .elicit' ratio is "easured .ro" t)e unload 0reload c'clesA 8or su*se# Juent loadin(s% t)e .elicit' ratio is o*tained directl' .ro" t)e ratio o. t)e load at onset o. e"ission and t)e &re ious "a!i"u" loadA A secondar' .elicit' ratio is deter"ined .ro" t)e unload 0reload c'clesA ?*@ T)e criterion *ased on .elicit' ratio is i"&ortant .or inser ice esselsA T)e criterion &ro ides a "easure o. t)e
T)e re&ort s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ co"&lete identi!cation o. t)e essel% includin( "aterial t'&e% source% "et)od o. .a*rication% Manu.actur# erEs na"e and code nu"*er% and &re ious )istor' o. "ainte# nance% as ,ell as rela!ation o&eration data .ro" Ta*le T#1121% &rior to testin( ?*@ essel s-etc) or Manu.acturerEs dra,in( ,it) di"ensions and sensor locations ?c@ test liJuid e"&lo'ed ?d@ test liJuid te"&erature ?e@ test seJuence M load rate% )old ti"es% and )old le els ?.@ correlation o. test data ,it) t)e acce&tance criteria ?(@ a s-etc) or Manu.acturerEs dra,in(s s)o,in( t)e location o. an' Done not "eetin( t)e e aluation criteria ?)@ an' unusual e..ects or o*ser ations durin( or &rior to t)e test ?i@ date?s@ o. test ?S@ na"e?s@ and Juali!cations o. t)e test o&erator?s@ ?-@ co"&lete descri&tion o. AE instru"entation includ# in( Manu.acturerEs na"e% "odel nu"*er% sensor t'&e% s's# te" (ain% etcA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8IIA T# 11G2?c@?1@?a@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8IIA T# 11G2?c@?1@?*@
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
8IIA T# 11G2?c@?1@?c@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8IIA T# 11G2?c@?2@?a@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8IIA T# 11G2?c@?2@?*@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
TABLE T#1131 EVAL<ATION CRITERIA At"os&)eric ?LiJuid +ead@ and Additional Su&eri"&osed Pressure
8irst Loadin( E"issions dur# in( )old Less t)an E+ e ents *e'ond ti"e T+ % none )a in( an a"&litude (reater t)an AM PNote ?1@Q Ireater t)an .elicit' ratio 8A Su*seJuent Loadin( Less t)an E+ e ents *e'ond ti"e T+ AAA Measure o. continuin( &er"anent da"a(e PNote ?2@Q
8elicit' ratio
Measure o. se erit' o. &re ious induced da"a(e Measure o. o erall da"a(e durin( a load c'cle Measure o. dela"ination% ad)esi e *ond .ailure% and "aSor crac- (ro,t) Measure o. )i() ener(' "icrostructure .ailuresA T)is criterion is o.ten associ# ated ,it) !*er *rea-a(eA
M PNote ?1@Q
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ AM % EA % E+ % 8A % Nc % and M are acce&tance criteria alues s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionR T+ is s&eci!ed )old ti"eA ?*@ A*o e te"&eratureA NOTES6 ?1@ See A&&endi! II#11G0 .or de!nition o. AMA ?2@ Per"anent da"a(e can include "icrocrac-in(% de*ondin(% and !*er &ull outA ?F@ Varies ,it) instru"entation "anu.acturerR see A&&endi! II .or .unctional de!nition o. NcA Note t)at counts criterion Nc "a' *e di..erent .or !rst and su*seJuent !llin(sA ?G@ E!cessi e counts are de!ned as a si(ni!cant increase in t)e rate o. e"issions as a .unction o. loadA On a &lot o. counts a(ainst load% e!cessi e counts ,ill s)o, as a de&arture .ro" linearit'A ?1@ I. used% aries ,it) instru"entation "anu.acturerR see A&&endi! II#1110 .or .unctional de!nitionA
?a@ A &er"anent record o. AE data includes6 ?1@ AE e ents a*o e t)res)old s ti"e .or Dones o. interest
?2@ total counts s ti"e% etcA ?F@ si(nal &ro&a(ation loss ?*@ T)e AE data s)all *e "aintained ,it) t)e records o. t)e esselA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
AE sensors s)all *e te"&erature sta*le o er t)e ran(e o. use ,)ic) "a' *e G0[8U200[8 ?1[CU21[C@% and s)all not e!)i*it sensiti it' c)an(es (reater t)an F dB o er t)is ran(eA Sensors s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst radio .reJuenc' and electro"a(netic noise inter.erence t)rou() &ro&er s)ieldin( &ractice and 0or di..erential ?anticoincident@ ele# "ent desi(nA Sensors s)all )a e a .reJuenc' res&onse ,it) ariations not e!ceedin( G dB .ro" t)e &ea- res&onseA
?)i() settin( ad)esi es "a' also *e used% &ro ided cou&lant sensiti it' is not si(ni!cantl' lo,er t)an ,it) !uid cou&lants@A Cou&lant selection s)ould *e "ade to "ini"iDe c)an(es in cou&lin( sensiti it' durin( a testA Consideration s)ould *e (i en to testin( ti"e and t)e sur.ace te"&erature o. t)e esselA T)e cou&lant and "et)od o. attac)"ent are s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)ese sensors s)all )a e a resonant res&onse at 100 -+DU 200 -+DA Mini"u" sensiti it' s)all *e \30 dB re.erred to 1 olt 0"icro*ar% deter"ined *' .ace#to#.ace ultrasonic cali*rationA AE sensors used in t)e sa"e test s)ould not ar' in &ea- sensiti it' "ore t)an F dB .ro" t)e a era(eA
T)e &rea"&li!er% ,)en used% s)all *e "ounted in t)e icinit' o. t)e sensor% or "a' *e in t)e sensor )ousin(A I. t)e &rea"& is o. di..erential desi(n% a "ini"u" o. G0 dB o. co""on#"ode noise reSection s)all *e &ro idedA <n!ltered .reJuenc' res&onse s)all not ar' "ore t)an F dB o er t)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. 21 -+DUF00 -+D% and o er t)e te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8U121[8 ?1[CU10[C@A 8or sensors ,it) inte(ral &rea"&s% .reJuenc' res&onse c)aracteristics s)all *e con!ned to a ran(e consistent ,it) t)e o&erational .reJuenc' o. t)e sensorA
Lo, 8reJuenc' Sensors I#1110 8ILTERS 8ilters s)all *e o. t)e *and &ass or )i() &ass t'&e% and s)all &ro ide a "ini"u" o. \2G dB 0octa e si(nal attenuationA 8ilters "a' *e located in &rea"&li!er or &ost# &rea"&li!er circuits% or "a' *e inte(rated into t)e co"&o# nent desi(n o. t)e sensor% &rea"&% or &rocessor to li"it .reJuenc' res&onseA 8ilters and 0or inte(ral desi(n c)arac# teristics s)all insure t)at t)e &rinci&al &rocessin( .reJuenc' .or )i() .reJuenc' sensors is not less t)an 100 -+D% and .or lo, .reJuenc' sensors not less t)an 21 -+DA
T)ese sensors s)all )a e a resonant res&onse *et,een 21 -+D and 51 -+DA Mini"u" sensiti it' s)all *e co"&ara# *le to% or (reater t)an% co""erciall' a aila*le )i() sensi# ti it' accelero"eters ,it) resonant res&onse in t)at .reJuenc' ran(eA In ser ice% t)ese sensors "a' *e ,ra&&ed or co ered ,it) a sound#a*sor*in( "ediu" to li"it inter# .erence *' air*orne noise% i. &er"itted in t)e &rocedure used in "a-in( t)e e!a"inationA
T)e si(nal ca*le .ro" sensor to &rea"& s)all not e!ceed 4 .t ?1A3 "@ in len(t) and s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro# "a(netic inter.erenceA T)is reJuire"ent is o"itted ,)ere t)e &rea"&li!er is "ounted in t)e sensor )ousin(% or a line#dri in( ?"atc)ed i"&edance@ sensor is usedA
Co""erciall' a aila*le cou&lants .or ultrasonic !a, detection accu"ulated a*o e second t)res)old "a' *e used
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e ca*le &ro idin( &o,er to t)e &rea"&li!er and con# ductin( t)e a"&li!ed si(nal to t)e "ain &rocessor s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(netic noiseA Si(nal loss s)all *e less t)an 1 dB &er 100 .t ?F0 "@ o. ca*le len(t)A T)e reco""ended "a!i"u" ca*le len(t) is 100 .t ?110 "@ to a oid e!cessi e si(nal attenuationA Di(ital or radio trans# "ission o. si(nals is allo,ed i. consistent ,it) standard &ractice in trans"ittin( t)ose si(nal .or"sA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Po,er Su&&l'
A sta*le (rounded electrical &o,er su&&l'% "eetin( t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e instru"entation% s)all *e usedA
T)e "ain a"&li!er% i. used% s)all )a e si(nal res&onse ,it) ariations not e!ceedin( F dB o er t)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. 21 -+DUF00 -+D% and te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8U 121[8 ?1[CU10[C@A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all s&eci.' t)e use and no"enclature o. t)e "ain a"&li!erA T)e "ain a"&li!er s)all )a e adSusta*le (ain% or an adSusta*le t)res)old .or e ent detection and countin(A
?(@ La e.or" IeneratorA T)is de ice s)all in&ut a sinusoidal *urst#t'&e si(nal o. "easura*le a"&litude% dura# tion% and carrier .reJuenc'A As a "ini"u"% it s)all *e a*le to eri.' s'ste" o&eration .or t)res)old% counts% and i. used% duration% and &ea- a"&litude "easure"ents o er t)e ran(e o. 21 -+DU200 -+DA ?)@ Stress La e IeneratorA T)is de ice s)all trans"it a stress ,a e &ulse into t)e sensorA AE instru"entation res&onse s)all *e ,it)in 1 dB o. t)e res&onse o. t)e sa"e sensor "odel ,)en ne,A T)e AE c)annel res&onse to a sin(le lead *rea- s)all *e ,it)in 1 dB o. t)e c)annel res&onse o. t)e sa"e sensor "odel ,)en ne,A
I#1130 I#1131
T)e "ain &rocessor?s@ s)all )a e a "ini"u" o. t,o acti e data &rocessin( circuits t)rou() ,)ic) )i() .re# Juenc' and lo, .reJuenc' sensor data ,ill *e &rocessed inde&endentl'A I. inde&endent c)annels are used% t)e &roc# essor s)all *e ca&a*le o. &rocessin( e ents and counts on eac) c)annelA No "ore t)an t,o sensors "a' *e co""oned into a sin(le &rea"&li!erA I. a su""er or "i!er is used% it s)all &ro ide a "ini"u" &rocessin( ca&a*ilit' .or e ent detection on ei()t c)annels ?&rea"& in&uts@A Lo, .reJuenc' sensor in.or"ation ,ill *e &rocessed .or e"ission acti it'A Total counts ,ill *e &rocessed .ro" t)e )i() .reJuenc' sensors onl'A E ents accu"ulated a*o e second t)res)old ?)i() a"&litude e ents@ ,ill *e &rocessed .ro" t)e )i() .reJuenc' sensors onl'A T)e )i() a"&litude si(nal t)res)old "a' *e esta*lis)ed t)rou() si(nal (ain reduction% t)res)old increase% or &ea- a"&litude detectionA ?a@ T)res)oldA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all )a e a t)res)old control accurate to ,it)in W2 dB o er its use.ul ran(eA ?*@ CountsA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all detect counts o er a set t)res)old ,it)in an accurac' o. W1OA ?c@ E entsA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all *e ca&a*le o. continuousl' "easurin( 100 e ents W1 e ent 0sec% o er a set t)res)oldA ?d@ Pea- A"&litudeA L)en &ea- a"&litude detection is used% t)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all "ea# sure t)e &ea- a"&litude ,it)in an accurac' o. W2 dB o er a set t)res)oldA ?e@ MA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin( an M alue ?i. used@A ?.@ 8ield Per.or"ance Veri!cationA At t)e *e(innin( o. eac) essel test t)e &er.or"ance o. eac) c)annel o. t)e AE instru"ent s)all *e c)ec-ed usin( an electronic ,a e.or" (enerator and a stress ,a e (eneratorA
I. &ea- a"&litude detection is &racticed% co"&arati e cali*ration "ust *e esta*lis)ed &er t)e reJuire"ents o. A&&endi! IIA <sa*le d'na"ic ran(e s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 40 dB ,it) 1 dB resolution o er t)e .reJuenc' *and o. 100 -+DUF00 -+D% and t)e te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8U 121[8 ?1[CU10[C@A Not "ore t)an 2 dB ariation in &eadetection accurac' s)all *e allo,ed o er t)e stated te"&er# ature ran(eA A"&litude alues "a' *e stated in olts or dB% *ut "ust *e re.erenced to a !!ed (ain out&ut o. t)e s'ste" ?sensor or &rea"&@A
T)e &rocessor as a "ini"u" s)all &ro ide out&uts .or &er"anent recordin( o. total counts .or )i() .reJuenc' sensors% e ents *' c)annel ?Done location@% and total e ents a*o e t)e re.erence a"&litude t)res)old .or )i() .reJuenc' sensorsA A sa"&le sc)e"atic is s)o,n in 8i(A I#113FA
T)e &er.or"ance and t)res)old de!nitions ar' .or di.# .erent t'&es o. acoustic e"ission eJui&"entA Para"eters suc) as counts% a"&litude% ener('% and M ar' .ro" "anu# .acturer to "anu.acturer% and .ro" "odel to "odel *' t)e sa"e "anu.acturerA T)is A&&endi! de!nes &rocedures .or deter"inin( t)e t)res)old o. acoustic e"ission detecta*il# it'% re.erence a"&litude t)res)old% and count criterion N cA T)e &rocedures de!ned in t)is A&&endi! are intended .or *aseline instru"ent cali*ration at 40[8 to 30[8 ?11[C to 21[C@A Instru"entation users s)all de elo& cali*ration tec)niJues tracea*le to t)e *aseline cali*ration outlined in t)is A&&endi!A 8or !eld use% electronic cali*rators% s"all &orta*le sa"&les ?acr'lic or si"ilar@% can *e carried ,it) t)e eJui&"ent and used .or &eriodic c)ec-in( o. sensor% &rea"&li!er% and c)annel sensiti it'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)res)old o. acoustic e"ission detecta*ilit' s)all *e 1V2 inA ?1A2 "1A3 "deter"ined usin( a G .t4 .t 1F ""@ 22O &ure lead s)eetA T)e s)eet s)all *e sus# &ended clear o. t)e !oorA T)e t)res)old o. detecta*ilit' is de!ned as t)e a era(e "easured a"&litude o. ten e ents (enerated *' 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *rea- at a distance o. G .t F inA ?1AF "@ .ro" t)e sensorA A *rea- s)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e test sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA T)e sensor s)all *e "ounted 4 inA ?110 ""@ .ro" t)e G .t ?1A2 "@ side and "id#distance *et,een t)e 4 .t ?1A3 "@ sidesA
T)e count criterion Nc s)all *e deter"ined eit)er *e.ore or a.ter t)e test usin( a 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *ro-en on t)e sur.ace o. t)e esselA A *rea- s)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e test sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA Cali*ration &oints s)all *e c)osen so as to *e re&resentati e o. di..erent construc# tions and t)ic-nesses and s)ould *e &er.or"ed a*o e and *elo, t)e liJuid line ?i. a&&lica*le@% and a,a' .ro" "an# ,a's% noDDles% etcA T,o cali*rations s)all *e carried out .or eac) cali*ration &ointA One cali*ration s)all *e in t)e &rinci&al direction o. t)e sur.ace !*ers ?i. a&&lica*le@% and t)e second cali*ration s)all *e carried out alon( a line at G1 de( to t)e direction o. t)e !rst cali*rationA Brea-s s)all *e at a distance .ro" II#11F0 RE8ERENCE AMPLIT<DE t)e cali*ration &oint so as to &ro ide an a"&litude deci*el T+RES+OLD alue AM "id,a' *et,een t)e t)res)old o. detecta*ilit' ?see A&&endi! II#1120@ and re.erence a"&litude t)res)old ?see A&&endi! II#11F0@A 8or lar(e a"&litude e ents% t)e re.erence a"&litude Ft)res)old s)all *e deter"ined usin( T)e a count criterion Nc s)all *e *ased on t)e counts recorded .ro" a de!ned ?re.erencin( Code Section@ nu"*er 10 .t2 inAVG o. 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *rea-s at eac) o. t)e t,o inA ?FA0 " 10 "" 12 ""@ clean% "ild steel *arA T)e *ar cali*ration &ointsA s)all *e su&&orted at eac) end *' elasto"eric% or si"ilar% L)en a&&l'in( t)e count criterion% t)e count criterion isolatin( &adsA T)e re.erence a"&litude t)res)old is de!ned alue% ,)ic) is re&resentati e o. t)e re(ion ,)ere acti it' as t)e a era(e "easured a"&litude o. ten e ents (enerated is o*ser ed% s)ould *e usedA *' a 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *rea- at a distance o. 5 .t ?2A1 "@ .ro" t)e sensor ?see A&&endi! II#1120@A A *reas)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e test sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA T)e sensor s)all *e "ounted 12 inA ?F00 ""@ .ro" t)e end o. t)e *ar on t)e 2 inA ?10 ""@ ,ide sur.aceA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
M is a "easure o. dela"ination% ad)esi e *ond .ailure% or "aSor crac- (ro,t)A Di..erent tec)niJues are used *' di..erent instru"ent "anu.acturers .or "easurin( MA T)e units o. t)e M alue ,ill ar' de&endin( u&on t)e tec)# niJues and instru"ent t)at are usedA Nu"erical alues o. M are nor"all' de!ned .ro" an electronicall' (enerated in&ut si(nalA T)e alue o. M ,ill *e s&eci!ed *' t)e encin( Code SectionA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s related to e!a"ination o. !*er#rein.orced &lastic essels ,it) acoustic e"issionA
As installed on t)e essel% no c)annel s)all de iate *' "ore t)an 4 dB .ro" t)e a era(e &ea- res&onse o. all c)annels ,)en lead *rea-s% or ot)er si"ulated transient sources% are introduced 4 inA ?110 ""@ .ro" t)e sensorA
?a@ T)e standard ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"# inations% ASTM E 1F14% )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""it# tee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 de!nes t)e ter"s t)at are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is ArticleA ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as inter&retation% !a,% dis# continuit'% e aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Di& &i&e
SG S4 SL11 S5 S1
SL14 S3
To& S2 S1
S11 SL14 S5
S1 S2 SG Side A
S2 Side A
SF Side B
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ T)e *otto" -nuc-le re(ion is critical due to discontinuit' stressesA Locate sensors to &ro ide adeJuate co era(e% eA(A% a&&ro!i"atel' e er' 20 de( and 4 inA to 12 inA ?110 "" to F00 ""@ a,a' .ro" -nuc-le on s)ellA ?2@ T)e secondar' *ond Soint areas are sus&ect% eA(A% noDDles% "an,a's% s)ell *utt Soint% etcA 8or noDDles and "an,a's% t)e &re.erred sensor location is F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ .ro" intersection ,it) s)ell and *elo,A T)e s)ell *utt Soint re(ion is i"&ortantA Locate t)e t,o )i() .reJuenc' sensors u& to 130 de( a&art M one a*o e and one *elo, t)e SointA ?F@ T)e lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)o,n as SL11 and SL14 s)ould *e located at essel "id#)ei()t M one a*o e and one *elo, t)e SointA S&ace as .ar a&art as &ossi*le M u& to 130 de( and at 20 de( to t)e )i() .reJuenc' &airA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S10 S3 Ba..le S3
SL14 S3
S3 SL14
S5 SL11 S11
SL11 S1 S4 S2 S1 S2 SF S4 S10 SG SF SG S1
Side A
Side B
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ T)e *otto" -nuc-le re(ion is critical due to discontinuit' stressesA Locate sensors to &ro ide adeJuate co era(e% eA(A% a&&ro!i"atel' e er' 20 de( and 4 inA to 12 inA ?110 "" to F00 ""@ a,a' .ro" t)e -nuc-le on s)ellA In t)is e!a"&le% sensors are so &laced t)at t)e *otto" noDDles% "an,a's% and *a.!e areas &lus t)e -nuc-le re(ions are co eredA ?2@ T)e secondar' *ond Soint areas are sus&ect% eA(A% noDDles% "an,a's% and *a.!e attac)"ents to s)ellA See t)e last sentence o. a*o e .or *otto" re(ion co era(e in t)is e!a"&leA Note sensor adSacent to a(itator s)a.t to& "an,a'A T)is re(ion s)ould *e c)ec-ed ,it) a(itator onA ?F@ T)e lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)o,n as SL11 and SL14 s)ould *e located at essel "id#)ei()t% one a*o e and one *elo, SointA T)e' s)ould *e s&aced as .ar a&art as &ossi*le M u& to 130 de(A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Side A
Side B
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ T)e *otto" )ead is )i()l' stressedA Locate t,o sensors a&&ro!i"atel' as s)o,nA ?2@ T)e *otto" -nuc-le re(ion is criticalA Locate sensors to &ro ide adeJuate co era(e% eA(A% a&&ro!i"atel' e er' 20 de( and 4 inA to 12 inA ?110 "" to F00 ""@ a,a' .ro" -nuc-le on s)ellA T)e to& -nuc-le re(ion is si"ilarl' treatedA ?F@ T)e secondar' *ond areas are sus&ect% iAeA% noDDles% "an,a's% and le( attac)"entsA 8or noDDles and "an,a's% t)e &re.erred sensor location is F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ .ro" t)e intersection ,it) s)ell and *elo,A 8or le( attac)"ents% t)ere s)ould *e a sensor ,it)in 12 inA ?F00 ""@ o. t)e s)ell#le( inter.aceA ?G@ T)e lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)o,n as SL11 and SL14 s)ould *e located at essel "id#)ei()t M one a*o e and one *elo, SointA T)e' s)ould *e s&aced as .ar a&art as &ossi*le u& to 130 de(A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S2 S1
Side A
Side B
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ T)e secondar' *ond Soint areas are sus&ect% iAeA% noDDles% "an,a's% and *od' !an(esA Particularl' critical in t)is essel are t)e *otto" "an,a' and noDDleA 8or noDDles and "an,a's% t)e &re.erred sensor location is F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ .ro" intersection ,it) s)ell and *elo,A T)e *otto" !an(e in t)is e!a"&le is co ered *' sensor F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ a*o e t)e "an,a'A T)e *od' !an(e is co ered *' lo, .reJuenc' sensors SL11 and SL14 M one a*o e and one *elo, t)e *od' !an(e and s&aced as .ar a&art as &ossi*le M u& to 130 de(A Dis&laced a&&ro!i"atel' 20 de( .ro" t)is &air and s&aced u& to 130 de(A a&art are t)e t,o )i() .reJuenc' sensors M one a*o e and one *elo, t)e !an(eA ?2@ T)e -nuc-le re(ions are sus&ect due to discontinuit' stressesA Locate sensors to &ro ide adeJuate co era(e% iAeA% a&&ro!i"atel' e er' 20 de( and F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ a,a' .ro" -nuc-le on s)ellA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S5 S1 SL11
SF S1 S5
Side A
Side A
Side B
I<IDELINES6 ?1 T)e -nuc-le re(ions are sus&ect due to discontinuit' stressesA Locate sensors to &ro ide adeJuate co era(e% iAeA% a&&ro!i"atel' e er' 20 de( and 4 inA to 12 inA ?110 "" to F00 ""@ a,a' .ro" -nuc-le on s)ellA ?2@ T)e secondar' *ond Soint areas are critical% eA(A% noDDles% "an,a's% and s)ell *utt SointsA 8or noDDles and "an,a's% t)e &re.erred sensor location is F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ .ro" t)e intersection ,it) t)e s)ell ?or )ead@ and *elo,% ,)ere &ossi*leA T)e s)ell *utt Soint re(ion is i"&ortantA Locate sensors u& to 130 de( a&art ,)ere &ossi*le and alternatel' a*o e and *elo, SointA ?F@ T)e lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)o,n as SL11 and SL14 s)ould *e located at essel "id#)ei()t M one a*o e and one *elo, t)e SointA T)e' s)ould *e s&aced as .ar a&art as &ossi*le M u& to 130 de( and at 20 de( to ot)er &airA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Side A
Su"& S1F
S11 S10
S5 S4
SL11 S5 S1G
S3 Side B S1 S1F SF SG S1
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ T)e discontinuit' stresses at t)e intersection o. t)e )eads and t)e s)ell in t)e *otto" re(ion are i"&ortantA Sensors s)ould *e located to detect structural &ro*le"s in t)ese areasA ?2@ T)e secondar' *ond Soint areas are sus&ect% eA(A% s)ell *utt Soint% noDDles% "an,a's% and su"&A T)e &re.erred sensor location is F inA to 4 inA ?51 "" to 110 ""@ .ro" intersectin( sur.aces o. re olutionA T)e s)ell *utt Soint re(ion is i"&ortantA Locate t)e t,o )i() .reJuenc' sensors u& to 130 de( a&art M one on eit)er side o. t)e SointA ?F@ T)e lo, .reJuenc' sensors s)o,n as SL11 and SL14 s)ould *e located in t)e "iddle o. t)e tan- M one on eit)er side o. t)e SointA T)e' s)ould *e s&aced as .ar a&art as &ossi*le% iAeA% u& to 130 de( and at 20 de( to )i() .reJuenc' &airA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Noise Reduction
T)is Article descri*es "et)ods .or conductin( acoustic e"ission ?AE@ e!a"ination o. "etallic &ressure essels durin( acce&tance &ressure testin( ,)en s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code SectionA L)en AE e!a"ination in accor# dance ,it) t)is Article is s&eci!ed% t)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all *e consulted .or t)e .ollo,in( s&eci!c reJuire"ents6 ?a@ &ersonnel Juali!cation 0certi!cation reJuire"ents ?*@ reJuire"ents 0e!tent o. e!a"ination and 0or ol# u"e?s@ to *e e!a"ined ?c@ acce&tance 0e aluation criteria ?d@ standard re&ort reJuire"ents ?e@ content o. records and record retention L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e AE "et)od descri*ed in t)e Article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA De!# nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article "a' *e .ound in Manda# tor' A&&endi! III o. t)is ArticleA
E!ternal noise sources suc) as rain% .orei(n o*Sects con# tactin( t)e essel% and &ressuriDin( eJui&"ent noise "ust *e *elo, t)e s'ste" e!a"ination t)res)oldA T#122FSensors T#122FA1 Sensor 8reJuenc'A Selection o. sensor .re# Juenc' s)all *e *ased on consideration o. *ac-(round noise% acoustic attenuation% and essel con!(urationA 8re# Juencies in t)e ran(e o. 100 -+DUG00 -+D )a e *een s)o,n to *e e..ecti eA ?See Non"andator' A&&endi! BA@ T#122FA2 Sensor Mountin(A T)e location and s&acin( o. t)e sensors are re.erenced in T#12GFA T)e sensors s)all *e acousticall' cou&led usin( cou&lant s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA Suita*le cou&lants include ad)esi e s's# te"s ,)ose *ondin( and acoustic cou&lin( e..ecti eness )a e *een de"onstratedA L)en e!a"inin( austenitic stainless steels% titaniu"% or nic-el allo's% t)e need to restrict c)loride 0!uoride ion con# tent% total c)lorine 0!uorine content% and sul.ur content in t)e cou&lant or ot)er "aterials used on t)e essel sur.ace s)all *e considered and li"its a(reed u&on *et,een con# tractin( &artiesA T)e sensor s)all *e )eld in &lace utiliDin( "et)ods o. attac)"ent% as s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA T)e si(nal ca*le and &rea"&li!er s)all *e su&&orted suc) t)at t)e sensor does not "o e durin( testin(A
T#1220IENERAL T#1220A1 T)e &rinci&al o*Secti es o. AE e!a"ination are to detect% locate% and assess e"ission sources caused *' sur.ace and internal discontinuities in t)e essel ,all% ,elds% and .a*ricated &arts and co"&onentsA T#1220A2 All rele ant indications caused *' AE sources s)all *e e aluated *' ot)er "et)ods o. nondestructi e e!a"inationA
T#122FAF Sur.ace ContactA Sensors s)all *e "ounted directl' on t)e essel sur.ace% or on inte(ral ,a e(uidesA T#122GLocation o. Acoustic E"ission Sources T#122GA1 Sources s)all *e located to t)e s&eci!ed accu# rac' *' "ultic)annel source location% Done location% or *ot)% as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA All )its detected *' t)e instru"ent s)all *e recorded and used .or e aluationA T#122GA2 Multic)annel source location accurac' s)all *e ,it)in a "a!i"u" o. 2 co"&onent ,all t)ic-nesses or 1O o. t)e sensor s&acin( distance% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA A dra,in( s)o,in( actual sensor locations ,it) di"en# sions s)all *e &ro ided and .or" &art o. t)e re&ortA
Vessel Stressin(
Arran(e"ents s)all *e "ade to stress t)e essel usin( internal &ressure as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Sec# tionA T)e rate o. a&&lication o. &ressure s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e e!a"ination &rocedure and t)e &ressuriDin( rate s)all *e su.!cient to e!&edite t)e e!a"ination ,it) "ini"u" e!traneous noiseA Pro isions s)all *e "ade .or )oldin( t)e &ressure at desi(nated )old &ointsA 8or in#ser ice essels% t)e essel &ressure )istor' s)all *e -no,n &rior to t)e testA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Procedure ReJuire"ents
Acoustic e"ission e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedureA Eac) &rocedure s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ "aterial and con!(urations to *e e!a"ined% includ# in( di"ensions and &roduct .or"R ?*@ *ac-(round noise "easure"entsR ?c@ sensor t'&e% .reJuenc'% and Manu.acturerR ?d@ "et)od o. sensor attac)"ent ?e@ cou&lantR ?.@ acoustic e"ission instru"ent t'&e and !lter .re# Juenc'R ?(@ sensor locationsR ?)@ "et)od .or selection o. sensor locationsR ?i@ descri&tion o. s'ste" cali*ration?s@R ?S@ data to *e recorded and "et)od o. recordin(R ?-@ &ost#e!a"ination essel cleanin(R ?l@ re&ort reJuire"entsR and ?"@ Juali!cation 0certi!cation o. t)e e!a"iner?s@A
T#12G0 T#12G1
?See Mandator' A&&endi! IIA@ T#12GFPre#E!a"ination Measure"ents T#12GFA1 On#Site S'ste" Cali*rationA Prior to eac) essel test or series o. tests% t)e &er.or"ance o. eac) uti# liDed c)annel o. t)e AE instru"ent s)all *e c)ec-ed *' insertin( a si"ulated AE si(nal at eac) "ain a"&li!er in&utA A series o. tests is t)at (rou& o. tests usin( t)e sa"e e!a"ination s'ste" ,)ic) is conducted at t)e sa"e site ,it)in a &eriod not e!ceedin( 3 )r or t)e test duration% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA T)is de ice s)all in&ut a sinusoidal *urst#t'&e si(nal o. "easura*le a"&litude% duration% and carrier .reJuenc'A As a "ini"u"% on#site s'ste" cali*ration s)all *e a*le to eri.' s'ste" o&eration .or t)res)old% counts% duration% rise ti"e% MARSE ?si(nal stren(t) or ener('@% and &eaa"&litudeA Cali*ration alues s)all *e ,it)in t)e ran(e o. alues s&eci!ed in A&&endi! IA
?a@ T)e AE s'ste" consists o. sensors% si(nal &ro# cessin(% dis&la'% and recordin( eJui&"ent ?see A&&endi! I@A ?*@ Data "easure"ent and recordin( instru"entation s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin( t)e .ollo,in( &ara"eters .ro" eac) AE )it on eac) c)annel6 counts a*o e s'ste" e!a"ination t)res)old% &ea- a"&litude% arri al ti"e% rise ti"e% duration% and Measured Area o. t)e Recti!ed Si(nal En elo&e ?MARSE% ,)ic) is a "easure o. si(nal stren(t) or ener('@A Mi!in( or ot)er,ise co"*inin( t)e acoustic e"ission si(nals o. di..erent sensors in a co""on &rea"# &li!er is not &er"itted e!ce&t to o erco"e t)e e..ects o. local s)ieldin(A ?See Non"andator' A&&endi! BA@ T)e data acJuisition s'ste" s)all )a e su.!cient c)annels to &ro ide t)e sensor co era(e de!ned in T#12GFAGA A"&litude distri# *ution% *' c)annel% is reJuired .or source c)aracteriDationA T)e instru"entation s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( t)e "ea# sured acoustic e"ission data *' )it and c)annel nu"*erA La e.or" collection in su&&ort o. source location and c)aracteriDation "a' also *e reJuiredA ?c@ Ti"e and &ressure s)all *e "easured and recorded as &art o. t)e AE dataA T)e &ressure s)all *e continuousl' "onitored to an accurac' o. W2O o. t)e "a!i"u" test &ressureA ?1@ Analo( t'&e indicatin( &ressure (a(es used in testin( s)all *e (raduated o er a ran(e not less t)an 11V2 ti"es nor "ore t)an G ti"es t)e test &ressureA ?2@ Di(ital t'&e &ressure (a(es "a' *e used ,it)out ran(e restriction &ro ided t)e co"*ined error due to cali# *ration and reada*ilit' does not e!ceed 1O o. t)e test &ressureA
T#12GFA2 Attenuation C)aracteriDationA An attenua# tion stud' is &er.or"ed in order to deter"ine sensor s&ac# in(A T)is stud' is &er.or"ed ,it) t)e test !uid in t)e essel usin( a si"ulated AE sourceA 8or &roduction line testin( o. identical essels see Non"andator' A&&endi! BA T)e t'&ical si(nal &ro&a(ation losses s)all *e deter"ined accordin( to t)e .ollo,in( &rocedure6 select a re&resenta# ti e re(ion o. t)e essel a,a' .ro" "an,a's% noDDles% etcA% "ount a sensor% and stri-e a line out .ro" t)e sensor at a distance o. 10 .t ?F "@ i. &ossi*leA Brea- 0AF "" ?2+@ leads ne!t to t)e sensor and t)en a(ain at 1 .t ?0AF "@ inter als alon( t)is lineA T)e *rea-s s)all *e done ,it) t)e lead at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e sur.ace and ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA
T#12GFAF Sensor LocationA Sensor locations on t)e es# sel s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e essel con!(uration and t)e "a!i"u" sensor s&acin( ?see T#12GFAG@A A .urt)er consideration in locatin( sensors is t)e need to detect struc# tural !a,s at critical sections% eA(A% ,elds% )i() stress areas% (eo"etric discontinuities% noDDles% "an,a's% re&aired re(ions% su&&ort rin(s% and isi*le !a,sA Additional consid# eration s)ould *e (i en to t)e &ossi*le attenuation e..ects o. ,eldsA See Non"andator' A&&endi! BA Sensor location (uidelines .or Done location .or t'&ical essel t'&es are (i en in Non"andator' A&&endi! AA
T#12GFAG Sensor S&acin( T#12GFAGA1 Sensor S&acin( .or None LocationA Sensors s)all *e located suc) t)at a lead *rea- at an'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
location in t)e e!a"ination area is detected *' at least one sensor and )a e a "easured a"&litude not less t)an as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e "a!i"u" sensor s&acin( s)all *e no (reater t)an 1 1V2 ti"es t)e t)res)# old distanceA T)e t)res)old distance is de!ned as t)e dis# tance .ro" a sensor at ,)ic) a &encil#lead *rea- on t)e essel )as a "easured a"&litude alue eJual to t)e e alua# tion t)res)oldA T#12GFAGA2 Sensor S&acin( .or Multic)annel Source Location Al(orit)"sA Sensors s)all *e located suc) t)at a lead *rea- at an' location in t)e e!a"ination area is detected *' at least t)e "ini"u" nu"*er o. sensors reJuired .or t)e al(orit)"sA
11 "inA I. *ac-(round noise is a*o e t)e e aluation t)res)# old% t)e source o. t)e noise s)all *e eli"inated or t)e e!a"ination ter"inatedA T#12GGA2A2 Bac-(round Noise Durin( E!a"ina# tionA In t)e AE e!a"inerEs anal'sis o. e!a"ination results% *ac-(round noise s)all *e noted and its e..ects on test results e aluatedA Sources o. *ac-(round noise include6 ?1@ liJuid s&las)in( into a esselR ?2@ a &ressuriDin( rate t)at is too )i()R ?F@ &u"&s% "otors% and ot)er "ec)anical de icesR ?G@ electro"a(netic inter.erenceR and ?1@ en iron"ent ?rain% ,ind% etcA@A Lea-s .ro" t)e essel suc) as al es% !an(es% and' relie. de ices can "as- AE si(nals .ro" t)e structureA Lea-s "ust *e eli"inated &rior to continuin( t)e e!a"i# nationA
T#12GFA1 S'ste"s Per.or"ance C)ec-A A eri!cation o. sensor cou&lin( and circuit continuit' s)all *e &er.or"ed .ollo,in( sensor "ountin( and s'ste" )oo-u& and a(ain i""ediatel' .ollo,in( t)e testA T)e &ea- a"&litude res&onse o. eac) sensor to a re&eata*le si"ulated acoustic e"ission source at a s&eci!c distance .ro" eac) sensor s)ould *e ta-en &rior to and a.ter t)e testA T)e "easured &ea- a"&litude s)ould not ar' "ore t)an G dB .ro" t)e a era(e o. all t)e sensorsA An' c)annel .ailin( t)is c)ecs)ould *e in esti(ated and re&laced or re&aired as neces# sar'A I. durin( an' c)ec- it is deter"ined t)at t)e testin( eJui&"ent is not .unctionin( &ro&erl'% all o. t)e &roduct t)at )as *een tested since t)e last alid s'ste" &er.or"ance c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"inedA Sensor &er.or"ance and res&onse "a' also *e c)ec-ed usin( electronic auto"atic sensor cali*ration &ro(ra"s i. t)e s'ste" *ein( used is a*le to also c)ec- sensor cou&lin( and &er"anentl' record t)e resultsA T)is s)all *e done at t)e start o. t)e test and at t)e co"&letion o. t)e testA
T#12GGAF Vessel PressuriDation T#12GGAFA1 Rates o. &ressuriDation% &ressuriDin( "ediu"% and' release de ices s)all *e as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e &ressuriDation s)ould *e done at a rate t)at ,ill e!&edite t)e test ,it) a "ini"u" o. e!traneous noiseA T#12GGAFA2 PressuriDation SeJuence T#12GGAFA2A1 PressuriDation SeJuence .or Ne, VesselsA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e done in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Pressure incre"ents s)all (enerall' *e to 10O% 41O% 31O% and 100O o. "a!i"u" test &ressureA +old &eriods .or eac) incre"ent s)all *e 10 "in and .or t)e !nal )old &eriod s)all *e at least F0 "inA ?see 8i(A T#12GGAFA2A@ Nor"all'% t)e &ressure test ,ill cause local 'ieldin( in re(ions o. )i() secondar' stressA Suc) local 'ieldin( is acco"&anied *' acoustic e"ission ,)ic) does not necessaril' indicate discontinuitiesA Because o. t)is% onl' lar(e a"&litude )its and )old &eriod data are considered durin( t)e !rst loadin( o. essels ,it)out &ost# ,eld )eat treat"ent ?stress relie.@A I. t)e !rst loadin( data indicates a &ossi*le discontinuit' or is inconclusi e% t)e essel s)all *e re&ressuriDed .ro" 10O to at least 23O o. t)e test &ressure ,it) inter"ediate load )olds at 10O% 41O% and 31OA +old &eriods .or t)e second &ressuriDation s)all *e t)e sa"e as .or t)e ori(inal &ressuriDationA
E!a"ination Procedure
T#12GGA1 Ieneral IuidelinesA T)e essel is su*Sected to &ro(ra""ed increasin( stress le els to a &redeter"ined "a!i"u" ,)ile *ein( "onitored *' sensors t)at detect acoustic e"ission caused *' (ro,in( structural discontinu# itiesA I. t)e essel )as *een in ser ice% "a!i"u" stress le els s)all e!ceed t)e &re ious )i()est stress le el t)e essel )as seen *' a "ini"u" o. 1O *ut s)all not e!ceed t)e esselEs "a!i"u" desi(n &ressureA
T#12GGA2 Bac-(round NoiseA E!traneous noise "ust *e identi!ed% "ini"iDed% and recordedA T#12GGA2A1 Bac-(round Noise C)ec- Prior to Loadin(A Acoustic e"ission "onitorin( o. t)e essel dur# in( intended e!a"ination conditions is reJuired to identi.' and deter"ine t)e le el o. s&urious si(nals .ollo,in( t)e co"&letion o. t)e s'ste" &er.or"ance c)ec- and &rior to stressin( t)e esselA A reco""ended "onitorin( &eriod is
T#12GGAFA2A2 PressuriDation SeJuence .or In#Ser ice VesselsA T)e e!a"ination s)all *e done in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Load ?,)ere load is t)e co"*ined e..ect o. &ressure and te"&era# ture@ incre"ents s)all (enerall' *e to 20O% 100O% 101O% and ?i. &ossi*le@ 110O o. t)e "a!i"u" o&eratin( loadA +old &eriods .or eac) incre"ent s)all *e 10 "in and .or t)e !nal )old &eriod s)all *e at least F0 "inA ?See 8i(A T#12GGAFAFA@ T)e "a!i"u" test load s)all not *e less t)an 101O o. t)e "a!i"u" o&eratin( alue durin( t)e &ast 4 "ont)s o. o&eration or since t)e last test% ,)ic)e er
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
is lessA Loadin( rates s)all not e!ceed 10O o. t)e "a!i"u" test load o er 2 "inA T#12GGAFAF Test Ter"inationA De&arture .ro" a lin# ear count or MARSE sA load relations)i& s)ould si(nal cautionA I. t)e AE count or MARSE rate increases ra&idl' ,it) load% t)e essel s)all *e unloaded and eit)er t)e test ter"inated or t)e source o. t)e e"ission deter"ined and t)e' o. continued testin( e aluatedA A ra&idl' ?e!&o# nentiall'@ increasin( count or MARSE rate "a' indicate uncontrolled% continuin( da"a(e indicati e o. i"&endin( .ailureA
conditionsA T)e criteria to *e used s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
T#1220 T#1221
T#1230 T#1231
T)e re&ort s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ co"&lete identi!cation o. t)e essel% includin( "aterial t'&e% "et)od o. .a*rication% Manu.acturerEs na"e% and certi!cate nu"*erR ?*@ essel s-etc) o. Manu.acturerEs dra,in( ,it) di"ensions and sensor locationsR ?c@ test "ediu" e"&lo'edR ?d@ test "ediu" te"&eratureR ?e@ test seJuence load rate% )old ti"es% and )old le elsR ?.@ attenuation c)aracteriDation and resultsR ?(@ record o. s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cationsR ?)@ correlation o. test data ,it) t)e acce&tance criteriaR ?i@ a s-etc) or Manu.acturerEs dra,in(s s)o,in( t)e location o. an' Done not "eetin( t)e e aluation criteriaR ?S@ an' unusual e..ects or o*ser ations durin( or &rior to t)e testR ?-@ date?s@ o. test?s@R
T)e AE criteria s)o,n in Ta*le T#1231 are set .ort) as one *asis .or assessin( t)e si(ni!cance o. AE indicationsA T)ese criteria are *ased on a s&eci!c set o. AE "onitorin(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E aluationT)res)old% dB VT+
Acti it' does not Acti it' does not increase increase ,it) increasin(,it) increasin( loadA loadA Acti it'
MARSE or MARSE or MARSE or a"&litudesdo not a"&litudesdo not A"&litude increase increase ,it)increasin( ,it)increasin( loadA loadA
TABLE T#1231 AN E=AMPLE O8 EVAL<ATION Not A )its "ore t)an EA )its Lar(e Not "ore t)an E CRITERIA 8OR a*o e a a*o e a A"&litude NONE s&eci!eda"&litude LOCATION +its s&eci!eda"&litude
IENERAL NOTES6?a@ E+ % NT % ET % and EA are s&eci!ed acce&tance criteria alues s&eci!ed Not "ore t)an ET )its *' t)e re.erencin( Code a*o e a SectionA?*@ VT+ is t)e s&eci!eda"&litude s&eci!ed e aluation t)res)oldA?c@ T+ is t)e s&eci!ed )old ti"eA
"ore t)an E Not + "ore t)an E+ E"ission Not Durin( )its )its Load *e'ond ti"e T+ +old *e'ond ti"e T+
?8irst Loadin(@Pressure Pres#sure essels essels ,it)out.ull ot)er &ost,eld )eattreat"ent t)an t)ose co ereda*o e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
0 Ti"e
?l@ na"e?s@ and Juali!cations o. t)e test o&erator?s@R and ?"@ co"&lete descri&tion o. AE instru"entation includ# in( Manu.acturerEs na"e% "odel nu"*er% sensor t'&e% instru"ent settin(s% cali*ration data% etcA
?2@ total counts or MARSE ?si(nal stren(t) or ener('@ s ti"e and 0or &ressure% and ?F@ ,ritten re&orts ?*@ T)e AE data s)all *e "aintained ,it) t)e records o. t)e esselA
?a@ A &er"anent record AE data includes ?1@ AE )its a*o e t)res)old s ti"e and 0or &ressure .or Dones o. interest
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
noise reSection s)all *e &ro idedA 8reJuenc' res&onse s)all not ar' "ore t)an F dB o er t)e o&eratin( .reJuenc' and te"&erature ran(e o. t)e sensorsA
8ilters s)all *e o. t)e *and &ass or )i() &ass t'&e and s)all &ro ide a "ini"u" o. 2G dB 0octa e si(nal attenua# tionA 8ilters s)all *e located in &rea"&li!erA Additional !lters s)all *e incor&orated into t)e &rocessorA 8ilters s)all insure t)at t)e &rinci&al &rocessin( .reJuenc' corres&onds to t)e s&eci!ed sensor .reJuenc'A
I#1240 I#1210A2 Sensor C)aracteristicsA Sensors s)all )a e a resonant res&onse *et,een 100 -+DUG00 -+DA Mini"u" sensiti it' s)all *e \30 dB re.erred to 1 olt 0"icro*ar% deter"ined *' .ace#to#.ace ultrasonic testA
NOTE6 T)is "et)od "easures relati e sensiti it' o. t)e sensorA Acoustic e"ission sensors used in t)e sa"e test s)ould not ar' in &ea- sensiti it' "ore t)an F dB .ro" t)e a era(eA
T)e ca*le &ro idin( &o,er to t)e &rea"&li!er and con# ductin( t)e a"&li!ed si(nal to t)e "ain &rocessor s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(netic noiseA Si(nal loss s)all *e less t)an 1 dB &er 100 .t ?F0 "@ o. ca*le len(t)A T)e reco""ended "a!i"u" ca*le len(t) is 100 .t ?110 "@ to a oid e!cessi e si(nal attenuationA
T)e si(nal ca*le .ro" sensor to &rea"&li!er s)all not e!ceed 4 .t ?1A3 "@ in len(t) and s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(netic inter.erenceA
A sta*le (rounded electrical &o,er su&&l'% "eetin( t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e instru"entation% s)all *e usedA
Cou&lant selection s)all &ro ide consistent cou&lin( e.!cienc' durin( a testA Consideration s)ould *e (i en to testin( ti"e and t)e sur.ace te"&erature o. t)e esselA T)e cou&lant and "et)od o. sensor attac)"ent s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e (ain in t)e "ain a"&li!er s)all *e linear ,it)in F dB o er t)e te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8U121[8 ?1[CU 10[C@A
I#1220 I#1221
T)e &rea"&li!er s)all *e "ounted in t)e icinit' o. t)e sensor% or in t)e sensor )ousin(A I. t)e &rea"&li!er is o. di..erential desi(n% a "ini"u" o. G0 dB o. co""on#"ode
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e "ain &rocessor?s@ s)all )a e &rocessin( circuits t)rou() ,)ic) sensor data ,ill *e &rocessedA It s)all *e ca&a*le o. &rocessin( )its% counts% &ea- a"&litudes% dura# tion% rise ti"e% ,a e.or"s% and MARSE ?si(nal stren(t) or ener('@ on eac) c)annelA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)res)oldA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all )a e a t)res)old control accurate to ,it)in W1 dB o er its use.ul ran(eA ?*@ CountsA T)e AE counter circuit used .or e!a"ination s)all detect counts o er a set t)res)old ,it)in an accurac' o. W1OA ?c@ +itsA T)e AE instru"ent used .or e!a"ination s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin(% recordin(% and dis&la'in( a "ini# "u" o. G0 )its 0sec total .or all c)annels .or a "ini"u" &eriod o. 10 sec and continuousl' "easurin(% recordin(% and dis&la'in( a "ini"u" o. G0 )its 0sec total .or all c)annelsA T)e s'ste" s)all dis&la' a ,arnin( i. t)ere is (reater t)an a 1 sec la( *et,een recordin( and dis&la' durin( )i() data ratesA ?d@ Pea- A"&litudeA T)e AE circuit used .or e!a"ina# tion s)all "easure t)e &ea- a"&litude ,it) an accurac' o. W2 dBA ?e@ Ener('A T)e AE circuit used .or e!a"ination s)all "easure MARSE ?si(nal stren(t) or ener('@ ,it) an accu# rac' o. W1OA T)e usa*le d'na"ic ran(e .or ener(' s)all *e a "ini"u" o. G0 dBA ?.@ Para"etric Volta(eA I. &ara"etric olta(e is "ea# sured *' t)e AE instru"ent% it s)ould "easure to an accu# rac' o. 2O o. .ull scaleA
T)e &er.or"ance and t)res)old de!nitions ar' .or di.# .erent t'&es o. AE instru"entationA Para"eters suc) as counts% a"&litude% ener('% etcA% ar' .ro" Manu.acturer to Manu.acturer and .ro" "odel to "odel *' t)e sa"e Manu.acturerA T)is section o. a&&endi! descri*es tec)# niJues .or (eneratin( co""on *aseline le els .or t)e ent t'&es o. instru"entationA T)e &rocedures are intended .or *aseline instru"ent cali# *ration at 40[8 to 30[8 ?14[C to 25[C@A 8or !eld use% s"all &orta*le si(nal (enerators and cali*ration transducers can *e carried ,it) t)e eJui&"ent and used .or &eriodic c)ec-# in( o. sensor% &rea"&li!er% and c)annel sensiti it'A
Sensor C)aracteriDation
T)res)old o. acoustic e"ission detecta*ilit' is an a"&li# tude alueA All sensors s)all *e .urnis)ed ,it) docu"ented &er.or"ance dataA Suc) data s)all *e tracea*le to NBS standardsA A tec)niJue .or "easurin( t)res)old o. detect# a*ilit' is descri*ed in Article =I% A&&endi! IIA
Co"&arati e cali*ration "ust *e esta*lis)ed &er t)e reJuire"ents o. A&&endi! IIA <sa*le d'na"ic ran(e s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 40 dB ,it) 1 dB resolution o er t)e .reJuenc' *and ,idt) o. 100 -+D to G00 -+D% and t)e te"&erature ran(e o. G0[8U121[8 ?1[CU10[C@A Not "ore t)an 2 dB ariation in &ea- detection accurac' s)all *e allo,ed o er t)e stated te"&erature ran(eA A"&litude al# ues s)all *e stated in dB% and "ust *e re.erenced to a !!ed (ain out&ut o. t)e s'ste" ?sensor or &rea"&li!er@A
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s relatin( to "etal &ressure essel e!a"ination ,it) acoustic e"issionA
Acoustic e"ission s'ste" co"&onents ,ill *e &ro ided .ro" t)e Manu.acturer ,it) certi!cation o. &er.or"ance s&eci!cations and tolerancesA
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 de!nes t)e ter"s t)at are used in conSunc# tion ,it) t)is ArticleA ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Inter&retation% 8la,% Dis# continuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ In addition to t)ose ter"s listed in SE#1F14% t)e ter"s listed in III#12F0 are also a&&lica*leA
T)e instru"ent s)all )a e an annual co"&re)ensi e cali# *ration .ollo,in( t)e (uidelines &ro ided *' t)e turer usin( cali*ration instru"entation "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. a reco(niDed national standardA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
dB scale6 a relati e lo(arit)"ic scale o. si(nal a"&litude de!ned *' dB V & 20 lo( Vin 0VoutA T)e re.erence olta(e is de!ned as 1 olt out o. t)e sensor and V is "easured a"&litude in oltsA electronic ,a e.or" (enerator6 a de ice ,)ic) can re&eata*l' induce a transient si(nal into an acoustic e"is# sion &rocessor .or t)e &ur&ose o. c)ec-in(% eri.'in(% and cali*ratin( t)e instru"entA "easured area o. t)e recti!ed si(nal en elo&e6 a "ea# sure"ent o. t)e area under t)e en elo&e o. t)e recti!ed linear olta(e ti"e si(nal .ro" t)e sensorA "ulti#c)annel source location6 a source location tec)# niJue ,)ic) relies on stress ,a es .ro" a sin(le source
&roducin( )its at "ore t)an one sensorA Position o. t)e source is deter"ined *' "at)e"atical al(orit)"s usin( di..erence in ti"e o. arri alA si"ulated AE source6 a de ice ,)ic) can re&eatedl' induce a transient elastic stress ,a e into t)e structureA t)res)old o. detecta*ilit'6 a &ea- a"&litude "easure# "ent used .or cross cali*ration o. instru"entation .ro" di..erent endorsA Done6 t)e area surroundin( a sensor .ro" ,)ic) AE sources can *e detectedA Done location6 a "et)od o. locatin( t)e a&&ro!i"ate source o. e"issionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ = denotes sensor locations ?"a!i"u" distance *et,een adSacent sensors s)all *e deter"ined .ro" essel attenuation c)aracteriDation@A ?2@ Additional ro,s o. sensors "a' *e reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ = denotes sensor locations ?"a!i"u" distance *et,een adSacent sensors s)all *e deter"ined .ro" essel attenuation c)aracteriDation@A ?2@ Sensors "a' *e located on outlet to detect de.ects in coilA ?F@ Additional ro,s o. sensors "a' *e reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ = denotes sensor locations ?"a!i"u" distance *et,een adSacent sensors s)all *e deter"ined .ro" essel attenuation c)aracteriDation@A ?2@ Additional ro,s o. sensors "a' *e reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ = denotes sensor locations ?"a!i"u" distance *et,een adSacent sensors s)all *e deter"ined .ro" essel attenuation c)aracteriDation@A ?2@ S&ecial areas "a' reJuire additional sensorsA ?F@ Additional ro,s o. sensors "a' *e reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I<IDELINES6 ?1@ = denotes sensor locations ?"a!i"u" distance *et,een adSacent sensors s)all *e deter"ined .ro" essel attenuation c)aracteriDation@A ?2@ Additional sensors "a' *e reJuiredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T,o or "ore sensors ?,it) &rea"&li!ers@ "a' *e &lu((ed into a sin(le c)annel to o erco"e t)e e..ects o. local s)ieldin( in a re(ion o. t)e esselA One s&eci!c e!a"# &le o. t)is is t)e use o. se eral sensors ?,it) &rea"&li!ers around a "an,a' or noDDle@A
T)e .reJuenc' *and o. 100 -+DU200 -+D is t)e lo,est .reJuenc' *and t)at s)ould *e considered .or (eneral AE &ressure essel e!a"inationA +i()er .reJuenc' *ands "a' *e considered i. *ac-(round noise cannot *e eli"inatedA I. a )i()er .reJuenc' *and is used t)e .ollo,in( ite"s "ust *e consideredA
So"e )a e *een s)o,n to *e )i()l' attenuati e to non# sur.ace ,a esA T)is situation &redo"inantl' a..ects "ulti# c)annel source location al(orit)"sA T)is situation can *e identi!ed *' "odi.'in( t)e attenuation c)aracteriDation &rocedure to &roduce a stress ,a e ,)ic) does not contain sur.ace ,a es tra elin( across t)e ,eldA
?*@ Sensor s&acin(s ,ill decrease and "ore sensors ,ill *e reJuired to adeJuatel' co er t)e e aluation areaA ?c@ Instru"entation &er.or"ance reJuire"ents descri*ed in A&&endi! I "ust *e adSusted to t)e )i()er .reJuenc' *andA ?d@ Instru"entation cali*ration descri*ed in A&&endi! II "ust *e &er.or"ed at t)e )i()er .reJuenc' *andA ?e@ Alternate e aluation 0acce&tance criteria "ust *e o*tained .ro" t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA B#G0 PROD<CTION LINE TESTINI O8 IDENTICAL VESSELS
8or situations ,)ic) in ol e re&eated tests o. identical essels ,)ere t)ere is no c)an(e in t)e essential aria*les suc) as "aterial% t)ic-ness% &roduct .or" and t'&e% t)e reJuire"ent .or attenuation c)aracteriDation on eac) essel is ,ai edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Article descri*es reJuire"ents to *e used durin( continuous acoustic e"ission ?AE@ "onitorin( o. "etal or non#"etal &ressure *oundar' co"&onents used .or eit)er nuclear or non#nuclear ser iceA Monitorin( "a' *e &er# .or"ed as a .unction o. load% &ressure% te"&erature% and 0or ti"eA L)en AE "onitorin( in accordance ,it) t)is Article is reJuired% t)e re.erencin( Code Section s)ould s&eci.' t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ &ersonnel Juali!cation 0certi!cation reJuire"ents ?*@ e!tent o. e!a"ination and 0or area?s@ 0 olu"e?s@ to *e "onitored ?c@ duration o. "onitorin( &eriod ?d@ acce&tance 0e aluation criteria ?e@ re&orts and records reJuire"ents L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code section% t)e tec)nical reJuire"ents descri*ed )erein s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is Article are in Mandator' A&&endi! VII o. t)is ArticleA Ieneric reJuire"ents .or continuous acoustic e"ission "onitorin( o. &ressure *oundar' co"&onents durin( o&era# tion are addressed ,it)in t)is ArticleA Su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or s&eci!c a&&lications suc) as nuclear co"# &onents% non#"etallic co"&onents% "onitorin( at ele ated te"&eratures% li"ited Done "onitorin(% lead detection% etcA% are &ro ided in t)e Mandator' A&&endices to t)is ArticleA
ASTM E 510#33 ?122F@% Standard Practice .or C)aracteriD# in( Acoustic E"ission Instru"entation ASTM E 1045#32 ?1221@% Standard Practice .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er(lass Rein.orced Plastic Resin ?8RP@ Tan-s 0Vessels ASTM E 1113#32% Standard Practice .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. Rein.orced T)er"osettin( Resin Pi&e ?RTRP@ ASTM E 11F2#22% Standard Practice .or Continuous Moni# torin( o. Acoustic E"ission .ro" Metal Pressure Bound# aries
T#1F20 T#1F21
T)e o*Secti es o. AE e!a"ination are to detect% locate% and c)aracteriDe AE sources% and inter&ret t)e AE res&onse si(nals to e aluate si(ni!cance relati e to &ressure *ound# ar' inte(rit'A T)ese AE sources are li"ited to t)ose acti# ated durin( nor"al &lant s'ste" o&eration% iAeA% no s&ecial sti"ulus is a&&lied e!clusi el' to &roduce AEA In t)e con# te!t o. t)is Article% nor"al s'ste" o&eration "a' include routine &ressure tests &er.or"ed durin( &lant s'ste" s)utdo,nA
SE#410% Standard Iuide .or Mountin( PieDoelectric Acoustic E"ission Sensors SE#254% Standard Iuide .or Deter"inin( t)e Re&roduci*il# it' o. Acoustic E"ission Sensor Res&onse SE#1211% Standard Practice .or Lea- Detection and Loca# tion <sin( Sur.ace#Mounted Acoustic E"ission Sensors SE#1F14% Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"# inations SE#1G12% Standard Test Met)od .or E!a"ination o. Sea"# less% Ias#8illed% Pressure Vessels <sin( Acoustic E"ission
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
All rele ant indications detected durin( AE "onitorin( s)ould *e e aluated *' ot)er "et)ods o. nondestructi e e!a"inationA
T#1F2FPersonnel Kuali!cation T#1F2FA1 Procedures and EJui&"ent InstallationA All &rocedures used .or Juali.'in(% cali*ratin(% installin(% and o&eratin( t)e AE eJui&"ent% and .or data anal'sis acti ities% s)all *e a&&ro ed *' a certi!ed AE Le el IIIA Installation% cali*ration% and c)ec-out o. t)e AE eJui&# "ent s)all *e &er.or"ed under t)e direction o. a certi!ed AE Le el IIIA
T#1F2FA2 AE S'ste" O&erationA Routin( o&eration o. t)e AE s'ste" .or collection and inter&retation o. data
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"a' *e &er.or"ed *' co"&etent &ersonnel t)at are not necessaril' AE s&ecialistsA +o,e er% AE s'ste" o&eration and data inter&retation s)all *e eri!ed *' a certi!ed AE Le el III on a&&ro!i"atel' "ont)l' inter als or "ore o.ten i. t)e s'ste" a&&ears to *e "al.unctionin(% rele ant si(nals are detected% or an a*ru&t c)an(e in t)e rate o. AE si(nals is o*ser edA
T#1FF0 T#1FF1
T)e AE s'ste" ,ill consist o. sensors% &rea"&li!ers% a"&li!ers% !lters% si(nal &rocessors% and a data stora(e de ice to(et)er ,it) interconnectin( ca*lesA Si"ulated AE source?s@ and au!iliar' eJui&"ent suc) as &ressure and te"&erature in&uts are also reJuiredA T)e AE "onitorin( s'ste" s)all &ro ide t)e .unctional ca&a*ilities s)o,n in 8i(A T#1FF1A
Se eral "eans o. stressin( are a&&lica*le to AE e!a"ina# tion includin( startu&% continuous and c'clic o&eration% and s)ut#do,n o. o&eratin( &lant s'ste"s and co"&onents% as ,ell as &ressure tests o. non#o&eratin( &lant s'ste"sA Stress "a' *e induced *' eit)er &ressure or t)er"al (radients or a co"*ination o. *ot)A It is t)e intent o. t)is Article to descri*e e!a"ination tec)niJues t)at are a&&lica*le durin( nor"al o&eration o. &ressuriDed &lant s'ste" or co"&o# nentA Durin( startu&% t)e &ressuriDin( rate s)ould *e su.!# cient to .acilitate t)e e!a"ination ,it) "ini"u" e!traneous noiseA I. a&&ro&riate% &ro isions s)ould *e "ade .or "aintainin( t)e &ressure at desi(nated )old &ointsA Ad ice on t)e use o. co"&ressed (as as a &ressuriDin( "ediu" is contained in SE#1G12A
Sensors s)all *e one o. t,o (eneral t'&es M t)ose "ounted directl' on t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent *ein( "onitored and t)ose t)at are se&arated .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent *' a connectin( ,a e(uideA Sensors s)all *e acousticall' cou&led to t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent *ein( "onitored and *e arran(ed in arra's ca&a*le o. &ro# idin( AE si(nal detection and source location to t)e reJuired accurac'A Selection o. sensor t'&e s)all *e *ased on t)e a&&licationR iAeA% lo, or )i() te"&erature% nuclear or non#nuclear% etcA T)e sensor selected .or a s&eci!c a&&li# cation s)all *e identi!ed in t)e &rocedure &re&ared .or t)at a&&licationA T)e sensor s'ste" ?iAeA% sensors% &rea"&li!ers% and connectin( ca*les@ used to detect AE s)all li"it electro# "a(netic inter.erence to a le el not e!ceedin( 0A5 V &eaa.ter 20 dB a"&li!cationA
Noise Inter.erence T#1FF2A1 Sensor Res&onse 8reJuenc'A 8or eac) a&&li# cation% selection o. t)e sensor res&onse .reJuenc' s)all *e *ased on a c)aracteriDation o. *ac-(round noise in ter"s o. a"&litude sA .reJuenc'A T)e lo,est .reJuenc' co"&ati*le ,it) a oidin( inter.erence .ro" *ac-(round noise s)ould *e used to "a!i"iDe sensiti it' o. AE si(nals and "ini"iDe si(nal attenuationA T#1FF2A2 Di..erential and Tuned SensorsA T,o sensor desi(ns )a e *een e..ecti e in o erco"in( noise ence &ro*le"sA One is a di..erential sensor t)at o&erates to cancel out electrical transients enterin( t)e s'ste" t)rou() t)e sensorA T)e ot)er is an inducti el' tuned sensor t)at o&erates to s)a&e t)e sensor res&onse around a selected .reJuenc'R iAeA% inducti e tunin( allo,s discri"ination a(ainst .reJuencies on eit)er side o. a selected res&onse .reJuenc' as s)o,n in 8i(A T#1FF2A2A T)ese sensor desi(ns "a' *e used se&aratel' or to(et)erA
Noise sources t)at inter.ere ,it) AE si(nal detection s)ould *e controlled to t)e e!tent &ossi*leA 8or continuous "onitorin(% it "a' *e necessar' to acco""odate *ac-# (round noise *' "onitorin( at )i() .reJuencies% s)ieldin( o&en AE s'ste" leads% usin( di..erential sensors% and usin( s&ecial data !lterin( tec)niJues to reduce noise inter# .erenceA
Due to o&erational considerations uniJue to t)e AE "et)od% close coordination *et,een t)e AE "onitor o&era# tor and t)e o,ner 0o&erator o. t)e &lant s)ould *e esta*# lis)ed and "aintainedA Pro isions .or t)is coordination .unction s)ould *e descri*ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedures su*"ited .or a&&ro al &rior to initiation o. AE "onitorin( acti itiesA
Sources s)all *e located ,it) t)e s&eci!ed accurac' *' "ultic)annel sensor arra'% Done location% or *ot)A As reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code section% reJuire"ents .or sensor "ountin(% &lace"ent% and s&acin( are .urt)er de!ned in t)e a&&lica*le A&&endi!A
T#1FF2AF Sensor Mountin(A Sensors s)all *e "ounted to t)e co"&onent sur.ace usin( t,o *asic "et)odsA One is to *ond t)e sensor directl' to t)e sur.ace ,it) an ad)esi eA Te"&erature and i*ration can ad ersel' a..ect t)e *ond *et,een t)e sensor and t)e sur.ace *ein( "onitoredA Also% t)e c)e"ical content o. t)e ad)esi e s)all *e c)ec-ed to assure t)at it is not deleterious to t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onentA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e second "et)od .or "ountin( a sensor e"&lo's &res# sure cou&lin( usin( eit)er a stra& or a "a(netic "ountA A t)in% so.t "etal inter.ace la'er *et,een t)e sensor and t)e sur.ace is o.ten e..ecti e .or ac)ie in( acoustic cou&lin( ,it) "ini"al &ressureA In t)e case o. ,a e(uide sensors% t)e ti& o. t)e ,a e(uide "a' *e s)a&ed to reduce t)e reJuired .orce to "aintain acoustic cou&lin(A
identi.' rele ant AE si(nals s)all *e includedA T)e discri"# ination .unction "a' eit)er e!clude all si(nals not identi# !ed as AE .ro" crac- (ro,t)% or !a( t)ose si(nals identi!ed as crac- (ro,t) AE ,)ile acce&tin( all si(nals a*o e t)e olta(e t)res)oldA T#1FF1A2 Si(nal Processin(A T)e d'na"ic ran(e o. t)e si(nal &rocessor s)all *e at least F4 dB .or eac) &ara"eter *ein( "easuredA T)e si(nal &rocessor s)all *e controlled *' olta(e t)res)old circuits t)at li"it acce&ted data to si(nals t)at e!ceed t)e olta(e a"&litude t)res)oldA T)e olta(e t)res)old s)all *e deter"ined on t)e *asis o. t)e *ac-(round noiseA Si(nal &ara"eters to *e "easured s)all include AE )it count% total nu"*er o. si(nal )its at eac) sensor% si(nal &ea- a"&litude% ti"e .or t)res)old crossin( to si(nal &ea-% "easured area under t)e recti!ed si(nal en elo&e ?MARSE@ in V#secs% and di..erence in ti"e o. si(nal arri al ? t@ at all sensors in a sensor arra' used .or AE source locationA In addition to t)e AE si(nal .eatures a*o e% clocti"e% date% and t)e alue o. &lant &ara"eters ?internal &res# sure% te"&erature% etcA% t)at can *e identi!ed as si(ni!cant to crac- (ro,t)@ associated ,it) t)e ti"e o. si(nal detection s)all *e recorded .or eac) si(nalA T)e si(nal &rocessor section s)all also "easure t)e o erall RMS *ac-(round si(nal le el .or eac) sensin( c)annel .or lea- detection &ur&osesA
Si(nal Ca*les
Coa!ial ca*les s)all *e used to conduct t)e AE si(nals .ro" t)e sensors to t)e "onitorin( instru"ent ?"onitor@A L)ene er a &rotecti e *arrier or contain"ent structure "ust *e &enetrated usin( a *ul-)ead !ttin( or &enetration &lu( to trans"it si(nals .ro" t)e sensor to t)e "onitor% e!tre"e care "ust *e ta-en to a oid incurrin( e!cessi e si(nal loss or noiseA L)en t)e coa!ial ?si(nal@ ca*les are used to su&&l' DC &o,er to t)e &rea"&li!ers 0line dri ers% t)e' s)ould *e ter"inated ,it) t)e a&&ro&riate c)aracteris# tic i"&edanceA
At least one &rea"&li!er s)all *e used ,it) eac) sensor to a"&li.' t)e AE si(nals .or trans"ission to t)e "onitorA L)ere lon( si(nal ca*les are reJuired% a &rea"&li!er and line dri er *et,een t)e sensor and t)e "onitor "a' *e neededA Lit) t)e )i() si(nal a"&li!cation reJuired to detect AE si(nals% t)e internal noise o. t)e &rea"&li!ers "ust *e "ini"iDed to a oid inter.erence ,it) AE si(nal detectionA T)e .reJuenc' res&onse *and o. t)e a"&li!ers s)all *e "atc)ed to t)e res&onse &ro!le deter"ined .or t)e AE sensorsA
T#1FF1AF Data Stora(eA Data stora(e s)all *e non ola# tile and ca&a*le o. storin( t)e data descri*ed in T#1FF1A2 continuousl' o er ti"e &eriods o. se eral ,ee-s to se eral "ont)s de&endin( on t)e a&&licationA One recordin( "et)od t)at )as &ro en' .or continuous "oni# torin( is a di(ital ta&e recorder usin( 1VG inA ?4 ""@% 14 trac- di(ital ta&e cartrid(esA
AE Monitor
T)e AE "onitor s)all include a &ost a"&li!er% a si(nal identi!cation .unction% and a si(nal &rocessin( "odule .or eac) si(nal c)annelA T)e "onitor s)all also include a ideo dis&la' .unction t)at can *e used at t)e o&eratorEs discretion to dis&la' AE data as ,ell as a data stora(e ca&a*ilit' suita*le .or lon( ter"% non olatile data stora(eA A data anal'sis .unction "a' *e inte(ral ,it) t)e AE "onitor or *e a se&arate .unction t)at dra,s .ro" t)e stored AE dataA T)e &ost a"&li!er s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. T#1FFGA T)e AE "onitor s)all *e ca&a*le o. &rocessin( and recordin( inco"in( data at a rate o. at least 10 )its 0sec .or all c)annels si"ultaneousl' .or an inde!nite ti"e &eriod and at a rate o. at least 100 )its 0sec .or all c)annels si"ulta# neousl' .or an' 11 sec &eriodA
T#1FF1AG Data Anal'sis and Dis&la'A T)e data anal'# sis .unction o. t)e AE "onitor s)all deter"ine t)e location o. AE sources as s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A Location accuracies ,it)in one ,all t)ic-ness o. t)e &res# sure *oundar' or 1O o. t)e "ini"u" sensor s&acin(% ,)ic)e er is (reater% are t'&ical .or "etal co"&onentsA T)e data ana'lsis .unction s)all *e ca&a*le o. &ro idin( a dis&la' and &lot o. selected AE in.or"ation ?eA(A% AE e ents% crac- (ro,t) AE .ro" a (i en source area% AE ener('@ sA &lant s'ste" &ara"eters and sA ti"e .or corre# lation e aluationsA Data anal'sis s)all also &ro ide continu# ous assess"ent o. RMS si(nal le el in.or"ation deri ed .ro" t)e si(nal "easure"ent sectionA T)e AE "onitor s'ste" s)all &ro ide a "eans o. &res# entin( anal'Ded dataR eit)er a co"&uter &rintout or a &rint# out in conSunction ,it) a ideo dis&la'A L)en t)e AE rate .ro" an arra' e!ceeds t)e rate s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure% t)e s'ste" s)all acti ate an o&erator alert and identi.' t)e sensor arra' &roducin( t)e )i() AE rateA
T#1FF1A1 AE Si(nal Identi!cationA A real#ti"e si(nal discri"ination .unction to &rocess inco"in( si(nals and
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T#1FG0 T#1FG1
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance% includin( d'na"ic ran(e% o. t)e co"&lete AE "onitor ?,it)out sensors@ s)all *e eri!ed usin( an electronic ,a e.or" (enerator &rior to installa# tionA Sinusoidal *urst si(nals .ro" t)e ,a e.or" (enerator s)all *e in&ut o. eac) &rea"&li!er to eri.' t)at t)e si(nal a"&li!cation% data &rocessin( .unctions% data &rocessin( rate% and data anal'sis% dis&la'% and stora(e "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA ?NOTE6 AE si(nal source location &er.or"ance is tested under T#1F42A1A@ Lit) t)e AE "onitor (ain set at o&eratin( le el% t)e s'ste" s)all *e e aluated usin( in&ut si(nals t)at ,ill test *ot) t)e lo, and )i() ends o. t)e d'na"ic ran(e o. t)e AE "onitor s'ste"A Si(nal .reJuencies s)all include sa"&les ,it)in t)e ran(e o. intended useA
?a@ Asse"*le t)e AE "onitor includin( t,o re&resenta# ti e sensors "ounted on a cali*ration *loc- ,it) t)e sa"e acoustic cou&lin( &rocess to *e used .or "onitorin(A T)e sensors s)all *e e!cited ten ti"es *' eac) o. t)e .ollo,in( t)ree "et)ods6 ?1@ 8racture a 0AF ""% 2+ &encil lead a(ainst t)e sur.ace o. t)e *loc- in accordance ,it) SE#254A ?2@ Stri-e t)e sur.ace o. t)e *loc- ,it) 1VG inA ?4 ""@ dia"eter steel *all dro&&ed .ro" a uni.or" )ei()t su.!cient to &roduce a res&onse .ro" t)e sensors t)at does not satu# rate t)e AE "onitorA ?F@ InSect a "ulti#c'cle ?! e c'cles "ini"u"@ *urst si(nal into t)e *loc- ,it) a transducer and ,a e.or" (en# eratorA ?*@ T)e &attern reco(nition .unction s)all identi.' at least 3 out o. 10 lead .racture si(nals as AE crac- (ro,t) si(nals and at least 3 out 10 o. eac) ot)er t'&e si(nals as si(nals not associated ,it) crac- (ro,t)A
T#1FG2Sensor Kuali!cation T#1FG2A1 Sensor Sensiti it' and 8reJuenc' Res&onseA Eac) sensor s)all &roduce a "ini"u" si(nal o. 0A1 "V&ea- re.erred to t)e sensor out&ut at t)e selected "onitorin( .reJuenc' ,)en "ounted on a cali*ration *locand e!cited ,it) a )eliu" (as Set as descri*ed in SE#254A A&&ro&riate cali*ration *loc-s are identi!ed in t)e A&&en# dices as a .unction o. s&eci!c a&&licationsA +eliu" (as e!citation s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( a F0 &si ?200 -Pa@ )eliu" source directed onto t)e sur.ace o. t)e cali*ration *loc- t)rou() a ]13 )'&oder"ic needle )eld &er&endicular to t)e cali*ration *loc- sur.aceA T)e needle ti& s)all *e 1V3 inA ?F ""@ a*o e t)e sur.ace o. t)e *loc- and 11V2 inA ?F3 ""@ .ro" t)e "ounted sensorA T)e &rocess "a' also *e used to eri.' t)e sensor res&onse &ro!le in ter"s o. .reJuenc' to assure t)at t)e res&onse roll#o.. on eit)er side o. t)e selected "onitorin( .reJuenc' is acce&ta*leA An o&tional tec)niJue .or deter"inin( t)e re&roduci*il# it' o. AE sensor res&onse is re.erred to as t)e BPencil Lead Brea-C tec)niJue% ,)ic) is descri*ed in SE#254A
Prior to installation o. AE s'ste" .or "onitorin( &lant co"&onents% t)e acoustic si(nal attenuation in t)e "aterial s)all *e c)aracteriDedA T)is is necessar' .or deter"inin( t)e sensor s&acin( .or e..ecti e AE detectionA Attenuation "easure"ents s)all *e "ade at t)e .reJuenc' selected .or AE "onitorin( and s)all include *ot) sur.ace and *ul,a e &ro&a(ationA T)e attenuation "easure"ents s)ould *e &er.or"ed ,it) t)e "aterial te"&erature ,it)in W200[8 ?W110[C@ o. t)e e!&ected te"&erature durin( actual co"&o# nent "onitorin(A
Bac-(round Noise
T#1FG2A2 <ni.or"it' o. Sensor Sensiti it'A T)e sensi# ti it' o. eac) sensor s)all *e e aluated *' "ountin( it on a cali*ration *loc- as it ,ill *e "ounted on t)e &lant co"&onent and "easurin( its res&onse to t)e ener(' &ro# duced *' .racturin( a 0AF ""% 2+ &encil lead a(ainst t)e sur.ace o. t)e *loc- in accordance ,it) SE#254 at a &oint G inA ?100 ""@ .ro" t)e center o. t)e sensorA L)en &er# .or"in( t)is e aluation% it is use.ul to use a G0 dB &rea"&li# !er ,it) t)e sensor to &roduce and adeJuate out&ut si(nal .or accurate "easure"entA T)e &ea- res&onse o. eac) sen# sor to t)e si"ulated AE si(nal s)all not ar' "ore t)an F dB .ro" t)e a era(e .or all sensors at t)e selected "onitorin( .reJuenc'A
T)e AE s'ste" res&onse to *ac-(round noise s)all *e c)aracteriDedA Lit) 20 dB a"&li!cation% t)e AE s'ste" si(nal le el res&onse to continuous &rocess *ac-(round noise s)all not e!ceed 1A1 V &ea- out&utA T)is s)all *e ac)ie ed *' restrictin( t)e .reJuenc' res&onse o. t)e sensor s'ste"A Reducin( sensiti it' is not acce&ta*leA
Kuali!cation Records
Docu"entation o. t)e eJui&"ent Juali!cation &rocess s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ a co&' o. t)e eJui&"ent Juali!cation &rocedure ?*@ &ersonnel certi!cate records ?c@ descri&tion o. t)e AE eJui&"ent and Juali!cation eJui&"ent used ?d@ Juantitati e results o. t)e Juali!cation ?e@ si(nature o. t)e AE Le el III res&onsi*le .or t)e Juali!cation ?.@ date o. t)e Juali!cation EJui&"ent Juali!cation records s)all *e retained as &art o. t)e "onitorin( a&&lication recordsA
I. AE si(nal &attern reco(nition is used% t)is .unction s)all *e de"onstrated and Juali!ed as .ollo,s6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#1FG5Sensor Installation T#1FG5A1 Cou&lin(A AdeJuate acoustic cou&lin( *et,een t)e sensor and t)e co"&onent sur.ace s)all *e eri!ed as t)e sensors are "ountedA T)is can *e done *' li()tl' ta&&in( t)e sur.ace or *' *rea-in( a &encil lead a(ainst t)e co"&onent sur.ace ,)ile o*ser in( t)e sensor out&utA Iuidance .or sensor "ountin( is &ro ided in SE#410 and in T#1FF2AFA T)e use o. drilled and ta&&ed )oles in t)e co"&onent is (enerall' not acce&ta*leA
T#1FG5A2 Arra' S&acin(A A su.!cient nu"*er o. sen# sors s)all *e located on t)e co"&onent in a "ulti#source arra'?s@ to &ro ide .or AE si(nal detection and source locationA Eac) sensor s)all &roduce an out&ut o. at least 0AF "V&ea- ,)en a 0AF ""% 2+ &encil lead is *ro-en a(ainst t)e *are sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent at t)e "ost re"ote location t)at t)e sensor is e!&ected to "onitorA L)en a location al(orit)" is used% t)e location o. eac) lead *reas)all *e surrounded ,it) a "aterial ?"astic or &utt'@ to a*sor* sur.ace ,a esA A 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tension s)all *e *ro-en at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e co"&onent sur.aceA
?*@ a descri&tion o. t)e AE s'ste" to *e used and its ca&a*ilities in ter"s o. t)e .unctional reJuire"ents .or t)e intended a&&lication ?c@ AE s'ste" cali*ration and Juali!cation reJuire# "ents ?d@ nu"*er% location% and "ountin( reJuire"ents .or AE sensors ?e@ inter al and acce&ta*le &er.or"ance durin( t)e AE s'ste" .unctional c)ec- ?T#1F5FA2@ ?.@ data recordin( &rocesses and data to *e recorded ?(@ data anal'sis% inter&retation% and e aluation criteria ?)@ su&&le"ental NDE reJuire"ents ?i@ &ersonnel Juali!cation 0certi!cation reJuire"ents ?S@ re&ortin( and record retention reJuire"ents T)e &rocedure descri*ed *elo, need not *e lar(e docu# "ents% and &re&rinted *lan- .or"s ?tec)niJue s)eets@ "a' *e utiliDed &ro ided t)e' contain t)e reJuired in.or"ationA
AE S'ste" O&eration
T#1FG5AF 8unctional Veri!cationA One or "ore acous# tic si(nal sources% ,it) an out&ut .reJuenc' ran(e o. 100 to 500 -+D s)all *e installed ,it)in t)e "onitorin( Done o. eac) sensor arra' .or t)e &ur&ose o. &eriodicall' testin( t)e .unctional inte(rit' o. t)e sensors durin( "onitorin(A T)is is not intended to &ro ide a &recise sensor cali*ration *ut rat)er a Jualitati e sensiti it' c)ec-A It s)all *e &ossi*le to acti ate t)e acoustic si(nal source?s@ .ro" t)e AE "oni# tor locationA
A ,ritten &recedure descri*in( o&eration o. t)e AE s's# te" s)all *e &re&ared% a&&ro ed *' t)e co(niDant AE Le el III% and "ade a aila*le to t)e &ersonnel res&onsi*le .or o&eratin( t)e AE s'ste"A Eac) &rocedure s)all *e tailored to reco(niDe and acco""odate uniJue reJuire"ents associ# ated ,it) t)e &lant s'ste" or co"&onent *ein( "onitoredA
T)e coa!ial ca*le and ot)er leads used to connect t)e sensors to t)e AE "onitor s)all *e de"onstrated to *e ca&a*le o. ,it)standin( e!tended e!&osure to )ostile en i# ron"ents as reJuired to &er.or" t)e "onitorin( acti itiesA
A ,ritten &rocedure .or &rocessin(% inter&retin(% and e aluatin( t)e AE data s)all *e &re&ared and a&&ro ed *' t)e co(niDant AE Le el IIIA T)is &rocedure s)all *e "ade a aila*le to t)e &ersonnel res&onsi*le .or o&eratin( t)e AE s'ste"% t)e &ersonnel res&onsi*le .or AE data inter&reta# tion and e aluation% and a re&resentati e o. t)e o,ner o. t)e &lant s'ste" *ein( "onitoredA T)is &rocedure s)all *e tailored to reco(niDe and acco""odate uniJue reJuire# "ents associated ,it) t)e &lant s'ste" or co"&onent *ein( "onitoredA
T)e AE "onitor s)all *e located in a clean% controlled en iron"ent suita*le .or lon(#ter" o&eration o. a co"&uter s'ste"A T)e electronic instru"entation ?&rea"&li!ers and AE "onitor co"&onents@ s)all *e located in an area t)at is "aintained at te"&eratures not e!ceedin( 121[8 ?10[C@A
S&eci!c reJuire"ents .or recordin(% retention% and stor# a(e o. t)e AE and ot)er &ertinent data s)all *e &re&ared .or a&&ro al *' re&resentati es o. t)e &lant s'ste" o,ner or o&eratorA T)ese reJuire"ents s)all *e "ade a aila*le to t)e &ersonnel res&onsi*le .or data recordin( and stora(eA
AE "onitorin( acti ities s)all *e &er.or"ed in accor# dance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedureA Eac) &rocedure s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation% as a&&lica*le6 ?a@ co"&onents to *e "onitored include di"ension% "aterials o. construction% o&eratin( en iron"ent% and dura# tion o. "onitorin(
T#1F40 T#1F41
T)e .reJuenc' res&onse .or eac) AE c)annel s)all *e "easured ,it) t)e sensors installed on a &lant &ressure
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*oundar' co"&onentA Sensor res&onse s)all *e "easured at t)e out&ut o. t)e &rea"&li!er usin( a s&ectru" anal'DerA T)e e!citation source s)all *e a )eliu" (as Set directed onto t)e co"&onent sur.ace .ro" a no"inal F0 &si ?200 -Pa@ source t)rou() a ]13 )'&oder"ic needle )eld &er&en# dicular to t)e co"&onent sur.ace at a stand#o.. distance o. 1V3 inA ?F ""@ located 11V2 inA ?F3 ""@ .ro" t)e "ounted sensorA T)e (as s)all not i"&in(e on t)e sensor or t)e ,a e(uideA AE sensor &ea- res&onse to t)e (as Set e!cita# tion at t)e "onitorin( .reJuenc' s)all *e at least 0A1 "V&eare.erred to t)e out&ut o. t)e sensorA An' AE sensor s)o,in( less t)an 0A1 "V&ea- out&ut s)all *e reinstalled or re&laced% as necessar'% to ac)ie e t)e reJuired sensiti it'A An o&tional tec)niJue .or deter"inin( t)e re&roduci*il# it' o. AE sensor res&onse is re.erred to as t)e BPencil Lead Brea-C tec)niJue ,)ic) is descri*ed in SE#254A
?c@ descri&tion o. t)e AE eJui&"ent and t)e cali*ration eJui&"ent used ?d@ Juantitati e results o. t)e cali*ration ?e@ si(nature o. t)e indi idual res&onsi*le .or t)e cali# *ration ?.@ date?s@ o. t)e cali*ration?s@ Retention o. t)e cali*ration records s)all *e in accor# dance ,it) T#1F2FA
T)e AE "onitor s'ste" s)all co"&l' ,it) t)e reJuire# "ents o. a&&ro ed &rocedures ?T#1F10@ t)at )a e *een acce&ted *' t)e &lant o,ner 0o&eratorA
T#1F42Co"&lete AE Monitor S'ste" T#1F42A1 Detection and Source LocationA T)e si(nal detection and source location accurac' .or eac) sensor arra' s)all *e "easured usin( si"ulated AE si(nals inSected on t)e co"&onent sur.ace at not less t)an 10 &reselected &oints ,it)in t)e arra' "onitorin( !eldA T)ese si"ulated AE si(nals s)all *e (enerated *' *rea-in( 2+ &encil leads ?0AF or 0A1 "" dia"eter@ a(ainst t)e co"&o# nent sur.ace at t)e &rescri*ed &ointsA T)e &encil leads s)all *e *ro-en at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e sur.ace usin( a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ &encil lead e!tension ?see SE#254@A T)e location o. eac) &encil lead *rea- s)all *e surrounded ,it) a "aterial ?"astic or &utt'@ to a*sor* sur.ace ,a esA Location accuracies ,it)in one ,all t)ic-# ness at t)e AE source location or 1O o. t)e "ini"u" sensor arra' s&acin( distance% ,)ic)e er is (reater% are t'&icalA
O&eration o. t)e AE s'ste" .or routine collection and inter&retation o. data "a' *e &er.or"ed *' a co"&etent indi idual not necessaril' s&ecialiDed in AE ,)o )as recei ed trainin( and )as at least li"ited AE Le el II certi!cationA +o,e er% AE s'ste" o&eration and data inter# &retation s)all *e eri!ed *' a certi!ed AE Le el III on a "ont)l' inter al or sooner i. t)e s'ste" a&&ears to *e "al.unctionin( or t)ere is an a*ru&t c)an(e in t)e rate o. AE data accu"ulationA
Plant Startu&
Durin( &lant startu&% AE rate and source location in.or# "ation s)all *e e aluated at least once &er s)i.t .or indica# tions o. !a, (ro,t)A T)e RMS si(nal le el s)all also *e e aluated .or indications o. &ressure *oundar' lea-sA
T#1F42A2 8unction Veri!cationA Res&onse o. t)e AE s'ste" to t)e acoustic si(nal source descri*ed in T#1FG5AF s)all *e "easured and recorded .or re.erence durin( later c)ec-s o. t)e AE s'ste"A
T)e installed AE "onitor s'ste" s)all *e recali*rated in accordance ,it) T#1F40 at t)e end o. eac) &lant o&eratin( c'cleA T)is is de!ned "ore e!&licitl' in t)e A&&endices descri*in( reJuire"ents .or eac) AE "onitorin( a&&li# cationA
T#1F5F Plant Stead'#State O&eration T#1F5FA1 Data E aluation Inter al AE data s)all *e e aluated at least ,ee-l' durin( nor"al &lant o&erationA L)en a sustained AE acti it' rate .ro" one or "ore sensors occurs or ,)en a consistent clusterin( o. AE si(nals acce&ted *' t)e si(nal identi!cation anal'Der and ,)ic) cluster in one source location o. AE si(nals is concentrated ,it)in a dia"eter o. t)ree ti"es t)e ,all t)ic-ness o. t)e co"&onent or 10O o. t)e "ini"u" sensor s&acin( distance in t)e arra'% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA Also to A&&endices II and IIIA
Cali*ration Records
Docu"entation o. t)e installed s'ste" cali*ration s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ a co&' o. t)e cali*ration &rocedure?s@ ?*@ &ersonnel certi!cation records
T#1F5FA2 AE S'ste" 8unctional C)ec-A AE s'ste" res&onse to t)e installed acoustic si(nal source s)all *e e aluated &eriodicall' as s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedureA Deteri# oration o. sensiti it' e!ceedin( G dB .or an' c)annel s)all *e recorded and t)e a..ected co"&onent s)all *e re&laced at t)e earliest o&&ortunit'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Nuclear Co"&onents
S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination reJuire"ents .or nuclear co"&onents are s&eci!ed in A&&endi! IA
In addition% t)e data records s)all include an' ot)er in.or"ation reJuired in t)e a&&lica*le &rocedure ?T#1F10@A
T#1F20 T#1F51 Nonnuclear Metal Co"&onents S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination reJuire"ents .or nonnuclear "etal co"&onents are s&eci!ed in A&&endi! IIA
T#1F21 Re&orts to Plant S'ste" O,ner 0O&erator T#1F21A1 A su""ar' o. AE "onitorin( results s)all *e &re&ared "ont)l'A T)is s)ould *e a *rie.% concise re&ort .or "ana(e"ent useA T#1F21A2 Re&ortin( reJuire"ents in t)e e ent o. unusual AE indications s)all *e s&eci!ed *' t)e &lant s'ste" o,ner 0o&erator and identi!ed in t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A T#1F21AF A su""ar' re&ort on t)e correlation o. "oni# torin( data ,it) t)e e aluation criteria s)all *e &ro ided to t)e &lant s'ste" o,ner 0o&eratorA T#1F21AG <&on co"&letion o. eac) "aSor &)ase o. t)e "onitorin( e..ort% a co"&re)ensi e re&ort s)all *e &re# &aredA T)is re&ort s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ co"&lete identi!cation o. t)e &lant s'ste" 0co"&onent *ein( "onitored includin( "aterial t'&e?s@% "et)od?s@ o. .a*rication% "anu.acturerEs na"e?s@% and certi!cate nu"*er?s@ ?*@ s-etc) or "anu.acturerEs dra,in( ,it) co"&onent di"ensions and sensor locations ?c@ &lant s'ste" o&eratin( conditions includin( &ressur# iDin( !uid% te"&erature% &ressure le el% etcA ?d@ AE "onitorin( en iron"ent includin( te"&erature% radiation and corrosi e .u"es i. a&&ro&riate% sensor acces# si*ilit'% *ac-(round noise le el% and &rotecti e *arrier &en# etrations utiliDed% i. an' ?e@ a s-etc) or "anu.acturerEs dra,in( s)o,in( t)e location o. an' Done in ,)ic) t)e AE res&onse e!ceeded t)e e aluation criteria ?.@ an' unusual e ents or o*ser ations durin( "oni# torin( ?(@ "onitorin( sc)edule includin( identi!cation o. an' AE s'ste" do,nti"e durin( t)is ti"e &eriod ?)@ na"es and Juali!cations o. t)e AE eJui&"ent o&er# ators ?i@ co"&lete descri&tion o. t)e AE instru"entation includin( "anu.acturerEs na"e% "odel nu"*er% sensor t'&es% instru"ent settin(s% cali*ration data% etcA
Non"etallic Co"&onents
S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination .or non"etallic co"&onents are s&eci!ed in A&&endi! IIIA
S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination reJuire"ents .or li"ited Done "onitorin( are s&eci!ed in A&&endi! IVA
S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination reJuire"ents .or )ostile en iron"ent a&&lications are s&eci!ed in A&&en# di! VA
S&eci!c and su&&le"ental e!a"ination reJuire"ents .or lea- detection a&&lications are s&eci!ed in A&&endi! VIA
T#1F30 T#1F31
Data &rocessin(% inter&retation% and e aluation s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedure ?T#1F10@ .or t)at s&eci!c a&&lication and t)e a&&lica*le Mandator' A&&en# dicesA T)e "et)odolo(' and criteria ,ill ar' su*stantiall' ,it) di..erent a&&licationsA
Data ReJuire"ents
T)e .ollo,in( data s)all *e acJuired and recorded6 ?a@ AE e ent count ersus ti"e .or eac) "onitorin( arra' ?*@ AE source and 0or Done location .or all acoustic si(nals acce&ted ?c@ AE )it rate .or eac) AE source location cluster ?d@ rele ant AE si(nal &ara"eter?s@ ersus ti"e .or eac) data c)annel ?e@ location "onitored% date% and ti"e &eriod o. "oni# torin( ?.@ identi!cation o. &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e anal'sis
T#1F22Records T#1F22A1 Ad"inistrati e RecordsA T)e ad"inistrati e records .or eac) AE "onitorin( a&&lication s)all include t)e a&&lica*le test &lan?s@% &rocedure?s@% o&eratin( instruc# tions% e aluation criteria% and ot)er rele ant in.or"ation% as a&&lica*leA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#1F22A2 EJui&"ent Kuali!cation and Cali*ration DataA T)e &re#installation and &ost#installation AE s'ste" Juali!cation and cali*ration records includin( si(nal atten# uation data and AE s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation c)ec-s s)all *e retainedA Dis&osition o. t)ese records .ollo,in( AE s'ste" recali*ration s)all *e s&eci!ed *' t)e &lant s'ste" o,ner 0o&eratorA T#1F22AF Ra, and Processed AE DataA T)e ra, data records s)all *e retained at least until t)e AE indications
)a e *een inde&endentl' eri!edA T)e retention &eriod .or t)e &rocessed data records s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A
All AE records s)all *e "aintained as reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code section and t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
i*ration% and nuclear radiation@ .or a &eriod o. t,o 'earsA to T#1FF2 and A&&endi! V% &araA V#1F20% .or addi# tional sensor reJuire"entsA In "onitorin( nuclear co"&o# nents% in addition to )i() te"&erature Pa400[8 ?F20[C@ in "ost locationsQ% t)e en iron"ent at t)e sur.ace o. t)e co"&onent "a' also include (a""a and neutron radiationA In ie, o. t)e neutron radiation% a ,a e(uide )i() te"&era# ture AE sensor suc) as t)e t'&e descri*ed in A&&endi! V s)ould *e used to isolate t)e critical ele"ents o. t)e sensor ?&ieDoelectric cr'stal and associated &rea"&li!er@ .ro" t)e neutron radiation !eldA
See A&&endi! VII .or de!nitions o. ter"s s&eci!c to t)is A&&endi!A I#1FF0 I#1FF1 EK<IPMENT K<ALI8ICATION Prea"&li!ers
T)e internal electronic noise o. t)e &rea"&li!ers s)all not e!ceed 5 "icro olts r"s re.erred to t)e in&ut ,it) a 10#o)" in&ut ter"inationA T)e .reJuenc' res&onse *and o. t)e a"&litude s)all *e "atc)ed to t)e res&onse &ro!le deter"ined .or t)e AE sensorsA I#1FF2 Monitor S'ste"
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance% includin( d'na"ic ran(e% o. t)e co"&lete AE "onitor ?,it)out sensors@ s)all *e eri!ed usin( an electronic ,a e.or" (enerator &rior to installa# tionA Sinusoidal *urst si(nals .ro" t)e ,a e.or" (enerator s)all *e in&ut to eac) &rea"&li!er to eri.' t)at t)e si(nal a"&li!cationR data &rocessin( .unctionsR data &rocessin( rateR and data anal'sis% dis&la'% and stora(e "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA ?NOTE6 AE si(nal source location &er.or"ance is tested under T#1F42A1A@ T)e s'ste" s)all *e e aluated usin( in&ut si(nals o. 0A1 and 10A0 "V &ea-#to#&ea- a"&litudeR 0A1 and FA0 "illisecond durationR and 100 -+D% and 1A0 M+D .reJuenc' .ro" t)e ,a e.or" (eneratorA
T)e .reJuenc' res&onse *and o. t)e sensor 0a"&li!er co"*ination s)all *e li"ited to a oid inter.erence .ro" *ac-(round noise suc) as is caused *' coolant !o,A Bac-# (round noise at t)e locations to *e "onitored s)all *e c)aracteriDed in ter"s o. intensit' ersus .reJuenc' &rior to selection o. t)e AE sensors to *e usedA T)is in.or"ation s)all *e used to select t)e a&&ro&riate .reJuenc' *and,idt) .or AE "onitorin(A T)e sensor res&onse roll o.. *elo, t)e selected "onitorin( .reJuenc' s)all *e at a "ini"u" rate o. 11 dB &er 100 -+D% and "a' *e ac)ie ed *' inducti e tunin( o. t)e sensor 0&rea"&li!er co"*inationA T)e )i() end o. t)e .reJuenc' res&onse *and s)ould roll o.. a*o e 1 M+D at a "ini"u" rate o. 11 dB &er octa e to )el& reduce a"&li!er noiseA T)ese "easure"ents s)all *e "ade usin( t)e )eliu" (as Set tec)niJue descri*ed in T#1FG2A1 and T#1F41A
Si(nal Processin(
T)e t)res)old .or all sensor c)annels s)all *e set at 0A1 to 1A0 V&ea- a*o e t)e sensor c)annel *ac-(round noise le el and all c)annels s)all *e set t)e sa"eA
T)e AE sensors s)all *e ca&a*le o. ,it)standin( t)e a"*ient ser ice en iron"ent ?iAeA% te"&erature% "oisture%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T)e cali*ration *loc- used to Juali.' AE sensors s)all *e a steel *loc- ,it) "ini"u" di"ensions o. G12 12 inA ?100F00F00 ""@ ,it) t)e sensor "ounted
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
in t)e center o. a "aSor .ace usin( t)e acoustic cou&lin( tec)niJue to *e a&&lied durin( in#ser ice "onitorin(A I#1F12 Cali*ration Inter al
res&onseA Acoustic e"ission sensors in a .ace#to#.ace ultra# sonic test ?or eJui alent@ s)all not ar' in &ea- sensiti it' *' "ore t)an F dB .ro" ,)en t)e' ,ere ne,A
T)e installed AE "onitor s'ste" s)all *e recali*rated in accordance ,it) T#1F40 durin( eac) re.uelin( or "ainte# nance outa(e% *ut no o.tener t)an once e er' 2G "ont)sA
Cou&lant s)all &ro ide consistent cou&lin( e.!cienc' .or t)e duration o. t)e testA II#1F2F Prea"&li!er
?a@ T)e "onitorin( &rocedure ?T#1F10@ s)all s&eci.' t)e acce&tance criteria .or crac- (ro,t) rateA ?*@ T)e AE data s)all *e e aluated *ased on AE rate deri ed .ro" si(nals acce&ted *' t)e si(nal identi!cation .unction and identi!ed ,it) a s&eci!c area o. t)e &ressure *oundar'A ?c@ T)e data s)all *e anal'Ded to identi.' an increasin( AE rate t)at is indicati e o. acceleratin( crac- (ro,t)A ?d@ T)e Juantitati e crac- (ro,t) rate s)all *e esti"ated usin( t)e relations)i&6
T)e &rea"&li!er s)all *e located ,it)in 4 .t ?1A3 "@ .ro" t)e sensor% and di..erential &rea"&li!ers s)all )a e G0 dB o. co""on#"ode noise reSectionA 8reJuenc' res&onse s)all not ar' "ore t)an F dB o er t)e o&eratin( .reJuenc' ran(e o. t)e sensors ,)en attac)edA 8ilters s)all *e o. t)e *and &ass or )i() &ass t'&e and s)all &ro ide a "ini"u" o. 2G dB o. co""on#"ode reSectionA
Si(nal Ca*le
Po,er si(nal ca*le s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(# netic noiseA Si(nal loss s)all *e less t)an 1 dB &er .oot o. ca*le len(t)A Reco""ended "a!i"u" ca*le len(t) is 100 .t ?110 "@A
,)ere da 0dt & crac- (ro,t) rate in "icroinc)es 0second dN 0dt & t)e AE rate PAE as de!ned in I#1F40?*@Q in e ents 0second ?e@ I. t)e esti"ated crac- (ro,t) rate e!ceeds t)e acce&tance criteria% t)e !a, area s)all *e e!a"ined ,it) ot)er NDE "et)ods at t)e earliest o&&ortunit'A II#1F21 Po,er Su&&l' A sta*le% (rounded electrical &o,er su&&l' s)ould *e usedA II#1F24 Main A"&li!er
T)e "ain a"&li!er (ain s)all *e ,it)in F dB o er t)e ran(e o. G0[8U121[8 ?1[CU10[C@A
Main Processor
T)is A&&endi! s&eci!es su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or continuous AE "onitorin( o. non#nuclear "etal co"&o# nentsA T)e &rinci&al o*Secti e is to "onitor 0detect acoustic e"ission ?AE@ sources caused *' sur.ace and internal dis# continuities in a essel ,all% ,elds% and .a*ricated &arts and co"&onentsA
II#1F20 II#1F21
Acoustic e"ission sensors s)all )a e a resonant res&onse *et,een 100 -+D to G00 -+DA Mini"u" sensiti it' s)all *e \31 dB re.erred to 1 olt 0"icro*ar deter"ined *' a .ace#to#.ace ultrasonic testA Sensors s)all )a e a .reJuenc' res&onse ,it) ariations not e!ceedin( G dB .ro" t)e &ea-
T)e "ain &rocessor?s@ s)all )a e circuits .or &rocessin( sensor dataA T)e "ain &rocessor circuits s)all *e ca&a*le o. &rocessin( )its% counts% &ea- a"&litudes% and MARSE on eac) c)annel% and "easure t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ T)res)oldA T)e AE instru"ent s)all )a e a t)res)# old control accurate to ,it)in W1 dB o er its use.ul ran(eA ?*@ CountsA T)e AE counter circuit s)all detect counts o er a set t)res)old ,it) an accurac' o. W1OA ?c@ +itsA T)e AE instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easur# in(% recordin(% and dis&la'in( a "ini"u" o. 20 )its 0sec total .or all c)annelsA ?d@ Pea- A"&litudeA T)e AE circuit s)all "easure &eaa"&litude ,it) an accurac' o. W2 dBA <sea*le d'na"ic ran(e s)all *e a "ini"u" o. 40 dB ,it) 1 dB resolution o er t)e .reJuenc' *and,idt) usedA Not "ore t)an 2 dB ariation in &ea- detection accurac' s)all *e allo,ed o er t)e stated te"&erature ran(eA A"&litude alues s)all *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s&eci!ed in dB and "ust *e re.erenced to a !!ed (ain out&ut o. t)e s'ste" ?sensor or &rea"&li!er@A ?e@ Ener('A T)e AE circuit s)all "easure MARSE ,it) an accurac' o. W1OA T)e usea*le d'na"ic ran(e .or ener(' s)all *e a "ini"u" o. G0 dBA ?.@ Para"etric Volta(eA I. &ara"etric olta(e is "ea# sured% it s)all *e "easured to an accurac' o. W2O o. .ull scaleA
Sensor location and s&acin( s)all *e *ased on attenuation c)aracteriDation% ,it) t)e test !uid in t)e essel% and a si"ulated source o. AEA Section V% Article 12% Non"anda# tor' A&&endices s)ould *e re.erenced .or essel sensor &lace"entA Consideration s)ould *e (i en to t)e &ossi*le attenuation e..ects o. ,eldsA
"anu.acturer usin( cali*ration instru"entation "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. a reco(niDed national standardA II#1FF2 Sensor S&acin( .or Multic)annel Source Location
Sensors s)all *e located suc) t)at a lead *rea- at an' location ,it)in t)e e!a"ination area is detecta*le *' at least t)e "ini"u" nu"*er o. sensors reJuired .or t)e "ultic)annel source location al(orit)"% ,it) t)e "easured a"&litude s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Loca# tion accurac' s)all *e ,it)in a "i!i"u" o. 2 ,all t)ic-# nesses or 1O o. t)e sensor s&acin( distance% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA
Prior to *e(innin( t)e "onitorin( &eriod% t)e AE instru# "ent s)all *e c)ec-ed *' insertin( a si"ulated AE si(nal at eac) "ain a"&li!er in&utA T)e de ice (eneratin( t)e si"ulated si(nal s)all in&ut a sinusoidal *urst#t'&e si(nal o. "easura*le a"&litude% duration% and carrier .reJuenc'A On#site s'ste" cali*ration s)all eri.' s'ste" o&eration .or t)res)old% counts% MARSE% and &ea- a"&litudeA Cali# *ration alues s)all *e ,it)in t)e ran(e o. alues s&eci!ed in II#1F25A
Sensor S&acin( .or None Location II#1FGG S'ste" Per.or"ance C)ec- Veri!cation
L)en Done location is used% sensors s)all *e located suc) t)at a lead *rea- at an' location ,it)in t)e e!a"ination area is detecta*le *' at least one sensor ,it) a "easured a"&litude not less t)an s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e "a!i"u" sensor s&acin( s)all *e no (reater t)an one#)al. t)e t)res)old distanceA T)e t)res)old distance is de!ned as t)e distance .ro" a sensor at ,)ic) a &encil# lead *rea- on t)e essel &roduces a "easured a"&litude eJual to t)e e aluation t)res)oldA
Veri!cation o. sensor cou&lin( and circuit continuit' s)all *e &er.or"ed .ollo,in( sensor "ountin( and s'ste" )oo-u& and a(ain .ollo,in( t)e testA T)e &ea- a"&litude res&onse o. eac) sensor to a re&eata*le si"ulated AE source at a s&eci!c distance .ro" t)e sensor s)ould *e ta-en &rior to and .ollo,in( t)e "onitorin( &eriodA T)e "easured &ea- a"&litude s)ould not ar' "ore t)an WG dB .ro" t)e a era(e o. all t)e sensorsA An' c)annel .ailin( t)is c)ec- s)ould *e re&aired or re&laced% as necessar'A T)e &rocedure ,ill indicate t)e .reJuenc' o. s'ste" &er# .or"ance c)ec-sA
Purc)ased AE s'ste" co"&onents s)all *e acco"&anied *' "anu.acturerEs certi!cation o. &er.or"ance s&eci!ca# tions and tolerancesA
II#1F10 II#1F11
Annual Cali*ration
T)e instru"entation s)all )a e an annual% co"&re)en# si e cali*ration .ollo,in( t)e (uideline &ro ided *' t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
All data .ro" all sensors s)all *e used .or e aluatin( indicationsA T)e AE criteria s)o,n in Ta*le II#1F11 &ro# ide one *asis .or assessin( t)e si(ni!cance o. AE indica# tionsA T)ese criteria are *ased on a s&eci!c set o. AE
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Not "ore t)an E )its .ro" a cluster *e'ond ti"e T Less t)an N counts .ro" a cluster .or a s&eci!ed load increase Not "ore t)an E )its .ro" a cluster a*o e a s&eci!ed a"&litude Not "ore t)an E )its .ro" a cluster a*o e a s&eci!ed a"&litude MARSE or a"&litudes .ro" a clus# ter do not increase ,it) increas# in( load Acti it' .ro" a cluster does not increase ,it) increasin( load 10 dB or s&eci!ed in &rocedure
?a@ Pressure VesselsA Section V% Article 11 M Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er(lass Tan-s0Vessels ?*@ At"os&)eric Tan-sA Section V% Article 11 M Acous# tic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er(lass Vessels% ASNT0 CARP Reco""ended Practice ASTM E 10456 Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er(lass Rein.orced Plastic Resin Tan-s0Vessels ?c@ Pi&in(A ASTM E 1113 M Standard Practice .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. Rein.orced T)er"oset# tin( Resin Pi&e ?RTRP@
+i() attenuation and anisotro&' o. t)e "aterial are con# trollin( .actors in sensor .reJuenc'% source location accu# rac'% and sensor s&acin(A III#1FF1 Sensor 8reJuenc'
"onitorin( conditionsA T)e criteria used .or eac) a&&lica# tion s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section and t)e AE &rocedure ?see T#1F10@A
Sensors used .or "onitorin( 8RP eJui&"ent s)all *e resonant in t)e 20U200 -+D .reJuenc' ran(eA III#1FF2Source Location Accurac' III#1FF2A1 E!act solution source location tec)niJues s)all *e used in "onitorin( 8RP ,)ere )i() accurac' is reJuiredA 8or t)ese a&&lications s&ecial &recautions ,ill *e ta-en to account .or un&redicta*le acoustic elocit' ariations in t)e "aterialA Sensor s&acin( s)all *e no (reater t)an 20 inA ?100 ""@A III#1FF2A2 None location tec)niJues reJuire t)e AE si(nal to )it onl' one sensor to &ro ide use.ul location dataA Sensor s&acin( o. 1 .tU20 .t ?1A1 "U4A0 "@ "a' *e used to co er lar(e areas or t)e entire esselA
All data .ro" all sensors s)all *e used .or e aluatin( indicationsA T)e AE criteria s)o,n in Ta*le II#1F12 &ro# ide one *asis .or assessin( t)e si(ni!cance o. AE indica# tionsA T)ese criteria are *ased on a s&eci!c set o. AE "onitorin( conditionsA T)e criteria used .or eac) a&&lica# tion s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section and t)e AE &rocedure ?see T#1F10@A
A "anu.acturerEs cali*ration o. t)e instru"entation s)ould *e conducted on an annual *asisA Instru"entation used .or cali*ration s)all *e re.erenced to NISTA III#1FG2 Periodic !eld cali*ration s)all *e &er.or"ed ,it) an AE ,a e.or" (enerator to eri.' &er.or"ance o. t)e si(nal &rocessorA III#1FGF +su#Nielsen lead *rea- and0or (as Set &er.or"ance eri# !cation tec)niJues ?T#1F42A2@ s)all *e &er.or"ed &eriodi# call' to c)ec- all co"&onents includin( cou&lant% sensor% si(nal &rocessor% and dis&la'A
T)is A&&endi! s&eci!es su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or continuous "onitorin( o. non"etallic ?!*er rein.orced &lastic@ co"&onentsA
Non"etallic ?8RP@ co"&onents suc) as &ressure essels% stora(e tan-s% and &i&in(% are t'&icall' used at relati el' lo, te"&eratureA Due to )i() attenuation and anisotro&' o. t)e "aterial% AE "et)odolo(' )as &ro en to *e "ore e..ecti e t)an ot)er NDE "et)odsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
III#1FGG Lo, a"&litude t)res)old ?LAT@ s)all *e deter"ined usin( t)e G .t *' 4 .t *' 1V2 inA ?1A2 " 1A3 " 1F ""@ 22O &ure lead s)eetA T)e s)eet s)all *e sus&ended clear o. t)e !oorA T)e LAT t)res)old is de!ned as t)e a era(e "easured a"&litude o. ten e ents (enerated *' a 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *rea- at a distance o. G .t% F inA ?1AF "@ .ro" t)e sensorA All lead *rea-s s)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ lead e!tensionA T)e sensor s)all *e "ounted 4 inA ?110 ""@ .ro" t)e G .t ?1A2 "@ side and "id#distance *et,een 4 .t ?1A3 "@ sidesA
III#1F12AG +i() a"&litude AE acti it' ?o er +i() A"&litude T)res)old@ is associated ,it) !*er *rea-a(e and is an indication o. si(ni!cant structural da"a(eA
III#1FG1 +i() a"&litude t)res)old ?+AT@ s)all *e deter"ined usin( a 10 .t *' 2 inA *' 12 inA ?FA0 "10 ""F00 ""@ clean% "ild steel *arA T)e *ar s)all *e su&&orted at eac) end on elasto"eric or si"ilar isolatin( &adsA T)e +AT t)res)old is de!ned as t)e a era(e "easured a"&litude o. ten e ents (enerated *' a 0AF "" &encil ?2+@ lead *reaat a distance o. 5 .t ?2A1 "@ .ro" t)e sensorA All lead *rea-s s)all *e done at an an(le o. a&&ro!i"atel' F0 de( to t)e sur.ace ,it) a 0A1 inA ?2A1 ""@ e!tensionA T)e sensor s)all *e "ounted 12 inA ?F00 ""@ .ro" t)e end o. t)e *ar on t)e 2 inA ?10 ""@ ,ide sur.aceA
See A&&endi! VII .or de!nitions o. ter"s s&eci!c to t)is A&&endi!A III#1F10 III#1F11 EVAL<ATION0RES<LTS E aluation Criteria
IENERAL Tec)niJues
T)e "onitorin( &rocedure ?T#1F10@ s)all s&eci.' t)e acce&tance criteriaA III#1F11A1 AE acti it' a*o e de!ned le els indicates t)at da"a(e is occurrin(A III#1F11A2 8elicit' ratio .ro" su*seJuent loadin(s to a de!ned le el can indicate t)e a"ount o. &re ious da"a(eA III#1F11AF E"ission acti it' durin( &eriods o. contact load indicates t)at da"a(e is occurrin( at an accelerat# in( rateA
Li"ited Done "onitorin( is acco"&lis)ed *' installin( sensors in or around t)e area o. interestA Si(nals ori(inatin( .ro" outside t)e area o. interest are e!cluded .ro" t)e anal'sis usin( tec)niJues suc) as trian(ulation% a"&litude discri"ination% coincidence detection% or si(nal arri al seJuenceA
III#1F12Source Mec)anis" III#1F12A1 Matri! crac-in(% !*er de*ondin(% and "atri! craDin( are c)aracteriDed *' nu"erous lo, a"&li# tude acoustic e"ission si(nalsA Matri! crac-in( and !*er de*ondin( are (enerall' t)e !rst indications o. .ailureA Matri! craDin( is nor"all' an indication o. corrosion or e!cessi e t)er"al stressA
One co""on si(nal arri al seJuence tec)niJue uses (uard sensors to li"it t)e area o. interestA T)e (uard sensor tec)niJue in ol es &lacin( additional sensors .urt)er out# side t)e area o. interest t)an t)e detection sensorsA Si(nals arri in( at a (uard sensor *e.ore an' o. t)e detection sen# sors are reSectedA Si(nals ori(inatin( .ro" ,it)in t)e area o. interest arri e at a detection sensor *e.ore an' o. t)e (uard sensors and are acce&ted *' t)e data acJuisition and anal'sis &rocessA
IV#1FFF III#1F12A2 Dela"ination is c)aracteriDed *' )i() si(nal stren(t)% "ediu" a"&litude AE acti it'A T)is t'&e o. .ail# ure is t'&icall' .ound at Soints ,it) secondar' *ondsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Ot)er Tec)niJues
T)e &recedin( descri&tions o. t'&ical li"ited Done "oni# torin( tec)niJues s)all not &reclude t)e use o. ot)er tec)# niJues to &ro ide t)is .unctionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
L)en li"ited Done "onitorin( is intended% t)e tec)niJue used to acco"&lis) t)is .unction s)all *e descri*ed in t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A An' tec)niJue% or co"*ination o. tec)niJues% "a' *e utiliDed to acco"&lis) li"ited Done "onitorin( &ro ided t)e tec)niJue?s@ is descri*ed in t)e a&&lica*le &rocedureA
)ostile en iron"entsA As used )erein% )i() te"&erature "eans as an' a&&lication ,)ere t)e sur.ace to *e "onitored ,ill e!ceed F00[8 ?110[C@% ,)ic) is t)e no"inal u&&er te"&erature li"it .or "ost (eneral &ur&ose AE sensorsA Ot)er )ostile en iron"ents include corrosi e en iron# "ents% )i() a&or at"os&)eres% nuclear radiation% etcA
L)ere a&&ro&riate% redundant sensors s)ould *e used to &ro ide additional assurance t)at t)e .ailure o. a sin(le sensor ,ill not &reclude continued o&eration o. t)e AE s'ste" t)rou()out t)e s&eci!ed "onitorin( &eriodA
S'ste" Cali*ration
Durin( t)e s'ste" cali*ration &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) T#1F42% t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e li"ited Done "onitor# in( tec)niJue?s@ s)all *e de"onstrated *' introducin( arti# !cial AE si(nals *ot) inside and outside t)e area o. interestA T)e AE s'ste" s)all acce&t at least 20O o. t)e si(nals t)at ori(inate inside t)e area o. interest% and reSect at least 20O o. t)e si(nals t)at ori(inate outside t)e area o. interestA Suc) si(nal discri"ination "a' *e acco"&lis)ed usin( an' o. t)e tec)niJues listed a*o e as s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedure ?T#1F10@A
8or )i() te"&erature a&&lications% s&ecial )i() te"&era# ture sensors s)all *e usedA T)ere are t,o *asic t'&es o. sensors .or suc) a&&licationsA Sur.ace "ounted sensors constructed to ,it)stand )i() te"&eratures and ,a e(uide sensors ,)ic) re"o e t)e sensorEs &ieDoelectric sensor .ro" t)e )i() te"&erature en iron"ent t)rou() t)e use o. a connectin( ,a e(uideA A t)in% so.t "etal% inter.ace la'er *et,een t)e sensor and t)e co"&onent sur.ace )as &ro en e..ecti e .or reducin( t)e inter.ace &ressure reJuired to ac)ie e adeJuate acoustic cou&lin(A
Sensors to *e "ounted directl' on t)e sur.ace s)all *e e aluated .or t)eir ca&a*ilit' to ,it)stand t)e en iron"ent .or t)e duration o. t)e &lanned "onitorin( &eriodA So"e sensors rated .or )i() te"&erature ser ice are li"ited in t)e ti"e .or ,)ic) t)e' can sur i e continuous e!&osure at t)eir rated te"&eratureA
EVAL<ATION 0RES<LTS V#1F22 La e(uide Sensors T)e ,a e(uide sensors descri*ed *elo, are suita*le .or )ostile en iron"ent a&&lications ,)ere t)e sensor unit ?&ieDoelectric cr'stal and 20 dB &rea"&li!er@ can *e &laced in a less )ostile en iron"ent PeA(A% lo,er te"&erature o. a*out 200[8 ?21[C@Q t)rou() t)e use o. a ,a e(uide no "ore t)an 20 .t ?4 "@ lon(A T)e len(t) o. t)e ,a e(uide is not an a*soluteR )o,e er% as t)e ,a e(uide len(t) increases% t)e si(nal attenuation in t)e ,a e(uide also increasesA La e(uide sensors are a s&ecial t'&e o. sensor used .or )ostile en iron"entsA A t'&e o. ,a e(uide sensor t)at )as *een used e..ecti el' to "onitor co"&onents ,it) sur.ace te"&eratures to 1300[8 ?230[C@ is s)o,n in 8i(A V#1F22A A ,a e(uide 20 .t ?4 "@ lon( ,as used to "o e t)e sensor unit ?&ieDoelectric cr'stal and 20 dB &rea"&li!er@ a,a' .ro" t)e )i() te"&erature to an en iron"ent o. a*out 200[8 ?2F[C@A T)e sensor ,as still e!&osed to a nuclear radiation en iron"ent o. a*out G1%000 Rad 0 )r (ross (a""aA L)en "onitorin( ,as co"&leted a.ter 120 da's% t)e sensors ,ere still o&eratin( ,it) no e idence o. deterio# rationA T)ese sensor t'&es )a e *een used in arious a&&li# cations ,it) ,a e(uide len(t)s ran(in( .ro" 2 to 20 .t
Data &rocessin( and inter&retation s)all *e &er.or"ed consistent ,it) t)e o*Secti es o. li"ited Done "onitorin(A Precautions s)all *e ta-en to con!r" t)at si(nals ori(inat# in( .ro" inside t)e area o. interest are not con.used ,it) si(nals ori(inatin( .ro" outside t)e area o. interestA Care s)all also *e ta-en to c)ec- t)at t)e s'ste"Es a*ilit' to "onitor t)e area o. interest ,as not co"&ro"ised *' e!ces# si e noise .ro" outside t)e area o. interestA
All re&orts o. data acJuired usin( t)e li"ited Done "oni# torin( a&&roac) s)all clearl' and accuratel' identi.' t)e e..ecti e area o. interestA
T)is A&&endi! s&eci!es su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or continuous AE "onitorin( o. &ressure containin( co"&o# nents durin( o&eration at )i() te"&eratures and in ot)er
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?0A4 " to 4 "@ .or &eriods u& to 21V2 'ears% and t)e attenua# tion in a 1V3 inA ?F ""@ dia"eter T'&e F03 stainless steel ,a e(uide )as *een "easured to *e 0AG1 dB 0.t ?1A1 dB0"@A
0A01 inA ?1A21 ""@% F0 l*#. ?0A1F -N@ .or t)e "ountin( !!ture &ro ides t)e reJuired inter.ace &ressureA V#1F2G Si(nal Ca*les
Sensor Monitorin( to T#1FF2AF .or a discussion o. sensor "ountin(A Most e!tre"e te"&erature a&&lications reJuire "ec)anical "ountin( ,it) &ressure cou&lin( o. t)e sensors due to t)e te"&erature li"itations o. (lues or e&o!iesA A sensor "ountin( !!ture )eld in &lace *' stainless steel *ands or "a(nets )as &ro en to *e e..ecti eR )o,e er% i. "a(nets are used% t)e a*ilit' o. t)e "a(net to retain its "a(netic &ro&erties in t)e te"&erature en iron"ent "ust *e e alu# atedA T)e !!ture s)o,n in 8i(A V#1F2F )as *een success# .ull' used in a ariet' o. ,a e(uide sensor a&&licationsA T)is !!ture desi(n &ro ides a constant load on t)e ,a e(uide ti& a(ainst t)e co"&onent sur.ace t)rou() t)e use o. a s&rin(A It )as *een .ound t)rou() &ractice t)at an inter.ace &ressure o. a*out 14%000 &si ?110 MPa@ is reJuired .or (ood acoustic cou&lin(A 8or t)e ,a e#(uide sensor s)o,n in 8i(A V#1F22 ,it) a ,a e(uide ti& dia"eter o.
S&ecial coa!ial ca*les rated .or t)e e!&ected te"&erature s)all *e used to conduct AE si(nal in.or"ation .ro" t)e AE sensor to a location outside o. t)e en iron"entA also to T#1FFF and T#1FG3A
T)is A&&endi! s&eci!es su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or continuous AE "onitorin( o. "etallic and non#"etallic co"&onents to detect lea-s .ro" t)e &ressure *oundar'A T)e o*Secti e in e!a"inin( t)e &ressure *oundar' o. s's# te"s and co"&onents is to assess t)e lea- inte(rit' and identi.' t)e lea-a(e areaA T)e reJuire"ents o. A&&endi! I M Nuclear Co"&onents and A&&endi! V M +ostile
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
VI#1FF1A1 Sensor selection s)all *e *ased on consider# ation o. t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ center .reJuenc' ?*@ *and,idt) ?c@ ru((edness ?d@ res&onse to te"&erature ?e@ )u"idit' ?.@ a*ilit' o. ca*les and &rea"&li!ers to ,it)stand t)e s&eci!c en iron"ent <sin( a si"ulation% sensor res&onse c)aracteristics and cur es o. lea- rate sA acoustic si(nal intensit' s)all *e deter"ined *e.ore installation to "a!i"iDe t)e utilit' o. t)e in.or"ation in t)e acoustic si(nalA
VI#1FF1A2 Sensors not s&eci!ed in t)is A&&endi! "a' *e used i. t)e' )a e *een s)o,n to *e a&&ro&riate .or t)e a&&lication and "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA Alternate sensors% suc) as accelero"eters% "icro&)ones% and )'dro&)ones s)all *e includedA
La e(uide
La e(uides "a' *e used to isolate t)e sensor .ro" )ostile en iron"ents suc) as )i() te"&eratures or nuclear radiation .or nuclear reactor a&&licationsA En iron"ent A&&lications "a' also *e a&&lica*leA SE#1211 s)ould *e consulted as a (eneral re.erenceA VI#1FF2A1 La e(uide installations s)all consider t)e .ollo,in( ,a e(uide &ara"eters6 ?a@ len(t) ?*@ dia"eter ?c@ sur.ace !nis) ?d@ "aterial o. construction ?iAeA% .erritic steel% stainless steel% alu"inu"% and cera"ic "aterials@ La e(uides )a in( 1V3 inA to 1V2 inA ?F "" to 1F ""@ in dia"eter and u& to 10 inA ?210 ""@ in len(t) )a e *een s)o,n to *e e..ecti e and s)all *e usedA
T)e desire to en)ance lea- detection ca&a*ilities )as led to researc) to i"&ro e acoustic lea- detection tec)nolo(' includin( tec)nolo(' t)at is a&&lica*le to t)e &ressure *oundar' o. nuclear reactorsA Se eral "et)ods are a aila*le .or detectin( lea-s in &ressure *oundar' co"&onents includin( "onitorin( acoustic noise due to !uid !o, at a lea-a(e siteA T)e ad anta(es o. acoustic "onitorin( are ra&id res&onse to t)e &resence o. a lea- and t)e ca&a*ilit' to acJuire Juantitati e in.or"ation a*out a lea-A Acoustic lea- detection "et)ods "a' *e used to detect (as% stea"% ,ater% and c)e"ical lea-s .or *ot) nuclear and non#nuclear a&&licationsA
AE sensors ,it) -no,n sensiti it' in t)e .reJuenc' ran(e 200 -+D to 100 -+D s)all *e used in t)e &resence o. )i() *ac-(round noiseA 8or co"&onents in t)e &resence o. lo, *ac-(round noise% "onitorin( s)all *e carried out at lo,er .reJuenciesA Lea- detection at .reJuencies *elo, 100 -+D and as lo, as 1 -+D "a' *e necessar' .or leadetection ,it) non#"etallic co"&onentsA
VI#1FF2A2 Cou&lin(A A&&endi! V% &araA V#1F2F descri*es one "et)od .or "ountin( t)e ,a e(uideA Ot)ers t)at )a e *een s)o,n e..ecti e are6 ?a@ ,eld t)e ,a e(uide to t)e &ressure *oundar' ?*@ scre, t)e ,a e(uide into a &late attac)ed to t)e order to "ec)anicall' &ress t)e ,a e(uide a(ainst t)e "etal co"&onent ?c@ scre, t)e ,a e(uide directl' into t)e &ressure *oundar' co"&onent ?d@ attac) t)e sensor directl' to t)e co"&onent Eit)er (old .oil or rounded ,a e(uide ti&s )a e *een s)o,n to *e e..ecti e ,)en "ec)anicall' cou&lin( t)e ,a e(uide to t)e &ressure *oundar' co"&onentA Occassio# nall'% sensors are "ounted and &assed t)rou() t)e &ressure *oundar' o. a co"&onent in order to )a e t)e sensor in t)e &rocess !uidA T)e sensor?s@ s)all t)en *e ca&a*le o. ,it)standin( t)e a"*ient ser ice en iron"ent o. t)e &ro# cess !uidA In addition% a' anal'sis .or installation and "onitorin( o. t)e s'ste" s)all *e &er.or"edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Electronic 8ilters
T)e res&onse o. t)e electronic !lter?s@ s)all *e adSusta*le to ac)ie e t)e selected "onitorin( .reJuenc' ran(e o. o&er# ation as needed ?see A&&endi! I@A 8reJuenc' *and,idt)s in t)e ran(e o. 200U210 -+D s)ould *e a aila*le .or )i() *ac-(round noise en iron"ents and 1U200 -+D .or lo, *ac-(round noise en iron"entsA
si(nal o er *ac-(round noiseA T)e si(nal increase s)all *e at least F dB or (reater a*o e *ac-(round .or a &eriod o. at least F0 "inA
Lea- Location
A cali*ration &rocedure s)all *e esta*lis)ed and s)all incor&orate eit)er t)e &encil#lead *rea- and 0or (as Set tec)# niJues decri*ed in T#1F40 and A&&endi! IA
Cali*ration C)ec-s
Sensor cali*ration c)ec-s "a' *e conducted *' electron# icall' &ulsin( one o. t)e sensors ,)ile detectin( t)e associ# ated acoustic ,a e ,it) t)e ot)er sensorsA
T)e (eneral location o. a lea- can *e esta*lis)ed *' t)e anal'sis o. t)e relati e a"&litude o. t)e RMS si(nals recei ed *' t)e sensor?s@A Lea- location "a' also *e deter# "ined *' cross#correlation anal'sis o. si(nals recei ed at sensors% to eit)er side o. t)e lea- siteA L)en lea-a(e loca# tion accurac' is desired% it "a' *e necessar' to s&atiall' a era(e t)e correlo(ra"s o. t)e acoustic si(nals at eac) sensor site *' installin( an arra' o. sensorsA A "ini"u" o. t)ree ,a e(uides% se&arated *' a "ini"u" o. 10 c" PG inA ?100 ""@Q% is reJuired .or a era(in( o. correlo(ra"sA T)is allo,s nine correlo(ra"s to *e (enerated and a er# a(ed .or eac) &air o. sensor locationsA Sel.#c)ec-in( and cali*ration .or t)e s'ste" s)all *e in accordance ,it) VI#1FG0A I. acoustic *ac-(round le els are relati el' con# stant% t)e' "a' also *e used to deter"ine ,)et)er a &ro*e is .ailin(A
VI#1F10 VI#1F11
In order to i"&le"ent an acoustic lea- detection and location s'ste"% t)e .ollo,in( &reli"inar' ste&s s)all *e acco"&lis)edA ?a@ identi.' t)e acoustic recei er sites ?*@ deter"ine t)e s&acin( *et,een ,a e(uides or sensors ?c@ "eet t)e sensiti it' needs .or t)e s'ste" reJuire# "ents ?d@ esta*lis) t)e le el o. *ac-(round noise ?e@ esti"ate si(nal#to#noise ratios as a .unction o. dis# tance and le el o. *ac-(round noise .or acoustic si(nals in t)e .reJuenc' ran(e selected
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nitions o. ter"s t)at a&&ear in Article 1F% Continuous Acoustic E"ission Moni# torin(A
A cali*ration &rocedure s)all *e esta*lis)edA Durin( t)e "onitorin( &eriod% a sel.#c)ec-in( s'ste" s)all *e &er# .or"ed to assure t)e s'ste" is .unctionin( &ro&erl'A
T)e acoustic eJui&"ent Juali!cation and cali*ration data reJuire"ents s)all *e in accordance ,it) T#1F22A
?a@ T)e Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations ?ASTM E 1F14@ )as *een ado&ted *' t)e Co""ittee as SE#1F14A ?*@ SE#1F14 &ro ides t)e de!nitions o. ter"s listed in VII#1FF0?a@A ?c@ 8or (eneral ter"s% suc) as Inter&retation% 8la,% Dis# continuit'% E aluation% etcA% to Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! IA ?d@ Para(ra&) VII#1FF0?*@ &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!nitions t)at are in addition to SE#1F14 and are Code s&eci!cA
VI#1F40 VI#1F41
Detection o. a lea- or lea-a(e indication near or at a sensor site ,ill *e indicated *' an increase in t)e RMS
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ All o. t)e ter"s listed in SE#1F14 are used in con# Sunction ,it) t)is ArticleA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 AE Monitor6 all o. t)e electronic instru"entation and eJui&"ent ?e!ce&t sensors and ca*les@ used to detect% ana# l'De% dis&la'% and record AE si(nalsA Continuous Monitorin(6 t)e &rocess o. "onitorin( a &ressure *oundar' continuousl' to detect acoustic e"ission durin( &lant startu&% o&eration% and s)utdo,nA dBAE6 t)e &ea- olta(e a"&litude o. t)e acoustic e"is# sion si(nal ,a e.or" e!&ressed *' t)e eJuation dB AE & 20 lo( V 0VRe.% ,)ere VRe. is 1 V out o. t)e AE sensor cr'stalA Li"ited None Monitorin(6 t)e &rocess o. "onitorin( onl' a s&eci!call' de!ned &ortion o. t)e &ressure *oundar' *' usin( eit)er t)e sensor arra' con!(uration% controlla*le instru"entation &ara"eters% or *ot) to li"it t)e area *ein( "onitoredA
Penetrations6 In nuclear a&&lications% t)e ter" &enetra# tions re.ers to ste&#&lu(s containin( electronic instru"enta# tion ca*le sections installed t)rou() s)ieldin( or contain"ent ,alls to &er"it &assin( instru"entation &o,er and in.or"ation si(nals t)rou() t)ese &rotecti e ,alls ,it)out co"&ro"isin( t)e &rotecti e inte(rit' o. t)e ,allA Plant 0Plant S'ste"6 t)e co"&lete &ressure *oundar' s'ste" includin( a&&urtenances% accessories% and controls t)at constitute an o&erational entit'A Plant O&eration6 nor"al o&eration includin( &lant ,ar"u&% startu&% s)utdo,n% and an' &ressure or ot)er sti"# uli induced to test t)e &ressure *oundar' .or &ur&oses ot)er t)an t)e sti"ulation o. AE sourcesA Sensor Arra'6 "ulit&le AE sensors arran(ed in a (eo"et# rical con!(uration t)at is desi(ned to &ro ide AE source detection 0location .or a (i en &lant co"&onent or &ressure *oundar' area to *e "onitoredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e &ro isions o. t)is Article .or Juali.'in( nondestruc# ti e e!a"ination ?NDE@ s'ste"s are "andator' ,)en s&e# ci!call' in o-ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T)e Manu.acturer% e!a"ination or(aniDation% o,ner% or ot)er user o. t)is Article is res&onsi*le .or Juali.'in( t)e e!a"i# nation tec)niJue% eJui&"ent% and ,ritten &rocedure in con# .or"ance ,it) t)is ArticleA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all *e consulted .or t)e .ollo,in( s&eci!c detailed reJuire"ents6 ?a@ &ersonnel certi!cation reJuire"ents or &rereJuisites .or Juali!cation under t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is Article ?*@ e!a"ination &lannin(% includin( t)e e!tent o. e!a"# ination ?c@ acce&tance criteria .or e aluatin( !a,s identi!ed durin( e!a"ination ?d@ le el o. ri(or reJuired .or Juali!cation ?e@ e!a"ination sensiti it'% suc) as &ro*a*ilit' o. detec# tion and siDin( accurac' ?.@ records% and record retention reJuire"ents
?d@ antici&ated de(radation "ec)anis" ?e@ NDE res&onse *' "or&)olo(' and0or &roduct .or" T#1G2F Per.or"ance De"onstration
T#1G20 T#1G21
T)e Juali!cation &rocess% as set .ort) in t)is Article% in ol es t)e e aluation o. (eneral% tec)nical% and &er.or"# ance#*ased e idence &resented ,it)in t)e docu"ented tec)nical Susti!cation% and ,)en reJuired% a *lind or non# *lind &er.or"ance de"onstrationA
Tec)nical ;usti!cation
T)e tec)nical Susti!cation is a ,ritten re&ort &ro idin( a detailed e!&lanation o. t)e ,ritten e!a"ination &roce# dure% t)e underl'in( t)eor' o. t)e e!a"ination "et)od% and an' la*orator' e!&eri"ents or !eld e!a"inations t)at su&&ort t)e ca&a*ilities o. t)e e!a"ination "et)odA T)e tec)nical Susti!cation &ro ides t)e tec)nical *asis and rationale .or t)e Juali!cation% includin(6 ?a@ "at)e"atical "odelin( ?*@ !eld e!&erience ?c@ test )ierarc)' ran-in(
T)e &er.or"ance de"onstration esta*lis)es t)e a*ilit' o. a s&eci!c e!a"ination s'ste" to ac)ie e a' &ro*a*ilit' o. detection ?POD@% *' a&&lication o. t)e e!a"# ination s'ste" on !a,ed test s&eci"ensA T)e de"onstra# tion test results are used to &lot t)e POD cur e and deter"ine t)e .alse call &ro*a*ilit' ?8CP@ .or esta*lis)in( con!dence li"itationsA ?a@ T)e test s&eci"ens s)all re&licate t)e o*Sect to *e e!a"ined to t)e (reatest e!tent &racticalA Si"&li!ed test s&eci"ens re&resentati e o. an actual !eld situation "a' *e usedA T)e use o. s&eci"ens ,it) -no,n% identi!ed !a,s is &re.erred% and "a' *e essential .or t)e "ost ri(orous Juali!cation &rocessA A )ierarc)' o. test s&eci"en !a,s "a' *e used to "ini"iDe Juali!cations ,)en tec)nicall' Susti!ed ?iAeA% de"onstrations on "ore c)allen(in( de(rada# tion "ec)anis"s "a' satis.' Juali!cation reJuire"ents .or less c)allen(in( "ec)anis"s@A ?*@ L)en t)e' su.!cientl' re&licate t)e o*Sect to *e tested% &er.or"ance de"onstrations o. a li"ited sco&e "a' *e used to "ini"iDe t)e costs in ol ed% and .acilitate s&eci# "en a aila*ilit'A T)e tec)nical Susti!cation "ust su&&ort an' li"itations to t)e sco&e o. &er.or"ance de"onstra# tionsA ?c@ Personnel Juali!cation s)all *e *ased u&on *lind testin(% e!ce&t ,)ere s&eci!call' e!e"&ted *' t)e re.erenc# in( Code SectionA ?d@ T)e le el o. ri(or a&&lied to t)e &er.or"ance de"on# stration "a' ar' .ro" a si"&le de"onstration on a .e, !a,s% to an e!tensi e test usin( )undreds o. !a,sA T)e le el o. ri(or "a' also ar' *et,een Juali!cations .or t)e ,ritten &rocedure and e!a"ination &ersonnelA More ri(orous &rocedure Juali!cations can *e *ene!cial .or t)e .ollo,in( reasons6 ?1@ i"&ro ed &ass#.ail rates .or &ersonnelR ?2@ reduced sco&e .or *lind &ersonnel Juali!cation testin(R ?F@ *etter understandin( o. t)e correlation *et,een t)e &rocedure and t)e da"a(e "ec)anis"s o. interestR ?G@ "ore relia*le ,ritten &roceduresA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Le els o. Ri(or
Kuali!cation is &er.or"ed at one o. t)ree le els o. ri(orA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all in o-e t)e reJuired le el o. ri(or% to eri.' t)e e!a"ination s'ste" ca&a*ilit' to detect and siDe t'&ical !a,s .or t)e da"a(e "ec)anis"s o. interest% de&endin( u&on t)eir locations and c)aracteris# ticsA L)en not ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e le el o. ri(or s)all *e set *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e interested &artiesA T)e t)ree le els o. ri(or are6 ?a@ Lo, Ri(or ?Tec)nical ;usti!cation onl'@6 T)e reJuire"ent .or t)is le el o. ri(or is a' tec)nical Susti!cation re&ortA No &er.or"ance de"onstrations are reJuired .or Juali!cation o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste"A ?*@ Inter"ediate Ri(or% ?Li"ited Per.or"ance De"on# stration@6 T)e reJuire"ents .or t)is le el o. ri(or are a' tec)nical Susti!cation re&ort% and t)e success.ul &er.or"ance o. a de"onstration test ?*lind or non#*lind@ on a li"ited nu"*er o. test s&eci"ensA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all esta*lis) t)e sco&e o. de"onstration reJuire"ents% and sets acce&ta*le POD and 8CP scores .or Juali!cationA L)en not ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e Juali!ca# tion criteria s)all *e set *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e inter# ested &artiesA ?c@ +i() Ri(or% ?8ull Per.or"ance De"onstration@6 T)e reJuire"ents .or t)is le el o. ri(or are a' tec)ni# cal Susti!cation re&ort% and t)e success.ul &er.or"ance o. *lind de"onstration testsA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all esta*lis) t)e sco&e o. de"onstration reJuire"ents% and sets acce&ta*le POD and 8CP scores .or Juali!cationA L)en not ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e Juali!cation criteria s)all *e set *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e interested &artiesA A su.!cient nu"*er o. test s&eci"ens s)all *e e aluated to e..ecti el' esti"ate siDin( error distri*utions% and deter# "ine an accurate POD .or s&eci!c de(radation "ec)anis"s or !a, t'&es and siDesA A )i() ri(or &er.or"ance de"on# stration is (enerall' reJuired to su&&ort a Pro*a*ilistic RisAssess"entA
?.@ Conduct t)e &er.or"ance de"onstrationA ?(@ Conduct t)e &ersonnel Juali!cationsA ?)@ Co"&ile% docu"ent% and e aluate t)e resultsA ?i@ Deter"ine Juali!cation status% *ased u&on a !nal e aluationA
T)e eJui&"ent used .or t)e &er.or"ance de"onstration o. an e!a"ination s'ste" s)all *e as s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure and t)e tec)nical Susti!cationA A.ter Juali!cation o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste"% t)e use o. di..erent e!a"ination eJui&"ent "a' reJuire reJuali!cation ?see T#1GGF@A
T#1GG0 T#1GG1
Prior to Juali!cation o. an' e!a"ination s'ste"% re(ard# less o. t)e le el o. ri(or% a tec)nical Susti!cation re&ort s)all *e &re&ared and recei e a&&ro al *' a Le el III certi!ed .or t)e s&eci!c "et)od to *e a&&liedA T)e tec)nical Susti!ca# tion re&ort s)all *e re ie,ed and acce&ted *' t)e o,ner o. t)e o*Sect o. interest and% ,)ere a&&lica*le% to t)e ;uris# diction% Aut)oriDed Ins&ection A(enc' ?AIA@% inde&endent t)ird &art'% e!a"ination endor% or ot)er in ol ed &art'A Acce&tance o. t)is re&ort *' t)e in ol ed &arties is t)e "ini"u" reJuire"ent .or Juali!cation o. an e!a"ination s'ste" at t)e lo,est le el o. ri(orA T)e tec)nical Susti!ca# tion re&ort s)all address t)e .ollo,in( "ini"u" to&ics6
T)e reco""ended ste&s .or &lannin( and co"&letin( t)e Juali!cation de"onstration% as a&&lica*le% are6 ?a@ Asse"*le all necessar' in&ut in.or"ation concern# in( t)e co"&onent% de.ect t'&es% da"a(e "ec)anis" o. interest% and o*Secti es .or t)e e!a"ination and Juali!ca# tion o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste"A ?*@ Re ie, t)e ,ritten &rocedure to eri.' its suita*ilit' .or t)e intended a&&licationA ?c@ De elo& t)e tec)nical Susti!cation .or t)e e!a"ina# tion "et)od to *e usedA ?d@ Deter"ine t)e reJuired le el o. ri(or .or t)e &er# .or"ance de"onstrationA ?e@ De elo& &er.or"ance de"onstration criteria usin( t)e a&&lica*le re.erencesA
T#1GG1A1 Descri&tion o. Co"&onent08la,s to *e E!a"inedA T)e co"&onent desi(n% ran(e o. siDes% .a*rica# tion !a, )istor'% and an' antici&ated da"a(e "ec)anis"s ?.or in#ser ice e aluations@ .or t)e o*Sect o. interest s)all *e anal'Ded to deter"ine t)e sco&e o. t)e e!a"inations% t)e t'&es and siDes o. critical !a,s to *e detected% and t)e &ro*a*le location o. !a,sA T)e sco&e o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all de!ne t)e li"its .or a&&lication o. t)e &rocedure ?eA(A% "aterials% t)ic-ness% dia"eter% &roduct .or"% accessi*ilit'% e!a"ination li"itations% etcA@A ?a@ T)e !a,s o. interest to *e detectedR t)eir e!&ected locations% t)res)old detection siDe% critical !a, siDe% orien# tation% and s)a&e s)all *e deter"ined% ser in( as a (uideline .or de elo&"ent o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA Critical !a, siDes ?calculated .ro" .racture "ec)anics anal'sis@ and crac- (ro,t) rates are i"&ortant considerations .or deter"inin( !a, recordin( and e aluation criteriaA T)e "ini"u" recorda*le !a, siDe "ust *e s"aller t)an t)e critical !a, siDe% and include consideration o. t)e esti"ated or o*ser ed crac- (ro,t) rates and t)e o*ser ed Jualit' o. ,or-"ans)i& durin( .a*ricationA 8la, e aluation "ust *e *ased u&on &recludin( t)e .or"ation o. criticall' siDed !a,s &rior to t)e ne!t ins&ection% or .or t)e esti"ated re"ainin( li.e o. t)e o*Sect durin( nor"al o&erationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ O*Sect or tec)niJue (eo"etr'% en iron"ental condi# tions% e!a"ination li"itations% and "etallur(ical conditions "a' li"it t)e accessi*ilit' .or e aluatin( t)e o*SectA E!a"i# nation &rocedure or eJui&"ent "odi!cations "a' *e reJuired to (ain access to t)e area o. interest to *e e!a"inedA ?c@ T)e acce&tance criteria .or t)e de"onstration s)all *e &ro idedA ?d@ Additional issues to consider .or inclusion in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation "a' include6 ?1@ )istorical e..ecti eness o. &rocedureR ?2@ docu"entation .or &rior de"onstrationsR ?F@ e!tent o. &rior round ro*in testsR ?G@ o*ser ed !a, detection rates% &ro*a*ilit' o. detection% and .alse call ratesR ?1@ acce&ta*le reSection0acce&tance ratesR and ?4@ siDin( accurac'A
T#1GG1AG Descri&tion o. E!a"ination Tec)niJuesA A Susti!cation .or t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e selected e!a"ina# tion tec)niJue used in t)e ,ritten &rocedure .or detectin( !a,s o. interest s)all *e includedA T)e sensiti it' settin(s .or recordin( !a,s% !a, orientation% critical !a, siDe% antici&ated de(radation "ec)anis" ?.or in#ser ice a&&lica# tions@% and t)e in!uence o. "etallur(ical and (eo"etric a..ects s)all *e addressed in t)e Susti!cationA A descri&tion o. t)e "et)od .or distin(uis)in( *et,een rele ant and non# rele ant indications% Susti!cation .or sensiti it' settin(s% and t)e criteria .or c)aracteriDin( and siDin( !a,s s)all *e includedA
T#1GG1A2 O er ie, o. E!a"ination S'ste"A A (en# eral descri&tion o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste"% ,it) su.!cient detail to distin(uis) it .ro" ot)er s'ste"s% s)all *e included ,it)in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation re&ortA T)e descri&tion s)all include% as a&&lica*le% siDin( tec)niJues% recordin( t)res)olds% and tec)niJues to *e used .or inter&retin( indi# cationsA I. a co"*ination o. eJui&"ent is used% t)e a&&lica# *le conditions .or s&eci!c eJui&"ent co"*inations s)all *e adeJuatel' descri*edA
T#1GG1AF Descri&tion o. In!uential Para"etersA T)e in!uence o. ins&ection &ara"eters on t)e e!a"ination s's# te" s)all *e considered% includin( eJui&"ent selection% sensiti ities% instru"ent settin(s% data anal'sis% and &erson# nel Juali!cationsA T)e Susti!cation .or &ara"eter selections s)all *e *ased u&on t)e !a,s o. interest% and include an e!&lanation o. ,)' t)e selected &ara"eters ,ill *e e..ecti e .or t)e &articular e!a"ination and e!&ected !a,sA ?a@ Procedure reJuire"ents% includin( essential ari# a*les to *e addressed% "a' *e .ound in t)e Mandator' A&&endi! associated ,it) t)e e!a"ination "et)od% or in t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA ?*@ Personnel certi!cation reJuire"ents% in addition to "et)od s&eci!c Le el II or III certi!cation% "a' *e ad is# a*le under so"e conditionsA L)en usin( esta*lis)ed tec)# niJues .or a lo, ri(or a&&lication ?eA(A% .or e!a"ination o. "ore readil' detected da"a(e "ec)anis"s% or ,)ere less critical co"&onents are in ol ed@ a "et)od s&eci!c Le el II or III certi!cation is adeJuateA L)en an inter"edi# ate or )i() ri(or a&&lication is reJuired% additional &erson# nel reJuire"ents s)all *e considered and% i. reJuired% so s&eci!edA T)is "a' include Juantitati e ris- *ased criteria .or t)e selection o. co"&onents to *e e!a"ined% or co"&le# tion o. a *lind &er.or"ance de"onstrationA 8or e!a"ina# tion tec)niJues &er.or"ed *' a tea" o. e!a"iners% t)e s&eci!c Juali!cation reJuire"ents .or eac) tea" "e"*er s)all *e addressedA
T#1GG1A1 O&tional To&ics .or Tec)nical ;usti!ca# tionA T)e .ollo,in( to&ics "a' *e addressed ,it)in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation to i"&ro e t)e understandin( o. t)e tec)niJues to *e a&&liedA ?a@ Descri&tion o. E!a"ination Modelin(A A descri&tion o. t)e e!a"ination "odelin( used to de elo& t)e &rocedure% &lot indications% &redict !a, res&onses% desi(n "oc-u&s% s)o, co era(e% and Juali.' ,ritten &rocedures "a' *e includedA Models are reJuired to *e alidated *e.ore useA T)e re.erencin( Code Section s)all esta*lis) t)e criteria .or alidatin( "odelsA L)en not ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e "odelin( alidation criteria s)all *e set *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e interested &artiesA Models can *e used ,it) Juali!ed ,ritten &rocedures to de"onstrate t)e antici&ated e..ecti eness o. &rocedure re isions ,)en &ara"eters suc) as (eo"etr'% an(le% siDe% and access li"itations are c)an(edA T)e ,ritten &rocedure "a' *e Juali!ed or reJual# i!ed usin( a "ini"u" nu"*er o. "oc-u&s ,it) adeJuate Susti!cationA ?*@ Descri&tion o. Procedure E!&erienceA Prior e!&eri# ence ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure "a' *e included in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation% and used to su&&ort re isions to t)e &rocedureA Docu"entation o. si"ilar de"onstrations rele ant to t)e &ro&osed e!a"ination "a' *e includedA E!&eri"ental e idence to s)o, t)e e..ect o. a&&lica*le aria*les "a' also *e cited and considered ,)en de el# o&in( t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
Per.or"ance De"onstration
E!a"ination s'ste"s reJuirin( Juali!cation at inter"e# diate or )i() le els o. ri(or s)all also &ass a &er.or"ance de"onstrationA T)e s&eci"en test set and &ass0.ail criteria to *e used in t)e &er.or"ance de"onstration s)all *e deter# "ined *' t)e o,ner o. t)e o*SectR and% ,)ere a&&lica*le% s)all *e acce&ta*le to t)e ;urisdiction% Aut)oriDed Ins&ec# tion A(enc'% inde&endent t)ird &art'% e!a"ination endor% ins&ection a(enc'% or ot)er in ol ed &art'A ?a@ T)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated *' &er.or"in( an e!a"ination o. an o*Sect or "oc-u&A T)e e!a"iner conductin( t)e de"onstration s)all not )a e *een in ol ed in de elo&in( t)e &rocedureA T)e co"&leted re&ort .or"s
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&ro ide docu"entation o. t)e de"onstrationA Kuali!cation o. t)e &rocedure is onl' alid ,)en a&&l'in( t)e sa"e essential aria*les recorded durin( t)e de"onstrationA C)an(es to essential aria*les reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e &rocedureA Editorial c)an(es to t)e &rocedure% or c)an(es to nonessential aria*les% do not reJuire reJuali!# cation o. t)e &rocedureA ?*@ T)e de"onstration o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure "a' use *lind or non#*lind certi!ed &ersonnelA Blind &er.or"ance de"onstrations Juali.' t)e co"&lete e!a"ination s'ste" ?iAeA% t)e eJui&"ent% t)e ,ritten &rocedure% and t)e e!a"# iner@A Non#*lind de"onstrations onl' Juali.' t)e &rocedure and t)e eJui&"entA All recorda*le indications s)all *e siDed and locatedA T)e detection records s)all note ,)et)er indi# cations are located correctl'A De&t)% )ei()t% and len(t) siDin( ca&a*ilities are onl' Juali!ed *' a *lind &er.or"ance de"onstrationA ?c@ De"onstrations can *e &er.or"ed *' a non#*lind de"onstration usin( a .e, !a,s% a de"onstration "an# dated *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% reiterati e *lind testin(% a co"*ination o. "ulti&le s"all s&eci"en de"on# strationsR or usin( a ri(orous% statisticall' *ased de"onstra# tion *ased on *ino"ial distri*utions ,it) reduced% one# sided con!dence li"itsA Acce&ta*le de"onstration "et)od# olo(ies s)all *e descri*ed in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation .or t)at &rocedureA ?d@ An indi idual or or(aniDation s)all *e desi(nated as t)e ad"inistrator o. t)e de"onstration &rocessA T)e roles o. t)e ad"inistrator include6 ?1@ re ie,in( t)e tec)nical Susti!cationR ?2@ re ie,in( t)e &rocedure and its sco&e o. a&&lica# *ilit'R ?F@ ensurin( t)at all essential aria*les are included in t)e &rocedure and de"onstrationR ?G@ asse"*lin( t)e test s&eci"ensR ?1@ (radin( t)e de"onstrationsR ?4@ de elo&in( t)e &rotocolR ?5@ "aintainin( securit' o. t)e sa"&lesR and ?3@ "aintainin( t)e de"onstration recordsA 8or strai()t.or,ard a&&lications% t)e ad"inistrator "a' *e a de&art"ent ,it)in t)e o,nerEs or(aniDationA 8or co"# &le! de"onstrations% or ,)en Code or user reJuire"ents dictate% it "a' *e a&&ro&riate to use a disinterested t)ird &art'A
identical% t)e ne, eJui&"ent can *e su*stituted% e!ce&t ,)en t)e re.erencin( construction Code in o-es "ore strin(ent reJuire"ents .or su*stitutin( eJui&"entA ?*@ Ne, eJui&"ent "a' *e reJuali!ed *' conductin( anot)er co"&lete e!a"ination Juali!cationA A )ierarc)ical a&&roac) s)ould *e used to Juali.' t)e ne, eJui&"ent *' conductin( t)e de"onstration on t)e "ost di.!cult test s&eci"ensA T)en t)ere is no need to reJuali.' t)e eJui&"ent on t)e entire set o. test s&eci"ensA ?c@ Modelin( "a' *e used to reJuali.' a &rocedure ,)en &ro&er Susti!cation su&&orts suc) an a&&roac)A
T#1G10 T#1G11
A &rotocol docu"ent s)all *e &re&ared to ensure conti# nuit' and uni.or"it' .ro" Juali!cation#to#Juali!cationA T)e &rotocol docu"ent .or"s t)e *asis .or t)ird &art' o ersi()t% and sets t)e essential aria*les to *e Juali!ed% ensurin( &orta*ilit' o. t)e Juali!cationA T)e &rotocol docu# "ent co""onl' ta-es t)e .or" o. a ,ritten &rocedure and associated c)ec-list% docu"entin( t)e &rocess .ollo,ed durin( Juali!cationA T)is docu"ent is de elo&ed collec# ti el' ,it) t)e in ol e"ent o. all t)e a..ected &arties ?iAeA% t)e o,ner% and% ,)en a&&lica*le% t)e ;urisdiction% AIA% inde&endent t)ird &art'% e!a"ination endor% or ot)er in ol ed &art'@A A -e' ele"ent o. t)e &rotocol docu"ent is t)e Pass0 8ail criteriaA An alternati e e aluation criteria t)at "a' *e a&&lied is an Bac)ie ed le el o. &er.or"ance criteriaAC 8or t)is criteria% an e!a"iner de"onstrates t)e tec)niJue% includin( siDin( ca&a*ilities% and t)e Juali!cation is *ased on t)e detection ran(e t)e e!a"iner ac)ie es durin( t)e de"onstrationA E!a"iners Juali!ed under t)ese criteria are &er"itted to conduct e!a"inations ,it)in t)eir Juali!ed ca&a*ilitiesA
T)e ori(inal Juali!cation a&&lies onl' to t)e s'ste" and essential aria*les descri*ed in t)e tec)nical Susti!cation re&ort and t)e ,ritten &rocedureA I. essential aria*les are c)an(ed% reJuali!cation is reJuiredA Re#Juali!cation "a' *e acco"&lis)ed *' one o. t)e .ollo,in( "eans6 ?a@ T)e c)aracteristics o. t)e ne, eJui&"ent can *e co"&ared to t)e Juali!ed eJui&"entA I. t)e' are essentiall'
T)e &er.or"ance de"onstration reJuire"ents .ound in T#1GG0 Juali.' t)e e!a"ination s'ste" ?iAeA eJui&"ent% ,ritten &rocedure% and &ersonnel@ as a unitA As an alterna# ti e% a t,o#sta(e Juali!cation &rocess "a' also *e a&&liedA T)e !rst sta(e o. t)is &rocess in ol es a &er.or"ance de"# onstration to Juali.' t)e s'ste" &rocedure0eJui&"entA T)e &rocedure0eJui&"ent Juali!cation reJuires se eral Juali# !ed e!a"iners to e aluate t)e s&eci"en set% ,it) t)e results "eetin( &redeter"ined reJuire"ents "ore strin(ent t)an &ersonnel &ass0.ail reJuire"entsA A.ter t)e &rocedure0 eJui&"ent )as *een Juali!ed% indi idual e!a"iners usin( t)e Juali!ed &rocedure0eJui&"ent co"*ination need onl' to &er.or" a li"ited &er.or"ance de"onstrationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e &rinci&al incenti e .or ado&tin( t)is .or" o. test is to reduce costs in &ersonnel Juali!cation o. a ,idel' used &rocedureA T)e &rocedure0eJui&"ent "a' *e Juali!ed0 de elo&ed in a non#*lind .as)ion *ut t)e &ersonnel s)all ta-e *lind testsA T)is t,o#ste& &rocess also &recludes t)e &ossi*ilit' o. an e!a"iner atte"&tin( to &ass a de"onstra# tion test ,it) inadeJuate &rocedures or eJui&"entA
Cali*ration o. eJui&"ent s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedure used to conduct t)e &er.or"ance de"onstrationA
e!a"ination s'ste" Juali!cationA In order to construct an' o. t)e detection tests "entioned in t)is a&&endi!% t)e .ol# lo,in( in.or"ation "ust *e asse"*led6 ?a@ t)e t'&e o. "aterial and !a,s t)e &rocedure is su&# &osed to detect ?*@ t)e siDe o. t)e critical !a, .or t)is a&&lication ?c@ t)e "ini"u" acce&ta*le POD t)at ins&ection s)ould ac)ie e .or critical !a,s ?Call t)is POD "inA@ ?d@ t)e "a!i"u" acce&ta*le .alse call &ro*a*ilit' t)at t)e ins&ection s)ould dis&la' ?Call t)is 8CP"a!A@ ?e@ t)e le el o. con!dence t)at t)e test is su&&osed to &ro ide ?T)e "ost ,idel' a&&lied le el o. con!dence *ein( 21OA@
T)e &er.or"ance de"onstration s)all *e conducted in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedure% usin( t)e tec)# niJues and eJui&"ent descri*ed in t)e tec)nical Susti!ca# tionA Su&&le"ental in.or"ation .or conductin( arious "odes o. &er.or"ance de"onstrations is &ro ided in t)e .ollo,in( &ara(ra&)sA
T#1G52A1 Standard Bino"ial Detection TestA T)e e!a"iner is su*Sected to a *lind de"onstrationA T)e !a,ed (radin( units contain critical !a,s ?iAeA% !a,s near t)e critical !a, siDe@ so t)at a POD calculated .ro" t)is data esti"ates t)e POD .or critical !a,sA A.ter t)e e!a"ination% t)e POD and 8CP scores are calculated *' co"&arin( t)e nu"*er o. detections classi!ed as !a,s to t)e nu"*er o. !a,ed or *lan- (radin( units e!a"inedA In ot)er ,ords6
] o. .la,ed (radin( units as .la,s POD Score & Total ] o. .la,ed (radin( units e!a"ined
T)e o*Secti e o. an inter"ediate ri(or &er.or"ance de"# onstration test is to re eal inadeJuate &rocedures and e!a"# inersA 8ollo,in( are t'&ical o&tions .or !a,s in s&eci"en test sets used .or inter"ediate ri(or &er.or"ance de"on# strations6 ?a@ S&eci"ens s)ould accuratel' re&resent t)e co"&o# nent to *e e!a"ined to t)e (reatest e!tent &ossi*le% ,it) at least 10 !a,s or (radin( units as a "ini"u"A A POD o. 30O ,it) a .alse call rate less t)an 20O is reJuired .or acce&ta*le &er.or"anceA ?*@ Less t)an 10 !a,s or (radin( units are used% *ut t)e' s)all *e used in a *lind .as)ionA T)e !a,s are reused in an iterati e% *lind% and rando" &rocessA T)is is an econo"ic ,a' to increase t)e sa"&le set siDeA Ei()t' &ercent o. t)e !a,s are reJuired to *e detectedA T)e .alse call rate s)ould *e less t)an 20OA ?c@ Bet,een 1 and 11 !a,s or (radin( units are used ,it) at least t)e sa"e nu"*er o. un!a,ed (radin( unitsA A POD o. 30O ,it) a .alse call rate less t)an 20O is reJuired .or acce&ta*le &er.or"anceA ?d@ Sa"&le set siDe s)all *e su.!cient to ensure t)at "ost e!a"iners ,it) an unacce&ta*le POD ,ill )a e di.!cult' &assin( t)e de"onstration% ,)ile "ost e!a"iners ,it) an acce&ta*le POD ,ill *e a*le to &ass t)e de"onstrationA
T)e POD and 8CP are su&&orted *' tolerance *ands called B *oundsC to descri*e t)e statistical uncertaint' in t)e testA ?In t)e case o. POD a lo,er *ound is used% ,)ile .or 8CP% an u&&er *ound is usedA@ T)e e!a"inerEs score is acce&ta*le i. t)e lo,er *ound on POD score is a*o e POD"in % and t)e u&&er *ound on 8CP score is *elo, 8CP"a!A T)e *ounds are calculated usin( standard *ino"ial .or"ulas% s)o,n *elo,A
L)ere6 D & Nu"*er o. detections recorded N & Nu"*er o. (radin( units t)at contain !a,s ?.or POD calculations@ or t)at are *lan- ?.or 8CP calculations@ Pu&&er & u&&er *ound Plo,er & lo,er *ound
& ?Plo,erR D% N \ D X 1@ & 1 \ ?Pu&&erR D X 1% N \ D@ ?F@ ?G@
T)e .ollo,in( (uidelines descri*e t)e "et)odolo(' .or constructin( POD &er.or"ance de"onstration tests .or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
,)ere ?DR c1%c2@ is a *eta distri*ution ,it) &ara"eters c1 and c2A T)e desi(n o. a statisticall' si(ni!cant sa"&le set .or t)is test is *ased on t)e a*o e *ino"ial .or"ulasA A POD o. 21O ,it) a 20O con!dence i"&lies t)at t)ere is a 20O &ro*a*ilit' t)at 21O is an underesti"ate o. t)e true detection &ro*a*ilit'A In ot)er ,ords% t)e con!dence
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Nu"*er o. Misses 0 1 2 F G 1 10 20 Pro*a*ilit' o. Detection 20O 22 F3 12 41 53 21 112 245 21O G1 55 101 1F2 113 13G F04 1F3 22O 2F0 F33 1F1 445 523 224 1%000X 1%000X
Le el o. Con!dence 20O
0 1 2 F G 1 10 20
0 1 2 F G 1 10 20
In .act% ,it) a *ino"ial test suc) as t)is% t)ere is a s"allest sa"&le siDe t)at can *e usedA I. a sa"&le siDe s"aller t)an t)e s"allest sa"&le siDe is used% it is i"&ossi# *le to e er &ass t)e test% *ecause t)e con!dence *ounds are so ,ideA Lit) t)e s"allest sa"&le siDe% t)e e!a"iner )as to o*tain a &er.ect score ?iAeA% POD & 1 % or 8CP & 0 @ to &assA T)e s"allest sa"&le siDe de&ends u&on t)e detection t)res)old and t)e con!dence le el c)osen .or t)e testA 8or e!a"&le% as t)e "ini"u" acce&ta*le POD is set closer to unit'% t)e "ini"u" sa"&le siDe *eco"es lar(erA Ta*le T#1G52A1 &resents t)e "ini"al sa"&le siDe .or ari# ous con!dence le els% and POD08CP t)res)oldsA As one can see .ro" t)is ta*le% Juite a lar(e sa"&le set is reJuired i. )i() detection t)res)olds are reJuired .or t)e ins&ectionA I. e!ce&tionall' )i() detection t)res)olds are reJuired% t)e standard *ino"ial test descri*ed in t)is a&&en# di! "a' not *e t)e "ost e.!cient testin( strate('A As a (eneral rule% t)e test s)ould include as "an' *lanas !a,ed location% *ut t)is &ro&ortion "a' *e altered de&endin( u&on ,)ic) t)res)old ?POD or 8CP@ is "ore strin(entA As de elo&ed in t)is section% t)e standard *ino"ial test e!a"ines POD .or one !a, siDe onl'% t)e critical !a, siDeA It is &ossi*le to include "ore !a, siDes in t)e testA Eac) included !a, siDe ,ould contain t)e "ini"u" nu"# *er o. !a,s reJuired *' Ta*le T#1G52A1A 8or e!a"&le% a 20O detection rate at a 20O con!dence le el .or .our di..erent !a, siDe inter als ,ould reJuire 22 !a,s in eac) siDe inter al i. no "isses are allo,ed .or a total o. 33 !a,sA
le el% descri*es )o, relia*le t)e Juali!cation test "ust *eA I. 10 !a,s are in t)e test% t)en on t)e *asis o. 2 "isses% t)ere is a 20O con!dence t)at t)e true ins&ection relia*ilit' is (reater t)an 11OA I. 21O con!dence is desired% t)en t)e true ins&ection relia*ilit' is (reater t)an FFA3OA I. all 10 !a,s ,ere detected% t)en t)e POD ,ould *e 52OA To o*tain a 20O POD at a 21O con!dence le el reJuires a "ini"u" o. 22 !a,s out o. 22 !a,s to *e detectedA Ta*le T#1G52A1 s)o,s t)e relations)i& *et,een s"allest nu"*er o. !a,s% con!dence le el% &ro*a*ilit' o. detection% and "isses *' calculatin( t)e .or"ula a*o e .or arious scenariosA It can *e used to de elo& t)e siDe o. t)e test setA T)e user is .ree to select t)e actual nu"*er o. !a,ed and *lan- locations ?iAeA% t)e sa"&le siDe@ e"&lo'ed in t)e testA T)e userEs c)oice .or sa"&le siDe ,ill *e (o erned *' t,o co"&etin( costs% ?1@ t)e cost o. constructin( test s&eci"ens% and ?2@ t)e cost o. .ailin( a B(oodC e!a"inerA I. t)e user c)ooses to &er.or" a lar(e test% t)e con!dence *ounds associated ,it) t)e POD scores ,ill *e s"all% so a B(oodB e!a"iner ,ill )a e an e!cellent c)ance .or &assin( t)e testA +o,e er% i. an a**re iated test is (i en% t)e con!dence *ounds ,ill *e lar(e% and e en a (ood e!a"iner ,ill .re# Juentl' .ail a testA
T#1G52A2 T,o#Sta(e Detection TestA T)e *asic co"# &onent o. t)e t,o#sta(e de"onstration test is t)e Standard Bino"ial Detection Test descri*ed in T#1G52A1A T)e t,o# sta(e test a&&lies t)e standard *ino"ial test to &ersonnel Juali!cation% *ut a&&lies a "ore strin(ent test .or &rocedure Juali!cationA T)e t,o#sta(e test is intended to eli"inate inadeJuate &rocedures .ro" t)e Juali!cation &rocess% &re# ser in( resourcesA T)e "oti atin( o*Secti e .or a t,o#sta(e test is to construct t)e !rst sta(e to eli"inate a &rocedure ,)ose &ass rate is unacce&ta*l' lo,A ?A &rocedureEs &ass rate is t)e &ro&ortion o. trained e!a"iners t)at ,ould &ass t)e &ersonnel test ,)en usin( t)is &rocedureA@ A t,o#sta(e test is ideall' suited .or an e!a"ination scenario ,)ere "an' e!a"iners ,ill *e usin( a .e, stan# dardiDed &rocedures% ,)ic) "a' su*stantiall' in &er# .or"anceA I. onl' one &rocedure is a aila*le% or i. eac) e!a"iner a&&lies a se&arate o,n custo"iDed &rocedure% t,o#sta(e testin( is not ad anta(eousA In order to construct a t,o#sta(e detection test% t)e sa"e in.or"ation t)at "ust *e asse"*led .or t)e standard *ino# "ial test is reJuired% ,it) t)e addition o. a tar(et &ass rate% R&ass% .or &ersonnelA T)e tar(et &ass#rate is t)e &ass#rate t)at t)e user considers acce&ta*leA T)e &rocedure Juali!cation ?1st sta(e@ &ortion o. t)e test reJuires t)at M &rocedure#trained e!a"iners eac) &ass a
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
standard *ino"ial detection testA T)e standard *ino"ial detection test% constructed in accordance ,it) T#1G52A1% ,ill *e used .or &ersonnel Juali!cationA T)e -e' di..erence is t)at "ore t)at one e!a"iner is used .or &rocedure Juali# !cationA It is i"&ortant t)at t)e &rocedure test *e conducted ,it) e!a"iners t)at are re&resentati e o. t)e !eld &o&ula# tion ?and not e!&erts@A A B&rocedure#trainedC e!a"iner s)ould *e one t)at )as recei ed t)e standard trainin( reJuired .or t)e &rocedureA A.ter t)e &rocedure )as &assed its test% t)en indi idual e!a"iners are allo,ed to *e Juali!ed in t)e second sta(e% usin( t)e sa"e standard *ino"ial testA T)e *ino"ial test is constructed so t)at critical !a,s are detected ,it) a POD o. at least POD"in and .alse calls are no "ore t)an 8CP"a! ,it) a le el o. con!dence o. A T)e nu"*er o. e!a"iners ?M@ used in t)e !rst sta(e is c)osen to assure t)e desired &ass#rate at 30O con!dence ?iAeA t)e user can *e 30O sure t)at t)e actual &ass#rate ,ill *e a*o e t)e tar(et alue@A T)e .or"ula .or deter"inin( t)e &ro&er M is6
Tar(et Pass Rate ?R&ass@ 10 40 50 30 20 21 Nu"*er o. 8irst Sta(e E!a"iners ?M@ F G 1 3 11 F2
eac) e!a"ination is inde&endent and t)e test tea" cannot reco(niDe t)e s&eci"en or t)e !a,sA T)e nu"*er o. un!a,ed (radin( units "ust at least eJual or e!ceed t)e nu"*er o. !a,ed (radin( unitsA Ta*le T#1G52A1 "a' *e used to deter"ine t)e !a, sa"&le siDe% "isses% and POD .or a (i en con!dence le elA
T)e ta*le *elo, &ro ides t)e M associated ,it) arious tar(et &ass ratesA T)e user is co"&letel' .ree to c)oose t)e nu"*er o. e!a"iners ?M@ e"&lo'ed in t)e !rst sta(e o. Juali!cationA As one can see .ro" t)e a*o e ta*le% t)e lar(er t)at M is "ade% t)e "ore strin(ent t)e &rocedure &ortion o. t)e test *eco"es% *ut t)e )i()er t)e &ass#rate *eco"es on t)e sec# ond sta(e o. t)e testA In .act% .or )i() M% t)e user "i()t eli"inate t)e second sta(e o. t)e test entirel'A
T)e o,ner% and% ,)en a&&lica*le% t)e ;urisdiction% AIA% inde&endent t)ird &art'% e!a"ination endor% or ot)er user s)all e aluate t)e tec)nical Susti!cation re&ort% and t)e results o. t)e &er.or"ance de"onstration su*"itted *' t)e ad"inistrator% to deter"ine t)e acce&ta*ilit' o. t)e s'ste"A T)e e aluation s)all *e *ased u&on t)e criteria esta*lis)ed ,it)in t)e &rotocol docu"entA
T#1G52AF Iterati e Detection TestA T)is detection test is use.ul ,)en t)e test s&eci"ens are e!tre"el' costl' or li"itedA It is constructed in t)e sa"e "anner as t)e standard *ino"ial test .ro" T#1G52A1% )o,e er t)e test &resents t)e a&&licant ,it) t)e sa"e set o. s&eci"ens "ore t)an once to o*tain t)e desired sa"&le siDeA Less t)an 10 !a,s are used% *ut t)e' are used in a *lind .as)ionA T)e !a,s are reused in an iterati e% *lind% and rando" &rocessA T)is is an econo"ic ,a' to increase t)e sa"&le set siDeA T)e !a,ed and un!a,ed (radin( units are e!a"ined se eral ti"es until t)e desired sa"&le siDe and corres&ondin( con!dence le el is reac)edA T)e s&eci# "ens "ust *e indistin(uis)a*le .ro" eac) ot)er so t)at
Docu"entation o. t)e &er.or"ance de"onstration s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ T)e tec)nical Susti!cation docu"ent ?*@ NDE &rocedures% includin( t)e essential aria*les a&&lied ?c@ Descri&tion o. t)e eJui&"ent used% includin( t)e cali*ration records ?d@ Descri&tion o. t)e s&eci"ens used to &er.or" t)e de"onstration ?e@ Certi!cation o. acce&ta*le co"&letion o. t)e &er# .or"ance de"onstrationA T)e certi!cation "a' *e issued se&aratel' .or t)e eJui&"ent0&rocedure and t)e indi idualA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! is used .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( standard ter"s and de!nition o. ter"s% ,)ic) a&&ear in Article 1G% E!a"ination S'ste" Kuali!cationA
?a@ Para(ra&) I#1GF0 &ro ides a list o. ter"s and de!ni# tions% ,)ic) are used in conSunction ,it) Article 1G% E!a"# ination S'ste" Kuali!cation% and are Code s&eci!cA ?*@ Ter"s and de!nitions associated ,it) s&eci!c e!a"# ination tec)niJues and s'ste"s are addressed in t)e Manda# tor' A&&endi! a&&lica*le to t)ose e!a"ination "et)odsA Ot)er ter"s and de!nitions used ,it)in t)e re.erencin( Code o. Construction are s&eci!c to t)at Code a&&licationA
T)e .ollo,in( Code ter"s are used in conSunction ,it) t)is Article6 ?a@ Blind De"onstrationA A &er.or"ance de"onstra# tion% ,)ere t)e e!a"iner is &resented ,it) *ot) !a,ed and non#!a,ed s&eci"ens ,)ic) are isuall' indistin# (uis)a*le% ,it) t)e o*Secti e o. &ro in( t)e ca&a*ilit' o. an e!a"ination s'ste" to correctl' detect and siDe !a, locationsA ?*@ DetectionA L)en a s&eci"en or (radin( unit is cor# rectl' inter&reted as *ein( !a,edA ?c@ Essential Varia*lesA A c)an(e in t)e e!a"ination s'ste"% ,)ic) ,ill a..ect t)e s'ste"Es a*ilit' to &er.or" in a' "annerA ?d@ E!a"ination S'ste"A T)e &ersonnel% &rocedures% and eJui&"ent collecti el' a&&lied *' a (i en e!a"ination tec)niJue to e aluate t)e !a, c)aracteristics o. an o*Sect o. interestA ?e@ 8alse CallA L)en a s&eci"en or (radin( unit is incorrectl' inter&reted as *ein( !a,ed or un!a,edA ?.@ 8alse Call Pro*a*ilit' ?8CP@A T)e &ercenta(e resultin( .ro" di idin( t)e nu"*er o. .alse calls *' t)e
nu"*er o. s&eci"ens or (radin( units e!a"inedA ?(@ Iradin( <nitA A &re&ared s&eci"en% or desi(nated inter al ?eA(A% len(t)@ ,it)in a s&eci"en% )a in( -no,n !a, c)aracteristics% ,)ic) is used to e aluate t)e &er.or"# ance o. an e!a"ination s'ste" t)rou() de"onstrationA ?)@ Le el o. Ri(orA T)e le el o. con!dence to ,)ic) a (i en e!a"ination s'ste" "ust *e de"onstrated% *ased u&on .actors suc) as user needs% da"a(e "ec)anis"% and le el o. ris-A T)ere are t)ree le els o. ri(or6 lo,% inter"edi# ate% and )i() ?see T#1G2G@A ?i@ Non#Blind De"onstrationA A &er.or"ance de"on# stration ,)ere t)e e!a"iner is &resented ,it) test &ieces containin( clearl' identi!a*le !a, locations o. -no,n siDes% ,it) t)e o*Secti e o. &ro in( t)e ca&a*ilit' o. an e!a"ination s'ste" to correctl' detect and siDe !a, loca# tionsA ?S@ Nonessential Varia*lesA A c)an(e in t)e e!a"ination s'ste"% ,)ic) ,ill not a..ect t)e s'ste"Es a*ilit' to &er.or" in a' "annerA ?-@ Per.or"ance De"onstrationA A de"onstration o. t)e ca&a*ilities o. an e!a"ination s'ste" to accuratel' e aluate a s&eci"en ,it) -no,n !a, c)aracteristics in an en iron"ent si"ulatin( !eld conditionsA ?l@ Pro*a*ilit' o. Detection ?POD@A T)e &ercenta(e resultin( .ro" di idin( t)e nu"*er o. detections *' t)e nu"*er o. !a,ed s&eci"ens or (radin( units e!a"inedA POD indicates t)e &ro*a*ilit' t)at an e!a"ination s'ste" ,ill detect a (i en !a,A ?"@ Kuali!cationA Success.ul docu"entation o. an e!a"ination s'ste"Es a*ilit' to de"onstrate esta*lis)ed Juali!cation o*Secti es at t)e reJuired le el o. ri(or% in co"&liance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA
T)is Mandator' A&&endi! &ro ides reJuire"ents .or t)ree le els o. &er.or"ance de"onstration .or ultrasonic e!a"ination &rocedures% eJui&"ent% and &ersonnel used to detect and siDe !a,s in ,elds and co"&onents .or Con# struction Code a&&licationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
G inA b t b 12 inA
Article 1G% T#1G10 t)rou() T#1G20% s)all *e used in conSunction ,it) t)is A&&endi!A T)ose reJuire"ents a&&l' e!ce&t as "odi!ed )ereinA Personnel s)all *e Juali!ed as s&eci!ed in Article 1% T#120% and t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e le el o. ri(or s&eci!ed .or Article 1G and t)is A&&endi!A Selection o. t)e le el o. ri(or ?lo,% inter"ediate% or )i()@ s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code Section% and% i. not s&eci!ed% s)all *e t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e O,ner0<serA Eac) or(aniDation s)all )a e a ,ritten &ro(ra" t)at ensures co"&liance ,it) t)is A&&endi!A Eac) or(aniDation t)at &er.or"s ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all Juali.' its &rocedures% eJui&"ent% and &ersonnel in accordance ,it) t)is A&&endi!A Per.or"ance de"onstration reJuire"ents a&&l' to all &ersonnel ,)o detect% record% or inter&ret indications% or siDe !a,sA An' &rocedure Juali!ed in accordance ,it) t)is A&&en# di! is acce&ta*leA Alternati el'% t)e reJuire"ents o. Section =I% A&&endi! VIII% "a' *e usedA
As&ect Ratio% a0 0A00 0A01 0A10 0A11 0A20 0A21 0AF0 0AF1 0AG0 0AG1 0A10
Sur.ace 8la,% a0t 0A012 0A020 0A022 0A021 0A023 0A0FF 0A0F3 0A0GG 0A010 0A011 0A012
Su*sur.ace 8la,% a0t 0A020 0A022 0A021 0A022 0A0FF 0A0F3 0A0GG 0A011 0A013 0A045 0A054
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ t & t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld e!cludin( an' allo,a*le rein.orce"entA 8or a *utt,eld Soinin( t,o "e"*ers )a in( di..erent t)ic-ness at t)e ,eld% t is t)e t)inner o. t)ese t,o t)ic-nessesA I. a .ull &enetration ,eld includes a !llet ,eld% t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e t)roat o. t)e !llet ,eld s)all *e included in tA ?*@ A su*sur.ace indication s)all *e considered as a sur.ace !a, i. se&aration o. t)e indication .ro" t)e nearest sur.ace o. t)e co"&o# nent is eJual to or less t)an )al. t)e t)rou() t)ic-ness di"ension o. t)e su*sur.ace indicationA
II#1GFGKuali!cation Bloc-s II#1GFGA1 Lo, Le elA Kuali!cation *loc-s s)all *e .a*# ricated si"ilar to a cali*ration *loc- in accordance ,it) Article G% T#GFG% or Article 1A II#1GFGA2 Inter"ediate Le elA Kuali!cation *loc-s s)all *e in accordance ,it) T#GFGA1A2 t)rou() T#GFGA1A4A T)e &rocedure s)all *e de"onstrated to &er.or" acce&ta*l' on a Juali!cation *loc- ?or *loc-s@ )a in( ,elds% or alter# nati el'% )a in( !a,s introduced *' ot)er &rocesses t)at si"ulate t)e !a,s o. interestA T)e *loc- s)all contain a "ini"u" o. t)ree a!ial !a,s oriented &arallel to t)e ,eldEs .usion line as .ollo,s6 ?1@ one sur.ace !a, on t)e side o. t)e *loc- re&resentin( t)e co"&onent OD sur.aceR ?2@ one sur.ace !a, on t)e side o. t)e *loc- re&resentin( t)e co"# &onent ID sur.aceR and ?F@ one su*sur.ace !a,A Kuali!cation *loc- !a,s s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e !a,s o. concern% suc) as% .or ne, construction% sla(% crac-s% or Dones o. inco"&lete .usion or &enetration% and% .or &ost#construction% !a,s re&resentin( t)e de(radation "ec)anis"s o. concernA I. t)e inside and outside sur.aces are co"&ara*le ?eA(A% no o erla' or claddin( &resent% si"ilar ,eld Soint details and ,eldin( &rocesses% etcA@ and accessi*le% one sur.ace
!a, "a' re&resent *ot) t)e ID and OD sur.ace !a,sA Kuali!cation *loc-s s)all include !a,s )a in( a len(t) no lon(er t)an t)e .ollo,in(% ,it) !a, )ei()t no "ore t)an 21Ot or 1VG inA ?4 ""@% ,)ic)e er is s"aller6 ?a@ 8or sur.ace !a,s% 1VG inA ?4 ""@ in *loc-s )a in( t)ic-ness t u& to G inA ?100 ""@ ?*@ 8or su*sur.ace !a,s ?1@ 1VG inA ?4 ""@ .or t u& to FVG inA ?12 ""@ ?2@ one#t)ird t .or t .ro" FVG inA ?12 ""@ to 21VG inA ?15 ""@ ?F@ FVG inA ?12 ""@ .or t .ro" 21VG inA ?15 ""@ to G inA ?100 ""@ ?c@ 8or *loc-s o er G inA ?100 ""@ t)ic-% t)e *loc-s s)all include !a,s )a in( a siDe no (reater t)an a !a, acce&ta*le to Ta*le II#1GFG#1 or Ta*le II#1GFG#2 .or t)e t)ic-ness *ein( Juali!edA 8i(ure II#1GFG identi!es di"en# sionin( o. sur.ace and su*sur.ace !a,sA
II#1GFGAF +i() Le elA Kuali!cation test s&eci"ens s)all *e &ro ided re&resentati e o. t)e ,eld to *e e!a"inedA A su.!cient nu"*er o. test s&eci"ens s)all *e e aluated to e..ecti el' esti"ate siDin( error distri*utions% and deter# "ine an accurate &ro*a*ilit' o. detection ?POD@ .or s&e# ci!c de(radation "ec)anis"s or !a, t'&es and siDesA T)e nu"*er% siDe% orientation% t'&e% and location o. !a,s in t)e s&eci"ens s)all *e as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section or t)e O,ner0<ser ?i. t)e re.erencin( Code does
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
As&ect Ratio% a0 0A00 0A01 0A10 0A11 0A20 0A21 0AF0 0AF1 0AG0 0AG1 0A10 Sur.ace 8la,% a% inA 0A223 0A2G0 0A24G 0AF00 0AFF4 0AF24 0AG14 0A123 0A412 0A413 0A42G Su*sur.ace 8la,% a% inA 0A2G0 0A24G 0AF00 0AFG3 0AF24 0AG14 0A123 0A412 0A424 0A30G 0A212
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ 8or inter"ediate !a, as&ect ratio% a0 linear inter&olation is &er# "issi*leA ?*@ t & t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld e!cludin( an' allo,a*le rein.orce"entA 8or a *utt,eld Soinin( t,o "e"*ers )a in( di..erent t)ic-ness at t)e ,eld% t is t)e t)inner o. t)ese t,o t)ic-nessesA I. a .ull &enetration ,eld includes a !llet ,eld% t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e t)roat o. t)e !llet ,eld s)all *e included in tA ?c@ A su*sur.ace indication s)all *e considered as a sur.ace !a, i. se&aration o. t)e indication .ro" t)e nearest sur.ace o. t)e co"&o# nent is eJual to or less t)an )al. t)e t)rou() t)ic-ness di"ension o. t)e su*sur.ace indicationA
t a
T)e e!a"ination &rocedure s)all contain a state"ent o. sco&e t)at s&eci!call' de!nes t)e li"its o. &rocedure a&&lica*ilit'R eA(A% "aterial% includin( t)ic-ness di"en# sions% &roduct .or" ?castin(s% .or(in(s% &late% &i&e@% "ate# rial s&eci!cation or P#nu"*er (rou&in(% )eat treat"ent% and stren(t) li"it ?i. a&&lica*le@A T)e e!a"ination &rocedure s)all s&eci.' t)e .ollo,in( essential aria*les6 ?a@ instru"ent or s'ste"% includin( "anu.acturer% and "odel or series% o. &ulser% recei er% and a"&li!er ?*@ searc) units% includin( "anu.acturer% "odel or series% and t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ no"inal .reJuenc' ?2@ "ode o. &ro&a(ation and no"inal ins&ection an(les
?F@ nu"*er% siDe% s)a&e% and con!(uration o. acti e ele"ents and ,ed(es or s)oes ?G@ i""ersion or contact ?c@ searc) unit ca*le% includin( t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ t'&e ?2@ "a!i"u" len(t) ?F@ "a!i"u" nu"*er o. connectors ?d@ detection and siDin( tec)niJues% includin( t)e .ol# lo,in(6 ?1@ scan &attern and *ea" direction ?2@ "a!i"u" scan s&eed ?F@ "ini"u" and "a!i"u" &ulse re&etition rate ?G@ "ini"u" sa"&lin( rate ?auto"atic recordin( s'ste"s@ ?1@ e!tent o. scannin( and action to *e ta-en .or access restrictions ?4@ sur.ace .ro" ,)ic) e!a"ination is &er.or"ed ?e@ "et)ods o. cali*ration .or *ot) detectin( and siDin( ?eA(A% actions reJuired to insure t)at t)e sensiti it' and accurac' o. t)e si(nal a"&litude and ti"e out&uts o. t)e e!a"ination s'ste"% ,)et)er dis&la'ed% recorded% or auto# "aticall' &rocessed% are re&eata*le .ro" e!a"ination to e!a"ination@ ?.@ ins&ection and cali*ration data to *e recorded ?(@ "et)od o. data recordin( ?)@ recordin( eJui&"ent ?eA(A% stri& c)art% analo( ta&e% di(itiDin(@ ,)en used ?i@ "et)od and criteria .or t)e discri"ination o. indica# tions ?eA(A% (eo"etric ersus !a, indications and .or len(t) and de&t) siDin( o. !a,s@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?S@ sur.ace &re&aration reJuire"ents T)e e!a"ination &rocedure s)all s&eci.' a sin(le alue or a ran(e o. alues .or t)e a&&lica*le aria*les listedA
Inter"ediate Le el
An' cali*ration "et)od "a' *e used &ro ided it is descri*ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure and t)e "et)ods o. cali*ration and siDin( are re&eata*leA
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance is de!ned as ?a@ detection o. !a,s in accordance ,it) T#1G51 and siDin( o. !a,s ?*ot) len(t) and de&t)@ eJual to or (reater t)an t)eir actual siDeR unless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% or ?*@ "eetin( Section =I% A&&endi! VIII reJuire"ents
+i() Le el to T#1G50A
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance is de!ned as "eetin( eit)er o. t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ T#1G52 and T#1G30 reJuire"ents ?*@ O,ner0<ser s&eci!ed reJuire"ents
II#1G30 II#1G31
Acce&ta*le &er.or"ance is de!ned as detection o. ence re!ectors s&eci!ed in t)e a&&ro&riate Article G% T#GFG Juali!cation *loc-A Alternati el'% .or tec)niJues t)at do not use a"&litude recordin( le els% acce&ta*le &er.or"ance is de!ned as de"onstratin( t)at all i"a(ed !a,s ,it) recorded len(t)s% includin( t)e "a!i"u" allo,a*le !a,s% )a e an indicated len(t) eJual to or (reater t)an t)e actual len(t) o. t)e s&eci!ed re!ectors in t)e Juali!cation *loc-A
T)e or(aniDationEs &er.or"ance de"onstration &ro(ra" s)all s&eci.' t)e docu"entation t)at s)all *e "aintained as Juali!cation recordsA Docu"entation s)all include iden# ti!cation o. &ersonnel% NDE &rocedures% and eJui&"ent used durin( Juali!cation% and results o. t)e &er.or"ance de"onstrationA S&eci"ens s)all *e docu"ented onl' ,)ere a&&ro&riate0a&&lica*leA 8or instance% s&eci"ens used in a *lind or BPDIC Juali!cation ,ould not *e docu"entedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is Article descri*es t)e tec)niJue to *e used ,)en e!a"inin( ,elds .or linear t'&e discontinuities 1VG inA ?4 ""@ and (reater in len(t) utiliDin( t)e Alternatin( Cur# rent 8ield Measure"ent Tec)niJue ?AC8MT@A ?*@ L)en s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% t)e AC8MT e!a"ination tec)niJue in t)is Article s)all *e usedA In (eneral% t)is Article is in con.or"ance ,it) SE# 2241% Standard Practice .or E!a"ination o. Lelds <sin( t)e Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent Tec)niJueA
T#1122Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#1122A1 ReJuire"entsA AC8MT s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure t)at s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#1122A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin(le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T#1122A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#1122 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"on# strationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as an nones# sential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ced ,it)in t)e ,ritten &roce# dure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e AC8MT "et)od "a' *e a&&lied to detect crac-s and ot)er linear discontinuities on or near t)e sur.aces o. ,elds in "etallic "aterialsA T)e sensiti it' is (reatest .or sur.ace discontinuities and ra&idl' di"inis)es ,it) increas# in( de&t) *elo, t)e sur.aceA In &rinci&le% t)is tec)niJue in ol es t)e induction o. an AC "a(netic !eld in t)e "aterial sur.ace *' a "a(netic 'o-e contained in a )and )eld &ro*e% ,)ic) in turn causes a uni.or" alternatin( current to !o, in t)e "aterialA T)e de&t) o. t)e &enetration o. t)is current aries ,it) "aterial t'&e and !eld .reJuenc'A Sur.ace% or near sur.ace% discontinuities interru&t or distur* t)e !o, o. t)e current creatin( c)an(es in t)e resultin( sur.ace "a(netic !elds ,)ic) are detected *' sensor coils in t)e &ro*eA
T#11F0 T#11F1
EK<IPMENT Instru"ent
AC8MT instru"ent and so.t,are s)all *e ca&a*le o. o&eratin( o er a ran(e o. .reJuencies o. .ro" 1 to 10 -+DA T)e dis&la' s)all contain indi idual ti"e or distance#*ased &lots o. t)e ! co"&ound o. t)e "a(netic !eld B!% &arallel to t)e &ro*e tra el% D co"&onent o. t)e "a(netic !eld B D% &er&endicular to t)e e!a"ination sur.ace% and a co"*ined B! and BD &lot ?iAeA% *utter!' dis&la'@A
Su&&le"ental ReJuire"ents
AC8MT e!a"inations o. so"e t'&es o. ,elds ?eA(A% dissi"ilar% austenitic and du&le!% etcA@ "a' not *e &ossi*le or "a' result in a lar(er !a, ?iAe% de&t)@ detection t)res)old t)an car*on and lo, allo' steel .erritic#t'&e ,eld e!a"ina# tions *ecause o. t)e ,ide ariations in "a(netic &er"ea*il# it' *et,een t)e ,eld% )eat a..ected Done% and &late "aterialA It is necessar' in t)ese cases to "odi.' and0or su&&le"ent t)e &ro isions o. t)is Article in accordance ,it) T#110?a@A Additional ite"s% ,)ic) are necessar'% are &roduction ,eld "oc-#u&s ,it) re.erence notc)es or ot)er discontinuities "ac)ined adSacent to% as ,ell as ,it)in% t)e ,eld de&ositA
T)e no"inal .reJuenc' s)all *e 1 -+D unless aria*les% suc) as "aterials% sur.ace condition% or coatin(s reJuire t)e use o. ot)er .reJuenciesA
T#11FFCali*ration Bloc-s T#11FFA1 Ieneral T#11FFA1A1 Bloc- MaterialA T)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e *loc- is .a*ricated s)all *e o. t)e sa"e &roduct .or" and "aterial s&eci!cation% or eJui alent P#nu"*er (rou&in(% o. t)e "aterials *ein( e!a"inedA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
T#11FFA1A2 Leld MaterialA Bloc-s .a*ricated out o. P#F (rou& "aterials or )i()er s)all contain a re&resentati e ,eld o. t)e sa"e A#nu"*er (rou&in( as t)e ,eld *ein( e!a"inedA T#11FFA1AF Notc)esA 9no,n de&t) and len(t) notc)es s)all *e used to eri.' t)at t)e s'ste" is .unctionin( &ro&erl'A T#11FFA1AG Kualit'A Prior to .a*rication% t)e *loc"aterial s)all *e co"&letel' e!a"ined ,it) an AC8MT unit to assure it is .ree o. indications t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e eri!cation &rocessA T#11FFA1A1 +eat Treat"entA T)e *loc- s)all recei e at least t)e "ini"u" te"&erin( treat"ent reJuired *' t)e "aterial s&eci!cation .or t)e t'&e and (radeA T#11FFA1A4 Residual Ma(netis"A T)e *loc- s)all *e c)ec-ed .or residual "a(netis" and% i. necessar'% de"a(# netiDedA T#11FFA2 Cali*ration Bloc-A T)e cali*ration *loccon!(uration and notc)es s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(A T#11FFA Notc)es s)all *e "ac)ined at t)e toe ?eA(A% )eat a..ected Done@ and in t)e ,eld .or *loc-s containin( ,eldsA
?d@ I. non"a(netic coatin(s are le.t on t)e &art in t)e area to *e e!a"ined% it s)all *e de"onstrated to s)o, t)at indications can *e detected t)rou() t)e "a!i"u" coatin( t)ic-ness &resentA
Residual "a(netic !elds can inter.ere ,it) t)e AC8MT induced !eld and "a' &roduce .alse indicationsR t)ere.ore% AC8MT s)ould *e &er.or"ed &rior to a "a(netic &article e!a"ination ?MT@A I. AC8MT is &er.or"ed a.ter MT% t)e sur.ace s)all *e de"a(netiDed i. an' stron( residual !elds e!istA
T#11G0 T#11G1
?a@ Leld LocationA Leld locations and t)eir identi!ca# tion s)all *e recorded on a ,eld "a& or in an identi!ca# tion &lanA ?*@ Mar-in(A I. ,elds are to *e &er"anentl' "ar-ed% lo, stress sta"&s and0or i*ratin( tools "a' *e used% unless &ro)i*ited *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA ?c@ Re.erence S'ste"A Eac) ,eld s)all *e located and identi!ed *' a s'ste" o. re.erence &ointsA T)e s'ste" s)all &er"it identi!cation o. eac) ,eld and desi(nation o. re(ular inter als alon( t)e len(t) o. t)e ,eldA
?a@' results are usuall' o*tained ,)en t)e sur.aces are in t)e as#,elded% as#rolled% as#cast% or as#.or(ed conditionA +o,e er% sur.ace &re&aration *' (rindin( "a' "as- an indication and s)ould *e a oided ,)en &ossi*le or -e&t to a "ini"u"A ?*@ Prior to AC8MT e!a"ination% t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined and all adSacent areas ,it)in 1 inA ?21 ""@ s)all *e .ree o. dirt% "ill scale% ,eldin( !u!% oil% "a(netic coatin(s% or ot)er e!traneous "atter t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"inationA ?c@ Cleanin( "a' *e acco"&lis)ed *' an' "et)od t)at does not ad ersel' a..ect t)e &art or t)e e!a"inationA
T#1140CALIBRATION T#1141Ieneral ReJuire"ents T#1141A1 AC8MT S'ste"A Cali*rations s)all include t)e co"&lete AC8MT s'ste" ?eA(A% instru"ent% so.t,are% co"&uter% &ro*e% and ca*le@ and s)all *e &er.or"ed &rior to use o. t)e s'ste"A T#1141A2 Pro*esA T)e sa"e &ro*e to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination s)all *e used .or cali*rationA T#1141AF Instru"ent Settin(sA An' instru"ent settin( ,)ic) a..ects t)e res&onse .ro" t)e re.erence notc)es s)all
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?1F ""@
YMini"u" Di"ensions Elli&ticalLen(t)% Notc) IDinA ?""@ 1 2 F 2 ?10@ 0A21 ?4@ 0A21 ?4@
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ T)e tolerance on notc) de&t) s)all *e W 0A01 inA ?W 0A2 ""@A ?*@ T)e tolerance on notc) ]1 len(t) s)all *e W 0A0G inA ?W 1 ""@A ?c@ T)e tolerance on notc)es ]2 and ]F len(t) s)all *e W 0A01 inA ?W 0A2 ""@A ?d@ Notc) s)a&e s)all *e elli&ticalA ?e@ Notc) ]F onl' reJuired ,)en *loc- contains a ,eldA
*e at t)e sa"e settin( .or cali*ration% eri!cation c)ec-s% and t)e e!a"inationA
also can readil' detect a si(nal res&onse .ro" t)e s"aller notc)A T#1142A1 Pro*e Sensiti it'A L)en t)e reJuire"ents o. T#1142AG cannot *e "et% t)e &ro*e sensiti it' s)all *e adSusted% a di..erent &ro*e !le loaded% or anot)er &ro*e selected and t)e notc)es a(ain scanned &er T#1142AGA
T#1142Cali*ration T#1142A1 Lar" <&A T)e instru"ent s)all *e turned on and allo,ed to ,ar" u& .or t)e "ini"u" ti"e s&eci!ed *' t)e instru"ent "anu.acturer &rior to cali*rationA T#1142A2 Pro*eA T)e selected &ro*e% and ca*le e!ten# sions i. utiliDed% s)all *e connected to t)e instru"ent and t)e "anu.acturersE standard &ro*e !le loadedA T#1142AF Instru"ent Dis&la' Scan S&eedA T)e dis# &la' scan s&eed s)all *e set at t)e "a!i"u" rate to *e used durin( t)e e!a"inationA T#1142AG Pro*e Scannin( RateA T)e instru"ent s)all *e cali*rated *' &assin( t)e &ro*e o er t)e notc)es in t)e cali*ration *loc- and notin( t)e res&onsesA T)e nose o. t)e &ro*e s)all *e orientated &arallel to t)e notc) len(t) and s)all "aintain contact ,it) sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA T)e &ro*e scan rate s)all not e!ceed t)at ,)ic) dis&la's a *utter!' loo& .ro" t)e notc) ]1 o. 10O ?W10O@ o. .ull scale )ei()t and 151O ?W20O@ o. .ull scale ,idt) and t)at
Per.or"ance Con!r"ation
T#114FA1 S'ste" C)an(esA L)en an' &art o. t)e e!a"# ination s'ste" is c)an(ed% a eri!cation c)ec- s)all *e "ade on t)e cali*ration *loc- to eri.' t)at t)e settin(s satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. T#1142A2A T#114FA2 Periodic C)ec-sA A eri!cation c)ec- s)all *e "ade at t)e !nis) o. eac) e!a"ination or series o. si"ilar e!a"inations% and ,)en e!a"ination &ersonnel are c)an(edA T)e res&onse .ro" notc) ]1 s)all not )a e c)an(ed *' "ore t)an 10O in eit)er t)e B! or BD res&onseA L)en t)e sensiti it' )as c)an(ed *' "ore t)an 10O% all data since t)e last alid eri!cation c)ec- s)all *e "ar-ed oid or deleted and t)e area co ered *' t)e oided data s)all *e ree!a"inedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T#1150E=AMINATION T#1151Ieneral E!a"ination ReJuire"ents T#1151A1 Rate o. Pro*e Mo e"entA T)e "a!i"u" instru"ent scan s&eed and &ro*e scannin( rate s)all *e as deter"ined in T#1142AGA T#1151A2 Pro*e ContactA T)e &ro*e s)all *e -e&t in contact ,it) t)e e!a"ination sur.ace durin( scannin(A T#1151AF Direction o. 8ieldA At least t,o se&arate e!a"inations s)all *e &er.or"ed on eac) area% unless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA Durin( t)e second e!a"ination% t)e &ro*e s)all *e &ositioned &er# &endicular to t)at used durin( t)e !rst e!a"inationA
T#1120 T#1121
T#1121A1 NonreSecta*le IndicationsA NonreSecta*le indications s)all *e recorded as s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#1121A2 ReSecta*le IndicationsA ReSecta*le indica# tions s)all *e recordedA As a "ini"u"% t)e e!tent and location s)all *e recordedA
E!a"ination Record
T)e ,eld to *e scanned s)all *e e!a"ined *' &lacin( t)e &ro*e at t)e toe o. t)e ,eld ,it) t)e nose o. t)e &ro*e &arallel to t)e lon(itudinal direction o. t)e ,eldA T)e &ro*e s)all t)en *e "o ed &arallel to and alon( t)e ,eld toeA A second lon(itudinal scan s)all *e &er.or"ed alon( t)e o&&osite toe o. t)e ,eldA T)ese t,o scans s)all t)en *e re&eated &er T#1151AFA <nless de"onstrated ot)er,ise% i. t)e ,idt) o. t)e ,eld is ,ider t)an FVG inA ?12 ""@% an additional set o. scans s)all *e &er.or"ed alon( t)e center# line o. t)e ,eldA
O erla&
T)e o erla& *et,een successi e &ro*e incre"ental scans s)all *e 1 inA ?21 ""@ "ini"u"A T#115G Inter&retation
8or eac) e!a"ination% t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)all *e recorded6 ?a@ &rocedure identi!cation and re isionR ?*@ AC8MT instru"ent identi!cation ?includin( "anu# .acturersE serial nu"*er@R ?c@ so.t,are identi!cation and re isionR ?d@ &ro*e identi!cation ?includin( "anu.acturersE serial nu"*er and .reJuenc'@R ?e@ &ro*e !le identi!cation and re isionR ?.@ cali*ration *loc- identi!cationR ?(@ identi!cation and location o. ,eld or sur.ace e!a"inedR ?)@ "a& or record o. reSecta*le indications detected or areas clearedR ?i@ areas o. restricted access or inaccessi*le ,eldsR ?S@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le elR and ?-@ date o. e!a"inationA
T)e inter&retation s)all identi.' i. an indication is .alse% nonrele ant% or rele antA 8alse and nonrele ant indications s)all *e &ro en .alse or nonrele antA Inter&retation s)all *e carried out to identi.' t)e location and e!tent o. t)e discontinuit' and ,)et)er it is linear or nonlinearA Deter"i# nation o. discontinuit' siDe ?len(t) and de&t)@ is not reJuired unless s&eci!ed *' t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#112F T#1130 EVAL<ATION Re&ort A re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e "adeA T)e re&ort s)all include t)ose records indicated in T#1121 and T#1122A T)e re&ort s)all *e !led and "aintained in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
All indications s)all *e e aluated in ter"s o. t)e acce&t# ance standards o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)is Article descri*es t)e Ma(netic 8lu! Lea-a(e ?M8L@ e!a"ination "et)od reJuire"ents a&&lica*le .or &er.or"in( M8L e!a"inations on coated and uncoated .erro"a(netic "aterials .ro" one sur.aceA M8L is used in t)e e!a"ination o. tu*e and &i&in( to !nd un,elded areas o. lon(itudinal ,eld SointsA It is also used as a &ost construc# tion e!a"ination "et)od to e aluate t)e condition o. &late "aterials% suc) as stora(e tan- !oors% and &i&in( .or corro# sion or ot)er .or"s o. de(radationA Ot)er i"&er.ections t)at "a' *e detected are crac-s% sea"s% inco"&lete .usion% inco"&lete &enetration% dents% la&s% and non"etallic inclu# sions% etcA L)en t)is Article is s&eci!ed *' a re.erencin( Code Section% t)e M8L "et)od descri*ed in t)is Article s)all *e used to(et)er ,it) Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire"entsA
&i&e or tu*e t)at is "ade .ro" a "aterial o. t)e sa"e no"inal &i&e or tu*e siDes% &roduct .or"% and co"&osition as t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA T)e &i&e or tu*e s&eci# "en s)all )a e notc) discontinuities "ac)ined into t)e inside and outside sur.aces as s)o,n in 8i(A T#1422A1A2A T)e de&t)s and ,idt)s o. t)e arti!cial discontinuities s)ould *e si"ilar to t)e siDes and &)'sical c)aracteristics o. discontinuities to *e detectedA I. non"a(netic coatin(s or te"&orar' co erin(s ,ill *e &resent durin( t)e e!a"ina# tion% t)e re.erence s&eci"en s)all *e coated or co ered ,it) t)e non"a(netic coatin(s or co ers re&resentati e o. t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness t)at ,ill *e encountered durin( t)e e!a"inationA
T#1420 T#1421
T#1422A2 S'ste" Veri!cation and 8unction C)ec-sA T)e "anu.acturerEs eri!cation &rocedure s)all *e con# ducted initiall' to ensure t)at t)e s'ste" is .unctionin( as desi(nedA T)e .unctional c)ec- s)all *e "ade *' scannin( t)e re.erence &late o er t)e ran(e o. scannin( s&eeds to *e utiliDed durin( t)e e!a"inationA EJui&"ent settin(s s)all *e docu"entedA T#1422AF Per.or"ance Con!r"ationA A .unctional c)ec- s)all *e conducted at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) e!a"ination% e er' 3 )r% or ,)en eJui&"ent )as "al.uncti# oned and *een re&airedA I. it is deter"ined t)at t)e eJui&# "ent is not .unctionin( &ro&erl'% needed adSust"ents s)all *e "ade and all areas e!a"ined since t)e last &er.or"ance c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"inedA
T)e user o. t)is Article s)all *e res&onsi*le .or docu# "ented trainin(% Juali!cation% and certi!cation o. &erson# nel &er.or"in( M8L e!a"inationA Personnel &er.or"in( su&&le"ental e!a"inations% suc) as ultrasonic ?<T@ e!a"i# nations% s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) t)e re.erenc# in( Code SectionA
EJui&"ent Kuali!cation ReJuire"ents T#142FLritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#142FA1 ReJuire"entsA M8L e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure t)at s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#142FA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin# (le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA T)e &rocedure s)all address% as a "ini"u"% t)e identi!# cation o. i"&er.ections% re.erence "aterials used to set u& eJui&"ent% location and "a&&in( o. i"&er.ections% and t)e e!tent o. co era(eA T)e &rocedure s)all address t)e !eld stren(t) o. t)e "a(nets% t)e .unctionin( o. t)e sensors% and t)e o&eration o. t)e si(nal#&rocessin( unitA Ot)er e!a"ination "et)ods t)at ,ill *e used to su&&le"ent t)e M8L e!a"ination s)all *e identi!ed in t)e &rocedureA
T)e eJui&"ent o&eration s)all *e de"onstrated *' suc# cess.ull' co"&letin( t)e unit eri!cation and .unction tests outlined as .ollo,sA T#1422A1 Re.erence S&eci"enA All M8L e!a"inations s)all )a e a re.erence &late or &i&e section to ensure t)e eJui&"ent is &er.or"in( in accordance ,it) t)e " turerEs s&eci!cations &rior to useA T)e re.erence s&eci"en .or &late s)all consist o. a &late t)at is "ade .ro" a "aterial o. t)e sa"e no"inal t)ic-ness% &roduct .or"% and co"&osi# tion as t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA T)e &late s&eci"en s)all )a e notc)es or ot)er discontinuities "ac)ined into t)e *otto" o. t)e &late% as s)o,n in 8i(A T#1422A1A1A T)e re.erence s&eci"en .or &i&e or tu*in( s)all consist o. a
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
+ole Nu"*er 1 2 1 2 1 2
Nu"*er o. Ste&s F G G 1 G 1
Ste& SiDe A0F2 ?0A3@ A0F2 ?0A3@ A0F2 ?0A3@ A0F2 ?0A3@ A0F2 ?1@ A0F2 ?1@
Dia"eter D1 AG5 ?12@ A42 ?14@ A42 ?14@ A53 ?20@ A53 ?20@ A24 ?2G@
Dia"eter D2 AF2 ?3@ AG5 ?12@ AG5 ?12@ A42 ?14@ A12 ?11@ A53 ?20@
Dia"eter DF A12 ?F@ AF2 ?3@ AF2 ?3@ AG5 ?12@ AF2 ?10@ A12 ?11@
Dia"eter DG A12 ?F@ A14 ?G@ AF2 ?3@ A2 ?1@ AF2 ?10@
Dia"eter D1
A14 ?G@
F 03
A2 ?1@
D1 D2
2 ?221@ +oles 1 2
T'&ical Bloc- Di"ensions Mini"u" len(t) L 3 inA ?200 ""@ or 3T% ,)ic)e er is (reater 8ull circu".erence
S&eci.ic Notc) Di"ensions Len(t) L U 1 inA ?21 ""@ "a!i"u" De&t) D U 10O T ,it) tolerance ?X10O U 20O@ o. de&t) Lidt) U 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ "a!i"u" Location U not closer t)an FT .ro" an' *loc- ed(e or ot)er notc) in a!ial direction Mini"u" 20 de( .ro" adSacent notc)?es@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ReJuire"ent EJui&"ent "anu.acturer0"odel Sensor t'&e6 "anu.acturer and "odel Scannin( s&eed0s&eed ran(e O erla& Li.t#o.. Material e!a"ined Material t)ic-ness ran(e and di"ensions Re.erence s&eci"en and cali*ration "aterials So.t,are E aluation o. indications Sur.ace conditionin( Coatin(0s)eet t)ic-ness Per.or"ance de"onstration reJuire"ents% ,)en reJuired Scannin( tec)niJue ?re"ote control0 "anual@ Scannin( eJui&"ent0!!tures Personnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents
Alternate tec)niJues ,ill *e reJuired to )andle aria*les e!ceedin( t)ose s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedureA ?*@ Cleanin( "a' *e acco"&lis)ed usin( )i()#&ressure ,ater *last or *' sand*lastin(A I. t)e "aterial is coated and t)e coatin( is not re"o ed% it s)all *e de"onstrated t)at t)e M8L eJui&"ent can detect t)e s&eci!ed i"&er.ections t)rou() t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e te"&orar' s)eet or coatin(A ?c@ I. a te"&orar' s)eet or coatin( is a&&lied *et,een t)e scanner and &late to &ro ide a s"oot) sur.ace% .or e!a"&le% on a )ea il' &itted sur.ace% it s)all *e de"on# strated t)at t)e eJui&"ent can !nd t)e s&eci!ed i"& tions t)rou() t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e te"&orar' s)eet or coatin(A
= = = = =
= = =
T)e M8L eJui&"ent s)all *e recali*rated annuall' and ,)ene er t)e eJui&"ent is su*Sected to "aSor da"a(e .ollo,in( reJuired re&airsA I. eJui&"ent )as not *een in use .or 1 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e done &rior to !rst useA
T#1440 T#142FA2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#142F identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"on# strationA A c)an(e in a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nones# sential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
T)e eJui&"ent s)all consist o. "a(nets% sensor or sensor arra'% and related electronic circuitr'A A re.erence indica# tor% suc) as a ruled scale or linear arra' o. illu"inated li()t#e"ittin( diodes% s)ould *e used to &ro ide a "eans .or identi.'in( t)e a&&ro!i"ate lateral &osition o. indica# tionsA T)e eJui&"ent "a' *e desi(ned .or "anual scannin( or "a' *e "otor dri enA So.t,are "a' *e incor&orated to assist in detection and c)aracteriDation o. discontinuitiesA
?a@ Areas to *e e!a"ined s)all *e scanned in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedureA Eac) &ass o. t)e sensin( unit s)all *e o erla&&ed in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedureA ?*@ T)e unit s)all *e scanned "anuall' or *' a "otor# dri en s'ste"A Ot)er e!a"ination "et)ods "a' *e used to &ro ide co era(e in areas not accessi*le to M8L e!a"i# nations% in accordance ,it) t)e ,ritten &rocedureA T'&ical e!a"&les o. inaccessi*le areas in stora(e tan-s are la& ,elds and corner ,elds adSacent to t)e s)ell or ot)er o*structions% suc) as roo. colu"ns and su"&sA ?c@ I"&er.ections detected ,it) M8L e!ceedin( t)e acce&tance standard si(nal s)all *e con!r"ed *' su&&le# "ental e!a"ination?s@ or *e reSectedA Su&&le"ental e!a"i# nation s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) ,ritten &roceduresA ?d@ L)ere detection o. linear i"&er.ections is reJuired% an additional scan s)all *e &er.or"ed in a direction a&&ro!i# "atel' &er&endicular to t)e initial scannin( directionA
All indications s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA T#14G0 REK<IREMENTS T#1430 DOC<MENTATION ?a@ T)e sur.ace s)all *e cleaned o. all loose scale and de*ris t)at could inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"ination and "o e# "ent o. t)e scannerA T)e sur.ace s)ould *e su.!cientl' !at to "ini"iDe e!cessi e c)an(es in li.t#o.. and i*rationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ &late "aterial s&eci!cation% no"inal ,all t)ic-ness% &i&e dia"eter% as a&&lica*leR ?*@ descri&tion% suc) as dra,in(0s-etc)es% docu"entin( areas e!a"ined% and0or areas inaccessi*leR ?c@ identi!cation o. t)e &rocedure used .or t)e e!a"i# nationR ?d@ s'ste" detection sensiti it' ?"ini"u" siDe o. i"&er.ections detecta*le@R ?e@ location% de&t)% and t'&e o. all i"&er.ections t)at "eet or e!ceed t)e re&ortin( criteriaR
?.@ e!a"ination &ersonnel identit' and% ,)en reJuired *' re.erencin( Code Section% Juali!cation le elR ?(@ "odel and serial nu"*er o. eJui&"ent utiliDed .or t)e e!a"ination% includin( su&&le"ental eJui&"entR ?)@ date and ti"e o. e!a"inationR ?i@ date and ti"e o. &er.or"ance eri!cation c)ec-sR and ?S@ su&&le"ental "et)ods utiliDed and re.erence to asso# ciated re&ortsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is Article contains t)e tec)niJues and reJuire# "ents .or Re"ote 8ield Testin( ?R8T@ e!a"inationA ?*@ T)e reJuire"ents o. Article 1% Ieneral ReJuire# "ents% a&&l' ,)en a re.erencin( Code Section reJuires R8T e!a"inationA ?c@ De!nition o. ter"s .or R8T e!a"inations a&&ear in Article 1% A&&endi! I% Ilossar' o. Ter"s .or Nondestruc# ti e E!a"ination% Su*section B% Article 24% SE#2024% In Situ E!a"ination o. 8erro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*es <sin( Re"ote 8ield Testin(% and Article F0% SE#1F14% Standard Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inationA ?d@ Article 24% SE#2024% Standard Practice .or In Situ E!a"ination o. 8erro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*es <sin( Re"ote 8ield Testin(% s)all *e used as re.erenced in t)is ArticleA
T#1520IENERAL T#1521Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents T#1521A1 ReJuire"entsA R8T e!a"inations s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure ,)ic) s)all% as a "ini"u"% contain t)e reJuire"ents listed in Ta*le T#1521A T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all esta*lis) a sin# (le alue% or ran(e o. alues% .or eac) reJuire"entA
and Juali.'in( R8T s'ste" o&erators are descri*ed in SE# 2024A Personnel &er.or"in( R8T e!a"inations s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erenc# in( Code SectionA
T#1521A2 Procedure Kuali!cationA L)en &rocedure Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent in Ta*le T#1521 identi!ed as an essential aria*le s)all reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedure *' de"on# strationA A c)an(e o. a reJuire"ent identi!ed as a nones# sential aria*le does not reJuire reJuali!cation o. t)e ,ritten &rocedureA All c)an(es o. essential or nonessential aria*les .ro" t)ose s&eci!ed ,it)in t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all reJuire re ision o.% or an addendu" to% t)e ,ritten &rocedureA
R8T eJui&"ent ca&a*le o. o&eratin( in t)e a*solute or di..erential "ode ?or *ot) "odes@ as s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedure% to(et)er ,it) suita*le &ro*es and a de ice .or recordin( t)e R8T data in a .or"at suita*le .or e aluation and arc)i al stora(e are all essential &arts o. t)e s'ste"A T)e "eans o. dis&la'in( si(nals s)all *e on a Volta(e Plane ?also -no,n as an I"&edance Plane% a Volta(e Plane Polar Plot% and an =#7 Dis&la'@A EJui&"ent and !!tures .or "o in( &ro*es t)rou() tu*es and .or scannin( "a' *e usedA
Personnel ReJuire"ents T#1510 TEC+NIK<E ?a@ Sin(le or "ulti&le .reJuenc' tec)niJues are &er"it# ted .or t)is e!a"inationA
T)e user o. t)is Article s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" R8T e!a"ination to t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is ArticleA Reco""endations .or trainin(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Section ie, 8la, O de&t) A 21O B 10O A t)rou() C are inA ?1 ""@ dia"eter .lat *otto" )oles NOTE6 not to scale C 51O D 100O D is a t)rou() )ole inA ?1 ""@ dia"eter F014
8la, t'&e
?*@ 8ollo,in( t)e selection o. t)e e!a"ination .reJuen# c'?ies@ and t)e co"&letion o. t)e set#u& usin( a re.erence standard% t)e &ro*e s)all *e &ulled t)rou() t)e tu*es to *e e!a"ined at a s&eed t)at s)all *e uni.or" and a&&ro&riate to t)e e!a"ination .reJuenc'% di(ital sa"&lin( rate% and reJuired sensiti it' to !a,sA T)is rate o. scannin( s)all *e used to &er.or" t)e e!a"inationA
in 8i(A T#1542% s)all *e used to de"onstrate adeJuate sensiti it'A Pit de&t) and siDe selection s)all *e deter"ined *' t)e a&&licationA Pit de&t) tolerance s)all *e X00\10OA +ole dia"eter tolerance s)all *e W10OA T)e s&acin( o. t)e arti!cial !a,s s)all *e suita*le .or t)e coil s&acin( on t)e R8T &ro*e to ensure t)at !a,s or tu*e ends are not near t)e e!citer?s@ and detector?s@ at t)e sa"e ti"eA Tu*es used as re.erence standards s)all *e o. t)e sa"e no"inal di"ensions and "aterial t'&e as t)e tu*es to *e e!a"inedA
T#1540 T#1541
R8T instru"entation s)all *e recali*rated annuall' and ,)ene er t)e eJui&"ent is su*Sected to da"a(e and0or a.ter an' "aSor re&airA L)en eJui&"ent )as not *een in use .or a 'ear or "ore% cali*ration s)all *e &er.or"ed &rior to !rst useA A ta( or ot)er .or" o. docu"entation s)all *e attac)ed to t)e R8T instru"ent ,it) date o. cali*ration and cali*ration due date s)o,nA
T#1542S'ste" Pre&aration T#1542A1 T)e R8T s'ste" is set u& .or t)e e!a"ination usin( arti!cial !a,s .a*ricated in a re.erence tu*eA T)e re.erence standard s)all *e in accordance ,it) SE#2024% 8i(A G% and &araA 10A1 o. t)at docu"entA T)e re.erence standard s)all include a tu*e su&&ort &late .a*ricated in accordance ,it) SE#2024% &araA 10A4A L)en it is reJuired to detect and siDe s"all olu"e !a,s% suc) as corrosion &its% a second re.erence tu*e% suc) as t)e e!a"&le s)o,n
T#1542A2 L)ere eit)er t)e e!act "aterial t'&e or di"ensional "atc)es are not a aila*le% an alternati e tu*e "a' *e usedA A de"onstration o. t)e eJui alenc' o. t)e alternate re.erence is reJuiredA An e!a"&le o. de"onstra# tin( nor"aliDed res&onse is ,)en one o. t)e .ollo,in( res&onses .ro" t)e re.erence standard and t)e no"inal tu*e are eJual6 ?a@ t)e a"&litude and an(ular &osition o. a su&&ort &late indication on t)e olta(e &lane ?*@ t)e an(ular di..erence *et,een a su&&ort &late indi# cation and t)e tu*e e!it indication on t)e olta(e &lane ?c@ t)e a*solute &)ase res&onse
T#154FS'ste" Set#u& and Cali*ration T#154FA1 Di..erential C)annels ?a@ T)e &)ase rotation o. t)e *ase .reJuenc' ?81@ s)all *e adSusted so t)at t)e si(nal .ro" t)e t)rou()#,all )ole ?TL+@ a&&ears a&&ro!i"atel' alon( t)e 7 ? ertical@ a!is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
TSP si(nal
and t)at t)e si(nal .ro" t)e tu*e su&&ort &late ?TSP@ lies in t)e u&&er le.t#)and and lo,er ri()t#)and JuadrantsA L)en &ro&erl' adSusted% t)e di..erential si(nals s)ould *e dis&la'ed on a olta(e &lane dis&la'% suc) as t)ose s)o,n in 8i(sA T#154FA1?a@ and T#154FA1?*@ ?*@ T)e si(nal res&onse .or t)e t)rou()#,all )ole ence !a, s)all *e (enerated ,)en &ullin( t)e &ro*e &ast t)e )ole suc) t)at t)e initial res&onse is do,n,ard .ollo,ed *' an u&,ard "otion and t)en *ac- to t)e null &oint on t)e olta(e &laneA ?c@ T)e sensiti it' s)all *e adSusted to &roduce a "ini# "u" &ea-#to#&ea- si(nal o. a&&ro!i"atel' 10O .ull screen )ei()t .ro" t)e t)rou()#,all )oleA ?d@ T)e res&onse .ro" t)e 20O ,ear (roo e in t)e re.erence tu*e s)ould *e at a&&ro!i"atel' 110 de( ?as "easured cloc-,ise .ro" t)e ne(ati e =#a!is@A See 8i(AT#154FA1?a@A T)e an(ular di..erence *et,een t)e TL+ res&onse and t)e 20O !a, res&onse s)all *e 40 de( W10 de(A Alternate initial res&onse an(les re&resentin( arti!cial !a,s "a' *e used% &ro idin( t)e di..erence *et,een t)e TL+ res&onse and t)e 20O (roo e res&onse "eets t)is criteriaA
Re.erence cur e
T#154FA2 A*solute C)annels ?a@ T)e si(nal res&onses .or a*solute c)annels are set u& usin( a &rocedure si"ilar to t)at used to set u& t)e di..erential c)annels usin( t)e Volta(e Plane dis&la'A A*solute si(nals ,ill a&&ear as )al. t)e e!tent o. di..eren# tial si(nalsA
?*@ Volta(e Plane Polar Plot dis&la's "a' also *e used .or settin( u& t)e a*solute &ro*e tec)niJue usin( t)e .ol# lo,in( &rocedure6 ?1@ AdSust t)e .reJuenc'?ies@ and &)ase o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e t)rou() )ole in t)e re.erence standard so t)at it ori(inates at 1% 0 on t)e &olar &lot dis&la' and de elo&s *' (oin( u&,ard and to t)e le.t at an an(le *et,een 20 de( and 120 de( "easured cloc-,ise .ro" t)e = a!isA T)e TSP si(nal ,ill lie a&&ro!i"atel' &arallel to t)e = a!isA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?2@ I. a re.erence cur e is used% t)e si(nals .ro" t)e t,o 20O (roo es in t)e re.erence standard s)ould &eaclose to t)e re.erence cur eA I. t)e' do not &ea- close to t)e re.erence cur e% t)e test .reJuenc' and0or &ro*e dri e s)all *e adSusted until t)e' doA ?F@ Si(nals .ro" !a,s t)at are e enl' dis&laced around t)e circu".erence o. t)e tu*e% suc) as B(eneral ,all loss%C ,ill t'&icall' .ollo, t)e re.erence cur eA Si(nals .ro" i"&er.ections t)at are &redo"inantl' on one side o. t)e tu*e ,ill a&&ear inside t)e re.erence cur eA Si(nals .ro" "a(netic &er"ea*ilit' ariations ,ill a&&ear outside t)e re.erence cur eA 8i(ure T#154FA2 illustrates t)e Volta(e Plane Polar Plot dis&la' ,it) t)e si(nals .ro" t,o circu"# .erential (roo es% a tu*e su&&ort &late% and t)e re.erence cur eA
?c@ S)ould t)e s'ste" *e .ound to *e out o. cali*ration durin( t)e e!a"ination% it s)all *e recali*ratedA T)e recali# *ration s)all *e noted on t)e re&ortA All tu*es e!a"ined since t)e last alid cali*ration s)all *e ree!a"inedA
T)e B&)ase an(le anal'sisC "et)od or t)e B&)ase la( and lo(#a"&litude anal'sisC "et)od s)all *e used to esti# "ate t)e de&t) o. !a,sA In *ot) cases t)e siDe ?a"&litude@ o. t)e si(nal is related to !a, sur.ace area% and t)e &)ase an(le is related to t)e !a, de&t)A T)e "et)od used s)all *e .ull' docu"ented in t)e e!a"ination records and t)e relations)i& *et,een !a, di"ensions and si(nals s)all *e descri*edA One or *ot) "et)ods "a' *e used .or !a, de&t) and siDe esti"ationA
T#154FAF Dual E!citer and Arra' Pro*esA Dual e!citer and arra' &ro*es "a' *e used &ro ided s'ste" &er.or"ance is de"onstrated *' use o. t)e re.erence stan# dardA Dis&la's used "a' ar' .ro" s'ste" to s'ste"A
T#1544A1 P)ase An(le Met)odA A relations)i& o. si(# nal &)ase an(les to re.erence !a, de&t)s s)all *e de elo&ed .or t)e e!a"ination *ein( &er.or"edA T#1544A2 P)ase#La( Met)odA A relations)i& o. &)ase la( an(le and lo(#a"&litude o. si(nals .ro" t)e re.erence standard !a,s s)all *e de elo&ed .or t)e e!a"ination *ein( &er.or"edA
?a@ Au!iliar' .reJuencies "a' *e used to e!a"ine tu*esA T)e' "a' *e "ulti&les ?)ar"onics@ o. t)e *ase .reJuenc' or "a' *e inde&endent o. t)e *ase .reJuenc'A ?*@ Au!iliar' .reJuencies "a' *e B"i!edC ,it) t)e *ase .reJuenc' to &roduce an out&ut si(nal t)at su&&resses un,anted aria*le res&onses% suc) as t)ose .ro" t)e tu*e su&&ort &latesA ?c@ L)en B"i!edC si(nals are used .or !a, e aluation% t)e' s)all de"onstrate sensiti it' to re.erence standard arti!cal !a, ,it) su&&ression o. t)e un,anted si(nalA 8or e!a"&le% t)e un,anted si(nal "a' *e t)e tu*e su&&ort &late si(nalA Au!iliar' .reJuenc' res&onse and "i!ed si(# nal res&onse to t)e un,anted si(nal s)all *e &art o. t)e cali*ration recordA ?d@ T)e *ase .reJuenc' and au!iliar' .reJuenc'?ies@ res&onse s)all *e recorded si"ultaneousl'A
T#1550 T#1551
Data s)all *e recorded as t)e &ro*e tra erses t)e tu*eA T)e data "a' *e (at)ered in a Bti"edC "ode or a Bdistance encodedC "odeA T)e a!ial location o. discontinuities s)all *e esti"ated *' re.erence to -no,n .eatures or *' encoder "easure"entsA
Pro*e S&eed
T)e &ro*e s&eed s)all *e de&endent on t)e *ase .re# Juenc' and sa"&le rate and s)all *e no .aster t)an t)e s&eed reJuired to o*tain a clear si(nal .ro" t)e re.erence standard t)rou()#,all )ole% ,it)out an' "easura*le &)ase s)i.t or a"&litude c)an(e o. t)e si(nalA
?a@ Cali*ration o. t)e s'ste" )ard,are s)all *e con# !r"ed in accordance ,it) reJuire"ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA L)en not s&eci!ed in t)e re.erencin( Code Section% analo( ele"ents o. t)e s'ste" s)all *e cali*rated annuall' or &rior to !rst useA ?*@ Cali*ration s)all include t)e co"&lete R8T e!a"i# nation s'ste"A An' c)an(e o. t)e &ro*e% e!tension ca*les% R8T instru"ent% co"&uter% or ot)er recordin( instru"ents s)all reJuire recali*ration o. t)e s'ste"% and recali*ration s)all *e noted on t)e re&ortA
T)e anal'sis and e aluation o. e!a"ination data s)all *e "ade in accordance ,it) t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
A re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e (eneratedA T)e re&ort s)all include% at a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( in.or# "ation6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ o,ner% location% t'&e% serial nu"*er% and identi!ca# tion o. co"&onent e!a"inedR ?*@ siDe% ,all t)ic-ness% "aterial t'&e% and con!(uration o. installed tu*esR ?c@ tu*e nu"*erin( s'ste"R ?d@ e!tent o. e!a"ination or tu*es e!a"ined and len(t) o. tu*es scannedR ?e@ &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e e!a"inationR ?1@ Juali!cation le el ,)en reJuired *' t)e re.erenc# in( Code Section ?.@ date o. e!a"inationR ?(@ "odels% t'&es% and serial nu"*ers o. co"&onents o. t)e R8T s'ste"R ?)@ &ro*e "odel0t'&e and e!tension len(t)R ?i@ all rele ant instru"ent settin(sR
?S@ serial nu"*er?s@ o. re.erence tu*e?s@R ?-@ &rocedure used M identi!cation and re isionR ?l@ acce&tance criteria usedR ?"@ identi.' tu*es or s&eci!c re(ions ,)ere li"ited sen# siti it' and ot)er areas o. reduced sensiti it' or ot)er &ro*le"sR ?n@ results o. t)e e!a"ination and related s-etc)es or "a&s o. t)e e!a"ined areaR and ?o@ co"&le"entar' tests used to .urt)er in esti(ate or con!r" test resultsA
Record Retention
Records s)all *e "aintained in accordance ,it) reJuire# "ents o. t)e re.erencin( Code SectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is (uide co ers' =#ra' and (a""a# ra' radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination as a&&lied to industrial radio# (ra&)ic !l" recordin(A It includes state"ents a*out &re# .erred &ractice ,it)out discussin( t)e tec)nical *ac-(round ,)ic) Susti!es t)e &re.erenceA A *i*lio(ra&)' o. se eral te!t*oo-s and standard docu"ents o. ot)er societies is included .or additional in.or"ation on t)e su*SectA
(uide% *e'ond listin( t)e a aila*le re.erence radio(ra&) docu"ents .or castin( and ,eldsA Desi(nation o. acce&t# reSect standards is reco(niDed to *e ,it)in t)e co(niDance o. &roduct s&eci!cations and (enerall' a "atter o. contrac# tual a(ree"ent *et,een &roducer and &urc)aserA 1AG' Practices M Pro*le"s o. &ersonnel &rotec# tion a(ainst =#ra's and (a""a ra's are not co ered *' t)is docu"entA 8or in.or"ation on t)is i"&ortant as&ect o. radio(ra&)'% re.erence s)ould *e "ade to t)e current docu"ent o. t)e National Co""ittee on Radiation Protec# tion and Measure"ent% 8ederal Re(ister% <ASA Ener(' Researc) and De elo&"ent Ad"inistration% National Bureau o. Standards% and to state and local re(ulations% i. suc) e!istA 8or s&eci!c radiation' in.or"ation to NIST +and*oo- ANSI GFAF% 21 C8R 1020AG0% and 22 C8R 1210A1024 or state re(ulations .or a(ree"ent statesA
1A2 T)is (uide co ers t'&es o. "aterials to *e e!a"inedR radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination tec)niJues and &roduction "et)# odsR radio(ra&)ic !l" section% &rocessin(% ie,in(% and stora(eR "aintenance o. ins&ection recordsR and a list o. a aila*le re.erence radio(ra&) docu"entsA
NOTE 1 M 8urt)er in.or"ation is contained in Iuide E 222% Practice E 1021% Test Met)ods E 10F0% and E 10F2A
1AF Inter&retation and Acce&tance Standards M Inter# &retation and acce&tance standards are not co ered *' t)is
1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' &ro*le"s% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA ?See 1AGA@ 1A4 I. an NDT a(enc' is used% t)e a(enc' s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) Practice E 1GFA
P+GA3 Met)'lene Blue Met)od .or Measurin( T)iosul.ate and Sil er Densito"etric Met)od .or Measurin( Resid# ual C)e"icals in 8il"s% Plates% and Pa&ers T2A1 I"a(in( Media ?8il"@ M Sil er#Ielatin T'&e S&eci# !cations .or Sta*ilit' T2A2 I"a(in( Media M P)oto(ra&)ic Processed 8il"% Plate% and Pa&er M 8ilin( Enclosures and Stora(e Con# tainers 2AF 8ederal Standards6 Title 21% Code o. 8ederal Re(ulations ?C8R@ 1020AG0%' ReJuire"ents o. Ca*inet =#Ra' S'ste"s Title 22% Code o. 8ederal Re(ulations ?C8R@ 1210A24% IoniDin( Radiation ?=#Ra's% R8% etcA@ 2AG Ot)er Docu"ent6 NBS +and*oo- ANSI NGFAF Ieneral Radiation' Installations <sin( NonMedical =#Ra' and Sealed Ia""a Sources u& to 10 MeV
E 1GF Practice .or E aluatin( A(encies t)at Per.or" Non# destructi e Testin( E 5G4 Test Met)od .or Deter"inin( t)e Relati e I"a(e Kualit' Res&onse o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" E 5G5 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indica# tors ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 301 Practice .or Controllin( Kualit' o. Radiolo(ical E!a"ination o. Electronic De ices E 222 Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin( E 1021 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 10F0 Test Met)od .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination o. Metallic Castin(s E 10F2 Test Met)od .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination o. Leld"ents E 1052 Practice .or Cali*ration o. Trans"ission Densito"# eters E 121G Iuide .or Stora(e o. Radio(ra&)s and <ne!&osed Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il"s E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 1F20 Iuide .or Illu"inators <sed .or Vie,in( Industrial Radio(ra&)s E 15F1 Test Met)od .or Deter"inin( Relati e I"a(e Kual# it' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" E!&osed to =#Radia# tion .ro" G to 21 MV E 15G2 Practice .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination E 1311 Test Met)od .or Classi!cation o. 8il" S'ste"s .or Industrial Radio(ra&)' 2A2 ANSI Standards6 P+1AG1 S&eci!cations .or P)oto(ra&)ic 8il" .or Arc)i al Records% Sil er#Ielatin T'&e% on Pol'ester Base P+2A22 Met)ods .or Deter"inin(' Ti"es o. P)oto# (ra&)ic Dar-roo" Illu"ination
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is (uide% to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 Lit)in t)e &resent state o. t)e radio(ra&)ic art% t)is (uide is (enerall' a&&lica*le to a aila*le "aterials% &rocesses% and tec)niJues ,)ere industrial radio(ra&)ic !l"s are used as t)e recordin( "ediaA GA2 Li"itations M T)is (uide does not ta-e into consid# eration s&ecial *ene!ts and li"itations resultin( .ro" t)e use o. non!l" recordin( "edia or readouts suc) as &a&er% ta&es% !eroradio(ra&)'% !uorosco&'% and electronic i"a(e intensi!cation de icesA Alt)ou() re.erence is "ade to doc# u"ents t)at "a' *e used in t)e identi!cation and (radin(% ,)ere a&&lica*le% o. re&resentati e discontinuities in co"# "on "etal castin(s and ,elds% no atte"&t )as *een "ade to set standards o. acce&tance .or an' "aterial or &roduction &rocessA Radio(ra&)' ,ill *e consistent in sensiti it' and resolution onl' i. t)e e..ect o. all details o. tec)niJues% suc) as (eo"etr'% !l"% !ltration% ie,in(% etcA% is o*tained and "aintainedA
1A Kualit' o. Radio(ra&)s 1A1 To o*tain Jualit' radio(ra&)s% it is necessar' to consider as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( list o. ite"sA Detailed in.or"ation on eac) ite" is .urt)er descri*ed in t)is (uideA 1A1A1 Radiation source ?=#ra' or (a""a@% 1A1A2 Volta(e selection ?=#ra'@%
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A1AF Source siDe ?=#ra' or (a""a@% 1A1AG La's and "eans to eli"inate scattered radi# ation% 1A1A1 8il" s'ste" class% 1A1A4 Source to !l" distance% 1A1A5 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ 1A1A3 Screens and !lters% 1A1A2 Ieo"etr' o. &art or co"&onent con!(uration% 1A1A10 Identi!cation and location "ar-ers% and 1A1A11 Radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le elA
Ener(' 120 -V 110 -V 200 -V 210 -V G00 -V ?lr 122@ 1M 2 M ?Co 40@ GM 4M 10 M 14 M and )i()er T)ic-ness% inA ?""@ 0A10 0A1G 0A20 0A21 0AF1 0A15 0A30 1A00 1A11 1A21 1AF0 ?2A1@ ?FA4@ ?1A1@ ?4AG@ ?3A2@ ?1GA1@ ?20AF@ ?21AG@ ?22A2@ ?F1A3@ ?FFA0@
4A Radio(ra&)ic Kualit' Le el 4A1 In.or"ation on t)e desi(n and "anu.acture o. i"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ can *e .ound in Practices E 5G5% E 301% E 1021% and E 15G2A 4A2 T)e Jualit' le el usuall' reJuired .or radio(ra&)' is 2O ?2#2T ,)en usin( )ole t'&e IKI@ unless a )i()er or lo,er Jualit' is a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA At t)e 2O su*Sect contrast le el% t)ree Jualit' le els o. ins&ection% 2#1T% 2#2T% and 2#GT% are a aila*le t)rou() t)e desi(n and a&&lication o. t)e IKI ?Practice E 1021% Ta*le 1@A Ot)er le els o. ins&ection are a aila*le in Practice E 1021% Ta*le 1A T)e le el o. ins&ection s&eci!ed s)ould *e *ased on t)e ser ice reJuire"ents o. t)e &roductA Ireat care s)ould *e ta-en in s&eci.'in( Jualit' le els 2# 1T% 1#1T% and 1#2T *' !rst deter"inin( t)at t)ese Jualit' le els can *e "aintained in &roduction radio(ra&)'A
&otential ad anta(e o. )i()er contrastA 8or a &articular ener('% a ran(e o. t)ic-nesses% ,)ic) are a "ulti&le o. t)e )al. alue la'er% "a' *e radio(ra&)ed to an acce&ta*le Jualit' le el utiliDin( a &articular =#ra' "ac)ine or (a""a ra' sourceA In all cases t)e s&eci!ed IKI ?&enetra"eter@ Jualit' le el "ust *e s)o,n on t)e radio(ra&)A In (eneral%' results can nor"all' *e o*tained .or =#ra' ener(ies *et,een 100 -V to 100 -V in a ran(e *et,een 2A1 to 10 )al. alue la'ers ?+VL@ o. "aterial t)ic-ness ?see Ta*le 1@A T)is ran(e "a' *e e!tended *' as "uc) as a .actor o. 2 in so"e situations .or =#ra' ener(ies in t)e 1 to 21 MV ran(e &ri"aril' *ecause o. reduced scatterA
NOTE 2 M T)e !rst nu"*er o. t)e Jualit' le el desi(nation re.ers to IKI t)ic-ness e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. s&eci"en t)ic-nessR t)e second nu"*er re.ers to t)e dia"eter o. t)e IKI )ole t)at "ust *e isi*le on t)e radio(ra&)% e!&ressed as a "ulti&le o. &enetra"eter t)ic-ness% TA
4AF I. IKIs o. "aterial radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar to t)at *ein( e!a"ined are not a aila*le% IKIs o. t)e reJuired di"ensions *ut o. a lo,er#a*sor&tion "aterial "a' *e usedA 4AG T)e Jualit' le el reJuired usin( ,ire IKIs s)all *e eJui alent to t)e 2#2T le el o. Practice E 1021 unless a )i()er or lo,er Jualit' le el is a(reed u&on *et,een &ur# c)aser and su&&lierA Ta*le G o. Practice E 5G5 (i es a list o. arious )ole#t'&e IKIs and t)e dia"eter o. t)e ,ires o. corres&ondin( EPS ,it) t)e a&&lica*le 1T% 2T% and GT )oles in t)e &laJue IKIA A&&endi! =I o. Practice E 5G5 (i es t)e eJuation .or calculatin( ot)er eJui alencies% i. neededA
3A Radio(ra&)ic EJui alence 8actors 3A1 T)e radio(ra&)ic eJui alence .actor o. a "aterial is t)at .actor *' ,)ic) t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial "ust *e "ulti&lied to (i e t)e t)ic-ness o. a BstandardC "aterial ?o.ten steel@ ,)ic) )as t)e sa"e a*sor&tionA Radio(ra&)ic eJui alence .actors o. se eral o. t)e "ore co""on "etals are (i en in Ta*le 2% ,it) steel ar*itraril' assi(ned a .actor o. 1A0A T)e .actors "a' *e used6
3A1A1 To deter"ine t)e &ractical t)ic-ness li"its .or radiation sources .or "aterials ot)er t)an steel% and 3A1A2 To deter"ine e!&osure .actors .or one "etal .ro" e!&osure tec)niJues .or ot)er "etalsA
5A Ener(' Selection 5A1 =#ra' ener(' a..ects i"a(e Jualit'A In (eneral% t)e lo,er t)e ener(' o. t)e source utiliDed t)e )i()er t)e ac)ie a*le radio(ra&)ic contrast% )o,e er% ot)er aria*les suc) as (eo"etr' and scatter conditions "a' o erride t)e
2A 8il" 2A1 Various industrial radio(ra&)ic !l" are a aila*le to "eet t)e needs o. &roduction radio(ra&)ic ,or-A +o,e er% de!nite rules on t)e selection o. !l" are di.!cult to .or"u# late *ecause t)e c)oice de&ends on indi idual user reJuire# "entsA So"e user reJuire"ents are as .ollo,s6 radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le els% e!&osure ti"es% and arious cost .actorsA Se eral "et)ods are a aila*le .or assessin( i"a(e Jualit' le els ?see Test Met)od E 5G4% and Practices E 5G5 and
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ener(' Le el Metal Ma(nesiu" Alu"inu" Alu"inu" allo' Titaniu" Iron0all steels Co&&er Ninc Brass Inconel = Monel Nirconiu" Lead +a.niu" <raniu" 100 -V 0A01 0A03 0A10 AAA 1A0 1A1 AAA AAA AAA 1A5 2AG 1GA0 AAA AAA 110 -V 0A01 0A12 0A1G 0A1G 1A0 1A4 1AG 1AG 1AG AAA 2AF 1GA0 AAA AAA 220 -V 0A03 0A13 0A13 0A1G 1A0 1AG 1AF 1AF 1AF 1A2 2A0 12A0 1GA0 20A0 210 -V AAA AAA AAA AAA 1A0 1AG AAA AAA 1AF AAA 1A5 AAA 12A0 14A0 G00 -V AAA AAA AAA 0A51 1A0 1AG 1AF 1AF AAA AAA 1A1 AAA 2A0 12A0 1 MV AAA AAA AAA 0A2 1A0 1A1 AAA 1A2 1AF AAA 1A0 1A0 FA0 GA0 2 MV AAA AAA AAA 0A2 1A0 1A1 AAA 1A1 1AF AAA 1A0 2A1 AAA AAA G to 21 MV AAA AAA AAA 0A2 1A0 1A2 1A2 1A0 1AF AAA 1A0 2A5 AAA FA2
AAA 0AF1 0AF1 0A2 1A0 1A1 1A1 1A1 1AF AAA 1A2 GA0 AAA 12A4
AAA 0AF1 0AF1 0A2 1A0 1A1 1A0 1A0 1AF AAA 1A0 2AF AAA FAG
E 301@A In.or"ation a*out s&eci!c &roducts can *e o*tained .ro" t)e "anu.acturersA 2A2 Various industrial radio(ra&)ic !l"s are " tured to "eet Jualit' le el and &roduction needsA Test Met)od E 1311 &ro ides a "et)od .or !l" "anu.acturer classi!cation o. !l" s'ste"sA A !l" s'ste" consists o. t)e !l" and associated !l" &rocessin( s'ste"A <sers "a' o*tain a classi!cation ta*le .ro" t)e !l" "anu.acturer .or t)e !l" s'ste" used in &roduction radio(ra&)'A A c)oice o. !l" class can *e "ade as &ro ided in Test Met)od E 1311A Additional s&eci!c details re(ardin( classi!cation o. !l" s'ste"s is &ro ided in Test Met)od 1311A ANSI Standards P+1AG1% P+GA3% T2A1% and T2A2 &ro ide s&eci!c details and reJuire"ents .or !l" "anu.acturin(A
10AFA2 Bet,een t)e s&eci"en and t)e !l" in order to a*sor* &re.erentiall' t)e scattered radiation .ro" t)e s&eci"enA It s)ould *e noted t)at lead .oil and ot)er "etal# lic screens ?see 1FA1@ .ul!ll t)is .unctionA 10AG T)ic-ness and 8ilter Material M T)e t)ic-ness and "aterial o. t)e !lter ,ill ar' de&endin( u&on t)e .ollo,in(6 10AGA1 T)e "aterial radio(ra&)edA 10AGA2 T)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial radio(ra&)edA 10AGAF Variation o. t)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial radio# (ra&)edA 10AGAG Ener(' s&ectru" o. t)e radiation usedA 10AGA1 T)e i"&ro e"ent desired ?increasin( or decreasin( contrast@A 8ilter t)ic-ness and "aterial can *e calculated or deter"ined e"&iricall'A
10A 8ilters 10A1 De!nition M 8ilters are uni.or" la'ers o. "aterial &laced *et,een t)e radiation source and t)e !l"A 10A2 Pur&ose M T)e &ur&ose o. !lters is to a*sor* t)e so.ter co"&onents o. t)e &ri"ar' radiation% t)us resultin( in one or se eral o. t)e .ollo,in( &ractical ad anta(es6 10A2A1 Decreasin( scattered radiation% t)us increas# in( contrastA 10A2A2 Decreasin( undercuttin(% t)us increasin( con# trastA 10A2AF Decreasin( contrast o. &arts o. ar'in( t)ic-nessA
11A Mas-in( 11A1 Mas-in( or *loc-in( ?surroundin( s&eci"ens or co erin( t)in sections ,it) an a*sor&ti e "aterial@ is )el&# .ul in reducin( scattered radiationA Suc) a "aterial can also *e used to eJualiDe t)e a*sor&tion o. di..erent sections% *ut t)e loss o. detail "a' *e )i() in t)e t)inner sectionsA
10AF Location M <suall' t)e !lter ,ill *e &laced in one o. t)e .ollo,in( t,o locations6 10AFA1 As close as &ossi*le to t)e radiation source% ,)ic) "ini"iDes t)e siDe o. t)e !lter and also t)e contri*u# tion o. t)e !lter itsel. to scattered radiation to t)e !l"A
12A Bac-#Scatter Protection 12A1 E..ects o. *ac-#scattered radiation can *e reduced *' con!nin( t)e radiation *ea" to t)e s"allest &ractical cross section and *' &lacin( lead *e)ind t)e !l"A In so"e cases eit)er or *ot) t)e *ac- lead screen and t)e lead contained in t)e *ac- o. t)e cassette or !l" )older ,ill .urnis) adeJuate &rotection a(ainst *ac-#scattered radia# tionA In ot)er instances% t)is "ust *e su&&le"ented *' additional lead s)ieldin( *e)ind t)e cassette or !l" )olderA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
12A2 I. t)ere is an' Juestion a*out t)e adeJuac' o. &rotection .ro" *ac-#scattered radiation% a c)aracteristic s'"*ol P.reJuentl' a 1 0 3#inA ?FA2#""@ t)ic- letter BQ s)ould *e attac)ed to t)e *ac- o. t)e cassette or !l" )older% and a radio(ra&) "ade in t)e nor"al "annerA I. t)e i"a(e o. t)is s'"*ol a&&ears on t)e radio(ra&) as a li()ter densit' t)an *ac-(round% it is an indication t)at &rotection a(ainst *ac-#scattered radiation is insu.!cient and t)at additional &recautions "ust *e ta-enA
so"e,)at *etter radio(ra&)ic sensiti it' ,it) )i()er ener(' a*o e 1 MVA 1FA2AF Iold% tantalu"% or ot)er )ea ' "etal screens "a' *e used in cases ,)ere lead cannot *e usedA 1FAF 8luorescent Screens M 8luorescent screens "a' *e used as reJuired &ro idin( t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' is ac)ie edA Pro&er selection o. t)e !uorescent screen is reJuired to "ini"iDe i"a(e uns)ar&nessA Tec)nical in.or# "ation a*out s&eci!c !uorescent screen &roducts can *e o*tained .ro" t)e "anu.acturersA Iood !l"#screen contact and screen cleanliness are reJuired .or success.ul use o. !uorescent screensA Additional in.or"ation on t)e use o. !uorescent screens is &ro ided in A&&endi! =1A
1FA Screens 1FA1 Metallic 8oil Screens6 1FA1A1 Lead .oil screens are co""onl' used in direct contact ,it) t)e !l"s% and% de&endin( u&on t)eir t)ic-ness% and co"&osition o. t)e s&eci"en "aterial% ,ill e!)i*it an intensi.'in( action at as lo, as 20 -VA In addition% an' screen used in .ront o. t)e !l" acts as a !lter ?Section 10@ to &re.erentiall' a*sor* scattered radiation arisin( .ro" t)e s&eci"en% t)us i"&ro in( radio(ra&)ic Jualit'A T)e selection o. lead screen t)ic-ness% or .or t)at "atter% an' "etallic screen t)ic-ness% is su*Sect to t)e sa"e considera# tions as outlined in 10AGA Lead screens lessen t)e scatter reac)in( t)e !l" re(ardless o. ,)et)er t)e screens &er"it a decrease or necessitate an increase in t)e radio(ra&)ic e!&osureA To a oid i"a(e uns)ar&ness due to screens% t)ere s)ould *e inti"ate contact *et,een t)e lead screen and t)e !l" durin( e!&osureA 1FA1A2 Lead .oil screens o. a&&ro&riate t)ic-ness s)ould *e used ,)ene er t)e' i"&ro e radio(ra&)ic Jualit' or &enetra"eter sensiti it' or *ot)A T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e .ront lead screens s)ould *e selected ,it) care to a oid e!cessi e !ltration in t)e radio(ra&)' o. t)in or li()t allo' "aterials% &articularl' at t)e lo,er -ilo olta(esA In (eneral% t)ere is no e!&osure ad anta(e to t)e use o. 0A001 inA in .ront and *ac- lead screens *elo, 121 -V in t)e radio(ra# &)' o. 1VG#inA ?4AF1#""@ or lesser t)ic-ness steelA As t)e -ilo olta(e is increased to &enetrate t)ic-er sections o. steel% )o,e er% t)ere is a si(ni!cant e!&osure ad anta(eA In addition to intensi.'in( action% t)e *ac- lead screens are used as &rotection a(ainst *ac-#scattered radiation ?see Section 12@ and t)eir t)ic-ness is onl' i"&ortant .or t)is .unctionA As e!&osure ener(' is increased to &enetrate (reater t)ic-nesses o. a (i en su*Sect "aterial% it is custo"# ar' to increase lead screen t)ic-nessA 8or radio(ra&)' usin( radioacti e sources% t)e "ini"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e .ront lead screen s)ould *e 0A001 inA ?0A1F ""@ .or iridiu"#122% and 0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ .or co*alt#40A
1FAG Screen Care M All screens s)ould *e )andled care# .ull' to a oid dents and scratc)es% dirt% or (rease on acti e sur.acesA Irease and lint "a' *e re"o ed .ro" lead screens ,it) a sol entA 8luorescent screens s)ould *e cleaned in accordance ,it) t)e reco""endations o. t)e "anu.acturerA Screens s)o,in( e idence o. &)'sical da"a(e s)ould *e discardedA
1GA Radio(ra&)ic Contrast 1GA1 T)e arious radiation intensities t)at &enetrate an o*Sect are rendered as di..erent &)oto(ra&)ic densities in a radio(ra&)A <sin( trans"itted or re!ected li()t to ie, a radio(ra&)% an o*ser ed c)an(e in !l" densit' o er a *ac-(round is de!ned as contrastA Radio(ra&)ic contrast de&ends "ostl' u&on su*Sect contrast and !l" (radientA 1GA2 Su*Sect contrast is t)e ratio o. radiation intensities trans"itted *' t,o selected &ortions o. a s&eci"enA 1GAF T)e !l" (radient is t)e alue o. t)e slo&e o. t)e tan(ent line dra,n to a &articular densit' &oint on t)e c)aracteristic cur e to t)e a*scissaA 8il" "anu.acturers can .urnis) c)aracteristic cur es o. t)eir &roductsA 1GAG T)e Jualit' o. radio(ra&)' is in!uenced *' "an' aria*lesR t)e e..ects o. c)an(es in so"e o. t)ese aria*les are illustrated in 8i(A 1A
11A Ieo"etr' 11A1 T)e source to !l" distance necessar' to reduce (eo"etric uns)ar&ness to a ne(li(i*le a"ount de&ends u&on t)e !l" or !l"#screen co"*inations% .ocal#s&ot siDe% and o*SectU!l" distanceA Ieo"etric uns)ar&ness is (i en Psee 8i(A 2?a@Q *' t)e eJuation6 1FA2 Ot)er Metallic Screen Materials6 1FA2A1 Lead o!ide screens &er.or" in a si"ilar "an# ner to lead .oil screens e!ce&t t)at t)eir eJui alence in lead .oil t)ic-ness a&&ro!i"ates 0A0001 inA ?0A01F ""@A 1FA2A2 Co&&er screens )a e so"e,)at less a*sor&# tion and intensi!cation t)an lead screens% *ut "a' &ro ide
<( & 8t 0do
,)ere6 <( & (eo"etric uns)ar&ness% 8 & "a!i"u" &roSected di"ension o. radiation source%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Radiation Kualit' So.t M tend to,ard )i() contrast +ard M tend to,ard lo, contrast
Su*Sect Contrast
Scattered Radiation S"all &ro&ortion M tend to,ard )i() contrast Lar(e &ro&ortion M tend to,ard lo, contrast
Radio(ra&)ic Contrast
8il" T'&e +i() a era(e (radient M tend to,ard )i() contrast Lo, a era(e (radient M tend to,ard lo, contrast
De(ree o. De elo&"ent AdeJuate M tend to,ard )i() contrast <nder or o er M tend to,ard lo, contrast
8il" Contrast
Densit' Lo, M tend to,ard lo, contrast +i() M tend to,ard )i() contrast
IENERAL NOTE6 T)e "a!i"u" usa*le densit' on Class 1% 2% and F !l" de&ends on t)e illu"inator a aila*leA
t & distance .ro" source side o. s&eci"en to !l"% and do & sourceUo*Sect distanceA
NOTE F M do and t "ust *e in t)e sa"e units o. "easureR t)e units o. <( ,ill *e in t)e sa"e units as 8A NOTE G M A no"o(ra" .or t)e deter"ination o. <( is (i en in 8i(A F ?inc)#&ound units@A 8i(A G re&resents a no"o(ra" in "etric unitsA E!a"&le6 Ii en6 SourceUo*Sect distance ?do@ & G0 inA% Source siDe ?8@ & 100 "ils% and Source side o. s&eci"en to !l" distance ?t@ & 1A1 inA Dra, a strai()t line ?das)ed in 8i(A F@ *et,een 100 "ils on t)e 8 scale and 1A1 inA on t)e t scaleA Note t)e &oint on intersection ?P@ o. t)is line ,it) t)e &i ot lineA Dra, a strai()t line ?solid in 8i(A F@ .ro" G0 inA on t)e do scale t)rou() &oint P and e!tend to t)e <( scaleA Intersection o. t)is line ,it) t)e <( scale (i es (eo"etrical uns)ar&ness in "illi"etres% ,)ic) in t)e e!a"&le is 12 "ilsA
11A2 T)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. an o*Sect or .eature ,it)in an o*Sect "a' *e lar(er or s"aller t)an t)e o*Sect or .eature itsel.% *ecause t)e &enu"*ra o. t)e s)ado, is rarel' isi*le in a radio(ra&)A T)ere.ore% t)e i"a(e ,ill *e lar(er i. t)e o*Sect or .eature is lar(er t)an t)e source o. radiation% and s"aller i. o*Sect or .eature is s"aller t)an t)e sourceA T)e de(ree o. reduction or enlar(e"ent ,ill de&end on t)e source#to#o*Sect and o*Sect#to#!l" dis# tances% and on t)e relati e siDes o. t)e source and t)e o*Sect or .eature P8i(A 2?*@ and ?c@QA
11AF T)e direction o. t)e central *ea" o. radiation s)ould *e &er&endicular to t)e sur.ace o. t)e !l" ,)ene er &ossi*leA T)e o*Sect i"a(e ,ill *e distorted i. t)e !il" is not ali(ned &er&endicular to t)e central *ea"A Di..erent &arts o. t)e o*Sect i"a(e ,ill *e distorted di..erent a"ount de&endin( on t)e e!tent o. t)e !l" to central *ea" o..set P8i(A 2?d@QA 11AG Ieo"etric uns)ar&ness ?<(@ can )a e a si(ni!cant e..ect on t)e Jualit' o. t)e radio(ra&)% t)ere.ore source to !l" distance ?S8D@ selection is i"&ortantA T)e (eo"etric uns)ar&ness ?<(@ eJuation in 11A1 is .or in.or"ation and
Inas"uc) as t)e source siDe% 8% is usuall' !!ed .or a (i en radiation source% t)e alue o. <( is essentiall' controlled *' t)e si"&le do 0t ratioA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
I"a(e Li Ld
I"a(e Li ?*@ ?*@ O*Sect or .eature lar(er t)an t)e source L 2t tan 102Li Lo L0Lo 100 &ercenta(e enlar(e"ent I"a(e ?c@ ?c@ Radio(ra&)ic reduction I"a(e ,ill *e s"aller t)an o*Sect or .eature ?d@ ?d@ Radio(ra&)ic Distortion Le(end .or ?d@ di"ension o. undistortedLi i"a(e Lddi"ension o. distorted i"a(e L d L iL Percenta(e distortion ? L0Li@ 100
?a@ ?a@ Ieo"etric <ns)ar&ness dosource to o*Sect distance to*Sect to .il" distance 8(reatest di"ension o. source or .ocal s&ot <( 8t0do
(uidance and &ro ides a "eans .or deter"inin( (eo"etric uns)ar&ness aluesA T)e a"ount or de(ree o. uns)ar&ness s)ould *e "ini"iDed ,)en esta*lis)in( t)e radio(ra&)ic tec)niJueA
14A2A3 Screen t'&e and t)ic-ness% 14A2A2 Curies or "illia"&eres0"inutes% 14A2A10 Ti"e o. e!&osure% 14A2A11 8ilter ?in t)e &ri"ar' *ea"@%
14A E!&osure Calculations or C)arts 14A1 De elo&"ent or &rocure"ent o. an e!&osure c)art or calculator is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e indi idual la*o# rator'A 14A2 T)e essential ele"ents o. an e!&osure c)art or calculator "ust relate t)e .ollo,in(6 14A2A1 Source or "ac)ine% 14A2A2 Material t'&e% 14A2AF Material t)ic-ness% 14A2AG 8il" t'&e ?relati e s&eed@% 14A2A1 8il" densit' ?see Note 1@% 14A2A4 Source or source to !l" distance% 14A2A5 9ilo olta(e or isoto&e t'&e%
NOTE 1 M 8or detailed in.or"ation o. !l" densit' and densit' "easure# "ent cali*ration% see Practice E 1052A
14A2A12 Ti"eUte"&erature de elo&"ent .or )and &rocessin(R access ti"e .or auto"atic &rocessin(R ti"eU te"&erature de elo&"ent .or dr' &rocessin(% and 14A2A1F Processin( c)e"istr' *rand na"e% i. a&&li# ca*leA 14AF T)e essential ele"ents listed in 14A2 ,ill *e accu# rate .or isoto&es o. t)e sa"e t'&e% *ut ,ill ar' ,it) =# ra' eJui&"ent o. t)e sa"e -ilo olta(e and "illia"&ere ratin(A 14AG E!&osure c)arts s)ould *e de elo&ed .or eac) =# ra' "ac)ine and corrected eac) ti"e a "aSor co"&onent is re&laced% suc) as t)e =#ra' tu*e or )i()# olta(e trans# .or"erA 14A1 T)e e!&osure c)art s)ould *e corrected ,)en t)e &rocessin( c)e"icals are c)an(ed to a di..erent " turerEs *rand or t)e ti"eUte"&erature relations)i& o. t)e &rocessor "a' *e adSusted to suit t)e e!&osure c)artA T)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Pi ot Line
10 3 4 1 G F
100 30 40 10 G0 F0 20
30 2
10 3 4 1 G F 10 20 F0
10 03 04 01 0G 0F
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Pi ot Line
10 3 4 1 G F 2 P
100 30 40 10 G0 F0
30 20
50 100 30 40 10 G0 F0 20 1A0 0A3 0A4 0A1 0AG 0AF 0A2 G0 10 40 10 3 4 1 G F 2 0A10 0A03 0A04 0A01 0A0G 0A0F 0A02
10 3 4 1 G F 2
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
e!&osure c)art% ,)en usin( a dr' &rocessin( "et)od% s)ould *e corrected *ased u&on t)e ti"eUte"&erature c)an(es o. t)e &rocessorA
15A Tec)niJue 8ile 15A1 It is reco""ended t)at a radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue lo( or record containin( t)e essential ele"ents *e "ain# tainedA 15A2 T)e radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue lo( or record s)ould contain t)e .ollo,in(6 15A2A1 Descri&tion% &)oto% or s-etc) o. t)e test o*Sect illustratin( "ar-er la'out% source &lace"ent% and !l" locationA 15A2A2 Material t'&e and t)ic-ness% 15A2AF Source to !l" distance% 15A2AG 8il" t'&e% 15A2A1 8il" densit' ?see Note 1@% 15A2A4 Screen t'&e and t)ic-ness% 15A2A5 Isoto&e or =#ra' "ac)ine identi!cation% 15A2A3 Curie or "illia"&ere "inutes% 15A2A2 IKI and s)i" t)ic-ness% 15A2A10 S&ecial "as-in( or !lters 15A2A11 Colli"ator or !eld li"itation de ice% 15A2A12 Processin( "et)od% and 15A2A1F Vie, or locationA 15AF T)e reco""endations o. 15A2 are not "andator'% *ut are essential in reducin( t)e o erall cost o. radio(ra&)'% and ser e as a co""unication lin- *et,een t)e radio# (ra&)ic inter&reter and t)e radio(ra&)ic o&eratorA
13A2A1A1 9ee& t)e !l" and !l" &rocessin( &ara"# eters constant% and ta-e "ulti&le i"a(e Jualit' e!&osures ,it) all "ac)ines *ein( e aluatedA T)e "ac)ines s)ould *e set .or a &rescri*ed e!&osure as stated in t)e standard and t)e !l" densit' eJualiDedA B' co"&arison o. t)e resul# tant !l"s% t)e relati e EPS ariations *et,een t)e "ac)ines can *e deter"inedA 13A2A2 E!&osure condition aria*les "a' also *e studied usin( t)is &laJueA 13A2AF L)ile Test Met)od E 5G4 &laJue can *e use.ul in Juanti.'in( relati e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e Jualit'% t)ese ot)er a&&lications o. t)e &laJue "a' *e use.ulA
12A Identi!cation o. and Location Mar-ers on Radio(ra&)s 12A1 Identi!cation o. Radio(ra&)s6 12A1A1 Eac) radio(ra&) "ust *e identi!ed uniJuel' so t)at t)ere is a &er"anent correlation *et,een t)e &art radio(ra&)ed and t)e !l"A T)e t'&e o. identi!cation and "et)od *' ,)ic) identi!cation is ac)ie ed s)all *e as a(reed u&on *et,een t)e custo"er and ins&ectorA 12A1A2 T)e "ini"u" identi!cation s)ould at least include t)e .ollo,in(6 t)e radio(ra&)ic .acilit'Es identi!# cation and na"e% t)e date% &art nu"*er and serial nu"*er% i. used% .or un"ista-a*le identi!cation o. radio(ra&)s ,it) t)e s&eci"enA T)e letter R s)ould *e used to desi(nate a radio(ra&) o. a re&air area% and "a' include #1 % #2% etcA% .or t)e nu"*er o. re&airA 12A2 Location Mar-ers6 12A2A1 Location "ar-ers ?t)at is% lead or )i()#ato"ic nu"*er "etals or letters t)at are to a&&ear as i"a(es on t)e radio(ra&)ic !l"@ s)ould *e &laced on t)e &art *ein( e!a"ined% ,)ene er &ractical% and not on t)e cassetteA T)eir e!act locations s)ould also *e "ar-ed on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein( radio(ra&)ed% t)us &er"ittin( t)e area o. interest to *e located accuratel' on t)e &art% and t)e' s)ould re"ain on t)e &art durin( radio(ra&)ic ins&ectionA T)eir e!act location "a' *e &er"anentl' "ar-ed in accordance ,it) t)e custo"erEs reJuire"entsA
13A Penetra"eters ?I"a(e Kualit' Indicators@ 13A1 Practices E 5G5% E 301% E 1021% and E 15G2 s)ould *e consulted .or detailed in.or"ation on t)e desi(n% "anu.acture and "aterial (rou&in( o. IKIsA Practice E 301 addresses IKIs .or e!a"ination o. electronic de ices and &ro ides additional details .or &ositionin( IKIs% nu"*er o. IKIs reJuired% and so .ort)A
13A2 Test Met)ods E 5G4 and E 15F1 s)ould *e con# sulted .or detailed in.or"ation re(ardin( IKIs ,)ic) are used .or deter"inin( relati e i"a(e Jualit' res&onse o. industrial !l"A T)e IKIs can also *e used .or "easurin( t)e i"a(e Jualit' o. t)e radio(ra&)ic s'ste" or an' co"&o# nent o. t)e s'ste"s eJui alent &entra"eter sensiti it' ?EPS@ &er.or"anceA
12A2A2 Location "ar-ers are also used in assistin( t)e radio(ra&)ic inter&reter in "ar-in( o.. de.ecti e areas o. co"&onents% castin(s% or de.ects in ,eld"entsR also% sortin( (ood and reSecta*le ite"s ,)en "ore t)an one ite" is radio(ra&)ed on t)e sa"e !l"A 12A2AF Su.!cient "ar-ers "ust *e used to &ro ide e idence on t)e radio(ra&) t)at t)e reJuired co era(e o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined )as *een o*tained% and t)at o erla& is e ident% es&eciall' durin( radio(ra&)' o. ,eld# "ents and castin(sA 12A2AG Parts t)at "ust *e identi!ed &er"anentl' "a' )a e t)e serial nu"*ers or section nu"*ers% or *ot)%
13A2A1 An e!a"&le .or deter"inin( an EPS &er.or"# ance e aluation o. se eral =#ra' "ac)ines is as .ollo,s6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
sta"&ed or ,ritten u&on t)e" ,it) a "ar-in( &en ,it) a s&ecial indeli*le in-% en(ra ed% die sta"&ed% or etc)edA In an' case% t)e &art s)ould *e "ar-ed in an area not to *e re"o ed in su*seJuent .a*ricationA I. die sta"&s are used% caution is reJuired to &re ent *rea-a(e or .uture .ati(ue .ailureA T)e lo,est stressed sur.ace o. t)e &art s)ould *e used .or t)is sta"&in(A L)ere "ar-in( or sta"&in( o. t)e &art is not &er"itted .or so"e reason% a "ar-ed re.erence dra,in( or s)ootin( s-etc) is reco""endedA
care in &rocessin(A T)e "ost care.ul radio(ra&)ic tec)# niJues can *e nulli!ed *' incorrect or i"&ro&er dar-roo" &roceduresA 2FA2 Sections 2G#24 &ro ide (eneral in.or"ation .or !l" &rocessin(A Detailed in.or"ation on !l" &rocessin( is &ro ided in Iuide E 222A
20A Stora(e o. 8il" 20A1 <ne!&osed !l"s s)ould *e stored in suc) a "anner t)at t)e' are &rotected .ro" t)e e..ects o. li()t% &ressure% e!cessi e )eat% e!cessi e )u"idit'% da"a(in( .u"es or a&ors% or &enetratin( radiationA 8il" "anu.acturers s)ould *e consulted .or detailed reco""endations on !l" stora(eA Stora(e o. !l" s)ould *e on a B!rst in%C B!rst outC *asisA 20A2 More detailed in.or"ation on !l" stora(e is &ro# ided in Iuide E 121GA
2GA Auto"atic Processin( 2GA1 Auto"atic Processin( M T)e essence o. t)e auto# "atic &rocessin( s'ste" is controlA T)e &rocessor "ain# tains t)e c)e"ical solutions at t)e &ro&er te"&erature% a(itates and re&lenis)es t)e solutions auto"aticall'% and trans&orts t)e !l"s "ec)anicall' at a care.ull' controlled s&eed t)rou()out t)e &rocessin( c'cleA 8il" c)aracteristics "ust *e co"&ati*le ,it) &rocessin( conditionsA It is% t)ere# .ore% essential t)at t)e reco""endations o. t)e !l"% &roces# sor% and c)e"ical "anu.acturers *e .ollo,edA
21A Sa.eli()t Test 21A1 8il"s s)ould *e )andled under sa.eli()t conditions in accordance ,it) t)e !l" "anu.acturerEs reco""enda# tionsA ANSI P+2A22 can *e used to deter"ine t)e adeJuac' o. sa.eli()t conditions in a dar-roo"A
2GA2 Auto"atic Processin(% Dr' M T)e essence o. dr' auto"atic &rocessin( is t)e &recise control o. de elo&"ent ti"e and te"&erature ,)ic) results in re&roduci*ilit' o. radio(ra&)ic densit'A 8il" c)aracteristics "ust *e co"&ati# *le ,it) &rocessin( conditionsA It is% t)ere.ore% essential t)at t)e reco""endations o. t)e !l" and &rocessor "anu# .acturers *e .ollo,edA
22A Cleanliness and 8il" +andlin( 22A1 Cleanliness is one o. t)e "ost i"&ortant reJuire# "ents .or (ood radio(ra&)'A Cassettes and screens "ust *e -e&t clean% not onl' *ecause dirt retained "a' cause e!&osure or &rocessin( arti.acts in t)e radio(ra&)s% *ut *ecause suc) dirt "a' also *e trans.erred to t)e loadin( *enc)% and su*seJuentl' to ot)er !l" or screensA
21A Manual Processin( 21A1 8il" and c)e"ical "anu.acturers s)ould *e con# sulted .or detailed reco""endations on "anual !l" &ro# cessin(A T)is section outlines t)e ste&s .or one acce&ta*le "et)od o. "anual &rocessin(A 21A2 Pre&aration M No "ore !l" s)ould *e &rocessed t)an can *e acco""odated ,it) a "ini"u" se&aration o. 1V2 inA ?12A5 ""@A +an(ers are loaded and solutions stirred *e.ore startin( de elo&"entA 21AF Start o. De elo&"ent M Start t)e ti"er and &lace t)e !l"s into t)e de elo&er tan-A Se&arate to a "ini"u" distance o. 1V2 inA ?12A5 ""@ and a(itate in t,o directions .or a*out 11 sA 21AG De elo&"ent M Nor"al de elo&"ent is 1 to 3 "in at 43[8 ?20[C@A Lon(er de elo&"ent ti"e (enerall' 'ields .aster !l" s&eed and sli()tl' "ore contrastA T)e " turerEs reco""endation s)ould *e .ollo,ed in c)oosin( a de elo&"ent ti"eA L)en t)e te"&erature is )i()er or lo,er% de elo&"ent ti"e "ust *e c)an(edA A(ain% consult "anu.acturer#reco""ended de elo&"ent ti"e ersus te"# &erature c)artsA Ot)er reco""endations o. t)e " turer to *e .ollo,ed are re&lenis)"ent rates% rene,al o. solutions% and ot)er s&eci!c instructionsA
22A2 T)e sur.ace o. t)e loadin( *enc) "ust *e -e&t cleanA L)ere "anual &rocessin( is used% cleanliness ,ill *e &ro"oted *' arran(in( t)e dar-roo" ,it) &rocessin( .acilities on one side and !l"#)andlin( .acilities on t)e ot)erA T)e dar-roo" ,ill t)en )a e a ,et side and a dr' side and t)e c)ance o. c)e"ical conta"ination o. t)e load# in( *enc) ,ill *e relati el' sli()tA 22AF 8il"s s)ould *e )andled onl' at t)eir ed(es% and ,it) dr'% clean )ands to a oid !n(er "ar-s on !l" sur# .acesA 22AG S)ar& *endin(% e!cessi e &ressure% and rou() )an# dlin( o. an' -ind "ust *e a oidedA
2FA 8il" Processin(% Ieneral 2FA1 To &roduce a' radio(ra&)% t)e care used in "a-in( t)e e!&osure "ust *e .ollo,ed *' eJual
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
21A1 A(itation M S)a-e t)e !l" )oriDontall' and erti# call'% ideall' .or a .e, seconds eac) "inute durin( de el# o&"entA T)is ,ill )el& !l" de elo& e enl'A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
21A4 Sto& Bat) or Rinse M A.ter de elo&"ent is co"# &lete% t)e acti it' o. de elo&er re"ainin( in t)e e"ulsion s)ould *e neutraliDed *' an acid sto& *at) or% i. t)is is not &ossi*le% *' rinsin( ,it) i(orous a(itation in clear ,aterA 8ollo, t)e !l" "anu.acturerEs reco""endation o. sto& *at) co"&osition ?or len(t) o. alternati e rinse@% ti"e i""ersed% and li.e o. *at)A 21A5 8i!in( M T)e !l"s "ust not touc) one anot)er in t)e !!erA A(itate t)e )an(ers erticall' .or a*out 10 s and a(ain at t)e end o. t)e !rst "inute% to ensure uni.or" and ra&id !!ationA 9ee& t)e" in t)e !!er until !!ation is co"&lete ?t)at is% at least t,ice t)e clearin( ti"e@% *ut not "ore t)an 11 "in in relati el' .res) !!erA 8reJuent a(ita# tion ,ill s)orten t)e ti"e o. !!ationA 21A3 8i!er NeutraliDin( M T)e use o. a )'&o eli"inator or !!er neutraliDer *et,een !!ation and ,as)in( "a' *e ad anta(eousA T)ese "aterials &er"it a reduction o. *ot) ti"e and a"ount o. ,ater necessar' .or adeJuate ,as)in(A T)e reco""endations o. t)e "anu.acturers as to &re&ara# tion% use% and use.ul li.e o. t)e *at)s s)ould *e o*ser ed ri(orousl'A 21A2 Las)in( M T)e ,as)in( e.!cienc' is a .unction o. ,as) ,ater% its te"&erature% and !o,% and t)e !l" *ein( ,as)edA Ienerall'% ,as)in( is er' slo, *elo, 40[8 ?14[C@A L)en ,as)in( at te"&eratures a*o e 31[8 ?F0[C@% care s)ould *e e!ercised not to lea e !l"s in t)e ,ater too lon(A T)e !l"s s)ould *e ,as)ed in *atc)es ,it)out conta"ination .ro" ne, !l" *rou()t o er .ro" t)e !!erA I. &ressed .or ca&acit'% as "ore !l"s are &ut in t)e ,as)% &artiall' ,as)ed !l" s)ould *e "o ed in t)e direction o. t)e inletA 21A2A1 T)e cascade "et)od o. ,as)in( uses less ,ater and (i es *etter ,as)in( .or t)e sa"e len(t) o. ti"eA Di ide t)e ,as) tan- into t,o sections ?"a' *e t,o tan-s@A Put t)e !l"s .ro" t)e !!er in t)e outlet sectionA A.ter &artial ,as)in(% "o e t)e *atc) o. !l" to t)e inlet sectionA T)is co"&letes t)e ,as) in .res) ,aterA 21A2A2 8or s&eci!c ,as)in( reco""endations% con# sult t)e !l" "anu.acturerA
concentrations "a' *e ascertained *' re.erence to ANSI P+GA3% P+1A23% and P+1AG1A 21A12 Dr'in( M Dr'in( is a .unction o. ?1@ !l" ?*ase and e"ulsion@R ?2@ &rocessin( ?)ardness o. e"ulsion a.ter ,as)in(% use o. ,ettin( a(ent@R and ?F@ dr'in( air ?te"&era# ture% )u"idit'% !o,@A Manual dr'in( can ar' .ro" still air dr'in( at a"*ient te"&erature to as )i() as 1G0[8 ?40[C@ ,it) air circulated *' a .anA 8il" "anu.acturers s)ould a(ain *e contacted .or reco""ended dr'in( condi# tionsA Ta-e &recaution to ti()ten !l" on )an(ers% so t)at it cannot touc) in t)e dr'erA Too )ot a dr'in( te"&erature at lo, )u"idit' can result in une en dr'in( and s)ould *e a oidedA
24A Testin( De elo&er 24A1 It is desira*le to "onitor t)e acti it' o. t)e radio# (ra&)ic de elo&in( solutionA T)is can *e done *' &eriodic de elo&"ent o. !l" stri&s e!&osed under care.ull' con# trolled conditions% to a (raded series o. radiation intensities or ti"e% or *' usin( a co""erciall' a aila*le stri& care.ull' controlled .or !l" s&eed and latent i"a(e .adin(A
25A Vie,in( Radio(ra&)s 25A1 Iuide E 1F20 &ro ides detailed in.or"ation on reJuire"ents .or illu"inatorsA T)e .ollo,in( sections &ro# ide (eneral in.or"ation to *e considered .or use o. illu"i# natorsA 25A2 Trans"ission M T)e illu"inator "ust &ro ide li()t o. an intensit' t)at ,ill illu"inate t)e a era(e densit' areas o. t)e radio(ra&)s ,it)out (lare and it "ust di..use t)e li()t e enl' o er t)e ie,in( areaA Co""ercial !uorescent illu"inators are' .or radio(ra&)s o. "oderate densit'R )o,e er% )i() li()t intensit' illu"inators are a aila*le .or densities u& to FA1 or GA0A Mas-s s)ould *e a aila*le to e!clude an' e!traneous li()t .ro" t)e e'es o. t)e ie,er ,)en ie,in( radio(ra&)s s"aller t)an t)e ie,in( &ort or to co er lo,#densit' areasA
21A10 Lettin( A(ent M Di& t)e !l" .or a&&ro!i"atel' F0 s in a ,ettin( a(entA T)is "a-es ,ater drain e enl' o.. !l"% ,)ic) .acilitates Juic-% e en dr'in(A 21A11 Residual 8i!er Concentrations M I. t)e !!in( c)e"icals are not re"o ed adeJuatel' .ro" t)e !l"% t)e' ,ill in ti"e cause stainin( or .adin( o. t)e de elo&ed i"a(eA Residual !!er concentrations &er"issi*le de&end u&on ,)et)er t)e !l"s are to *e -e&t .or co""ercial &ur&oses ?F to 10 'ears@ or "ust *e o. arc)i al Jualit'A Arc)i al Jualit' &rocessin( is desira*le .or all radio(ra&)s ,)ene er a era(e relati e )u"idit' and te"&erature are li-el' to *e e!cessi e% as is t)e case in tro&ical and su*tro&i# cal cli"atesA T)e "et)od o. deter"inin( residual !!er
25AF Re!ection M Radio(ra&)s on a translucent or o&aJue *ac-in( "a' *e ie,ed *' re!ected li()tA It is reco""ended t)at t)e radio(ra&) *e ie,ed under di..use li()tin( conditions to &re ent e!cess (lareA O&tical "a(ni# !cation can *e used in certain instances to en)ance t)e inter&retation o. t)e i"a(eA
23A Vie,in( Roo" 23A1 Su*dued li()tin(% rat)er t)an total dar-ness% is &re.era*le in t)e ie,in( roo"A T)e *ri()tness o. t)e sur# roundin(s s)ould *e a*out t)e sa"e as t)e area o. interest in t)e radio(ra&)A Roo" illu"ination "ust *e so arran(ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)at t)ere are no re!ections .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e !l" under e!a"inationA
F1A1 L)en ,ritten re&orts o. radio(ra&)ic e!a"ina# tions are reJuired% t)e' s)ould include t)e .ollo,in(% &lus suc) ot)er ite"s as "a' *e a(reed u&on6 F1A1A1 Identi!cation o. &arts% "aterial% or areaA F1A1A2 Radio(ra&)ic So* nu"*erA F1A1AF 8indin(s and dis&osition% i. an'A T)is in.or"a# tion can *e o*tained directl' .ro" t)e lo(A
22A Stora(e o. Processed Radio(ra&)s 22A1 Iuide E 121G &ro ides detailed in.or"ation on controls and "aintenance .or stora(e o. radio(ra&)s and une!&osed !l"A T)e .ollo,in( sections &ro ide (eneral in.or"ation .or stora(e o. radio(ra&)sA 22A2 En elo&es )a in( an ed(e sea"% rat)er t)an a center sea"% and Soined ,it) a non)'(rosco&ic ad)esi e% are &re.erred% since occasional stainin( and .adin( o. t)e i"a(e is caused *' certain ad)esi es used in t)e " ture o. en elo&es ?see ANSI P+1A1F@A
F0A Records F0A1 It is reco""ended t)at an ins&ection lo( ?a lo( "a' consist o. a card !le% &unc)ed card s'ste"% a *oo-% or ot)er record@ constitutin( a record o. eac) So* &er.or"ed% *e "aintainedA T)is record s)ould co"&rise% initiall'% a So* nu"*er ?,)ic) s)ould a&&ear also on t)e !l"s@% t)e identi!cation o. t)e &arts% "aterial or area radio(ra&)ed% t)e date t)e !l"s are e!&osed% and a co"&lete record o. t)e radio(ra&)ic &rocedure% in su.!cient detail so t)at an' radio(ra&)ic tec)niJues "a' *e du&licated readil'A I. cali# *ration data% or ot)er records suc) as card !les or &roce# dures% are used to deter"ine t)e &rocedure% t)e lo( need onl' to t)e a&&ro&riate data or ot)er recordA Su*se# Juentl'% t)e inter&reterEs !ndin(s and dis&osition ?acce&t# ance or reSection@% i. an'% and )is initials% s)ould *e entered .or eac) So*A
F2A1 L)ene er radio(ra&)' is an ins&ecti e ?rat)er t)an in esti(ati e@ o&eration ,)ere*' "aterial is acce&ted or reSected% all &arts and "aterial t)at )a e *een acce&ted s)ould *e "ar-ed &er"anentl'% i. &ossi*le% ,it) a c)arac# teristic identi.'in( s'"*ol ,)ic) ,ill indicate to su*se# Juent or !nal e!a"iners t)e .act o. radio(ra&)ic acce&tanceA F2A2 L)ene er &ossi*le% t)e co"&leted radio(ra&)s s)ould *e -e&t on !le .or re.erenceA T)e custod' o. radio# (ra&)s and t)e len(t) o. ti"e t)e' are &reser ed s)ould *e a(reed u&on *et,een t)e contractin( &artiesA
FFA 9e',ords FFA1 e!&osure calculationsR !l" s'ste"R (a""a#ra'R i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@R radio(ra&)R radio(ra&)ic e!a"inationR radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le elR tec)niJue !leR =#ra'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A <SE O8 8L<ORESCENT SCREENS =1A1 Descri&tion M 8luorescent intensi.'in( screens )a e a card*oard or &lastic su&&ort coated ,it) a uni.or" la'er o. inor(anic &)os&)or ?cr'stalline su*stance@A T)e su&&ort and &)os&)or are )eld to(et)er *' a radiotrans&ar# ent *indin( "aterialA 8luorescent screens deri e t)eir na"e .ro" t)e .act t)at t)eir &)os&)or cr'stals B!uoresceC ?e"it isi*le li()t@ ,)en struc- *' = or (a""a radiationA So"e &)os&)ors li-e calciu" tun(state ?CaLO G@ (i e o.. *lue li()t ,)ile ot)ers -no,n as rare eart) e"it li()t (reenA
=1A2 Pur&ose and 8il" T'&es M 8luorescent screen e!&osures are usuall' "uc) s)orter t)an t)ose "ade ,it)# out screens or ,it) lead intensi.'in( screens% *ecause radio# (ra&)ic !l"s (enerall' are "ore res&onsi e to isi*le li()t t)an to direct =#radiation% (a""a radiation% and electronsA =1A2A1 8il"s .all into one o. t,o cate(ories6 non# screen t'&e !l" )a in( "oderate li()t res&onse% and screen t'&e !l" s&eci!call' sensitiDed to )a e a er' )i() *lue or (reen li()t res&onseA 8luorescent screens can reduce con entional e!&osures *' as "uc) as 110 ti"es% de&endin( on !l" t'&eA =1AF I"a(e Kualit' and <se M T)e i"a(e Jualit' asso# ciated ,it) !uorescent screen e!&osures is a .unction o. s)ar&ness% "ottle% and contrastA Screen s)ar&ness de&ends on &)os&)or cr'stal siDe% t)ic-ness o. t)e cr'stal la'er% and t)e re!ecti e *ase coatin(A Eac) cr'stal e"its li()t relati e to its siDe and in all directions t)us &roducin( a relati e de(ree o. i"a(e uns)ar&nessA To "ini"iDe t)is uns)ar&ness% screen to !l" contact s)ould *e as inti"ate as &ossi*leA Mottle ad ersel' a..ects i"a(e Jualit' in t,o ,a'sA 8irst% a BJuantu"C "ottle is de&endent u&on t)e a"ount o. = or (a""a radiation actuall' a*sor*ed *' t)e !uorescent screen% t)at is% .aster screen 0!l" s'ste"s lead to (reater "ottle and &oorer i"a(e Jualit'A A BstructuralC
"ottle% ,)ic) is a .unction o. cr'stal siDe% cr'stal uni.or"# it'% and la'er t)ic-ness% is "ini"iDed *' usin( screens )a in( s"all% e enl' s&aced cr'stals in a t)in cr'stalline la'erA 8luorescent screens are )i()l' sensiti e to lon(er ,a elen(t) scattered radiationA ConseJuentl'% to "a!i"iDe contrast ,)en t)is non#i"a(e .or"in( radiation is e!ces# si e% !uoro"etallic intensi.'in( screens or !uorescent screens *ac-ed *' lead screens o. a&&ro&riate t)ic-ness are reco""endedA Screen tec)nolo(' )as seen si(ni!cant ad ances in recent 'ears% and toda'Es !uorescent screens )a e s"aller cr'stal siDe% "ore uni.or" cr'stal &ac-in(% and reduced &)os&)or t)ic-nessA T)is translates into (reater screen 0!l" s&eed ,it) reduced uns)ar&ness and "ottleA T)ese i"&ro e"ents can re&resent so"e "eanin(.ul *ene# !ts .or industrial radio(ra&)'% as indicated *' t)e t)ree e!a"&les as .ollo,s6 =1AFA1 Reduced E!&osure ?Increased Producti # it'@ M T)ere are instances ,)ere &ro)i*iti el' lon( e!&o# sure ti"es "a-e con entional radio(ra&)' i"&racticalA An e!a"&le is t)e ins&ection o. t)ic-% )i() ato"ic nu"*er "aterials ,it) lo, curie isoto&esA De&endin( on "an' aria*les% e!&osure ti"e "a' *e reduced *' .actors ran(in( .ro" 2 to 101 ,)en t)e a&&ro&riate !uorescent screen 0!l" co"*ination is usedA =1AFA2 I"&ro ed' Conditions ?8ield Sites@ M Because !uorescent screens &ro ide reduced e!&osure% t)e len(t) o. ti"e t)at non#radiation ,or-ers "ust e acuate a radio(ra&)ic ins&ection site can *e reduced si(ni!cantl'A =1AFAF E!tended EJui&"ent Ca&a*ilit' M <tiliDin( t)e s&eed ad anta(e o. !uorescent screens *' translatin( it into reduced ener(' le elA An e!a"&le is t)at a 110 -V =#ra' tu*e "a' do t)e So* o. a F00 -V tu*e% or t)at iridiu" 122 "a' *e used in a&&lications nor"all' reJuirin( co*alt 40A It is &ossi*le .or o erall i"a(e Jualit' to *e *etter at t)e lo,er -V ,it) !uorescent screens t)an at a )i()er ener(' le el usin( lead screensA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 5G5#0G@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e desi(n% "aterial (rou&in( classi!cation% and "anu.acture o. ,ire i"a(e Jualit' indi# cators ?IKI@ used to indicate t)e Jualit' o. radiolo(ic i"a(esA 1A2 T)is &ractice is a&&lica*le to =#ra' and (a""a# ra' radiolo('A 1AF T)is &ractice co ers t)e use o. ,ire &enetra"eters as t)e controllin( i"a(e Jualit' indicator .or t)e "aterial t)ic-ness ran(e .ro" 4AG to 112 "" ?0A21 to 4A0 inA@A 1AG T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as standardA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
E 1021 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radio(ra&)' E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 Ot)er Standards6 EN G24#1 Non#Destructi e Testin(MI"a(e Kualit' o. Radio(ra&)s#Part 16 I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?Lire# T'&e@#Deter"ination o. I"a(e Kualit' Value
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M T)e de!nitions o. ter"s in Ter"inol# o(' E 1F14% Section D% relatin( to (a""a and =#radiolo('% s)all a&&l' to t)e ter"s used in t)is &racticeA
2A B B B B
Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 ASTM Standards6 1F2 S&eci!cation .or P)os&)or BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es 110 S&eci!cation .or Alu"inu" BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es 141 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el Sea"less Pi&e and Tu*e 14G S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#Co&&er Allo' Rod% Bar% and Lire 144 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#C)ro"iu"#Iron Allo's ?<NS N04400% N04401% and N04420@ and Nic-el#C)ro# "iu"#Co*alt#Mol'*denu" Allo' ?<NS N04415@ Rod% Bar% and Lire
GA Lire IKI ReJuire"ents GA1 T)e Jualit' o. all le els o. e!a"ination s)all *e deter"ined *' a set o. ,ires con.or"in( to t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents6 GA1A1 Lires s)all *e .a*ricated .ro" "aterials or allo's identi!ed or listed in accordance ,it) 5A2A Ot)er "aterials "a' *e used in accordance ,it) 5AFA GA1A2 T)e IKI consists o. sets o. ,ires arran(ed in order o. increasin( dia"eterA T)e dia"eter siDes s&eci!ed in Ta*le 1 are esta*lis)ed .ro" a consecuti e series o. nu"*ers ta-en in (eneral .ro" t)e ISO0R 10 seriesA T)e IKI s)all *e .a*ricated in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents s&eci!ed in 8i(sA 1 t)rou() 3 and Ta*les 1% 2% and FA IKIs &re iousl' "anu.actured to t)e reJuire"ents o. Anne! A1 "a' *e used as an alternate &ro ided all ot)er reJuire"ents o. t)is &ractice are "etA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
SET C Lire Dia"eter% inA ?""@ 0A0F2 0A0G0 0A010 0A04F 0A030 0A100
SET D Lire Identit' 11 12 1F 1G 11 14 Lire Dia"eter% inA ?""@ 0A10 ?2A1@ 0A124 ?FA2@ 0A140 ?GA04@ 0A20 ?1A1@ 0A21 ?4AG@ 0AF2 ?3@ Lire Identit' 14 15 13 12 20 21
T)e 0A00F2 ,ire "a' *e used to esta*lis) a s&ecial Jualit' le el as a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA
GA1AF I"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@ desi(ns ot)er t)an t)ose s)o,n in 8i(sA 1 t)rou() 3 and Anne! A1 are &er"itted *' contractual a(ree"entA I. an IKI set as listed in Ta*le 1 or Anne! A1 is "odi!ed in siDe% it "ust contain t)e (rade nu"*er% set identit'% and essential ,ireA It "ust also contain t,o additional ,ires t)at are t)e ne!t siDe lar(er and t)e ne!t siDe s"aller as s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica# *le set listed in Ta*le 1A
1A1AF Select t)e a&&lica*le IKIs t)at re&resent t)e reJuired IKI t)ic-ness?s@ and allo'?s@A
GA1AG Eac) set "ust *e identi!ed usin( letters and nu"*ers "ade o. industrial (rade lead or o. a "aterial o. si"ilar radio(ra&)ic densit'A Identi!cation s)all *e as s)o,n in 8i(sA 1 t)rou() 3 or Anne! A1% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' contractual a(ree"entA GA1A1 Euro&ean standard EN G42#1 contains si"ilar &ro isions ?,it) no"inal di..erences M see Ta*le A1A1@ .or ,ire i"a(e Jualit' indicators as t)is standard ?E 5G5@A International users o. t)ese t'&e IKI standards ,)o & t)e use o. EN G42#1 .or t)eir &articular a&&lications s)ould s&eci.' suc) alternate &ro isions ,it)in se&arate contrac# tual arran(e"ents .ro" t)is standardA
4A I"a(e Kualit' Le els 4A1 T)e Jualit' le el reJuired usin( ,ire &enetra"eters s)all *e eJui alent to t)e 2#2T le el o. Practice E 1021 .or )ole#t'&e IKIs unless a )i()er or lo,er Jualit' le el is a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA Ta*le G &ro ides a list o. arious )ole#t'&e IKIs and t)e dia"eter o. ,ires o. corres&ondin( eJui alent &enetra"eter sensiti it' ?EPS@ ,it) t)e a&&lica*le 1T% 2T% and GT )oles in t)e IKIA T)is ta*le can *e used .or deter"inin( 1T% 2T% and GT Jualit' le elsA A&&endi! =1 (i es t)e eJuation .or calculat# in( ot)er eJui alencies i. neededA
4A2 In s&eci.'in( Jualit' le els% t)e contract% &urc)ase order% &roduct s&eci!cation% or dra,in( s)ould clearl' indi# cate t)e t)ic-ness o. "aterial to ,)ic) t)e Jualit' le el a&&liesA Care.ul consideration o. reJuired Jualit' le els is &articularl' i"&ortantA
5A 1A I"a(e Kualit' Indicator ?IKI@ Procure"ent 1A1 L)en selectin( IKIs .or &rocure"ent% t)e .ollo,in( .actors s)ould *e considered6 1A1A1 Deter"ine t)e allo' (rou&?s@ o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA 1A1A2 Deter"ine t)e t)ic-ness or t)ic-ness ran(e o. t)e "aterial?s@ to *e e!a"inedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
5A1A1 Materials )a e *een desi(nated in ei()t (rou&s *ased on t)eir radio(ra&)ic a*sor&tion c)aracteristics6 (rou&s 0F% 02% and 01 .or li()t "etals and (rou&s 1 t)rou() 1 .or )ea ' "etalsA 5A1A2 T)e li()t "etal (rou&s% "a(nesiu" ?M(@% alu# "inu" ?Al@% and titaniu" ?Ti@% are identi!ed 0F% 02% and 01 res&ecti el'% .or t)eir &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e "aterials are listed in order o. increasin( radiation a*sor&tionA 5A1AF T)e )ea ' "etal (rou&s% steel% co&&er#*ase% nic-el#*ase% and -indred allo's% are identi!ed 1 t)rou() 1A T)e "aterials increase in radiation a*sor&tion ,it) increas# in( nu"erical desi(nationA 5A1AG Co""on trade na"es or allo' desi(nations )a e *een used .or clari!cation o. t)e &ertinent "aterialsA 5A1A1 T)e "aterials .ro" ,)ic) t)e IKI .or t)e (rou& are to *e "ade are desi(nated in eac) case and t)ese IKIs are a&&lica*le .or all "aterials listed in t)at (rou&A In addition% an' (rou& IKI "a' *e used .or an' "aterial ,it) a )i()er (rou& nu"*er% &ro ided t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el is "aintainedA 5A2 Materials Irou&s6 5A2A1 Materials Irou& 016 5A2A1A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. titaniu" or titaniu" s)all *e t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5A2A1A2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) titaniu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA
5A2A2 Materials Irou& 026 5A2A2A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" or alu"inu" s)all *e t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5A2A2A2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) alu"inu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5A2AF Materials Irou& 0F6 5A2AFA1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. "a(nesiu" or "a(nesiu" s)all *e t)e &redo"i# nant allo'in( constituentA 5A2AFA2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) "a(nesiu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5A2AG Materials Irou& 16 5A2AGA1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. car*on steel or T'&e F00 series stainless steelA 5A2AGA2 <se on all car*on steel% lo,#allo' steels% stainless steels% and "an(anese#nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Su&erston@A 5A2A1 Materials Irou& 26 5A2A1A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo' NoA 42F o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alent% or nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo'
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
PlaJue T)ic-ness% inA ?""@ 0A001 0A004 0A003 0A002 0A010 0A012 0A011 0A015 0A020 0A021 0A0F0 0A0F1 0A0G0 0A010 0A040 0A050 0A030 0A100 0A120 0A1G0 0A140 0A200 0A2G0 0A230 ?0A1F@ ?0A14@ ?0A20@ ?0A2F@ ?0A21@ ?0AF0@ ?0AF3@ ?0AGF@ ?0A11@ ?0A4G@ ?0A54@ ?0A32@ ?1A02@ ?1A25@ ?1A12@ ?1A53@ ?2A0F@ ?2A1@ ?FA01@ ?FA14@ ?GA04@ ?1A03@ ?4A10@ ?5A11@ PlaJue IKI Identi!cation Nu"*er 1 4 3 2 10 12 11 15 20 21 F0 F1 G0 10 40 50 30 100 120 1G0 140 200 2G0 230 Dia"eter o. Lire Lit) EPS o. +ole in PlaJue% inA ?""@ 1T AAA AAA 0A00F2 ?0A03@ 0A00F1 ?0A02@ 0A00G ?0A10@ 0A001 ?0A1F@ 0A0041 ?0A14@ 0A0054 ?0A12@ 0A010 ?0A21@ 0A01F ?0AFF@ 0A014 ?0AG1@ 0A020 ?0A11@ 0A021 ?0A4F@ 0A0F2 ?0A31@ 0A0G0 ?1A02@ 0A010 ?1A25@ 0A04F ?1A15@ 0A030 ?2A0F@ 0A100 ?2A1G@ 0A124 ?FA20@ 0A140 ?GA04@ 0A200 ?1A03@ 0A210 ?4AF1@ 0AF20 ?3A1F@ 2T 0A00F3 ?0A02@ 0A00G ?0A10@ 0A001 ?0A1F@ 0A0014 ?0A1G@ 0A004 ?0A11@ 0A003 ?0A20@ 0A010 ?0A21@ 0A012 ?0A23@ 0A011 ?0AF3@ 0A020 ?0A11@ 0A021 ?0A4F@ 0A0F2 ?0A31@ 0A0G0 ?1A02@ 0A010 ?1A25@ 0A04F ?1A15@ 0A030 ?2A0F@ 0A100 ?2A1G@ 0A124 ?FA20@ 0A140 ?GA04@ 0A200 ?1A03@ 0A210 ?4AF1@ 0AF20 ?3A1F@ AAA AAA GT 0A004 ?0A11@ 0A0045 ?0A13@ 0A003 ?0A20@ 0A002 ?0A2F@ 0A010 ?0A21@ 0A012 ?0A23@ 0A014 ?0AG1@ 0A020 ?0A11@ 0A021 ?0A4F@ 0A0F2 ?0A31@ 0A0G0 ?1A02@ 0A010 ?1A25@ 0A04F ?1A15@ 0A030 ?2A0F@ 0A100 ?2A1G@ 0A124 ?FA20@ 0A140 ?GA04@ 0A200 ?1A03@ 0A210 ?4AF1@ 0AF20 ?3A1F@ AAA AAA AAA AAA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
NoA 4F0 o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alentA 5A2A1A2 <se on all alu"inu" *ronDes and all nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDesA 5A2A4 Materials Irou& F6 5A2A4A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. nic-el#c)ro"iu"#iron allo' ?<NS NoA N04400@ ?Inconel@A ?See S&eci!cation B 144A@ 5A2A4A2 <se on nic-el#c)ro"iu"#iron allo' and 13O nic-el#"ara(in( steelA 5A2A5 Materials Irou& G6 5A2A5A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. 50 to F0 nic-el#co&&er allo' ?Monel@ ?Class A or B o. S&eci!cation B 14G@ or eJui alent% or 50 to F0 co&&er# nic-el allo' ?Allo' I o. S&eci!cation B 141@ or eJui alentA 5A2A5A2 <se on nic-el% co&&er% all nic-el#co&&er series% or co&&er#nic-el series o. allo's% and all *rasses ?co&&er#Dinc allo's@A Irou& G IKIs "a' include t)e leaded *rasses since leaded *rass increases in attenuation ,it) increase in lead contentA T)is ,ould *e eJui alent to usin( a lo,er (rou& IKIA 5A2A3 Materials Irou& 16 5A2A3A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. tin *ronDe ?Allo' D o. S&eci!cation B 1F2@A 5A2A3A2 <se on tin *ronDes includin( (un#"etal and al e *ronDe% or leaded#tin *ronDe o. )i()er lead con# tent t)an al e *ronDeA Irou& 1 IKIs "a' include *ronDe o. )i()er lead content since leaded *ronDe increases in attenuation ,it) increase in lead contentA T)is ,ould *e eJui alent to usin( a lo,er (rou& IKIA
NOTE 1 M In de elo&in( t)e ei()t listed "aterials (rou&s% a nu"*er o. ot)er trade na"es or ot)er no"inal allo' desi(nations ,ere e aluatedA 8or t)e &ur&ose o. "a-in( t)is &ractice as use.ul as &ossi*le% t)ese "aterials are listed and cate(oriDed% *' (rou&% as .ollo,s6 ?1@ Irou& 2 M +a'nes Allo' IN#100A ?2@ Irou& F M +a'nes Allo' NoA 51FC% +astello' D% IA EA Allo' SEL% +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA 21% IMR#2F1 Allo'% +a'nes Allo' NoA 2F% Inconel =% Inconel 513% and +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA S#314A ?F@ Irou& G M +astello' Allo' 8% +astello' Allo' =% and Multi"eter Allo' Rene G1A ?G@ Irou& 1 M Allo's in order o. increasin( attenuation6 +astello' Allo' B% +astello' Allo' C% +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA F1% T)etalo'% +a'nes Stellite NoA F% +a'nes Allo' NoA 21A I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ o. an' o. t)ese "aterials are considered a&&lica*le .or t)e "aterials t)at .ollo, itA
NOTE 2 M T)e co""ittee .or"ulatin( t)ese reco""endations reco"# "ends ot)er "aterials "a' *e added to t)e "aterials (rou&s listed as t)e need arises or as "ore in.or"ation is (ained% or t)at additional "aterials (rou&s "a' *e addedA
5AF Met)od .or Ot)er Materials6 5AFA1 8or "aterials not )erein co ered% IKIs o. t)e sa"e "aterials% or an' ot)er "aterial% "a' *e used i. t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents are "etA T,o *loc-s o. eJual t)ic-ness% one o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined ?&roduction "aterial@ and one o. t)e IKI "aterial% s)all *e radio(ra&)ed on one !l" *' one e!&osure at t)e lo,est ener(' le el to *e used .or &roductionA Trans"ission densito"eter "ea# sure"ents o. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. eac) "aterial s)all *e "adeA T)e densit' o. eac) i"a(e s)all *e *et,een 2A0 and GA0A I. t)e i"a(e densit' o. t)e IKI "aterial is ,it)in 1A00 to 1A11 ti"es ?\0O to X11O@ t)e i"a(e densit' o. t)e &roduction "aterial% IKIs "ade o. t)at IKI "aterial "a' *e used in radio(ra&)' o. t)at &roduction "aterialA T)e &ercenta(e !(ure is *ased on t)e radio(ra&)ic densit' o. t)e IKI "aterialA
5AFA2 It s)all al,a's *e &er"issi*le to use IKIs o. si"ilar co"&osition as t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA
3A I"a(e Kualit' Indicator ?IKI@ Certi!cation 3A1 Docu"ents s)all *e &ro ided *' t)e IKI " turer attestin( to t)e .ollo,in(6 3A1A1 IKI identi!cation alternate% i. usedA 3A1A2 Material t'&eA 3A1AF Con.or"ance to s&eci!ed tolerances .or di"en# sional aluesA 3A1AG ASTM standard desi(nation% .or e!a"&le% ASTM E 5G5 M ?'ear desi(nation@ used .or "anu.acturin(A
2A Precision and Bias 2A1 Precision and Bias M No state"ent is "ade a*out t)e &recision or *ias .or indicatin( t)e Jualit' o. i"a(es since t)e results "erel' state ,)et)er t)ere is con.or"ance to t)e criteria .or success s&eci!ed in t)is &racticeA
10A 9e',ords 10A1 densit'R i"a(e Jualit' le elR IKIR radiolo(icR radi# olo('R =#ra' and (a""a radiation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A ALTERNATE IKI IDENTI8ICATION A1A1 T)e use o. IKIs ,it) identi!cations as s)o,n in 8i(sA A1A1 t)rou() A1A2 and as listed in Ta*le A1A1 is &er"itted as an acce&ta*le alternate &ro ided all ot)er reJuire"ents o. Practice E 5G5 are satis!edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
SET D 0A100 ?2A1@ 0A124 ?FA2@ 0A140 ?GA04@ 0A20 ?1A1@ 0A21 ?4AG@ 0AF2 ?0A31@
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A CALC<LATINI OT+ER EK<IVALENTS =1A1 T)e eJuation to deter"ine t)e eJui alencies *et,een ,ire and ?)ole t'&e@ IKIs is as .ollo,s6
8 d l & T + ? 0G@
FF 2 2
T & &laJue t)ic-ness% inA ?""@ + & dia"eter o. )ole% inA ?""@ =1A2 It s)ould *e noted t)at t)e ,ire and &laJue ?)ole t'&e@ IKI sensiti ities cannot *e related *' a !!ed constantA =1AF 8i(ures =1A1 and =1A2 are con ersion c)arts .or )ole t'&e IKIs containin( 1T and 2T )oles to ,iresA T)e sensiti ities are (i en as a &ercenta(e o. t)e s&eci"en t)ic-nessA
,)ere6 8 & .or" .actor .or ,ire% 0A52 d & ,ire dia"eter% inA ?""@ l & e..ecti e len(t) o. ,ire% 0AF inA ?5A4 ""@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 222#01A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is (uide esta*lis)es (uidelines t)at "a' *e used .or t)e control and "aintenance o. industrial radio(ra&)ic !l" &rocessin( eJui&"ent and "aterialsA E..ecti e use o. t)ese (uidelines aid in controllin( t)e consistenc' and Jualit' o. industrial radio(ra&)ic !l" &rocessin(A 1A2 <se o. t)is (uide is li"ited to t)e &rocessin( o. !l"s .or industrial radio(ra&)'A T)is (uide includes &roce# dures .or ,et#c)e"ical &rocesses and dr' &rocessin( tec)# niJuesA 1AF T)e necessit' o. a&&l'in( s&eci!c control &roce# dures suc) as t)ose descri*ed in t)is (uide is de&endent% to a certain e!tent% on t)e de(ree to ,)ic) a .acilit' ad)eres to (ood &rocessin( &ractices as a "atter o. routine &ro# cedureA 1AG I. a nondestructi e testin( a(enc'% as descri*ed in Practice E 1GF% is used to &er.or" t)e e!a"ination% t)e testin( a(enc' s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1GFA
E 1052 Practice .or Cali*ration o. Trans"ission Densito"# eters E 121G Iuide .or Stora(e o. Radio(ra&)s and <ne!&osed Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il"s E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ANSI Standard6 ANSI P+ GA3 Met)'lene Blue Met)od .or Measurin( T)io# sul.ate and Sil er Densito"etric Met)od .or Measurin( Residual C)e"icals in 8il"s% Plates% and Pa&ers
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is (uide% see Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate'% )ealt)% and en iron"ental &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. .ederal and local codes &rior to useA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 T)e &ro isions in t)is (uide are intended to control t)e relia*ilit' or Jualit' o. t)e i"a(e de elo&"ent &rocess onl'A T)e acce&ta*ilit' or Jualit' o. industrial radio(ra&)ic !l"s &rocessed in t)is "anner as ,ell as t)e "aterials or &roducts radio(ra&)ed re"ain at t)e discretion o. t)e user% or ins&ector% or *ot)A It is .urt)er intended t)at t)is (uide *e used as an adSunct to and not a re&lace"ent .or Iuide E 2GA
E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic Testin( E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A C)e"ical Mi!in( .or Manual and Auto"atic Processes 1A1 An' eJui&"ent t)at co"es in contact ,it) &ro# cessin( solutions s)ould *e "ade o. (lass% )ard ru**er% &ol'et)'lene% PVC% ena"eled steel% stainless steel% or ot)er c)e"icall' inert "aterialsA T)is includes "aterials suc) as
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&lu"*in(% "i!in( i"&ellers% and t)e cores o. !lter car# trid(esA Do not allo, "aterials suc) as tin% co&&er% steel% *rass% alu"inu"% or Dinc to co"e into contact ,it) &ro# cessin( solutionsA T)ese "aterials can cause solution con# ta"ination t)at "a' result in !l" .o((in( or ra&id o!idationA 1A2 Mi!in( C)e"icals6 1A2A1 Do not "i! &o,dered c)e"icals in &rocessor tan-s% since undissol ed &articles "a' *e le.t in t)e sJuare corners o. t)e tan-A Mi! solutions in se&arate containers "ade .ro" "aterials s&eci!ed in 1A1A 1A2A2 Care.ull' .ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs &ac-a(e directions or .or"ulas .or "i!in( t)e c)e"icalsA Start ,it) t)e correct olu"e o. ,ater at t)e te"&erature s&eci!ed in t)e instructions% and add c)e"icals in t)e order listedA
LARNINI6 Durin( t)e "i!in( and use o. &)oto(ra&)ic &rocessin( c)e"icals% *e sure to o*ser e all &recautionar' in.or"ation on c)e"i# cal containers and in instructionsA
*e re"o ed *' usin( t)e s&eciall' .or"ulated cleanin( a(ents reco""ended *' t)e c)e"ical or eJui&"ent "anu# .acturerA
4A Stora(e o. Solutions 4A1 In Ori(inal Containers M 8ollo, t)e "anu.actur# erEs stora(e and ca&acit' reco""endations &ac-a(ed ,it) t)e c)e"icalsA Do not use c)e"icals t)at )a e *een stored lon(er t)an reco""endedA 4A2 In Re&lenis)er or Process Tan-s M L)ere er &ossi# *le% &rotect solutions in tan-s ,it) !oatin( lids and dust co ersA In addition to &re entin( conta"inants .ro" enter# in( solutions% !oatin( lids and dust co ers )el& to "ini"iDe o!idation and e a&oration .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e solutionsA E a&oration can concentrate solutions and reduce te"&era# tures causin( &reci&itation o. so"e o. t)e solution constit# uentsA 4A2A1 Store re&lenis)er solutions .or s"all olu"e o&erations in airti()t containersA T)e ca&s o. t)ese contain# ers s)ould *e .ree o. corrosion and .orei(n &articles t)at could &re ent a ti()t !tA 4AF Te"&erature M Store all solutions at nor"al roo" te"&erature% *et,een G0 to 30[8 ?G to 25[C@A Storin( solu# tions% &articularl' de elo&er% at ele ated te"&eratures can &roduce ra&id o!idation resultin( in loss o. acti it' and a tendenc' to stain t)e !l"A Stora(e at too lo, a te"&erature% &articularl' o. !!er solutions% can cause so"e solutions to cr'stalliDe% and t)e cr'stals "a' not redissol e e en ,it) )eatin( and stirrin(A
1AF Conta"ination o. Solutions6 1AFA1 T)orou()l' clean all "i!in( eJui&"ent i""e# diatel' a.ter use to a oid conta"ination ,)en t)e ne!t solution is "i!edA L)en "i!in( !!er .ro" &o,der% "a-e sure to add t)e &o,der care.ull' to t)e ,ater in t)e "i!in( tan- so t)at !!er dust does not (et into ot)er &rocessin( solutionsA L)en "i!in( an' c)e"ical% &rotect near*' tansolutions ,it) !oatin( lids and dust co ersA T)e use o. a ent )ood is reco""ended as a' &recautionA
1AFA2 T)e ,ater su&&l' s)ould eit)er *e distilled or !ltered so t)at it is clean and sedi"ent#.reeA 1AFAF I. lar(e tan-s are used .or "i!in(% care.ull' "ar- t)e olu"e le els to *e certain t)at olu"es are correctA 1AFAG <se o. i"&eller#t'&e "i!ers &ro ides ra&id% t)orou() "i!in(A L)en &ositionin( t)e i"&eller% s&ecial caution s)ould *e ta-en in c)oosin( an(le and de&t) to "ini"iDe t)e a"ount o. air *ein( dra,n into t)e solutionA O er#"i!in( o. t)e solutions can cause o!idation% es&e# ciall' ,it) de elo&ers% and s)ould *e a oidedA Rinse t)e s)a.t% i"&eller% and "ountin( cla"& ,it) ,ater a.ter useA 1AG Maintainin( EJui&"ent6 1AGA1 I""ediatel' clean all "i!in( eJui&"ent a.ter useA 1AGA2 In addition to cleanin( eJui&"ent i""ediatel' a.ter use% ,as) an' "i!in( a&&aratus t)at )as *een idle .or a lon( &eriod o. ti"e to eli"inate dust and dirt t)at "a' )a e accu"ulatedA 1AGAF Processin( )an(ers and tan-s s)ould *e .ree o. corrosion and c)e"ical de&ositsA Encrusted de&osits t)at accu"ulate in tan-s% tra's% and &rocessin( eJui&"ent and t)at are di.!cult to re"o e *' con entional cleanin( can
4AG Deterioration M Radio(ra&)ic !l" &rocessin( c)e"icals can deteriorate eit)er ,it) a(e or ,it) usa(eA Care.ull' .ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endations .or stora(e li.e and use.ul ca&acit'A Discard &rocessin( solu# tions ,)en t)e reco""ended nu"*er o. !l"s )a e *een &rocessed or t)e reco""ended stora(e li.e o. t)e &re&ared solution )as *een reac)ed% ,)ic)e er occurs !rstA 4A1 Conta"ination6 4A1A1 LiJuid c)e"icals are &ro ided in containers ,it) ti()t#!ttin( to&sA To a oid conta"ination% ne er inter# c)an(e t)e to& o. one container ,it) anot)erA 8or t)is reason% it is co""on &ractice .or radio(ra&)ic !l" &ro# cessin( c)e"ical "anu.acturers to color code t)e container to&s% t)at is% red .or de elo&er and *lue .or !!erA
4A1A2 Clearl' la*el re&lenis)er stora(e tan-s ,it) t)e solution t)at t)e' contain and use t)at container onl' ,it) t)at solutionA I. "ore t)an one de elo&er or one !!er .or"ulation are *ein( used% a se&arate re&lenis)er tans)ould *e dedicated to eac) c)e"icalA Di..erences in de el# o&er or !!er .or"ulations .ro" one "anu.acturer to anot)er "a' conta"inate si"ilar solutionsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e solution to *e seasonedA <se t)ree 1G *' 15#inA ?F1 *' GF#c"@ !l"s% or eJui alent% &er(allon ?FA3 L@ o. de elo&erA
NOTE 1 M Seasonin( !l"s "a' *e ne, !l"s or !l"s t)at "a' not *e (enerall' suita*le .or &roduction &ur&oses due to e!cessi e (ross .o( ?*ase &lus .o(@ densit'% e!&iration o. s)el. li.e% or ot)er reasonsA
5A1A1 8ollo, t)e te"&erature reco""endations .ro" t)e !l" or solution "anu.acturer and c)ec- t)er"o"etersA C)ec- t)er"o"eters and te"&erature#controllin( de ices &eriodicall' to *e sure t)at t)e &rocess te"&eratures are correctA Process te"&eratures s)ould *e c)ec-ed at least once &er s)i.tA 9ee& t)e te"&erature o. t)e sto& ?i. used@% !!er% and ,as) ,ater ,it)in W1[8 ?WF[C@ o. t)e de elo&er te"&eratureA
LARNINI6 An un&rotected "ercur'#!lled t)er"o"eter s)ould ne er *e used .or radio(ra&)ic !l" &rocessin( a&&lications *ecause accidental *rea-a(e could result in serious "ercur' conta"inationA
5A1A2 Control o. &rocessin( solution te"&erature and i""ersion ti"e relations)i&s are instru"ental considera# tions ,)en esta*lis)in( a &rocessin( &rocedure t)at ,ill consistentl' &roduce radio(ra&)s o. desired densit' and Jualit'A T)e actual ti"e and te"&erature relations)i&s esta*lis)ed are (o erned lar(el' *' t)e industrial radio# (ra&)ic !l"s and c)e"icals used and s)ould *e ,it)in t)e li"its o. t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endations .or t)ose "aterialsA L)en deter"inin( t)e i""ersion ti"e .or eac) solution% assure t)at t)e drainin( ti"e is includedA Drainin( ti"e s)ould *e consistent .ro" solution to solutionA T)e dar-roo" ti"ers used s)ould *e &eriodicall' c)ec-ed .or accurac'A
5A1A4 +andle all !l"s care.ull' durin( t)e &rocessin( c'cle and allo, adeJuate ti"e .or t)e !l" to su.!cientl' drain *e.ore trans.errin( it to t)e ne!t solutionA T)e use o. a sto& *at) or clear ,ater rinse *et,een de elo&in( and !!in( "a' also *e a&&ro&riateA T)e sto& *at) or clear ,ater rinse ser es to arrest de elo&"ent and also aids in "ini"iDin( t)e a"ount o. de elo&er carried o er into t)e !!er solutionA Insu.!cient *at)#to#*at) drain ti"e "a' cause e!cessi e solution carr'#o er ,)ic) can conta"inate and s)orten t)e li.e o. solutions in addition to causin( undesira*le e..ects on &rocessed radio(ra&)sA
5A1A5 L)en ,as)in( !l"s% a ,ettenin( a(ent "a' *e a&&ro&riate to use to &re ent ,ater s&ots and strea-in( durin( dr'in(A
LARNINI6 Prior to &lacin( !l"s in t)e dr'er% ensure t)at t)e dr'er is clean and t)at adeJuate )eat and entilation are &ro idedA Durin( dr'in(% isuall' e!a"ine t)e !l"s to deter"ine t)e len(t) o. ti"e reJuired .or su.!cient dr'in(A
5A1AF A(itate at s&eci!ed inter als .or t)e ti"es rec# o""ended *' t)e !l" or solution "anu.acturerA 5A1AG Durin( !l" &rocessin( certain constituents ,it)in t)e solutions under(o c)e"ical trans.or"ations t)at render t)e" useless .or .urt)er &rocessin( .unctionsA In addition% so"e solution ad)eres to t)e !l" and is carried on into t)e ne!t solution durin( &rocessin(A In order to co"&ensate .or t)ese reductions in solution acti it' and olu"e% add re&lenis)"ent solutionA T)e olu"e o. re&len# is)"ent necessar' is (o erned &ri"aril' *' t)e nu"*er% siDe% and densit' o. !l"s &rocessedA Manu.acturerEs reco"# "endations .or re&lenis)"ent are *ased on t)ese criteria and ,ill (enerall' &ro ide suita*le results .or t)e e!&ected li.e o. t)e solutionA In an' case% "aintain solution le els to ensure co"&lete i""ersion o. t)e !l"A
5A2 Auto"ated Processin(6 5A2A1 I""ersion ti"e and solution te"&erature rela# tions)i&s can *e "ore closel' controlled ,it) auto"atic &rocessin( since t)e eJui&"ent &ro ides e!ternal (a(es .or "onitorin( &ur&osesA As a (eneral (uideline% .ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endations .or industrial &rocessin( "aterialsA +o,e er% t)e actual &rocedure used s)ould *e *ased on t)e aria*les encountered *' t)e user and )is &articular needsA C)ec- solutions dail' or ,it) esta*lis)ed .reJuenc' *ased u&on usa(e to ensure t)at te"&eratures are ,it)in t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA C)ec- t)e &rocessorEs t)er"o"eter ,it) a secondar' t)er"o"eter durin( nor"al "aintenance &rocedures to eri.' correct &rocessin( te"&eratures ,it)in t)e "anu.acturerEs s&eci# !cationsA
5A1A1 T)e .unctional constituents in a .res)l' "i!ed de elo&er solution tend to o erreact on t)e initial !l"s &rocessed and "a' de elo& une!&osed areas on t)e !l"sA 8or t)is reason% "easures s)ould *e ta-en to sta*iliDe t)e acti it' o. t)e solution and t)us season t)e de elo&erA T)is can *e acco"&lis)ed *' t)e use o. de elo&er starter solution or *' &rocessin( a series o. seasonin( !l"s ?see Note 1@ in t)e .res)l' "i!ed solutionA L)en usin( de el# o&er starter solution .ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""en# dations .or t)e &roductA L)en usin( seasonin( !l"s e!&ose t)e !l"s ,it) isi*le li()t and t)en de elo& t)ese !l"s in
5A2A2 Trans&ort s&eed s)ould *e c)ec-ed durin( nor# "al "aintenance &rocedures *' "easurin( t)e ti"e it ta-es .or a (i en len(t) o. !l" to &ass a s&eci!c &ointA ?8or e!a"&le% i. t)e indicated "ac)ine s&eed is 2 .t0"in% &lace t,o "ar-s on a len(t) o. !l" 1 .t a&artA T)e second "ars)ould &ass a s&eci!c location% suc) as t)e entrance to t)e &rocessor% e!actl' F0 s a.ter t)e !rst "ar- )as &assed t)e sa"e &ointA@ An o&tional "et)od .or "easurin( &rocessor s&eed is to install a tac)o"eter on t)e "ain dri e "otor and deter"ine desired RPM0&rocessin( s&eed relation# s)i&sA
5A2AF A(itation is &ro ided *' t)e action o. t)e &roc# essor rollers% recirculation &u"&s% ,as) ,ater !o,% and no e!ternal a(itation is neededA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A2AG 8or &rocessors ,it) re&lenis)"ent s'ste"s% use t)e re&lenis)"ent rates reco""ended *' t)e !l" or solution "anu.acturerA 5A2AGA1 Accurate re&lenis)"ent increases t)e use# .ul li.e o. solutions to a (reat e!tent *' re&lacin( in(redi# ents t)at are de&leted and "aintains t)e &rocess at a constant% e.!cient le elA 5A2AGA2 Re&lenis)er rates s)ould *e eri!ed durin( nor"al "aintenance &rocedures to ensure t)at correct ol# u"es are *ein( inSected into t)e solutionsA 8or installations &rocessin( er' lar(e a"ounts o. !l" ?in e!cess o. t,o tan- turno ers o. re&lenis)er &er ,ee-@% c)ec-s on re&len# is)"ent rates s)ould *e "ade "ore .reJuentl'A Processor "anu.acturerEs reco""endations ,ill (enerall' &ro ide an adeJuate &rocedure .or c)ec-in( re&lenis)"ent olu"esA
?2@ Inco"in( dr'er air t)at is eit)er too )u"id or too cold can ad ersel' a..ect !l" dr'in( in t)e con ection dr'erA ?F@ C)ec- i. o en#te"&erature de ices or IR radiators% or *ot)% are o&erational in in.rared dr'ersA ?G@ T)e !!er solution acti it' "a' not *e in accordance to "anu.acturin( reco""endations and s)ould *e tested in accordance ,it) 3A4A
5AF Dr' Processin(6 5AFA1 8ollo, "anu.acturerEs reco""endations .or t)er"al &rocessor ,ar"#u& reJuire"entsA 5AFA2 8ollo, ti"e#te"&erature reco""endations .ro" t)e "anu.acturerA
5A2A1 8or seasonin( .res)l' "i!ed de elo&er solu# tion% to t)e &ro isions in 5A1A1A 5A2A4 Al,a's !ll t)e !!er tan- !rst% .ollo,in( t)e "anu.acturerEs instructions% t)en rinse and !ll t)e de el# o&er tan-A T)is "ini"iDes t)e &ossi*ilit' o. !!er acciden# tall' s&las)in( into t)e de elo&er solutionA L)en re&lacin( or re"o in( &rocessor rac-s% al,a's use a s&las) (uard to .urt)er reduce t)e &ossi*ilit' o. conta"inationA 5A2A5 Dr'in(6 5A2A5A1 Ma-e sure t)e dr'er is clean and t)at no .orei(n "aterial )as settled on t)e rollersA Routinel' e!a"# ine t)e entilation s'ste" to ensure t)at air &at)s are not *loc-ed and t)at !l"s are uni.or"l' driedA T)ere are t,o t'&es o. dr'er s'ste"s used in auto"atic !l" &rocessors .or industrial radio(ra&)ic !l"s6 ?1@ Con ection dr'ers are circulatin( air s'ste"s ,it) t)er"ostatic controlsA Nor"al dr'in( te"&eratures ran(e .ro" 30 to 120[8 ,)en relati e )u"idit' ?R+@ conditions are a&&ro!i"atel' G0 to 51OA Relati e )u"idities a*o e 51O "a' reJuire )i()er te"&eraturesA ?2@ In.rared ?IR@ dr'ers are *ased &rinci&all' on a*sor&# tion rat)er t)an te"&eratureA Relati e )u"idit' )as no ad erse a..ect on in.rared dr'in(A In.rared ener(' le els are &reset *' t)e "anu.acturer and &ro ide a ran(e o. dr'er settin(sA
3A Acti it' Testin( o. Solutions .or Manual and Auto"atic Processin( 3A1 To esta*lis) a relia*le &rocedure .or deter"inin( t)e acti it' o. &rocessin( solutions% it ,ill *e necessar' to &ro ide a "ini"al a"ount o. eJui&"ent and t)e &ro&er selection and stora(e o. radio(ra&)ic control !l"sA 3A2 Sensito"etric Ste& Ta*lets6 3A2A1 A "etallic ste& ,ed(e or ot)er suita*le o*Sect?s@ o. uni.or" "aterial and ar'in( t)ic-ness?es@% o. eit)er alu"inu" or steel can *e used ,it) a (i en =#ra' or (a""a#ra' e!&osure to create a sensito"etric control stri&A 3A2A2 Electronic sensito"eters and &re#e!&osed sen# sito"etric control stri&s are also co""erciall' a aila*leA T)e user o. electronic sensito"eters ?!l" e!&osed to ,)ite li()t@ s)ould *e a,are t)at suc) usa(e% ,)en acco"&anied *' an a&&ro&riate ,)ite#li()t sensiti e industrial !l"% results in (reater res&onseA ConseJuentl'% "aintenance o. de elo&in( &ara"eters "ust *e at a )i()er and "ore .re# Juent le elA 3AF Radio(ra&)ic Monitorin( 8il"s M Radio(ra&)ic !l"s are "ade in *atc)es ,)ere t)e c)aracteristics "a' ar' sli()tl' *et,een *atc)esA T)ese c)an(es .ro" e"ul# sion to e"ulsion "a' *e detecta*le and could *e con.used ,it) t)e c)an(es in t)e radio(ra&)ic &rocessin( s'ste"A 3AFA1 Monitorin( !l"s "ust *e &ro&erl' stored to ensure t)at t)e !l" c)aracteristics o. t)e !rst s)eet ,ill *e t)e sa"e as t)e last s)eet usedA See Iuide E 121GA 3AFA2 A "onitorin( !l" s)ould *e t)e sa"e *rand and t'&e &redo"inantl' used in t)e .acilities &rocessin( s'ste"A 3AFAF T)e !rst sensito"etric !l" &rocessed t)rou() .res)l' "i!ed and seasoned c)e"istr' ?see 5A1A1@ ,ill *eco"e t)e re.erence or standard .or a *o! o. control !l"A 3AFAG Su*seJuent "onitorin( !l"s are t)en &roduced on an as#needed *asis and co"&ared to t)e re.erence !l" to deter"ine sensito"etric c)an(es ,it)in t)e &rocessorA
5A2A5A2 T)e dr'er e.!cienc' can *e tested *' &ro# cessin( si! consecuti e 1G *' 15#inA ?F1 *' GF#c"@ &roduc# tion !l"s% or eJui alent% and e!a"inin( t)e" i""ediatel' a.ter t)e dr'in( c'cle is co"&leteA I. da"& or undried areas are o*ser ed% increase t)e dr'er settin(A S)ould an increase in dr'er te"&erature .or con ection dr'ers or an increase in ener(' .or in.rared dr'ers not dr' t)e !l"% t)e .ollo,in( conditions s)ould *e in esti(ated6 ?1@ Las) ,ater t)at is too ,ar" ,ill cause e!cessi e e"ulsion s,ellin(A T)is can ad ersel' a..ect !l" dr'in( in con ection dr'ersA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ienerall'% t)e )i()er t)e !l" olu"e &rocessed% t)e "ore o.ten KA c)ec-s s)ould *e &er.or"edA 3AFA1 I. a "onitorin( !l" &roduces unusuall' )i() or lo, densities e!ceedin( t)e tolerance li"its% t)en t)e &rocessin( and sensito"etric e!&osure conditions s)ould *e rec)ec-ed and re&eated% i. necessar'A I. t)e results are still out o. tolerance% t)e cause "ust *e located and cor# rectedA Ienerall'% a s"all adSust"ent in re&lenis)"ent rates is necessar' until a sensito"etric !l" &rocessor acti it' *alance is esta*lis)edA 3AFA4 L)ene er a ne, "onitorin( !l" *eco"es nec# essar' to c)an(e .ro" one e"ulsion to anot)er% t,o !l"s eac) ?.ro" t)e ne, *o! and t)e old *o!@ s)ould *e e!&osed and &rocessed si"ultaneousl' to adSust .or nor"al !l" "anu.acturin( sensito"etric ariationsA 3AG Densito"eter6 3AGA1 A trans"ission densito"eter s)ould *e used ca&a*le o. readin( densities .ro" 0A0 to GA0% ,it) an a&er# ture on t)e order o. 1A0 to FA0 "" in dia"eterA T)e densi# to"eter s)ould *e cali*rated in accordance ,it) Practice E 1052A 3A1 De elo&er6 3A1A1 T)e de elo&er acti it' s)ould *e c)ec-ed *' &rocessin( a &re#e!&osed sensito"etric stri&% a radio(ra&) o. a ste& ,ed(e% or a test &art .or "easurin( .our !l" densities% one at *ase X .o( ?une!&osed area o. !l"@ and t)ree *et,een 1A1 and GA0 in t)ree areas o. interest ?)i()% "ediu"% and lo, densities@A T)ese .our areas are also -no,n as t)e Ai" 8il" densitiesA
a&&ear as dull% nonre!ecti e areas t)at "a' *e 'ello,is) in color de&endin( on t)e actual lac- o. !!er acti it'A 3A5 Las)6 3A5A1 Pro&er ,as)in( is necessar' to re"o e residual !!er .ro" t)e !l"A I. not re"o ed .ro" t)e !l"% t)ese c)e"icals ,ill cause su*seJuent da"a(e ?stainin(@ and deterioration o. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e% es&eciall' in lo,# densit' areasA 3A5A2 T)e e..ecti eness o. ,as)in( "a' *e c)ec-ed usin( t)e residual t)iosul&)ate c)e"icals test descri*ed in Iuide E 2G or ANSI P+GA3A 3A5AF I. &)'sical e!a"ination o. t)e !l"s a.ter ,as)# in( s)o,s dirt or scu" t)at ,as not &resent *e.ore ,as)in(% t)e ,as) tan-s s)ould *e drained and cleanedA Drain ,as) tan-s ,)ene er t)e' are not *ein( usedA In order to "ini# "iDe ,as)in( arti.acts% it is reco""ended t)at sca en(er !l"s *e &rocessed at start u& to clear out scu" and .orei(n "aterialR t)e use o. al(aecides is also reco""ended to retard t)e (ro,t) o. or(anis"s ,it)in t)e ,as) *at)A 3A5AG T)e ne,er cold#,ater#t'&e &rocessors do not reJuire a control al e to re(ulate ,ater te"&eraturesA +o,e er% "an' older#t'&e &rocessors reJuire t)at t)e inco"in( ,ater te"&erature *e set ,it)in certain li"its o. t)e de elo&er te"&eratureA E!ceedin( t)ese li"its "a' not allo, t)e &rocessor to adeJuatel' control t)e de elo&er te"&erature% ,)ic) "a' cause densit' ariationsA
2A Records 2A1 Accurate records s)ould *e -e&t o. t)e .ollo,in( ite"s6 2A1A1 Brand na"e and "odel o. &rocessor% i. usedA 2A1A2 Brand na"es and *atc) nu"*er o. c)e"icals usedA 2A1AF Ti"e o. de elo&"entA
3A1A2 T)e !l" densities in t)e areas o. interest *ein( "onitored s)ould *e ,it)in W10O o. t)e ori(inal "onitor# in( !l" densit'A Variations ,it)in t)is ran(e are (enerall' considered nor"al and s)ould not ad ersel' a..ect radio# (ra&)ic Jualit'A 3A4 8i!er6 3A4A1 8i!er solution acti it' can *e deter"ined *' "easurin( t)e clearin( ti"eA A.ter t)e !!er solution )as reac)ed an o&eratin( te"&erature% &lace an un&rocessed =#ra' !l" into t)e !!er solution and "easure t)e ti"e reJuired to re"o e t)e sil er )alide cr'stalsR t)is is -no,n as t)e clearin( ti"eA Re"o al o. t)e =#ra' !l" sil er )alide cr'stals can *e o*ser ed ,)en t)e =#ra' !l" turns .ro" a re!ecti e color to a clear transluscent !l" in t)e !!erA Clearin( ti"e s)ould *e 21O less t)an t)e !!er i""ersion ti"eA T)e !l" s)ould *e &eriodicall' a(itated durin( "anual &rocessin(A
2A1AG Te"&erature o. &rocessin( c)e"icalsA 2A1A1 Date ne, c)e"icals ,ere &laced in useA 2A1A4 Re&lenis)"ent ratesA 10A Maintenance 10A1 Maintenance sc)edules &ro ided *' t)e " turer .or &re enti e "aintenance s)ould *e ad)ered to in order to assure consistent c)e"ical and "ec)anical o&era# tion as set .ort) *' t)e "anu.acturerA
3A4A2 I. &)'sical e!a"ination s)o,s un!!ed s&ots or areas% t)e !!er s)ould *e discardedA <n!!ed areas "a'
11A 9e',ords 11A1 auto"atic &rocessin(R !l"R "anual &rocessin(R &rocessin(R radio(ra&)icR solutions
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 1021#01A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e desi(n% "aterial (rou&in( classi!cation% and "anu.acture o. )ole#t'&e i"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKI@ used to indicate t)e Jualit' o. radiolo(ic i"a(esA 1A2 T)is &ractice is a&&lica*le to =#ra' and (a""a# ra' radiolo('A 1AF T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as standardA 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M T)e de!nitions o. ter"s relatin( to (a""a and !#radiolo(' in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14% Section D% s)all a&&l' to t)e ter"s used in t)is &racticeA GA +ole#T'&e IKI ReJuire"ents GA1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ used to deter"ine radiolo(ic#i"a(e Jualit' le els s)all con.or" to t)e .ollo,# in( reJuire"entsA GA1A1 Standard +ole#T'&e IKIs6 GA1A1A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e .a*ricated .ro" "aterials or allo's identi!ed or listed in accordance ,it) 5AFA Ot)er "aterials "a' *e used in accor# dance ,it) 5AGA GA1A1A2 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all di"ensionall' con.or" to t)e reJuire"ents o. 8i(A 1A GA1A1AF Bot) t)e rectan(ular and t)e circular IKI s)all *e identi!ed ,it) nu"*er?s@ "ade o. lead or a "ate# rial o. si"ilar radiation o&acit'A T)e nu"*er s)all *e *onded to t)e rectan(ular IKIs and s)all *e &laced adSacent to circular IKIs to &ro ide identi!cation o. t)e IKI on t)e i"a(eA T)e identi!cation nu"*ers s)all indicate t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e IKI in t)ousandt)s o. an inc)% t)at is% a nu"*er 10 IKI is 0A010 inA t)ic-% a nu"*er 100 IKI is 0A100 inA t)ic-% etcA Additional identi!cation reJuire"ents are &ro ided in 5A2A GA1A1AG Allo'#(rou& identi!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) 8i(A 2A Rectan(ular IKIs s)all *e notc)edA I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e i*rotooled or etc)ed as s&eci!edA GA1A2 Modi!ed +ole#T'&e IKI6 GA1A2A1 T)e rectan(ular IKI "a' *e "odi!ed in len(t) and ,idt) as necessar' .or s&ecial a&&lications%
B 1F2 S&eci!cation .or P)os&)or BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es B 110 S&eci!cation .or Alu"inu" BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es B 141 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el Sea"less Pi&e and Tu*e B 14G S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#Co&&er Allo' Rod% Bar% and Lire B 144 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#C)ro"iu"#Iron Allo's ?<NS N04400% N04401% and N04420@ and Nic-el#C)ro# "iu"#Co*alt#Mol'*denu" Allo' ?<NS N04415@ Rod% Bar% and Lire E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1T 2T GT
1T 2T 2T
0A5 1 G
Le el 2#2T Radiolo(ic M T)e 2T )ole in an IKI% 1V10 ?2O@ o. t)e s&eci"en t)ic-ness% is isi*leA BEJui alent IKI sensiti it' is t)at t)ic-ness o. t)e IKI% e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. t)e &art t)ic-ness% in ,)ic) t)e 2T )ole ,ould *e is# i*le under t)e sa"e conditionsA
1A1A1 Deter"ine t)e allo' (rou&?s@ o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA 1A1A2 Deter"ine t)e t)ic-ness or t)ic-ness ran(e o. t)e "aterial?s@ to *e e!a"inedA 1A1AF Select t)e a&&lica*le IKIs t)at re&resent t)e reJuired IKI t)ic-ness and allo'?s@A
NOTE 1 M T)is &ractice does not reco""end or su((est s&eci!c IKI sets to *e &rocuredA Section 1 is an aid in selectin( IKIs *ased on s&eci!c needsA
4A I"a(e Kualit' Le els 4A1 I"a(e Jualit' le els are desi(nated *' a t,o &art e!&ression =#7TA T)e !rst &art o. t)e e!&ression = re.ers to t)e IKI t)ic-ness e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. t)e s&eci"en t)ic-nessA T)e second &art o. t)e e!&ression 7T re.ers to t)e dia"eter o. t)e )ole and is e!&ressed as a "ulti&le o. t)e IKI t)ic-ness% TA T)e i"a(e Jualit' le el 2#2T "eans t)at t)e IKI t)ic-ness T is 2O o. t)e s&eci"en t)ic-ness and t)at t)e dia"eter o. t)e IKI i"a(ed )ole is 2t)e IKI t)ic-nessA
&ro ided t)e )ole siDe?s@ and IKI t)ic-ness con.or" to 8i(A 1A GA1A2A2 T)e IKIs s)all *e identi!ed as s&eci!ed in GA1A1AF% e!ce&t t)at t)e identi!cation nu"*ers "a' *e &laced adSacent to t)e IKI i. &lace"ent on t)e IKI is i"&rac# ticalA GA1A2AF L)en "odi!ed IKIs are used% details o. t)e "odi!cation s)all *e docu"ented in t)e records acco"# &an'in( t)e e!a"ination resultsA
NOTE 2 M I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKIs@ less t)an nu"*er 10 )a e )ole siDes 0A010% 0A020% and 0A0G0 inA dia"eter re(ardless o. t)e IKI t)ic-nessA T)ere.ore% IKIs less t)an nu"*er 10 do not re&resent t)e Jualit' le els s&eci!ed in 4A1 and Ta*le 1A T)e eJui alent sensiti it' can *e co"&uted .ro" data .urnis)ed in A&&endi! =1A
4A2 T'&ical i"a(e Jualit' le el desi(nations are s)o,n in Ta*le 1A T)e le el o. ins&ection s&eci!ed s)ould *e *ased on ser ice reJuire"ents o. t)e &roductA Care s)ould *e ta-en in s&eci.'in( i"a(e Jualit' le els 2#1T% 1#1T% and 1#2T *' !rst deter"inin( t)at t)ese le els can *e "ain# tained in &roductionA 4AF In s&eci.'in( i"a(e Jualit' le els% t)e contract% &urc)ase order% &roduct s&eci!cation% or dra,in( s)ould
1A IKI Procure"ent 1A1 L)en selectin( IKIs .or &rocure"ent% t)e .ollo,in( .actors s)ould *e considered6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
state t)e &ro&er t,o#&art e!&ression and clearl' indicate t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e "etal to ,)ic) t)e le el re.ersA In &lace o. a desi(nated t,o#&art e!&ression% t)e IKI nu"*er and "ini"u" discerni*le )ole siDe s)all *e s&eci!edA 4AG A&&endi! =1 o. t)is &racti e &ro ides "et)ods .or deter"inin( eJui alent &enetra"eter sensiti it' ?EPS@ in &ercentA <nder certain conditions ?as descri*ed ,it)in t)e &urca)aser#su&&lier a(ree"ent@% EPS "a' *e use.ul in relatin( a discernin( )ole siDe o. t)e IKI t)ic-ness ,it) t)e section t)ic-ness radio(ra&)ed .or esta*lis)in( an o erall tec)nical i"a(e Jualit' eJui alenc'A T)is is not an altena# ti e IKI &ro ision .or t)e ori(inall' s&eci!ed IKI reJuire# "ent o. t)is &ractice% *ut "a' *e a use.ul tool .or esta*lis)in( tec)nical i"a(e eJui alenc' on a case *asis need ,it) s&eci!c custo"er a&&ro alsA
5A1AF T)e )ea ' "etal (rou&s% steel% co&&er *ase% nic-el *ase% and -indred allo's% are identi!ed 1 t)rou() 1A T)e "aterials increase in radiation a*sor&tion ,it) increas# in( nu"erical desi(nationA
NOTE F M T)ese (rou&s ,ere esta*lis)ed e!&eri"entall' at 130 -V on FVG#inA ?12#""@ t)ic- s&eci"ensA T)e' a&&l' .ro" 121 -V to t)e "ulti olt ran(eA
4A1 Practice E 5G5 contains &ro isions .or ,ire IKIs t)at use ar'in( len(t) and dia"eter ,ire to a..ect i"a(e Jualit' reJuire"entsA T)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 5G5 are di..erent .ro" t)is standardR )o,e er% Practice E 5G5 ?see Ta*le G@ contains &ro isions ,)ere*' ,ire siDes eJui # alent to corres&ondin( 1T% 2T% and GT )oles .or arious &laJue t)ic-nesses are &ro idedA A&&endi! =1 o. Practice E 5G5 also &ro ides "et)ods .or deter"inin( eJui alencies *et,een ,ire and )ole t'&e IKIsA T)is is not an alternati e IKI &ro ision .or t)e ori(inall' s&eci!ed IKI reJuire"ents o. t)is &ractice% *ut "a' *e use.ul .or esta*lis)in( tec)nical i"a(e eJui alenc' on a case *asis need ,it) s&eci!c cus# to"er a&&ro alsA
5A1AG Co""on trade na"es or allo' desi(nations )a e *een used .or clari!cation o. t)e &ertinent "aterialsA 5A1A1 T)e "aterials .ro" ,)ic) t)e IKI .or t)e (rou& are to *e "ade are desi(nated in eac) case% and t)ese IKIs are a&&lica*le .or all "aterials listed in t)at (rou&A In addition% an' (rou& IKI "a' *e used .or an' "aterial ,it) a )i()er (rou& nu"*er% &ro ided t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el is "aintainedA 5A2 Identi!cation S'ste"6 5A2A1 A notc)in( s'ste" )as *een desi(nated .or t)e ei()t (rou&s o. IKIs and is s)o,n in 8i(A 2A 5A2A2 8or circular IKIs% a (rou& desi(nation s)all *e i*rotooled or c)e"icall' etc)ed on t)e IKI to identi.' it *' usin( t)e letter BIC .ollo,ed *' t)e (rou& nu"*er% t)at is% IG .or a Irou& G IKIA 8or identi!cation o. t)e (rou& on t)e i"a(e% corres&ondin( lead c)aracters s)all *e &laced adSacent to t)e circular IKI% Sust as is done ,it) t)e lead nu"*ers identi.'in( t)e t)ic-nessA T)e identi!cation is s)o,n in 8i(A FA 5AF Materials Irou&s6 5AFA1 Materials Irou& 0F6
4A4 Test Met)ods E 5G4 and E 15F1 &ro ide additional tools .or deter"inin( relati e i"a(e Jualit' res&onse o. industrial radio(ra&)ic !l" s'ste"s ,)en e!&osed to ener(' le els descri*ed ,it)in t)ose test "et)odsA Bot) o. t)ese test "et)ods use t)e BeJui alent &enetra"eter sensiti it'C ?EPS@ conce&t to &ro ide statistical i"a(e Jual# it' in.or"ation t)at allo,s t)e !l" s'ste" o. ot)er e!&o# sure co"&onents to *e assessed on a relati e *asisA T)ese test "et)ods are not alternati e IKI &ro isions .or t)e or(inall' s&eci!ed IKI reJuire"ents o. t)is &ractice% *ut "a' *e use.ul on a case *asis ,it) s&eci!c custo"er a&&ro als% .or esta*lis)in( tec)nical i"a(e eJui alenc' o. certain as&ects o. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(in( &rocessA
5A Material Irou&s 5A1 Ieneral6 5A1A1 Materials )a e *een desi(nated in ei()t (rou&s *ased on t)eir radiation a*sor&tion c)aracteristics6 Irou&s 0F% 02% and 01 .or li()t "etals and Irou&s 1 t)rou() 1 .or )ea ' "etalsA 5A1A2 T)e li()t "etal (rou&s% "a(nesiu" ?M(@% alu# "inu" ?A1@% and titaniu" ?Ti@% are identi!ed 0F% 02% and 01 res&ecti el' .or t)eir &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA T)e "aterials are listed in order o. increasin( radiation a*sor&tionA
5AFA1A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. "a(nesiu" or "a(nesiu" s)all *e t)e &redo"i# nant allo'in( constituentA 5AFA1A2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) "a(nesiu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5AFA2 Materials Irou& 026 5AFA2A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" or alu"inu" s)all *e t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5AFA2A2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) alu"inu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5AFAF Materials Irou& 016 5AFAFA1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. titaniu" or titaniu" s)all *e t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5AFAFA2 <se on all allo's o. ,)ic) titaniu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 5AFAG Materials Irou& 16 5AFAGA1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. car*on steel or T'&e F00 series stainless steelA 5AFAGA2 <se on all car*on steel% all lo,#allo' steels% all stainless steels% "an(anese#nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Su&erston@A 5AFA1 Materials Irou& 26 5AFA1A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo' NoA 42F% o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alent% or nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo' NoA 4F0 o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alentA 5AFA1A2 <se on all alu"inu" *ronDes and all nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDesA 5AFA4 Materials Irou& F6 5AFA4A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. nic-el#c)ro"iu"#iron allo' ?<NS NoA N04400@ ?Inconel@A ?See S&eci!cation B 144A@ 5AFA4A2 <se on nic-el#c)ro"iu"#iron allo' and 13O nic-el#"ara(in( steelA 5AFA5 Materials Irou& G6 5AFA5A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. 50 to F0 nic-el#co&&er allo' ?Monel@ ?Class A or B o. S&eci!cation B 14G@ or eJui alent% or 50 to F0 co&&er# nic-el allo' ?Allo' I o. S&eci!cation B 141@ or eJui alentA 5AFA5A2 <se on nic-el% co&&er% all nic-el#co&&er series% or co&&er#nic-el series o. allo's% and all *rasses ?co&&er#Dinc allo's@A Irou& G IKIs "a' *e used on t)e leaded *rasses% since leaded *rass increases in attenuation ,it) increase in lead contentA T)is ,ould *e eJui alent to usin( a lo,er (rou& IKIA 5AFA3 Materials Irou& 16 5AFA3A1 I"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@ s)all *e "ade o. tin *ronDe ?Allo' D o. S&eci!cation B 1F2@A 5AFA3A2 <se on tin *ronDes includin( (un#"etal and al e *ronDe% leaded#tin *ronDe o. )i()er lead content t)an al e *ronDeA Irou& 1 IKIs "a' *e used on *ronDe o. )i()er lead content since leaded *ronDe increases in attenuation ,it) increase in lead contentA T)is ,ould *e eJui alent to usin( a lo,er (rou& IKIA
8or t)e &ur&ose o. "a-in( t)is &ractice as use.ul as &ossi*le% t)ese "aterials are listed and cate(oriDed% *' (rou&% as .ollo,s6 ?1@ Irou& 2 M +a'nes Allo' IN#100A ?2@ Irou& F M +a'nes Allo' NoA 51FC% +astello' D% IAEA Allo' SEL% +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA 21% IMR#2F1 Allo'% +a'nes Allo' NoA 2F% Inconel =% Inconel 513% and +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA S#314A ?F@ Irou& G M +astello' Allo' 8% +astello' Allo' =% and Multi"eter Allo' Rene G1A ?G@ Irou& 1 M Allo's in order o. increasin( attenuation6 +astello' Allo' B% +astello' Allo' C% +a'nes Stellite Allo' NoA F1% T)etalo'% +a'nes Stellite NoA F% +a'nes Allo' NoA 21A IKIs o. an' o. t)ese "aterials are considered a&&lica*le .or t)e "aterials t)at .ollo, itA
NOTE 1 M T)e co""ittee .or"ulatin( t)ese reco""endations reco"# "ended ot)er "aterials "a' *e added to t)e "aterials (rou&s listed as t)e need arises or as "ore in.or"ation is (ained% or t)at additional "ateri# als (rou&s "a' *e addedA
5AG Radio(ra&)ic Met)od .or Ot)er Materials6 5AGA1 8or "aterials not )erein co ered% IKIs o. t)e sa"e "aterials% or an' ot)er "aterial% "a' *e used i. t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents are "etA T,o *loc-s o. eJual t)ic-ness% one o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined ?&roduction "aterial@ and one o. t)e IKI "aterial% s)all *e radio(ra&)ed on one !l" *' one e!&osure at t)e lo,est ener(' le el to *e used .or &roductionA Trans"ission densito"eter read# in(s .or *ot) "aterials s)all *e read .ro" t)e !l" and s)all *e *et,een 2A0 and GA0 ?radio(ra&)ic@ densit' .or *ot) "aterialsA I. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e densit' o. t)e "aterial .ro" ,)ic) t)e IKIs are to *e .a*ricated is ,it)in X11 to \0O o. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e densit' o. t)e &ro# duction "aterial% t)e IKI "aterial "a' *e used to .a*ricate IKIs .or e!a"ination o. t)e &roduction "aterialA T)e &er# centa(e !(ure is *ased on t)e radio(ra&)ic densit' o. t)e IKI "aterialA
5AGA2 It s)all al,a's *e &er"issi*le to use IKIs o. si"ilar co"&osition as t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA
IKI Certi!cation
3A1 Records s)all *e a aila*le t)at attest to t)e con.or# "ance o. t)e "aterial t'&e% (rou&in( ?notc)es@% and di"en# sional tolerances o. t)e IKIs s&eci!ed *' t)is &racticeA
2A1 Precision and Bias M No state"ent is "ade a*out t)e &recision or *ias .or indicatin( t)e Jualit' o. radio# (ra&)s since t)e results "erel' state ,)et)er t)ere is con# .or"ance to t)e criteria .or success s&eci!ed in t)is &racticeA
NOTE G M In de elo&in( t)e ei()t listed "aterials (rou&s% a nu"*er o. ot)er trade na"es or ot)er no"inal allo' desi(nations ,ere e aluatedA
10A1 densit'R i"a(e Jualit' le elR IKIR radiolo(icR radi# olo('R =#ra' and (a""a radiation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A EK<IVALENT IKI ?PENETRAMETER@ SENSITIVIT7 ?EPS@ =1A1 To !nd t)e eJui alent IKI sensiti it' ?&ercent@% t)e )ole siDe ?dia"eter in inc)es@% o. t)e IKI t)ic-ness ?inc)es@% .or a section t)ic-ness ?inc)es@% t)e .ollo,in( co"&utations "a' *e used6
100 =
T+ % 2
,)ere6 & =& T& +& eJui alent IKI sensiti it'% O% section t)ic-ness to *e e!a"ined% inA% IKI t)ic-ness% inA% and )ole dia"eter% inA
=1AF Proceed to t)e no"o(ra&) ?8i(A =1A1@ and dra, a line Soinin( t)e 1A0O Value A and t)e 12A1O Value B and loo- on t)e center &ercent scale ,)ere t)e line crosses it and read t)e ans,er M 2A1OA T)us under t)e (i en conditions% eJui alent IKI ?&enetra"eter@ sensiti it' ?EPS@ is 2A1OA
=1A2 Alternate "et)od .or deter"inin( EPS usin( 8i(A =1A1 No"o(ra&)6 E!a"&le6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od &ro ides a uni.or" &rocedure .or radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination o. "etallic castin(s usin( radio(ra&)ic !l" as t)e recordin( "ediu"A 1A2 Due to t)e "an' co"&le! (eo"etries and &art con!(urations in)erent ,it) cast &roducts% it is necessar' to reco(niDe &otential li"itations associated ,it) o*tainin( co"&lete radio(ra&)ic co era(e on castin(sA Radio(ra&)' o. areas ,)ere (eo"etr' or &art con!(uration does not allo, ac)ie e"ent o. co"&lete co era(e ,it) &ractical radio(ra&)ic "et)ods s)all *e su*Sect to "utual a(ree"ents *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA T)e use o. alternati e nondestructi e "et)ods .or areas t)at are not conduci e to &ractical radio(ra&)' s)all also *e s&eci!call' a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA
*et,een &urc)aser and su&&lier ?also see Section 1@A 1A1 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as standardA 1A4 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination E 111 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Ins&ection o. Alu"inu" and Ma(nesiu" Castin(s
1AF T)e radio(ra&)ic "et)od is )i()l' sensiti e to olu# "etric discontinuities t)at dis&lace a detecta*le olu"e o. cast "aterialA Discontinuities t)at do not dis&lace an a&&recia*le olu"e o. "aterial% )o,e er% suc) as crac-s or ot)er &lanar#t'&e indications% "a' not *e detected ,it) radio(ra&)' unless t)e radiation *ea" is coincidentall' ali(ned ,it) t)e &lanar orientation o. t)e discontinuit'A In ie, o. t)is li"itation% it "a' *e considered a&&ro&riate to use t)e radio(ra&)ic "et)od in conSunction ,it) additional nondestructi e "et)ods t)at "aintain relia*le detection ca&a*ilities .or t)ese t'&es o. discontinuitiesA T)e use o. additional "et)ods s)all *e s&eci!call' a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and su&&lierA
E 134 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or +ea '#Lalled P2 to G1V2#inA ?11 to 11G#""@Q Steel Castin(s E 122 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or In est"ent Steel Cast# in(s .or Aeros&ace A&&lications E 252 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or +i()#Stren(t) Co&&er# Base and Nic-el#Co&&er Allo' Castin(s E 230 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or +ea '#Lalled PG1V2 to 12#inA ?11G to F01#""@Q Steel Castin(s E F10 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Tin BronDe Castin(s E GG4 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Steel Castin(s <& to 2 inA ?11 ""@ in T)ic-ness
1AG T)e radio(ra&)ic tec)niJues stated )erein &ro ide adeJuate assurance .or de.ect detecta*ilit'R )o,e er% it is reco(niDed t)at% .or s&ecial a&&lications% s&eci!c tec)# niJues usin( "ore or less strin(ent reJuire"ents "a' *e reJuired t)an t)ose s&eci!edA In t)ese cases% t)e use o. alternate radio(ra&)ic tec)niJues s)all *e as a(reed u&on
E 101 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Ins&ection o. Alu"inu" and Ma(nesiu" Die Castin(s E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 432 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Ductile Iron Castin(s
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E 5G5 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indica# tors ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 302 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Ira' Iron Castin(s <& to G1V2#inA ?11G ""@ in T)ic-ness E 222 Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin( E 1021 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 1052 Practice .or Cali*ration o. Trans"ission Densito"# eters E 121G Iuide .or Stora(e o. Radio(ra&)s and <ne!&osed Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il"s E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 1F20 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s .or Titaniu" Castin(s E 1311 Test Met)od .or Classi!cation o. 8il" S'ste"s .or Industrial Radio(ra&)' 2A2 ASNT0ANSI Standards6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali# !cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( CP#132 Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF Ot)er Standards6 NAS G10 National Aeros&ace Standard Certi!cation and Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Test Personnel CEN GGG Non#Destructi e Testin(#Ieneral Princi&les .or Radio(ra&)ic E!a"ination o. Metallic Material *' =# and Ia""a#ra's ISO 1152 Non#Destructi e Testin(#Radio(ra&)ic E!a"i# nation o. Metallic Materials *' =# and Ia""a#ra'sU Basic Rules
1A1A1 Nondestructi e Testin( A(enc' E aluation M I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% nondestructi e testin( ?NDT@ a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated in accordance ,it) Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le ersion o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 1A1A2 Personnel Kuali!cation M NDT &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT#CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% NAS G10% or a si"ilar docu"entA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA 1A1AF A&&aratus M Ieneral reJuire"ents ?see 4A1 t)rou() 4A2@ s)all *e s&eci!edA 1A1AG ReJuire"ents M Ieneral reJuire"ents ?see 3A1% 3A2% 3A1% and 3A5AG@ s)all *e s&eci!edA 1A1A1 Procedure ReJuire"ents ?see 2A1% 2A1A1% 2AF% 2A5AG% and 2A5A5@ s)all *e s&eci!edA 1A1A4 Records M Record retention ?see 12A1@ s)all *e s&eci!edA
4A1A1 = Radiation Sources M Selection o. a&&ro&riate =#ra' olta(e and current le els is de&endent u&on ari# a*les re(ardin( t)e s&eci"en *ein( e!a"ined ?"aterial t'&e and t)ic-ness@ and econo"icall' &er"issi*le e!&osure ti"eA T)e suita*ilit' o. t)ese =#ra' &ara"eters s)all *e de"onstrated *' attain"ent o. reJuired &enetra"eter ?IKI@ sensiti it' and co"&liance ,it) all ot)er reJuire"ents sti&# ulated )ereinA Iuide E 2G contains &ro isions concernin( e!&osure calculations and c)arts .or t)e use o. =#ra' sourcesA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is test "et)od% see Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
4A1A2 Ia""a Radiation Sources M Isoto&e sources% ,)en used% s)all *e ca&a*le o. de"onstratin( t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic sensiti it'A 4A2 8il" +olders and Cassettes M 8il" )olders and cassettes s)all *e li()t#ti()t and s)all *e )andled &ro&erl' to reduce t)e li-eli)ood t)at t)e' "a' *e da"a(edA T)e' "a' *e !e!i*le in'l% &lastic% or an' dura*le "aterialR or% t)e' "a' *e "ade .ro" "etallic "aterialsA In t)e e ent t)at li()t lea-s into t)e !l" )older and &roduces i"a(es on t)e !l" e!tendin( into t)e area o. interest% t)e !l" s)all *e reSectedA I. t)e !l" )older e!)i*its li()t lea-s% it s)all *e re&aired *e.ore reuse or discardedA 8il" )olders and cassettes s)ould *e routinel' e!a"ined to "ini"iDe t)e li-eli)ood o. li()t lea-sA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 T)e reJuire"ents e!&ressed in t)is test "et)od are intended to control t)e Jualit' o. t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(es% to &roduce' and consistent results% and are not intended .or controllin( t)e acce&ta*ilit' or Jualit' o. "ate# rials or &roductsA
1A Basis o. A&&lication 1A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s s)all *e a(reed u&on *' t)e &urc)aser and su&&lier6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTES6 ?A@ T)e lead screen t)ic-ness listed .or t)e arious olta(e ran(es are reco""ended t)ic-nesses and not reJuired t)ic-nessesA Ot)er t)ic-nesses and "aterials "a' *e used &ro ided t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le el% contrast% and densit' are ac)ie edA ?B@ Pre&ac-ed !l" ,it) lead screens "a' *e used .ro" 30 to 110 -eVA No lead screens are reco""ended *elo, 30 -eVA Pre&ac-ed !l" "a' *e used at )i()er ener(' le els &ro ided t)e contrast% densit'% radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le el% and *ac-scatter reJuire"ents are ac)ie edA Additional inter"ediate lead screens "a' *e used .or reduction o. scattered radiation at )i()er ener(iesA ?C@ No *ac- screen is reJuired &ro ided t)e *ac-scatter reJuire"ents o. 2A1 are "etA
4AF Intensi.'in( Screens6 4AFA1 Lead#8oil Screens6 4AFA1A1 Intensi.'in( screens o. t)e lead#.oil t'&e are (enerall' used .or all &roduction radio(ra&)'A Lead# .oil screens s)all *e o. t)e sa"e a&&ro!i"ate area di"en# sions as t)e !l" *ein( used and t)e' s)all *e in direct contact ,it) t)e !l" durin( e!&osureA 4AFA1A2 <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)aser#su&&lier a(ree"ent or ,it)in t)e Notes *elo, Ta*le 1% t)e lead .oil screens in t)is ta*le s)all *e usedA 4AFA1AF S)eet lead% ,it) or ,it)out *ac-in(% used .or screens s)ould *e isuall' e!a"ined .or dust% dirt% o!idation% crac-in( or creasin(% .orei(n "aterial or ot)er condition t)at could render undesira*le nonrele ant i"a(es on t)e !l"A 4AFA2 8luorescent% 8luoro"etallic% or Ot)er Metallic Screens6 4AFA2A1 8luorescent% !uoro"etallic% or ot)er "etal# lic screens "a' *e usedA +o,e er% t)e' "ust *e ca&a*le o. de"onstratin( t)e reJuired &enetra"eter ?IKI@ sensiti it'A 8luorescent or !uoro"etallic screens "a' cause li"itations in i"a(e Jualit' ?see Test Met)od E 2G% A&&endi! =1A@A 4AFA2A2 Screen Care M All screens s)ould *e )an# dled care.ull' to a oid dents% scratc)es% (rease% or dirt on acti e sur.acesA Screens t)at render .alse indications on radio(ra&)s s)all *e discarded or re,or-ed to eli"inate t)e arti.actA 4AFAF Ot)er Screens M Euro&ean Standard CEN GGG contains si"ilar &ro isions .or intensi.'in( screens as t)is test "et)odA International users o. t)ese t'&e screens ,)o & t)e use o. CEN GGG or ISO 1152 .or t)eir &articular a&&lications s)ould s&eci.' suc) alternate &ro isions ,it)in se&arate contractual arran(e"ents .ro" t)is test "et)odA
4AG 8ilters M 8ilters s)all *e used ,)ene er t)e contrast reductions caused *' lo,#ener(' scattered radiation or t)e e!tent o. undercut and ed(e *urn#o.. occurrin( on &roduc# tion radio(ra&)s is o. si(ni!cant "a(nitude so as to cause .ailure to "eet t)e Jualit' le el or radio(ra&)ic co era(e reJuire"ents sti&ulated *' t)e So* order or contract ?see Iuide E 2G@A
4A1 Mas-in( M Mas-in( "aterial "a' *e used% as neces# sar'% to )el& reduce i"a(e de(radation due to undercuttin( ?see Iuide E 2G@A 4A4 Penetra"eters ?IKI@ M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% onl' t)ose &ene# tra"eters t)at co"&l' ,it) t)e desi(n and identi!cation reJuire"ents s&eci!ed in Practice E 5G5 or Practice E 1021 s)all *e usedA 4A5 S)i"s and Se&arate Bloc-s M S)i"s or se&arate *loc-s "ade o. t)e sa"e or radio(ra&)icall' si"ilar "ateri# als ?as de!ned in Met)od E 1021@ "a' *e used to .acilitate &enetra"eter &ositionin(A T)ere is no restriction on s)i" or se&arate *loc- t)ic-ness &ro ided t)e &enetra"eter and area#o.#interest densit' tolerance reJuire"ents o. 2A5A4A2 are "etA
4A3 Radio(ra&)ic Location and Identi!cation Mar-# ers M Lead nu"*ers and letters are used to desi(nate t)e &art nu"*er and location nu"*erA T)e siDe and t)ic-ness o. t)e "ar-ers s)all de&end on t)e a*ilit' o. t)e radio(ra&)ic tec)niJue to i"a(e t)e "ar-ers on t)e radio(ra&)A As a (eneral rule% "ar-ers 1V14 inA ?1A13 ""@ t)ic- ,ill su.!ce .or "ost lo,#ener(' ?less t)an 1 MeV@ =#ra' and Iridiu"# 122 radio(ra&)'R .or )i()er#ener(' radio(ra&)' it "a' *e necessar' to use "ar-ers t)at are 1V3 inA ?FA15 ""@ or "ore t)ic-A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A2 Radio(ra&)ic Densit' Measure"ent A&&aratus M Eit)er a trans"ission densito"eter or a ste&#,ed(e co"# &arison !l" s)all *e used .or Sud(in( !l" densit' reJuire# "entsA Ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l"s or densito"eter cali*ration% or *ot)% s)all *e eri!ed *' co"&arison ,it) a cali*rated ste&#,ed(e !l" tracea*le to t)e National Insti# tute o. Standards and Tec)nolo('A Densito"eters s)all *e cali*rated in accordance ,it) Practice E 1052A
a&&lica*le contract% So* order% dra,in(% or ot)er &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"entA 3A4 Radio(ra&)ic Densit' Li"itations M Radio(ra&)ic densit' in t)e area o. interest s)all *e ,it)in 1A1 to GA0 .or eit)er sin(le or su&eri"&osed ie,in(A 3A5 8il" +andlin(6 3A5A1 Dar-roo" 8acilities M Dar-roo" .acilities s)ould *e -e&t clean and as dust#.ree as &racticalA Sa.eli()ts s)ould *e t)ose reco""ended *' !l" "anu.acturers .or t)e radio(ra&)ic "aterials used and s)ould *e &ositioned in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA All dar-roo" eJui&"ent and "aterials s)ould *e ca&a*le o. &roducin( radio(ra&)s t)at are suita*le .or inter&retationA
5A Rea(ents and Materials 5A1 8il" S'ste"s M Onl' !l" s'ste"s )a in( co(niDant en(ineerin( or(aniDation ?CEO@ a&&ro al or "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. Test Met)od E 1311 s)all *e used to "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is test "et)odA
3A ReJuire"ents 3A1 Procedure ReJuire"ent M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci# !ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,rit# ten &rocedureA S&eci!c reJuire"ents re(ardin( t)e &re&ara# tion and a&&ro al o. ,ritten &rocedures s)all *e dictated *' a &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"entA T)e &rocedure details s)ould include at least t)ose ite"s sti&ulated in A&&endi! =1A In addition% a radio(ra&)ic standard s)ootin( s-etc) ?RSS@% 8i(A =1A1% s)all *e &re&ared si"ilar to t)at s)o,n in A&&endi! =1 and s)all *e a aila*le .or re ie, durin( inter&retation o. t)e !l"A
3A5A2 8il" Processin( M Radio(ra&)ic !l" &ro# cessin( s)all *e controlled in accordance ,it) Iuide E 222A 3A5AF 8il" Vie,in( 8acilities M Vie,in( .acilities s)all &ro ide su*dued *ac-(round li()tin( o. an intensit' t)at ,ill not cause trou*leso"e re!ections% s)ado,s% or (lare on t)e radio(ra&)A T)e ie,in( li()t s)all *e o. su.!cient intensit' to re ie, densities u& to GA0 and *e a&&ro&riatel' controlled so t)at t)e o&ti"u" intensit' .or sin(le or su&eri"&osed ie,in( o. radio(ra&)s "a' *e selectedA 3A5AG Stora(e o. Radio(ra&)s M L)en stora(e is reJuired *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% t)e radio# (ra&)s s)ould *e stored in an area ,it) su.!cient en iron# "ental control to &reclude i"a(e deterioration or ot)er da"a(eA T)e radio(ra&) stora(e duration and location a.ter castin( deli er' s)all *e as a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA ?See Iuide E 121G .or stora(e in.or"ationA@
3A2 Radio(ra&)ic Co era(e M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci# !ed *' a &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"ent% t)e e!tent o. radio(ra&)ic co era(e s)all *e t)e "a!i"u" &ractical olu"e o. t)e castin(A Areas t)at reJuire radio(ra&)' s)all *e desi(nated as illustrated in 8i(sA =1A2 and =1AF o. A&&endi! =1A L)en t)e s)a&e or con!(uration o. t)e castin( is suc) t)at radio(ra&)' is i"&ractical% t)ese areas s)all *e so desi(nated on dra,in(s or s-etc)es t)at acco"# &an' t)e radio(ra&)sA E!a"&les o. castin( (eo"etries and con!(urations t)at "a' *e considered i"&ractical to radio# (ra&) are illustrated in A&&endi! =2A
2A Procedure 2A1 Ti"e o. E!a"ination M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% radio(ra&)' "a' *e &er.or"ed &rior to )eat treat"ent and in t)e as#cast% rou()#"ac)ined% or !nis)ed#"ac)ined conditionA 2A1A1 Penetra"eter ?IKI@ Selection M <nless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% &ene# tra"eter ?IKI@ selection s)all *e *ased on t)e .ollo,in(6 i. t)e t)ic-ness to *e radio(ra&)ed e!ceeds t)e desi(n t)ic-ness o. t)e !nis)ed &iece% t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ siDe s)all *e *ased on a t)ic-ness ,)ic) does not e!ceed t)e desi(n t)ic-ness o. t)e !nis)ed &iece *' "ore t)an 20O or 1VG inA ?4AF1 ""@% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA In no case s)all t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ siDe *e *ased on a t)ic-ness (reater t)an t)e t)ic-ness to *e radio(ra&)edA
3AF Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Kualit' M All radio(ra&)s s)all *e .ree o. "ec)anical% c)e"ical% )andlin(#related% or ot)er *le"is)es ,)ic) could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' in t)e area o. interest on t)e radio# (ra&)A I. an' dou*t e!ists as to t)e true nature o. an indica# tion e!)i*ited *' t)e !l"% t)e radio(ra&) s)all *e reta-en or reSectedA 3AG Radio(ra&)ic Kualit' Le el M T)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract s)all dictate t)e reJuire"ents .or radio# (ra&)ic Jualit' le elA ?See Practice E 1021 or Practice E 5G5 .or (uidance in selection o. Jualit' le elA@ 3A1 Acce&tance Le el M Radio(ra&)ic acce&tance le els and associated se erit' le els s)all *e sti&ulated *' t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
2A2 Sur.ace Pre&aration M T)e castin( sur.aces s)all *e &re&ared as necessar' to re"o e an' conditions t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) internal castin( discontinu# itiesA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A5A2 L)en t)e !l" densit' aries "ore t)an \11O to XF0O% t,o &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ s)all *e used as .ollo,s6 i. one &enetra"eter ?IKI@ s)o,s acce&ta*le sensiti it' re&# resentin( t)e "ost dense &ortion o. t)e e!&osure% and t)e second &enetra"eter ?IKI@ s)o,s acce&ta*le sensiti it' re&resentin( t)e least dense &ortion o. t)e e!&osure% t)en t)ese t,o &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ s)all Juali.' t)e e!&osure location ,it)in t)ese densities% &ro ided t)e densit' reJuire"ents sti&ulated in 3A4 are "etA
NOTE6 ?A@ Ieo"etric uns)ar&ness alues s)all *e deter"ined ?calculated@ as s&eci!ed *' t)e .or"ula in Iuide E 2GA
2AF Source#to#8il" Distance M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci# !ed in t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% (eo"etric uns)ar&ness ?<(@ s)all not e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( in Ta*le 2A 2AG Direction o. Radiation M T)e direction o. radiation s)all *e (o erned *' t)e (eo"etr' o. t)e castin( and t)e radio(ra&)ic co era(e and Jualit' reJuire"ents sti&ulated *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contractA L)ene er &ractica# *le% &lace t)e central *ea" o. t)e radiation &er&endicular to t)e sur.ace o. t)e !l"A A&&endi! =2 &ro ides e!a"&les o. &re.erred source and !l" orientations and e!a"&les o. castin( (eo"etries and con!(urations on ,)ic) radio(ra# &)' is i"&ractical or er' di.!cultA
2A5AF 8or c'lindrical or !at castin(s ,)ere "ore t)an one !l" )older is used .or an e!&osure% at least one &enetra"eter ?IKI@ i"a(e s)all a&&ear on eac) radio(ra&)A 8or c'lindrical s)a&es% ,)ere a &anora"ic t'&e source o. radiation is &laced in t)e center o. t)e c'linder and a co"&lete or &artial circu".erence is radio(ra&)ed usin( at least .our o erla&&ed !l" )olders% at least t)ree &enetra"e# ters ?IKIs@ s)all *e usedA On &artial circu".erence e!&o# sures% a &enetra"eter ?IKI@ s)all *e &laced at eac) end o. t)e len(t) o. t)e i"a(e to *e e aluated on t)e radio(ra&) ,it) t)e inter"ediate &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ &laced at eJual di isions o. t)e len(t) co eredA 8or .ull circu".erential co era(e% t)ree &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ s&aced 120 de( a&art s)all *e used% e en ,)en usin( a sin(le len(t) o. roll !l"A
2A1 Bac-#Scattered Radiation Protection6 2A1A1 Bac-#Scattered Radiation M ?secondar' radia# tion e"anatin( .ro" sur.aces *e)ind t)e !l"% t)at is% ,alls% !oors% etcA@ ser es to reduce radio(ra&)ic contrast and "a' &roduce undesira*le e..ects on radio(ra&)ic Jualit'A A 1V3 inA ?FA15 ""@ lead s)eet &laced *e)ind t)e !l" (enerall' .urnis)es adeJuate &rotection a(ainst *ac-#scattered radi# ationA 2A1A2 To detect *ac-#scattered radiation% &osition a lead letter BBC Pa&&ro!i"atel' 1V3 inA ?FA15 ""@ t)ic- *' 1V2 inA ?12A5 ""@ )i()Q on t)e rear side o. t)e !l" )olderA I. a li()t i"a(e ?lo,er densit'@ o. t)e lead letter BBC a&&ears on t)e radio(ra&)% it indicates t)at "ore *ac-# scatter &rotection is necessar'A T)e a&&earance o. a dari"a(e o. t)e lead letter BBC s)ould *e disre(arded unless t)e dar- i"a(e could "as- or *e con.used ,it) reSecta*le castin( de.ectsA
2A5AG L)en an arra' o. indi idual castin(s in a circle is radio(ra&)ed% t)e reJuire"ents o. 2A5A1 or 2A5A2% or *ot)% s)all &re ail .or eac) castin(A 2A5A1 I. t)e reJuired &enetra"eter ?IKI@ sensiti it' does not s)o, on an' one !l" in a "ulti&le !l" tec)niJue ?see 2A11@% *ut does s)o, in co"&osite ?su&eri"&osed@ !l" ie,in(% inter&retation s)all *e &er"itted onl' *' co"&osite !l" ie,in( .or t)e res&ecti e areaA 2A5A4 L)en it is not &ractica*le to &lace t)e &ene# tra"eter?s@ ?IKI@ on t)e castin(% a s)i" or se&arate *loccon.or"in( to t)e reJuire"ents o. 4A5 "a' *e usedA 2A5A4A1 T)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ s)all *e no closer to t)e !l" t)an t)e source side o. t)at &art o. t)e castin( *ein( radio(ra&)ed in t)e current ie,A 2A5A4A2 T)e radio(ra&)ic densit' "easured adSa# cent to t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ t)rou() t)e *od' o. t)e s)i" or se&arate *loc- s)all not e!ceed t)e densit' "easured in t)e area o. interest *' "ore t)an 11OA T)e densit' "a' *e li()ter t)an t)e area o. interest densit'% &ro ided acce&ta*le Jualit' le el is o*tained and t)e densit' reJuire"ents o. 3A4 are "etA 2A5A4AF T)e s)i" or se&arate *loc- s)all *e &laced at t)e corner o. t)e !l" )older or close to t)at &art o. t)e area o. interest t)at is .urt)est .ro" t)e central *ea"A T)is is t)e ,orst case &osition .ro" a *ea" an(le stand&oint t)at a discontinuit' ,ould *e inA 2A5A4AG T)e s)i" or se&arate *loc- di"ensions s)all e!ceed t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ di"ensions suc) t)at
2A4 Penetra"eter ?IKI@ Place"ent M Place all &ene# tra"eters ?IKI@ *ein( radio(ra&)ed on t)e source side o. t)e castin(A Place &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ in t)e radio(ra&)ic area o. interest% unless t)e use o. a s)i" or se&arate *locis necessar'% as s&eci!ed in 2A5A4A 2A5 Nu"*er o. Penetra"eters ?IKIs@6 2A5A1 One &enetra"eter ?IKI@ s)all re&resent an area ,it)in ,)ic) radio(ra&)ic densities do not ar' "ore t)an XF0O to \11O .ro" t)e densit' "easured t)rou() t)e *od' o. t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ i"a(e s)all *e isi*le on t)e radio(ra&)A 2A5A5 8il" Side Penetra"eter ?IKI@ M In t)e case ,)ere t)e &enetra"eter ?IKI@ cannot *e &)'sicall' &laced on t)e source side and t)e use o. a se&arate *loc- tec)niJue is not &ractical% &enetra"eters ?IKIs@ &laced on t)e !l" side "a' *e usedA T)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract s)all dictate t)e reJuire"ents .or !l" side radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le el ?see 3AG@A 2A3 Location Mar-ers M T)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e o. t)e location "ar-ers .or t)e coordination o. t)e castin( ,it) t)e !l" s)all a&&ear on t)e !l"% ,it)out inter.erin( ,it) t)e inter&retation% in suc) an arran(e"ent t)at it is e ident t)at t)e reJuired co era(e ,as o*tainedA T)ese "ar-er &ositions s)all *e "ar-ed on t)e castin( and t)e &osition o. t)e "ar-ers s)all *e "aintained on t)e &art durin( t)e co"&lete radio(ra&)ic c'cleA T)e RSS s)all s)o, all "ar-er locationsA
An adeJuate nu"*er o. e!&osures s)all *e ta-en to ensure t)at reJuired co era(e )as *een o*tainedA 2A1F' M Radio(ra&)ic &rocedures s)all co"&l' ,it) a&&lica*le cit'% state% and .ederal re(ulationsA
10A Radio(ra&) E aluation 10A1 8il" Kualit' M Veri.' t)at t)e radio(ra&) "eets t)e Jualit' reJuire"ents s&eci!ed in 3AF% 3AG% 3A4% 2A1A2% and 2A5A 10A2 8il" E aluation M Deter"ine t)e acce&tance or reSection o. t)e castin( *' co"&arin( t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(e to t)e a(reed u&on acce&tance criteria ?see 3A1@A
2A2 Radio(ra&)ic Identi!cation M A s'ste" o. &ositi e identi!cation o. t)e !l" s)all *e used and eac) !l" s)all )a e a uniJue identi!cation relatin( it to t)e ite" *ein( e!a"inedA As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,in( additional in.or# "ation s)all a&&ear on eac) radio(ra&) or in t)e records acco"&an'in( eac) radio(ra&)6 ?a@ identi!cation o. or(aniDation "a-in( t)e radio(ra&) ?*@ date o. e!&osure ?c@ identi!cation o. t)e &art% co"&onent% or s'ste" and% ,)ere a&&lica*le% t)e ,eld Soint in t)e co"&onent or s's# te"% and ?d@ ,)et)er t)e radio(ra&) is an ori(nial or re&aired area
11A Re.erence Radio(ra&)s 11A1 Re.erence Radio(ra&)s M E 111% E 134% E 122% E 252% E 230% E F10% E GG4% E 101% E 432% E 302% and E 1F20 are (raded radio(ra&)ic illustrations o. arious castin( discontinuitiesA T)ese re.erence radio(ra&)s "a' *e used to )el& esta*lis) acce&tance criteria and "a' also *e use.ul as radio(ra&)ic inter&retation trainin( aidsA
12A Re&ort 12A1 T)e .ollo,in( radio(ra&)ic records s)all *e "ain# tained as a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lier6 12A1A1 Radio(ra&)ic standard s)ootin( s-etc)% 12A1A2 Leld re&air docu"entation% 12A1AF 8il"%
2A10 Su*seJuent E!&osure Identi!cation M All re&air radio(ra&)s a.ter t)e ori(inal ?initial@ s)all )a e an e!a"i# nation status desi(nation t)at indicates t)e reasonA Su*se# Juent radio(ra&)s "ade *' reason o. a re&aired area s)all *e identi!ed ,it) t)e letter BRC .ollo,ed *' t)e res&ecti e re&air c'cle ?t)at is% R#1 .or t)e !rst re&air% R#2 .or t)e second re&air% etcA@A Su*seJuent radio(ra&)s t)at are neces# sar' as a result o. additional sur.ace &re&aration s)ould *e identi!ed *' t)e letters BREIAC
12A1AG 8il" inter&retation record containin( as a "ini"u"6 12A1AGA1 Dis&osition o. eac) radio(ra&) ?acce&t# a*le or reSecta*le@% 12A1AGA2 I. reSecta*le% cause .or reSection ?s)rin-% (as% etcA@% 12A1AGAF Sur.ace indication eri!ed *' isual e!a"ination ?"old% "ar-s% etcA@% and 12A1AGAG Si(nature o. t)e !l" inter&reterA
2A11 Multi&le 8il" Tec)niJues M T,o or "ore !l"s o. eJual or di..erent s&eeds in t)e sa"e cassette are allo,ed% &ro ided &rescri*ed Jualit' le el and densit' reJuire"ents are "et ?see 2A5A2 and 2A5A1@A 2A12 Radio(ra&)ic Tec)niJues6 2A12A1 Sin(le Lall Tec)niJue M E!ce&t as &ro ided in 2A12A2% radio(ra&)' s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( a tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() onl' one ,allA 2A12A2 Dou*le Lall Tec)niJue M 8or castin(s ,it) an inside dia"eter o. G inA or less% a tec)niJue "a' *e used in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() *ot) ,alls and *ot) ,alls are ie,ed .or acce&tance on t)e sa"e !l"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1FA Precision and Bias 1FA1 No state"ent )as *een "ade a*out eit)er t)e &recision or *ias o. t)is test "et)od since t)e result "erel' states ,)et)er t)ere is con.or"ance to t)e criteria .or suc# cess s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedureA
1GA 9e',ords 1GA1 castin(sR (a""a#ra'R nondestructi e testin(R radio(ra&)icR radio(ra&)'R =#ra'
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A RADIOIRAP+IC STANDARD S+OOTINI S9ETC+ ?RSS@ =1A1 T)e radio(ra&)ic standard s)ootin( s-etc) ?RSS@ &ro ides t)e radio(ra&)ic o&erator and t)e radio(ra&)ic inter&reter ,it) &ertinent in.or"ation re(ardin( t)e e!a"i# nation o. a castin(A T)e RSS is desi(ned to standardiDe radio(ra&)ic "et)odolo(ies associated ,it) castin( e!a"i# nationR it "a' also &ro ide a "eans o. a &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"ent% &rior to initiation o. t)e e!a"ination on a &roduction *asisA T)e use o. a RSS is ad anta(eous due to t)e "an' con!(urations associated ,it) castin(s and t)e corres&ondin( ariations in tec)niJues .or ins&ection o. an' &articular oneA T)e RSS &ro ides a "a& o. location "ar-er &lace"ent% directions .or source and !l" arran(e# "ent% and instructions .or all ot)er &ara"eters associated ,it) radio(ra&)' o. a castin(A T)is in.or"ation ser es to &ro ide t)e "ost e.!cient "et)od .or controllin( t)e Jual# it' and consistenc' o. t)e resultant radio(ra&)ic re&resenta# tionsA
=1A2A1A1 Radio(ra&)ic Tec)niJue Para"eters .or Eac) Location6 ?a@ Radio(ra&)ic location desi(nation% ?*@ Source t'&e and siDe% ?c@ 8inis)ed t)ic-ness% ?d@ T)ic-ness ,)en radio(ra&)ed% ?e@ Penetra"eters% ?.@ Source to !l" distance% ?(@ 8il" t'&e and Juantit'% ?)@ 8il" siDe% ?i@ ReJuired &enetra"eter ?IKI@ Jualit' le el% ?S@ Radio(ra&)ic acce&tance standard% and ?-@ A&&lica*le radio(ra&)ic se erit' le elA
=1A2A2 T)e s-etc)?es@ s)ould &ro ide t)e .ollo,in(6 =1A2A2A1 Location "ar-er &lace"entA =1A2A2A2 Location o. .oundr'Es identi!cation &ad or s'"*ol on t)e castin(A
=1A2 T)e RSS usuall' consists o. an instruction s)eet and s-etc)?es@ o. t)e castin(6 t)e instruction s)eet s&eci!es t)e radio(ra&)ic eJui&"ent% "aterials% and tec)niJue# acce&tance &ara"eters .or eac) locationR t)e s-etc)?es@ illustrate?s@ t)e location% orientation% and t)e source and !l" arran(e"ent .or eac) locationA 8i(ures =1A1 t)rou() =1AF o. t)is a&&endi! &ro ide a t'&ical instruction s)eet and s-etc) s)eetsA As a "ini"u"% t)e RSS s)ould &ro ide t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ationA All s&aces s)all *e !lled in unless not a&&lica*leR in t)ose cases% t)e s&ace s)all *e "ar-ed NAA
=1A2A2AF Desi(nation o. areas t)at reJuire radio(# ra&)' ?as a&&lica*le@A =1A2A2AG Desi(nation o. areas t)at are considered i"&ractical or er' di.!cult to radio(ra&) ?see 1A2 and 3A2@A =1A2A2A1 Radio(ra&)ic source and !l" arran(e# "ent and radiation *ea" direction .or eac) locationA
NOTE =1A1 M T)e RSS s)ould desi(nate t)e in ol ed locations and sti&ulate t)at t)e tec)niJue .or t)ose locations is t'&ical% .or sections o. t)e castin( on ,)ic) a continuin( series o. locations are to *e radio(ra&)ed ,it) t)e sa"e *asic source and !l" arran(e"ent .or eac) locationA
=1A2A1 T)e instruction s)eet s)ould &ro ide t)e .ol# lo,in(6 =1A2A1A1 Co"&an' &re&arin( RSS and acti it' &er.or"in( radio(ra&)'A =1A2A1A2 Castin( identi!cation includin(6 ?a@ Dra,in( nu"*er% ?*@ Castin( identi!cation nu"*er% ?c@ Descri&ti e na"e ?.or e!a"&le% &u"& castin(% al e *od'% etcA@% ?d@ Material t'&e and "aterial s&eci!cation% ?e@ +eat nu"*er% and ?.@ Pattern nu"*erA
=1A2AF 8i(ure =1A1 o. t)is a&&endi! &ro ides a sa"# &le RSS t)at )as *een de elo&ed .or a t'&ical &roduction a&&lication% and 8i(sA =1A2 and =1AF &ro ide sa"&le RSS s-etc)es t)at )a e *een de elo&ed .or a t'&ical &roduction a&&licationA =1A2AG T)e RSS "a' not &ro ide ,)at is considered to *e t)e "ost e..ecti e "eans o. tec)niJue control .or all radio(ra&)ic acti ities% *ut% in an' e ent% so"e "eans o. tec)niJue standardiDation s)ould *e e"&lo'edA As a (en# eral rule% it is a *ene!cial &ractice .or t)e su&&lier to solicit &urc)aser a&&ro al o. t)e radio(ra&)ic "et)odolo(' &rior to &er.or"in( &roduction radio(ra&)'A T)is (enerall' entails t)e de"onstration o. t)e adeJuac' o. t)e "et)odol# o(' *' su*"ittin( t)e &ro&osed tec)niJue &ara"eters and a corres&ondin( set o. &ilot radio(ra&)s to t)e &urc)aser .or re ie,A Purc)aser a&&ro al o. t)e tec)niJue s)all *e addressed in t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contractA
=1A2A1AF Sur.ace condition at ti"e o. radio(ra&)' ?as cast% rou() "ac)ined% !nis)ed "ac)ined@A =1A2A1AG S&aces .or a&&ro al ?as a&&lica*le@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
=2A PRE8ERRED SO<RCE AND 8ILM ALIINMENT 8OR 8LANIE RADIOIRAP+7 AND E=AMPLES O8 AREAS T+AT ARE CONSIDERED IMPRACTICAL TO RADIOIRAP+ =2A1 Pre.erred Source and 8il" Ali(n"ent .or 8lan(e Radio(ra&)' M T)e e..ecti e use o. radio(ra&)' .or assessin( "aterial soundness in castin( areas ,)ere a !an(e Soins a *od' is so"e,)at li"ited *' t)e source and !l" ali(n"ent t)at t)e (eo"etric con!(uration o. t)ese areas reJuireA T)e .ollo,in( !(ures ?see 8i(sA =2A1 t)rou()
=2AF@ descri*e source and !l" ali(n"ents t)at can *e e"&lo'ed and discusses t)e li"its and *ene!ts o. eac)A =FA E=AMPLES O8 AREAS T+AT ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IMPRACTICAL TO RADIOIRAP+ =FA1 Certain castin( (eo"etr' con!(uration are inac# cessi*le .or con entional source and !l" arran(e"ents t)at ,ill &ro ide "eanin(.ul radio(ra&)ic resultsA T)ese areas (enerall' in ol e t)e Suncture o. t,o castin( sectionsA T)e .ollo,in( illustrations ?see 8i(sA =FA1 and =FA2@ &ro# ide t'&ical e!a"&les o. suc) areasA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 111G#0FA@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. t)e .ocal siDe o. an iridiu"#122 radio(ra&)ic sourceA T)e deter# "ination is *ased u&on "easure"ent o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e iridiu" "etal source in a &roSection radio(ra&) o. t)e source asse"*l' and co"&arison to t)e "easure"ent o. t)e i"a(e o. a re.erence sa"&le in t)e sa"e radio(ra&)A 1A2 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
*e radio(ra&)ed and t)e !l"A T)is test "et)od allo,s t)e user to deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. t)e source and to use t)is result to esta*lis) source to o*Sect and o*Sect to !l" distances a&&ro&riate .or "aintainin( t)e desired de(ree o. (eo"etric uns)ar&nessA
1A A&&aratus 1A1 Su*Sect Iridiu"#122 Source% t)e .ocal siDe o. ,)ic) is to *e deter"inedA T)e a&&ro&riate a&&aratus and eJui&# "ent .or t)e sa.e stora(e% )andlin(% and "ani&ulation o. t)e su*Sect source% suc) as a radio(ra&)ic e!&osure de ice ?also re.erred to as a (a""a ra' &roSector or ca"era@% re"ote control% source (uide tu*e% and source sto& are also reJuiredA 1A2 Re.erence Sa"&le ?see 8i(sA 1% 2% and F@ M T)e re.erence sa"&le s)all *e o. "aterial ,)ic) is not radioac# ti eA T)e reco""ended "aterial is iridiu"A +o,e er% su*# stitutes suc) as &latinu"% tun(sten% or ot)er "aterial o. si"ilar radio&acit' "a' *e usedA T)e sa"&le s)ould *e o. t)e sa"e (eo"etric s)a&e as t)e su*Sect source% s)ould *e a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"e siDe as t)e su*Sect source% and s)ould *e &ositioned on or ,it)in a s)i" or en elo&e to si"ulate t)e source ca&sule ,allA T)e resultin( radio# (ra&)ic contrast% ,it) re.erence to adSacent *ac-(round densit' o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e re.erence sa"&le% s)ould *e a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"e as t)at o. t)e su*Sect sourceA T)e actual di"ensions o. t)e re.erence sa"&le s)ould *e deter# "ined to t)e nearest 0A021 "" ?0A001 inA@A
E 222 Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e Testin( E 1311 Test Met)od .or Classi!cation o. 8il" S'ste"s .or Industrial Radio(ra&)'
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 8or de!nitions o. ter"s relatin( to t)is test "et)od% to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 One o. t)e .actors a..ectin( t)e Jualit' o. a radio# (ra&)ic i"a(e is (eo"etric uns)ar&nessA T)e de(ree o. (eo"etric uns)ar&ness is de&endent u&on t)e .ocal siDe o. t)e source% t)e distance *et,een t)e source and t)e o*Sect to *e radio(ra&)ed% and t)e distance *et,een t)e o*Sect to
1AF =#ra' Ienerator% ca&a*le o. &roducin( a radiation intensit' ?roent(en &er )our at one "etre@ at least ten ti"es (reater t)an t)at &roduced *' t)e su*Sect sourceA E!a"&les o. t'&ical =#ra' (enerator out&ut reJuire"ents t)at satis.' t)is criterion are &resented in Ta*le 1A 1AG 8il" S'ste"s M Onl' !l" s'ste"s )a in( co(niDant en(ineerin( or(aniDation a&&ro al or "eetin( t)e s'ste"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su*Sect Iridiu"122 Source Radiation Acti it' ?Curie@ F0 100 200 Out&ut ?R) at 1 "@ 1GAG AAA G3A0 AAA 24A0 AAA AAA T'&ical =#ra' Ienerator Out&ut ReJuire"ents Potential 140 200 140 210 140 210 F00 -V -V -V -V -V -V -V Current 1 "A F "A 10 "A G "A 20 "A 3 "A 4 "A
or or or or
class reJuire"ents o. Test Met)od E 1311% .or s'ste" classes I% II% or S&ecial% s)all *e usedA Selection o. !l" s'ste"s s)ould *e deter"ined *' suc) .actors as t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic Jualit' le el% eJui&"ent ca&a*ilit'% "aterials% and so .ort)A T)e !l" s'ste" selected s)all *e ca&a*le o. de"onstratin( t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit'A No intensi.'in( screens s)ould *e usedA Radio(ra&)ic !l"s s)all *e &rocessed in accordance ,it) Iuide E 222A
4A Procedure 4A1 Set u& t)e e!&osure arran(e"ent as s)o,n in 8i(sA G% 1% 4% and 5A Position t)e =#ra' tu*e directl' o er t)e center o. t)e !l"A T)e !l" &lane "ust *e nor"al to t)e central ra' o. t)e =#ra' *ea"A T)e =#ra' .ocal s&ot s)ould *e 0A20 " ?F4 inA@ .ro" t)e !l"A Position t)e re.erence sa"&le and a&&aratus used to locate t)e su*Sect source ?source sto&@ as close to(et)er as &ossi*le and directl' o er t)e center o. t)e !l"A T)e &lane o. t)e source sto& and re.erence sa"&le "ust *e &arallel to t)e !l" and nor"al to t)e central ra' o. t)e =#ra' *ea"A T)e source sto& and re.erence sa"&le s)ould *e 0A11 " ?4 inA@ .ro" t)e !l"A T)e source sto& s)ould *e connected to t)e radio(ra&)ic e!&osure de ice *' t)e s)ortest source (uide tu*e &ractica# *le in order to "ini"iDe .o((in( o. t)e !l" durin( source transitA
1A1 I"a(e Measure"ent A&&aratus M T)is a&&aratus is used to "easure t)e siDe o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e .ocal s&otA T)e a&&aratus s)all *e an o&tical co"&arator ,it) *uilt# in (raticule ,it) 0A1 "" di isions or 0A001 inA di isions and "a(ni!cation o. 1 to 10 A
4A2 Place identi!cation "ar-ers to *e i"a(ed on t)e !l" to identi.'% as a "ini"u"% t)e identi!cation ?serial
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
nu"*er@ o. t)e su*Sect source% t)e siDe o. t)e re.erence sa"&le% t)e identi!cation o. t)e or(aniDation &er.or"in( t)e deter"ination% and t)e date o. t)e deter"inationA Care s)ould *e ta-en to ensure t)at t)e i"a(es o. t)e su*Sect source and re.erence sa"&le ,ill not *e su&eri"&osed on t)e i"a(e o. t)e identi!cation "ar-ersA 4AF E!&osure M Select t)e =#ra' tu*e &otential ?-V@% =#ra' tu*e current ?"A@% and e!&osure ti"e suc) t)at t)e densit' in t)e i"a(e o. t)e en elo&e surroundin( t)e re.erence sa"&le does not e!ceed FA0 and t)at t)e densit' di..erence *et,een t)e i"a(e o. t)e re.erence sa"&le and t)e i"a(e o. t)e en elo&e surroundin( t)e re.erence sa"&le is at least 0A10A
NOTE M T)e actual &ara"eters t)at ,ill &roduce acce&ta*le results "a' ar' *et,een =#ra' units% and trial e!&osures "a' *e necessar'A
4AFA1 Ener(iDe t)e =#ra' (enerator and% at t)e sa"e ti"e% "ani&ulate t)e su*Sect source into t)e e!&osure &osi# tion in t)e source sto&A It is i"&ortant t)at t)is *e &er.or"ed as Juic-l' as &ossi*le to "ini"iDe .o((in( o. t)e !l"A 4AFA2 At t)e conclusion o. t)e e!&osure ti"e% deener# (iDe t)e =#ra' (enerator and% at t)e sa"e ti"e% return t)e su*Sect source to t)e &ro&er s)ielded stora(e &ositionA 4AFAF Process t)e !l"A 5A2 T)e .ocal siDe .or a (i en tec)niJue is t)e "a!i"u" &roSected di"ension o. t)e source in t)e &lane &er&endicu# lar to a line dra,n .ro" t)e source to t)e o*Sect *ein( radio(ra&)edA T)ere.ore% su.!cient "easure"ents o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e iridiu" "ust *e "ade to deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. t)e source in an' orientationA Sections 5A2A1 t)rou() 5A2AG ser e as e!a"&lesA 5A2A1 <ni.or" Ri()t Circular C'linder ?see 8i(A 3@ M Deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. a uni.or" ri()t circular c'lindri# cal source *' "easurin( t)e dia"eter% d% t)e )ei()t% )% and t)e dia(onal% "% as illustrated in 8i(A 3 and co"&utin( t)e actual di"ensions as descri*ed in 3A1A 5A2A2 S&)ere ?see 8i(A 2@ M Deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. a s&)erical source *' "easurin( t)e dia"eter% d% as illustrated in 8i(A 2 and co"&utin( t)e actual di"ension as descri*ed in 3A1A
5A Measure"ent o. 8ocal Di"ensions 5A1 Vie, t)e radio(ra&) ,it) su.!cient li()t intensit' .or adeJuate ie,in(A <sin( an o&tical co"&arator ,it) *uilt#in (raticule as descri*ed in 1A1% "easure t)e linear di"ensions o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e .ocal s&ot o. t)e su*Sect source and t)e re.erence sa"&leA Ta-e "easure"ents .ro" t)e &erce&ti*le ed(es o. t)e i"a(eA L)en &er.or"in( t)e &)'sical "easure"ents ,it) t)e o&tical co"&arator% t)e actual "easured alues s)all *e to t)e nearest (raduation on t)e (raticule scale *ein( usedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*' "easurin( t)e intrinsic dia"eter% d% t)e e..ecti e )ei()t% )% and t)e e..ecti e "a!i"u" di"ension% "% as illustrated in 8i(A 11 and co"&utin( t)e actual di"ensions as descri*ed in 3A1A
3A Calculation and E aluation 3A1 Measure t)e linear di"ension o. interest in t)e su*Sect source i"a(e and "easure t)e sa"e linear di"en# sion in t)e re.erence sa"&le i"a(e ?t)at is% t)e dia"eter o. eac)@A T)e actual di"ension o. t)e su*Sect source is co"&uted .ro" t)e .ollo,in(6
*c d
,)ere6 a & actual di"ension o. t)e su*Sect source% * & actual di"ension o. t)e re.erence sa"&le% c & "easured di"ension o. t)e su*Sect source i"a(e% and d & "easured di"ension o. t)e re.erence sa"&le i"a(eA
5A2AF Nonuni.or" Stac- o. Ri()t Circular C'linders ?see 8i(A 10@ M Deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. a nonuni.or" stac- o. ri()t circular c'lindrical co"&onents o. a source *' "easurin( t)e intrinsic dia"eter% d% t)e )ei()t% )% and t)e e..ecti e "a!i"u" di"ension% "% as illustrated in 8i(A 10 and co"&utin( t)e actual di"ensions as descri*ed in 3A1A 5A2AG Se&arated Stac- o. Ri()t Circular C'linders ?see 8i(A 11@ M Deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. a se&arated stac- o. ri()t circular c'lindrical co"&onents o. a source
2A Re&ort 2A1 A re&ort o. t)e .ocal siDe o. an iridiu"#122 source s)ould indicate t)e "odel nu"*er and serial nu"*er o. t)e source% t)e na"e o. t)e or(aniDation "a-in( t)e deter# "ination% t)e date t)e deter"ination ,as "ade% a descri&# tion o. t)e s)a&e o. t)e source ?or an a&&ro&riate s-etc)@% and t)e calculated actual di"ensionsA T)e actual radio(ra&) s)ould acco"&an' t)e re&ortA
10A 9e',ords 10A1 c'linder?s@R .ocal siDeR iridiu" 122R radio(ra&)ic sourceR re.erence sa"&leR s&)ere
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 1141#0GA@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od &ro ides instructions .or deter"in# in( t)e len(t) and ,idt) di"ensions o. line .ocal s&ots in industrial =#ra' tu*es ?see Note 1@A T)is deter"ination is *ased on t)e "easure"ent o. an i"a(e o. a .ocal s&ot t)at )as *een radio(ra&)icall' recorded ,it) a B&in)oleC &roSection0i"a(in( tec)niJueA
NOTE 1 M Line .ocal s&ots are associated ,it) acuu" =#ra' tu*es ,)ose "a!i"u" olta(e ratin( does not (enerall' e!ceed 100 -VA
1A2 T)is test "et)od "a' not 'ield "eanin(.ul results on .ocal s&ots ,)ose no"inal siDe is less t)an 0AF "" ?0A011 inA@A ?See Note 2A@
NOTE 2 M T)e =#ra' tu*e "anu.acturer "a' *e contacted .or no"inal .ocal s&ot di"ensionsA
1AF T)is test "et)od "a' also *e used to deter"ine t)e &resence or e!tent o. .ocal s&ot da"a(e or deterioration t)at "a' )a e occurred due to tu*e a(e% tu*e o erloadin(% and t)e li-eA T)is ,ould entail t)e &roduction o. a .ocal s&ot radio(ra&) ?,it) t)e &in)ole "et)od@ and an e aluation o. t)e resultant i"a(e .or &ittin(% crac-in(% and t)e li-eA 1AG Values stated in SI units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA Inc)#&ound units are &ro ided .or in.or"ation onl'A 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA1A1 actual .ocal s&ot M t)e =#ra' &roducin( area o. t)e tar(et as ie,ed .ro" a &osition &er&endicular to t)e tar(et sur.ace ?see 8i(A 2@A FA1A2 e..ecti e .ocal s&ot M t)e =#ra' &roducin( area o. t)e tar(et as ie,ed .ro" a &osition &er&endicular to t)e tu*e a!is in t)e center o. t)e =#ra' *ea" ?see 8i(A 2@A FA1AF line .ocal s&ot M a .ocal s&ot ,)ose &roSected &in)ole i"a(e consists &ri"aril' o. t,o cur ed lines ?see 8i(A F@A
2A Re.erenced Docu"ent 2A1 ASTM Standard6 E 222 Iuide .or Controllin( t)e Kualit' o. Industrial Radio(ra&)ic 8il" Processin(
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 One o. t)e .actors a..ectin( t)e Jualit' o. a radio# (ra&)ic i"a(e is (eo"etric uns)ar&nessA T)e de(ree o. (eo"etric uns)ar&ness is de&endent u&on t)e .ocal siDe o. t)e radiation source% t)e distance *et,een t)e source and t)e o*Sect to *e radio(ra&)ed% and t)e distance *et,een t)e o*Sect to *e radio(ra&)ed and t)e !l"A T)is test "et)od allo,s t)e user to deter"ine t)e .ocal siDe o. t)e =#ra' source and to use t)is result to esta*lis) source to o*Sect and o*Sect to !l" distances a&&ro&riate .or "aintainin( t)e desired de(ree o. (eo"etric uns)ar&nessA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE M T)e &in)ole dia&)ra(" s)all *e "ade .ro" one o. t)e .ollo,in( "aterials6 ?1@ An allo' o. 20O (old and 10O &latinu"% ?2@ Tun(sten% ?F@ Tun(sten car*ide% ?G@ Tun(sten allo'% ?1@ Platinu" and 10O Iridiu" allo'% or ?4@ Tantalu"A
See 8i(A FA No"inal .ocal s&ot di"ensions "a' *e o*tained .ro" t)e =#ra' tu*e "anu.acturerA
1A A&&aratus 1A1 Pin)ole Dia&)ra(" M T)e &in)ole dia&)ra(" s)all con.or" to t)e desi(n and "aterial reJuire"ents o. Ta*le 1 and 8i(A 1A 1A2 Ca"era M T)e &in)ole ca"era asse"*l' consists o. t)e &in)ole dia&)ra("% t)e s)ieldin( "aterial to ,)ic) it is a.!!ed% and an' "ec)anis" t)at is used to )old t)e s)ield0dia&)ra(" in &osition ?Si(s% !!tures% *rac-ets% and t)e li-eR see 8i(A G@A 1AF 8il" M Industrial t'&e e!tra !ne (rainA No intensi# .'in( screens are to *e usedA T)e !l" s)all *e &rocessed in accordance ,it) Iuide E 222A 1AG I"a(e Measure"ent A&&aratus M T)is a&&aratus is used to "easure t)e siDe o. t)e i"a(e o. t)e .ocal s&otA T)e a&&aratus s)all *e an o&tical co"&arator ,it) *uilt# in (raticule ,it) 0A1 "" or 0A001 inA% or *ot) di isions and "a(ni!cation o. 1 to 10 ?or eJui alent@A
Ta*le 2A Position t)e &in)ole suc) t)at it is ,it)in W1[ o. t)e central a!is o. t)e =#ra' *ea"A 8i(ure 4 illustrates a t'&ical .ocal s&ot e!&osure arran(e"entA
NOTE F M T)e accurac' o. t)e &in)ole s'ste" is )i()l' de&endent u&on t)e relati e distances *et,een ?and ali(n"ent o.@ t)e .ocal s&ot% t)e &in)ole% and t)e !l"A Accordin(l'% s&eciall' desi(ned a&&aratus "a' *e necessar' in order to assure co"&liance ,it) t)e a*o e reJuire"entsA 8i(ure 5 &ro ides an e!a"&le o. a s&ecial colli"ator t)at can *e used to ensure con.or"ance ,it) t)e W1[ ali(n"ent toleranceA So"e ot)er standards i"&ose er' strin(ent ali(n"ent reJuire"ents and e!&ress t)ese reJuire"ents in ter"s o. radial tolerancesA T)ese docu"ents do not% )o,e er% address an' "eans .or assurin( co"&liance ,it) suc) tolerancesA In order to si"&li.' t)e .ocal s&ot radio(ra&)' tec)niJue and to i"&ro e t)e o erall &racticalit' o. t)e &rocedure% it is considered t)at a ,or-a*le ali(n"ent tolerance% and a "eans o. assurin( con.or"ance ,it) t)at tolerance% is a&&ro&riateA Accordin(l'% t)is standard addresses tolerances in an(ular ter"s and &ro ides a "et)od .or assurin( co"&liance ,it) t)ese tolerancesA T)is &ro ides a &ractical "eans o. "eetin( t)e &recision and *ias reJuire"ents o. Section 2A
4A Procedure 4A1 I. &ossi*le% use a standard 21AGG c" ?F4 inA@ .ocal s&ot to !l" &lane distance ?88D@ .or all e!&osuresA I. "ac)ine (eo"etr' or accessi*ilit' li"itations ,ill not &er# "it t)e use o. a 21AGG c" ?F4 inA@ 88D% use t)e "a!i"u" attaina*le 88D ?in t)ese instances adSust t)e relati e dis# tances *et,een .ocal s&ot% &in)ole% and !l" accordin(l' to suit t)e i"a(e enlar(e"ent .actors s&eci!ed in Ta*le 2@A T)e distance *et,een t)e .ocal s&ot and t)e &in)ole is *ased on t)e no"inal siDe o. t)e .ocal s&ot *ein( "easured and t)e desired de(ree o. i"a(e enlar(e"ent ?see 8i(A 1@A T)e s&eci!ed .ocal s&ot to &in)ole distance ?8+D@ .or t)e di..erent no"inal .ocal s&ot siDe ran(es is &ro ided in
4A2 Position t)e !l" as illustrated in 8i(A 4A T)e e!&o# sure identi!cation a&&earin( on t)e !l" ?*' radio(ra&)ic i"a(in(@ s)ould *e =#ra' "ac)ine identit' ?t)at is% "a-e and serial nu"*er@% or(aniDation "a-in( t)e radio(ra&)% and date o. e!&osureA 4AF AdSust t)e -ilo olta(e and "illia"&era(e settin(s on t)e =#ra' "ac)ine to t)at s&eci!ed in Ta*le FA 4AG E!&ose t)e !l" suc) t)at t)e densit' o. t)e dar-est &ortion o. t)e .ocal s&ot i"a(e con.or"s to t)e li"its s&eci!ed in Ta*le GA Densit' "easure"ent s)all *e as illustrated in 8i(A 3A Densit' s)all *e controlled *' e!&osure ti"e onl'A 4A1 Process t)e !l" in accordance ,it) Iuide E 222A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A4AFA1 Direction A M Parallel to t)e a!is o. t)e tu*eA 4A4AFA2 Direction B M Per&endicular to t)e a!is o. t)e tu*eA
Enlar(e"ent 8actor F 2 1
Distance Bet,een 8ocal S&ot and Pin)ole ?8+D@% c" ?inA@A 22A2 ?2@ F0A1 ?12@ G1A5 ?13@
Calculation o. Results
L)en usin( a tec)niJue t)at entails t)e use o. enlar(e"ent .actors and a 21AGG c" ?F4 inA@ .ocal s&ot to !l" distance ?88D@ is not &ossi*le ?see 4A1@% t)e distance *et,een t)e .ocal s&ot and t)e &in# )ole ?8+D@ s)all *e adSusted to suit t)e actual .ocal s&ot to !l" distance ?88D@ used P.or e!a"&le% i. a 41 c" ?2G inA@ 88D is used% t)e 8+D s)all *e 11A21 c" ?4 inA@ .or F enlar(e"ent% 20AF2 c" ?3 inA@ .or 2 enlar(e"ent% and t)e li-eQA
5A1 Multi&l' t)e "easured BAC direction di"ension *' a correction .actor o. 0A5 to deter"ine t)e actual BAC di"ension ?see Notes G and 1@A T)e "easured BBC direction di"ension is re&resentati e o. actual siDeA
NOTE G M T)e need .or t)e 0A5 .ractional "ulti&lier .or correction o. t)e "easured i"a(e len(t) arises .ro" t)e .act t)at t)e len(t),ise distri*ution o. ener(' in t)e .ocal s&ots o. line#.ocus tu*es tends to *e &ea-ed in t)e center and di"inis)es (raduall' to Dero at t)e endsA +ence% t)e e..ecti e len(t)% ?t)at is% resultant e..ect on radio(ra&)ic de!nition and !l" densit' distri*ution@ cannot *e stated as eJual to t)e "easured len(t)A
4A4 8ocal S&ot Measure"ent6 4A4A1 Bac- Li()tin( M Bac- li()tin( s)all *e suc) t)at t)e .ocal s&ot i"a(e can *e easil' and co".orta*l' ie,edA 4A4A2 Place t)e "a(ni!cation (raticule ?)and)eld o&tical co"&arator@ in inti"ate contact ,it) t)e !l" .or t)e "easure"ent deter"inationA Deter"ine an i"a(inar' B*o!C t)at re&resents t)e &erce&ti*le ed(es o. t)e .ocal s&ot i"a(e Psee 8i(A 2?a@Q .or t)e e!tre"ities "easure"entA 4A4AF Measure t)e .ocal s&ot i"a(e in t,o directions Psee 8i(A 2?*@Q6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
NOTE 1 M Euro&ean standard EN 121GF#2 descri*es a si"ilar !#ra' .ocal s&ot "easure"ent "et)od ?&in#)ole "et)od@% *ut does not use t)e B0A5C correction .actor descri*ed ,it)in t)is standardA EN 121GF#2% at t)e ti"e o. t)is re ision% )as a ran(e o. a&&lications considered *e'ond t)e sco&e o. E 1141A International users o. t)ese standards s)ould *e a,are o. t)is di..erence .or t)eir &articular a&&licationsA
5A2 I. an i"a(e enlar(e"ent tec)niJue ,as used% di ide t)e BAC and BBC direction "easure"ents *' t)e &ertinent enlar(e"ent .actor to o*tain actual .ocal s&ot siDe ?see 8i(A 1 and Ta*le 2@A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
c110 -V
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A Re&ort 3A1 A re&ort docu"entin( t)e .ocal s&ot siDe deter"ina# tion s)ould include t)e "ac)ine "odel nu"*er and serial nu"*er% t)e =#ra' tu*e serial nu"*er% t)e .ocal s&ot?s@ t)at ,as "easured ?so"e "ac)ines )a e dual .ocal s&ots@% t)e set#u& and e!&osure &ara"eters ?.or e!a"&le% -ilo olt# a(e% "illia"&s% enlar(e"ent .actor% and t)e li-e@ date% na"e o. or(aniDation% and esti"ated *ea" ti"e )ours ?i. a aila*le@A
Trans"ission Densito"eter A&erture Dia"eter% "" ?inA@ 1 ?0A0F2@ 2 ?0A053@ 8or i"a(es ,)ose "ini"u" di"ension is less t)an 2 "" ?0A053 inA@ 0A3 to 2A0 densit' 0A1 to 1A3 densit' 8or i"a(es ,)ose "ini"u" di"ension is (reater t)an 2 "" ?0A053 inA@ 1A0 to FA0 densit' 1A0 to FA4 densit'
2A Precision and Bias 2A1 Con.or"ance to t)e reJuire"ents s&eci!ed )erein ,ill &roduce results t)at are ,it)in t)e .ollo,in( toler# ances6 2A1A1 Tec)niJue M T)e tec)niJue reJuire"ents s&ec# i!ed )erein ,ill &roduce a .ocal s&ot i"a(e ,)ose siDe is W1O o. t)e actual e..ecti e .ocal s&ot siDeA 2A1A2 Measure"ent M T)e "easure"ent reJuire# "ents s&eci!ed )erein ,ill &roduce results t)at are ,it)in t)e tolerances6
No"inal 8ocal S&ot SiDe% "" ?inA@ 0AF to 1A2 ?0A011 to 0A0G4@ incl c1A2 to 2A1 ?0A0G4 to 0A025@ incl c2A1 ?0A025@
10A 9e',ords 10A1 .ocal s&otsR &in)ole ca"eraR &in)ole i"a(in(R =# ra'R =#ra' tu*e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice &ro ides a&&lication details .or radio# sco&ic e!a"ination usin( &enetratin( radiationA T)is includes d'na"ic radiosco&' and .or t)e &ur&oses o. t)is &ractice% radiosco&' ,)ere t)ere is no "otion o. t)e test o*Sect durin( e!&osure ?re.erred to as static radiosco&ic i"a(in(@A Since t)e tec)niJues in ol ed and t)e a&&lica# tions .or radiosco&ic e!a"ination are di erse% t)is &ractice is not intended to *e li"itin( or restricti e% *ut rat)er to address t)e (eneral a&&lications o. t)e tec)nolo(' and t)ere*' .acilitate its useA to Iuides E 2G and E 1000% Ter"inolo(' E 1F14% Practice E 5G5% Practice E 1021% and 8edA StdA NosA 21 C8R 1020AG0 and 22 C8R 1210A24 .or a list o. docu"ents t)at &ro ide additional in.or"ation and (uidanceA
E 1021 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ASNT Standard6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali# !cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( ANSI0ASNT CP#132 Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi# !cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF 8ederal Standards6 21 C8R 1020AG0' ReJuire"ents o. Ca*inet =#Ra' S'ste"s
1A2 T)e (eneral &rinci&les discussed in t)is &ractice a&&l' *roadl' to &enetratin( radiation radiosco&ic s'ste"sA +o,e er% t)is docu"ent is ,ritten s&eci!call' .or use ,it) =#ra' and (a""a#ra' s'ste"sA Ot)er radiosco&ic s'ste"s% suc) as t)ose e"&lo'in( neutrons% ,ill in ol e eJui&"ent and a&&lication details uniJue to suc) s'ste"sA 1AF T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA 8or s&eci!c' state"ents% see Section 3 and 8edA StdA NosA 21 C8R 1020AG0 and 22 C8R 1210A24A
22 C8R 1210A24 IoniDin( Radiation 2AG National Council on Radiation Protection and Mea# sure"ent ?NCRP@ Standard6 NCRP G2 Structural S)ieldin( Desi(n and E aluation .or Medical <se o. =#Ra's and Ia""a Ra's o. Ener(ies u& to 10 MeV
E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic Testin( E 5G5 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indica# tors ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 1000 Iuide .or Radiosco&'
FA Su""ar' o. Practice FA1 Manual e aluation as ,ell as co"&uter#aided auto# "ated radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"s are used in a ,ide ariet' o. &enetratin( radiation e!a"ination a&&licationsA A si"&le "anual e aluation radiosco&ic e!a"ination s's# te" "i()t consist o. a radiation source and a directl' ie,ed !uorescent screen% suita*l' enclosed in a radiation &rotecti e enclosureA At t)e ot)er e!tre"e% a co"&le! auto# "ated radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" "i()t consist o. an =#ra' source% a ro*otic test &art "ani&ulator% a radiation &rotecti e enclosure% an electronic i"a(e detection s'ste"% a closed#circuit tele ision i"a(e trans"ission s'ste"% a di(ital i"a(e &rocessor% a ideo dis&la'% and a di(ital i"a(e arc)i in( s'ste"A All s'ste" co"&onents are su&er ised *' t)e )ost co"&uter% ,)ic) incor&orates t)e so.t,are necessar' to not onl' o&erate t)e s'ste" co"&onents% *ut
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
to "a-e acce&t 0reSect decisions as ,ellA S'ste"s )a in( a ,ide ran(e o. ca&a*ilities *et,een t)ese e!tre"es can *e asse"*led usin( a aila*le co"&onentsA Iuide E 1000 lists "an' di..erent s'ste" con!(urationsA FA2 T)is &ractice &ro ides details .or a&&l'in( radio# sco&ic e!a"ination tec)niJues% )o,e er% su&&le"ental reJuire"ents are necessar' to address areas t)at are a&&li# cation and &er.or"ance s&eci!cA Anne!es A1 and A2 &ro# ide t)e detailed su&&le"ental reJuire"ents .or (o ern"ent contracts ?Anne! A1@ and non(o ern"ent contracts ?Anne! A2@A
1A1A2 A "ore co"&le! s'ste" "i()t include t)e .ollo,in( co"&onents6 1A1A2A1 A "icro.ocus =#ra' s'ste" to .acilitate )i()#resolution &roSection i"a(in(R 1A1A2A2 A "ulti&le a!is test &art "ani&ulation s's# te" to &ro ide d'na"ic% .ull olu"etric test &art "ani&ula# tion under o&erator So'stic- or auto"ated &ro(ra" control% .or d'na"ic radiosco&'R 1A1A2AF An electronic i"a(in( s'ste" to dis&la' a *ri()t% t,o#di"ensional (ra'#scale i"a(e o. t)e test &art at t)e o&eratorEs control consoleR 1A1A2AG A di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste" to &er# .or" i"a(e en)ance"ent and i"a(e e aluation .unctionsR 1A1A2A1 An arc)i al Jualit' i"a(e recordin( s's# te"R and 1A1A2A4 A radiation &rotecti e enclosure ,it) a&&ro&riate' interloc-s and a radiation ,arnin( s'ste"A 1A1AF L)et)er a si"&le or a co"&le! s'ste" is used% t)e s'ste" co"&onents and con!(uration utiliDed to ac)ie e t)e &rescri*ed test results "ust *e care.ull' selectedA 1A2 Practice6 1A2A1 T)e &urc)aser and su&&lier .or radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser ices s)all "utuall' a(ree u&on a ,ritten &rocedure usin( t)e a&&lica*le anne! o. su&&le"ental reJuire"ents and also consider t)e .ollo,in( (eneral reJuire"entsA 1A2A1A1 EJui&"ent Kuali!cations M A listin( o. t)e s'ste" .eatures t)at "ust *e Juali!ed to ensure t)at t)e s'ste" is ca&a*le o. &er.or"in( t)e desired radiosco&ic e!a"ination tas-A 1A2A1A2 Test O*Sect Scan Plan M A listin( o. test o*Sect orientations% ran(es o. "otions% and "ani&ulation s&eeds t)rou() ,)ic) t)e test o*Sect "ust *e "ani&ulated to ensure' e!a"inationA 1A2A1AF Radiosco&ic Para"eters M A listin( o. all t)e radiation sourceUrelated aria*les t)at can a..ect t)e e!a"ination outco"e .or t)e selected s'ste" con!(uration suc) as6 source ener('% intensit'% .ocal s&ot siDe% ran(e o. source to o*Sect distances% ran(e o. o*Sect to i"a(e &lane distances% and source to i"a(e &lane distancesA 1A2A1AG I"a(e Processin( Para"eters M A listin( o. all t)e i"a(e &rocessin( aria*les necessar' to en)ance !ne detail detecta*ilit' in t)e test o*Sect and to ac)ie e t)e reJuired sensiti it' le elA T)ese ,ould include% *ut are not li"ited to% tec)niJues suc) as noise reduction% contrast en)ance"ent% and s&atial !lterin(A Ireat care s)ould *e e!ercised in t)e selection o. directional i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters suc) as s&atial !lterin(% ,)ic) "a' e"&)asiDe .eatures in certain orientations and su&&ress t)e" in ot)ersA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 As ,it) con entional radio(ra&)'% radiosco&ic e!a"ination is *roadl' a&&lica*le to an' "aterial or test o*Sect t)rou() ,)ic) a *ea" o. &enetratin( radiation "a' *e &assed and detected includin( "etals% &lastics% cera"ics% co"&osite% and ot)er non"etallic "aterialsA In addition to t)e *ene!ts nor"all' associated ,it) radio(ra&)'% radio# sco&ic e!a"ination "a' *e eit)er a d'na"ic% !l"less tec)# niJue allo,in( t)e test &art to *e "ani&ulated and i"a(in( &ara"eters o&ti"iDed ,)ile t)e test o*Sect is under(oin( e!a"ination% or a static% !l"less tec)niJue ,)erein t)e test &art is stationar' ,it) res&ect to t)e =#ra' *ea"A Recent tec)nolo(' ad ances in t)e area o. &roSection i"a(in(% detectors% and di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( &ro ide acce&ta*le sensiti it' .or a ,ide ran(e o. a&&licationsA
1A EJui&"ent and Procedure 1A1 S'ste" Con!(uration M Man' di..erent radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" con!(urations are &ossi*le% and it is i"&ortant to understand t)e ad anta(es and li"itations o. eac)A It is i"&ortant t)at t)e o&ti"u" radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion s'ste" *e selected .or eac) e!a"ination reJuire"ent t)rou() a care.ul anal'sis o. t)e *ene!ts and li"itations o. t)e a aila*le s'ste" co"&onents and t)e c)osen s'ste" con!(urationA T)e &ro ider as ,ell as t)e user o. t)e radio# sco&ic e!a"ination ser ices s)ould *e .ull' a,are o. t)e ca&a*ilities and li"itations o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" t)at is &ro&osed .or e!a"ination o. t)e test o*SectA T)e &ro ider and t)e user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser# ices s)all a(ree u&on t)e s'ste" con!(uration to *e used .or eac) radiosco&ic e!a"ination a&&lication under consid# eration% and )o, its &er.or"ance is to *e e aluatedA
1A1A1 T)e "ini"u" radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" con!(uration ,ill include an a&&ro&riate source o. &ene# tratin( radiation% a "eans .or &ositionin( t)e test o*Sect ,it)in t)e radiation *ea"% in t)e case o. d'na"ic radios# co&'% and a detection s'ste"A T)e s'ste" "a' *e as si"&le as a directl' ie,ed !uorescent screen ,it) suita*le radia# tion s)ieldin( .or &ersonnel &rotection t)at "eets a&&lica# *le radiation' codesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e listin( s)ould indicate t)e "eans .or Juali.'in( i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"etersA 1A2A1A1 I"a(e Dis&la' Para"eters M A listin( o. t)e tec)niJues and t)e inter als at ,)ic) t)e' are to *e a&&lied .or standardiDin( t)e ideo i"a(e dis&la' as to *ri()tness% contrast% .ocus% and linearit'A 1A2A1A4 Acce&t0ReSect Criteria M A listin( o. t)e e!&ected -inds o. test o*Sect i"&er.ections and t)e reSection le el .or eac)A 1A2A1A5 Per.or"ance E aluation M A listin( o. t)e Juali!cation tests and t)e inter als at ,)ic) t)e' are to *e a&&lied to ensure t)at t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" is suita*le .or its intended &ur&oseA 1A2A1A3 I"a(e Arc)i in( ReJuire"ents M A listin( o. t)e reJuire"ents% i. an'% .or &reser in( a )istorical record o. t)e e!a"ination resultsA T)e listin( "a' include e!a"ination i"a(es alon( ,it) ,ritten or electronicall' recorded al&)a#nu"eric or audio narrati e in.or"ation% or *ot)% su.!cient to allo, su*seJuent ree aluation or re&eti# tion o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA 1A2A1A2 O&erator Kuali!cations M Nondestructi e testin( ?NDT@ &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or a standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT CP#132% SNT# TC#1A% MIL#STD#G10% or a si"ilar docu"ent% to t)e le el a&&ro&riate .or t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e listed radiosco&ic e!a"inationA
4A Radiosco&ic E!a"ination S'ste" Per.or"ance Considerations and Measure"ent 4A1 8actors A..ectin( S'ste" Per.or"ance M Total radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" &er.or"ance is deter"ined *' t)e co"*ined &er.or"ance o. t)e s'ste" co"&onents% ,)ic) include t)e radiation source% "ani&ulation s'ste" ?.or d'na"ic radiosco&'@% detection s'ste"% in.or"ation &rocessin( s'ste"% i"a(e dis&la'% auto"atic e aluation s'ste"% and e!a"ination record arc)i in( s'ste"A 4A1A1 Radiation Sources M L)ile t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"s "a' utiliDe eit)er radioisoto&e or =# ra' sources% =#radiation% is used .or "ost radiosco&ic e!a"ination a&&licationsA T)is is due to t)e ener(' s&ec# tru" o. t)e =#radiation% ,)ic) contains a *lend o. contrast# en)ancin( lon(er ,a elen(t)s% as ,ell as t)e "ore &ene# tratin(% s)orter ,a elen(t)sA =#radiation is adSusta*le in ener(' and intensit' to "eet t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination test reJuire"ents% and )as t)e added' .eature o. dis# continued radiation &roduction ,)en s,itc)ed o..A A radio# isoto&e source )as t)e ad anta(es o. s"all &)'sical siDe% &orta*ilit'% si"&licit'% and uni.or"it' o. out&utA
.e, "illi"eters do,n to a .e, "icro"etersA Reducin( t)e source siDe reduces (eo"etric uns)ar&ness% t)ere*' en)ancin( detail sensiti it'A =#ra' sources "a' "ulti# &le or aria*le .ocal s&ot siDesA S"aller .ocal s&ots &roduce )i()er resolution and &ro ide reduced =#ra' *ea" inten# sit'% ,)ile lar(er .ocal s&ots &ro ide )i()er =#ra' intensit' and &roduce lo,er resolutionA Micro.ocus =#ra' tu*es are a aila*le ,it) .ocal s&ots t)at "a' *e adSusted to as s"all as a .e, "icro"eters in dia"eter% ,)ile still &roducin( an =#ra' *ea" o. su.!cient intensit' so as to *e use.ul .or t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. !nel' detailed test o*SectsA 4A1A1A2 Con entional .ocal s&ots o. 1A0 "" and lar(er are use.ul at lo, (eo"etric "a(ni!cation alues close to 1 A 8ractional .ocal s&ots ran(in( .ro" 0AG "" u& to 1A0 "" are use.ul at (eo"etric "a(ni!cations o. u& to a&&ro!i"atel' 2 A Mini.ocus s&ots in t)e ran(e .ro" 0A1 "" u& to 0AG "" are use.ul at (eo"etric "a(ni!cations u& to a*out 4 A Ireater "a(ni!cations su((est t)e use o. a "icro.ocus s&ot siDe o. less t)an 0A1 "" in order to "ini"iDe t)e e..ects o. (eo"etric uns)ar&nessA Micro.ocus =#ra' tu*es are ca&a*le o. .ocal s&ot siDes o. less t)an 10 "icro"eters ?10\3 "eters@ and are use.ul .or (eo"etric "a(ni!cations o. "ore t)an 100 A 4A1A2 Mani&ulation S'ste" .or D'na"ic Radios# co&' M T)e test &art "ani&ulation s'ste" )as t)e .unction o. )oldin( t)e test o*Sect and &ro idin( t)e necessar' de(rees o. .reedo"% ran(es o. "otion% and s&eeds o. tra el to &osition t)e test o*Sect areas o. interest in t)e radiation *ea" in suc) a ,a' so as to "a!i"iDe t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"Es res&onseA In so"e a&&lications it "a' *e desira*le to "ani&ulate t)e radiation source and detection s'ste" instead o.% or in addition to% t)e test o*SectA T)e "ani&ulation s'ste" "ust *e ca&a*le o. s"oot) ,ell# controlled "otion% es&eciall' so .or )i()#"a(ni!cation "icro.ocus tec)niJues% to ta-e .ull ad anta(e o. t)e d'na"ic as&ects o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA 4A1AF Detection S'ste" M T)e detection s'ste" is a -e' ele"entA It )as t)e .unction o. con ertin( t)e radiation in&ut si(nal containin( test &art in.or"ation% into a corres# &ondin( o&tical or electronic out&ut si(nal ,)ile &reser in( t)e "a!i"u" a"ount o. test o*Sect in.or"ationA T)e detec# tor "a' *e o. one#di"ensional desi(n% &ro idin( test &art in.or"ation one line at a ti"e% or "a' *e a t,o#di"ensional area detector &ro idin( an area !eld o. ie,A 4A1AG In.or"ation Processin( o. S'ste"6 4A1AGA1 T)e .unction o. t)e in.or"ation &rocessin( s'ste" is to ta-e t)e out&ut o. t)e detection s'ste" and &resent a use.ul i"a(e .or dis&la' and o&erator inter&reta# tion% or .or auto"atic e aluationA T)e in.or"ation &ro# cessin( s'ste" "a' ta-e "an' di..erent .or"s% and "a' &rocess analo( or di(ital in.or"ation% or a co"*ination o. t)e t,oA 4A1AGA2 T)e in.or"ation &rocessin( s'ste" includes all o. t)e o&tics% electronics% and inter.aces a.ter
4A1A1A1 =#ra' "ac)ines &roduce a "ore intense =#ra' *ea" e"anatin( .ro" a s"aller .ocal s&ot t)an do radioisoto&e sourcesA =#ra' .ocal s&ot siDes ran(e .ro" a
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e detection s'ste" to and includin( t)e i"a(e dis&la' and auto"atic e aluation s'ste"A In.or"ation s'ste" co"# &onents include suc) de ices as lenses% !*er o&tic cou# &lin(s% li()t a"&li!ers% ideo ca"eras% i"a(e &rocessors% and in (eneral an' de ice t)at &rocesses radiosco&ic e!a"i# nation in.or"ation a.ter t)e detection s'ste"A 4A1AGAF T)e di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste" ,ar# rants s&ecial attention% since it is t)e "eans *' ,)ic) radiosco&ic e!a"ination in.or"ation "a' *e en)ancedA Ireat care "ust *e e!ercised in deter"inin( ,)ic) i"a(e &rocessin( tec)niJues are "ost *ene!cial .or t)e &articular a&&licationA Directional s&atial !lterin( o&erations% .or e!a"&le% "ust *e (i en s&ecial attention as certain .eature orientations are e"&)asiDed ,)ile ot)ers are su&&ressedA L)ile "an' di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( o&erations occur su.# !cientl' .ast to .ollo, ti"e#de&endent radiosco&ic s'ste" aria*les% ot)ers do notA So"e i"a(e &rocessin( o&erations reJuire si(ni!cant i"a(e acJuisition and &rocessin( ti"e% so as to li"it t)e d'na"ic res&onse o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"% in d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"sA
as a(reed u&on *' t)e &ro ider and user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA T)e re&roduction Jualit' o. t)e arc)i al "et)od s)ould *e su.!cient to de"onstrate t)e sa"e i"a(e Jualit' as ,as used to Juali.' t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"A 4A1A5A1 8il" or &a&er radio(ra&) o. t)e test o*Sect "ade under t)e sa"e conditions as t)e radiosco&ic e!a"i# nation i"a(eR 4A1A5A2 S&ot !l" ca"era used to &)oto(ra&) t)e e!a"ination i"a(e directl' .ro" t)e out&ut o. an =#ra' i"a(e intensi!er ,it)out t)e inter enin( tele ision c)ain li"itationsR 4A1A5AF P)oto(ra&) o. t)e actual i"a(e dis&la'R 4A1A5AG Multi.or"at ca"era used to "a-e a &)oto# (ra&) o. t)e e!a"ination i"a(e .ro" t)e ideo si(nalR 4A1A5A1 Video )ard co&' de ice used to create a &a&er .acsi"ile i"a(e .ro" t)e ideo si(nalR 4A1A5A4 Laser &rint )ard co&' de ice used to create a !l" i"a(e .ro" t)e scanned detector out&utR 4A1A5A5 Video ta&e recorder used to record t)e ideo si(nal on "a(netic ta&eR c)aracteriDed *' lon( recordin( ti"e at ideo .ra"e ratesR use.ul .or ca&turin( test &art "otionR 4A1A5A3 Di(ital recordin( on "a(netic dis- or ta&e used to store t)e i"a(e o. t)e test o*Sect di(itall'% c)aracter# iDed *' li"ited stora(e ca&acit' at ideo .ra"e rates% t)ere# .ore li"itin( t)e a*ilit' to ca&ture test &art "otion in d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"sR 4A1A5A2 Di(ital recordin( on o&tical dis- used to store t)e i"a(e o. t)e test o*Sect di(itall'R o..ers lar(er stora(e ca&acit' t)an "a(netic dis- or ta&eR consideration s)ould *e (i en to t)e t'&e o. o&tical stora(e *ecause t)ere are .unda"entall' t,o di..erent t'&es6 "a(neto#o&tical ,)ere radiolo(ical data can *e erased or altered% and ,rite once read "an' ti"es ?LORM@ ,)ere a co""on .or"at is CD#ROM and t)e radiolo(ical data cannot *e erased or altered a.ter t)e dis- is createdA
4A1A1 Auto"atic E aluation S'ste" M So"e radio# sco&ic e!a"ination a&&lications can *e .ull' auto"ated includin( t)e acce&t 0reSect decision t)rou() co"&uter tec)niJuesA T)e auto"atic e aluation s'ste"Es res&onse to arious test o*Sect conditions "ust *e care.ull' deter"ined under actual o&eratin( conditionsA T)e &otential .or reSectin( (ood test o*Sects and acce&tin( de.ecti e test o*Sects "ust *e consideredA Auto"atic e aluation s'ste" &er.or"ance criteria s)ould *e "utuall' deter"ined *' t)e &ro ider and user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA
4A1A4 I"a(e Dis&la'6 4A1A4A1 T)e .unction o. t)e i"a(e dis&la' is to con e' radiosco&ic in.or"ation a*out t)e test o*Sect to t)e s'ste" o&eratorA 8or "anual e aluation s'ste"s% t)e dis&la'ed i"a(e is used as t)e *asis .or acce&tin( or reSectin( t)e test o*Sect% su*Sect to t)e o&eratorEs inter&reta# tion o. t)e radiosco&ic i"a(eA T)e i"a(e dis&la' &er.or"# ance% siDe% and &lace"ent are i"&ortant radiosco&ic s'ste" considerationsA
4A1A4A2 L)en e"&lo'in( a tele ision i"a(e &re# sentation% ertical and )oriDontal resolution are o.ten not t)e sa"eA T)ere.ore% t)e e..ect o. raster orientation u&on t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"Es a*ilit' to detect !ne detail% re(ardless o. orientation% "ust *e ta-en into accountA 4A1A5 Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Record Arc)i in( S'ste" M Man' radiosco&ic e!a"ination a&&lications reJuire an arc)i al Jualit' e!a"ination record o. t)e radio# sco&ic e!a"inationA T)e arc)i in( s'ste" "a' ta-e "an' .or"s% a .e, o. ,)ic) are listed in 4A1A5A1 t)rou() 4A1A5A11A Eac) arc)i in( s'ste" )as its o,n &eculiarities as to i"a(e Jualit'% arc)i al stora(e &ro&erties% eJui&"ent% and "edia costA T)e e!a"ination record arc)i in( s'ste" s)ould *e c)osen on t)e *asis o. t)ese and ot)er &ertinent &ara"eters%
4A1A5A10 Electronic di(ital "e"or' suc) as ROM ?read onl' "e"or'@ or EPROM ?erasa*le &ro(ra""a*le read onl' "e"or'@% c)aracteriDed *' relati el' li"ited ca&acit'R and 4A1A5A11 +olo(ra" used to store )i()#densit' di(i# tal i"a(e data on !l" at )i()#in.or"ation densit'A 4A1A3 E!a"ination Record Data M T)e e!a"ination record s)ould contain su.!cient in.or"ation to allo, t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination test to *e ree aluated or du&li# catedA E!a"ination record data s)ould *e recorded conte"# &oraneousl' ,it) t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination i"a(e% and "a' *e in ,ritin( or a oice narrati e% &ro idin( t)e .ollo,# in( "ini"u" data6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A1A3A1 Radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" desi(na# tion% test date% o&erator identi!cation% o&eratin( turn or s)i.t% and ot)er &ertinent test and custo"er dataR 4A1A3A2 S&eci!c test &art data as to &art nu"*er% *atc)% serial nu"*er% etcA ?as a&&lica*le@R 4A1A3AF Test &art orientation and e!a"ination site in.or"ation *' "ani&ulation s'ste" coordinate data or *' re.erence to uniJue test &art .eatures ,it)in t)e !eld o. ie,R and 4A1A3AG S'ste" &er.or"ance "onitorin( *' re# cordin( t)e results o. t)e &rescri*ed radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion s'ste" &er.or"ance "onitorin( tests% as set .ort) in Section 1% at t)e *e(innin( and end o. a series o. radio# sco&ic e!a"inations% not to e!ceed t)e inter al set .ort) in 4A2A1 .or s'ste" &er.or"ance "onitorin(A
4A2 Per.or"ance Measure"ent M Radiosco&ic e!a"i# nation s'ste" &er.or"ance &ara"eters "ust *e deter"ined initiall' and "onitored re(ularl' to ensure consistent resultsA T)e *est "easure o. total radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" &er.or"ance can *e "ade ,it) t)e s'ste" in o&era# tion% utiliDin( a test o*Sect si"ilar to t)e test &art under actual o&eratin( conditionsA T)is indicates t)e use o. an actual or si"ulated test o*Sect or cali*ration *loc- con# tainin( actual or si"ulated .eatures t)at "ust *e relia*l' detectedA Suc) a cali*ration *loc- ,ill &ro ide a relia*le indication o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"Es ca&a*il# itiesA Con entional ,ire#or &laJue#t'&e IKIs "a' *e used in &lace o.% or in addition to% t)e si"ulated test o*Sect or cali*ration *loc-A Per.or"ance "easure"ent "et)ods are a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &ro ider and user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA 4A2A1 Per.or"ance Measure"ent Inter als M S'ste" &er.or"ance "easure"ent tec)niJues s)ould *e standard# iDed so t)at &er.or"ance "easure"ent tests "a' *e readil' du&licated at s&eci!ed inter alsA Radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" &er.or"ance s)ould *e e aluated at su.!cientl' .reJuent inter als% as "a' *e a(reed u&on *' t)e su&&lier and user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser ices% to "ini"iDe t)e &ossi*ilit' o. ti"e#de&endent &er.or"ance ariationsA 4A2A2 Measure"ent Lit) IKIs M Radiosco&ic e!a"i# nation s'ste" &er.or"ance "easure"ent usin( IKIs s)all *e in accordance ,it) acce&ted industr' standards descri*# in( t)e use o. IKIsA T)e IKIs s)ould *e &laced on t)e test o*Sect as close as &ossi*le to t)e re(ion o. interestA T)e use o. ,ire#t'&e IKIs s)ould also ta-e into account t)e .act t)at t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste" "a' e!)i*it as'""etrical sensiti it'% in ,)ic) case t)e ,ire dia"eter a!is s)all *e oriented alon( t)e s'ste"Es a!is o. least sensiti it'A Selection o. IKI t)ic-ness s)ould *e consistent ,it) t)e test &art radiation &at) len(t) t)ic-nessA 4A2AF Measure"ent Lit) a Cali*ration Bloc- M T)e cali*ration *loc- "a' *e an actual test o*Sect ,it) -no,n .eatures t)at are re&resentati e o. t)e ran(e o. .eatures to
*e detected% or "a' *e .a*ricated to si"ulate t)e test o*Sect ,it) a suita*le ran(e o. re&resentati e .eaturesA Alterna# ti el'% t)e cali*ration *loc- "a' *e a one#o.#a#-ind or .e,# o.#a#-ind re.erence test o*Sect containin( -no,n i"& tions t)at )a e *een eri!ed inde&endentl'A Cali*ration *loc-s containin( -no,n% natural de.ects are use.ul on a sin(le#tas- *asis% *ut are not uni ersall' a&&lica*leA L)ere standardiDation a"on( t,o or "ore radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion s'ste"s is reJuired% a du&licate "anu.actured cali*ra# tion *loc- s)ould *e usedA T)e cali*ration *loc-s s)ould a&&ro!i"ate t)e test o*Sect as closel' as is &ractical% *ein( "ade o. t)e sa"e "aterial ,it) si"ilar di"ensions and .eatures in t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination re(ion o. interestA Manu.actured cali*ration *loc-s s)ould include .eatures at least as s"all as t)ose t)at "ust *e relia*l' detected in t)e actual test o*Sects in locations ,)ere t)e' are e!&ected to occur in t)e actual test o*SectA L)ere .eatures are internal to t)e test o*Sect% it is &er"issi*le to &roduce t)e cali*ration *loc- in sectionsA Cali*ration *loc- details are a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e user and su&&lier o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA
4A2AFA1 <se o. a Cali*ration Bloc- M T)e cali*ra# tion *loc- s)ould *e &laced into t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion s'ste" in t)e sa"e &osition as t)e actual test o*Sect and "a' *e "ani&ulated t)rou() t)e sa"e ran(e o. "otions t)rou() a (i en e!&osure .or d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"s as are a aila*le .or t)e actual test o*Sect% so as to "a!i"iDe t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"Es res&onse to t)e si"u# lated i"&er.ectionA 4A2AFA2 Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Tec)niJues M ?radiation *ea" ener('% intensit'% .ocal s&ot siDe% enlar(e# "ent% di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters% "ani&ulation scan &lan .or d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"s% scannin( s&eed% and ot)er s'ste" aria*les@ utiliDed .or t)e cali*ration *loc- s)all *e identical to t)ose used .or t)e actual e!a"i# nation o. t)e test o*SectA 4A2AG <se o. Cali*rated Line Pair Test Pattern and Ste& Led(e6 4A2AGA1 A cali*rated line &air test &attern and ste& ,ed(e "a' *e used% i. so desired% to deter"ine and tracradiosco&ic s'ste" &er.or"ance in ter"s o. s&atial resolu# tion and contrast sensiti it'A T)e line &air test &attern is used ,it)out an additional a*sor*er to e aluate s'ste" s&atial resolutionA T)e ste& ,ed(e is used to e aluate s's# te" contrast sensiti it'A
4A2AGA2 T)e ste& ,ed(e "ust *e "ade o. t)e sa"e "aterial as t)e test &art ,it) ste&s re&resentin( 100O% 22O% 23O% and 25O o. *ot) t)e t)ic-est and t)e t)innest "aterial sections to *e e!a"inedA T)e t)inner ste&s s)all *e conti(u# ous to t)eir res&ecti e 100O section t)ic-nesses in order to .acilitate discernin( t)e "ini"u" isi*le t)ic-ness ste&A Ot)er t)ic-ness ste&s are &er"issi*le u&on a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &ro ider and t)e user o. radiosco&ic ser icesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A2AGAF T)e line &air test &attern and t)e ste& ,ed(e tests s)all *e conducted in a "anner si"ilar to t)e &er.or"ance "easure"ents .or t)e IKI or t)e cali*ration *loc- set .ort) in 4A2A2 and 4A2AFA It is &er"issi*le to adSust t)e =#ra' ener(' and intensit' to o*tain a usa*le line &air test &attern i"a(e *ri()tnessA In t)e case o. a radioisoto&e or =#ra' (eneratin( s'ste" ,)ere t)e ener(' or intensit' "a' not *e adSusted% additional !ltration "a' *e added at t)e radiation source to reduce t)e *ri()tness to a use.ul le elA Contrast sensiti it' s)all *e e aluated at t)e sa"e ener(' and intensit' le els as are used .or t)e radiosco&ic tec)niJueA 4A2AGAG A s'ste" t)at e!)i*its a s&atial resolution o. F line &airs 0""% a t)in section contrast sensiti it' o. FO% and a t)ic- section contrast sensiti it' o. 2O "a' *e said to )a e an eJui alent &er.or"ance le el o. FOU2OU F l& 0""A 4A2AGA1 T)e line &air test &attern and t)e ste& ,ed(e "a' *e used to "a-e "ore .reJuent &eriodic s'ste" &er.or"ance c)ec-s t)an reJuired in accordance ,it) 4A2A1A Resolution and contrast sensiti it' c)ec-s "ust *e corre# lated ,it) IKI or cali*ration *loc- &er.or"ance "easure# "entsA T)is "a' *e done *' !rst e aluatin( s'ste" "easure"ent in accordance ,it) 4A2A2 or 4A2AF and i""edi# atel' t)erea.ter deter"inin( t)e eJui alent s&atial resolu# tion and contrast sensiti it' aluesA 4A2A1 I"&ortance o. Pro&er En iron"ental Condi# tions M En iron"ental conditions conduci e to )u"an co".ort and concentration ,ill &ro"ote e!a"ination e.!# cienc' and relia*ilit'% and "ust *e considered in t)e &er# .or"ance o. "anual e aluation radiosco&ic e!a"ination s'ste"sA A &ro&er e!a"ination en iron"ent ,ill ta-e into account te"&erature% )u"idit'% dust% li()tin(% access% and noise le el .actorsA Pro&er reduced li()tin( intensit' is e!tre"el' i"&ortant to &ro ide .or )i()#contrast (lare#.ree ie,in( o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination i"a(esA
in t)e case o. an auto"ated radiosco&ic e!a"ination s's# te"A A )'*rid en iron"ent "a' also *e utiliDed ,)ere*' t)e co"&uter and so.t,are &resent to t)e o&erator a reco"# "ended inter&retation% ,)ic) is t)en su*Sect to t)e o&era# torEs !nal dis&ositionA 5A2 O&erator M T)e su&&lier and user s)ould reac) an a(ree"ent as to o&erator Juali!cations includin( dut' and rest &eriodsA Reco""ended Practice SNT#TC#1A sets .ort) t)ree le els o. nondestructi e testin( &ersonnel Juali!ca# tions t)at t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination &ractitioner "a' !nd use.ulA 5AF Acce&t 0ReSect Criteria M Acce&t 0reSect criteria are a "atter o. contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &ro ider and t)e user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA
3A1 Records and re&orts are a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e su&&lier and t)e userA I. an e!a"ination record arc)i in( reJuire"ent e!ists% to 4A1A3% ,)ic) outlines t)e necessar' in.or"ation t)at s)ould *e a &art o. an arc)i# al e!a"ination recordA
2A' Conditions
2A1 Radiosco&ic e!a"ination &rocedures s)all *e car# ried out under &rotecti e conditions so t)at &ersonnel ,ill not recei e radiation dose le els e!ceedin( t)at &er"itted *' co"&an'% cit'% state% or national re(ulationsA T)e reco"# "endations o. t)e National Co""ittee on Radiation Pro# tection s)ould *e t)e (uide to radiation'A
5A Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Inter&retation and Acce&tance Criteria 5A1 Inter&retation M Inter&retation "a' *e done eit)er *' an o&erator in a "anual e aluation radiosco&ic en iron# "ent% or *' "eans o. a co"&uter and a&&ro&riate so.t,are
10A1 analo(R detectorR di(italR dis&la'R e!a"inationR i"a(eR "ani&ulatorR &rocessorR radiosco&'R source
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A DEPARTMENT O8 DE8ENSE CONTRACTS% S<PPLEMENTAL REK<IREMENTS A1A1 Sco&e A1A1A1 Pur&ose M T)is anne! is to *e used in con# Sunction ,it) Practice E 1211 and MIL#STD#G1FA It &er# "its t)e use o. and (i es (uidance on t)e i"&le"entation o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination .or "aterials% co"&onents% and asse"*lies% ,)en s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA T)e radiosco&ic reJuire"ents descri*ed )erein allo, t)e use o. radiosco&' .or ne, a&&lications as ,ell as to re&lace radio(ra&)' ,)en ins&ection co era(e% (reater t)rou()&ut% or i"&ro ed ins&ection econo"ics can *e o*tained% &ro# ided a' le el o. i"a(e Jualit' can *e de"on# stratedA
A1A2A4 Order o. Pre.erence M In t)e e ent o. con!ict *et,een t)e te!t o. t)is docu"ent and t)e re.erences listed in A1A2A2% t)is docu"ent s)all ta-e &recedenceA +o,e er% not)in( in t)is docu"ent s)all su&ersede a&&lica*le la,s and re(ulations unless a s&eci!c e!e"&tion )as *een o*tained .ro" t)e co(niDant aut)oritiesA A1AF Ter"inolo(' A1AFA1 co"&onent M t)e test &art or &arts descri*ed% asse"*led% or &rocessed to t)e e!tent s&eci!ed *' t)e dra,in(A A1AFA2 contractin( a(enc' M a &ri"e contractor% su*contractor% or (o ern"ent a(enc' t)at &rocures radio# sco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA A1AFAF contract docu"ents M t)e &rocurin( contract and all dra,in(s% s&eci!cations% standards% and ot)er in.or# "ation included ,it) or re.erred to *' t)e &rocurin( con# tractA A1AFAG "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination M t)ose radiosco&ic e!a"inations ,)ic) are a &art o. t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic e!a"inations s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu# "entsA A1AFA1 NDT .acilit' M t)e or(aniDation t)at is res&onsi*le .or t)e &ro idin( o. nondestructi e e!a"ina# tion ser icesA A1AFA4 o&tional radiosco&ic e!a"ination M t)ose radiosco&ic e!a"inations ,)ic) are conducted .or &rocess eri!cation or in.or"ation onl' and are not a &art o. t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA A1AFA5 &ri"e contractor M a contractor )a in( res&onsi*ilit' .or t)e desi(n control and deli er' to t)e de&art"ent o. de.ense .or s'ste" 0eJui&"ent suc) as air# cra.t% en(ines% s)i&s% tan-s% e)icles% (uns and "issiles% (round co""unications and electronic s'ste"s% (round su&&ort% and test eJui&"entA A1AFA3 test o*Sect M t)e "aterial% co"&onent or asse"*l' t)at is t)e su*Sect o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA A1AFA2 ,ritten &rocedure M in radiosco&'% a series o. ste&s t)at are to *e .ollo,ed in a re(ular de!nite orderA T)e radiosco&ic s'ste" o&erator .ollo,s t)e ,ritten &roce# dure to consistentl' o*tain t)e desired results and i"a(e Jualit' le el ,)en &er.or"in( radiosco&ic e!a"inationA T)e de elo&"ent o. a radiosco&ic tec)niJue usuall' &re# cedes t)e &re&aration o. a ,ritten &rocedureA
A1A1A2 A&&lication M T)is anne! &ro ides (uidelines .or a ,ritten &ractice as reJuired in FA2 and 1A2A1 o. Practice E 1211A S)ould t)e reJuire"ents in t)is anne! con!ict ,it) an' ot)er reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1211% t)en Anne! A1 ta-es &recedenceA T)e reJuire"ents o. t)is anne! are intended to control t)e Jualit' o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion and not to s&eci.' t)e acce&t 0reSect criteria .or t)e test o*SectA Acce&t 0reSect criteria are &ro ided in ot)er contract docu"entsA
A1A2 Re.erenced Docu"ents A1A2A1 In addition to t)ose docu"ents re.erenced in Practice E 1211% t)e .ollo,in( standards are a&&lica*le to t)e e!tent s&eci!ed )ereinA A1A2A2 ASTM Standards6 E 1G11 Practice .or Kuali!cation o. Radio(ra&)ic S'ste"s E 1G1F Iuide .or Stora(e o. Media T)at Contains Analo( or Di(ital Radio(ra&)ic Data A1A2AF Militar' Standards6 MIL#STD#G10 Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!# cation and Certi!cation MIL#STD#G1F Ins&ection% Radio(ra&)ic DOD#STD#2145 De.ense S'ste" So.t,are De elo&"ent A1A2AG A"erican Leldin( Societ' Standard6 ANSI 0ALS FA0 Leldin( Ter"s and De!nitions A1A2A1 Io ern"ent Standards M <nless ot)er,ise stated% t)e issues o. t)ese docu"ents are t)ose listed in t)e De.ense Inde! o. S&eci!cations and Standards ?DOD# ISS@ and su&&le"ent t)ereto% cited in t)e contract doc# u"entA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A1AFA10 Ot)er de!nitions not (i en )erein s)all *e as s&eci!ed in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A A1AG Ieneral ReJuire"ents A1AGA1 EJui&"ent Kuali!cation M Radiosco&ic s's# te" Juali!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11 and can *est *e e aluated ,it) IKIs si"ilar to t)e !a, t'&e *ein( in esti(atedA A co""on IKI is descri*ed in MIL#STD#G1FA A1AGA2 Personnel Kuali!cation M Radiosco&ic &er# sonnel s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e (eneral reJuire"ents o. MIL#STD#G10% until s&eci!c reJuire"ents .or radiosco&' are includedA Radiosco&ic s's# te" Juali!cation% t)e de elo&"ent o. radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tion test tec)niJues% scan &lans% and t)e o erall i"&le"entation o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination in accordance ,it) t)is anne!% s)all *e under t)e control and su&er ision o. a Juali!ed MIL#STD#G10 Le el III ,it) additional radi# osco&' trainin( and e!&erience or in conSunction ,it) an indi idual )a in( t)e necessar' trainin( and e!&erience in radiosco&ic e!a"inationA A1AGAF' M T)e &er.or"ance or radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all &resent no )aDards to t)e' o. &er# sonnel or &ro&ert'A A&&lica*le 8ederal% state% and local radiation' codes s)all *e ad)ered toA All radiosco&ic &rocedures s)all *e &er.or"ed in a sa.e "anner% suc) t)at &ersonnel in t)at area are not e!&osed to an' radiation dosa(e and s)all in no case e!ceed 8ederal% state% and local li"itsA A1AGAG Arc)i al Recordin( o. Mandator' Radio# sco&ic E!a"ination M L)en reJuired *' contractual a(ree"ent% t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all con# tain t)e results o. "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"inationsA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all *e suita*l' arc)i ed .or a &eriod o. ti"e not less t)an ! e 'ears .ro" t)e e!a"ination date or as "a' ot)er,ise *e reJuired in t)e contract docu"entsA E.!cient radiosco&ic e!a"ination record recall s)all *e a aila*le at an' ti"e o er t)e record retention &eriodA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all *e tracea*le to t)e test o*Sect ?*' serial nu"*er or ot)er "eans@ or to t)e *atc) or lot nu"*er% i. tested in (rou&sA Mandator' radiosco&ic e!a"inations s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA T)e o&tional radiosco&ic e!a"ina# tions are not s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA
A1AGAGA2 I"a(e Recordin( Media M T)e radio# sco&ic i"a(e s)all *e recorded on a "edia t)at is a&&ro# &riate to t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination reJuire"entA T)e recorded i"a(e s)all re.erence t)e e!a"ination Dones in suc) a ,a' t)at t)e re ie,er can con!r" t)at all Dones )a e *een co eredA T)e recorded radiosco&ic i"a(e s)all &ro ide an i"a(e Jualit' at least eJual to t)at .or ,)ic) t)e radiosco&ic s'ste" is Juali!edA T)e recordin( "edia s)all *e ca&a*le o. "aintainin( t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' .or t)e reJuired record stora(e &eriod or not less t)an ! e 'ears .ro" t)e recordin( dateA T)e radiosco&ic i"a(e record s)all *e "aintained in an o&era*le condition .or t)e duration o. t)e record stora(e &eriod% "easured .ro" t)e date ,)en t)e last radiosco&ic i"a(e ,as recordedA A1AGAGAF Recordin( Media Stora(e Conditions M Media stora(e and )andlin( s)all *e in accordance ,it) Iuide E 1G1FA A1AGA1 I"a(e Kualit' Indicators M I"a(e Jualit' indicators "ust *e c)osen ,it) care to de"onstrate t)e radiosco&ic s'ste"Es a*ilit' to detect discontinuities or ot)er .eatures t)at are o. interestA MIL#STD#G1F% Practice E 1021 &laJue#t'&e% and Practice E 5G5 ,ire#t'&e IKIs and cali*ration *loc-s ,it) real or si"ulated de.ects% to "atc) t)e a&&lication% are all acce&ta*le unless a &articular IKI is s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA T)e selected IKI or cali*ration *loc- s)all *e detailed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA An IKI or cali*ration *loc- "a' not *e reJuired .or t)e .ollo,in( radiosco&ic e!a"inations6 A1AGA1A1 L)en conductin( radiosco&' to c)ec.or adeJuate de.ect re"o al or (rind#out% t)e !nal acce&t# ance radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all include an IKIR A1AGA1A2 E!a"inations to s)o, "aterial details or contrast *et,een t,o or "ore dissi"ilar "aterials% in co"&onent &arts or asse"*lies% includin( )one'co"* areas .or t)e detection o. .a*rication irre(ularities or t)e &resence or a*sence o. "aterialR A1AGA1AF E!a"inations o. electronic co"&onents .or conta"ination% loose or "issin( ele"ents% solder *alls% *ro-en or "is&laced ,ires or connectors% and &otted asse"# *lies .or *ro-en internal co"&onents or "issin( &ottin( co"&oundR A1AGA1AG O&tional radiosco&ic e!a"inationsR and A1AGA1A1 L)ere t)e use o. an IKI is i"&ractical or ine..ecti e% an alternate "et)od "a' *e used% su*Sect to t)e a&&ro al o. t)e contractin( a(enc'A A1AGA4 Classi!cation o. Test O*Sect Nones .or Radi# osco&' M T)e classi!cation o. test o*Sects into Dones .or arious acce&t 0reSect criteria s)all *e deter"ined .ro" t)e contract docu"entsA
A1AGAGA1 Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Record M T)e recorded radiosco&ic e!a"ination record .or "andator' e!a"inations s)all include t)e ,ritten results o. t)e radio# sco&ic e!a"ination and t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e% i. an i"a(e is utiliDed in t)e acce&t 0reSect decision#"a-in( &rocessA T)e recorded radiosco&ic i"a(e s)all *e &ro ided ,it) suc) additional in.or"ation as "a' *e reJuired to allo, t)e su*seJuent o..#line re ie, o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination results and% i. necessar'% t)e re&eatin( o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA
A1A1 Detailed ReJuire"ents A1A1A1 A&&lication Kuali!cation6 A1A1A1A1 Ne, A&&lications M Radiosco&' "a' *e used ,)ere a&&ro&riate .or ne, e!a"ination reJuire"ents%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&ro ided t)e reJuired &er.or"ance% includin( i"a(e Jual# it'% can *e "etA A1A1A1A2 Re&lace"ent o. E!istin( Radio(ra&)ic A&&lications M L)en a(reed to *' t)e contractin( o.!cer% radiosco&' "a' *e used to re&lace or au("ent e!istin( radio(ra&)ic a&&lications% &ro ided t)at t)e radiosco&ic results correlate .a ora*l' ,it) t)e results o*tained ,it) =#ra' !l" &roduced in accordance ,it) MIL#STD#G1FA 8a ora*le correlation "eans t)at t)e radiosco&ic and !l" i"a(es s)o, si"ilar sensiti it' to test o*Sect .eatures t)at are o. interestA A1A1A2 Lritten Procedure M It s)all *e t)e res&onsi# *ilit' o. t)e NDE .acilit' to de elo& a ,ritten radiosco&ic e!a"ination &rocedure to ensure t)e e..ecti e and re&eat# a*le radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. t)e test o*SectA A test o*Sect scan &lan .or d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"s% "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1211 ?see 1A2A1A2@% s)all *e included in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA T)ose &ortions o. t)e contract docu"ent t)at s&eci.' and detail radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *eco"e an a&&endi! to t)e ,ritten &roce# dureA T)e ,ritten &rocedure "ust *e a&&ro ed *' t)e Le el III o. t)e NDE .acilit'A L)ere reJuired% t)e ,ritten &roce# dure s)all *e a&&ro ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc' &rior to useA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 A1A1A2A1 A dra,in(% s-etc)% or &)oto(ra&) o. t)e co"&onent t)at s)o,s t)e radiation *ea" a!is% &ositions?s@ o. t)e detector% and a&&lica*le IKI .or eac) and all aria# tions o. t)e test o*Sect orientation and *ea" ener('A T)is reJuire"ent "a' *e e!&ressed in coordinates .or auto"ated s'ste"s )a in( cali*rated "ani&ulation s'ste"sR A1A1A2A2 A &)'sical descri&tion o. t)e test o*Sect% includin( siDe% t)ic-ness% ,ei()t% and co"&ositionR A1A1A2AF Classi!cation o. t)e test o*Sect into Dones .or radiosco&'R A1A1A2AG Test &art "as-in(% i. used% .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A1 Added radiation source colli"ation% e!&ressed in ter"s o. t)e radiation !eld di"ensions at t)e test o*Sect source side% .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A4 Detector !eld o. ie, .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A5 Detector dia&)ra(" settin(s% e!&ressed in ter"s o. !eld o. ie, at t)e detector% .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A3 T)e allo,a*le ran(e o. radiation ener(' and *ea" current or source intensit' and t)e .ocal s&ot or source siDe .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A2 Added *ea" !ltration% i. used% .or eac) reJuired ie,R A1A1A2A10 T)e ins&ection (eo"etr' and co era(e .or eac) reJuired ie,R
A1A1A2A11 T'&e o. IKI or cali*ration *loc- used and t)e reJuired Jualit' le elR A1A1A2A12 All )ard,are and so.t,are settin(s t)at can *e c)an(ed *' t)e o&erator to a..ect t)e outco"e o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA Suc) settin(s include% *ut are not li"ited to% ideo ca"era and dis&la' settin(s and i"a(e &rocessor aria*lesR and AA1A1A2A1F T)e recordin( "edia and stora(e i"a(e .or"at .or "andator' radiosco&ic i"a(e stora(eA A1A1AF Test O*Sect E!a"ination M T)e nu"*er o. test o*Sects to *e e!a"ined and t)e co era(e reJuired .or eac) test o*Sect s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA I. not s&eci!ed% all test o*Sects s)all recei e 100O radio# sco&ic co era(e as detailed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA A1A1AG I"a(e Kualit' M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"ents% t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' le el is 2#2TA I"a(e Jualit' assess"ent s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( t)e sa"e s'ste" &ara"eters as in t)e ins&ection and as docu"ented in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA A1A1AGA1 T)e IKI "a' *e &laced on t)e test o*Sect or on a "ountin( *loc-% at or near t)e test o*Sect location% .ollo,in( t)e reJuire"ents o. MIL#STD#G1FA In t)e case o. s"all radiosco&ic !elds o. ie, or ot)er situations ,)ere it is not &ractical to &lace t)e IKI in t)e !eld o. ie, ,it) t)e test o*Sect and "aintain it nor"al to t)e =#ra' *ea"% t)e IKI "a' *e i"a(ed i""ediatel' *e.ore and a.ter t)e test o*Sect e!a"inationA Batc) Juantities o. si"ilar &arts need not )a e IKI i"a(es "ade *et,een eac) &art% at t)e discretion o. t)e Le el IIIA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination results s)all *e in alid% i. t)e *e.ore and a.ter IKI i"a(es .ail to de"onstrate t)e reJuired sensiti it'A T)e *e.ore and a.ter IKI i"a(es s)all *e considered a &art o. t)e test o*Sect i"a(e .or radiosco&ic i"a(e inter&retation and arc)i in( &ur&osesA
A1A1AGA2 Lit) ,ritten &er"ission .ro" t)e con# tractin( a(enc'% ot)er IKIs or a cali*ration *loc- ,it) natural or arti!cial !a,s "a' *e used instead o. t)e s&eci# !ed IKIA A1A1A1 Radiosco&ic S'ste" Kuali!cation M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste"% includin( "andator' radiosco&ic i"a(e arc)i in( de ices% s)all *e Juali!ed to t)e i"a(e Jualit' le el reJuired .or test o*Sect e!a"inationA Radio# sco&ic s'ste" initial Juali!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11A A1A1A4 Radiosco&ic S'ste" ReJuali!cation M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste"% includin( "andator' i"a(e arc)i in( de ices% s)all *e &eriodicall' reJuali!ed at inter als .re# Juent enou() to ensure t)e reJuired le el o. radiosco&ic s'ste" &er.or"anceA Eac) reJuali!cation s)all *e carried out in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11A A1A1A5 Ins&ection I"a(e Control M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste" s)all *e c)ec-ed .or &er.or"ance *e.ore eac) da'Es
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&roduction usa(e usin( t)e "et)od and de ices t)at ,ere initiall' used to Juali.' t)e ,ritten &rocedureA A lo( s)all *e "aintained to docu"ent an' c)an(es in s'ste" &er.or"# ance reJuirin( c)an(es in o&eratin( &ara"eters and listin( all eJui&"ent "aintenanceA S'ste" reJuali!cation s)all *e reJuired ,)ene er i"a(e Jualit' reJuire"ents can no lon(er *e "etA A1A1A3 Re&air o. Radiosco&ic S'ste" M Re&air or re&lace"ent o. -e' radiosco&ic s'ste" co"&onents includ# in(% *ut not li"ited to% t)e radiation source% i"a(e .or"in(% i"a(e trans"ission% i"a(e &rocessin(% and i"a(e dis&la' su*s'ste"s s)all *e cause .or s'ste" reJuali!cationA In no case s)all t)e inter al *et,een Juali!cation tests e!ceed one 'earA T)e Juali!cation state"ent s)all *e &osted on t)e radiosco&ic s'ste"A T)e results o. t)e Juali!cation tests s)all *e "aintained in t)e radiosco&ic s'ste" eJui&# "ent !le until t)e co"&letion o. t)e ne!t Juali!cation &rocedure or t)e e!&iration o. t)e arc)i al i"a(e retention &eriod% ,)ic)e er is lon(erA A1A1A2 I"a(e Inter&retation6 A1A1A2A1 Static I"a(in( M Radiosco&ic s'ste" Juali!cation in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11 a&&lies to static i"a(in( conditions onl' ,)ere t)e test &art is stationar' ,it) res&ect to t)e =#ra' *ea"A T)ere.ore% all &er.or"ance "easure"ents are *ased u&on static i"a(e Jualit'A All "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination acce&t 0reSect decisions s)all *e *ased u&on t)e assess"ent o. static i"a(esA
A1A1A2A2 D'na"ic I"a(in( M D'na"ic or in# "otion i"a(in( "a' *e used to (ain use.ul in.or"ation a*out t)e test o*SectA +o,e er% unless d'na"ic i"a(in( is s&eci!ed% t)e !nal assess"ent o. i"a(e .or"ation .or "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"inations s)all *e "ade in t)e static "odeA L)en t)e contractin( a(enc' s&eci!es d'na"ic ins&ection% all as&ects o. t)e &rocedure "ust *e a&&ro ed *' MIL#STD#G10 Le el III &ersonnelA 8or d'na"ic ins&ection% t)e i"a(e Jualit' s)all *e "easured under t)e sa"e &rocedure as t)e ins&ectionA A1A1A10 8eature SiDe Deter"ination M L)ere .ea# ture "easure"ent .ro" t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e is reJuired% t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include "et)odolo(' .or deter"inin( and "aintainin( t)e accurac' o. t)e selected "easure"ent "et)odA
A1A1A10A1 8eature Measure"ent *' Test O*Sect Dis&lace"ent M 8or t)ose radiosco&ic s'ste"s ,it) cali# *rated "ani&ulation s'ste"s% t)e "ore accurate% and t)ere# .ore &re.erred% "et)od o. "easure"ent is to "ani&ulate t)e e!tre"ities o. t)e .eature to *e "easured to a co""on central re.erence &oint ,it)in t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e !eld o. ie,A T)e di"ension "a' t)en *e read .ro" t)e "ani&u# lation s'ste" &osition dis&la'A A1A1A10A2 8eature Measure"ent *' Co"&ari# son M A second "et)od in ol es co"&arin( t)e test o*Sect
.eature ,it) a -no,n% o*ser a*le di"ension ,)ic) "ust *e ,)oll' ,it)in t)e radiosco&ic !eld o. ie,A Man' di(ital i"a(e &rocessors .acilitate t)is t'&e o. "easure"ent *' countin( &i!els o er t)e .eature len(t)A T)e &i!el nu"*er is o.ten con erted to en(ineerin( units *' co"&arison ,it) a -no,n len(t)A +o,e er% t)e orientation and &osition alon( t)e =#ra' *ea" ?"a(ni!cation@ o. *ot) t)e .eature and t)e cali*ratin( re.erence len(t) a..ect t)e accurac' o. suc) "easure"entsA A1A1A11 Ira' Scale Ran(e M T)e (ra' scale ran(e reJuired to "eet initial Juali!cation contrast sensiti it' reJuire"ents .or i"a(e Jualit' s)all *e recorded and "oni# toredA 8or s'ste"s usin( )u"an i"a(e assess"ent% it is &articularl' i"&ortant t)at t)e (ra' scale ran(e and t)e nu"*er o. (ra' scale ste&s *e closel' "atc)ed to t)e res&onse o. t)e )u"an e'eA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include a "eans .or "onitorin( t)e reJuired (ra' scale ran(e usin( a contrast sensiti it' (a(e% ste& ,ed(e% or si"ilar de ice "ade o. t)e test o*Sect or IKI "aterialA A1A1A12 Ti"in( o. Radiosco&ic E!a"ination M Radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed at t)e ti"e o. "anu.acturin(% asse"*l'% or re,or- as reJuired *' t)e contract docu"entsA A1A1A1F Identi!cation M A "eans s)all *e &ro ided .or t)e &ositi e identi!cation o. t)e test o*Sect to t)e arc)i# al radiosco&ic ins&ection recordA Arc)i ed radiosco&ic i"a(es s)all *e annotated to a(ree ,it) t)e test o*Sect identi!cationA A1A1A1G Locatin( t)e Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Areas M L)ene er "ore t)an one i"a(e is reJuired .or a ,eld"ent or ot)er test o*Sect% location "ar-ers s)all *e &laced on t)e test o*Sect in order t)at t)e orientation o. t)e test o*Sect and t)e location o. test o*Sect .eatures relati e to t)e radiosco&ic !eld o. ie, "a' *e esta*lis)edA T)is reJuire"ent s)all not a&&l' to auto"ated s'ste"s )a in( &ro(ra""ed radiosco&ic e!a"ination seJuences ,)ere co era(e )as *een &ro en durin( t)e de elo&"ent o. t)e scan &lanA Also% t)is reJuire"ent does not a&&l' to t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. si"&le or s"all s)a&es ,)ere t)e test &art orientation is o* ious and co era(e is not in JuestionA A1A1A11 Sur.ace Pre&aration M Test o*Sects "a' *e ins&ected ,it)out sur.ace &re&aration% e!ce&t ,)en reJuired to re"o e sur.ace conditions t)at "a' inter.ere ,it) &ro&er inter&retation o. t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e or t)at "a' create a' )aDardA A1A1A14 Detailed Data M T)e &ro ider o. radio# sco&ic e!a"ination ser ices s)all -ee& t)e ,ritten &roce# dure% Juali!cation docu"entation% and t)e si(ned ins&ection re&orts or ta*ulated results% or *ot)% .or ! e 'ears .ro" t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination date% unless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA 8or so.t,are# *ased auto"ated radiosco&ic s'ste"s usin( custo" so.t# ,are% a co&' o. t)e source code and t)e related ins&ection
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&ara"eters s)all also *e "aintained on !le .or a li-e &eriod o. ti"eA T)is reJuire"ent s)all not a&&l' to standard co"# "erciall' a aila*le so.t,are &ac-a(es or to tracea*le so.t# ,are docu"entation ,)ic) co"&lies ,it) DOD#STD#2145 ,)ere a se&arate co&' o. t)e so.t,are is "aintainedA A1A1A15 Radiosco&ic Ree!a"ination o. Re&airs M L)en re&air )as *een &er.or"ed as t)e result o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination% t)e re&aired areas s)all *e ree!a"ined usin( t)e sa"e radiosco&ic tec)niJue to e aluate t)e e..ecti e# ness o. t)e re&airA Eac) re&aired area s)all *e identi!ed ,it) R1% R2% RF% and so .ort)% to indicate t)e nu"*er o. ti"es re&air ,as &er.or"edA A1A1A13 Retention o. Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Rec# ords M Mandator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination records and associated radiosco&ic i"a(es s)all *e stored in a &ro&er re&ositor' at t)e contractorEs &lant .or ! e 'ears .ro" t)e date .ro" ,)ic) t)e' ,ere "adeA S&ecial instructions% suc) as stora(e .or ot)er &eriods o. ti"e% "a-in( *ac-u& co&ies% co&'in( t)e records to ot)er "edia% or )a in( t)e records destro'ed s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA A1A1A12 ReSection o. Test O*Sects M Test o*Sects containin( de.ects e!ceedin( t)e &er"issi*le li"its s&eci# !ed in t)e contract docu"ents s)all *e se&arated .ro" acce&ta*le "aterial% a&&ro&riatel' identi!ed as discre&ant% and su*"itted .or "aterial re ie, ,)en reJuired *' t)e contract docu"entsA A1A1A20 Ree!a"ination M L)en t)ere is a reasona*le dou*t as to t)e a*ilit' to inter&ret t)e radiosco&ic results *ecause o. i"&ro&er e!ecution or eJui&"ent "al.unction% t)e test o*Sect s)all *e ree!a"ined usin( t)e correct &roce# dureA I. t)e &ro*le" is not resol ed *' ree!a"ination% t)e &rocedure s)all *e re ie,ed *' t)e Le el III o. t)e NDE .acilit' and adSusted% i. necessar'A Re.erence e!&osures "a' *e "ade usin( radio(ra&)' i. necessar'A I. t)e ree!a"# ination ,as caused *' eJui&"ent "al.unction% t)e eJui&# "ent "a' not *e returned to ser ice until t)e "al.unction is re&aired and t)e eJui&"ent is reJuali!ed to t)e current Juali!cation reJuire"ents in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11A A1A1A21 Test O*Sect Mar-in( M T)e "ar-in( o. test o*Sects s)all *e as s&eci!ed in MIL#STD#G1FA
Care.ul attention s)ould *e (i en to t)e )u"an en iron# "ent ,)ere i"a(e inter&retation ta-es &lace% to "a-e it as conduci e to correct% consistent i"a(e inter&retation as &ossi*leA Measures s)ould also *e i"&le"ented to ensure t)at .ati(ue does not inter.ere ,it) correct and consistent radiosco&ic i"a(e inter&retationA A1A4A1AF <se o. IKI?s@ M As ,it) radio(ra&)'% t)e ac)ie e"ent o. t)e reJuired IKI sensiti it' does not (uarantee t)e a*ilit' to !nd all de.ects do,n to t)e "ini# "u" de.ect siDeA T)is is due to t)e .act t)at "an' de.ects% es&eciall' t)ose o. a &lanar nature% are er' orientation sensiti eA L)en usin( d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"s% care "ust *e ta-en to see t)at t)e scan &lan includes su.!cient "ani&ulations to "a!i"iDe t)e &ossi*ilit' t)at orientation# sensiti e de.ects ,ill *e .oundA It is .or t)is reason t)at t)e use o. cali*ration *loc-s ,it) real or si"ulated de.ects "a' "ore accuratel' c)aracteriDe t)e a*ilit' o. t)e radio# sco&ic s'ste" to !nd orientation#sensiti e de.ects ,)en usin( d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste"sA
A1A4A1AG <se o. I"a(e#Processin( Tec)niJues M Care s)ould *e e!ercised in a&&l'in( di(ital i"a(eU&ro# cessin( tec)niJues to e aluate t)e o erall e..ect u&on i"a(e Jualit'A 8or e!a"&le% contrast en)ance"ent tec)# niJues "a' e"&)asiDe contrast in one *ri()tness ran(e% ,)ile decreasin( contrast in ot)er *ri()tness ran(esA So"e s&atial !lters )a e directional as&ects% ,)ere*' .eatures in one direction are e"&)asiDed ,)ile t)ose in t)e ort)o(onal direction are dee"&)asiDedA Suc) cautions are intended to cause t)e care.ul e aluation o. di(ital i"a(eU&rocessin( tec)niJues and not to discoura(e t)eir useA
A1A4A1A1 8eature SiDe Deter"ination M As ,it) radio(ra&)'% (reat care "ust *e e!ercised in tr'in( to assess test &art .eature di"ensions .ro" a t,o#di"ensional &ro# Sected ie,A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A2A2 Ter"inolo(' A2A2A1 co"&onent M t)e test &art or &arts descri*ed% asse"*led% or &rocessed to t)e e!tent s&eci!ed *' t)e dra,in(A A2A2A2 contract docu"ents M t)e &rocurin( contract and all dra,in(s% s&eci!cations% standards% and ot)er in.or# "ation included ,it) or re.erred to *' t)e &rocurin( con# tractA A2A2AF contractor M a contractor )a in( !rst le el res&onsi*ilit' .or t)e desi(n% "anu.acture% and deli er' o. an end ite"A L)en radiosco&ic e!a"ination is reJuired% t)e contractor is t)e user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA A2A2AG "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination M t)ose radiosco&ic e!a"inations ,)ic) are a &art o. t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic e!a"inations s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu# "entsA A2A2A1 NDE .acilit' M t)e or(aniDation t)at is res&onsi*le .or &ro idin( nondestructi e e!a"ination ser# icesA
A2A2A4 o&tional radiosco&ic e!a"ination M t)ose radiosco&ic e!a"inations t)at are conducted .or &rocess eri!cation or in.or"ation onl' and are not a &art o. t)e reJuired radio(ra&)ic e!a"inations s&eci!ed in t)e con# tract docu"entsA A2A2A5 &ro ider o. radiosco&ic ser ices M a contrac# tor% su*contractor% or ot)er entit' t)at &ro ides radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA A2A2A3 test o*Sect M t)e "aterial% co"&onent% or asse"*l' t)at is t)e su*Sect o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA A2A2A2 user o. radiosco&ic ser ices M a contractor% su*contractor% or ot)er entit' t)at &rocures radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser icesA T)e &ro ider and user o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination ser ices "a' *e a &art o. t)e sa"e or(aniDa# tion or di..erent or(aniDationsA A2A2A10 ,ritten &rocedure M in radiosco&'% a series o. ste&s t)at are to *e .ollo,ed in a re(ular de!nite orderA T)e radiosco&ic s'ste" o&erator .ollo,s t)e ,ritten &roce# dure to consistentl' o*tain t)e desired results and i"a(e Jualit' le el ,)en &er.or"in( radiosco&ic e!a"inationA T)e de elo&"ent o. a radiosco&ic tec)niJue usuall' &re# cedes t)e &re&aration o. a ,ritten &rocedureA A2A2A11 Ot)er de!nitions not (i en )erein s)all *e as s&eci!ed in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A A2AF Ieneral ReJuire"ents A2AFA1 EJui&"ent Kuali!cation M Radiosco&ic s's# te" Juali!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11% usin( Practice E 5G5 and Practice E 1021 i"a(e Jualit' indicators or a cali*ration *loc- containin( actual or si"ulated de.ectsA A2AFA2 Personnel Kuali!cation M Radiosco&ic &er# sonnel s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it)
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
t)e reJuire"ents o. SNT#TC#1A or ANSI0ASNT CP#132A Radiosco&ic s'ste" Juali!cation% t)e de elo&"ent o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination test tec)niJues% scan &lans% and t)e o erall i"&le"entation o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination in accordance ,it) t)is anne! s)all *e under t)e control and su&er ision o. a Juali!ed Le el III ,it) additional radios# co&' trainin( and e!&erience% or in conSunction ,it) an indi idual )a in( t)e necessar' trainin( and e!&erience in radiosco&ic e!a"inationA O&eration o. t)e radiosco&ic s'ste"% includin( inter&retation o. t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e% s)all *e "ade *' Juali!ed Le el II &ersonnelA A2AFAF' M T)e &er.or"ance o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all &resent no )aDards to t)e' o. &er# sonnel or &ro&ert'A A&&lica*le 8ederal% state% and local radiation' codes s)all *e ad)ered toA All radiosco&ic &rocedures s)all *e &er.or"ed so t)at &ersonnel s)all recei e t)e "ini"u" dosa(e and in no case e!ceed 8ederal% state% and local li"itsA A2AFAG Arc)i al Recordin( o. Mandator' Radio# sco&ic E!a"inations M T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all contain t)e results .or "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"inationsA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all *e suita*l' arc)i ed .or a &eriod o. one 'ear a.ter t)e date o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination or .or a lon(er ti"e i. s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA E.!cient radiosco&ic e!a"ination record recall s)all *e a aila*le at an' ti"e o er t)e record retention &eriodA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record s)all *e tracea*le to t)e test o*Sect *' serial nu"*er or ot)er "eansA T)is reJuire"ent ,ill not a&&l' to o&tional radio# sco&ic e!a"inations t)at are not s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA A2AFAGA1 Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Record M T)e recorded radiosco&ic e!a"ination record .or "andator' e!a"inations s)all include t)e ,ritten results o. t)e radio# sco&ic e!a"ination and t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e% i. an i"a(e is utiliDed in t)e acce&t 0reSect decision#"a-in( &rocessA T)e recorded radiosco&ic i"a(e s)all *e &ro ided ,it) suc) additional in.or"ation as "a' *e reJuired to allo, t)e su*seJuent o..#line re ie, o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination results and% i. necessar'% t)e re&eatin( o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA A2AFAGA2 I"a(e Recordin( Media M T)e radio# sco&ic i"a(e s)all *e recorded on a "edia t)at is a&&ro# &riate to t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination reJuire"entA T)e recorded i"a(e s)all re.erence t)e e!a"ination Dones in suc) a ,a' t)at t)e re ie,er can con!r" t)at all Dones )a e *een co eredA T)e recorded radiosco&ic i"a(e s)all &ro ide an i"a(e Jualit' at least eJual to t)at .or ,)ic) t)e radiosco&ic s'ste" is Juali!edA T)e recordin( "edia s)all *e ca&a*le o. "aintainin( t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' .or t)e reJuired record stora(e &eriod or not less t)an ! e 'ears .ro" t)e recordin( dateA T)e recorded radiosco&ic i"a(e &la'*ac- s)all *e "aintained in an o&era*le condi# tion .or t)e duration o. t)e record stora(e &eriod "easured
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
.ro" t)e date ,)en t)e last radiosco&ic i"a(e ,as recordedA A2AFAGAF Recordin( Media Stora(e Conditions M Media stora(e and )andlin( s)all *e in accordance ,it) Iuide E 1G1FA A2AFAGAG Ot)er Recordin( M L)ere t)e recordin( o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination record is not in .ul!ll"ent o. "andator' arc)i al recordin( reJuire"ents% ot)er recordin( "et)ods and "edia "a' *e usedA A2AFA1 I"a(e Kualit' Indicators M An IKI "ust *e c)osen ,it) care to de"onstrate t)e radiosco&ic s'ste"Es a*ilit' to detect discontinuities% or ot)er .eatures o. interestA Practice E 1021 &laJue#t'&e and Practice E 5G5 ,ire#t'&e IKIs and cali*ration *loc-s ,it) real or si"ulated de.ects t)at "atc) t)e a&&lication are all acce&ta*le unless a s&e# ci!c IKI is s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA T)e selected IKI or cali*ration *loc- s)all *e detailed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA An IKI or cali*ration *loc- "a' not *e reJuired .or t)e .ollo,in( radiosco&ic e!a"inations6
L)ere radiosco&' is used to re&lace or au("ent e!istin( radio(ra&)ic a&&lications% t)e radiosco&ic results s)ould correlate .a ora*l' ,it) t)e results o*tained ,it) radio# (ra&)ic !l"#&roduced tec)niJuesA 8a ora*le correlation "eans t)at t)e radiosco&ic and !l" i"a(es s)o, si"ilar sensiti it' to test o*Sect .eatures ,)ic) are o. interestA A2AGA2 Lritten Procedure M It s)all *e t)e res&onsi# *ilit' o. t)e NDE .acilit' to de elo& a ,ritten radiosco&ic e!a"ination &rocedure to ensure t)e e..ecti e and re&eat# a*le radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. t)e test o*SectA L)en a d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste" is used% a test o*Sect scan &lan "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1211 ?see 1A2A1A2@ s)all *e included in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA T)ose &ortions o. t)e contract docu"ent t)at s&eci.' and detail radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *eco"e an a&&endi! to t)e ,ritten &roce# dureA T)e ,ritten &rocedure "ust *e ,ritten or a&&ro ed *' t)e Le el III o. t)e NDE .acilit'A L)ere reJuired% t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all *e a&&ro ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc' &rior to useA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6
A2AFA1A1 E!a"inin( asse"*lies .or de*ris or .or# ei(n o*SectsA A2AFA1A2 Conductin( radiosco&' .or adeJuate de.ect re"o al or (rind#outA +o,e er% t)e !nal acce&tance radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all include an IKIA A2AFA1AF E!a"inations to s)o, "aterial details or contrast *et,een t,o or "ore dissi"ilar "aterials in co"&onent &arts or asse"*lies includin( )one'co"* areas .or t)e detection o. .a*rication irre(ularities or t)e &resence or a*sence o. "aterialA A2AFA1AG E!a"inin( electronic co"&onents .or conta"ination% loose or "issin( ele"ents% solder *alls% *ro-en or "is&laced ,ires% or connectors and &otted asse"# *lies .or *ro-en internal co"&onents or "issin( &ottin( co"&oundA A2AFA1A1 O&tional radiosco&ic e!a"inationsA A2AFA1A4 L)ere t)e use o. an IKI is i"&ractical or ine..ecti e% an alternate "et)od "a' *e used% su*Sect to t)e a&&ro al o. t)e contractin( a(enc'A A2AFA4 Classi!cation o. Test O*Sect Nones .or Radi# osco&' M T)e classi!cation o. test o*Sects into Dones .or arious acce&t 0reSect criteria s)all *e deter"ined .ro" t)e contract docu"entsA In cases ,)ere no acce&t 0reSect crite# ria are s&eci!ed% t)e Le el III o. t)e NDE .acilit' s)all docu"ent t)ose ano"alies considered critical and indicate in ,ritin( t)at no .or"al acce&t 0reSect criteria ,ere &ro# idedA A2AG Detailed ReJuire"ents A2AGA1 A&&lication Kuali!cation M Radiosco&' "a' *e used ,)ere a&&ro&riate .or ne, as ,ell as e!istin( radio(ra&)ic e!a"ination reJuire"ents &ro ided t)at t)e reJuired &er.or"ance% includin( i"a(e Jualit'% can *e "etA
A2AGA2A1 A dra,in(% s-etc)% or &)oto(ra&) o. t)e co"&onent t)at s)o,s t)e radiation *ea" a!is% &osition?s@ o. t)e detector and a&&lica*le IKI .or eac) and all ariations o. t)e test o*Sect orientation% and *ea" ener('A T)is reJuire"ent "a' *e e!&ressed in coordinates .or auto"ated s'ste"s )a in( cali*rated "ani&ulation s'ste"sA A2AGA2A2 A &)'sical descri&tion o. t)e test o*Sect includin( siDe% ,ei()t% and co"&ositionA A2AGA2AF Classi!cation o. test o*Sect into Dones .or radiosco&'A A2AGA2AG Test &art "as-in(% i. used% .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A1 Added radiation source colli"ation% e!&ressed in ter"s o. t)e radiation !eld di"ensions at t)e test o*Sect source side .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A4 reJuired ie,A Detector !eld o. ie, .or eac)
A2AGA2A5 Detector dia&)ra(" settin(s% e!&ressed in ter"s o. !eld o. ie, at t)e detector .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A3 T)e allo,a*le ran(e o. radiation ener(' and *ea" current or source intensit' and t)e .ocal s&ot or source siDe .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A2 Added *ea" !ltration% i. used% .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A10 T)e ins&ection (eo"etr' and co era(e .or eac) reJuired ie,A A2AGA2A11 T'&e o. IKI or cali*ration *loc- used and t)e reJuired Jualit' le elA A2AGA2A12 All )ard,are and so.t,are settin(s ,)ic) can *e c)an(ed *' t)e o&erator to a..ect t)e outco"e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
o. t)e radiosco&ic e!a"inationA Suc) settin(s include% *ut are not li"ited to% ideo ca"era% dis&la' settin(s% and i"a(e &rocessor aria*lesA A2AGA2A1F T)e recordin( "edia and stored i"a(e .or"at .or "andator' radiosco&ic i"a(e stora(eA A2AGAF Test O*Sect E!a"ination M T)e nu"*er o. test o*Sects to *e e!a"ined and t)e co era(e reJuired .or eac) test o*Sect s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA I. not s&eci!ed% all test o*Sects s)all recei e 100O radio# sco&ic co era(e as detailed in t)e ,ritten &rocedureA A2AGAG I"a(e Kualit' M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"ents% t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' le el is 2#2TA I"a(e Jualit' assess"ent s)all *e "ade in t)e sa"e "ode as t)at used .or t)e ins&ectionA A2AGAGA1 T)e IKI "a' *e &laced on t)e test o*Sect or on a "ountin( *loc- at or near t)e test o*Sect locationA In t)e case o. s"all radiosco&ic !elds o. ie, or ot)er situations ,)ere it is not &ractical to &lace t)e IKI in t)e !eld o. ie, ,it) t)e test o*Sect and "aintain it nor"al to t)e =#ra' *ea"% t)e IKI "a' *e i"a(ed i""ediatel' *e.ore and a.ter t)e test o*Sect e!a"ination or *atc) o. test o*Sects i. t)e' are si"ilarA T)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination results s)all *e in alid i. t)e *e.ore and a.ter IKI i"a(es .ail to de"onstrate t)e reJuired sensiti it'A Be.ore and a.ter IKI i"a(es s)all *e considered a &art o. t)e test o*Sect i"a(e .or radiosco&ic i"a(e inter&retation and arc)i in( &ur&osesA
case s)all t)e inter al *et,een Juali!cation tests e!ceed one 'earA T)e Juali!cation state"ent s)all *e &osted on t)e radiosco&ic s'ste"A T)e results o. t)e Juali!cation tests s)all *e "aintained in t)e radiosco&ic s'ste" eJui&# "ent !le at least until co"&letion o. t)e ne!t Juali!cation &rocedure or t)e e!&iration o. t)e arc)i al i"a(e retention &eriod% ,)ic)e er is lon(erA A2AGA2 I"a(e Inter&retation6 A2AGA2A1 Static I"a(in( M Radiosco&ic s'ste" Juali!cation in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11 a&&lies to static i"a(in( conditions% onl' ,)ere t)e test &art is stationar' ,it) res&ect to t)e =#ra' *ea"A T)ere.ore% all &er.or"ance "easure"ents are *ased u&on static i"a(e Jualit'A All "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination acce&t 0reSect decisions s)all *e *ased u&on t)e assess"ent o. static i"a(esA
A2AGA2A2 D'na"ic I"a(in( M D'na"ic or in# "otion i"a(in( "a' *e used to (ain use.ul in.or"ation a*out t)e test o*SectA +o,e er% t)e !nal assess"ent o. i"a(e in.or"ation .or "andator' radiosco&ic e!a"inations s)all *e "ade in t)e static "odeA A2AGA10 8eature SiDe Deter"ination M L)ere .ea# ture "easure"ent .ro" t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e is reJuired% t)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include "et)odolo(' .or deter"inin( and "aintainin( t)e accurac' o. t)e selected "easure"ent "et)odA
A2AGA1 Radiosco&ic S'ste" Kuali!cation M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste" includin( "andator' radiosco&ic i"a(e arc)i in( de ices s)all *e Juali!ed to t)e i"a(e Jualit' le el reJuired .or test o*Sect e!a"inationA Radiosco&ic s'ste" initial Juali!cation and &eriodic reJuali!cation s)all *e in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11A
A2AGA4 Radiosco&ic S'ste" ReJuali!cation M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste"% includin( "andator' i"a(e arc)i in( de ices% s)all *e &eriodicall' reJuali!ed at inter als .re# Juent enou() to ensure t)e reJuired le el o. radiosco&ic s'ste" &er.or"anceA A2AGA5 Ins&ection I"a(e Control M T)e radiosco&ic s'ste" s)all *e c)ec-ed .or &er.or"ance *e.ore eac) da'Es &roduction usa(e usin( t)e "et)od and de ices t)at ,ere initiall' used to Juali.' t)e ,ritten &rocedureA A lo( s)all *e "aintained to docu"ent an' c)an(es in s'ste" &er.or"# ance reJuirin( c)an(es in o&eratin( &ara"eters and listin( all eJui&"ent "aintenanceA S'ste" reJuali!cation s)all *e reJuired ,)ene er i"a(e Jualit' reJuire"ents can no lon(er *e "etA A2AGA3 Re&air o. Radiosco&ic S'ste" M Re&air or re&lace"ent o. -e' radiosco&ic s'ste" co"&onents includ# in( *ut not li"ited to t)e radiation source% i"a(e .or"in(% i"a(e trans"ission% i"a(e &rocessin(% and i"a(e dis&la' su*s'ste"s s)all *e cause .or s'ste" reJuali!cationA In no
A2AGA10A1 8eature Measure"ent *' Test O*Sect Dis&lace"ent M 8or t)ose radiosco&ic s'ste"s ,it) cali# *rated "ani&ulation s'ste"s% t)e "ore accurate and t)ere# .ore &re.erred "et)od o. "easure"ent is to "ani&ulate t)e e!tre"ities o. t)e .eature to *e "easured to a co""on central re.erence &oint ,it)in t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e !eld o. ie,A T)e di"ension "a' t)en *e read .ro" t)e "ani&u# lation s'ste" &osition dis&la'A A2AGA10A2 8eature Measure"ent *' Co"&ari# son M A second "et)od in ol es co"&arin( t)e test o*Sect .eature ,it) a -no,n% o*ser a*le di"ension ,)ic) "ust *e ,)oll' ,it)in t)e radiosco&ic !eld o. ie,A Man' di(ital i"a(e &rocessors .acilitate t)is t'&e o. "easure"ent *' countin( &i!els o er t)e .eature len(t)A T)e &i!el nu"*er is o.ten con erted to en(ineerin( units *' co"&arison ,it) a -no,n len(t)A +o,e er% t)e orientation and &osition alon( t)e =#ra' *ea" ?"a(ni!cation@ o. *ot) t)e .eature and t)e cali*ratin( re.erence len(t) a..ect t)e accurac' o. suc) "easure"entsA A2AGA11 Ira' Scale Ran(e M T)e (ra' scale ran(e reJuired to "eet initial Juali!cation contrast sensiti it' reJuire"ents .or i"a(e Jualit' s)all *e recorded and "oni# toredA 8or s'ste"s usin( )u"an i"a(e assess"ent% it is &articularl' i"&ortant t)at t)e (ra' scale ran(e and t)e nu"*er o. (ra' scale ste&s *e closel' "atc)ed to t)e res&onse o. t)e )u"an e'eA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include a "eans .or "onitorin( t)e reJuired (ra' scale
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ran(e usin( a contrast sensiti it' (a(e% ste& ,ed(e% or si"ilar de ice "ade o. t)e test o*Sect or IKI "aterialA A2AGA12 Ti"in( o. Radiosco&ic E!a"ination M Radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed at t)e ti"e o. "anu.acturin(% asse"*l'% or re,or- as reJuired *' t)e contract docu"entsA A2AGA1F Identi!cation M A "eans s)all *e &ro ided .or t)e &ositi e identi!cation o. t)e test o*Sect to t)e arc)i# al radiosco&ic ins&ection recordA Arc)i ed radiosco&ic i"a(es s)all *e annotated to a(ree ,it) t)e test o*Sect identi!cationA A2AGA1G Locatin( t)e Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Areas M L)ene er "ore t)an one i"a(e is reJuired .or a ,eld"ent or ot)er test o*Sect% location "ar-ers s)all *e &laced on t)e test o*Sect in order t)at t)e orientation o. t)e test o*Sect and t)e location o. test o*Sect .eatures relati e to t)e radiosco&ic !eld o. ie, "a' *e esta*lis)edA T)is reJuire"ent s)all not a&&l' to auto"ated s'ste"s )a in( &ro(ra""ed radiosco&ic e!a"ination seJuences ,)ere co era(e )as *een &ro en durin( t)e de elo&"ent o. t)e scan &lanA Also% t)is reJuire"ent does not a&&l' to t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. si"&le or s"all s)a&es ,)ere t)e test &art orientation is o* ious and co era(e is not in JuestionA A2AGA11 Sur.ace Pre&aration M Test o*Sects "a' *e ins&ected ,it)out sur.ace &re&aration e!ce&t as "a' *e reJuired to re"o e sur.ace conditions ,)ic) "a' inter.ere ,it) &ro&er inter&retation o. t)e radiosco&ic i"a(e or cre# ate a' )aDardA A2AGA14 Detailed Data M T)e &ro ider o. radio# sco&ic e!a"ination ser ices s)all -ee& t)e ,ritten &roce# dure% Juali!cation docu"entation% and t)e si(ned ins&ection re&orts or ta*ulated results .or ! e 'ears .ro" t)e radiosco&ic e!a"ination date unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA 8or so.t,are#*ased auto"ated radiosco&ic s'ste"s usin( custo" so.t,are% a co&' o. t)e source code and t)e related ins&ection &ara"eters s)all also *e "aintained on !le .or a li-e &eriod o. ti"eA T)is reJuire"ent s)all not a&&l' to standard co""erciall' a ail# a*le so.t,are &ac-a(es ,)ere a se&arate co&' o. t)e so.t# ,are is "aintainedA A2AGA15 Radiosco&ic Ree!a"ination o. Re&airs M L)en re&air )as *een &er.or"ed as t)e result o. radiosco&ic e!a"ination% t)e re&aired areas s)all *e ree!a"ined usin( t)e sa"e radiosco&ic tec)niJue to e aluate t)e e..ecti e# ness o. t)e re&airA Eac) re&aired area s)all *e identi!ed ,it) R1% R2% RF% and so .ort)% to indicate t)e nu"*er o. ti"es re&air ,as &er.or"edA A2AGA13 Retention o. Radiosco&ic E!a"ination Record M Mandator' radiosco&ic e!a"ination records and associated radiosco&ic i"a(es s)all *e stored in a &ro&er re&ositor' at t)e contractorEs &lant .or one 'ear .ro" t)e date .ro" ,)ic) t)e' ,ere "adeA S&ecial instructions% suc)
as stora(e .or ot)er &eriods o. ti"e% "a-in( *ac-u& co&ies% co&'in( t)e records to ot)er "edia% or )a in( t)e records destro'ed s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract docu"entsA A2AGA12 ReSection o. Test O*Sects M Test o*Sects containin( de.ects e!ceedin( t)e &er"issi*le li"its s&eci# !ed in t)e contract docu"ents s)all *e se&arated .ro" acce&ta*le "aterial% a&&ro&riatel' identi!ed as discre&ant% and su*"itted .or "aterial re ie, ,)en reJuired *' t)e contract docu"entsA A2AGA20 Ree!a"ination M L)ere t)ere is an ina*ilit' to inter&ret t)e radiosco&ic results *ecause o. i"&ro&er e!ecution or eJui&"ent "al.unction% t)e test o*Sect s)all *e ree!a"ined usin( t)e correct &rocedureA I. t)e &ro*le" is not resol ed *' ree!a"ination% t)e &rocedure s)all *e re ie,ed *' t)e Le el III o. t)e NDE .acilit' and adSusted% i. necessar'A Re.erence e!&osures "a' *e "ade usin( radi# o(ra&)' i. necessar'A I. t)e ree!a"ination ,as caused *' eJui&"ent "al.unction% t)e eJui&"ent "a' not *e returned to ser ice until t)e "al.unction is re&aired and t)e eJui&# "ent is reJuali!ed to t)e current Juali!cation reJuire"ents in accordance ,it) Practice E 1G11A
A2AGA21 Test O*Sect Dis&osition M Test o*Sects t)at )a e under(one radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *e "ar-ed or &)'sicall' se&arated in suc) a "anner so as to "ini"iDe t)e &ossi*ilit' o. reSected or Juestiona*le test o*Sects *ein( con.used ,it) acce&ta*le onesA A2A1 Notes A2A1A1 T)is section contains in.or"ation o. a (eneral or e!&lanator' nature and is not "andator'A A2A1A1A1 Caution M Acti e electronic co"&o# nents and so"e "aterials% suc) as tetra!uoroet)'lene% are su*Sect to radiation da"a(e i. e!&osed to lar(e doses o. radiationA L)ile nor"al radiosco&ic e!a"inations s)ould cause no &ro*le"% e!tended &eriods o. radiation e!&osure s)ould *e a oidedA A2A1A1A2 +u"an 8actors M T)e success o. radio# sco&ic e!a"inations ,)ic) in ol e )u"an i"a(e inter&re# tation are% li-e radio(ra&)'% su*Sect to )u"an .actorsA Care.ul attention s)ould *e (i en to t)e )u"an en iron# "ent ,)ere i"a(e inter&retation ta-es &lace% to "a-e it as conduci e to correct% consistent i"a(e inter&retation as &ossi*leA Measures s)ould also *e i"&le"ented to ensure t)at .ati(ue does not inter.ere ,it) correct and consistent radiosco&ic i"a(e inter&retationA
A2A1A1AF <se o. IKI M As ,it) radio(ra&)'% t)e ac)ie e"ent o. t)e reJuired IKI sensiti it' does not (uar# antee t)e a*ilit' to !nd all de.ects do,n to t)e "ini"u" de.ect siDeA T)is is due to t)e .act t)at "an' de.ects% es&eciall' t)ose o. a &lanar nature% are er' orientation sensiti eA L)en a d'na"ic radiosco&ic s'ste" is used% care "ust *e ta-en to see t)at t)e scan &lan includes su.!cient
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ani&ulation to "a!i"iDe t)e &ossi*ilit' t)at orientation# sensiti e de.ects ,ill *e .oundA It is .or t)is reason t)at t)e use o. cali*ration *loc-s ,it) real or si"ulated de.ects "a' "ore accuratel' c)aracteriDe t)e a*ilit' o. t)e radio# sco&ic s'ste" to !nd orientation#sensiti e de.ectsA A2A1A1AG <se o. I"a(e#Processin( Tec)niJues M Care s)ould *e e!ercised in a&&l'in( di(ital i"a(eU&ro# cessin( tec)niJues to e aluate t)e o erall e..ect u&on i"a(e Jualit'A 8or e!a"&le% contrast en)ance"ent tec)# niJues "a' e"&)asiDe contrast in one *ri()tness ran(e
,)ile decreasin( contrast in ot)er *ri()tness ran(esA So"e s&atial !lters )a e directional as&ects ,)ere*' .eatures in one direction are e"&)asiDed ,)ile t)ose in t)e ort)o(onal direction are dee"&)asiDedA Suc) cautions are intended to cause t)e care.ul e aluation o. di(ital i"a(eU&rocessin( tec)niJues and not to discoura(e t)eir useA A2A1A1A1 8eature SiDe Deter"ination M As ,it) radio(ra&)'% (reat care "ust *e e!ercised in tr'in( to assess test &art .eature di"ensions .ro" a t,o#di"ensional &ro# Sected ie,A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers a uni.or" &rocedure .or radiosco&ic e!a"ination o. ,eld"entsA ReJuire"ents e!&ressed in t)is test "et)od are intended to control t)e Jualit' o. t)e radiosco&ic i"a(es and are not intended .or controllin( acce&ta*ilit' or Jualit' o. ,eldsA 1A2 T)is test "et)od a&&lies onl' to t)e use o. eJui&# "ent .or radiosco&ic e!a"ination in ,)ic) t)e i"a(e is !nall' &resented on a tele ision "onitor .or o&erator e alu# ationA T)e e!a"ination "a' *e recorded .or later re ie,A It does not a&&l' to .ull' auto"ated s'ste"s ,)ere e alua# tion is auto"aticall' &er.or"ed *' co"&uterA 1AF T)e radiosco&ic e!tent% t)e Jualit' le el% and t)e acce&tance criteria to *e a&&lied s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contract% &urc)ase order% &roduct s&eci!cation% or dra,in(sA 1AG T)is test "et)od can *e used .or t)e detection o. discontinuitiesA T)is test "et)od also .acilitates t)e e!a"i# nation o. a ,eld .ro" se eral directions% suc) as &er&endic# ular to t)e ,eld sur.ace and alon( *ot) ,eld *e el an(lesA T)e radiosco&ic tec)niJues descri*ed in t)is test "et)od &ro ide adeJuate assurance .or de.ect detecta*ilit'R )o,# e er% it is reco(niDed t)at% .or s&ecial a&&lications% s&eci!c tec)niJues usin( "ore strin(ent reJuire"ents "a' *e needed to &ro ide additional detection ca&a*ilit'A T)e use o. s&eci!c radiosco&ic tec)niJues s)all *e a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA
E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic Testin( E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 5G5 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indica# tors ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 1000 Iuide .or Radiosco&' E 1021 Practice .or Desi(n% Manu.acture% and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ <sed .or Radiolo(' E 1211 Practice .or Radiosco&' E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ASNT Standards6 ASNT Reco""ended Practice NoA SNT#TC#1A Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( ANSI0ASNT CP#132#ASNT Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF Militar' Standard6 NAS G10 Certi!cation and Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Personnel
1A1 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e SI units (i en in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1A4 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA S&eci!c &recautionar' state"ents are (i en in Section 5A
FA1A1 De!nitions o. ter"s a&&lica*le to t)is test "et)od "a' *e .ound in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
GA A&&aratus GA1 Radiation Source ?=#Ra' or Ia""a#Ra'@ M Selec# tion o. t)e a&&ro&riate source is de&endent u&on aria*les
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
re(ardin( t)e ,eld *ein( e!a"ined% suc) as "aterial co"# &osition and t)ic-nessA T)e suita*ilit' o. t)e source s)all *e de"onstrated *' attain"ent o. t)e reJuired i"a(e Jual# it' and co"&liance ,it) all ot)er reJuire"ents sti&ulated )ereinA Iuidance on t)e selection o. t)e radiation source "a' *e .ound in Iuide E 1000 and Practice E 1211A GA2 Mani&ulation S'ste" M Selection o. t)e a&&ro&riate "ani&ulation s'ste" ?,)ere a&&lica*le@ is de&endent u&on aria*les suc) as t)e siDe and orientation o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined and t)e ran(e o. "otions% s&eed o. "ani&u# lation% and s"oot)ness o. "otionA T)e suita*ilit' o. t)e "ani&ulation s'ste" s)all *e de"onstrated *' attain"ent o. t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' and co"&liance ,it) all ot)er reJuire"ents sti&ulated )ereinA Iuidance on t)e selection o. t)e "ani&ulation s'ste" "a' *e .ound in Practice E 1211A
GA2 Location and Identi!cation Mar-ers M Lead nu"# *ers and letters s)ould *e used to desi(nate t)e &art nu"*er and location nu"*erA T)e siDe and t)ic-ness o. t)e "ar-ers s)all de&end on t)e a*ilit' o. t)e radiosco&ic tec)niJue to discern t)e "ar-ers on t)e i"a(esA As a (eneral rule% "ar-ers .ro" 0A04 to 0A12 inA ?1A1 to F ""@ t)ic- ,ill su.!ce .or "ost lo, ener(' ?less t)an 1 MeV@ =#ra' and iridiu"122 radiosco&'A 8or )i()er ener(' ?(reater t)an 1 MeV and co*alt40@ radiosco&'% it "a' *e necessar' to use "ar-ers t)at are t)ic-er P0A12 inA ?F ""@ t)ic- or "oreQA In cases ,)ere t)e s'ste" *ein( used &ro ides a dis&la' o. o*Sect &osition ,it)in t)e i"a(e% t)is s)all *e acce&ta*le as identi!cation o. o*Sect locationA
GAF I"a(in( S'ste" M Selection o. t)e a&&ro&riate i"a(in( s'ste" is de&endent u&on aria*les suc) as t)e siDe o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined and t)e ener(' and intensit' o. t)e radiation used .or t)e e!a"inationA T)e suita*ilit' o. t)e i"a(in( s'ste" s)all *e de"onstrated *' attain"ent o. t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' and co"&liance ,it) all ot)er reJuire"ents sti&ulated )ereinA Iuidance on t)e selection o. an i"a(in( s'ste" "a' *e .ound in Iuide E 1000 and Practice E 1211A
1A Materials 1A1 Recordin( Media M Recordin( "edia .or stora(e o. i"a(es s)all *e in a .or"at a(reed *' t)e &urc)aser and su&&lierA T)is "a' include eit)er analo( or di(ital "ediaA
GAG I"a(e Processin( S'ste" M L)ere a(reed *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lier% i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste"s "a' *e used .or noise reduction t)rou() i"a(e inte(ration or a er# a(in(% contrast en)ance"ent and ot)er i"a(e &rocessin( o&erationsA GA1 Colli"ation M Selection o. a&&ro&riate colli"ation is de&endent u&on t)e (eo"etr' o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"# inedA It is (enerall' use.ul to select colli"ation to li"it t)e &ri"ar' radiation *ea" to t)e ,eld and t)e i""ediatel' adSacent *ase "aterial in order to i"&ro e radiosco&ic i"a(e Jualit'A GA4 8ilters and Mas-in( M 8ilters and "as-in( "a' *e used to i"&ro e i"a(e Jualit' .ro" contrast reductions caused *' lo,#ener(' scattered radiationA Iuidance on t)e use o. !lters and "as-in( can *e .ound in Iuide E 2GA GA5 I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?IKI@ M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% i"a(e Jualit' indicators s)all co"&l' ,it) t)e desi(n and identi# !cation reJuire"ents s&eci!ed in Practices E 5G5 or E 1021A GA3 S)i"s% Se&arate Bloc-s% or Li-e Sections M S)i"s% se&arate *loc-s% or li-e sections "ade o. t)e sa"e or radio# sco&icall' si"ilar "aterials ?as de!ned in Practice E 1021@ "a' *e used to .acilitate i"a(e Jualit' indicator &osition# in( as descri*ed in 2A10AFA T)e li-e section s)ould *e (eo"etricall' si"ilar to t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"inedA
4A Basis o. A&&lication 4A1 Personnel Kuali!cation M NDT &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0 ASNT#CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% NAS G10% or a si"ilar docu# "entA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
4A2 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( A(encies M I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4AF Ti"e o. E!a"ination M T)e ti"e o. e!a"ination s)all *e in accordance ,it) 2A1 unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA 4AG Procedures and Tec)niJues M T)e &rocedures and tec)niJues to *e utiliDed s)all *e as descri*ed in t)is test "et)od unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA S&eci!c tec)niJues "a' *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A1 E!tent o. E!a"ination M T)e e!tent o. e!a"ination s)all *e in accordance ,it) 3AF unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA 4A4 Re&ortin( Criteria0Acce&tance Criteria M Re&ortin( criteria .or t)e e!a"ination results s)all *e in accordance ,it) Section 10 unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA Acce&tance criteria s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A5 Ree!a"ination o. Re&aired0Re,or-ed Ite"s M Ree!a"ination o. re&aired0re,or-ed ite"s is not addressed in t)is test "et)od and i. reJuired s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A' 5A1 Radiosco&ic &rocedures s)all co"&l' ,it) a&&lica# *le cit'% state% and .ederal' re(ulationsA
&urc)aser and su&&lier and s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica# *le So* order or contractA Radiosco&ic Jualit' s)all *e s&eci!ed in ter"s o. eJui alent &enetra"eter ?IKI@ sensiti # it' and s)all *e "easured usin( i"a(e Jualit' indicators con.or"in( to Practices E 5G5 or E 1021A 3A4 Acce&tance Le el M Acce&t and reSect le els s)all *e sti&ulated *' t)e a&&lica*le contract% So* order% dra,in(% or ot)er &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"entA 3A5 I"a(e#Vie,in( 8acilities M Vie,in( .acilities s)all &ro ide su*dued *ac-(round li()tin( o. an intensit' t)at ,ill not cause trou*leso"e re!ection% s)ado,s% or (lare on t)e i"a(eA 3A3 Stora(e o. I"a(es M L)en stora(e is reJuired *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% t)e i"a(es s)ould *e stored in a .or"at sti&ulated *' t)e a&&lica*le contract% So* order% dra,in(% or ot)er &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"entA T)e i"a(e#stora(e duration and location s)all *e as a(reed *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA
3A ReJuire"ents 3A1 Procedure ReJuire"ent M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci# !ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% radiosco&ic e!a"ination s)all *e &er.or"ed in accordance ,it) a ,rit# ten &rocedureA S&eci!c reJuire"ents re(ardin( t)e &re&ara# tion and a&&ro al o. t)e ,ritten &rocedures s)all *e as a(reed *' &urc)aser and su&&lierA T)e &roduction &roce# dure s)all address all a&&lica*le &ortions o. t)is test "et)od and s)all *e a aila*le .or re ie, durin( inter&retation o. t)e i"a(esA T)e ,ritten &rocedure s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 3A1A1 Material and t)ic-ness ran(e to *e e!a"ined%
3A1A2 EJui&"ent to *e used% includin( s&eci!cations o. source &ara"eters ?suc) as tu*e olta(e% current% .ocal s&ot siDe@ and i"a(in( eJui&"ent &ara"eters ?suc) as detector siDe% !eld o. ie,% electronic "a(ni!cation% ca"# era *lac- le el% (ain@% 3A1AF E!a"ination (eo"etr'% includin( source#to# o*Sect distance% o*Sect#to#detector distance and orientation% 3A1AG I"a(e Jualit' indicator desi(nation and &lace"ent% 3A1A1 Test#o*Sect scan &lan% indicatin( t)e ran(e o. "otions and "ani&ulation s&eeds t)rou() ,)ic) t)e test o*Sect s)all *e "ani&ulated in order to ensure' results ?see descri&tion in 1A2A1A2 o. Practice E 1211@% 3A1A4 I"a(e#&rocessin( &ara"eters% 3A1A5 I"a(e#dis&la' &ara"eters% and 3A1A3 I"a(e stora(eA 3A2 Radiosco&ic Co era(e M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci# !ed *' &urc)aser and su&&lier a(ree"ent% t)e e!tent o. radiosco&ic co era(e s)all include 100O o. t)e olu"e o. t)e ,eld and t)e adSacent *ase "etalA 3AF E!a"ination S&eed M 8or d'na"ic e!a"ination% t)e s&eed o. o*Sect "otion relati e to t)e radiation source and detector s)all *e controlled to ensure t)at t)e reJuired radiosco&ic Jualit' le el is ac)ie edA 3AG Radiosco&ic I"a(e Kualit' M All i"a(es s)all *e .ree o. "ar-s or ot)er *le"is)es t)at could "as- or *e con.used ,it) t)e i"a(e o. an' discontinuit' in t)e area o. interestA It "a' *e &ossi*le to &re ent *le"is)es .ro" "as-in( discontinuities or *ein( con.used ,it) discontinu# ities *' "o in( t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined relati e to t)e i"a(in( de iceA I. an' dou*t e!ists as to t)e true nature o. an indication e!)i*ited in t)e i"a(e% t)e i"a(e s)all *e reSected and a ne, i"a(e o. t)e area s)all *e "adeA
2A Procedure 2A1 Ti"e o. E!a"ination M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% &er.or" radiosco&' &rior to )eat treat"entA 2A2 Sur.ace Pre&aration M <nless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on% re"o e t)e ,eld *ead ri&&le or ,eld#sur.ace irre(u# larities on *ot) t)e inside and outside ?,)ere accessi*le@ *' an' suita*le &rocess so t)at t)e i"a(e o. t)e irre(ularities cannot "as-% or *e con.used ,it)% t)e i"a(e o. an' discon# tinuit'A Inter&retation can *e o&ti"iDed i. sur.ace irre(ulari# ties are re"o ed suc) t)at t)e i"a(e o. t)e irre(ularities is not discerni*leA 2AF Source to Detector Distance M <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le So* order or contract% (eo"etric uns)ar&ness ?<(@ s)all not e!ceed t)e .ollo,in(6
Material T)ic-ness under 2 inA ?10 ""@ 2 t)rou() F inA ?10 t)rou() 51 ""@ o er F t)rou() G inA ?51 t)rou() 100 ""@ (reater t)an G inA ?100 ""@ <(% "a!% inA ?""@ 0A020 ?0A10@ 0A0F0 ?0A51@ 0A0G0 ?1A00@ 0A050 ?1A51@
Deter"ine (eo"etric uns)ar&ness alues as s&eci!ed in Iuide E 2GA 2AG E!a"ination S&eed M 8or d'na"ic e!a"ination% deter"ine t)e s&eed o. o*Sect "otion relati e to t)e radia# tion source and detector u&on a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &ur# c)aser and su&&lierA Base t)is deter"ination u&on t)e ac)ie e"ent o. t)e reJuired radiosco&ic Jualit' le el at t)at e!a"ination s&eedA 2A1 Direction o. t)e Radiation M Direct t)e central *ea" o. radiation &er&endicularl' to,ard t)e center o. t)e ti e area o. t)e detector or to a &lane tan(ent to t)e center
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A1 Radiosco&ic Kualit' Le el M Radiosco&ic Jualit' le el s)all *e deter"ined u&on a(ree"ent *et,een t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
o. t)e i"a(e% to t)e "a!i"u" e!tent &ossi*le% e!ce&t .or dou*le#,all e!&osure#dou*le#,all ie,in( elli&tical &ro# Section tec)niJues% as descri*ed in 2A1GA2A 2A4 Scattered Radiation M Scattered radiation ?radiation scattered .ro" t)e test o*Sect and .ro" surroundin( struc# tures@ reduces radiosco&ic contrast and "a' &roduce unde# sira*le e..ects on radiosco&ic Jualit'A <se &recautions suc) as colli"ation o. t)e source% colli"ation o. t)e detector% and additional s)ieldin( as a&&ro&riate to "ini"iDe t)e detri"ental e..ects o. t)is scattered radiationA 2A5 I"a(e Kualit' Indicator Selection M 8or selection o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator% t)e t)ic-ness on ,)ic) t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator is *ased is t)e sin(le#,all t)ic-ness &lus t)e lesser o. t)e actual or allo,a*le rein.orce"entA Bac-in( stri&s or rin(s are not considered as &art o. t)e ,eld or rein.orce"ent t)ic-ness .or i"a(e Jualit' indicator selectionA 8or an' t)ic-ness% an i"a(e Jualit' indicator acce&ta*le .or t)inner "aterials "a' *e used% &ro ided all ot)er reJuire"ents .or radiosco&' are "etA
t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators on t)e detector sideA T)e a&&li# ca*le So* order or contract s)all s&eci.' t)e a&&lica*le detector#side Jualit' le elA T)e acco"&an'in( docu"ents s)all clearl' indicate t)at t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators ,ere located on t)e detector sideA 2A10 Se&arate Bloc- M L)en con!(uration or siDe &re# ents &lacin( t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators on t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined% use a s)i"% se&arate *loc- or li-e section con.or"in( to t)e reJuire"ents o. GA3 &ro ided t)e .ollo,# in( conditions are "et6 2A10A1 T)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator is no closer to t)e detector t)an t)e source side o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined ?unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed@A 2A10A2 T)e radiosco&ic *ri()tness in t)e area o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator includin( t)e s)i"% se&arate *loc-% or li-e section and IKI ,)ere a&&lica*le are si"ilar to t)e *ri()tness in t)e area o. interestA 2A10AF T)e s)i"% se&arate *loc-% or li-e section is &laced as close as &ossi*le to t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"inedA 2A10AG L)en )ole#t'&e i"a(e Jualit' indicators are used% t)e s)i"% se&arate *loc-% or li-e section di"ensions s)all e!ceed t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator di"ensions suc) t)at t)e outline o. at least t)ree sides o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator i"a(e is isi*le on t)e i"a(eA 2A11 S)i" <tiliDation M L)en a ,eld rein.orce"ent or *ac-in( rin( and stri& is not re"o ed% &lace a s)i" o. "aterial t)at is radiosco&icall' si"ilar to t)e *ac-in( rin( and stri& under t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators to &ro ide a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"e t)ic-ness o. "aterial under t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator as t)e a era(e t)ic-ness o. t)e ,eld rein.orce"ent &lus t)e ,all t)ic-ness% *ac-in( rin( and stri&A 2A11A1 S)i" Di"ensions and Location M L)en )ole# t'&e i"a(e Jualit' indicators are used% t)e s)i" di"ensions and location s)all e!ceed t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator di"ensions *' at least 0A12 inA ?F ""@ on at least t)ree sidesA At least t)ree sides o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator s)all *e discerni*le in accordance ,it) 2A10AG e!ce&t t)at onl' t)e t,o ends o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator need to *e discerni*le ,)en located on &i&in( less t)an 1 inA ?21 ""@ no"inal &i&e siDeA Place t)e s)i" so as not to o erla& t)e ,eld i"a(e includin( t)e *ac-in( stri& or rin(A
2A3 Nu"*er o. I"a(e Kualit' Indicators6 2A3A1 Place at least one i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?Prac# tices E 5G5 or E 1021@ in t)e area o. interest re&resentin( an area in ,)ic) t)e *ri()tness is relati el' uni.or"A T)e de(ree o. *ri()tness uni.or"it' s)all *e a(reed u&on *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA I. t)e i"a(e *ri()tness in an area o. interest di..ers *' "ore t)an t)e a(reed a"ount% use t,o i"a(e Jualit' indicatorsA <se one i"a(e Jualit' indicator to de"onstrate acce&ta*le i"a(e Jualit' in t)e dar-est &ortion o. t)e i"a(e and use one i"a(e Jualit' indicator to de"onstrate acce&ta*le i"a(e Jualit' in t)e li()test &ortion o. t)e i"a(eA
2A3A2 L)en a series o. i"a(es are "ade under identi# cal conditions% it is &er"issi*le .or t)e i"a(e Jualit' indica# tors to *e used onl' on t)e !rst and last i"a(es in t)e series% &ro ided t)is is a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and su&&lierA In t)is case% it is not necessar' .or t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators to a&&ear in eac) i"a(eA 2A3AF Al,a's retain Juali.'in( i"a(es% on ,)ic) one or "ore i"a(e Jualit' indicators ,ere i"a(ed durin( e!&osure% as &art o. t)e record to alidate t)e reJuired i"a(e Jualit' indicator sensiti it' and &lace"entA 2A2 I"a(e Kualit' Indicator Place"ent6 2A2A1 Place t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator on t)e source side adSacent to t)e ,eld *ein( e!a"inedA L)ere t)e ,eld "etal is not radiosco&icall' si"ilar to t)e *ase "aterial or ,)ere (eo"etr' &recludes &lace"ent adSacent to t)e ,eld% &lace t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicator o er t)e ,eld or on a se&arate *loc-% as descri*ed in 2A10A 2A2A2 Detector#Side I"a(e Kualit' Indicators M In t)ose cases ,)ere t)e &)'sical &lace"ent o. t)e i"a(e Jualit' indicators on t)e source side is not &ossi*le% &lace
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
2A11A2 S)i" I"a(e Bri()tness M T)e i"a(e *ri()t# ness o. t)e s)i" i"a(e s)all *e si"ilar to t)e i"a(e *ri()t# ness o. t)e area o. interestA 2A12 Location Mar-ers M Place location "ar-ers out# side t)e ,eld areaA T)e radiosco&ic i"a(e o. t)e location "ar-ers .or t)e identi!cation o. t)e &art location ,it) t)e i"a(e s)all a&&ear on t)e i"a(e ,it)out inter.erin( ,it) t)e inter&retation and ,it) suc) an arran(e"ent t)at it is e ident t)at co"&lete co era(e ,as o*tainedA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A12A1 Dou*le#Lall Tec)niJue M L)en usin( a tec)# niJue in ,)ic) radiation &asses t)rou() t,o ,alls and t)e ,elds in *ot) ,alls are si"ultaneousl' ie,ed .or acce&tance% and t)e entire i"a(e o. t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"# ined is dis&la'ed% onl' one location "ar-er is reJuired in t)e i"a(eA 2A12A2 Series o. I"a(es M 8or ,elds t)at reJuire a series o. i"a(es to co er t)e .ull len(t) or circu".erence o. t)e ,eld% a&&l' t)e co"&lete set o. location "ar-ers at one ti"e% ,)ere er &ossi*leA A re.erence or Dero &osition .or eac) series "ust *e identi!ed on t)e co"&onentA A -no,n .eature on t)e o*Sect ?.or e!a"&le% -e',a'% noDDle% and a!is line@ "a' also *e used .or esta*lis)"ent o. a re.erence &ositionA Indicate t)is .eature on t)e radiosco&ic recordA 2A12AF Si"ilar Lelds M On si"ilar t'&e ,elds on a sin(le co"&onent% t)e seJuence and s&acin( o. t)e location "ar-ers "ust con.or" to a uni.or" s'ste" t)at s)all *e &ositi el' identi!ed in t)e radiosco&ic &rocedure or inter# &retation recordsA In addition% re.erence &oints on t)e co"# &onent ,ill *e s)o,n on t)e s-etc) to indicate t)e direction o. t)e nu"*erin( s'ste"A
2A1GAG 8or radiosco&ic tec)niJues t)at &re ent sin# (le#,all e!&osures due to restricted access% suc) as Sac-eted &i&e or s)i& )ull% t)e tec)niJue s)ould *e a(reed u&on in ad ance *et,een t)e &urc)aser and su&&lierA It s)ould *e reco(niDed t)at i"a(e Jualit' indicator sensiti ities *ased on sin(le#,all t)ic-ness "a' not *e o*taina*le under so"e conditionsA
10A Records 10A1 Maintain t)e .ollo,in( radiosco&ic records as a(reed *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lier6 10A1A1 Radiosco&ic standard s)ootin( s-etc)% includ# in( e!a"ination (eo"etr'% source#to#o*Sect distance% o*Sect#to#detector distance and orientation% 10A1A2 Material and t)ic-ness ran(e e!a"ined% 10A1AF EJui&"ent used% includin( s&eci!cation o. source &ara"eters ?suc) as tu*e olta(e% current% .ocal s&ot siDe@ and i"a(in( eJui&"ent &ara"eters ?suc) as detector siDe% !eld o. ie,% electronic "a(ni!cation% ca"era *lac-le el% (ain% etcA@ and dis&la' &ara"eters% 10A1AG I"a(e Jualit' indicator ?and s)i"% i. used@ &lace"ent% 10A1A1 Test#o*Sect scan &lan% includin( ran(es o. "otion and "ani&ulation s&eeds% 10A1A4 I"a(e &rocessin( &ara"eters% 10A1A5 I"a(e#stora(e data% 10A1A3 Leld re&air docu"entation% and 10A1A2 I"a(e M Inter&retation record s)all contain as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 10A1A2A1 Dis&osition o. eac) i"a(e ?acce&ta*le or reSecta*le@% 10A1A2A2 I. reSecta*le% cause .or reSection ?sla(% crac-% &orosit'% etcA@% 10A1A2AF Sur.ace indication eri!ed *' isual e!a"ination ?(rindin( "ar-s% ,eld ri&&le% s&atter% etcA@% and 10A1A2AG Si(nature o. t)e i"a(e inter&reter% includ# in( le elA
2A1F I"a(e Identi!cation M Pro ide a s'ste" o. &osi# ti e identi!cation o. t)e i"a(eA As a "ini"u"% t)e .ollo,# in( s)all a&&ear on t)e i"a(e6 t)e na"e or s'"*ol o. t)e co"&an' &er.or"in( radiosco&'% t)e date% and t)e ,eld identi!cation nu"*er tracea*le to &art and contractA Iden# ti.' su*seJuent i"a(es "ade o. a re&aired area ,it) t)e letter BRAC 2A1G Radiosco&ic Tec)niJues6 2A1GA1 Sin(le#Lall Tec)niJue M E!ce&t as &ro ided in 2A1GA2% 2A1GAF% and 2A1GAG% &er.or" radiosco&' usin( a tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() onl' one ,allA 2A1GA2 Dou*le#Lall Tec)niJue .or Circu".erential Lelds M 8or circu".erential ,elds G inA ?100 ""@ outside dia"eter ?FA1 inA no"inal &i&e siDe@ or less% use a tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e radiation &asses t)rou() *ot) ,alls and *ot) ,alls are ie,ed .or acce&tance on t)e sa"e i"a(eA <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% eit)er elli&tical or su&eri"&osed &ro# Sections "a' *e usedA A su.!cient nu"*er o. ie,s s)ould *e ta-en to e!a"ine t)e entire ,eldA L)ere desi(n or access restricts a &ractical tec)niJue .ro" e!a"inin( t)e entire ,eld% a(ree"ent *et,een contractin( &arties "ust s&eci.' necessar' ,eld co era(eA 2A1GAF 8or circu".erential ,elds (reater t)an G inA ?100 ""@ outside dia"eter ?FA1 inA no"inal &i&e siDe@% use a tec)niJue in ,)ic) onl' sin(le#,all ie,in( is &er# .or"edA A su.!cient nu"*er o. ie,s s)ould *e ta-en to e!a"ine t)e entire ,eldA L)ere desi(n or access restricts a &ractical tec)niJue .ro" e!a"inin( t)e entire ,eld% a(ree"ent *et,een contractin( &arties "ust s&eci.' neces# sar' ,eld co era(eA
11A Precision and Bias 11A1 No state"ent is "ade a*out eit)er &recision or *ias o. t)is test "et)od since t)e result "erel' states ,)et)er t)ere is con.or"ance to t)e criteria o. success s&eci!ed in t)e &rocedureA
12A 9e',ords 12A1 (a""a ra'R nondestructi e testin(R radiosco&ic e!a"inationR radiosco&'R ,eld"entsR =#ra'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e desi(n and "aterial selec# tion o. a contrast sensiti it' "easurin( (a(e used to deter# "ine t)e "ini"u" c)an(e in "aterial t)ic-ness or densit' t)at "a' *e i"a(ed ,it)out re(ard to s&atial resolution li"itationsA 1A2 T)is &ractice is a&&lica*le to trans"itted#*ea" radio(ra&)ic and radiosco&ic i"a(in( s'ste"s utiliDin( =# ra' and (a""a ra' radiation sourcesA 1AF T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as standardA 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA 8or s&eci!c' state"ents% see NIST0 ANSI +and*oo- 11G Section 3% Code o. 8ederal Re(ulations 21 C8R 1020AG0 and 22 C8R 1210A24A
E 5G5 Practice .or t)e Desi(n Manu.acture and Material Irou&in( Classi!cation o. Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indica# tors ?IKI@ <sed 8or Radiolo(' E 1021 Practice .or +ole#T'&e I"a(e Kualit' Indicators <sed .or Radio(ra&)' E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"ination E 1G11 Practice .or Kuali!cation o. Radiosco&ic S'ste"s E 2002 Practice .or Deter"inin( Total I"a(e <ns)ar&ness in Radiolo(' 21 C8R 1020AG0' ReJuire"ents .or Ca*inet =#ra' S'ste"s 22 C8R 1210A24 IoniDin( Radiation 2AF NIST0ANSI Standard6 NIST0ANSI +and*oo- 11G Ieneral' Standard .or Installations <sin( Non#Medical =#ra' and Sealed Ia""a Ra' Sources% Ener(ies to 10 MeV 2AG Ot)er Standards6 EN G42#1 Du&le! Lire I"a(e Kualit' Indicator
B 1F2 S&eci!cation .or P)os&)or BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es B 110 S&eci!cation .or Alu"inu" BronDe Rod% Bar% and S)a&es B 141 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el Sea"less Pi&e and Tu*e B 14G S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#Co&&er Allo' Rod% Bar% and Lire B 144 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el#C)ro"iu"#Iron Allo's ?<NS N04400% N04401% and N04420@ and Nic-el#C)ro# "iu"#Co*alt#Mol'*denu" Allo' ?<NS N04415@ Rod% Bar% and Lire
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M De!nitions o. ter"s a&&lica*le to t)is test "et)od "a' *e .ound in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
GA Su""ar' o. Practice GA1 It is o.ten use.ul to e aluate t)e contrast sensiti it' o. a &enetratin( radiation i"a(in( s'ste" se&arate and a&art .ro" s&atial resolution "easure"entsA Con entional i"a(e Jualit' indicators ?IKIs@% suc) as Test Met)od E 5G5 ,ire and Practice E 1021 &laJue IKIs% co"*ine t)e contrast sensiti it' and resolution "easure"ents into an
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o erall &er.or"ance !(ure o. "erit% ot)er "et)ods suc) as included in Practice E 2002 do not address contrast s&eci!call'A Suc) !(ures o. "erit are o.ten not adeJuate to detect su*tle c)an(es in i"a(in( s'ste" &er.or"anceA 8or e!a"&le% in a )i() contrast i"a(e% s&atial resolution can de(rade ,it) al"ost no noticea*le e..ect u&on o erall i"a(e Jualit'A Si"ilarl'% in an a&&lication in ,)ic) t)e i"a(in( s'ste" &ro ides a er' s)ar& i"a(e% contrast can .ade ,it) little noticea*le e..ect u&on t)e o erall i"a(e Jualit'A T)ese situations o.ten de elo& and "a' (o unno# ticed until t)e s'ste" &er.or"ance deteriorates *elo, acce&ta*le i"a(e Jualit' li"itsA
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e "easures contrast sen# siti it' inde&endent o. t)e i"a(in( s'ste" s&atial resolu# tion li"itationsA T)e t)ic-ness recess di"ensions o. t)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e are lar(e ,it) res&ect to t)e s&atial resolution li"itations o. "ost i"a(in( s'ste"sA 8our le els o. contrast sensiti it' are "easured6 GO% FO% 2O% and 1OA 1A2 T)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e is intended .or use in conSunction ,it) a )i()#contrast resolution "easurin( (a(e% suc) as t)e EN G42#1 Du&le! Lire I"a(e Kualit' IndicatorA Suc) (a(es "easure s&atial resolution essentiall' inde&endent o. t)e i"a(in( s'ste"Es contrast sensiti it'A Suc) "easure"ents are a&&ro&riate .or t)e Juali!cation and &er.or"ance "onitorin( o. radio(ra&)ic and radio# sco&ic i"a(in( s'ste"sA 1AF Radiosco&ic0radio(ra&)ic s'ste" &er.or"ance "a' *e s&eci!ed *' co"*inin( t)e "easured contrast sensiti it' e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e ,it) t)e s&atial resolution e!&ressed in "illi"eters o. uns)ar&nessA 8or t)e EN G42# 1 s&atial resolution (a(e% t)e uns)ar&ness is eJual to t,ice t)e ,ire dia"eterA 8or t)e line &air (a(e% t)e uns)ar&ness is eJual to t)e reci&rocal o. t)e line#&air0"" alueA As an e!a"&le% an i"a(in( s'ste" t)at e!)i*its 2O contrast sensiti it' and i"a(es t)e 0A1 "" EN G42#1 &aired ,ires
2 F G
?eJui alent to i"a(in( 1 line#&airs0"illi"eter resolution on a line#&air (a(e@ &er.or"s at a 2OU0A2 "" sensiti it' le elA A standard "et)od o. e aluatin( o erall radiosco&ic s'ste" &er.or"ance is (i en in Practice E 1G11 and in EN 1F043#1A
4A Contrast Sensiti it' Ia(e Construction and Material Selection 4A1 Contrast sensiti it' (a(es s)all *e .a*ricated in accordance ,it) 8i(A 1% usin( t)e di"ensions (i en in Ta*les 1% 2% and FA 4A2 T)e (a(e s)all &re.era*l' *e .a*ricated .ro" t)e test o*Sect "aterialA Ot)er,ise% t)e .ollo,in( "aterial selection (uidelines are to *e used6 4A2A1 Materials are desi(nated in ei()t (rou&in(s% in accordance ,it) t)eir &enetratin( radiation a*sor&tion
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
4AFAGA2 <se .or all car*on steel% lo,#allo' steels% stainless steels% and "a(nesiu"#nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Su&erston@A 4AFA1 Materials Irou& 26 4AFA1A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo' NoA 42F o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alent or nic-el#alu"inu" *ronDe ?Allo' NoA 4F0 o. S&eci!cation B 110@ or eJui alentA 4AFA1A2 <se .or all alu"inu" *ronDes and all nic-el alu"inu" *ronDesA 4AFA4 Materials Irou& F6 4AFA4A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. nic-el#c)ro# "iu"#iron allo' ?<NS NoA N04400@ ?Inconel@A See S&eci# !cation B 144A 4AFA4A2 <se .or nic-el#c)ro"iu"#iron allo' and 13O nic-el#"ara(in( steelA 4AFA5 Materials Irou& G6 4AFA5A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. 50 to F0 nic-el# co&&er allo' ?Monel@ ?Class A or B o. S&eci!cation B 14G@ or eJui alent% or 50 to F0 co&&er#nic-el allo' ?Allo' I o. S&eci!cation B 141@ or eJui alentA 4AFA5A2 <se .or nic-el% co&&er% all nic-el#co&&er series or co&&er#nic-el series o. allo's and all *rasses ?co&&er#Dinc allo's@ and all leaded *rassesA 4AFA3 Materials Irou& 16 4AFA3A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. tin#*ronDe ?Allo' D o. S&eci!cation B 1F2@A 4AFA3A2 <se .or tin *ronDes includin( (un#"etal and al e *ronDe and leaded#tin *ronDesA 4AG L)ere t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined is a co"&osite% cera"ic% or ot)er non"etallic "aterial% or .or so"e reason cannot *e o*tained to .a*ricate a (a(e% an eJui alent "ate# rial "a' *e utiliDed% &ro ided it is no "ore radio#o&aJue t)an t)e e!a"ination o*Sect under co"&ara*le &enetratin( radiation ener(' conditionsA To deter"ine t)e suita*ilit' o. a su*stitute "aterial% radio(ra&) identical t)ic-nesses o. *ot) "aterials on one !l" usin( t)e lo,est &enetratin( radiation ener(' to *e used in t)e actual e!a"inationA Trans"ission densito"eter readin(s .or *ot) "aterials s)all *e in t)e ran(e .ro" 2A0 to GA0A I. t)e radio(ra&)ic densit' o. t)e su*stitute "aterial is ,it)in X11O to \0O o. t)e e!a"ination "aterial% t)e su*stitute "aterial is acce&ta*leA
c)aracteristics6 (rou&s 0F% 02% and 01 .or li()t "etals and (rou&s 1 t)rou() 1 .or )ea ' "etalsA 4A2A2 T)e li()t "etal (rou&s% "a(nesiu" ?M(@% alu# "inu" ?Al@% and titaniu" ?Ti@% are identi!ed 0F% 02% and 01% res&ecti el'% .or t)eir &redo"inant constituentA T)e "aterials are listed in order o. increasin( radiation a*sor&tionA 4A2AF T)e )ea ' "etals (rou&% steel% co&&er *ase% nic-el *ase% and ot)er allo's% are identi!ed 1 t)rou() 1A T)e "aterials increase in radiation a*sor&tion ,it) increasin( nu"erical desi(nationA 4A2AG Co""on trade na"es or allo' desi(nations )a e *een used .or clari!cation o. &ertinent "aterialsA 4AF T)e "aterials .ro" ,)ic) t)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e is to *e "ade is desi(nated *' (rou& nu"*erA T)e (a(e is a&&lica*le to all "aterials in t)at (rou&A Material (rou&in(s are as .ollo,s6 4AFA1 Material Irou& 0F6 4AFA1A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. "a(nesiu" or a "a(nesiu" allo'% &ro ided it is no "ore radio#o&aJue t)an unallo'ed "a(nesiu"% as deter"ined *' t)e "et)od outlined in 4AGA 4AFA1A2 <se .or all allo's ,)ere "a(nesiu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 4AFA2 Materials Irou& 026 4AFA2A1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. alu"inu" or an alu"inu" allo'% &ro ided it is no "ore radio#o&aJue t)an unallo'ed alu"inu"% as deter"ined *' t)e "et)od outlined in 4AGA 4AFA2A2 <se .or all allo's ,)ere alu"inu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 4AFAF Materials Irou& 016 4AFAFA1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. titaniu" or a titaniu" allo'% &ro ided it is no "ore radio#o&aJue t)an unallo'ed titaniu"% as deter"ined *' t)e "et)od outlined in 4AGA 4AFAFA2 <se .or all allo's ,)ere titaniu" is t)e &redo"inant allo'in( constituentA 4AFAG Materials Irou& 16 4AFAGA1 T)e (a(e s)all *e "ade o. car*on steel or T'&e F00 series stainless steelA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
4AGA1 All contrast sensiti it' (a(es s)all *e suita*l' "ar-ed *' i*ro#en(ra in( or etc)in(A T)e (a(e t)ic-ness and "aterial t'&e s)all *e clearl' "ar-edA
5A I"a(in( S'ste" Per.or"ance Le els 5A1 I"a(in( s'ste" &er.or"ance le els are desi(nated *' a t,o#&art "easure"ent e!&ressed as C?O@ M <?""@A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e !rst &art o. t)e e!&ression C?O@ re.ers to t)e de&t) o. t)e s)allo,est !at#*otto" )ole t)at can *e relia*l' and re&eata*l' i"a(edA T)e second &art o. t)e e!&ression re.ers to t)e co"&anion s&atial resolution "easure"ent "ade ,it) a resolution (a(e e!&ressed in ter"s o. "illi"eters uns)ar&nessA L)ere contrast sensiti it' is "easured .or *ot) t)in and t)ic- section &er.or"ance% t)e &er.or"ance le el is e!&ressed as C"in ?O@UC"a!?O@U<?""@A
2A Acce&ta*le Per.or"ance Le els 2A1 Not)in( in t)is &ractice i"&lies a "andator' or an acce&ta*le contrast sensiti it' &er.or"ance le elA T)at deter"ination is to *e a(reed u&on *et,een t)e su&&lier and user o. &enetratin( radiation e!a"ination ser icesA 2A2 T)e recess de&t)s s&eci!ed in Ta*le 1 &ro ide "easure"ent &oints at 1O% 2O% FO% and GO t)at ,ill acco""odate "an' i"a(in( s'ste" con!(urationsA Ot)er contrast sensiti it' "easure"ent &oints "a' *e o*tained *' &lacin( t)e (a(e on a s)i" "ade o. t)e (a(e "aterialA T)e resultin( contrast sensiti it' "easure"ent e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e is (i en *' t)e .ollo,in( .or"ula6
5A2 Eac) contrast sensiti it' (a(e )as .our !at#*otto" recesses t)at re&resent 1O% 2O% FO% and GO o. t)e (a(e total t)ic-nessA T)e s)allo,est recess t)at can *e re&eata*l' and relia*l' i"a(ed s)all deter"ine t)e li"itin( contrast sensiti it'A 5AF Contrast sensiti it' "easure"ents s)all *e "ade under conditions as nearl' identical to t)e actual e!a"ina# tion as &ossi*leA Penetratin( radiation ener('% i"a(e .or"a# tion% &rocessin(% anal'sis% dis&la'% and ie,in( aria*les s)all accuratel' si"ulate t)e actual e!a"ination en i# ron"entA
O Contrast &
,)ere6 R & recess de&t)% S & s)i" t)ic-ness% and T & (a(e t)ic-nessA I. ot)er recess de&t)s are reJuired to docu"ent radiosco&ic or radio(ra&)ic s'ste" &er.or"ance% s&ecial contrast sensi# ti it' (a(es "a' *e .a*ricated *' c)an(in( t)e recess de&t)s s&eci!ed in Ta*le 1 to suit t)e needA
3A Contrast Sensiti it' Ia(e Measure"ent Ste&s ?see Ta*le 1@ 3A1 T)e (a(e t)ic-ness T s)all *e ,it)in W1O o. t)e e!a"ination o*Sect t)ic-ness alue at ,)ic) contrast sensi# ti it' is *ein( deter"inedA 3A2 T)e (a(e t)ic-ness tolerance s)all *e ,it)in W1O o. t)e (a(e desi(n t)ic-ness T or 0A001 inA ?0A02 ""@% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA 3AF T)e (a(e recess de&t) tolerance s)all *e ,it)in W10O o. t)e desi(n alue .or t)e s)allo,est recess or 0A001 inA ?0A02 ""@% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA 3AG T)e (a(e recess inside and outside corner radius s)all not e!ceed 0A042 inA ?1A30 ""@A To .acilitate .a*rica# tion% t)e (a(e "a' *e asse"*led .ro" t)ree indi iduall' "ac)ined co"&onents6 ?1@ t)e "ac)ined center section containin( t)e 1O T% 2O T% FO T% and GO T "illed slotsR ?2@ t)e .ront rail% and ?F@ t)e rear railA T)e asse"*la(e o. t)e t)ree co"&onents .or"s t)e co"&lete (a(e si"ilar to t)at s)o,n in A&&endi! =1A
10A Per.or"ance Measure"ent Records 10A1 T)e results o. t)e contrast sensiti it' "easure"ent s)ould *e recorded and "aintained as a &art o. t)e initial Juali!cation and &er.or"ance "onitorin( records .or t)e i"a(in( s'ste"A C)an(es in contrast sensiti it' can *e an earl' indicator o. deterioratin( i"a(in( s'ste" &er# .or"anceA
11A Precision and Bias 11A1 No state"ent is "ade a*out t)e &recision or *ias .or indicatin( t)e contrast sensiti it' o. a radiolo(ic ?radio# (ra&)ic or radiosco&ic@ s'ste" usin( t)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e descri*ed *' t)is &racticeA
3A1 T)e (a(e di"ensional tolerances s)all *e )eld to ,it)in W0A010 inA ?0A21 ""@ o. t)e di"ensions s&eci!ed in Ta*le 2A
12A 9e',ords 12A1 contrast sensiti it' (a(eR (a""a ra'R i"a(e .or# "ationR i"a(e &rocessin(R i"a(e Jualit' indicatorR line# &airs &er "illi"eterR &enetratin( radiationR s&atial resolu# tionR =#ra'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A ASSEMBLINI T+E CONTRAST SENSITIVIT7 IAIE =1A1 Su((ested "et)od o. asse"*lin( t)e contrast sensiti it' (a(e .ro" a "illed center section ,it) .ront and rear rails attac)ed to .or" t)e co"&lete contrast sensiti it' (a(eA T)e e!a"&le s)o,n ?see 8i(A =1A1@ is .or use ,it) a 0A100 inA t)ic- e!a"ination o*SectA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e e!a"ination &rocedures .or t)e contact% &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic e!a"ination o. )ea ' steel .or(in(s *' t)e strai()t# and an(le#*ea" tec)niJuesA T)e strai()t#*ea" tec)niJues include utiliDation o. t)e DIS ?Distance Iain SiDe@ "et)odA See A&&endi! =FA 1A2 T)is &ractice is to *e used ,)ene er t)e inJuir'% contract% order% or s&eci!cation states t)at .or(in(s are to *e su*Sect to ultrasonic e!a"ination in accordance ,it) Practice A F330A F33MA 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound or SI units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alentsR t)ere.ore% eac) s's# te" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e s&eci!cationA 1AG T)is s&eci!cation and t)e a&&lica*le "aterial s&eci# !cations are e!&ressed in *ot) inc)#&ound units and SI unitsA +o,e er% unless t)e order s&eci!es t)e a&&lica*le BMC s&eci!cation desi(nation ?SI units@% t)e "aterial s)all *e .urnis)ed to inc)#&ound unitsA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
A G420A G42M S&eci!cation .or Vacuu"#Treated Steel 8or(in(s .or Ienerator Rotors A 5G10A 5G1M Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Austenitic Steel 8or(in(s E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Testin( Instru"ents and S's# te"s Lit)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru# "ents E G23 Practice .or 8a*rication and Control o. Metal% Ot)er T)an Alu"inu" Re.erence% Bloc-s <sed in <ltrasonic Ins&ection E 1041 Iuide .or E aluatin( C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Searc) <nits 2A2 ANSI Standard6 BG4A1 Sur.ace Te!ture 2AF Ot)er Docu"ent6 Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation SNT#TC#1A ?1233 or later@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*e used to esta*lis) t)e s&eci!ed W 1O instru"ent linearit'A 1A1A2 T)e electronic a&&aratus s)all contain an atten# uator Paccurate o er its use.ul ran(e to W 10O ?W 1 dB@ o. t)e a"&litude ratioQ ,)ic) ,ill allo, "easure"ent o. indications *e'ond t)e linear ran(e o. t)e instru"entA 1A2 Searc) <nits )a in( a transducer ,it) a "a!i"u" acti e area o. 1 inA2 P410 ""2Q ,it) F 0 G inA P20 ""Q "ini"u" to 11 0 3 inA PF0 ""Q "a!i"u" di"ensions s)all *e used .or strai()t#*ea" scannin( ?see 3A2@R and searc) units ,it) 1 0 2 inA P1F ""Q "ini"u" to 1 inA P21 ""Q "a!i"u" di"ensions s)all *e used .or an(le#*ea" scan# nin( ?see 3AF@A 1A2A1 Transducers s)all *e utiliDed at t)eir rated .re# JuenciesA 1A2A2 Ot)er searc) units "a' *e used .or e aluatin( and &in&ointin( indicationsA 1AF Cou&lants )a in( (ood ,ettin( c)aracteristics suc) as SAE NoA 20 or NoA F0 "otor oil% (l'cerin% &ine oil% or ,ater s)all *e usedA Cou&lants "a' not *e co"&ara*le to one anot)er and t)e sa"e cou&lant s)all *e used .or cali*ration and e!a"inationA 1AG Re.erence Bloc-s containin( !at#*otto" )oles "a' *e used .or cali*ration o. eJui&"ent in accordance ,it) 1A1A1 and "a' *e used to esta*lis) recordin( le els .or strai()t#*ea" e!a"ination ,)en so s&eci!ed *' t)e order or contractA 1A1 DIS scales% "atc)ed to t)e ultrasonic test unit and transducer to *e utiliDed% "a' *e used to esta*lis) recordin( le els .or strai()t#*ea" e!a"ination% ,)en so s&eci!ed *' t)e order or contractA T)e DIS scale ran(e "ust *e selected to include t)e .ull t)ic-ness cross#section o. t)e .or(in( to *e e!a"inedA An e!a"&le o. a DIS o erla' is .ound in A&&endi! =FA
FA1A1 indication le el ?clusters@% n M ! e or "ore indications in a olu"e re&resentin( a 2#inA P10#""Q or s"aller cu*e in t)e .or(in(A FA1A2 indi idual indications% n M sin(le indications s)o,in( a decrease in a"&litude as t)e searc) unit is "o ed in an' direction .ro" t)e &osition o. "a!i"u" a"&litude and ,)ic) are too s"all to *e considered tra elin( or &lanarA FA1AF &lanar indications% n M indications s)all *e considered continuous o er a &lane i. t)e' )a e a "aSor a!is (reater t)an 1 inA P21 ""Q or t,ice t)e "aSor di"en# sion o. t)e transducer% ,)ic)e er is (reater% and do not tra elA FA1AG tra elin( indications% n M indications ,)ose leadin( ed(e "o es a distance eJui alent to 1 inA P21 ""Q or "ore o. "etal de&t) ,it) "o e"ent o. t)e transducer o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e .or(in(A
GA Orderin( In.or"ation GA1 L)en t)is &ractice is to *e a&&lied to an inJuir'% contract% or order% t)e &urc)aser s)all so state and s)all also .urnis) t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 GA1A1 Desi(nation nu"*er ?includin( 'ear date@% GA1A2 Met)od o. esta*lis)in( t)e sensiti it' in accor# dance ,it) 3A2A2 and 3AFAF ?Vee# or rectan(ular#notc)@% GA1A2A1 T)e dia"eter and test "etal distance o. t)e !at#*otto" )ole and t)e "aterial o. t)e re.erence *locin accordance ,it) 3A2A2A2% GA1AF Kualit' le el .or t)e entire .or(in( or &ortions t)ereo. in accordance ,it) 11AF% and GA1AG An' o&tions in accordance ,it) 1AG% 1AG% 1A1% 4A1% 5A1% 5A2% 3A1A11% 2A1% and 2A2A
1A A&&aratus 1A1 An ultrasonic% &ulsed% re!ection t'&e o. instru"ent s)all *e used .or t)is e!a"inationA T)e s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" ca&a*ilit' .or e!a"inin( at .reJuencies .ro" 1 to 1 M+DA On e!a"inin( austenitic stainless .or(in(s t)e s'ste" s)all )a e t)e ca&a*ilities .or e!a"inin( at .reJuencies do,n to 0AG M+DA 1A1A1 T)e ultrasonic instru"ent s)all &ro ide linear &resentation ?,it)in 1O@ .or at least 51O o. t)e screen )ei()t ?s,ee& line to to& o. screen@A T)e 1O linearit' re.erred to is descri&ti e o. t)e screen &resentation o. a"&litudeA Instru"ent linearit' s)all *e eri!ed in accor# dance ,it) t)e intent o. Practice E F15A An' set o. *loc-s &rocessed in accordance ,it) Practice E F15 or E G23 "a'
4A Personnel ReJuire"ents 4A1 Personnel &er.or"in( t)e ultrasonic e!a"inations to t)is &ractice s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure con.or"in( to Reco""ended Practice NoA SNT#TC#1A ?1233 or later@ or anot)er national standard t)at is acce&ta*le to *ot) t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA
5A Pre&aration o. 8or(in( .or <ltrasonic E!a"ination 5A1 <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed in t)e order or contract% t)e .or(in( s)all *e "ac)ined to &ro ide c'lindrical sur# .aces .or radial e!a"ination in t)e case o. round .or(in(sR t)e ends o. t)e .or(in(s s)all *e "ac)ined &er&endicular to t)e a!is o. t)e .or(in( .or t)e a!ial e!a"inationA 8aces
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o. dis- and rectan(ular .or(in(s s)all *e "ac)ined !at and &arallel to one anot)erA 5A2 T)e sur.ace rou()ness o. e!terior !nis)es s)all not e!ceed 210 inA P4 "Q unless ot)er,ise s)o,n on t)e .or(in( dra,in( or stated in t)e order or t)e contractA 5AF T)e sur.aces o. t)e .or(in( to *e e!a"ined s)all *e .ree o. e!traneous "aterial suc) as loose scale% &aint% dirt% etcA
3A1A11 8or(in(s "a' *e e!a"ined eit)er stationar' or ,)ile rotatin( in a lat)e or on rollersA I. not s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aser% eit)er "et)od "a' *e used at t)e "anu# .acturerEs o&tionA 3A2 Strai()t#Bea" E!a"ination6 3A2A1 8or strai()t#*ea" e!a"ination use a no"inal 21 VG #M+D searc) unit ,)ene er &ractica*leR )o,e er% 1 M+D is t)e &re.erred .reJuenc' .or coarse (rained austen# itic "aterials and lon( testin( distancesA In "an' instances on e!a"inin( coarse (rained austenitic "aterials it "a' *e necessar' to use a .reJuenc' o. 0AG M+DA Ot)er .reJuencies "a' *e used i. desira*le .or *etter resolution% &enetra*ilit'% or detecta*ilit' o. !a,sA 3A2A2 Esta*lis) t)e instru"ent sensiti it' *' eit)er t)e re!ection% re.erence#*loc- tec)niJue% or DIS "et)od ?see A&&endi! =F .or an e!&lanation o. t)e DIS "et)od@A 3A2A2A1 Bac-#Re!ection Tec)niJue ?Bac-#Re!ec# tion Cali*ration A&&lica*le to 8or(in(s ,it) Parallel Entr' and Bac- Sur.aces@ M Lit) t)e attenuator set at an a&&ro&riate le el% .or e!a"&le 1 to 1 or 1G dB% adSust t)e instru"ent controls to o*tain a *ac- re!ection a&&ro!i# "atel' 51O o. t)e .ull#screen )ei()t .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. t)e .or(in(A Scan t)e .or(in( at t)e "a!i"u" a"&li!cation settin( o. t)e attenuator ?attenuator set at 1 to 1@A Carr' out t)e e aluation o. discontinuities ,it) t)e (ain control set at t)e re.erence le elA Recali*ration is reJuired .or si(ni!cant c)an(es in section t)ic-ness or dia"eterA
3A1A1 As .ar as &ractica*le% su*Sect t)e entire olu"e o. t)e .or(in( to ultrasonic e!a"inationA Because o. radii at c)an(e o. sections and ot)er local con!(urations% it "a' *e i"&ossi*le to e!a"ine so"e sections o. a .or(in(A 3A1A2 Per.or" t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination a.ter )eat treat"ent .or "ec)anical &ro&erties ?e!clusi e o. stress# relie. treat"ents@ *ut &rior to drillin( )oles% cuttin( -e'# ,a's% ta&ers% (roo es% or "ac)inin( sections to contourA I. t)e con!(uration o. t)e .or(in( reJuired .or t)e treat"ent .or "ec)anical &ro&erties &ro)i*its a su*seJuent co"&lete e!a"ination o. t)e .or(in(% it s)all *e &er"issi*le to e!a"# ine &rior to treat"ent .or "ec)anical &ro&ertiesA In suc) cases% ree!a"ine t)e .or(in( ultrasonicall' as co"&letel' as &ossi*le a.ter )eat treat"entA
3A1AF To ensure co"&lete co era(e o. t)e .or(in( olu"e% inde! t)e searc) unit ,it) at least 11O o erla& ,it) eac) &assA 3A1AG 8or "anual scannin(% do not e!ceed a scannin( rate o. 4 inA 0s P110 "" 0sQA 3A1A1 8or auto"ated scannin(% adSust scannin( s&eed or instru"ent re&etition rate% or *ot)% to &er"it detection o. t)e s"allest discontinuities re.erenced in t)e s&eci!ca# tion and to allo, t)e recordin( or si(nalin( de ice to .unctionA At no ti"e s)all t)e scannin( s&eed e!ceed t)e s&eed at ,)ic) an acce&ta*le cali*ration ,as "adeA 3A1A4 I. &ossi*le% scan all sections o. .or(in(s in t,o &er&endicular directionsA 3A1A5 Scan dis- .or(in(s usin( a strai()t#*ea" tec)# niJue .ro" at least one !at .ace and radiall' .ro" t)e circu".erence% ,)ene er &ractica*leA 3A1A3 Scan c'lindrical sections and )ollo, .or(in(s radiall' usin( a strai()t#*ea" tec)niJueA L)en &ractica*le% also e!a"ine t)e .or(in( in t)e a!ial directionA 3A1A2 In addition% e!a"ine )ollo, .or(in(s *' an(le# *ea" tec)niJue .ro" t)e outside dia"eter sur.ace as reJuired in 3AFA1A 3A1A10 In rec)ec-in( or ree aluation *' "anu.acturer or &urc)aser use co"&ara*le eJui&"ent% searc) units% .re# Juenc'% and cou&lantA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
NOTE 1 M +i() sensiti it' le els are not usuall' e"&lo'ed ,)en ins&ectin( austenitic steel .or(in(s% due to attendant )i() le el o. BnoiseC or B)as)C caused *' coarse (rain structureA
3A2A2A2 Re.erence#Bloc- Cali*ration M T)e test sur.ace rou()ness on t)e cali*ration standard s)all *e co"# &ara*le to% *ut no *etter t)an% t)e ite" to *e e!a"inedA AdSust t)e instru"ent controls to o*tain t)e reJuired si(nal a"&litude .ro" t)e !at#*otto" )ole in t)e s&eci!ed ence *loc-A <tiliDe t)e attenuator in order to set u& on a"&litudes lar(er t)an t)e ertical linearit' o. t)e instru# "entA In t)ose cases% re"o e t)e attenuation &rior to scan# nin( t)e .or(in(A
NOTE 2 M L)en !at#sur.aced re.erence *loc- cali*ration is s&eci!ed% adSust t)e a"&litude o. indication .ro" t)e re.erence *loc- or *loc-s to co"&ensate .or e!a"ination sur.ace cur ature ?an e!a"&le is (i en in A&&endi! =1@A
3A2A2AF DIS Cali*ration M Prior to use% eri.' t)at t)e DIS o erla' "atc)es t)e transducer siDe and .re# Juenc'A Accurac' o. t)e o erla' can *e eri!ed *' ence *loc-s and &rocedures outlined in Practice E F15A O erla's are to *e serialiDed to "atc) t)e ultrasonic trans# ducer and &ulse#ec)o testin( s'ste" t)at t)e' are to *e utiliDed ,it)A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A2A2AG C)oose t)e a&&ro&riate DIS scale .or t)e cross#sectional t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in( to *e e!a"inedA Insert t)e o erla' o er t)e CRT screen% ensurin( t)e DIS scale *aseline coincides ,it) t)e s,ee& line o. t)e CRT screenA Place t)e &ro*e on t)e .or(in(% adSust t)e (ain to "a-e t)e !rst *ac-,all ec)o a&&ear clearl' on t)e CRT screenA <sin( t)e Dela' and S,ee& control% s)i.t t)e screen &attern so t)at t)e leadin( ed(e o. t)e initial &ulse is on Dero o. t)e DIS scale and t)e *ac-,all ec)o is on t)e DIS scale alue corres&ondin( to t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in(A AdSust t)e (ain so t)e .or(in( *ac-,all ec)o "atc)es t)e )ei()t o. t)e DIS re.erence slo&e ,it)in W 1 D*A Once adSusted% increase t)e (ain *' t)e D* s)o,n on t)e DIS scale .or t)e re.erence slo&eA Instru"ent is no, cali*rated and !a, siDes t)at can *e relia*l' detected can *e directl' read .ro" t)e CRT screenA T)ese !a, siDes are t)e eJui alent !at *otto" re!ector t)at can *e used as a re.erence &ointA
NOTE F M T)e a*o e can *e utiliDed on all solid .or(in(sA C'lindrical )ollo, .or(in(s and drilled or *ored .or(in(s "ust *e corrected to co"# &ensate .or attenuation due to t)e central )ole ?see A&&endi! =G@A
3A2AF Recali*ration M An' c)an(e in t)e searc) unit% cou&lant% instru"ent settin(% or scannin( s&eed .ro" t)at used .or cali*ration s)all reJuire recali*rationA Per.or" a cali*ration c)ec- at least once e er' 3 ) s)i.tA L)en a loss o. 11O or (reater in t)e (ain le el is indicated% reesta*lis) t)e reJuired cali*ration and ree!a"ine all o. t)e "aterial e!a"ined in t)e &recedin( cali*ration &eriodA L)en an increase o. 11O or (reater in t)e (ain le el is indicated% ree aluate all recorded indicationsA 3A2AG Durin( t)e e!a"ination o. t)e .or(in(% "onitor t)e *ac- re!ection .or an' si(ni!cant reduction in a"&li# tudeA Reduction in *ac-#re!ection a"&litude "a' indicate not onl' t)e &resence o. a discontinuit' *ut also &oor cou&lin( o. t)e searc) unit ,it) t)e sur.ace o. t)e .or(in(% non&arallel *ac-#re!ection sur.ace% or local ariations o. attenuation in t)e .or(in(A Rec)ec- an' areas causin( loss o. *ac- re!ectionA 3AF An(le#Bea" E!a"ination M Rin(s and +ollo, 8or(in(s6 3AFA1 Per.or" t)e e!a"ination .ro" t)e circu".er# ence o. rin(s and )ollo, .or(in(s t)at )a e an a!ial len(t) (reater t)an 2 inA P10 ""Q and an outside to inside dia"eter ratio o. less t)an 2A0 to 1A 3AFA2 <se a 1 M+D% G1 de( an(le#*ea" searc) unit unless t)ic-ness% OD 0ID ratio% or ot)er (eo"etric con!(u# ration results in .ailure to ac)ie e cali*rationA Ot)er .re# Juencies "a' *e used i. desira*le .or *etter resolution% &enetra*ilit'% or detecta*ilit' o. !a,sA 8or an(le#*ea" ins&ection o. )ollo, .or(in(s u& to 2A0 to 1 ratio% &ro ide t)e transducer ,it) a ,ed(e or s)oe t)at ,ill result in t)e *ea" "ode and an(le reJuired *' t)e siDe and s)a&e o. t)e cross section under e!a"inationA
3AFAF Cali*rate t)e instru"ent .or t)e an(le#*ea" e!a"ination to o*tain an indication a"&litude o. a&&ro!i# "atel' 51O .ull#screen )ei()t .ro" a rectan(ular or a 40 de( V#notc) on inside dia"eter ?ID@ in t)e a!ial direc# tion and &arallel to t)e a!is o. t)e .or(in(A A se&arate cali*ration standard "a' *e usedR )o,e er% it s)all )a e t)e sa"e no"inal co"&osition% )eat treat"ent% and t)ic-# ness as t)e .or(in( it re&resentsA T)e test sur.ace !nis) on t)e cali*ration standard s)all *e co"&ara*le *ut no *etter t)an t)e ite" to *e e!a"inedA L)ere a (rou& o. identical .or(in(s is "ade% one o. t)ese .or(in(s "a' *e used as t)e se&arate cali*ration standardA Cut t)e ID notc) de&t) to FO "a!i"u" o. t)e t)ic-ness or 1 0 G inA P4 ""Q% ,)ic)# e er is s"aller% and its len(t) a&&ro!i"atel' 1 inA P21 ""QA T)ic-ness is de!ned as t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in( to *e e!a"ined at t)e ti"e o. e!a"inationA At t)e sa"e instru# "ent settin(% o*tain a re!ection .ro" a si"ilar OD notc)A Dra, a line t)rou() t)e &ea-s o. t)e !rst re!ections o*tained .ro" t)e ID and OD notc)esA T)is s)all *e t)e a"&litude re.erence lineA It is &re.era*le to )a e t)e notc)es in e!cess "etal or test "etal ,)en &ossi*leA L)en t)e OD notc) cannot *e detected ,)en e!a"inin( t)e OD sur.ace% &er.or" t)e e!a"ination ,)en &ractica*le ?so"e IDs "a' *e too s"all to &er"it e!a"ination@ as indicated a*o e .ro" *ot) t)e OD and ID sur.acesA <tiliDe t)e ID notc) ,)en ins&ectin( .ro" t)e OD% and t)e OD notc) ,)en ins&ectin( .ro" t)e IDA Cur e ,ed(es or s)oes "a' *e used ,)en necessar' and &ractica*leA
3AFAG Per.or" t)e e!a"ination *' scannin( o er t)e entire sur.ace area circu".erentiall' in *ot) t)e cloc-,ise and counter#cloc-,ise directions .ro" t)e OD sur.aceA E!a"ine .or(in(s% ,)ic) cannot *e e!a"ined a!iall' usin( a strai()t *ea"% in *ot) a!ial directions ,it) an an(le# *ea" searc) unitA 8or a!ial scannin(% use rectan(ular or 40 de( V#notc)es on t)e ID and OD .or t)e cali*rationA T)ese notc)es s)all *e &er&endicular to t)e a!is o. t)e .or(in( and t)e sa"e di"ensions as t)e a!ial notc)A
2A Recordin( 2A1 Strai()t#Bea" E!a"ination M Record t)e .ollo,# in( indications as in.or"ation .or t)e &urc)aserA T)ese recorda*le indications do not constitute a reSecta*le condi# tion unless ne(otiated as suc) in t)e &urc)ase order or contractA 2A1A1 8or indi idual indications% re&ort 2A1A1A1 In t)e *ac-#re!ection tec)niJue% indi idual indications eJual to or e!ceedin( 10O o. a no"inal *acre!ection .ro" an adSacent area .ree .ro" indications% and 2A1A1A2 In t)e re.erence#*loc- or DIS tec)niJue% indications eJual to or e!ceedin( 100O o. t)e re.erence a"&litudeA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A1A2 8or indications t)at are &lanar% tra elin(% or clustered% deter"ine t)e location o. t)e ed(es and t)e "aSor and "inor a!es usin( t)e )al.#a"&litude ?4 dB dro&@ tec)# niJue and re&ort6 2A1A2A1 T)e ariation in de&t) or &lanar area% or *ot)% o. tra elin( indications% 2A1A2A2 T)e len(t) o. "aSor or "inor a!es o. &lanar indications% and 2A1A2AF T)e olu"e occu&ied *' indication le els and t)e a"&litude ran(eA 2A2 An(le#Bea" E!a"ination M Record discontinuit' indications eJual to or e!ceedin( 10O o. t)e indication .ro" t)e re.erence lineA L)en an a"&litude re.erence line cannot *e (enerated% record discontinuit' indications eJual to or e!ceedin( 10O o. t)e re.erence notc)A T)ese recorda*le indications do not constitute a reSecta*le condi# tion unless ne(otiated as suc) in t)e &urc)ase orderA 2AF Re&ort reduction in *ac- re!ection e!ceedin( 10O o. t)e ori(inal "easured in incre"ents o. 10OA 2AG L)en recordin(% corrections "ust *e "ade .or *ea" di er(ence at t)e esti"ated !a, de&t) ?see Iuide E 1041@A 2A1 Re&ort indication a"&litudes in incre"ents o. 10OA
*e uni ersall' a&&lica*le to suc) a di ersit' o. &roductsA <ltrasonic acce&tance or reSection criteria .or indi idual .or(in(s s)ould *e *ased on a realistic a&&raisal o. ser ice reJuire"ents and t)e Jualit' t)at can nor"all' *e o*tained in t)e &roduction o. t)e &articular t'&e .or(in(A 11A2 +ea ' austenitic stainless steel .or(in(s are "ore di.!cult to &enetrate ultrasonicall' t)an si"ilar car*on or lo,#allo' steel .or(in(sA T)e de(ree o. attenuation nor# "all' increases ,it) section siDeR and t)e noise le el% (en# erall' or in isolated areas% "a' *eco"e too (reat to &er"it detection o. discrete indicationsA In "ost instances% t)is attenuation results .ro" in)erent coarse (rained "icro# structure o. t)ese austenitic allo'sA 8or t)ese reasons% t)e "et)ods and standards e"&lo'ed .or ultrasonicall' e!a"# inin( car*on and lo,#allo' steel .or(in(s "a' not *e a&&li# ca*le to )ea ' austenitic steel .or(in(sA In (eneral% onl' strai()t#*ea" ins&ectin( usin( a *ac-#re!ection re.erence standard is usedA +o,e er% utiliDation o. Practice A 5G10 A 5G1M .or austenitic steel .or(in(s can *e considered i. !at#*otto" )ole re.erence standards or an(le#*ea" e!a"i# nation o. t)ese (rades are reJuiredA
11AF Acce&tance Jualit' le els s)all *e esta*lis)ed *et,een &urc)aser and "anu.acturer on t)e *asis o. one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( criteriaA 11AFA1 Strai()t#Bea" E!a"ination6 11AFA1A1 No indications lar(er t)an so"e &ercent# a(e o. t)e re.erence *ac- re!ectionA 11AFA1A2 No indications eJual to or lar(er t)an t)e indication recei ed .ro" t)e !at#*otto" )ole in a s&eci!c re.erence *loc- or *loc-sA 11AFA1AF No areas s)o,in( loss o. *ac- re!ection lar(er t)an so"e &ercenta(e o. t)e re.erence *acre!ectionA 11AFA1AG No indications &er 11AFA1A1 or 11AFA1A2 cou&led ,it) so"e loss o. resultant *ac- re!ection &er 11AFA1AFA 11AFA1A1 No indications e!ceedin( t)e re.erence le el s&eci!ed in t)e DIS "et)odA 11AFA2 An(le#Bea" E!a"ination M No indications e!ceedin( a stated &ercenta(e o. t)e re!ection .ro" a ence notc) or o. t)e a"&litude re.erence lineA 11AG Intelli(ent a&&lication o. ultrasonic Jualit' le els in ol es an understandin( o. t)e e..ects o. "an' &ara"e# ters on e!a"ination resultsA
10A Re&ort 10A1 Re&ort t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 10A1A1 All recorda*le indications ?see Section 2@A 10A1A2 8or t)e &ur&ose o. re&ortin( t)e locations o. recorda*le indications% a s-etc) s)all *e &re&ared s)o,in( t)e &)'sical outline o. t)e .or(in( includin( di"ensions o. all areas not ins&ected due to (eo"etric con!(uration% t)e &urc)aserEs dra,in( nu"*er% t)e &urc)aserEs order nu"*er% and t)e "anu.acturerEs serial nu"*er% and t)e a!ial% radial% and circu".erential distri*ution o. recorda*le ultrasonic indicationsA 10A1AF T)e desi(nation ?includin( 'ear date@ to ,)ic) t)e e!a"ination ,as &er.or"ed as ,ell as t)e .re# Juenc' used% "et)od o. settin( sensiti it'% t'&e o. instru# "ent% sur.ace !nis)% cou&lant% and searc) unit e"&lo'edA 10A1AG T)e ins&ectorEs na"e or identit' and date t)e e!a"ination ,as &er.or"edA
11A Kualit' Le els 11A1 T)is &ractice is intended .or a&&lication to .or(# in(s% ,it) a ,ide ariet' o. siDes% s)a&es% co"&ositions% "eltin( &rocesses% and a&&licationsA It is% t)ere.ore% i"&rac# tica*le to s&eci.' an ultrasonic Jualit' le el ,)ic) ,ould
12A 9e',ords 12A1 an(le *ea" e!a"inationR *ac-#re!ectionR DISR re.erence#*loc-R strai()t *ea" e!a"inationR ultrasonic
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e .ollo,in( su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents s)all a&&l' onl' ,)en s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aser in t)e inJuir'% con# tract% or orderA Details s)all *e a(reed u&on *' t)e " turer and t)e &urc)aserA
?a@ 1V14 inA P1A1 ""Q !at *otto" )oles ?8B+@ .or t)ic-# nesses less t)an 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q ?*@ 1V3 inA PF ""Q 8B+ .or t)ic-nesses o. 1A1U4 inA PG0U 110 ""Q inclusi e ?c@ 1VG inA P4 ""Q 8B+ .or t)ic-nesses o er 4 inA P110 ""Q
S1A REPORTINI CRITERIA S1A1 Re.erence *loc- cali*ration s)all *e &er.or"ed usin( at least t)ree )oles% s&aced to a&&ro!i"ate "ini"u"% "ean% and "a!i"u" t)ic-ness as tested% and s)all *e used to (enerate a distance a"&litude correction ?DAC@ cur eA T)e .ollo,in( )ole siDes a&&l'6
S1A2 Re&ortin( criteria include6 ?a@ all indications e!ceedin( t)e DAC cur e ?*@ t,o or "ore indications se&arated *' 1V2 inA P12 ""Q or less
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A T7PICAL T<NINI LEVEL COMPENSATION 8OR T+E E88ECTS O8 8ORIINI C<RVAT<RE =1A1 T)e cur e ?8i(A =1A1@ ,as deter"ined .or t)e .ollo,in( test conditions6
Material Nic-el#"ol'*denu"# anadiu" allo' steel ?S&eci!cation A G420A G42M% Class G@ T'&e <R Re!ectosco&e 11 0 3 inA PF0 ""Q dia"eter JuartD 21 0 G M+D ASTM NoA F#0400 ?alu"inu"@ 0A010 inA2 P4A1 ""2Q in nic-el#"ol'*# denu"# anadiu" allo' steel 210 inA P4 "Q "a!A rou()ness
Instru"ent Searc) unit 8reJuenc' Re.erence *locRe!ection area o. re.erence cur e Sur.ace !nis)
=1A2 To utiliDe cur e% adSust re!ectosco&e sensiti it' to o*tain indicated ultrasonic res&onse on ASTM NoA F#0400 re.erence *loc- .or eac) dia"eter as s)o,nA A res&onse o. 1 inA P21 ""Q s,ee&#to#&ea- is used .or !at sur.acesA <se attenuator to o*tain desired a"&litude% *ut do testin( at 1 to 1 settin(A test distance o. F2AG inA P1 000 ""QA In order to use t)is o erla'% t)e s,ee& ti"e *ase "ust *e accuratel' cali*rated and ali(ned ,it) t)e o erla' *ein( usedA T)e *ac- re!ec# tion is t)en adSusted to eit)er t)e RE X 10 dB line or t)e RE X 20 dB line% *ased on t)e t)ic-ness *ein( testedR additional (ain ?10 or 20 dB@ is added as desi(nated *' t)e line *ein( usedA T)e RE X 20 line co ers a ran(e to a&&ro!i"atel' 11A5 inA PG00 ""Q and t)e RE X 10 line .ro" 11A5 to F2AG inA PG00 to 1 000 ""QA At t)is cali*ration le el% t)e !a, siDe is read directl' .ro" t)e screenA 8la, siDes .ro" 0A053 to 1 inA P2 to 21 ""Q can *e read directl' .ro" t)e o erla'A
=2A INDICATION AMPLIT<DE COMPENSATION 8OR TEST DISTANCE VARIATIONS =2A1 T)e cur e ?8i(A =2A1@ )as *een deter"ined .or t)e .ollo,in( test conditions6
Material Nic-el#"ol'*denu"# anadiu" allo' steel ?S&eci!cation A G420A G42M% Class G@ T'&e <R Re!ectosco&e 11 0 3 inA PF0 ""Q dia"eter JuartD 21 0 G M+D NoA 20 oil ASTM NoA F#0400 ?alu"inu"@ 0A010 inA2 P4A1 ""2Q in nic-el#"ol'*# denu"# anadiu" allo' steel 210 inA "a!A rou()ness
Instru"ent Searc) unit 8reJuenc' Cou&lant Re.erence *locRe!ection area o. re.erence cur e Sur.ace !nis)
=2A2 To utiliDe cur e% esta*lis) a"&litude .ro" ASTM re.erence *loc- to coincide ,it) alues .ro" A&&endi! =1A =FA BAC9IRO<ND IN8ORMATION ON T+E DIS MET+ODS =FA1 T)e o erla' in 8i(A =FA1 ,as desi(ned .or a 2A0 M+D% 1 inA P21 ""Q dia"eter &ro*e and a "a!i"u"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
=GA COMPENSATION 8OR CENTER +OLE ATTEN<ATION ON C7LINDRICAL BORED OR +OLLOL 8ORIINIS <TILININI T+E DIS MET+OD =GA1 T)e )ole in a c'lindrical *ored .or(in( causes sound scatterA In t)ese cases% a correction is reJuired ,)ic) de&ends on t)e ,all t)ic-ness and *ore dia"eterA =GA1A1 Deter"ine t)e correction alue in dB .ro" t)e No"o(ra" ?8i(A =GA1@A Lit) t)e (ain#dB control% &ro# ceed as descri*ed in 3A2A2AG reducin( t)e !a, detector (ain *' t)e correction alue deter"inedA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is s&eci!cation co ers t)e &rocedure and acce&t# ance standards .or strai()t#*ea"% &ulse#ec)o% ultrasonic e!a"ination o. rolled .ull' -illed car*on and allo' steel &lates% 1V2 inA P12A1 ""Q and o er in t)ic-nessA It ,as de elo&ed to assure deli er' o. steel &lates .ree o. (ross internal discontinuities suc) as &i&e% ru&tures% or la"ina# tions% and is to *e used ,)ene er t)e inJuir'% contract% order% or s&eci!cation states t)at t)e &lates are to *e su*# Sected to ultrasonic e!a"inationA
strai()t#*ea" t'&eA T)e transducer is nor"all' 1 to 11V3 inA P21 to F0 ""Q in dia"eter or 1 in P21 ""Q sJuareR )o,e er% an' transducer )a in( a "ini"u" acti e area o. 0A5 inA2 PG10 ""2Q "a' *e usedA T)e test s)all *e &er.or"ed *' one o. t)e .ollo,in( "et)ods6 direct contact% i""ersion% or liJuid colu"n cou&lin(A FA2 Ot)er searc) units "a' *e used .or e aluatin( and &in&ointin( indicationsA
1A2 Indi iduals &er.or"in( e!a"inations in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cation s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e latest edition o. ASNT SNT#TC#1A or an eJui alent acce&ted standardA An eJui alent standard is one ,)ic) co ers t)e Juali!ca# tion and certi!cation o. ultrasonic nondestructi e e!a"ina# tion candidates and ,)ic) is acce&ta*le to t)e &urc)aserA 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA Lit)in t)e te!t% t)e SI units are s)o,n in *rac-etsA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alents% t)ere.ore% eac) s'ste" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e s&eci!cationA
GA Test Conditions GA1 Conduct t)e e!a"ination in an area .ree o. o&era# tions t)at inter.ere ,it) &ro&er .unctionin( o. t)e eJui&"entA GA2 Clean and s"oot) t)e &late sur.ace su.!cientl' to "aintain a re.erence *ac- re!ection .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. t)e &late at least 10O o. t)e .ull scale durin( scannin(A GAF T)e sur.ace o. &lates ins&ected *' t)is "et)od "a' *e e!&ected to contain a residue o. oil or rust or *ot)A An' s&eci!ed identi!cation ,)ic) is re"o ed ,)en (rindin( to ac)ie e &ro&er sur.ace s"oot)ness s)all *e restoredA
2A Re.erenced Docu"ent 2A1 ASNT Standard6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin(
1A Procedure 1A1 <ltrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e "ade on eit)er "aSor sur.ace o. t)e &lateA Acce&tance o. de.ects in close &ro!i"it' "a' reJuire ins&ection .ro" t)e second "aSor sur.aceA Plates ordered in t)e Juenc)ed and te"&ered con# dition s)all *e tested .ollo,in( )eat treat"entA 1A2 A no"inal test .reJuenc' o. 21VG M+D is reco"# "endedA T)ic-ness% (rain siDe% or "icrostructure o. t)e "aterial and nature o. t)e eJui&"ent or "et)od "a' reJuire a )i()er or lo,er test .reJuenc'A +o,e er% .reJuen# cies less t)an 1 M+D "a' *e used onl' on a(ree"ent
FA A&&aratus FA1 T)e "anu.acturer s)all .urnis) suita*le ultrasonic eJui&"ent and Juali!ed &ersonnel necessar' .or &er# .or"in( t)e testA T)e eJui&"ent s)all *e o. t)e &ulse#ec)o
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,it) t)e &urc)aserA A clear% easil' inter&reted trace &attern s)ould *e &roduced durin( t)e e!a"inationA 1AF Conduct t)e e!a"ination ,it) a test .reJuenc' and instru"ent adSust"ent t)at ,ill &roduce a "ini"u" 10 to a "a!i"u" 51O o. .ull scale re.erence *ac- re!ection .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. a sound area o. t)e &lateA L)ile cali*ratin( t)e instru"ent% s,ee& t)e cr'stal alon( t)e &late sur.ace .or a distance o. at least 1T or 4 inA P110 ""Q% ,)ic)e er is t)e (reater% and note t)e &osition o. t)e *acre!ectionA A s)i.t in location o. t)e *ac- re!ection durin( cali*ration s)all *e cause .or recali*ration o. t)e instru"entA
scanned continuousl'A L)ere &arallel &at) scannin( is &er# .or"ed and co"&lete loss o. *ac- re!ection acco"&anied *' continuous indications is detected% t)e entire sur.ace area o. a 2 *' 2#inA P221 *' 221#""Q sJuare centered on t)is indication s)all *e scanned continuousl'A T)e true *oundaries ,)ere t)is condition e!ists s)all *e esta*lis)ed in eit)er "et)od *' t)e .ollo,in( tec)niJue6 Mo e t)e transducer a,a' .ro" t)e center o. t)e discontinuit' until t)e )ei()ts o. t)e *ac- re!ection and discontinuit' indica# tions are eJualA Mar- t)e &late at a &oint eJui alent to t)e center o. t)e transducerA Re&eat t)e o&eration to esta*lis) t)e *oundar'A
1AG Scannin( s)all *e continuous alon( &er&endicular (rid lines on no"inal 2#inA P221#""Q centers% or at t)e "anu.acturerEs o&tion% s)all *e continuous alon( &arallel &at)s% trans erse to t)e "aSor &late a!is% on no"inal G#inA P100#""Q centers% or s)all *e continuous alon( &arallel &at)s &arallel to t)e "aSor &late a!is% on F#in P51#""Q or s"aller centersA A suita*le cou&lant suc) as ,ater% solu*le oil% or (l'cerin% s)all *e usedA
4A Acce&tance Standards 4A1 An' discontinuit' indication causin( a total loss o. *ac- re!ection ,)ic) cannot *e contained ,it)in a circle% t)e dia"eter o. ,)ic) is F inA P51 ""Q or one )al. o. t)e &late t)ic-ness% ,)ic)e er is (reater% is unacce&ta*leA 4A2 T)e "anu.acturer reser es t)e ri()t to discuss reSecta*le ultrasonicall' tested &lates ,it) t)e &urc)aser ,it) t)e o*Sect o. &ossi*le re&air o. t)e ultrasonicall' indi# cated de.ect *e.ore reSection o. t)e &lateA 4AF T)e &urc)aserEs re&resentati e "a' ,itness t)e testA
1A1 Scannin( lines s)all *e "easured .ro" t)e center or one corner o. t)e &lateA An additional &at) s)all *e scanned ,it)in 2 inA P10 ""Q o. all ed(es o. t)e &late on t)e scannin( sur.aceA 1A4 L)ere (rid scannin( is &er.or"ed and co"&lete loss o. *ac- re!ection acco"&anied *' continuous indica# tions is detected alon( a (i en (rid line% t)e entire sur.ace area o. t)e sJuares adSacent to t)is indication s)all *e
5A Mar-in( 5A1 Plates acce&ted in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cation s)all *e identi!ed *' sta"&in( or stencilin( <T GF1 adSa# cent to "ar-in( reJuired *' t)e "aterial s&eci!cationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S1A Instead o. t)e scannin( &rocedure s&eci!ed *' 1AG and 1A1% and as a(reed u&on *et,een "anu.acturer and &urc)aser% 100O o. one "aSor &late sur.ace s)all *e scannedA Scannin( s)all *e continuous alon( &arallel &at)s% trans erse or &arallel to t)e "aSor &late a!is% ,it) not less t)an 10O o erla& *et,een eac) &at)A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is s&eci!cation co ers an ultrasonic an(le#*ea" &rocedure and acce&tance standards .or t)e detection o. internal discontinuities not la"inar in nature and o. sur.ace i"&er.ections in a steel &lateA T)is s&eci!cation is intended .or use onl' as a su&&le"ent to s&eci!cations ,)ic) &ro# ide strai()t#*ea" ultrasonic e!a"inationA
GA E!a"ination Conditions GA1 T)e e!a"ination s)all *e conducted in an area .ree o. o&erations t)at inter.ere ,it) &ro&er &er.or"ance o. t)e e!a"inationA GA2 T)e sur.ace o. t)e &late s)all *e conditioned as necessar' to &ro ide a clear% easil' inter&reted trace &attern on t)e screenA An' s&eci!ed identi!cation ,)ic) is re"o ed to ac)ie e &ro&er sur.ace s"oot)ness s)all *e restoredA
NOTE M An internal discontinuit' t)at is la"inar in nature is one ,)ose &rinci&al &lane is &arallel to t)e &rinci&al &lane o. t)e &lateA
1A2 Indi iduals &er.or"in( e!a"inations in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cation s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e latest edition o. ASNT SNT#TC#1A or an eJui alent acce&ted standardA An eJui alent standard is one ,)ic) co ers t)e Juali!ca# tion and certi!cation o. ultrasonic nondestructi e e!a"ina# tion candidates and ,)ic) is acce&ta*le to t)e &urc)aserA 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA Lit)in t)e te!t% t)e SI units are s)o,n in *rac-etsA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alentsR t)ere.ore% eac) s'ste" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e s&eci!cationA
1A A&&aratus 1A1 T)e a"&litude linearit' s)all *e c)ec-ed *' &osi# tionin( t)e transducer o er t)e de&t) resolution notc) in t)e IIL or si"ilar *loc- so t)at t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc) is a&&ro!i"atel' F0O o. t)e screen )ei()t% and t)e si(nal .ro" one o. t)e *ac- sur.aces is a&&ro!i"atel' 40O o. t)e screen )ei()t ?t,o ti"es t)e )ei()t o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc)@A A cur e is t)en &lotted s)o,in( t)e de iations .ro" t)e a*o e esta*lis)ed 261 ratio t)at occurs as t)e a"&litude o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc) is raised in incre# "ents o. one scale di ision until t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal reac)es .ull scale% and t)en is lo,ered in incre"ents o. one scale di ision until t)e notc) si(nal reac)es one scale di isionA At eac) incre"ent t)e ratio o. t)e t,o si(nals is deter"inedA T)e ratios are &lotted on t)e (ra&) at t)e &osition corres&ondin( to t)e lar(er si(nalA Bet,een t)e li"its o. 20O and 30O o. t)e screen )ei()t t)e ratio s)all *e ,it)in 10O o. 261A Instru"ent settin(s used durin( ins&ection s)all not cause ariation outside t)e 10O li"its esta*lis)ed a*o eA
SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali# !cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( 1A2 T)e searc) unit s)all *e a G1#de( ?in steel@ an(le# *ea" t'&e ,it) acti e transducer len(t) and ,idt) di"en# sions o. a "ini"u" o. 1V2 inA P12A1 ""Q and a "a!i"u" o. 1 inA P21 ""QA Searc) units o. ot)er siDes and an(les "a' *e used .or additional e!&loration and e aluationA
FA Orderin( In.or"ation FA1 T)e inJuir' and order s)all indicate an' additions to t)e &ro isions o. t)is s&eci!cation as &rescri*ed in 1GA1A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A E!a"ination 8reJuenc' 4A1 T)e ultrasonic .reJuenc' selected .or t)e e!a"ina# tion s)all *e t)e )i()est .reJuenc' t)at &er"its detection o. t)e reJuired cali*ration notc)% suc) t)at t)e a"&litude o. t)e indication 'ields a si(nal#to#noise ratio o. at least F61A
5A Cali*ration Re!ector 5A1 A cali*ration notc)% t)e (eo"etr' o. ,)ic) )as *een a(reed u&on *' t)e &urc)aser and t)e "anu.acturer% ,it) a de&t) o. FO o. t)e &late t)ic-ness% s)all *e used to cali*rate t)e ultrasonic e!a"inationA T)e notc) s)all *e at least 1 inA P21 ""Q lon(A 5A2 Insert t)e notc) or notc)es on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &late so t)at t)e' are &er&endicular to t)e lon( a!is at a distance o. 2 inA P10 ""Q or "ore .ro" t)e s)ort ed(e o. t)e &lateA Locate t)e notc) not less t)an 2 inA P10 ""Q .ro" t)e lon( ed(es o. t)e &lateA 5AF L)en t)e notc) cannot *e inserted in t)e &late to *e tested% it "a' *e &laced in a cali*ration &late o. ultrasonicall' si"ilar "aterialA T)e cali*ration &late ,ill *e considered ultrasonicall' si"ilar i. t)e )ei()t o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection t)rou() it is ,it)in 21O o. t)at t)rou() t)e &late to *e tested at t)e sa"e instru"ent cali*rationA T)e cali*ration &late t)ic-ness s)all *e ,it)in 1 inA P21 ""Q o. t)e t)ic-ness o. &lates to *e tested% .or &lates o. 2 inA P10 ""Q t)ic-ness and (reater and ,it)in 10O o. &lates ,)ose t)ic-ness is less t)an 2 inA P10 ""QA
3A2A1 Place t)e searc) unit on t)e test sur.ace ai"ed at t)e *road side o. t)e notc) on t)e o&&osite sur.ace o. t)e &lateA Position t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" one#)al. ee#&at) indication a"&litudeA AdSust t)e instru# "ent (ain so t)at t)is a"&litude is at least 10O *ut not "ore t)an 30O o. .ull screen )ei()tA Record t)e location and a"&litude on t)e screenA Lit)out adSustin( t)e instru# "ent settin(s% re&eat t)is &rocedure .or t)e 1 1V2 ee#&at) indicationA 3A2A2 Lit)out adSustin( t)e instru"ent settin(s% re&o# sition t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" .ull ee#&at) indication .ro" t)e notc) on t)e test sur.aceA Record t)e location and a"&litude on t)e screenA 3A2AF Dra, a line on t)e screen connectin( t)e &oints esta*lis)ed in 3A2A1 and 3A2A2A T)is cur e s)all *e a DAC .or re&ortin( indication a"&litudesA
5AG 8or &late t)ic-nesses (reater t)an 2 inA P10 ""Q% insert a second cali*ration notc) as descri*ed in 5A2% on t)e o&&osite side o. t)e &lateA
3AF Plate O er 4 inA P110 ""Q in T)ic-ness6 3AFA1 Place t)e searc) unit on t)e test sur.ace ai"ed at t)e *road side o. t)e notc) on t)e o&&osite sur.ace o. t)e &lateA Position t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" one#)al. ee#&at) indication a"&litudeA AdSust t)e instru# "ent (ain so t)at t)is a"&litude is at least 10O *ut not "ore t)an 30O o. .ull screen )ei()tA Record t)e location and a"&litude on t)e screenA 3AFA2 Lit)out adSustin( t)e instru"ent settin(s% re&o# sition t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" .ull ee#&at) indication .ro" t)e notc) on t)e test sur.aceA Record t)e location and a"&litude on t)e screenA 3AFAF Dra, a line on t)e screen connectin( t)e &oints esta*lis)ed in 3AFA1 and 3AFA2A T)is line s)all *e a DAC .or re&ortin( indication a"&litudesA
3A Cali*ration Procedure 3A1 Plate 2 inA P10 ""Q and <nder in T)ic-ness6 3A1A1 Place t)e searc) unit on t)e notc)ed sur.ace o. t)e &late ,it) t)e sound *ea" directed at t)e *road side o. t)e notc) and &osition to o*tain "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" t)e !rst ee#&at) indication ,)ic) is clearl' resol ed .ro" t)e initial &ulseA AdSust t)e instru"ent (ain so t)at t)is re!ection a"&litude is at least 10 *ut not "ore t)an 51O o. .ull screen )ei()tA Record t)e location and a"&li# tude o. t)is indication on t)e screenA 3A1A2 Mo e t)e searc) unit a,a' .ro" t)e notc) until t)e second ee#&at) indication is o*tainedA Position t)e searc) unit .or "a!i"u" a"&litude and record t)e indica# tion a"&litudeA Dra, a line *et,een t)e &ea-s .ro" t)e t,o successi e notc) indications on t)e screenA T)is line is t)e distance a"&litude cur e ?DAC@ .or t)is "aterial and s)all *e a 100O re.erence line .or re&ortin( indication a"&litudesA
2A E!a"ination Procedure 2A1 Scan one "aSor sur.ace o. t)e &late on (rid lines &er&endicular and &arallel to t)e "aSor rollin( directionA Irid lines s)all *e on 2#inA P221#""Q centersA <se a suita*le cou&lant suc) as ,ater% oil% or (l'cerinA Scan *' &lacin( t)e searc) unit near one ed(e ,it) t)e ultrasonic *ea" directed to,ard t)e sa"e ed(e and "o e t)e searc) unit alon( t)e (rid line in a direction &er&endicular to t)e ed(e to a location t,o &late t)ic-nesses *e'ond t)e &late centerA Re&eat t)is scannin( &rocedure on all (rid lines .ro" eac) o. t)e .our ed(esA
2A2 Measure (rid lines .ro" t)e center or one corner o. t)e &lateA 2AF Position t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" indi# cation a"&litude .ro" eac) o*ser ed discontinuit'A 2AG 8or eac) discontinuit' indication t)at eJuals or e!ceeds t)e DAC% record t)e location and len(t)% and t)e a"&litude to t)e nearest 21OA No indication ,it) an a"&li# tude less t)an t)e DAC s)all *e recordedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A1 At eac) recorded discontinuit' location% conduct a 100O e!a"ination o. t)e "ass under a 2#inA P221#""Q sJuare ,)ic) )as t)e recorded discontinuit' &osition at its centerA Conduct t)e e!a"ination in directions &er&endicu# lar and &arallel to t)e "aSor rollin( directionA
all reasona*le .acilities to satis.' )i" t)at t)e "aterial is *ein( .urnis)ed in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cationA All e!a"inations and eri!cations s)all *e so conducted as not to inter.ere unnecessaril' ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs o&er# ationsA
10A Acce&tance Standard 10A1 An' discontinuit' indication t)at eJuals or e!ceeds t)e DAC s)all *e considered unacce&ta*le unless additional e!&loration *' t)e lon(itudinal "et)od indicates it is la"inar in natureA
1FA Mar-in( 1FA1 Plates acce&ted in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!ca# tion s)all *e identi!ed *' "etal sta"&in( or stencillin( B<T A 155C in one corner o. t)e &late% at a location ,it)in 4 inA P110 ""Q o. t)e )eat nu"*erA
11A Re)earin( 11A1 T)e "anu.acturer reser es t)e ri()t to discuss unacce&ta*le ultrasonicall' e!a"ined &late ,it) t)e &ur# c)aser ,it) t)e o*Sect o. &ossi*le re&air o. t)e ultrasoni# call' indicated discontinuit' *e.ore reSection o. t)e &lateA
1GA Re&ort 1GA1 <nless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &ur# c)aser and "anu.acturer% t)e "anu.acturer s)all re&ort t)e .ollo,in( data6 1GA1A1 Plate identit' includin( &in#&ointed recorda*le indication locations% len(t)s% and a"&litudesA 1GA1A2 E!a"ination &ara"eters% includin(6 cou&lantR searc) unit t'&e% an(le% .reJuenc'% and siDeR instru"ent "a-e% "odel% and serial nu"*erR and cali*ration &late descri&tionA 1GA1AF Date o. e!a"ination and na"e o. o&eratorA
12A Ins&ection 12A1 T)e &urc)aserEs re&resentati e s)all )a e access% at all ti"es ,)ile ,or- on t)e contract o. t)e &urc)aser is *ein( &er.or"ed% to all &arts o. t)e "anu.acturerEs ,or-s t)at concern t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination o. t)e "aterial orderedA T)e "anu.acturer s)all a..ord t)e re&resentati e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is s&eci!cation co ers t)e &rocedure and acce&t# ance standards .or strai()t#*ea"% &ulse#ec)o% ultrasonic e!a"ination o. rolled car*on and allo' &lain and clad steel &lates% FV3 inA P10 ""Q in t)ic-ness and o er% .or s&ecial a&&licationsA T)e "et)od ,ill detect internal discontinu# ities &arallel to t)e rolled sur.acesA T)ree le els o. acce&t# ance standards are &ro idedA Su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents are &ro ided .or e!a"ination o. clad &late and .or alterna# ti e &roceduresA
A 24G S&eci!cation .or Stainless C)ro"iu"#Nic-el SteelU Clad Plate% S)eet% and Stri& A 241 S&eci!cation .or Nic-el and Nic-el#Base Allo'U Clad Steel Plate 2A2 ANSI Standard6 B G4A1 Sur.ace Te!ture 2AF ASNT Standard6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali# !cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin(
1A2 Indi iduals &er.or"in( e!a"inations in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cation s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e latest edition o. ASNT SNT#TC#1A or an eJui alent acce&ted standardA An eJui alent standard is one ,)ic) co ers t)e Juali!ca# tion and certi!cation o. ultrasonic nondestructi e e!a"ina# tion candidates and ,)ic) is acce&ta*le to t)e &urc)aserA 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA Lit)in t)e te!t% t)e SI units are s)o,n in *rac-etsA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alentsR t)ere.ore% eac) s'ste" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e s&eci!cationA 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
Orderin( In.or"ation FA1 T)e inJuir' and order s)all indicate t)e .ollo,in(6
FA1A1 Acce&tance le el reJuire"ents ?Sections 5% 3% and 2@A Acce&tance Le el B s)all a&&l' unless ot)er,ise a(reed to *' &urc)aser and "anu.acturerA FA1A2 An' additions to t)e &ro isions o. t)is s&eci!# cation as &rescri*ed in 1A2% 1FA1% and Section 10A FA1AF Su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents% i. an'A
2A Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 ASTM Standards6 A 24F S&eci!cation .or Corrosion#Resistin( C)ro"iu" SteelUClad Plate% S)eet% and Stri&
GA A&&aratus GA1 T)e a"&litude linearit' s)all *e c)ec-ed *' &osi# tionin( t)e transducer o er t)e de&t) resolution notc) in t)e IIL or si"ilar *loc- so t)at t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc) is a&&ro!i"atel' F0O o. t)e screen )ei()t% and t)e si(nal .ro" one o. t)e *ac- sur.aces is a&&ro!i"atel' 40O o. t)e screen )ei()t ?t,o ti"es t)e )ei()t o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc)@A A cur e is t)en &lotted s)o,in( t)e de iations .ro" t)e a*o e esta*lis)ed 261 ratio t)at occurs as t)e a"&litude o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e notc) is raised in incre# "ents o. one scale di ision until t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal reac)es .ull scale% and t)en is lo,ered in incre"ents o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
one scale di ision until t)e notc) si(nal reac)es one scale di isionA At eac) incre"ent t)e ratio o. t)e t,o si(nals is deter"inedA T)e ratios are &lotted on t)e (ra&) at t)e &osition corres&ondin( to t)e lar(er si(nalA Bet,een t)e li"its o. 20O and 30O o. t)e screen )ei()t% t)e ratio s)all *e ,it)in 10O o. 261A Instru"ent settin(s used durin( ins&ection s)all not cause ariation outside t)e 10O li"its esta*lis)ed a*o eA GA2 T)e transducer s)all *e 1 or 11V3 inA P21 or F0 ""Q in dia"eter or 1 inA P21 ""Q sJuareA GAF Ot)er searc) units "a' *e used .or e aluatin( and &in&ointin( indicationsA
1A4A2 Conduct t)e (eneral scannin( ,it) an instru# "ent adSust"ent t)at ,ill &roduce a !rst re!ection .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. a sound area o. t)e &late .ro" 10O to 20O o. .ull scaleA Minor sensiti it' adSust"ents "a' *e "ade to acco""odate .or sur.ace rou()nessA 1A4AF L)en a discontinuit' condition is o*ser ed durin( (eneral scannin(% adSust t)e instru"ent to &roduce a !rst re!ection .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. a sound area o. t)e &late o. 51 W 1O o. .ull scaleA Maintain t)is instru"ent settin( durin( e aluation o. t)e discontinuit' conditionA
4A Recordin( 4A1 Record all discontinuities causin( co"&lete loss o. *ac- re!ectionA 4A2 8or &lates FVG inA P20 ""Q t)ic- and o er% record all indications ,it) a"&litudes eJual to or (reater t)an 10O o. t)e initial *ac- re!ection and acco"&anied *' a 10O loss o. *ac- re!ectionA
NOTE 1 M Indications occurrin( "id,a' *et,een t)e initial &ulse and t)e !rst *ac- re!ection "a' cause a second re!ection at t)e location o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ectionA L)en t)is condition is o*ser ed it s)all *e in esti(ated additionall' *' use o. "ulti&le *ac- re!ectionsA
1A Procedure 1A1 Per.or" t)e ins&ection in an area .ree o. o&erations t)at inter.ere ,it) &ro&er &er.or"ance o. t)e testA 1A2 <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% "a-e t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination on eit)er "aSor sur.ace o. t)e &lateA 1AF T)e &late sur.ace s)all *e su.!cientl' clean and s"oot) to "aintain a !rst re!ection .ro" t)e o&&osite side o. t)e &late at least 10O o. .ull scale durin( scannin(A T)is "a' in ol e suita*le "eans o. scale re"o al at t)e "anu.acturerEs o&tionA Condition local rou() sur.aces *' (rindin(A Restore an' s&eci!ed identi!cation ,)ic) is re"o ed ,)en (rindin( to ac)ie e &ro&er sur.ace s"oot)nessA
1AG Per.or" t)e test *' one o. t)e .ollo,in( "et)ods6 direct contact% i""ersion% or liJuid colu"n cou&lin(A <se a suita*le cou&lant suc) as ,ater% solu*le oil% or (l'cerinA As a result o. t)e test *' t)is "et)od% t)e sur.ace o. &lates "a' *e e!&ected to )a e a residue o. oil or rust% or *ot)A 1A1 A no"inal test .reJuenc' o. 21VG M+D is reco"# "endedA L)en testin( &lates less t)an FVG inA P20 ""Q t)ic-% a .reJuenc' o. 1 M+D "a' *e necessar'A T)ic-ness% (rain siDe or "icrostructure o. t)e "aterial and nature o. t)e eJui&"ent or "et)od "a' reJuire a )i()er or lo,er test .reJuenc'A <se t)e transducers at t)eir rated .reJuenc'A A clean% easil' inter&reted trace &attern s)ould *e &roduced durin( t)e e!a"inationA
4AF L)ere (rid scannin( is &er.or"ed and recorda*le conditions as in 4A1 and 4A2 are detected alon( a (i en (rid line% t)e entire sur.ace area o. t)e sJuares adSacent to t)is indication s)all *e scannedA L)ere &arallel &at) scannin( is &er.or"ed and recorda*le conditions as in 4A1 and 4A2 are detected% t)e entire sur.ace area o. a 2 *' 2#inA P221 *' 221#""Q sJuare centered on t)is indication s)all *e scannedA T)e true *oundaries ,)ere t)ese conditions e!ist s)all *e esta*lis)ed in eit)er "et)od *' t)e .ollo,in( tec)niJue6 Mo e t)e transducer a,a' .ro" t)e center o. t)e discontinuit' until t)e )ei()t o. t)e *ac- re!ection and discontinuit' indications are eJualA Mar- t)e &late at a &oint eJui alent to t)e center o. t)e transducerA Re&eat t)e o&eration to esta*lis) t)e *oundar'A
1A4 Scannin(6 1A4A1 Scannin( s)all *e alon( continuous &er&endic# ular (rid lines on no"inal 2#inA P221#""Q centers% or at t)e o&tion o. t)e "anu.acturer% s)all *e alon( continuous &arallel &at)s% trans erse to t)e "aSor &late a!is% on no"inal G#inA P100#""Q centers% or s)all *e alon( continuous &aral# lel &at)s &arallel to t)e "aSor &late a!is% on F#inA P51#""Q or s"aller centersA Measure t)e lines .ro" t)e center or one corner o. t)e &late ,it) an additional &at) ,it)in 2 inA P10 ""Q o. all ed(es o. t)e &late on t)e searc)in( sur.aceA
5A Acce&tance Standard M Le el A 5A1 An' area ,)ere one or "ore discontinuities &roduce a continuous total loss o. *ac- re!ection acco"&anied *' continuous indications on t)e sa"e &lane ?,it)in 1O o. &late t)ic-ness@ t)at cannot *e enco"&assed ,it)in a circle ,)ose dia"eter is F inA P51 ""Q or 1V2 o. t)e &late t)ic-ness% ,)ic)e er is (reater% is unacce&ta*leA
3A Acce&tance Standards M Le el B 3A1 An' area ,)ere one or "ore discontinuities &roduce a continuous total loss o. *ac- re!ection acco"&anied *' continuous indications on t)e sa"e &lane d,it)in 1O o. &late t)ic-ness@ t)at cannot *e enco"&assed ,it)in a circle
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,)ose dia"eter is F inA P51 ""Q or 1V2 o. t)e &late t)ic-ness% ,)ic)e er is (reater% is unacce&ta*leA 3A2 In addition% t,o or "ore discontinuities s"aller t)an descri*ed in 3A1 s)all *e unacce&ta*le unless se&arated *' a "ini"u" distance eJual to t)e (reatest dia"eter o. t)e lar(er discontinuit' or unless t)e' "a' *e collecti el' enco"&assed *' t)e circle descri*ed in 3A1A
&urc)aser is *ein( &er.or"ed% to all &arts o. t)e "anu.actur# erEs ,or-s t)at concern t)e ultrasonic testin( o. t)e "aterial orderedA T)e "anu.acturer s)all a..ord t)e ins&ector all reasona*le .acilities to satis.' )i" t)at t)e "aterial is *ein( .urnis)ed in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cationA All tests and ins&ections s)all *e "ade at t)e &lace o. "anu.acture &rior to s)i&"ent% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% and s)all *e conducted ,it)out inter.erin( unnecessaril' ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs o&erationsA
2A Acce&tance Standard M Le el C 2A1 An' area ,)ere one or "ore discontinuities &roduce a continuous total loss o. *ac- re!ection acco"&anied *' continuous indications on t)e sa"e &lane ?,it)in 1O o. &late t)ic-ness@ t)at cannot *e enco"&assed ,it)in a 1#inA P21#""Q dia"eter circle is unacce&ta*leA
12A1 T)e "anu.acturer reser es t)e ri()t to discuss reSecta*le ultrasonicall' tested &late ,it) t)e &urc)aser ,it) t)e o*Sect o. &ossi*le re&air o. t)e ultrasonicall' indi# cated de.ect *e.ore reSection o. t)e &lateA
10A Re&ort 10A1 <nless ot)er,ise a(reed to *' t)e &urc)aser and t)e "anu.acturer% t)e "anu.acturer s)all re&ort t)e .ollo,# in( data6 10A1A1 All recorda*le indications listed in Section 4 on a s-etc) o. t)e &late ,it) su.!cient data to relate t)e (eo"etr' and identit' o. t)e s-etc) to t)ose o. t)e &lateA 10A1A2 Test &ara"eters includin(6 Ma-e and "odel o. instru"ent% test .reJuenc'% sur.ace condition% transducer ?t'&e and .reJuenc'@% and cou&lantA 10A1AF Date o. testA
1FA1 Plates acce&ted accordin( to t)is s&eci!cation s)all *e identi!ed *' stencilin( ?sta"&in(@ B<T A 153 M AC on one corner .or Le el A% B<T A 153 M BC .or Le el B% and B<T A 153 M CC .or Le el CA T)e su&&le"ent nu"*er s)all *e added .or eac) su&&le"entar' reJuire"ent orderedA
11A Ins&ection 11A1 T)e ins&ector re&resentin( t)e &urc)aser s)all )a e access at all ti"es% ,)ile ,or- on t)e contract o. t)e
1GA 9e',ords 1GA1 nondestructi e testin(R &ressure containin( &artsR &ressure essel steelsR steel &late .or &ressure essel a&&li# cationsR steel &latesR ultrasonic e!a"inations
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)ese su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents s)all a&&l' onl' ,)en indi iduall' s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aserA L)en details o. t)ese reJuire"ents are not co ered )erein% t)e' are su*Sect to a(ree"ent *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and t)e &urc)aserA
S1A Scannin( S1A1 Scannin( s)all *e continuous o er 100O o. t)e &late sur.aceA
S3A <ltrasonic E!a"ination <sin( 8lat Botto" +ole Cali*ration ?.or Plates G inA P100 ""Q T)icand Ireater@ S3A1 <se t)e .ollo,in( cali*ration and recordin( &roce# dures in &lace o. 1A4A2% 1A4AF% and Section 4A S3A2 T)e transducer s)all *e in accordance ,it) GA2A S3AF Re.erence Re!ectors M T)e T0G% T02% and FT0G dee& !at *otto" )oles s)all *e used to cali*rate t)e eJui&# "entA T)e !at *otto" )ole dia"eter s)all *e in accordance ,it) Ta*le S3A1A T)e )oles "a' *e drilled in t)e &late to *e e!a"ined i. t)e' can *e located ,it)out inter.erin( ,it) t)e use o. t)e &late% in a &rolon(ation o. t)e &late to *e e!a"ined% or in a re.erence *loc- o. t)e sa"e no"inal co"&osition% and t)er"al treat"ent as t)e &late to *e e!a"# inedA T)e sur.ace o. t)e re.erence *loc- s)all *e no *etter to t)e unaided e'e t)an t)e &late sur.ace to *e e!a"inedA T)e re.erence *loc- s)all *e o. t)e sa"e no"inal t)ic-ness ?,it)in 51 to 121O or 1 inA P21 ""Q o. t)e e!a"ined &late% ,)ic)e er is less@ and s)all )a e acoustical &ro&erties si"i# lar to t)e e!a"ined &lateA Acoustical si"ilarit' is &resu"ed ,)en% ,it)out a c)an(e in instru"ent settin(% co"&arison o. t)e *ac- re!ection si(nals *et,een t)e re.erence *locand t)e e!a"ined &late s)o,s a ariation o. 21O or lessA
S2A Acce&tance Standard S2A1 An' recorda*le condition listed in Section 4 t)at ?1@ is continuous% ?2@ is on t)e sa"e &lane ?,it)in 1O o. t)e &late t)ic-ness@% and ?F@ cannot *e enco"&assed *' a F#inA P51#""Q dia"eter circle% is unacce&ta*leA T,o or "ore recorda*le conditions ?see Section 1@% t)at ?1@ are on t)e sa"e &lane ?,it)in 1O o. &late t)ic-ness@% ?2@ indi iduall' can *e enco"&assed *' a F#inA P51#""Q dia"# eter circle% ?F@ are se&arated .ro" eac) ot)er *' a distance less t)an t)e (reatest di"ension o. t)e s"aller indication% and ?G@ collecti el' cannot *e enco"&assed *' a F#inA P51#""Q dia"eter circle% are unacce&ta*leA
S2A2 An acce&tance le el "ore restricti e t)an Section 5 or 3 s)all *e used *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and &urc)aserA
SFA Procedure SFA1 T)e "anu.acturer s)all &ro ide a ,ritten &roce# dure in accordance ,it) t)is s&eci!cationA
SGA Certi!cation SGA1 T)e "anu.acturer s)all &ro ide a ,ritten certi!# cation o. t)e ultrasonic test o&eratorEs Juali!cationsA
S3AG Cali*ration Procedure6 S3AGA1 Cou&le and &osition t)e searc) unit .or "a!i# "u" a"&litudes .ro" t)e re!ectors at T0G% T02% and FT0GA Set t)e instru"ent to &roduce a 51 W 1O o. .ull scale indication .ro" t)e re!ector (i in( t)e )i()est a"&litudeA S3AGA2 Lit)out c)an(in( t)e instru"ent settin(% cou# &le and &osition t)e searc) unit o er eac) o. t)e )oles and "ar- on t)e screen t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" eac) )ole and eac) "ini"u" re"ainin( *ac- re!ectionA S3AGAF Mar- on t)e screen )al. t)e ertical distance .ro" t)e s,ee& line to eac) "a!i"u" a"&litude )ole "ar-A Connect t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude )ole "ar-s and e!tend t)e line t)rou() t)e t)ic-ness .or t)e 100O DAC ?distanceUa"&litude correction cur e@A Si"ilarl' connect and e!tend t)e )al. "a!i"u" a"&litude "ar-s .or t)e 10O DACA
S1A Sur.ace 8inis) S1A1 T)e sur.ace !nis) o. t)e &late s)all *e conditioned to a "a!i"u" 121 inA PF "Q AA ?see ANSI BG4A1@ &rior to testA
See S&eci!cations A 24F% A 24G% and A 241 .or eJui a# lent descri&tions .or clad Jualit' le elA
See S&eci!cations A 24F% A 24G% and A 241 .or eJui a# lent descri&tions .or clad Jualit' le elA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
S3A1 Recordin(6 S3A1A1 Record all areas ,)ere t)e re"ainin( *acre!ection is s"aller t)an t)e )i()est o. t)e "ini"u" re"ainin( *ac- re!ections .ound in S3AGA2A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S3A1A2 Record all areas ,)ere indications e!ceed 10O DACA S3A1AF L)ere recorda*le conditions listed in S3A1A1 and S3A1A2 are detected alon( a (i en (rid line% continu# ousl' scan t)e entire sur.ace area o. t)e sJuares adSacent to t)e condition and record t)e *oundaries or e!tent o. eac) recorda*le conditionA S3A4 Scannin( s)all *e in accordance ,it) 1A4A S3A5 T)e acce&tance le els o. Section 5 or 3 s)all a&&l' as s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aser e!ce&t t)at t)e recorda*le condition s)all *e as (i en in S3A1A
&late sur.ace to *e e!a"inedA T)e re.erence *loc- s)all *e o. t)e sa"e no"inal t)ic-ness ?,it)in 51 to 121O or 1 inA P21 ""Q o. t)e e!a"ined &late% ,)ic)e er is less@ and s)all )a e acoustical &ro&erties si"ilar to t)e e!a"ined &lateA Acoustical si"ilarit' is &resu"ed ,)en% ,it)out a c)an(e in instru"ent settin(% co"&arison o. t)e *acre!ection si(nals *et,een t)e re.erence *loc- and t)e e!a"ined &late s)o,s a ariation o. 21O or lessA S2A1 Cali*ration Procedure6 S2A1A1 Cou&le and &osition t)e searc) unit .or "a!i# "u" a"&litudes .ro" t)e re!ectors at T0G% T02% and FT0GA Set t)e instru"ent to &roduce a 51 W 1O o. .ull#scale indication .ro" t)e re!ector (i in( t)e )i()est a"&litudeA S2A1A2 Lit)out c)an(in( t)e instru"ent settin(% cou# &le and &osition t)e searc) unit o er eac) o. t)e )oles and "ar- on t)e screen t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude .ro" eac) o. t)e )olesA S2A1AF Mar- on t)e screen )al. t)e ertical distances .ro" t)e s,ee& line to eac) "a!i"u" a"&litude )ole "ar-A Connect t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude )ole "ar-s and e!tend t)e line t)rou() t)e t)ic-ness .or t)e 100O DAC ?distanceUa"&litude correction cur e@A Si"ilarl' connect and e!tend t)e )al. "a!i"u" a"&litude "ar-s .or t)e 10O DACA
S2A <ltrasonic E!a"ination o. Electrosla( Re"elted ?ESR@ and Vacuu"#Arc Re"elted ?VAR@ Plates% .ro" 1 to 14 inA P21 to G00 ""Q in T)ic-ness% <sin( 8lat#Botto" +ole Cali*ration and DistanceUA"&litude Corrections S2A1 T)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined "ust )a e a sur.ace !nis) o. 200 inA P1 "Q as "a!i"u" .or &lates u& to 3 inA P200 ""Q t)ic-% inclusi e% and 210 inA P4 "Q as "a!i"u" .or &lates o er 3 to 14 inA P200 to G00 ""Q t)ic-A
S2A2 <se t)e .ollo,in( &rocedures in &lace o. 1A4A1% 1A4A2% 1A4AF% and Section 4A S2AF T)e transducer s)all *e in accordance ,it) GA2A S2AG Re.erence Re!ectors M T)e T0G% T02% and FT0G dee& !at *otto" )oles s)all *e used to cali*rate t)e eJui&# "entA T)e !at *otto" )ole dia"eter s)all *e in accordance ,it) Ta*le S2A1A T)e !at *otto"s o. t)e )oles s)all *e ,it)in 1[ o. &arallel to t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA T)e )oles "a' *e drilled in t)e &late to *e e!a"ined i. t)e' can *e located ,it)out inter.erin( ,it) t)e use o. t)e &late% in a &rolon(ation o. t)e &late to *e e!a"ined% or in a re.erence *loc- o. t)e sa"e no"inal co"&osition and t)er"al treat# "ent as t)e &late to *e e!a"inedA T)e sur.ace o. t)e ence *loc- s)all *e no *etter to t)e unaided e'e t)an t)e
S2A4 Scannin( M Scannin( s)all co er 100O o. one "aSor &late sur.ace% ,it) t)e searc) unit *ein( inde!ed *et,een eac) &ass suc) t)at t)ere is at least 11O o erla& o. adSoinin( &asses in order to assure adeJuate co era(e .or locatin( discontinuitiesA S2A5 Recordin( M Record all areas ,)ere t)e *acre!ection dro&s *elo, t)e 10O DACA I. t)e dro& in *acre!ection is not acco"&anied *' ot)er indications on t)e screen% recondition t)e sur.ace in t)e area and ree!a"ine ultrasonicall'A I. t)e *ac- re!ection is still *elo, 10O DAC% t)e loss "a' *e due to t)e "etallur(ical structure o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA T)e "aterial s)all *e )eld .or "etallur(ical re ie, *' t)e &urc)aser and " turerA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
S2A3 Acce&tance Standards M An' indication t)at e!ceeds t)e 100O DAC s)all *e considered unacce&ta*leA T)e "anu.acturer "a' reser e t)e ri()t to discuss
reSecta*le ultrasonicall' e!a"ined "aterial ,it) t)e &ur# c)aser% t)e o*Sect *ein( t)e &ossi*le re&air o. t)e ultrasoni# call' indicated de.ect *e.ore reSection o. t)e &lateA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
SA#402 0SA#402M
PIdentical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation A 402 0A 402M#21 ?R2005@Q
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e standards and &rocedures .or t)e &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic e!a"ination o. )eat#treated car*on% lo,#allo'% and "artensitic stainless steel castin(s *' t)e lon(itudinal#*ea" tec)niJueA 1A2 T)is &ractice is to *e used ,)ene er t)e inJuir'% contract% order% or s&eci!cation states t)at castin(s are to *e su*Sected to ultrasonic e!a"ination in accordance ,it) Practice A 402 0A 402MA 1AF T)is &ractice contains t,o &rocedures .or ultrasonic ins&ection o. car*on% lo,#allo'% and "artensitic stainless steel castin(s% t)at is% Procedure A and Procedure BA Proce# dure A is t)e ori(inal A 402 0A 402M &ractice and reJuires cali*ration usin( a series o. test *loc-s containin( !at *otto"ed )olesA It also &ro ides su&&le"entar' reJuire# "ents .or an(le *ea" testin(A Procedure B reJuires cali*ra# tion usin( a *ac- ,all re!ection .ro" a series o. solid cali*ration *loc-sA
A 215 0A 215M S&eci!cation .or Steel Castin(s% Marten# sitic Stainless and Allo'% .or Pressure#Containin( Parts% Suita*le .or +i()#Te"&erature Ser ice E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra&)ic Testin( E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Testin( S'ste"s Lit)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents 2A2 Ot)er Docu"ent6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation
FA Orderin( In.or"ation FA1 T)e inJuir' and order s)ould s&eci.' ,)ic) &roce# dure is to *e usedA I. a &rocedure is not s&eci!ed% Procedure A s)all *e usedA FA2 Procedure A M 8lat#Botto"ed +ole Cali*ration Procedure6 FA2A1 L)en t)is &ractice is to *e a&&lied to an inJuir'% contract% or order% t)e &urc)aser s)all .urnis) t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 FA2A1A1 Kualit' le els .or t)e entire castin( or &ortions t)ereo.% FA2A1A2 Sections o. castin(s reJuirin( lon(itudinal# *ea" e!a"ination% FA2A1AF Sections o. castin(s reJuirin( dual ele"ent e!a"ination% FA2A1AG Sections o. castin(s reJuirin( su&&le"en# tar' e!a"ination% usin( t)e an(le#*ea" &rocedure descri*ed in Su&&le"entar' ReJuire"ent S1 in order to ac)ie e "ore co"&lete e!a"ination% and
NOTE 1 M <ltrasonic e!a"ination and radio(ra&)' are not directl' co"&ara*leA T)is e!a"ination tec)niJue is intended to co"&le"ent Iuide E 2G in t)e detection o. discontinuitiesA
1AG T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA Lit)in t)e te!t% t)e SI units are s)o,n in *rac-etsA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alentsR t)ere.ore% eac) s'ste" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)is &racticeA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
FA2A1A1 An' reJuire"ents additional to t)e &ro i# sions o. t)is &racticeA FAF Procedure B6 Bac-#Lall Re!ection Cali*ration Procedure M L)en t)is &rocedure is to *e a&&lied to an inJuir'% contract% or order% t)e &urc)aser s)all desi(nate t)e Jualit' le els .or t)e entire castin( or a&&lica*le &ortionsA
GA1A1 An ultrasonic% &ulsed% re!ection t'&e o. instru# "ent t)at is ca&a*le o. (eneratin(% recei in(% and a"&li# .'in( .reJuencies o. at least 1 to 1 M+DA GA1A2 T)e ultrasonic instru"ent s)all &ro ide linear &resentation ?,it)in W1O@ .or at least 51O o. t)e screen )ei()t ?s,ee& line to to& o. screen@A Linearit' s)all *e deter"ined in accordance ,it) Practice E F15 or eJui alent electronic "eansA GA1AF T)e electronic a&&aratus s)all contain a si(nal attenuator or cali*rated (ain control t)at s)all *e accurate o er its use.ul ran(e to W10O o. t)e no"inal attenuation or (ain ratio to allo, "easure"ent o. si(nals *e'ond t)e linear ran(e o. t)e instru"entA GA2 Searc) <nits6 GA2A1 Lon(itudinal La e% internall' (rounded% )a in( 1a V2 to 11V3 inA P1F to 23 ""Q dia"eter or 1 inA P21 ""Q sJuare &ieDo#electric ele"entsA Based on t)e si(nals#to# noise ratio o. t)e res&onse &attern o. t)e castin(% a .re# Juenc' in t)e ran(e .ro" 1 to 1 M+D s)all *e usedA T)e *ac-(round noise s)all not e!ceed 21O o. t)e distanceU a"&litude correction cur e ?DAC@A Transducers s)all *e utiliDed at t)eir rated .reJuenciesA GA2A2 Dual#Ele"ent% 1 M+D% 1V2 *' 1 inA P1F *' 21 ""Q% 12[ included an(le searc) units are reco""ended .or sections 1 inA P21 ""Q and underA GA2AF Ot)er .reJuencies and siDes o. searc) units "a' *e used .or e aluatin( and &in&ointin( indicationsA GAF Re.erence Bloc-s6 GAFA1 Re.erence *loc-s containin( !at#*otto" )oles s)all *e used to esta*lis) test sensiti it' in accordance ,it) 3A2A GAFA2 Re.erence *loc-s s)all *e "ade .ro" cast steels t)at (i e an acoustic res&onse si"ilar to t)e castin(s *ein( e!a"inedA GAFAF T)e desi(n o. re.erence *loc-s s)all *e in accordance ,it) 8i(A 1% and t)e *asic set s)all consist o. t)ose *loc-s listed in Ta*le 1A L)en section t)ic-nesses o er 11 inA PF30 ""Q are to *e ins&ected% an additional
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
+ole Dia"eter in 1V4G t)s% inA P""Q 14 14 14 14 14 14 P4AGQ P4AGQ P4AGQ P4AGQ P4AGQ P4AGQ Metal Distance ?B@% inAA P""Q 1 2 F 4 10 B P21Q P10Q P51Q P110Q P211Q O erall Len(t) ?C@% inA P""Q 1FVG PG1Q 2FVG P50Q FFVG P21Q 4FVG P150Q 10FVG P251Q B X FVG PB X 20Q Lidt) or Dia"eter ?D@% "in% inA P""Q 2 2 2 F G 1 P10Q P10Q P10Q P51Q P100Q P121Q BlocIdenti!cation Nu"*er 14#0100 14#0200 14#0F00 14#0400 14#1000 14#B00B
A Tolerance
W 1V3 inA PF ""QA su&&le"ental *loc-s .or testin( t)ic-ness (reater t)an 10 inA P210 ""Q% see GAFAFA
B Additional
*loc- o. t)e "a!i"u" test t)ic-ness s)all *e "ade to su&&le"ent t)e *asic setA GAFAG Mac)ined *loc-s ,it) FVF2#inA P2AG#""Q dia"e# ter !at#*otto" )oles at de&t)s .ro" t)e entr' sur.ace o. 1V3 inA PF ""Q% 1V2 inA P1F ""Q% or 1V2t and FVG inA P12 ""Q% or FVGt ?,)ere t & t)ic-ness o. t)e *loc-@ s)all *e used to esta*lis) t)e DAC .or t)e dual#ele"ent searc) units ?see 8i(A 2@A
GAFA1 Eac) re.erence *loc- s)all *e &er"anentl' identi!ed alon( t)e side o. t)e *loc- indicatin( t)e "aterial and t)e *loc- identi!cationA GAG Cou&lant M A suita*le cou&lant )a in( (ood ,et# tin( c)aracteristics s)all *e used *et,een t)e searc) unit and e!a"ination sur.aceA T)e sa"e cou&lant s)all *e used .or cali*rations and e!a"inationsA
1A2A3 E..ect o. sur.ace rou()ness on test resultsA 1AF A Juali!cation record ?see Note 2@ o. &ersonnel considered suita*le *' t)e "anu.acturer to &er.or" e!a"i# nations in accordance ,it) t)is &ractice s)all *e a aila*le u&on reJuestA
NOTE 2 M SNT#TC#1A% <ltrasonic Testin( Met)od% &ro ides a reco"# "ended &rocedure .or Juali.'in( &ersonnelA Ot)er &ersonnel Juali!cation reJuire"ent docu"ents "a' *e used ,)en a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA
1A Personnel ReJuire"ents 1A1 T)e "anu.acturer s)all *e res&onsi*le .or assi(nin( Juali!ed &ersonnel to &er.or" ultrasonic e!a"ination in con.or"ance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is &racticeA 1A2 Personnel &er.or"in( ultrasonic e!a"inations in accordance ,it) t)is &ractice s)all *e .a"iliar ,it) t)e .ollo,in(6 1A2A1 <ltrasonic ter"inolo('% 1A2A2 Instru"ent cali*ration% 1A2AF E..ect o. transducer "aterial% siDe% .reJuenc'% and "ode on test results% 1A2AG E..ect o. "aterial structure ?(rain siDe% cleanli# ness% etcA@ on test results% 1A2A1 E..ect o. test distance on test results% 1A2A4 E..ect o. nonlinearit' on test results% 1A2A5 E..ect o. t)ic-ness and orientation o. disconti# nuities on test results% and
4A Castin( Conditions 4A1 Castin(s s)all recei e at least an austenitiDin( )eat treat"ent *e.ore *ein( ultrasonicall' e!a"inedA 4A2 Test sur.aces o. castin(s s)all *e .ree o. "aterial t)at ,ill inter.ere ,it) t)e ultrasonic e!a"inationA T)e' "a' *e as cast% *lasted% (round% or "ac)inedA 4AF T)e ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e conducted &rior to "ac)inin( t)at &re ents an e..ecti e e!a"ination o. t)e castin(A
5A Test Conditions 5A1 To assure co"&lete co era(e o. t)e s&eci!ed cast# in( section% eac) &ass o. t)e searc) unit s)all o erla& *' at least 10O o. t)e ,idt) o. t)e transducerA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A2 T)e rate o. scannin( s)all not e!ceed 4 inA 0s ?110 "" 0s@A 5AF T)e ultrasonic *ea" s)all *e introduced &er&endic# ular to t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA
re!ection is not e ident% consider t)e area Juestiona*le and .urt)er in esti(ateA
3A Procedure 3A1 AdSust t)e instru"ent controls to &osition t)e !rst *ac- re!ection .or t)e t)ic-ness to *e tested at least one )al. o. t)e distance across t)e cat)ode ra' tu*eA 3A2 <sin( t)e set o. re.erence *loc-s s&annin( t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e castin( *ein( ins&ected% "ar- t)e !at# *otto" )ole indication )ei()t .or eac) o. t)e a&&lica*le *loc-s on t)e cat)ode ra' tu*e s)ieldA Dra, a cur e t)rou() t)ese "ar-s on t)e screen or on suita*le (ra&) &a&erA T)e "a!i"u" si(nal a"&litude .or t)e test *loc-s used s)all &ea- at a&&ro!i"atel' t)ree#.ourt)s o. t)e screen )ei()t a*o e t)e s,ee& *' use o. t)e attenuatorA T)is cur e s)all *e re.erred to as t)e 100O distanceUa"&litude correction ?DAC@ cur eA I. t)e attenuation o. ultrasound in t)e castin( t)ic-ness *ein( e!a"ined is suc) t)at t)e s'ste"Es d'na"ic ran(e is e!ceeded% se("ented DAC cur es are &er"ittedA
2A Re&ort 2A1 T)e "anu.acturerEs re&ort o. !nal ultrasonic e!a"i# nation s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( data and s)all *e .ur# nis)ed to t)e &urc)aser6 2A1A1 T)e total nu"*er% location% a"&litude% and area ,)en &ossi*le to delineate *oundaries *' "onitorin( t)e "o e"ent o. t)e center o. t)e searc) unit o. all indications eJual to or (reater t)an 100O o. t)e DAC% 2A1A2 Kuestiona*le areas .ro" 3A1 t)at% u&on .urt)er in esti(ation% are deter"ined to *e caused *' discontinu# ities% 2A1AF T)e e!a"ination .reJuenc'% t'&e o. instru"ent% t'&es o. searc) units e"&lo'ed% cou&lant% "anu.acturerEs identi.'in( nu"*ers% &urc)aserEs order nu"*er% and data and aut)oriDed si(nature% and 2A1AG A s-etc) s)o,in( t)e &)'sical outline o. t)e castin(% includin( di"ensions o. all areas not ins&ected due to (eo"etric con!(uration% ,it) t)e location and siDes o. all indications in accordance ,it) 2A1A1 and 2A1A2A
3AF T)e castin( e!a"ination sur.ace ,ill nor"all' *e rou()er t)an t)at o. t)e test *loc-sR conseJuentl'% e"&lo' a "ec)anis" to &ro ide a&&ro!i"ate co"&ensa# tionA In order to acco"&lis) t)is% !rst select a re(ion o. t)e castin( t)at )as &arallel ,alls and a sur.ace condition re&resentati e o. t)e rest o. t)e castin( as a &ointA Ne!t% select t)e test *loc- ,)ose o erall len(t)% C ?8i(A 1@% "ost closel' "atc)es t)e re!ection a"&litude t)rou() t)e *loc- len(t)A Place t)e searc) unit on t)e castin( at t)e &oint and adSust t)e instru"ent (ain until t)e *ac- re!ection a"&litude t)rou() t)e castin( "atc)es t)at t)rou() t)e test *loc-A <sin( t)is tec)niJue% t)e e!a"ination sensiti it' in t)e castin( "a' *e e!&ected to *e ,it)in WF0O or less o. t)at (i en *' t)e test *loc-sA
10A Acce&tance Standards 10A1 T)is &ractice is intended .or a&&lication to castin(s ,it) a ,ide ariet' o. siDes% s)a&es% co"&ositions% "eltin( &rocesses% .oundr' &ractices% and a&&licationsA T)ere.ore% it is i"&ractical to s&eci.' an ultrasonic Jualit' le el t)at ,ould *e uni ersall' a&&lica*le to suc) a di ersit' o. &rod# uctsA <ltrasonic acce&tance or reSection criteria .or indi id# ual castin(s s)ould *e *ased on a realistic a&&raisal o. ser ice reJuire"ents and t)e Jualit' t)at can nor"all' *e o*tained in &roduction o. t)e &articular t'&e o. castin(A
3AG Do not c)an(e t)ose instru"ent controls and t)e test .reJuenc' set durin( cali*ration% e!ce&t t)e attenuator% or cali*rated (ain control% durin( acce&tance e!a"ination o. a (i en t)ic-ness o. t)e castin(A Ma-e a &eriodic cali*ra# tion durin( t)e ins&ection *' c)ec-in( t)e a"&litude o. res&onse .ro" t)e 1VG#inA ?4AG#""@ dia"eter !at#*otto" )ole in t)e test *loc- utiliDed .or t)e trans.erA
10A2 Acce&tance Jualit' le els s)all *e esta*lis)ed *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e "anu.acturer on t)e *asis o. one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( criteria6 10A2A1 No indication eJual to or (reater t)an t)e DAC o er an area s&eci!ed .or t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el o. Ta*le 2A 10A2A2 No reduction o. *ac- re!ection o. 51O or (reater t)at )as *een deter"ined to *e caused *' a disconti# nuit' o er an area s&eci!ed .or t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el o. Ta*le 2A 10A2AF Indications &roducin( a continuous res&onse eJual to or (reater t)an t)e DAC ,it) a di"ension e!ceedin( t)e "a!i"u" len(t) s)o,n .or t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el s)all *e unacce&ta*leA 10A2AG Ot)er criteria a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &ur# c)aser and t)e "anu.acturerA
NOTE F M T)e attenuator or cali*rated (ain control "a' *e used to c)an(e t)e si(nal a"&litude durin( e!a"ination to &er"it s"all a"&litude si(nals to *e "ore readil' detectedA Si(nal e aluation is "ade *' returnin( t)e attenuator or cali*rated (ain control to its ori(inal settin(A
3A1 Durin( e!a"ination o. areas o. t)e castin( )a in( &arallel ,alls% rec)ec- areas s)o,in( 51O or (reater loss o. *ac- re!ection to deter"ine ,)et)er loss o. *ac- re!ec# tion is due to &oor contact% insu.!cient cou&lant% "isori# ented discontinuit'% etcA I. t)e reason .or loss o. *ac-
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Len(t)% "a!% inA P""Q 1A1 2A2 FA0 FA2 GA3 4A0 4A2 PG0Q P11Q P51Q P100Q P120Q P110Q P151Q
Note 1MT)e areas in t)e ta*le to t)e sur.ace area on t)e cast# in( o er ,)ic) a continuous indication e!ceedin( t)e a"&litude ence line or a continuous loss o. *ac- re!ection o. 51O or (reater is "aintainedA Note 2MAreas s)all *e "easured .ro" t)e center o. t)e searc) unitA Note FMIn certain castin(s% *ecause o. er' lon( test distances or cur ature o. t)e test sur.ace% t)e castin( sur.ace area o er ,)ic) a (i en discontinuit' is detected "a' *e considera*l' lar(er or s"aller t)an t)e actual area o. t)e discontinuit' in t)e castin(R in suc) cases a (ra&)ic &lot t)at incor&orates a consideration o. *ea" s&read s)ould *e used .or realistic e aluation o. t)e discontinuit'A
t)ic-% "a' *e used to i"&ro e cou&lin( and "ini"iDe transducer ,ear caused *' castin( sur.ace rou()nessA 10AF Ot)er "eans "a' *e used to esta*lis) t)e alidit' o. a reSection *ased on ultrasonic ins&ectionA
NOTE G M T)e areas .or t)e ultrasonic Jualit' le els in Ta*le 2 o. Practice A 402 0A 402M to t)e sur.ace area on t)e castin( o er ,)ic) a continuous indication e!ceedin( t)e DAC is "aintainedA NOTE 1 M Areas are to *e "easured .ro" di"ensions o. t)e "o e"ent o. t)e searc) unit *' outlinin( locations ,)ere t)e a"&litude o. t)e indication is 100O o. t)e DAC or ,)ere t)e *ac- re!ection is reduced *' 51O% usin( t)e center o. t)e searc) unit as a re.erence &oint to esta*lis) t)e outline o. t)e indication areaA NOTE 4 M In certain castin(s% *ecause o. er' lon( "etal &at) distances or cur ature o. t)e e!a"ination sur.aces% t)e sur.ace area o er ,)ic) a (i en discontinuit' is detected "a' *e considera*l' lar(er or s"aller t)an t)e actual area o. t)e discontinuit' in t)e castin(R in suc) cases% ot)er criteria t)at incor&orate a consideration o. *ea" an(les or *ea" s&read "ust *e used .or realistic e aluation o. t)e discontinuit'A
11AG Cali*ration 0Testin( M T)e sa"e s'ste"% includ# in( t)e uret)ane "e"*rane% used .or cali*ration s)all *e used to ins&ect t)e castin(A 11A1 Ot)er Ins&ections M Ot)er .reJuencies and t'&e searc) units "a' *e used .or o*tainin( additional in.or"a# tion and &in&ointin( o. indi idual indicationsA 11A4 Cou&lant M A suita*le liJuid cou&lant% suc) as clean SAE F0 "otor oil or si"ilar co""ercial ultrasonic cou&lant% s)all *e used to cou&le t)e searc) unit to t)e test sur.aceA Ot)er cou&lants "a' *e used ,)en a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and su&&lierA 11A5 Re.erence Standards M Re.erence standards in accordance ,it) 8i(A F s)all *e used to cali*rate t)e instru# "ent .or ins&ectin( "ac)ined and cast sur.acesA Re.erence standards s)all *e !a, .ree and "ac)ined ,it)in tolerances indicatedA
PROCED<RE B M BAC9#LALL RE8LECTION CALIBRATION PROCED<RE 11A A&&aratus 11A1 A&&aratus s)all *e -e&t on a re(ular si! "ont) "aintenance c'cle durin( ,)ic)% as a "ini"u" reJuire# "ent% t)e ertical and )oriDontal linearities% sensiti it'% and resolution s)all *e esta*lis)ed in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E F15A 11A2 Searc) <nits M Cera"ic ele"ent transducers not e!ceedin( 1A21 inA PF2 ""Q dia"eter or 1 inA2 P4G1 ""2Q s)all *e usedA 11AF Searc) <nits 8acin( M A so.t uret)ane "e"*rane or neo&rene s)eet% a&&ro!i"atel' 0A021 inA P0A4G ""Q
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
12A <ltrasonic Instru"ent 12A1 T'&e M Pulsed ultrasonic re!ection instru"ent ca&a*le o. (eneratin(% recei in(% and a"&li.'in( .reJuen# cies o. 1 M+D to 1 M+D s)all *e used .or testin(A 12A2 Volta(e M Line olta(e s)all *e suita*l' re(ulated *' constant olta(e eJui&"ent and "etal )ousin( "ust *e (rounded to &re ent electric s)oc-A 12AF Linearit' M T)e instru"ent "ust &ro ide a linear &resentation ?,it)in W1O@ o. at least 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q s,ee& to &ea- ?S 0P@A 12AG Cali*rated Iain Control o. Attenuator M T)e instru"ent s)all contain a cali*rated (ain control or si(nal
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
attenuator ?accurate ,it)in W10O@ ,)ic) ,ill allo, indica# tions *e'ond t)e linear ran(e o. t)e instru"ent to *e "ea# suredA 12A1 Ti"e#Corrected Iain M T)e instru"ent s)all *e eJui&&ed to co"&ensate .or si(nal deca' ,it) distanceA A "et)od s)ould *e a aila*le to eJualiDe si(nal res&onse at di..erent de&t)sA
Kualit' Le el 1 2 F G 1 4 5 3 2 10 11
1FA Kuali!cation 1FA1 T)e reJuire"ents .or &re#&roduction Juali!cation are as .ollo,s6 1FA1A1 Personnel M T)e &ersonnel Juali!cation reJuire"ents o. SNT#TC#1A are a&&lica*leA Ot)er &erson# nel Juali!cation reJuire"ent docu"ents "a' *e used ,)en a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA Rec# ords o. all &ersonnel s)all *e a aila*le to custo"ers u&on reJuestA 1FA1A2 EJui&"ent M T)e eJui&"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. "eetin( t)e reJuire"ents in Section 12A
Note 1 M T)e area "easured *' "o e"ent o. t)e center o. t)e transducer o er t)e castin( sur.aceA Note 2 M O & outer ,all 1VF% or inner ,all 1VFA C & "id,all 1VFA E & entire ,allA
1GA Pre&aration 1GA1 Ti"e o. Ins&ection M T)e !nal ultrasonic acce&t# ance ins&ection s)all *e &er.or"ed a.ter at least an austeni# tiDin( )eat treat"ent and &re.era*l' a.ter "ac)inin(A In order to a oid ti"e loss in &roduction% acce&tance ins&ec# tion o. cast sur.aces "a' *e done &rior to "ac)inin(A Mac)ined sur.aces s)all *e acce&tance ins&ected as soon as &ossi*le a.ter "ac)inin(A Re&air ,elds "a' *e ins&ected *e.ore t)e &ost,eld )eat treat"entA
1GA2 Sur.ace 8inis)6 1GA2A1 Mac)ined Sur.aces M Mac)ined sur.aces su*# Sect to ultrasonic ins&ection s)all )a e a !nis) t)at ,ill &roduce an ultrasonic res&onse eJui alent to t)at o*tained .ro" a 210 inA ?4AF "@ sur.aceA T)e sur.ace !nis) s)all also &er"it adeJuate "o e"ent o. searc) units alon( t)e sur.aceA 1GA2A2 Castin( Sur.aces M Castin( sur.aces to *e ultrasonicall' ins&ected s)all *e suita*le .or t)e intended t'&e and Jualit' le el ?Ta*les F and G@ o. ins&ection as Sud(ed acce&ta*le *' a Juali!ed indi idual as s&eci!ed in 1FA1A1A 1GA2AF Sur.ace Condition M All sur.aces to *e ins&ected s)all *e .ree o. scale% "ac)inin( or (rindin( &articles% e!cessi e &aint t)ic-ness% dirt% or ot)er .orei(n "atter t)at "a' inter.ere ,it) t)e ins&ectionA 1GAF Position o. Castin( M T)e castin( s)all *e &osi# tioned suc) t)at t)e ins&ector )as .ree access to t)e *ac,all .or t)e &ur&ose o. eri.'in( c)an(e in contourA
o. ,all location% t)at is "id,all 1VF% inner"ost 1VF% or out# er"ost 1VFA BEac) indication t)at eJuals or e!ceeds t)e 0A1#inA P13 ""Q ence line s)all *e traced to t)e &osition ,)ere t)e indication is eJual to 0A21 inA P4 ""QA T)e area o. t)e location% .or t)e &ur&ose o. t)is e aluation% s)all *e considered t)e area t)at is con!ned ,it)in t)e outline esta*lis)ed *' t)e center o. t)e transducer durin( tracin( o. t)e !a, as reJuiredA L)ene er no discerni*le sur.ace tracin( is &ossi# *le% eac) indication ,)ic) eJuals or e!ceeds t)e 0A1 inA re.erence a"&litude s)all *e considered 0A11 inA2 P1 c"2Q ?t)ree ti"es t)e area o. t)e 1VG dia"eter P4 ""Q !at#*otto"ed )ole to co"&ensate .or re!ecti it' de(radation o. natural !a,@ .or t)e cu"ulati e area esti# "atesA CT)e indications ,it)in a cluster ,it) t)e cu"ulati e areas traced s)all *e dis&ersed in a "ini"u" sur.ace area o. t)e castin( eJual to F4 inA2 P2F0 c"2QA I. t)e cu"ulati e areas traced are con!ned ,it) a s"aller area o. distri*ution% t)e area s)all *e re&air ,elded to t)e e!tent necessar' to "eet t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le elA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A Cali*ration 11A1 Cali*ration Bloc-s M Deter"ine t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial to *e ultrasonicall' ins&ectedA 8or "aterial t)ic-ness o. F inA P51 ""Q or less% use t)e series o. F *loc-s% 1V2% 2% 1 inA P1F% 10% 121 ""Q ?8i(A F% B di"ension@ .or cali*rationA 8or a "aterial t)ic-ness (reater t)an F inA% use t)e series o. F *loc-s% 2% 1% 10 inA P10% 121% 210 ""Q ?8i(A F% B di"ension@ .or cali*rationA
instru"ent until t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal )ei()t is 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q ?S 0P@A Increase t)e ins&ection sensiti it' *' a .actor o. t)ree ti"es ?10 dB (ain@ ,it) t)e cali*rated attenu# atorA Sur.aces t)at do not "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. 1GA2A1 s)all *e ins&ected as s&eci!ed in 11AFA3A 11AFA3 8or ins&ections on cast sur.aces% &osition t)e searc) unit on t)e castin( to *e ins&ected at a location ,)ere t)e ,alls are reasona*l' &arallel and s"oot) ?inside and outside dia"eter@ and t)e sur.ace condition is re&resen# tati e o. t)e sur.ace *ein( ins&ectedA AdSust t)e (ain o. t)e instru"ent until t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal )ei()t is 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q ?S 0P@A Increase t)e ins&ection sensiti it' *' a .actor o. si! ti"es ?14 dB@ *' use o. t)e cali*rated control or attenuatorA A si(ni!cant c)an(e in sur.ace !nis) reJuires a co"&ensatin( adSust"ent to t)e (ainA
11A2 Cali*ration o. Searc) <nits M 8or t)e t)ic-ness o. "aterial to *e ins&ected% as deter"ined in 11A1% use t)e .ollo,in( searc) units6 11A2A1 8or "aterials F inA P51 ""Q or less in t)ic-# ness% use a 21VG M+D% 1V2 inA P1F ""Q dia"eter searc) unitA 11A2A2 8or "aterial (reater t)an F inA P51 ""Q in t)ic-ness% use a 21VG M+D% 1 inA P21 ""Q dia"eter searc) unitA 11AF Cali*ration Procedure6 11AFA1 Set t)e .reJuenc' selector as reJuiredA Set t)e reSect control in t)e BO88C &ositionA 11AFA2 Position t)e searc) unit on t)e entrant sur.ace o. t)e *loc- t)at co"&letel' enco"&asses t)e "etal t)ic-# ness to *e ins&ected ?8i(A F@ and adSust t)e s,ee& control suc) t)at t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal a&&ears a&&ro!i"atel'% *ut not "ore t)an t)ree#Juarters alon( t)e s,ee& line .ro" t)e initial &ulse si(nalA 11AFAF Position t)e searc) unit on t)e entrant sur.ace o. t)e s"allest *loc- o. t)e series o. F *loc-s selected .or cali*ration and adSust t)e (ain until t)e *ac- re!ection si(nal )ei()t ?a"&litude@ is 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q s,ee& to &ea- ?S 0P@A Dra, a line on t)e cat)ode#ra' screen ?CRT@% &arallel to t)e s,ee& line% t)rou() t)e &ea- o. t)e 1A1 inA ?S 0P@ a"&litudeA 11AFAG Position t)e searc) unit on t)e entrant sur.ace o. t)e lar(est *loc- o. t)e series o. F *loc-s selected .or cali*ration% and adSust t)e distanceUa"&litude control to &ro ide a *ac- re!ection si(nal )ei()t o. 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q ?S 0P@A 11AFA1 Position t)e searc) unit on t)e entrant sur.ace o. t)e inter"ediate cali*ration *loc- o. t)e series o. F *loc-s *ein( used .or cali*ration and con!r" t)at t)e *acre!ection si(nal )ei()t is a&&ro!i"atel' 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q ?S 0P@A I. it is not% o*tain t)e *est co"&ro"ise *et,een t)is *loc- and t)e lar(est *loc- o. t)e series o. F *loc-s *ein( used .or cali*rationA 11AFA4 Dra, a line on t)e cat)ode ra' tu*e screen &arallel to t)e s,ee& line at 0A1 inA P1F ""Q ?S 0P@ a"&li# tudeA T)is ,ill *e t)e re.erence line .or re&ortin( disconti# nuit' a"&litudesA 11AFA5 8or tests on "ac)ined sur.aces% &osition t)e searc) unit on a "ac)ined sur.ace o. castin( ,)ere t)e ,alls are reasona*l' &arallel and adSust t)e (ain o. t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
11AFA3A1 ReSecta*le indications on as#cast sur.aces "a' *e ree aluated *' sur.ace &re&aration to 210 inA P4AF "Q !nis) or *etter% and reins&ected in accordance ,it) 11AFA5 o. t)is &racticeA 11AFA3A2 It s)ould *e noted t)at so"e instru"ents are eJui&&ed ,it) deci*el cali*rated (ain controls% in ,)ic) case t)e deci*el reJuired to increase t)e sensiti it' "ust *e addedA Ot)er instru"ents )a e deci*el cali*rated attenu# ators% in ,)ic) case t)e reJuired deci*el "ust *e re"o edA Still ot)er instru"ents do not )a e cali*rated (ains or attenuatorsA T)e' reJuire e!ternal attenuatorsA
14A Scannin( 14A1 Irid Pattern M T)e sur.ace o. t)e castin( s)all *e laid out in a 12 *' 12 inA PF00 *' F00 ""Q or an' si"ilar (rid &attern .or (uidance in scannin(A Irid nu"*ers s)all *e stenciled on t)e castin( .or record &ur&oses and .or (rid area identit'A T)e stenciled (rid nu"*er s)all a&&ear in t)e u&&er ri()t )and corner o. t)e (ridA L)en (rids are laid out on t)e castin( sur.ace and t)e' enco"&ass di..erent Jualit' le els% eac) s&eci!c area s)all *e e aluated in accordance ,it) t)e reJuire"ents o. t)e s&eci!c Jualit' le el desi(nated .or t)at areaA
14A2 O erla& M Scan o er t)e sur.ace allo,in( 10O "ini"u" o erla& o. t)e ,or-in( dia"eters o. t)e searc) unitA 14AF Ins&ection ReJuire"ents M All sur.aces s&eci!ed .or ultrasonic ?<T@ s)all *e co"&letel' ins&ected .ro" *ot) sides% ,)ene er *ot) sides are accessi*leA T)e sa"e searc) unit used .or cali*ration s)all *e used to ins&ect t)e castin(A
15A Additional Transducer E aluation 15A1 Additional in.or"ation re(ardin( an' ultrasonic indication "a' *e o*tained t)rou() t)e use o. ot)er .re# Juenc'% t'&e% and siDe searc) unitA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
13A Acce&tance Criteria 13A1 ReSecta*le Conditions M T)e locations o. all indi# cations )a in( a"&litudes (reater t)an t)e 0A1 inA P1F ""Q line (i en in 11AFA4% ,)en a"&litude t)ree ti"es ?"ac)ined sur.aces@ or si! ti"es ?cast sur.aces@ s)all *e "ar-ed on t)e castin( sur.aceA T)e *oundar' li"its o. t)e indication s)all *e deter"ined *' "ar-in( a su.!cient nu"*er o. "ar-s on t)e castin( sur.aces ,)ere t)e ultrasonic si(nal eJuals one )al. t)e re.erence a"&litude% 0A21 inA P4 ""QA To co"&letel' delineate t)e indication% dra, a line around t)e outer *oundar' o. t)e center o. t)e nu"*er o. "ar-s to .or" t)e indication areaA Dra, a rectan(le or ot)er re(ular s)a&e t)rou() t)e indication in order to .or" a &ol'(on .ro" ,)ic) t)e area "a' *e easil' co"&utedA It is not necessar' t)at t)e ultrasonic si(nal e!ceed t)e a"&litude re.erence line o er t)e entire areaA At so"e locations ,it)in t)e li"its o. t)e indication% t)e si(nal "a' *e less t)an t)e re.erence line% *ut ne ert)eless still &resent suc) t)at it "a' *e Sud(ed as a continuous% si(nal indica# tionA ReSecta*le conditions are as .ollo,s and ,)en an' o. t)e conditions listed *elo, are .ound% t)e indications s)all *e re"o ed and re&air ,elded to t)e a&&lica*le &ro# cess s&eci!cationA
not )a e a t)rou() ,all distance (reater t)an 1VFT% ,)ere T is t)e ,all t)ic-ness in t)e area containin( t)e indicationA 13AFA1 Re&air ,eldin( o. cluster#t'&e indications need onl' *e t)e e!tent necessar' to "eet t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el .or t)at &articular areaA All ot)er t'&es o. reSecta*le indications s)all *e co"&letel' re"o edA 13AFA4 Re&air ,elds o. castin(s s)all "eet t)e Jualit' le el desi(nated .or t)at &articular area o. t)e castin(A 13AFA5 An' location t)at )as a 51O or (reater loss in *ac- re!ection and e!ceeds t)e area o. t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el% and ,)ose indication a"&litudes "a' or "a' not e!ceed t)e 0A1 inA P1F ""Q reSection line% s)all *e reSected unless t)e reason .or t)e loss in *ac- re!ection can *e resol ed as not *ein( caused *' an indicationA I. (ain is added and *ac- ec)o is ac)ie ed ,it)out indication &ercent a"&litude e!ceedin( t)e 0A1 inA P1F ""Q reSection line% t)e area s)ould *e acce&tedA
13A2 Linear Indications M A linear indication is de!ned as one )a in( a len(t) eJual to or (reater t)an t)ree ti"es its ,idt)A An a"&litude o. 1V2 inA P1F ""Q% suc) as ,ould result .ro" tears or strin(er t'&e sla( inclusion% s)all *e re"o edA 13AF Non#Linear Indications6 13AFA1 Isolated Indications M Isolated indications s)all not e!ceed t)e li"its o. t)e Jualit' le el desi(nated *' t)e custo"erEs &urc)ase order listed in Ta*le FA An isolated indication "a' *e de!ned as one .or ,)ic) t)e distance *et,een it and an adSacent indication is (reater t)an t)e lon(est di"ension o. t)e lar(er o. t)e adSacent indicationsA 13AFA2 Clustered Indications M Clustered indications s)all *e de!ned as t,o or "ore indications t)at are con!ned in a 1 inA P21 ""Q cu*eA Clustered indications s)all not e!ceed t)e li"its o. t)e Jualit' le el desi(nated *' t)e custo"er &urc)ase order in Ta*le GA L)ere t)e distance *et,een indications is less t)an t)e lo,est di"ension o. t)e lar(est indication in t)e (rou&% t)e cluster s)all *e re&air ,eldedA 13AFAF T)e distance *et,een t,o clusters "ust *e (reater t)an t)e lo,est di"ension o. t)e lar(est indication in eit)er clusterA I. t)e' are not% t)e cluster )a in( t)e lar(est sin(le indication s)all *e re"o edA 13AFAG All indications% re(ardless o. t)eir sur.ace areas as indicated *' transducer "o e"ent on t)e castin( sur.ace and re(ardless o. t)e Jualit' le el reJuired% s)all
12A Records 12A1 Stencilin( M Eac) castin( s)all *e &er"anentl' stenciled to locate ins&ection Dones or (rid &attern .or ease in locatin( areas ,)ere reSecta*le indications ,ere o*ser edA 12A2 S-etc) M A re&ort s)o,in( t)e e!act de&t) and sur.ace location in relation to t)e stencil nu"*ers s)all *e "ade .or eac) reSecta*le indicator .ound durin( eac) ins&ectionA 12A2A1 T)e s-etc) s)all also include% *ut not *e li"# ited to% t)e .ollo,in(6 12A2A1A1 Part identi!cation nu"*ers% 12A2A1A2 Purc)ase order nu"*ers% 12A2A1AF T'&e and siDe o. su&&le"ental transduc# ers used% 12A2A1AG Na"e o. ins&ector% and 12A2A1A1 Date o. ins&ectionA
20A Product Mar-in( 20A1 An' reSecta*le areas ?t)ose indications e!ceedin( t)e li"its o. Section 12@ s)all *e "ar-ed on t)e castin( as t)e ins&ection &ro(ressesA T)e &oint o. "ar-in( s)all *e t)e center o. t)e searc) unitA
21A 9e',ords 21A1 car*on and lo,#allo' steelR castin(sR "artensitic stainless steelR ultrasonic
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e .ollo,in( su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents s)all *e a&&lied onl' ,)en a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lier to ac)ie e an e..ecti e e!a"ination o. a critical castin( area t)at cannot *e e..ecti el' e!a"ined usin( a lon(itudinal *ea" as a result o. castin( desi(n or &ossi*le discontinuit' orientationA
S1A An(le Bea" E!a"ination o. Steel Castin(s S1A1 EJui&"ent6 S1A1A1 E!a"ination Instru"ent M E!a"ination s)all *e conducted ,it) an ultrasonic% &ulsed#re!ection t'&e o. s'ste" (eneratin( .reJuencies o. at least 0AG to 1 M+DA Pro&erties o. t)e electronic a&&aratus s)all *e t)e sa"e as t)ose s&eci!ed in GA1A S1A1A2 Searc) <nits M An(le#*ea" searc) units s)all &roduce an an(le *ea" in steel in t)e ran(e .ro" F0 to 51[ inclusi e% "easured to t)e &er&endicular o. t)e entr' sur.ace o. t)e castin( *ein( e!a"inedA It is &re.erred t)at searc) units s)all )a e .reJuenc' o. 0AG to 1 M+DA S1A1AF Cali*ration Bloc-s M A set o. *loc-s% as s)o,n in 8i(A S1A1% ,it) as cast sur.ace eJui alent to SCRATA Co"&arator AF and o. a t)ic-ness co"&ara*le to t)e sections *ein( e!a"ined ,it) side#drilled )oles at 1VGt% 1V2t% and FVGt ?,)ere t & t)ic-ness o. t)e *loc-@ s)all *e used to esta*lis) an a"&litude re.erence line ?ARL@A S1A2 Cali*ration o. EJui&"ent6 S1A2A1 Construct t)e distanceUa"&litude correction cur e *' utiliDin( t)e res&onses .ro" t)e side#drilled )oles in t)e *asic cali*ration *loc- .or an(le *ea" e!a"ination as s)o,n in 8i(A S1A1 and Ta*le S1A1A S1A2A1A1 Resol e and "ar- t)e a"&litudes o. t)e side#drilled )oles .ro" t)e sa"e sur.aceA T)e side#drilled )ole used .or t)e 1VGt a"&litude "a' *e used to esta*lis) t)e FVGt a"&litude .ro" t)e o&&osite sur.ace or a se&arate )ole "a' *e usedA
1VGt and 1V2t
e!a"ine castin(s ,it) sur.ace rou()er t)an SCRATA Co"&arator AFA <se a "ac)ined cali*ration *loc- .or "ac)ined sur.acesA S1A2AG T)e searc) unit and all instru"ent control settin(s re"ain unc)an(ed e!ce&t t)e attenuator or cali# *rated (ain controlA S1A2AGA1 T)e attenuator or cali*rated (ain control "a' *e used to c)an(e t)e si(nal a"&litude durin( e!a"i# nation to &er"it s"all a"&litude si(nals to *e "ore readil' detectedA Si(nal e aluation is "ade *' returnin( t)e attenu# ator or cali*rated (ain control to its ori(inal settin(A S1AF Data Re&ortin( M T)e su&&lierEs re&ort o. !nal ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all contain t)e .ollo,in( data6 S1AFA1 T)e total nu"*er% location% a"&litude% and area o. all indications eJual to or (reater t)an 100O o. t)e distanceUa"&litude cur eA S1AFA2 T)e e!a"ination .reJuenc'% t'&e o. instru# "ent% t'&e and siDe o. searc) units e"&lo'ed% cou&lant% "et)od% e!a"ination o&erator% su&&lierEs identi# .'in( nu"*ers% &urc)ase order nu"*er% date% and aut)or# iDed si(natureA S1AFAF A s-etc) s)o,in( t)e &)'sical outline o. t)e castin(% includin( di"ensions o. all areas not e!a"ined due to (eo"etric con!(uration% ,it) t)e location o. all indications in accordance ,it) S1AFA1A S1AG Acce&tance Standards M Acce&tance Jualit' le # els s)all *e esta*lis)ed *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e "anu.acturer on t)e *asis o. one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( criteria6 S1AGA1 No indication eJual to or (reater t)an t)e DAC o er an area s&eci!ed .or t)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el o. Ta*le 2A S1AGA2 Ot)er criteria a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &ur# c)aser and t)e "anu.acturerA
S1A2A1A2 Connect t)e 1VGt% 1V2t% and FVGt a"&litudes to esta*lis) t)e a&&lica*le DACA S1A2A2 T)e *asic cali*ration *loc-s s)all *e "ade o. "aterial t)at is acousticall' si"ilar to t)e castin( *ein( e!a"inedA S1A2AF Do not use *asic cali*ration *loc-s ,it) as cast sur.ace eJui alent to SCRATA Co"&arator AF to
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Mini"u" De&t) ?D@% inA P""Q 11V2 11V2 11V2 11V2 11V2 11V2 11V2 PG0Q PG0Q PG0Q PG0Q PG0Q PG0Q PG0Q
See Note 1
Note 1 M 8or eac) increase in t)ic-ness o. 2 inA P10 ""Q% or a .raction t)ereo.% t)e )ole dia"eter s)all increase 1V14 inA P1A4 ""QA Note 2 M 8or *loc- siDes o er F inA P51 ""Q in t)ic-ness% T% t)e distance .ro" t)e )ole to t)e end o. t)e *loc- s)all *e 1V2T% "in% to &re ent coincident re!ections .ro" t)e )ole and t)e cornerA Bloc- .a*ricated ,it) a 2#inA P10#""Q "ini"u" di"ension need not *e "odi!ed i. t)e corner and )ole indications can *e easil' resol edA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e standards and &rocedures .or t)e contact% &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic e!a"ination o. aus# tenitic steel .or(in(s *' t)e strai()t or an(le *ea" tec)# niJues% or *ot)A 1A2 T)is &ractice s)all *e used ,)ene er t)e inJuir'% &ro&osal% contract% order% or s&eci!cation states t)at austen# itic steel .or(in(s are to *e su*Sect to ultrasonic e!a"ina# tion in accordance ,it) Practice A 5G10A 5G1MA <ltrasonic e!a"ination o. non"a(netic retainin( rin( .or(in(s s)ould *e "ade to Practice A 1F1% not to t)is &racticeA 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound or SI units are to *e re(arded as standardA Lit)in t)e te!t% t)e SI units are s)o,n in *rac-etsA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" are not e!act eJui alentsR t)ere.ore% eac) s'ste" "ust *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e &racticeA 1AG T)is &ractice and t)e a&&lica*le "aterial s&eci!ca# tions are e!&ressed in *ot) inc)#&ound units and SI unitsA +o,e er% unless t)e order s&eci!es t)e a&&lica*le BMC s&eci!cation desi(nation ?SI units@% t)e "aterial s)all *e .urnis)ed to inc)#&ound unitsA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
<se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents E G23 Practice .or 8a*rication and Control o. Steel ence Bloc-s <sed in <ltrasonic Ins&ection 2A2 A"erican Societ' .or Nondestructi e Testin( Doc# u"ent6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation
FA Orderin( In.or"ation FA1 L)en t)is &ractice is to *e a&&lied to an inJuir' or &urc)ase order% t)e &urc)aser s)all .urnis) t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 FA1A1 Kualit' le el o. e!a"ination ?see Section 12@A FA1A2 Additional reJuire"ents to t)is &racticeA FA1AF A&&lica*ilit' o. su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents ?see Su&&le"entar' ReJuire"ents section@A FA2 L)en s&eci!ed% t)e "anu.acturer s)all su*"it an e!a"ination &rocedure .or &urc)aser a&&ro al t)at s)all include% *ut not *e li"ited to% a s-etc) o. t)e con!(uration as &resented .or ultrasonic e!a"ination s)o,in( t)e sur# .aces to *e scanned% scannin( directions% notc) locations and siDes ?i. a&&lica*le@% e!tent o. co era(e ?i. a&&lica*le@% and an instruction listin( cali*ration and ins&ection details and sta(e o. "anu.actureA
GA A&&aratus GA1 An electronic% &ulsed% re!ection t'&e o. instru"ent s)all *e used .or t)is e!a"inationA T)e s'ste" s)all )a e a "ini"u" ca&a*ilit' .or o&eratin( at .reJuencies .ro" 0A1 to 1A0 M+DA Eit)er ideo or r#. &resentation is acce&ta*leA GA2 T)e ultrasonic instru"ent s)all &ro ide linear &re# sentation ?,it)in W1O o. t)e si(nal )ei()t@ .or at least 51O o. t)e screen )ei()t ?s,ee& line to to& o. screen@A T)is
A 1F10A 1F1M Practice .or <ltrasonic Ins&ection o. Tur# *ine#Ienerator Steel Retainin( Rin(s E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Testin( S'ste"s Lit)out t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1O linearit' is descri&ti e o. t)e screen &resentation o. a"&litudeA Instru"ent linearit' s)all *e eri!ed in accor# dance ,it) t)e intent o. Practice E F15A GAF Instru"ents ,it) incre"ental (ain control ?accurate o er its use.ul ran(e to W10O o. t)e no"inal attenuation ratio@ s)all *e used ,)en &ossi*le to allo, "easure"ent o. si(nals *e'ond t)e linear dis&la' ran(e o. t)e instru"entA GAG Searc) <nits6 GAGA1 Searc) units )a in( transducers o. eit)er JuartD or ot)er &ieDoelectric "aterials "a' *e e"&lo'edA GAGA2 T)e "a!i"u" no"inal acti e area o. 11V2 inA2 P250 ""2Q ,it) 1V2 inA P1F ""Q "ini"u" to 11V3 inA PF0 ""Q "a!i"u" di"ensions or FVG inA P20#""Q dia"eter "ini"u" di"ension s)all *e used .or strai()t#*ea" scannin(A GAGAF An(le#*ea" scannin( transducers s)all )a e a no"inal acti e area o. 1V2 to 1 inA2 PF21 to 410 ""2QA T)e searc) unit used .or an(le#*ea" e!a"ination s)all &roduce a *ea" an(le o. F0[ to 50[ in t)e "aterialA GAGAG Ot)er searc) units% includin( .reJuencies ot)er t)an t)ose listed in Section 3% "a' *e used .or e aluatin( and &in&ointin( indications o. discontinuitiesA GA1 Cou&lant M A suita*le cou&lant )a in( (ood ,et# tin( c)aracteristics s)all *e used *et,een t)e transducer and t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA T)e sa"e cou&lant s)all *e used .or cali*ration and e!a"inationA GA4 Re.erence Bloc-s6 GA4A1 All ultrasonic standard re.erence *loc-s s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e (eneral (uidelines o. Practice E G23A +o,e er% a*solute con.or"ance to Practice E G23 is not "andator' due to t)e nature o. t)e "aterial co ered *' t)is &racticeA GA4A2 T)e re.erence *loc- (rain siDe% as "easured *' t)e relati e acoustic &enetra*ilit' o. t)e re.erence *loc-s% s)ould *e reasona*l' si"ilar to t)e .or(in( under e!a"ina# tionA +o,e er% it "ust *e reco(niDed t)at lar(e austenitic .or(in(s ar' considera*l' in acoustic &enetra*ilit' t)rou()out t)eir olu"e due to ariations in (rain siDe and structureA Re.erence *loc-s s)ould *e c)osen t)at reason# a*l' a&&ro!i"ate t)e a era(e &enetra*ilit' o. t)e .or(in( under e!a"inationA Su&&le"entar' *loc-s o. coarser or !ner (rain "a' *e used .or e aluation o. indications as co ered in Section 11A
1A Personnel ReJuire"ents 1A1 Personnel &er.or"in( t)e ultrasonic e!a"inations to t)is &ractice s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure con.or"in( to Reco""ended Practice NoA SNT#TC#1A or anot)er national standard t)at is acce&ta*le to *ot) t)e &urc)aser and t)e su&&lierA
4A 8or(in( Conditions 4A1 8or(in(s s)all *e ultrasonicall' e!a"ined a.ter )eat treatin(A 4A2 T)e sur.aces o. t)e .or(in( to *e e!a"ined s)all *e .ree o. e!traneous "aterial suc) as loose scale% &aint% dirt% etcA 4AF T)e sur.ace rou()ness o. scannin( sur.aces s)all not e!ceed 210 inA P4 "Q unless ot)er,ise stated in t)e order or contractA 4AG T)e .or(in(s s)all *e "ac)ined to a si"&le con!(# uration% t)at is% rectan(ular or &arallel or concentric sur# .aces ,)ere co"&lete olu"etric co era(e can *e o*tainedA 4A1 In certain cases% suc) as ,it) contour .or(ed &arts% it "a' *e i"&ractical to assure 100O olu"etric co era(eA Suc) .or(in(s s)all *e e!a"ined to t)e "a!i"u" e!tent &ossi*leA A &rocedure indicatin( t)e e!tent o. e!a"ination co era(e s)all *e su*"itted .or t)e &urc)aserEs a&&ro al ?see FA2@A
5A Procedure 5A1 Per.or" t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination a.ter )eat treat# "ent ,)en t)e .or(in( is "ac)ined to t)e ultrasonic con# !(uration *ut &rior to drillin( )oles% cuttin( -e',a's% ta&ers% (roo es% or "ac)inin( sections to !nal contourA 5A2 To ensure co"&lete co era(e o. t)e .or(in( olu"e ,)en scannin(% inde! t)e searc) unit ,it) at least 11O o erla& ,it) eac) &assA 5AF T)e scannin( rate s)all not e!ceed 4 inA P110 ""Q0sA 5AG Scan all re(ions o. t)e .or(in( in at least t,o &er&endicular directions to t)e "a!i"u" e!tent &ossi*leA 5A1 Scan dis- and dis-#t'&e .or(in(s usin( a strai()t *ea" .ro" at least one !at .ace and radiall' .ro" t)e circu".erence ,)en &ractica*leA 8or t)e &ur&oses o. t)is &ractice% a dis- is a c'lindrical s)a&e ,)ere t)e dia"eter di"ension e!ceeds t)e )ei()t di"ensionA Dis-#t'&e .or(# in(s "ade as u&set#.or(ed B&anca-esC s)all *e classi!ed as dis-s .or ins&ection &ur&oses alt)ou() at t)e ti"e o. ins&ection% t)e &art "a' )a e a center )ole% counterturned ste&s% or ot)er detail con!(urationA
GA4AF As an alternati e "et)od% ,)ere &ractica*le% t)e a&&ro&riate siDe o. re.erence )ole ?or )oles@ or notc)es "a' *e &laced in re&resentati e areas o. t)e .or(in( .or cali*ration and e!a"ination &ur&oses ,)en re"o ed *' su*seJuent "ac)inin(A L)en )oles or notc)es are not re"o ed *' su*seJuent "ac)inin(% t)e &urc)aser "ust a&&ro e t)e location o. )oles or notc)esA
5A4 Scan c'lindrical sections% rin( and )ollo, .or(in(s .ro" t)e entire e!ternal sur.ace ?sides or circu".erence@%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
usin( t)e strai()t#*ea" tec)niJue% and scan t)e .or(in( in t)e a!ial direction to t)e e!tent &ossi*leA L)en t)e len(t) di ided *' t)e dia"eter ratio ?slenderness ratio@ e!ceeds 4 to 1 ?or a!ial len(t) e!ceeds 2G inA P400 ""Q@% scan a!iall' .ro" *ot) end sur.aces to t)e e!tent &ossi*leA I. a!ial &enetration is not &ossi*le due to attenuation% an(le# *ea" e!a"ination directed a!iall' "a' *e su*stituted in &lace o. a!ial strai()t *ea"A E!a"ine rin( and )ollo, .or(in(s )a in( an outside#dia"eter to inside#dia"eter ratio o. less t)an 2 to 1 and a ,all t)ic-ness less t)an 3 inA P200 ""Q *' an(le#*ea" tec)niJues .ro" t)e outside dia"eter or inside dia"eter% or *ot)% usin( .ull node or )al.#node tec)niJue ?see 10A1A2 and 10A1AF@ as necessar' to ac)ie e eit)er 100O olu"etric co era(e or t)e e!tent o. co era(e de!ned *' an a&&ro ed &rocedure ?see FA2@A
?a@ Sin(le#Bloc- Met)od M Esta*lis) t)e test sensiti it' on t)e re.erence standard re&resentin( t)e .or(in( t)ic-# nessA Drill !at#*otto" )oles nor"al to t)e e!a"inin( sur# .ace% to "idsection in "aterial u& to 1A1 inA PG0 ""Q in t)ic-ness and at least 0A51 inA P20 ""Q in de&t) *ut no dee&er t)an "idsection in t)ic-nesses .ro" 1A1 to 4 inA PG0 to 110 ""QA Ma-e e aluations o. indications at t)e esti"ated discontinuit' de&t) at ,)ic) t)e' are o*ser ed usin( su&&le"entar' re.erence standards% i. necessar'A ?*@ DistanceUA"&litude Cur e Correction Met)od M Esta*lis) t)e test sensiti it' on t)e re.erence standard ,)ose "etal tra el distance re&resents t)e (reater "etal tra el distance o. t)e &art under e!a"ination% ,it)in W1 inA P21 ""QA
3A E!a"ination 8reJuenc' 3A1 Per.or" all ultrasonic e!a"ination at t)e )i()est .reJuenc' &ractica*le ?as s&eci!ed in 3A1A1% 3A1A2% or 3A1AF@ t)at ,ill adeJuatel' &enetrate t)e .or(in( t)ic-ness and resol e t)e a&&lica*le re.erence standardA Include in t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination re&ort t)e e!a"ination .reJuenc' usedA Deter"ine t)e test .reJuenc' at t)e ti"e o. actual e!a"ination *' t)e .ollo,in( (uidelines6
2A1A2A2 E!a"ine t)ic-nesses .ro" 4 to 2G inA P110 to 400 ""Q usin( t)e distanceUa"&litude cali*ration "et)odA Cali*ration to 1V2 t)ic-ness test "etal distance "a' *e used &ro ided e!a"inations .ro" t,o o&&osin( sur.aces are "adeA 2A1A2AF 8or "etal tra el distances o er 2G inA P400 ""Q% &er.or" one o. t)e .ollo,in( e!a"inations6 ?a@ Per.or" a *ac-#re!ection e!a"ination .ro" at least one sur.ace to KL#1 ?see 12A1A1@ or to a &urc)aser#a&&ro ed &rocedure ?see FA2@A ?*@ On )ollo,#round .or(in(s ,it) ,all t)ic-nesses less t)an 3 inA P200 ""Q% &er.or" an a!ial an(le#*ea" scan in &lace o. t)e strai()t#*ea" scan .ro" t)e end sur.acesA Cali*ration .or t)is scan "a' *e esta*lis)ed on t)e e!istin( a!ial notc)es reJuired .or t)e circu".erential scan or on trans erse oriented notc)es installed s&eci!call' .or a!ial an(le *ea"A
3A1A1 T)e no"inal test .reJuenc' s)all *e 2A21 M+DA <se o. t)is .reJuenc' ,ill (enerall' *e restricted due to attenuationA 3A1A2 One "e(a)ertD is acce&ta*le and ,ill *e t)e .reJuenc' (enerall' a&&lica*leA 3A1AF L)en necessar'% due to attenuation% 0A1 M+D e!a"ination .reJuenc' "a' *e usedA T)e &urc)aser "a' reJuest noti!cation *e.ore t)is lo,er .reJuenc' is e"&lo'edA 3A1AG In t)e e ent t)at adeJuate &enetration o. certain re(ions is not &ossi*le e en at 0A1 M+D% alternati e nonde# structi e e!a"ination "et)ods ?suc) as radio(ra&)'@ "a' *e e"&lo'ed to ensure t)e soundness o. t)e .or(in( *' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e "anu.acturerA
2A1A1 Per.or" cali*ration .or strai()t#*ea" e!a"ina# tion on t)e !at#*otto" )ole siDe deter"ined *' t)e a&&lica# *le Jualit' le el ?see Section 12@A 2A1A2 Deter"ine t)e cali*ration "et)od *' t)e test "etal distance in ol edA 2A1A2A1 T)ic-nesses u& to 4 inA P110 ""Q "a' *e e!a"# ined usin( eit)er t)e sin(le#*loc- or t)e distance#a"&litude cur e cali*ration "et)odA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
2A2 Cali*ration Procedure M O er an indication#.ree area o. t)e .or(in( and ,it) t)e &ro&er test .reJuenc'% adSust t)e a"&litude o. t)e *ac- re!ection to t)e "a!i"u" li"it o. ertical linearit' o. t)e instru"entA T)e adSusted instru"ent sensiti it' dis&la' s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' cali*ra# tion re.erence .or *ot) t)e sin(le#*loc- and "ulti&le#*loccali*ration "et)odsA I.% at t)is (ain settin(% t)e a"&litude res&onse .ro" t)e !at#*otto" )ole in t)e lon(est cali*ration *loc- is not eJual to or (reater t)an 0A1 inA P1F ""Q s,ee&# to#&ea-% adSust t)e instru"ent (ain .urt)er to o*tain a 0A1 inA P1F ""Q s,ee&#to#&ea- "ini"u" res&onseA To co"&lete t)e distanceUa"&litude correction cur e% deter"ine t)e re"ainin( &oints de!nin( t)e s)a&e o. t)e cur e at t)is adSusted (ain settin( and "ar- t)e cur e on t)e s)ield o. t)e cat)ode ra' tu*e or &lot on a (ra&)A At least t)ree *loc-s s)all *e used ,it) test "etal distances o. F inA P51 ""Q 1V2 T% and TA +o,e er% t)e distance *et,een an' o. t)e test *loc-s s)all *e 11V2 inA PG0 ""Q "ini"u"A I. indications closer t)an F inA P51 ""Q .ro" t)e initial &ulse "ust *e e aluated% an additional *loc- ,it) 11V2 inA PG0 ""Q test "etal distance s)all *e usedA T)is is t)e !!ed re.erence
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
a(ainst ,)ic) all indications s)all *e e aluated at t)e "a!i# "u" o*taina*le res&onse at ,)ate er de&t) t)e indications are o*ser edA T)is ,ill constitute an acce&ta*le e!a"ina# tion i. t)ere are no indications e!ceedin( t)e acce&tance li"itsA In lar(e .or(in(s% it is e!&ected t)at a &ortion o. t)e distanceUa"&litude cur e ,ill *e a*o e t)e ertical linearit' li"its o. t)e instru"entA I. an indication a&&ears in t)is area% readSust t)e instru"ent t)rou() t)e use o. a cali*rated (ain control or t)rou() recali*ration to t)e initial cali*ration le el to *rin( t)e a&&ro&riate &ortion o. t)e &resentation on screen .or e aluation o. t)at s&eci!c areaA
e!ceedin( F4 inA P200 ""Q in len(t) are scanned .ro" t)e inside dia"eter sur.aceA
NOTE 1 M L)en !at sur.aced re.erence *loc- cali*ration is used .or e!a"ination o. .or(in(s ,it) sur.ace cur ature% co"&ensation .or cur a# ture s)all *e "ade and t)e "et)od .or cur ature correction s)all *e a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &roducer and t)e &urc)aserA 8or dia"eters 30 inA P2000 ""Q and o er% no correction .actor is reJuiredA
10A An(le#Bea" E!a"ination 10A1 Rin( and )ollo, round .or(in(s% as de!ned in 5A4% s)all *e an(le#*ea" e!a"ined .ro" t)eir outer &eri&)er' in *ot) circu".erential directions e"&lo'in( t)e .ollo,in( "et)od o. cali*ration6 10A1A1 Notc)es o. 1A21 inA PF0 ""Q "a!i"u" sur# .ace len(t)% ,it) t)e len(t) &er&endicular to sound &ro&a# (ationR de&t) *ased on Jualit' le el ?Section 12@% eit)er rectan(ular ,it) a ,idt) not (reater t)an t,ice its de&t) or 40[ "ini"u" to 51[ "a!i"u" included an(le% located in t)e .or(in( so as to &roduce no inter.erence ,it) eac) ot)er% s)all *e used as cali*ration standardsA 10A1A2 Deter"ine t)e res&onse .ro" t)e inside and outside dia"eter cali*ration notc)es ,it) t)e searc) unit &ositioned to &roduce t)e "a!i"u" res&onse .ro" eac) notc)A AdSust t)e sensiti it' o. t)e ultrasonic eJui&"ent so t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e notc) at t)e (reatest test "etal distance is at least 0A1 inA P1F ""Q s,ee&#to#&ea-A Dra, a strai()t line connectin( t)e &ea-s o. t)e res&onses o*tained .ro" t)e inside and outside dia"eter notc)esA T)is s)all *e t)e &ri"ar' re.erence lineA T)is &rocedure is considered .ull node cali*rationA
11A E aluation o. Material 11A1 Coarse#(rained austenitic "aterials .reJuentl' dis# &la' s,ee& noise% &articularl' ,)en an e!a"ination is &er.or"ed at )i() sensiti itiesA 8or t)is reason% it is i"&or# tant to criticall' scrutiniDe re&orta*le and reSecta*le indica# tions to deter"ine ,)et)er t)e' result .ro" de.ects or (rain structureA It is desira*le to )a e se eral sets o. cali*ration *loc-s ,it) ar'in( de(rees o. (rain coarseness so t)at t)e attenuation o. t)e de.ecti e area can *e reasona*l' "atc)ed ,it) a test *loc- .or a "ore accurate "ini"u" de.ect siDe esti"ationA Due to t)e nor"al ,ide ariation in attenuation t)rou()out a (i en lar(e austenitic .or(in(% it is &er"issi*le to e aluate reSecta*le indications on t)e *asis o. alternati e cali*ration *loc-s t)at co"&are "ore reasona*l' in attenuation to t)e de.ect areaA It is also &er# "issi*le to insert re.erence )oles into re&resentati e areas o. t)e .or(in( itsel.% ,it) t)e a&&ro al o. t)e &urc)aser% to *e used .or cali*ration and e aluation o. indicationsA Loss o. *ac- re!ection results not onl' .ro" internal dis# continuities *ut also .ro" coarse or nonuni.or" (rain struc# tures% ariations in cou&lin(% non&arallel re!ectin( sur.aces% and ot)er .actors t)at "ust *e considered *e.ore concludin( t)at loss o. *ac- re!ection resulted .ro" dis# continuitiesA
12A Kualit' Le els .or Acce&tance 12A1 One o. t)e .ollo,in( Jualit' le els "a' *e s&eci# !ed *' t)e &urc)aser6 12A1A1 Strai()t Bea"6 12A1A1A1 Material &roducin( an indication res&onse ,)ose "a!i"iDed a"&litude eJuals or e!ceeds 100O o. t)e &ri"ar' re.erence or distanceUa"&litude cor# rection cur e at t)e esti"ated discontinuit' de&t) s)all *e considered unacce&ta*leA ?a@ KL#1 M A distanceUa"&litude cur e s)all *e *ased u&on t)e a"&litude res&onse .ro" NoA 3 !at#*otto" )ole ?3V4G inA PF ""Q@A ?*@ KL#2 M A distanceUa"&litude cur e s)all *e *ased u&on t)e a"&litude res&onse .ro" NoA 14 !at#*otto" )ole ?14V4G inA P4 ""Q@A ?c@ KL#F M A distanceUa"&litude cur e s)all *e *ased u&on t)e a"&litude res&onse .ro" NoA 2G !at#*otto" )ole ?2GV4G inA P10 ""Q@A ?d@ KL#G M A distanceUa"&litude cur e s)all *e *ased u&on t)e a"&litude res&onse .ro" NoA F2 !at#*otto" )ole ?F2V4G inA P1F ""Q@A ?e@ KL#1 M A *ac- re!ection e!a"ination s)all *e &er# .or"ed (uaranteein( .reedo" .ro" co"&lete loss o. *acre!ection acco"&anied *' an indication o. a discontinuit'A
10A1AF In t)e e ent t)at a res&onse o. at least 0A1 inA P1F ""Q s,ee&#to#&ea- cannot *e o*tained .ro" *ot) t)e inside and outside dia"eter notc)es% cali*rate .ro" *ot) t)e outer &eri&)er' ?t)e outside dia"eter sur.ace@ and t)e inside dia"eter sur.aceA AdSust t)e sensiti it' o. t)e ultra# sonic eJui&"ent so t)at t)e indication .ro" t)e notc) in t)e o&&osite sur.ace is at least 0A1 inA P1F ""Q s,ee&#to# &ea- in "a(nitudeA T)is &rocedure is considered )al.#node cali*rationA A!ial an(le *ea" "a' *e su*stituted .or strai()t *ea" .ro" t)e end sur.aces% ,)en s&eci!edA
NOTE 2 M Lon( c'linders or c'linders ,it) s"all inside dia"eters are di.!cult to e!a"ine .ro" t)e inside dia"eter sur.aceA Nor"all'% neit)er inside dia"eters s"aller t)an 13 inA PG10 ""Q nor lon( c'linders
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8or t)is &ur&ose% a *ac- re!ection o. less t)an 1O o. .ull screen )ei()t s)all *e considered co"&lete loss o. *acre!ectionA 12A1A1A2 T)e a&&lica*le Jualit' le el ,ill neces# saril' ar' ,it) test "etal distance% &urc)asersE reJuire# "ents% and t)e t'&e and siDe o. .or(in( in ol edA Lar(e dis-s% rin(s% or solid .or(in(s and co"&le! .or(in(s &resent e!traordinar' &ro*le"s and Jualit' le el a&&lication s)all *e a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and t)e &urc)aserA 8or (eneral (uidance &ur&oses% t)e .ollo,# in( list o. test "etal distances ersus Jualit' le el attaina*le is &ro ided .or (eneral in.or"ationA ?a@ KL#1 M Ienerall' &ractical .or t)ic-nesses u& to F inA P51 ""QA ?*@ KL#2 M Ienerall' &ractical .or t)ic-nesses u& to 3 inA P200 ""QA ?c@ KL#F M Ienerall' &ractical .or t)ic-nesses u& to 12 inA PF00 ""QA ?d@ KL#G M Ienerall' &ractical .or t)ic-nesses u& to 2G inA P400 ""QA ?e@ KL#1 M 8reJuentl' &ractical .or t)ic-nesses o er 2G inA P400 ""QA
12A1A2A1 KA#1 An(le *ea" re.erence acce&tance s)all *e *ased on a notc) de&t) o. FO o. t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in( at t)e ti"e o. e!a"inationA 12A1A2A2 KA#2 An(le *ea" re.erence acce&tance line s)all *e *ased on a notc) de&t) o. t)e lesser o. 1O o. t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in( at t)e ti"e o. ins&ection% or FVG inA P12A01 ""QA
1FA Re&orta*le Indications 1FA1 A record t)at s)o,s t)e location and orientation o. all indications or (rou&s o. indications ,it) a"&litudes as de!ned *elo, s)all *e su*"itted to t)e &urc)aser .or in.or"ationA 1FA1A1 Indications acco"&anied *' a loss o. *acre!ection o. 51O o. screen )ei()tA Si"ilar loss in *acre!ection ,it)out indications s)all *e scanned at lo,er .reJuenciesR i. unsuccess.ul% t)e area s)all *e re&orted as Bnot ins&ectedAC 1FA1A2 Indications distinct .ro" t)e nor"al noise le el and tra elin( to t)e le.t or ri()t on t)e cat)ode ra' tu*e ,it) "o e"ent o. t)e transducer 1A0 inA P21 ""Q or "ore o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e .or(in(A 1FA1AF Indications eJual to or e!ceedin( 10O o. t)e a&&lica*le re.erence acce&tance cur e ?*ot) strai()t and an(le *ea"@A
12A1A2 An(le Bea" M Material &roducin( indications ,it) a"&litudes eJual to or e!ceedin( t)e &ri"ar' ence#acce&tance line ?.ull node cali*ration6 see 10A1A2@ at t)e esti"ated discontinuit' de&t) o*ser ed s)all *e consid# ered unacce&ta*leA L)en e!a"inin( ,it) onl' one cali*ra# tion notc) ?)al. node cali*ration6 see 10A1AF@% "aterial containin( indications o. discontinuities eJual to or e!ceedin( t)e notc) indication a"&litude s)all *e consid# ered unacce&ta*leA
1GA 9e',ords 1GA1 acce&tance criteriaR austenitic .or(in(sR contact "et)odR ultrasonic e!a"ination
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents s)all a&&l' onl' ,)en s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aser in t)e inJuir' or orderA Details o. t)ese su&&le"entar' reJuire"ents s)all *e a(reed u&on *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and t)e &urc)aserA
S1A An(le Bea" Cali*ration Based on 8inal T)ic-ness S1A1 T)e de&t) o. t)e cali*ration notc) ?see 12A1A2@ s)all *e *ased u&on t)e !nal ordered t)ic-ness o. t)e .or(in( rat)er t)an t)e t)ic-ness at t)e ti"e o. ins&ectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation B 1G3#0FA@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is "et)od co ers &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic ins&ec# tion o. alu"inu"#allo' &late o. t)ic-ness eJual to or (reater t)an 0A100 inA ?12A5 ""@ .or use in t)e .a*rication o. &ressure esselsA T)e ultrasonic test is e"&lo'ed to detect (ross internal discontinuities oriented in a direction &arallel to t)e rolled sur.ace suc) as crac-s% ru&tures% and la"ina# tions% and to &ro ide assurance t)at onl' &late t)at is .ree .ro" reSecta*le discontinuities is acce&ted .or deli er'A
2A Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 T)e .ollo,in( docu"ents o. t)e issue in e..ect on date o. "aterial &urc)ase .or" a &art o. t)is s&eci!cation to t)e e!tent re.erenced )erein6 2A1A1 ASTM Standards6 E 11G Practice .or <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Strai()t#Bea" E!a"ination *' t)e Contact Met)od E 21G Practice .or I""ersed <ltrasonic E!a"ination *' t)e Re!ection Met)od <sin( Pulsed Lon(itudinal La es E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o Testin( S'ste"s Lit)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents 2A1A2 Ot)er Standard6
1A2 T)e ins&ection "et)od and acce&tance criteria included in t)is standard s)all *e li"ited to &late o. t)e .ollo,in( alu"inu" allo's6 1040% 1100% F00F% Alclad F00F% F00G% Alclad F00G% 1010% 1012% 103F% 1034% 111G% 121G% 1G1G% 1G14% 1412% 4041% and Alclad 4041A 1AF T)is "et)od a&&lies onl' to ultrasonic tests usin( &ulsed lon(itudinal ,a es ,)ic) are trans"itted and recei ed *' a searc) unit containin( eit)er a sin(le cr'stal or a co"*ination o. electricall' interconnected "ulti&le cr'stalsA <ltrasonic tests e"&lo'in( eit)er t)e t)rou()# trans"ission or t)e an(le#*ea" tec)niJues are not includedA 1AG T)is "et)od s)all *e used ,)en ultrasonic ins&ec# tion as &rescri*ed )erein is reJuired *' t)e contract% &ur# c)ase order% or re.erenced &late s&eci!cationA 1A1 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are t)e stan# dardA T)e SI alues in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1A4 T)is standard "a' in ol e )aDardous "aterials% o&erations% and eJui&"entA T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' &ro*le"s associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
ASNT Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation M <ltrasonic Testin( Met)od M SNT#TC#1AA
FA Su""ar' o. Met)od FA1 T)e &late is ins&ected ultrasonicall' *' scannin( one rolled sur.ace ,it) a *ea" o. &ulsed lon(itudinal ,a es ,)ic) is oriented in a direction &er&endicular to t)e entr' sur.ace o. t)e &lateA T)e ultrasound is trans"itted into t)e &late eit)er *' t)e direct contact% i""ersion% or liJuid# colu"n cou&lin( "et)odA Durin( t)e scan% an indication re&resentin( t)e !rst *ac- re!ection is o*ser ed on t)e A# scan screen o. t)e test instru"entA
FA2 L)en t)e test s'ste" sensiti it' le el is a&&ro&ri# atel' adSusted% a discontinuit' is detected durin( t)e scan *' notin( an isolated indication associated ,it) a loss o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection indicationA T)e a&&arent siDe o. t)e discontinuit' is deter"ined *' "easurin( t)e total area in t)e scanned entr' sur.ace o. t)e &late ,)ere t)e isolated
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
indication and t)e loss o. *ac- re!ection &ersistA T)e esti# "ated discontinuit' siDe and location are t)en co"&ared ,it) suita*le acce&tance criteriaA
NOTE 1 M Additional in.or"ation descri*in( ultrasonic tests *' t)e direct contact "et)od and *' t)e i""ersion "et)od is a aila*le in Practices E 11G and E 21GA
1A2A1 T)e total e..ecti e area o. t)e cr'stal or co"*i# nation o. cr'stals in t)e searc) unit used .or initial scannin( s)all not *e less t)an 0AG inA2 ?2A4 c"2@ nor (reater t)an FA0 inA2 ?12AG c"2@A 1A2A2 T)e e..ecti e dia"eter o. t)e round searc) unit used to e aluate discontinuit' siDe s)all not e!ceed 0A51 inA ?12 ""@A
NOTE 2 M 8or control &ur&oses% t)e &er.or"ance c)aracteristics o. t)e test instru"ent and searc) unit "a' *e esta*lis)ed in accordance ,it) &rocedures outlined in Practice E F15A
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 A nu"*er o. .actors suc) as t)e condition o. t)e entr' and *ac- sur.aces o. t)e &late% t)e inclination o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" ,it) res&ect to t)e entr' sur.ace% and t)e &er.or"ance c)aracteristics o. t)e test s'ste" "a' cause eit)er a reduction o. isolated indications or a su*stantial loss o. *ac- re!ection and t)ere*' could seriousl' i"&air t)e relia*ilit' o. t)e test &rocedure outlined in t)is standardA GA2 Accurate e aluations o. discontinuit' siDe also "a' *e li"ited si(ni!cantl' *' ariations in *ea" c)aracteris# tics ,)ic) e!ist in "ost searc) unitsA 8or t)is reason% dis# continuit' siDe as deter"ined *' t)e test &rocedure outlined in t)is "et)od is re(arded as Ba&&arentC or Besti"atedC in reco(nition o. t)e li"ited Juantitati e alue o. t)e "ea# sure"entA GAF Because a lar(e nu"*er o. interactin( aria*les in a test s'ste" can ad ersel' in!uence t)e results o. an ultrasonic test% t)e actual Juantitati e e..ects o. detected discontinuities u&on t)e "ec)anical &ro&erties o. t)e ins&ected &late are di.!cult to esta*lis)A ConseJuentl'% t)is ultrasonic ins&ection "et)od is not a&&lica*le as an e!clu# si e indicator o. t)e ulti"ate Jualit' and &er.or"ance o. &ressure essels *ut &ro ides a relia*le control o. &late Jualit' to a oid .ailure durin( t)e .or"in( &rocess .or .a*rication o. esselsA
1AF Tan- M 8or tests *' t)e i""ersion "et)od% an' container is' t)at ,ill .acilitate t)e accurate% sta*le &ositionin( o. *ot) t)e searc) unit and t)e &late to *e ins&ectedA 1AG Scannin( A&&aratus M Durin( t)e ins&ection &roce# dure% t)e searc) unit is su&&orted *' an' one o. t)e .ollo,# in( de icesA T)e scannin( a&&aratus s)all &er"it "easure"ent o. *ot) t)e scan distance and t)e inde! dis# tance ,it)in W 0A1 inA ?W 2 ""@A 1AGA1 Mani&ulator and Brid(e M L)en a "ani&ulator is used in tests *' t)e i""ersion "et)od% t)e "ani&ulator s)all adeJuatel' su&&ort a searc) tu*e containin( a searc) unit and s)all &ro ide !ne adSust"ent o. an(le ,it)in 1[ in t,o ertical &lanes t)at are &er&endicular to eac) ot)erA T)e *rid(e s)all *e o. su.!cient stren(t) to &ro ide ri(id su&&ort .or t)e "ani&ulator and s)all allo, s"oot)% accu# rate &ositionin( o. t)e searc) unitA S&ecial searc) unit su&&ortin( !!tures "a' *e used &ro ided t)e' "eet t)e reJuire"ents &rescri*ed .or a "ani&ulator and *rid(eA
1A A&&aratus 1A1 Test Instru"ent M An' electronic de ice t)at &ro# duces &ulsed lon(itudinal ,a es and dis&la's ultrasonic re!ections on an A#scan indicator ,)en used ,it) an a&&ro# &riate searc) unit is'A T)e instru"ent s)all &ro# ide sta*le% linear a"&li!cation o. recei ed &ulses at a selected test .reJuenc' and s)all *e .ree .ro" si(ni!cant inter.ace si(nal inter.erence at t)e reJuired sensiti it' le elA
1AGA2 LiJuid Cou&lin( NoDDle M 8or tests *' t)e liJ# uid#colu"n cou&lin( "et)od% t)e noDDle is usuall' &osi# tioned "anuall' and s)all *e ca&a*le o. containin( t)e cou&lant ,)ile ri(idl' su&&ortin( t)e searc) unit ,it) its acti e sur.ace i""ersed in t)e cou&lantA T)e cou&lant distance s)all *e "aintained so t)at t)e second cou&lant re!ection is to t)e ri()t o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection on t)e instru"ent cat)ode ra' tu*e ?CRT@A T)e cou&lant &at) s)all not ar' "ore t)an W1VG inA ?4AG ""@ durin( cali*ration% initial scannin(% and discontinuit' e aluationA T)e reco"# "ended "ini"u" inside di"ension o. t)e noDDle is 1A0 inA ?21 ""@ (reater t)an t)e "a!i"u" di"ension o. t)e cr'stal sur.ace in t)e searc) unitA Pro isions also s)ould *e included .or adSust"ent o. searc) unit inclination ,it)in 1[ in t,o ertical &lanes t)at are &er&endicular to eac) ot)erA
1A2 Searc) <nit M T)e searc) unit reco""ended .or t)is standard is t)e !at non.ocusin( t'&e% and contains a &ieDoelectric cr'stal ,)ic) (enerates and recei es lon(itu# dinal ,a es at t)e rated .reJuenc' ,)en connected to t)e test instru"ent t)rou() a suita*le coa!ial ca*leA A dual# cr'stal searc) unit containin( *ot) a trans"ittin( and a recei in( cr'stal in one container "a' *e used &ro ided t)e test instru"ent ,ill acco""odate t,o#cr'stal o&eration and t)e resultin( &ulse#ec)o test is eJui alent to t)at o*tained ,it) a searc) unit containin( a sin(le#cr'stalA
NOTE F M NoDDles containin( eit)er sealed or unsealed o&enin(s "a' *e used .or ins&ectin( &late &ro ided t)e test results o*tained ,it) eit)er de ice are eJui alent to t)ose o*tained *' t)e i""ersion "et)odA
1AGAF Contact Scannin( <nit M Durin( tests *' t)e contact "et)od% t)e searc) unit usuall' is su&&orted and &ositioned "anuall' on t)e entr' sur.ace o. t)e ins&ected &lateA +o,e er% s&ecial !!tures .or contact scannin( "a'
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
*e e"&lo'ed &ro ided t)eir use ensures con.or"ance to t)e reJuire"ents in t)is s&eci!cationA 1A1 Cou&lant M Clean% deaerated ,ater at roo" te"&er# ature is t)e reco""ended cou&lant .or tests eit)er *' t)e i""ersion "et)od or *' t)e liJuid#colu"n cou&lin( tec)# niJueA In)i*itors or ,ettin( a(ents or *ot) "a' *e usedA 8or tests *' t)e contact "et)od% t)e reco""ended cou&lant is clean% li()t#(rade oilA
NOTE G M Ot)er cou&lin( liJuids "a' *e e"&lo'ed .or ins&ectin( &late &ro ided t)eir use does not ad ersel' a..ect test resultsA
3AF Sensiti it' StandardiDation M StandardiDe t)e sensi# ti it' le el o. t)e test s'ste" o&eratin( at t)e selected .reJuenc' *' adSustin( t)e instru"ent (ain control to o*tain a !rst *ac- re!ection a"&litude o. 51 W 1O o. t)e ertical li"it e!)i*ited *' t)e A#scan indicator ,)en t)e searc) unit is &ositioned o er an area .ree .ro" si(ni!cant discon# tinuities in t)e &late to *e ins&ectedA Durin( tests *' eit)er t)e i""ersion "et)od or t)e liJuid colu"n cou&lin( "et)od% adSust t)e an(ular ali(n"ent o. t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" nu"*er o. *ac- re!ections *e.ore t)e !nal sensiti it' le el is esta*lis)edA
4A Personnel ReJuire"ents 4A1 T)e testin( o&erator &er.or"in( t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination &rescri*ed in t)is standard s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed to at least a Le el I M <ltrasonic Testin( in accordance ,it) t)e ASNT Reco""ended Practice SNT# TC#1AA 4A2 T)e reJuired docu"entation su&&ortin( Juali!ca# tion and certi!cation o. ultrasonic testin( o&erators s)all *e esta*lis)ed *' t)e certi.'in( a(enc' and s)all *e a ail# a*le u&on reJuest *' t)e &urc)aserA
3AG Scannin( M Lit) no .urt)er adSust"ents o. t)e instru"ent (ain controls% locate t)e searc) unit o er one corner o. t)e &late to *e ins&ected so t)at t)e ed(e o. t)e cr'stal in t)e searc) unit is a*out 1 inA ?21 ""@ .ro" eit)er ed(e o. t)e &lateA 3AGA1 Su*seJuent to c)ec-in( t)e an(ular ali(n"ent o. t)e searc) unit ,it) res&ect to t)e rolled entr' sur.ace to ensure a "a!i"u" !rst *ac- re!ection% &roceed to scan t)e &late continuousl' *' "o in( t)e searc) unit at a con# stant scannin( rate ?see 3A4@ .ro" t)e initial startin( &osition to t)e o&&osite ed(e in a direction &er&endicular to t)e &redo"inant rollin( direction o. t)e &lateA 3AGA2 Durin( t)e scan% note t)e occurrence o. isolated discontinuit' indications and "onitor t)e a"&litude o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection *' continuousl' o*ser in( t)e A#scan indicator screenA
NOTE 1 M Au!iliar' "onitorin( de ices "a' *e e"&lo'ed in t)e test s'ste" to en)ance detection relia*ilit' durin( t)e scanA
5A Condition o. Plate 5A1 T)e entr' and *ac- sur.aces o. t)e ins&ected &late s)all *e su.!cientl' clean% s"oot)% and !at to "aintain a !rst *ac- re!ection a"&litude (reater t)an 10O o. t)e initial standardiDation a"&litude ,)ile scannin( an area in t)e &late t)at does not contain si(ni!cant isolated ultrasonic discontinuitiesA 5A2 T)e ins&ected &late s)all *e at roo" te"&erature durin( t)e testA
3A Procedure 3A1 Pre.erred Met)od M T)e ultrasonic test "a' *e &er.or"ed *' eit)er t)e liJuid colu"n cou&lin(% t)e direct contact% or t)e i""ersion "et)odsA +o,e er% t)e i""er# sion "et)od is &re.erredA 3A1A1 Maintain t)e cou&lant distance so t)at t)e sec# ond cou&lant re!ection is to t)e ri()t o. t)e !rst *acre!ection on t)e instru"entEs A#scan dis&la'A T)e cou&lant &at) s)all not ar' "ore t)an W1VG inA ?4AG ""@ durin( cali*ration% initial scannin(% and discontinuit' e aluationA
3A1 Scan Inde! M L)en t)e initial scan is co"&leted% "o e t)e searc) unit o er a &redeter"ined scan inde! distance in a direction &arallel to t)e &redo"inant rollin( direction o. t)e &late and &roceed ,it) a second scan alon( a line &arallel to t)e initial scannin( direction ,)ile o*ser in( t)e test &attern on t)e A#scan indicator screenA Calculate t)e scan inde! distance as .ollo,s6
Scan inde! distance ?inA@% Si & 0A3 X 0A5 Ds Scan inde! distance ?""@% Si & 20 X 0A5 Ds ,)ere6 Ds & actual cr'stal dia"eterA 3A1A1 Continue t)e ins&ection *' constantl' o*ser # in( t)e test &attern on t)e A#scan indicator ,)ile succes# si el' scannin( t)e &late at a constant scannin( rate in a direction &er&endicular to t)e &redo"inant rollin( direction o. t)e &late and inde!in( t)e searc) unit t)rou() t)e inde! distance calculated in 3A1A 3A1A2 Durin( t)e ins&ection &rocedure% c)ec- t)e test s'ste" sensiti it' standardiDation &eriodicall' *' notin( t)e a"&litude o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection ,)en t)e searc)
3A2 Test 8reJuenc' M L)en usin( an' o. t)e t)ree "et)ods listed in 3A1% t)e reco""ended test .reJuenc' is 1A0 M+DA Ot)er test .reJuencies *et,een 2A0 M+D and 10A0 M+D "a' *e e"&lo'ed ,)en necessar' to "ini"iDe &ossi*le ad erse e..ects o. &late t)ic-ness% "icrostructure% and test s'ste" c)aracteristics u&on test results and t)ere*' "aintain a clean% easil' inter&reted A#scan screen &attern t)rou()out t)e ins&ectionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
unit is re&ositioned o er t)e re.erence area o. t)e &late and *' adSustin( t)e instru"ent (ain control as reJuired to "aintain t)e sensiti it' standardiDation s&eci!ed &re# iousl' in 3AFA 3A4 Scannin( Rate M L)en t)e screen &attern on t)e A#scan indicator is "onitored isuall' *' t)e test o&erator durin( t)e ins&ection% t)e scannin( rate s)all not *e (reater t)an 12 inA0s ?F01 ""0s@A
NOTE 4 M Scannin( rates (reater t)an 12 inA0s ?F01 ""0s@ "a' *e e"&lo'ed i. au!iliar' "onitorin( a&&aratus is used to "aintain adeJuate detection relia*ilit'A
3A3A2 To deter"ine t)e a&&arent siDe o. t)e disconti# nuit'% "ar- eac) location corres&ondin( to t)e center o. t)e searc) unit on t)e &late entr' sur.ace ,)ere a 21 W 1O loss o. !rst *ac- re!ection is o*ser ed or ,)ere t)e isolated indication e!)i*its an a"&litude eJual to 10 W 1O o. t)e a"&litude o. t)e initial !rst *ac- re!ection esta*lis)ed durin( t)e standardiDation &rocedure outlined in 3AFA 3A3AF Continue to "ar- t)e location o. t)e searc) unit at eac) &oint ,)ere eit)er or *ot) o. t)e discontinuit' conditions s&eci!ed in &ara(ra&) 3A3A2 are o*ser edA T)e entire discontinuit' s)all *e outlined e en i. it e!tends *e'ond t)e ori(inal 4#inA ?112#""@ sJuare e aluation scan areaA 3A3AG T)e esti"ated discontinuit' siDe is t)e area de!ned *' t)e *oundar' consistin( o. successi e "ar-s as esta*lis)ed *' t)is &rocedureA
NOTE 3 M Auto"atic recordin( de ices "a' *e used to esta*lis) t)e esti"ated siDe o. a discontinuit' &ro ided t)e recorded results are eJui a# lent to t)ose o*tained *' t)e &rocedure &resented in 3A3A
3A5 Detection o. Discontinuities M L)en an isolated ultrasonic indication o. a"&litude (reater t)an F0O o. t)e A#scan ertical li"it is encountered or ,)en t)e !rst *acre!ection indication decreases to an a"&litude less t)an 1O o. t)e ertical li"it at an' ti"e durin( t)e ins&ection &rocedure% sto& t)e scan and an(ulate t)e searc) unit to o*tain a "a!i"u" isolated indication and to deter"ine t)at t)e loss o. *ac- re!ection is not caused *' "isali(n"ent o. t)e searc) unit ,it) res&ect to t)e &lateA
3A5A1 To ensure t)at t)e loss o. *ac- re!ection is not caused *' sur.ace inter.erence% c)ec- t)e condition o. *ot) t)e entr' and *ac- sur.aces o. t)e &late at t)e location ,)ere a su*stantial ?21O or (reater@ loss o. *ac- re!ection occursA 3A5A2 Eit)er a "a!i"iDed isolated ultrasonic indica# tion e!)i*itin( an a"&litude (reater t)an 10O o. t)e a"&li# tude o. t)e initial !rst *ac- re!ection used .or standardiDation% or a su*stantial loss o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ec# tion indication not attri*uta*le to eit)er searc) unit "is# ali(n"ent or sur.ace inter.erence% is an indication o. an internal discontinuit'A
3A2 L)en t)e esti"ated siDe o. a detected discontinuit' is deter"ined% return t)e searc) unit to t)e ori(inal sto&&in( &osition and continue t)e initial scan to co"&lete t)e ins&ectionA
2A Acce&tance Standards 2A1 <&on co"&letin( t)e ins&ection &rocedure% "easure t)e lon(est di"ension o. eac) "ar-ed area re&resentin( a detected discontinuit'A Also% ,)en an en(ineerin( dra,in( s)o,in( t)e &art to *e .a*ricated .ro" t)e &late is su&&lied% co"&are t)e locations o. t)e discontinuities ,it) t)e di"en# sions on t)e dra,in(A 2A2 I. t)e lon(est di"ension o. t)e "ar-ed area re&re# sentin( a discontinuit' causin( a co"&lete loss o. *acre!ection ?21O or (reater@ e!ceeds 1A0 inA ?21 ""@% t)e discontinuit' is considered to *e si(ni!cant and t)e &late s)all *e su*Sect to reSectionA 2AF I. t)e len(t) o. t)e "ar-ed area re&resentin( a discontinuit' causin( an isolated ultrasonic indication ,it)out a co"&lete loss o. *ac- re!ection ?21O or (reater@ e!ceeds FA0 inA ?54 ""@% t)e discontinuit' is considered to *e si(ni!cant and t)e &late s)all *e su*Sect to reSectionA 2AG I. eac) o. t,o "ar-ed areas re&resentin( t,o adSa# cent discontinuities causin( isolated ultrasonic indications ,it)out a co"&lete loss o. *ac- re!ection ?21O or (reater@ is lon(er t)an 1A0 inA% and i. t)e' are located ,it)in FA0 inA o. eac) ot)er% t)e &ro!i"it' *et,een t)e t,o discontinu# ities is considered to *e si(ni!cant% and t)e &late s)all *e su*Sect to reSectionA
NOTE 2 M A te"&late containin( a 1A0#inA dia"eter )ole and a FA0#inA dia"eter )ole is a con enient de ice .or ra&idl' esta*lis)in( t)e si(ni!# cance o. discontinuitiesA I. t)e discontinuities descri*ed in 2A2 and 2AF
NOTE 5 M Isolated indications occurrin( "id,a' *et,een t)e entr' sur.ace indication and t)e !rst *ac- re!ection "a' cause a second indica# tion at t)e location o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection on t)e A#scan screenA L)en t)is condition is eri!ed *' c)ec-in( t)e "ulti&le *ac- re!ection &attern% a co"&lete loss o. t)e !rst *ac- re!ection can *e assu"edA
3A3 Esti"ation o. Discontinuit' SiDe M Note t)e location o. t)e searc) unit ,)ere t)e scan ,as sto&&ed ,)en eit)er an isolated indication or a loss o. *ac- re!ection ,as o*ser edA 3A3A1 <sin( a searc) unit containin( a cr'stal o. e..ecti e dia"eter no (reater t)an 0A51 inA ?12 ""@% "a-e an e aluation scan o. an entire 4#inA ?112#""@ sJuare area ,)ic) is centered around t)e &oint on t)e &late entr' sur.ace ,)ere t)e scan ,as discontinuedA T)e reco""ended inde! distance .or t)is e aluation is as .ollo,s6
Si ?inA or ""@ & 0A5 Ds ,)ere6 Ds & actual dia"eter o. t)e searc) unit cr'stalA
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cannot *e totall' enclosed ,it)in eit)er t)e 1A0#inA dia"eter circle or t)e FA0#inA dia"eter circle% res&ecti el'% t)en t)e &late containin( suc) discontinuities s)all *e su*Sect to reSectionA Si"ilarl'% i. an' &ortions o. t,o adSacent discontinuities (reater t)an 1A0 inA in len(t) as in accordance ,it) 2AG a&&ear ,it)in t)e FA0#inA dia"eter circle% t)e &late s)all *e su*Sect to reSectionA
2A1 A &late containin( si(ni!cant discontinuities o. reSecta*le siDe s)all *e acce&ta*le i. it is esta*lis)ed *' t)e &urc)aser t)at t)e discontinuities ,ill *e re"o ed .ro" t)e &late *' "ac)inin( durin( t)e su*seJuent .a*rication &rocessA
2A4 <&on s&eci!c consent o. t)e &urc)aser% a &late ,it) si(ni!cant discontinuities "a' *e acce&ted i. re&aired *' ,eldin(A
10A Re&ort 10A1 L)en reJuired *' t)e &urc)aser% a re&ort s)all *e &re&ared and s)all include t)e date o. test and a list o. &ara"eters includin( t)e t'&e ?"odel nu"*er@ o. instru# "ent and searc) unit% t)e test "et)od% .reJuenc'% and t)e cou&lant e"&lo'ed .or t)e ins&ectionA 10A2 Pre&aration o. a dra,in( s)o,in( t)e location o. all si(ni!cant discontinuities in t)e ins&ected &late is reco""ended ,)en t)e ulti"ate reSection or acce&tance o. t)e &late is to *e deter"ined *' ne(otiation *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and t)e &urc)aserA 10AF T)e identi!cation o. an acce&ta*le &late is desir# a*le and is reco""endedA 8or t)is &ur&ose% a suita*le sta"& s)ould *e e"&lo'ed to indicate con.or"ance to t)is ultrasonic standardA T)e reco""ended sta"& .or identi# .'in( acce&ta*le &late is s)o,n in 8i(A 1A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
PIdentical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 11G#21 ?R2001@Q
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers ultrasonic e!a"ination o. "aterials *' t)e &ulse#ec)o "et)od usin( strai()t#*ea" lon(itudinal ,a es introduced *' direct contact o. t)e searc) unit ,it) t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"inedA 1A2 T)is &ractice s)all *e a&&lica*le to de elo&"ent o. an e!a"ination &rocedure a(reed u&on *' t)e users o. t)e docu"entA 1AF T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14 .or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &racticeA GA Basis o. A&&lication GA1 Purc)aser#Su&&lier A(ree"ents M T)e .ollo,in( ite"s reJuire a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &arties .or t)is &ractice to *e used e..ecti el'6 GA1A1 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( A(en# cies M A(ree"ent is reJuired as to ,)et)er t)e nondestruc# ti e testin( a(enc'% as de!ned in Practice E 1GF "ust *e .or"all' e aluated and Juali!ed to &er.or" t)e e!a"ina# tionA I. suc) e aluation and Juali!cation is s&eci!ed% a docu"ented &rocedure suc) as Practice E 1GF s)all *e used as t)e *asis .or e aluationA GA1A2 Personnel Kuali!cation M Nondestructi e test# in( ?NDT@ &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &rac# tice or standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT#CP#132% SNT#TC# 1A% NAS#G10% or a si"ilar docu"entA T)e &ractice or stan# dard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA GA1AF E!tent o. E!a"ination M T)e e!tent o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e deter"ined *' a(ree"ent o. t)e usin( &artiesA GA1AG Ti"e o. E!a"ination M T)e ti"e o. e!a"ina# tion s)all *e deter"ined *' a(ree"ent o. t)e usin( &artiesA GA1A1 Inter&retation Criteria M T)e criteria *' ,)ic) t)e ultrasonic si(nals and &art acce&ta*ilit' ,ill *e e alu# ated and s)all *e deter"ined *' a(ree"ent o. t)e usin( &artiesA
E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o E!a"ination S'ste"s Lit)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ASNT Standards6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Personnel Kuali# !cation and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( ANSI0ASNT CP#132 ASNT Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF Ot)er Docu"ents6 NAS#G10 NAS Certi!cation : Kuali!cation o. Nonde# structi e Test Personnel
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 A series o. electrical &ulses is a&&lied to a &ieDoelec# tric ele"ent ?transducer@ ,)ic) con erts t)ese &ulses to
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ec)anical ener(' in t)e .or" o. &ulsed ,a es at a no"inal .reJuenc'A T)is transducer is "ounted in a )older so it can trans"it t)e ,a es into t)e "aterial t)rou() a suita*le ,ear sur.ace and cou&lantA T)e asse"*l' o. transducer% )older% ,ear.ace% and electrical connnector co"&rise t)e searc) unitA 1A2 Pulsed ener(' is trans"itted into "aterials% tra els in a direction nor"al to t)e contacted sur.ace% and is re!ected *ac- to t)e searc) unit *' discontinuit' or *ound# ar' inter.aces ,)ic) are &arallel or near &arallel to t)e contacted sur.aceA T)ese ec)oes return to t)e searc) unit% ,)ere t)e' are con erted .ro" "ec)anical to electrical ener(' and are a"&li!ed *' a recei erA T)e a"&li!ed ec)oes ?si(nals@ are usuall' &resented in an A#scan dis&la'% suc) t)at t)e entire round tri& o. &ulsed ener(' ,it)in t)e resolution o. t)e s'ste" "a' *e indicated alon( t)e )oriDontal *ase line o. t)e dis&la' *' ertical de!ections corres&ondin( to ec)o a"&litudes .ro" eac) inter.ace% includin( t)ose .ro" inter enin( discontinuitiesA B' adSust# "ent o. t)e s,ee& ?ran(e@ controls% t)is dis&la' can *e e!&anded or contracted to o*tain a desi(nated relation *et,een t)e dis&la'ed si(nals and t)e "aterial re!ectors .ro" ,)ic) t)e si(nal ori(inatesA T)us a scaled distance to a discontinuit' and its dis&la'ed si(nal *eco"es a true relations)i&A B' co"&arison o. t)e dis&la'ed discontinuit' si(nal a"&litudes to t)ose .ro" a re.erence standard% *ot) location and esti"ated discontinuit' siDe "a' *e deter# "inedA Discontinuities )a in( di"ensions e!ceedin( t)e siDe o. t)e sound *ea" can also *e esti"ated *' deter"in# in( t)e a"ount o. "o e"ent o. a searc) unit o er t)e e!a"ination sur.ace ,)ere a discontinuit' si(nal is "ain# tainedA
4A1 Co"&lete ultrasonic a&&aratus s)all include t)e .ollo,in(6 4A1A1 Instru"entation M T)e ultrasonic instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. (eneratin(% recei in(% and a"&li.'in( )i()#.reJuenc' electrical &ulses at suc) .reJuencies and ener(' le els reJuired to &er.or" a "eanin(.ul e!a"ina# tion and to &ro ide a suita*le readoutA 4A1A2 Searc) <nits M T)e ultrasonic searc) units s)all *e ca&a*le o. trans"ittin( and recei in( ultrasound in t)e "aterial at t)e reJuired .reJuencies and ener(' le els necessar' .or discontinuit' detectionA T'&ical searc) unit siDes usuall' ran(e .ro" 1V3 inA ?FA2 ""@ in dia"eter to 11V3 inA ?23A4 ""@ in dia"eter ,it) *ot) s"aller and lar(er siDes a aila*le .or s&eci!c a&&licationsA Searc) units "a' *e !tted ,it) s&ecial s)oes .or a&&ro&riate a&&licationsA S&ecial searc) units enco"&assin( *ot) a trans"itter and a recei er as se&arate &ieDoelectric ele"ents can *e utiliDed to &ro ide so"e de(ree o. i"&ro ed resolution near t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA
NOTE 1 M L)en deter"inin( t)e siDes o. discontinuities *' eit)er o. t)ese t,o &ractices% onl' t)e area o. t)e discontinuit' ,)ic) re!ects ener(' to t)e searc) unit is deter"inedA
1AF T'&es o. in.or"ation t)at "a' *e o*tained .ro" t)e &ulsed#ec)o strai()t#*ea" &ractice are as .ollo,s6 1AFA1 A&&arent discontinuit' siDe ?Note 2@ *' co"# &arison o. t)e si(nal a"&litudes .ro" t)e test &iece to t)e a"&litudes o*tained .ro" a re.erence standardA 1AFA2 De&t) location o. discontinuities *' cali*ratin( t)e )oriDontal scale o. t)e A#scan dis&la'A 1AFAF Material &ro&erties as indicated *' t)e relati e sound attenuation or elocit' c)an(es o. co"&ared ite"sA 1AFAG T)e e!tent o. *ond and un*ond ?or .usion and lac- o. .usion@ *et,een t,o ultrasonic conductin( "aterials i. (eo"etr' and "aterials &er"itA
NOTE 2 M T)e ter" Ba&&arentC is e"&)asiDed since true siDe de&ends on orientation% co"&osition% and (eo"etr' o. t)e discontinuit' and eJui&"ent li"itationsA
4A1AF Cou&lant M A cou&lant% usuall' a liJuid or se"i# liJuid% is reJuired *et,een t)e .ace o. t)e searc) unit and t)e e!a"ination sur.ace to &er"it or i"&ro e t)e trans"it# tance o. ultrasound .ro" t)e searc) unit into t)e "aterial under testA T'&ical cou&lants include ,ater% cellulose (el% oil% and (reaseA Corrosion in)i*itors or ,ettin( a(ents or *ot) "a' *e usedA Cou&lants "ust *e selected t)at are not detri"ental to t)e &roduct or t)e &rocessA T)e cou&lant used in standardiDation s)ould *e used .or t)e e!a"inationA Durin( t)e &er.or"ance o. a contact ultrasonic e!a"ina# tion% t)e cou&lant la'er *et,een searc) unit and e!a"ina# tion "aterial "ust *e "aintained suc) t)at t)e contact area is )eld constant ,)ile "aintainin( adeJuate cou&lant t)ic-nessA Lac- o. cou&lant reducin( t)e e..ecti e contact area or e!cess cou&lant t)ic-ness ,ill reduce t)e a"ount o. ener(' trans.erred *et,een t)e searc) unit and t)e e!a"# ination &ieceA T)ese cou&lant ariations in turn result in e!a"ination sensiti it' ariationsA
4A1AFA1 T)e cou&lant s)ould *e selected so t)at its iscosit' is a&&ro&riate .or t)e sur.ace !nis) o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA T)e e!a"ination o. rou() sur.aces (ener# all' reJuires a )i()# iscosit' cou&lantA T)e te"&erature o. t)e "aterialEs sur.ace can c)an(e t)e cou&lantEs iscosit'A As an e!a"&le% in t)e case o. oil and (reases% see Ta*le 1A 4A1AFA2 At ele ated te"&eratures as conditions ,arrant% )eat#resistant cou&lin( "aterials suc) as silicone oils% (els% or (reases s)ould *e usedA 8urt)er% inter"ittent contact o. t)e searc) unit ,it) t)e sur.ace or au!iliar' coolin( o. t)e searc) unit "a' *e necessar' to a oid te"# &erature c)an(es t)at a..ect t)e ultrasonic ,a e c)aracteris# tics o. t)e searc) unitA At )i()er te"&eratures% certain
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
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StandardiDation o. A&&aratus
5A1 I. Juantitati e in.or"ation is to *e o*tained% ertical or )oriDontal linearit' or *ot) s)ould *e c)ec-ed in accor# dance ,it) Practice E F15 or anot)er &rocedure a&&ro ed *' t)e users o. t)e docu"entA An acce&ta*le linearit' &er# .or"ance "a' *e a(reed u&on *' t)e users o. t)e docu"entA
Note M T)e ta*le is a (uide onl' and is not "eant to e!clude t)e use o. a &articular cou&lant t)at is .ound to ,or- satis.actoril' on a &articular sur.aceA
5A2 Prior to e!a"ination% standardiDe t)e s'ste" in accordance ,it) t)e &roduct s&eci!cationA 5AF L)ere t)e sur.ace !nis)es o. t)e re.erence standard and t)e &roduction ite" do not "atc)% or ,)ere t)ere is an acoustic di..erence *et,een t)e standard and t)e &roduction ite"% an attenuation correction s)ould *e "ade to co"&ensate .or t)e di..erenceA T)e attenuation correc# tion is acco"&lis)ed *' notin( t)e di..erence *et,een si(# nals recei ed .ro" t)e sa"e re.erence re!ector ?t)at is% *ac- re!ection@ in t)e *asic standardiDation ?re.erence@ *loc- and in t)e &roduction "aterial% and correctin( .or t)is di..erenceA
cou&lants *ased on inor(anic salts or t)er"o&lastic or(anic "aterials% )i()#te"&erature dela' "aterials% and searc) units t)at are not da"a(ed *' )i() te"&eratures "a' *e reJuiredA 4A1AFAF L)ere constant cou&lin( o er lar(e areas is needed% as in auto"ated e!a"ination% or ,)ere se ere c)an(es in sur.ace rou()ness are .ound% ot)er cou&lants suc) as liJuid (a& cou&lin( ,ill usuall' &ro ide a *etter e!a"inationA In t)is case% t)e searc) unit does not contact t)e e!a"ination sur.ace *ut is se&arated *' a distance o. a*out 0A2 inA ?0A1 ""@ !lled ,it) cou&lantA LiJuid !o,in( t)rou() t)e searc) unit !lls t)e (a&A T)e !o,in( liJuid &ro ides t)e cou&lin( &at) and )as t)e additional ad anta(e o. coolin( t)e searc) unit i. t)e e!a"ination sur.ace is )otA
4A1AFAG An alternati e "eans o. direct contact cou# &lin( is &ro ided *' t)e ,)eel searc) unitA T)e searc) unit is "ounted at t)e reJuired an(le to a stationar' a!le a*out ,)ic) rotates a liJuid#!lled !e!i*le tireA A "ini"u" a"ount o. cou&lant &ro ides ultrasonic trans"ission into t)e e!a"ination sur.ace since t)e elastic tire "aterial is in rollin( contact and con.or"s closel' to t)e sur.aceA 4A1AG Re.erence Standards M T)e &roduction ite" itsel. "a' *e an adeJuate standard usin( t)e )ei()t o. t)e *ac- ,all ec)o .or re.erenceA 8or "ore Juantitati e in.or"ation% "ac)ined arti!cial re!ectors ?discontinuities@ or c)arts re&resentin( distance#a"&litude relations)i&s o. -no,n re!ector siDes .or a &articular searc) unit and "ate# rial "a' *e used .or standardiDationA T)ese arti!cial re!ec# tors "a' *e in t)e .or" o. !at#*otto" )oles% side#drilled )oles% or slotsA An alternate "et)od o. .a*ricatin( a ence standard "a' *e t)e introduction o. -no,n disconti# nuities durin( t)e .a*rication &rocess o. a &roduction ite" or ot)er con enient con!(urationA T)e sur.ace !nis) o. t)e re.erence standard s)ould *e si"ilar to t)e sur.ace !nis) o. t)e &roduction ite" ?or correctedR see 5AF@A T)e re.erence standard "aterial and t)e &roduction "aterial s)ould *e acousticall' si"ilar ?in elocit' and attenuation@A T)e re.erence standard selected s)all *e used *' t)e e!a"# iner as t)e *asis .or si(nal co"&arisonsA
5AG It s)ould *e reco(niDed t)at near#!eld e..ects "a' cause sensiti it' inconsistencies ,)en searc)in( .or in)o# "o(eneities s"aller t)an t)e e..ecti e *ea" dia"eterA Suit# a*le dela' line searc) units or ot)er "eans suc) as e!a"inin( .ro" *ot) sides o. t)e ite" "a' *e considered ,)ere t)e a&&lication ,arrants !ne scrutin'A L)en &er# .or"in( e!a"inations in t)e .ar#!eld% it is reco""ended t)at co"&ensation *e "ade .or t)e acoustic attenuation o. t)e test "aterial ,it) res&ect to a certain re.erence standardA T)is co"&ensation "a' *e acco"&lis)ed ,it) "ulti&le de&t) re.erence re!ectors% electronicall'% ,it) attenuation cur es dra,n on t)e .ace o. t)e A#scan dis&la'% or ,it) c)arts .or distance#a"&litude relations)i&s o. -no,n re!ectorsA 8or o&ti"u" e!a"ination &er.or"ance% co"# &ensations s)ould *e "ade .or *ot) near and .ar#!eld e..ectsA
5A1 <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e initial &ulse and at least one *ac- re!ection s)all a&&ear on t)e A#scan dis&la' ,)ile e!a"inin( .or discontinuities in "aterials )a in( &arallel sur.acesA T)e total nu"*er o. *ac- re!ections de&ends u&on eJui&"ent% (eo"etr' and "aterial t'&e% in.or"ation desired% or o&erator &re.erenceA Reduction o. t)e *ac- re!ection durin( scannin( is indicati e o. increased attenuation or sound scatterin( discontinuities &ro ided t)at .ront and *ac- sur.ace rou()ness and &arallel# is" o. t)e &roduction &iece are a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"e as t)at o. t)e standardA 8or non#&arallel sur.aces% t)e ti"e trace o. t)e dis&la' s)all *e standardiDed *' usin( standards t)at include t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness o. t)e &roduction ite" *ein( e!a"inedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A4 8or *ond0un*ond ?.usion0lac- o. .usion@ e!a"ina# tions% a re.erence standard s)ould *e used si"ilar to t)e &roduction ite" *ein( e!a"ined containin( areas re&re# sentin( *ot) *onded ?.used@ and un*onded ?lac- o. .usion@ conditions% i. (eo"etr' and "aterial &er"itA 5A5 StandardiDation ,it) res&ect to re.erence standards s)ould *e &eriodicall' c)ec-ed to ensure t)at t)e ultrasonic s'ste" standardiDation is not c)an(in(A As a "ini"u"% t)e standardiDation s)all *e c)ec-ed eac) ti"e t)ere is a c)an(e o. o&erators% ,)en searc) units are c)an(ed% ,)en ne, *atteries are installed% ,)en eJui&"ent o&eratin( .ro" one &o,er source is c)an(ed to anot)er &o,er source% or ,)en i"&ro&er o&eration is sus&ectedA
&enetratin( &o,erR con ersel'% t)e lo,er t)e .reJuenc' used% t)e (reater t)e &enetratin( &o,er ,it) decreasin( resol in( ca&a*ilit'A 8actors li"itin( t)e use o. )i()er .reJuencies are t)e eJui&"ent and t)e "aterial &ro&ertiesA T)e li"itin( use o. lo,er .reJuencies is t)e loss in sensiti # it' le el .or t)e e!a"inationA Various t'&es o. strai()t# *ea" searc) units are a aila*le o..erin( ad anta(es .or s&eci!c a&&licationsA T)e a*o e state"ents s)ould *e con# sidered ,)en c)oosin( t)e searc) unit siDe% t'&e% and .re# Juenc'A L)en dela' "aterials are used in t)e searc) unit% t)e standardiDation and e!a"ination sur.ace te"&eratures s)ould *e ,it)in 21[8 ?1G[C@ to a oid lar(e attenuation and elocit' di..erencesA
3A Procedure 3A1 L)en ultrasonic e!a"inations are &er.or"ed .or t)e detection or siDin( o. discontinuities% or *ot)% re!ectors not &er&endicular to t)e ultrasonic *ea" "a' *e detected at reduced a"&litudes% ,it) a distorted en elo&e de&endin( u&on t)e re!ector area% ,)et)er it is cur ed or &lanar% ,)et)er it is s"oot) or rou()% &er)a&s ,it) re!ectin( .acetsA Re!ector c)aracteristics "a' also cause ra&id s)i.ts in a&&arent de&t) as t)e searc) unit a&&roac)es or "o es a,a' .ro" t)e lo, a"&litude indicationA Anot)er e..ect o. t)ese re!ectors is t)e loss o. *ac- re!ection ,)ic) occurs ,)en t)e discontinuit' lies directl' *et,een t)e searc) unit and t)e *ac- sur.aceA Re!ectors detecta*le due to an' o. t)e .ore(oin( &)eno"ena cannot *e siDed solel' on si(nal a"&litude *ut reJuire s&ecial corrections .or searc) unit and !a, c)aracteristicsA
NOTE F M T)e lar(est dia"eter and )i()est .reJuenc' searc) units 'ieldin( desired results s)ould *e used .or "a!i"u" resolution and (ood *ea" directi it'A
3AG Scannin( M Scannin( "a' *e eit)er continuous or inter"ittent% de&endin( u&on t)e (eo"etr'% a&&lication% and reJuire"ents o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"inedA 8or continu# ous scannin(% t)e searc) unit inde!in( "ust *e adeJuate to &ro ide 100O co era(e% at uni.or" e!a"ination sensi# ti it'% o. t)e area *ein( e!a"inedA AdSust scannin( s&eed or instru"ent re&etition rate or *ot) to &er"it detection o. t)e s"allest discontinuities re.erenced in t)e s&eci!cation and to allo, t)e recordin( or si(nalin( de ice to .unctionA 3AGA1 Manual Scannin( M +old t)e searc) unit in t)e )and and "o e o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e &roduction &ieceA
3A2 E!a"ination Sur.ace M Sur.aces s)all *e uni.or" and .ree o. loose scale and &aint% discontinuities suc) as &its or (ou(es% ,eld s&latter% dirt% or ot)er .orei(n "atter ,)ic) a..ect e!a"ination resultsA Ti()tl' ad)erin( &aint% scale% or coatin(s do not necessaril' need to *e re"o ed .or e!a"inin( i. t)e' &resent uni.or" attenuation c)arac# teristicsA T)e e!a"ination sur.ace "ust *e adeJuate to &er"it ultrasonic e!a"ination at t)e sensiti it' s&eci!edA I. needed% sur.aces "a' *e (round% sanded% ,ire *rus)ed% scra&ed% or ot)er,ise &re&ared .or e!a"inin( &ur&osesA Cur ed sur.aces% eit)er conca e or con e!% "a' *e e!a"# inedR )o,e er% t)e standardiDation s'ste" s)ould co"&en# sate .or t)e e..ecti e c)an(e in searc) unit trans"ittin( area *et,een t)e re.erence standard and &roduction ite"A I. &ractical% t)e re.erence standard s)ould )a e t)e sa"e (eo"etr' as t)e ite" *ein( e!a"inedA
3AGA2 Auto"ated Scannin( M T)e searc) unit is )eld *' a suita*le !!ed de ice and eit)er t)e &roduction &iece "o es or is )eld stationar' ,)ile t)e searc) unit "o es "ec)anicall' alon( so"e &redeter"ined &at)A 8or auto# "ated scannin(% "onitor cou&lin( *et,een t)e searc) unit and &art eit)er electronicall' or isuall' to ensure &ro&er e!a"ination sensiti it'A 3A1 Durin( t)e e aluation o. indications% "aintain t)e sa"e relati e sensiti ities *et,een t)e re.erence standard and t)e &roduction ite"A Ma-e an e aluation o. ultrasonic indications a.ter res&onse re!ections .ro" discontinuities are "a!i"iDed *' searc) unit "ani&ulationA Ma& disconti# nuit' e!tre"ities lar(er t)an t)e sound *ea"A A reco"# "ended "et)od .or "a&&in(% on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &roduction &iece% t)e a&&arent siDe ?t)at is% t)e re!ectin( sur.ace seen *' t)e searc) unit@ o. discontinuities lar(er t)an t)e searc) unit is *' t)e )al.#a"&litude "et)odA Posi# tion t)e searc) unit o er t)e discontinuit' .or "a!i"u" si(nal res&onse and "o e in one direction until t)e si(nal dro&s ra&idl' to t)e *ase line on t)e A#scan dis&la'A T)en return t)e searc) unit to t)e &osition ,)ere t)e si(nal ,as )al. t)e a"&litude t)at it )ad at t)e &oint ,)ere t)e indication *e(an to dro& ra&idl' to t)e *ase lineA At t)is &oint t)e center o. t)e searc) unit s)ould a&&ro!i"atel' coincide ,it) t)e ed(e o. t)e discontinuit'A Re&eat t)is &rocedure .or ot)er directions as necessar' to outline t)e
3AF Searc) <nit M Select a suita*le searc) unit siDe and .reJuenc' a.ter consideration o. t)e acoustic c)aracteristics o. "aterial to *e e!a"ined% t)e (eo"etr' o. t)e &roduction ite"% and t)e "ini"u" siDe and t'&e o. discontinuit' to *e detectedA T)e )i()er t)e .reJuenc' selected% t)e )i()er t)e resol in( ca&a*ilit' acco"&anied ,it) a decrease in
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
discontinuit' on t)e sur.aceA Searc) units o. ot)er .reJuen# cies and siDes "a' *e used .or "a&&in( to o*tain (reater accurac'A S&ecial consideration s)ould *e (i en to discon# tinuities ,)en t)e si(nal a"&litude dro&s to )al. t)e "a!i# "u" a"&litude or less% and re"ains at t)e lo,er le el o er e!tended distances ?.or e!a"&le% "ore t)an )al. t)e searc) unit dia"eter@A
NOTE G M 8or rounded sur.aces% (eo"etr' "ust *e considered ,)en usin( t)is "et)odA
?nu"*er% classi!cation% and location o. discontinuities@A 8or *ond0un*ond ?.usion0lac- o. .usion@ e!a"inations t)e e!tent o. un*ond ?lac- o. .usion@ or *ond ?.usion@ s)ould *e re&ortedA
2A E!a"ination Data Record 2A1 T)e .ollo,in( data s)ould *e recorded as a "ini# "u" .or .uture re.erence at t)e ti"e o. eac) e!a"ination6 2A1A1 Part nu"*er identi!cation% 2A1A2 O&eratorEs na"e and le el ?i. certi!ed@% 2A1AF Instru"ent descri&tion% "a-e% "odel% and serial nu"*er% 2A1AG Setu& M Cou&lant% ca*le t'&e and len(t)% "an# ual0auto"atic scannin(% 2A1A1 Searc) unit descri&tion M T'&e% siDe% .re# Juenc'% s&ecial s)oes% 2A1A4 Re.erence standards ?and standardiDation data reJuired to du&licate t)e e!a"ination@A 2A1A5 Indication in.or"ation as s&eci!ed *' t)e a&&lica*le s&eci!cation% or results o. t)e e!a"ination
10A Inter&retation o. Results 10A1 Ad ance a(ree"ent s)ould *e reac)ed *' users o. t)is docu"ent as a&&lica*le re(ardin( t)e inter&retation o. t)e results o. t)e e!a"inations and )o, t)e' s)all *e recordedA All discontinuities )a in( si(nals t)at e!ceed t)e reSection le el as de!ned *' t)e "aterial s&eci!cation% dra,in(% or &urc)ase order s)all *e reSected unless it is deter"ined .ro" t)e "ac)ine &art dra,in( t)at t)e reSecta*le discontinuities ,ill not re"ain in t)e !nis)ed &artA
11ARe&ort 11A1 T)e re&ort s)all include t)e in.or"ation a(reed u&on *' users o. t)is docu"entA
12A 9e',ords 12A1 contactR e!a"inationR nondestructi e testin(R &ulse#ec)oR strai()t#*ea"R ultrasonic
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers a &rocedure .or detectin( dis# continuities in "etal &i&e and tu*in( durin( a olu"etric e!a"ination usin( ultrasonic "et)odsA S&eci!c tec)niJues o. t)e ultrasonic "et)od to ,)ic) t)is &ractice a&&lies include &ulse#re!ection tec)niJues% *ot) contact and non# contact ?.or e!a"&le% as descri*ed in Iuide E 155G@% and an(le *ea" i""ersion tec)niJuesA Arti!cial re!ectors con# sistin( o. lon(itudinal% and% ,)en s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &arties% trans erse re.erence notc)es &laced on t)e sur.aces o. a re.erence standard are e"&lo'ed as t)e &ri# "ar' "eans o. standardiDin( t)e ultrasonic s'ste"A
t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
E 1GF Practice .or E aluatin( A(encies t)at Per.or" Non# destructi e Testin( E 1041 Iuide .or E aluatin( C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Searc) <nits
1A2 T)is &ractice is intended .or use ,it) tu*ular &rod# ucts )a in( outside dia"eters a&&ro!i"atel' 1V2 inA P12A5 ""Q and lar(er% &ro ided t)at t)e e!a"ination &ara"# eters co"&l' ,it) and satis.' t)e reJuire"ents o. Section 12A T)ese &rocedures )a e *een success.ul ,it) s"aller siDesA T)ese "a' *e s&eci!ed u&on contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA T)ese &rocedures are intended to ensure t)at &ro&er *ea" an(les and *ea" s)a&es are used to &ro ide .ull olu"e co era(e o. &i&es and tu*es% includin( t)ose ,it) lo, ratios o. outside dia"eter#to#,all t)ic-ness% and to a oid s&urious si(nal res&onses ,)en e!a"inin( s"all#dia"eter% t)in#,all tu*esA
E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 155G Iuide .or Electro"a(netic Acoustic Transducers ?EMATs@ E 1314 Practice .or <ltrasonic E!a"inations <sin( Elec# tro"a(netic Acoustic Transducer ?EMAT@ Tec)niJues 2A2 ASNT Docu"ents6 Reco""ended Practice SNT#TC#1A .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation ANSI0ASNT CP#132 Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi# !cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel
1AF T)e &rocedure in Anne! A1 is a&&lica*le to &i&e and tu*in( used in nuclear and ot)er s&ecial and' a&&licationsA T)e &rocedure in Anne! A2 "a' *e used to deter"ine t)e )elical scan &itc)A 1AG T)is &ractice does not esta*lis) acce&tance criteriaR t)e' "ust *e s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA 1A1 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as standardA T)e SI eJui alents are in *rac-ets and "a' *e a&&ro!i"ateA 1A4 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is
2AF Militar' Standard6 MIL#STD#G10 Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!# cation and Certi!cation 2AG Aeros&ace Industries Association Docu"ent6 NAS G10 Certi!cation and Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &ractice% see Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
GAF 8or e.!cient e!a"ination o. lar(e Juantities o. "aterial% "ulti&le searc) units and instru"ents "a' *e used si"ultaneousl' to &er.or" scannin( in t)e reJuired directionsA Multi&le searc) units "a' *e e"&lo'ed .or BinterlacedC scannin( in eac) reJuired direction to ena*le )i()er e!a"ination rates to *e ac)ie ed t)rou() )i()er allo,a*le scan inde! or B&itc)AC
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e &ur&ose o. t)is &ractice is to outline a &rocedure .or detectin( and locatin( si(ni!cant discontinuities suc) as &its% oids% inclusions% crac-s% s&lits% etcA% *' t)e ultrasonic &ulse#re!ection "et)odA
4A Basis o. A&&lication 4A1 T)e .ollo,in( are ite"s t)at "ust *e decided u&on *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA 4A1A1 SiDe and t'&e o. &i&e or tu*in( to *e e!a"ined% GA Su""ar' o. Practices GA1 A &ulsed ultrasonic an(le *ea" *' "eans o. non# contact% sur.ace contact% or i""ersion "et)od s)all *e usedA 8i(ure 1 illustrates t)e c)aracteristic ultrasonic an(le *ea" entr' into t)e ,all o. a &i&e or tu*e in t)e circu".er# ential direction to detect lon(itudinal discontinuities usin( a sin(le searc) unitA 8i(ure 2 illustrates t)e c)aracteristic an(le *ea" ultrasound entr' into t)e ,all o. a &i&e or tu*e in t)e a!ial direction to searc) .or trans erse discontinuities usin( a sin(le searc) unitA
4A1A2 Additional scannin( .or trans erse discontinuities% 4A1AF Ite"s t)at a..ect e!a"ination co era(e "a' also *e s&eci!ed suc) as scan o erla&% &ulse densit'% and "a!i"u" searc) unit siDeA 4A1AG T)e sta(e?s@ in t)e "anu.acturin( &rocess at ,)ic) t)e "aterial ,ill *e e!a"ined% 4A1A1 Sur.ace condition% 4A1A4 Ma!i"u" ti"e inter al *et,een eJui&"ent standardiDation c)ec-s% i. di..erent .ro" t)at descri*ed in 1FA2 and t)e tolerance to *e a&&lied to a standardiDation c)ec-% 4A1A5 T'&e% di"ensions% location% "et)od o. "anu# .acture% and nu"*er o. arti!cial re!ectors to *e &laced on t)e re.erence standard% 4A1A3 Met)od?s@ .or "easurin( di"ensions o. arti!# cial re!ectors and tolerance li"its i. di..erent t)an s&eci!ed in Section 11%
NOTE 16 T)e i""ersion "et)od "a' include tan-s% ,)eel searc) units% or s'ste"s t)at use strea"s or colu"ns o. liJuid to cou&le t)e ultrasonic ener(' .ro" t)e searc) unit to t)e "aterialA
GA2 To ensure detection o. discontinuities t)at "a' not &ro ide a .a ora*le res&onse .ro" one side% scannin( s)all *e &er.or"ed in *ot) circu".erential directions .or lon(itu# dinal discontinuities% and ,)en an a!ial scan is s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &arties% in *ot) a!ial directions .or trans erse discontinuitiesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A1A2 Criteria .or re&orta*le and reSecta*le indica# tions ?acce&tance criteria@% 4A1A10 Ree!a"ination o. re&aired0re,or-ed ite"s% i. reJuired or &er"itted% s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A1A11 ReJuire"ents .or &er"anent records o. t)e res&onse .ro" eac) tu*e% i. a&&lica*le% 4A1A12 Contents o. e!a"ination re&ort% 4A1A1F O&erator Juali!cations and certi!cation% i. reJuired% 4A1A1G Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e A(enciesA I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A1A11 Le el o. &ersonnel Juali!cation ?see 5A1@A
,it) inter&retation o. e!a"ination resultsA T)e "et)ods used .or cleanin( and &re&arin( t)e sur.aces .or ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all not *e detri"ental to t)e *ase "etal or t)e sur.ace !nis)A E!cessi e sur.ace rou()ness or scratc)es can &roduce si(nals t)at inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"inationA
5A Personnel Kuali!cation 5A1 I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% &ersonnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations to t)is standard s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0 ASNT#CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% MIL STD#G10% NAS#G10% or a si"ilar docu"ent and certi!ed *' t)e e"&lo'er or certi.'in( a(enc'% as a&&lica*leA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e identi!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
2A A&&aratus 2A1 Instru"ents s)all *e o. t)e &ulse ec)o t'&e and s)all *e ca&a*le o. detectin( t)e re.erence notc)es o. t)e t'&es descri*ed in Section 11 to t)e e!tent reJuired in t)e standardiDation &rocedure descri*ed in Section 12A An inde&endent c)annel ?or c)annels@ o. instru"entation s)all *e e"&lo'ed to indi iduall' "onitor t)e res&onses .ro" t)e lon(itudinal and% ,)en reJuired% trans erse oriented searc) unitsA T)e instru"ent &ulse re&etition rate s)all *e ca&a*le o. *ein( adSusted to a su.!cientl' )i() alue to ensure notc) detection at t)e scannin( rate e"&lo'edA T)e instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. t)is &ulse re&etition rate ,it)out .alse indications due to s&urious re!ections or inter.erence .ro" ot)er instru"ents and searc) units *ein( used .or si"ultaneous e!a"inations in ot)er directions or alon( ot)er scan &at)sA
2A1A1 T)e .reJuenc' and *and,idt) o. t)e instru"ent and searc) unit s)all *e ca&a*le o. *ein( selected to &ro# duce a' si(nal#to#noise ratio .or t)e detection o. t)e reJuired notc)es as co"&ared to *ac-(round BnoiseC res&onse .ro" irre(ularities suc) as (rain *oundaries and sur.ace rou()nessA 2A2 Searc) unit .reJuenc' s)all *e selected to &roduce a desira*le Bsi(nal#to#noiseC ratio ?S0N@% .ro" t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined% at t)e s&eci!ed sensiti it'A A S0N alue o. at least F to 1 is usuall' considered to *e "ini"u"A A )i()er "ini"u" alue is desira*le and "a' *e s&eci!ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc'A
NOTE 26 MIL STD#G10 is canceled and )as *een re&laced ,it) NAS# G10R )o,e er% it "a' *e used ,it) a(ree"ent *et,een contractin( &artiesA
3A Sur.ace Condition 3A1 All sur.aces s)all *e clean and .ree o. scale% dirt% (rease% &aint% or ot)er .orei(n "aterial t)at could inter.ere
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A2A1 Select a searc) unit siDe% .reJuenc'% and re.racted an(le ?or corres&ondin( &ara"eters .or non#con# tact tec)niJues@ to &roduce an a&&ro!i"ate G1 de( *ea"# center s)ear ,a e in t)e tu*e or &i&e ,allA 8or "aterial ,it) an outside dia"eter#to#t)ic-ness ratio less t)an 5% a lo,er re.racted an(le ?or corres&ondin( &ara"eters .or non#contact tec)niJues@ "ust *e used to ensure intersection ,it) t)e inside sur.aceA T)is does not ensure detection o. "id,all discontinuitiesA
11AG All u&set "etal% *urrs% etcA% adSacent to t)e ence notc)es s)all *e re"o edA 11A1 T)e notc) di"ensions% ,)ic) are len(t)% de&t)% and ,idt) ?and .or V#notc)es% t)e included an(le@ "ust *e decided u&on *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA 8i(ure F illus# trates t)e co""on notc) con!(urations and t)e di"ensions to *e "easured ?Note G@A Re!ection a"&litudes .ro" V#% sJuare#% and <#s)a&ed notc)es o. co"&ara*le di"ensions "a' ar' ,idel' de&endin( on t)e an(le% .reJuenc'% and i*rational "ode o. t)e interro(atin( sound *ea"A
2AF T)e &ositions o. all con e'or and dri e "ec)anis"s "ust *e set to su&&ort and .eed t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined in a sta*le "anner and at t)e desired scan B&itc)C ?)eli!@A 8or s"all tu*es% su&&ort "ec)anis"s "ust *e used in t)e e!a"ination station to &re ent an' trans erse "otion ,it) res&ect to t)e searc) unit *ea" durin( scannin(A I. lar(er "aterial t)at is not strai()t is to *e e!a"ined% t)e searc) units "a' )a e to *e su&&orted in a,erC "ec)anis" to co"&ensate .or t)isA
NOTE G6 In 8i(A F?a@% ?*@% and ?d@% t)e s)ar& corners are .or ease o. illustrationA It is reco(niDed t)at in nor"al "ac)inin( &ractice% a radius ,ill *e (eneratedA
10A Cou&lant 10A1 8or &ieDoelectric#*ased searc) units ?non#contact tec)niJues do not reJuire cou&lant@% a cou&lant suc) as ,ater% oil% or (l'cerin% ca&a*le o. conductin( ultrasonic i*rations *et,een t)e searc) unit and t)e &i&e or tu*e *ein( e!a"ined s)all *e usedA Rust in)i*itors% so.teners% and ,ettin( a(ents "a' *e added to t)e cou&lantA T)e cou&lant liJuid ,it) all t)e additi es s)ould not *e detri# "ental to t)e sur.ace condition o. t)e &i&e or tu*e% and s)all ,et t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial to &ro ide adeJuate cou&lin( e.!cienc'A To &re ent s&urious si(nals or loss o. sensiti it'% or *ot)% care "ust *e ta-en to a oid t)e &resence o. air *u**les in t)e cou&lantA
11A1A1 T)e notc) de&t) s)all *e an a era(e "easured .ro" t)e circular tu*in( sur.ace to t)e "a!i"u" and "ini# "u" &enetration o. t)e notc)A Measure"ents "a' *e "ade *' o&tical% re&licatin(% or ot)er a(reed u&on tec)niJuesA <nless s&eci!ed ot)er,ise *' t)e usin( &art' or &arties% t)e notc) de&t) s)all *e ,it)in W0A0001 inA P0A01F ""Q o. t)e s&eci!ed alue .or notc)es 0A001 inA P0A1F ""Q or less in de&t)% and ,it)in X 10% 11O o. t)e s&eci!ed alue .or notc)es o er 0A001 inA in de&t)A At t)e o&tion o. t)e testin( a(enc'% s)allo,er notc)es "a' *e used to &ro ide a "ore strin(ent e!a"inationA
NOTE 16 8or as#rolled or scal' &i&e or tu*e sur.aces% it "a' *e necessar' to "odi.' 11A1A1A T,o acce&ta*le "odi!cations are listed *elo,A Modi!# cation ?a@ is &re.erredR )o,e er% "odi!cation ?*@ "a' *e used unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA ?a@ T)e circular &i&e or tu*e sur.ace "a' *e s"oot)ed or &re&ared in t)e notc) area% or ?*@ T)e notc) de&t) s)all *e ,it)in W0A001 inA P0A021 ""Q% or X 10% 11O o. t)e s&eci!ed de&t)% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA
NOTE F6 In t)e contact "et)od% so"e cou&lants result in *etter ultrasonic trans"ission ,)en t)e tu*in( is &recoated se eral )ours *e.ore t)e e!a"inationA
11A Re.erence Standards 11A1 A re.erence standard o. a con enient len(t) s)all *e &re&ared .ro" a len(t) o. &i&e or tu*e o. t)e sa"e no"inal dia"eter% ,all t)ic-ness% "aterial% sur.ace !nis)% and acoustical &ro&erties as t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA T)e re.erence &i&e or tu*e s)all *e .ree o. discontinuities or ot)er conditions &roducin( indications t)at can inter.ere ,it) detection o. t)e re.erence notc)esA 11A2 Lon(itudinal and% ,)en reJuired *' t)e con# tractin( a(enc'% trans erse re.erence notc)es s)all *e &laced on *ot) t)e outside and inside sur.aces o. t)e ence standard to ensure' e!a"ination sensiti it' near eac) o. t)ese *oundariesA 11AF Re.erence notc)es s)all *e se&arated su.!cientl' ?circu".erentiall' or a!iall'% or *ot)@ to &reclude ence and inter&retation di.!cultiesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
11A1A2 L)en notc) tolerances are s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &arties% tolerances "a' o.ten include onl' ne(ati e alues ,it) Dero &ositi e de iation allo,ed so t)at sensiti it' is ne er reduced *elo, a s&eci!ed "ini"u" alueA T)e use o. s"aller notc)es *' t)e e!a"ination a(enc' is &er"issi*le% &ro ided t)at concurrence is o*tained .ro" t)e contractin( a(enc'A
NOTE 46 T)e a"&litude o. indications o*tained .ro" re.erence notc)es "a' not *e linearl' &ro&ortional to notc) de&t)A T)is de&ends u&on t)e interce&tin( *ea" ,idt) to notc) len(t)A
11A1AF T)e ,idt) o. t)e notc)es s)all *e as s"all as &ractical% *ut s)ould not e!ceed t,ice t)e de&t)A 11A4 Ot)er t'&es and orientations o. re.erence re!ectors "a' *e s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA
12A StandardiDation o. A&&aratus 12A1 Static StandardiDation M <sin( t)e re.erence stan# dard s&eci!ed in Section 11% adSust t)e eJui&"ent to &ro# duce clearl' identi!a*le indications .ro" *ot) t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)esA T)e res&onse .ro" t)e inner
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
and outer sur.ace notc)es s)ould *e as nearl' eJual as &ossi*leA <se t)e lesser o. t)e t,o res&onses to esta*lis) t)e reSection le elA On lar(e dia"eter or )ea ' ,all &i&e and tu*in(% i. t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc) a"&litude cannot *e "ade eJual *ecause o. "aterial sound&at) dis# tance and inside dia"eter cur ature% a se&arate reSection le el "a' *e esta*lis)ed .or t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)esA
e!a"ination run% and at least e er' .our )ours durin( con# tinuous eJui&"ent o&erationA RestandardiDe t)e eJui&"ent in accordance ,it) 12A1 and 12A2 an' ti"e t)e eJui&"ent .ails to &roduce t)e si(nal a"&litudes or ot)er conditions .or reSection ,it)in t)e tolerances a(reed u&on ,it) t)e contractin( a(enc'A In t)e e ent t)at t)e eJui&"ent does not "eet t)is reJuire"ent% ree!a"ine all &i&e or tu*in( e!a"ined since t)e last acce&ta*le standardiDation a.ter restandardiDation )as *een acco"&lis)edA
NOTE 56 Distance#A"&litude Correction M A "et)od o. co"&ensatin( .or t)e reduction in ultrasonic si(nal a"&litude as a .unction o. "aterial sound#&at) distance "a' *e e"&lo'edA Details o. t)e &rocedures used to esta*lis) and a&&l' t)e distance#a"&litude correction ?DAC@ cur e s)all *e esta*lis)ed *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA
1FA2A1 L)en reJuired *' t)e &urc)aser% "ore s&eci!c restandardiDation criteria "a' *e s&eci!edA 1FAF 8or "an' tu*ular siDes and e!a"ination arran(e# "ents% t)ere ,ill *e a re!ection .ro" t)e entr' sur.ace o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA T)is si(nal "a' *e o*ser ed% *ut not (ated% as a su&&le"ent to t)e reJuired c)ec-in( o. t)e re.erence standard to &ro ide increased assurance t)at t)e eJui&"ent is .unctionin( &ro&erl'A I. suc) a si(nal does not e!ist% "a-e "ore .reJuent eJui&"ent standardiDation c)ec-sA
12A2 D'na"ic StandardiDation M StandardiDe t)e eJui&"ent under d'na"ic conditions t)at si"ulate t)e &ro# duction e!a"inationA T)e &i&e or tu*in( to *e e!a"ined and t)e searc) unit asse"*l' s)all )a e a rotatin( translat# in( "otion relati e to eac) ot)er suc) t)at a )elical scan &at) ,ill *e descri*ed on t)e outer sur.ace o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA Maintain t)e s&eed o. rotation and translation constant ,it)in W10OA A!ial scannin( ,it) circu".erential inde!in( "a' *e used to &ro ide eJui alent co era(eA
12AF T)e &itc) o. t)e .eed )eli! s)all *e s"all enou() to ensure at least 100O co era(e at t)e e!a"ination dis# tance and sensiti it' esta*lis)ed durin( standardiDationA Co era(e s)all *e *ased u&on t)e "a!i"u" e..ecti e siDe o. t)e searc) unit% t)e &ulse densit' .or eac) instru"ent c)annel and t)e )eli!A
1FAG Do not "a-e an' eJui&"ent adSust"ents% durin( e!a"ination% unless t)e co"&lete standardiDation &roce# dure descri*ed in Section 12 is &er.or"ed a.ter an' suc) adSust"entA 1FA1 T)e e!a"ination s)all *e a&&lied to 100O o. t)e &i&e or tu*in( unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA
NOTE 106 So"e tra ersin( "ec)anis"s do not allo, e!a"ination o. &i&e or tu*e endsA L)en t)is condition e!ists% clearl' indicate t)e e!tent o. t)is e..ect% &er tu*e% in t)e e!a"ination re&ortA
1FA Procedure 1FA1 E!a"ine t)e &i&e or tu*in( ,it) t)e ultrasound trans"itted in *ot) circu".erential directions .or lon(itudi# nal discontinuities and% ,)en s&eci!ed% in *ot) a!ial direc# tions .or trans erse discontinuities% under identical conditions used .or eJui&"ent standardiDation ?see Note 3@A
NOTE 36 Identical conditions include all instru"ent settin(s% "ec)anical "otions% searc) unit &osition and ali(n"ent relati e to t)e &i&e or tu*e% liJuid cou&lant% and an' ot)er .actors t)at a..ect t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e e!a"inationA NOTE 26 I. a reJuire"ent e!ists .or *ot) lon(itudinal and trans erse notc)es% t)e .ollo,in( t)ree o&tions are a aila*le6 ?a@ Eac) &i&e or tu*e is &assed t)rou() a sin(le#c)annel e!a"ination station .our ti"es% t,ice in eac) direction% ?*@ Eac) &i&e or tu*e is &assed t)rou() a t,o#c)annel e!a"ination station t,ice% once in eac) direction% or ?c@ Eac) &i&e or tu*e is &assed t)rou() a .our#c)annel e!a"ination station onceA
1GA Inter&retation o. Results 1GA1 All indications t)at are eJual to or (reater t)an t)e reSection le el esta*lis)ed durin( standardiDation as descri*ed in Section 12% usin( t)e a(reed u&on re.erence indicators descri*ed in 11A1% s)all *e considered as re&re# sentin( de.ects and "a' *e cause .or reSection o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA Alternati el'% t)e usin( &art' or &arties "a' s&eci.' s&eci!c acce&tance criteriaA
1GA2 I.% u&on .urt)er e!a"ination o. t)e &i&e or tu*e% no reSecta*le indications are detected% t)e "aterial s)all *e considered as )a in( &assed t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination% e!ce&t as noted in 1FA2A
NOTE 116 ReSected &i&e or tu*es "a' *e re,or-ed in a "anner acce&ta*le to t)e &urc)aserA I.% u&on ultrasonic ree!a"ination o. t)e re,or-ed &i&e or tu*e% no reSecta*le indications are detected% t)e "aterial s)ould *e considered as )a in( &assed t)e ultrasonic e!a"inationA NOTE 126 Care s)ould *e e!ercised to ensure t)at re,or-in( a &i&e or tu*e does not c)an(e its acce&ta*ilit' ,it) res&ect to ot)er reJuire"ents o. t)e "aterial s&eci!cation suc) as ,all t)ic-ness% o alit'% sur.ace !nis)% len(t)% and t)e li-eA
1FA2 StandardiDation C)ec-s M Periodicall' c)ec- t)e d'na"ic standardiDation o. t)e eJui&"ent *' &assin( t)e re.erence standard t)rou() t)e e!a"ination s'ste" in accordance ,it) 12A2A Ma-e t)ese c)ec-s &rior to an' e!a"ination run% &rior to eJui&"ent s)utdo,n a.ter an
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A1 L)en a re&ort is reJuired% it s)all contain suc) in.or"ation as is "utuall' considered adeJuate to docu# "ent t)at t)e e!a"ination o. t)e &i&e or tu*es su&&lied "eets t)e reJuire"ents o. t)is &ractice% and an' "odi!ca# tions s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 11A2 L)en a Bt)ird &art'C e!a"ination is reJuired% as "i()t *e &er.or"ed *' an inde&endent e!a"ination .acil# it'% and to t)e e!tent s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% a &er"anent record containin( o*Secti e e idence o. t)e e!a"ination results s)all *e o*tained .or &i&e or tu*e e!a"# inedA T)is "a' *e in t)e .or" o. a stri& c)art recordin( or co"&uteriDed data o. t)e ultrasonic instru"ent out&ut durin( t)e e!a"inationA It s)all contain recordin(s o. all standardiDations and standardiDation c)ec-s and s)ould *e annotated to &ro ide a &ositi e correlation *et,een e!a"i# nation record .or eac) reSect &i&e or tu*e and t)e corres# &ondin( &i&e or tu*eA T)e su&&lier s)all "aintain a re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination on !leA L)en reJuested *' t)e custo"er% a re&ort o. t)e e!a"ination s)all *e su*"itted to t)e
custo"erA T)e re&ort s)all include at least t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 11A2A1 Identi!cation o. t)e "aterial *' t'&e% siDe% lot% )eat treat"ent% and an' ot)er &ertinent in.or"ationA 11A2A2 Identi!cation o. t)e e!a"ination eJui&"ent and accessoriesA 11A2AF Details o. t)e e!a"ination tec)niJue% includ# in( e!a"ination s&eed% e!a"ination .reJuenc'% and end e..ects i. an'A 11A2AG Descri&tion o. t)e re.erence standard% includ# in( t)e actual ?"easured@ di"ensions o. t)e arti!cial ence re!ectorsA 11A2A1 Descri&tion o. t)e distance#a"&litude correc# tion &rocedure% i. usedA 11A2A4 E!a"ination resultsA
14A 9e',ords 14A1 an(le *ea"R nondestructi e e!a"inationR &i&eR tu*in(R ultrasonic e!a"ination
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A1 IntroductionA L)en t)e end use o. &i&e or tu*in( de&ends criticall' u&on .reedo" .ro" discontinuities o er a certain "a!i"u" siDe% certain additional ultrasonic e!a"# ination &rocedures are reJuired to assure t)at t)e reJuired Jualit' standards are "etA T)e i""ersion "et)od is al"ost al,a's reJuired .or e!a"inin( tu*es .or t)ese usesA In so"e instances% suc) as !eld e!a"ination or ,)ere &art contact ,it) ,ater is undesira*le% t)e contact "et)od% or non#contact tec)niJue% .or instance as descri*ed in Iuide E 155G% "a' *e e"&lo'edA
A1A1A1 T)is &ractice is intended .or use ,it) tu*ular &roducts o. an' dia"eter and ,all t)ic-ness% &ro ided t)at &ro&er &rocedures% as descri*ed )erein% are .ollo,edA T)ese &rocedures are intended to ensure t)at &ro&er re.raction an(les and *ea" s)a&es are used to &ro ide .ull olu"e co era(e o. &i&es and tu*es% includin( t)ose ,it) lo, ratios o. outside dia"eter#to#,all t)ic-ness% and to a oid s&urious si(nal res&onses ,)en e!a"inin( s"all#dia"eter% t)in#,all tu*esA
A1AFA2 T)e *ea" len(t) o. t)e searc) unit in t)e ,all "aterial "ust *e eit)er lon(er or s)orter t)an t)e len(t) o. lon(itudinal notc)es in t)e re.erence standard% *' an a"ount t)at is no less t)an t)e B&itc)C ?linear ad ance &er re olution@ o. t)e )elical scan &at) ?see A2A1@A T)is is necessar' to ensure detection o. discontinuities t)at are as lon( as t)e notc)es in s&ite o. t)eir rando" locations ,it) res&ect to t)e scan &at) ?see Anne! A2@A A1AFAF T)e .ocal len(t) o. a .ocused i""ersion searc) unit s)ould eJual t)e &i&e or tu*e radius &lus a con enient ,ater &at) len(t) so t)at it "a' *e .ocused on t)e &i&e or tu*e centerlineA A1AFAG T)e an(le o. t)e central *ea" o. t)e searc) unit% ,it) res&ect to a &er&endicular to t)e tan(ent to t)e sur.ace at t)e &oint o. *ea" incidence% s)all *e adSusted to &roduce a suita*le re.raction an(le in t)e &i&e or tu*e ,all to &ro ide co"&lete co era(e o. t)e &i&e or tu*e ,all t)ic-nessA A re.raction an(le o. G1 de( is t'&icall' used ,)en e!a"inin( &i&e or tu*es ,it) a dia"eter#to#,all t)ic-ness ratio o. no less t)an a*out 10 to 1A 8or "an' "aterials a G1 de( re.raction an(le "a' *e ac)ie ed ,it) a *ea" incidence an(le o. a*out 13 to 12 de(A T)is "a' *e ac)ie ed in t)e i""ersion "et)od *' &arallel o..settin( t)e *ea" centerline .ro" a &er&endicular to a tan(ent o. t)e sur.ace *' a distance eJual to 104 o. t)e outside dia"eter o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA T)is is o.ten a con enient initial adSust# "ent durin( s'ste" standardiDationA
A1A2 Su""ar' o. PracticeA Pulsed ultrasonic an(le *ea"s *' eit)er t)e sur.ace contact or i""ersion "et)od s)all *e usedA 8i(ure A1A1 illustrates c)aracteristic an(le *ea" ultrasound entr' into t)e ,all o. a &i&e or tu*e in t)e circu".erential direction to detect lon(itudinal de.ects and in t)e a!ial direction to detect trans erse de.ects% ,)en reJuiredA T)e incident and re.racted *ea"s in t)ese cases are &ictured as *ein( (enerated *' a c'lindricall' .ocused i""ersion searc) unitA In &i&es and tu*es ,it) dia"eters se eral ti"es lar(er t)an t)e len(t) o. a contact searc) unit% t)e (eneral *ea" s)a&es are a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"eA
A1AF Additional A&&aratus ReJuire"ents A1AFA1 Alt)ou() contact searc) units "a' *e used .or s"all Juantit' and !eld e!a"inations o. &i&es and tu*es% c'lindricall' ?line@ .ocused i""ersion searc) units are &re.erred .or critical e!a"inations and .or lar(er Juanti# tiesA Searc) unit ele"ent siDe and .ocused *ea" len(t) s)all *e suita*le .or ac)ie in( relia*le detection o. de.ects eJui alent in siDe to t)e re.erence notc)es at t)e scannin( &itc) or inde! usedA L)en e!a"ination o. )ea '#,all &i&es and tu*es is reJuired% t)e .ocal len(t)% re.raction an(le% and included *ea" an(le o. .ocused searc) units s)all *e suita*le .or co"&lete t)rou()#,all co era(eA
A1AG Additional Re.erence Standard ReJuire"ents A1AGA1 Outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace lon(itudinal re.erence notc)es "a' *e &laced near one end o. t)e ence standard se&arated *' a su.!cient distance .ro" eac) ot)er and .ro" t)e end to &reclude inter.erence and inter# &retation di.!culties% *ut close enou() to eac) ot)er to "ini"iDe t)e ti"e reJuired in scannin( .ro" one to ot)er to ac)ie e (ood si(nal *alance durin( set#u&A 8or ease o. .a*rication% t)e inner sur.ace notc) s)ould *e nearer t)e end o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA L)en reJuired% trans erse outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace re.erence notc)es are t'&icall' &laced in t)e sa"e "anner near t)e o&&osite end o. t)e re.erence standard .ro" t)e lon(itudinal notc)esA Alt)ou() not "andator'% t)is &ractice ena*les all notc)es to *e &laced .ar enou() .ro" t)e ends to insure (ood su&&ort o. t)e "aterial end nearest t)e searc) unit?s@ durin( set#u&% and t)e inner sur.ace notc)es to *e near ends to .acilitate inser# tion o. t)e .a*rication and eri!cation "eansA T)is &roce# dure *eco"es less critical .or "aterial o. lar(er dia"eters and sti..nessA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Searc) unit
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A1A1 Static StandardiDationA <sin( t)e re.erence stan# dard s&eci!ed in Section 11% adSust t)e eJui&"ent to &ro# duce clearl' identi!a*le indications .ro" *ot) t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)esA T)e relati e res&onses .ro" *ot) t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)es s)ould *e as nearl' eJual as &ossi*le and &racticalA So"e di..erences in t)is &rocedure are reJuired% as descri*ed *elo,% de&endin( u&on ,)et)er t)e contact or i""ersion tec)niJue is e"&lo'edA A1A1A1 Set t)e &ositions o. all con e'or and dri e "ec)anis"s to su&&ort and .eed t)e "aterial to *e e!a"# ined in a sta*le "anner and at t)e desired scan B&itc)%C considerin( conditions .or ac)ie in(' B,orst case interce&tionC and reJuired scan &at) o erla&A ?See Anne! A2A@ A1A1A2 Contact E!a"ination Tec)niJue M 8or !eld e!a"ination% or in ot)er cases ,)ere i""ersion e!a"ina# tion is not &ractical% t)e contact tec)niJue "a' *e e"&lo'edA It is i"&ortant to note )o,e er t)at it is "ore di.!cult to o*tain re&eata*le and accurate results ,it) t)is tec)niJue *ecause6 ?a@ it is di.!cult to "aintain uni.or" sensiti it' durin( scannin( due to lac- o. constant &ressure on t)e searc) unit and inconsistent cou&lant co era(eR ?*@ unless s&ecial Bin olute%C or si"ilar% searc) units are used it is i"&ossi*le to o*tain t)e &ri"ar' *ene!t o. .ocusin( ,)ic) is t)e uni.or"it' o. sensiti it' ersus t)ic-ness ,)ic) results .ro" t)e &roduction o. constant re.raction an(les t)rou()out t)e ,idt) o. t)e *ea"R ?c@ ,it) a (i en searc) unit ,ed(e it is i"&ossi*le to ar' t)e incident an(le to ac)ie e (ood *alance o. t)e si(nals .ro" outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace notc) tar(ets or to lo,er t)e incidence an(le to o*tain (ood t)rou()# ,all co era(e on t)ic-#,all &i&e or tu*esR ?d@ "aintenance &ro*le"s "a' result .ro" ,ear o. t)e searc) unit .ace &latesR and% ?e@ ,)en "anual scannin( is e"&lo'ed it is di.!cult to insure t)at total sur.ace co era(e or an' &rescri*ed a"ount o. scan o erla& )as *een ac)ie edA A1A1AF L)en contact e!a"ination is &er.or"ed% t)e .ollo,in( selection and standardiDation &rocedure s)all *e used unless an alternate &rocedure is a&&ro ed *' t)e con# tractin( a(enc'A ?a@ Select a searc) unit siDe% .reJuenc'% and ,ed(e an(le and s)a&e to &roduce an a&&ro!i"atel' G1 de( *ea"#center s)ear ,a e in t)e tu*e or &i&e ,allA I. it is deter"ined t)at a lo,er re.raction an(le ,ould *e *ene!cial% a ,ed(e to &roduce t)at an(le "a' *e usedA ?*@ A&&l' t)e searc) unit% ,it) a suita*le !l" o. cou&lant% to t)e sur.ace o. t)e re.erence standard in t)e icinit' o. t)e lon(itudinal re.erence notc)esA Direct t)e searc) unit *ea" in one circu".erential directionA ?c@ L)ile care.ull' "aintainin( uninterru&ted cou&lin( and constant &ressure on t)e searc) unit% "o e it to,ard
and a,a' .ro" t)e outer sur.ace lon(itudinal notc) to ac)ie e t)e "a!i"u" si(nal res&onse .ro" it *' a *ea" re!ection .ro" t)e inner sur.ace ,)ic) is *e'ond t)e inter# .ace si(nal on t)e dis&la' screen o. t)e instru"entA AdSust t)e (ain control to set t)e &ea- res&onse at t)is re!ection location ?node@ to 30O o. .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@A ?d@ Lit)out c)an(in( t)e (ain control settin( .ro" t)at deter"ined in Ste& ?c@ a*o e% "o e t)e searc) unit to t)e icinit' o. t)e inner sur.ace lon(itudinal notc) and re&eat t)e scannin( &rocedure until t)e si(nal .ro" t)at notc)% at a node adSacent to t)at used .or t)e outer sur.ace notc) si(nal% is "a!i"u"A Record t)e &ea- a"&litude o. t)e si(nal .ro" t)e inner sur.ace notc)A I. t)is si(nal is )i()er t)an 30O 8S+% lo,er t)e (ain to *rin( it to 30O 8S+ and "o e a(ain to t)e outer sur.ace notc) and record its &eaa"&litude at t)e ne, (ain settin(A T)e relati e res&onse .ro" t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)es s)all *e as nearl' eJual as &ossi*le *' selection o. t)e &air o. adSacent inner sur.ace and outer sur.ace notc) si(nal nodes are o*ser edA <se t)e lesser o. t)e t,o res&onses to esta*lis) t)e reSection le elA On lar(e#dia"eter or )ea '#,all &i&e and tu*in(% i. t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc) si(nal a"&litudes cannot *e eJualiDed *ecause o. "aterial sound &at) distance and inside dia"eter cur ature% a se&arate reSection le el "a' *e esta*lis)ed .or t)e inner and outer sur.ace notc)es% or% in t)is case% DAC "a' *e used to *alance t)e si(nal a"&litudes .ro" t)e outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace notc)esA ?e@ Re&eat Ste&s ?a@ t)rou() ?d@ ,)ile scannin( .ro" t)e o&&osite circu".erential directionA ?.@ Re&eat t)e a*o e ste&s ,)ile scannin( in *ot) a!ial directions i. detection o. trans erse notc)es and discontinu# ities is reJuired *' t)e user or contractin( a(enc'A A1A1AG I""ersion E!a"ination Tec)niJue M T)is is t)e &re.erred tec)niJue ,)ene er &racticalA An' o. t)e a&&aratus t'&es listed in Note 1 ?GA1@ "a' *e used .or t)is &ur&oseA T)e .ollo,in( selection and standardiDation &rocedure s)all *e used unless an alternati e is a&&ro ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc'A A1A1A1 <sin( t)e (uidelines listed *elo,% select a c'lindricall' .ocused ?line .ocused@ searc) unit o. a&&ro# &riate .reJuenc'% *ea" len(t)% and .ocal len(t) .or t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined and to t)e sensiti it' le el ?notc) siDes@ s&eci!ed *' t)e user or contractin( a(enc'A In cases ,)ere t)e t'&e o. e!a"ination% "aterial di"ensions% or ot)er &ro&erties "a-e t)e use o. s&)ericall' or !at .ocused searc) units "ore a&&ro&riate% eit)er o. t)ese t'&es "a' *e used in &lace o. c'lindricall' .ocused unitsA ?a@ T)e .reJuenc' s)all *e selected to &roduce a desir# a*le si(nal#to#BnoiseC ratio ?S0N@ .ro" t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined at t)e s&eci!ed sensiti it'A A S0N alue o. at least F to 1 is usuall' considered to *e a "ini"u"A A )i()er "ini"u" alue is desira*le and "a' *e s&eci!ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?*@ T)e .ocal len(t) "ust *e eJual to t)e &i&e or tu*e radius &lus a con enient ,ater &at) len(t) so t)at t)e searc) unit "a' *e .ocused on t)e central a!is o. t)e &i&e or tu*e a.ter nor"aliDationA 8or er' lar(e#dia"eter "aterial ,)ere t)is reJuire"ent is .ound to *e i"&ractical% searc) units o. ot)er .ocal len(t)s or un.ocused units "a' *e usedA ?c@ T)e *ea" ,idt)% as "easured *et,een #F dB &oints on a &ulse#ec)o &ro!le as descri*ed in Iuide E 1041% "ust *e eit)er lon(er or s)orter t)an t)e len(t) o. t)e lon(itudinal notc)es in t)e re.erence standard *' t)e a"ount o. t)e scan &itc) to *e e"&lo'edA T)is is necessar' to ensure consistent B,orst caseC interce&tion o. disconti# nuities t)at are as lon( as t)e notc)es in s&ite o. t)eir rando" location ,it) res&ect to t)e scan &at)A ?See Anne! A2A@ ?d@ Position t)e searc) unit so t)at t)e len(t) o. its .ocused *ea" is ali(ned ,it) t)e lon( a!is o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA ?e@ Lit) t)e ,ater &at) len(t) adSusted to .ocus t)e *ea" a&&ro!i"atel' on t)e outer sur.ace o. t)e &i&e or tu*e% nor"aliDe t)e searc) unit *' adSustin( its an(ulation and o..set to &ea- its res&onse .ro" t)e sur.aceA ?.@ C)an(e t)e ,ater &at) so t)at it is eJual to t)e .ocal len(t) o. t)e searc) unit "inus t)e radius o. t)e tu*eA ReadSust t)e an(ulation and o..set i. necessar' to renor"al# iDe *' re&ea-in( t)e inter.ace si(nalA ?(@ O..set t)e searc) unit in a direction t)at is &arallel to its centerline and &er&endicular to t)e lon(itudinal a!is o. t)e tu*e *' t)e a"ount reJuired to esta*lis) a *ea"# center incidence an(le t)at ,ill &roduce t)e desired re.rac# tion an(le in one circu".erential direction in t)e tu*e ,allA ?8or "an' "aterials a' initial o..set distance is 1V4 o. t)e tu*e dia"eterA@ 8or t)ic-#,all tu*es a lo,er re.rac# tion an(le "a' *e reJuired .or e!a"ination o. t)e entire t)ic-nessA Alternati el'% t)e searc) unit "a' *e an(ulated in a &lane &er&endicular to t)e tu*e a!is to &roduce t)e incidence an(leA ?)@ Mo e t)e re.erence standard to center t)e outer# sur.ace notc) in t)e searc) unit *ea"A Rotate t)e tu*e ,it)out translation ?t)at is% ,it)out "otion alon( its lon(i# tudinal a!is@ and o*ser e on t)e instru"ent dis&la' screen t)e "otion o. t)e notc) si(nal a,a' .ro" an' residual inter.ace si(nalA T)e a"&litude s)ould decrease and increase as successi e re!ections o. t)e *ea" .ro" t)e inner and outer sur.aces intersect t)e outer sur.ace notc) as it "o es to arious node &ositions a,a' .ro" t)e searc) unitA Select a con enient node ,ell a,a' .ro" t)e Bdirect# inC intersection o. t)e *ea" on t)e outer sur.ace notc) ?,)ic) coincides ,it) t)e &osition o. t)e inter.ace si(nal@A AdSust t)e (ain to set t)e a"&litude o. t)e si(nal at 30O 8S+ and note its )oriDontal &osition on t)e dis&la'A
.ro" t)e outer sur.ace notc)A T)e outer sur.ace notc) si(nal su*seJuentl' used .or standardiDation s)ould t)en *e .ro" t)e node i""ediatel' *e'ond t)e inner sur.ace notc) si(nal to o*tain t)e *est condition .or atte"&tin( to eJualiDe *ot) (ated si(nals in t)e .ollo,in( Ste& ?i@A
?i@ Mo e t)e re.erence standard to center t)e inner sur# .ace notc) in t)e *ea"A Rotate t)e &i&e or tu*e as .or t)e outer sur.ace notc) and note t)e a"&litude o. t)e inner sur.ace notc) si(nal t)at a&&ears Sust *e.ore t)e selected outer sur.ace notc) si(nalA ?S@ Ma-e s"all adSust"ents to t)e o..set ?or an(ulation@ and to t)e ,ater &at) len(t) ,)ile alternatel' o*ser in( and atte"&tin( to eJualiDe t)e outer sur.ace and &recedin( inner sur.ace notc) si(nal a"&litudesA Set t)e )i()er o. t)e t,o si(nals to 30O 8S+ and use t)e lesser o. t)e t,o si(nals to esta*lis) t)e reSection le elA Set t)e &osition and duration o. t)e instru"ent alar" (ate to include *ot) o. t)ese si(nalsA 8or e!a"inations t)at reJuire sto&&in( and e aluatin( or "ar-in( all rele ant indications% or *ot)% set t)e alar" acti ation t)res)old at G0O 8S+A Record all searc) unit &osition settin(s% instru"ent control settin(s% and standardiDation si(nal le els on an e!a"ination record s)eetA ?-@ Re&eat t)e a*o e ste&s ,)ile scannin( in t)e o&&o# site circu".erential directionA ?l@ L)en a!ial scannin( .or trans erse indications is reJuired% re&eat t)e a*o e ste&s ,it) t)e searc) unit an(led in !rst one% t)en t)e ot)er a!ial direction and usin( transla# tion rat)er t)an rotation o. t)e re.erence standard to select res&onse nodes .ro" outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace notc)esA
A1A4 D'na"ic StandardiDationA StandardiDe t)e eJui&"ent under d'na"ic conditions t)at si"ulate t)e &ro# duction e!a"inationA T)e &i&e or tu*in( to *e e!a"ined and t)e searc) unit asse"*l' s)all )a e a rotatin( translat# in( "otion relati e to eac) ot)er suc) t)at a )elical scan &at) ,ill *e descri*ed on t)e outer sur.ace o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA Maintain t)e s&eed o. rotation and translation constant ,it)in W10OA A!ial scannin( ,it) circu".erential inde!in( "a' *e used% es&eciall' on lar(er "aterial% to &ro ide eJui alent co era(eA A "et)od .or ac)ie in( t)e reJuired conditions is descri*ed *elo,A A1A4A1 T)e &itc) o. .eed )eli! s)all *e s"all enou() to ensure 100O co era(e at t)e e!a"ination distance and sensiti it' esta*lis)ed durin( static standardiDation &er A1A1A Anne! A2 descri*es )o, "a!i"u" allo,a*le &itc) .or sta*le detection "a' *e deter"ined .ro" t)e len(t) o. t)e lon(itudinal re.erence notc)es and t)e "ini"u" *ea" len(t) o. t)e searc) unitsA A1A4A2 A &re.erred "et)od .or d'na"ic scannin(% a&&lica*le to all dia"eters *ut es&eciall' .or s"aller dia"e# ter "aterial% .or e!a"&le% less t)an G inA ?100 ""@ in dia"eter% is .or t)e e!a"ination s'ste" to &roduce a rotat# in( and translatin( relati e "otion *et,een t)e &i&e or tu*in( *ein( e!a"ined and t)e searc) unit?s@A Run t)e
NOTE6 Alternati el'% set#u& on t)e inner sur.ace notc) "a' *e &er.or"ed *e.ore set#u& on t)e outer sur.ace notc)% as descri*ed in Ste& ?)@ a*o eA T)is inner sur.ace notc) si(nal "ust *e ,ell *e'ond t)e direct#in si(nal
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
re.erence standard ,it) rando" initial translational and an(ular orientation t)rou() t)e e!a"ination station at .ull s&eed and scan &itc) and o*ser e% durin( "ulti&le runs o. t)e standard% t)e sta*ilit' o. t)e (ated alar" si(nals .ro" all notc)es in t)e re.erence standard on a stri&#c)art recorder or ot)er "eans .or o*ser in( si(nal a"&litude sta*ilit' or alar" .unctionA In t)e a*sence o. an alternate &rocedure a&&ro ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc'% t)e &easi(nal a"&litudes "ust re"ain constant ,it)in 10O 8S+ .or t)e nu"*er o. successi e runs s&eci!ed in an a&&ro ed e!a"ination &rocedure ?a "ini"u" o. si! is su((ested@ or% i. anot)er de.ect alar" de ice is used% it s)all &ro ide consistent o&eration .or t)e s&eci!ed nu"*er o. runsA I. inde!ed a!ial scannin( is used% t)e sa"e sta*ilit' eri!ca# tion &rocedure and criteria s)all a&&l'A
*rin( t)e si(nal a"&litude to ,it)in 10O o. t)e a era(e o. t)e initiall' recorded alues *e.ore e!a"ination is resu"edA A1A5A1 Decrease o. Recorded Notc) Si(nal A"&li# tude o. O er 20O or o. Bet,een 10O and 20O Lit) Indications M I. t)e rerun recorded alue is less t)an t)e a era(e o. t)e initial recorded a"&litudes *' "ore t)an 20O% or i. t)e decrease is *et,een 10O and 20O and t)ere are unreSected indications o. (reater t)an 10O o. t)e a era(e initial standardiDation a"&litude% t)e entire lot o. "aterial e!a"ined since t)e last' standardiDa# tion c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"ined a.ter restandardiDationA
A1A5 Additional Mandator' Procedure ReJuire# "ents A1A5A1 StandardiDation C)ec-s M Periodicall' c)ect)e standardiDation o. t)e eJui&"ent *' &assin( t)e ence standard t)rou() t)e e!a"ination s'ste"A Ma-e t)ese c)ec-s &rior to an' e!a"ination run% &rior to eJui&"ent s)utdo,n a.ter an e!a"ination run% and at least e er' )our durin( continuous eJui&"ent o&erationA RestandardiDe and ree!a"ine t)e "aterial i. necessar'% in accordance ,it) t)e .ollo,in( &rocedures% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e contractin( a(enc'A
A1A5A4 Increase o. Recorded Notc) Si(nal A"&li# tude M I. an' recorded notc) si(nal a"&litude is .ound to )a e increased *' "ore t)an 10O a*o e t)e a era(e o. t)e initiall' recorded alues% restandardiDation s)all *e &er# .or"ed to *rin( t)e si(nal le el to ,it)in t)at ran(eA I. t)e increase is *et,een 10O and 20O% no rerun o. "aterial is reJuiredA I. t)e increase is (reater t)an 20O% and t)ere )a e *een indications reSected since t)e last' standardiDation c)ec-% t)e entire lot o. "aterial run since t)e last standardiDation c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"inedA
A1A5A2 RestandardiDation M I. an' notc) in t)e ence standard .ails to actuate an alar"% or% ,)ere de.ect anal'sis is "ade .ro" a stri& c)art recordin( o. si(nal a"&litudes% i. t)e de iation .ro" t)e recorded a"&litude o. t)e initial standardiDation si(nal e!ceeds 10O o. t)at a"&litude% &ortions o. t)e static and d'na"ic standardiDa# tion &rocedures o. A1A4 s)all *e re&eated until' o&eration is o*tainedA T)en t)e .ollo,in( ste&s s)all *e ta-en% de&endin( u&on t)e nature o. t)e .ailureA
A1A5AF 8ailure o. Alar" Actuation M L)en alar" actuation is t)e onl' de.ect indication used% i. a notc) in t)e re.erence standard .ails to actuate t)e !a, alar" durin( a standardiDation c)ec-% all len(t)s o. "aterial run since t)e last' standardiDation c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"ined a.ter t)e s'ste" )as *een success.ull' restandardiDedA A1A5AG Decrease o. Recorded Notc) Si(nal A"&li# tude o. Bet,een 10O and 20O and No Recorded Indica# tions M In t)e case o. a recorded e!a"ination ,)erein t)e si(nal a"&litude .ro" an' notc) in t)e rerun re.erence standard )as decreased .ro" t)e a era(e alue o. t)e ini# tiall' recorded a"&litudes *' "ore t)an 10O *ut less t)an 20O% no rerun o. &arts is reJuired a.ter restandardiDin( i.% since t)e last' standardiDation c)ec-% t)ere ,ere no recorded unreSected si(nal indications t)at ,ere (reater t)an 10O o. t)e a era(e a"&litude o. t)e initiall' recorded si(nalsA +o,e er% restandardiDation s)all *e &er.or"ed to
,)ere6 N & Notc) Len(t) B & Bea" Len(t) A2A1A1 T)is restriction arises .ro" consideration o. t)e B,orst case interce&tionC o. t)e lon(itudinal notc) ?and t)ere.ore de.ects o. t)at len(t)@ *' t)e searc) unit *ea"% re(ardless o. t)e rando" initial location o. t)e notc) ,it) res&ect to t)e scan &atternA T)e actual len(t) o. t)e ,orst case interce&tion "a' *e re&resented *'6
I,c & dN X B \ Pe 0 2
A2A1A2 T)e len(t) o. t)e B*est caseC rando" inter# ce&tion o. t)e notc) *' t)e *ea" is eJual eit)er to N or B% de&endin( on ,)ic) is lon(erA T)e .ractional &ercenta(e c)an(e in notc) interce&tion len(t)% and t)ere.ore si(nal a"&litude% *et,een ,orst and *est interce&tions "a' *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o*tained *' di idin( I,c *' eit)er N ?i. B is lon(er@ or *' B ?i. N is lon(er@R t)at is6
I,c 0 N & 1 0 2 X dB \ Pe 0 2N
I,c 0 B & 1 0 2 X ?N \ P@ 0 2B
A2A1AF It is seen .ro" t)ese eJuations t)at i. t)e &itc) is eJual to eit)er t)e *ea" len(t) ?i. it is (reater t)an
N@ or to t)e notc) len(t) ?i. it is (reater t)an B@% t)e &ercenta(e c)an(e *et,een *est and ,orst case rando" interce&tions o. t)e notc) *' t)e *ea" ,ill *e 0A1 or 4 dBA No acce&ta*le standardiDation re&eata*ilit' can *e &ro# ided in t)at caseA +o,e er% i. P & N # B is su*stituted in t)e !rst o. t)e a*o e eJuations% or P & B # N is su*sti# tuted in t)e second% t)e ratio o. ,orst to *est case interce&# tion is 1A0A T)is indicates no si(nal ariation due to rando" ali(n"ent and is t)e &rescri*ed condition .or "a!i"u" &itc) i. Bin ariantC notc) detection is to *e assuredA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
PIdentical ,it) ASTM E 25F#01 ?R2001@Q
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice descri*es (eneral ultrasonic e!a"ina# tion &rocedures .or t)e detection o. discontinuities in t)e ,eld and adSacent )eat a..ected Dones o. ,elded &i&e and tu*in( *' scannin( ,it) relati e "otion *et,een t)e searc) unit and &i&e or tu*eA L)en contact or un.ocused i""er# sion searc) units are e"&lo'ed% t)is &ractice is intended .or tu*ular &roducts )a in( s&eci!ed outside dia"eters _2 inA ?_10 ""@ and s&eci!ed ,all t)ic-nesses o. 1V3 inA to 11V14 inA ?F "" to 25 ""@A L)en &ro&erl' .ocused i""ersion searc) units are e"&lo'ed% t)is &ractice "a' also *e a&&lied to "aterial o. s"aller dia"eter and t)in# ner ,allA
t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ASNT Docu"ent
NOTE 16 L)en contact or un.ocused i""ersion searc) units are used% &recautions s)ould *e e!ercised ,)en e!a"inin( &i&es or tu*es near t)e lo,er s&eci!ed li"itsA Certain co"*inations o. searc) unit siDe% .reJuenc'% t)inU,all t)ic-nesses% and s"all dia"eters could cause (eneration o. un,anted sound ,a es t)at "a' &roduce erroneous e!a"ination resultsA
Reco""ended Practice SNT#TC#1A Personnel Kuali!ca# tion and Certi!cation in Nondestructi e Testin(
1A2 All sur.aces o. "aterial to *e e!a"ined in accor# dance ,it) t)is &ractice s)all *e clean .ro" scale% dirt% *urrs% sla(% s&atter or ot)er conditions t)at ,ould inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"ination resultsA T)e con!(uration o. t)e ,eld "ust *e suc) t)at inter.erin( si(nals are not (enerated *' re!ections .ro" itA Treat"ent o. t)e inner sur.ace and outer sur.ace ,eld *eads suc) as tri""in( ?Bscar!n(C@ or rollin( is o.ten reJuired to re"o e &rotu*erances t)at could result in s&urious re!ectionsA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &ractice% see Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
1AF T)is &ractice does not esta*lis) acce&tance criteria% t)e' "ust *e s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &artiesA 1AG T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e SI eJui alents are in &aren# t)eses and "a' *e a&&ro!i"ateA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
GA Su""ar' o. Practices GA1 A &ulsed ultrasonic an(le *ea" s)all *e &ro&a(ated in t)e ,all o. t)e &i&e or tu*e *' eit)er t)e sur.ace contact or i""ersion "et)odA 8i(ure 1 illustrates t)e c)aracteristic o*liJue sound entr' into t)e &i&e ,all .or *ot) contact and i""ersion e!a"ination .ro" one searc) unitA
NOTE 26 T)e i""ersion e!a"ination "et)od "a' include tan-s% ,)eel searc) units% or *u**ler s'ste"sA
GA2 T)e ,eld line s)all *e e!a"ined .ro" *ot) sides to ensure detection o. i"&er.ections ,it) a s)a&e or orienta# tion t)at &roduces a &re.erential direction o. re!ectionA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A A&&aratus 1A1 T)e instru"ents and accessor' eJui&"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. &roducin(% recei in(% a"&li.'in(% and dis# &la'in( electrical &ulses at .reJuencies and &ulse rates dee"ed necessar' *' t)e usin( &artiesA T)e' s)all *e ca&a# *le o. distin(uis)in( t)e re.erence re!ectors descri*ed in Section 5 to t)e e!tent reJuired in t)e standardiDation &ro# cedure outlined in Section 2A
4A Basis o. A&&lication 4A1 T)e .ollo,in( are ite"s t)at reJuire decision .or use o. t)is &ractice6 4A1A1 Acce&tance criteria% 4A1A2 T'&e% di"ension% and nu"*er o. re.erence re!ectors to *e &laced in t)e re.erence standard% 4A1AF StandardiDation o. e!a"ination sensiti it' inter als% 4A1AG O&erator Juali!cations% 4A1A1 Kuali!cation o. NDT a(enc' ?as de!ned in Practice E 1GF@% i. reJuiredA Practice E 1GF "a' *e used .or t)is a(enc' Juali!cationA 4A1A4 E!a"ination .reJuenc'% 4A1A5 Pulse re&etition rate% 4A1A3 Sound *ea" orientation and nu"*er o. *ea"s used% 4A1A2 Procedure and use o. distance a"&litude co"# &ensation% and 4A1A10 Re&ortin( o. e!a"ination resultsA
1A2 8or &ulse ec)o e!a"ination s'ste"s% t)e contact or i""ersion searc) units s)ould &roduce ultrasonic ,a es t)at tra el in t)e &i&e or tu*e ,all at a re.racted an(le o. .ro" F1 de( to 50 de( and &er&endicular to t)e ,eld sea"A 8or &itc)0catc) or t)rou() trans"ission e!a"ination s'ste"s% orientation o. t)e entr' sound *ea" ot)er t)an &er&endicular to t)e ,eld sea" "a' *e reJuiredA 1AF Cou&lant M A liJuid suc) as ,ater% oil% (l'cerin% etcA% ca&a*le o. conductin( ultrasonic i*rations .ro" t)e searc) unit to t)e &i&e or tu*e s)all *e usedA Rust in)i*itors% so.teners% and ,ettin( a(ents "a' *e added to t)e cou&lantA T)e cou&lant liJuid ,it) all additi es s)ould not *e detri# "ental to t)e sur.ace condition o. t)e &i&e or tu*in( and s)ould ,et t)e sur.aceA In e!a"inin( electric#resistance# ,elded &i&e% ,ater#solu*le oil used in coolin( t)e &i&e ser es as a' cou&lantA
1AG Distance A"&litude Co"&ensation M T)e use o. electronic "et)ods to co"&ensate .or attenuation losses as a .unction o. ultrasonic "etal tra el distance "a' *e e"&lo'edA 1A1 Searc) <nits M T)e searc) unit "ust *e a&&ro&ri# atel' siDed ,it) res&ect to ,idt) and *ea" included an(le to ac)ie e .ull ,all t)ic-ness co era(eA L)ere t)is can not *e ac)ie ed ,it) a sin(le searc) unit &ro&a(atin( in a (i en direction% t,o or "ore searc) units "a' *e used to scan in eac) directionA T)e e..ecti e *ea" len(t) o. t)e searc) units s)all *e suc) t)at relia*le detection o. all re.erence re!ectors is acco"&lis)ed ,it)out e!ceedin( t)e BnoiseC li"its o. 2A2A T)e .ocal len(t) o. .ocused searc) units s)all *e at least eJual to t)e radius o. t)e "aterial &lus a suita*le ,ater &at) so t)at initial .ocus "a' *e on t)e tu*e or &i&e central a!isA
5A Personnel Kuali!cation 5A1 Personnel &er.or"in( t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination s)all *e Juali!ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) ASNT Reco""ended Practice SNT#TC#1A or an eJui alent doc# u"ent% to esta*lis) t)eir a*ilit' to conduct ultrasonic ,eld e!a"inationsA
3A Re.erence Standards 3A1 A re.erence standard% o. su.!cient len(t) to allo, eri!cation o. s'ste" standardiDation% s)all *e &re&ared .ro" a len(t) o. &i&e or tu*in( o. t)e sa"e no"inal dia"e# ter and ,all t)ic-ness% "aterial% sur.ace !nis)% and no"inal )eat treat"ent as t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA T)e &i&e or tu*e selected .or t)is &ur&ose s)all *e .ree o. discontinu# ities or ot)er a*nor"al conditions t)at can cause ence ,it) t)e detection o. t)e re.erence re!ectorsA T)e re.erence re!ectors s)all *e selected to ensure uni.or"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s)all *e &laced in t)e ,eld#*ead cro,n on *ot) t)e outside and inside sur.acesA 3A1A2A1 L)en drilled )oles are e"&lo'ed% t)e' s)all *e drilled radiall' .ro" *ot) t)e outside and inside sur.aces t)rou() 10O o. t)e ,all t)ic-ness at t)e ,eld# *ead cro,n or suc) ot)er de&t) as a(reed u&on *' t)e user or contractin( a(enc' and se&arated *' so"e distance t)at (uarantees a distinct and se&arate res&onse .ro" eac) one Psee 8i(A 2?c@ and 8i(A 2?d@QA B' a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &urc)aser and "anu.acturer% a )ole drilled radiall' 100O t)rou() t)e &i&e ,all "a' *e used instead o. t)e 10O drilled )ole Psee 8i(A 2?e@QA
co era(e o. t)e ,eld at t)e sensiti it' le els &rescri*edA T)e re.erence re!ectors "ost co""onl' used ,ill consist o. "ac)ined notc)es and drilled )oles as descri*ed in &ara# (ra&) 3A2A All u&set "etal% *urrs% etcA% adSacent to t)e re.erence re!ectors% s)all *e re"o edA 3A1A1 Electric Resistance#Lelded% Laser#Lelded or Butt#Lelded Pi&e M Re.erence re!ectors s)all *e &laced in t)e center o. ,eld sea" and in a line &arallel to it unless &er"ission is o*tained .ro" t)e contractin( or usin( a(enc' to &lace t)e re.erence re!ectors else,)ere in t)e re.erence standardA L)en lon(itudinal notc)es are used as re.erence re!ectors% t)e' s)all *e &laced on t)e outer and inner sur.aces o. t)e re.erence standard and *e se&arated *' a su.!cient distance to ensure t)at t)e res&onse .ro" one re!ector does not inter.ere ,it) t)at .ro" t)e ot)erA
NOTE G6 8ill 10O dee& or t)rou()#)oles ,it) a ,ater&roo. !ller suc) as *eeEs ,a! to &re ent cou&lant entr'A Ot)er,ise% suc) entr' could &roduce erratic and0or s&urious re!ectionsA
NOTE F6 I. re.erence re!ectors are &laced in a location ot)er t)an t)e centerline o. t)e ,eld sea" t)ere is no assurance t)at t)e *ea" is &enetrat# in( t)e ,eld unless adeJuate si(nal res&onse is o*tained .ro" t)e searc) units scannin( t)e re!ector .ro" *ot) sides o. t)e ,eldA T)e lo,er a"&litude o. res&onse .ro" t)e t,o directions "ust *e used in deter"inin( t)e reSection t)res)old le elA Positionin( o. auto"atic alar" (ates "ust *e suc) as to res&ond to t)e si(nal .ro" t)e re.erence re!ector% *ut also t)e si(nals ori(inatin( .ro" t)e re!ections .ro" discontinuities an',)ere in t)e ,eld sea" itsel.A
3A1A2A2 Additional re!ectors "a' *e used to &ro# duce si(nals at re!ection ti"es t)at de!ne ,eld#Done e!tre"ities .or t)e &ur&ose o. esta*lis)in( alar" (ate ti"# in( or ot)er "eans o. controllin( t)e e!a"ination areaA +oles "a' *e drilled radiall' 100O t)rou() t)e &i&e ,all at t)e ,eld#Done ed(esA 3A2 T)e notc) di"ensions o. len(t)% de&t)% ,idt)% and .or 8i(A F?a@ and 8i(A F?*@ t)e included an(le s)all *e decided u&on *' t)e usin( &art' or &artiesA 8i(ure F illus# trates t)e co""onl' acce&ted notc) con!(urations and t)e di"ensions to *e "easuredA 3A2A1 T)e notc) de&t) ?)@ s)all *e "easured .ro" t)e adSacent sur.ace to its "a!i"u" and "ini"u" &enetrationA Measure"ents "a' *e "ade *' o&tical% re&licatin( or "ec)anical% or ot)er tec)niJuesA Notc) de&t) is co""onl' s&eci!ed as a &ercent o. no"inal ,all t)ic-ness ,it) t'&ical alues *ein( 10O% 121V2O% or 20OA A X00#10O tolerance is allo,a*le on notc) de&t)sA
3A1A2 8usion#Lelded Pi&e M T)e re.erence re!ec# tors s)all *e &laced in t)e ,eldA L)en lon(itudinal notc)es are used as re.erence re!ectors% t)e' s)all *e &laced in t)e cro,n o. t)e .usion#,eld *ead as s)o,n in 8i(A 2?a@A In .usion#,elded &i&e containin( *ot) inside and outside sur# .ace ,eld *eads% a lon(itudinal notc) re.erence re!ector
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A2A2 T)e notc) len(t) ?l@ is considered to *e t)e di"ension o er ,)ic) t)e s&eci!ed de&t) is "aintainedA 3A2AF T)e ,idt) ?,@ o. t)e notc) )as ne(li(i*le e..ect on standardiDation and is not a critical di"ensionA
line s-e, ,it) res&ect to t)e searc) units@ t)at can *e tolerated ,it)out e!ceedin( t)e sta*ilit' li"its o. 2A2 s)all *e deter"ined and &ro isions "ade in t)e scannin( s'ste" to ensure t)at t)e &ositions o. t)e searc) units relati e to t)e ,eld line are "aintained ,it)in t)at li"itA
2A1 <sin( t)e re.erence standard s&eci!ed in 3A1% t)e eJui&"ent s)all *e adSusted to &roduce readil' distin# (uis)ed and clearl' identi!a*le indications .ro" *ot) t)e inner and outer re.erence re!ectorsA T)e relati e res&onse to t)e inner and outer re!ectors s)all *e as near eJual as &ossi*leA T)e lesser o. t)e t,o res&onses s)all *e used as t)e acce&tance le elA
NOTE 16 AdSust"ent o. ,ater &at)% adSust"ent o. distance ?d@ in 8i(A 1 and an(ulation o. t)e *ea" are used to ac)ie e eJualit'A It s)ould *e noted )o,e er% t)at detection% or *alancin( o. si(nals .ro" *ot) outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace notc)es does not (uarantee t)at e!a"ination .or radical de.ects is *ein( ac)ie ed t)rou()out t)e .ull ,all t)ic-nessA To e..ect suc) e!a"ination% es&eciall' in &i&es and tu*es ,it) t)ic-er ,alls% it is necessar' t)at t)e *ea" re.raction an(le and searc) unit siDe ?*ea" included an(le .or .ocused units@ *e selected to *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e ration o. dia"eter#to#,all#t)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial as stated in 1A1A
10A1 Mo e t)e &i&e or tu*in( &ast t)e searc) unit ,it) t)e ,eld in a !!ed &osition ,it) res&ect to t)e searc) unitA Mo e"ent o. t)e searc) unit ,it) res&ect to a stationar' &i&e is'A Durin( e!a"ination% "aintain distance ?d@ and an(le in 8i(A 1 and t)e ,ater &at) .or i""ersion e!a"ination as deter"ined durin( adSust"ent o. t)e e!a"i# nation sensiti it'A De&endin( u&on t)e de(ree o. croo-# edness o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined% "aintenance o. t)ese &ara"eters "a' reJuire t)e use o.,ersC or ot)er de ices to ena*le a sta*le scan &attern to *e "ain# tainedA
2A2 Instru"ent sensiti it' and scannin( s'ste" &ara"e# ters% suc) as searc) unit &ositionin( and scannin( s&eed% s)all *e adSusted to &roduce si(nal le els t)at are re&eata*le .ro" all re.erence indicators ,it)in t)e li"its descri*ed *elo,A I. a stri& c)art or si"ilar recorder is used% t)e a"&litude sta*ilit' o. all tar(et indications s)all *e ,it)in 10O o. .ull scale )ei()t ?8S+@ .or se eral successi e scans o. t)e re.erence standard under conditions si"ulatin( t)ose t)at ,ill *e used .or t)e actual "aterial e!a"inationA PeaBnoiseC si(nal a"&litudes o*ser ed durin( scannin( o er a len(t) o. t)e re.erence standard eJual to at least t,ice t)e distance *et,een outer sur.ace and inner sur.ace notc)es% s)all not e!ceed G0O o. t)e "ini"u" a"&litude o. t)e si(nals .ro" t)e re.erence indicatorsA I. onl' an audi*le or ot)er alar" de ice is used to indicate t)e &res# ence o. reSecta*le indications% suc) de ices s)all *e actu# ated relia*l' *' all re.erence indicators .or se eral successi e scans o. t)e re.erence standard under conditions si"ulatin( t)ose t)at ,ill *e used .or t)e actual "aterial e!a"inationA
10A2 Certain e!a"ination s'ste"s usin( "ulti&le searc) units or "ulti&le *ea" transducers co"&ensate .or distance ?d@ c)an(es and do not reJuire strict ad)erence to t)e "aintenance o. t)is di"ension durin( e!a"inationA Lit) ,)ate er arran(e"ent is used% t)e allo,a*le a"ount o. ,eld line s-e, s)all *e deter"ined as in 2AG and scannin( &ro isions "ade to &re ent t)at li"it .ro" *ein( e!ceededA
10AF Periodicall' c)ec- t)e e!a"ination sensiti it' o. t)e eJui&"ent *' runnin( t)e re.erence standard t)rou() t)e e!a"ination s'ste"A Ma-e t)ese c)ec-s &rior to an' &i&e or tu*in( e!a"ination% &rior to eJui&"ent s)utdo,n a.ter e!a"ination and at least e er' .our )ours durin( continuous eJui&"ent o&erationA An'ti"e t)e eJui&"ent does not &resent a clearl' de!ned si(nal ,it)in 10O o. t)at o*tained ,)en t)e e!a"ination sensiti it' ,as esta*lis)ed% restandardiDe t)e eJui&"ent in accordance ,it) Section 3A
10AG In t)e e ent t)at t)e eJui&"ent &resents a si(nal "ore t)an 10O *elo, t)e standardiDation le el% ree!a"ine% ,)en standardiDation )as *een acco"&lis)ed% all &i&e and tu*in( e!a"ined su*seJuent to t)e last &recedin( acce&t# a*le standardiDationA
2AF L)en ,eld ed(e re!ectors are used% t)e eJui&"ent s)all *e adSusted to &roduce clearl' identi!a*le res&onses .ro" t)e" t)at are distin(uis)a*le .ro" t)e re.erence re!ectors used to set reSection li"its ,)en t)e re.erence standard is scanned in a "anner si"ulatin( t)e &roduction e!a"ination o. t)e &i&e or tu*in(A 2AG Durin( t)e standardiDation &rocedure% t)e e!tent o. ariation in t)e di"ension ?d@ ?t)at is% t)e a"ount o. ,eld
Inter&retation o. Results
11A1 All indications t)at are eJual to or (reater t)an t)e re.erence si(nals esta*lis)ed durin( standardiDation as descri*ed in Section 2% or as s&eci!ed in Section 4% s)all *e considered as re&resentin( de.ects t)at "a' *e cause .or reSection o. t)e &i&e or tu*eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A2 I. u&on e!a"ination o. t)e &i&e or tu*e% no reSecta*le indications are detected% t)e "aterial s)all *e considered as )a in( &assed t)e ultrasonic e!a"ination% e!ce&t as noted in 10AGA
12A 9e',ords 12A1 an(le *ea"R lon(itudinal ,elded &i&eR lon(itudi# nal ,elded tu*in(R nondestructi e e!a"inationR ultrasonic e!a"inationA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Identical ,it) ASTM E 525#01@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice &ro ides (uidelines .or "easurin( t)e t)ic-ness o. "aterials usin( t)e contact &ulse#ec)o "et)od at te"&eratures not to e!ceed 200[8 ?2F[C@A 1A2 T)is &ractice is a&&lica*le to an' "aterial in ,)ic) ultrasonic ,a es ,ill &ro&a(ate at a constant elocit' t)rou()out t)e &art% and .ro" ,)ic) *ac- re!ections can *e o*tained and resol edA
GA Su""ar' o. Practices GA1 T)ic-ness ?T@% ,)en "easured *' t)e &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic "et)od% is a &roduct o. t)e elocit' o. sound in t)e "aterial and one )al. t)e transit ti"e ?round tri&@ t)rou() t)e "aterialA
Vt 2
,)ere 1AF T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound or SI units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues (i en in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA T & t)ic-ness V & elocit' t & transit ti"e GA2 T)e &ulse#ec)o ultrasonic instru"ent "easures t)e transit ti"e o. t)e ultrasonic &ulse t)rou() t)e &artA GAF T)e elocit' in t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"ined is a .unction o. t)e &)'sical &ro&erties o. t)e "aterialA It is usuall' assu"ed to *e a constant .or a (i en class o. "aterialsA Its a&&ro!i"ate alue can *e o*tained .ro" Ta*le =FA1 in Practice E G2G or .ro" t)e Nondestructi e Testin( +and*oo-% or it can *e deter"ined e"&iricall'A GAG One or "ore re.erence *loc-s are reJuired )a in( -no,n elocit'% or o. t)e sa"e "aterial to *e e!a"ined% and )a in( t)ic-nesses accuratel' "easured and in t)e ran(e o. t)ic-nesses to *e "easuredA It is (enerall' desir# a*le t)at t)e t)ic-nesses *e Bround nu"*ersC rat)er t)an "iscellaneous odd aluesA One *loc- s)ould )a e a t)ic-# ness alue near t)e "a!i"u" o. t)e ran(e o. interest and anot)er *loc- near t)e "ini"u" t)ic-nessA GA1 T)e dis&la' ele"ent ?A#scan dis&la'% "eter% or di(ital dis&la'@ o. t)e instru"ent "ust *e adSusted to &res# ent con enient alues o. t)ic-ness de&endent on t)e ran(e *ein( usedA T)e control .or t)is .unction "a' )a e di..erent na"es on di..erent instru"ents% includin( ran(e% s,ee&% "aterial standardiDe% or elocit'A
E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o E!a"ination S'ste"s Lit)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents E G2G Practice .or Measurin( <ltrasonic Velocit' in Mate# rials E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 ASNT Docu"ent6 Nondestructi e Testin( +and*oo-% 2nd Edition% Vol 5
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &ractice% to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
IENERAL NOTE6 Slo&e o. elocit' con ersion line is a&&ro!i"atel' t)at o. steelA
GA4 T)e ti"in( circuits in di..erent instru"ents use arious con ersion sc)e"esA A co""on "et)od is t)e so# called ti"e0analo( con ersion in ,)ic) t)e ti"e "easured *' t)e instru"ent is con erted into a &ro&ortional dc olt# a(e ,)ic) is t)en a&&lied to t)e readout de iceA Anot)er tec)niJue uses a er' )i()#.reJuenc' oscillator t)at is "od# ulated or (ated *' t)e a&&ro&riate ec)o indications% t)e out&ut *ein( used eit)er directl' to suita*le di(ital readouts or con erted to a olta(e .or ot)er &resentationA A relation# s)i& o. transit ti"e ersus t)ic-ness is s)o,n (ra&)icall' in 8i(A 1A
A#scan dis&la' readout% ?2@ 8la, detectors ,it) an A#scan dis&la' and direct t)ic-ness readout% and ?F@ Direct t)ic-# ness readoutA 4A1A1 8la, detectors ,it) A#scan dis&la' readouts dis&la' ti"e0a"&litude in.or"ationA T)ic-ness deter"ina# tions are "ade *' readin( t)e distance *et,een t)e Dero# corrected initial &ulse and !rst#returned ec)o ?*ac- re!ec# tion@% or *et,een "ulti&le#*ac- re!ection ec)oes% on a standardiDed *ase line o. t)e A#scan dis&la'A T)e *ase line o. t)e A#scan dis&la' s)ould *e adSusted .or t)e desired t)ic-ness incre"entsA 4A1A2 8la, detectors ,it) nu"eric readout are a co"# *ination &ulse ultrasound !a, detection instru"ent ,it) an A#scan dis&la' and additional circuitr' t)at &ro ides di(ital t)ic-ness in.or"ationA T)e "aterial t)ic-ness can *e electronicall' "easured and &resented on a di(ital read# outA T)e A#scan dis&la' &ro ides a c)ec- on t)e alidit' o. t)e electronic "easure"ent *' re ealin( "easure"ent aria*les% suc) as internal discontinuities% or ec)o#stren(t) ariations% ,)ic) "i()t result in inaccurate readin(sA 4A1AF T)ic-ness readout instru"ents are "odi!ed ersions o. t)e &ulse#ec)o instru"entA T)e ela&sed ti"e *et,een t)e initial &ulse and t)e !rst ec)o or *et,een "ulti&le ec)oes is con erted into a "eter or di(ital readoutA T)e instru"ents are desi(ned .or "easure"ent and direct nu"erical readout o. s&eci!c ran(es o. t)ic-ness and "ate# rialsA 4A2 Searc) <nits M Most &ulse#ec)o t'&e searc) units ?strai()t#*ea" contact% dela' line% and dual ele"ent@ are
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e tec)niJues descri*ed &ro ide indirect "easure# "ent o. t)ic-ness o. sections o. "aterials not e!ceedin( te"&eratures o. 200[8 ?2F[C@A Measure"ents are "ade .ro" one side o. t)e o*Sect% ,it)out reJuirin( access to t)e rear sur.aceA 1A2 <ltrasonic t)ic-ness "easure"ents are used e!ten# si el' on *asic s)a&es and &roducts o. "an' "aterials% on &recision "ac)ined &arts% and to deter"ine ,all t)innin( in &rocess eJui&"ent caused *' corrosion and erosionA 1AF Reco""endations .or deter"inin( t)e ca&a*ilities and li"itations o. ultrasonic t)ic-ness (a(es .or s&eci!c a&&lications can *e .ound in t)e cited re.erencesA
4A A&&aratus 4A1 Instru"ents M T)ic-ness#"easure"ent instru"ents are di ided into t)ree (rou&s6 ?1@ 8la, detectors ,it) an
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
a&&lica*le i. !a, detector instru"ents are usedA I. a t)ic-# ness readout instru"ent )as t)e ca&a*ilit' to read t)in sections% a )i()l' da"&ed% )i()#.reJuenc' searc) unit is (enerall' usedA +i()#.reJuenc' ?10 M+D or )i()er@ dela' line searc) units are (enerall' reJuired .or t)ic-nesses less t)an a*out 0A4 "" ?0A021 inA@A Measure"ents o. "aterials at )i() te"&eratures reJuire searc) units s&eciall' desi(ned .or t)e a&&licationA L)en dual ele"ent searc) units are used% t)eir in)erent nonlinearit' usuall' reJuires s&ecial corrections .or t)in sectionsA ?See 8i(A 2A@ 8or o&ti"u" &er.or"ance% it is o.ten necessar' t)at t)e instru"ent and searc) units *e "atc)edA
i. t)e instru"ent "ust *e co"&letel' standardiDed ,it) t)e dela' line searc) unit% t)e .ollo,in( tec)niJue is reco"# "ended6 5A2A2A1 <se at least t,o standardiDation *loc-sA One s)ould )a e a t)ic-ness near t)e "a!i"u" o. t)e ran(e to *e "easured and t)e ot)er *loc- near t)e "ini"u" t)ic-nessA 8or con enience% it is desira*le t)at t)e t)ic-ness s)ould *e Bround nu"*ersC so t)at t)e di..erence *et,een t)e" also )as a con enient Bround nu"*erC alueA 5A2A2A2 Place t)e searc) unit seJuentiall' on one and t)en t)e ot)er *loc-% and o*tain *ot) readin(sA T)e di..erence *et,een t)ese t,o readin(s s)ould *e calcu# latedA I. t)e readin( t)ic-ness di..erence is less t)an t)e actual t)ic-ness di..erence% &lace t)e searc) unit on t)e t)ic-er s&eci"en% and adSust t)e "aterial standardiDe con# trol to e!&and t)e t)ic-ness ran(eA I. t)e readin( t)ic-ness di..erence is (reater t)an t)e actual t)ic-ness di..erence% &lace t)e searc) unit on t)e t)ic-er s&eci"en% and adSust t)e "aterial standardiDe control to decrease t)e t)ic-ness ran(eA A certain a"ount o. o er correction is usuall' rec# o""endedA Re&osition t)e searc) unit seJuentiall' on *ot) *loc-s% and note t)e readin( di..erences ,)ile "a-in( additional a&&ro&riate correctionsA L)en t)e readin( t)ic-# ness di..erential eJuals t)e actual t)ic-ness di..erential% t)e "aterial t)ic-ness ran(e is correctl' adSustedA A sin(le adSust"ent o. t)e dela' control s)ould t)en &er"it correct readin(s at *ot) t)e )i() and lo, end o. t)e t)ic-ness ran(eA 5A2AF An alternati e tec)niJue .or dela' line searc) units is a ariation o. t)at descri*ed in 5A2A2A A series o. seJuential adSust"ents are "ade% usin( t)e Bdela'C control to &ro ide correct readin(s on t)e t)inner standardiDation *loc- and t)e Bran(eC control to correct t)e readin(s on t)e t)ic-er *loc-A Moderate o er#correction is so"eti"es use.ulA L)en *ot) readin(s are BcorrectC t)e instru"ent is adSusted &ro&erl'A
4AF StandardiDation Bloc-s M T)e (eneral reJuire"ents .or a&&ro&riate standardiDation *loc-s are (i en in GAG% 5A1AF% 5A2A2A1% 5AFA2% and 5AGAFA Multi#ste& *loc-s t)at "a' *e use.ul .or t)ese standardiDation &rocedures are descri*ed in A&&endi! =1 ?8i(sA =1A1 and =1A2@A
5A StandardiDation o. A&&aratus 5A1 Case I M Direct Contact% Sin(le#Ele"ent Searc) <nit6 5A1A1 Conditions M T)e dis&la' start is s'nc)roniDed to t)e initial &ulseA All dis&la' ele"ents are linearA 8ull t)ic-ness is dis&la'ed on t)e A#scan dis&la'A 5A1A2 <nder t)ese conditions% ,e can assu"e t)at t)e elocit' con ersion line e..ecti el' &i ots a*out t)e ori(in ?8i(A 1@A It "a' *e necessar' to su*tract t)e ,ear# &late ti"e% reJuirin( "inor use o. dela' controlA It is reco"# "ended t)at standardiDation *loc-s &ro idin( a "ini"u" o. t,o t)ic-nesses t)at s&an t)e t)ic-ness ran(e *e used to c)ec- t)e .ull#ran(e accurac'A 5A1AF Place t)e searc) unit on a standardiDation *loco. -no,n t)ic-ness ,it) suita*le cou&lant and adSust t)e instru"ent controls ?"aterial standardiDation% ran(e% s,ee&% or elocit'@ until t)e dis&la' &resents t)e a&&ro# &riate t)ic-ness readin(A 5A1AG T)e readin(s s)ould t)en *e c)ec-ed and adSusted on standardiDation *loc-s ,it) t)ic-ness o. lesser alue to i"&ro e t)e o erall accurac' o. t)e s'ste"A 5A2 Case II M Dela' Line Sin(le#Ele"ent Searc) <nit6 5A2A1 Conditions M L)en usin( t)is searc) unit% it is necessar' t)at t)e eJui&"ent *e ca&a*le o. correctin( .or t)e ti"e durin( ,)ic) t)e sound &asses t)rou() t)e dela' line so t)at t)e end o. t)e dela' can *e "ade to coincide ,it) Dero t)ic-nessA T)is reJuires a so#called Bdela'C control in t)e instru"ent or auto"atic electronic sensin( o. Dero t)ic-nessA 5A2A2 In "ost instru"ents% i. t)e "aterial standardiDe circuit ,as &re iousl' adSusted .or a (i en "aterial eloc# it'% t)e dela' control s)ould *e adSusted until a correct t)ic-ness readin( is o*tained on t)e instru"entA +o,e er%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
5AF Case III M Dual Searc) <nits6 5AFA1 T)e "et)od descri*ed in 5A2 ?Case II@ is also suita*le .or eJui&"ent usin( dual searc) units in t)e t)ic-er ran(es% a*o e F "" ?0A121 inA@A +o,e er% *elo, t)ose alues t)ere is an in)erent error due to t)e Vee &at) t)at t)e sound *ea" tra elsA T)e transit ti"e is no lon(er linearl' &ro&ortional to t)ic-ness% and t)e condition deteriorates to,ard t)e lo, t)ic-ness end o. t)e ran(eA T)e ariation is also s)o,n sc)e"aticall' in 8i(A 2?a@A T'&ical error alues are s)o,n in 8i(A 2?*@A 5AFA2 I. "easure"ents are to *e "ade o er a er' li"ited ran(e near t)e t)in end o. t)e scale% it is &ossi*le to standardiDe t)e instru"ent ,it) t)e tec)niJue in Case II usin( a&&ro&riate t)in standardiDation *loc-sA T)is ,ill &roduce a correction cur e t)at is a&&ro!i"atel' correct o er t)at li"ited ran(eA Note t)at it ,ill *e su*stantiall' in error at t)ic-er "easure"entsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5AFAF I. a ,ide ran(e o. t)ic-nesses is to *e "easured% it "a' *e "ore suita*le to standardiDe as in Case II usin( standardiDation *loc-s at t)e )i() end o. t)e ran(e and &er)a&s )al.,a' to,ard t)e lo, endA 8ollo,in( t)is% e"&ir# ical corrections can *e esta*lis)ed .or t)e er' t)in end o. t)e ran(eA 5AFAG 8or a direct#readin( &anel#t'&e "eter dis&la'% it is con enient to *uild t)ese corrections into t)e dis&la' as a nonlinear .unctionA 5AG Case IV M T)ic- Sections6 5AGA1 Conditions M 8or use ,)en a )i() de(ree o. accurac' is reJuired .or t)ic- sectionsA 5AGA2 Direct contact searc) unit and initial &ulse s'n# c)roniDation are usedA T)e dis&la' start is dela'ed as descri*ed in 5AGAGA All dis&la' ele"ents s)ould *e linearA Incre"ental t)ic-ness is dis&la'ed on t)e A#scan dis&la'A 5AGAF Basic standardiDation o. t)e s,ee& ,ill *e "ade as descri*ed in Case IA T)e standardiDation *locc)osen .or t)is standardiDation s)ould )a e a t)ic-ness t)at ,ill &er"it standardiDin( t)e .ull#s,ee& distance to adeJuate accurac'% t)at is% a*out 10 "" ?0AG inA@ or 21 "" ?1A0 inA@ .ull scaleA
di"ensional "easure"ent o. t)e "aterial to *e e!a"inedA 3AF Scannin( M T)e "a!i"u" s&eed o. scannin( s)ould *e stated in t)e &rocedureA Material conditions% t'&e o. eJui&"ent% and o&erator ca&a*ilities "a' reJuire slo,er scannin(A 3AG Ieo"etr'6 3AGA1 +i()est accurac' can *e o*tained .ro" "ateri# als ,it) &arallel or concentric sur.acesA In "an' cases% it is &ossi*le to o*tain "easure"ents .ro" "aterials ,it) non&arallel sur.acesA +o,e er% t)e accurac' o. t)e readin( "a' *e li"ited and t)e readin( o*tained is (enerall' t)at o. t)e t)innest &ortion o. t)e section *ein( interro(ated *' t)e sound *ea" at a (i en instantA
3AGA2 Relati el' s"all#dia"eter cur es o.ten reJuire s&ecial tec)niJues and eJui&"entA L)en s"all dia"eters are to *e "easured% s&ecial &rocedures includin( additional s&eci"ens "a' *e reJuired to ensure accurac' o. setu& and readoutA 3A1 +i()#te"&erature "aterials% u& to a*out 1G0[C ?1000[8@% can *e "easured ,it) s&eciall' desi(ned instru# "ents ,it) )i()#te"&erature co"&ensation% searc) unit asse"*lies% and cou&lantsA Nor"aliDation o. a&&arent t)ic-ness readin(s .or ele ated te"&eratures is reJuiredA A rule o. t)u"* o.ten used is as .ollo,s6 T)e a&&arent t)ic-ness readin( o*tained .ro" steel ,alls )a in( ele ated te"&eratures is )i() ?too t)ic-@ *' a .actor o. a*out 1O &er 11[C ?100[8@A T)us% i. t)e instru"ent ,as standardiDed on a &iece o. si"ilar "aterial at 20[C ?43[8@% and i. t)e readin( ,as o*tained ,it) a sur.ace te"&erature o. G40[C ?340[8@% t)e a&&arent readin( s)ould *e reduced *' 3OA T)is correction is an a era(e one .or "an' t'&es o. steelA Ot)er corrections ,ould )a e to *e deter"ined e"&iricall' .or ot)er "aterialsA
5AGAG A.ter *asic standardiDation% t)e s,ee& "ust *e dela'edA 8or instance% i. t)e no"inal &art t)ic-ness is e!&ected to *e .ro" 10 to 40 "" ?2A0 to 2AG inA@% and t)e *asic standardiDation *loc- is 10 "" ?0AG inA@% and t)e incre"ental t)ic-ness dis&la'ed ,ill also *e .ro" 10 to 40 "" ?2A0 to 2AG inA@% t)e .ollo,in( ste&s are reJuiredA AdSust t)e dela' control so t)at t)e !.t) *ac- ec)o o. t)e *asic standardiDation *loc-% eJui alent to 10 "" ?2A0 inA@% is ali(ned ,it) t)e 0 re.erence on t)e A#scan dis&la'A T)e si!t) *ac- ec)o s)ould t)en occur at t)e ri()t ed(e o. t)e standardiDed s,ee&A
5AGA1 T)is standardiDation can *e c)ec-ed on a -no,n *loc- o. t)e a&&ro!i"ate total t)ic-nessA 5AGA4 T)e readin( o*tained on t)e un-no,n s&eci# "en "ust *e added to t)e alue dela'ed o.. screenA 8or e!a"&le% i. t)e readin( is G "" ?0A14 inA@% t)e total t)ic-# ness ,ill *e 1G "" ?2A14 inA@A
3A4 Instru"ent M Ti"e#*ase linearit' is reJuired so t)at a c)an(e in t)e t)ic-ness o. "aterial ,ill &roduce a corres&ondin( c)an(e o. indicated t)ic-nessA I. an A#scan dis&la' is used as a readout% its )oriDontal linearit' can *e c)ec-ed *' usin( Practice E F15A 3A5 Bac- Re!ection La etrain M Direct#t)ic-ness read# out instru"ents read t)e t)ic-ness at t)e !rst )al. c'cle o. t)e ,a etrain t)at e!ceeds a set a"&litude and a !!ed ti"eA I. t)e a"&litude o. t)e *ac- re!ection .ro" t)e "easured "aterial is di..erent .ro" t)e a"&litude o. t)e *ac- re!ec# tion .ro" t)e standardiDation *loc-s% t)e t)ic-ness readout "a' read to a di..erent )al. c'cle in t)e ,a etrain% t)ere*' &roducin( an errorA T)is "a' *e reduced *'6 3A5A1 <sin( standardiDation *loc-s )a in( attenua# tion c)aracteristics eJual to t)ose in t)e "easured "aterial or adSustin( *ac- re!ection a"&litude to *e eJual .or *ot) t)e standardiDin( *loc-s and "easured "aterialA
3A Tec)nical +aDards 3A1 Dual searc) units "a' also *e used e..ecti el' ,it) rou() sur.ace conditionsA In t)is case% onl' t)e !rst returned ec)o% suc) as .ro" t)e *otto" o. a &it% is used in t)e "easure"entA Ienerall'% a localiDed scannin( searc) is "ade to detect t)e "ini"u" re"ainin( ,allA 3A2 Material Pro&erties M T)e instru"ent s)ould *e standardiDed on a "aterial )a in( t)e sa"e acoustic eloc# it' and attenuation as t)e "aterial to *e "easuredA L)ere &ossi*le% standardiDation s)ould *e con!r"ed *' direct
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A5A2 <sin( an instru"ent ,it) auto"atic (ain con# trol to &roduce a constant a"&litude *ac- re!ectionA 3A3 Readouts M A#scan dis&la's are reco""ended ,)ere re!ectin( sur.aces are rou()% &itted% or corrodedA 3A3A1 Direct#t)ic-ness readout% ,it)out an A#scan dis&la'% &resents )aDards o. "isadSust"ent and "isreadin( under certain test conditions% es&eciall' t)in sections% rou() corroded sur.aces% and ra&idl' c)an(in( t)ic-ness ran(esA 3A2 StandardiDation Standards M Ireater accurac' can *e o*tained ,)en t)e eJui&"ent is standardiDed on areas o. -no,n t)ic-ness o. t)e "aterial to *e "easuredA 3A10 Variations in ec)o si(nal stren(t) "a' &roduce an error eJui alent to one or "ore )al.#c'cles o. t)e R8 .reJuenc'% de&endent on instru"entation c)aracteristicsA
10A1A1AF SiDe% .reJuenc'% and t'&e o. searc) unitA 10A1A1AG Scannin( "et)odA 10A1A2 ResultsA 10A1A2A1 Ma!i"u" and "ini"u" t)ic-ness "ea# sure"entsA 10A1A2A2 Location o. "easure"entsA 10A1AF Personnel data% certi!cation le elA
11A 9e',ords 11A1 contact e!a"inationR nondestructi e testin(R &ulse#ec)oR t)ic-ness "easure"entR ultrasonics
=1A T7PICAL M<LTI#STEP T+IC9NESS IAIE STANDARDINATION BLOC9S 2A Procedure ReJuire"ents 2A1 In de elo&in( t)e detailed &rocedure% t)e .ollo,in( ite"s s)ould *e considered6 2A1A1 Instru"ent "anu.acturerEs o&eratin( instruc# tionsA 2A1A2 Sco&e o. "aterials0o*Sects to *e "easuredA 2A1AF A&&lica*ilit'% accurac' reJuire"entsA 2A1AG De!nitionsA 2A1A1 ReJuire"entsA 2A1A1A1 PersonnelA 2A1A1A2 EJui&"entA 2A1A1AF Procedure Juali!cationA 2A1A4 ProcedureA 2A1A4A1 Measure"ent conditionsA 2A1A4A2 Sur.ace &re&aration and cou&lantA 2A1A4AF StandardiDation and allo,a*le tolerancesA 2A1A4AG Scannin( &ara"etersA 2A1A5 Re&ortA 2A1A5A1 Procedure usedA 2A1A5A2 StandardiDation recordA 2A1A5AF Measure"ent recordA
10A Re&ort 10A1 Record t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation at t)e ti"e o. t)e "easure"ents and include it in t)e re&ort6 10A1A1 E!a"ination &rocedureA 10A1A1A1 T'&e o. instru"entA 10A1A1A2 StandardiDation *loc-s% siDe and "ate# rial t'&eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM E 2G21#04@
1 Sco&e 1A1 T)is (uide descri*es &rocedures .or e aluatin( so"e &er.or"ance c)aracteristics o. &)ased#arra' ultra# sonic e!a"ination instru"ents and s'ste"sA 1A2 E aluation o. t)ese c)aracteristics is intended to *e used .or co"&arin( instru"ents and s'ste"s or% *' &eriodic re&etition% .or detectin( lon(#ter" c)an(es in t)e c)aracteristics o. a (i en instru"ent or s'ste" t)at "a' *e indicati e o. i"&endin( .ailure% and ,)ic)% i. *e'ond certain li"its% ,ill reJuire correcti e "aintenanceA Instru# "ent c)aracteristics "easured in accordance ,it) t)is (uide are e!&ressed in ter"s t)at relate to t)eir &otential use.ulness .or ultrasonic e!a"inationsA Ot)er electronic instru"ent c)aracteristics in &)ased#arra' units are si"ilar to non#&)ased#arra' units and "a' *e "easured as descri*ed in E 1041 or E 1F2GA
a s'ste" is used re&etiti el' ,it)out c)an(e or su*stitutionA T)is (uide is not intended to *e used as a su*stitute .or cali*ration or standardiDation o. an instru"ent or s'ste" to ins&ect an' (i en "aterialA 1A5 ReJuired test a&&aratus includes selected test *loc-s and &osition encoders in addition to t)e instru"ent or s's# te" to *e e aluatedA 1A3 Precautions relatin( to t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. t)e &ro# cedures and inter&retation o. t)e results are includedA 1A2 Alternate &rocedures% suc) as e!a"&les descri*ed in t)is docu"ent% or ot)ers% "a' onl' *e used ,it) custo"er a&&ro alA 1A10 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
1AF <ltrasonic e!a"ination s'ste"s usin( &ulsed#,a e trains and A#scan &resentation ?r. or ideo@ "a' *e e al# uatedA 1AG T)is (uide esta*lis)es no &er.or"ance li"its .or e!a"ination s'ste"sR i. suc) acce&tance criteria are reJuired% t)ese "ust *e s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &artiesA L)ere acce&tance criteria are i"&lied )erein t)e' are .or e!a"&le onl' and are su*Sect to "ore or less restricti e li"its i"&osed *' custo"erEs and end userEs controllin( docu"entsA 1A1 T)e s&eci!c &ara"eters to *e e aluated% conditions and .reJuenc' o. test% and re&ort data reJuired% "ust also *e deter"ined *' t)e userA 1A4 T)is (uide "a' *e used .or t)e e aluation o. a co"&lete e!a"ination s'ste"% includin( searc) unit% instru# "ent% interconnections% scanner !!tures and connected alar" and au!iliar' de ices% &ri"aril' in cases ,)ere suc)
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
E F15 Practice .or E aluatin( Per.or"ance C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Pulse#Ec)o E!a"ination Instru"ents and S'ste"s ,it)out t)e <se o. Electronic Measure"ent Instru"ents E G2G Practice .or Measurin( <ltrasonic Velocit' in Mate# rials E 1041 Iuide .or E aluatin( C)aracteristics o. <ltrasonic Searc) <nits E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 1F2G Iuide .or Measurin( So"e Electronic C)aracteris# tics o. <ltrasonic E!a"ination Instru"ents
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
FA1 to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14 .or de!nitions o. ter"s in t)is (uideA FA2 De!nitions6 FA2A1 an(le corrected (ain M also called ACIA T)is is co"&ensation .or t)e ariation in si(nal a"&litudes recei ed .ro" !!ed de&t) side#drilled )oles ?SD+s@ durin( S#scan cali*rationA T)e co"&ensation is t'&icall' &er# .or"ed electronicall' at "ulti&le de&t)sA Note t)at t)ere are tec)nical li"its to ACI% t)at is% *e'ond a certain an(u# lar ran(e% co"&ensation is not &ossi*leA FA2A2 annular arra' &ro*es M &)ased#arra' &ro*es t)at )a e t)e transducers con!(ured as a set o. concentric rin(sA T)e' allo, t)e *ea" to *e .ocused to di..erent de&t)s alon( an a!isA T)e sur.ace area o. t)e rin(s is in "ost cases constant% ,)ic) i"&lies a di..erent ,idt) .or eac) rin(A FA2AF arra' ?&)ased@ M a &atterned arran(e"ent o. ele"entsA T'&ical arran(e"ents include linear% annular% t,o di"ensional "atri!% and Br)o#t)etaCA FA2AG electronic scan M also ter"ed an E#scanA T)e sa"e .ocal la, is "ulti&le!ed across a (rou& o. acti e ele"entsR electronic raster scannin( is &er.or"ed at a con# stant an(le and alon( t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e len(t)A T)is is eJui alent to a con entional ultrasonic &ro*e &er.or"in( a raster scanA Also called electronic scannin(A FA2A1 .ocal la, M t)e entire set o. )ard,are and so.t,are &ara"eters a..ectin( t)e acoustic sensiti it' !eld o. a &)ased#arra' searc) unit% ,)et)er a &ulse#ec)o or a &itc)#catc) con!(urationA Lit)in .ocal la,s% t)ere are included dela' la,s in trans"itter and dela' la,s in recei er% as ,ell as a&odiDation la,s% and ele"ent acti a# tion la,sA FA2A4 linear arra' &ro*es M &ro*es "ade usin( a set o. ele"ents Su!ta&osed and ali(ned alon( a linear a!isA T)e' ena*le a *ea" to *e "o ed% .ocused% and de!ected alon( a sin(le aDi"ut)al &laneA FA2A5 "atri! arra' &ro*es M t)ese &ro*es )a e an acti e area di ided in t,o di"ensions in di..erent ele"entsA T)is di ision can% .or e!a"&le% *e in t)e .or" o. a c)ec-er# *oard% or sectored rin(sA T)ese &ro*es allo, t)e ultrasonic *ea" steerin( in "ore t)an one &laneA FA2A3 sectorial scan M also ter"ed an S#scan or aDi"ut)al scanA T)is "a' to eit)er t)e *ea" "o e# "ent or t)e data dis&la'A As a data dis&la' it is a 2D ie, o. all A#scans .ro" a s&eci!c set o. ele"ents corrected .or dela' and re.racted an(leA L)en used to to t)e *ea" "o e"ent it re.ers to t)e set o. .ocal la,s t)at s,ee&s a de!ned ran(e o. an(les usin( t)e sa"e set o. ele"entsA FA2A2 S#scan M ?JA A sectorial scan@
GA Su""ar' o. Iuide GA1 P)ased#arra' instru"ents and s'ste"s )a e si"ilar indi idual co"&onents as are .ound in traditional ultrasonic s'ste"s t)at are *ased on sin(le c)annel or "ulti&le!ed &ulse#ec)o unitsA T)ese include &ulsers% recei ers% &ro*es and interconnectin( ca*lesA T)e "ost si(ni!cant di..erence is t)at &)ased#arra' s'ste"s .or" t)e trans"itted ultrasonic &ulse *' constructi e &)ase inter.erence .ro" t)e ,a elets .or"ed o.. t)e indi iduall' &ulsed ele"ents o. t)e &)ased# arra' &ro*esA
GA2 Eac) &)ased#arra' &ro*e consists o. a series o. indi iduall' ,ired ele"ents t)at are acti ated se&aratel' usin( a&ro(ra""a*le ti"e dela' &atternA Var'in( t)e nu"# *er o. ele"ents used and t)e dela' ti"e *et,een t)e &ulses to eac) ele"ent allo,s control o. t)e *ea"A De&endin( on t)e &ro*e desi(n% it is &ossi*le to electronicall' ar' t)e an(le ?incident or s-e,@% or t)e .ocal distance% or t)e *ea" di"ensions% or a co"*ination o. t)e t)reeA In t)e recei in( "ode% acoustic ener(' is recei ed *' t)e ele"ents and t)e si(nals under(o a su""ation &rocess utiliDin( t)e sa"e t'&e o. ti"e dela' &rocess as ,as used durin( trans"issionA
GAF T)e de(ree o. *ea" steerin( a aila*le is de&endent on se eral &ara"eters includin(R nu"*er o. ele"ents% &itc) o. t)e ele"ent s&acin(% ele"ent di"ensions% ele"ent arra' s)a&e% resonant .reJuenc' o. t)e ele"ents% t)e "aterial into ,)ic) t)e *ea" is directed% t)e "ini"u" dela' &ossi*le *et,een !rin( o. adSacent &ulsers and recei ers and t)e &ulser olta(e c)aracteristicsA GAG Pulser and recei er &ara"eters in &)ased#arra' s's# te"s are (enerall' co"&uter controlled and t)e recei ed si(nals are t'&icall' dis&la'ed on co"&uter "onitors ia co"&uter data acJuisition s'ste"s and "a' *e stored to co"&uter !lesA GA1 Alt)ou() "ost s'ste"s use &ieDo#electric "aterials .or t)e ele"ents% electro#"a(netic acoustic transducer ?EMAT@ de ices )a e also *een desi(ned and *uilt usin( &)ased#arra' instru"entationA GA4 Most &)ased#arra' s'ste"s can use encoders .or auto"ated and se"i#auto"ated scannin(A GA5 Side#drilled )oles used as tar(ets in t)is docu"ent s)ould )a e dia"eters less t)an t)e ,a elen(t) o. t)e &ulse *ein( assessed and lon( enou() to a oid end e..ects .ro" causin( inter.erin( si(nalsA T)is ,ill t'&icall' *e acco"# &lis)ed ,)en t)e )ole dia"eter is *et,een a*out 1A1 "" and 2A1 "" and 20 "" to 21 "" in len(t)A
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)is (uide is intended to e aluate &er.or"ance assess"ent o. co"*inations o. &)ased#arra' &ro*es and instru"entsA It is not intended to de!ne &er.or"ance and
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
acce&tance criteria% *ut rat)er to &ro ide data .ro" ,)ic) suc) criteria "a' *e esta*lis)edA 1A2 Reco""ended &rocedures descri*ed in t)is (uide are intended to &ro ide &er.or"ance#related "easure"ents t)at can *e re&roduced under t)e s&eci!ed test conditions usin( si"&le tar(ets and t)e &)ased#arra' test s'ste" itsel.A It is intended .or &)ased#arra' !a, detection instru"ents o&eratin( in t)e no"inal .reJuenc' ran(e o. 1 M+D to 20 M+D% *ut t)e &rocedures are a&&lica*le to "easure"ents on instru"ents utiliDin( si(ni!cantl' )i()er .reJuenc' co"&onentsA
&er.or"ance criteria .or &rocure"ent and Jualit' assur# ance% or ser ice e aluation o. t)e o&eratin( c)aracteristics o. &)ased#arra' s'ste"sA 1A4 Not all assess"ents descri*ed in t)is (uide are a&&lica*le to all s'ste"sA All or &ortions o. t)e (uide "a' *e used as deter"ined *' t)e userA
4A Procedure 4A1 Procedures .or assess"ent o. se eral &ara"eters in &)ased#arra' s'ste"s are descri*ed in Anne!es A1 to A5A 4A1A1 T)ese includeR deter"ination o. *ea" &ro!le% *ea" steerin( ca&a*ilit'% ele"ent acti it'% .ocusin( ca&a# *ilit'% so.t,are calculations ?controls and dis&la' o. recei ed si(nals@% co"&ensation .or ,ed(e attenuation% recei er (ain linearit'A
1AF T)is (uide is not intended .or ser ice cali*ration% or "aintenance o. circuitr' .or ,)ic) t)e "anu.acturerEs instructions are a aila*leA 1AG I"&le"entation o. s&eci!c assess"ents "a' reJuire "ore detailed &rocedural instructions in a .or"at o. t)e usin( .acilit'A 1A1 T)e "easure"ent data o*tained "a' *e e"&lo'ed *' users o. t)is (uide to s&eci.'% descri*e% or &ro ide a
5A 9e',ords 5A1 c)aracteriDationR .ocal &ointR &)ased#arra'R &)ased# arra' &ro*eR sound *ea" &ro!leR ultrasound
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A DETERMINATION O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 BEAM PRO8ILE A1A1 Introduction A1A1A1 T)is anne! descri*es &rocedures to deter"ine *ea" &ro!les o. &)ased#arra' &ro*esA Eit)er i""ersion or contact &ro*e a&&lications can *e addressed usin( t)ese &roceduresA +o,e er% it s)ould *e cautioned t)at assess# "ents o. contact &ro*es "a' .ro" aria*ilit' (reater t)an i"&osed tolerances i. &ro&er &recautions are not ta-en to ensure constant cou&lin( conditionsA
A1A2AG Data collection o. t)e entire ,a e.or" o er t)e ran(e o. interest s)all *e "adeA T)e dis&la' s)all re&re# sent a"&litude as a color or (ra'scaleA Ti"e or eJui alent distance in t)e test "aterial s)all *e &resented alon( one a!is and distance dis&laced alon( t)e ot)er a!isA T)is is a t'&ical B#scan as illustrated in 8i(A A1A2A A1A2A1 Data dis&la' .or an electronic scan usin( a &)ased#arra' &ro*e "ounted on a ,ed(e can *e si"ilarl' "ade usin( si"&le ort)o(onal re&resentation o. ti"e ersus dis&lace"ent or it can *e an(le corrected as illustrated in 8i(A A1AFA A1A2A4 Resolution alon( t)e dis&lace"ent a!is ,ill *e a .unction o. t)e ste& siDe o. t)e electronic scan or% i. t)e scan uses an encoded "ec)anical !!ture t)e resolution ,ill *e de&endent on t)e encoder ste&#siDe used .or sa"# &lin(A A1A2A5 Resolution alon( t)e *ea" a!is ,ill *e a .unction o. t)e inter als *et,een t)e tar(et &at)sA 8or )i()l' .ocused *ea"s it "a' *e desira*le to )a e s"all di..erences *et,een t)e sound &at)s to t)e tar(et &at)s ?.or e!a"&le% 1 "" or 2 ""@A A1A2A3 Bea" &ro!lin( in t)e &assi e &lane can also *e "adeA T)e &assi e &lane in a linear#arra' &ro*e is &er# &endicular to t)e acti e &lane and re.ers to t)e &lane in ,)ic) no *ea" steerin( is &ossi*le *' &)asin( e..ectsA Bea" &ro!lin( in t)e &assi e direction ,ill reJuire "ec)anical scannin(A A1A2A2 La e.or" collection o. si(nals usin( a co"# *ination o. electronic scannin( in t)e acti e &lane and encoded "ec)anical "otion in t)e &assi e &lane &ro ides data t)at can *e &roSection#corrected to &ro ide *ea" di"ensions in t)e &assi e &laneA 8i(ure A1AG illustrates a "et)od .or *ea" assess"ent in t)e &assi e &laneA T)is tec)niJue uses a corner re!ection .ro" an end#drilled )ole at de&t)s esta*lis)ed *' a series o. ste&sA A1A2A10 8i(ure A1A1 illustrates an alternati e to t)e ste&&ed inter als s)o,n in 8i(A A1AGA A t)rou() )ole "a' *e arran(ed &er&endicular to t)e reJuired re.racted an(le to &ro ide a continuous transition o. &at) len(t) to t)e tar(etA A1A2A11 A &roSected C#scan can *e used to siDe t)e *ea" *ased on eit)er color or (ra'scale indicatin( a"&litude dro& or a co"&uter dis&la' t)at &lots a"&litude ,it) res&ect to dis&lace"entA T)e &roSected C#scan o&tion is sc)e"aticall' re&resented in 8i(A A1A4A
A1A2 Test Setu& A1A2A1 8or sin(le .ocal la,s ,)ere t)e *ea" is !!ed ?t)at is% not used in an electronic or sectorial scan "ode@ and t)e &ro*e is used in an i""ersion setu&% t)e *all#tar(et or )'dro&)one o&tions descri*ed in E 1041 "a' *e usedA 8or &)ased#arra' &ro*es used in a d'na"ic .as)ion ,)ere se eral .ocal la,s are used to &roduce sectorial or elec# tronic scannin( it "a' *e &ossi*le to "a-e *ea"#&ro!le assess"ents ,it) no or little "ec)anical "otionA L)ere "ec)anical "otion is used it s)all *e encoded to relate si(nal ti"e and a"&litude to distance "o edA Encoder accurac' s)all *e eri!ed to *e ,it)in tolerances a&&ro# &riate .or t)e "easure"ents "adeA Descri&tions "ade .or electronic scan and sectorial scan *ea" &ro!le assess"ents ,ill *e "ade .or contact &ro*esR )o,e er% ,)en assess"ent in ,ater is reJuired t)e "ac)ined tar(ets "a' *e re&laced ,it) rods or *alls as a&&ro&riateA
A1A2A2 Linear#Arra' Pro*es M Linear#arra' &ro*es )a e an acti e &lane and an inacti e or &assi e &laneA Assess"ent o. t)e *ea" in t)e acti e &lane s)ould *e "ade *' use o. an electronic scan seJuence .or &ro*es ,it) su.!cient nu"*er o. ele"ents to electronicall' ad ance t)e *ea" &ast t)e tar(ets o. interestA 8or &)ased#arra' &ro*es usin( a lar(e &ortion o. t)e a aila*le ele"ents to .or" t)e *ea" t)e nu"*er o. re"ainin( ele"ents .or t)e electronic raster "a' *e too s"all to allo, t)e*ea" to &ass o er t)e tar(etA In t)is case it ,ill *e necessar' to )a e encoded "ec)anical "otion and assess eac) .ocal la, alon( t)e acti e &lane se&aratel'A
A1A2AF Side#drilled )oles s)ould *e arran(ed at ari# ous de&t)s in a !a,#.ree sa"&le o. t)e test "aterial in ,)ic) .ocal la,s )a e *een &ro(ra""ed .orA <sin( t)e linear scan .eature o. t)e &)ased#arra' s'ste" t)e *ea" is &assed o er t)e tar(ets at t)e arious de&t)s o. interestA T)e electronic scan is illustrated sc)e"aticall' in 8i(A A1A1A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
cautioned t)at assess"ents o. contact &ro*es "a' .ro" aria*ilit' (reater t)an i"&osed tolerances i. &ro&er &recautions are not ta-en to ensure constant cou&lin( condi# tionsA A2A1A2 Reco""ended li"its to esta*lis) t)e ,or-in( ran(e o. an(ular s,ee& o. a &)ased#arra' &ro*e relate to t)e di er(ence o. t)e *ea" o. eac) ele"ent in t)e &ro*e arra'A L)en used in &ulse#ec)o "ode t)e steerin( li"it is considered to *e ,it)in t)e 4#dB di er(ence en elo&e o. t)e indi idual ele"entsA It is t)ere.ore &ossi*le to calculate a t)eoretical li"it *ased on no"inal .reJuenc' and "anu# .acturer &ro ided in.or"ation on t)e ele"ent di"ensionsA +o,e er% se eral &ara"eters can a..ect t)e t)eoretical cal# culationsA T)ese are &ri"aril' related to t)e no"inal .re# Juenc' o. t)e &ro*eA So"e &ara"eters a..ectin( actual .reJuenc' includeR &ulse len(t)% da"&in(% use o. a dela'# line or re.ractin( ,ed(e and ariations in "anu.acturin( &rocesses on t)ic-ness la&&in( and "atc)in( la'ersA
A2A DETERMINATION O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 BEAM STEERINI LIMITS A2A1 Introduction A2A1A1 T)is anne! descri*es &rocedures to deter"ine &ractical li"its .or *ea" steerin( ca&a*ilities o. a &)ased# arra' &ro*e and as suc) a&&lies to t)e acti e &lane?s@ onl'A Eit)er i""ersion or contact &ro*e a&&lications can *e addressed usin( t)ese &roceduresA +o,e er% it s)ould *e
A2A1AF 8or t)e &ur&oses o. t)is &rocedure% assess# "ent o. *ea" steerin( ca&a*ilit' ,ill *e *ased on a co"&ar# ison o. si(nal to noise ratios at ar'in( an(ular dis&lace"entsA Bea" steerin( ca&a*ilit' ,ill also *e a..ected *' &roSect reJuire"ents o. t)e *ea"A A&&lications ,)ere .ocusin( is necessar' "a' not ac)ie e t)e sa"e li"its as a&&lications ,)ere t)e *ea" is not .ocused as ,ell as steeredA A2A1AG Steerin( ca&a*ilit' "a' *e s&eci!c to a sound &at) distance% a&erture and "aterialA A2A2 Test Set#<& M Con!(ure t)e &ro*e .ocal la,s .or t)e conditions o. t)e testA T)is ,ill include i""ersion
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
or contact% re.ractin( ,ed(e or dela'#line% un.ocused or a de!ned .ocal distance and t)e test "aterial to *e usedA A2A2A1 Pre&are a series o. side#drilled )oles in t)e "aterial to *e used .or t)e a&&lication at t)e distance or distances to *e used in t)e a&&licationA T)e side#drilled# )ole &attern s)ould *e as illustrated in 8i(A A2A1A +oles indicated in 8i(A A2A1 are at 1 de( inter als at a 21#"" and 10#"" distance .ro" a center ,)ere t)e &ro*e is locatedA A2A2A2 Si"ilar assess"ents are &ossi*le .or di..erent a&&licationsA L)en a set o. .ocal la,s is arran(ed to &ro ide resolution in a &lane instead o. a sound &at) distance% t)e &lane o. interest "a' *e used to assess t)e steerin( li"its o. t)e *ea"A T)e *loc- used .or assess"ent ,ould *e arran(ed ,it) side#drilled )oles in t)e &lane o. interestA Suc) a &lane#s&eci!c *loc- is illustrated in 8i(A A2A2 ,)ere a series o. )oles is "ade in a ertical and )oriDontal &lane at a s&eci!ed distance .ro" t)e no"inal e!it &ointA Side#drilled )oles "a' *e arran(ed in ot)er &lanes ?an(les@ o. interestA
s,ee& li"it in t)e t,o directions ,)en usin( t)is st'le o. *loc- reJuires t)at t)e &ro*e *e assessed in one direction !rst and t)en rotated 130 de( and t)e o&&osite s,ee& assessedA A2A2AG An(ular ste&s *et,een A#scan sa"&les ,ill )a e an e..ect on t)e &ercei ed s,ee& li"itsA A "a!i"u" o. 1 de( *et,een S#scan sa"&les is reco""ended .or steerin( assess"entA An(ular ste&s are li"ited *' t)e s's# te" ti"in(#dela' ca&a*ilities *et,een &ulses and ele"ent &itc) c)aracteristicsA Most o. t)e tar(ets illustrated in 8i(A A2A1 and 8i(A A2A2 are se&arated *' 1 de(R )o,e er% (reater or lesser inter als "a' *e used de&endin( on t)e reJuired resolutionA
A2A2A1 Assess"ent o. steerin( li"its s)all *e "ade usin( t)e dB di..erence *et,een t)e "a!i"u" and "ini# "u" si(nal a"&litudes *et,een t,o adSacent side#drilled )olesA 8or e!a"&le% ,)en a &)ased#arra' &ro*e is con!(# ured to s,ee& XG1 de( on a *loc- suc) as illustrated in 8i(A A2A1% t)e )i()er o. t)e &air o. t)e SD+s ,)ic) ac)ie es a 4#dB se&aration s)all *e considered t)e "a!i"u" steer# in( ca&a*ilit' o. t)e &ro*e con!(urationA A2A2A4 Acce&ta*le li"its o. steerin( "a' *e indi# cated *' t)e "a!i"u" and "ini"u" an(les t)at can ac)ie e a &res&eci!ed se&aration *et,een adSacent )olesA De&endin( on t)e a&&lication a 4dB or 20 dB ?or so"e ot)er alue@ "a' *e s&eci!ed as t)e reJuired se&arationA A2A2A5 Steerin( ca&a*ilities "a' *e used as a &re# reJuisiteR .or e!a"&le% a &)ased#arra' s'ste" is reJuired to ac)ie e a "ini"u" steerin( ca&a*ilit' .or 1 de( resolu# tion o. 2#"" dia"eter side#drilled )oles o. &lus and "inus 20 de( .ro" a no"inal "id#an(leA Con ersel'% a s'ste" "a' *e li"ited to S#scans not e!ceedin( t)e an(les assessed to ac)ie e a s&eci!ed si(nal se&aration% .or e!a"&le% \20 dB *et,een 2#"" dia"eter SD+s se&arated *' 1 de(A
A2A2AF Assess"ents are "ade &lacin( t)e &ro*e suc) t)at t)e center o. *ea" ra' enters t)e *loc- at t)e indicated centerlineA 8or anal'sis o. a &ro*e ,)ere all t)e ele"ents in a sin(le &lane are used ,it)out a dela' line or re.ractin( ,ed(e t)e "id&oint o. t)e ele"ent arra' s)all *e ali(ned ,it) t)e centerlineA 8or .ocal la,s usin( onl' a &ortion o. t)e total a aila*le ele"ents t)e "id&oint o. t)e ele"ent a&erture s)all *e ali(ned ,it) t)e centerlineA L)en dela' lines% re.ractin( ,ed(es or i""ersion "et)ods are used corrections ,ill *e reJuired to co"&ensate .or "o e"ent o. t)e Ba&&arentC e!it &oint alon( t)e *loc- entr' sur.aceA L)en a &ro*e is used in direct contact ,it) a eri!cation *loc- as illustrated in 8i(A A2A2 t)e lac- o. s'""etr' eit)er side o. t)e centerline &re ents *ot) &ositi e and ne(ati e s,ee& an(les *ein( assessed si"ultaneousl'A To assess t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A2AF An alternati e assess"ent "a' use a sin(le SD+ at a s&eci!ed de&t) or sound &at) distanceA Dis&la'in( t)e A#scan .or t)e "a!i"u" and "ini"u" an(les used ,ould assess t)e steerin( ca&a*ilit' *' o*ser in( t)e S0N ratio at t)e &ea-ed res&onseA Steerin( li"it ,ould *e a &re# de!ned S0N ratio *ein( ac)ie edA Caution "ust *e ta-en ,)en usin( t)is "et)od so as to not &ea- on (ratin( lo*e si(nalsA T)is "et)od ,ill also reJuire con!r"ation t)at t)e SD+ is &ositioned at t)e calculated re.racted an(leA
AFA2 Test Set#<& AFA2A1 Connect t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e to *e tested to t)e &)ased#arra' ultrasonic instru"ent and re"o e an' dela' line or re.ractin( ,ed(e .ro" t)e &ro*eA AFA2A2 Acousticall' cou&le t)e &ro*e to t)e 21#"" t)ic-ness o. an IIL ?International Institute o. Leldin(@ *loc- ,it) a uni.or" la'er o. cou&lantA T)is "a' *e acco"# &lis)ed *' a contact#(a& tec)niJue suc) t)at t)e &ro*e#to# *loc- inter.ace is under ,ater ?to ensure uni.or" cou&lin(@A Alternati el' an i""ersion "et)od usin( a !!ed ,ater &at) "a' *e used and t)e ,ater#steel inter.ace si(nal "oni# tored instead o. t)e steel ,all t)ic-nessA
AFA DETERMINATION O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 ELEMENT ACTIVIT7 AFA1 Introduction AFA1A1 T)is assess"ent is used to deter"ine t)at all ele"ents o. t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e are acti e and o. uni# .or" acoustic ener('A Because% durin( nor"al o&eration in a ti"ed seJuence% eac) o. t)e ele"ents is addressed *' a se&arate &ulser and recei er% a "et)od "ust *e used t)at ensures t)e electronic &er.or"ance o. t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent is identical .ro" ele"ent to ele"ent and an' di..erences are attri*uta*le to t)e &ro*e itsel.A To ensure t)at an' ariation o. ele"ent &er.or"ance is due onl' to &ro*e construction% a sin(le &ulser#recei er c)annel is selected to address eac) ele"entA
AFA2AF Con!(ure an electronic scan consistin( o. one ele"ent t)at is ste&&ed alon( one ele"ent at a ti"e .or t)e total nu"*er o. ele"ents in t)e arra'A ?T)is s)ould ensure t)at t)e &ulser#recei er nu"*er 1 is used in eac) .ocal la, or i. t)e c)annel is selecta*le it s)ould *e t)e sa"e c)annel used .or eac) ele"ent@A Set t)e &ulser &ara"eters to o&ti"iDe t)e res&onse .or t)e no"inal .reJuenc' o. t)e &ro*e arra' and esta*lis) a &ulse#ec)o res&onse .ro" t)e *loc- *ac-,all or ,ater&at) to 30O dis&la' )ei()t .or eac) ele"ent in t)e &ro*eA
AFA2AG O*ser e t)e A#scan dis&la' .or eac) ele"ent in t)e arra' and record t)e recei er (ain reJuired to ac)ie e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ele"ent Iain Acti e ?PsJca&Q@ Inacti e ?!@ 1 2 F G 1 4 5 3 2 10 11 12 1F 1G 11 14
t)e 30O si(nal a"&litude .or eac) ele"entA Results "a' *e recorded on a ta*le si"ilar to t)at in Ta*le AFA1A AFA2A1 Note and record an' ele"ents t)at do not &ro ide a *ac-,all or ,ater&at) si(nal ?inacti e ele"ents@A Results "a' *e recorded on a ta*le si"ilar to t)at in Ta*le AFA1A AFA2A4 I. a &re&ac-a(ed &ro(ra" is a aila*le .or c)ec-in( ele"ent acti it'% t)is can *e used as an alter# nati eA AFA2A5 Data collected is used to assess &ro*e uni# .or"it' and .unctionalit'A Co"&arison to &re ious assess# "ents is "ade usin( t)e sa"e instru"ent settin(s ?includin( (ain@ t)at ,ere sa ed to !leA T)e recei er (ain to &ro ide an 30O res&onse s)ould *e ,it)in a ran(e o. W2 dB o. an' &re ious assess"ents and ,it)in W2 dB o. eac) ot)erA AFA2A3 T)e total nu"*er o. inacti e ele"ents and nu"*er o. adSacent inacti e ele"ents in a &ro*e s)ould *e a(reed u&on and identi!ed in a ,ritten &rocedureA T)is nu"*er "a' *e di..erent .or *aseline and in#ser ice eri!# cationsA So"e &)ased#arra' &ro*es "a' )a e se eral )un# dred ele"ents and e en ne, &)ased#arra' &ro*es "a' *e .ound to )a e inacti e ele"ents as a result o. "anu.actur# in( di.!culties ensurin( t)e electrical connections to ele# "ents ,it) di"ensions on t)e order o. a .raction o. a "illi"etreA
AFA2A11 Prior to re"o in( t)e &ro*e .ro" ser ice t)e ca*le used .or t)e test s)ould *e e!c)an(ed ,it) anot)er ca*le% ,)en &ossi*le% to eri.' t)at t)e inacti e ele"ents are not due to a *ad ca*leA AFA2A12 Ca*le continuit' ada&ters can *e "ade t)at allo, t)e "ulti#strand connectors to *e tested inde&en# dentl'A T)ese ada&tors can *e connected to t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent directl' to eri.' t)at all out&ut c)annels are acti e or t)e' can *e connected to t)e &ro*e# end o. t)e ca*le to indicate t)e continuit' o. t)e indi idual co#a!ial connectors in t)e interconnectin( ca*leA 8i(ure AFA1 illustrates an e!a"&le o. a dis&la' used to identi.' inacti e c)annels in a &)ased#arra' instru"ent or ca*leA
AGA ASSESSMENT O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 8OC<SINI ABILIT7 AGA1 Introduction AGA1A1 8ocusin( o. ultrasonic *ea"s is *ased on ,ell -no,n &rinci&lesA +o,e er% unli-e sin(le ele"ent &ro*es% &)ased#arra' s'ste"s can *e con!(ured to .ocus o er a ran(e o. sound &at)s and in *ot) trans"it and recei e "odesA E..ecti eness o. t)e .ocusin( al(orit)"s can *e assessed *' deter"inin( t)e *ea" res&onse di"ensionsA T)is is si"ilar to t)e *ea" &ro!lin( descri*ed in Anne! A1A Li"its o. .ocusin( are intrinsic in t)e &ro*e &ara"eters and su*Sect to t)e "ini"u" ti"in(#dela' ca&a*ilities o. t)e &)ased#arra' ultrasonic instru"entA
AFA2A2 T)e nu"*er o. inacti e ele"ents allo,ed s)ould *e *ased on &er.or"ance o. ot)er ca&a*ilities suc) as .ocusin( and steerin( li"its o. t)e .ocal la,s *ein( usedA No si"&le rule .or t)e nu"*er o. inacti e ele"ents can *e "ade .or all &)ased#arra' &ro*esA T'&icall'% i. "ore t)an 21O o. t)e ele"ents in a &ro*e are inacti e% sensiti it' and steerin( ca&a*ilities "a' *e co"&ro"isedA Si"ilarl'% t)e nu"*er o. adSacent ele"ents allo,ed to *e inacti e s)ould *e deter"ined *' t)e steerin( and electronic raster resolution reJuired *' t)e a&&licationA
AGA2 Test Set#<& AGA2A1 Con!(ure t)e &)ased#arra' s'ste" .or t)e .ocusin( .ocal la,s to *e assessed and acousticall' cou&le t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e to a *loc- ,it) inclined side#drilled )oles as illustrated in 8i(A A1A1A Co"&ression "odes ,it) or ,it)out a dela'#line and s)ear "odes usin( a re.ractin( ,ed(e can *e assessed *' t)is "et)odA AGA2A2 8ocusin( at a sin(le re.racted an(le is assessed *' t)is "et)odA L)ere se eral an(les are used it ,ill *e necessar' to assess t)e .ocusin( a*ilit' .or eac) an(le se&aratel'A AGA2AF <sin( eit)er an electronic scan or encoded "ec)anical scan in t)e &lane o. interest% t)e .ull ,a e.or"s are collected and dis&la'ed in a de&t) corrected B#scan &roSection i"a(e as illustrated in 8i(A AGA1A
AFA2A10 Sta*ilit' o. cou&lin( is essential .or t)e co"&arison assess"entA I. usin( a contact "et)od and t)e assess"ent o. ele"ents &roduces si(nals outside t)e W2 dB ran(e t)e cou&lin( s)ould *e c)ec-ed and t)e test run a(ainA I. still outside t)e acce&ta*le ran(e t)e &ro*e s)ould *e re"o ed .ro" ser ice and corrected &rior to .urt)er useA T)e test usin( a !!ed ,ater &at) to a ,ater0steel inter.ace ,ill reduce cou&lin( ariationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
o. t)e o ersiDin( o. t)e side#drilled )ole dia"eterA 8or e!a"&le% i. 2#"" dia"eter SD+s are used and t)e 4#dB dro& is used to (au(e dia"eter .ro" t)e B#scan% t)e ,or-# in( ran(e can *e de!ned as t)e de&t) or sound#&at) distance t)at t)e B#scan can "aintain t)e 4#dB di"ension to less t)an t,ice t)e actual dia"eterA AGA2A4 Practical li"its .or )ole dia"eters and .ocal s&ot siDes are reJuiredA Practical .ocal s&ots .or .ocused *ea"s cannot *e "ade s"aller t)at a*out 1A1 ti"es t)e ,a elen(t) usedA 8or a 1#M+D co"&ression ,a e in steel t)is is a*out 1A5 ""A T)e .ocal s&ot siDe is also a .unction o. sound &at)R t)e dee&er t)e )oles% t)e ,ea-er t)e .ocusin(A AGA2A5 In order t)at t)e dia"eter assess"ent *e "eanin(.ul% t)e sa"&le inter al "ust *e s"all co"&ared to t)e tar(et assessedA It is reco""ended t)at at least .our sa"&les &er )ole dia"eter *e usedA 8or e!a"&le% .or a 2#"" dia"eter SD+ tar(et t)e sa"&le inter al o. a "ec)a# niDed encoded scan s)ould *e 0A1 "" or .or an electronic scan t)e ste& *et,een eac) .ocal la, s)ould not e!ceed 0A1 "" ?t)is ,ill *e li"ited *' t)e ele"ent &itc) o. t)e &ro*e@A
AGA2AG E..ecti eness o. t)e .ocusin( al(orit)" is assessed *' siDin( t)e dia"eter o. t)e &roSected i"a(e *ased on a dB dro& .ro" "a!i"u" a"&litude and co"&ar# in( t)at di"ension to t)e actual "ac)ined dia"eter o. t)e side#drilled )oleA AGA2A1 Lor-in( ran(e o. t)e .ocusin( al(orit)" "a' *e deter"ined *' a(ree"ent as to t)e "a!i"u" di"ension
A1A ASSESSMENT O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 COMP<TER CONTROL O8 PARAMETERS AND DATA DISPLA7 A1A1 Introduction A1A1A1 P)ased#arra' *ea" control is *ased on t)e 8er"at &rinci&les ,)ic) i"&lies t)at sound .ollo,s t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&at) o. least ti"eA T)is &rinci&le is used in ra'#tracin( o. sound &at)s o. trans"itted ,a e.ronts .ro" t)e ele"ents o. a &)ased#arra' &ro*e to calculate t)e dela's reJuired in t)e ti"in( electronics to direct a *ea" to a s&eci!ed loca# tionA <sin( t)e 8er"at Princi&le% re.racted an(les and .ocal &ositions are calculated *' enterin( t)e acoustic elocities o. t)e "aterials t)rou() ,)ic) t)e sound &ro&a(atesA I. t)e "aterial acoustic elocities are accurate t)en t)e calculated &osition o. t)e *ea" ,ill also *e accurateA Accurac' o. t)e calculations is t)ere.ore a .unction o. se eral aria*les includin(R acoustic elocit' o. t)e "aterials used% di"en# sions o. t)e &ro*e co"&onents ?ele"ent siDe% do"inant .reJuenc'% di er(ence% tra el distance in t)e dela' line or ,ed(e@ and &ulser ti"in( accurac' to a..ect t)e necessar' &)ase inter.erence &atternsA I. all t)e aria*les are accu# ratel' entered in t)e a&&ro&riate eJuations t)e *ea" s)ould *e accuratel' &ositionedA In a co"&uter controlled s'ste" t)e onl' e idence a aila*le to t)e o&erator is t)e data dis&la'A T)is &ro ides a coordinate s'ste" t)at &ositions t)e res&onse .ro" a tar(et in t,o or t)ree di"ensionsA Relatin( t)e t)eoretical &lotted &osition on t)e dis&la' to actual -no,n &ositions o. s&eci!c tar(ets is t)e onl' ti e "et)od o. assessin( t)e alidit' o. t)e co"*ination o. aria*les and t)e co"&uter al(orit)"s .or t)e dis&la'A
8or t)e side#drilled )oles at 10#"" radius use t)e results o. t)e .ocal la,s con!(ured .or 10#"" .ocus and .or t)e )oles at 21#"" radius use t)e .ocal la,s con!(ured .or 21 ""A A1A2A3 Co"&are t)e alues assessed usin( t)e so.t# ,are to t)e &)'sical &ositions o. t)e )oles in t)e *loc-A Sound &at) distances indicated on t)e co"&uter dis&la' s)ould indicate )ole &ositions ,it)in W0A1 ""A De&t) and o..#set &ositions o. )oles s)ould *e ,it)in W0A1 "" and all an(les to t)e )oles s)ould *e ,it)in W1A0 de(A
A4A ASSESSMENT O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 LEDIE ATTEN<ATION AND DELA7 COMPENSATIONS A4A1 Introduction A4A1A1 L)en an electronic or sectorial scan is used t)e ariations *et,een t)e electronics o. eac) &ulser and recei er and ariations *et,een &ro*e ele"ents "a' result in s"all (ain ariations .ro" one .ocal la, to t)e ne!tA Also% t)e e.!cienc' o. (eneration aries ,it) an(le% and declines a,a' .ro" t)e BnaturalC an(le o. t)e ,ed(eA L)en a dela' line or re.ractin( ,ed(e is used% ariations in &at) distances ,it)in t)e ,ed(e ,ill result in so"e .ocal la,s reJuirin( "ore or less a"&li!er (ainA A "et)od o. co"&en# satin( .or (ain ariations so as to Bnor"aliDeC t)e set o. .ocal la,s in an electronic or S#scan is reJuiredA
A1A2 Test Set#<& A1A2A1 <sin( a contact linear &)ased#arra' &ro*e% no"inall' 1 M+D and )a in( at least 14 ele"ents ,it) a &itc) not (reater t)an 1 ""% con!(ure t)e so.t,are .or t,o se&arate S#scans% one at WF0 de( ,it) a .ocal distance o. 21 "" in steel ?t)at is% .ocused at a sound &at) o. 21 "" in steel@% t)e ot)er at WF0 de( ,it) a .ocal distance o. 10 "" in steel ?t)at is% .ocused at a sound &at) o. 10 "" in steel@A 8or *ot) sets o. .ocal la,s &ro(ra" an an(ular ste& inter al o. 0A1 de( and all .ocal la,s s)all use 14 adSacent ele"entsA
A4A1A2 L)en a &)ased#arra' &ro*e is used on a dela' line or re.ractin( ,ed(e% calculations .or *ea" steerin( and &roSection dis&la's rel' on t)e 8er"at &rinci&leA T)is reJuires t)at t)e o&erator identi.' t)e &osition in s&ace o. t)e &ro*e ele"entsA T)is ensures t)at t)e &at) len(t)s to t)e ,ed(e#steel inter.ace are accuratel' -no,nA It is necessar' to eri.' t)at t)e coordinates used *' t)e o&erator &ro ide correct de&t) calculationsA T)is ensures t)at t)e dis&la' so.t,are correctl' &ositions indications detectedA A4A1AF Co"&ensation .or attenuation ariations and dela' ti"es "a' *e "ade one .ocal la, at a ti"e or so.t,are can *e con!(ured to "a-e t)e co"&ensations d'na"icall'A a ta*ular .or"A 8or t)e side#drilled )oles at 10#"" radius use t)e results o. t)e .ocal la,s con!(ured .or 10#"" .ocus and .or t)e )oles at 21#"" radius use t)e .ocal la,s con!(ured .or 21 ""A A4A2 Led(e#Attenuation Co"&ensation A4A2A1 T)is (uide a&&lies to assess"ents o. ,ed(e#attenuation co"&ensations .or E#scan or electronic raster scans ,)ere 1D linear arra' &ro*es are usedA A4A2A2 Con!(ure t)e &)ased#arra' s'ste" .or t)e .ocal la,s to *e used in t)e electronic raster scan a&&li# cationA A4A2AF Acousticall' cou&le t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e to t)e *loc- ,it) a side#drilled )ole at a -no,n de&t)A T)e
A1A2A2 Ensure t)at t)e di(itiDin( .reJuenc' .or data collection is at least 30 M+DA A1A2AF Pre&are a series o. side#drilled )oles in a steel *loc- t)at )as acoustic elocit' deter"ined in accor# dance ,it) E G2GA T)is elocit' alue ,ill *e used in t)e .ocal la,sA A1A2AG Acousticall' cou&le and ali(n t)e &ro*e on t)e *loc- illustrated in 8i(A A2A1 suc) t)at t)e centre o. t)e ele"ent arra' ali(ns ,it) t)e centerline o. t)e )ole &atternA A1A2A1 Scan and sa e t)e S#scan .or t)e 21#"" .ocal distanceA A1A2A4 Scan and sa e t)e S#scan .or t)e 10#"" .ocal distanceA A1A2A5 <sin( t)e co"&uter dis&la' coordinate cur# sors assess and record t)e de&t)s% o..#sets .ro" t)e center# line and an(les to t)e side#drilled )oles in a ta*ular .or"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A1#"" dia"eter SD+ in t)e IIL *loc- is a con enient tar(et .or t)is &ur&oseA A4A2AG Select t)e A#scan dis&la' .or t)e !rst .ocal la, con!(ured and "o e t)e &ro*e .or,ard and *ac-,ard to locate t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude si(nal .ro" t)e SD+A A4A2A1 AdSust t)e res&onse .ro" t)e SD+ to 30O .ull screen )ei()t ?8S+@ and sa e t)e &ara"eters in t)e .ocal la, !leA A4A2A4 Re&eat t)e &rocess o. "a!i"iDin( t)e si(nal .ro" t)e SD+ and settin( it to 30O 8S+ .or eac) .ocal la, and sa in( t)e set#u& !le a.ter eac) .ocal la, is co"&letedA A4A2A5 Alternati el'% t)is &rocess "a' *e co"&uter# iDed so t)at a d'na"ic assess"ent o. sensiti it' adSust"ent is calculated *' t)e co"&uterA A d'na"ic assess"ent ,ould si"&l' reJuire t)e o&erator to "o e t)e &ro*e *acand .ort) o er t)e SD+ ensurin( t)at all t)e .ocal la,s used )a e t)e SD+ tar(et "o e t)rou() t)e *ea"A Led(e attenuation corrections ,ould t)en *e calculated *' t)e &)ased#arra' s'ste" to ensure t)at t)e a"&litude o. t)e SD+ detected *' eac) .ocal la, ,ould *e adSusted to t)e sa"e a"&litudeA
100#"" radius o. t)e IIL *loc- is a con enient tar(et .or t)is &ur&oseA A4AFAG Select t)e A#scan dis&la' .or t)e !rst .ocal la, con!(ured and "o e t)e &ro*e .or,ard and *ac-,ard to locate t)e "a!i"u" a"&litude si(nal .ro" t)e radius selectedA A4AFA1 AdSust t)e dela' settin(s to indicate t)e sound &at) in t)e "etal to correctl' indicate t)e radius used and sa e t)e .ocal la, &ara"etersA A4AFA4 Re&eat t)e "a!i"iDation o. t)e radius res&onse .or eac) .ocal la, in t)e scan set and sa e t)e &ara"eter settin( a.ter eac) dela' )as *een adSustedA A4AFA5 Alternati el'% t)is &rocess "a' *e co"&uter# iDed so t)at a d'na"ic assess"ent o. dela' adSust"ent is calculated *' t)e co"&uterA A d'na"ic assess"ent ,ould si"&l' reJuire t)at t)e o&erator "o e t)e &ro*e *ac- and .ort) o er t)e center o. t)e radius assurin( t)at all t)e .ocal la,s used )a e t)e center o. *ea" ra' &ea- on t)e radius a&&ro&riate .or t)eir an(leA A4AFA3 S"all an(le co"&ression ,a e .ocal la,s "a' reJuire a custo" *loc- to carr' out t)is co"&ensationA A4AFA2 Pro*e "otion .or t)e arious ,ed(e and scan t'&e con!(urations are illustrated in 8i(A A4A2A
A4A2A3 Assess"ent o. ,ed(e#attenuation co"&ensa# tion reJuires a constant steel &at) to ensure t)at onl' t)e e..ect ,ed(e ariations are assessedA 8or S#scans ,)ere 1D linear arra' &ro*es are used% a sin(le SD+ results in a c)an(in( steel &at) .or eac) an(le "a-in( it unsuita*le .or t)is tas-A A reco""ended tar(et is a radius si"ilar to t)at o. t)e 100#"" radius o. t)e IIL *loc-A 8or S#scans ste&s A4A2A2 to A4A2A4 are used re&lacin( t)e SD+ ,it) a suita*le radiusA <se o. t)e radius .or S#scan con!(urations also &ro ides correction .or ec)otrans"ittance e..ects intrinsic in an(le ariationA
A5A ASSESSMENT O8 P+ASED#ARRA7 INSTR<MENT LINEARITIES A5A1 Introduction A5A1A1 T)e indi idual &ulser and recei er co"&o# nents o. &)ased#arra' ultrasonic instru"ents o&erate essen# tiall' t)e sa"e as an' sin(le c)annel ultrasonic instru"entA Con.or"ance to linearit' reJuire"ents as descri*ed in E F15 "a' *e carried outA +o,e er% due to t)e di(ital# control nature o. all &)ased#arra' instru"ents and t)e .act t)at "ulti&le &ulsers and recei ers are used% it is reJuired t)at &)ased#arra' instru"ents *e assessed .or linearit' di.# .erentl' t)an traditional sin(le#c)annel unitsA
NOTE 4A1 M I. a&&ro&riate co"&ensation cannot *e ac)ie ed% .or e!a"# &le% i. t)e an(ular ran(e is so lar(e t)at t)e si(nal a"&litude cannot e..ecti el' *e co"&ensated% t)en t)e ran(e "ust *e reduced until it is &ossi*le to co"&ensateA
A4A2A2 Pro*e "otion .or t)e arious ,ed(e and scan#t'&e con!(urations are illustrated in 8i(A A4A1A A4AF Led(e#Dela' Co"&ensation A4AFA1 L)en an an(led re.ractin( ,ed(e is used .or E#scans or S#scans% or ,)en a !!ed t)ic-ness dela' line is used .or S#scans% t)e sound &at) in t)e ,ed(e "aterial aries .ro" one .ocal la, to t)e ne!tA Co"&ensation .or t)is dela' ti"e di..erence is reJuired so as to ensure t)at indications detected are correctl' &ositioned in t)e &roSec# tion scan dis&la's% t)at is% de&t) and an(le ,it)in t)e test &iece are correctl' &lottedA A4AFA2 Con!(ure t)e &)ased#arra' s'ste" .or t)e .ocal la,s to *e used in t)e S#scan or electronic raster scan a&&licationA A4AFAF Acousticall' cou&le t)e &)ased#arra' &ro*e to a *loc- ,it) -no,n radius o. cur atureA T)e 10#"" or
A5A2 Test Set#<& A5A2A1 T)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent is con!(ured to dis&la' an A#scan &resentationA A5A2A2 AdSust t)e ti"e#*ase o. t)e A#scan to a suit# a*le ran(e to dis&la' t)e &ulse#ec)o si(nals selected .or t)e linearit' eri!cationsA A linearit' *loc- si"ilar to t)at descri*ed in E F15 is selected to &ro ide si(nals to assess linearit' as&ects o. t)e instru"entA Suc) a *loc- is s)o,n in 8i(A A5A1 ,it) a sin(le ele"ent &ro*e "ounted on itA A5A2AF Pulser &ara"eters are selected .or t)e .re# Juenc' and *and&ass !lter to o&ti"iDe t)e res&onse .ro" t)e &ulse#ec)o ?sin(le ele"ent@ &ro*e used .or t)e linearit' eri!cationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A5A2AG T)e recei er (ain is set to dis&la' non#saturat# in( si(nals o. interest .or dis&la' )ei()t and a"&litude control linearit' assess"entsA A5AF Dis&la' +ei()t Linearit' A5AFA1 Lit) t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent connected to a &ro*e ?s)ear or lon(itudinal@ and cou&led to an' *loct)at ,ill &roduce t,o si(nals as s)o,n in 8i(A A5A2 adSust t)e &ro*e suc) t)at t)e a"&litude o. t)e t,o si(nals are at 30O and G0O o. t)e dis&la' screen )ei()tA I. t)e &)ased# arra' instru"ent )as &ro ision to address a sin(le ele"ent &ro*e in &ulse#ec)o "ode t)en t)e t,o !at *otto" )oles ,it) adSusta*le acoustic i"&edance inserts in t)e custo" linearit' *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A A5A1 &ro ides suc) si(nalsA
A5AFA4 T)e results are recorded on an instru"ent linearit' .or"A A5AG A"&litude Control Linearit' A5AGA1 A 14V4G &)ased#arra' instru"ent )as 14 &ulsers and recei ers t)at are used to address u& to 4G ele"entsA Eac) o. t)e &ulser#recei er co"&onents is c)ec-ed to deter# "ine t)e linearit' o. t)e instru"ent a"&li!cation ca&a*il# itiesA A5AGA2 Select a !at ?nor"al incidence@ linear arra' &)ased#arra' &ro*e )a in( at least as "an' ele"ents as t)e &)ased#arra' ultrasonic instru"ent )as &ulsersA A5AGAF <sin( t)is &ro*e% con!(ure t)e &)ased#arra' ultrasonic instru"ent to )a e an electronic raster scanA Eac) .ocal la, ,ill consist o. one ele"ent and t)e scan ,ill start at ele"ent nu"*er 1 and end at t)e ele"ent nu"*er t)at corres&onds to t)e nu"*er o. &ulsers in t)e &)ased#arra' instru"entA A5AGAG Cou&le t)e &ro*e to a suita*le sur.ace to o*tain a &ulse#ec)o res&onse .ro" eac) .ocal la,A T)e *ac-,all ec)o .ro" t)e 21#"" t)ic-ness o. t)e IIL *locor t)e *ac-,all .ro" t)e 20#"" t)ic-ness o. t)e custo" linearit' *loc- illustrated in 8i(A A5A1 &ro ides a suita*le tar(et o&tionA Alternati el'% i""ersion testin( can *e usedA A5AGA1 Select C)annel 1 o. t)e &ulser#recei ers o. t)e &)ased#arra' instru"entA <sin( t)e A#scan dis&la'% "onitor t)e res&onse .ro" t)e selected tar(etA AdSust t)e (ain to *rin( t)e si(nal to G0O screen )ei()tA T)is is illustrated in 8i(A A5AFA A5AGA4 Add (ain to t)e recei er in t)e incre"ents o. 1 dB% t)en 2 dB% t)en G dB and t)en 4 dBA Re"o e t)e (ain added a.ter eac) incre"ent to ensure t)at t)e si(nal )as returned to G0O dis&la' )ei()tA Record t)e actual )ei()t o. t)e si(nal as a &ercenta(e o. t)e dis&la' )ei()tA
A5AFA2 Increase t)e (ain usin( t)e recei er (ain adSust"ent to o*tain 100O o. .ull screen )ei()t o. t)e lar(er res&onseA T)e )ei()t o. t)e lo,er res&onse is recorded at t)is (ain settin( as a &ercenta(e o. .ull screen )ei()tA
NOTE A5A1 M 8or 3#*it di(itiDation s'ste"s t)is alue s)ould *e 22O% as 100O ,ould &ro ide a saturation si(nalA
A5AFAF T)e )ei()t o. t)e )i()er res&onse is reduced in 10O ste&s to 10O o. .ull screen )ei()t and t)e )ei()t o. t)e second res&onse is recorded .or eac) ste&A A5AFAG Return t)e lar(er si(nal to 30O to ensure t)at t)e s"aller si(nal )as not dri.ted .ro" its ori(inal G0O le el due to cou&lin( ariationA Re&eat t)e test i. ariation o. t)e second si(nal is (reater t)an G1O or less t)an F2O 8S+A A5AFA1 8or an acce&ta*le tolerance% t)e res&onses .ro" t)e t,o re!ectors s)ould *ear a 2#to#1 relations)i& to ,it)in WFO o. .ull screen )ei()t t)rou()out t)e ran(e 10O to 100O ?22O i. 100O is saturation@ o. .ull screen )ei()tA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A5AGA5 AdSust t)e si(nal to 100O dis&la' )ei()t% re"o e 4#dB (ain and record t)e actual )ei()t o. t)e si(nal as a &ercenta(e o. t)e dis&la' )ei()tA A5AGA3 Si(nal a"&litudes s)ould .all ,it)in a ran(e o. WFO o. t)e dis&la' )ei()t reJuired in t)e allo,ed )ei()t ran(e o. Ta*le A5A1A A5AGA2 Re&eat t)e seJuence .ro" A5AGA1 to A5AGA5 .or all ot)er &ulser#recei er c)annelsA A5AGA10 8or instru"ents )a in( 10# or 12#*it a"&li# tude di(itiDation and con!(ured to read a"&litudes in a (ated re(ion to a"&litudes (reater t)an can *e seen on t)e dis&la'% a lar(er ran(e o. c)ec- &oints can *e usedA 8or t)ese instru"ents t)e (ated out&ut instead o. t)e A#scan dis&la' ,ould *e eri!ed .or linearit'A
NOTE A5A2 M An e!a"&le o. a"&litudes (reater t)an 100O dis&la' )ei()t is seen in 8i(A A5AG ,)ere (ate AO indicates a 200O si(nal and (ate BO indicates 154OA
A5A1 Ti"e#Base Linearit' ?+oriDontal Linearit'@ A5A1A1 Con!(ure t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent to dis# &la' an A#scan &resentationA A5A1A2 Select an' co"&ression ,a e &ro*e and con# !(ure t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent to dis&la' a ran(e suit# a*le to o*tain at least ten "ulti&le *ac- re!ections .ro" a *loc- o. a -no,n t)ic-nessA T)e 21#"" ,all t)ic-ness o. t)e IIL *loc- is a con enient o&tion .or t)is testA A5A1AF Set t)e &)ased#arra' instru"ent analo(#to# di(ital con ersion rate to at least 30 M+DA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Date6 Si(nature6 Cou&lant6 Pulse Duration ?ns@6 Recei er ?*and@6 A era(in(6 A"&litude Control Linearit' S"all Actual ?O@ IndA +ei()t G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 G0 dB X1 X2 XG X4 \4 Allo,ed Ran(e G2UG5 G3U12 40U44 55U3F G5U1F Recei er s"oot)in(6
Di(itiDation 8reJuenc' ?M+D@6 Dis&la' +ei()t Linearit' Lar(e ?O@ 100 20 30 50 40 10 G0 F0 20 10 S"all Allo,ed Ran(e G5U1F G2UG3 G0 F2UF3 25UFF 22U23 15U2F 12U13 5U1F 2U3
A"&litude Control Linearit' C)annel Results6 ?Note an' c)annels t)at do not .all in t)e allo,ed ran(e@ C)annel ?Add "ore i. reJuired .or F2 or 4G &ulser#recei er units@ 1 2 F G 1 4 5 3 2 10 11 12 1F 1G 11 14
Ti"e#Base Linearit' ?.or 21#"" IIL *loc-s@ Multi&le T)ic-ness Measured Inter al Allo,ed de iation W0A1 "" ?7es0No@ 1 21 2 10 F 51 G 100 1 121 4 110 5 151 3 200 2 221 10 210
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A5A1AG Lit) t)e &ro*e cou&led to t)e *loc- and t)e A#scan dis&la'in( 10 clearl' de!ned "ulti&les as illus# trated in 8i(A A5AG% t)e dis&la' so.t,are is used to assess t)e inter al *et,een adSacent *ac-,all si(nalsA A5A1A1 Acoustic elocit' o. t)e test *loc-% deter# "ined usin( t)e "et)ods descri*ed in E G2G% is entered into t)e dis&la' so.t,are and t)e dis&la' con!(ured to read out in distance ?t)ic-ness@A A5A1A4 <sin( t)e re.erence and "easure"ent cursors deter"ine t)e inter al *et,een eac) "ulti&le and record t)e inter al o. t)e !rst 10 "ulti&lesA
A5A1A5 Acce&ta*le linearit' "a' *e esta*lis)ed *' an error tolerance *ased on t)e analo(#to#di(ital con ersion rate con erted to a distance eJui alentA 8or e!a"&le% at 100 M+D eac) sa"&le o. t)e ti"e*ase is 10 nsA 8or steel at 1200 "0s eac) sa"&le alon( t)e ti"e*ase ?10 ns@ in &ulse#ec)o "ode re&resents F0 "A A tolerance o. WF ti"in( sa"&les s)ould *e ac)ie a*le *' "ost analo(#to# di(ital s'ste"sA So"e allo,ance s)ould *e "ade .or eloc# it' deter"ination error ?`1O@A T'&icall' t)e errors on t)e "ulti&les s)ould not e!ceed W0A1 "" .or a steel &lateA A5A1A3 A sa"&le recordin( ta*le .or t)e linearit' c)ec-s is indicated in Ta*le A5A1A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
PIdentical ,it) ASTM D 122#00 ?R2001@Q ?T)is s&eci!cation is a aila*le in SI <nits onl'A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. sul.ur in &etroleu" &roducts% includin( lu*ricatin( oils containin( additi es% additi e concentrates% and lu*ricatin( (reases t)at cannot *e *urned co"&letel' in a ,ic- la"&A T)e test "et)od is a&&lica*le to an' &etroleu" &roduct su.!cientl' lo, in olatilit' t)at it can *e ,ei()ed accuratel' in an o&en sa"&le *oat and containin( at least 0A1O sul.urA
D 112F S&eci!cation .or Rea(ent Later D 1112 Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?+i()#Te"&erature Met)od@ D 4222 Practice .or A&&l'in( Statistical Kualit' Assurance Tec)niJues to E aluate Anal'tical Measure"ent S'ste" Per.or"ance E 1GG Practice .or Sa.e <se o. O!'(en Co"*ustion Bo"*s
NOTE 1 M T)is test "et)od is not a&&lica*le to sa"&les containin( ele"ents t)at (i e residues% ot)er t)an *ariu" sul.ate% ,)ic) are insolu*le in dilute )'droc)loric acid and ,ould inter.ere in t)e &reci&itation ste&A T)ese inter.erin( ele"ents include iron% alu"inu"% calciu"% silicon% and lead ,)ic) are so"eti"es &resent in (reases% lu*e oil additi es% or additi e oilsA Ot)er acid insolu*le "aterials t)at inter.ere are silica% "ol'*denu" disul!de% as*estos% "ica% etcA T)e test "et)od is not a&&lica*le to used oils containin( ,ear "etals% and lead or silicates .ro" conta"inationA Sa"&les t)at are e!cluded can *e anal'Ded *' Test Met)od D 1112A
FA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od FA1 T)e sa"&le is o!idiDed *' co"*ustion in a *o"* containin( o!'(en under &ressureA T)e sul.ur% as sul.ate in t)e *o"* ,as)in(s% is deter"ined (ra i"etricall' as *ariu" sul.ateA FA2 Larnin( M Strict ad)erence to all o. t)e &ro i# sions &rescri*ed )erea.ter ensures a(ainst e!&losi e ru&# ture o. t)e *o"*% or a *lo,#out% &ro ided t)e *o"* is o. &ro&er desi(n and construction and in (ood "ec)anical conditionA It is desira*le% )o,e er% t)at t)e *o"* *e enclosed in a s)ield o. steel &late at least 1F "" t)ic-% or eJui alent &rotection *e &ro ided a(ainst un.orseea*le contin(enciesA
1A2 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA See FA2 .or s&eci!c &recautionar' directions incor&orated in t)e test "et)odA
GA A&&aratus and Materials GA1 Bo"*% )a in( a ca&acit' o. not less t)an F00 "L% so constructed t)at it ,ill not lea- durin( t)e test and t)at
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Juantitati e reco er' o. t)e liJuids .ro" t)e *o"* "a' *e ac)ie ed readil'A T)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* "a' *e "ade o. stainless steel or an' ot)er "aterial t)at ,ill not *e a..ected *' t)e co"*ustion &rocess or &roductsA Materials used in t)e *o"* asse"*l'% suc) as t)e )ead (as-et and lead#,ire insulation% s)all *e resistant to )eat and c)e"ical action% and s)all not under(o an' reaction t)at ,ill a..ect t)e sul.ur content o. t)e liJuid in t)e *o"*A GA2 Sa"&le Cu&% &latinu"% 2G "" in outside dia"eter at t)e *otto"% 25 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% 12 "" in )ei()t outside% and ,ei()in( 10 to 11 (A GAF 8irin( Lire% &latinu"% NoA 24 B : S (a(e% 0AG1 "" ?14 t)ou@% 25 SLI% or eJui alentA ?Larnin( M T)e s,itc) in t)e i(nition circuit s)all *e o. a t'&e ,)ic) re"ains o&en% e!ce&t ,)en )eld in closed &osition *' t)e o&eratorA@ GAG I(nition Circuit% ca&a*le o. su&&l'in( su.!cient cur# rent to i(nite t)e cotton ,ic-in( or n'lon t)read ,it)out "eltin( t)e ,ireA T)e current s)all *e dra,n .ro" a ste&# do,n trans.or"er or .ro" a suita*le *atter'A GA1 Cotton Lic-in( or N'lon Se,in( T)read% ,)iteA 1A Rea(ents and Materials 1A1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"icals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
sta*le and re&resentati e o. t)e sa"&les o. interestA T)ese KC sa"&les can *e used to c)ec- t)e alidit' o. t)e testin( &rocess as descri*ed in Section 10A
4A Procedure 4A1 Pre&aration o. Bo"* and Sa"&le M Cut a &iece o. !rin( ,ire 100 "" in len(t)A Coil t)e "iddle section ?a*out 20 ""@ and attac) t)e .ree ends to t)e ter"inalsA Arran(e t)e coil so t)at it ,ill *e a*o e and to one side o. t)e sa"&le cu&A Insert *et,een t,o loo&s o. t)e coil a ,is& o. cotton or n'lon t)read o. suc) len(t) t)at one end ,ill e!tend into t)e sa"&le cu&A Place a*out 1 "L o. Na2COF solution in t)e *o"* ?Note 2@ and rotate t)e *o"* in suc) a "anner t)at t)e interior sur.ace is "oistened *' t)e solutionA Introduce into t)e sa"&le cu& t)e Juantities o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil ?Note F and Note G@ s&eci!ed in t)e .ollo,in( ta*le% ,ei()in( t)e sa"&le to t)e nearest 0A2 "( ?,)en ,)ite oil is used% stir t)e "i!ture ,it) a s)ort len(t) o. JuartD rod and allo, t)e rod to re"ain in t)e sa"&le cu& durin( t)e co"*ustion@A
NOTE 2 M A.ter re&eated use o. t)e *o"* .or sul.ur deter"inations% a !l" "a' *e noticed on t)e inner sur.aceA T)is dullness can *e re"o ed *' &eriodic &olis)in( o. t)e *o"*A A' "et)od .or doin( t)is is to rotate t)e *o"* in a lat)e at a*out F00 r&" and &olis) t)e inside sur.ace ,it) e"er' &olis)in( &a&ers Irit NoA 2V0% or eJui alent &a&er% coated ,it) a li()t "ac)ine oil to &re ent cuttin(% and t)en ,it) a &aste o. (rit#.ree c)ro"ic o!ide and ,aterA T)is &rocedure ,ill re"o e all *ut er' dee& &its and &ut a )i() &olis) on t)e sur.aceA Be.ore t)e *o"* is used it s)all *e ,as)ed ,it) soa& and ,ater to re"o e oil or &aste le.t .ro" t)e &olis)in( o&erationA
1A2 Purit' o. Later M <nless ot)er,ise indicated% ences to ,ater s)all "ean ,ater as de!ned *' T'&e II or III o. S&eci!cation D 112FA 1AF Bariu" C)loride Solution ?31 (0litre@ M Dissol e 100 ( o. *ariu" c)loride di)'drate ?BaCl2 L 2+2O@ in distilled ,ater and dilute to 1 literA 1AG Bro"ine Later ?saturated@A 1A1 +'droc)loric Acid ?s& (r 1A12@ M Concentrated )'droc)loric acid ?+Cl@A 1A4 O!'(en% .ree o. co"*usti*le "aterial and sul.ur co"&ounds% a aila*le at a &ressure o. G1 -(.0c" 2 ?G0 at"@A 1A5 Sodiu" Car*onate Solution ?10 (0litre@ M Dissol e 1F1 ( o. sodiu" car*onate deca)'drate ?Na2COF L 10+2O@ or its eJui alent ,ei()t in distilled ,ater and dilute to 1 litreA 1A3 L)ite Oil% <SP% or LiJuid Para.!n% BP% or eJui # alentA 1A2 Kualit' Control ?KC@ Sa"&les% &re.era*l' are &or# tions o. one or "ore liJuid &etroleu" "aterials t)at are
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
4A1A1 Larnin( M Do not use "ore t)an 1A0 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er lo, sul.ur co"*usti*le "aterial or "ore t)an 0A3 ( i. t)e IP 12 *o"* is usedA
Sul.ur Content% O 1 or under O er 1 Lei()t o. Sa"&le% ( 0A4 to 0A3 0AF to 0AG Lei()t o. L)ite Oil% ( 0A0 0AF to 0AG
NOTE F M <se o. sa"&le ,ei()ts containin( o er 20 "( o. c)lorine "a' cause corrosion o. t)e *o"*A To a oid t)is% it is reco""ended t)at .or sa"&les containin( o er 2O c)lorine% t)e sa"&le ,ei()t *e *ased on t)e c)lorine content as (i en in t)e .ollo,in( ta*le6 Lei()t o. Sa"&le% ( 0AG 0A2 0A1 0A01 Lei()t o. L)ite Oil% ( 0AG 0A4 0A5 0A5
C)lorine Content% O 2 to 1 O er 1 to 10 O er 10 to 20 O er 20 to 10
NOTE G M I. t)e sa"&le is not readil' "isci*le ,it) ,)ite oil% so"e ot)er lo, sul.ur co"*usti*le diluent "a' *e su*stitutedA +o,e er% t)e co"*ined ,ei()t o. sa"&le and non olatile diluent s)all not e!ceed 1A0 ( or "ore t)an 0A3 ( i. t)e IP 12 *o"* is usedA
4A2 Addition o. O!'(en M Place t)e sa"&le cu& in &osi# tion and arran(e t)e cotton ,is& or n'lon t)read so t)at
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e end di&s into t)e sa"&leA Asse"*le t)e *o"* and ti()ten t)e co er securel'A ?Larnin( M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tiltedA@ Ad"it o!'(en slo,l' ?to a oid *lo,in( t)e oil .ro" t)e cu&@ until a &ressure is reac)ed as indicated in t)e .ollo,in( ta*le6
to to to to
or dro&,iseA Stir t)e solution durin( t)e addition and .or 2 "in t)erea.terA Co er t)e *ea-er ,it) a !uted ,atc) (lass and continue *oilin( slo,l' until t)e solution )as e a&orated to a olu"e a&&ro!i"atel' 51 "L as indicated *' a "ar- on t)e *ea-erA Re"o e t)e *ea-er .ro" t)e )ot &late ?or ot)er source o. )eat@ and allo, it to cool .or 1 )r *e.ore !lterin(A 8ilter t)e su&ernatant liJuid t)rou() an as)less% Juantitati e !lter &a&er ?Note 1@A Las) t)e &reci&i# tate ,it) ,ater% !rst *' decantation and t)en on t)e !lter% until .ree .ro" c)lorideA t)e &a&er and &reci&itate to a ,ei()ed cruci*le and dr' ?Note 4@ at a lo, )eat until t)e "oisture )as e a&oratedA C)ar t)e &a&er co"&letel' ,it)out i(nitin( it% and !nall' i(nite at a *ri()t red )eat until t)e residue is ,)ite in colorA A.ter i(nition is co"# &lete% allo, t)e cruci*le to cool at roo" te"&erature% and ,ei()A
T)e "ini"u" &ressures are s&eci!ed to &ro ide su.!cient o!'(en .or co"&lete co"*ustion and t)e "a!i"u" &ressures re&resent a' reJuire"entA
4AF Co"*ustion M I""erse t)e *o"* in a cold distilled# ,ater *at)A Connect t)e ter"inals to t)e o&en electrical circuitA Close t)e circuit to i(nite t)e sa"&leA ?Larnin( M Do not (o near t)e *o"* until at least 20 s a.ter !rin(A@ Re"o e t)e *o"* .ro" t)e *at) a.ter i""ersion .or at least 10 "inA Release t)e &ressure at a slo,% uni.or" rate suc) t)at t)e o&eration reJuires not less t)an 1 "inA O&en t)e *o"* and e!a"ine t)e contentsA I. traces o. un*urned oil or soot' de&osits are .ound% discard t)e deter"ination and t)orou()l' clean t)e *o"* *e.ore a(ain &uttin( it in use ?Note 2@A
NOTE 1 M A ,ei()ed &orcelain !lter cruci*le ?Selas t'&e@ o. 1 to 2# " &orosit' "a' *e used in &lace o. t)e !lter &a&erA In t)is case t)e &reci&itate is ,as)ed .ree o. c)loride and t)en dried to constant ,ei()t at 100 W21[CA NOTE 4 M A' "eans o. dr'in(% c)arrin(% and i(nitin( t)e &a&er and &reci&itate is to &lace t)e cruci*le containin( t)e ,et !lter &a&er in a cold electric "u.!e .urnace and to turn on t)e currentA Dr'in(% c)arrin(% and i(nition usuall' ,ill occur at t)e desired rateA
4A4 Blan- M Ma-e a *lan- deter"ination ,)ene er ne, rea(ents% ,)ite oil% or ot)er lo,#sul.ur co"*usti*le "ate# rial are usedA L)en runnin( a *lan- on ,)ite oil% use 0AF to 0AG ( and .ollo, t)e nor"al &rocedureA
4AG Collection o. Sul.ur Solution M Rinse t)e interior o. t)e *o"*% t)e oil cu&% and t)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* co er ,it) a !ne Set o. ,ater% and collect t)e ,as)in(s in a 400#"L *ea-er )a in( a "ar- to indicate 51 "LA Re"o e an' &reci&itate in t)e *o"* *' "eans o. a ru**er &olice# "anA Las) t)e *ase o. t)e ter"inals until t)e ,as)in(s are neutral to t)e indicator "et)'l redA Add 10 "L o. saturated *ro"ine ,ater to t)e ,as)in(s in t)e *ea-erA ?T)e olu"e o. t)e ,as)in(s is nor"all' in e!cess o. F00 "LA@ Place t)e sa"&le cu& in a 10#"L *ea-erA Add 1 "L o. saturated *ro"ine ,ater% 2 "L o. +Cl% and enou() ,ater Sust to co er t)e cu&A +eat t)e contents o. t)e *ea-er to Sust *elo, its *oilin( &oint .or F or G "in and add to t)e *ea-er containin( t)e *o"* ,as)in(sA Las) t)e sa"&le cu& and t)e 10#"L *ea-er t)orou()l' ,it) ,aterA Re"o e an' &reci&itate in t)e cu& *' "eans o. a ru**er &olice"anA Add t)e ,as)in(s .ro" t)e cu& and t)e 10#"L *ea-er% and t)e &reci&itate% i. an'% to t)e *o"* ,as)in(s in t)e 400#"L *ea-erA Do not !lter an' o. t)e ,as)in(s% since !lterin( ,ould re"o e an' sul.ur &resent as insolu*le "aterialA
,)ere6 P & (ra"s o. BaSOG o*tained .ro" sa"&le% B & (ra"s o. BaSOG o*tained .ro" *lan-% and L & (ra"s o. sa"&le usedA
Re&ort 3A1 Re&ort t)e results o. t)e test to t)e nearest 0A01OA
4A1 Deter"ination o. Sul.ur M E a&orate t)e co"*ined ,as)in(s to 200 "L on a )ot &late or ot)er source o. )eatA AdSust t)e )eat to "aintain slo, *oilin( o. t)e solution and add 10 "L o. t)e BaCl2 solution% eit)er in a !ne strea"
##$$%%%%%%$%$$%$ Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
2A1 T)e &recision o. t)is test is not -no,n to )a e *een o*tained in accordance ,it) currentl' acce&ted (uidelinesA 2A1A1 Re&eata*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o test results% o*tained *' t)e sa"e o&erator ,it) t)e sa"e a&&aratus under constant o&eratin( conditions on identical
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
test "aterial% ,ould in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues onl' in one case in t,ent'6 2A1A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o sin(le and inde&endent results o*tained *' di..erent o&era# tors ,or-in( in di..erent la*oratories on identical test "ate# rial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues onl' in one case in t,ent'6
?a@ Results o. du&licate tests s)ould not *' "ore t)an t)e .ollo,# in( a"ounts6 Re&eata*ilit'Re&roduci*ilit' 0A014 ! X 0A04 0A0F5 ! X 0A1F
,)ere ! is t)e "ean o. du&licate test resultsA ?*@ T)ese &recision alues ,ere o*tained in 1240 *' statistical e!a"i# nation o. interla*orator' test resultsA No li"its )a e *een esta*lis)ed .or additi e concentratesA
Sul.ur% Lei()t O 0A1 0A1 1A0 1A1 2A0 to to to to to 0A1 1A0 1A1 2A0 1A0
2A2 Bias M Results o*tained in one la*orator' *' Test Met)od D 122 on NIST Standard Re.erence Material NosA 1420A% 1421C% and 1442B ,ere .ound to *e 0A01 "ass O )i()er t)an t)e acce&ted re.erence aluesA
NOTE 5 M T)e &recision s)o,n in t)e a*o e ta*le does not a&&l' to sa"&les containin( o er 2O c)lorine *ecause an added restriction on t)e a"ount o. sa"&le ,)ic) can *e i(nited is i"&osedA NOTE 3 M T)is test "et)od )as *een coo&erati el' tested onl' in t)e ran(e o. 0A1 to 1A0O sul.urA NOTE 2 M T)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation on t)e &recision o. t)is "et)od )as *een de elo&ed *' t)e Institute o. Petroleu" ?London@6
10A Kualit' Control 10A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent or t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a KC sa"&le ?see 1A2@A 10A1A1 L)en KC0Kualit' Assurance ?KA@ &rotocols are alread' esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% t)ese "a' *e used to con!r" t)e relia*ilit' o. t)e test resultA 10A1A2 L)en t)ere is no KC0KA &rotocol esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% A&&endi! =1 can *e used as t)e KC0KA s'ste"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A K<ALIT7 CONTROL =1A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent or t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a Jualit' control ?KC@ sa"&leA =1A2 Prior to "onitorin( t)e "easure"ent &rocess% t)e user o. t)e test "et)od needs to deter"ine t)e a era(e alue and control li"its o. t)e KC sa"&le ?see Practice D 4222 and MNL 5@A =1AF Record t)e KC results and anal'De *' control c)arts or ot)er statisticall' eJui alent tec)niJues to ascer# tain t)e statistical control status o. t)e total testin( &rocess ?see Practice D 4222 and MNL 5@A An' out#o.#control data s)ould tri((er in esti(ation .or root cause?s@A =1AG In t)e a*sence o. e!&licit reJuire"ents (i en in t)e test "et)od% t)e .reJuenc' o. KC testin( is de&endent
on t)e criticalit' o. t)e Jualit' *ein( "easured% t)e de"on# strated sta*ilit' o. t)e testin( &rocess% and custo"er reJuire"entsA Ienerall'% a KC sa"&le is anal'Ded eac) testin( da' ,it) routine sa"&lesA T)e KC .reJuenc' s)ould *e increased i. a lar(e nu"*er o. sa"&les are routinel' anal'DedA +o,e er% ,)en it is de"onstrated t)at t)e testin( is under statistical control% t)e KC testin( .reJuenc' "a' *e reducedA T)e KC sa"&le &recision s)ould *e c)ec-ed a(ainst t)e ASTM "et)od &recision to ensure data Jualit'A =1A1 It is reco""ended t)at% i. &ossi*le% t)e t'&e o. KC sa"&le t)at is re(ularl' tested *e re&resentati e o. t)e "aterial routinel' anal'DedA An a"&le su&&l' o. KC sa"# &le "aterial s)ould *e a aila*le .or t)e intended &eriod o. use% and "ust *e )o"o(enous and sta*le under t)e antici&ated stora(e conditionsA See Practice D 4222 and MNL 5 .or .urt)er (uidance on KC and control c)artin( tec)niJuesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is tur*idi"etric test "et)od co ers t)e deter"i# nation o. sul.ate in ,ater in t)e ran(e .ro" 1 "(0L to G0 "(0L o. sul.ate ion ?SOG\ \@A 1A2 T)is test "et)od ,as used success.ull' ,it) drin-# in(% (round% and sur.ace ,atersA It is t)e userEs res&onsi*il# it' to ensure t)e alidit' o. t)is test "et)od .or ,aters o. untested "atricesA 1AF 8or"er (ra i"etric and olu"etric test "et)ods )a e *een discontinuedA to A&&endi! =1 .or )istori# cal in.or"ationA 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi# *ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
E 251 Practice .or Descri*in( and Measurin( Per.or"ance o. <ltra iolet% Visi*le% and Near In.rared S&ectro&)o# to"eters
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is test "et)od% to Ter"inolo(' D 1122A
GA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od GA1 Sul.ate ion is con erted to a *ariu" sul.ate sus&en# sion under controlled conditionsA A solution containin( (l'cerin and sodiu" c)loride is added to sta*iliDe t)e sus# &ension and "ini"iDe inter.erencesA T)e resultin( tur*idit' is deter"ined *' a ne&)elo"eter% s&ectro&)oto"eter% or &)otoelectric colori"eter and co"&ared to a cur e &re&ared .ro" standard sul.ate solutionsA
D 1044 Practice .or Sa"&lin( Stea" D 1122 Ter"inolo(' Relatin( to Later D 1122 S&eci!cation .or EJui&"ent .or Sa"&lin( Later and Stea" in Closed Conduits D 112F S&eci!cation .or Rea(ent Later D 2555 Practice .or Deter"ination o. Precision and Bias o. A&&lica*le Met)ods o. Co""ittee D#12 on Later D FF50 Practices .or Sa"&lin( Later .ro" Closed Con# duits D 13G5 Practice .or Lritin( Kualit' Control S&eci!cations .or Standard Test Met)ods o. Later Anal'sis E 40 Practice .or P)oto"etric and S&ectro&)oto"etric Met)ods .or t)e C)e"ical Anal'sis o. Metals
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e deter"ination o. sul.ate is i"&ortant *ecause it )as *een re&orted t)at ,)en t)is ion is &resent in e!cess o. a*out 210 "(0L in drin-in( ,ater% it causes a cat)artic action ?es&eciall' in c)ildren@ in t)e &resence o. sodiu" and "a(nesiu"% and (i es a *ad taste to t)e ,aterA
4A Inter.erences 4A1 Insolu*le sus&ended "atter in t)e sa"&le "ust *e re"o edA Dar- colors t)at can not *e co"&ensated .or in t)e &rocedure inter.ere ,it) t)e "easure"ent o. sus&ended *ariu" sul.ate ?BaSOG@A 4A2 Pol'&)os&)ates as lo, as 1 "(0L ,ill in)i*it *ariu" sul.ate &reci&itation causin( a ne(ati e inter.erenceA P)os# &)onates &resent in lo, concentrations% de&endin( on t)e t'&e o. &)os&)onate% ,ill also cause a ne(ati e enceA Silica in e!cess o. 100 "(0L "a' &reci&itate alon(
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,it) t)e *ariu" sul.ate causin( a &ositi e inter.erenceA C)loride in e!cess o. 1000 "(0L ,ill cause a ne(ati e inter.erenceA Alu"inu"% &ol'"ers% and lar(e Juantities o. or(anic "aterial &resent in t)e test sa"&le "a' cause t)e *ariu" sul.ate to &reci&itate nonuni.or"l'A In t)e &resence o. or(anic "atter certain *acteria "a' reduce sul.ate to sul!deA To "ini"iDe t)e action o. sul.ate reducin( *acteria% sa"&les s)ould *e re.ri(erated at G[C ,)en t)e &resence o. suc) *acteria is sus&ectedA
t)e la*orator'% s&read cr'stals o er a lar(e ,atc) (lass% desiccate .or 2G )% screen to re"o e an' cr'stals t)at are not 20 to F0 "es)% and store in a clean% dr' SarA 3AG Conditionin( Rea(ent M Place F0 "L o. concen# trated )'droc)loric acid ?+Cl%s& (r 1A12@% F00 "L rea(ent ,ater% 100 "L 21O et)anol or iso&ro&anol and 51 ( sodiu" c)loride ?NaCl@ in a containerA Add 10 "L (l'cerol and "i!A 3A1 Sul.ate Solution% Standard ?1 "L & 0A100 "( SOG\ \@ M Dissol e 0A1G52 ( o. an)'drous sodiu" sul.ate ?Na2SOG@ in ,ater% and dilute ,it) ,ater to 1 L in a olu# "etric !as-A A &urc)ased stoc- solution o. adeJuate &urit' is also acce&ta*leA
4AF Alt)ou() ot)er ions nor"all' .ound in ,ater do not a&&ear to inter.ere% t)e .or"ation o. t)e *ariu" sul.ate sus&ension is er' criticalA Deter"inations t)at are in dou*t "a' *e c)ec-ed *' a (ra i"etric "et)od in so"e cases% or *' t)e &rocedure su((ested in Note 2A
5A A&&aratus 5A1 P)oto"eter M One o. t)e .ollo,in( ,)ic) are (i en in order o. &re.erenceA 5A1A1 Ne&)elo"eter or tur*idi"eterR 5A1A2 S&ectro&)oto"eter .or use at G20 n" ,it) li()t &at) o. G c" to 1 c"R 5A1AF 8ilter &)oto"eter ,it) a iolet !lter )a in( a "a!i"u" near G20 n" and a li()t &at) o. G c" to 1 c"A
2A Sa"&lin( 2A1 Collect t)e sa"&le in accordance ,it) Practice D 1044% S&eci!cation D 1122% and Practices D FF50% as a&&lica*leA
5A2 Sto&,atc)% i. t)e "a(netic stirrer is not eJui&&ed ,it) an accurate ti"erA 5AF Measurin( S&oon% ca&acit' 0A2 "L to 0AF "LA 5AG 8ilter &)oto"eters and &)oto"etric &ractices &re# scri*ed in t)is test "et)od s)all con.or" to Practice E 40R s&ectro&)oto"eter &ractices s)all con.or" to Practice E 251A
10A Cali*ration 10A1 8ollo, t)e &rocedure (i en in Section 11% usin( a&&ro&riate a"ounts o. t)e standard sul.ate solution &re# &ared in accordance ,it) 3A1 and &re&are a cali*ration cur e s)o,in( sul.ate ion content in "illi(ra"s &er litre &lotted a(ainst t)e corres&ondin( &)oto"eter readin(s ?Note 1@A Pre&are standards *' dilutin( ,it) ,ater 0A0% 1A0% 10A0% 11A0% 20A0% F0A0% and G0A0 "L o. standard sul.ate solution to 100#"L olu"es in olu"etric !as-sA T)ese solutions ,ill )a e sul.ate ion concentrations o. 0A0% 1A0% 10A0% 11A0% 20A0% F0A0% and G0A0 "(0L ?&&"@% res&ecti el'A
3A Rea(ents 3A1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"icals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'A Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
NOTE 16 A se&arate cali*ration cur e "ust *e &re&ared .or eac) &)oto"e# ter and a ne, cur e "ust *e &re&ared i. it is necessar' to c)an(e t)e cell% la"&% or !lter% or i. an' ot)er alterations o. instru"ent or rea(ents are "adeA C)ec- t)e cur e ,it) eac) series o. tests *' runnin( t,o or "ore solutions o. -no,n sul.ate concentrationsA
11A Procedure 11A1 8ilter t)e sa"&le i. it is tur*id t)rou() a 0AG1# "e"*rane and adSust t)e te"&erature to *et,een 11[C and F0[CA 11A2 Pi&ette into a 210#"L *ea-er 100 "L or less o. t)e clear sa"&le containin( *et,een 0A1 "( and G "( o. sul.ate ion ?Note 2@A Dilute to 100 "L ,it) ,ater i. reJuired% and add 1A0 "L o. conditionin( rea(ent ?Note 1@A
NOTE 26 T)e solu*ilit' o. BaSOG is suc) t)at di.!cult' "a' *e e!&eri# enced in t)e deter"ination o. sul.ate concentrations *elo, a*out 1 "(0L ?&&"@A T)is can *e o erco"e *' concentratin( t)e sa"&le or *' addin( 1 "L o. standard sul.ate solution ?1 "L & 0A100 "( SOG\ \@ to t)e sa"&le *e.ore dilutin( to 100 "LA T)is ,ill add 0A1 "( SOG to t)e sa"&le% ,)ic) "ust *e su*tracted .ro" t)e !nal resultA
3A2 Purit' o. Later M <nless ot)er,ise indicated% re.erence to ,ater s)all *e understood to "ean rea(ent ,ater con.or"in( to S&eci!cation D 112F% T'&e IA Ot)er rea(ent ,ater t'&es "a' *e used &ro ided it is !rst ascer# tained t)at t)e ,ater is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out ad ersel' a..ectin( t)e &recision and *ias o. t)e test "et)odA T'&e II ,ater ,as s&eci!ed at t)e ti"e o. round ro*in testin( o. t)is test "et)odA 3AF Bariu" C)loride M Cr'stals o. *ariu" c)loride ?BaCl2L2+2O@ screened to 20 to F0 "es)A To &re&are in
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!Mean Concentration ?U@% "(0L 4A4 20AG 4FA5 Standard De iation% "(0L ST 0A1 1A0 2A1 SO 0A1 0AG 1AF
Mean Concentration ?U@%! "(0L 4A2 20A2 4FAF Standard De iation% "(0L ST 0A5 2A2 GA1 SO 0A1 1A3 1A4
NOTE6 ?A@ T)e test "et)od is linear to G0 "(0LA Testin( at t)e 4FA2 le el ,as acco"&lis)ed t)rou() dilution as descri*ed in 11A2A
NOTE6 ?A@ T)e test "et)od is linear to G0 "(0LA Testin( at t)e 4FA2 le el ,as acco"&lis)ed t)rou() dilution as descri*ed in 11A2A
11AF Mi! in t)e stirrin( a&&aratusA 11AG L)ile t)e solution is *ein( stirred% add a "easured s&oon.ul o. BaCl2 cr'stals ?0AF (@ and *e(in ti"in( i""e# diatel'A 11A1 Stir e!actl' 1A0 "in at constant s&eedA
NOTE F6 T)e stirrin( s)ould *e at a constant rate in all deter"inationsA T)e use o. a "a(netic stirrer )as *een .ound' .or t)is &ur&oseA A"ount A"ount Added% 8ound% "(0L"(0L Rea(ent ,ater 20A3 4FA2?A@ 5A0 20A3 4FA2?A@ 5A0 20AG 4FA5?A@ 4A4 20A2 4FAF?A@ 4A2
11A4 I""ediatel' a.ter t)e stirrin( &eriod )as ended% &our solution into t)e cell and "easure t)e tur*idit' at F0#s inter als .or G "inA Record t)e "a!i"u" readin( o*tained in t)e G#"in &eriodA 11A5 I. t)e sa"&le contains color or tur*idit'% run a sa"&le *lan- usin( t)e &rocedure 11A2 t)rou() 11A4 ,it)# out t)e addition o. t)e *ariu" c)lorideA 11A3 I. inter.erences are sus&ected% dilute t)e sa"&le ,it) an eJual olu"e o. ,ater% and deter"ine t)e sul.ate concentration a(ainA I. t)e alue so deter"ined is one#)al. t)at in t)e undiluted sa"&le% inter.erences "a' *e assu"ed to *e a*sentA
NOTE6 ?A@ T)e test "et)od is linear to G0 "(0LA Testin( at t)e 4FA2 le el ,as acco"&lis)ed t)rou() dilution as descri*ed in 11A2A
o*ser ations at eac) le el .or rea(ent ,ater and .or "atri! ,ater ?drin-in(% (round% and sur.ace ,ater@A 1FAF Reco eries o. -no,n a"ounts o. sul.ate .ro" rea(ent ,ater and drin-in(% (round% and sur.ace ,aters are as s)o,n in Ta*le FA 1FAFA1 A ta*le .or esti"atin( t)e *ias o. t)e test "et)od t)rou() its a&&lica*le concentration ran(e can *e .ound in Ta*le GA 1FAFA2 T)ese colla*orati e test data ,ere o*tained on rea(ent (rade ,ater and natural ,atersA 8or ot)er "atrices% t)ese data "a' not a&&l'A 1FAG Precision and *ias .or t)is test "et)od con.or"s to Practice D 2555U34% ,)ic) ,as in &lace at t)e ti"e o. colla*orati e testin(A <nder t)e allo,ances "ade in 1AG o. D 2555U23% t)ese &recision and *ias data do "eet e!istin( reJuire"ents .or interla*orator' studies o. Co""ittee D12 test "et)odsA
12A Calculation 12A1 Con ert t)e &)oto"eter readin(s o*tained ,it) t)e sa"&le to "illi(ra"s &er litre sul.ate ion ?SO G\ \@ *' use o. t)e cali*ration cur e descri*ed in Section 10A
1FA Precision and Bias 1FA1 T)e &recision and *ias data &resented in t)is test "et)od "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice D 2555U34A 1FA2 T)e o erall and sin(le#o&erator &recision o. t)e test "et)od% ,it)in its desi(nated ran(e% aries ,it) t)e Juantit' *ein( tested accordin( to Ta*le 1 .or rea(ent ,ater and Ta*le 2 .or drin-in(% (round% and sur.ace ,atersA 1FA2A1 Se en la*oratories &artici&ated in t)e round ro*in at t)ree le els in tri&licate% "a-in( a total o. 21
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Mean Sul.ate Reco er' ?U@% "(0L! Rea(ent Later ?ST@ 4A4 ?0A1@ 20AG ?1A0@ 4FA5 ?2A1@ Matri! Later ?SO@ 4A2 ?0A5@ 20A2 ?2A2@ 4FAF ?GA1@
1GA1A2 An instru"ent c)ec- standard s)ould *e ana# l'Ded at a "ini"u" .reJuenc' o. 10O t)rou()out t)e *atc) anal'sisA T)e alue o. t)e instru"ent c)ec- standard s)ould .all *et,een 30O and 120O o. t)e true alueA 1GA1AF T,o "et)od *lan-s s)ould *e &re&ared ensur# in( t)at an adeJuate "et)od *lan- olu"e is &resent .or a "ini"u" o. se en re&etiti e anal'sesA T)e standard de i# ation o. t)e "et)od *lan- is used to deter"ine t)e "ini"u" detecta*le concentration o. eac) sa"&le and control in t)e *atc)A 1GA1AG A la*orator' control sa"&le s)ould *e ana# l'Ded ,it) eac) *atc) o. sa"&les at a "ini"u" .reJuenc' o. 10OA 1GA1A1 I. t)e KC .or t)e sa"&le *atc) is not ,it)in t)e esta*lis)ed control li"its% reanal'De t)e sa"&les or Juali.' t)e results ,it) t)e a&&ro&riate !a(s% or *ot)A ?See Practice D 13G5A@ 1GA1A4 Blind control sa"&les s)ould *e su*"itted *' an outside a(enc' in order to deter"ine t)e la*orator' &er.or"ance ca&a*ilitiesA
NOTE6 ?A@ T)e test "et)od is linear to G0 "(0LA Testin( at t)e 4FA2 le el ,as acco"&lis)ed t)rou() dilution as descri*ed in 11A2A
1GA Kualit' Control ?KC@ 1GA1 T)e .ollo,in( Jualit' control in.or"ation is rec# o""ended .or t)e deter"ination o. sul.ate ion in ,aterA 1GA1A1 T)e instru"ent s)ould *e cali*rated usin( a "ini"u" o. .our cali*ration standards and a cali*ration *lan-A T)e cali*ration correlation coe.!cient s)all *e eJual to or (reater t)an 0A220A In addition to t)e initial cali*ration *lan-% a cali*ration *lan- s)ould *e anal'Ded at t)e end o. t)e *atc) run to ensure conta"ination ,as not a &ro*le" durin( t)e *atc) anal'sisA
11A 9e',ords 11A1 drin-in( ,aterR (round ,aterR sul.ateR sur.ace ,aterR tur*idi"etric
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@ =1A RATIONALE 8OR DISCONTIN<ATION O8 MET+ODS
=1A1 Ira i"etric6 =1A1A1 T)is test "et)od ,as discontinued in 1233A T)e test "et)od "a' *e .ound in t)e 1233 Annual Booo. ASTM Standards% Vol 11A01A T)e test "et)od ,as ori(i# nall' issued in 12F3A =1A1A2 T)is test "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. sul.ate in ,ater and ,aste,aterA Sa"&les containin( .ro" 20 "(0L to 100 "(0L o. sul.ate "a' *e anal'DedA =1A1AF Sul.ate is &reci&itated and ,ei()ted as *ar# iu" sul.ate a.ter re"o al o. silica and ot)er insolu*le "atterA =1A1AG T)is test "et)od ,as discontinued *ecause t)ere ,ere insu.!cient la*oratories interested in &artici&at# in( in anot)er colla*orati e stud' to o*tain t)e necessar' &recision and *ias as reJuired *' Practice D 2555A =1A2 Volu"etric6 =1A2A1 T)is test "et)od ,as discontinued in 1233A T)e test "et)od "a' *e .ound in t)e 1233 Annual Boo-
o. ASTM Standards% Vol 11A01A T)e test "et)od ,as ori(i# nall' issued in 1212 as a non#re.eree "et)od% and "ade t)e &ri"ar' "et)od in t)e 1230 issue o. Test Met)od D 114A =1A2A2 T)is test "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. sul.ate in industrial ,aterA Sa"&les containin( .ro" 1 "(0L to 1000 "(0L o. sul.ate "a' *e anal'DedA =1A2AF Sul.ate is titrated in an alco)olic solution under controlled acid conditions ,it) a standard *ariu" c)loride solution usin( t)orin as t)e indicatorA =1A2AG T)is test "et)od ,as discontinued *ecause t)ere ,ere insu.!cient la*oratories interested in &artici&at# in( in anot)er colla*orati e stud' to o*tain t)e necessar' &recision and *ias as reJuired *' Practice D 2555A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM D 303#01@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. c)lo# rine in lu*ricatin( oils and (reases% includin( ne, and used lu*ricatin( oils and (reases containin( additi es% and in additi e concentratesA Its ran(e o. a&&lica*ilit' is 0A1 to 10O c)lorineA T)e &rocedure assu"es t)at co"&ounds con# tainin( )alo(ens ot)er t)an c)lorine ,ill not *e &resentA
ensures a(ainst e!&losi e ru&ture o. t)e *o"*% or a *lo,# out% &ro ided t)e *o"* is o. &ro&er desi(n and construction and in (ood "ec)anical conditionA It is desira*le% )o,e er% t)at t)e *o"* *e enclosed in a s)ield o. steel &late at least 1F "" ?1V2 inA@ t)ic-% or eJui alent &rotection *e &ro ided a(ainst un.orseea*le contin(enciesAQ T)e c)lorine co"# &ounds t)us li*erated are a*sor*ed in a sodiu" car*onate solution and t)e a"ount o. c)lorine &resent is deter"ined (ra i"etricall' *' &reci&itation as sil er c)lorideA
1A2 T)e &re.erred units are "ass &ercentA T)e alues stated in SI units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues (i en in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1AF T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA Atten# tion is called to s&eci!c ,arnin( state"ents incor&orated in t)e test "et)odA GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 T)is test "et)od "a' *e used to "easure t)e le el o. c)lorine#containin( co"&ounds in &etroleu" &roductsA T)is -no,led(e can *e used to &redict &er.or"ance or )andlin( c)aracteristics o. t)e &roduct in JuestionA GA2 T)is test "et)od can also ser e as a Jualitati e tool .or t)e &resence or non#detection o. c)lorine in &etroleu" &roductsA In li()t o. t)e e..orts in t)e industr' to &re&are c)lorine .ree &roducts% t)is test "et)od ,ould &ro ide in.or"ation re(ardin( t)e c)lorine le els% i. an'% in suc) &roductsA
D 112F S&eci!cation .or Rea(ent Later D G015 Practice .or Manual Sa"&lin( o. Petroleu" and Petroleu" Products D 4222 Practice .or A&&l'in( Statistical Kualit' Assurance Tec)niJues to E aluate Anal'tical Measure"ent Per# .or"ance 1A A&&aratus 1A1 Bo"*% )a in( a ca&acit' o. not less t)an F00 "L% so constructed t)at it ,ill not lea- durin( t)e test% and t)at Juantitati e reco er' o. t)e liJuids .ro" t)e *o"* "a' *e readil' ac)ie edA T)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* "a' *e "ade o. stainless steel or an' ot)er "aterial t)at ,ill not *e a..ected *' t)e co"*ustion &rocess or &roductsA Materials used in t)e *o"* asse"*l'% suc) as t)e )ead (as-et and lead#,ire insulation% s)all *e resistant to )eat and c)e"ical action% and s)all not under(o an' reaction t)at ,ill a..ect t)e c)lorine content o. t)e liJuid in t)e *o"*A
FA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od FA1 T)e sa"&le is o!idiDed *' co"*ustion in a *o"* containin( o!'(en under &ressureA PLarnin( M Strict ad)erence to all o. t)e &ro isions &rescri*ed )ereina.ter
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A2 Sa"&le Cu&% &latinu"% 2G "" in outside dia"eter at t)e *otto"% 25 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% 12 "" in )ei()t outside% and ,ei()in( 10 ( to 11 (A 1AF 8irin( Lire% &latinu"% NoA 24 B : S (a(e 0AG1 ?14 t)ou@% 25 SLI or eJui alentA 1AG I(nition Circuit% ca&a*le o. su&&l'in( su.!cient cur# rent to i(nite t)e n'lon t)read or cotton ,ic-in( ,it)out "eltin( t)e ,ireA 1AGA1 T)e s,itc) in t)e i(nition circuit s)all *e o. a t'&e t)at re"ains o&en% e!ce&t ,)en )eld in closed &osition *' t)e o&eratorA 1A1 N'lon Se,in( T)read% or Cotton Lic-in(% ,)iteA 1A4 8ilter Cruci*le% .ritted#(lass% F0#"L ca&acit'% "ediu" &orosit'A
5A2 Ta-e care t)at t)e sa"&le is t)orou()l' re&resenta# ti e o. t)e "aterial to *e tested and t)at t)e &ortion o. t)e sa"&le used .or t)e test is t)orou()l' re&resentati e o. t)e ,)ole sa"&leA
4A Rea(ents and Materials 4A1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"icals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
4A2 Purit' o. Later M <nless ot)er,ise indicated% ences to ,ater s)all *e understood to "ean rea(ent ,ater as de!ned *' T'&e II or III o. S&eci!cation D 112FA 4AF Nitric Acid ?1 X 1@ M Mi! eJual olu"es o. concen# trated nitric acid ?+NO F%s& (r 1AG2@ and ,aterA 4AG O!'(en% .ree o. co"*usti*le "aterial and )alo(en co"&ounds% a aila*le at a &ressure o. G1 -(.0c" 2 ?G0 at"os@A ?Larnin( M O!'(en i(orousl' accelerates co"# *ustionA@ 4A1 Sil er Nitrate Solution ?10 ( A(NO F0L@ M Dissol e 10 ( o. sil er nitrate ?A(NO F@ in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA 4A4 Sodiu" Car*onate Solution ?10 ( Na2COF0L@ M Dissol e 10 ( o. an)'drous Na2COF% 13A1 ( o. Na2COF f +2O% or 1F1 ( o. Na2COF f 10 +2O in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA 4A5 L)ite Oil% re!nedA 4A3 Kualit' Control ?KC@ Sa"&les% &re.era*l' are &or# tions o. one or "ore liJuid &etroleu" "aterials t)at are sta*le and re&resentati e o. t)e sa"&les o. interestA T)ese KC sa"&les can *e used to c)ec- t)e alidit' o. t)e testin( &rocess as descri*ed in Section 10A
3A Procedure 3A1 Pre&aration o. Bo"* and Sa"&le M Cut a &iece o. !rin( ,ire a&&ro!i"atel' 100 "" in len(t)A Coil t)e "id# dle section ?a*out 20 ""@ and attac) t)e .ree ends to t)e ter"inalsA Arran(e t)e coil so t)at it ,ill *e a*o e and to one side o. t)e sa"&le cu&A Insert into t)e coil a n'lon t)read% or ,is& o. cotton% o. suc) len(t) t)at one end ,ill e!tend into t)e sa"&le cu&A Place a*out 1 "L o. Na 2COF solution in t)e *o"* and *' "eans o. a ru**er &olice"an% ,et t)e interior sur.ace o. t)e *o"*% includin( t)e )ead% as t)orou()l' as &ossi*leA Introduce into t)e sa"&le cu& t)e Juantities o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil ?Note 1@ ?Larn# in( M Do not use "ore t)an 1 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er c)lorine .ree co"*usti*le "aterial@ s&eci!ed in Ta*le 1 ?Larnin( M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tilted@% ,ei()in( t)e sa"&le to t)e nearest 0A2 "(A ?L)en ,)ite oil is used% stir t)e "i!ture ,it) a s)ort len(t) o. JuartD rod and allo, t)e rod to re"ain in t)e sa"&le cu& durin( t)e co"*ustionA@ 3A1A1 A.ter re&eated use o. t)e *o"* .or c)lorine deter"ination% a !l" "a' *e noticed on t)e inner sur.aceA T)is dullness can *e re"o ed *' &eriodic &olis)in( o. t)e *o"*A A' "et)od .or doin( t)is is to rotate t)e *o"* in a lat)e at a*out F00 r&" and &olis) t)e inside ,it) Irit NoA 200 or eJui alent &a&er coated ,it) a li()t "ac)ine oil to &re ent cuttin(% and t)en ,it) a &aste o. (rit#.ree c)ro"ic o!ide and ,aterA T)is &rocedure ,ill re"o e all *ut er' dee& &its and &ut a )i() &olis) on t)e sur.aceA Be.ore usin( t)e *o"* ,as) it ,it) soa& and ,ater to re"o e oil or &aste le.t .ro" t)e &olis)in( o&erationA Bo"*s ,it) &orous or &itted sur.aces s)ould ne er *e used *ecause o. t)e tendenc' to retain c)lorine .ro" sa"&le to sa"&leA 3A1A2 L)en t)e sa"&le is not readil' "isci*le ,it) ,)ite oil% so"e ot)er non olatile% c)lorine#.ree co"*usti# *le diluent "a' *e e"&lo'ed in &lace o. ,)ite oilA +o,# e er% t)e co"*ined ,ei()t o. sa"&le and non olatile
5A Sa"&lin( 5A1 Ta-e sa"&les in accordance ,it) t)e instructions in Practice D G015A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
to to to to
T)e "ini"u" &ressures are s&eci!ed to &ro ide su.!cient o!'(en .or co"&lete co"*ustion% and t)e "a!i"u" &ressures re&resent a' reJuire"entA
diluent s)all not e!ceed 1 (A So"e solid additi es are relati el' insolu*le% *ut "a' *e satis.actoril' *urned ,)en co ered ,it) a la'er o. ,)ite oilA ?Larnin( M Do not use "ore t)an 1 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er c)lorine#.ree co"*usti*le "aterialA@
NOTE 1 M T)e &ractice o. runnin( alternatel' )i() and lo, sa"&les in c)lorine content s)all *e a oided ,)ene er &ossi*leA It is di.!cult to rinse t)e last traces o. c)lorine .ro" t)e ,alls o. t)e *o"* and t)e tendenc' .or residual c)lorine to carr' o er .ro" sa"&le to sa"&le )as *een o*ser ed in a nu"*er o. la*oratoriesA L)en a sa"&le )i() in c)lorine )as &receded one lo, in c)lorine content% t)e test on t)e lo,#c)lorine sa"&le s)all *e re&eated and one or *ot) o. t)e lo, alues t)us o*tained can *e considered sus&ect i. t)e' do not a(ree ,it)in t)e li"its o. re&eata*ilit' o. t)is "et)odA
3A1 Deter"ination o. C)lorine M Acidi.' t)e solution *' addin( +NOF ?1 X 1@ dro& *' dro& until acid to "et)'l redA Add an e!cess o. 2 "L o. t)e +NOF solutionA 8ilter t)rou() a Jualitati e &a&er Pi. t)e solution is cloud'% t)e &resence o. lead c)loride ?P*Cl2@ is indicated and t)e solu# tion s)ould *e *rou()t to a *oil *e.ore !lterin(Q and collect in a second 400#"L *ea-erA +eat t)e solution to a*out 40[C ?1G0[8@ and% ,)ile &rotectin( t)e solution .ro" stron( li()t% add (raduall'% ,)ile stirrin(% 1 "L o. A(NO F solu# tionA +eat to inci&ient *oilin( and retain at t)is te"&erature until t)e su&ernatant liJuid *eco"es clearA Test to ensure co"&lete &reci&itation *' addin( a .e, dro&s o. t)e A(NO F solutionA I. "ore &reci&itation ta-es &lace% re&eat t)e a*o e ste&s ,)ic) )a e in ol ed )eatin(% stirrin(% and addition o. A(NO F% as o.ten as necessar'% until t)e additional dro&s o. A(NO F &roduce no tur*idit' in t)e clear% su&ernatant liJuidA Allo, t)e *ea-er and contents to stand in a dar&lace .or at least an )ourA 8ilter t)e &reci&itate *' suction on a ,ei()ed .ritted#(lass !lter cruci*leA Las) t)e &reci&itate ,it) ,ater containin( 2 "L o. +NO F ?1 X 1@0LA Dr' t)e cruci*le and &reci&itate at 110[C .or 1 )A Cool in a desicca# tor% and ,ei()A
NOTE 2 M I. no &reci&itate is isi*le at t)is sta(e a.ter addition o. sil er nitrate% t)is "a' *e ta-en as an indication o. non#detecta*le Juantities o. c)lorine in t)e test sa"&le a*o e t)is test "et)odEs detection li"it ?0A1 "O@A T)e test can *e considered as co"&leted at t)is sta(eA
3A2 Addition o. O!'(en M Place t)e sa"&le cu& in &osi# tion and arran(e t)e n'lon t)read% or ,is& o. cotton% so t)at t)e end di&s into t)e sa"&leA Asse"*le t)e *o"* and ti()ten t)e co er securel'A Ad"it o!'(en ?Larnin( M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tilted@ slo,l' ?to a oid *lo,in( t)e oil .ro" t)e cu&@ until a &ressure is reac)ed as indicated in Ta*le 2A
3A4 Blan- M Ma-e a *lan- deter"ination ,it) 0A5 to 0A3 ( o. ,)ite oil *' .ollo,in( t)e nor"al &rocedure *ut o"ittin( t)e sa"&le ?Note F@A Re&eat t)is *lan- ,)ene er ne, *atc)es o. rea(ents or ,)ite oil are usedA T)e *lan"ust not e!ceed 0A0FO c)lorine *ased u&on t)e ,ei()t o. t)e ,)ite oilA
NOTE F M T)is &rocedure "easures c)lorine in t)e ,)ite oil and in t)e rea(ents used% as ,ell as t)at introduced .ro" conta"inationA
3AF Co"*ustion M I""erse t)e *o"* in a cold ,ater *at)A Connect t)e ter"inals to t)e o&en electrical circuitA Close t)e circuit to i(nite t)e sa"&leA Re"o e t)e *o"* .ro" t)e *at) a.ter i""ersion .or at least 10 "inA Release t)e &ressure at a slo,% uni.or" rate suc) t)at t)e o&eration reJuires not less t)an 1 "inA O&en t)e *o"* and e!a"ine t)e contentsA I. traces o. un*urned oil or soot' de&osits are .ound% discard t)e deter"ination% and t)orou()l' clean t)e *o"* *e.ore a(ain &uttin( it in use ?3A1A1@A
,)ere P & (ra"s o. A(Cl o*tained .ro" t)e sa"&le B & (ra"s o. A(Cl o*tained .ro" t)e *lanL & (ra"s o. sa"&le used
3AG Collection o. C)lorine Solution M Rinse t)e interior o. t)e *o"*% t)e sa"&le cu&% and t)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* co er ,it) a !ne Set o. ,ater% and collect t)e ,as)# in(s in a 400#"L *ea-erA Scru* t)e interior o. t)e *o"* and t)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* co er ,it) a ru**er &olice"anA Las) t)e *ase o. t)e ter"inals until t)e ,as)# in(s are neutral to t)e indicator "et)'l redA ?T)e olu"e o. t)e ,as)in(s is nor"all' in e!cess o. F00 "LA@ Ta-e s&ecial care not to lose an' ,as) ,aterA
10A Kualit' Control 10A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent or t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a KC sa"&le ?see 4A3@A 10A1A1 L)en KC0Kualit' Assurance ?KA@ &rotocols are alread' esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% t)ese "a' *e used to con!r" t)e relia*ilit' o. t)e test resultA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
10A1A2 L)en t)ere is no KC0KA &rotocol esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% A&&endi! =1 can *e used as t)e KC0KA s'ste"A
11A Re&ort 11A1 Re&ort t)e results to t)e nearest 0A1 "OA 11A2 I. t)ere is a*sence o. a isi*le &reci&itate in 3A1% re&ort t)e results as non#detecta*le a*o e t)e detection li"its ?0A1 "O@ o. t)is test "et)odA
12A2A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o sin(le and inde&endent results o*tained *' di..erent o&era# tors ,or-in( in di..erent la*oratories on identical test "ate# rial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues onl' in one case in t,ent'6
C)lorine% O Re&roduci*ilit' 0A10 0AF0 1O o. a"ount &resent
12A Precision and Bias 12A1 T)e &recision o. t)is test "et)od is not -no,n to )a e *een o*tained in accordance ,it) currentl' acce&ted (uidelines ?.or e!a"&le% in Co""ittee D02 Researc) Re&ort RR6D02#1005% Manual on Deter"inin( Precision Data .or ASTM Met)ods on Petroleu" Products and Lu*ri# cants@A 12A2 T)e &recision o. t)is test "et)od as o*tained *' statistical e!a"ination o. interla*orator' test results is as .ollo,s6 12A2A1 Re&eata*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een suc# cessi e test results o*tained *' t)e sa"e o&erator ,it) t)e sa"e a&&aratus under constant o&eratin( conditions on identical test "aterial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od e!ceed t)e .ollo,# in( alues onl' in one case in t,ent'6
12AF Bias6 12AFA1 Coo&erati e data indicate t)at de iations o. test results .ro" t)e true c)lorine content are o. t)e sa"e order o. "a(nitude as t)e re&roduci*ilit'A 12AFA2 It is not &ractica*le to s&eci.' t)e *ias o. t)is test "et)od .or "easurin( c)lorine *ecause t)e res&onsi*le su*co""ittee% a.ter dili(ent searc)% ,as una*le to attract olunteers .or an interla*orator' stud'A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A K<ALIT7 CONTROL =1A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent or t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a KC sa"&leA =1A2 Prior to "onitorin( t)e "easure"ent &rocess% t)e user o. t)e "et)od needs to deter"ine t)e a era(e alue and control li"its o. t)e KC sa"&le ?see Practice D 4222 and MNL 5@A =1AF Record t)e KC results and anal'De *' control c)arts or ot)er statisticall' eJui alent tec)niJues to ascer# tain t)e statistical control status o. t)e total testin( &rocess ?see Practice D 4222 and MNL 5@A An' out#o.#control data s)ould tri((er in esti(ation .or root cause?s@A =1AG In t)e a*sence o. e!&licit reJuire"ents (i en in t)e test "et)od% t)e .reJuenc' o. KC testin( is de&endent
on t)e criticalit' o. t)e Jualit' *ein( "easured% t)e de"on# strated sta*ilit' o. t)e testin( &rocess% and custo"er reJuire"entsA Ienerall'% a KC sa"&le is anal'Ded eac) testin( da' ,it) routine sa"&lesA T)e KC .reJuenc' s)ould *e increased i. a lar(e nu"*er o. sa"&les are routinel' anal'DedA +o,e er% ,)en it is de"onstrated t)at t)e testin( is under statistical control% t)e KC testin( .reJuenc' "a' *e reducedA T)e KC sa"&le &recision s)ould *e c)ec-ed a(ainst t)e ASTM "et)od &recision to ensure data Jualit'A =1A1 It is reco""ended t)at% i. &ossi*le% t)e t'&e o. KC sa"&le t)at is re(ularl' tested *e re&resentati e o. t)e "aterial routinel' anal'DedA An a"&le su&&l' o. KC sa"# &le "aterial s)ould *e a aila*le .or t)e intended &eriod o. use% and "ust *e )o"o(enous and sta*le under t)e antici&ated stora(e conditionsA See Practice D 4222 and MNL 5 .or .urt)er (uidance on KC and Control C)artin( tec)niJuesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
D 4522 Prctice .or Kualit' S'ste"s in Petroleu" Products and Lu*ricants Testin( La*oratories
1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers t)ree &rocedures .or t)e deter"ination o. total sul.ur in &etroleu" &roducts includ# in( lu*ricatin( oils containin( additi es% and in additi e concentratesA T)is test "et)od is a&&lica*le to sa"&les *oilin( a*o e 155[C ?F10[8@ and containin( not less t)an 0A04 "ass O sul.urA T,o o. t)e t)ree &rocedures use iodate detectionR one e"&lo'in( an induction .urnace .or &'rol'# sis% t)e ot)er a resistance .urnaceA T)e t)ird &rocedure uses IR detection .ollo,in( &'rol'sis in a resistance .urnaceA
1A2 Petroleu" co-e containin( u& to 3 "ass O sul.ur can *e anal'DedA 1AF T)e alues state in SI units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues (i en in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od FA1 Iodate Detection S'ste" M T)e sa"&le is *urned in a strea" o. o!'(en at a su.!cientl' )i() te"&erature to con ert a*out 25O o. t)e sul.ur to sul.ur dio!ideA A standardiDation .actor is e"&lo'ed to o*tain accurate resultsA T)e co"*ustion &roducts are &assed into an a*sor*er containin( an acid solution o. &otassiu" iodide and starc) indicatorA A .aint *lue color is de elo&ed in t)e a*sor*er solution *' t)e addition o. standard &otassiu" iodate solutionA As co"*ustion &roceeds% *leac)in( t)e *lue color% "ore iodate is addedA T)e a"ount o. standard iodate consu"ed durin( t)e co"*ustion is a "easure o. t)e sul.ur content o. t)e sa"&leA
D 112F S&eci!cation .or Rea(ent Later D 1244 Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?La"& Met)od@ D G015 Practice .or Manual Sa"&lin( o. Petroleu" and Petroleu" Products D 4222 Practice .or A&&l'in( Statistical Kualit' Assurance Tec)niJues to E aluate Anal'tical Measure"ent S'ste" Per.or"ance
FA2 IR Detection S'ste" M T)e sa"&le is ,ei()ed into a s&ecial cera"ic *oat ,)ic) is t)en &laced into a co"*ustion .urnace at 1 F51[C ?2%100[8@ in an o!'(en at"os&)ereA Most sul.ur &resent is co"*usted to SO2 ,)ic) is t)en "easured ,it) an in.rared detector a.ter "oisture and dust are re"o ed *' tra&sA A "icro&rocessor calculates t)e "ass &ercent sul.ur .ro" t)e sa"&le ,ei()t% t)e inte# (rated detector si(nal% and a &redeter"ined cali*ration .ac# torA Bot) t)e sa"&le identi!cation nu"*er and "ass &ercent sul.ur are t)en &rinted outA T)e cali*ration .actor is deter"ined usin( standards a&&ro!i"atin( t)e "aterial to *e anal'DedA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 T)is test "et)od &ro ides a "eans o. "onitorin( t)e sul.ur le el o. arious &etroleu" &roducts and addi# ti esA T)is -no,led(e can *e used to &redict &er.or"ance%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
)andlin(% or &rocessin( &ro&ertiesA In so"e cases t)e &res# ence o. sul.ur co"&ounds is *ene!cial to t)e &roduct and "onitorin( t)e de&letion o. sul.ur can &ro ide use.ul in.or# "ationA In ot)er cases t)e &resence o. sul.ur co"&ounds is detri"ental to t)e &rocessin( or use o. t)e &roductA
1A Inter.erences 1A1 8or t)e iodate s'ste"s% c)lorine in concentrations less t)an 1 "ass O does not inter.ereA T)e IR s'ste" can tolerate so"e,)at )i()er concentrationsA Nitro(en ,)en &resent in e!cess o. 0A1 "ass O "a' inter.ere ,it) t)e iodate s'ste"sR t)e e!tent o. suc) inter.erence "a' *e de&endent on t)e t'&e o. nitro(en co"&ound as ,ell as t)e co"*ustion conditionsA Nitro(en does not inter.ere ,it) t)e IR s'ste"A T)e al-ali and al-aline eart) "etals% as ,ell as Dinc% &)os&)orus% and lead% do not inter.ere ,it) eit)er s'ste"A
A&&aratus 4A1 Co"*ustion and Iodate Detection S'ste"6 4A2 Co"*ustion and IR Detection S'ste"% co"&rised o. auto"atic *alance% o!'(en !o, controls% dr'in( tu*es% co"*ustion .urnace% in.rared detector and "icro&rocessorA T)e .urnace s)all *e ca&a*le o. "aintainin( a no"inal o&eratin( te"&erature o. 1 F10[C ?2%G40[8@A 4AF Miscellaneous A&&aratus M S&eci!c co"*ustion asse"*lies reJuire additional eJui&"ent suc) as cruci*les% co"*ustion *oats% cruci*le lids% *oat &us)ers% se&arator dis-s% co"*ustion tu*es% sa"&le inserters% o!'(en !o, indicator% and o!'(en dr'in( trainsA T)e additional eJui&# "ent reJuired is de&endent on t)e t'&e o. .urnace used and is a aila*le .ro" t)e "anu.acturer o. t)e s&eci!c co"# *ustion unitA To attain t)e lo,er sul.ur concentration (i en in Section 1% t)e cera"ics used ,it) t)e induction .urnace asse"*l' s)all *e i(nited in a "u.!e .urnace at 1 F51[C ?2%100[8@ .or at least G ) *e.ore useA
4A1A1 8urnaces M T,o "aSor t'&es are a aila*le% t)e &ri"ar' di..erence *ein( t)e "anner in ,)ic) t)e necessar' )i() te"&eratures are o*tainedA T)ese t,o t'&es are as .ollo,s6 4A1A1A1 Induction T'&e% ,)ic) de&ends u&on t)e )i()#.reJuenc' electrical induction "et)od o. )eatin(A T)is asse"*l' s)all *e ca&a*le o. attainin( a te"&erature o. at least 1 G32[C ?2%500[8@ in t)e sa"&le co"*ustion Done% under t)e conditions set .ort) in 2A1 and s)all *e eJui&&ed ,it) an additional induction coil located a*o e t)e co"*us# tion Done% su*stantiall' as s)o,n in 8i(A 1A 4A1A1A2 T)e .urnace ,or- coil s)ould )a e a "ini# "u" out&ut o. 100 LR t)e "ini"u" in&ut ratin( o. t)e .urnace "ust *e 1000 LA Lit) t)e correct a"ount o. iron c)i&s% ,ei()ed to W0A01 (% t)e "a!i"u" &late current ,ill *e *et,een F10 "A and G10 "AA ?Larnin(MT)is t'&e o. .urnace is ca&a*le o. in!ictin( )i()#.reJuenc' *urns and )i()# olta(e s)oc-sA In addition to ot)er &recautions% "aintain all (uards &ro&erl'A@ ?Larnin(MDisconnect t)e .urnace .ro" t)e &o,er line ,)ene er electrical re&airs or adSust"ents are "adeA@
4A1A1AF Resistance T'&e% ca&a*le o. "aintainin( a te"&erature o. at least 1 F51[C ?2%100[8@A 4A1A2 A*sor*er% as descri*ed in Test Met)od D 1244A
NOTE 16 Also suita*le .or use ,it) eit)er t'&e o. .urnace is an auto"atic titrator% s&eci!call' desi(ned .or iodo"etr'A T)is co"*ines t)e .unctions o. a*sor&tion and titration to a &redeter"ined end &ointA
5A Rea(ents and Materials 5A1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"icals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
4A1AF Buret% standard 21#"L or auto"atic t'&es a aila*le .ro" t)e "anu.acturers o. t)e s&eci!c co"*us# tion units% are suita*le ?Note 1@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
5A2 Purit' o. Later M <nless ot)er,ise indicated% re.erences to ,ater s)all *e understood to "ean rea(ent ,ater as de!ned *' T'&e II or III o. S&eci!cation D 112FA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5AF Alundu" ?Al2OF@ or Ma(nesiu" O!ide ?Co"#Aid@A 5AG An)'drone ?Ma(nesiu" Perc)lorate@A ?Larnin(M In addition to ot)er &recautions% )andle "a(nesiu" &er# c)lorate ,it) careA A oid contactin( it ,it) acid and or(anic "aterialsA Reactions ,it) .uel "a' *e iolentA@ 5A1 +'droc)loric Acid ?F X 125@A M Dilute F0 "L o. concentrated )'droc)loric acid ?+Cl% relati e densit' 1A12@ to 2 L ,it) ,aterA ?Larnin(MPoisonA Corrosi eA Ma' *e .atal i. s,allo,edA LiJuid and a&or cause se ere *urnsA@ 5A4 O!'(en ?E!tra Dr'@ M T)e o!'(en s)all *e at least 22A1O &ure and s)o, no detecta*le sul.ur *' *landeter"inationA ?Larnin(MO!'(en i(orousl' accelerates co"*ustionA@ 5A5 P)os&)orus Pento!ide M ?P2O1@A 5A3 Potassiu" Alu" ?Alu"inu" Potassiu" Sul.ate@A 5A2 Potassiu" Iodate% Standard Solution ?0A042F3 N% 1 "L o. t)is solution is eJui alent to 1 "( S@MDissol e 2A221 ( o. &otassiu" iodate ?9IO F@ t)at )as *een dried at a*out 130[C to constant ,ei()t% in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA T)orou()l' "i! t)e solutionA 5A10 Potassiu" Iodate% Standard Solution ?0A0042F3 N% 1 "L o. t)is solution is eJui alent to 0A1 "( S@M Measure e!actl' 100 "L o. 9IOF solution ?0A042F3 N@ into a 1#L olu"etric !as-% and dilute to olu"e ,it) ,aterA T)orou()l' "i! t)e solutionA 5A11 Potassiu" Iodate% Standard Solution ?0A012G3 N% 1 "L o. t)is solution is eJui alent to 0A2 "( S@MMeasure e!actl' 200 "L o. 9IOF solution ?0A042F3 N@ into a 1#L olu"etric !as- and dilute to olu"e ,it) ,aterA T)or# ou()l' "i! t)e solutionA 5A12 Ascarite% 3 to 20 "es)A 5A1F S&ecial Materials .or Induction#T'&e 8urnaces6 5A1FA1 Tin ?20 to F0#"es)@A 5A1FA2 Iron#C)i& Accelerator )a in( a sul.ur content o. not "ore t)an 0A001 "ass OA 5A1G Standard Sa"&le M Potassiu" alu" PAl9?SO G@2L 12+2OQA 5A11 Starc)#Iodide Solution M Ma-e a &aste *' addin( 2 ( o. solu*le starc) to 11 "L o. ,aterA Add t)is "i!ture% ,it) stirrin(% to 100 "L o. *oilin( ,aterA Cool t)e "i!ture% add 11 ( o. &otassiu" iodide ?9I@% and dilute to 1 L ,it) ,aterA 5A14 Sul.uric Acid ?relati e densit' 1A3G@ M Concen# trated sul.uric acid ?+2SOG@A ?Larnin(MPoisonA Corro# si eA Stron( o!idiDerA@ 5A15 Vanadiu" Pento!ide% an)'drous% &o,dered V 2O1A 5A13 Kualit' Control ?KC@ Sa"&le?s@% &re.era*l' are &ortions o. one or "ore &etroleu" &roducts t)at are sta*le
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
and re&resentati e o. t)e sa"&les o. interestA T)ese KC sa"&les can *e used to c)ec- t)e alidit' o. t)e testin( &rocess and &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent as descri*ed in Section 12A
3A Sa"&lin( 3A1 Ta-e sa"&les in accordance ,it) t)e instructions in Practice D G015A
2A Pre&aration o. A&&aratus 2A1 Induction#T'&e 8urnace M Asse"*le t)e a&&aratus accordin( to t)e instructions .urnis)ed *' t)e "anu.acturerA Puri.' t)e o!'(en *' &assin( it t)rou() ?1@ +2SOG ?relati e densit' 1A3G@% ?2@ Ascarite% and ?F@ "a(nesiu" &erc)lorate PM(?ClOG@2Q or &)os&)orus &ento!ide ?P2O1@ ?Larnin(M see 5AG@A Connect a rota"eter *et,een t)e &uri.'in( train and t)e .urnaceA Insert a s"all (lass#,ool &lu( in t)e u&&er end o. t)e (lass tu*in( connectin( t)e .urnace ,it) t)e a*sor*er to catc) o!ides o. tinA Connect t)e e!it end o. t)e co"*ustion tu*e to t)e a*sor*er ,it) (lass tu*in(% usin( (u" ru**er tu*in( to "a-e connectionsA Position t)e a*sor*er so as to "a-e t)is deli er' line as s)ort as &ossi*leA 8i(ure 2 illustrates sc)e"aticall' t)e asse"*led a&&aratusA AdSust t)e o!'(en !o, to 1 W 0A01 L0"inA Add 41 "L o. +Cl ?F X 125@ and 2 "L o. starc)#iodide solution to t)e a*sor*erA Add a su.!cient a"ount o. t)e a&&ro&riate standard 9IOF solution ?Ta*le 1@ to &roduce a .aint *lue colorA T)is color ,ill ser e as t)e end &oint .or t)e titrationA AdSust t)e *uret to DeroA Turn on t)e .urnace !la"ent s,itc) and allo, at least 1 "in ,ar"#u& *e.ore runnin( sa"&les ?Larnin(Msee 5AG@A
2A2 ResistanceUT'&e 8urnace M Asse"*le t)e a&&ara# tus accordin( to t)e instructions .urnis)ed *' t)e " turerA Puri.' t)e o!'(en *' &assin( it t)rou() ?1@ +2SOG ?relati e densit' 1A3G@% ?2@ Ascarite% and ?F@ M(?ClO G@2 or P2O1 ?Larnin(Msee 5AG@A Connect a rota"eter *et,een t)e &uri.'in( train and t)e .urnaceA 8i(ure F illustrates
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,it) .our &etroleu" &roduct sa"&les t)at are re&resentati e or t'&ical o. t)e sa"&le t'&es to *e anal'DedA 2AFA2 Cali*rate t)e auto"atic *alance accordin( to "anu.acturerEs instructionsA
10A StandardiDation 10A1 8or Iodate Met)ods6 10A1A1 Deter"ination o. Alu" 8actor6 10A1A1A1 Because t)ese ra&id co"*ustion "et)ods in ol e t)e re ersi*le reaction 2SO2 X O2 & 2SOF% it is not &ossi*le to e ol e all t)e sul.ur as SO2A T)e eJuili*riu" o. t)e reaction is te"&erature de&endent and% in an o!'(en at"os&)ere a*o e 1 F14[C% a*out 25O o. t)e sul.ur is &resent as SO2A To assure t)at t)e .urnace is in &ro&er adSust"ent and t)at its o&eration &roduces acce&ta*l' )i() te"&erature% &otassiu" alu" is e"&lo'ed .or standardiDin( t)e a&&aratusA De&endin( on t)e t'&e o. co"*ustion eJui&# "ent used% &roceed as descri*ed in Sections 10 to 1G to deter"ine t)e alu" .actorA <se 11 "( ,ei()ed to W0A1 "( o. &otassiu" alu" .or t)is deter"inationA <se t)e sa"e "aterials in t)e deter"ination o. t)e alu" and standardiDa# tion .actors as .or t)e un-no,n sa"&lesA 8or e!a"&le% V2O1 )as a de!nite e..ect and s)ould *e included i. used .or un-no,ns as reco""ended in t)e &rocedure ,it) t)e resistance#t'&e .urnaceA
LA@0P100?Va \ V*@
C1Q ?1@
,)ere6 SA & "ass &ercent sul.ur in &otassiu" alu" used% LA & "illi(ra"s o. &otassiu" alu" used% Va & "illilitres o. standard 9IO F solution used in deter"inin( t)e alu" .actor% V* & "illilitres o. standard 9IOF solution used in t)e *lan- deter"ination% and C1 & sul.ur eJui alent o. t)e standard 9IO F solution used in deter"inin( t)e alu" .actor% "(0"LA 10A1A1AF T)e alu" .actor s)ould *e in t)e ran(e .ro" 1A02 to 1A03A I. alues s"aller t)an 1A02 are o*ser ed% con!r" inde&endentl' t)e sul.ur content o. t)e alu" and t)e sul.ur eJui alent o. t)e 9IOF solution *e.ore re&eatin( t)e alu" .actor deter"inationA I. alues lar(er t)an 1A03 are o*ser ed% "a-e adSust"ents in t)e eJui&"ent in accor# dance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endation and re&eat t)e alu" .actor deter"inationA 10A1A2 Deter"ination o. StandardiDation 8actor6 10A1A2A1 Because e..ects suc) as sa"&le olatilit' can also a..ect t)e relati e reco er' as SO 2 o. t)e sul.ur ori(inall' &resent in t)e sa"&le% it is necessar' to deter"ine
sc)e"aticall' t)e asse"*led a&&aratusA Turn on t)e current and adSust t)e .urnace control to "aintain a constant te"# &erature o. 1 F14[C W 1G[C ?2%G00[8 W 21[8@A AdSust t)e o!'(en !o, rate to 2 W 0A1 L0"inA Add 41 "L o. +Cl ?F W 125@ and 2 "L o. starc)#iodide solution to t)e a*sor*erA Add a .e, dro&s o. t)e a&&ro&riate standard 9IO F solution ?Ta*le 2@ to &roduce a .aint *lue colorA AdSust t)e *uret to DeroA 2AF Resistance#T'&e 8urnace#IR Detection M Asse"# *le and adSust a&&aratus accordin( to "anu.acturerEs instructionsA InitialiDe "icro&rocessor% c)ec- &o,er su&# &lies% set o!'(en &ressure and !o,s and set .urnace te"&er# ature to 1 F51[C ?2%100[8@A 2AFA1 Condition a .res) an)'drone scru**er ,it) .our coal sa"&les ,)en anal'Din( &etroleu" co-e sa"&les% or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
a standardiDation .actorA Proceed as descri*ed in Sections 10 t)rou() 1G% usin( an oil sa"&le o. si"ilar t'&e to t)e un-no,n sa"&le and o. accuratel' -no,n sul.ur contentA 10A1A2A2 8or IR detection% deter"ine and load t)e "icro&rocessor ,it) t)e cali*ration .actor .or t)e &articular t'&e o. sa"&le to *e anal'Ded ?lu*ricatin( oil% &etroleu" co-e% residual .uel@ as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA 10A1A2AF Calculate t)e standardiDation .actor as .ollo,s6
StandardiDation .actor ?8s@ & ?Ss Ls@0 P100?Vs \ V*@ ?2@ CQ
1FA Procedure ,it) Induction#T'&e 8urnace 1FA1 Sa"&le Pre&aration M Add a FA2#"" to GA3#"" 1? V3#inA to FV14#inA@ la'er o. alundu" or "a(nesiu" o!ide to a sa"&le cruci*leA Ma-e a de&ression in t)e *ed ,it) t)e end o. a stirrin( rodA Lei() t)e cruci*le to 0A1 "(A Lei() into t)e de&ression t)e &ro&er a"ount o. sa"&le accordin( to Ta*le 1 ?1FA1A1@ ?Note 2@A Co er t)e sa"&le ,it) a se&arator dis- ?Note F@A Place on t)e se&arator dis- t)e &redeter"ined a"ount o. iron c)i&s necessar' to o*tain t)e reJuired te"&erature ?4A1A1A2@A T)is is usuall' *et,een 1A2 ( and 2A0 (% *ut s)ould *e )eld constant ,it) W0A01 (A S&rin-le a*out 0A1 ( o. tin on t)e ironA Co er t)e cruci*le ,it) a lid and &lace on t)e .urnace &edestalA
,)ere6 Ss & "ass &ercent sul.ur in standardiDation sa"&le used% Ls & "illi(ra"s o. standardiDation sa"&le used% V* & "illilitres o. standard 9IOF solution used in t)e *lan- deter"ination% Vs & "illilitres o. standard 9IO F solution used in deter"inin( t)e standardiDation .actor% and C & sul.ur eJui alent o. t)e standard 9IOF solution used in deter"inin( t)e standardiDation .actor% "(0"LA
1FA1A1 <nder no conditions s)all an or(anic sa"&le lar(er t)an 100 "( *e *urned in an induction#t'&e .urnaceA
NOTE 26 More concentrated 9IO F solutions% suc) as t)e 0A042F3 N solution% "a' *e .ound "ore con enient .or sa"&les containin( "ore t)an 10O sul.urA T)e sa"&le siDe and 9IO F concentration s)ould *e c)osen so t)at not "ore t)an 21 "L o. titrant are neededA NOTE F6 T)e use o. t)e se&arator dis- is o&tionalA
10A1AF Kualit' Control M Run a suita*le anal'tical Jualit' control sa"&le se eral ti"es dail'A L)en t)e o*ser ed alue lies *et,een acce&ta*le li"its on a Jualit' control c)art% &roceed ,it) sa"&le deter"inationsA
11A Pre&aration o. Co-e 11A1 It is assu"ed t)at a re&resentati e sa"&le )as *een recei ed .or anal'sisA 11A2 Irind and sie e t)e sa"&le recei ed so as to &ass a 40#"es) ?210#""@ sie eA 11AF Dr' t)e sie ed "aterial to constant ,ei()t at 101[C to 110[CA
1FA2 Co"*ustion and Titration M Turn on t)e &late current s,itc)A A.ter a*out 1 "in .or ,ar"#u&% raise t)e &edestal and loc- into &ositionA T)e &late current ,ill !uc# tuate .or a .e, seconds and s)ould (raduall' rise to a "a!i"u" alueA Add t)e a&&ro&riate standard 9IO F solu# tion ?Ta*le 1@ to t)e a*sor*er to "aintain t)e *lue colorA S)ould t)e a*sor*er solution *eco"e co"&letel' colorless% discard t)e deter"inationA Ma-e 9IO F additions as t)e rate o. e olution o. SO2 di"inis)es suc) t)at% ,)en co"*ustion is co"&leted% t)e intensit' o. t)e *lue color is t)e sa"e as t)e initial intensit'A Co"*ustion is co"&lete ,)en t)is color re"ains .or at least 1 "in and t)e &late current )as dro&&ed considera*l'A Record t)e olu"e o. 9IO F solution reJuired to titrate t)e SO2 e ol edA
1FAF Blan- Deter"ination M Ma-e a *lan- deter"ina# tion ,)ene er a ne, su&&l' o. cruci*les% "aterials% or rea(ents is usedA 8ollo, t)e &recedin( &rocedure% *ut o"it t)e sa"&leA
12A Anal'sis o. Kualit' Control Sa"&les 12A1 A KC sa"&le s)all *e anal'Ded eac) da' sa"&les are anal'Ded to eri.' t)e testin( &rocedure and instru"ent &er.or"anceA Additional KC sa"&les "a' *e anal'DedA T)e KC sa"&les s)all *e treated as outlined in Sections 1F% 1G% or 11% de&endin( u&on t)e t'&e o. .urnace set#u& used *' t)e la*A 12A2 L)en KC0Kualit' Assurance ?KA@ &rotocols are alread' esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% t)ese "a' *e used to con!r" t)e relia*ilit' o. t)e test resultA 12AF L)en t)ere is no KC0KA &rotocol esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% A&&endi! =1 can *e used as t)e KC0KA s'ste"A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1GA Procedure Lit) Resistance#T'&e 8urnace 1GA1 Sa"&le Pre&aration M Lei() into a co"*ustion *oat t)e &ro&er a"ount o. sa"&le accordin( to Ta*le 2A Add 100 W 1 "( o. anadiu" &ento!ide and co"&letel' co er t)e "i!ture ,it) alundu"A 1GA2 Co"*ustion and Titration M Place t)e *oat in t)e cool &ortion o. t)e co"*ustion tu*e% near t)e entranceA To &roceed ,it) t)e co"*ustion% &us) t)e *oat containin( t)e sa"&le &ro(ressi el' into t)e )otter Done o. t)e co"# *ustion tu*e usin( t)e eJui&"ent &ro ided *' t)e " turersA T)e *oat s)ould *e ad anced as ra&idl' as &ossi*le consistent ,it) t)e rate o. e olution o. SO 2A Add t)e a&&ro# &riate standard 9IOF solution ?Ta*le 2@ to t)e a*sor*er to
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"aintain t)e *lue colorA S)ould t)e a*sor*er solution *eco"e co"&letel' colorless% discard t)e deter"inationA Ma-e 9IOF additions as t)e rate o. e olution o. SO2 di"in# is)es suc) t)at% ,)en co"*ustion is co"&leted% t)e inten# sit' o. t)e *lue color is t)e sa"e as t)e initial intensit'A Co"*ustion is co"&lete ,)en t)is color re"ains .or at least 1 "inA Record t)e olu"e o. 9IOF solution reJuired to titrate t)e SO2 e ol edA 1GAF Blan- Deter"ination M Ma-e a *lan- deter"ina# tion ,)ene er a ne, su&&l' o. co"*ustion *oats% "aterials% or rea(ents is usedA 8ollo, t)e a*o e &rocedure% *ut o"it t)e sa"&leA
11A3 Ma-e re&eated runs until t,o results *' less t)an t)e re&eata*ilit' o. t)e "et)odA
14A Calculation 14A1 Calculation .or Iodate Detection M Calculate t)e sul.ur content o. t)e sa"&le as .ollo,s6
Sul.ur% "ass O & P100?V \ V*@ 8s CQL ?F@
,)ere6 V & standard 9IOF solution% "L% used in t)e anal'sis% V* & standard 9IOF solution% "L% used in t)e *landeter"ination% 8s & standardiDation .actor ?see 10A1A2@% C & sul.ur eJui alent o. t)e standard 9IOF solution used in t)e anal'sis% "(0"L% and L & "illi(ra"s o. sa"&le used in t)e anal'sisA 14A2 Calculation .or IR Detection6
11A Procedure Lit) Resistance 8urnaceUIR Detection 11A1 Allo, t)e s'ste" to ,ar" u& and t)e .urnace to reac) o&eratin( te"&eratureA 11A2 A.ter )o"o(eneit' o. t)e sa"&le is assured% select t)e sa"&le siDe as .ollo,s6 .or liJuid sa"&les% ta-e u& to 0A1F ( .or anal'sis and .or solid sa"&les% ta-e u& to 0AG ( .or anal'sisA In eac) case "ass &ercent sul.ur ti"es ,ei()t o. sa"&le "ust *e less t)an or eJual to .our in t)e case o. t)e SCF2 instru"ent% and t,o in t)e case o. t)e SC1F2 instru"entA 8or ot)er instru"ents% consult t)e "anu.actur# erEs instructionsA 11AF Deter"ine and store t)e s'ste" *lan- alueA 11AG Lei() t)e sa"&les into co"*ustion *oats and record t)e net ,ei()tsA It is &ossi*le to ,ei() and store se eral ,ei()ts in t)e "icro&rocessor *e.ore *e(innin( a series o. *urnsA 11AGA1 8ill t)e co"*ustion *oat to one#t)ird ca&acit' ,it) e enl' s&read M(O &o,derA
14A2A1 Re&ort all results usin( t)e "icro&rocessorA 14A2A2 Re&ort t)e a era(e o. t,o resultsA
15A Re&ort 15A1 In t)e ran(e .ro" 0A01 to 1A00 "ass O sul.ur% re&ort to t)e nearest 0A01 "ass OA In t)e ran(e .ro" 1 to F0 "ass O sul.ur% re&ort to t)e nearest 0A1 "ass OA
13A Kualit' Control 13A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a Jualit' control sa"&le t)at is sta*le and re&resentati e o. t)e sa"&le o. interestA 13A1A1 L)en t)e Jualit' control0Jualit' assurance &rotocols are alread' esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% t)ese "a' *e used to con!r" t)e relia*ilit' o. t)e test resultA 13A1A2 L)en t)ere is no Jualit' control0Jualit' assur# ance &rotocol esta*lis)ed in t)e testin( .acilit'% A&&endi! =1 can *e used .or t)is &ur&oseA
11AGA2 8or" a sli()t trenc) in t)e M(O &o,der ,it) a scoo&A 11AGAF Place t)e co"*ustion *oat on t)e *alance and ,ei() an a&&ro&riate a"ount o. t)e sa"&le into t)e trenc) in t)e M(O &o,derA Enter t)e ,ei()tA 11AGAG Re"o e t)e co"*ustion *oat .ro" t)e *alance and add M(O &o,der until t)e co"*ustion *oat is !lled to t,o#t)irds ca&acit'A ?Larnin(MV 2O1 can cause deteri# oration o. t)e .urnace cera"ics% so use it ,it) careA@
NOTE G6 I. unacce&ta*le re&eata*ilit' is encountered .or &articular oil sa"&les% co"*ustion &ro"oter suc) as V2O1 or t)e LECO &roduct Co"# Aid can *e su*stituted .or t)e M(OA
12A Precision and Bias 12A1 8or Petroleu" Products *' Iodate and IR Met)# ods M T)e &recision o. t)is test "et)od as deter"ined *' statistical e!a"ination o. interla*orator' results is as .ollo,s6 12A1A1 Re&eata*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o test results o*tained *' t)e sa"e o&erator ,it) t)e sa"e a&&aratus under constant o&eratin( conditions on identical test "aterial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues in onl' one case in t,ent'6
11A1 Initiate o!'(en !o, and load *oat into .urnaceA 11A4 L)en t)e anal'sis is co"&lete% read t)e result .ro" t)e "icro&rocessorA 11A5 Re"o e t)e e!&ended co"*ustion *oat .ro" t)e .urnaceA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Sul.ur% "ass#O Ran(e 0A0 0A1 1A0 2A0 FA0 GA0 to to to to to to 0A1 1A0 2A0 FA0 GA0 1A0
a&&aratus under constant o&eratin( conditions on identical test "aterial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues in onl' one case in t,ent'6
r & 0A01= ?G@
,)ere = is t)e a era(e o. t)e t,o test resultsA 12A1A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o sin(le and inde&endent results o*tained *' di..erent o&erators ,or-in( in di..erent la*oratories on identical test "aterial ,ould% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues in onl' one case in t,ent'6
Sul.ur% "ass#O Ran(e 0A0 0A1 1A0 2A0 FA0 GA0 to to to to to to 0A1 1A0 2A0 FA0 GA0 1A0 Re&roduci*ilit' Iodate 0A03 0A11 0A15 0A24 0AG0 0A1G IR3 0A1F 0A21 0A25 0AF3 0AGG 0AG2
12A2A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o sin(le and inde&endent results o*tained *' di..erent o&erators ,or-in( in di..erent la*oratories on identical test "aterial could% in t)e lon( run% in t)e nor"al and correct o&eration o. t)e test "et)od% e!ceed t)e .ollo,in( alues in onl' one case in t,ent'6
R & 0A22=
,)ere = is t)e a era(e o. t)e t,o test resultsA 12AF Bias M T)e *ias o. t)e &rocedure in t)is test "et)od is *ein( deter"inedA
12A2 8or Petroleu" Co-es *' Iodate and IR Met)ods M T)e &recision o. t)e test "et)od as deter"ined *' statistical e!a"ination o. interla*orator' results is as .ollo,s6 12A2A1 Re&eata*ilit' M T)e di..erence *et,een t,o test results o*tained *' t)e sa"e o&erator ,it) t)e sa"e
20A 9e',ords 20A1 .urnaceR )i() te"&eratureR induction .urnaceR iodate titrationR IR detectionR &etroleu"R resistanceR sul.urR titration
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@ =1A K<ALIT7 CONTROL
=1A1 Con!r" t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e instru"ent or t)e test &rocedure *' anal'Din( a Jualit' control ?KC@ sa"&leA =1A2 Prior to "onitorin( t)e "easure"ent &rocess% t)e user o. t)e "et)od needs to deter"ine t)e a era(e alue and control li"its o. t)e KC sa"&le ?see Practices D 4222 and D 4522and ASTM MNL 5@A =1AF Record t)e KC results and anal'De *' control c)arts or ot)er statisticall' eJui alent tec)niJues to ascer# tain t)e statistical control status o. t)e total testin( &rocess ?see Practices D 4222 and D 4522 and ASTM MNL 5@A An' out#o.#control data s)ould tri((er in esti(ation .or root cause?s@A T)e results o. t)is in esti(ation "a'% *ut not necessaril'% result in instru"ent recali*rationA
on t)e criticalit' o. t)e Jualit' *ein( "easured% t)e de"on# strated sta*ilit' o. t)e testin( &rocess% and custo"er reJuire"entsA Ienerall'% a KC sa"&le is anal'Ded eac) testin( da' ,it) routine sa"&lesA T)e KC .reJuenc' s)ould *e increased i. a lar(e nu"*er o. sa"&les are routinel' anal'DedA +o,e er% ,)en it is de"onstrated t)at t)e testin( is under statistical control% t)e KC testin( .reJuenc' "a' *e reducedA T)e KC sa"&le &recision s)ould *e c)ec-ed a(ainst t)e ASTM "et)od &recision to ensure data Jualit'A =1A1 It is reco""ended t)at% i. &ossi*le% t)e t'&e o. KC sa"&le t)at is re(ularl' tested *e re&resentati e o. t)e "aterial routinel' anal'DedA An a"&le su&&l' o. KC sa"# &le "aterial s)ould *e a aila*le .or t)e intended &eriod o. use% and "ust *e )o"o(enous and sta*le under t)e antici&ated stora(e conditionsA =1A4 See Practices D 4222 and D 4522 ASTM MNL 5 .or .urt)er (uidance on KC and control c)artin( tec)niJuesA
=1AG In t)e a*sence o. e!&licit reJuire"ents (i en in t)e test "et)od% t)e .reJuenc' o. KC testin( is de&endent
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od co ers &rocedures .or &enetrant e!a"ination o. "aterialsA T)e' are nondestructi e testin( "et)ods .or detectin( discontinuities t)at are o&en to t)e sur.ace suc) as crac-s% sea"s% la&s% cold s)uts% la"inations% t)rou() lea-s% or lac- o. .usion and are a&&lica*le to in# &rocess% !nal% and "aintenance e!a"inationA T)e' can *e e..ecti el' used in t)e e!a"ination o. non&orous% "etallic "aterials% *ot) .errous and non.errous% and o. non"etallic "aterials suc) as (laDed or .ull' densi!ed cera"ics% certain non&orous &lastics% and (lassA
t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
D 122 Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?Ien# eral Bo"* Met)od@ D 114 Test Met)od .or Sul.ate Ion in Later
1A2 T)is test "et)od also &ro ides a re.erence6 1A2A1 B' ,)ic) a liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination &ro# cess reco""ended or reJuired *' indi idual or(aniDations can *e re ie,ed to ascertain its a&&lica*ilit' and co"# &letenessA 1A2A2 8or use in t)e &re&aration o. &rocess s&eci!ca# tions dealin( ,it) t)e liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination o. "ate# rials and &artsA A(ree"ent *' t)e user and t)e su&&lier re(ardin( s&eci!c tec)niJues is stron(l' reco""endedA 1A2AF 8or use in t)e or(aniDation o. t)e .acilities and &ersonnel concerned ,it) t)e liJuid &enetrant e!a"inationA 1AF T)is test "et)od does not indicate or su((est criteria .or e aluation o. t)e indications o*tainedA It s)ould *e &ointed out% )o,e er% t)at a.ter indications )a e *een &ro# duced% t)e' "ust *e inter&reted or classi!ed and t)en e alu# atedA 8or t)is &ur&ose t)ere "ust *e a se&arate code or s&eci!cation or a s&eci!c a(ree"ent to de!ne t)e t'&e% siDe% location% and direction o. indications considered acce&ta*le% and t)ose considered unacce&ta*leA 1AG T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA SI units are &ro ided .or in.or"a# tion onl'A 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
D 303 Test Met)od .or C)lorine in Ne, and <sed Petro# leu" Products ?Bo"* Met)od@ D 112F S&eci!cation .or Rea(ent Later D 1112 Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?+i()#Te"&erature Met)od@ D GF25 Test Met)od .or Anions in Later in C)e"icall' Su&&ressed Ion C)ro"ato(ra&)' E GFF Re.erence P)oto(ra&)s .or LiJuid Penetrant Ins&ection E 1GF Practice .or E aluatin( A(encies t)at Per.or" Non# destructi e Testin( E 1203 Test Met)od .or 8luorescent LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e Li&o&)ilic Post#E"ulsi!cation Process E 1202 Test Met)od .or 8luorescent LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e Later#Las)a*le Process E 1210 Test Met)od .or 8luorescent LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e +'dro&)ilic Post#E"ulsi!cation Process E 1212 Test Met)od .or 8luorescent LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e Sol ent#Re"o a*le Process E 1220 Test Met)od .or Visi*le Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e Sol ent#Re"o a*le Process
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 1G13 Test Met)od .or Visi*le Penetrant E!a"ination <sin( t)e Later#Las)a*le Process 2A2 ASNT Docu"ents6 Reco""ended Practice SNT#TC#1A .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation ANSI0ASNT CP#132 Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi# !cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF Militar' Standard6 MIL#STD#G10 Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!# cation and Certi!cation 2AG AP+A Standard6 G22 Met)od .or t)e E!a"ination o. Later and Laste#,ater NAS#G10 Certi!cation and Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Test Personnel
critical ser ice ite"s% olu"e o. &arts% &orta*ilit' or local# iDed areas o. e!a"inationA T)e "et)od selected ,ill de&end accordin(l' on t)e ser ice reJuire"entsA 4A Classi!cation o. Penetrations and Met)ods 4A1 LiJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "et)ods and t'&es are classi!ed as s)o,n in Ta*le 1A 4A2 8luorescent &enetrant e!a"ination utiliDes &ene# trants t)at !uoresce *rilliantl' ,)en e!cited *' *lac- li()t ?see 3A2A1A2@A T)e sensiti it' o. !uorescent &enetrants de&ends on t)eir a*ilit' to *e retained in t)e arious siDe discontinuities durin( &rocessin(% t)en to *leed out into t)e de elo&er coatin( and &roduce indications t)at ,ill !uoresceA 8luorescent indications are "an' ti"es *ri()ter t)an t)eir surroundin(s ,)en ie,ed under *lac- li()t illu"inationA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 T)e de!nitions relatin( to liJuid &enetrant e!a"ina# tion% ,)ic) a&&ear in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14% s)all a&&l' to t)e ter"s used in t)is standardA
GA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od GA1 A liJuid &enetrant ,)ic) "a' *e a isi*le or a !uorescent "aterial is a&&lied e enl' o er t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined and allo,ed to enter o&en discontinuitiesA A.ter a suita*le d,ell ti"e% t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant is re"o edA A de elo&er is a&&lied to dra, t)e entra&&ed &enetrant out o. t)e discontinuit' and stain t)e de elo&erA T)e test sur.ace is t)en e!a"ined to deter"ine t)e &resence or a*sence o. indicationsA
NOTE 16 T)e de elo&er "a' *e o"itted *' a(ree"ent *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lierA NOTE 26 Caution M 8luorescent &enetrant e!a"ination s)all not .ollo, a isi*le &enetrant e!a"ination unless t)e &rocedure )as *een Juali!ed in accordance ,it) 10A2% *ecause isi*le d'es "a' cause deterioration or Juenc)in( o. !uorescent d'esA
4AF Visi*le &enetrant e!a"ination uses a &enetrant t)at can *e seen in isi*le li()tA T)e &enetrant is usuall' red% so t)at t)e indications &roduce a de!nite contrast ,it) t)e ,)ite *ac-(round o. t)e de elo&erA T)e isi*le &enetrant &rocess does not reJuire t)e use o. *lac- li()tA +o,e er% isi*le &enetrant indications "ust *e ie,ed under ade# Juate ,)ite li()t ?see 3A2A2A1@A
GA2 Processin( &ara"eters% suc) as sur.ace &recleanin(% &enetration ti"e and e!cess &enetrant re"o al "et)ods% are deter"ined *' t)e s&eci!c "aterials used% t)e nature o. t)e &art under e!a"ination ?t)at is% siDe% s)a&e% sur.ace condition% allo'@% and t'&e o. discontinuities e!&ectedA
5A T'&es o. Materials 5A1 LiJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "aterials ?see Notes F% G% and 1@ consist o. !uorescent and isi*le &enetrants% e"ulsi!ers ?oil#*ase and ,ater#*aseR .ast and slo, actin(@% sol ent re"o ers and de elo&ersA A .a"il' o. liJuid &ene# trant e!a"ination "aterials consists o. t)e a&&lica*le &ene# trant and e"ulsi!er or re"o er% as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA Inter"i!in( o. "aterials .ro" arious "anu# .acturers is not reco""endedA
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 LiJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "et)ods indicate t)e &resence% location and% to a li"ited e!tent% t)e nature and "a(nitude o. t)e detected discontinuitiesA Eac) o. t)e ari# ous "et)ods )as *een desi(ned .or s&eci!c uses suc) as
NOTE F6 to 2A1 .or s&ecial reJuire"ents .or sul.ur% )alo(en and al-ali "etal contentA NOTE G6 Caution M L)ile a&&ro ed &enetrant "aterials ,ill not ad ersel' a..ect co""on "etallic "aterials% so"e &lastics or ru**ers "a' *e s,ollen or stained *' certain &enetrantsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A2 Penetrants6 5A2A1 Post#E"ulsi!a*le Penetrants are desi(ned to *e insolu*le in ,ater and cannot *e re"o ed ,it) ,ater rinsin( aloneA T)e' are desi(ned to *e selecti el' re"o ed .ro" t)e sur.ace usin( a se&arate e"ulsi!erA T)e e"ulsi!er% &ro&erl' a&&lied and (i en a &ro&er e"ulsi!cation ti"e% co"*ines ,it) t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant to .or" a ,ater# ,as)a*le "i!ture% ,)ic) can *e rinsed .ro" t)e sur.ace% lea in( t)e sur.ace .ree o. !uorescent *ac-(roundA Pro&er e"ulsi!cation ti"e "ust *e e!&eri"entall' esta*lis)ed and "aintained to ensure t)at o er#e"ulsi!cation does not occur% resultin( in loss o. indicationsA 5A2A2 Later#Las)a*le Penetrants are desi(ned to *e directl' ,ater#,as)a*le .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e test &art% a.ter a suita*le &enetrant d,ell ti"eA Because t)e e"ulsi!er is B*uilt#inC to t)e ,ater#,as)a*le &enetrant% it is e!tre"el' i"&ortant to e!ercise &ro&er &rocess control in re"o al o. e!cess sur.ace &enetrant to ensure a(ainst o er,as)in(A Later#,as)a*le &enetrants can *e ,as)ed out o. disconti# nuities i. t)e rinsin( ste& is too lon( or too i(orousA So"e &enetrants are less resistant to o er,as)in( t)an ot)ersA 5A2AF Sol ent#Re"o a*le Penetrants are desi(ned so t)at e!cess sur.ace &enetrant can *e re"o ed *' ,i&in( until "ost o. t)e &enetrant )as *een re"o edA T)e re"ainin( traces s)ould *e re"o ed ,it) t)e sol ent re"o er ?see 3A4AGA1@A To "ini"iDe re"o al o. &enetrant .ro" discontinuities% care s)ould *e ta-en to a oid t)e use o. e!cess sol entA 8lus)in( t)e sur.ace ,it) sol ent to re"o e t)e e!cess &enetrant is &ro)i*itedA
5AG Sol ent Re"o ers .unction *' dissol in( t)e &ene# trant% "a-in( it &ossi*le to ,i&e t)e sur.ace clean and .ree o. e!cess &enetrant as descri*ed in 3A4AGA 5A1 De elo&ers M De elo&"ent o. &enetrant indications is t)e &rocess o. *rin(in( t)e &enetrant out o. o&en disconti# nuities t)rou() *lottin( action o. t)e a&&lied de elo&er% t)us increasin( t)e isi*ilit' o. t)e indicationsA 5A1A1 Dr' Po,der De elo&ers are used as su&&lied ?t)at is% .ree#!o,in(% non#ca-in( &o,der@ in accordance ,it) 3A3A2A Care s)ould *e ta-en not to conta"inate t)e de elo&er ,it) !uorescent &enetrant% as t)e &enetrant s&ec-s can a&&ear as indicationsA 5A1A2 AJueous De elo&ers are nor"all' su&&lied as dr' &o,der &articles to *e eit)er sus&ended or dissol ed ?solu*le@ in ,aterA T)e concentration% use and "aintenance s)all *e in accordance ,it) "anu.acturerEs reco""enda# tions ?see 3A3AF@A
NOTE 16 Caution M AJueous de elo&ers "a' cause stri&&in( o. indica# tions i. not &ro&erl' a&&lied and controlledA T)e &rocedure s)ould *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) 10A2A
5A1AF NonaJueous Let De elo&ers are su&&lied as sus&ensions o. de elo&er &articles in a nonaJueous sol ent carrier read' .or use as su&&liedA NonaJueous% ,et de el# o&ers .or" a coatin( on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art ,)en dried% ,)ic) ser es as t)e de elo&in( "ediu" ?see 3A3AG@A
NOTE 46 Caution M T)is t'&e o. de elo&er is intended .or a&&lication *' s&ra' onl'A
5AF E"ulsi!ers6 5AFA1 Li&o&)ilic E"ulsi!ers are oil#"isci*le liJuids used to e"ulsi.' t)e e!cess oil' &enetrant on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art% renderin( it ,ater#,as)a*leA T)e rate o. di..usion esta*lis)es t)e e"ulsi!cation ti"eA T)e' are eit)er slo,# or .ast#actin(% de&endin( on t)eir iscosit' and c)e"ical co"&osition% and also t)e sur.ace rou()ness o. t)e area *ein( e!a"ined ?see 3A4A2@A 5AFA2 +'dro&)ilic E"ulsi!ers are ,ater#"isci*le liJ# uids used to e"ulsi.' t)e e!cess oil' !uorescent &enetrant on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art% renderin( it ,ater#,as)a*le ?see 3A4AF@A T)ese ,ater#*ase e"ulsi!ers ?deter(ent#t'&e re"o ers@ are su&&lied as concentrates to *e diluted ,it) ,ater and used as a di& or s&ra'A T)e concentration% use and "aintenance s)all *e in accordance ,it) "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA 5AFA2A1 +'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!ers .unction *' dis# &lacin( t)e e!cess &enetrant !l" .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art t)rou() deter(ent actionA T)e .orce o. t)e ,ater s&ra' or air0"ec)anical a(itation in an o&en di& tan- &ro ides t)e scru**in( action ,)ile t)e deter(ent dis&laces t)e !l" o. &enetrant .ro" t)e &art sur.aceA T)e e"ulsi!cation ti"e ,ill ar'% de&endin( on its concentration% ,)ic) can *e "onitored *' t)e use o. a suita*le re.racto"eterA
5A1AG LiJuid 8il" De elo&ers are solutions or colloi# dal sus&ensions o. resins0&ol'"er in a suita*le carrierA T)ese de elo&ers ,ill .or" a trans&arent or translucent coatin( on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &artA Certain t'&es o. !l" de elo&er "a' *e stri&&ed .ro" t)e &art and retained .or record &ur&oses ?see 3A3A1@A
3A Procedure 3A1 T)e .ollo,in( (eneral &rocessin( (uidelines a&&l' ?see 8i(sA 2% F% and G@ to *ot) !uorescent and isi*le &enetrant e!a"ination "et)ods ?see 8i(A 1@A 3A2 Te"&erature Li"its M T)e te"&erature o. t)e &ene# trant "aterials and t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art to *e &rocessed s)ould *e *et,een 10 and 100[8 ?10 and F3[C@A L)ere it is not &ractical to co"&l' ,it) t)ese te"&erature li"itations% Juali.' t)e &rocedure as descri*ed in 10A2 at t)e te"&era# ture o. intended use and as a(reed to *' t)e contractin( &artiesA 3AF Sur.ace Conditionin( Prior to Penetrant E!a"ina# tion M' results usuall' "a' *e o*tained on sur.aces in t)e as#,elded% as#rolled% as#cast% or as#.or(ed conditions ?or .or cera"ics in t)e densi!ed conditions@A Sensiti e &enetrants are (enerall' less easil' rinsed a,a' and are t)ere.ore less suita*le .or rou() sur.acesA L)en
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
onl' loose sur.ace residuals are &resent% t)ese "a' *e re"o ed *' ,i&in( ,it) clean lint#.ree clot)sA +o,e er% &recleanin( o. "etals to re"o e &rocessin( residuals suc) as oil% (ra&)ite% scale% insulatin( "aterials% coatin(s% and so .ort)% s)ould *e done usin( cleanin( sol ents% a&or de(reasin( or c)e"ical re"o in( &rocessesA Sur.ace condi# tionin( *' (rindin(% "ac)inin(% &olis)in( or etc)in( s)all .ollo, s)ot% sand% (rit or a&or *lastin( to re"o e t)e &eened s-in and ,)en &enetrant entra&"ent in sur.ace irre(ularities "i()t "as- t)e indications o. unacce&ta*le discontinuities or ot)er,ise inter.ere ,it) t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e e!a"inationA 8or "etals% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% etc)in( s)all *e &er.or"ed ,)en e idence e!ists t)at &re i# ous cleanin(% sur.ace treat"ents or ser ice usa(e )a e &roduced a sur.ace condition t)at de(rades t)e e..ecti e# ness o. &enetrant e!a"inationA ?See Anne! A1A1A1A3 .or &recautionsA@
ran(e% t)e &enetrant is a&&lied to t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined so t)at t)e entire &art or area under e!a"ination is co"# &letel' co ered ,it) &enetrantA 3A1A1 Modes o. A&&lication M T)ere are arious "odes o. e..ecti e a&&lication o. &enetrant suc) as di&&in(% *rus)in(% !oodin(% or s&ra'in(A S"all &arts are Juite o.ten &laced in suita*le *as-ets and di&&ed into a tan- o. &ene# trantA On lar(er &arts% and t)ose ,it) co"&le! (eo"etries% &enetrant can *e a&&lied e..ecti el' *' *rus)in( or s&ra'# in(A Bot) con entional and electrostatic s&ra' (uns are e..ecti e "eans o. a&&l'in( liJuid &enetrants to t)e &art sur.acesA Electrostatic s&ra' a&&lication can eli"inate e!cess liJuid *uild#u& o. &enetrant on t)e &art% "ini"iDe o ers&ra'% and "ini"iDe t)e a"ount o. &enetrant enterin( )ollo,#cored &assa(es ,)ic) "i()t ser e as &enetrant res# er oirs% causin( se ere *leedout &ro*le"s durin( e!a"ina# tionA Aerosol s&ra's are con enientl' &orta*le and suita*le .or local a&&licationA
NOTE 56 L)en a(reed *et,een &urc)aser and su&&lier% (rit *lastin( ,it)out su*seJuent etc)in( "a' *e an acce&ta*le cleanin( "et)odA NOTE 36 Caution M Sand or s)ot *lastin( "a' &ossi*l' close discontinu# ities and e!tre"e care s)ould *e used ,it) (rindin( and "ac)inin( o&erations to a oid "as-in( discontinuitiesA NOTE 26 8or structural or electronic cera"ics% sur.ace &re&aration *' (rindin(% sand *lastin( and etc)in( .or &enetrant e!a"ination is not reco""ended *ecause o. t)e &otential .or da"a(eA NOTE 116 Caution M Not all &enetrant "aterials are suita*le .or electro# static s&ra' a&&lications% so tests s)ould *e conducted &rior to useA NOTE 126 Larnin( M Lit) s&ra' a&&lications% it is i"&ortant t)at t)ere *e &ro&er entilationA T)is is (enerall' acco"&lis)ed t)rou() t)e use o. a &ro&erl' desi(ned s&ra' *oot) and e!)aust s'ste"A
3AG Re"o al o. Sur.ace Conta"inants6 3AGA1 Precleanin( M T)e success o. an' &enetrant e!a"ination &rocedure is (reatl' de&endent u&on t)e sur# roundin( sur.ace and discontinuit' *ein( .ree o. an' con# ta"inant ?solid or liJuid@ t)at "i()t inter.ere ,it) t)e &enetrant &rocessA All &arts or areas o. &arts to *e e!a"ined "ust *e clean and dr' *e.ore t)e &enetrant is a&&liedA I. onl' a section o. a &art% suc) as a ,eld% includin( t)e )eat a..ected Done is to *e e!a"ined% all conta"inants s)all *e re"o ed .ro" t)e area *ein( e!a"ined as de!ned *' t)e contractin( &artiesA BCleanC is intended to "ean t)at t)e sur.ace "ust *e .ree o. rust% scale% ,eldin( !u!% ,eld s&atter% (rease% &aint% oil' !l"s% dirt% and so .ort)% t)at "i()t inter.ere ,it) t)e &enetrant &rocessA All o. t)ese conta"inants can &re ent t)e &enetrant .ro" enterin( dis# continuities ?see Anne! or Cleanin( o. Parts and Materials@A
3A1A2 Penetrant D,ell Ti"e M A.ter a&&lication% allo, e!cess &enetrant to drain .ro" t)e &art ?care s)ould *e ta-en to &re ent &ools o. &enetrant .ro" .or"in( on t)e &art@% ,)ile allo,in( .or &ro&er &enetrant d,ell ti"e ?see Ta*le 2@A T)e len(t) o. ti"e t)e &enetrant "ust re"ain on t)e &art to allo, &ro&er &enetration s)ould *e as reco"# "ended *' t)e &enetrant "anu.acturerA Ta*le 2% )o,e er% &ro ides a (uide .or selection o. &enetrant d,ell ti"es .or a ariet' o. "aterials% .or"s% and t'&es o. discontinuit'A <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed% t)e d,ell ti"e s)all not e!ceed t)e "a!i"u" reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA
NOTE 1F6 8or so"e s&eci!c a&&lications in structural cera"ics ?.or e!a"&le% detectin( &artin( lines in sli&#cast "aterial@% t)e reJuired &ene# trant d,ell ti"e s)ould *e deter"ined e!&eri"entall' and "a' *e lon(er t)an t)at s)o,n in Ta*le 1 and its notesA
3AGA2 Dr'in( a.ter Cleanin( M It is essential t)at t)e sur.ace o. &arts *e t)orou()l' dr' a.ter cleanin(% since an' liJuid residue ,ill )inder t)e entrance o. t)e &enetrantA Dr'in( "a' *e acco"&lis)ed *' ,ar"in( t)e &arts in dr'in( o ens% ,it) in.rared la"&s% .orced )ot air% or e!&o# sure to a"*ient te"&eratureA 3A1 Penetrant A&&lication M A.ter t)e &art )as *een cleaned% dried% and is ,it)in t)e s&eci!ed te"&erature
3A4A1A1 Re"o al o. E!cess Penetrants M A.ter t)e reJuired &enetration ti"e% t)e e!cess &enetrant on t)e sur# .ace *ein( e!a"ined "ust *e re"o ed ,it) ,ater% usuall' a ,as)in( o&erationA It can *e ,as)ed o.. "anuall'% *' t)e use o. auto"atic or se"i#auto"atic ,ater#s&ra' eJui&# "ent or *' i""ersionA 8or i""ersion rinsin(% &arts are co"&letel' i""ersed in t)e ,ater *at) ,it) air or "ec)ani# cal a(itationA Accu"ulation o. ,ater in &oc-ets or recesses o. t)e sur.ace "ust *e a oidedA I. t)e !nal rinse ste& is not e..ecti e% as e idenced *' e!cessi e residual sur.ace &enetrant a.ter rinsin(% dr' ?see 3A5@ and reclean t)e &art% t)en rea&&l' t)e &enetrant .or t)e &rescri*ed d,ell ti"eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,rou()t "aterials M e!trusions% .or(in(s% &late Car*ide#ti&&ed tools Plastic Ilass Cera"ic
10 1 1 1 1
10 10 10 10 10
8or te"&erature ran(e .ro" 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@ .or !uorescent &enetrants and 10 to 121[8 ?10 to 12[C@ .or isi*le &enetrantA Ma!i"u" &enetrant d,ell ti"e in accordance ,it) 3A1A2A CDe elo&"ent ti"e *e(ins as soon as ,et de elo&er coatin( )as dried on sur.ace o. &arts ?reco""ended "ini"u"@A Ma!i"u" de elo&"ent ti"e in accordance ,it) 3A3A4A
?a@ T)e te"&erature o. t)e ,ater s)ould *e relati el' constant and s)ould *e "aintained ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?*@ S&ra'#rinse ,ater &ressure s)ould not *e (reater t)an G0 &si ?230 -Pa@A ?c@ Rinse ti"e s)ould not e!ceed 120 s unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' &art o. "aterial s&eci!cationA
.actor in t)e selection o. and in t)e e"ulsi!cation ti"e o. an e"ulsi!erA Contact ti"e s)ould *e -e&t to t)e least &ossi*le ti"e consistent ,it) an acce&ta*le *ac-(round and s)ould not e!ceed t)e "a!i"u" ti"e s&eci!ed .or t)e &art or "aterialA
NOTE 1G6 Caution M A oid o er,as)in(A E!cessi e ,as)in( can cause &enetrant to *e ,as)ed out o. discontinuitiesA Lit) !uorescent &enetrant "et)ods &er.or" t)e rinsin( o&eration under *lac- li()t so t)at it can *e deter"ined ,)en t)e sur.ace &enetrant )as *een adeJuatel' re"o edA
3A4A2AF Post Rinsin( M E..ecti e &ost rinsin( o. t)e e"ulsi!ed &enetrant .ro" t)e sur.ace can *e acco"&lis)ed usin( eit)er "anual% se"i#auto"ated% or auto"ated ,ater i""ersion or s&ra' eJui&"ent or co"*inations t)ereo.A 3A4A2AG I""ersion M 8or i""ersion &ost rinsin(% &arts are co"&letel' i""ersed in t)e ,ater *at) ,it) air or "ec)anical a(itationA T)e ti"e and te"&erature s)ould *e -e&t constantA ?a@ T)e "a!i"u" di&#rinse ti"e s)ould not e!ceed 120 s unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' &art or "aterial s&eci!# cationA ?*@ T)e te"&erature o. t)e ,ater s)ould *e relati el' constant and s)ould *e "aintained ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A Caution6 A touc)#u& rinse "a' *e necessar' a.ter i""ersionA 3A4A2A1 S&ra' Post Rinsin( M E..ecti e &ost rins# in( .ollo,in( e"ulsi!cation can also *e acco"&lis)ed *' eit)er "anual or auto"atic ,ater s&ra' rinsin( o. t)e &arts as .ollo,s6 ?a@ Control rinse ,ater te"&erature ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?*@ S&ra' rinse ,ater &ressure s)ould *e in accordance ,it) "anu.acturersE reco""endationsA ?c@ T)e "a!i"u" s&ra' rinse ti"e s)ould not e!ceed 120 s unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' &art or "aterials s&eci# !cationA
3A4A1A2 Re"o al *' Li&in( M In s&ecial a&&lica# tions% &enetrant re"o al "a' *e &er.or"ed *' ,i&in( t)e sur.ace ,it) a clean% a*sor*ent "aterial da"&ened ,it) ,ater until t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant is re"o ed% as deter"ined *' e!a"ination under *lac- li()t .or !uores# cent "et)ods and ,)ite li()t .or isi*le "et)odsA 3A4A2 Li&o&)ilic E"ulsi!cation6 3A4A2A1 A&&lication o. E"ulsi!er M A.ter t)e reJuired &enetration ti"e% t)e e!cess &enetrant on t)e &art "ust *e e"ulsi!ed *' i""ersin( or !oodin( t)e &arts ,it) t)e reJuired e"ulsi!er ?t)e e"ulsi!er co"*ines ,it) t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant and "a-es t)e "i!ture re"o a*le ,it) ,ater rinsin(@A A.ter a&&lication o. t)e e"ulsi!er% t)e &arts are drained in a "anner t)at &re ents t)e e"ulsi!er .ro" &oolin( on t)e &art?s@A
3A4A2A2 E"ulsi!cation D,ell Ti"e *e(ins as soon as t)e e"ulsi!er )as *een a&&liedA T)e len(t) o. ti"e t)at t)e e"ulsi!er is allo,ed to re"ain on a &art and in contact ,it) t)e &enetrant is de&endent on t)e t'&e o. e"ulsi!er e"&lo'ed and t)e sur.ace condition ?s"oot) or rou()@A No"inal e"ulsi!cation ti"e s)ould *e as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA T)e actual e"ulsi!cation ti"e "ust *e deter"ined e!&eri"entall' .or eac) s&eci!c a&&licationA T)e sur.ace !nis) ?rou()ness@ o. t)e &art is a si(ni!cant
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A4A2A4 Rinse E..ecti eness M I. t)e e"ulsi!cation and !nal rinse ste& is not e..ecti e% as e idenced *' e!ces# si e residual sur.ace &enetrant a.ter e"ulsi!cation and rins# in(% dr' ?see 3A5@ and reclean t)e &art and rea&&l' t)e &enetrant .or t)e &rescri*ed d,ell ti"eA 3A4AF +'dro&)ilic E"ulsi!cation6 3A4AFA1 Prerinsin( M Directl' a.ter t)e reJuired &enetration ti"e% it is reco""ended t)at t)e &arts *e &re# rinsed ,it) ,ater &rior to e"ulsi!cation ?3A4AFAF@A T)is ste& allo,s .or t)e re"o al o. e!cess sur.ace &enetrant .ro" t)e &arts &rior to e"ulsi!cation so as to "ini"iDe t)e de(ree o. &enetrant conta"ination in t)e )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!er *at)% t)ere*' e!tendin( its li.eA In addition% &re# rinsin( o. &enetrated &arts "ini"iDes &ossi*le oil' &ene# trant &ollution in t)e !nal rinse ste& o. t)is &rocessA T)is is acco"&lis)ed *' collectin( t)e &rerinsin(s in a )oldin( tan-% se&aratin( t)e &enetrant .ro" ,aterA
s)ould not e!ceed 120 s or t)e "a!i"u" ti"e sti&ulated *' t)e &art or "aterial s&eci!cationA ?d@ E"ulsi!er drain ti"e *e(ins i""ediatel' a.ter &arts )a e *een ,it)dra,n .ro" t)e e"ulsi!er tan- and contin# ues until t)e &arts are ,as)ed in t)e !nal rinse station ?3A4AFA4@A T)is drain ti"e s)ould *e -e&t to a "ini"u" to a oid o er e"ulsi!cation and s)ould not e!ceed 20 sA 3A4AFA1 S&ra' A&&lication M 8or s&ra' a&&lication .ollo,in( t)e &rerinse ste&% &arts are e"ulsi!ed *' t)e s&ra' a&&lication o. an e"ulsi!erA All &art sur.aces s)ould *e e enl' and uni.or"l' s&ra'ed to e..ecti el' e"ulsi.' t)e residual &enetrant on &art sur.aces to render it ,ater# ,as)a*leA ?a@ T)e concentration o. t)e e"ulsi!er .or s&ra' a&&li# cation s)ould *e in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endations% *ut s)ould not e!ceed 1OA ?*@ Te"&erature to *e "aintained at 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?c@ T)e s&ra' &ressure s)ould *e 21 &si ?151 -Pa@ "a! .or air and G0 &si ?230 -Pa@ "a! .or ,aterA ?d@ Contact ti"e s)ould *e -e&t to t)e "ini"u" consist# ent ,it) an acce&ta*le *ac-(round and s)ould not e!ceed 120 s or t)e "a!i"u" ti"e sti&ulated *' t)e &art or "ate# rial s&eci!cationA
3A4AFA2 Prerinsin( Controls M E..ecti e &rerinsin( is acco"&lis)ed *' eit)er "anual or auto"ated ,ater s&ra' rinsin( o. t)e &arts as .ollo,s6 ?a@ Later s)ould *e .ree o. conta"inants t)at could clo( s&ra' noDDles or lea e a residue on &artsA ?*@ Control ,ater te"&erature ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?c@ S&ra' rinse at a ,ater &ressure o. 21 to G0 &si ?151 to 251 -Pa@A ?d@ Prerinse ti"e s)ould *e t)e least &ossi*le ti"e ?no"# inall' 40 s "a!i"u"@ to &ro ide a consistent residue o. &enetrant on &artsA Las) ti"e is to *e as s&eci!ed *' t)e &art or "aterial s&eci!cationA ?e@ Re"o e ,ater tra&&ed in ca ities usin( !ltered s)o& air at a no"inal &ressure 21 &si ?151 -Pa@ or a suction de ice to re"o e ,ater .ro" &ooled areasA
3A4AFA4 Post#Rinsin( o. +'dro&)ilic E"ulsi!ed Parts M E..ecti e &ost#rinsin( o. e"ulsi!ed &enetrant .ro" t)e sur.ace can *e acco"&lis)ed usin( eit)er "anual% se"i# auto"ated% or auto"ated ,ater i""ersion or s&ra' eJui&# "ent or co"*inations t)ereo.A 3A4AFA5 I""ersion Post#Rinsin( M Parts are to *e co"&letel' i""ersed in t)e ,ater *at) ,it) air or "ec)ani# cal a(itationA ?a@ T)e te"&erature o. t)e ,ater s)ould *e relati el' constant and s)ould *e "aintained ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?*@ T)e "a!i"u" di& rinse ti"e s)ould not e!ceed 120 s unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' &art or "aterial s&eci!ca# tionA Caution6 A touc)#u& rinse "a' *e necessar' a.ter i""ersionA
3A4AFAF A&&lication o. E"ulsi!er M A.ter t)e reJuired &enetration ti"e and .ollo,in( t)e &rerinse% t)e residual sur.ace &enetrant on &art?s@ "ust *e e"ulsi!ed *' i""ersin( t)e &art?s@ in a )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!er *at) ?3A4AFAG@ or *' s&ra'in( t)e &art?s@ ,it) t)e e"ulsi!er ?3A4AFA1@ t)ere*' renderin( t)e re"ainin( residual sur.ace &enetrant ,ater#,as)a*le in t)e !nal rinse station ?3A4AFA4@A 3A4AFAG I""ersion M 8or i""ersion a&&lication% &arts are co"&letel' i""ersed in t)e e"ulsi!er *at)A T)e )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!er s)ould *e (entl' a(itated t)rou()out t)e contact c'cleA ?a@ Bat) concentration s)ould *e as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA Most )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!ers are used ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 20 to FFO in ,aterA No"inal use concentration .or i""ersion a&&lications is 20OA ?*@ Bat) te"&eratures s)ould *e "aintained *et,een 10 and 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?c@ I""ersion contact ti"e s)ould *e -e&t to t)e "ini# "u" ti"e consistent ,it) an acce&ta*le *ac-(round and
3A4AFA3 S&ra' Post#Rinsin( M 8ollo,in( e"ulsi# !cation &arts can *e &ost#rinsed *' ,ater s&ra' rinsin( as .ollo,s6 ?a@ Control rinse ,ater te"&erature ,it)in t)e ran(e o. 10 to 100[8 ?10 to F3[C@A ?*@ S&ra' rinse ,ater &ressure s)ould *e in accordance ,it) "anu.acturerEs instructionsA ?c@ T)e "a!i"u" s&ra' rinse ti"e s)ould not e!ceed 120 s unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' &art or "aterials s&eci# !cationA
3A4AFA2 I. t)e e"ulsi!cation and !nal rinse ste&s are not e..ecti e% as e idenced *' e!cessi e residual sur.ace &enetrant a.ter e"ulsi!cation and rinsin(% dr' ?see 3A5@ and
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
reclean t)e &art and rea&&l' t)e &enetrant .or t)e &rescri*ed d,ell ti"eA 3A4AG Sol ent#Re"o a*le Penetrants6 3A4AGA1 Re"o al o. E!cess Penetrant M A.ter t)e reJuired &enetration ti"e% t)e e!cess &enetrant is re"o ed as &ossi*le% *' usin( ,i&ers o. a dr'% clean% lint# .ree "aterial and re&eatin( t)e o&eration until "ost traces o. &enetrant )a e *een re"o edA T)en usin( a lint#.ree "aterial li()tl' "oistened ,it) sol ent re"o er t)e re"ainin( traces are (entl' ,i&ed to a oid re"o in( &ene# trant .ro" discontinuitiesA A oid t)e use o. e!cess sol entA I. t)e ,i&in( ste& is not e..ecti e% as e idenced *' di.!cult' in re"o in( t)e e!cess &enetrant% dr' t)e &art ?see 3A5@% and rea&&l' t)e &enetrant .or t)e &rescri*ed d,ell ti"eA 8lus)in( t)e sur.ace ,it) sol ent .ollo,in( t)e a&&lication o. t)e &enetrant and &rior to de elo&in( is &ro)i*itedA
3A5 Dr'in( M Dr'in( t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art?s@ is neces# sar' &rior to a&&l'in( dr' or nonaJueous de elo&ers or .ollo,in( t)e a&&lication o. t)e aJueous de elo&erA Dr'in( ti"e ,ill ar' ,it) t)e siDe% nature% and nu"*er o. &arts under e!a"inationA 3A5A1 Dr'in( Para"eters M Co"&onents s)all *e air dried at roo" te"&erature or in a dr'in( o enA O en te"# &eratures s)all not e!ceed 140[8 ?51[C@A Dr'in( ti"e s)all onl' *e t)at necessar' to adeJuatel' dr' t)e &artA Co"&o# nents s)all *e re"o ed .ro" t)e o en i""ediatel' a.ter dr'in(A Co"&onents s)all not *e &laced in t)e o en ,it) &ooled ,ater or &ooled aJueous solutions0sus&ensionsA 3A5A2 Dr'in( Ti"e Li"its M Do not allo, &arts to re"ain in t)e dr'in( o en an' lon(er t)an is necessar' to dr' t)e sur.aceA Ti"es o er F0 "in in t)e dr'er "a' i"&air t)e sensiti it' o. t)e e!a"inationA 3A3 De elo&er A&&lication6 3A3A1 Modes o. A&&lication M T)ere are arious "odes o. e..ecti e a&&lication o. t)e arious t'&es o. de el# o&ers suc) as dustin(% i""ersin(% !oodin( or s&ra'in(A T)e siDe% con!(uration% sur.ace condition% nu"*er o. &arts to *e &rocessed% and so .ort)% ,ill in!uence t)e c)oice o. de elo&er a&&licationA 3A3A2 Dr' Po,der De elo&er M Dr' &o,der de el# o&ers s)ould *e a&&lied i""ediatel' a.ter dr'in( in suc) a "anner as to ensure co"&lete &art co era(eA Parts can *e i""ersed in a container o. dr' de elo&er or in a !uid *ed o. dr' de elo&erA T)e' can also *e dusted ,it) t)e &o,der de elo&er t)rou() a )and &o,der *ul* or a con en# tional or electrostatic &o,der (unA It is co""on and ti e to a&&l' dr' &o,der in an enclosed dust c)a"*er% ,)ic) creates an e..ecti e and controlled dust cloudA Ot)er "eans suited to t)e siDe and (eo"etr' o. t)e s&eci"en "a' *e used% &ro ided t)e &o,der is dusted e enl' o er t)e entire sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA E!cess &o,der "a' *e re"o ed *' s)a-in( or ta&&in( t)e &art% or *' *lo,in(
3A3AF AJueous De elo&ers M AJueous de elo&ers s)ould *e a&&lied to t)e &art i""ediatel' a.ter t)e e!cess &enetrant )as *een re"o ed and &rior to dr'in(A AJueous de elo&ers s)ould *e &re&ared and "aintained in accor# dance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs instructions and a&&lied in suc) a "anner as to ensure co"&lete% e en% &art co era(eA Caution s)ould *e e!ercised ,)en usin( an aJueous de el# o&er ,it) ,ater#,as)a*le &enetrants to a oid &ossi*le stri&&in( o. indicationsA AJueous de elo&ers "a' *e a&&lied *' s&ra'in( ?see Note 15@% !o,in(% or i""ersin( t)e &artA It is co""on to i""erse t)e &arts in a &re&ared de elo&er *at)A I""erse &arts onl' lon( enou() to coat all o. t)e &art sur.aces ,it) t)e de elo&er ?see Note 13@A T)en re"o e &arts .ro" t)e de elo&er *at) and allo, to drainA Drain all e!cess de elo&er .ro" recesses and tra&&ed sections to eli"inate &oolin( o. de elo&er% ,)ic) can o*scure discontinuitiesA Dr' t)e &arts in accordance ,it) 3A5A T)e dried de elo&er coatin( a&&ears as a translucent or ,)ite coatin( on t)e &artA
NOTE 146 Caution M Ato"iDed s&ra'in( is not reco""ended since a s&ott' !l" "a' resultA NOTE 156 Caution M I. &arts are le.t in t)e *at) too lon(% indications "a' leac) outA
3A3AG NonaJueous Let De elo&ers M A.ter t)e e!cess &enetrant )as *een re"o ed and t)e sur.ace )as *een dried% a&&l' de elo&er *' s&ra'in( in suc) a "anner as to ensure co"&lete &art co era(e ,it) a t)in% e en !l" o. de elo&erA T)ese t'&es o. de elo&er carrier e a&orate er' ra&idl' at nor"al roo" te"&erature and do not% t)ere# .ore% reJuire t)e use o. a dr'er ?see Note 20@A Di&&in( or !oodin( &arts ,it) nonaJueous de elo&ers is &ro)i*ited% since t)e' "a' !us) or dissol e t)e &enetrant .ro" ,it)in t)e discontinuities *ecause o. t)e sol ent action o. t)ese t'&es o. de elo&ersA
NOTE 136 Larnin( M T)e a&ors .ro" t)e e a&oratin(% olatile sol ent de elo&er carrier "a' *e )aDardousA Pro&er entilation s)ould *e &ro ided in all cases% *ut es&eciall' ,)en t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined is inside a closed olu"e% suc) as a &rocess dru" or a s"all stora(e tan-A
3A3A1 LiJuid 8il" De elo&ers M A&&l' *' s&ra'in( as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA S&ra' &arts in suc) a "anner as to ensure co"&lete &art co era(e o. t)e area *ein( e!a"ined ,it) a t)in% e en !l" o. de elo&erA 3A3A4 De elo&in( Ti"e M T)e len(t) o. ti"e t)e de elo&er is to re"ain on t)e &art &rior to e!a"ination s)ould *e not less t)an 10 "inA De elo&in( ti"e *e(ins i""ediatel' a.ter t)e a&&lication o. dr' &o,der de elo&er and as soon as t)e ,et ?aJueous and nonaJueous@ de elo&er coatin( is dr' ?t)at is% t)e sol ent carrier )as e a&orated
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
to dr'ness@A T)e "a!i"u" &er"itted de elo&in( ti"es are 2 ) .or aJueous de elo&ers and 1 ) .or nonaJueous de elo&ersA 3A2 E!a"ination M Per.or" e!a"ination o. &arts a.ter t)e a&&lica*le de elo&"ent ti"e as s&eci!ed in 3A3A4 to allo, .or *leedout o. &enetrant .ro" discontinuities into t)e de elo&er coatin(A It is (ood &ractice to o*ser e t)e *leedout ,)ile a&&l'in( t)e de elo&er as an aid in inter&ret# in( and e aluatin( indicationsA 3A2A1 8luorescent Li()t E!a"ination6 3A2A1A1 Visi*le A"*ient Li()t Le el M E!a"ine !uorescent &enetrant indications under *lac- li()t in a dar-ened areaA Visi*le a"*ient li()t s)ould not e!ceed 2 .t candles ?20 L!@A T)e "easure"ent s)ould *e "ade ,it) a suita*le &)oto(ra&)ic#t'&e isi*le li()t "eter on t)e sur# .ace *ein( e!a"inedA 3A2A1A2 Blac- Li()t Le el Control M Blac- li()t intensit'% "ini"u" o. 1000 L0c"2% s)ould *e "easured on t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined% ,it) a suita*le *lac- li()t "eterA T)e *lac- li()t ,a elen(t) s)all *e in t)e ran(e o. F20 to F30 n"A T)e intensit' s)ould *e c)ec-ed ,ee-l' to ensure t)e reJuired out&utA Re!ectors and !lters s)ould *e c)ec-ed dail' .or cleanliness and inte(rit'A Crac-ed or *ro-en ultra iolet ?<V@ !lters s)ould *e re&laced i""edi# atel'A De.ecti e *ul*s% ,)ic) radiate <V ener('% "ust *e re&laced *e.ore .urt)er useA Since a dro& in line olta(e can cause decreased *lac- li()t out&ut ,it) conseJuent inconsistent &er.or"ance% a constant# olta(e trans.or"er s)ould *e used ,)en t)ere is e idence o. olta(e !uctu# ationA
in t)e sensiti it' o. t)e e!a"inationA A "ini"u" li()t intensit' at t)e e!a"ination site o. 100 .c ?1000 L!@ is reco""endedA 3A2AF +ouse-ee&in( M 9ee& t)e e!a"ination area .ree o. inter.erin( de*ris% includin( !uorescent o*SectsA Practice (ood )ouse-ee&in( at all ti"esA 3A2AG E aluation M <nless ot)er,ise a(reed% it is nor"al &ractice to inter&ret and e aluate t)e discontinuit' *ased on t)e siDe o. t)e indication ?see Re.erenced P)oto# (ra&)s E GFF@A 3A10 Post Cleanin( M Post cleanin( is necessar' in t)ose cases ,)ere residual &enetrant or de elo&er could inter.ere ,it) su*seJuent &rocessin( or ,it) ser ice reJuire"entsA It is &articularl' i"&ortant ,)ere residual &enetrant e!a"ination "aterials "i()t co"*ine ,it) ot)er .actors in ser ice to &roduce corrosionA A suita*le tec)# niJue% suc) as a si"&le ,ater rinse% ,aters&ra'% "ac)ine ,as)% a&or de(reasin(% sol ent soa-% or ultrasonic clean# in( "a' *e e"&lo'ed ?see Anne! on Post Cleanin(@A It is reco""ended t)at i. de elo&er re"o al is necessar'% it s)ould *e carried out as &ro"&tl' as &ossi*le a.ter e!a"ina# tion so t)at it does not B!!C on t)e &artA
NOTE 216 Caution M De elo&ers s)ould *e re"o ed &rior to a&or de(reasin(A Va&or de(reasin( can *a-e t)e de elo&er on &artsA
Caution6 Certain )i()#intensit' *lac- li()t "a' e"it unacce&ta*le a"ounts o. isi*le li()t% ,)ic) ,ill cause !uorescent indications to disa&# &earA Care s)ould *e ta-en to use onl' *ul*s certi!ed *' t)e su&&lier to *e suita*le .or suc) e!a"ination &ur&osesA NOTE 126 T)e reco""ended "ini"u" li()t intensit' in 3A2A1A2 is intended .or (eneral usa(eA 8or critical e!a"inations% )i()er intensit' le els "a' *e reJuiredA
3A2A1AF Blac- Li()t Lar"#<& M Allo, t)e *lacli()t to ,ar" u& .or a "ini"u" o. 10 "in &rior to its use or "easure"ent o. t)e intensit' o. t)e ultra iolet li()t e"ittedA 3A2A1AG Visual Ada&tation M T)e e!a"iner s)ould *e in t)e dar-ened area .or at least 1 "in *e.ore e!a"inin( &artsA Lon(er ti"es "a' *e necessar' under so"e circu"# stancesA
NOTE 206 Caution M P)otoc)ro"ic lenses s)all not *e ,orn durin( e!a"inationA
2A1A1 L)en usin( &enetrant "aterials on austenitic stainless steels% titaniu"% nic-el#*ase or ot)er )i()#te"&er# ature allo's% t)e need to restrict i"&urities suc) as sul.ur% )alo(ens and al-ali "etals "ust *e consideredA T)ese i"&urities "a' cause e"*rittle"ent or corrosion% &articu# larl' at ele ated te"&eraturesA An' suc) e aluation s)ould also include consideration o. t)e .or" in ,)ic) t)e i"&uri# ties are &resentA So"e &enetrant "aterials contain si(ni!# cant a"ounts o. t)ese i"&urities in t)e .or" o. olatile or(anic sol entsA T)ese nor"all' e a&orate Juic-l' and usuall' do not cause &ro*le"sA Ot)er "aterials "a' contain i"&urities ,)ic) are not olatile and "a' react ,it) t)e &art% &articularl' in t)e &resence o. "oisture or ele ated te"&eraturesA
3A2A2 Visi*le Li()t E!a"ination6 3A2A2A1 Visi*le Li()t Le el M Visi*le &enetrant indications can *e e!a"ined in eit)er natural or arti!cial li()tA AdeJuate illu"ination is reJuired to ensure no loss
2A1A2 Because olatile sol ents lea e t)e sur.ace Juic-l' ,it)out reaction under nor"al e!a"ination &roce# dures% &enetrant "aterials are nor"all' su*Sected to an e a&oration &rocedure to re"o e t)e sol ents *e.ore t)e "aterials are anal'Ded .or i"&uritiesA T)e residue .ro" t)is &rocedure is t)en anal'Ded in accordance ,it) Test Met)od D 122% Test Met)od D 1112% or Test Met)od D 122 deco"&osition .ollo,ed *' Test Met)od D 114% Met)od B ?Tur*idi"etric Met)od@ .or sul.urA T)e residue "a' also *e anal'Ded *' Test Met)od D 303 or Anne! A2 on Met)# ods .or Measurin( Total C)lorine Content in Co"*usti*le
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
LiJuid Penetrant Materials ?.or )alo(ens ot)er t)an !uo# rine@ and Anne! AF on Met)od .or Measurin( Total 8luo# rine Content in Co"*usti*le LiJuid Penetration Materials ?.or !uorine@A An alternati e &rocedure% Anne! AG on Deter"ination o. Anions *' Ion C)ro"ato(ra&)'% &ro ides a sin(le instru"ental tec)niJue .or ra&id seJuential "ea# sure"ent o. co""on anions suc) as c)loride% !uoride% and sul.ateA Al-ali "etals in t)e residue are deter"ined *' !a"e &)oto"etr' or ato"ic a*sor&tion s&ectro&)oto"etr'A
con.or"in( to t)e a&&lica*le edition o. reco""ended Prac# tice SNT#TC#1A% ANSI0ASNT CP#132% NAS#G10% or MIL#STD#G10A 10A2 Procedure Kuali!cation M Kuali!cation o. &roce# dures usin( ti"es or conditions di..erin( .ro" t)ose s&eci# !ed or .or ne, "aterials "a' *e &er.or"ed *' an' o. se eral "et)ods and s)ould *e a(reed *' t)e contractin( &artiesA A test &iece containin( one or "ore discontinuities o. t)e s"allest rele ant siDe is usedA T)e test &iece "a' contain real or si"ulated discontinuities% &ro idin( it dis# &la's t)e c)aracteristics o. t)e discontinuities encountered in &roduct e!a"inationA
NOTE 226 So"e current standards indicate t)at i"&urit' le els o. sul.ur and )alo(ens e!ceedin( 1O o. an' one sus&ect ele"ent "a' *e considered e!cessi eA +o,e er% t)is )i() a le el "a' *e unacce&ta*le .or so"e a&&lications% so t)e actual "a!i"u" acce&ta*le i"&urit' le el "ust *e decided *et,een su&&lier and user on a case *' case *asisA
2A2 E aluated#Te"&erature E!a"ination M L)ere &enetrant e!a"ination is &er.or"ed on &arts t)at "ust *e "aintained at ele ated te"&erature durin( e!a"ination% s&ecial "aterials and &rocessin( tec)niJues "a' *e reJuiredA Suc) e!a"ination reJuires Juali!cation in accor# dance ,it) 10A2A Manu.acturerEs reco""endations s)ould *e o*ser edA
10AF Nondestructi e Testin( A(enc' Kuali!cation M I. a nondestructi e testin( a(enc' as descri*ed in Practice E 1GF is used to &er.or" t)e e!a"ination% t)e a(enc' s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1GFA 10AG ReJuali!cation "a' *e reJuired ,)en a c)an(e or su*stitution is "ade in t)e t'&e o. &enetrant "aterials or in t)e &rocedure ?see 10A2@A
10A Kuali!cation and ReJuali!cation 10A1 Personal Kuali!cation M L)en reJuired *' user0 su&&lier a(ree"ent% all e!a"ination &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed0certi!ed in accordance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure
11A 9e',ords 11A1 !uorescent liJuid &enetrant testin(R )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!cationR li&o&)ilic e"ulsi!cationR liJuid &enetrant testin(R nondestructi e testin(R sol ent re"o a*leR isi*le liJuid &enetrant testin(R ,ater#,as)a*le "et)ods
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A Cleanin( o. Parts and Materials A1A1 C)oice o. Cleanin( Met)od A1A1A1 T)e c)oice o. a suita*le cleanin( "et)od is *ased on suc) .actors as6 ?1@ t'&e o. conta"inant to *e re"o ed since no one "et)od re"o es all conta"inants eJuall' ,ellR ?2@ e..ect o. t)e cleanin( "et)od on t)e &artsR ?F@ &racticalit' o. t)e cleanin( "et)od .or t)e &art ?.or e!a"&le% a lar(e &art cannot *e &ut into a s"all de(reaser or ultrasonic cleaner@R and ?G@ s&eci!c cleanin( reJuire# "ents o. t)e &urc)aserA T)e .ollo,in( cleanin( "et)ods are reco""ended6
A1A1A1A1 Deter(ent Cleanin( M Deter(ent clean# ers are non!a""a*le ,ater#solu*le co"&ounds containin( s&eciall' selected sur.actants .or ,ettin(% &enetratin(% e"ulsi.'in(% and sa&oni.'in( arious t'&es o. soils% suc) as (rease and oil' !l"s% cuttin( and "ac)inin( !uids% and un&i("ented dra,in( co"&ounds% etcA Deter(ent cleaners "a' *e al-aline% neutral% or acidic in nature% *ut "ust *e noncorrosi e to t)e ite" *ein( ins&ectedA T)e cleanin( &ro&erties o. deter(ent solutions .acilitate co"&lete re"o al o. soils and conta"ination .ro" t)e sur.ace and oid areas% t)us &re&arin( t)e" to a*sor* t)e &enetrantA Cleanin( ti"e s)ould a era(e 10 to 11 "in at 150 to 200[8 ?55 to 2F[C@ ,it) "oderate a(itation% usin( concentrations ?(enerall' 4 to 3 oD0(al or G1 to 40 -(0" F@ reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturer o. t)e cleanin( co"&oundA
A1A1A1AG Al-aline Cleanin(6 ?a@ Al-aline cleaners are non!a""a*le ,ater solutions containin( s&eciall' selected deter(ents .or ,ettin(% &ene# tratin(% e"ulsi.'in(% and sa&oni.'in( arious t'&es o. soilsA +ot al-aline solutions are also used .or rust re"o al and descalin( to re"o e o!ide scale ,)ic) can "as- sur.ace discontinuitiesA Al-aline cleaner co"&ounds "ust *e used in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturersE reco""endationsA Caution6 Parts cleaned *' t)e al-aline cleanin( &rocess "ust *e rinsed co"&letel' .ree o. cleaner and t)orou()l' dried *' )eat &rior to t)e &enetrant ins&ection &rocess P&art te"&erature at t)e ti"e o. &enetrant a&&lication s)all not e!ceed 121[8 ?12[C@QA ?*@ Stea" cleanin( is a "odi!cation o. t)e )ot#tanal-aline cleanin( "et)od% ,)ic) can *e used .or &re&ara# tion o. lar(e% un,ield' &artsA It ,ill re"o e inor(anic soils and "an' or(anic soils .ro" t)e sur.ace o. &arts% *ut "a' not reac) to t)e *otto" o. dee& discontinuities% and a su*seJuent sol ent soa- is reco""endedA
A1A1A1A2 Sol ent Cleanin( M T)ere are a ariet' o. sol ent cleaners t)at can *e e..ecti el' utiliDed to dis# sol e suc) soils as (rease and oil' !l"s% ,a!es and seal# ants% &aints% and in (eneral% or(anic "atterA T)ese sol ents s)ould *e residue#.ree% es&eciall' ,)en used as a )and# ,i&e sol ent or as a di&#tan- de(reasin( sol entA Sol ent cleaners are not reco""ended .or t)e re"o al o. rust and scale% ,eldin( !u! and s&atter% and in (eneral% inor(anic soilsA Caution6 So"e cleanin( sol ents are !a""a*le and can *e to!icA O*ser e all "anu.acturersE instructions and &recautionar' notesA
A1A1A1A1 <ltrasonic Cleanin( M T)is "et)od adds ultrasonic a(itation to sol ent or deter(ent cleanin( to i"&ro e cleanin( e.!cienc' and decrease cleanin( ti"eA It s)ould *e used ,it) ,ater and deter(ent i. t)e soil to *e re"o ed is inor(anic ?rust% dirt% salts% corrosion &roducts% etcA@% and ,it) or(anic sol ent i. t)e soil to *e re"o ed is or(anic ?(rease and oil' !l"s% etcA@A A.ter ultrasonic cleanin(% &arts s)ould *e )eated to re"o e t)e cleanin( !uid% t)en cooled to at least 121[8 ?12[C@% *e.ore a&&lica# tion o. &enetrantA
A1A1A1AF Va&or De(reasin( M Va&or de(reasin( is a &re.erred "et)od o. re"o in( oil or (rease#t'&e soils .ro" t)e sur.ace o. &arts and .ro" o&en discontinuitiesA It ,ill not re"o e inor(anic#t'&e soils ?dirt% corrosion% salts% etcA@% and "a' not re"o e resinous soils ?&lastic coatin(s% arnis)% &aint% etcA@A Because o. t)e s)ort contact ti"e% de(reasin( "a' not co"&letel' clean out dee& discontinu# ities and a su*seJuent sol ent soa- is reco""endedA
A1A1A1A4 Paint Re"o al M Paint !l"s can *e e..ecti el' re"o ed *' *ond release sol ent &aint re"o er or disinte(ratin(#t'&e )ot#tan- al-aline &aint stri&&ersA In "ost cases% t)e &aint !l" "ust *e co"&letel' re"o ed to e!&ose t)e sur.ace o. t)e "etalA Sol ent#t'&e &aint re"o ers can *e o. t)e )i()# iscosit' t)ic-ened t'&e .or s&ra' or *rus) a&&lication or can *e o. lo, iscosit' t,o# la'er t'&e .or di&#tan- a&&licationA Bot) t'&es o. sol ent &aint re"o ers are (enerall' used at a"*ient te"&eratures% as recei edA +ot#tan- al-aline stri&&ers are ,ater#solu*le &o,der co"&ounds (enerall' used at 3 to 14 oD0(al ?40 to 120 -(0"F@ o. ,ater at 130 to 200[8 ?32 to 2F[C@A A.ter &aint re"o al% t)e &arts "ust *e t)orou()l' rinsed to re"o e all conta"ination .ro" t)e oid o&enin(s and t)en t)orou()l' driedA
A1A1A1A5 Mec)anical Cleanin( and Sur.ace Condi# tionin( M Metal#re"o in( &rocesses suc) as !lin(%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*u.!n(% scra&in(% "ec)anical "illin(% drillin(% rea"in(% (rindin(% liJuid )onin(% sandin(% lat)e cuttin(% tu"*le or i*rator' de*urrin(% and a*rasi e *lastin(% includin( a*ra# si es suc) as (lass *eads% sand% alu"inu" o!ide% li(no# cellulose &ellets% "etallic s)ot% etcA% are o.ten used to re"o e suc) soils as car*on% rust and scale% and .oundr' ad)erin( sands% as ,ell as to de*urr or &roduce a desired cos"etic e..ect on t)e &artA T)ese &rocesses "a' decrease t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e &enetrant e!a"ination *' s"earin( or &eenin( o er "etal sur.aces and !llin( discontinuities o&en to t)e sur.ace% es&eciall' .or so.t "etals suc) as alu"inu"% titaniu"% "a(nesiu"% and *er'lliu" allo'A
A2A Met)ods .or Measurin( Total C)lorine Content in Co"*usti*le LiJuid Penetrant Materials A2A1 Sco&e and A&&lication A2A1A1 T)ese "et)ods co er t)e deter"ination o. c)lorine in co"*usti*le liJuid &enetrant "aterials% liJuid or solidA Its ran(e o. a&&lica*ilit' is 0A001 to 1O usin( eit)er o. t)e alternati e titri"etric &roceduresA T)e &roce# dures assu"e t)at *ro"ine or iodine ,ill not *e &resentA I. t)ese ele"ents are &resent% t)e' ,ill *e detected and re&orted as c)lorineA T)e .ull a"ount o. t)ese ele"ents ,ill not *e re&ortedA C)ro"ate inter.eres ,it) t)e &rocedures% causin( lo, or none!istent end &ointsA T)e "et)od is a&&li# ca*le onl' to "aterials t)at are totall' co"*usti*leA
A1A1A1A3 Acid Etc)in( M In)i*ited acid solutions ?&ic-lin( solutions@ are routinel' used .or descalin( &art sur.acesA Descalin( is necessar' to re"o e o!ide scale% ,)ic) can "as- sur.ace discontinuities and &re ent &ene# trant .ro" enterin(A Acid solutions0etc)ants are also used routinel' to re"o e s"eared "etal t)at &eens o er sur.ace discontinuitiesA Suc) etc)ants s)ould *e used in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturersE reco""endationsA Caution6
NOTE A16 Etc)ed &arts and "aterials "ust *e rinsed co"&letel' .ree o. etc)ants% t)e sur.ace neutraliDed and t)orou()l' dried *' )eat &rior to a&&lication o. &enetrantsA Acids and c)ro"ates can ad ersel' a..ect t)e !uorescence o. !uorescent "aterialsA
A2A2 Su""ar' o. Met)ods A2A2A1 T)e sa"&le is o!idiDed *' co"*ustion in a *o"* containin( o!'(en under &ressure ?Caution% see A2A2A1A1@A T)e c)lorine co"&ounds t)us li*erated are a*sor*ed in a sodiu" car*onate solution and t)e a"ount o. c)loride &resent is deter"ined titri"etricall' eit)er a(ainst sil er nitrate ,it) t)e end &oint detected &otio"etricall' ?Met)od A@ or coulo"etricall' ,it) t)e end &oint detected *' current !o, increase ?Met)od B@A
NOTE A2 M L)ene er t)ere is a &ossi*ilit' o. )'dro(en e"*rittle"ent as a result o. acid solution0etc)in(% t)e &art s)ould *e *a-ed at a suita*le te"&erature .or an a&&ro&riate ti"e to re"o e t)e )'dro(en *e.ore .urt)er &rocessin(A A.ter *a-in(% t)e &art s)all *e cooled to a te"&erature *elo, 121[8 ?12[C@ *e.ore a&&l'in( &enetrantsA
A2A2A1A1' M Strict ad)erence to all o. t)e &ro isions &rescri*ed )ereina.ter ensures a(ainst e!&losi e ru&ture o. t)e *o"*% or a *lo,#out% &ro ided t)e *o"* is o. &ro&er desi(n and construction and in (ood "ec)anical conditionA It is desira*le% )o,e er% t)at t)e *o"* *e enclosed in a s)ield o. steel &late at least 1V2 inA ?12A5 ""@ t)ic-% or eJui alent &rotection *e &ro ided a(ainst un.oreseea*le contin(enciesA
A1A1A1A2 Air 8irin( o. Cera"ics M +eatin( o. a cera"ic &art in a clean% o!idiDin( at"os&)ere is an e..ecti e ,a' o. re"o in( "oisture or li()t or(anic soil or *ot)A T)e "a!i"u" te"&erature t)at ,ill not cause de(radation o. t)e &ro&erties o. t)e cera"ic s)ould *e usedA A1A2 Post Cleanin( A1A2A1 Re"o al o. De elo&er M Dr' &o,der de el# o&er can *e e..ecti el' re"o ed ,it) an air *lo,#o.. ?.ree o. oil@ or it can *e re"o ed ,it) ,ater rinsin(A Let de el# o&er coatin(s can *e re"o ed e..ecti el' *' ,ater rinsin( or ,ater rinsin( ,it) deter(ent eit)er *' )and or ,it) a "ec)anical assist ?scru* *rus)in(% ,as)in( "ac)ine% etcA@A T)e solu*le de elo&er coatin(s si"&l' dissol e o.. o. t)e &art ,it) a ,ater rinseA
A2AF A&&aratus A2AFA1 Bo"*% )a in( a ca&acit' o. not less t)an F00 "L% so constructed t)at it ,ill not lea- durin( t)e test% and t)at Juantitati e reco er' o. t)e liJuids .ro" t)e *o"* "a' *e readil' ac)ie edA T)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* "a' *e "ade o. stainless steel or an' ot)er "aterial t)at ,ill not *e a..ected *' t)e co"*ustion &rocess or &roductsA Materials used in t)e *o"* asse"*l'% suc) as t)e )ead (as-et and lead,ire insulation% s)all *e resistant to )eat and c)e"ical action% and s)all not under(o an' reaction t)at ,ill a..ect t)e c)lorine content o. t)e liJuid in t)e *o"*A
A1A2A2 Residual &enetrant "a' *e re"o ed t)rou() sol ent actionA Va&or de(reasin( ?10 "in "ini"u"@% sol# ent soa-in( ?11 "in "ini"u"@% and ultrasonic sol ent cleanin( ?F "in "ini"u"@ tec)niJues are reco""endedA In so"e cases% it is desira*le to a&or de(rease% t)en .ollo, ,it) a sol ent soa-A T)e actual ti"e reJuired in t)e a&or de(reaser and sol ent soa- ,ill de&end on t)e nature o. t)e &art and s)ould *e deter"ined e!&eri"entall'A
A2AFA2 Sa"&le Cu&% &latinu"% 2G "" in outside dia"eter at t)e *otto"% 25 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% 12 "" in )ei()t outside and ,ei()in( 10 to 11 (% o&aJue .used silica% ,ide#.or" ,it) an outside dia"eter o. 22 "" at t)e to&% a )ei()t o. 12 ""% and a 1#"L ca&acit' ?Note 1@% or nic-el ?9a,in ca&sule .or"@% to& dia"eter o. 23 ""% 11 "" in )ei()t% and 1#"L ca&acit'A
NOTE A2A16 8used silica cruci*les are "uc) "ore econo"ical and lon(er# lastin( t)an &latinu"A A.ter eac) use% t)e' s)ould *e scru**ed out ,it)
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!ne% ,et e"er' clot)% )eated to dull red )eat o er a *urner% soa-ed in )ot ,ater .or 1 )% t)en dried and stored in a desiccator *e.ore reuseA
A2AFAF 8irin( Lire% &latinu"% a&&ro!i"atel' NoA 24 B : S (a(eA A2AFAG I(nition Circuit ?Note A2A2@% ca&a*le o. su&# &l'in( su.!cient current to i(nite t)e n'lon t)read or cotton ,ic-in( ,it)out "eltin( t)e ,ireA
NOTE A2A26 Caution M T)e s,itc) in t)e i(nition circuit s)all *e o. a t'&e t)at re"ains o&en% e!ce&t ,)en )eld in closed &osition *' t)e o&eratorA
to to to to
A2AFA1 N'lon Se,in( T)read% or Cotton Lic-in(% ,)iteA A2AG Purit' o. Rea(ents A2AGA1 Rea(ent (rade c)e"icals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!cations o. t)e Co""it# tee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Soci# et'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out less# enin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
T)e "ini"u" &ressures are s&eci!ed to &ro ide su.!cient o!'(en .or co"&lete co"*ustion and t)e "a!i"u" &ressures &resent a' reJuire"entA
A2AG@% add it to t)e sa"&le cu& *' "eans o. a dro&&er at t)is ti"e ?Caution% see Notes A2A1 and A2A4@A
NOTE A2AF6 A.ter re&eated use o. t)e *o"* .or c)lorine deter"ination% a !l" "a' *e noticed on t)e inner sur.aceA T)is dullness s)ould *e re"o ed *' &eriodic &olis)in( o. t)e *o"*A A' "et)od .or doin( t)is is to rotate t)e *o"* in a lat)e at a*out F00 r&" and &olis) t)e inside sur.ace ,it) Irit NoA 200 or eJui alent &a&er coated ,it) a li()t "ac)ine oil to &re ent cuttin(% and t)en ,it) a &aste o. (rit#.ree c)ro"ic o!ide and ,aterA T)is &rocedure ,ill re"o e all *ut er' dee& &its and &ut a )i() &olis) on t)e sur.aceA Be.ore usin( t)e *o"*% it s)ould *e ,as)ed ,it) soa& and ,ater to re"o e oil or &aste le.t .ro" t)e &olis)in( o&erationA Bo"*s ,it) &orous or &itted sur.aces s)ould ne er *e used *ecause o. t)e tendenc' to retain c)lorine .ro" sa"&le to sa"&leA Caution6 Do not use "ore t)an 1 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er c)lorine#.ree co"*usti*le "aterialA
A2AGA2 <nless ot)er,ise indicated% re.erences to ,ater s)all *e understood to "ean re.eree (rade rea(ent ,ater con.or"in( to S&eci!cation D 112FA A2A1 Deco"&osition A2A1A1 Rea(ents and Materials6 A2A1A1A1 O!'(en% .ree o. co"*usti*le "aterial and )alo(en co"&ounds% a aila*le at a &ressure o. G0 at" ?GA01 MPa@A A2A1A1A2 Sodiu" Car*onate Solution ?10 ( Na2COF0L@ M Dissol e 10 ( o. an)'drous Na2COF or 13A1 ( o. Na2COF f +2O@ or 1F1 ( o. Na2COF f 10+2O in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA A2A1A1AF L)ite Oil% re!nedA A2A1A2 Procedure6 A2A1A2A1 Pre&aration o. Bo"* and Sa"&le M Cut a &iece o. !rin( ,ire a&&ro!i"atel' 100 "" in len(t)A Coil t)e "iddle section ?a*out 20 ""@ and attac) t)e .ree ends to t)e ter"inalsA Arran(e t)e coil so t)at it ,ill *e a*o e and to one side o. t)e sa"&le cu&A Place 1 "L o. Na2COF solution in t)e *o"* ?Note A2AF@% &lace t)e co er on t)e *o"* and i(orousl' s)a-e .or 11 s to distri*ute t)e solution o er t)e inside o. t)e *o"*A O&en t)e *o"*% &lace t)e sa"&le#!lled sa"&le cu& in t)e ter"inal )older% and insert a s)ort len(t) o. t)read *et,een t)e !rin( ,ire and sa"&leA <se o. a sa"&le ,ei()t containin( o er 20 "( o. c)lorine "a' cause corrosion o. t)e *o"*A T)e sa"&le ,ei()t s)ould not e!ceed 0AG ( i. t)e e!&ected c)lorine content is 2A1O or a*o eA I. t)e sa"&le is solid% not "ore t)an 0A2 ( s)ould *e usedA <se 0A3 ( o. ,)ite oil ,it) solid sa"&lesA I. ,)ite oil ,ill *e used ?Note
NOTE A2AG6 I. t)e sa"&le is not readil' "isci*le ,it) ,)ite oil% so"e ot)er non olatile% c)lorine#.ree co"*usti*le diluent "a' *e e"&lo'ed in &lace o. ,)ite oilA +o,e er% t)e co"*ined ,ei()t o. sa"&le and non ola# tile diluent s)all not e!ceed 1 (A So"e solid additi es are relati el' insolu*le% *ut "a' *e satis.actoril' *urned ,)en co ered ,it) a la'er o. ,)ite oilA
NOTE A2A16 T)e &ractice o. runnin( alternatel' sa"&les )i() and lo, in c)lorine content s)ould *e a oided ,)ene er &ossi*leA It is di.!cult to rinse t)e last traces o. c)lorine .ro" t)e ,alls o. t)e *o"* and t)e tendenc' .or residual c)lorine to carr' o er .ro" sa"&le to sa"&le )as *een o*ser ed in a nu"*er o. la*oratoriesA L)en a sa"&le )i() in c)lorine )as &receded one lo, in c)lorine content% t)e test on t)e lo,#c)lorine sa"&le s)ould *e re&eated and one or *ot) o. t)e lo, alues t)us o*tained s)ould *e considered sus&ect i. t)e' do not a(ree ,it)in t)e li"its o. re&eata*ilit' o. t)is "et)odA
A2A1A2A2 Addition o. O!'(en M Place t)e sa"&le cu& in &osition and arran(e t)e n'lon t)read% or ,is& o. cotton so t)at t)e end di&s into t)e sa"&leA Asse"*le t)e *o"* and ti()ten t)e co er securel'A Ad"it o!'(en ?Caution% Note A2A4@ slo,l' ?to a oid *lo,in( t)e sa"&le .ro" t)e cu&@ until a &ressure is reac)ed as indicated in Ta*le A2A1A
Note A2A46 Caution M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tiltedA
A2A1A2AF Co"*ustion M I""erse t)e *o"* in a cold#,ater *at)A Connect t)e ter"inals to t)e o&en electri# cal circuitA Close t)e circuit to i(nite t)e sa"&leA Re"o e t)e *o"* .ro" t)e *at) a.ter i""ersion .or at least ten
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"inutesA Release t)e &ressure at a slo,% uni.or" rate suc) t)at t)e o&eration reJuires not less t)an 1 "inA O&en t)e *o"* and e!a"ine t)e contentsA I. traces o. un*urned oil or soot' de&osits are .ound% discard t)e deter"ination% and t)orou()l' clean t)e *o"* *e.ore a(ain &uttin( it in use ?Note A2AF@A A2A4 Anal'sis% Met)od A% Potentio"etric Titration Procedure A2A4A1 A&&aratus6 A2A4A1A1 Sil er Billet ElectrodeA A2A4A1A2 Ilass Electrode% &+ "easure"ent t'&eA A2A4A1AF Buret% 21#"L ca&acit'% 0A01#"L (radua# tionsA A2A4A1AG Milli olt Meter% or e!&anded scale &+ "eter ca&a*le o. "easurin( 0 to 220 "VA
a"ount o. di..erence *et,een t)e &resent readin( and t)e last readin(A Continue addin( 0A1#"L incre"ents% "a-in( readin(s and deter"inin( di..erences *et,een readin(s until a "a!i"u" di..erence *et,een readin(s is o*tainedA T)e total a"ount o. A(NO F solution reJuired to &roduce t)is "a!i"u" di..erential is t)e end &ointA Auto"atic titra# tors continuousl' stir t)e sa"&le% add titrant% "easure t)e &otential di..erence% calculate t)e di..erential% and &lot t)e di..erential on a c)artA T)e "a!i"u" di..erential is ta-en at t)e end &ointA
NOTE A2A36 8or "a!i"u" sensiti it'% 0A00232 N A(NO F solution "a' *e used ,it) t)e auto"atic titratorA T)is dilute rea(ent s)ould not *e used ,it) lar(e sa"&les or ,)ere c)lorine content "a' *e o er 0A1O since t)ese tests ,ill cause end &oints o. 10 "L or )i()erA T)e lar(e a"ount o. ,ater used in suc) titrations reduces t)e di..erential *et,een readin(s% "a-in( t)e end &oint er' di.!cult to detectA 8or c)lorine contents o er 1O in sa"&les o. 0A3 ( or lar(er% 0A232 N A(NOF solution ,ill *e reJuired to a oid e!ceedin( t)e 10#"L ,ater dilution li"itA
Note A2A56 An auto"atic titrator is )i()l' reco""ended in &lace o. ite"s A2A4A1AF t)rou() A2A4A1AGA Re&eata*ilit' and sensiti it' o. t)e "et)od are "uc) en)anced *' t)e auto"atic eJui&"ent ,)ile "uc) tedious e..ort is a oidedA
A2A4A2 Rea(ents and Materials6 A2A4A2A1 Acetone% c)lorine#.reeA A2A4A2A2 Met)anol% c)lorine#.reeA A2A4A2AF Sil er Nitrate Solution ?0A0232 N@ M Dis# sol e GA5210 W 0A0001 ( o. sil er nitrate ?A(NO F@ in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA A2A4A2AG Sodiu" C)loride Solution ?0A0232 N@ M Dr' a .e, (ra"s o. sodiu" c)loride ?NaCl@ .or 2 ) at 1F0 to 110[C% ,ei() out 1A4G30 W 0A0001 ( o. t)e dried NaCl% dissol e in ,ater% and dilute to 1 LA A2A4A2A1 Sul.uric Acid ?1 X 2@ M Mi! 1 olu"e o. concentrated sul.uric acid ?+2SOG%s&A (r 1A3G@ ,it) 2 olu"es o. ,aterA A2A4AF Collection o. C)lorine Solution M Re"o e t)e sa"&le cu& ,it) clean .orce&s and &lace in a G00#"L *ea-erA Las) do,n t)e ,alls o. t)e *o"* s)ell ,it) a !ne strea" o. "et)anol .ro" a ,as) *ottle% and &our t)e ,as)in(s into t)e *ea-erA Rinse an' residue into t)e *ea-erA Ne!t% rinse t)e *o"* co er and ter"inals into t)e *ea-erA 8inall'% rinse *ot) inside and outside o. t)e sa"&le cruci*le into t)e *ea-erA Las)in(s s)ould eJual *ut not e!ceed 100 "LA Add "et)anol to "a-e 100 "LA A2A4AG Deter"ination o. C)lorine M Add 1 "L o. +2SOG ?162@ to acidi.' t)e solution ?solution s)ould *e acid to lit"us and clear o. ,)ite Na2COF &reci&itate@A Add 100 "L o. acetoneA Place t)e electrodes in t)e solution% start t)e stirrer ?i. "ec)anical stirrer is to *e used@% and *e(in titrationA I. titration is "anual% set t)e &+ "eter on t)e e!&anded "illi olt scale and note t)e readin(A Add e!actl' 0A1 "L o. A(NO F solution .ro" t)e *uretA Allo, a .e, seconds stirrin(R t)en record t)e ne, "illi olt readin(A Su*tract t)e second readin( .ro" t)e !rstA Continue t)e titration% notin( eac) a"ount o. A(NO F solution and t)e
A2A4A1 Blan- M Ma-e *lan- deter"inations ,it) t)e a"ount o. ,)ite oil used *ut o"ittin( t)e sa"&leA ?LiJuid sa"&les nor"all' reJuire onl' 0A11 to 0A21 ( o. ,)ite oil ,)ile solids reJuire 0A5 to 0A3 (A@ 8ollo, nor"al &rocedure% "a-in( t,o or t)ree test runs to *e sure t)e results are ,it)in t)e li"its o. re&eata*ilit' .or t)e testA Re&eat t)is *lan- &rocedure ,)ene er ne, *atc)es o. rea(ents or ,)ite oil are usedA T)e &ur&ose o. t)e *lan- run is to "easure t)e c)lorine in t)e ,)ite oil% t)e rea(ents% and t)at intro# duced *' conta"inationA A2A4A4 StandardiDation M Sil er nitrate solutions are not &er"anentl' sta*le% so t)e true acti it' s)ould *e c)ec-ed ,)en t)e solution is !rst "ade u& and t)en &eriodi# call' durin( t)e li.e o. t)e solutionA T)is is done *' titration o. a -no,n NaCl solution as .ollo,s6 Pre&are a "i!ture o. t)e a"ounts o. t)e c)e"icals ?Na2COF solution% +2SOG solution% acetone% and "et)anol@ s&eci!ed .or t)e testA Pi&et in 1A0 "L o. 0A0232#N NaCl solution and titrate to t)e end &ointA Pre&are and titrate a si"ilar "i!ture o. all t)e c)e"icals e!ce&t t)e NaCl solution% t)us o*tainin( a rea(ent *lan- readin(A Calculate t)e nor"alit' o. t)e A(NO F solution as .ollo,s6
1A0 NNaCl VA \ V B
,)ere6 NA(NOF & nor"alit' o. t)e A(NOF solution% NNaCl & nor"alit' o. t)e NaCl solution% VA & "illilitres o. A(NOF solution used .or t)e titra# tion includin( t)e NaCl solution% and VB & "illilitres o. A(NO F solution used .or t)e titra# tion o. t)e rea(ents onl'A A2A4A5 Calculation M Calculate t)e c)lorine content o. t)e sa"&le as .ollo,s6
?VS \ VB@ L
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
,)ere6 VS VB N L & & & & "illilitres o. A(NOF solution used *' t)e sa"&le% "illilitres o. A(NOF solution used *' t)e *lan-% nor"alit' o. t)e A(NO F solution% and (ra"s o. sa"&le usedA
A2A5AFAF Ilacial Acetic Acid#Nitric Acid Solu# tion M A t'&ical ratio is 12A1 to 1 ?12A1 &arts C+FCOO+ to 1 &art +NOF@A A2A5AFAG Mi! enou() (elatin solution and o. acetic acid#nitric acid "i!ture .or one titrationA ?A t'&ical "i!ture is 2A1 "L o. (elatin solution and 1AG "L o. acetic#nitric acid "i!tureA@
NOTE A2A106 T)e solution "a' *e &re"i!ed in a lar(er Juantit' .or con enience% *ut "a' not *e usea*le a.ter 2G )A
A2A4A3 Precision and Accurac'6 A2A4A3A1 T)e .ollo,in( criteria s)ould *e used .or Sud(in( t)e acce&ta*ilit' o. results6 A2A4A3A1A1 Re&eata*ilit' M Results *' t)e sa"e anal'st s)ould not *e considered sus&ect unless t)e' *' "ore t)an 0A004O or 10A1O o. t)e alue deter"ined% ,)ic)e er is )i()erA A2A4A3A1A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M Results *' di..erent la*oratories s)ould not *e considered sus&ect unless t)e' *' "ore t)an 0A01FO or 21AFO o. t)e alue detected% ,)ic)e er is )i()erA A2A4A3A1AF Accurac' M T)e a era(e reco er' o. t)e "et)od is 34O to 32O o. t)e actual a"ount &resentA A2A5 Anal'sis% Met)od B% Coulo"etric Titration A2A5A1 A&&aratus6 A2A5A1A1 Coulo"etric C)loride TitratorA A2A5A1A2 Bea-ers% t,o% 100#"L% or (laDed cruci# *les ?&re.era*l' ,it) 11V2 inA#outside dia"eter *otto"@A A2A5A1AF Re.ri(eratorA A2A5A2 Rea(ents6 A2A5A2A1 Acetic Acid% IlacialA A2A5A2A2 Dr' Ielatin Mi!tureA A2A5A2AF Nitric AcidA A2A5A2AG Sodiu" C)loride Solution M 100 "eJ C0 1A Dr' a Juantit' o. NaCl .or 2 ) at 1F0 to 110[CA Lei() out 1A3GG0 W 0A0001 ( o. dried NaCl in a closed container% dissol e in ,ater% and dilute to 1 LA A2A5AF Rea(ent Pre&aration6
NOTE A2A26 T)e nor"al rea(ent &re&aration &rocess )as *een sli()tl' c)an(ed% due to t)e inter.erence .ro" t)e 10 "L o. ,ater reJuired to ,as) t)e *o"*A T)is "odi!ed &rocess eli"inates t)e inter.erence and does not alter t)e Jualit' o. t)e titrationA
A2A5AFA1 Run at least t)ree *lan- alues and ta-e an a era(e accordin( to t)e o&eratin( "anual o. t)e titratorA Deter"ine se&arate *lan-s .or *ot) 1 dro&s o. "ineral oil and 20 dro&s o. "ineral oilA A2A5AG Titration6 A2A5AGA1 Lei() to t)e nearest 0A1 ( and record t)e ,ei()t o. t)e 100#"L *ea-erA A2A5AGA2 Re"o e t)e sa"&le cruci*le .ro" t)e co er asse"*l' su&&ort rin( usin( a clean .orce&s% and% usin( a ,as) *ottle% rinse *ot) t)e inside and t)e outside ,it) ,ater into t)e 100#"L *ea-erA A2A5AGAF E"&t' t)e *o"* s)ell into t)e 100#"L *ea-erA Las) do,n t)e sides o. t)e *o"* s)ell ,it) ,ater% usin( a ,as) *ottleA A2A5AGAG Re"o e t)e co er asse"*l' .ro" t)e co er asse"*l' su&&ort% and% usin( t)e ,as) *ottle% rinse t)e under side% t)e &latinu" ,ire% and t)e ter"inals into t)e sa"e 100#"L *ea-erA T)e total a"ount o. ,as)in(s s)ould *e 10 W 1 (A A2A5AGA1 Add s&eci!ed a"ounts o. (elatin "i!ture and acetic acid#nitric acid "i!ture% or (elatin "i!#acetic acid#nitric acid "i!ture% i. t)is ,as &re"i!ed% into t)e 100# "L *ea-er t)at contains t)e 10 ( o. ,as)in(s includin( t)e deco"&osed sa"&leA A2A5AGA4 Titrate usin( a coulo"etric titri"eter% accordin( to o&eratin( "anual &rocedureA A2A5A1 Calculations M Calculate t)e c)loride ion concentration in t)e sa"&le as .ollo,s6
C)lorine% ,ei()t O & ?P \ B@ L M
A2A5AFA1 Ielatin Solution M A t'&ical &re&aration is6 Add a&&ro!i"atel' 1 L or )ot distilled or deioniDed ,ater to t)e 4A2 ( o. dr' (elatin "i!ture contained in one ial su&&lied *' t)e eJui&"ent "anu.acturerA Ientl' )eat ,it) continuous "i!in( until t)e (elatin is co"&letel' dis# sol edA A2A5AFA2 Di ide into aliJuots eac) su.!cient .or one da'Es anal'sesA ?T)irt' "illilitres is enou() .or a&&ro!# i"atel' ele en titrationsA@ 9ee& t)e re"ainder in a re.ri(er# ator% *ut do not .reeDeA T)e solution ,ill -ee& .or a*out 4 "ont)s in t)e re.ri(eratorA L)en read' to use% i""erse t)e da'Es aliJuot in )ot ,ater to liJue.' t)e (elatinA
,)ere6 P & counter readin( o*tained ,it) t)e sa"&le% B & a era(e counter readin( o*tained ,it) a era(e o. t)e t)ree *lan- readin(s% M & standardiDation constantA T)is is de&endent on t)e instru"ent ran(e settin( in use and t)e readin( o*tained ,it) a -no,n a"ount o. t)e 100 "eJ o. Cl &er litre o. solution% and L & ,ei()t o. sa"&le used% (A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A2A5A4 Precision and Accurac'6 A2A5A4A1 Du&licate results *' t)e sa"e o&erator can *e e!&ected to e!)i*it t)e .ollo,in( relati e standard de iations6
A&&ro!i"ate O C)lorine 1A0 and a*o e 0A1 0A00F RSD% O 0A10 2A1 1A2
A2A5A4A2 T)e "et)od can *e e!&ected to re&ort alues t)at ar' .ro" t)e true alue *' t)e .ollo,in( a"ounts6
0A1O c)lorine and a*o e 0A001 to 0A01O c)lorine W2O W2OA
A2A5A4AF I. *ro"ine is &resent% F4A1O o. t)e true a"ount ,ill *e re&ortedA I. iodine is &resent% 20A5O o. t)e true a"ount ,ill *e re&ortedA 8luorine ,ill not *e detectedA
AFAG A&&aratus AFAGA1 Bo"*% )a in( a ca&acit' o. not less t)an F00 "L% so constructed t)at it ,ill not lea- durin( t)e test% and t)at Juantitati e reco er' o. t)e liJuids .ro" t)e *o"* "a' *e readil' ac)ie edA T)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* "a' *e "ade o. stainless steel or an' ot)er "aterial t)at ,ill not *e a..ected *' t)e co"*ustion &rocess or &roductsA Materials used in t)e *o"* asse"*l'% suc) as t)e )ead (as-et and lead,ire insulation% s)all *e resistant to )eat and c)e"ical action% and s)all not under(o an' reaction t)at ,ill a..ect t)e !uorine content o. t)e liJuid in t)e *o"*A AFAGA2 Sa"&le Cu&% nic-el% 20 "" in outside dia"e# ter at t)e *otto"% 23 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% and 14 "" in )ei()tR or &latinu"% 2G "" in outside dia"eter at t)e *otto"% 25 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% 12 "" in )ei()t% and ,ei()in( 10 to 11 (A AFAGAF 8irin( Lire% &latinu"% a&&ro!i"atel' NoA 24 B : S (a(eA AFAGAG I(nition Circuit ?Note AFA1@% ca&a*le o. su&# &l'in( su.!cient current to i(nite t)e n'lon t)read or cotton ,ic-in( ,it)out "eltin( t)e ,ireA
AFA Met)od .or Measurin( Total 8luorine Content in Co"*usti*le LiJuid Penetrant Materials AFA1 Sco&e and A&&lication AFA1A1 T)is "et)od co ers t)e deter"ination o. !u# orine in co"*usti*le liJuid &enetrant "aterials% liJuid or solid% t)at do not contain a&&recia*le a"ounts o. inter.erin( ele"ents% or )a e an' insolu*le residue a.ter co"*ustionA Its ran(e o. a&&lica*ilit' is 1 to 200 000 &&"A AFA1A2 T)e "easure o. t)e !uorine content e"&lo's t)e !uoride selecti e ion electrodeA AFA2 Su""ar' o. Met)od AFA2A1 T)e sa"&le is o!idiDed *' co"*ustion in a *o"* containin( o!'(en under &ressure ?Caution% see AFA2A1A1@A T)e !uorine co"&ounds t)us li*erated are a*sor*ed in a sodiu" citrate solution and t)e a"ount o. !uorine &resent is deter"ined &otentio"etricall' t)rou() t)e use o. a !uoride selecti e ion electrodeA AFA2A1A1' M Strict ad)erence to all o. t)e &ro isions &rescri*ed )ereina.ter ensures a(ainst e!&losi e ru&ture o. t)e *o"*% or a *lo,#out% &ro ided t)e *o"* is o. &ro&er desi(n and construction and in (ood "ec)anical conditionA It is desira*le% )o,e er% t)at t)e *o"* *e enclosed in a s)ield o. steel &late at least 1V2 inA ?12A5 ""@ t)ic-% or eJui alent &rotection *e &ro ided a(ainst un.oreseea*le contin(enciesA
NOTE AFA16 Caution M T)e s,itc) in t)e i(nition circuit s)all *e o. a t'&e t)at re"ains o&en% e!ce&t ,)en )eld in closed &osition *' t)e o&eratorA
AFAGA1 N'lon Se,in( T)read% or Cotton Lic-in(% ,)iteA AFAGA4 8unnel% &ol'&ro&'lene ?Note AFA2@A AFAGA5 Volu"etric 8las-% &ol'&ro&'lene% 100#"L ?Note AFA2@A AFAGA3 Bea-er% &ol'&ro&'lene% 110#"L ?Note AFA2@A AFAGA2 Pi&et% 100# L% E&&endor.#t'&e ?Note AFA2@A AFAGA10 Ma(netic Stirrer and T8E#coated "a(netic stirrin( *arA AFAGA11 8luoride S&eci!c Ion Electrode and suita*le re.erence electrodeA AFAGA12 Milli olt Meter ca&a*le o. "easurin( to 0A1 "VA
NOTE AFA26 Ilass,are s)ould ne er *e used to )andle a !uoride solution as it ,ill re"o e !uoride ions .ro" solution or on su*seJuent use carr' !uoride ion .ro" a concentrated solution to one "ore diluteA
AFAF Inter.erences AFAFA1 Silicon% calciu"% alu"inu"% "a(nesiu"% and ot)er "etals .or"in( &reci&itates ,it) !uoride ion ,ill inter.ere i. t)e' are &resent in su.!cient concentration to e!ceed t)e solu*ilit' o. t)eir res&ecti e !uoridesA Insolu*le residue a.ter co"*ustion ,ill entrain !uorine e en i. ot)er# ,ise solu*leA
AFA1 Rea(ents AFA1A1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"i# cals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!# cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent is o. su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
AFA1A2 Purit' o. Later M <nless ot)er,ise indicated% all re.erences to ,ater s)all *e understood to "ean T'&e I rea(ent ,ater con.or"in( to S&eci!cation D 112FA AFA1AF 8luoride Solution% Stoc- ?2000 &&"@ M Dis# sol e GAG200 W 0A0001 ( o. &redried ?at 1F0 to 110[C .or 1 )% t)en cooled in a desiccator@ sodiu" !uoride in distilled ,ater and dilute to 1 LA AFA1AG O!'(en% .ree o. co"*usti*le "aterial and )alo(en co"&ounds% a aila*le at a &ressure o. G0 at" ?GA01 MPa@A AFA1A1 Sodiu" Citrate Solution M Dissol e 25 ( o. sodiu" citrate di)'drate in ,ater and dilute to 1 LA AFA1A4 Sodiu" +'dro!ide Solution ?1 N@ M Dissol e 200 ( o. sodiu" )'dro!ide ?NaO+@ &ellets in ,ater and dilute to 1 LR store in a &ol'et)'lene containerA AFA1A5 Las) Solution ?Modi!ed TISAB% Total Ionic Stren(t) AdSust"ent M To F00 "L o. distilled ,ater% add F2 "L o. (lacial acetic acid% 4A4 ( o. sodiu" citrate di)'drate% and F2A11 ( o. sodiu" c)lorideA Stir to dissol e and t)en adSust t)e &+ to 1AF usin( 1 N NaO+ solutionA Cool and dilute to 1 LA AFA1A3 L)ite Oil% re!nedA AFA4 Deco"&osition Procedure AFA4A1 Pre&aration o. Bo"* and Sa"&le M Cut a &iece o. !rin( ,ire a&&ro!i"atel' 100 "" in len(t)A Coil t)e "iddle section ?a*out 20 ""@ and attac) t)e .ree ends to t)e ter"inalsA Arran(e t)e coil so t)at it ,ill *e a*o e and to one side o. t)e sa"&le cu&A Place 10 "L o. sodiu" citrate solution in t)e *o"*% &lace t)e co er on t)e *o"*% and i(orousl' s)a-e .or 11 s to distri*ute t)e solution o er t)e inside o. t)e *o"*A O&en t)e *o"*% &lace t)e sa"&le#!lled sa"&le cu& in t)e ter"inal )older% and insert a s)ort len(t) o. t)read *et,een t)e !rin( ,ire and t)e sa"&leA T)e sa"&le ,ei()t used s)ould not e!ceed 1 (A I. t)e sa"&le is a solid% add a .e, dro&s o. ,)ite oil at t)is ti"e to ensure i(nition o. t)e sa"&leA
Ca&acit' o. Bo"*% "L F00 F10 G00 G10
to to to to
T)e "ini"u" &ressures are s&eci!ed to &ro ide su.!cient o!'(en .or co"&lete co"*ustion and t)e "a!i"u" &ressures &resent a' reJuire"entA
so t)at t)e end di&s into t)e sa"&leA Asse"*le t)e *o"* and ti()ten t)e co er securel'A Ad"it o!'(en ?Caution% Note AFAG@ slo,l' ?to a oid *lo,in( t)e sa"&le .ro" t)e cu&@ until a &ressure is reac)ed as indicated in Ta*le AFA1A
NOTE AFAG6 Caution M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tiltedA
AFA4AF Co"*ustion M I""erse t)e *o"* in a cold# ,ater *at)A Connect t)e ter"inals to t)e o&en electrical circuitA Close t)e circuit to i(nite t)e sa"&leA Re"o e t)e *o"* .ro" t)e *at) a.ter i""ersion .or at least 10 "inA Release t)e &ressure at a slo,% uni.or" rate suc) t)at t)e o&eration reJuires not less t)an 1 "inA O&en t)e *o"* and e!a"ine t)e contentsA I. traces o. un*urned oil or soot' de&osits are .ound% discard t)e deter"ination% and t)or# ou()l' clean t)e *o"* *e.ore a(ain &uttin( it in useA
AFA4AG Collection o. 8luorine Solution M Re"o e t)e sa"&le cu& ,it) clean .orce&s and rinse ,it) ,as) solution into a 100#"L olu"etric !as-A Rinse t)e ,alls o. t)e *o"* s)ell ,it) a !ne strea" o. ,as) solution .ro" a ,as) *ottle% and add t)e ,as)in(s to t)e !as-A Ne!t% rinse t)e *o"* co er and ter"inals into t)e olu"etric !as-A 8inall'% add ,as) solution to *rin( t)e contents o. t)e !as- to t)e lineA
NOTE AFAF6 <se o. sa"&le ,ei()ts containin( o er 20 "( o. c)lorine "a' cause corrosion o. t)e *o"*A To a oid t)is it is reco""ended t)at .or sa"&les containin( o er 2O c)lorine% t)e sa"&le ,ei()t *e *ased on t)e .ollo,in( ta*le6 Sa"&le C)lorineLei()t%L)ite Oil Content% O(Lei()t% ( 2 1 10 20 to to to to 1 10 20 10 0AG 0A2 0A1 0A01 0AG 0A4 0A5 0A5
AFA5 Procedure AFA5A1 Ascertain t)e slo&e ?"illi olts &er ten#.old c)an(e in concentration@ o. t)e electrode as descri*ed *' t)e "anu.acturerA AFA5A2 O*tain a *lan- solution *' &er.or"in( t)e &rocedure ,it)out a sa"&leA AFA5AF I""erse t)e !uoride and re.erence electrodes in solutions and o*tain t)e eJuili*riu" readin( to 0A1 "VA ?T)e condition o. t)e electrode deter"ines t)e len(t) o. ti"e necessar' to reac) eJuili*riu"A T)is "a' *e as little as 1 "in or as "uc) as 20 "inA@ AFA5AG Add 100 L o. stoc- !uoride solution and o*tain t)e readin( a.ter t)e sa"e len(t) o. ti"e necessar' .or AFA5AFA
Caution6 Do not use "ore t)an 1 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er !uorine#.ree co"*usti*le "aterialA AFA4A2 Addition o. O!'(en M Place t)e sa"&le cu& in &osition and arran(e t)e n'lon t)read% or ,is& o. cotton
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
AFA3 Calculation AFA3A1 Calculate t)e !uorine content o. t)e sa"&le as .ollo,s6
2 10\G2 10\G \ 10 E10S \ 1 10 E2 0S \ 1 8luorine% &&" & L
E1 & "illi olt c)an(e in sa"&le solution on addition o. 100 L o. stoc- !uoride solution% E2 & "illi olt c)an(e in *lan- solution on addition o. 100 L o. t)e stoc- !uoride solution% S & slo&e o. !uoride electrode as deter"ined in AFA5A1% and L & (ra"s o. sa"&leA AFA2 Precision and Bias AFA2A1 Re&eata*ilit' M T)e results o. t,o deter"ina# tions *' t)e sa"e anal'st s)ould not *e considered sus&ect unless t)e' *' "ore t)an 1A1 &&" ?0A00011O@ or 3A0O o. t)e a"ount detected% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA
AFA2A2 Re&roduci*ilit' M T)e results o. t,o deter"i# nations *' di..erent la*oratories s)ould not *e considered sus&ect unless t)e' *' 4A5 &&" or 122A0O o. t)e a"ount detected% ,)ic)e er is (reaterA AFA2AF Bias M T)e a era(e reco er' o. t)e "et)od is 42 to 4GO o. t)e a"ount actuall' &resent alt)ou() 3F to 31O reco eries can *e e!&ected ,it) &ro&er tec)niJueA
lo, ca&acit'% stron(l' *asic anion e!c)an(er ?(uard and se&arator colu"n@A T)e se&arated anions are directed onto a stron(l' acidic cation e!c)an(er ?su&&ressor colu"n@ ,)ere t)e' are con erted to t)eir )i()l' conducti e acid .or" and t)e car*onate#*icar*onate eluant is con erted to ,ea-l' conducti e car*onic acidA T)e se&arated anions in t)eir acid .or" are "easured *' conducti it'A T)e' are identi!ed on t)e *asis o. retention ti"e as co"&ared to standardsA Kuantitation is *' "easure"ent o. &ea- area or &ea- )ei()tA Blan-s are &re&ared and anal'Ded in a si"ilar .as)ionA AGA2A2 Inter.erences M An' su*stance t)at )as a retention ti"e coincidin( ,it) t)at o. an' anion to *e deter"ined ,ill inter.ereA 8or e!a"&le% relati el' )i() con# centrations o. lo,#"olecular#,ei()t or(anic acids inter.ere ,it) t)e deter"ination o. c)loride and !uorideA A )i() concentration o. an' one ion also inter.eres ,it) t)e resolu# tion o. ot)ersA Sa"&le dilution o erco"es "an' encesA To resol e uncertainties o. identi!cation or Juantitation use t)e "et)od o. -no,n additionsA S&urious &ea-s "a' result .ro" conta"inants in rea(ent ,ater% (lass# ,are% or sa"&le &rocessin( a&&aratusA Because s"all sa"# &le olu"es are used% scru&ulousl' a oid conta"inationA AGA2AF Mini"u" Detecta*le Concentration M T)e "ini"u" detecta*le concentration o. an anion is a .unction o. sa"&le siDe and conducti it' scale usedA Ienerall'% "ini"u" detecta*le concentrations are in t)e ran(e o. 0A01 "(0L .or 8\ and 0A1 "(0L .or Br\% Cl\% NOF\% NO2\% POGF\% and SOG2\ ,it) a 100# L sa"&le loo& and a 10# ")o .ull# scale settin( on t)e conducti it' detectorA Si"ilar alues "a' *e ac)ie ed *' usin( a )i()er scale settin( and an electronic inte(ratorA
AGA Deter"ination o. Anions *' Ion C)ro"ato(ra&)' Lit) Conducti it' Measure"ent AGA1 Sco&e and A&&lication AGA1A1 T)is "et)od is condensed .ro" ASTM &roce# dures and AP+A Met)od G22 and o&ti"iDed .or t)e anal'# sis o. detri"ental su*stances in or(anic *ased "aterialsA It &ro ides a sin(le instru"ental tec)niJue .or ra&id% seJuential "easure"ent o. co""on anions suc) as *ro# "ide% c)loride% !uoride% nitrate% nitrite% &)os&)ate% and sul.ateA AGA2 Su""ar' o. Met)od AGA2A1 T)e "aterial "ust *e &ut in t)e .or" o. an aJueous solution *e.ore anal'sis can *e atte"&tedA T)e sa"&le is o!idiDed *' co"*ustion in a *o"* containin( o!'(en under &ressureA T)e &roducts li*erated are a*sor*ed in t)e eluant &resent in t)e *o"* at t)e ti"e o. i(nitionA T)is solution is ,as)ed .ro" t)e *o"*% !ltered% and diluted to a -no,n olu"eA AGA2A1A1 A !ltered aliJuot o. sa"&le is inSected into a strea" o. car*onate#*icar*onate eluant and &assed t)rou() a series o. ion e!c)an(ersA T)e anions o. interest are se&arated on t)e *asis o. t)eir relati e a.!nities .or a
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
AGAF A&&aratus AGAFA1 Bo"*% )a in( a ca&acit' o. not less t)an F00 "L% so constructed t)at it ,ill not lea- durin( t)e test% and t)at Juantitati e reco er' o. t)e liJuids .ro" t)e *o"* "a' *e readil' ac)ie edA T)e inner sur.ace o. t)e *o"* "a' *e "ade o. stainless steel or an' ot)er "aterial t)at ,ill not *e a..ected *' t)e co"*ustion &rocess or &roductsA Materials used in t)e *o"* asse"*l'% suc) as t)e )ead (as-et and lead,ire insulation% s)all *e resistant to )eat and c)e"ical action% and s)all not under(o an' reaction t)at ,ill a..ect t)e c)lorine content o. t)e liJuid in t)e *o"*A AGAFA2 Sa"&le Cu&% &latinu"% 2G "" in outside dia"eter at t)e *otto"% 25 "" in outside dia"eter at t)e to&% 12 "" in )ei()t outside% and ,ei()in( 10 to 11 (R o&aJue .used silica% ,ide#.or" ,it) an outside dia"eter o. 22 "" at t)e to&% a )ei()t o. 12 ""% and a 1#"L ca&acit' ?Note AGA1@% or nic-el ?9a,in ca&sule .or"@% to& dia"eter o. 23 ""% 11 "" in )ei()t% and 1#"L ca&acit'A
NOTE AGA16 8used silica cruci*les are "uc) "ore econo"ical and lon(er lastin( t)an &latinu"A A.ter eac) use% t)e' s)ould *e scru**ed out ,it)
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!ne% ,et e"er' clot)% )eated to dull red )eat o er a *urner% soa-ed in )ot ,ater .or 1 ) t)en dried and stored in a desiccator *e.ore reuseA
AGAFAF 8irin( Lire% &latinu"% a&&ro!i"atel' NoA 24 B and S (a(eA AGAFAG I(nition Circuit ?Note AGA2@% ca&a*le o. su&# &l'in( su.!cient current to i(nite t)e n'lon t)read or cotton ,ic-in( ,it)out "eltin( t)e ,ireA
NOTE AGA26 Caution M T)e s,itc) in t)e i(nition circuit s)all *e o. a t'&e t)at re"ains o&en% e!ce&t ,)en )eld in closed &osition *' t)e o&eratorA
AGAGAG Re(enerant Solution 1% +2SOG% 1 N% use t)is re(enerant ,)en su&&ressor is not a continuousl' re(ener# ated oneA AGAGA1 Re(enerant Solution 2% +2SOG% 0A021 N% dilute 2A3 "L conc +2SOG to G L or 100 "L re(enerant solution 1 to G LA <se t)is re(enerant ,it) continuous re(eneration !*er su&&ressor s'ste"A AGAGA4 Standard Anion Solutions% 100 "(0L% &re&are a series o. standard anion solutions *' ,ei()in( t)e indi# cated a"ount o. salt% dried to a constant ,ei()t at 101[C% to 1000 "LA Store in &lastic *ottles in a re.ri(eratorR t)ese solutions are sta*le .or at least one "ont)A
Anion Cl\ 8\ Br\ NOF\ NO2\ POGF\ SOG2\ Salt NaCl Na8 NaBr NaNOF NaNO2 9+2POG 92SOG A"ount% (0L 1A4G31 2A2100 1A2354 1AF505 1AG223 1AGFF0 1A31G1
AGAFA1 N'lon Se,in( T)read% or Cotton Lic-in(% ,)iteA AGAFA4 Ion C)ro"ato(ra&)% includin( an inSection al e% a sa"&le loo&% (uard% se&arator% and su&&ressor col# u"ns% a te"&erature#co"&ensated s"all# olu"e conduc# ti it' cell ?4 L or less@% and a stri& c)art recorder ca&a*le o. .ull#scale res&onse o. 2 s or lessA An electronic &eainte(rator is o&tionalA T)e ion c)ro"ato(ra&) s)all *e ca&a# *le o. deli erin( 2 to 1 "L eluant0 "in at a &ressure o. 1G00 to 4200 -PaA AGAFA5 Anion Se&arator Colu"n% ,it) st'rene di i# n'l#*enDene#*ased lo,#ca&acit' &ellicular anion#e!c)an(e resin ca&a*le o. resol in( Br\% Cl\% 8\% NOF\% NO2\% POGF\% and SOG2\R G 210 ""A AGAFA3 Iuard Colu"n% identical to se&arator colu"n e!ce&t G10 ""% to &rotect se&arator colu"n .ro" .oulin( *' &articulates or or(anicsA AGAFA2 Su&&ressor Colu"n% )i()#ca&acit' cation# e!c)an(e resin ca&a*le o. con ertin( eluant and se&arated anions to t)eir acid .or"sA AGAFA10 S'rin(e% "ini"u" ca&acit' o. 2 "L and eJui&&ed ,it) a "ale &ressure !ttin(A AGAG Rea(ents AGAGA1 Purit' o. Rea(ents M Rea(ent (rade c)e"i# cals s)all *e used in all testsA <nless ot)er,ise indicated% it is intended t)at all rea(ents s)all con.or" to t)e s&eci!# cations o. t)e Co""ittee on Anal'tical Rea(ents o. t)e A"erican C)e"ical Societ'% ,)ere suc) s&eci!cations are a aila*leA Ot)er (rades "a' *e used% &ro ided it is !rst ascertained t)at t)e rea(ent )as su.!cientl' )i() &urit' to &er"it its use ,it)out lessenin( t)e accurac' o. t)e deter"inationA
AGAGA5 Co"*ined Lor-in( Standard Solution% +i() Ran(e M Co"*ine 10 "L o. t)e Cl\% 8\% NOF\% NO2\% and POGF\ standard anion solutions% 1 "L o. t)e Br\% and 100 "L o. t)e SOG2\ standard solutions% dilute to 1000 "L% and store in a &lastic *ottle &rotected .ro" li()tR contains 10 "(0L eac) o. Cl\% 8\% NOF\% NO2\% and POGF\% 1 "( Br\0L% and 100 "( SOG2\0LA Pre&are .res) dail'A AGAGA3 Co"*ined Lor-in( Standard Solution% Lo, Ran(e M Dilute 100 "L co"*ined ,or-in( standard solu# tion% )i() ran(e% to 1000 "L and store in a &lastic *ottle &rotected .ro" li()tR contains 1A0 "(0L eac) Cl \% 8\% NOF\% NO2\% and POGF\% 0A1 "( Br\0L% and 10 "( SOG2\0LA Pre# &are .res) dail'A AGAGA2 Alternati e Co"*ined Lor-in( Standard Solutions M Pre&are a&&ro&riate co"*inations accordin( to anion concentration to *e deter"inedA I. NO 2\ and POGF\ are not included% t)e co"*ined ,or-in( standard is sta*le .or one "ont)A AGA1 Deco"&osition Procedure AGA1A1 Pre&aration o. Bo"* and Sa"&le M Cut a &iece o. !rin( ,ire a&&ro!i"atel' 100 "" in len(t)A Coil t)e "iddle section ?a*out 20 ""@ and attac) t)e .ree ends to t)e ter"inalsA Arran(e t)e coil so t)at it ,ill *e a*o e and to one side o. t)e sa"&le cu&A Place 1 "L o. Na 2COF0 Na+COF solution in t)e *o"*% &lace t)e co er on t)e *o"*% and i(orousl' s)a-e .or 11 s to distri*ute t)e solution o er t)e inside o. t)e *o"*A O&en t)e *o"*% &lace t)e sa"&le# !lled sa"&le cu& in t)e ter"inal )older% and insert a s)ort len(t) o. t)read *et,een t)e !rin( ,ire and t)e sa"&leA T)e sa"&le ,ei()t used s)ould not e!ceed 1 (A I. t)e sa"&le is a solid% add a .e, dro&s o. ,)ite oil at t)is ti"e to ensure i(nition o. t)e sa"&leA
AGAGA2 DeioniDed or Distilled Later% .ree .ro" inter# .erences at t)e "ini"u" detection li"it o. eac) constituent and !ltered t)rou() a 0A2# " "e"*rane !lter to a oid &lu((in( colu"nsA AGAGAF Eluant Solution% sodiu" *icar*onate#sodiu" car*onate% 0A00FM Na+COF\ 0A002GM Na2COF6 dissol e 1A003 ( Na+COF and 1A0154 ( Na2COF in ,ater and dilute to G LA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"inA F3 F1 F0 25
"a! G0 F5 F2 22
to to to to
T)e "ini"u" &ressures are s&eci!ed to &ro ide su.!cient o!'(en .or co"&lete co"*ustion and t)e "a!i"u" &ressures &resent a' reJuire"entA NOTE AGAF6 <se o. sa"&le ,ei()ts containin( o er 20 "( o. c)lorine "a' cause corrosion o. t)e *o"*A To a oid t)is it is reco""ended t)at .or sa"&les containin( o er 2O c)lorine% t)e sa"&le ,ei()t *e *ased on t)e .ollo,in(6 C)lorineSa"&le Content%Lei()t%L)ite Oil O(Lei()t% ( 2 to 10AG0AG 1 to 100A20A4 10 to 200A10A5 20 to 100A010A5 CA<TION6 Do not use "ore t)an 1 ( total o. sa"&le and ,)ite oil or ot)er !uorine#.ree co"*usti*le "aterialA
se&aration ac)ie ed in 8i(A AGA1 ?2 to F "L0"in@A AdSust detector to desired settin( ?usuall' 10 ")o@ and let s'ste" co"e to eJuili*riu" ?11 to 20 "in@A A sta*le *ase line indicates eJuili*riu" conditionsA AdSust detector o..set to Dero#out eluant conducti it'R ,it) t)e !*er su&&ressor adSust t)e re(eneration !o, rate to "aintain sta*ilit'% usu# all' 2A1 to F "L0"inA AGA4A1A1 Set u& t)e ion c)ro"ato(ra&) in accor# dance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs instructionsA AGA4A2 Cali*ration M InSect standards containin( a sin(le anion or a "i!ture and deter"ine a&&ro!i"ate reten# tion ti"esA O*ser ed ti"es ar' ,it) conditions *ut i. standard eluant and anion se&arator colu"n are used% reten# tion al,a's in t)e order 8\% Cl\% NO2\% POGF\% Br\% NOF\% and SOG2\A InSect at least t)ree di..erent concentrations .or eac) anion to *e "easured and construct a cali*ration cur e *' &lottin( &ea- )ei()t or area a(ainst concentration on linear (ra&) &a&erA Recali*rate ,)ene er t)e detector set# tin( is c)an(edA Lit) a s'ste" reJuirin( su&&ressor re(en# eration% NO2\ interaction ,it) t)e su&&ressor "a' lead to erroneous NO2\ resultsR "a-e t)is deter"ination onl' ,)en t)e su&&ressor is at t)e sa"e sta(e o. e!)austion as durin( standardiDation or recali*rate .reJuentl'A In t)is t'&e o. s'ste" t)e ,ater di& ?see Note AGAG@ "a' s)i.t sli()tl' durin( su&&ressor e!)austion and ,it) a .ast run colu"n t)is "a' lead to sli()t inter.erence .or 8 \ or Cl\A To eli"i# nate t)is inter.erence% anal'De standards t)at *rac-et t)e e!&ected result or eli"inate t)e ,ater di& *' dilutin( t)e sa"&le ,it) eluant or *' addin( concentrated eluant to t)e sa"&le to (i e t)e sa"e +COF\0COF2\ concentration as in t)e eluantA I. sa"&le adSust"ents are "ade% adSust standards and *lan-s identicall'A
AGA1A2 Addition o. O!'(en M Place t)e sa"&le cu& in &osition and arran(e t)e n'lon t)read% or ,is& o. cotton so t)at t)e end di&s into t)e sa"&leA Asse"*le t)e *o"* and ti()ten t)e co er securel'A Ad"it o!'(en ?Caution% Note AGAG@ slo,l' ?to a oid *lo,in( t)e sa"&le .ro" t)e cu&@ until a &ressure is reac)ed as indicated in Ta*le AGA1A
NOTE AGAG6 Caution M Do not add o!'(en or i(nite t)e sa"&le i. t)e *o"* )as *een Sarred% dro&&ed% or tiltedA
AGA1AF Co"*ustion M I""erse t)e *o"* in a cold# ,ater *at)A Connect t)e ter"inals to t)e o&en electrical circuitA Close t)e circuit to i(nite t)e sa"&leA Re"o e t)e *o"* .ro" t)e *at) a.ter i""ersion .or at least 10 "inA Release t)e &ressure at a slo,% uni.or" rate suc) t)at t)e o&eration reJuires not less t)an 1 "inA O&en t)e *o"* and e!a"ine t)e contentsA I. traces o. un*urned oil or soot' de&osits are .ound% discard t)e deter"ination% and t)or# ou()l' clean t)e *o"* *e.ore a(ain &uttin( it in useA AGA1AG Collection o. Solution M Re"o e t)e sa"&le cu& ,it) clean .orce&s and rinse ,it) deioniDed ,ater and !lter t)e ,as)in(s into a 100#"L olu"etric !as-A Rinse t)e ,alls o. t)e *o"* s)ell ,it) a !ne strea" o. deioniDed ,ater .ro" a ,as) *ottle% and add t)e ,as)in(s t)rou() t)e !lter &a&er to t)e !as-A Ne!t% rinse t)e *o"* co er and ter"inals and add t)e ,as)in(s t)rou() t)e !lter into t)e olu"etric !as-A 8inall'% add deioniDed ,ater to *rin( t)e contents o. t)e !as- to t)e lineA <se aliJuots o. t)is solution .or t)e ion c)ro"ato(ra&)' ?IC@ anal'sisA
AGA4 Procedure AGA4A1 S'ste" EJuili*ration M Turn on ion c)ro"a# to(ra&) and adSust eluant !o, rate to a&&ro!i"ate t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
NOTE AGA16 Later di& occurs *ecause ,ater conducti it' in sa"&le is less t)an eluant conducti it' ?eluant is diluted *' ,ater@A
AGA4A2A1 I. linearit' is esta*lis)ed .or a (i en detector settin(% it is acce&ta*le to cali*rate ,it) a sin(le
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
standardA Record t)e &ea- )ei()t or area and retention ti"e to &er"it calculation o. t)e cali*ration .actor% 8A AGA4AF Sa"&le Anal'sis M Re"o e sa"&le &articu# lates% i. necessar'% *' !lterin( t)rou() a &re,as)ed 0A2# "#&oredia" "e"*rane !lterA <sin( a &re,as)ed s'rin(e o. 1 to 10 "L ca&acit' eJui&&ed ,it) a "ale luer !ttin( inSect sa"&le or standardA InSect enou() sa"&le to !us) sa"&le loo& se eral ti"es6 .or 0A1 "L sa"&le loo& inSect at least 1 "LA S,itc) ion c)ro"ato(ra&) .ro" load to inSect "ode and record &ea- )ei()ts and retention ti"es on stri& c)art recorderA A.ter t)e last &ea- ?SO G2\@ )as a&&eared and t)e conducti it' si(nal )as returned to *ase line% anot)er sa"&le can *e inSectedA
Sin(le# O&erator Precision% "(0L 0A0F 0AG4 0A11 0AGF 1F 0A0G 1AF 0A02 0A4 0A0F 0A15 0A0F 0A2 0A0F 2A2
Anion 8\ 8\ Cl Cl\ Cl NO2 NO2 Br\ Br\ POGF\ POGF\ NOF\ NOF\ SOG2\ SOG2\
A"ount Added% "(0L 0AG3 GA3G 0A54 15 G11 0AG1 21A3 0A21 1FA5 0A13 0AG2 0A10 11A1 0A11 GFA5
A"ount 8ound% "(0L 0AG2 GA4G 0A34 15A2 G51 0A02 12AG 0A21 12A2 0A10 0AFG 0AFF 1GA3 0A12 GFA1
O erall Precision% "(0L 0A01 0A12 0AF3 0A32 G4 0A02 1A2 0A0G 1A0 0A04 0A11 0A14 1A11 0A05 2A1
Si(ni!cant Bias 21O Le el No No No No No 7es% ne( 7es% ne( No No 7es% ne( 7es% ne( No No No No
AGA4AG Re(eneration M 8or s'ste"s ,it)out !*er su&&ressor re(enerate ,it) 1 N +2SOG in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs instructions ,)en t)e conducti it' *ase line e!ceeds F00 ")o ,)en t)e su&&ressor colu"n is on lineA AGA5 Calculation AGA5A1 Calculate concentration o. eac) anion% in "(0 L% *' re.errin( to t)e a&&ro&riate cali*ration cur eA Alterna# ti el'% ,)en t)e res&onse is s)o,n to *e linear% use t)e .ollo,in( eJuation6
C&+ 8 D
8 & res&onse .actor \ concentration o. standard0 )ei()t ?or area@ o. standard% and D & dilution .actor .or t)ose sa"&les reJuirin( dilutionA AGA3 Precision and Bias AGA3A1 Sa"&les o. rea(ent ,ater to ,)ic) ,ere added t)e co""on anions ,ere anal'Ded in 11 la*oratories ,it) t)e results s)o,n in Ta*le AGA2A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Identical ,it) ASTM D 1134#01@
1A1 T)ese test "et)ods co er t)e nondestructi e "ea# sure"ent o. t)e dr' !l" t)ic-ness o. non"a(netic coatin(s a&&lied o er a .errous *ase "aterial usin( co""erciall' a aila*le test instru"entsA T)e test "et)ods are intended to su&&le"ent "anu.acturersE instructions .or t)e "anual o&eration o. t)e (a(es and are not intended to re&lace t)e"A T)e' co er t)e use o. instru"ents *ased on "a(netic "easurin( &rinci&les onl'A Test Met)od A &ro ides .or t)e "easure"ent o. !l"s usin( "ec)anical "a(netic &ull#o.. (a(es and Test Met)od B &ro ides .or t)e "easure"ent o. !l"s usin( "a(netic electronic (a(esA
D 402 Practice .or Pre&aration o. Cold#Rolled Steel Panels .or Testin( Paint% Varnis)% Con ersion Coatin(s% and Related Coatin( Products D 32F Practices .or Producin( 8il"s o. <ni.or" T)ic-ness o. Paint% Varnis)% and Related Products on Test Panels 2A2 Steel Structures Paintin( Council Standard6 SSPC#PA2 Measure"ent o. Dr' Paint T)ic-ness ,it) Ma(netic Ia(es
1A2 T)ese test "et)ods are not a&&lica*le to coatin(s t)at ,ill *e readil' de.or"a*le under t)e load o. t)e "ea# surin( instru"ents% as t)e instru"ent &ro*e "ust *e &laced directl' on t)e coatin( sur.ace to ta-e a readin(A 1AF T)e alues (i en in SI units o. "easure"ent are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
as t)e distance ?in "ils or "icrons@ *et,een t)e "a(net and t)e su*strateA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 Man' coatin( &ro&erties are "ar-edl' a..ected *' t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e dr' !l" suc) as ad)esion% corrosion &rotection% !e!i*ilit'% and )ardnessA To *e a*le to co"&are results o*tained *' di..erent o&erators% it is essential to -no, !l" t)ic-nessA GA2 Most &rotecti e and )i() &er.or"ance coatin(s are a&&lied to "eet a reJuire"ent or a s&eci!cation .or t)e dr'#!l" t)ic-ness o. eac) coat% or .or t)e co"&lete s'ste"% or *ot)A Coatin(s "ust *e a&&lied ,it)in certain "ini"u" and "a!i"u" t)ic-nesses to !ll t)eir e!&ected .unctionA In addition to &otential &er.or"ance de!ciencies% it is unecono"ical to a&&l' "ore "aterial t)an necessar' ,)en coatin( lar(e areasA T)is test "et)od is used to "easure !l" t)ic-ness o. coatin(s on .errous "etalsA
5A2 T)e section o. t)e t'&e o. standards used to eri.' cali*ration s)ould *e &redicated u&on ,)ic) t'&e &ro ides t)e *est and "ost a&&ro&riate cali*ration considerin(6 t'&e o. (a(e% sa"&le sur.ace (eo"etr'% and contract reJuire# "entsA A&&endi! =1 &ro ides in.or"ation )el&.ul to "a-# in( an in.or"ed selection o. standardsA 5AF 8ollo,in( t)e "anu.acturerEs o&eratin( instruc# tions% "easure t)e t)ic-ness o. a series o. cali*ration stan# dards co erin( t)e e!&ected ran(e o. coatin( t)ic-nessA To (uard a(ainst "easurin( ,it) an inaccurate (a(e% rec)ec- t)e (a(e at re(ular inter alsA T)at inter al s)ould *e set *' a(ree"ent *et,een contractin( &arties and "ain# tained t)rou()out t)e control &rocessA
NOTE F M Ienerall' BDial#t'&eC instru"ents can *e used in an' &osition% ,)ile B&encil#t'&eC instru"ents "a' *e used in t)e ertical &osition onl' unless t)e' )a e se&arate indicators .or t)e )oriDontal and ertical &ositionsA 8ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA
1A A&&aratus 1A1 Per"anent Ma(net% s"all% eit)er attac)ed directl' to a coil s&rin( ?B&encilC (a(e@ or to a )oriDontal le er ar" t)at is attac)ed to a )elical s&rin( ?Bdial#t'&eC (a(e@A Increasin( .orce is a&&lied to t)e "a(net *' e!tendin( t)e coil s&rin( in t)e !rst case or turnin( a (raduated dial t)at coils t)e )elical s&rin( in t)e secondA T)e readin(s o*tained are s)o,n directl' on t)e instru"ent scaleA
3A Procedure 3A1 <se t)e instru"ent onl' a.ter cali*ration )as *een eri!ed in accordance ,it) Section 5A 3A2 Ensure t)at t)e coatin( is dr' &rior to use o. t)e instru"entA 3AF Ins&ect t)e &ro*e ti& and sur.ace to *e "easured to ensure t)at t)e' are cleanA Ad)erent "a(netic !lin(s or ot)er sur.ace conta"inants ,ill a..ect (a(e readin(sA 3AG Ta-e readin(s in locations .ree o. electrical or "a(netic !eldsA T)e location s)ould also *e .ree o. i*ra# tion ,)en usin( "ec)anical "a(netic &ull#o.. instru"entsA 3A1 T)e accurac' o. t)e "easure"ent can *e in!uenced ,)en "ade ,it)in 21 "" ?1 inA@ o. t)e ed(e or ri()t an(le in t)e sa"&leA 3A4 Measure t)e coatin(% .ollo,in( t)e "anu.acturerEs instructionsA 3A5 Veri.' cali*ration &eriodicall' to ensure t)at t)e instru"ent continues to read &ro&erl'A I. t)e instru"ent is .ound to *e out o. adSust"ent% re"easure t)e t)ic-nesses ta-en since t)e last' cali*ration c)ec- ,as "adeA 3A3 Ta-e a su.!cient nu"*er o. readin(s to c)aracteriDe t)e sur.aceA 3A3A1 8or la*orator' "easure"ents% a reco""ended "ini"u" is t)ree .or a 51 *' 110# "" ?F *' 4#inA@ &anel and "ore in &ro&ortion to siDeA 3A3A2 8or !eld "easure"ents% a reco""ended "ini# "u" is ! e deter"inations at rando" .or e er' 10 "2?100 .t2@ o. sur.ace areaA Eac) o. t)e ! e deter"inations s)ould *e t)e "ean o. t)ree se&arate (a(e readin(s ,it)in t)e area o. a G#c" ?1A1#inA@ dia"eter circleA
1A2 Coatin( T)ic-ness Standards% ,it) assi(ned alues tracea*le to national standards are a aila*le .ro" se eral sources% includin( "ost "anu.acturers o. coatin( t)ic-ness (a(esA
4A Test S&eci"ens 4A1 L)en t)is test "et)od is used in t)e !eld% t)e s&eci"en is t)e coated structure or article on ,)ic) t)e t)ic-ness is to *e e aluatedA 4A2 8or la*orator' use% a&&l' t)e "aterial to *e tested to &anels o. si"ilar rou()ness% s)a&e% t)ic-ness% co"&osi# tion and "a(netic &ro&erties on ,)ic) it is desired to deter"ine t)e t)ic-nessA
NOTE 1 M A&&lica*le test &anel descri&tion and sur.ace &re&aration "et)ods are (i en in Practice D 402A NOTE 2 M Coatin(s s)ould *e a&&lied in accordance ,it) Practices D 32F or as a(reed u&on *et,een t)e contractin( &artiesA
5A Veri!cation o. Cali*ration o. A&&aratus 5A1 Di..erent (a(e "anu.acturers .ollo, di..erent "et)ods o. cali*ration adSust"entA Veri.' cali*ration accordin( to "anu.acturerEs instructionsA
3A2 Ma-e "easure"ents at least 1F "" ?1V2 inA@ a,a' .ro" an' ed(e or corner o. t)e s&eci"enA I. it is necessar'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
to "easure closer t)an 1F "" ?1V2 inA@% eri.' t)e e..ect ?i. an'@% t)e ed(e )as on t)e "esure"entA
NOTE G M or additional in.or"ation descri*in( t)e nu"*er o. "easure# "ents to *e ta-en on lar(e structures% and on non#s"oot) sur.aces% to SSPC PA#2A
12A1 T)e testin( a&&aratus s)all *e an electricall' o&er# ated instru"ent utiliDin( a &ro*e t)at )ouses a &er"anent "a(net or coil ener(iDed *' alternatin( current t)at is &laced directl' on t)e sur.aceA T)e coatin( t)ic-ness is s)o,n on t)e instru"entEs dis&la'A 12A2 Coatin( t)ic-ness standards ,it) assi(ned alues tracea*le to national standards are a aila*leA
Re&ort 2A1 Re&ort t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 2A1A1 Instru"ent used% serial nu"*er% 2A1A2 Ran(e% and "ean o. t)e t)ic-ness readin(s% and
2A1AF De&endin( u&on t)e a&&lication% record t)e indi idual readin(s as ,ellA 10A Precision and Bias 10A1 A ne, round#ro*in stud' ,as &er.or"ed recentl'A Data are *ein( anal'Ded statisticall'A L)en co"&leted% t)e reJuired BRe&eata*ilit' and Re&oduci*ilit'C sections o. t)is test "et)od ,ill *e ,ritten and t)e round# ro*in stud' docu"ented in an ASTM researc) re&ortA 10A2 Bias M T)e *ias .or Test Met)od A o. t)is standard .or "easurin( dr' !l" t)ic-ness cannot *e deter"ined *ecause eac) instru"ent )as its o,n *iasA
Test S&eci"ens
Cali*ration o. A&&aratus
15A Precision and Bias 15A1 Precision M See Section 10A 15A2 Bias M T)e *ias .or Test Met)od B o. t)is standard .or "easurin( dr' !l" t)ic-ness cannot *e deter"ined *ecause eac) instru"ent )as its o,n *iasA
13A 9e',ords 13A1 coatin( t)ic-nessR dr' !l" t)ic-nessR "a(netic (a(esR nondestructi e t)ic-nessR &aint t)ic-ness
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A C+ARACTERISTICS A88ECTINI IAIE READINIS =1A1 It is al,a's (ood &ractice to ensure t)e relia*ilit' o. (a(e readin(s *' &er.or"in( a eri!cation test &eriodi# call'% eit)er *e.ore or a.ter critical deter"inationsA T)is &ractice ensures t)at% not onl' is t)e (a(e readin( correctl'% *ut also t)at it is correctl' cali*rated to &ro ide "a!i"u" accurac' o. readin(s on t)e sa"&leA Not all a&&lications reJuire t)is le el o. certaint' so% ,)ile su((ested% t)e inclu# sion o. t)is &ractice is u& to t)e contactin( indi iduals to decide on i"&le"entationA
"etal .oil% &lastic s)i" or !l" o. -no,n t)ic-ness to si"ulate a coatin(A =1A1 In usin( t)is eri!cation o. cali*ration "et)od% it is necessar' to *e a,are o. additional c)aracteristics t)at can a..ect t)e "easured aluesA Plastic or *rass s)i" stoct'&icall' )as an in)erent cur eA T)is cur e can act as a lea. s&rin( and cause a "a(netic &ull# o.. (a(e to *e B&us)edC o.. t)e sur.ace &re"aturel'% resultin( in an incor# rect readin(A =1A4 Lit) so"e "aterials and t)ic-ness% it is &ossi*le t)at t)e s)i" ,ill not lie !at% ,)ic) ,ill also cause an erroneous readin(A Various tec)niJues e!ist to "ini"iDe t)is e..ect% suc) as "ountin( t)e s)i" in a )older t)at "aintains tension on t)e s)i" to eli"inate t)e tendenc' o. t)e s)i" to cur eA =1A5 Ot)er .actors e!&erienced ,it) &lastic s)i"s% ,)ic) are not usuall' &resent ,it) &ainted or &lated cali*ra# tion standards include ?*ut are not li"ited to@6 =1A5A1 Per"anent creases in t)e s)i" due to .oldin(% =1A5A2 Air entra&"ent *et,een t)e s)i" and su*# strate% =1A5AF Distortion due to en iron"ental conditions% suc) as te"&erature% and =1A5AG S)i" t)ic-ness inconsistenc' due to t)e &res# sure o. t)e &ro*e ti&A T)is "a' *e a &er"anent Bdi"&leC in t)e s)i"A =1A3 E en ,it) t)ese .actors a..ectin( &otential accu# rac' o. &lastic s)i"s% in "an' a&&lications% eri!cation o. cali*ration usin( &lastic s)i"s on t)e sa"&le to *e "ea# sured% can *e a "ore a&&ro&riate ?accurate@ cali*ration t)an usin( &lated or &ainted standardsA =1A2 No "atter ,)at standards are used% t)e' s)ould *e &eriodicall' eri!ed to ensure t)e assi(ned alue is correctA E en "etal coated on "etal can ,ear or *e da"# a(ed to an e!tent t)at readin(s are a..ectedA
=1A2 Certain c)aracteristics o. sa"&les "a' a..ect t)e accurac' o. t)e cali*rationsA T)ese include% *ut "a' not *e li"ited to6 =1A2A1 Sur.ace &ro!le o. t)e su*strate ?rou()ness@% =1A2A2 Sur.ace &ro!le o. t)e coatin(% =1A2AF T)ic-ness o. t)e su*strate% =1A2AG Ieo(ra&)' o. t)e sa"&le sur.ace ?cur es ,it) s"all radii% s"all dia"eters% co"&le! cur es% etcA@% and =1A2A1 An' c)aracteristic t)at a..ects t)e "a(netic or edd' current &er"ea*ilit' o. t)e su*strate or coatin(% suc) as residual "a(netis"% or lac- o. )o"o(eneit' o. "a(netic c)aracteristicsA =1AF Cali*ration done on s"oot)% &olis)ed standards ensure t)at a (a(e can *e &ro&erl' cali*rated% and t)at cali*ration is a&&ro&riate .or an' "easure"ents on sa"&les o. t)e sa"e c)aracteristics% *ut it "a' not *e t)e *est .or "easure"ents o. sa"&les t)at .ro" t)e cali*ration "aterialsA L)en &ossi*le% eri!cation s)ould *e done on sa"&les o. -no,n t)ic-ness o. coatin( a&&lied to su*strates as si"ilar as &ossi*le to t)e sa"&le to *e testedA
=1AG It is not &ractical to &ro ide -no,n t)ic-ness standards .or all &ossi*le sa"&le con!(urationsA An alter# nati e "et)od is to eri.' cali*ration on a *are su*strate as si"ilar as &ossi*le to t)e sa"&le% usin( a non"a(netic
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is (uide descri*es tec)niJues .or *ot) dr' and ,et "a(netic &article e!a"ination% a nondestructi e "et)od .or detectin( crac-s and ot)er discontinuities at or near t)e sur.ace in .erro"a(netic "aterialsA Ma(netic &article e!a"ination "a' *e a&&lied to ra, "aterial% se"i# !nis)ed "aterial ?*illets% *loo"s% castin(s% and .or(in(s@% !nis)ed "aterial% and ,elds% re(ardless o. )eat treat"ent or lac- t)ereo.A It is use.ul .or &re enti e "aintenance e!a"inationA 1A1A1 T)is (uide is intended as a re.erence to aid in t)e &re&aration o. s&eci!cations0standards% &rocedures% and tec)niJuesA
indications t)at are unacce&ta*le in a s&eci!c &art ersus t)ose ,)ic) need not *e re"o ed *e.ore &art acce&tanceA Conditions ,)ere re,or- or re&air are not &er"itted s)ould *e s&eci!edA 1AG T)is (uide descri*es t)e use o. t)e .ollo,in( "a(# netic &article "et)od tec)niJuesA 1AGA1 1AGA2 1AGAF 3A1A3@% and 1AGAG Dr' "a(netic &o,der ?see 3AG@% Let "a(netic &article ?see 3A1@% Ma(netic slurr'0&aint "a(netic &article ?see
Pol'"er "a(netic &article ?see 3A1A3@A 1A2 T)is (uide is also a re.erence t)at "a' *e used as .ollo,s6 1A2A1 To esta*lis) a "eans *' ,)ic) "a(netic &arti# cle e!a"ination% &rocedures reco""ended or reJuired *' indi idual or(aniDations% can *e re ie,ed to e aluate t)eir a&&lica*ilit' and co"&letenessA 1A2A2 To aid in t)e or(aniDation o. t)e .acilities and &ersonnel concerned in "a(netic &article e!a"inationA 1A2AF To aid in t)e &re&aration o. &rocedures dealin( ,it) t)e e!a"ination o. "aterials and &artsA T)is (uide descri*es "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJues t)at are reco""ended .or a (reat ariet' o. siDes and s)a&es o. .erro"a(netic "aterials and ,idel' ar'in( e!a"ination reJuire"entsA Since t)ere are "an' acce&ta*le di..erences in *ot) &rocedure and tec)niJue% t)e e!&licit reJuire"ents s)ould *e co ered *' a ,ritten &rocedure ?see Section 21@A 1A1 Personnel Kuali!cation M Personnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations in accordance ,it) t)is (uide s)all *e Juali# !ed and certi!ed in accordance ,it) ASNT Reco""ended Practice NoA SNT#TC#1A% ANSI0ASNT Standard CP#132% NAS G10% or as s&eci!ed in t)e contract or &urc)ase orderA 1A4 Nondestructi e Testin( A(enc' M I. a nondestruc# ti e testin( a(enc' as descri*ed in Practice E 1GF is used to &er.or" t)e e!a"ination% t)e testin( a(enc' s)all "eet t)e reJuire"ents o. Practice E 1GFA 1A5 Ta*le o. Contents6
Sco&e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A1 Sco&e Descri&tion A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A1 A Re.erence Docu"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A2 Acce&tance Standards .or Parts not Co ered A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1AF Ma(netic Particle Met)od Tec)niJues A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1AG Personnel Kuali!cations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A1 Nondestructi e Testin( A(enc' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A4 Ta*le o. Contents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A5 SI <nits A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A3' Ca eatA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1A2 Re.erenced Docu"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A2 ASTM Standards A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2A1 SAE Docu"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2A2 ASNT Docu"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2AF <ASA Io ern"ent Docu"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2AG De!nitions A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AF
1AF T)is (uide does not indicate% su((est% or s&eci.' acce&tance standards .or &arts0&ieces e!a"ined *' t)ese tec)niJuesA It s)ould *e &ointed out% )o,e er% t)at a.ter indications )a e *een &roduced% t)e' "ust *e inter&reted or classi!ed and t)en e aluatedA 8or t)is &ur&ose t)ere s)ould *e a se&arate code% s&eci!cation% or a s&eci!c a(ree"ent to de!ne t)e t'&e% siDe% location% de(ree o. ali(n# "ent and s&acin(% area concentration% and orientation o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su""ar' o. Iuide A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AG Princi&le A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GA1 Met)od A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GA2 Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GAF T'&es o. Ma(netic Particle and T)eir <se A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GAG E aluation o. Indications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GA1 T'&ical Ma(netic Particle Indications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A GA4 Si(ni!cance and <se A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A1 EJui&"ent A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A4 T'&es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4A1 Porta*ilit'A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4A2 7o-es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4AF Prods A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4AG Blac- Li()t A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4A1 EJui&"ent Veri!cation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4A4 E!a"ination Area A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A5 Li()t Intensit' .or E!a"ination A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5A1 +ouse-ee&in(A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5A2 Ma(netic Particle Materials A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A3 Particle T'&es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3A2 Particle C)aracteristics A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3AF Dr' Particles A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3AG Let Particle S'ste"sA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3A1 Part Pre&aration A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A2 IeneralA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2A1 Cleanin( E!a"ination Sur.ace A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2A2 SeJuence o. O&erationsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A10 SeJuencin( Particle A&&lication and Esta*lis)in( Ma(netic 8lu! 8ield A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 10A1 T'&es o. Ma(netiDin( Currents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A11 Basic Current T'&es A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11A1 Part Ma(netiDation Tec)niJuesA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A12 E!a"ination Co era(e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12A1 Direct and Indirect Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12A2 C)oosin( a Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12AF Direction o. Ma(netic 8ields A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A1F Discontinuit' Orientation s Ma(netic 8ield Direction A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FA1 Circular Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FA2 Torodial Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FAF Lon(itudinal Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FAG Multidirectional Ma(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1FA1 Ma(netic 8ield Stren(t) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A1G Ma(netiDin( 8ield Stren(t)s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1GA1 Esta*lis)in( 8ield Stren(t)s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1GA2 Iuidelines .or Esta*lis)in( Ma(netic 8ields A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1GAF A&&lication o. Dr' and Let Ma(netic Particles A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A11 Dr' Ma(netic Particles A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11A1 Let Particles A&&lications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11A2 Ma(netic Slurr'0Paint A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11AF Ma(netic Pol'"ers A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11AG Inter&retation o. Indications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A14 Valid Indications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 14A1 Recordin( o. Indications A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A15 Means o. Recordin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 15A1 Acco"&an'in( In.or"ationA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 15A2 De"a(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A13 A&&lica*ilit' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13A1 De"a(netiDation Met)odsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13A2 E!tent o. De"a(netiDation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13AF Post E!a"ination Cleanin( A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A12 Particle Re"o al A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12A1
Means o. Particle Re"o alA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12A2 E aluation o. S'ste" Per.or"ance0Sensiti it' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A20 Contri*utor 8actors A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A1 Maintenance and Cali*ration o. EJui&"entA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A2 EJui&"ent C)ec-sA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20AF E!a"ination Area Li()t Le el Control A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20AG Dr' Particle Kualit' Control Tests A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A1 Let Particle Kualit' Control TestsA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A4 Bat) C)aracteristics Control A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A5 Veri.'in( S'ste" Per.or"ance A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 20A3 Procedure and Re&ort A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A21 Lritten Procedure A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21A1 Lritten Re&orts A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 21A2 Acce&tance Standards A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A22' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A2F Precision and Bias A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A2G 9e',ords A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A21 Anne!A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Anne! A1 A&&endi! =1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A&&endi! =1 A&&endi! =2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A&&endi! =2
1A3 T)e nu"erical alues s)o,n in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA SI units are &ro ided .or in.or"ation onl'A 1A2 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
2A Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 ASTM Standards6 A 2510A 251M Test Met)od .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"i# nation o. Steel 8or(in(s A G140A G14M S&eci!cation .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"# ination o. Lar(e Cran-s)a.t D 2F Test Met)ods .or 8las) Point *' Pens-'#Martens Closed Tester D 122 Test Met)od .or Sul.ur in Petroleu" Products ?Ieneral Bo"* Met)od@ D GG1 Test Met)od .or 9ine"atic Viscosit' o. Trans&ar# ent and O&aJue LiJuids ?and t)e Calculation o. D'na"ic Viscosit'@ D 303 Test Met)od .or C)lorine in Ne, and <sed Petro# leu" Products ?Bo"* Met)od@ D 1244 Test Met)od .or 8oots in Ra, Linseed Oil Ira i# "etric Met)od E 141 Test Met)od .or LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 1GGG Practice .or Ma(netic Particle E!a"ination
2A2 Societ' o. Auto"oti e En(ineers ?SAE@6 Aero# s&ace 13 Materials S&eci!cations6 AMS 2F00 Pre"iu" Aircra.t Kualit' Steel Cleanliness Ma(netic Particle Ins&ection Procedure
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
AMS 2F01 Aircra.t Kualit' Steel Cleanliness Ma(netic Particle Ins&ection Procedure AMS 2F0F Aircra.t Kualit' Steel Cleanliness Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steels Ma(netic Particle Ins&ec# tion Procedure AMS 24G1 Ve)icle Ma(netic Particle Ins&ection AMS F0G0 Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Dr' Met)od AMS F0G1 Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Let Met)od% Oil Ve)icle% Read' to <se AMS F0G2 Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Let Met)od% Dr' Po,der AMS F0GF Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Oil Ve)icle% Aerosol Pac-a(ed AMS F0GG Ma(netic Particles% 8luorescent% Let Met)od% Dr' Po,der AMS F0G1 Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Let Met)od% Oil Ve)icle% Read' to <se AMS F0G4 Ma(netic Particles% Non#!uorescent% Let Met)od% Oil Ve)icle% Aerosol Pac-a(ed AMS 1042 Steel% Lo, Car*on Bars% 8or(in(s% Tu*in(% S)eet% Stri&% and Plate 0A21 Car*on% Ma!i"u" AMS 1F11 In est"ent Castin(s AMS#I#3FF35 Ins&ection Process% Ma(netic Ru**er AS G522 Later Conditionin( A(ents .or AJueous Ma(# netic Particle Ins&ection AS 1232 Tool Steel Rin( Standard .or Ma(netic Particle Ins&ection AS 1F51 Re.erence Standards Notc)ed S)i"s .or Ma(# netic Particle Ins&ection 2AF A"erican Societ' .or Nondestructi e Testin(6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice Ma(netic Particle Met)od CP#132 ASNT Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nonde# structi e Testin( Personnel 2AG 8ederal Standard6 A#A#122F0 8luid% Ma(netic Particle Ins&ection% Sus&en# sion 8ED#STD F1F Material' Data S)eets Pre&a# ration and t)e Su*"ission o. 2A1 OS+A Docu"ent6 22C8R 1210A1200 +aDard Co""unication 2A4 AIA Docu"ent6 NAS G10 Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 8or de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)e &ractice% to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14
GA Su""ar' o. Iuide GA1 Princi&le M T)e "a(netic &article "et)od is *ased on t)e &rinci&le t)at "a(netic !eld lines ,)en &resent in a .erro"a(netic "aterial% ,ill *e distorted *' a c)an(e in "aterial continuit'% suc) as a s)ar& di"ensional c)an(e or a discontinuit'A I. t)e discontinuit' is o&en to or close to t)e sur.ace o. a "a(netiDed "aterial% !u! lines ,ill *e distorted at t)e sur.ace% a condition ter"ed as B!u! lea-a(eAC L)en !ne "a(netic &articles are distri*# uted o er t)e area o. t)e discontinuit' ,)ile t)e !u! lea-a(e e!ists% t)e' ,ill *e )eld in &lace and t)e accu"u# lation o. &articles ,ill *e isi*le under t)e &ro&er li()tin( conditionsA L)ile t)ere are ariations in t)e "a(netic &article "et)od% t)e' all are de&endent on t)is &rinci&le% t)at "a(netic &articles ,ill *e retained at t)e locations o. "a(netic !u! lea-a(eA
GA2 Met)od M L)ile t)is &ractice &er"its and descri*es "an' aria*les in eJui&"ent% "aterials% and &rocedures% t)ere are t)ree ste&s essential to t)e "et)od6 GA2A1 T)e &art "ust *e "a(netiDedA GA2A2 Ma(netic &articles o. t)e t'&e desi(nated in t)e contract0&urc)ase order0s&eci!cation "ust *e a&&lied ,)ile t)e &art is "a(netiDedA GA2AF An' accu"ulation o. "a(netic &articles "ust *e o*ser ed% inter&reted% and e aluatedA GAF Ma(netiDation GAFA1 La's to Ma(netiDe M A .erro"a(netic "ate# rial can *e "a(netiDed eit)er *' &assin( an electric current t)rou() t)e "aterial or *' &lacin( t)e "aterial ,it)in a "a(netic !eld ori(inated *' an e!ternal sourceA T)e entire "ass or a &ortion o. t)e "ass can *e "a(netiDed as dictated *' siDe and eJui&"ent ca&acit' or needA As &re iousl' noted% t)e discontinuit' "ust interru&t t)e nor# "al &at) o. t)e "a(netic !eld linesA I. a discontinuit' is o&en to t)e sur.ace% t)e !u! lea-a(e ,ill *e at t)e "a!i# "u" .or t)at &articular discontinuit'A L)en t)at sa"e discontinuit' is *elo, t)e sur.ace% !u! lea-a(e e ident on t)e sur.ace ,ill *e lessA Practicall'% discontinuities "ust *e o&en to t)e sur.ace% to create su.!cient !u! lea-a(e to accu"ulate "a(netic &articlesA
GAFA2 8ield Direction M I. a discontinuit' is ori# ented &arallel to t)e "a(netic !eld lines% it "a' *e essen# tiall' undetecta*leA T)ere.ore% since discontinuities "a' occur in an' orientation% it "a' *e necessar' to "a(netiDe t)e &art or area o. interest t,ice or "ore seJuentiall' in di..erent directions *' t)e sa"e "et)od or a co"*ination o. "et)ods ?see Section 1F@ to induce "a(netic !eld lines
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
in a suita*le direction in order to &er.or" an adeJuate e!a"inationA GAFAF 8ield Stren(t) M T)e "a(netic !eld "ust *e o. su.!cient stren(t) to indicate t)ose discontinuities ,)ic) are unacce&ta*le% 'et "ust not *e so stron( t)at an e!cess o. &articles is accu"ulated locall' t)ere*' "as-in( rele ant indications ?see Section 1G@A GAG T'&es o. Ma(netic Particles and T)eir <se M T)ere are arious t'&es o. "a(netic &articles a aila*le .or use in "a(netic &article e!a"inationA T)e' are a ail# a*le as dr' &o,ders ?!uorescent and non!uorescent@ read' .or use as su&&lied ?see 3AG@% &o,der concentrates ?!uorescent and non!uorescent@ .or dis&ersion in ,ater or sus&endin( li()t &etroleu" distillates ?see 3A1@% "a(netic slurries0&aints ?see 3A1A5@% and "a(netic &ol'"er dis&er# sions ?see 3A1A3@A
4A EJui&"ent 4A1 T'&es M T)ere are a nu"*er o. t'&es o. eJui&# "ent a aila*le .or "a(netiDin( .erro"a(netic &arts and co"&onentsA Lit) t)e e!ce&tion o. a &er"anent "a(net% all eJui&"ent reJuires a &o,er source ca&a*le o. deli # erin( t)e reJuired current le els to &roduce t)e "a(netic !eldA T)e current used dictates t)e siDes o. ca*les and t)e ca&a*ilit' o. rela's% s,itc)in( contacts% "eters% and recti!er i. t)e &o,er source is alternatin( currentA
GA1 E aluation o. Indications M L)en t)e "aterial to *e e!a"ined )as *een &ro&erl' "a(netiDed% t)e "a(netic &articles )a e *een &ro&erl' a&&lied% and t)e e!cess &arti# cles &ro&erl' re"o ed% t)ere ,ill *e accu"ulations o. "a(netic &articles at t)e &oints o. !u! lea-a(eA T)ese accu"ulations s)o, t)e distortion o. t)e "a(netic !eld and are called BindicationsAC Lit)out distur*in( t)e &arti# cles% t)e indications "ust *e e!a"ined% classi!ed% inter# &reted as to cause% co"&ared ,it) t)e acce&tance standards% and a decision "ade concernin( t)e dis&osition o. t)e "aterial t)at contains t)e indicationA
4A2 Porta*ilit' M Porta*ilit'% ,)ic) includes t)e a*il# it' to )and carr' t)e eJui&"ent% can *e o*tained .ro" 'o-esA T)eir siDe li"its t)eir a*ilit' to &ro ide t)e "a(# netic !elds t)at can *e o*tained .ro" eJui&"ent ,it) lar(er current !o,sA Ieneral &ur&ose "o*ile eJui&"ent ,)ic) "a' *e truc- "ounted% is usuall' desi(ned eit)er .or use ,it) &rods on t)e ends o. t,o ca*les or ,it) onl' t)e ca*les ,)ic) are attac)ed to t)e &iece *ein( e!a"ined% t)readed t)rou() an o&enin( in it or ,ra&&ed around itA Mo*ilit' is li"ited *' t)e ca*le and siDe and t)e en iron# "entA <nder,ater e!a"ination on oil drillin( &lat.or"s and oil &roduction &lat.or"s o..s)ore are e!a"&les o. a )ostile en iron"entA
GA4 T'&ical Ma(netic Particle Indications GA4A1 Sur.ace Discontinuities M Sur.ace disconti# nuities% ,it) .e, e!ce&tions% &roduce s)ar&% distinct &at# terns ?see Anne! A1@A GA4A2 Near#sur.ace Discontinuities M Near#sur.ace discontinuities &roduce less distinct indications t)an t)ose o&en to t)e sur.aceA T)e &atterns are *road% rat)er t)an s)ar&% and t)e &articles are less ti()tl' )eld ?see Anne! A1@A
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e "a(netic &article "et)od o. nondestructi e e!a"ination indicates t)e &resence o. sur.ace and near# sur.ace discontinuities in "aterials t)at can *e "a(netiDed ?.erro"a(netic@A T)is "et)od can *e used .or &roduction e!a"ination o. &arts0co"&onents or structures and .or !eld a&&lications ,)ere &orta*ilit' o. eJui&"ent and accessi*ilit' to t)e area to *e e!a"ined are .actorsA T)e a*ilit' o. t)e "et)od to !nd s"all discontinuities can *e en)anced *' usin( !uorescent &articles sus&ended in a suita*le e)icle and *' introducin( a "a(netic !eld o. t)e &ro&er stren(t) ,)ose orientation is as close as &ossi*le to 20 de( to t)e direction o. t)e sus&ected discontinuit' ?see GAFA2@A Ma-in( t)e sur.ace s"oot)er i"&ro es "o*ilit' o. t)e "a(netic &articles under t)e in!uence o. t)e "a(netic
4AF 7o-es M 7o-es are usuall' C#s)a&ed electro"a(# nets ,)ic) induce a "a(netic !eld *et,een t)e &oles ?le(s@ and are used .or local "a(netiDation ?8i(A 1@A Man' &orta*le 'o-es )a e articulated le(s ?&oles@ t)at allo, t)e le(s to *e adSusted to contact irre(ular sur.aces or t,o sur.aces t)at Soin at an an(leA 4AFA1 Per"anent Ma(nets M Per"anent "a(nets are a aila*le *ut t)eir use "a' *e restricted .or "an' a&&licationsA Per"anent "a(nets can lose t)eir "a(netic !eld (eneratin( ca&acit' *' *ein( &artiall' de"a(netiDed *' a stron(er !u! !eld% *ein( da"a(ed% or dro&&edA In addition% t)e &article "o*ilit'% created *' AC and )al.# ,a e recti!ed current &ulsations in electro"a(netic 'o-es% is not &resentA Particles% steel !lin(s% c)i&s% and scale clin(in( to t)e &oles can create a )ouse-ee&in( &ro*le"A
4AG Prods M Prods are used .or local "a(netiDations ?see 8i(A 2@A T)e &rod ti&s t)at contact t)e &iece s)ould *e alu"inu"% co&&er *raid% or co&&er &ads rat)er t)an solid co&&erA Lit) solid co&&er ti&s% accidental arcin( durin( &rod &lace"ent or re"o al can cause co&&er &ene# tration into t)e sur.ace ,)ic) "a' result in "etallur(ical da"a(e ?so.tenin(% )ardenin(% crac-in(% etcA@A See 12AFA1A1?a@A O&en#circuit olta(es s)ould not e!ceed 21 VA 4AGA1 Re"ote Control S,itc) M A re"ote#control s,itc)% ,)ic) "a' *e *uilt into t)e &rod )andles% s)ould
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*e &ro ided to &er"it t)e current to *e turned on a.ter t)e &rods )a e *een &ro&erl' &laced and to turn it o.. *e.ore t)e &rods are re"o ed in order to "ini"iDe arcin( ?arc *urns@A PSee 12AFA1A1?a@AQ 4A1 Blac- Li()tMT)e *lac- li()t "ust *e ca&a*le o. de elo&in( t)e reJuired ,a elen(t)s o. FF0 n" to F20 n" ,it) an intensit' at t)e e!a"ination sur.ace t)at satis!es 5A1A2A La elen(t)s at or near F41 n" s)all &redo"inateA Suita*le !lters s)ould re"o e t)e e!traneous isi*le li()t e"itted *' *lac- li()ts ? iolet or *lue G01 and GF1#n" +( lines and (reenis)#'ello, 155#n" +( line@A So"e )i()#intensit' *lac- li()t *ul*s "a' e"it unacce&ta*le a"ounts o. (reenis)#'ello, li()t ,)ic) "a' cause !uo# rescent indications to *eco"e in isi*leA A dro&% (reater t)an 10O% in line olta(e (reater t)an W10O can cause a c)an(e in *lac- li()t out&ut ,it) conseJuent inconsistent &er.or"anceA A constant olta(e trans.or"er s)ould *e used ,)ere t)ere is e idence o. olta(e c)an(es (reater t)an 10OA
ada&t to dar- ie,in( &rior to e!a"inin( &arts under <V illu"inationA Caution M P)otoc)ro"ic or &er"anentl' tinted lenses s)ould not *e ,orn durin( e!a"inationA
5A2 +ouse-ee&in( M T)e e!a"ination area s)ould *e -e&t .ree o. inter.erin( de*risA I. !uorescent "aterials are in ol ed% t)e area s)ould also *e -e&t .ree o. !uores# cent o*Sects not related to t)e &art0&iece *ein( e!a"inedA
3A Ma(netic Particle Materials 3A1 Ma(netic Particle Pro&erties 3A1A1 Dr' Particle Pro&erties M AMS F0G0 descri*es t)e (enerall' acce&ted &ro&erties o. dr' "et)od &articlesA 3A1A2 Let Particle Pro&erties M T)e .ollo,in( docu"ents descri*e t)e (enerall' acce&ted &ro&erties o. ,et "et)od &articles in t)eir arious .or"s6 ?a@ AMS F0G1 ?*@ AMS F0G2 ?c@ AMS F0GF ?d@ AMS F0GG ?e@ AMS F0G1 ?.@ AMS F0G4
5A E!a"ination Area 5A1 Li()t Intensit' .or E!a"ination M Ma(netic indi# cations .ound usin( non!uorescent &articles are e!a"ined under isi*le li()tA Indications .ound usin( !uorescent &articles "ust *e e!a"ined under *lac- ?ultra iolet@ li()tA T)is reJuires a dar-ened area ,it) acco"&an'in( control o. t)e isi*le li()t intensit'A 5A1A1 Visi*le Li()t Intensit' M T)e intensit' o. t)e isi*le li()t at t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art0,or- &iece under(oin( e!a"ination s)ould *e a "ini"u" o. 100 .ootcandles ?1000 lu!@A T)e intensit' o. a"*ient isi*le li()t in t)e dar-ened area ,)ere !uorescent "a(netic &articles e!a"ination is &er.or"ed s)ould not e!ceed 2 .ootcandles ?20 lu!@A 5A1A1A1 8ield Ins&ections M 8or so"e !eld ins&ections usin( non!uorescent &articles% isi*le li()t intensities as lo, as 10 .ootcandles ?100 lu!@ "a' *e used ,)en a(reed on *' t)e contractin( a(enc'A 5A1A2 Blac- ?<ltra iolet@ Li()t 5A1A2A1 Blac- Li()t Intensit' M T)e *lac- li()t intensit' at t)e e!a"ination sur.ace s)all *e not less t)an 1000 L0c"2 ,)en "easured ,it) a suita*le *lac- li()t "eterA 5A1A2A2 Blac- Li()t Lar"#u& M Allo, t)e *lacli()t to ,ar" u& .or a "ini"u" o. 1 "in &rior to its use or "easure"ent o. t)e intensit' o. t)e ultra iolet li()t e"ittedA 5A1AF Dar- Area E'e Ada&tation M T)e (enerall' acce&ted &ractice is t)at an ins&ector *e in t)e dar-ened area at least one ?1@ "inute so t)at )is0)er e'es ,ill
3A1AF Sus&ension Ve)icle M T)e sus&ension e)i# cle .or ,et#"et)od e!a"ination "a' *e eit)er a li()t oil distillate !uid ? to AMS 24G1 or A#A#122F0@ or a conditioned ,ater e)icle ? to AS G522@A 3A2 Particle T'&es M T)e &articles used in eit)er dr' or ,et "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJues are *asicall' !nel' di ided .erro"a(netic "aterials ,)ic) )a e *een treated to i"&art color ?!uorescent and non# !uorescent@ in order to "a-e t)e" )i()l' isi*le ?con# trastin(@ a(ainst t)e *ac-(round o. t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"inedA T)e &articles are desi(ned .or use eit)er as a .ree !o,in( dr' &o,der or .or sus&ension at a (i en concentration in a suita*le liJuid "ediu"A
3AF Particle C)aracteristics M T)e "a(netic &articles "ust )a e )i() &er"ea*ilit' to allo, ease o. "a(netiDin( and attraction to t)e discontinuit' and lo, retenti it' so t)e' ,ill not *e attracted ?"a(netic a((lo"eration@ to eac) ot)erA Control o. &article siDe and s)a&e is reJuired to o*tain consistent resultsA T)e &articles s)ould *e non# to!ic% .ree .ro" rust% (rease% &aint% dirt% and ot)er deleteri# ous "aterials t)at "i()t inter.ere ,it) t)eir useR see 20A1 and 20A4A Bot) dr' and ,et &articles are considered sa.e ,)en used in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs instruc# tionsA T)e' (enerall' a..ord a er' lo, )aDard &otential ,it) re(ard to !a""a*ilit' and to!icit'A
3AG Dr' Particles M Dr' "a(netic &o,ders are desi(ned to *e used as su&&lied and are a&&lied *' s&ra'# in( or dustin( directl' onto t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
e!a"inedA T)e' are (enerall' used on an e!&enda*le *asis alt)ou() t)e &articles "a' *e collected and reusedA +o,e er% to "aintain &article siDe and control &ossi*le conta"ination% t)is is not a nor"al &racticeA Dr' &o,ders "a' also *e used under e!tre"e en iron"ental condi# tionsA T)e' are not a..ected *' coldR t)ere.ore e!a"ina# tion can *e carried out at te"&eratures t)at ,ould t)ic-en or .reeDe ,et *at)sA T)e' are also )eat resistantR so"e &o,ders "a' *e usa*le at te"&eratures u& to 400[8 ?F11[C@A So"e colored% or(anic coatin(s a&&lied to dr' &articles to i"&ro e contrast lose t)eir color at te"&era# tures t)is )i()% "a-in( t)e contrast less e..ecti eA 8luores# cent dr' &articles cannot *e used at t)is )i() a te"&eratureR t)e "anu.acturer s)ould *e contacted .or t)e te"&erature li"itation or tests s)ould *e runA
3A1 Let Particle S'ste"s M Let "a(netic &articles are desi(ned to *e sus&ended in a e)icle suc) as ,ater or li()t &etroleu" distillate at a (i en concentration .or a&&lication to t)e test sur.ace *' !o,in(% s&ra'in(% or &ourin(A T)e' are a aila*le in *ot) !uorescent and non# !uorescent concentratesA In so"e cases t)e &articles are &re"i!ed ,it) t)e sus&endin( e)icle *' t)e su&&lier% *ut usuall' t)e &articles are su&&lied as a dr' concentrate or &aste concentrate ,)ic) is "i!ed ,it) t)e distillate or ,ater *' t)e userA T)e sus&ensions are nor"all' used in ,et )oriDontal "a(netic &article eJui&"ent in ,)ic) t)e sus&ension is retained in a reser oir and recirculated .or continuous useA T)e sus&ension "a' also *e used on an e!&enda*le *asis dis&ensed .ro" an aerosolA
3AGA1 Ad anta(es M T)e dr' "a(netic &article tec)niJue is (enerall' su&erior to t)e ,et tec)niJue .or detection o. near#sur.ace discontinuities6 ?a@ .or lar(e o*Sects ,)en usin( &orta*le eJui&"ent .or local "a(netiDationR ?*@ su&erior &article "o*ilit' is o*tained .or relati el' dee&#seated !a,s )al.#,a e recti!ed current as t)e "a(# netiDin( sourceR ?c@ ease o. re"o alA
3A1A1 Pri"ar' <se M Because t)e &articles used are s"aller% ,et "et)od tec)niJues are (enerall' used to locate s"aller discontinuities t)an t)e dr' "et)od is used .orA T)e liJuid e)icles used ,ill not &er.or" satis.acto# ril' ,)en t)eir iscosit' e!ceeds 1cSt ?1 ""20s@ at t)e o&eratin( te"&eratureA I. t)e sus&ension e)icle is a )'drocar*on% its !as) &oint li"its t)e to& te"&eratureA Mi!in( eJui&"ent is usuall' reJuired to -ee& ,et "et)od &articles uni.or"l' in sus&ensionA
3AGA2 Disad anta(es M T)e dr' "a(netic &article tec)niJue6 ?a@ cannot *e used in con!ned areas ,it)out &ro&er' *reat)in( a&&aratusR ?*@ can *e di.!cult to use in o er)ead "a(netiDin( &ositionsR ?c@ does not al,a's lea e e idence o. co"&lete co er# a(e o. &art sur.ace as ,it) t)e ,et tec)niJueR ?d@ is li-el' to )a e lo,er &roduction rates t)an t)e ,et tec)niJueR and ?e@ is di.!cult to ada&t to an' t'&e o. auto"atic s'ste"A 3AGAF Non!uorescent Colors M Alt)ou() dr' "a(# netic &article &o,der can *e al"ost an' color% t)e "ost .reJuentl' e"&lo'ed colors are li()t (ra'% *lac-% red% or 'ello,A T)e c)oice is (enerall' *ased on "a!i"u" contrast ,it) t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"inedA T)e e!a"ination is done under isi*le li()tA 3AGAG 8luorescent M 8luorescent dr' "a(netic &ar# ticles are also a aila*le% *ut are not in (eneral use &ri"ar# il' *ecause o. t)eir )i()er cost and use li"itationsA T)e' reJuire a *lac- li()t source and a dar-ened ,or- areaA T)ese reJuire"ents are not o.ten a aila*le in t)e !eld# t'&e locations ,)ere dr' "a(netic &article e!a"inations are es&eciall' suita*leA 3AGA1 Dual Colors M Dual#colored &articles are a aila*le t)at are readil' detecta*le in isi*le li()t and also dis&la' !uorescence ,)en ie,ed under ultra iolet li()t or a co"*ination isi*le and ultra iolet li()tA <se in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA
3A1A2 L)ere <sed M T)e ,et !uorescent "et)od usuall' is &er.or"ed indoors or in areas ,)ere s)elter and a"*ient li()t le el can *e controlled and ,)ere &ro&er a&&lication eJui&"ent is a aila*leA 3A1AF Color M T)e color c)osen .or an' (i en e!a"ination s)ould *e one t)at *est contrasts ,it) t)e e!a"ination sur.aceA Because contrast is in aria*l' )i()er ,it) !uorescent "aterials% t)ese are utiliDed in "ost ,et &rocess e!a"inationsA 8luorescent ,et "et)od &articles nor"all' (lo, a *ri()t 'ello,#(reen ,)en ie,ed under *lac- li()t% alt)ou() ot)er colors are a ail# a*leA Non#!uorescent &articles are usuall' *lac- or red# dis) *ro,n% alt)ou() ot)er colors are a aila*leA Dual# colored &articles are a aila*le t)at are readil' detecta*le in isi*le li()t and also dis&la' !uorescence ,)en ie,ed under ultra iolet li()t or a co"*ination isi*le and ultra# iolet li()tA to 3A1A1A
3A1AG Sus&ension Ve)icles M Ienerall' t)e &arti# cles are sus&ended in a li()t &etroleu" ?lo,# iscosit'@ distillate or conditioned ,aterA ?I. sul.ur or c)lorine li"its are s&eci!ed% use Test Met)ods D 122 and D 303 to deter"ine t)eir aluesA@ 3A1AGA1 Petroleu" Distillates M Lo,# iscosit' li()t &etroleu" distillates e)icles ?AMS 24G1 T'&e 1 or eJual@ are ideal .or sus&endin( *ot) !uorescent and non!uorescent "a(netic &articles and are co""onl' e"&lo'edA ?1@ Ad anta(es M T,o si(ni!cant ad anta(es .or t)e use o. &etroleu" distillate e)icles are6
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ t)e "a(netic &articles are sus&ended and dis# &ersed in &etroleu" distillate e)icles ,it)out t)e use o. conditionin( a(entsR and ?*@ t)e &etroleu" distillate e)icles &ro ide a "ea# sure o. corrosion &rotection to &arts and t)e eJui&"ent usedA ?2@ Disad anta(es M Princi&al disad anta(es are !a""a*ilit' and a aila*ilit'A It is essential% t)ere.ore% to select and "aintain readil' a aila*le sources o. su&&l' o. &etroleu" distillate e)icles t)at )a e as )i() a !as) &oint as &ractica*le to a oid &ossi*le !a""a*ilit' &ro*le"sA ?F@ C)aracteristics M Petroleu" distillate e)icles to *e used in ,et "a(netic &article e!a"ination s)ould &os# sess t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ iscosit' s)ould not e!ceed FA0 cSt ?F ""20s@ at 100[8 ?F3[C@ and not "ore t)an 1A0 cSt ?1 ""20s@ at t)e lo,est te"&erature at ,)ic) t)e e)icle ,ill *e usedR ,)en tested in accordance ,it) Test Met)od D GG1% in order not to i"&ede &article "o*ilit' ?see 20A5AF@% ?*@ "ini"u" !as) &oint% ,)en tested in accordance ,it) Test Met)ods D2F% s)ould *e 200[8 ?2F[C@ in order to "ini"iDe !re )aDards ?see 20A5AG@% ?c@ odorlessR not o*Sectiona*le to user% ?d@ lo, in)erent !uorescence i. used ,it) !uores# cent &articlesR t)at is% it s)ould not inter.ere si(ni!cantl' ,it) t)e !uorescent &article indications ?see 20A4AGA1@% and ?e@ nonreacti eR s)ould not de(rade sus&ended &ar# ticlesA 3A1AGA2 Later Ve)icles ,it) Conditionin( A(ents M Later "a' *e used as a sus&ension e)icle .or ,et "a(netic &articles &ro ided suita*le conditionin( a(ents are added ,)ic) &ro ide &ro&er ,et dis&ersin(% in addition to corrosion &rotection .or t)e &arts *ein( tested and t)e eJui&"ent in useA Plain ,ater does not dis&erse so"e t'&es o. "a(netic &articles% does not ,et all sur.aces% and is corrosi e to &arts and eJui&"entA On t)e ot)er )and% ,ater sus&ensions o. "a(netic &articles are to use since t)e' are non!a""a*leA T)e selec# tion and concentration o. t)e conditionin( a(ent s)ould *e as reco""ended *' t)e &article "anu.acturerA T)e .ollo,in( are reco""ended &ro&erties .or ,ater e)icles containin( conditionin( a(ents .or use ,it) ,et "a(netic &article e!a"ination6 ?1@ Lettin( C)aracteristics M T)e e)icle s)ould )a e (ood ,ettin( c)aracteristicsR t)at is% ,et t)e sur.ace to *e tested% (i e e en% co"&lete co era(e ,it)out e i# dence o. de,ettin( t)e test sur.aceA S"oot) test sur.aces reJuire t)at a (reater &ercenta(e o. ,ettin( a(ent *e added t)an is reJuired .or rou() sur.aceA Nonionic ,ettin( a(ents are reco""ended ?see 20A5A1@A ?2@ Sus&ension C)aracteristics M I"&art (ood dis&er# sa*ilit'R t)at is% t)orou()l' dis&erse t)e "a(netic &articles ,it)out e idence o. &article a((lo"erationA
?F@ 8oa"in( M Mini"iDe .oa"in(R t)at is% it s)ould not &roduce e!cessi e .oa" ,)ic) ,ould inter.ere ,it) indication .or"ation or cause &articles to .or" scu" ,it) t)e .oa"A ?G@ Corrosi eness M It s)ould not corrode &arts to *e tested or t)e eJui&"ent in ,)ic) it is usedA ?1@ Viscosit' Li"it M T)e iscosit' o. t)e conditioned ,ater s)ould not e!ceed a "a!i"u" iscosit' o. F cSt ?F ""20s@ at 100[8 ?F3[C@ ?see 20A5AF@A ?4@ 8luorescence M T)e conditioned ,ater s)ould not !uoresce i. intended .or use ,it) !uorescent &articlesA ?5@ Nonreacti eness M T)e conditioned ,ater s)ould not cause deterioration o. t)e sus&ended "a(netic &ar# ticlesA ?3@ Later &+ M T)e &+ o. t)e conditioned ,ater s)ould not *e less t)an 5A0 or e!ceed 10A1A ?2@ Odor M T)e conditioned ,ater s)ould *e essen# tiall' odorlessA
3A1A1 Concentration o. Let Ma(netic Particle Sus# &ension M T)e initial *at) concentration o. sus&ended "a(netic &articles s)ould *e as s&eci!ed or as reco"# "ended *' t)e "anu.acturer and s)ould *e c)ec-ed *' settlin( olu"e "easure"ents and "aintained at t)e s&ec# i!ed concentration on a dail' *asisA I. t)e concentration is not "aintained &ro&erl'% e!a"ination results can ar' (reatl'A T)e concentration o. dual#colored &articles in t)e ,et#"et)od *at) sus&ension "a' *e adSusted to *est &er.or" in t)e desired li()tin( en iron"entA +i()er &arti# cle concentration is reco""ended .or isi*le li()t areas and lo,er &article concentration is reco""ended .or ultra iolet li()t areasA <se in accordance ,it) t)e &article "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA
3A1A4 A&&lication o. Let Ma(netic Particles ?see 11A2@ 3A1A5 Ma(netic Slurr'0Paint S'ste"s M Anot)er t'&e o. e!a"ination e)icle is t)e "a(netic slurr'0&aint t'&e consistin( o. a )ea ' oil in ,)ic) !a-e#li-e &articles are sus&endedA T)e "aterial is nor"all' a&&lied *' *rus) *e.ore t)e &art is "a(netiDedA Because o. t)e )i() iscos# it'% t)e "aterial does not ra&idl' run o.. sur.aces% .acilitat# in( t)e ins&ection o. ertical or o er)ead sur.acesA T)e e)icles "a' *e co"*usti*le% *ut t)e !re )aDard is er' lo,A Ot)er )aDards are er' si"ilar to t)ose o. t)e oil and ,ater e)icles &re iousl' descri*edA
3A1A3 Pol'"er#Based S'ste"s M T)e e)icle used in t)e "a(netic &ol'"er is *asicall' a liJuid &ol'"er ,)ic) dis&erses t)e "a(netic &articles and ,)ic) cures to an elastic solid in a (i en &eriod o. ti"e% .or"in( !!ed indicationsA Viscosit' li"its o. standard ,et tec)niJue e)icles do not a&&l'A Care s)ould *e e!ercised in )an# dlin( t)ese &ol'"er "aterialsA <se in accordance ,it)
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"anu.acturerEs instructions and &recautionsA T)is tec)# niJue is &articularl' a&&lica*le to e!a"ine areas o. li"# ited isual accessi*ilit'% suc) as *olt )olesA
ca ities can *e &lu((ed or "as-ed ,it) a suita*le non# a*rasi e "aterial ,)ic) is readil' re"o edA In t)e case o. en(ine &arts% t)e "aterial "ust *e solu*le in oilA E..ecti e "as-in( "ust *e used to &rotect co"&onents t)at "a' *e da"a(ed *' contact ,it) t)e &articles or &article sus# &ensionA
2A Part Pre&aration 2A1 Ieneral M T)e sur.ace o. t)e &art to *e e!a"ined s)ould *e essentiall' clean% dr'% and .ree o. conta"inants suc) as dirt% oil% (rease% loose rust% loose "ill sand% loose "ill scale% lint% t)ic- &aint% ,eldin( !u!0sla(% and ,eld s&latter t)at "i()t restrict &article "o e"entA See 11A1A2 a*out a&&l'in( dr' &articles to a da"&0,et sur.aceA L)en testin( a local area% suc) as a ,eld% t)e areas adSacent to t)e sur.ace to *e e!a"ined% as a(reed *' t)e contractin( &arties% "ust also *e cleaned to t)e e!tent necessar' to &er"it detection o. indicationsA
10A SeJuence o. O&erations 10A1 SeJuencin( Particle A&&lication and Esta*lis)# in( Ma(netic 8lu! 8ield M T)e seJuence o. o&eration in "a(netic &article e!a"ination a&&lies to t)e relations)i& *et,een t)e ti"in( and a&&lication o. &articles and esta*# lis)in( t)e "a(netiDin( !u! !eldA T,o *asic tec)niJues a&&l'% t)at is% continuous ?see 10A1A1 and 10A1A2@ and residual ?see 10A1AF@% *ot) o. ,)ic) are co""onl' e"&lo'ed in industr'A
2A1A1 Nonconducti e Coatin(s M T)in nonconduc# ti e coatin(s% suc) as &aint in t)e order o. 0A02 "" to 0A01 "" ?1 or 2 "il@ ,ill not nor"all' inter.ere ,it) t)e .or"ation o. indications% *ut t)e' "ust *e re"o ed at all &oints ,)ere electrical contact is to *e "ade .or direct "a(netiDationA Indirect "a(netiDation does not reJuire electrical contact ,it) t)e &art0&ieceA See Section 12A2A I. a nonconductin( coatin(0&latin( is le.t on t)e area to *e e!a"ined t)at )as a t)ic-ness (reater t)an 0A01 "" ?2 "il@% it "ust *e de"onstrated t)at discontinu# ities can *e detected t)rou() t)e "a!i"u" t)ic-ness a&&liedA
10A1A1 Continuous Ma(netiDation M Continuous "a(netiDation is e"&lo'ed .or "ost a&&lications utiliDin( eit)er dr' or ,et &articles and s)ould *e used unless s&eci!call' &ro)i*ited in t)e contract% &urc)ase order% or s&eci!cationA T)e seJuence o. o&eration .or t)e dr' and t)e ,et continuous "a(netiDation tec)niJues are si(ni!# cantl' di..erent and are discussed se&aratel' in 10A1A1A1 and 10A1A1A2A 10A1A1A1 Dr' Continuous Ma(netiDation Tec)# niJue M <nli-e a ,et sus&ension% dr' &articles lose "ost o. t)eir "o*ilit' ,)en t)e' contact t)e sur.ace o. a &artA T)ere.ore% it is i"&erati e t)at t)e &art0area o. interest *e under t)e in!uence o. t)e a&&lied "a(netic !eld ,)ile t)e &articles are still air*orne and .ree to *e attracted to lea-a(e !eldsA T)is dictates t)at t)e !o, o. "a(netiDin( current *e initiated &rior to t)e a&&lication o. dr' "a(netic &articles and ter"inated a.ter t)e a&&lication o. &o,der )as *een co"&leted and an' e!cess )as *een *lo,n o..A Ma(netiDin( currents o. t)e )al.#,a e recti!ed alternat# in( and unrecti!ed AC &ro ide additional &article "o*il# it' on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &artA E!a"ination ,it) dr' &articles is usuall' carried out in conSunction ,it) &rod# t'&e localiDed "a(netiDations% and *uildu& o. indications is o*ser ed as t)e &articles are *ein( a&&liedA
2A1A2 Conducti e Coatin(s M A conducti e coatin( ?suc) as c)ro"e &latin( and )ea ' "ill scale on ,rou()t &roducts resultin( .ro" )ot .or"in( o&erations@ can "asdiscontinuitiesA As ,it) nonconducti e coatin(s% it "ust *e de"onstrated t)at t)e discontinuities can *e detected t)rou() t)e coatin(A 2A1AF Residual Ma(netic 8ields M I. t)e &art0&iece )olds a residual "a(netic !eld .ro" a &re ious "a(neti# Dation t)at ,ill inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"ination% t)e &art "ust *e de"a(netiDedA See Section 13A 2A2 Cleanin( E!a"ination Sur.ace M Cleanin( o. t)e test sur.ace "a' *e acco"&lis)ed *' deter(ents% or(anic sol ents% or "ec)anical "eansA As#,elded% as#rolled% as#cast% or as#.or(ed sur.aces are (enerall''% *ut i. t)e sur.ace is unusuall' nonuni.or"% as ,it) *urned#in sand or a er' rou() ,eld de&osit% inter&reta# tion "a' *e di.!cult *ecause o. "ec)anical entra&"ent o. t)e "a(netic &articlesA In case o. dou*t% an' Juestion# a*le area s)ould *e recleaned and ree!a"ined ?see 2A1@A An e!tensi e &resentation o. a&&lica*le cleanin( "et)ods is descri*ed in Anne! A1 o. Test Met)od E 141A
10A1A1A2 Let Continuous Ma(netiDation Tec)# niJue M T)e ,et continuous "a(netiDation tec)niJue (enerall' a&&lies to t)ose &arts &rocessed on a )oriDontal ,et t'&e unitA In &ractice% it in ol es *at)in( t)e &art ,it) t)e e!a"ination "ediu" to &ro ide an a*undant source o. sus&ended &articles on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art and ter"inatin( t)e *at) a&&lication i""ediatel' &rior to cuttin( o.. o. t)e "a(netiDin( currentA T)e duration o. t)e "a(netiDin( current is t'&icall' on t)e order o. 1V2 s ,it) t,o or "ore s)ots (i en to t)e &artA
2A2A1 Plu((in( and Mas-in( S"all +oles and O&enin(s M <nless &ro)i*ited *' t)e &urc)aser% s"all o&enin(s and oil )oles leadin( to o*scure &assa(es or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
10A1A1AF Pol'"er or Slurr' Continuous Ma(neti# Dation Tec)niJue M Prolon(ed or re&eated &eriods o.
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"a(netiDation are o.ten necessar' .or &ol'"er# or slurr'#*ase sus&ensions *ecause o. slo,er in)erent "a(# netic &article "o*ilit' in t)e )i()# iscosit' sus&ension e)iclesA 10A1A2 True Continuous Ma(netiDation Tec)# niJue M In t)is tec)niJue% t)e "a(netiDin( current is sustained t)rou()out *ot) t)e &rocessin( and e!a"ination o. t)e &artA 10A1AF Residual Ma(netiDation Tec)niJues 10A1AFA1 Residual Ma(netiDation M In t)is tec)# niJue% t)e e!a"ination "ediu" is a&&lied a.ter t)e "a(# netiDin( .orce )as *een discontinuedA It can *e used onl' i. t)e "aterial *ein( tested )as relati el' )i() retenti it' so t)e residual lea-a(e !eld ,ill *e o. su.!cient stren(t) to attract and )old t)e &articles and &roduce indicationsA T)is tec)niJue "a' *e ad anta(eous .or inte(ration ,it) &roduction or )andlin( reJuire"ents or .or intentionall' li"itin( t)e sensiti it' o. t)e e!a"inationA It )as .ound ,ide use e!a"inin( &i&e and tu*ular (oodsA <nless de"# onstrations ,it) t'&ical &arts indicate t)at t)e residual !eld )as su.!cient stren(t) to &roduce rele ant indica# tions o. discontinuities ?see 20A3@ ,)en t)e !eld is in &ro&er orientation% t)e continuous "et)od s)ould *e usedA
o. &enetration .or detection o. t'&ical discontinuities .ound in ,eld"ents and .errous castin(sA As ,it) AC .or "a(netiDation% sin(le#&)ase current is utiliDed and a era(e alue "easured as B"a(netiDin( currentAC 11A1AF 8ull#La e Recti!ed Alternatin( Current M 8ull#,a e recti!ed alternatin( current "a' utiliDe sin(le# or t)ree#&)ase currentA T)ree#&)ase current )as t)e ad an# ta(e o. lo,er line a"&era(e ,)ereas sin(le#&)ase eJui&# "ent is less e!&ensi eA 8ull#,a e recti!ed AC is co""onl' used ,)en t)e residual "et)od is to *e e"&lo'edA Lit) t)e continuous "et)od% .ull#,a e recti# !ed AC is used .or "a(netiDation o. coated and &lated &artsA Because &article "o e"ent% eit)er dr' or ,et is noticea*l' slo,er% &recautions "ust *e ta-en to ensure t)at su.!cient ti"e is allo,ed .or .or"ation o. indicationsA
10A1AFA2 Current Kuic- Brea- M EJui&"ent% .ull#,a e recti!ed AC% .or residual "a(netiDation "ust *e desi(ned to &ro ide a consistent Juic- *rea- o. t)e "a(netiDin( currentA
11A T'&es o. Ma(netiDin( Currents 11A1 Basic Current T'&es M T)e .our *asic t'&es o. current used in "a(netic &article e!a"ination to esta*lis) &art "a(netiDation are alternatin( current% sin(le &)ase )al.#,a e recti!ed alternatin( current% .ull#,a e recti!ed alternatin( current% and .or a s&ecial a&&lication% DCA 11A1A1 Alternatin( Current ?AC@ M Part "a(netiDa# tion ,it) alternatin( current is &re.erred .or t)ose a&&lica# tions ,)ere e!a"ination reJuire"ents call .or t)e detection o. discontinuities% suc) as .ati(ue crac-s% t)at are o&en to t)e sur.aceA Associated ,it) AC is a Bs-in e..ectC t)at con!nes t)e "a(netic !eld at or near to t)e sur.ace o. a &artA In contrast% *ot) )al.#,a e recti!ed alternatin( current and .ull#,a e recti!ed alternatin( cur# rent &roduce a "a(netic !eld )a in( "a!i"u" &enetrat# in( ca&a*ilities ,)ic) s)ould *e used ,)en near#sur.ace discontinuities are o. concernA Alternatin( current is also e!tensi el' used .or t)e de"a(netiDation o. &arts a.ter e!a"inationA T)e t)rou()#coil tec)niJue is nor"all' used .or t)is &ur&ose due to its si"&le% .ast natureA See 8i(A FA
11A1AG Direct Current ?DC@ M A *an- o. *atteries or a DC (enerator &roduce a direct "a(netiDin( currentA T)e' )a e lar(el' (i en ,a' to )al.#,a e recti!ed or .ull#,a e recti!ed AC e!ce&t .or a .e, s&ecialiDed a&&li# cations% &ri"aril' *ecause o. *atter' cost and "ainte# nanceA One suc) e!a"&le is t)e c)ar(in( o. a *an- o. ca&acitors% ,)ic) on disc)ar(e is used to esta*lis) a resid# ual "a(netic !eld in tu*in(% casin(% line &i&e% and drill &i&eA
11A1A2 +al.#La e Recti!ed Alternatin( Current M +al.#,a e recti!ed alternatin( current is .reJuentl' used in conSunction ,it) dr' &articles and localiDed "a(netiDa# tion ?.or e!a"&le% &rods or 'o-es@ to ac)ie e so"e de&t)
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
12A Part Ma(netiDation Tec)niJues 12A1 E!a"ination Co era(e M All e!a"inations s)ould *e conducted ,it) su.!cient area o erla& to assure t)e reJuired co era(e at t)e s&eci!ed sensiti it' )as *een o*tainedA 12A2 Direct and Indirect Ma(netiDation M A &art can *e "a(netiDed eit)er directl' or indirectl'A 8or direct
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"a(netiDation t)e "a(netiDin( current is &assed directl' t)rou() t)e &art creatin( a circular "a(netic !eld in t)e &artA Lit) indirect "a(netiDation tec)niJues a "a(netic !eld is induced in t)e &art ,)ic) can create a circular0 toroidal% lon(itudinal% or "ultidirectional "a(netic !eld in t)e &artA T)e tec)niJues descri*ed in 20A3 .or eri.'in( t)at t)e "a(netic !elds )a e t)e antici&ated direction and stren(t) s)ould *e e"&lo'edA T)is is es&eciall' i"&ortant ,)en usin( t)e "ultidirection tec)niJue to e!a"ine co"# &le! s)a&esA
12AF C)oosin( Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue M T)e c)oice o. direct or indirect "a(netiDation ,ill de&end on suc) .actors as siDe% con!(uration% or ease o. &rocessin(A Ta*le 1 co"&ares t)e ad anta(es and li"itations o. t)e arious "et)ods o. &art "a(netiDationA 12AFA1 Direct Contact Ma(netiDation M 8or direct "a(netiDation% &)'sical contact "ust *e "ade *et,een t)e .erro"a(netic &art and t)e current carr'in( electrodes connected to t)e &o,er sourceA Bot) localiDed area "a(# netiDation and o erall &art "a(netiDation are direct con# tact "eans o. &art "a(netiDation ac)ie ed t)rou() t)e use o. &rods% )ead and tailstoc-% cla"&s% and "a(netic leec)esA 12AFA2 LocaliDed Area Ma(netiDation 12AFA2A1 Prod Tec)niJue M T)e &rod electrodes are !rst &ressed !r"l' a(ainst t)e test &art P8i(A 2?a@QA T)e "a(netiDin( current is t)en &assed t)rou() t)e &rods and into t)e area o. t)e &art in contact ,it) t)e &rodsA T)is
esta*lis)es a circular "a(netic !eld in t)e &art around and *et,een eac) &rod electrode% su.!cient to carr' out a local "a(netic &article e!a"ination P8i(A 2?c@ and 8i(A 2?d@QA Caution6 E!tre"e care s)ould *e ta-en to "aintain clean &rod ti&s% to "ini"iDe )eatin( at t)e &oint o. contact and to &re ent arc *urns and local o er)eatin( on t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined since t)ese "a' cause ad erse e..ects on "aterial &ro&ertiesA Arc *urns cause "etallur(ical da"a(eR i. t)e ti&s are solid co&&er% co&&er &enetration into t)e &art "a' occurA Prods s)ould not *e used on "ac)ined sur.aces or on aeros&ace co"&onent &artsA ?1@ <nrecti!ed AC li"its t)e &rod tec)niJue to t)e detection o. sur.ace discontinuitiesA +al.#,a e recti!ed AC is "ost desira*le since it ,ill detect *ot) sur.ace and near#sur.ace discontinuitiesA T)e &rod tec)niJue (ener# all' utiliDes dr' "a(netic &article "aterials due to *etter &article "o*ilit'A Let "a(netic &articles are not (enerall' used ,it) t)e &rod tec)niJue *ecause o. &otential electri# cal and !a""a*ilit' )aDardsA ?2@ Pro&er &rod e!a"ination reJuires a second &lace# "ent ,it) t)e &rods rotated a&&ro!i"atel' 20 de( .ro" t)e !rst &lace"ent to assure t)at all e!istin( discontinu# ities are re ealedA De&endin( on t)e sur.ace co era(e reJuire"ents% o erla& *et,een successi e &rod &lace# "ents "a' *e necessar'A On lar(e sur.aces% it is (ood &ractice to la'out a (rid .or &rod0'o-e &lace"entA
12AFA2A2 Manual Cla"&0Ma(netic Leec) Tec)# niJue M Local areas o. co"&le! co"&onents "a' *e "a(netiDed *' electrical contacts "anuall' cla"&ed or attac)ed ,it) "a(netic leec)es to t)e &art ?8i(A G@A As ,it) &rods% su.!cient o erla& "a' *e necessar' i. testin( o. t)e contact location is reJuiredA 12AFA2AF O erall Ma(netiDation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2A Lon( &arts s)ould *e "a(netiDed in sections to .acilitate *at) a&&lication ,it)out resortin( to an o erl' lon( current s)otA
Lar(e castin(s and .or(in(s C'lindrical &arts suc) as tu*# in(% &i&e% )ollo, s)a.ts% etcA
FA Iood sensiti it' to sur.ace and near#sur.ace discontinuitiesA GA Si"&le as ,ell as relati el' co"&le! &arts can usuall' *e easil' &rocessed ,it) one or "ore s)otsA 1A Co"&lete "a(netic &at) is conduci e to "a!# i"iDin( residual c)aracteristics o. "aterialA 1A Lar(e sur.ace areas can *e &rocessed and e!a"ined in relati el' s)ort ti"eA 1A Entire len(t) can *e circularl' "a(netiDed *' contactin(% end to endA
1A Entire len(t) can *e circularl' "a(netiDed *' contactin(% end to endA 2A Current reJuire"ents are inde&endent o. len(t)A FA No end lossA 1A Circular !eld can *e selecti el' directed to ,eld area *' &rod &lace"entA 2A In conSunction ,it) )al.#,a e recti!ed alternat# in( current and dr' &o,der% &ro ides e!cellent sensiti it' to su*sur.ace discontinuities as ,ell as sur.ace t'&eA FA 8le!i*le% in t)at &rods% ca*les% and &o,er &ac-s can *e *rou()t to e!a"ination siteA
1A +i() a"&era(e reJuire"ents ?14 000 to 20 000 A@ dictate s&ecial DC &o,er su&&l'A 1A E..ecti e !eld li"ited to outside sur.ace and can# not *e used .or inside dia"eter e!a"inationA 2A Ends "ust *e conducti e to electrical contacts and ca&a*le o. carr'in( reJuired current ,it)out e!cessi e )eatA Cannot *e used on oil countr' tu*u# lar (oods *ecause o. &ossi*ilit' o. arc *urnsA 1A Volta(e reJuire"ents increase as len(t) increases due to (reater i"&edance o. ca*le and &artA 2A Ends "ust *e conducti e to electrical contact and ca&a*le o. carr'in( reJuired current ,it)out e!ces# si e )eatA
Prods6 Lelds
1A Onl' s"all area can *e e!a"ined at one ti"eA 2A Arc *urns due to &oor contactA
1A Entire sur.ace area can *e e!a"ined in s"all incre"ents usin( no"inal current aluesA 2A Circular !eld can *e concentrated in s&eci!c areas t)at )istoricall' are &rone to discontinu# itiesA FA EJui&"ent can *e *rou()t to t)e location o. &arts t)at are di.!cult to "o eA GA In conSunction ,it) )al.#,a e recti!ed alternat# in( current and dr' &o,der% &ro ides e!cellent sensiti it' to near sur.ace su*sur.ace t'&e dis# continuities t)at are di.!cult to locate *' ot)er "et)odsA
FA Sur.ace "ust *e dr' ,)en dr' &o,der is *ein( usedA GA Prod s&acin( "ust *e in accordance ,it) t)e "a(# netiDin( current le elA 1A Co era(e o. lar(e sur.ace area reJuire a "ulti&lic# it' o. s)ots t)at can *e er' ti"e#consu"in(A 2A Possi*ilit' o. arc *urns due to &oor contactA Sur# .ace s)ould *e dr' ,)en dr' &o,der is *ein( usedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ma(netiDin( Tec)niJue and Material 8or" IIA Indirect Part Ma(netiDation ?see 12AFA2@ Central Conductor Miscellaneous &arts )a in( )oles t)rou() ,)ic) a conduc# tor can *e &laced suc) as6 Bearin( race +ollo, c'linder Iear Lar(e nut Ad anta(es Li"itations
2A Circu".erentiall' directed "a(netic !eld is (enerated in all sur.aces% surroundin( t)e con# ductor ?inside dia"eter% .aces% etcA@A FA Ideal .or t)ose cases ,)ere t)e residual "et)od is a&&lica*leA
2A Ideall'% conductor s)ould *e centrall' located ,it)in )oleA FA Lar(er dia"eters reJuire re&eated "a(netiDation ,it) conductor a(ainst inside dia"eter and rota# tion o. &art *et,een &rocessesA L)ere continuous "a(netiDation tec)niJue is *ein( e"&lo'ed% e!a"i# nation is reJuired a.ter eac) "a(netiDationA
GA Li()t ,ei()t &arts can *e su&&orted *' t)e cen# tral conductorA 1A Multi&le turns "a' *e used to reduce current reJuiredA Lar(e cle is Pi&e cou&lin(% casin(0tu*in( Tu*ular t'&e &arts suc) as6
1A Outside sur.ace sensiti it' "a' *e so"e,)at less t)an t)at o*tained on t)e inside sur.ace .or lar(e dia"eter and e!tre"el' )ea ' ,allA
Pi&e0Castin( Tu*in( +ollo, s)a.t 2A Inside dia"eter as ,ell as outside dia"eter e!a"inationA FA Entire len(t) o. &art circularl' "a(netiDedA 1A Pro ides (ood sensiti it' .or detection o. dis# continuities located on internal sur.acesA
1A All (enerall' lon(itudinal sur.aces are lon(itu# dinall' "a(netiDed to e..ecti el' locate trans# erse discontinuities
1A Outside sur.ace sensiti it' "a' *e so"e,)at less t)an t)at o*tained on t)e inside dia"eter .or )ea ' ,allA 1A Len(t) "a' dictate "ulti&le s)ot as coil is re&osi# tionedA
Miscellaneous "ediu"#siDed &arts ,)ere t)e len(t) &re# do"inates suc) as a cran-# s)a.t Lar(e castin(s% .or(in(s% or s)a.tin( Miscellaneous s"all &arts
1A Lon(itudinal !eld easil' attained *' "eans o. ca*le ,ra&&in(A 1A Eas' and .ast% es&eciall' ,)ere residual "a(ne# tiDation is a&&lica*leA 2A No electrical contactA
1A Multi&le "a(netiDation "a' *e reJuired due to con!(uration o. &artA 1A L0D ?len(t)0dia"eter@ ratio i"&ortant consider# ation in deter"inin( adeJuac' o. a"&ere#turnsA 2A E..ecti e L0D ratio can *e altered *' utiliDin( &ieces o. si"ilar cross#sectional areaA FA <se s"aller coil .or "ore intense !eldA
FA Relati el' co"&le! &arts can usuall' *e &ro# cessed ,it) sa"e ease as t)ose ,it) si"&le cross sectionA GA Sensiti it' di"inis)es at ends o. &art due to (en# eral lea-a(e !eld &atternA 1A Kuic- *rea- desira*le to "ini"iDe end e..ect on s)ort &arts ,it) lo, L0D ratioA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ma(netiDin( Tec)niJue and Material 8or" Induced Current 8i!tures E!a"ination o. rin(#s)a&ed &art .or circu".erential#t'&e discontinuitiesA Ad anta(es Li"itations
1A No electrical contactA
Ball e!a"ination
2A All sur.ace o. &art su*Sected to toroidal#t'&e "a(netic !eldA FA Sin(le &rocess .or 100O co era(eA GA Can *e auto"atedA 1A No electrical contactA
2A T'&e o. "a(netiDin( current "ust *e co"&ati*le ,it) "et)odA FA Ot)er conductors encirclin( !eld "ust *e a oidedA GA Lar(e dia"eters reJuire s&ecial considerationA 1A 8or s"all#dia"eter *alls% li"ited to residual "a(# netiDationA
2A 100O co era(e .or discontinuities in an' direc# tion ,it) t)ree#ste& &rocess and &ro&er orienta# tion *et,een ste&sA FA Can *e auto"atedA 1A No electrical contactA
2A Iood sensiti it' at or near &eri&)er' or ri"A FA Sensiti it' in arious areas can *e aried *' core or &ole#&iece selectionA 7o-es6 E!a"ination o. lar(e sur.ace areas .or sur.ace#t'&e discon# tinuitiesA 1A No electrical contactA
1A 100O co era(e "a' reJuire t,o#ste& &rocess ,it) core or &ole#&iece ariation% or *ot)A 2A T'&e o. "a(netiDin( current "ust *e co"&ati*le ,it) &art (eo"etr'A
1A Ti"e consu"in(A
2A +i()l' &orta*leA FA Can locate discontinuities in an' direction ,it) &ro&er orientationA 1A No electrical contactA
1A Must *e &ro&erl' &ositioned relati e to orientation o. discontinuitiesA 2A Relati el' (ood contact "ust *e esta*lis)ed *et,een &art and &olesA FA Co"&le! &art (eo"etr' "a' cause di.!cult'A GA Poor sensiti it' to su*sur.ace#t'&e discontinuities e!ce&t in isolated areasA
2A Iood sensiti it' to direct sur.ace discontinu# itiesA FA +i()l' &orta*leA GA Let or dr' tec)niJueA 1A Alternatin(#current t'&e can also ser e as de"a(netiDer in so"e instancesA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?1@ +ead and Tailstoc- Contact M Parts "a' *e cla"&ed *et,een t,o electrodes ?suc) as a )ead and tailstoc- o. )oriDontal ,et "a(netic &article eJui&"ent@ and t)e "a(netiDin( current a&&lied directl' t)rou() t)e &art ?8i(A 1@A T)e siDe and s)a&e o. t)e &art ,ill deter"ine ,)et)er *ot) !eld directions can *e o*tained ,it) suc) eJui&"entA ?2@ Cla"&s M T)e "a(netiDin( current "a' *e a&&lied to t)e test &art *' cla"&in( t)e current carr'in( electrodes to t)e &art% &roducin( a circular "a(netic !eld ?8i(A 4@A ?F@ Multidirectional Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue M Lit) suita*le circuitr'% it is &ossi*le to &roduce a "ultidi# rectional ?oscillatin(@ !eld in a &art *' selecti el' s,itc)# in( t)e "a(netic !eld ,it)in t)e &art *et,een electrode contacts0cla"&s &ositioned a&&ro!i"atel' 20 de( a&artA T)is &er"its *uildin( u& indications in all &ossi*le direc# tions and "a' *e considered t)e eJui alent o. "a(netiD# in( in t,o or "ore directions ?8i(A 5@A On so"e co"&le! s)a&es as "an' as 14 to 20 ste&s "a' *e reJuired ,it) con entional eJui&"entA Lit) "ultidirectional "a(neti# Dation% it is usuall' &ossi*le to reduce t)e "a(netiDin( ste&s reJuired *' "ore t)an )al.A It is essential t)at t)e ,et continuous "et)od% *e used and t)at t)e "a(netic !eld direction and relati e intensit' *e deter"ined *' one or "ore o. t)e tec)niJues descri*ed in 20A3A
t)e "a(netic !eld stren(t) is &ro&ortional to a"&ere turns and de&ends on si"&le (eo"etr' ?see 1GAFA2@A 12AFAF Indirect Ma(netiDation M Indirect &art "a(# netiDation in ol es t)e use o. a &re.or"ed coil% ca*le ,ra&% 'o-e% or a central conductor to induce a "a(netic !eldA Coil% ca*le ,ra&% and 'o-e "a(netiDation are re.erred to as lon(itudinal "a(netiDation in t)e &art ?see 1FAF@A 12AFAFA1 Coil and Ca*le Ma(netiDation M L)en coil ?8i(A F@ or ca*le ,ra& ?8i(A 3@ tec)niJues are used%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
12AFAFA2 Central Conductor% Induced Current Ma(netiDation M Indirect circular "a(netiDation o. )ol# lo, &ieces0&arts can *e &er.or"ed *' &assin( t)e "a(# netiDin( current t)rou() a central conductor P8i(A 2?a@ and 8i(A 2?*@Q or ca*le used as a central conductor or t)rou() an induced current !!ture P8i(A 2?c@QA 12AFAFAF 7o-e Ma(netiDation M A "a(netic !eld can *e induced into a &art *' "eans o. an electro"a(net ?see 8i(A 1@% ,)ere t)e &art or a &ortion t)ereo. *eco"es
t)e "a(netic &at) *et,een t)e &oles ?acts as a -ee&er@ and discontinuities &re.erentiall' trans erse to t)e ali(n# "ent o. t)e &ole &ieces are indicatedA Most 'o-es are ener(iDed *' AC% )al.#,a e recti!ed AC% or .ull#,a e recti!ed ACA A &er"anent "a(net can also introduce a "a(netic !eld in t)e &art *ut its use is restricted ?see 4AFA1@A
1FAG Lon(itudinal Ma(netiDation M Lon(itudinal "a(netiDation ?8i(A 11@ is t)e ter" used ,)en a "a(netic !eld is (enerated *' an electric current &assin( t)rou() a "ultiturn% 8i(A 12% or la"inated coil% 8i(A 1F% ,)ic) encloses t)e &art or section o. t)e &art to *e e!a"inedA 1FA1 Multidirectional Ma(netiDation M Multidirec# tional "a(netiDation "a' *e used to .ul!ll t)e reJuire# "ent .or "a(netiDation in t,o directions i. it is de"onstrated t)at it is e..ecti e in all areasA Test &arts in accordance ,it) 20A3A2 or s)i"s "anu.actured to t)e reJuire"ents o. AS 1F51%oras ot)er,ise a&&ro ed *' t)e Le el III and t)e Co(niDant En(ineerin( Or(aniDation% "a' *e used to eri.' !eld direction% stren(t)% and *alance in "ultidirectional "a(netiDationA Balance o. t)e !eld intensit' is criticalA T)e !eld intensit' s)all *e *alanced in all directionsA T)e &article a&&lication "ust *e ti"ed so t)at t)e "a(netiDation le els reac) .ull alue in all directions% ,)ile t)e &articles are "o*ile on t)e sur.ace under e!a"inationA ? to 8i(A 1GA@
1FA Direction o. Ma(netic 8ields 1FA1 Discontinuit' Orientation sA Ma(netic 8ield Direction M Since indications are not nor"all' o*tained ,)en discontinuities are &arallel to t)e "a(netic !eld% and since indications "a' occur in arious or un-no,n directions in a &art% eac) &art "ust *e "a(netiDed in at least t,o directions a&&ro!i"atel' at ri()t an(les to eac) ot)er as noted in 1AFA2A On so"e &arts circular "a(netiDa# tion "a' *e used in t,o or "ore directions% ,)ile on ot)ers *ot) circular and lon(itudinal "a(netiDation are usedA A "ultidirectional !eld can also *e e"&lo'ed to ac)ie e &art "a(netiDation in "ore t)an one directionA
1FA2 Circular Ma(netiDation M Circular "a(netiDa# tion ?8i(A 10@ is t)e ter" used ,)en electric current is &assed t)rou() a &art% or *' use o. a central conductor ?see 12AFAFA2@ t)rou() a central o&enin( in t)e &art% inducin( a "a(netic !eld at ri()t an(les to t)e current !o,A 1FAF Toroidal Ma(netiDation M L)en "a(netiDin( a &art ,it) a toroidal s)a&e% suc) as a solid ,)eel or t)e dis- ,it) a center o&enin(% an induced !eld t)at is radial to t)e dis- is "ost use.ul .or t)e detection o. discontinu# ities in a circu".erential directionA In suc) a&&lications t)is !eld "a' *e "ore e..ecti e t)an "ulti&le s)ots across t)e &eri&)er'A
1FA1A1 L)en actual &arts ,it) -no,n de.ects are used% t)e nu"*er and orientation?s@ o. t)e de.ects ?.or e!a"&le% a!ial% lon(itudinal% circu".erential% etcA@ s)ould *e notedA T)e "a(netic !eld intensit' can *e considered as *ein( &ro&erl' *alanced ,)en all noted de.ects can *e readil' identi!ed ,it) &article indicationsA 1FA1A2 T)e ,et continuous "et)od "ust *e used ,)en &er.or"in( "ultidirectional "a(netiDationA
1GA Ma(netic 8ield Stren(t) 1GA1 Ma(netiDin( 8ield Stren(t)s M To &roduce inter&reta*le indications% t)e "a(netic !eld in t)e &art "ust )a e su.!cient stren(t) and &ro&er orientationA 8or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1GA2A2 Arti!cial Discontinuities M T)e B&ieC !eld indicator ?8i(A 11@ and notc)ed s)i"s ?A&&endi! =1@ are arti!cial discontinuitiesA Ot)er t'&es o. arti!cial !a,s are a aila*le and "a' *e selected as a&&ro&riateA See 20A3A 1GA2AF +all#e..ect Pro*e#Tan(ential 8ield Stren(t)s M Tan(entiall' a&&lied !eld stren(t)s% as "ea# sured ,it) a +all#e..ect &ro*e0sensor% in t)e ran(e .ro" F0 to 40 I ?2AG to GA3 -AM#1@ s)ould *e adeJuateA See 20A3A <nder so"e circu"stances so"e !elds in t)e ran(e .ro" 10 to 110 I "a' *e reJuiredA 1GA2AG <sin( E"&irical 8or"ulas M Section 1GAF )as .our e"&irical .or"ulas .or esta*lis)in( "a(netic !eld stren(t)sR t)e' are rules o. t)u"*A As suc)% t)e' "ust *e used ,it) Sud("entA T)eir use "a' lead to6 1GA2AGA1 O er "a(netiDation% ,)ic) causes e!cessi e &article *ac-(round t)at "a-es inter&retation "ore di.!cult i. not i"&ossi*leA 1GA2AGA2 Poor co era(eA 1GA2AGAF Poor c)oice o. test (eo"etriesA 1GA2AGAG A co"*ination o. t)e a*o eA
1GAF Iuidelines .or Esta*lis)in( Ma(netic 8ields M T)e .ollo,in( (uidelines can *e e..ecti el' a&&lied .or esta*lis)in( &ro&er le els o. circular and lon(itudinal "a(netiDationA 1GAFA1 Circular Ma(netiDation#Ma(netic 8ield Stren(t) 1GAFA1A1 Direct Circular Ma(netiDation M L)en "a(netiDin( *' &assin( current directl' t)rou() t)e &art t)e no"inal current s)ould *e F00U300 A0inA o. &art dia"eter ?12 to F2 A0""@A T)e dia"eter o. t)e &art s)all *e ta-en as t)e (reatest distance *et,een an' t,o &oints on t)e outside circu".erence o. t)e &artA Currents ,ill nor"all' *e 100 A0inA ?20 A0""@ or lo,er% ,it) t)e )i()er currents u& to 300 A0inA ?F2 A0""@ *ein( used to e!a"ine .or inclusions or to e!a"ine lo,#&er"ea*ilit' allo'sA A"&era(es o. less t)an F00 A0inA "a' *e used ,)en &art con!(uration dictates and a&&ro al is o*tained .ro" t)e Le el III and t)e Co(niDant En(ineerin( Or(ani# DationA
t)e indications to *e consistent% t)is !eld stren(t) "ust *e controlled ,it)in reasona*le li"its% usuall' W21OA 8actors t)at a..ect t)e stren(t) o. t)e !eld are t)e siDe% s)a&e% section t)ic-ness% "aterial o. t)e &art0&iece% and t)e tec)niJue o. "a(netiDationA Since t)ese .actors ar' ,idel'% it is di.!cult to esta*lis) ri(id rules .or "a(netic !eld stren(t)s .or e er' concei a*le con!(urationA 1GA2 Esta*lis)in( 8ield Stren(t)s M Su.!cient "a(# netic !eld stren(t) can *e esta*lis)ed *'6 1GA2A1 9no,n Discontinuities M E!&eri"ents ,it) si"ilar0 identical &arts )a in( -no,n discontinuitiesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1GAFA1A2 Central Conductor Induced Ma(netiDa# tion M Central conductors are ,idel' used in "a(netic &article e!a"ination to &ro ide6 ?1@ a circular !eld on *ot) t)e inside sur.ace and out# side sur.ace o. tu*ular &ieces t)at cannot *e du&licated *' t)e direct current tec)niJueA ?2@ a non#contact "eans o. &art "a(netiDation irtu# all' eli"inatin( t)e &ossi*ilit' o. arc *urnin( t)e "aterial% as can *e t)e case ,it) current !o, t)rou() contacts% suc) as &rods or cla"&sA ?F@ su*stantial &rocessin( ad anta(es o er direct con# tact tec)niJues on rin(#s)a&ed &artsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
121 A0inA o. &rod s&acin( s)ould *e usedA Prod s&acin( s)all not *e less t)an 2 inA ?10 ""@ or (reater t)an 3 inA ?200 ""@A T)e e..ecti e ,idt) o. t)e "a(netiDin( !eld ,)en usin( &rods is one .ourt) o. t)e &rod s&acin( on eac) side o. a line t)rou() t)e &rod centersA ?2@ <sin( 7o-es M T)e !eld stren(t) o. a 'o-e ?or a &er"anent "a(net@ can *e e"&iricall' deter"ined *' "easurin( its li.tin( &o,er ?see 20AFA4@A I. a +all#e..ect &ro*e is used% it s)all *e &laced on t)e sur.ace "id,a' *et,een t)e &olesA
?G@ In (eneral it is desira*le to centrall' locate a central conductor to &er"it t)e entire circu".erence o. t)e &art to *e &rocessed at one ti"eA T)e resultin( !eld is concentric relati e to t)e a!is o. t)e &iece and is "a!i"u" at t)e inside sur.aceA T)e stren(t) o. t)e "a(netic !eld s)ould *e eri!ed *' t)e "eans discussed in 20A3A Lit) a cen# trall' located central conductor% t)e "a(netiDin( current reJuire"ents ,ould *e t)e sa"e as a solid &iece )a in( t)e sa"e outside dia"eterA ?1@ L)en usin( o..set central conductors t)e conduc# tor &assin( t)rou() t)e inside o. t)e &art is &laced a(ainst an inside ,all o. t)e &artA T)e current s)all *e .ro" 12 A &er "" o. &art dia"eter to F2 A &er "" o. &art dia"eter ?F00 to 300 A0inA@A T)e dia"eter o. t)e &art s)all *e ta-en as t)e lar(est distance *et,een an' t,o &oints on t)e outside circu".erence o. t)e &artA Ienerall' currents ,ill *e 100 A0inA ?20 A &er ""@ or lo,er ,it) t)e )i()er currents ?u& to 300 A0inA@ *ein( used to e!a"# ine .or inclusions or to e!a"ine lo, &er"ea*ilit' allo's suc) as &reci&itation#)ardenin( steelsA 8or e!a"inations used to locate inclusions in &reci&itation#)ardenin( steels e en )i()er currents% u& to 1000 A0inA ?G0 A &er ""@ "a' *e usedA T)e distance alon( t)e &art circu".erence ,)ic) "a' *e e..ecti el' e!a"ined s)all *e ta-en as a&&ro!i"atel' .our ti"es t)e dia"eter o. t)e central con# ductor% as illustrated in 8i(A 14A T)e entire circu".erence s)all *e e!a"ined *' rotatin( t)e &art on t)e conductor% allo,in( .or a&&ro!i"atel' a 10O "a(netic !eld o erla&A Less o erla&% di..erent current le els% and lar(er e..ecti e re(ions ?u& to F40[@ "a' *e used i. t)e &resence o. suita*le !eld le els is eri!edA
1GAFA2 Air#Core Coil Lon(itudinal Ma(netiDa# tion M Lon(itudinal &art "a(netiDation is &roduced *' &assin( a current t)rou() a "ultiturn coil encirclin( t)e &art or section o. t)e &art to *e e!a"inedA A "a(netic !eld is &roduced &arallel to t)e a!is o. t)e coilA T)e unit o. "easure"ent is a"&ere turns ?NI@ ?t)e actual a"&era(e "ulti&lied *' t)e nu"*er o. turns in t)e encirclin( coil or ca*le@A T)e e..ecti e !eld e!tends on eit)er side o. t)e coil a distance a&&ro!i"atel' eJual to t)e radius o. t)e coil *ein( e"&lo'edA Lon( &arts s)ould *e e!a"ined in sections not to e!ceed t)is len(t)A T)ere are .our e"&ir# ical lon(itudinal "a(netiDation .or"ulas e"&lo'ed .or usin( encirclin( coils% t)e .or"ula to *e used de&endin( on t)e !ll .actorA T)e .or"ulas are included .or )istorical continuit' onl'A I. used its use s)ould *e li"ited to si"&le s)a&ed &artsA It ,ould *e Juic-er and "ore accurate to use a Iauss ?Tesla@ "eter% la' its &ro*e on t)e &art and "easure t)e !eld rat)er t)an to calculate usin( t)e .or# "ulasA
1GAFA2A1 Lo, 8ill#8actor Coils M In t)is case% t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e !!ed encirclin( coil (reatl' e!ceeds t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e &art ?less t)an 10O coil inside dia"eter@A 8or &ro&er &art "a(netiDation% suc) &arts s)ould *e &laced ,ell ,it)in t)e coils and close to t)e inside ,all o. t)e coilA Lit) t)is lo, !ll# .actor% adeJuate !eld stren(t) .or eccentricall' &ositioned &arts ,it) a len(t)#o er#dia"eter ratio ?L0D@ *et,een F and 11 is calculated .ro" t)e .ollo,in( eJuations6 ?1@ Parts Lit) Lo, 8ill#8actor Positioned Close to Inside Lall o. Coil6
,)ere6 N nu"*er o. turns in t)e coil% & I coil current to *e used% a"&eres ?A@% & 9 G1 & 000 ?e"&iricall' deri ed constant@% L &art% & len(t)% inA Psee Note ?1@Q% D &art & dia"eter% inAR .or )ollo, &arts% see 1GAFA2AG% and NI & a"&ere turnsA 8or e!a"&le% a &art 11 inA ?F3A1 c"@ lon( ,it) 1#inA ?12A5#c"@ outside dia"eter )as an L0D ratio o. 1101 or FA Accordin(l'% t)e a"&ere turn reJuire"ent ?NI &
1GAFA1AF LocaliDed Ma(netiDation ?1@ <sin( Prods M L)en usin( &rods on "aterial FVG inA ?12 ""@ in t)ic-ness or less% 20 to 111 A0inA o. &rod s&acin( ?FA1 to GA1 A0""@ s)all *e usedA 8or "aterial (reater t)an FVG inA ?12 ""@ in t)ic-ness% 100 A0inA to
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
G1 0000F@ to &ro ide adeJuate !eld stren(t) in t)e &art ,ould *e 11 000 a"&ere turnsA I. a ! e#turn coil or ca*le is used% t)e coil a"&era(e reJuire"ents ,ould *e ?I & 11 00001@ & F000 A ?W10O@A A100 turn coil ,ould reJuire F0 A ?W10O@A ?2@ Parts ,it) a Lo, 8ill#8actor Positioned in t)e Center o. t)e Coil6
1GAFA2AF +i() 8ill#8actor Coils M In t)is case% ,)en !!ed coils or ca*le ,ra&s are used and t)e cross# sectional area o. t)e coil is less t)an t,ice t)e cross# sectional area ?includin( )ollo, &ortions@ o. t)e &art% t)e coil )as a )i() !ll#.actorA ?1@ 8or Parts Lit)in a +i() 8ill#8actor Positioned Coil and .or Parts Lit) an L0D Ratio EJual to or Ireater T)an F6
?2@ NI
9 ?W10O@ d?L0D@ X 2e
,)ere6 N nu"*er o. turns in t)e coil% & I coil & current to *e used% A% 9 GF & 000 ?e"&iricall' deri ed constant@% R coil & radius% inA% L &art & len(t)% inA Psee Note ?1@Q% D &art & dia"eter% inA% .or )ollo, &arts% see 1GAFA2AG% and NI & a"&ere turnsA ,)ere6 N I 9 L D NI & & & & & &
nu"*er o. turns in t)e coil or ca*le ,ra&% coil current% A% F1 000 ?e"&iricall' deri ed constant@% &art len(t)% inA% &art dia"eter% inA% and a"&ere turnsA
8or e!a"&le% a &art 11 inA ?F3A1 c"@ lon( ,it) 1#inA ?12A5#c"@ outside dia"eter )as a L0D ratio o. 1101 or FA I. a ! e#turn 12#inA dia"eter ?4#inA radius@ PF0A3#c" dia"eter ?11AG#c" radius@Q coil or ca*le is used% ?1@ t)e a"&ere turns reJuire"ent ,ould *e as .ollo,s6
?GF 000 4@ or 12 3G4 P?4 F@ \ 1Q
8or e!a"&le% t)e a&&lication o. EJA ?F@ can *e illus# trated as .ollo,s6 a &art 10 inA ?21AG c"@ lon( ,it) 2#inA ?1A03#c"@ outside dia"eter ,ould )a e an L0D ratio o. 1 and an a"&ere turn reJuire"ents o. NI & F1 0000?1 X 2@ or 1000 ?W10O@ a"&ere turnsA I. a ! e#turn coil or ca*le ,ra& is e"&lo'ed% t)e a"&era(e reJuire"ent is 100001 or 1000 A ?W10O@A
NOTE 1 M 8or L0D ratios less t)an F% a &ole &iece ?.erro"a(netic "aterial a&&ro!i"atel' t)e sa"e dia"eter as &art@ s)ould *e used to e..ecti el' increase t)e L0D ratio or utiliDe an alternati e "a(netiDation "et)od suc) as induced currentA 8or L0D ratios (reater t)an 11% a "a!i"u" L0D alue o. 11 s)ould *e used .or all .or"ulas cited a*o eA
NI &
1GAFA2AG L0D Ratio .or a +ollo, Piece M L)en calculatin( t)e L0D ratio .or a )ollo, &iece% D s)all *e re&laced ,it) an e..ecti e dia"eter De.. calculated usin(6
De.. & 2P?At \ A)@0 Q102
1GAFA2A2 Inter"ediate 8ill#8actor Coils M L)en t)e cross section o. t)e coil is (reater t)an t,ice and less t)an ten ti"es t)e cross section o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"ined6
NI & ?NI@). ?10 \ 7@ X ?NI@l. ?7 \ 2@03 ?F@
,)ere6 At & total cross#sectional area o. t)e &art A) & cross#sectional area o. t)e )ollo, &ortion?s@ o. t)e &art
,)ere6 NI). & alue o. NI calculated .or )i() ! coils usin( EJA ?F@% NIl. & alue o. NI calculated .or lo, ! coils usin( EJA ?1@ or EJA ?2@% and 7 & ratio o. t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e coil to t)e cross section o. t)e &artA 8or e!a"&le% i. t)e coil )as an inside dia"eter o. 10 inA ?21AG c"@ and &art ?a *ar@ )as an outside dia"eter o. 1 inA ?12A2 c"@ ,)ere6
OD & outside dia"eter o. t)e c'linder ID & inside dia"eter o. t)e c'linder
11AA&&lication o. Dr' and Let Ma(netic Particles 11A1 Dr' Ma(netic Particles6 11A1A1 Ma(netic 8ields .or Dr' Particles M Dr' "a(netic &o,ders are (enerall' a&&lied ,it) t)e continu# ous "a(netiDin( tec)niJues utiliDin( AC or )al.#,a e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
recti!ed AC or 'o-e "a(netiDationA A current duration o. at least 1V2 s s)ould *e usedA T)e current duration s)ould *e s)ort enou() to &re ent an' da"a(e .ro" o er)eatin( or .ro" ot)er causesA It s)ould *e noted t)at AC and )al.#,a e recti!ed AC i"&art *etter &article "o*ilit' to t)e &o,der t)an DC or .ull#,a e recti!ed ACA Dr' "a(netic &o,ders are ,idel' used .or "a(netic &article e!a"ination o. lar(e &arts as ,ell as on localiDed areas suc) as ,eldsA Dr' "a(netic &articles are ,idel' used .or oil !eld a&&lications and are .reJuentl' used in conSunction ,it) ca&acitor disc)ar(e st'le eJui&"ent and t)e residual "et)odA
ot)er causesA Since !ne or ,ea-l' )eld indications on )i()l' !nis)ed or &olis)ed sur.aces "a' *e ,as)ed a,a' or o*literated% care "ust *e ta-en to &re ent )i()# elocit' !o, o er critical sur.aces and to cut o.. t)e *at) a&&lica# tion *e.ore re"o in( t)e "a(netic !eldA Since a residual !eld )as a lo,er intensit' t)an a continuous !eld% less &ronounced indications tend to .or"A 11AF Ma(netic Slurr'0Paints M Ma(netic slurr'0 &aints are a&&lied to t)e &art ,it) a *rus) *e.ore or durin( &art "a(netiDationA Indications a&&ear as a dar- line a(ainst a li()t sil er' *ac-(roundA Ma(netic slurr' is ideal .or o er)ead or under,ater "a(netic &article e!a"i# nationA 11AG Ma(netic Pol'"ers M Ma(netic &ol'"ers are a&&lied to t)e test &art as a liJuid &ol'"er sus&ensionA T)e &art is t)en "a(netiDed% t)e &ol'"er is allo,ed to cure% and t)e elastic coatin( is re"o ed .ro" t)e test sur.ace .or e!a"inationA Care "ust *e e!ercised to ensure t)at "a(netiDation is co"&leted ,it)in t)e acti e "i(ra# tion &eriod o. t)e &ol'"er ,)ic) is usuall' a*out 10 "inA T)is "et)od is &articularl' a&&lica*le to areas o. li"ited isual access suc) as *olt )olesA Detailed a&&lication and use instructions o. t)e "anu.acturer s)ould *e .ollo,ed .or o&ti"u" resultsA
11A1A2 Dr' Po,der A&&lication M Dr' &o,ders s)ould *e a&&lied in suc) a "anner t)at a li()t uni.or"% dust#li-e coatin( settles u&on t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art0&iece ,)ile it is *ein( "a(netiDedA Dr' &articles "ust not *e a&&lied to a ,et sur.aceR t)e' ,ill )a e li"ited "o*ilit'A Neit)er s)ould t)e' *e a&&lied ,)ere t)ere is e!cessi e ,indA T)e &re.erred a&&lication tec)niJue sus&ends t)e &articles in air in suc) a "anner t)at t)e' reac) t)e &art sur.ace *ein( "a(netiDed in a uni.or" cloud ,it) a "ini"u" o. .orceA <suall'% s&eciall' desi(ned &o,der *lo,ers and )and &o,der a&&licators are e"&lo'ed P8i(A 1?*@ and 8i(A GQA Dr' &articles s)ould not *e a&&lied *' &ourin(% t)ro,in(% or s&readin( ,it) t)e !n(ersA
11A1AF E!cess Po,der Re"o al M Care is needed in *ot) t)e a&&lication and re"o al o. e!cess dr' &o,derA L)ile t)e "a(netiDin( current is &resent% care "ust *e e!ercised to &re ent t)e re"o al o. &articles attracted *' a lea-a(e !eld t)at "a' &ro e to *e a rele ant indication o. a discontinuit'A 11A1AG Near#sur.ace Discontinuities Po,der Pat# terns M In order to reco(niDe t)e *road% .uDD'% ,ea-l' )eld &o,der &atterns &roduced *' near#sur.ace disconti# nuities% it is essential to o*ser e care.ull' t)e .or"ation o. indications ,)ile t)e &o,der is *ein( a&&lied and also ,)ile t)e e!cess is *ein( re"o edA Su.!cient ti"e .or indication .or"ation and e!a"ination s)ould *e allo,ed *et,een successi e "a(netiDation c'clesA 11A2 Let Particle A&&lication M Let "a(netic &arti# cles% !uorescent or non!uorescent% sus&ended in a e)icle at a reco""ended concentration "a' *e a&&lied eit)er *' s&ra'in( or !o,in( o er t)e areas to *e ins&ected durin( t)e a&&lication o. t)e "a(netiDin( !eld current ?continuous tec)niJue@ or a.ter turnin( o.. t)e current ?residual tec)niJue@A Pro&er seJuencin( o. o&eration ?&art "a(netiDation and ti"in( o. *at) a&&lication@ is essential to indication .or"ation and retentionA 8or t)e continuous tec)niJue "ulti&le current s)ots s)ould *e a&&liedA T)e last s)ot s)ould *e a&&lied a.ter t)e &article !o, )as *een di erted and ,)ile t)e &article *at) is still on t)e &artA A sin(le s)ot "a' *e su.!cientA Care s)ould *e ta-en to &re ent da"a(e to a &art due to o er)eatin( or
14A Inter&retation o. Indications 14A1 Valid Indications M All alid indications .or"ed *' "a(netic &article e!a"ination are t)e result o. "a(# netic lea-a(e !eldsA Indications "a' *e rele ant ?14A1A1@% nonrele ant ?14A1A2@% or .alse ?14A1AF@A 14A1A1 Rele ant Indications M Rele ant indications are &roduced *' lea-a(e !elds ,)ic) are t)e result o. discontinuitiesA Rele ant indications reJuire e aluation ,it) re(ard to t)e acce&tance standards a(reed u&on *et,een t)e "anu.acturer0 test a(enc' and t)e &urc)aser ?see Anne! A1@A 14A1A2 Nonrele ant Indications M Nonrele ant indications can occur sin(l' or in &atterns as a result o. lea-a(e !elds created *' conditions t)at reJuire no e aluation suc) as c)an(es in section ?li-e -e',a's and drilled )oles@% in)erent "aterial &ro&erties ?li-e t)e ed(e o. a *i"etallic ,eld@% "a(netic ,ritin(% etcA 14A1AF 8alse Indications M 8alse indications are not t)e result o. "a(netic .orcesA E!a"&les are &articles )eld "ec)anicall' or *' (ra it' in s)allo, de&ressions or &articles )eld *' rust or scale on t)e sur.aceA
15A Recordin( o. Indications 15A1 Means o. Recordin( M L)en reJuired *' a ,ritten &rocedure% &er"anent records o. t)e location%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t'&e% direction% len(t)?s@% and s&acin(?s@ o. indications "a' *e "ade *' one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in( "eansA 15A1A1 S-etc)es M S-etc)in( t)e indication?s@ and t)eir locationsA 15A1A2 ?Dr' Po,der Onl'@ M Co erin( t)e indication?s@ ,it) trans&arent ad)esi e#*ac-ed ta&e% re"o in( t)e ta&e ,it) t)e "a(netic &article indication?s@ ad)erin( to it% and &lacin( it on &a&er or ot)er a&&ro&riate *ac-(round "aterial indicatin( locationsA 15A1AF Stri&&a*le 8il" ?Dr' Po,der Onl'@ M Co # erin( t)e indication?s@ ,it) a s&ra'#on stri&&a*le !l" t)at !!es t)e indication?s@ in &laceA L)en t)e !l" is stri&&ed .ro" t)e &art% t)e "a(netic &article indication?s@ ad)ere to itA 15A1AG P)oto(ra&)in( M P)oto(ra&)in( t)e indica# tions t)e"sel es% t)e ta&e% or t)e stri&&a*le !l" re&roduc# tions o. t)e indicationsA 15A1A1 Lritten Records M Recordin( t)e location% len(t)% orientation% and nu"*er o. indicationsA 15A2 Acco"&an'in( In.or"ation M A record o. t)e &rocedure &ara"eters listed *elo, as a&&lica*le s)ould acco"&an' t)e ins&ection results6
"a(netiDation and t)e "easurin( "et)od s)all also *e s&eci!edA See 13AFA 13A2 De"a(netiDation Met)ods M T)e ease o. de"a(netiDation is de&endent on t)e coerci e .orce o. t)e "etalA +i() retenti it' is not necessaril' related to )i() coerci e .orce in t)at t)e stren(t) o. t)e residual !eld is not al,a's an indicator o. ease o. de"a(netiDin(A In (eneral% de"a(netiDation is acco"&lis)ed *' su*# Sectin( t)e &art to a !eld eJual to or (reater t)an t)at used to "a(netiDe t)e &art and in nearl' t)e sa"e direc# tion% t)en continuousl' re ersin( t)e !eld direction ,)ile (raduall' decreasin( it to DeroA
15A2A1 Met)od <sed M Ma(netic &article "et)od ?dr'% ,et% !uorescent% etcA@A 15A2A2 Ma(netiDin( Tec)niJue M Ma(netiDin( tec)niJue ?continuous% true#continuous% residual@A 15A2AF Current T'&e M Ma(netiDin( current ?AC% )al.#,a e recti!ed or .ull#,a e recti!ed AC% etcA@A 15A2AG 8ield Direction M Direction o. "a(netic !eld ?&rod &lace"ent% ca*le ,ra& seJuence% etcA@A 15A2A1 8ield Stren(t) M Ma(netic current stren(t) ?a"&ere turns% a"&eres &er "illi"etre ?inc)@ o. &rod s&acin(% li.tin( .orce% etcA@A
13A2A1 Lit)dra,al .ro" Alternatin( Current Coil M T)e .astest and "ost si"&le tec)niJue is to &ass t)e &art t)rou() a )i() intensit' alternatin( current coil and t)en slo,l' ,it)dra, t)e &art .ro" t)e !eld o. t)e coilA A coil o. 1000 to 10 000 a"&ere turns is reco"# "endedA Line .reJuenc' is usuall' .ro" 10 to 40 +D alternatin( currentA T)e &iece s)ould enter t)e coil .ro" a 12#inA ?F00#""@ distance and "o e t)rou() it steadil' and slo,l' until t)e &iece is at least F4 inA ?200 ""@ *e'ond t)e coilA Care s)ould *e e!ercised to ensure t)at t)e &art is entirel' re"o ed .ro" t)e in!uence o. t)e coil *e.ore t)e de"a(netiDin( .orce is discontinued% ot)er,ise t)e de"a(netiDer "a' )a e t)e re erse e..ect o. "a(netiD# in( t)e &artA T)is s)ould *e re&eated as necessar' to reduce t)e residual !eld to an acce&ta*le le elA See 13AFA S"all &arts o. co"&le! !(uration can *e rotated and tu"*led ,)ile &assin( t)rou() t)e !eld o. t)e coilA
13A2A2 Decreasin( Alternatin( Current M An alter# nati e tec)niJue .or &art de"a(netiDation is su*Sectin( t)e &art to t)e !eld ,)ile (raduall' reducin( its stren(t) to a desired le elA 13A2AF De"a(netiDin( Lit) 7o-es M Alternatin( current 'o-es "a' *e used .or local de"a(netiDation *' &lacin( t)e &oles on t)e sur.ace% "o in( t)e" around t)e area% and slo,l' ,it)dra,in( t)e 'o-e ,)ile it is still ener(iDedA 13A2AG Re ersin( Direct Current M T)e &art to *e de"a(netiDed is su*Sected to consecuti e ste&s o. re ersed and reduced direct current "a(netiDation to a desired le elA ?T)is is t)e "ost e..ecti e &rocess o. de"a(netiDin( lar(e &arts in ,)ic) t)e alternatin( current !eld )as insu.!cient &enetration to re"o e t)e internal residual "a(netiDationA@ T)is tec)niJue reJuires s&ecial eJui&"ent .or re ersin( t)e current ,)ile si"ultaneousl' reducin( it in s"all incre"entsA
13A De"a(netiDation 13A1 A&&lica*ilit' M All .erro"a(netic "aterial ,ill retain so"e residual "a(netis"% t)e stren(t) o. ,)ic) is de&endent on t)e retenti it' o. t)e &artA Residual "a(ne# tis" does not a..ect t)e "ec)anical &ro&erties o. t)e &artA +o,e er% a residual !eld "a' cause c)i&s% !lin(% scale% etcA to ad)ere to t)e sur.ace a..ectin( su*seJuent "ac)in# in( o&erations% &aintin(% or &latin(A Additionall'% i. t)e &art ,ill *e used in locations near sensiti e instru"ents% )i() residual !elds could a..ect t)e o&eration o. t)ese instru"entsA 8urt)er"ore% a stron( residual "a(netic !eld in a &art to *e arc ,elded could inter.ere ,it) ,eldin(A Residual !elds "a' also inter.ere ,it) later "a(netic &article e!a"inationA De"a(netiDation is reJuired onl' i. s&eci!ed in t)e dra,in(s% s&eci!cation% or &urc)ase orderA L)en reJuired% an acce&ta*le le el o. residual
13AF E!tent o. De"a(netiDation M T)e e..ecti eness o. t)e de"a(netiDin( o&eration can *e indicated *' t)e use o. a&&ro&riate "a(netic !eld indicators or !eld stren(t) "etersA Caution6 A &art "a' retain a stron( residual !eld a.ter )a in( *een circularl' "a(netiDed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
and e!)i*it little or no e!ternal e idence o. t)is !eldA T)ere.ore% t)e circular "a(netiDation s)ould *e con# ducted *e.ore lon(itudinal "a(netiDation i. co"&lete de"a(netiDation is reJuiredA 13AFA1 A.ter de"a(netiDation residual !elds s)ould not e!ceed F I ?2G0 A"#1@ an',)ere in t)e &iece% a*so# lute alue% unless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on or as s&eci!ed on t)e en(ineerin( dra,in( or in t)e contract% &urc)ase order% or s&eci!cationA
Ite" Li()tin(6 Visi*le li()t intensit' Blac- li()t intensit' Bac-(round isi*le li()t intensit' S'ste" &er.or"ance usin( test &iece or rin( s&eci"en o. 8i(A 15 Let &article concentration
1 1 1 1
12A Post E!a"ination Cleanin( 12A1 Particle Re"o al M Posttest cleanin( is neces# sar' ,)ere "a(netic &article "aterial?s@ could inter.ere ,it) su*seJuent &rocessin( or ,it) ser ice reJuire"entsA T)e &urc)aser s)ould s&eci.' ,)en &osttest cleanin( is needed and t)e e!tent reJuiredA 12A2 Means o. Particle Re"o al M T'&ical &osttest cleanin( tec)niJues e"&lo'ed are6 ?a@ t)e use o. co"&ressed air to *lo, o.. un,anted dr' "a(netic &articlesR ?*@ dr'in( o. ,et &articles and su*seJuent re"o al *' *rus)in( or ,it) co"&ressed airR ?c@ re"o al o. ,et &articles *' !us)in( ,it) sol# entR and ?d@ ot)er suita*le &ost#e!a"ination cleanin( tec)# niJues "a' *e used i. t)e' ,ill not inter.ere ,it) su*se# Juent reJuire"entsA
Let &article conta"ination Later *rea- test EJui&"ent cali*ration0c)ec-6 A""eter accurac' Ti"er control Kuic- *reaDead ,ei()t c)ecLi()t "eter c)ec-s
3 )% or e er' s)i.t 20A4 c)an(e 1 ,ee-20A4AG 1 da'20A5A1 4 4 4 4 4 "ont)s "ont)s "ont)s "ont)s "ont)s 20AFA1 20AFA2 20AFAF 20AFA4 20AG
NOTE6 ?A@ T)e "a!i"u" ti"e *et,een eri!cations "a' *e e!tended ,)en su*stantiated *' actual sta*ilit'0relia*ilit' dataA
20A E aluation o. S'ste" Per.or"ance0Sensiti it' 20A1 Contri*utin( 8actors M T)e o erall &er.or"# ance0sensiti it' o. a "a(netic &article e!a"ination s's# te" is de&endent u&on t)e .ollo,in(6 20A1A1 O&erator ca&a*ilit'% i. a "anual o&eration is in ol edA 20A1A2 Control o. &rocess ste&sA 20A1AF T)e &articles or sus&ension% or *ot)A 20A1AG T)e eJui&"entA 20A1A1 Visi*le li()t le elA 20A1A4 Blac- li()t "onitorin( ,)ere a&&lica*leA 20A1A5 Ma(netic !eld stren(t)A 20A1A3 8ield direction or orientationA 20A1A2 Residual !eld stren(t)A 20A1A10 T)ese .actors s)ould all *e controlled indi# iduall'A 20A2 Maintenance and Cali*ration o. EJui&"ent M T)e "a(netic &article eJui&"ent e"&lo'ed s)ould *e "aintained in &ro&er ,or-in( order at all ti"esA T)e .reJuenc' o. eri!cation cali*ration% usuall' e er' si!
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
"ont)s% see Ta*le 2% or ,)ene er a "al.unction is sus# &ected% s)ould *e s&eci!ed in t)e ,ritten &rocedures o. t)e testin( .acilit'A Records o. t)e c)ec-s and results &ro ide use.ul in.or"ation .or Jualit' control &ur&oses and s)ould *e "aintainedA In addition% an' or all o. t)e tests descri*ed s)ould *e &er.or"ed ,)ene er a "al.unc# tion o. t)e s'ste" is sus&ectedA Cali*ration tests s)ould *e conducted in accordance ,it) t)e s&eci!cations or docu"ents t)at are a&&lica*leA
20AF EJui&"ent C)ec-s M T)e .ollo,in( tests are reco""ended .or ensurin( t)e accurac' o. "a(netic &ar# ticle "a(netiDin( eJui&"entA 20AFA1 A""eter Accurac' M T)e eJui&"ent "eter readin(s s)ould *e co"&ared to t)ose o. a control test "eter incor&oratin( a s)unt or current trans.or"er con# nected to "onitor t)e out&ut currentA T)e accurac' o. t)e entire control test "eter arran(e"ent s)ould *e eri!ed at si!#"ont) inter als or as a(reed u&on *et,een t)e &urc)aser and su&&lier *' a "eans tracea*le to t)e National Institute o. Standards and Tec)nolo(' ?NIST@A Co"&arati e readin(s s)all *e ta-en at a "ini"u" o. t)ree out&ut le els enco"&assin( t)e usa*le ran(eA T)e eJui&"ent "eter readin( s)all not de iate *' "ore t)an W10O o. .ull scale relati e to t)e actual current alues as s)o,n *' t)e test "eterA Caution6 L)en "easurin( )al.#,a e recti!ed AC% t)e direct current readin( o. a con entional DC test "eter readin( "ust *e dou*ledA
20AFA2 Ti"er Control C)ec- M On eJui&"ent uti# liDin( a ti"er to control t)e duration o. t)e current !o,%
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
20AGA1 Visi*le Li()t Intensit' M Li()t intensit' in t)e e!a"ination area s)ould *e c)ec-ed at s&eci!ed inter als ,it) t)e desi(nated li()t "eter at t)e sur.ace o. t)e &arts *ein( e!a"inedA See Ta*le 2A 20AGA2 Blac- ?ultra iolet@ Li()t Intensit' M Blacli()t intensit' and ,a elen(t) s)ould *e c)ec-ed at t)e s&eci!ed inter als *ut not to e!ceed one#,ee- inter als and ,)ene er a *ul* is c)an(edA Re!ectors and !lters s)ould *e cleaned dail' and c)ec-ed .or inte(rit'A See Ta*le 2A Crac-ed or *ro-en <V !lters s)all *e re&laced i""ediatel'A De.ecti e *ul*s ,)ic) radiate <V ener(' "ust also *e re&laced *e.ore .urt)er useA 20A1 Dr' Particle Kualit' Control Tests M In order to assure uni.or" and consistent &er.or"ance .ro" t)e dr' "a(netic &o,der selected .or use% it is ad isa*le t)at all inco"in( &o,ders *e certi!ed or tested .or con.or# "ance ,it) Jualit' control standards esta*lis)ed *et,een t)e user and su&&lierA 20A1A1 Conta"ination
t)e ti"er s)ould *e c)ec-ed .or accurac' as s&eci!ed in Ta*le 2 or ,)ene er a "al.unction is sus&ectedA 20AFAF Ma(netic 8ield Kuic- Brea- C)ec- M On eJui&"ent t)at )as a Juic- *rea- .eature% t)e .unctionin( o. t)is circuit s)ould *e c)ec-ed and eri!edA T)is test "a' *e &er.or"ed usin( a suita*le oscillosco&e or a si"# &le test de ice usuall' a aila*le .ro" t)e "anu.acturerA On electronic &o,er &ac-s or "ac)ines% .ailure to ac)ie e indication o. a BJuic- *rea-C ,ould indicate t)at a "al# .unction e!ists in t)e ener(iDin( circuitA 20AFAG EJui&"ent Current Out&ut C)ec- M To ensure t)e continued accurac' o. t)e eJui&"ent% a""eter readin(s at eac) trans.or"er ta& s)ould *e "ade ,it) a cali*rated a""eter#s)unt co"*inationA T)is accessor' is &laced in series ,it) t)e contactsA T)e eJui&"ent s)unt s)ould not *e used to c)ec- t)e "ac)ine o. ,)ic) it is a &artA 8or in!nite current control units ?non#ta& s,itc)@% settin(s at 100#A inter als s)ould *e usedA Variations e!ceedin( W10O .ro" t)e eJui&"ent a""eter readin(s indicate t)e eJui&"ent needs ser ice or re&airA
20AFA1 Internal S)ort Circuit C)ec- M Ma(netic &article eJui&"ent s)ould *e c)ec-ed &eriodicall' .or internal s)ort circuitin(A Lit) t)e eJui&"ent set .or "a!i# "u" a"&era(e out&ut% an' de!ection o. t)e a""eter ,)en t)e current is acti ated ,it) no conductor *et,een t)e contacts is an indication o. an internal s)ort circuitA 20AFA4 Electro"a(netic 7o-e Li.tin( 8orce Test M T)e "a(netiDin( .orce o. a 'o-e ?or a &er"anent "a(net@ s)ould *e tested *' deter"inin( its li.tin( &o,er on a steel &lateA See Ta*le FA T)e li.tin( .orce relates to t)e electro"a(netic stren(t) o. t)e 'o-eA
20A1A1A1 De(radation 8actors M Dr' "a(netic &articles are (enerall' er' ru((ed and &er.or" ,it) a )i() de(ree o. consistenc' o er a ,ide &rocess en elo&eA T)eir &er.or"ance% )o,e er% is susce&ti*le to de(radation .ro" suc) conta"inants as "oisture% (rease% oil% rust and "ill scale &articles% non"a(netic &articles suc) as .oundr' sand% and e!cessi e )eatA T)ese conta"inants ,ill usuall' "ani.est t)e"sel es in t)e .or" o. &article color c)an(e and &article a((lo"eration% t)e de(ree o. ,)ic) ,ill deter"ine .urt)er use o. t)e &o,derA O er# )eated dr' &articles can lose t)eir color% t)ere*' reducin( t)e color contrast ,it) t)e &art and t)us )inder &art e!a"i# nationA Particle a((lo"eration can reduce &article "o*il# it' durin( &rocessin(% and lar(e &article a((lo"erates "a' not *e retained at an indicationA
20A1A1A2 Ensurin( Particle Kualit' M To ensure a(ainst deleterious e..ects .ro" &ossi*le conta"inants% it is reco""ended t)at a routine &er.or"ance0sensiti it' test *e conducted ?see 20A3AF@A 20A4 Let Particle Kualit' Control Tests M T)e .ol# lo,in( tests .or ,et "a(netic &article sus&ensions s)ould *e conducted at startu& and at re(ular inter als to assure consistent &er.or"anceA See Ta*le 2A Since *at) conta"i# nation ,ill occur as t)e *at) is used% "onitorin( t)e ,or-in( *at) at re(ular inter als is essentialA 20A4A1 Deter"inin( Bat) Concentration M Bat) concentration and so"eti"es *at) conta"ination are deter"ined *' "easurin( its settlin( olu"e t)rou() t)e use o. a Test Met)od D 1244 &ear#s)a&ed centri.u(e tu*e ,it) a 1#"L ste" ?0A01#"L di isions@ .or !uorescent &article sus&ensions or a 1A1#"L ste" ?0A1#"L di isions@ .or non!uorescent sus&ensionsA Be.ore sa"&lin(% t)e sus# &ension s)ould *e run t)rou() t)e recirculatin( s'ste"
20AFA5 Po,der Blo,er M T)e &er.or"ance o. &o,# der *lo,ers used to a&&l' t)e dr' "a(netic &articles s)ould *e c)ec-ed at routine inter als or ,)ene er a "al.unction is sus&ectedA T)e c)ec- s)ould *e "ade on a re&resentati e test &artA T)e *lo,er s)ould coat t)e area under test ,it) a li()t% uni.or" dust#li-e coatin( o. dr' "a(netic &articles and )a e su.!cient .orce to re"o e t)e e!cess &articles ,it)out distur*in( t)ose &articles t)at are e idence o. indicationsA Necessar' adSust"ents to t)e *lo,erEs !o, rate or air elocit' s)ould *e "ade in accordance ,it) t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA
.or at least F0 "in to ensure t)orou() "i!in( o. all &articles ,)ic) could )a e settled on t)e su"& screen and alon( t)e sides or *otto" o. t)e tan-A Ta-e a 100#"L &ortion o. t)e sus&ension .ro" t)e )ose or noDDle% de"a(# netiDe and allo, it to settle .or a&&ro!i"atel' 40 "in ,it) &etroleu" distillate sus&ensions or F0 "in ,it) ,ater#*ased sus&ensions *e.ore readin(A T)e olu"e set# tlin( out at t)e *otto" o. t)e tu*e is indicati e o. t)e &article concentration in t)e *at)A 20A4A2 Sa"&le Inter&retation M I. t)e *at) concen# tration is lo, in &article content% add a su.!cient a"ount o. &article "aterials to o*tain t)e desired concentrationR i. t)e sus&ension is )i() in &article content% add su.!cient e)icle to o*tain t)e desired concentrationA I. t)e settled &articles a&&ear to *e loose a((lo"erates rat)er t)an a solid la'er% ta-e a second sa"&leA I. still a((lo"erated% t)e &articles "a' )a e *eco"e "a(netiDedR re&lace t)e sus&ensionA 20A4AF Settlin( Volu"es M 8or !uorescent &arti# cles% t)e reco""ended settlin( olu"e ?see 11A2@ is .ro" 0A1 "L to 0AG "L in a 100#"L *at) sa"&le and .ro" 1A2 "L to 2AG "L &er 100 "L o. e)icle .or non#!uores# cent &articles% unless ot)er,ise a&&ro ed *' t)e Co(ni# Dant En(ineerin( Or(aniDation ?CEO@A to a&&ro&riate AMS docu"ent ?F0G1% F0G2% F0GF% F0GG% F0G1% and0or F0G4@A 8or dual#colored &articles% t)e reco"# "ended settlin( olu"e s)ould *e deter"ined *' t)e &er.or"ance reJuire"ents and li()tin( en iron"ent o. a (i en a&&lication as reco""ended *' t)e "anu.acturerA See 3A1A1A
striations e!ceeds F0O o. t)e olu"e o. "a(netic &arti# cles% or i. t)e liJuid is noticea*l' !uorescent ?see 20A4AGA1@% t)e *at) s)ould *e re&lacedA 20A4A1 Particle Dura*ilit' M T)e dura*ilit' o. *ot) t)e !uorescent and non!uorescent "a(netic &articles in sus&ension s)ould *e c)ec-ed &eriodicall' to ensure t)at t)e &articles )a e not de(raded due to c)e"ical" t)e sus&endin( oil or conditioned ,ater e)icles or "ec)anicall' de(raded *' t)e rotational .orces o. t)e recirculatin( &u"& in a ,et )oriDontal "a(netic &article unitA 8luorescent "a(netic &article *rea-do,n in &articu# lar can result in a decrease in sensiti it' and an increase in non"a(netic !uorescent *ac-(roundA Lost !uorescent &i("ent can &roduce .alse indications t)at can inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"ination &rocessA
20A4A4 8luorescent Bri()tness M It is i"&ortant t)at t)e *ri()tness o. !uorescent "a(netic &article &o,# der *e "aintained at t)e esta*lis)ed le el so t)at indica# tion and *ac-(round *ri()tness can *e -e&t at a relati el' constant le elA Variations in contrast can noticea*l' a..ect test resultsA Lac- o. adeJuate contrast is (enerall' caused *'6 20A4A4A1 An increase in conta"ination le el o. t)e e)icle increasin( *ac-(round !uorescence% or 20A4A4A2 Loss o. e)icle *ecause o. e a&oration% increasin( concentration% or 20A4A4AF De(radation o. !uorescent &articlesA A c)an(e in contrast ratio can *e o*ser ed *' usin( a test rin( s&eci"en ,it) an etc)ed sur.aceA 20A4A5 Per.or"ance0Sensiti it' M 8ailure to !nd a -no,n discontinuit' in a &art or o*tain t)e s&eci!ed indications on t)e test rin( ?see 20A3AF@ indicates a need .or c)an(in( o. t)e entire *at)A I. a &art ,as used% it "ust )a e *een ultrasonicall' cleaned so t)at no !uorescent *ac-(round can *e detected ,)en ie,ed under *lacli()t ,it) a sur.ace intensit' o. at least 1000 L0c" 2A I. an' *ac-(round is noted t)at inter.eres ,it) eit)er detection or inter&retation% t)e *at) s)ould *e drained and a ne, sus&ension "adeA
20A4AG Bat) Conta"ination M Bot) !uorescent and non!uorescent sus&ensions s)ould *e c)ec-ed &eriodi# call' .or conta"inants suc) as dirt% scale% oil% lint% loose !uorescent &i("ent% ,ater ?in t)e case o. oil sus&ensions@% and &article a((lo"erates ,)ic) can ad ersel' a..ect t)e &er.or"ance o. t)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination &ro# cessA See Ta*le 2A 20A4AGA1 Carrier Conta"ination M 8or !uores# cent *at)s% t)e liJuid directl' a*o e t)e &reci&itate s)ould *e e!a"ined ,it) *lac- li()tA T)e liJuid ,ill )a e a little !uorescenceA Its color can *e co"&ared ,it) a .res)l' "ade#u& sa"&le usin( t)e sa"e "aterials or ,it) an unused sa"&le .ro" t)e ori(inal *at) t)at ,as retained .or t)is &ur&oseA I. t)e BusedC sa"&le is noticea*l' "ore !uorescent t)an t)e co"&arison standard% t)e *at) s)ould *e re&lacedA 20A4AGA2 Particle Conta"ination M T)e (radua# ted &ortion o. t)e tu*e s)ould *e e!a"ined under *lacli()t i. t)e *at) is !uorescent and under isi*le li()t ?.or *ot) !uorescent and non!uorescent &articles@ .or striations or *ands% di..erences in color or a&&earanceA Bands or striations "a' indicate conta"inationA I. t)e total olu"e o. t)e conta"inates% includin( *ands or
20A4A3 Ma(netic Stri&e Cards M T)e encoded &at# tern on t)e "a(netic stri&es o. "a(netic stri&e cards "a' ser e as a test &iece .or t)e e aluation o. &article sensiti it'A Particles are attracted to "a(netic (radients .or"ed ,)en t)e stri&e )as *een encodedA See A&&endi! =2 .or .urt)er in.or"ationA 20A5 Bat) C)aracteristics Control 20A5A1 Oil Bat) 8luids M Pro&erties o. oil#*at) !uids are descri*ed in AMS 24G1 or A#AU122F0A 20A5A2 Later Bat) 8luids M Pro&erties o. condi# tioned ,ater#*at) !uids are descri*ed in AS G522A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
20A5AF Viscosit' M T)e iscosit' o. t)e sus&ension s)ould not e!ceed 1 ""20s ?1A0 cSt@% at an' te"&erature at ,)ic) t)e *at) "a' *e used% ,)en tested in accordance ,it) Test Met)od D GG1A 20A5AG 8las) Point M T)e !as) &oint o. ,et "a(# netic &article li()t &etroleu" distillate sus&ension s)ould *e a "ini"u" o. 200[8 ?2F[C@R use Test Met)od D2FA 20A5A1 Later Brea- Test .or Conditioned Later Ve)icles M Pro&erl' conditioned ,ater ,ill &ro ide &ro&er ,ettin(% &article dis&ersion% and corrosion &rotec# tionA T)e ,ater *rea- test s)ould *e &er.or"ed *' !ood# in( a &art% si"ilar in sur.ace !nis) to t)ose under test% ,it) sus&ension% and t)en notin( t)e a&&earance o. t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art a.ter t)e !oodin( is sto&&edA I. t)e !l" o. sus&ension is continuous and e en all o er t)e &art% su.!cient ,ettin( a(ent is &resentA I. t)e !l" o. sus&ension *rea-s% e!&osin( *are sur.aces o. t)e &art% and t)e sus&ension .or"s "an' se&arate dro&lets on t)e sur.ace% "ore ,ettin( a(ent is needed or t)e &art )as not *een su.!cientl' cleanedA
o. one inc)A Discontinuities can *e .or"ed *' controlled )eatin(0coolin(% EDM notc)es% arti!cial discontinuities &er 1GA2A2 or ot)er "eansA
NOTE 2 M Notc)es are to *e !lled !us) to t)e sur.ace ,it) a noncon# ductin( "aterial% suc) as e&o!'% to &re ent t)e "ec)anical )oldin( o. t)e indicatin( "ediu"A
20A3AG Test Rin( S&eci"en M A test ?9etos@ rin( s&eci"en "a' also *e used in e aluatin( and co"&arin( t)e o erall &er.or"ance and sensiti it' o. *ot) dr' and ,et% !uorescent and non#!uorescent "a(netic &article tec)niJues usin( a central conductor "a(netiDation tec)# niJueA to Practice E 1GGG% A&&endi! =1A 20A3AGA1 <sin( t)e Test Rin( M I. usin( t)e test rin(% &lace a conductor ,it) a dia"eter *et,een 1 inA and 1A21 inA ?21 "" and F1 ""@ and a len(t) lon(er t)an 14 inA ?G0 c"@ t)rou() t)e center o. t)e rin(A Center t)e rin( on t)e len(t) o. t)e conductorA Ma(netiDe t)e rin( circularl' *' &assin( t)e current t)rou() t)e conductor as descri*ed in A&&endi! =1 o. Practice E 1GGGA Ientl' a&&l' &articles to t)e sur.ace o. t)e rin( ,)ile t)e current is !o,in(A E!a"ine t)e rin( ,it)in one "inute a.ter current a&&licationA T)e nu"*er o. )ole indications isi# *le s)ould "eet or e!ceed t)ose as s&eci!ed in A&&endi! =1 o. Practice E 1GGGA
20A5A4 &+ o. Conditioned Later Ve)icles M T)e &+ o. t)e conditioned ,ater *at) s)ould *e *et,een 5A0 and 10A1 as deter"ined *' a suita*le &+ "eter or s&ecial &+ &a&erA 20A3 Veri.'in( S'ste" Per.or"ance S'ste" &er.or"ance tests "ust *e conducted in accor# dance ,it) a ,ritten &rocedure so t)at t)e test is &er# .or"ed in t)e sa"e "anner eac) ti"eA 20A3A1 Production Test Parts ,it) Discontinu# ities M A &ractical ,a' to e aluate t)e &er.or"ance and sensiti it' o. t)e dr' or ,et "a(netic &articles or o erall s'ste" &er.or"ance% or *ot)% is to use re&resentati e test &arts ,it) -no,n discontinuities o. t)e t'&e and se erit' nor"all' encountered durin( actual &roduction ins&ec# tionA +o,e er% t)e use.ulness o. suc) &arts is li"ited *ecause t)e orientation and "a(nitude o. t)e discontinu# ities cannot *e controlledA T)e use o. !a,ed &arts ,it) (ross discontinuities is not reco""endedA Caution M I. suc) &arts are used% t)e' "ust *e t)orou()l' cleaned and de"a(netiDed a.ter eac) useA
20A3A1 Ma(netic 8ield Indicators6 20A3A1A1 BPieC 8ield Indicator M T)e "a(netic !eld indicator s)o,n in 8i(A 11 relies on t)e slots *et,een t)e &ie s)a&ed se("ents to s)o, t)e &resence and t)e a&&ro!i"ate direction o. t)e "a(netic !eldA A suita*le !eld stren(t) is indicated ,)en a clearl' de!ned line o. "a(netic &articles .or"s across t)e co&&er .ace o. t)e indicator ?t)e slots are a(ainst t)e &iece@ ,)en t)e "a(# netic &articles are a&&lied si"ultaneousl' ,it) t)e "a(# netiDin( .orceA 8ailure to o*tain an indication can result .ro"6 ?1@ insu.!cient "a(netic !eld% or ?2@ t)e "a(netic &ro&erties o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"ined% or *ot)A
20A3A1A2 Slotted S)i"s M Se eral t'&es o. slotted s)i"s e!istA to AS 1F51 and to illustrations in A&&endi! =1A 20A3A4 +al.#e..ect Pro*e M T)e +all#e..ect &ro*e or sensor "easures t)e tan(ential !eld stren(t) ?in air adSacent to t)e &art@ o. t)e "a(netiDin( .orce ?+@ and is cali*rated in (aussA T)e sensor "ust *e used ,it) careA It "ust *e -e&t close to t)e &art sur.aceA T)e "anu.acturerEs instructions s)ould *e .ollo,edA T)ese instru"ents can *e used to detect a residual !eld or "easure !elds &roduced durin( )ead s)ots and s)ots usin( a central conductorA
20A3A2 8a*ricated Test Parts ,it) Discontinu# ities M O.ten% &roduction test &arts ,it) -no,n disconti# nuities o. t)e t'&e and se erit' needed .or e aluation are not a aila*leA As an alternati e% .a*ricated test s&eci"ens ,it) discontinuities o. ar'in( de(ree and se erit' can *e used to &ro ide an indication o. t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e dr' or ,et "a(netic &article e!a"ination &rocessA 20A3AF Test Plate M A "a(netic &article s'ste" &er.or"ance test &late% suc) as s)o,n in 8i(A 15 is use.ul .or testin( t)e o erall &er.or"ance o. ,et or dr' tec)# niJues usin( &rods and 'o-esA Reco""ended "ini"u" di"ensions are ten inc)es &er side and no"inal t)ic-ness
21A Procedures 21A1 L)en s&eci!ed a &rocedure s)ould *e ,ritten .or all "a(netic &article e!a"inations and s)ould include
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
as a "ini"u" t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ationA A s-etc) is usuall' used .or illustratin( &art (eo"etr'% tec)niJues% and areas .or e!a"inationA T)is s-etc) "a' also *e used .or recordin( location o. "a(netic !eld indicators and .or recordin( location o. discontinuitiesA 21A1A1 Area to *e e!a"ined ?entire &art or s&e# ci!c area@% 21A1A2 T'&e o. "a(netic &article "aterial ?dr' or ,et% isi*le or !uorescent@% 21A1AF Ma(netic &article eJui&"ent% 21A1AG Part sur.ace &re&aration reJuire"ents% 21A1A1 Ma(netiDin( &rocess ?continuous% true#con# tinuous% residual@% 21A1A4 Ma(netiDin( current ?alternatin(% )al.#,a e recti!ed AC% .ull#,a e recti!ed AC% direct@% 21A1A5 Means o. esta*lis)in( &art "a(netiDation ?direct&rods% )ead0tailstoc- contact or ca*le ,ra&% indi# rect#coil0ca*le ,ra&% 'o-e% central conductor% and so .ort)@% 21A1A3 Direction o. "a(netic !eld ?circular or lon# (itudinal@% 21A1A2 S'ste" &er.or"ance0sensiti it' c)ec-s%
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
21A1A10 Ma(netic !eld stren(t) ?a"&ere turns% !eld densit'% "a(netiDin( .orce% and nu"*er and duration o. a&&lication o. "a(netiDin( current@% 21A1A11 A&&lication o. e!a"ination "edia% 21A1A12 Inter&retation and e aluation o. indica# tions% 21A1A1F T'&e o. records includin( acce&t0reSect cri# teria% 21A1A1G De"a(netiDin( tec)niJues% i. reJuired% and 21A1A11 Post#e!a"ination cleanin(% i. reJuired% 21A2 Lritten Re&orts M Lritten re&orts s)all *e &re# &ared as a(reed u&on *et,een t)e testin( a(enc'0de&art# "ent and t)e &urc)aser0userA
Acce&tance Standards
22A1 T)e acce&ta*ilit' o. &arts e!a"ined *' t)is "et)od is not s&eci!ed )ereinA Acce&tance standards are a "atter o. a(ree"ent *et,een t)e "anu.acturer and t)e &urc)aser and s)ould *e stated in a re.erenced contract% s&eci!cation% or codeA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
2FA' 2FA1 T)ose in ol ed ,it) )ands#on "a(netic &article e!a"ination e!&osure to )aDards include6 2FA1A1 Electric S)oc- and Burns M Electric s)ort circuits can cause s)oc- and &articularl' *urns .ro" t)e )i() a"&era(es at relati el' lo, olta(es t)at are usedA EJui&"ent )andlin( ,ater sus&ensions s)ould )a e (ood electrical (roundsA 2FA1A2 8l'in( Particles M Ma(netic &articles% &ar# ticularl' t)e dr' ones% dirt% .oundr' sand% rust% and "ill scale can enter t)e e'es and ears ,)en t)e' are *lo,n o.. t)e &art ,)en a&&l'in( t)e" to a ertical or o er)ead sur.ace or ,)en cleanin( an e!a"ined sur.ace ,it) co"# &ressed airA Dr' &articles are eas' to in)ale and t)e use o. a dust res&irator is reco""endedA 2FA1AF 8alls M A .all .ro" a sca..old or ladder i. ,or-in( on a lar(e structure in t)e !eld or s)o&A 2FA1AG 8ire M I(nition o. a &etroleu" distillate *at)A 2FA1A1 En iron"ent M Doin( "a(netic &article e!a"ination ,)ere !a""a*le a&ors are &resent as in a &etroc)e"ical &lant or oil re!ner'A <nder,ater ,or- )as its o,n set o. )aDardsA 2FA1A4 Let 8loors M Sli&&in( on a !oor ,etted ,it) a &article sus&ensionA 2FA1A5 S)i.tin( or Dro&&in( o. Lar(e Co"&o# nents M Lar(e co"&onents% es&eciall' t)ose on te"&o# rar' su&&orts can s)i.t durin( e!a"ination or .all ,)ile *ein( li.tedA In addition% o&erators s)ould *e alert to t)e &ossi*ilit' o. inSur' to *od' "e"*ers *ein( cau()t
*eneat) a slin(0c)ain or *et,een )ead0tail stoc- and t)e &ieceA 2FA1A3 <ltra iolet Li()t E!&osure M <ltra iolet li()t can ad ersel' a..ect t)e e'es and s-inA' (o(# (les desi(ned to a*sor* <V ,a elen(t) radiation are su((ested ,)ere )i() intensit' *lac-li()t is usedA 2FA1A2 Materials and Concentrates M T)e sa.e )andlin( o. "a(netic &articles and concentrates are (o # erned *' t)e su&&lierEs Material' Data S)eets ?MSDS@A T)e MSDS con.or"in( to 22 C8R 1210A1200 or eJui alent "ust *e &ro ided *' t)e su&&lier to an' user and "ust *e &re&ared in accordance ,it) 8ED#STD#F1FA
2GA Precision and Bias 2GA1 T)e "et)odolo(' descri*ed in t)e &ractice ,ill &roduce re&eata*le results &ro ided6 2GA1A1 T)e stren(t) o. t)e "a(netic !u! !eld in t)e &art0 &iece is con!r"ed and% 2GA1A2 T)e !eld )as t)e &ro&er orientation ,it) res&ect to t)e discontinuities *ein( sou()tA 2GA2 It "ust *e reco(niDed t)at t)e sur.ace condition o. t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"ined% t)e "aterialEs "a(netic &ro&erties% its s)a&e% and control o. t)e .actors listed in 20A1 in!uence t)e results o*tainedA
21A 9e',ords 21A1 d'eR e aluationR e!a"inationR !uorescentR ins&ectionR "a(netic &articleR nondestructi eR testin(
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A T7PICAL MAINETIC PARTICLE INDICATIONS A1A1 Sur.ace discontinuities ,it) .e, e!ce&tions &ro# duce s)ar& and distinct "a(netic &article indicationsA Near# sur.ace discontinuities on t)e ot)er )and &roduce less dis# tinct or .uDD' "a(netic &article indications in co"&arison to sur.ace discontinuitiesR t)e "a(netic &article indications are *road rat)er t)an s)ar& and t)e &articles are less ti()tl' )eldA
A1A2A2 Non!uorescent M Indications o. sur.ace crac-s are s)o,n in 8i(sA A1A5UA1A14A A1AF Dr' Met)odMIndications o. sur.ace crac-s are s)o,n in 8i(sA A1A15UA1A2FA A1AG Nonrele ant indications are s)o,n in 8i(sA A1A2GUA1A24A
A1A2 Let Met)od6 A1A2A1 8luorescent M Indications o. sur.ace crac-s% sur.ace indications% and an indication o. a near sur.ace discontinuit' are s)o,n in 8i(sA A1A1UA1A4A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A RE8ERENCE STANDARD NOTC+ED S+IMS 8OR MAINETIC PARTICLE E=AMINATION PER AS 1F51 =1A1 T)e .ollo,in( standard !a,ed s)i"s are t'&icall' used to esta*lis) &ro&er !eld direction and ensure adeJuate !eld stren(t) durin( tec)niJue de elo&"ent in "a(netic &article e!a"inationA T)e s)i"s o. 8i(A =1A1 "a' *e used to ensure t)e esta*lis)"ent and *alance o. !elds in t)e "ultidirectional "a(netiDation "et)odA
=2A DEVICES 8OR EVAL<ATION O8 MAINETIC PARTICLE E=AMINATION MATERIALS =2A1 Sco&e =2A1A1 T)e &ur&ose o. t)is a&&endi! is to descri*e t)e ca&a*ilities and use o. arious de ices t)at "a' *e utiliDed to "onitor and e aluate t)e &er.or"ance o. "ateri# als and s'ste"s .or "a(netic &article e!a"inationA =2A2 Ma(netic Stri&e Cards M T)e "a(neticall' encoded &attern in "a(netic stri&es% as on cards used .or &ersonal *an-in(% identi!cation and ot)er &ur&oses% can ser e as a tool to e aluate "a(netic &article ins&ection "aterialsA Particles are attracted to t)e "a(netic (radients .or"ed in t)e stri&e ,)en t)e stri&e )as *een "a(neticall' encoded ,it) a &attern o. !u! re ersalsA T)e encodin( o. t)e stri&e can *e controlled to &ro ide (radients o. ar'in( "a(nitudeA Particles can *e e aluated .or sensiti it' ,)en o*ser ed to see )o, s"all a (radient can (enerate a &article indicationA
=1A1A1 T)e s)i"s are a aila*le in t,o t)ic-nesses% 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@ and 0A00G inA ?0A10 ""@A T)inner s)i"s are used ,)en t)e t)ic-er s)i"s cannot con.or" to t)e &art sur.ace in t)e area o. interestA =1A1A2 T)e s)i"s are a aila*le in t,o siDes% 0A51 inA ?12 ""@ sJuare .or 8i(sA =1A1 and =1A2 and 0A52 inA ?20 ""@ sJuare o. 8i(A =1AFA T)e s)i"s o. 8i(A =1AF are cut% *' t)e user% into .our 0AF21 inA ?10 ""@ sJuare s)i"s .or use in restricted areasA =1A1AF S)i"s s)all *e lo, car*on steel% AMS 1042 or eJui alentA =1A1AG S)i"s s)all *e used as s&eci!ed in AS 1F51A S)i"s are &laced in t)e area?s@ o. interest ,it) notc)es to,ard t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art *ein( e!a"inedA <se enou() s)i"s or &lace t)e s)i"s in "ulti&le areas to ensure &ro&er !eld directions and stren(t)s are o*tainedA
=2AF C)aracteristics =2AFA1 Ma(netic stri&e cards s)all *e "ade in accor# dance ,it) ISO 5310% Identi!cation Cards M P)'sical C)aracteristicsA
0A51 inA ?T7P@ ?12A01 ""@ 0A005 inA ?T7P@ ?0A13 ""@0A105 inA DiaA OD ?12A2F ""@ 0A51 inA ?T7P@ ?12A01 ""@ 0A005 inA ?T7P@ ?0A13 ""@
0AF3F inA DiaA OD ?2A5F ""@ 0A213 inA DiaA OD ?3A11 ""@ NOTC+ DEPT+ 20O 0A000G inA ?0A010 ""@ OD 2A2FG F0O 0A0004 inA S)i" T'&e FC2#2FG ?0A011 ""@ Center S)i" T)ic-ness 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@ G0O 0A0003 inA ?0A020 ""@ ID S)i" T'&e FCG#2FG NOTC+ DEPT+ 20O 0A0003 inA ?0A020F ""@ OD GA2FG F0O 0A0012 inA
0AF3F inA DiaA OD ?2A5F ""@ 0A213 inA DiaA OD ?3A11 ""@
?0A0F01 ""@ Center S)i" T)ic-ness 0A00G inA ?0A102 ""@ G0O 0A0014 inA ?0A0G04 ""@ ID
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
0A005 inA ?T7P@ ?0A13 ""@ NOTC+ES DEPT+ F0O 0A0004 inA ?0A011 ""@ S+IM T+IC9NESS 0A002 inA ?0A01 ""@
0A005 inA ?T7P@ ?0A13 ""@ NOTC+ES DEPT+ F0O 0A0012 inA ?0A0F0 ""@ S+IM T+IC9NESS 0A00G inA ?0A10 ""@
S)i" T'&e C=#2F0
S)i" T'&e C=#GF0
0A52 inA ?T7P@ ?20A03 ""@ 0A2F1 inA ?T7P@ ?1A25 ""@ 0A52 inA ?T7P@ ?20A03 ""@ 0A2F1 inA ?T7P@ ?1A25 ""@
0A211 inA DiaA OD ?3AG3 ""@ 0A003 inA ?T7P@ ?0A132 ""@0AF21 inA ?T7P@
?10A0F ""@
0A211 inA DiaA OD ?3AG3 ""@ 0A003 inA ?T7P@ ?0A132 ""@ 0A20 inA ?T7P@ ?1A04 ""@ NOTC+ DEPT+ F0O 0A0012 inA
0A20 inA ?T7P@ ?1A04 ""@ NOTC+ DEPT+ F0O 0A0004 inA
?0A011 ""@ S)i" T)ic-ness 0A002 inA ?0A011 ""@ S)i" T'&e C=G#2F0
?0A0F0 ""@ S)i" T)ic-ness 0A00G inA ?0A102 ""@ S)i" T'&e C=G#GF0
=2AFA2 T)e stri&e "a' *e "ade o. eit)er lo,#coerci # it' ?lo#co@ or )i()#coerci it' ?)i#co@ "aterial% as desi(nated *' t)e "anu.acturerA =2AFAF A constant encodin( &attern% deca'in( encod# in( &attern% re erse deca'in( &attern or ot)er &attern "a' *e encoded into t)e stri&eA See 8i(A =2A1 &)oto(ra&) o. !uorescent &article indications o. deca'in( and re erse deca'in( encodin( &atternsA
=2AG <se o. t)e Ma(netic Stri&e Card .or Ma(netic Particle Material E aluation =2AGA1 Let Met)od Materials M Let "et)od "ateri# als "a' *e &oured% s&ra'ed or ot)er,ise a&&lied to t)e stri&e% as t)e' ,ould *e used .or MPIA E!cess *at) s)all *e allo,ed to !o, a,a' .ro" t)e stri&eA T)e stri&e s)all *e o*ser ed under suita*le illu"ination ?See Section 5@ .or t)e .or"ation o. &article indicationsA O*ser ations s)all
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
=2A1A1 Concentration M T)e su*Sect ,et "et)od &articles "a' not )a e a su.!cient le el o. concentrationA In t)is case% increase t)e concentration le el o. t)e *at) and re#&er.or" t)e test until t)e &articles de"onstrate suita*le &er.or"anceA =2A1A2 Sensiti it' M T)e su*Sect &articles "a' not &ro ide necessar' sensiti it'A In t)is case% re&lace t)e "ate# rial ,it) a suita*l' sensiti e "aterial and re#&er.or" t)e test until t)e &articles de"onstrate suita*le &er.or"anceA =2A1AF Erasure M T)e stri&e )as *eco"e "a(neti# call' erasedA In t)is case% no discerni*le &article indication ,ill a&&earA In t)is case% re&eat t)e test ,it) anot)er card and0or sensiti it' test until t)e &articles de"onstrate suit# a*le &er.or"anceA Eit)er destro' t)e card ,it) t)e de# encoded stri&e or re&ort it to t)e "anu.acturer and .ollo, t)e "anu.acturerEs reco""endationsA
=2AGA2 Dr' Met)od Materials M Dr' "et)od "ateri# als s)all *e &oured% dusted% *lo,n or ot)er,ise a&&lied to t)e stri&e% as t)e' ,ould *e used .or MPIA E!cess &o,der s)all *e re"o ed ,it) a (entle *lo,in( actionA T)e stri&e s)all *e o*ser ed under suita*le illu"ination ?See Section 5@ .or t)e .or"ation o. &article indicationsA O*ser ations s)all *e noted as to t)e Juantit' o. &article indications and t)e clarit' t)ero.A to Note =2A1 .or dar- colored &articlesA
=2A4 Precautions =2AGAF Recordin( o. Indications M Recorded &article indications ?See 15A1A2@ "a' ser e as "aterial docu"enta# tion records and standards .or "aterial &er.or"anceA Ot)er "aterial% or t)e sa"e "aterial at a later ti"e% can *e co"# &ared at an' ti"e to t)e recorded standardA =2A4A1 Pre&aration M T)e sur.ace o. t)e stri&e "ust *e clean o. an' !uid or .orei(n "atter &rior to t)e a&&lica# tion o. t)e MPI "aterialA T)e encoded stri&e s)all not *e re#"a(netiDed in an' "anner &rior to use or de#"a(netiDed in an' "anner .ollo,in( its useA =2A4A2 Stora(e M T)e sur.ace o. t)e stri&e s)ould *e cleaned o. re"ainin( !uid and &articles a.ter t)e o*ser# ations o. t)e MPI "aterial )a e *een "adeA L)en not in use% t)e card s)ould *e stored a,a' .ro" e!cessi e )eat and stron( "a(netic !eldsA
=2A1 Loss o. Indications on t)e Stri&e M T)ere are se eral circu"stances ,)ere &article indications "a' not *e isi*le on t)e "a(netic stri&eA L)en indications are not isi*le t)e su*Sect &articles s)all not *e used .or ins&ection unless ot)er,ise eri!ed as *ein( acce&ta*leA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
PIdentical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 2GF#25 ?R200G@Q
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice co ers t)e &rocedures t)at s)all *e .ollo,ed in edd'#current e!a"ination o. co&&er and co&# &er#allo' tu*es .or detectin( discontinuities o. a se erit' li-el' to cause .ailure o. t)e tu*eA T)ese &rocedures are a&&lica*le .or tu*es ,it) outside dia"eters to F 1V3 inA ?52AG ""@% inclusi e% and ,all t)ic-nesses .ro" 0A015 inA ?0AGF2 ""@ to 0A120 inA ?FA0G ""@% inclusi e% or as ot)er# ,ise stated in ASTM &roduct s&eci!cationsR or *' ot)er users o. t)is &racticeA T)ese &rocedures "a' *e used .or tu*es *e'ond t)e siDe ran(e reco""ended% u&on contrac# tual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e &urc)aser and t)e " turerA
B 111 S&eci!cation .or Co&&er and Co&&er#Allo' Sea"# less Condenser Tu*es and 8errule StocB F21 S&eci!cation .or <#Bend Sea"less Co&&er and Co&# &er#Allo' +eat E!c)an(er and Condenser Tu*es B 1GF S&eci!cation .or Lelded Co&&er and Co&&er#Allo' +eat E!c)an(er Tu*e E 1GF Practice .or E aluatin( A(encies T)at Per.or" Non# destructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations
1A2 T)e &rocedures descri*ed in t)is &ractice are *ased on "et)ods "a-in( use o. encirclin( annular e!a"inationi coil s'ste"sA 1AF T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA
NOTE 1 M T)is &ractice "a' *e used as a (uideline .or t)e e!a"ination% *' "eans o. internal &ro*e e!a"ination coil s'ste"s% o. installations usin( tu*ular &roducts ,)ere t)e outer sur.ace o. t)e tu*e is not accessi*leA 8or suc) a&&lications% t)e tec)nical di..erences associated ,it) t)e use o. internal &ro*e coils s)ould *e reco(niDed and acco""odatedA T)e e..ect o. .orei(n "aterials on t)e tu*e sur.ace and si(nals due to tu*e su&&orts are t'&ical o. t)e .actors t)at "ust *e consideredA
2A2 Ot)er Docu"ents6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation ANSI0ASNT CP#132 ASNT Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel NAS#G10 NAS Certi!cation and Kuali!cation o. Nonde# structi e Personnel ?Kualit' Assurance Co""ittee@
1AG T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA1A1 T)e .ollo,in( ter"s are de!ned in relation to t)is standardA FA1A1A1 arti!cial discontinuit' re.erence stan# dard M a standard consistin( o. a selected tu*e ,it) de!ned
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
arti!cial discontinuities% used ,)en adSustin( t)e s'ste" controls to o*tain so"e &redeter"ined s'ste" out&ut si(nal le elA T)is standard "a' *e used .or &eriodic c)ec-in( o. t)e instru"ent durin( an e!a"inationA FA1A1A2 &ercent "a!i"u" un*alance standardiDa# tion standard M a "et)od o. standardiDation t)at can *e used ,it) s&eed#insensiti e instru"ents ?see FA1A1AG@A T)e acce&tance le el o. t)e e!a"ination is esta*lis)ed at t)e o&eratin( test .reJuenc' as an accurate .raction o. t)e "a!i"u" un*alance si(nal resultin( .ro" t)e end e..ect o. a tu*eA An' lo,#noise tu*e .ro" t)e &roduction run )a in( a sJuared end "a' *e used as t)is standardA T)is standard "a' *e used .or &eriodic c)ec-in( o. t)e instru# "ent durin( an e!a"inationA
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 Edd'#current e!a"ination is a nondestructi e "et)od o. locatin( discontinuities in a &roductA Si(nals can *e &roduced *' discontinuities located eit)er on t)e e!ternal or internal sur.ace o. t)e tu*e or *' discontinuities totall' contained ,it)in t)e ,allsA Since t)e densit' o. edd' currents decreases nearl' e!&onentiall' as t)e dis# tance .ro" t)e e!ternal sur.ace increases% t)e res&onse to dee&#seated de.ects decreasesA
FA1A1AF electrical center M t)e center esta*lis)ed *' t)e electro"a(netic !eld distri*ution ,it)in t)e e!a"i# nation coilA A constant#intensit' si(nal% irres&ecti e o. t)e circu".erential &osition o. a discontinuit'% is indicati e o. electrical centerin(A T)e electrical center "a' *e di..erent .ro" t)e &)'sical center o. t)e e!a"ination coilA FA1A1AG s&eed#sensiti e eJui&"ent M e!a"ination eJui&"ent t)at &roduces a ariation in si(nal res&onse ,it) ariations in t)e e!a"ination s&eedA S&eed#insensiti e eJui&"ent &ro ides a constant si(nal res&onse ,it) c)an(# in( e!a"ination s&eedsA FA1A1A1 o..#line e!a"inin( M edd'#current e!a"i# nations conducted on eJui&"ent t)at includes t)e e!a"ina# tion coil and "eans to &ro&el indi idual tu*es under e!a"ination t)rou() t)e coil at a&&ro&riate s&eeds and conditionsA FA1A1A4 on#line e!a"inin( M edd'#current e!a"i# nations conducted on eJui&"ent t)at includes t)e e!a"ina# tion coil and "eans to &ro&el tu*es under e!a"ination t)rou() t)e coil at a&&ro&riate s&eeds and conditions as an inte(ral &art o. a continuous tu*e "anu.acturin( seJuenceA FA2 De!nitions o. Ter"s M to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14 .or de!nitions o. ter"s t)at are a&&lica*le to nonde# structi e e!a"inations in (eneralA
1A2 So"e indications o*tained *' t)is "et)od "a' not *e rele ant to &roduct Jualit'R .or e!a"&le% a reSect si(nal "a' *e caused *' "inute dents or tool c)atter "ar-s t)at are not detri"ental to t)e end use o. t)e &roductA Irrele ant indications can "as- unacce&ta*le discontinuitiesA Rele# ant indications are t)ose ,)ic) result .ro" nonacce&ta*le discontinuitiesA An' indication a*o e t)e reSect le el t)at is *elie ed to *e irrele ant s)all *e re(arded as unacce&t# a*le until it is de"onstrated *' ree!a"ination or ot)er "eans to *e irrele ant ?see 10AFA2@A
1AF Edd'#current e!a"ination s'ste"s are (enerall' not sensiti e to discontinuities adSacent to t)e ends o. t)e tu*e ?end e..ect@A On#line edd'#current e!a"inin( ,ould not *e su*Sect to end e..ectA 1AG Discontinuities suc) as scratc)es or sea"s t)at are continuous and uni.or" .or t)e .ull len(t) o. t)e tu*e "a' not al,a's *e detectedA
4A Basis o. A&&lication 4A1 Personnel Kuali!cation M Nondestructi e testin( ?NDT@ &ersonnel s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% MIL#STD#G10% NAS#G10% or a si"ilar docu"entA T)e &rac# tice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)ase s&eci!cation or contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
NOTE 2 M MIL#STD#G10 is canceled and )as *en re&laced ,it) NAS#G10% )o,e er% it "a' *e used ,it) a(ree"ent *et,een con# tractin( &artiesA
GA Su""ar' o. Practice GA1 E!a"inin( is usuall' &er.or"ed *' &assin( t)e tu*e len(t),ise t)rou() a coil ener(iDed ,it) alternatin( current at one or "ore .reJuenciesA T)e electrical i"&edance o. t)e coil is "odi!ed *' t)e &ro!i"it' o. t)e tu*e% t)e tu*e di"ensions% electrical conducti it' and "a(netic &er"e# a*ilit' o. t)e tu*e "aterial% and "etallur(ical or "ec)anical discontinuities in t)e tu*eA Durin( &assa(e o. t)e tu*e% t)e c)an(es in electro"a(netic res&onse caused *' t)ese aria*les in t)e tu*e &roduce electrical si(nals ,)ic) are &rocessed so as to actuate an audio or isual si(nalin( de ice or "ec)anical "ar-er ,)ic) &roduces a recordA
4A2 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( A(encies M I. s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)ase s&eci!cation or contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e e aluated and Juali!ed as descri*ed in Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e identi!ed in t)e &urc)ase s&eci!ca# tion or contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
5A A&&aratus 5A1 Electronic A&&aratus M T)e electronic a&&aratus s)all *e ca&a*le o. ener(iDin( t)e e!a"ination coil ,it) alternatin( currents o. suita*le .reJuencies ?.or e!a"&le% 1 -+D to 121 -+D@% and s)all *e ca&a*le o. sensin( t)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
c)an(es in t)e electro"a(netic res&onse o. t)e coilsA Elec# trical si(nals &roduced in t)is "anner are &rocessed so as to actuate an audio or isual si(nalin( de ice or "ec)anical "ar-er ,)ic) &roduces a recordA 5A2 E!a"ination Coils M E!a"ination coils s)all *e ca&a*le o. inducin( current in t)e tu*e and sensin( c)an(es in t)e electrical c)aracteristics o. t)e tu*eA T)e e!a"ination coil dia"eter s)ould *e selected to 'ield t)e lar(est &racti# cal !ll#.actorA 5AF Dri in( Mec)anis" M A "ec)anical "eans o. &ass# in( t)e tu*e t)rou() t)e e!a"ination coil ,it) "ini"u" i*ration o. t)e e!a"ination coil or t)e tu*eA T)e de ice s)all "aintain t)e tu*e su*stantiall' concentric ,it) t)e electrical center o. t)e e!a"ination coilA A uni.or" s&eed ?W1A0O s&eed ariation "a!i"u"@ s)all *e "aintainedA 5AG End E..ect Su&&ression De ice M A "eans ca&a*le o. su&&ressin( t)e si(nals &roduced at t)e ends o. t)e tu*eA Indi idual ASTM &roduct s&eci!cations s)all s&eci.' ,)en an end e..ect su&&ression de ice is "andator'A
NOTE F M Si(nals close to t)e ends o. t)e tu*e "a' carr' on *e'ond t)e li"its o. end su&&ressionA to 2A1A
?e@ 8our )oles drilled radiall' t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all% all t)e sa"e ele"ent o. t)e tu*e ?8i(A 1@A 3A1A2A1 Round Botto" Trans erse Notc) M T)e notc) s)all *e "ade usin( a suita*le Si( ,it) a 0A210#inA ?4AF1#""@ dia"eter NoA G cut% strai()t% round !leA T)e outside sur.ace o. t)e tu*e s)all *e stro-ed in a su*stantiall' strai()t line &er&endicular to t)e a!is o. t)e tu*eA T)e notc) de&t) s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e ASTM &roduct s&eci!cation or A&&endi! =1 i. t)e &roduct s&eci!cation does not s&eci.' and s)all not ar' .ro" t)e notc) de&t) *' "ore t)an W0A0001 inA ?W0A01F ""@ ,)en "easured at t)e center o. t)e notc) ?see Ta*le =1A1@A
NOTE G M Ta*les =1A1 and =1A2 s)ould not *e used .or acce&tance or reSection o. "aterialsA
3A Re.erence Standards 3A1 Arti!cial Discontinuit' Re.erence Standard6 3A1A1 T)e tu*e used ,)en adSustin( t)e sensiti it' settin( o. t)e a&&aratus s)all *e selected .ro" a t'&ical &roduction run and s)all *e re&resentati e o. t)e &urc)as# erEs orderA T)e tu*es s)all *e &assed t)rou() t)e e!a"ina# tion coil ,it) t)e instru"ent sensiti it' )i() enou() to deter"ine t)e no"inal *ac-(round noise in)erent in t)e tu*esA T)e re.erence standard s)all *e selected .ro" tu*es e!)i*itin( lo, *ac-(round noiseA 8or on#line edd'#current e!a"inin(% t)e re.erence standard is created in a tu*e &or# tion e!istent in t)e continuous "anu.acturin( seJuence or in ot)er .or"s as allo,ed *' t)e &roduct s&eci!cationA 3A1A2 T)e arti!cial discontinuities s)all *e s&aced to &ro ide si(nal resolution adeJuate .or inter&retationA T)e arti!cial discontinuities s)all *e &re&ared in accordance ,it) one o. t)e .ollo,in( o&tions6 ?a@ A round *otto" trans erse notc) on t)e outside o. t)e tu*e in eac) o. t)ree successi e trans erse &lanes at 0% 120% and 2G0[ ?8i(A 1@A ?*@ A )ole drilled radiall' t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all in eac) o. t)ree successi e trans erse &lanes at 0% 120% and 2G0[ ?8i(A 2@A ?c@ One round *otto" trans erse notc) on t)e outside o. t)e tu*e at 0[ and anot)er at 130[% and one )ole drilled radiall' t)rou() t)e ,all at 20[ and anot)er at 250[A Onl' one notc) or )ole s)all *e "ade in eac) trans erse &lane ?8i(A F@A ?d@ 8our round *otto" trans erse notc)es on t)e outside o. t)e tu*e% all on t)e sa"e ele"ent o. t)e tu*e ?8i(A G@A
3A1A2A2 Drilled +oles M T)e )ole s)all *e drilled radiall' t)rou() t)e ,all usin( a suita*le drill Si( t)at )as a *us)in( to (uide t)e drill% care *ein( ta-en to a oid distortion o. t)e tu*e ,)ile drillin(A T)e drilled )ole dia"e# ter s)all *e in accordance ,it) t)e ASTM &roduct s&eci!# cation or A&&endi! =1 i. t)e &roduct s&eci!cation does not s&eci.' and s)all not ar' *' "ore t)an X0A001% \0A000 inA ?X0A024 ""@ o. t)e )ole dia"eter s&eci!ed ?see Ta*le =1A2@ ?Note F@A 3A1A2AF Ot)er Arti!cial Discontinuities M Discon# tinuities o. ot)er contours "a' *e used in t)e re.erence standard *' "utual a(ree"ent *et,een su&&lier and &ur# c)aserA
3A2 Percent Ma!i"u" <n*alance Re.erence Stan# dard M T)is "et)od o. standardiDation s)all *e used onl' ,it) s&eed#insensiti e eJui&"ent% and eJui&"ent s&eci!# call' desi(ned or ada&ted to acco""odate t)e use o. t)is cali*ration "et)odA Ma!i"u" un*alance o. di..erential coils is o*tained *' &lacin( t)e sJuared end o. a tu*e in onl' one o. t)e di..erential coils and usin( an accuratel' cali*rated attenuator to o*tain t)e ?100O@ "a!i"u" un*al# ance si(nalA A &ercenta(e o. t)e "a!i"u" un*alance si(# nal s)all de!ne t)e e!a"ination acce&tance le el at a s&eci!c o&eratin( .reJuenc' and t)is &ercenta(e s)all *e o*tained .ro" t)e ASTM &roduct s&eci!cationA
3AF Ot)er Re.erence Standards M Ot)er re.erence stan# dards "a' *e used *' "utual a(ree"ent *et,een su&&lier and &urc)aserA
NOTE 1 M Arti!cial discontinuities and t)e &ercent o. "a!i"u" un*al# ance are not intended to *e re&resentati e o. natural discontinuities or &roduce a direct relations)i& *et,een instru"ent res&onse and discontinu# it' se erit'R t)e' are intended onl' .or esta*lis)in( sensiti it' le els as outlined in Section 2A T)e relations)i& *et,een instru"ent res&onse and discontinuit' siDe% s)a&e% and location is i"&ortant and s)ould *e esta*# lis)ed se&aratel'% &articularl' as related to e!a"ination .reJuenc'A
2A AdSust"ent and StandardiDation o. A&&aratus Sensiti it' 2A1 T)e tu*e "anu.acturer s)all select eJui&"ent% ence standard% and e!a"ination &ara"eters consistent .or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e &roduct% unless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on *et,een "anu# .acturer and &urc)aserA 2A2 L)en usin( t)e arti!cial discontinuit' re.erence standard% &re&ared in accordance ,it) one o. t)e ! e o&tions% adSust t)e a&&aratus to t)e lo,est sensiti it' reJuired to detect t)e .ollo,in(6 2A2A1 8or 8i(sA 1% 2% and F6 all arti!cial discontinuities in t)e standardA T)e tu*e s&eed "aintained durin( standard# iDation s)all *e t)e sa"e as t)e s&eed used in &roduction testin(A 2A2A2 8or 8i(sA G and 16 a "ini"u" o. t,o o. t)e .our arti!cial discontinuities as t)e tu*e is rotated *' 120[#inter als t)rou() 0% 120% and 2G0[% or *' 20[#inter als t)rou() 0% 20% 130% and 250[ on successi e &assesA T)e tu*e s&eed "aintained durin( standardiDation s)all *e t)e sa"e as t)e s&eed used in &roduction testin(A 2AF L)en usin( t)e &ercent "a!i"u" un*alance ence standard% adSust t)e a&&aratus to t)e &ercent un*alance called .or in t)e ASTM &roduct s&eci!cationA
NOTE 4 M Sensiti it' control settin(s are usuall' indicated *' ar*itrar' nu"*ers on t)e control &anel o. t)e testin( instru"entsA T)ese nu"erical settin(s a"on( instru"ents o. di..erent t'&esA It is% t)ere.ore% not &ro&er to nu"erical settin(s on one instru"ent to t)ose o. anot)er instru"ent% unless t)e &ercent "a!i"u" un*alance re.erence standard is usedA E en a"on( instru"ents o. t)e sa"e desi(n and .ro" t)e sa"e "anu.acturer% sensiti it' control settin(s "a' ar'A <ndue e"&)asis on t)e nu"erical alue o. sensiti it' control settin(s is not Susti!ed and s)all not *e used unless re.erenced accuratel' to t)e "a!i"u" un*alance si(nalA
"e"or' oscillosco&eA <se a si(nal su&&ression "et)od ?&)oto rela'% "ec)anical s,itc)es% or &ro!i"it' de ices are co""onl' used@ to &er"it e!a"inin( onl' ,)en t)e len(t) o. tu*in( e!)i*itin( uni.or" si(nals is ,it)in t)e e!a"ination coilA T)e section o. tu*e &assin( t)rou() t)e e!a"ination coil durin( end e..ect su&&ression is not e!a"# ined in accordance ,it) 2A2 or 2AFA
2A1A1 As an o&tion to 2A1% ,)en a recordin( de ice is not a aila*le% t)e len(t) o. tu*in( reJuirin( end su&&res# sion "a' *e deter"ined *' selectin( a tu*e o. lo, *ac-# (round noise and "a-in( a re.erence )ole or notc) at 4 to 3 inA ?112 to 20F ""@ .ro" t)e tu*e endA Pass t)e tu*e t)rou() t)e e!a"ination coil at t)e &roduction e!a"ination s&eed ,it) t)e arti!cial discontinuit' end !rst and t)en ,it) t)e arti!cial discontinuit' end lastA I. t)e arti!cial discontinuit' is not detected% anot)er arti!cial discontinuit' s)ould *e "ade .urt)er .ro" t)e endA I. it is detected% cut o.. 0A1#inA ?12A5#""@ incre"ents .ro" t)e end o. t)e tu*e until t)e arti!cial discontinuit' is no lon(er detectedA T)e s)ortest distance .ro" t)e end t)at t)e arti!cial discontinu# it' can *e detected is t)at len(t) o. tu*e ,)ic) s)all reJuire end e..ect si(nal su&&ressionA
2AG Discard and re&lace t)e tu*e used as t)e re.erence standard ,)en erroneous si(nals are &roduced .ro" "ec)anical% "etallur(ical% or ot)er da"a(e to t)e standardA 2A1 Deter"ine t)e len(t) o. tu*in( reJuirin( su&&res# sion o. end e..ect si(nals *' selectin( a tu*e o. lo, *ac-# (round noise and "a-in( a series o. re.erence )oles or notc)es at 0A1#inA ?12A5#""@ inter als near t)e end o. t)is s&ecial tu*eA Pass t)e tu*e t)rou() t)e e!a"ination coil at t)e &roduction e!a"ination s&eed ,it) t)e arti!cial discon# tinuities end !rst% and t)en ,it) t)e arti!cial discontinuities end lastA Deter"ine t)e distance .ro" t)e tu*e end at ,)ic) t)e si(nal res&onse .ro" successi e discontinuities is uni# .or" ,it) a recordin( de ice suc) as a &en recorder or
10A1 Electricall' center t)e tu*in( in t)e e!a"ination coil at t)e start o. t)e e!a"ination runA T)e tu*e " turer "a' use t)e arti!cial discontinuit' re.erence standard or &re&are a se&arate tu*e .or t)is &ur&ose in accordance ,it) 3A1 and 3A2A Pass t)e tu*e t)rou() t)e e!a"ination s'ste" and "ec)anicall' adSust its &osition in t)e e!a"ina# tion coil suc) t)at t)e reJuire"ents o. 2A2 are satis!edA
10A2 StandardiDe t)e e!a"ination s'ste" at t)e start o. t)e e!a"ination run and at &eriodic inter als ?.or e!a"&le% e er' 2 )@ o. continuous o&eration or ,)ene er i"&ro&er .unctionin( o. t)e s'ste" is sus&ectedA 10AF Pass t)e tu*es t)rou() t)e e!a"ination s'ste" standardiDed as descri*ed in Section 2A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
10AFA1 Acce&t t)ose tu*es t)at &roduce out&ut si(nals con.or"in( to t)e li"its in t)e a&&lica*le ASTM &roduct s&eci!cationA 10AFA2 Tu*es t)at &roduce out&ut si(nals not con# .or"in( to t)e li"its in t)e a&&lica*le ASTM &roduct s&eci!cation "a'% at t)e o&tion o. t)e "anu.acturer% *e set aside .or ree!a"ination ?see 1A2@A <&on ree!a"ination% acce&t t)e tu*es i. t)e out&ut si(nals are ,it)in acce&ta*le li"its ?10AFA1@ or de"onstrated *' ot)er ree!a"ination to *e irrele antA
10AG Tu*es "a' *e e!a"ined at t)e !nis) siDe a.ter t)e !nal anneal or )eat treat"ent% or at t)e !nis) siDe &rior to t)e !nal anneal or )eat treat"ent unless ot)er,ise a(reed u&on *et,een t)e su&&lier and t)e &urc)aserA
11A1 electro"a(netic ?edd'#current@ testin(R NDTR non# destructi e testin(R co&&erR tu*in(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@ =1A TABLES
Tu*e Outside Dia"eter% inA Tu*e Lall T)ic-ness% inA O er 0A015U0A0F2 Incl 0A0F2U0A0G2 Incl 0A0G2U0A03F Incl 0A03FU0A102 Incl 0A102U0A120 O er 1VG to FVG% incl 0A001 0A004 0A005 0A0051 0A002 O er FVG to 11VG% incl 0A004 0A004 0A0051 0A0031 0A002 O er 11VG to F1V3% incl 0A005 0A0051 0A003 0A0021 0A011 Tu*e Lall T)ic-ness% "" O er 0AGFU0A41 Incl 0A31U1AF Incl 1AFU2A1 Incl 2A1U2A3 Incl 2A3UFA0
Tu*e Outside Dia"eter% "" O er 4 to 12% incl 0A1F 0A11 0A13 0A12 0A2F O er 12 to F2% incl 0A11 0A11 0A12 0A22 0A2F O er F2 to 52% incl 0A13 0A12 0A20 0A2G 0A23
Dia"eter o. Drilled +oles "" inA 0A021 0A0F1 0A0F4 0A0G2 0A0G4 0A012 "" 0A4F1 0A531 0A211 1A05 1A15 1AF2 Drill NoA 52 43 4G 13 14 11
incl er FVG to 1% incl er 1 to 11VG% incl er 11VG to 11V2% incl er 11V2 to 1FVG% incl er 1FVG to 2% incl
4A0 to 12A0% incl O er 12A0 to 21% incl O er 21 to F2% incl O er F2 to F3% incl O er F3 to G1% incl O er G1 to 10% incl
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 2024#01A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice descri*es &rocedures to *e .ollo,ed durin( re"ote !eld e!a"ination o. installed .erro"a(netic )eat#e!c)an(er tu*in( .or *aseline and ser ice#induced dis# continuitiesA 1A2 T)is &ractice is intended .or use on .erro"a(netic tu*es ,it) outside dia"eters .ro" 0A100 to 2A000 inA ?12A50 to 10A30 ""@% ,it) ,all t)ic-nesses in t)e ran(e .ro" 0A023 to 0A1FG inA ?0A51 to FAG0 ""@A 1AF T)is &ractice does not esta*lis) tu*e acce&tance criteriaR t)e tu*e acce&tance criteria "ust *e s&eci!ed *' t)e usin( &artiesA 1AG T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" "a' not *e e!act eJui alentsR t)ere# .ore% eac) s'ste" s)all *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA Co"*inin( alues .ro" t)e t,o s'ste"s "a' result in noncon.or"ance ,it) t)e standardA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is &ractice to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 Ieneral M De!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &ractice can *e .ound in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14% Section A% BCo""on NDT Ter"s%C and Section C% BElectro"a(netic Testin(AC FA2 De!nitions6 FA2A1 detector% n M one or "ore coils or ele"ents used to sense or "easure "a(netic !eldR also -no,n as a recei erA FA2A2 e!citer% n M a de ice t)at (enerates a ti"e# ar'in( electro"a(netic !eld% usuall' a coil ener(iDed ,it) alternatin( current ?ac@R also -no,n as a trans"itterA FA2AF no"inal tu*e% n M a tu*e or tu*e section "eet# in( t)e tu*in( "anu.acturerEs s&eci!cations% ,it) rele ant &ro&erties t'&ical o. a tu*e *ein( e!a"ined% used .or ence in inter&retation and e aluationA FA2AG re"ote !eld% n M as a&&lied to nondestructi e testin(% t)e electro"a(netic !eld ,)ic) )as *een trans"it# ted t)rou() t)e test o*Sect and is o*ser a*le *e'ond t)e direct cou&lin( !eld o. t)e e!citerA FA2A1 re"ote !eld testin(% n M a nondestructi e test "et)od t)at "easures c)an(es in t)e re"ote !eld to detect and c)aracteriDe discontinuitiesA FA2A4 usin( &arties% n M t)e su&&lier and &urc)aserA FA2A4A1 Discussion M T)e &art' carr'in( out t)e e!a"ination is re.erred to as t)e Bsu&&lierC% and t)e &art' reJuestin( t)e e!a"ination is re.erred to as t)e B&urc)aserC% as reJuired in 8or" and St'le .or ASTM Standards% A&ril 200GA In co""on usa(e outside t)is &ractice% t)ese &arties are o.ten re.erred to as t)e Bo&eratorC and Bcusto"er%C res&ecti el'A
2A Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 ASTM Standards6 E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations 2A2 Ot)er Docu"ents6 ASNT SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nonde# structi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!# cation
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8IIA 1
No"inal &oint
8la, indication
FAF De!nitions o. Ter"s S&eci!c to T)is Standard6 FAFA1 !a, c)aracteriDation standard% n M a standard used in addition to t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard% ,it) arti!cial or ser ice#induced !a,s% used .or !a, c)ar# acteriDationA FAFA2 no"inal &oint% n M a &oint on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra" re&resentin( data .ro" no"inal tu*eA FAFAF &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra"% n M a t,o#di"en# sional re&resentation o. detector out&ut olta(e% ,it) an(le re&resentin( &)ase ,it) res&ect to a re.erence si(nal% and radius re&resentin( a"&litude P8i(A 1% s-etc)es ?a@ and ?*@QA FAFAFA1 Discussion M In t)is &ractice% care )as *een ta-en to use t)e ter" B&)ase an(leC ?and B&)aseC@ to
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
to an an(ular eJui alent o. ti"e dis&lace"ent% as de!ned in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A L)en an an(le is not necessaril' re&resentati e o. ti"e% t)e (eneral ter" Ban(le o. an indica# tion on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra"C is usedA FAFAG R8T s'ste"% n M t)e electronic instru"entation% &ro*es% and all associated co"&onents and ca*les reJuired .or &er.or"in( R8TA FAFA1 R8T s'ste" re.erence standard% n M a re.erence standard ,it) s&eci!ed arti!cial !a,s% used to set u& and standardiDe a re"ote !eld s'ste" and to indicate !a, detection sensiti it'A FAFA4 sa"&le rate M t)e rate at ,)ic) data is di(itiDed .or dis&la' and recordin(% in data &oints &er secondA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E!citer coil
Detector coil
Pro*e case
A*solute coil
Di..erential coil
IENERAL NOTE6 Arro,s indicate !o, o. electro"a(netic ener(' .ro" e!citer to detectorA Ener(' !o, is &er&endicular to lines o. "a(netic !u!A
FAFA5 stri& c)art% n M a dia(ra" t)at &lots coordinates e!tracted .ro" &oints on a &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra" ersus ti"e or a!ial &osition P8i(A 1% s-etc) ?c@QA FAFA3 Dero &oint% n M a &oint on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra" re&resentin( Dero detector out&ut olta(eA FAFA3A1 Discussion M Data on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra" are &lotted ,it) res&ect to t)e Dero &ointA T)e Dero &oint is se&arate .ro" t)e no"inal &oint unless t)e detector is con!(ured .or Dero out&ut in no"inal tu*eA T)e an(le o. a !a, indication is "easured a*out t)e no"inal &ointA FAG Acron'"s6 FAGA1 R8T% n M re"ote !eld testin(
usin( t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standardA S'ste" sensiti # it' and settin(s are c)ec-ed and recorded &rior to and at re(ular inter als durin( t)e e!a"inationA Data and s'ste" settin(s are recorded in a "anner t)at allo,s arc)i in( and later recall o. all data and s'ste" settin(s .or eac) tu*eA Inter&retation and e aluation are carried out usin( one or "ore !a, c)aracteriDation standardsA T)e su&&lier (ener# ates a !nal re&ort detailin( t)e results o. t)e e!a"inationA
Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e &ur&ose o. R8T is to e aluate t)e condition o. t)e tu*in(A T)e e aluation results "a' *e used to assess t)e li-eli)ood o. tu*e .ailure durin( ser ice% a tas- ,)ic) is not co ered in t)is &racticeA 1A2 Princi&le o. Pro*e O&erationA In a *asic R8T &ro*e% t)e electro"a(netic !eld e"itted *' an e!citer tra els out# ,ards t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all% a!iall' alon( t)e outside o. tu*e% and *ac- t)rou() t)e tu*e ,all to a detector P8i(A 2% s-etc) ?a@QA 1A2A1 8la, indications are created ,)en ?1@ in t)in# ,alled areas% t)e !eld arri es at t)e detector ,it) less attenuation and less ti"e dela'% ?2@ discontinuities interru&t
Su""ar' o. Practices GA1 T)e R8T data is collected *' &assin( a &ro*e t)rou() eac) tu*eA T)e electro"a(netic !eld trans"itted .ro" t)e e!citer to t)e detector is a..ected *' discontinu# itiesR *' t)e di"ensions and electro"a(netic &ro&erties o. t)e tu*eR and *' o*Sects in and around t)e tu*e t)at are .erro"a(netic or conducti eA S'ste" sensiti it' is eri!ed
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e lines o. "a(netic !u!% ,)ic) are ali(ned "ainl' a!iall'% or ?F@ discontinuities interru&t t)e edd' currents% ,)ic) !o, "ainl' circu".erentiall'A A discontinuit' at an' &oint on t)e t)rou()#trans"ission &at) can create a &ertur*ationR t)us R8T )as a&&ro!i"atel' eJual sensiti it' to !a,s on t)e inner and outer ,alls o. t)e tu*eA 1AF Larnin( A(ainst Errors in Inter&retationA C)arac# teriDin( !a,s *' R8T "a' in ol e "easurin( c)an(es .ro" no"inal ?or *aseline@% es&eciall' .or a*solute coil dataA T)e c)oice o. a no"inal alue is i"&ortant and o.ten reJuires Sud("entA Practitioners s)ould e!ercise care to use .or no"inal re.erence a section o. tu*e t)at is .ree o. da"a(e ?see de!nition o. Bno"inal tu*eC in FA2AF@A In &articular% *ends used as no"inal re.erence "ust *e .ree o. da"a(e% and tu*e su&&ort &lates used as no"inal re.erence s)ould *e .ree o. "etal loss in t)e &late and in adSacent tu*e "aterialA I. necessar'% a co"&le"entar' tec)niJue ?as descri*ed in 11A12@ "a' *e used to eri.' t)e condition o. areas used as no"inal re.erenceA
4A1AFA1 8ort' )ours o. R8T ?Le el II@ classroo" trainin(A 4A1AFA2 Lritten and &ractical e!a"inations si"ilar to t)ose descri*ed *' ASNT SNT#TC#1A or Can CISB G3A2512#21A 4A1AFAF 8i.teen )undred )ours o. !eld e!&erience under t)e su&er ision o. a Juali!ed R8T Le el II or )i()er% 21O o. ,)ic) s)ould in ol e R8T data anal'sisA
NOTE 16 At t)e ti"e o. a&&ro al o. t)is &ractice% no nationall' or internationall' reco(niDed (uideline .or &ersonnel Juali!cation in R8T ,as a aila*leA NOTE 26 Edd'#current trainin( &ro ides so"e use.ul *ac-(round to R8T trainin(A Pre ious Le el II edd'#current certi!cation "a' count to,ards 10O o. trainin( and e!&erience )ours .or R8T Le el I% &ro ided t)at t)e re"ainin( e!&erience )ours are entirel' in ol ed in R8T instru"entation setu& and o&erationA
1AG Pro*e Con!(urationA T)e detector is t'&icall' &laced t,o to t)ree tu*e dia"eters .ro" t)e e!citer% in a location ,)ere t)e re"ote !eld do"inates t)e direct#cou# &lin( !eldA Ot)er &ro*e con!(urations or desi(ns "a' *e used to o&ti"iDe !a, detection% as descri*ed in 2AFA 1A1 Co"&arison ,it) Con entional Edd'#Current Test# in(A Con entional edd'#current test coils are t'&icall' con# !(ured to sense t)e !eld .ro" t)e tu*e ,all in t)e i""ediate icinit' o. t)e e"ittin( ele"ent% ,)ereas R8T &ro*es are t'&icall' desi(ned to detect c)an(es in t)e re"ote !eldA
4A2 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( A(enciesA I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GF% ,it) re.erence to sections on electro"a(netic testin(A T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA
5A ;o* Sco&e and ReJuire"ents 5A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s "a' reJuire a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &arties and s)ould *e s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)ase docu"ent or else,)ere6 5A1A1 Location and t'&e o. tu*e co"&onent to *e e!a"ined% desi(n s&eci!cations% de(radation )istor'% &re# ious nondestructi e e!a"ination results% "aintenance )is# tor'% &rocess conditions% and s&eci!c t'&es o. !a,s t)at are reJuired to *e detected% i. -no,nA 5A1A2 T)e "a!i"u" ,indo, o. o&&ortunit' .or ,or-A ?Detection o. s"all !a,s "a' reJuire a slo,er &ro*e &ull s&eed% ,)ic) ,ill a..ect &roducti it'A@ 5A1AF SiDe% "aterial (rade and t'&e% and con!(uration o. tu*es to *e e!a"inedA 5A1AG A tu*e nu"*erin( or identi!cation s'ste"A 5A1A1 E!tent o. e!a"ination% .or e!a"&le6 co"&lete or &artial co era(e% ,)ic) tu*es and to ,)at len(t)% ,)et)er strai()t sections onl'% and t)e "ini"u" radius o. *ends t)at can *e e!a"inedA 5A1A4 Means o. access to tu*es% and areas ,)ere access "a' *e restrictedA 5A1A5 T'&e o. R8T instru"ent and &ro*eR and descri&tion o. re.erence standards used% includin( suc) details as di"ensions and "aterialA 5A1A3 ReJuired o&erator Juali!cations and certi!# cationA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
4A1A1 Personnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations to t)is &ractice s)all *e Juali!ed as s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A1A2 Reco""endations .or Juali!cation as an R8T s'ste" o&erator ?Le el I@ are as .ollo,s6 4A1A2A1 8ort' )ours o. R8T ?Le el I@ classroo" trainin(A 4A1A2A2 Lritten and &ractical e!a"inations si"ilar to t)ose descri*ed *' ASNT SNT#TC#1A or Can CISB G3A2512#21A 4A1A2AF T,o )undred and !.t' )ours o. !eld e!&e# rience under t)e su&er ision o. a Juali!ed R8T Le el II% 10O o. ,)ic) s)ould in ol e R8T instru"entation setu& and o&erationA 4A1AF Reco""endations .or Juali!cation as an R8T data anal'st ?Le el II@ are as .ollo,s6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
5A1A2 ReJuired tu*e cleanlinessA 5A1A10 En iron"ental conditions% eJui&"ent% and &re&arations t)at are t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e &urc)aserR co""on sources o. noise t)at "a' inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"i# nationA
NOTE F6 Near*' ,eldin( acti ities "a' *e a "aSor source o. inter.erenceA
5A1A11 Co"&le"entar' "et)ods or tec)niJues ?includin( &ossi*le tu*e re"o al@ t)at "a' *e used to o*tain additional in.or"ationA 5A1A12 Acce&tance criteria to *e used in e aluatin( !a, indicationsA 5A1A1F Dis&osition o. e!a"ination records and ence standardsA 5A1A1G 8or"at and outline contents o. t)e e!a"ina# tion re&ortA
3AF 8erro"a(netic and Conducti e O*Sects 3AFA1 O*Sects near t)e tu*e t)at are .erro"a(netic or conducti e "a' reduce t)e sensiti it' and accurac' o. !a, c)aracteriDation in t)eir i""ediate icinit'A Suc) o*Sects "a' in so"e cases *e "ista-en .or !a,sA 9no,l# ed(e o. t)e "ec)anical la'out o. t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"ined is reco""endedA E!a"&les o. .erro"a(netic or conducti e o*Sects include6 tu*e su&&ort &lates% *a.!e &lates% end &lates% tu*e s)eets% anti# i*ration *ars% nei()# *orin( tu*es% i"&in(e"ent &lates% loose &arts% and attac)# "ents cla"&ed or ,elded to a tu*eA
NOTE G6 Inter.erence .ro" .erro"a(netic or conducti e o*Sects can *e o. &ractical use ,)en R8T is used to con!r" t)e &osition o. an o*Sect installed on a tu*e or to detect ,)ere o*Sects )a e *eco"e detac)ed and )a e .allen a(ainst a tu*eA
3AFA2 Nei()*orin( Tu*es 3AFA2A1 In areas ,)ere t)ere is nonconstant tu*e s&acin( ?*o,in(@ or ,)ere tu*es cross close to eac) ot)er% t)ere are indications ,)ic) "a' *e "ista-en .or !a,sA 3AFA2A2 Nei()*orin( or adSacent tu*es% in accor# dance ,it) t)eir nu"*er and &osition% create an o..set in t)e &)aseA T)is &)eno"enon is -no,n as t)e *undle e..ect and is a "inor source o. inaccurac' ,)en a*solute readin(s in no"inal tu*e are reJuiredA 3AFA2AF In cases ,)ere "ulti&le R8T &ro*es are used si"ultaneousl' in t)e sa"e )eat e!c)an(er% care s)ould *e ta-en to ensure adeJuate s&acin( *et,een ent &ro*esA 3AFAF Conducti e or "a(netic de*ris in or on a tu*e t)at "a' create .alse indications or o*scure !a, indications s)ould *e re"o edA
3A Inter.erences 3A1 T)is section descri*es ite"s and conditions ,)ic) "a' co"&ro"ise R8TA 3A2 Material Pro&erties 3A2A1 Variations in t)e "aterial &ro&erties o. .erro# "a(netic tu*es are a &otential source o. inaccurac'A I"&uri# ties% se(re(ation% "anu.acturin( &rocess% (rain siDe% stress )istor'% &resent stress &atterns% te"&erature )istor'% &resent te"&erature% "a(netic )istor'% and ot)er .actors ,ill a..ect t)e electro"a(netic res&onse "easured durin( R8TA T)e conducti it' and &er"ea*ilit' o. tu*es ,it) t)e sa"e (rade o. "aterial are o.ten "easura*l' di..erentA It is co""on to !nd t)at so"e o. t)e tu*es to *e e!a"ined are ne,er tu*es ,it) di..erent "aterial &ro&ertiesA
3A2A2 Per"ea*ilit' ariations "a' occur at locations ,)ere t)ere ,as une en te"&erature or stress durin( tu*e "anu.acture% near ,elds% at *ends% ,)ere t)ere ,ere une en )eat conditions durin( ser ice% at areas ,)ere t)ere is cold ,or-in( ?suc) as t)at created *' an inte(ral !nnin( &rocess@% and in ot)er locationsA Indications .ro" &er"ea*ilit' ariations "a' *e "ista-en .or% or o*scure !a, indicationsA E..ects "a' *e less se ere in tu*es t)at ,ere stress#relie ed durin( "anu.actureA
3A2AF Residual stress% ,it) acco"&an'in( &er"ea*il# it' ariations% "a' *e &resent ,)en discontinuities are "ac)ined into a re.erence standard% or durin( t)e inte(ral !nnin( &rocessA 3A2AG T)e R8T is a..ected *' residual "a(netis" in t)e tu*in(% includin( residual "a(netis" created durin( a &re ious e!a"ination usin( anot)er "a(netic "et)odA Tu*es ,it) si(ni!cant residual "a(netis" s)ould *e de"a(netiDed &rior to R8TA
3AG Tu*e Ieo"etr' E..ects 3AGA1 Due to (eo"etrical e..ects ?as ,ell as to t)e e..ects o. &er"ea*ilit' ariations descri*ed in 3A2A2@% local# iDed c)an(es in tu*e dia"eter suc) as dents% *ul(es% e!&an# sions% and *ends create indications ,)ic) "a' o*scure or distort !a, indicationsA 3AGA2 Reductions in t)e internal dia"eter "a' reJuire a s"aller dia"eter &ro*e t)at is a*le to &ass t)rou() t)e restrictionA In t)e unrestricted sections% !a, sensiti it' is li-el' to *e li"ited *' t)e s"aller &ro*e !ll .actorA 3AGAF R8T End E..ectA T)e !eld .ro" t)e e!citer is a*le to &ro&a(ate around t)e end o. a tu*e ,)en t)ere is no s)ieldin( .ro" a tu*e s)eet or essel s)ellA A !a, indication "a' *e o*scured or distorted i. t)e !a, or an' acti e &ro*e ele"ent is ,it)in a&&ro!i"atel' t)ree tu*e dia"eters o. t)e tu*e endA
3A1 Instru"entation 3A1A1 T)e o&erator s)ould *e a,are o. indicators o. noise% saturation% or si(nal distortion &articular to t)e instru"ent *ein( usedA S&ecial consideration s)ould *e (i en to t)e .ollo,in( concerns6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
3A1A1A1 In a (i en tu*e% an R8T s'ste" )as a .reJuenc' ,)ere t)e !a, sensiti it' is as )i() as &ractical ,it)out undue in!uence .ro" noiseA 3A1A1A2 Saturation o. electronic co"&onents is a &otential &ro*le" in R8T *ecause si(nal a"&litude increases ra&idl' ,it) decreasin( tu*e ,all t)ic-nessA Data acJuired under saturation conditions is not acce&ta*leA 3A1A2 Instru"ent#Induced P)ase O..setA Durin( t)e a"&li!cation and !lterin( &rocesses% instru"ents "a' introduce a .reJuenc'#de&endent ti"e dela' ,)ic) a&&ears as a constant &)ase o..setA T)e instru"ent &)ase o..set "a' *e a source o. error ,)en &)ase alues "easured at di..erent .reJuencies are co"&aredA
con!(urations Psee% .or e!a"&le% 8i(A 2% s-etc) ?*@QA T)ese con!(urations "a' reduce inter.erence .ro" su&&ort &lates and ot)er conducti e o*SectsA 2AG Data Dis&la's 2AGA1 T)e data dis&la' s)ould include a &)ase#a"&li# tude dia(ra" P8i(A 1% s-etc) ?a@ and ?*@QA 2AGA2 Stri& C)artsA Coordinates t)at "a' *e dis&la'ed on stri& c)arts include6 )oriDontal &osition% ertical &osi# tion% an(ular &osition% or radial &ositionA An(ular &osition "a' re&resent &)aseA An(ular &osition and t)e lo(arit)" o. radial &osition .or an a*solute detector "a' *e linearl' related to o erall ,all t)ic-nessA
2A R8T S'ste" 2A1 Instru"entationA T)e electronic instru"entation s)all *e ca&a*le o. creatin( e!citer si(nals o. one or "ore .reJuencies a&&ro&riate to t)e tu*e "aterialA T)e a&&aratus s)all *e ca&a*le o. &)ase and a"&litude anal'sis o. detector out&uts at eac) .reJuenc'% inde&endent o. ot)er .reJuencies in use si"ultaneousl'A T)e instru"ent s)all dis&la' data in real ti"eA T)e instru"ent s)all *e ca&a*le o. recordin( data and s'ste" settin(s in a "anner t)at allo,s arc)i in( and later recall o. all data and s'ste" settin(s .or eac) tu*eA
10A R8T Tu*e Standards 10A1 T)e R8T tu*e standards s)ould *e o. t)e sa"e no"inal di"ensions% "aterial t'&e% and (rade as t)e tu*es to *e e!a"inedA In t)e case ,)ere a tu*e standard identical to t)e tu*es to *e e!a"ined is not a aila*le% a de"onstration o. e!a"ination eJui alenc' is reco""endedA Su*section 11A4A2 s&eci!es )o, to deter"ine i. a re.erence tu*e o. di..erent &ro&erties is a&&ro&riate .or useA
2A2 Dri in( Mec)anis"A A "ec)anical "eans o. tra # ersin( t)e &ro*e t)rou() t)e tu*e at a&&ro!i"atel' constant s&eed "a' *e usedA 2AF Pro*esA T)e &ro*es s)ould *e o. t)e lar(est dia"eter &ractical .or t)e tu*es *ein( e!a"ined% lea in( clearance .or de*ris% dents% c)an(es in tu*e dia"eter% and ot)er o*structionsA T)e &ro*es s)ould *e o. an a&&ro&riate con# !(uration and siDe .or t)e tu*e *ein( e!a"ined and .or t)e !a, t'&e or t'&es to *e detectedA Pro*e centerin( is reco""endedA 2AFA1 A*solute DetectorsA A*solute detectors P8i(A 2% s-etc) ?c@Q are co""onl' used to c)aracteriDe and locate lar(e# olu"e and (radual "etal lossA 2AFA2 Di..erential DetectorsA Di..erential detectors P8i(A 2% s-etc) ?c@Q tend to "a!i"iDe t)e res&onse .ro" s"all olu"e !a,s and a*ru&t c)an(es alon( t)e tu*e len(t)% and are also co""onl' used to locate and c)aracter# iDe lar(e# olu"e and (radual "etal lossA 2AFAF Arra' DetectorA Arra' detectors use a con!(u# ration o. "ulti&le sensin( ele"ents P8i(A 2% s-etc) ?c@QA Eac) ele"ent is sensiti e to a discrete section o. t)e tu*e circu".erenceA T)e ele"ents "a' *e oriented ,it) t)eir a!es ali(ned a!iall' or radiall' ,it) res&ect to t)e tu*eA
10A2 T)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard s)all not *e used .or !a, c)aracteriDation unless t)e arti!cial !a,s can *e de"onstrated to *e si"ilar to t)e !a,s detectedA 10AF T'&ical Arti!cial 8la,s in 8la, C)aracteriDation Standards 10AFA1 T)rou()% Round#Botto"ed% and 8lat#Bot# to"ed +olesA +oles o. di..erent de&t)s are used .or &it c)aracteriDation% and "a' *e "ac)ined indi iduall' or in (rou&sA Drill and "illin( tools o. di..erent dia"eters can *e used to &roduce di..erent !a, olu"es .or a (i en de&t) o. "etal loss P8i(A F% s-etc) ?a@QA 10AFA2 Circu".erential Iroo esA A circu".erential (roo e is an area o. "etal loss ,)ose de&t) at an' a!ial location is uni.or" around t)e tu*e circu".erenceA S)ort (roo es% ,it) a "a!i"u" a!ial len(t) o. less t)an one )al. a tu*e dia"eter% "a' *e used to si"ulate s"all# olu"e "etal lossA Iroo es ,it) an a!ial len(t) o. se eral tu*e dia"eters "a' *e used to si"ulate uni.or" ,all loss P8i(A F% s-etc) ?*@QA 10AFAF One#Sided 8la,sA Metal loss is re.erred to as one#sided i. it is &redo"inantl' on one side o. a tu*eA Outside dia"eter lon(% !at !a,s t'&icall' si"ulate tu*e# to#tu*e ,earA Circu".erentiall' ta&ered one#sided !a,s t'&icall' si"ulate tu*e ,ear at su&&ort &latesA 8la,s ta&ered in *ot) a!ial and circu".erential directions t'&i# call' si"ulate stea" erosion adSacent to t)e tu*e su&&ort P8i(A F% s-ectc) ?c@QA 10AG R8T S'ste" Re.erence StandardsA 8la, de&t)s are s&eci!ed *' (i in( t)e dee&est &oint o. t)e !a, as a
NOTE 16 T)e detectorEs res&onse re&resents an a era(e o. res&onses to all !a,s ,it)in its sensin( areaA
2AFAG E!citer and Detector Con!(urationsA Pro*es "a' )a e "ulti&le e!citers and detectors in a ariet' o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ Pits and t)rou()#)oles Round#8lat# *otto"ed*otto"ed T)rou() )ole)ole)ole
S"all olu"e
A!iall' ta&ered
Circu".erentiall' ta&ered
&ercenta(e o. t)e "easured a era(e ,all t)ic-nessA 8la, de&t)s s)all *e "easured and accurate to ,it)in W 20O o. t)e de&t) s&eci!ed or W 0A00F inA ?W 0A03 ""@% ,)ic)e er is s"allerA All ot)er !a, di"ensions ?suc) as len(t) and dia"eter@ s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W0A010 inA PW0A21 ""Q o. t)e di"ension s&eci!edA An(les s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W 1 de(A 10A1 Arti!cial 8la,s .or R8T S'ste" Re.erence Stan# dards6 10A1A1 T)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard )as s&e# ci!c arti!cial !a,sA It is used to set u& and standardiDe a re"ote !eld s'ste" and to indicate !a, detection sensiti # it'A <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aser% t)e arti!# cial !a,s .or t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard are as .ollo,s6 10A1A1A1 T)rou()#+oleA A t)rou()#)ole ?8i(A G% 8la, A@ ,)ose dia"eter is eJual to t)e tu*e ,all t)ic-ness "ulti&lied *' a s&eci!ed .actorA 8or tu*es o. outside dia"e# ter less t)an 1A000 inA ?21AG0 ""@% t)e .actor is 1A 8or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
tu*es o. outside dia"eter (reater t)an or eJual to 1A000 inA% t)e .actor is 1A1A 10A1A1A2 8lat#Milled 8la,A A !at#"illed !a, ?8i(A G% 8la, B@ o. a de&t) o. 10O and a!ial len(t) one )al. t)e tu*e no"inal outside dia"eterA T)e !at s)ould *e side#"illed usin( a "illin( tool o. a dia"eter o. 0A210 inA ?4AF1 ""@ to create rounded cornersA 10A1A1AF S)ort Circu".erential Iroo eA A s)ort circu".erential (roo e ?8i(A G% 8la, C@ o. a de&t) o. 20O and a!ial len(t) o. 0A421 inA ?11A33 ""@A Ed(es s)all *e an(led at 101 de( as indicated in t)e insert in 8i(A GA 10A1A1AG Lear ScarA A si"ulated ,ear scar .ro" a tu*e su&&ort &late ?8i(A G% 8la, D@% consistin( o. a circu".erentiall' ta&ered (roo e% G0O dee&% e!tendin( o er 130 de( o. t)e tu*e circu".erenceA A!ial len(t) "ea# sured at t)e *otto" sur.ace o. t)e !a, s)all *e 0A421 inA ?11A33 ""@A Ed(es s)all *e an(led at 101 de( as indicated in t)e insert in 8i(A GA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Tool dia"eter 0A210 inA ?4AF1 ""@ E!&anded ie, To& ie, 20 Section ie, A B C% 8 D E
101 101
IENERAL NOTES6 ?a@ Not to scaleA See 10A1 .or tolerances and detailsA ?*@ 8or tu*es o. outside dia"eter less t)an 1A000 inA ?21AG0 ""@% 9&1A ?c@ 8or tu*es o. outside dia"eter (reater t)an or eJual to 1A000 inA ?21AG0 ""@% 9&1A1A
10A1A1A1 Ta&ered 8la,A A ta&ered !a, si"ulatin( near#tu*e#su&&ort erosion ?8i(A G% 8la, E@ consistin( o. a (roo e% 40O dee&% ta&ered circu".erentiall'% and in *ot) directions a!iall'A T)e stee& side o. t)e !a, s)all *e an(led at 41 de( to t)e tu*e a!isA T)e s)allo, side o. t)e !a, s)all *e a!iall' ta&ered so t)at it e!tends an a!ial distance o. .our tu*e dia"eters .ro" t)e dee&est &ointA T)e circu"# .erential e!tent at t)e "a!i"u" &oint s)all *e 20 de(A 10A1A1A4 Lon( Circu".erential Iroo eA A lon( cir# cu".erential (roo e ?8i(A G% 8la, 8@ o. a de&t) o. 20O and reco""ended a!ial len(t) o. t,o tu*e dia"etersA Len(t) is o&tional accordin( to a&&licationA Ed(es s)all *e an(led at 101 de(% as indicated in t)e insert in 8i(A GA 10A4 Si"ulated Su&&ort Structures 10A4A1 T)e R8T tu*e standards "a' )a e si"ulated su&&ort structures to re&resent )eat e!c)an(er *undle con# ditionsA 10A4A2 Su&&ort PlatesA Su&&ort &lates "a' *e si"u# lated *' drillin( a sin(le )ole t)rou() a solid !at &late ,it) a radial clearance on t)e tu*e o. u& to 0A011 inA ?0AF3 ""@ *e'ond t)e outside dia"eter o. t)e R8T tu*e standardA To &re ent t)e !eld .ro" &ro&a(atin( around t)e &late% t)e "ini"u" distance .ro" t)e ed(e o. t)e tu*e )ole
to t)e ed(e o. t)e &late s)ould *e (reater t)an t,o tu*e dia"eters% unless a s"aller di"ension can *e de"onstrated to *e adeJuateA 8or e!a"&le% t)e si"ulated tu*e su&&ort &late .or a 1#inA dia"eter tu*e s)ould *e at least a 1#inA ?125A00#""@ sJuare or a 1#inA dia"eter circleA T)e accu# rac' o. t)e su&&ort &late si"ulation "a' *e increased i. t)e si"ulated &late is o. t)e sa"e t)ic-ness and "aterial as t)e su&&ort &lates in t)e co"&onent to *e e!a"inedA
10A5 Manu.acture and Care o. R8T Tu*e Standards 10A5A1 Dra,in(sA 8or eac) R8T tu*e standard% t)ere s)all *e a dra,in( t)at includes t)e as#*uilt "easured !a, di"ensions% "aterial t'&e and (rade% and t)e serial nu"*er o. t)e actual R8T tu*e standardA 10A5A2 Serial Nu"*erA Eac) R8T tu*e standard s)all *e identi!ed ,it) a uniJue serial nu"*er and stored so t)at it can *e o*tained and used .or re.erence ,)en reJuiredA 10A5AF 8la, S&acin(A Arti!cial !a,s s)ould *e &osi# tioned a!iall' to a oid o erla&&in( o. indications and inter# .erence .ro" end e..ectsA 10A5AG Mac)inin( &ersonnel s)all use &ro&er "ac)in# in( &ractices to a oid e!cessi e cold#,or-in(% o er#)eat# in(% and undue stress and &er"ea*ilit' ariationsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
10A5A1 Tu*es s)ould *e stored and s)i&&ed so as to &re ent "ec)anical da"a(eA
11AG AcJuire and record data .ro" t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard and !a, c)aracteriDation standards at t)e selected e!a"ination &ull s&eedA 11A1 AcJuire and record data .ro" t)e tu*es to *e e!a"inedA Maintain as uni.or" a &ro*e s&eed as &ossi*le t)rou()out t)e e!a"ination to &roduce re&eata*le indica# tionsA 11A1A1 Record data and s'ste" settin(s in a "anner t)at allo,s arc)i in( and later recall o. all data and s'ste" settin(s .or eac) tu*eA T)rou()out t)e e!a"ination% data s)all *e &er"anentl' recorded% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aserA 11A1A2 8or "aintainin( s'ste" consistenc' t)rou()# out t)e e!a"ination% "onitor t'&ical R8T res&onses .ro" su&&ort &lates and tu*e ends% or "onitor t)e a*solute &)ase in t)e no"inal tu*eA I. conditions c)an(e% a&&ro&riate adSust"ents need to *e "ade in accordance ,it) 11A4A 11A4 Co"&ensation .or Material and Di"ensional Di.# .erences 11A4A1 To co"&ensate .or di..erences in di"ensional and "aterial &ro&erties% t)e s'ste" "a' *e re#nor"aliDed ,)ere a&&ro&riate *' adSustin( .reJuenc' or (ain% or *ot)A To re#nor"aliDe% adSust t)e settin(s so t)at one o. t)e .ollo,in( alues re"ains eJual in t)e re.erence standard and in a no"inal e!a"ined tu*e6
11A Procedure 11A1 I. necessar'% clean t)e inside o. t)e tu*es to re"o e o*structions and )ea ' .erro"a(netic or conduc# ti e de*risA 11A2 Instru"ent Settin(s 11A2A1 O&eratin( 8reJuenc'A <sin( t)e a&&ro&riate R8T s'ste" re.erence standard% t)e &rocedures in 11A2A1A1 or 11A2A1A2 are intended to )el& t)e user select an o&eratin( .reJuenc'A De"onstra*l' eJui alent "et)ods "a' *e usedA I. t)e R8T s'ste" is not ca&a*le o. o&eratin( at t)e .re# Juenc' descri*ed *' t)is &ractice% t)e su&&lier s)all declare to t)e &urc)aser t)at conditions o. reduced sensiti it' "a' e!istA
11A2A1A1 <sin( t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard% and re.errin( to t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra"% set t)e .re# Juenc' to o*tain a di..erence o. 10 to 120 de( *et,een t)e an(les o. indication .or t)e re.erence t)rou()#)ole ?8la, A in 8i(A G@ and a 20O circu".erential (roo e o. an a!ial len(t) o. 0A121 inA ?FA13 ""@ ?as &er"itted .or 8la, 8 in 8i(A G@A 11A2A1A2 I. &)ase is "easured and dis&la'ed% set t)e .reJuenc' so t)at a 20O circu".erential (roo e ,it) an a!ial len(t) o. t,o tu*e dia"eters ?as &er"itted .or 8la, 8 in 8i(A G@ creates a &)ase s)i.t o. *et,een 13 and 22 de( in t)e a*solute detector out&ut ,it) onl' t)e detector coil in t)e re(ion o. "etal lossA 11A2A2 Secondar' 8reJuenciesA To detect and c)arac# teriDe so"e da"a(e "ec)anis"s% it "a' *e necessar' to use secondar' .reJuencies to &ro ide additional in.or"ationA 11A2AF Pull S&eedA Deter"ine a &ull s&eed a&&ro&riate to t)e .reJuenc'% sa"&le rate% and reJuired sensiti it' to !a,sA 11A2AG Set ot)er instru"ent settin(s as a&&ro&riate to ac)ie e t)e "ini"u" reJuired sensiti it' to !a,sA
NOTE 46 8actors ,)ic) in!uence sensiti it' to !a,s include% *ut are not li"ited to6 o&eratin( .reJuenc'% instru"ent noise% instru"ent !lterin(% di(ital sa"&le rate% &ro*e s&eed% coil con!(uration% !ll .actor% &ro*e tra el noise% and inter.erences descri*ed in Section 3A
11A4A1A1 T)e a"&litude and an(ular &osition o. a su&&ort &late indication on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra"% or 11A4A1A2 T)e an(ular di..erence *et,een a su&&ort &late indication and t)e tu*e#e!it indication on t)e &)ase# a"&litude dia(ra"% or 11A4A1AF T)e a*solute &)ase in t)e no"inal tu*eA
NOTE 56 8or an alternate "et)od o. co"&ensatin( .or di..erences in di"ensional and "aterial &ro&erties% see 11A12A
11A4A2 T)e .reJuencies used in t)e re.erence stan# dards and in t)e tu*es to *e e!a"ined s)ould not *' "ore t)an a .actor o. t,oA I. t)e .actor e!ceeds t)is alue% t)e re.erence standard s)ould *e considered ina&&ro# &riate and re&laced ,it) one t)at "ore accuratel' re&resents t)e "aterial to *e testedA 11A4AF A.ter .reJuenc' and (ain adSust"ents )a e *een "ade% a&&l' a&&ro&riate co"&ensations to t)e e!a"i# nation sa"&le rate and &ull s&eedA 11A5 Co"&ensation .or 8erro"a(netic or Conducti e O*Sects 11A5A1 Tec)niJues t)at "a' i"&ro e R8T results near inter.erin( .erro"a(netic or conducti e o*Sects include6 11A5A1A1 Co"&arison o. *aseline or &re ious e!a"ination data ,it) t)e current e!a"ination dataA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11AF Ensure t)at t)e s'ste" 'ields t)e "ini"u" reJuired sensiti it' to all !a,s on t)e R8T s'ste" ence standard at t)e e!a"ination &ull s&eedA 8or a !a, to *e considered detecta*le% its indication s)ould e!ceed t)e a"*ient noise *' a .actor o. at least F% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aserA An e!ce&tion "a' *e "ade ,)en t)e &urc)aser reJuires onl' a lar(e# olu"e "etal loss e!a"ination% in ,)ic) case% sensiti it' s)ould *e de"# onstrated .or s&eci!ed lar(e# olu"e !a,s on t)e R8T s's# te" re.erence standardA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
11A5A1A2 Co"&arison o. indications .ro" -no,n o*Sects ,it) and ,it)out "etal lossA ?O*tain a re.erence indication .ro" a t'&ical o*Sect on or near t)e no"inal tu*e or .ro" a si"ulated o*Sect on a re.erence standardA@ 11A5A1AF T)e use o. s&ecial &ro*e coil con!(ura# tionsA 11A5A1AG Processin( o. "ulti&le#.reJuenc' si(nals to su&&ress irrele ant indicationsA 11A5A1A1 T)e use o. a co"&le"entar' "et)od or tec)niJue ?see 11A12@A 11A3 S'ste" C)ec-A At re(ular inter als% carr' out a s'ste" c)ec- usin( t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard to de"onstrate s'ste" sensiti it' and o&eratin( &ara"eters to t)e satis.action o. t)e &urc)aserA Carr' out a s'ste" c)ec- &rior to startin( t)e e!a"ination% a.ter an' !eld co"&ensation adSust"ents in accordance ,it) 11A4% at t)e *e(innin( and end o. eac) ,or- s)i.t% ,)en eJui&"ent .unction is in dou*t% a.ter a c)an(e o. &ersonnel% a.ter a c)an(e o. an' essential s'ste" co"&onents% and o erall at a "ini"u" o. e er' .our )oursA I. t)e !a, res&onses .ro" t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard )a e c)an(ed su*stantiall'% t)e tu*es e!a"ined since t)e last s'ste" c)ec- s)all *e ree!a"inedA
arc)i ed% ,)et)er or not it is reJuired in t)e re&ortA 12A1A1 O,ner% location% t'&e% and serial nu"*er o. co"&onent e!a"inedA 12A1A2 SiDe% "aterial t'&e and (rade% and con!(ura# tion o. tu*es e!a"inedA 12A1AF Tu*e nu"*erin( s'ste"A 12A1AG E!tent o. e!a"ination% .or e!a"&le% areas o. interest% co"&lete or &artial co era(e% ,)ic) tu*es% and to ,)at len(t)A 12A1A1 Personnel &er.or"in( t)e e!a"ination and t)eir Juali!cationsA 12A1A4 Models% t'&es% and serial nu"*ers o. t)e co"# &onents o. t)e R8T s'ste" used% includin( &ro*e and e!ten# sion len(t)A 12A1A5 8or t)e initial data acJuisition .ro" t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard% a co"&lete list o. all rele ant instru"ent settin(s and &ara"eters used% suc) as o&eratin( .reJuencies% &ro*e dri e olta(es% (ains% t'&es o. "i!ed or &rocessed c)annels% and &ro*e s&eedA T)e list s)all ena*le settin(s to *e re.erenced to eac) indi idual tu*e e!a"inedA 12A1A3 Serial nu"*ers o. all o. t)e tu*e standards usedA 12A1A2 Brie. outline o. all tec)niJues used durin( t)e e!a"inationA 12A1A10 A list o. all )eat#e!c)an(er re(ions or s&e# ci!c tu*es ,)ere li"ited sensiti it' ,as o*tainedA Indicate ,)ic) !a,s on t)e s'ste" re.erence standard ,ould not )a e *een detecta*le in t)ose re(ionsA L)ere &ossi*le% indicate .actors t)at "a' )a e li"ited sensiti it'A 12A1A11 S&eci!c in.or"ation a*out tec)niJues and de&t) re.erence cur es used .or siDin( eac) indicationA 12A1A12 Acce&tance criteria used to e aluate indica# tionsA 12A1A1F A list o. !a,s as s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)asin( a(ree"entA 12A1A1G Co"&le"entar' e!a"ination results t)at in!uenced inter&retation and e aluationA
11A2 Inter&ret t)e data ?identi.' indications@ 11A10 Note areas o. li"ited sensiti it'% usin( indica# tions .ro" t)e R8T s'ste" re.erence standard as an indica# tor o. !a, detecta*ilit'A 11A11 <sin( a !a, c)aracteriDation standard% e aluate rele ant indications in accordance ,it) acce&tance criteria s&eci!ed *' t)e &urc)aserA 11A11A1 A co""on &ara"eter used as a !a, de&t) indicator is t)e an(le o. an indication on t)e &)ase#a"&li# tude dia(ra"A Di..erent an(le#de&t) standardiDation cur es "a' *e used accordin( to !a, olu"e% as indicated *' t)e a"&litude o. t)e indication on t)e &)ase#a"&litude dia(ra"A 11A12 I. desired% e!a"ine selected areas usin( an a&&ro# &riate co"&le"entar' "et)od or tec)niJue to o*tain "ore in.or"ation% adSustin( results ,)ere a&&ro&riateA 11A1F Co"&ile and &resent a re&ort to t)e &urc)aserA
12A Re&ort 12A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s "a' *e included in t)e e!a"i# nation re&ortA All t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation s)ould *e
1FA 9e',ords 1FA1 edd' currentR electro"a(netic testin(R .erro"a(# netic tu*eR re"ote !eld testin(R R8TR tu*eR tu*ular &roducts
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is docu"ent &ro ides (uidelines .or "ountin( &ieDoelectric acoustic e"ission ?AE@ sensorsA 1A2 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA1A1 ,a e(uide% acoustic M a de ice t)at cou&les acoustic ener(' .ro" a structure to a re"otel' "ounted sensorA 8or e!a"&le% a solid ,ire or rod% cou&led to a sensor at one end and to t)e structure at t)e ot)erA FA2 De!nitions6 FA2A1 8or de!nitions o. additional ter"s relatin( to acoustic e"ission% to Ter"inolo(' E 1F14A
E 254 Iuide .or Deter"inin( t)e Re&roduci*ilit' o. Acous# tic E"ission Sensor Res&onse E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions o. Ter"s S&eci!c to T)is Standard6 FA1A1 *ondin( a(ent M a cou&lant t)at &)'sicall' atta# c)es t)e sensor to t)e structureA FA1A2 cou&lant M a "aterial used at t)e structure#to# sensor inter.ace to i"&ro e t)e o. acoustic ener(' across t)e inter.aceA FA1AF "ountin( !!ture M a de ice t)at )olds t)e sen# sor in &lace on t)e structure to *e "onitoredA FA1AG sensor M a detection de ice t)at trans.or"s t)e &article "otion &roduced *' an elastic ,a e into an electrical si(nalA
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 T)e "et)ods and &rocedures used in "ountin( AE sensors can )a e si(ni!cant e..ects u&on t)e &er.or"ance o. t)ose sensorsA O&ti"u" and re&roduci*le detection o. AE reJuires *ot) a&&ro&riate sensor#"ountin( !!tures and consistent sensor#"ountin( &roceduresA
1A Mountin( Met)ods 1A1 T)e &ur&ose o. t)e "ountin( "et)od is to )old t)e sensor in a !!ed &osition on a structure and to ensure t)at t)e acoustic cou&lin( *et,een t)e sensor and t)e structure is *ot) adeJuate and constantA Mountin( "et)ods ,ill (enerall' .all into one o. t)e .ollo,in( cate(ories6 1A1A1 Co"&ression Mounts M T)e co"&ression "ount )olds t)e sensor in inti"ate contact ,it) t)e sur.ace o. t)e structure t)rou() t)e use o. .orceA T)is .orce is (enerall' su&&lied *' s&rin(s% torJued#scre, t)reads% "a(# nets% ta&e% or elastic *andsA T)e use o. a cou&lant is stron(l' ad ised ,it) a co"&ression "ount to "a!i"iDe t)e trans# "ission o. acoustic ener(' t)rou() t)e sensor#structure inter.aceA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1A1A2 Bondin( M T)e sensor "a' *e attac)ed directl' to t)e structure ,it) a suita*le ad)esi eA In t)is "et)od% t)e ad)esi e acts as t)e cou&lantA T)e ad)esi e "ust *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e structure% t)e sensor% t)e en iron"ent% and t)e e!a"ination &rocedureA
<ne enness% suc) as a ta&er .ro" one side o. t)e sensor to t)e ot)er% can also reduce sensiti it' or &roduce an un,anted directionalit' in t)e sensor res&onseA 4AFAG A use.ul "et)od .or a&&l'in( a cou&lant is to &lace a s"all a"ount o. t)e "aterial in t)e center o. t)e sensor .ace% t)en care.ull' &ress t)e sensor on to t)e struc# ture sur.ace% s&readin( t)e cou&lant uni.or"l' .ro" t)e center to t)e outside o. t)e sensor .aceA 4AFA1 In so"e a&&lications% it "a' *e i"&ractical to use a cou&lant *ecause o. t)e nature o. t)e en iron"ent ?.or e!a"&le% er' )i() te"&eratures or e!tre"e cleanliness reJuire"ents@A In t)ese situations% a dr' contact "a' *e used% &ro ided su.!cient "ec)anical .orce is a&&lied to )old t)e sensor a(ainst t)e structureA T)e necessar' contact &ressure "ust *e deter"ined e!&eri"entall'A As a rou() (uide% t)is &ressure s)ould e!ceed 0A5 MPa ?100 &si@A 4AFA4 Ireat care "ust *e ta-en ,)en *ondin( a sen# sor to a structureA Sur.ace de.or"ation% ,)ic) can *e &ro# duced *' eit)er "ec)anical loadin( or t)er"al e!&ansion% "a' cause a *ond to crac-% &eel o..% or% occasionall'% destro' t)e sensorA Bond crac-in( is a source o. acoustic e"issionA A co"&liant ad)esi e "a' ,or- in so"e casesA I. di..erential e!&ansion *et,een t)e sensor% t)e *ond% and t)e sur.ace is a &ossi*ilit'% a suita*le *ondin( a(ent s)ould *e con!r"ed *' e!&eri"entA 4AFA5 L)en *onds are used% t)e &ossi*ilit' o. da"a(# in( eit)er t)e sensor or t)e sur.ace o. t)e structure durin( sensor re"o al "ust *e consideredA 4AFA3 T)e use o. dou*le#sided ad)esi e ta&e as a *ondin( a(ent is not reco""endedA 4AG Mountin( 8i!ture Selection6 4AGA1 Mountin( !!tures "ust *e constructed so t)at t)e' do not create e!traneous acoustic e"ission or "asalid acoustic e"ission (enerated in t)e structure *ein( "onitoredA 4AGA1A1 T)e "ount "ust not contain an' loose &arts or &articlesA 4AGA1A2 Per"anent "ountin( "a' reJuire s&ecial tec)niJues to &re ent sensor "o e"ent caused *' en iron# "ental c)an(esA 4AGA1AF Detection o. sur.ace ,a es "a' *e su&# &ressed i. t)e sensor is enclosed *' a ,elded#on !!ture or located at t)e *otto" o. a t)readed )oleA T)e "ountin( !!ture s)ould al,a's *e desi(ned so t)at it does not *locout a si(ni!cant a"ount o. acoustic ener(' .ro" an' direc# tion o. interestA 4AGA2 T)e "ountin( !!ture s)ould &ro ide su&&ort .or t)e si(nal ca*le to &re ent t)e ca*le .ro" stressin( t)e sensor or t)e electrical connectorsA In t)e a*sence o. a "ountin( !!ture% so"e .or" o. ca*le su&&ort s)ould *e &ro idedA Care s)ould *e ta-en to ensure t)at t)e ca*le
4A Mountin( ReJuire"ents 4A1 Sensor Selection M T)e correct sensors s)ould *e c)osen to o&ti"all' acco"&lis) t)e acoustic#e"ission e!a"ination o*Secti eA Sensor &ara"eters to *e considered are as .ollo,s6 siDe% sensiti it'% .reJuenc' res&onse% sur# .ace#"otion res&onse% and en iron"ental and "aterial co"&ati*ilit'A L)en a "ultic)annel acoustic#e"ission e!a"ination is *ein( conducted% a su*set o. sensors ,it) c)aracteristics si"ilar to eac) ot)er s)ould *e selectedA See Iuide E 254 .or "et)ods o. co"&arin( sensor c)arac# teristicsA
4A2 Structure Pre&aration M T)e contactin( sur.aces s)ould *e cleaned and "ec)anicall' &re&aredA T)is ,ill en)ance t)e detection o. t)e desired acoustic ,a es *' assurin( relia*le cou&lin( o. t)e acoustic ener(' .ro" t)e structure to t)e sensorA Pre&aration o. t)ese sur.aces "ust *e co"&ati*le ,it) t)e construction "aterials used in *ot) t)e sensor and t)e structureA Possi*le losses in acoustic ener(' trans"ission caused *' coatin(s suc) as &aint% enca&sulants% loose#"ill scale% ,eld s&atter% and o!ides as ,ell as losses due to sur.ace cur ature at t)e contact area "ust *e consideredA
4AF Cou&lant or Bondin( A(ent Selection6 4AFA1 T)e t'&e o. cou&lant or *ondin( a(ent s)ould *e selected ,it) a&&ro&riate consideration .or t)e e..ects o. t)e en iron"ent ?.or e!a"&le% te"&erature% &ressure% co"&osition o. (as% or liJuid en iron"ent@ on t)e cou&lant and t)e constraints o. t)e a&&licationA It s)ould *e c)e"i# call' co"&ati*le ,it) t)e structure and not *e a &ossi*le cause o. corrosionA In so"e cases% it "a' *e a reJuire"ent t)at t)e cou&lant *e co"&letel' re"o a*le .ro" t)e sur.ace a.ter e!a"inationA In (eneral% t)e selection o. t)e cou&lant is as i"&ortant .ro" an en iron"ental stand&oint as it is .ro" t)e acoustical stand&ointA
4AFA2 8or sensors t)at are &ri"aril' sensiti e to &arti# cle "otion &er&endicular to t)eir .ace% t)e iscosit' o. t)e cou&lant is not an i"&ortant .actorA Most liJuids or (reases ,ill ,or- as a cou&lant i. t)e' ,et t)e sur.aces o. *ot) t)e structure and t)e sensorA 8or t)ose .e, sensors ,)ic) are sensiti e &ri"aril' to "otion in t)e &lane o. t)eir .ace% er' )i()# iscosit' cou&lant or a ri(id *ond is reco"# "endedA 4AFAF T)e t)ic-ness o. t)e cou&lant "a' alter t)e e..ecti e sensiti it' o. t)e sensorA T)e t)innest &ractical la'er o. continuous cou&lant is usuall' t)e *estA Care s)ould *e ta-en t)at t)ere are no entra&&ed oids in t)e cou&lantA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
can neit)er i*rate nor *e "o ed easil'A 8alse si(nals "a' *e (enerated *' t)e ca*le stri-in( t)e structure and *' tri*oelectric e..ects &roduced *' ca*le "o e"entA 4AGAF L)ere necessar'% &rotection .ro" t)e en iron# "ent s)ould *e &ro ided .or t)e sensor or sensor and "ountin( !!tureA 4AGAG T)e "ountin( !!ture s)ould not a..ect t)e inte(rit' o. t)e structure *ein( "onitoredA 4AGAGA1 Per"anentl' installed "ountin( !!tures "ust *e constructed o. a "aterial co"&ati*le ,it) t)e structureA Possi*le electrol'tic e..ects or ot)er .or"s o. corrosion "ust *e considered ,)en desi(nin( t)e "ountin( !!tureA 4AGAGA2 Alterations o. t)e local en iron"ent *' t)e "ount% suc) as re"o al o. t)e insulation% "ust *e care.ull' e aluated and corrected i. necessar'A 4AGA1 T)e "ountin( !!ture s)ould *e desi(ned to )a e a "ini"al e..ect on t)e res&onse c)aracteristics o. t)e sensorA 4A1 La e(uides M L)en ad erse en iron"ents "a-e direct contact *et,een t)e sensor and t)e structure undesir# a*le% an acoustic ,a e(uide "a' *e used to con e' t)e acoustic si(nal .ro" t)e structure to t)e sensorA T)e use o. a ,a e(uide inserts anot)er inter.ace ,it) its associated losses *et,een t)e structure and t)e sensor and ,ill distort% to so"e de(ree% t)e c)aracteristics o. t)e acoustic ,a eA 4A1A1 An acoustic ,a e(uide s)ould *e "ounted so as to ensure t)at its sur.ace ,ill not contact an' "aterials t)at ,ill cause si(nal da"&in( in t)e ,a e(uideA 4A1A2 I. acoustic ,a e(uides are used ,)en acoustic# e"ission source location is *ein( &er.or"ed% t)e e!tra ti"e dela' in t)e ,a e(uides "ust *e accounted .or in t)e source location &ro(ra"A
5A Veri!cation o. Res&onse 5A1 A.ter t)e sensor?s@ are "ounted on a structure% adeJuate res&onse s)ould *e eri!ed *' inSectin( acoustic si(nals into t)e structure and e!a"inin( t)e detected si(nal eit)er on an oscillosco&e or ,it) t)e AE s'ste" to *e used in t)e e!a"inationA I. t)ere is an' dou*t as to t)e sensor res&onse% t)e sensor s)ould *e re"ountedA 5A1A1 T)e test si(nal "a' *e inSected *' an e!ternal source suc) as t)e +su#&encil source% or a (as Set ?)eliu" or ot)er suita*le (as@% or *' a&&l'in( an electrical &ulse to anot)er sensor "ounted on t)e structureA 8or a descri&# tion o. t)ese "et)ods see Iuide E 254A 5A2 Periodic Veri!cation M On an e!tended acoustic e"ission e!a"ination% it "a' *e desira*le to eri.' t)e res&onse o. t)e sensors durin( t)e e!a"inationA Veri!ca# tion s)ould *e &er.or"ed ,)ene er circu"stances indicate t)e &ossi*ilit' o. a c)an(e in t)e cou&lin( e.!cienc'A 5AF Post Veri!cation M At t)e end o. an acoustic e"is# sion e!a"ination% it is (ood &ractice to eri.' t)at all sensors are still ,or-in( and t)at t)ere )a e *een no dra# "atic c)an(es in cou&lin( e.!cienciesA
3A Re&ort 3A1 An' re&ort o. t)e "ountin( &ractice s)ould include details o. t)e sensor "ountin( !!ture?s@% sur.ace &re&ara# tion "et)od% and t)e cou&lant t)at ,as usedA
2A 9e',ords 2A1 acoustic e"issionR acoustic e"ission sensorsR acoustic e"ission transducersR AER *ondin( a(entR cou&lantR "ountin( !!tureR ,a e(uide
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 254#01@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is (uide de!nes si"&le econo"ical &rocedures .or testin( or co"&arin( t)e &er.or"ance o. acoustic e"is# sion sensorsA T)ese &rocedures allo, t)e user to c)ec- .or de(radation o. a sensor or to select sets o. sensors ,it) nearl' identical &er.or"ancesA T)e &rocedures are not ca&a*le o. &ro idin( an a*solute cali*ration o. t)e sensor nor do t)e' assure trans.era*ilit' o. data sets *et,een or(aniDationsA
1A2 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
detect suc) ariations% it is desira*le to )a e a "et)od .or "easurin( t)e res&onse o. a sensor to an acoustic ,a eA S&eci!c &ur&oses .or c)ec-in( sensors include6 ?1@ c)ec-# in( t)e sta*ilit' o. its res&onse ,it) ti"eR ?2@ c)ec-in( t)e sensor .or &ossi*le da"a(e a.ter accident or a*useR ?F@ co"&arin( a nu"*er o. sensors .or use in a "ultic)annel s'ste" to ensure t)at t)eir res&onses are adeJuatel' "atc)edR and ?G@ c)ec-in( t)e res&onse a.ter t)er"al c'clin( or e!&osure to a )ostile en iron"entA It is er' i"&ortant t)at t)e sensor c)aracteristics *e al,a's "ea# sured ,it) t)e sa"e sensor ca*le len(t) and i"&edance as ,ell as t)e sa"e &rea"&li!er or eJui alentA T)is (uide &resents se eral &rocedures .or "easurin( sensor res&onseA So"e o. t)ese &rocedures reJuire a "ini"u" o. s&ecial eJui&"entA
FA2 It is not t)e intent o. t)is (uide to e aluate AE s'ste" &er.or"anceA to Practice E 510 .or c)aracter# iDin( acoustic instru"entation and to Iuide E 2F5G .or AE s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cationA FAF T)e &rocedures (i en in t)is (uide are desi(ned to "easure t)e res&onse o. an acoustic e"ission sensor to an ar*itrar' *ut re&eata*le acoustic ,a eA T)ese &rocedures in no ,a' constitute a cali*ration o. t)e sensorA T)e a*solute cali*ration o. a sensor reJuires a co"&lete -no,led(e o. t)e c)aracteristics o. t)e acoustic ,a e e!citin( t)e sensor or a &re iousl' cali*rated re.erence sensorA In eit)er case% suc) a cali*ration is *e'ond t)e sco&e o. t)is (uideA
E 510 Practice .or C)aracteriDin( Acoustic E"ission Instru"entation E 2051 Practice .or Veri.'in( t)e Consistenc' o. AE#Sensor Res&onse <sin( an Acr'lic Rod E 2F5G Iuide .or Acoustic E"ission S'ste" Per.or"ance Veri!cation
FA Si(ni!cance and <se FA1 Acoustic e"ission data is a..ected *' se eral c)ar# acteristics o. t)e instru"entationA T)e "ost o* ious o. t)ese is t)e s'ste" sensiti it'A O. all t)e &ara"eters and co"&onents contri*utin( to t)e sensiti it'% t)e acoustic e"ission sensor is t)e one "ost su*Sect to ariationA T)is ariation can *e a result o. da"a(e or a(in(% or t)ere can *e ariations *et,een no"inall' identical sensorsA To
FAG T)e .unda"ental reJuire"ent .or co"&arin( sensor res&onses is a source o. re&eata*le acoustic ,a esA T)e c)aracteristics o. t)e ,a e do not need to *e -no,n as lon( as t)e ,a e can *e re&roduced at ,illA T)e sources and (eo"etries (i en in t)is (uide ,ill &roduce &ri"aril' co"&ressional ,a esA L)ile t)e sensors ,ill res&ond di.# .erentl' to di..erent t'&es o. ,a es% c)an(es in t)e res&onse
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
to one t'&e o. ,a e ,ill i"&l' c)an(es in t)e res&onses to ot)er t'&es o. ,a esA FA1 T)ese &rocedures all use a test *loc- or rodA Suc) a de ice &ro ides a con enient "ountin( sur.ace .or t)e sensor and ,)en a&&ro&riatel' "ar-ed% can ensure t)at t)e source and t)e sensor are al,a's &ositioned identicall' ,it) res&ect to eac) ot)erA T)e de ice or rod also &ro ides "ec)anical loadin( o. t)e sensor si"ilar to t)at e!&eri# enced in actual useA Care "ust *e ta-en ,)en usin( t)ese de ices to "ini"iDe resonances so t)at t)e c)aracteristics o. t)e sensor are not "as-ed *' t)ese resonancesA
success.ull' *ut t)eir desi(n is not criticalA +o,e er it is su((ested t)at t)e relati e &ositions o. t)e sensor and t)e Set *e retainedA GA2AF Acr'lic Pol'"er Rod M A &ol'"et)'l"et)a# cr'late rod is s)o,n in 8i(A GA T)e sensor is "ounted on t)e end o. t)e rod and t)e acoustic e!citation is a&&lied *' "eans o. &encil lead *rea-% a consistent distance .ro" t)e sensor end o. t)e rodA See A&&endi! =1 .or additional details on t)is tec)niJueA GAF Si(nal Sources M T)ree si(nal sources are reco"# "ended6 an electricall' dri en ultrasonic transducer% a (as Set% and an i"&ulsi e source &roduced *' *rea-in( a &en# cil leadA GAFA1 <ltrasonic Transducer M Re&eata*le acoustic ,a es can *e &roduced *' an ultrasonic transducer &er"a# nentl' *onded to a test *loc-% or attac)ed .ace#to#.ace to t)e AE sensor under testA T)e transducer s)ould *e )ea il' da"&ed to &ro ide a *road .reJuenc' res&onse and )a e a center .reJuenc' in t)e 2A21 to 1A0#M+D ran(eA T)e dia"eter o. t)e acti e ele"ent s)ould *e at least 1A21 c" ?0A1 inA@ to &ro ide "easura*le si(nal stren(t) at t)e &osi# tion o. t)e sensor under testA T)e ultrasonic transducer s)ould *e c)ec-ed .or adeJuate res&onse in t)e 10# to 200#-+D re(ion *e.ore &er"anent *ondin( to t)e test *loc-A
FA4 T)ese &rocedures allo, co"&arison o. res&onses onl' on t)e sa"e test setu&A No atte"&t s)ould *e "ade to co"&are res&onses on di..erent test setu&s% ,)et)er in t)e sa"e or se&arate la*oratoriesA
GA A&&aratus GA1 T)e essential ele"ents o. t)e a&&aratus .or t)ese &rocedures are6 ?1@ t)e acoustic e"ission sensor under testR ?2@ a *loc- or rodR ?F@ a si(nal sourceR and ?G@ "easurin( and recordin( eJui&"entA GA1A1 Bloc- dia(ra"s o. so"e o. t)e &ossi*le e!&eri# "ental setu&s are s)o,n in 8i(A 1A GA2 Bloc-s M T)e desi(n o. t)e *loc- is not criticalA +o,e er% t)e use o. a BnonresonantC *loc- is reco"# "ended .or use ,it) an ultrasonic transducer and is reJuired ,)en t)e transducer dri e uses an' .or" o. co)er# ent electrical si(nalA GA2A1 Conical BNonresonantC Bloc- M T)e Beattie *loc-% s)o,n in 8i(A 2% can *e "ac)ined .ro" a 10#c" ?G#inA@ dia"eter "etal *illetA T)e &re.erred "aterials are alu"inu" and lo,#allo' steelA A.ter t)e *otto" is .aced and t)e ta&er cut% t)e *loc- is cla"&ed at a 10 de( an(le and t)e to& .ace is "illedA T)e di"ensions (i en ,ill &ro ide an a&&ro!i"ate circle Sust o er 2A1 c" ?1 inA@ in dia"eter .or "ountin( t)e sensorA T)e acoustic e!citation s)ould *e a&&lied at t)e center o. t)e *otto" .aceA T)e conic (eo"etr' and lac- o. an' &arallel sur.aces reduce t)e nu"*er o. "ec)anical resonances t)at t)e *loc- can su&&ortA A .urt)er reduction in &ossi*le resonances o. t)e *loc- can *e ac)ie ed *' rou()l' "ac)inin( all sur.aces e!ce&t ,)ere t)e sensor and e!citer are "ounted and coat# in( t)e" ,it) a la'er o. "etal#!lled e&o!'A
GAFA1A1 L)ite Noise Ienerator M An ultrasonic transducer dri en *' a ,)ite noise (enerator &roduces an acoustic ,a e t)at lac-s co)erent ,a e trains o. "an' ,a e len(t)s at one .reJuenc'A T)is lac- o. co)erent ,a e trains (reatl' reduces t)e nu"*er and stren(t) o. t)e "ec)anical resonances e!cited in a structureA T)ere.ore% an ultrasonic transducer dri en *' a ,)ite#noise (enerator can *e used ,it) a resonant *loc- )a in( &arallel sidesA +o,e er% t)e use o. a BnonresonantC *loc- suc) as t)at descri*ed in GA2A1 is stron(l' reco""endedA T)e (enerator s)ould )a e a ,)ite#noise s&ectru" co erin( at least t)e .reJuenc' ran(e .ro" 10 -+D to 2 M+D and *e ca&a*le o. an out&ut le el o. 1 V r"sA
GA2A2 Ias#;et Test Bloc- M T,o (as#Set test *loc-s are s)o,n in 8i(A FA T)e *loc- s)o,n in 8i(A F?a@ is used .or o&&osite sur.ace co"&arisons% ,)ic) &roduce &ri"aril' co"&ressional ,a esA T)at s)o,n in 8i(A F?*@ is .or sa"e sur.ace co"&arisons ,)ic) &roduce &ri"aril' sur.ace ,a esA T)e BnonresonantC *loc- descri*ed in GA2A1 can also *e used ,it) a (as Set in order to a oid e!citin( "an' resonant "odesA T)e *loc-s in 8i(A F )a e *een used
GAFA1A2 S,ee& Ienerator M T)e ultrasonic trans# ducer can *e dri en *' a s,ee& (enerator ?or s,e&t ,a e *urst@ in conSunction ,it) a BnonresonantC *loc-A E en ,it) t)is *loc-% so"e resonances ,ill *e &roduced t)at "a' &artiall' "as- t)e res&onse o. t)e sensor under testA T)e s,ee& (enerator s)ould )a e a "a!i"u" .reJuenc' o. at least 2 M+D and s)ould *e used ,it) a di(ital oscillo# sco&e or ,a e.or" *ased data acJuisition s'ste" ,it) .reJuenc' anal'sis ?88T@ ca&a*ilities to anal'De t)e resultin( res&onse o. t)e sensor under testA
GAFA1AF Pulse Ienerator M T)e ultrasonic trans# ducer "a' *e e!cited *' a &ulse (eneratorA T)e &ulse ,idt) s)ould *e eit)er sli()tl' less t)an one#)al. t)e &eriod o. t)e center .reJuenc' o. t)e transducer ?b0A22 s .or a 2A21 M+D transducer@ or lon(er t)an t)e da"&in( ti"e o.
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
<ltrasonic transducer
=U7 recorder
Prea"&li.ier AC olt"eter S,ee& (enerator *A E!&eri"ental Set#u& Lit) AC Volt"eter and Lo( Con erter Lo( con erter =U7 recorder
Pulse (enerator
AE s'ste"
S&ectru" anal'Der
Ira&)ics recorder
t)e sensor% *loc-% and transducer ?t'&icall' c10 "s@A T)e &ulse re&etition rate s)ould *e lo, ?^100 &ulses0s@ so t)at eac) acoustic ,a e train is da"&ed out *e.ore t)e ne!t one is e!citedA GAFA1AG T)e &ulse (enerator s)ould *e used ,it) a di(ital oscillosco&e or ,a e.or" *ased data acJuisition s'ste" ?suc) as a ,a e.or" *ased AE s'ste"@ or% in sin(le#&ulse "ode% ,it) t)e counter in an acoustic e"ission s'ste"A GAFA2 Ias ;et M Suita*le (ases .or t)is a&&aratus are e!tra dr' air% )eliu"% etcA A &ressure *et,een 110 and 200 -Pa ?20 to F0 &si@ is reco""ended .or )eliu" or e!tra
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
dr' airA Once a &ressure and a (as )as *een c)osen% all .urt)er tests ,it) t)e a&&aratus s)ould use t)at (as and &ressureA T)e (as Set s)ould *e &er"anentl' attac)ed to t)e test *loc- Psee 8i(A F?a@ and F?*@QA GAFAF Pencil Lead Brea- M A re&eata*le acoustic ,a e can *e (enerated *' care.ull' *rea-in( a &encil lead a(ainst t)e test *loc- or rodA L)en t)e lead *rea-s% t)ere is a sudden release o. t)e stress on t)e sur.ace o. t)e *loc,)ere t)e lead is touc)in(A T)is stress release (enerates an acoustic ,a eA T)e +su &encil source uses a "ec)anical &encil ,it) a 0AF#"" dia"eter lead ?0A1#"" lead is also acce&ta*le *ut &roduces a lar(er si(nal@A T)e Nielsen s)oe%
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A1 ""
s)o,n in 8i(A 1% can aid in *rea-in( t)e lead consistentl'A Care s)ould *e ta-en to al,a's *rea- t)e sa"e len(t) o. t)e sa"e t'&e o. lead ?len(t)s *et,een 2 and F "" are &re.erred@A T)e lead s)ould al,a's *e *ro-en at t)e sa"e s&ot on t)e *loc- or rod ,it) t)e sa"e an(le and orientation o. t)e &encilA S&acin( *et,een t)e lead *rea- and sensor s)ould *e at least 10 c" ?G inA@A Lit) distances s)orter t)an t)at% it is )arder to (et consistent resultsA T)e "ost desira*le &er"anent record o. a &encil lead *rea- is t)e ,a e .or" ca&tured *' a ,a e.or" *ased data acJuisition s'ste" ?suc) as an AE ,a e.or" *ased instru"ent@ ,it) .reJuenc' anal'sis ?88T@ ca&a*ilitiesA
GAG Measurin( and Recordin( EJui&"ent M T)e out&ut o. t)e sensor under test "ust *e a"&li!ed *e.ore it can *e "easuredA A.ter t)e "easure"ent% t)e results s)ould *e stored in a .or" t)at allo,s an eas' co"&arison% eit)er ,it) anot)er sensor or ,it) t)e sa"e sensor at a di..erent ti"eA GAGA1 Prea"&li!er M T)e &rea"&li!er% to(et)er ,it) t)e sensor to &rea"& coa!ial ca*le% &ro ides an electrical load .or t)e sensor% a"&li!es t)e out&ut% and !lters out un,anted .reJuenciesA T)e electrical load on t)e sensor can distort t)e lo,#.reJuenc' res&onse o. a sensor ,it) lo, in)erent ca&acitanceA To &re ent t)is .ro" occurrin(% it is reco""ended t)at s)ort sensor ca*les ?^2 "@ *e used and t)e resisti e co"&onent o. t)e &rea"&li!er in&ut i"&edance *e 20 -g or (reaterA T)e &rea"&li!er (ain s)ould *e !!edA Eit)er G0 to 40#dB (ains are suita*le .or "ost sensorsA T)e *and&ass o. t)e &rea"&li!er s)ould *e at least 20 to 1200 -+DA It is reco""ended t)at one &rea"&li!er *e set aside to *e used e!clusi el' in t)e test setu&A +o,e er% it "a' *e a&&ro&riate at ti"es to test a sensor ,it) t)e &rea"&li!er assi(ned to it in an e!&eri"entA
GAGA2 La e.or" Based Instru"ents and Stora(e Oscillosco&es M T)e ,a e.or" (enerated *' a sensor in res&onse to a sin(le &ulse or a &encil lead *rea- can *e "easured and stored *' a transient recorder% di(ital oscillo# sco&e% or a ,a e.or"#*ased acoustic e"ission s'ste"A T)is ,a e.or" can *e recorded on co"&uter "edia% dis&la'ed on a co"&uter screen or &rinted out on a &rinterA Di(itiDa# tion rates s)ould *e at least 10 sa"&les &er )i()est .re# Juenc' &eriod in t)e ,a e.or"A Lo,er rates "i()t result in distortion or loss o. a"&litude accurac' o. t)e ,a e s)a&eA L)en co"&arin( ,a e.or"s% e"&)asis s)ould *e &laced on t)e initial .e, c'cles and on t)e lar(e a"&litude .eaturesA S"all ariations late in t)e ,a e.or" are o.ten &roduced *' sli()t c)an(es in t)e cou&lin( or &osition o. t)e sensor under testA T)e ,a e.or" can also *e con erted into t)e .reJuenc' do"ain *' "eans o. a .ast .ourier trans# .or" ?88T@ .or a"&litude ersus .reJuenc' res&onse anal'sisA
GAGAF S&ectru" Anal'Ders M S&ectru" anal'Ders can *e used ,it) acoustic si(nals (enerated *' ultrasonic trans# ducers t)at are dri en *' eit)er ,)ite#noise (enerators or trac-in(#s,ee& (enerators% *' (as#Set sources or *' acous# tic si(nals% &roduced *' an' source% t)at are ca&tured on a transient recorder and re&la'ed into t)e s&ectru" ana# l'DerA A suita*le s&ectru" anal'Der s)ould *e ca&a*le o. dis&la'in( a s&ectru" co erin( t)e .reJuenc' ran(e .ro" 20 -+D to 1A2 M+DA T)e a"&litude s)ould *e dis&la'ed on a lo(arit)"ic scale co erin( a ran(e .ro" at least 10 dB in order to dis&la' t)e entire d'na"ic ran(e o. t)e sensorA T)e s&ectru" can *e recorded &)oto(ra&)icall' .ro" an oscillosco&eA +o,e er% t)e "ost use.ul out&ut is an =7 (ra&) s)o,in( t)e sensor a"&litude res&onse or
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
1 "" (a&
Ias su&&l'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&o,er ersus .reJuenc' as s)o,n in 8i(A 4A GAGAG Acoustic E"ission S'ste" M A sensor can *e c)aracteriDed *' usin( an acoustic e"ission s'ste" and an i"&ulsi e source suc) as a &encil lead *rea-% an ultra# sonic ?or AE@ transducer dri en *' a &ulse (enerator% or t)e i"&ulsi e source t)at is *uilt into "an' AE s'ste"s ,it) auto"ated &ulsin( ca&a*ilitiesA One or "ore o. se eral si(ni!cant AE si(nal .eatures ?suc) as a"&litude% counts or ener('@ can *e used to c)aracteriDe t)e sensor res&onseA T)e acoustic e"ission .eatures .ro" eac) si(nal &ulse s)ould *e "easured .or "ulti&le &ulses ?at least t)ree@A Data recorded s)ould *e t)e indi idual AE .eature alues ?.or re&eata*ilit' deter"ination@ and a era(e alue o. t)e readin(s ?.or sensiti it' deter"ination@A In addition% t)e s'ste" (ain% &rea"&li!er (ain% !lterin(% and an' ot)er si(ni!cant settin(s o. acoustic e"ission s'ste" s)ould *e recordedA GAGA1 Volt"eters M An a#c olt"eter can *e used to "easure sensor out&uts &roduced *' si(nals (enerated *' an ultrasonic transducer dri en *' a s,ee& (eneratorA T)e res&onse o. t)e olt"eter s)ould *e !at o er t)e .reJuenc' ran(e .ro" 10 -+D to 2 M+DA It is desira*le t)at t)e olt"eter eit)er )a e a lo(arit)"ic out&ut or *e ca&a*le o. dri in( a lo(arit)"ic con erterA T)e out&ut o. t)e olt# "eter or con erter is recorded on an =7 recorder as a .unction o. .reJuenc'A GAGA1A1 T)e li"ited d'na"ic ran(e o. an r"s olt# "eter "a-es it less desira*le t)an an a#c a era(in( olt"e# ter ,)en used ,it) a s,ee& (eneratorA +o,e er% a rou() esti"ate o. a sensor &er.or"ance can *e o*tained *' usin( an r"s or a#c olt"eter to "easure t)e out&ut o. a sensor dri en *' a ,ide *and source suc) as a ,)ite#noise (enera# tor or a (as SetA
Acr'lic rod
A lo,# iscosit' cou&lant is desira*le to ensure re&roduc# i*le and "ini"u" cou&lant t)ic-nessesA 8or all setu&s% ta-e se eral "easure"ents *e.ore t)e !nal data is recorded to ensure re&roduci*ilit'A Durin( t)e initial "easure"ents% dis&la' t)e &rea"&li!er out&ut on an oscillosco&e or ,a e# .or" *ased instru"ent to see t)at t)e si(nals are not *ein( cli&&ed *' o erdri in( t)e &rea"&li!erA Esta*lis) ,ritten &rocedures and .ollo, t)e" to ensure re&roduci*ilit' o er lon( &eriods o. ti"eA
1A Procedure 1A1 Place t)e sensors under test on t)e test *loc- or rod in as near to identical &ositions as &ossi*leA <se identi# cal .orces to )old t)e sensor and *loc- ?or rod@ to(et)erA
4A Inter&retation o. Results 4A1 S)ort#ter" re&roduci*ilit' o. results% co erin( suc) actions as re"o in( and re"ountin( t)e sensor% s)ould *e *etter t)an F dB i. t)e test is conducted under nor"al ,or-in( conditionsA Lon(#ter" re&roduci*ilit' o. t)e test s'ste" s)ould *e c)ec-ed &eriodicall' *' t)e use o. a re.erence sensor t)at is not e!&osed to t)e ris- o. en iron# "ental da"a(eA Variations o. sensor res&onse (reater t)an G dB indicates da"a(e or de(radation% and t)e cause o. t)e discre&anc' s)ould *e .urt)er in esti(atedA L)ile t)ere are no set criteria .or acce&ta*le li"its on sensor de(rada# tion% a sensor ,)ose sensiti it' )ad .allen *' "ore t)an 4 dB ,ould (enerall' *e considered un!t .or .urt)er ser ice in acoustic e"ission "easure"entsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Len(t) F "" Dia 0A1 "" +ardA 2+ ?a@ Nielsen S)oe on +su Pencil Source
5A0 0A1 IT Dia"eter IT ? 0A01 ""@ 0AF ""0A3G "" 0A1 ""0A22 ""
GA0 Iuide rin( Te.lon Di"ensions (i en in "" Tolerances 0A1 "" ?unless ot)er,ise noted@ ?*@ Nielsen S)oe
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Ias6 e!tra dr' air% 200 9Pa NoDDle6 0A21 "" dia di..used Bloc-6 F01 "" ! 51 "" ! 10 "" car*on steel Sensor and Set on sa"e sur.ace ?10 ! F01 ""@% se&aration6 240 "" AE instru"entation6 Prea"&6 XG0 dB (ain A"&6 X21 dB (ain 8ilter6 100UG00 -+D% *and&ass S&ectru" anal'Der6 +APA 3112B 0 311FB Center .reJuenc'6 210 -+D% *and,idt)6 F -+D Scan0di 6 10 -+D% Scan ti"e6 2S0di In&ut atten6 0 dB% lo( re.6 0 dB% 10 dB0di ision Video .ilter6 10 +D ?t,o traces at eac) in&ut su&eri"&osed@ UF0
U50 Bac-(round U30 0 100 200 8reJuenc' ?-+D@ F00 G00 100
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 1211#05A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice descri*es a &assi e "et)od .or detectin( and locatin( t)e stead' state source o. (as and liJuid lea-in( out o. a &ressuriDed s'ste"A T)e "et)od e"&lo's sur.ace#"ounted acoustic e"ission sensors ?.or noncontact sensors% see Test Met)od E 1002@% or sensors attac)ed to t)e s'ste" ia acoustic ,a e(uides ?.or addi# tional in.or"ation% see Ter"inolo(' E 1F14@% and "a' *e used .or continuous inser ice "onitorin( and )'drotest "onitorin( o. &i&in( and &ressure essel s'ste"sA +i() sensiti ities "a' *e ac)ie ed% alt)ou() t)e alues o*tain# a*le de&end on sensor s&acin(% *ac-(round noise le el% s'ste" &ressure% and t'&e o. lea-A
E 1002 Test Met)od .or Lea-s <sin( <ltrasonics E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 2F5G Iuide .or Acoustic E"ission S'ste" Per.or"ance Veri!cation 2A2 Ot)er Docu"ents6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation ANSI0ASNT CP#132 ASNT Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF AIA Docu"ent6
1A2 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA SI units are &ro ided .or in.or"a# tion onl'A 1AF T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
FA Su""ar' o. Practice FA1 T)is &ractice reJuires t)e use o. contact sensors% a"&li!er electronics% and eJui&"ent to "easure t)eir out# &ut si(nal le elsA T)e sensors "a' *e "ounted *e.ore or durin( t)e test &eriod and are nor"all' le.t in &lace once "ounted rat)er t)an *ein( "o ed .ro" &oint to &ointA FA2 Detection o. a stead'#state lea- is *ased on detec# tion o. t)e continuous% *road*and si(nal (enerated *' t)e lea- !o,A Si(nal detection is acco"&lis)ed t)rou() "ea# sure"ent o. so"e in&ut si(nal le el% suc) as its root#"ean# sJuare ?RMS@ a"&litude or a era(e si(nal le elA FAF T)e si"&lest lea- test &rocedure in ol es onl' detection o. lea-s% treatin( eac) sensor c)annel indi idu# all'A A "ore co"&le! e!a"ination reJuires &rocessin( t)e si(nal le els .ro" t,o or "ore sensors to(et)er to allo, co"&utation o. t)e a&&ro!i"ate lea- location% *ased on t)e &rinci&le t)at t)e lea- si(nal a"&litude decreases as a .unction o. distance .ro" t)e sourceA
E 1GF S&eci!cation .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestruc# ti e Testin( E 410 Iuide .or Mountin( PieDoelectric Acoustic E"ission Sensors E 510 Practice .or C)aracteriDin( Acoustic E"ission Instru"entation E 254 Iuide .or Deter"inin( t)e Re&roduci*ilit' o. Acous# tic E"ission Sensor Res&onse
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
GA Si(ni!cance and <se GA1 Lea-a(e o. (as or liJuid .ro" a &ressuriDed s'ste"% ,)et)er t)rou() a crac-% ori!ce% seal *rea-% or ot)er o&en# in(% "a' in ol e tur*ulent or ca itational !o,% ,)ic) (en# erates acoustic ener(' in *ot) t)e e!ternal at"os&)ere and t)e s'ste" &ressure *oundar'A Acoustic ener(' trans"itted t)rou() t)e &ressure *oundar' can *e detected at a distance *' usin( a suita*le acoustic e"ission sensorA
t)is &ractice and i. reJuired s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contrac# tual a(ree"entA
4A Inter.erences 4A1 E!ternal or internal noise sources can a..ect t)e sensiti it' o. an acoustic e"ission lea- detection s'ste"A E!a"&les o. inter.erin( noise sources are6 4A1A1 Tur*ulent !o, or ca itation o. t)e internal !uidR 4A1A2 Noise .ro" (rindin( or "ac)inin( on t)e s'ste"R 4A1AF Air*orne acoustic noise% in t)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. t)e "easurin( s'ste"R 4A1AG Metal i"&acts a(ainst% or loose &arts .reJuentl' stri-in( t)e &ressure *oundar'R and 4A1A1 Electrical noise &ic-#u& *' t)e sensor c)annelsA
GA2 Lit) &ro&er selection o. .reJuenc' &ass*and% sensi# ti it' to lea- si(nals can *e "a!i"iDed *' eli"inatin( *ac-(round noiseA At lo, .reJuencies% (enerall' *elo, 100 -+D% it is &ossi*le .or a lea- to e!cite "ec)anical resonances ,it)in t)e structure t)at "a' en)ance t)e acous# tic si(nals used to detect lea-a(eA GAF T)is &ractice is not intended to &ro ide a Juantita# ti e "easure o. lea- ratesA
1A Basis o. A&&lication 1A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s are su*Sect to contractual a(ree"ent *et,een &arties usin( or re.erencin( t)is &racticeA 1A2 Personnel Kuali!cation 1A2A1 I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% &er# sonnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations to t)is &ractice s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed or internationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% NAS G10% or a si"ilar docu"ent and certi!ed *' t)e e"&lo'er or certi.'in( a(enc'% as a&&lica*leA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e identi!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
4A2 Sta*ilit' or constanc' o. *ac-(round noise can also a..ect t)e "a!i"u" allo,a*le sensiti it'% since !uctuation in *ac-(round noise deter"ines t)e s"allest c)an(e in le el t)at can *e detectedA 4AF T)e acoustic e"ission sensors "ust )a e sta*le c)aracteristics o er ti"e and as a .unction o. *ot) t)e "onitorin( structure and t)e instru"entation s'ste" e!a"# ination &ara"eters% suc) as te"&eratureA 4AG I"&ro&er sensor "ountin(% electronic si(nal condi# tioner noise% or i"&ro&er a"&li!er (ain le els can decrease sensiti it'A
1AF Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e A(enciesA I. s&eci# !ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 1AG Ti"in( o. E!a"inationA T)e ti"in( o. e!a"ination s)all *e in accordance ,it) 5A1A5 unless ot)er,ise s&ec# i!edA 1A1 E!tent o. E!a"inationA T)e e!tent o. e!a"ination s)all *e in accordance ,it) 5A1AG and 10A1A1A1 unless ot)er# ,ise s&eci!edA 1A4 Re&ortin( Criteria0Acce&tance CriteriaA Re&ortin( criteria .or t)e e!a"ination results s)all *e in accordance ,it) 10A2A2 and Section 11 unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA Since acce&tance criteria are not s&eci!ed in t)is &ractice% t)e' s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 1A5 Ree!a"ination o. Re&aired0Re,or-ed Ite"sA Ree!# a"ination o. re&aired0re,or-ed ite"s is not addressed in
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
5A Basic In.or"ation 5A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s "ust *e considered in &re&ara# tion and &lannin( .or "onitorin(6 5A1A1 9no,n e!istin( lea-s and t)eir distance .ro" t)e areas to *e "onitored s)ould *e noted so t)at t)eir in!uence on t)e ca&a*ilities o. t)e "et)od can *e e al# uatedA 5A1A2 T'&e o. essel% &i&eline% or installation to *e e!a"ined% to(et)er ,it) asse"*l'% or la'out dra,in(s% or *ot)% (i in( su.!cient detail to esta*lis) di"ensions% c)an(es o. s)a&e li-el' to a..ect !o, c)aracteristics% &osi# tions o. ,elds% and t)e location o. co"&onents suc) as al es or !an(es% and attac)"ents to t)e essel or &i&e suc) as &i&e )an(ers ,)ere lea-s are "ost li-el' to ariseA Re(ions ,it) restricted accessi*ilit' due to ,alls% t)e e!is# tence or location o. claddin(% insulation% or *elo,#sur.ace co"&onents "ust *e s&eci!edA
5A1AF L)en location o. t)e &ea- is o. &ri"ar' inter# est% Juantitati e in.or"ation re(ardin( t)e lea-a(e rates o. interest% and ,)ene er &ossi*le t)e t'&e o. lea-% is necessar'A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5A1AG E!tent o. "onitorin(% .or e!a"&le% entire ol# u"e o. &ressure *oundar'% ,eld areas onl'% etcA 5A1A1 Material s&eci!cations and t'&e o. sur.ace co # erin( ?.or e!a"&le% &aint or ot)er coatin(@ to allo, t)e acoustic &ro&a(ation c)aracteristics o. t)e structure to *e e aluatedA 5A1A4 Pro&osed &ro(ra" o. &ressure a&&lication or &rocess#&ressure sc)edule% s&eci.'in( t)e &ressuriDation sc)edule to(et)er ,it) a la'out or s-etc) o. t)e &ressure# a&&lication s'ste" and s&eci.'in( t)e t'&e o. !uid used durin( t)e e!a"ination% .or e!a"&le% (as% ,ater% or oilA 5A1A5 Ti"e o. "onitorin(% t)at is% t)e &oint?s@ in t)e "anu.acturin( &rocess% or ser ice li.e at ,)ic) t)e s'ste" ,ill *e "onitored% or *ot)A 5A1A3 8reJuenc' ran(e to *e used in t)e "onitorin( eJui&"entA 5A1A2 En iron"ental conditions durin( e!a"ination t)at "a' a..ect instru"entation and inter&retation o. resultsR .or e!a"&le% te"&erature% "oisture% radioacti it'% i*ration% &ressure% and electro"a(netic inter.erenceA 5A1A10 Li"itations or restrictions on t)e sensor# "ountin( &rocedure% i. a&&lica*le% includin( restrictions on cou&lant "aterialsA 5A1A11 T)e location o. sensors or ,a e(uides and &re&aration .or t)eir installation to &ro ide adeJuate co er# a(e o. t)e areas s&eci!ed in 5A1AFA L)ere &articular sections are to *e e!a"ined ,it) &articular sensors% t)e co era(e o. t)e essel or s'ste" *' sensor su*(rou&s s)all *e s&eci# !edA T)e sensor locations "ust *e (i en as soon as &ossi*le% to allo, &ositionin( di.!culties to *e identi!edA 5A1A12 T)e co""unications &rocedure *et,een t)e acoustic e"ission sta.. and t)e control sta..% t)e ti"e inter# als at ,)ic) &ressure readin(s are to *e ta-en% and t)e &rocedure .or (i in( ,arnin( o. une!&ected ariations in t)e &ressure s'ste"A 5A1A1F ReJuire"ents .or &er"anent records% i. a&&li# ca*leA 5A1A1G Content and .or"at o. e!a"ination re&ort% i. reJuiredA 5A1A11 Acoustic E"ission E!a"iner Juali!cations and certi!cation% i. reJuiredA
discri"ination a(ainst air*orne or "ec)anical *ac-# (round noiseA 3A2 A"&li!ersA A"&li!ers0&rea"&li!ers s)ould )a e su.!cient (ain to allo, t)e si(nal &rocessin( eJui&"ent to detect t)e le el o. acoustic *ac-(round noise on t)e &ressuriDed s'ste"A T)e sensor0a"&li!er *and,idt) s)ould *e selected to "ini"iDe *ac-(round noiseA 3AF Si(nal ProcessorA T)e si(nal &rocessor "easures t)e RMS le el% t)e acoustic e"ission si(nal &o,er% t)e a era(e si(nal le el% or an' ot)er si"ilar &ara"eters o. t)e continuous si(nalA A lea- location &rocessor to co"&ute t)e source location .ro" si(nal le els and attenuation data "a' *e includedA Alar" set &oints "a' also *e included as a &rocessor .unctionA 3AG Lea- Si(nal Si"ulator6 3AGA1 A de ice .or si"ulatin( lea-s s)ould *e included to e aluate t)e e..ecti eness o. t)e "onitor s's# te"A T)e .ollo,in( could *e considered6 a sensor on t)e &ressure *oundar' dri en .ro" a rando"#noise (enerator% a s"all ,ater Set% or a (as SetA 3AGA2 L)en lea- location &rocessin( is to *e &er# .or"ed% lea- si"ulation s)ould *e carried out initiall' o er a su.!cientl' lar(e nu"*er o. di erse &oints to eri.' &ro&er o&eration o. t)e location al(orit)"A
2A Veri!cation o. EJui&"ent Per.or"ance 2A1 S'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation consists o. t,o sta(esA T)e !rst sta(e concerns &eriodic cali*ration and eri!cation o. t)e eJui&"ent under la*orator' conditionsA T)is &rocedure is *e'ond t)e sco&e o. t)is &ractice ?see Practice E 510@ *ut t)e results "ust *e "ade a aila*le to t)e s'ste" o,ners i. reJuestedA T)e second sta(e concerns in#situ eri!cation to c)ec- t)e sensiti ities o. all c)annels and t)e' o&eration o. t)e detection eJui&"entA 8or e er' eri!cation o&eration% a ,ritten &rocedure s)all *e &re&aredA
2A2 In#situ sensiti it' c)ec- o. all sensors s)ould *e &er.or"ed *' &lacin( a lea- si(nal si"ulator ?see Iuide E 254@ at a s&eci!ed distance .ro" eac) sensor and recordin( t)e resultin( out&ut le el .ro" t)e a"&li!er% as re.erred to t)e a"&li!er in&ut ter"inalA A"&li!er (ains "a' also *e adSusted as a&&ro&riate to correct .or sensiti it' ariationsA 2AF Periodic s'ste" eri!cation c)ec-s s)all *e "ade &rior to t)e e!a"ination and durin( lon( e!a"ination ?da's@ or i. an' en iron"ental c)an(es occurA T)e relati e eri!cation c)ec- is acco"&lis)ed *' dri in( arious sen# sors or acti atin( arious lea- si"ulation de ices% suc) as ,ater or (as Sets ?see Iuide E 2F5G@% and "easurin( t)e out&uts o. t)e recei in( sensorsA T)e ratio o. t)e out&uts o. t,o recei in( sensors .or a (i en inSection &oint s)ould
3A A&&aratus 3A1 SensorsA T)e acoustic e"ission sensors are (enerall' &ieDoelectric de ices and s)ould *e "ounted in accordance ,it) Practice E 410 to ensure &ro&er si(nal cou&lin(A T)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. t)e sensors "a' *e as )i() as 1 M+D% and eit)er ,ide*and or resonant sensors "a' *e e"&lo'edA T)e )i()er .reJuencies can *e used to ac)ie e (reater
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
re"ain constant o er ti"eA An' c)an(e in t)e ratio indicates a de iation in &er.or"anceA In t)is ,a'% all sensors on a s'ste" "a' *e co"&ared to one or se eral re.erence si(nals and &ro&er adSust"ents "ade ?see Iuide E 254@A 2AG L)en lea- location calculations are to *e &er# .or"ed% t)e acoustic attenuation *et,een sensors s)ould *e c)aracteriDed o er t)e .reJuenc' *and o. interest% es&e# ciall' i. t)e &resence o. discontinuities% suc) as &i&e Soints% "a' *e sus&ected to a..ect t)e uni.or"it' o. attenuationA T)e "easure"ents s)ould t)en *e .actored into t)e source location al(orit)"A
10A2A2 L)en an increase in noise le el attri*uta*le to a lea- )as *een detected% t)e e!a"iner s)all in.or" t)e s'ste" o,ner ,)o ,ill t)en loo- .or t)e ori(in o. t)e leaand its natureA I. t)e lea- is .ound to *e outside t)e area o. interest on t)e structure *ein( "onitored ?e!traneous lea-@% it "ust *e sto&&ed or reduced to a le el necessar' to ensure' "onitorin(A I. e!traneous lea-s can# not *e sto&&ed% t)en t)e e..ect o. suc) si(nals on t)e acoustic e"ission s'ste" sensiti it' s)all *e notedA A re&ort s)all *e &re&ared .ollo,in( t)e isual ?or ot)er@ e!a"ination .or lea-sA
10A Procedure 10A1 Pre#E!a"ination ReJuire"ents6 10A1A1 Be.ore *e(innin( t)e acoustic e"ission "oni# torin(% ensure t)at t)e .ollo,in( reJuire"ents are "et6 10A1A1A1 E aluate attenuation e..ects% t)at is% t)e c)an(e in si(nal a"&litude ,it) sound#&ro&a(ation dis# tance% so as to de!ne t)e e..ecti e area co ered *' eac) indi idual sensorR and in t)e case o. sensor su*(rou&s% t)e "a!i"u" distance *et,een sensin( &ointsA 10A1A1A2 Ensure t)at sensors are &laced at t)e &re# deter"ined &ositionsA I. it is necessar' to "odi.' t)ese &ositions durin( installation% record t)e ne, sensor loca# tionsA Record t)e "et)od o. attac)"ent o. t)e sensors and t)e cou&lant usedA 10A1A1AF Re ie, t)e o&eratin( sc)edule to identi.' all &otential sources o. e!traneous acoustic noise suc) as noDDle#&lu( "o e"ent% &u"& i*ration% al e stro-in(% &ersonnel "o e"ent% !uid !o,% and tur*ulenceA Suc) sources "a' reJuire acoustic isolation or control so t)at t)e' ,ill not "as- rele ant lea- e"ission ,it)in t)e essel or structure *ein( e!a"inedA <ncontrolled (eneration o. acoustic inter.erence *' conditions suc) as rain% sleet% )ail% sand% ,ind ?.or un&rotected essels@% c)i&&in(% or (rindin(% s)all *e e aluated and its e..ect "ini"iDed *' acoustic isolation as is &racticalA A record s)all *e "ade o. suc) sourcesA
11A Re&ort 11A1 Re&ort t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 11A1A1 date o. e!a"ination% 11A1A2 identit' o. e!a"inin( &ersonnel% 11A1AF sensor c)aracteristics and locations% 11A1AG "et)od o. cou&lin( sensors to t)e structure% 11A1A1 acoustic e"ission s'ste" and its c)aracter# istics% 11A1A4 o&eratin( conditions% 11A1A5 initial cali*ration records% 11A1A3 in#situ eJui&"ent eri!cation results% 11A1A2 results o. "easure"ents% 11A1A10 anal'sis and eri!cation o. results% 11A1A11 results o. isual ?or ot)er@ e!a"ination?s@% 11A1A12 &resentation o. t)e nu"*ers and locations o. lea-s detected% 11A1A1F anal'sis o. *ac-(round noise "easure"ents%
11A1A1G esti"ate o. Jualit' o. "easure"ent and causes o. an' reduced sensiti it'% and 11A1A11 conclusions and reco""endationsA
10A2 Acoustic E"ission Monitorin(6 10A2A1 T)e noise le el o. eac) c)annel or eac) (rou& s)all *e continuousl' or &eriodicall' recorded% as reJuiredA Pressure or ot)er si(ni!cant &ara"eters% or *ot)% ,ill nor# "all' *e recorded to allo, correlation ,it) t)e acoustic e"ission data res&onseA
12A 9e',ords 12A1 acoustic e"issionR continuous "onitorin(R )'drotestR lea- detectionR nondestructi e testin(R &i&in( s'ste"sR &ressure esselsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A APPLICATIONS E=AMPLES =1A1 T)e .ollo,in( e!a"&les ,ere selected to illustrate a&&lication o. acoustic e"ission lea- detection% and are not intended to &ro ide detailed descri&tions o. t)e a&&licationA =1A1A1 Acoustic E"ission Lea- Detection o. a'0 Relie. Val e M A'0relie. al e )a in( a lea-in( &ilot# dis- seat ,as tested under la*orator' conditions in order to deter"ine t)e correlation o. t)e lea- noise ,it) learate or second#sta(e &ressureA T)e lea- rate% do,nstrea" te"&erature% and t)e RMS olta(e o. t)e acoustic si(nal ,ere &lotted a(ainst t)e second#sta(e &ressure in 8i(A =1A1A T)e acoustic e"ission sensor ,as cla"&ed onto t)e e!ter# nal )ousin( o. t)e &ilot ,or-sA T)e si(nal ,as *and#&ass !ltered in t)e ran(e .ro" 1 to 10 -+DA T)e do,nstrea" te"&erature ,as "easured *' a t)er"ocou&le in t)e icin# it' o. t)e B&ilot al e disc)ar(e lineAC As t)e second sta(e &ressure increased .ro" G0 to 200 &si ?230 to 1 G00 -Pa@% t)e lea- rate increased 12O% t)e te"&erature increased 2O% and t)e acoustic e"ission RMS olta(e increased F50OA T)ere.ore% t)e sensiti it' o. t)e acoustic detection ,as e!cellent ?see 8i(A =1A1@A
=1A1A2 Acoustic E"ission Lea- Detection .ro" Sea# ,ater Ball Val es M T)e <ASA Na ' Acoustic Val e LeaDetector ?AVLD@ "onitors lea-#associated acoustic e"is# sion ener(' in t)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. 10 to 100 -+DA T)is .reJuenc' ran(e ,as c)osen *ecause t)ere is si(ni!cant ener(' e"itted *' lea-' al es% and ener(' in t)is ran(e is ra&idl' attenuated ,it) increasin( distance .ro" t)e sourceA T)ere.ore% *ac-(round noise can *e electronicall' se&arated .ro" t)e si(nalA 8i(ure =1A2 s)o,s t)e esti"ated lea- rate ersus acoustic e"ission le el .or a G inA *all al eA
=1A1AF Acoustic E"ission Lea- Detection o. a Su*# "er(ed Crude Oil Line M A section o. 12 inA dia"eter steel &i&e ter"inatin( on an o..s)ore drillin( &lat# .or" ,as ins&ected .or con!r"ation o. a sus&ected lea-A Durin( acce&tance )'drotestin( o. t)e line% it ,as noted t)at &ressure deca'ed at a*out 40 &si0) ?G10 -Pa0)@ startin( at a*out F200 &si( ?22 MPa@A T)e sus&ected source o. lea-a(e ,as at t)e s&ool &iece !an(esA Si(nal le el readin(s ,ere ta-en on t)e 12 inA riser on t)e &lat.or" a.ter t)e &ressure on t)e &i&e ,as ele ated to F200 &si( ?22 MPa@A T)ese si(nal readin(s ,ere co"&ared ,it) readin(s ta-en on t,o adSacent &i&es% and on t)e nearest su&&ort le( .or t)e structure ?see Ta*le =1A1@A T)e additional readin(s ,ere used to deter"ine t)e a"ount o. si(nal t)at ,as
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
caused *' sea "otion and ot)er structural inter.erin( noiseA T)e initial readin(s ,ere ta-en ,it) t)e &lat.or" in a s)ut# do,n condition and all construction ,or-ers ons)oreA T)e readin(s indicated a*out a 10O increase in si(nal le el on t)e lea-in( &i&e as co"&ared to t)e ot)er t,o risers and t)e su&&ort le(A T)is indicated lea-a(e in close &ro!i"it' to t)e detection &oint% in e..ect% eri.'in( t)at lea-a(e ,as in t)e connectin( s&ool &iece !an(esA 8ollo,in( ti()tenin( *' a di er o. t)e identi!ed lea-in( !an(e% t)e acoustic e"ission e!a"iner deter"ined t)at t)e lea- )ad *een sto&&edA No .urt)er indications o. lea-a(e ,ere detectedR eit)er *' "ec)anical "eans ?&ressure dro&@ or *' acoustic e"issionA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 1G12#02*A@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is test "et)od &ro ides (uidelines .or acoustic e"ission ?AE@ e!a"inations o. sea"less &ressure essels ?tu*es@ o. t)e t'&e used .or distri*ution or stora(e o. indus# trial (asesA 1A2 T)is test "et)od reJuires &ressuriDation to a le el (reater t)an nor"al useA PressuriDation "ediu" "a' *e (as or liJuidA 1AF T)is test "et)od does not a&&l' to essels in cr'o# (enic ser iceA 1AG T)e AE "easure"ents are used to detect and locate e"ission sourcesA Ot)er nondestructi e test ?NDT@ "et)# ods "ust *e used to e aluate t)e si(ni!cance o. AE sourcesA Procedures .or ot)er NDT tec)niJues are *e'ond t)e sco&e o. t)is test "et)odA See Note 1A
NOTE 1 M S)ear ,a e% an(le *ea" ultrasonic ins&ection is co""onl' used to esta*lis) circu".erential &osition and di"ensions o. !a,s t)at &roduce AEA
E 410 Iuide .or Mountin( PieDoelectric Acoustic E"ission Sensors E 254 Iuide .or Deter"inin( t)e Re&roduci*ilit' o. Acous# tic E"ission Sensor Res&onse E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations E 222F Practice .or E!a"ination o. Sea"less% Ias#!lled% Steel Pressure Vessels <sin( An(le Bea" <ltrasonics 2A2 ASNT Standards6 SNT#TC#1A Reco""ended Practice .or Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel Kuali!cation and Certi!cation ANSI0ASNT CP#132 Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi# !cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel 2AF Code o. 8ederal Re(ulations6 Section G2% Code o. 8ederal Re(ulations% +aDardous Mate# rials Re(ulations o. t)e De&art"ent o. Trans&ortation% Para(ra&)s 15FAFG% 15FAF01% 153AF4% 153AF5% and 153AG1 2A1 Co"&ressed Ias Association Standard6 Pa"&)let C#1 Ser ice Li.e% Sea"less +i() Pressure C'l# inders
1A1 T)e alues stated in inc)#&ound units are to *e re(arded as t)e standardA T)e alues (i en in &arent)eses are .or in.or"ation onl'A 1A4 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro&riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica*ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA S&eci!c &recautionar' state"ents are (i en in Section 5A
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 De!nitions M See Ter"inolo(' E 1F14 .or (eneral ter"inolo(' a&&lica*le to t)is test "et)odA FA2 De!nitions o. Ter"s S&eci!c to T)is Standard6 FA2A1 .racture critical !a, M a !a, t)at is lar(e enou() to e!)i*it unsta*le (ro,t) at ser ice conditionsA FA2A2 "ar-ed ser ice &ressure M &ressure .or ,)ic) a essel is ratedA Nor"all' t)is alue is sta"&ed on t)e esselA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
FA2AF nor"al !ll &ressure M le el to ,)ic) a essel is &ressuriDedA T)is "a' *e (reater% or "a' *e less% t)an "ar-ed ser ice &ressureA
1AFA2 Ias co"&ressors )eat t)e &ressuriDin( "ediu"A A.ter &ressuriDation% essel &ressure "a' deca' as (as te"&erature eJuili*rates ,it) a"*ient conditionsA 1AFAF E"ission .ro" !a,s is caused *' !a, (ro,t) and secondar' sources ?.or e!a"&le% crac- sur.ace contact and contained "ill scale@A Secondar' sources can &roduce e"ission t)rou()out essel &ressuriDationA 1AFAG L)en &ressure ,it)in a essel is lo,% and (as is t)e &ressuriDin( "ediu"% !o, elocities are relati el' )i()A 8lo,in( (as ?tur*ulence@ and i"&act *' entrained &articles can &roduce "easura*le e"issionA Considerin( t)is% acJuisition o. AE data "a' co""ence at so"e &res# sure (reater t)an startin( &ressure ?.or e!a"&le% 1VF o. "a!i# "u" test &ressure@A 1AFA1 Ma!i"u" Test Pressure M Serious !a,s usu# all' &roduce "ore acoustic e"ission ?t)at is% "ore e ents% e ents ,it) )i()er &ea- a"&litude@ .ro" secondar' sources t)an .ro" !a, (ro,t)A L)en essels are &ressuriDed% !a,s &roduce e"ission at &ressures less t)an nor"al !ll &ressureA A "a!i"u" e!a"ination &ressure t)at is 10O (reater t)an nor"al !ll &ressure allo,s "easure"ent o. e"ission .ro" secondar' sources in !a,s and .ro" !a, (ro,t)A 1AFA4 PressuriDation Sc)edule M PressuriDation s)ould &roceed at rates t)at do not &roduce noise .ro" t)e &ressuriDin( "ediu" and t)at allo, essel de.or"ation to *e in eJuili*riu" ,it) a&&lied loadA Pressure )olds are not necessar'R )o,e er% t)e' "a' *e use.ul .or reasons ot)er t)an "easure"ent o. AEA 1AG E!cess *ac-(round noise "a' distort AE data or render t)e" uselessA <sers "ust *e a,are o. t)e .ollo,in( co""on sources o. *ac-(round noise6 )i() (as#!ll rate ?"easura*le !o, noise@R "ec)anical contact ,it) t)e es# sel *' o*SectsR electro"a(netic inter.erence ?EMI@ and radio .reJuenc' inter.erence ?R8I@ .ro" near*' *roadcast# in( .acilities and .ro" ot)er sourcesR lea-s at &i&e or )ose connectionsR and air*orne sand &articles% insects% or rain dro&sA T)is test "et)od s)ould not *e used i. *ac-(round noise cannot *e eli"inated or controlledA
GA Su""ar' o. Test Met)od GA1 T)e AE sensors are "ounted on a essel% and e"is# sion is "onitored ,)ile t)e essel is &ressuriDed a*o e nor"al !ll &ressureA GA2 Sensors are "ounted at eac) end o. t)e essel and are connected to an acoustic e"ission si(nal &rocessorA T)e si(nal &rocessor uses "easured ti"es o. arri al o. e"ission *ursts to deter"ine linear location o. e"ission sourcesA I. "easured e"ission e!ceeds a &rescri*ed le el ?t)at is% s&eci!c locations &roduce enou() e ents@% t)en suc) locations recei e secondar' ?.or e!a"&le% ultrasonic@ e!a"inationA GAF Secondar' e!a"ination esta*lis)es &resence o. !a,s and "easures !a, di"ensionsA GAG I. !a, de&t) e!ceeds a &rescri*ed li"it ?t)at is% a conser ati e li"it t)at is *ased on construction "aterial% ,all t)ic-ness% .ati(ue crac- (ro,t) esti"ates% and .racture critical !a, de&t) calculations@% t)en t)e essel "ust *e re"o ed .ro" ser iceA
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 Because o.' considerations% re(ulator' a(en# cies ?.or e!a"&le% <ASA De&art"ent o. Trans&ortation@ reJuire &eriodic tests o. essels used in trans&ortation o. industrial (ases ?see Section G2% Code o. 8ederal Re(ula# tions@A T)e AE e!a"ination )as *eco"e acce&ted as an alternati e to t)e co""on )'drostatic &roo. e!a"inationA In t)e co""on )'drostatic e!a"ination% olu"etric e!&an# sion o. essels is "easuredA
1A2 An AE e!a"ination s)ould not *e used .or a &eriod o. one 'ear a.ter a co""on )'drostatic testA See Note 2A
NOTE 2 M T)e 9aiser e..ect relates to decreased e"ission t)at is e!&ected durin( a second &ressuriDationA Co""on )'drostatic e!a"inations use a relati el' )i() test &ressure ?145O o. nor"al ser ice &ressure@A ?See Section G2% Code o. 8ederal Re(ulationsA@ I. an AE e!a"ination is &er# .or"ed too soon a.ter suc) a &ressuriDation% t)e AE results ,ill *e insensi# ti e to a lo,er test &ressure ?t)at is% t)e lo,er &ressure t)at is associated ,it) an AE e!a"ination@A
1AF PressuriDation6 1AFA1 Ieneral &ractice in t)e (as industr' is to use lo, &ressuriDation ratesA T)is &ractice &ro"otes' and reduces eJui&"ent in est"entA T)e AE e!a"inations s)ould *e &er.or"ed ,it) &ressuriDation rates t)at allo, essel de.or"ation to *e in eJuili*riu" ,it) t)e a&&lied loadA T'&ical current &ractice is to use rates t)at a&&ro!i# "ate 100 &si0) ?FAG1 MPa0)@A
4A1A1 I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% &er# sonnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations to t)is standard s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0ASNT#CP#132% SNT#TC#1A% NAS#G10% or a si"ilar docu"ent and certi!ed *' t)e e"&lo'er or certi.'in( a(enc'% as a&&lica*leA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e identi!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
5AF Sensors "a' *e )eld in &lace ,it) "a(nets% ad)e# si e ta&e% or ot)er "ec)anical "eansA 5AG T)e AE sensors are used to detect strain#induced stress ,a es &roduced *' !a,sA Sensors "ust *e )eld in contact ,it) t)e essel ,all to ensure adeJuate acoustic cou&lin(A 5A1 A &rea"&li!er "a' *e enclosed in t)e sensor )ous# in( or in a se&arate enclosureA I. a se&arate &rea"&li!er is used% ca*le len(t)% *et,een sensor and &rea"&% "ust not e!ceed 4 .t ?1A3F "@A 5A4 Po,er0si(nal ca*le len(t) ?t)at is% ca*le *et,een &rea"& and si(nal &rocessor@ s)all not e!ceed 100 .t ?112AG "@A See A1A1A 5A5 Si(nal &rocessors are co"&uteriDed instru"ents ,it) inde&endent c)annels t)at !lter% "easure% and con ert analo( in.or"ation into di(ital .or" .or dis&la' and &er"a# nent stora(eA A si(nal &rocessor "ust )a e su.!cient s&eed and ca&acit' to inde&endentl' &rocess data .ro" all sensors si"ultaneousl'A T)e si(nal &rocessor s)ould &ro ide ca&a# *ilit' to !lter data .or re&la'A A &rinter s)ould *e used to &ro ide )ard co&ies o. e!a"ination resultsA 5A5A1 A ideo "onitor s)ould dis&la' &rocessed e!a"ination data in arious .or"atsA Dis&la' .or"at "a' *e selected *' t)e eJui&"ent o&eratorA 5A5A2 A data stora(e de ice% suc) as a !o&&' dis-% "a' *e used to &ro ide data .or re&la' or .or arc)i esA 5A5AF +ard co&' ca&a*ilit' s)ould *e a aila*le .ro" a (ra&)ics0line &rinter or eJui alent de iceA
4A2 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( A(encies 4A2A1 I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(encies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GFA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4AF Ti"e o. E!a"ination 4AFA1 T)e ti"in( o. e!a"ination s)all *e in accor# dance ,it) 1A2 unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA 4AG E!tent o. E!a"ination 4AGA1 T)e e!tent o. e!a"ination includes t)e entire &ressure essel unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA 4A1 Re&ortin( Criteria0Acce&tance Criteria 4A1A1 Re&ortin( criteria .or t)e e!a"ination results s)all *e in accordance ,it) Section 11 unless ot)er,ise s&eci!edA 4A1A2 Since acce&tance criteria ?.or e!a"&le% ence radio(ra&)s@ are not s&eci!ed in t)is standard% t)e' s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA 4A4 Ree!a"ination o. Re&aired0Re,or-ed Ite"s 4A4A1 Ree!a"ination o. re&aired0re,or-ed ite"s is not addressed in t)is standard and i. reJuired s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA
3A' Precautions 3A1 As in an' &ressure test o. "etal essels% a"*ient te"&erature s)ould not *e *elo, t)e ductile#*rittle transi# tion te"&erature o. t)e &ressure essel construction "aterialA
5A A&&aratus 5A1 Essential .eatures o. t)e a&&aratus reJuired .or t)is test "et)od are &ro ided in 8i(A 1A 8ull s&eci!cations are in Anne! A1A 5A2 Cou&lant "ust *e used to acousticall' connect sen# sors to t)e essel sur.aceA Ad)esi es t)at )a e acce&ta*le acoustic &ro&erties% and ad)esi es used in co"*ination ,it) traditional cou&lants% are acce&ta*leA
2A Cali*ration and StandardiDation 2A1 Annual cali*ration and eri!cation o. &ressure transducer% AE sensors% &rea"&li!ers ?i. a&&lica*le@% si(nal &rocessor ?&articularl' t)e si(nal &rocessor ti"e re.erence@% and AE electronic ,a e.or" (enerator s)ould *e &er# .or"edA EJui&"ent s)ould *e adSusted so t)at it con.or"s to eJui&"ent "anu.acturerEs s&eci!cationsA Instru"ents used .or cali*rations "ust )a e current accurac' certi!ca# tion t)at is tracea*le to t)e National Institute .or Standards and Tec)nolo(' ?NIST@A
2A2 Routine electronic e aluations "ust *e &er.or"ed an' ti"e t)ere is concern a*out si(nal &rocessor &er.or"# anceA An AE electronic ,a e.or" (enerator s)ould *e used in "a-in( e aluationsA Eac) si(nal &rocessor c)annel "ust
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
res&ond ,it) &ea- a"&litude readin( ,it)in W2 dBV o. t)e electronic ,a e.or" (enerator out&utA 2AF A s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation "ust *e con# ducted i""ediatel' *e.ore% and i""ediatel' a.ter% eac) e!a"inationA A &er.or"ance eri!cation uses a "ec)anical de ice to induce stress ,a es into t)e essel ,all at a s&eci!ed distance .ro" eac) sensorA Induced stress ,a es sti"ulate a sensor in t)e sa"e ,a' as e"ission .ro" a !a,A Per.or"ance eri!cations eri.' &er.or"ance o. t)e entire s'ste" ?includin( cou&lant@A 2AFA1 T)e &re.erred tec)niJue .or conductin( a &er# .or"ance eri!cation is a &encil lead *rea- ?PLB@A Lead s)ould *e *ro-en on t)e essel sur.ace no less t)an G inA ?10A14 c"@ .ro" t)e sensorA T)e 2+ lead% 0AF#"" dia"eter% F#"" lon( s)ould *e used ?see 8i(A G o. Iuide E 254@A 2AFA2 Auto Sensor Test ?AST@A An electro"ec)anical de ice suc) as a &ieDoelectric &ulser ?and sensor ,)ic) contains t)is .unction@ can *e used in conSunction ,it) &encil lead *rea- ?2AFA1@ as a "eans to assure s'ste" &er# .or"anceA T)is de ice can *e used to re&lace t)e PLB &ost e!a"ination% s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation ?2AF@A
10A5 Be(in &ressuriDin( t)e esselA T)e &ressuriDation rate s)all *e lo, enou() t)at !o, noise is not recordedA 10A3 Monitor t)e e!a"ination *' o*ser in( dis&la's t)at s)o, &lots o. AE e ents ersus a!ial locationA I. unusual res&onse ?in t)e o&eratorEs Sud("ent@ is o*ser ed% interru&t &ressuriDation and conduct an in esti(ationA 10A2 Store all data on "ass stora(e "ediaA Sto& t)e e!a"ination ,)en t)e &ressure reac)es 110O o. nor"al !ll &ressure or 110O o. "ar-ed ser ice &ressure ?,)ic)e er is (reater@A T)e &ressure s)all *e "onitored ,it) an accurac' o. W2O o. t)e "a!i"u" e!a"ination &ressureA 10A2A1 E!a"&les6 10A2A1A1 A tu*e trailer is nor"all' !lled to a (a(e &ressure o. 24G0 &si ?13A20 MPa@A PressuriDation s)all sto& at 220G &si ?20A02 MPa@A 10A2A1A2 A (as c'linder is nor"all' !lled to a (a(e &ressure o. 41F &si ?GA2F MPa@A T)e "ar-ed ser ice &ressure is 2G00 &si ?14A11 MPa@A PressuriDation s)all sto& at 24G0 &si ?13A20 MPa@A 10A10 Per.or" a s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation at eac) sensor ?see 2AF@A Veri.' t)at &ea- a"&litude is (reater t)an a s&eci!ed alue ?see Ta*le =1A2@A 10A11 Reduce &ressure in essel to nor"al !ll &ressure *' *leedin( e!cess (as to a recei er% or ent t)e esselA 10A12 Ra, AE data s)ould *e !ltered to eli"inate e"ission .ro" nonstructural sources% .or e!a"&le% elec# tronic noiseA 10A1F Re&la' e!a"ination dataA E!a"ine t)e location distri*ution &lots ?AE e ents ersus a!ial location@ .or all essels in t)e e!a"inationA 10A1G Based on data re&la'% deter"ine ,)et)er second# ar' e!a"ination ?ultrasonic e!a"ination@ is reJuiredA ?<ltrasonic e!a"ination s)ould *e &er.or"ed in accor# dance ,it) Practice E 222FA@ A&&endi! =1 &ro ides e!a"# &les o. suc) deter"inationsA
10A Procedure 10A1 Visuall' e!a"ine accessi*le e!terior sur.aces o. t)e esselA Note o*ser ations in e!a"ination re&ortA 10A2 Isolate essel to &re ent contact ,it) ot)er essels% )ard,are% and so .ort)A L)en t)e essel cannot *e co"# &letel' isolated% indicate% in t)e e!a"ination re&ort% e!ter# nal sources ,)ic) could )a e &roduced e"issionA 10AF Connect !ll )ose and &ressure transducerA Eli"i# nate an' lea-s at connectionsA 10AG Mount an AE sensor at eac) end o. eac) tu*eA <se &rocedures s&eci!ed in Iuide E 410A Sensors "ust *e at t)e sa"e an(ular &osition and s)ould *e located at eac) end o. t)e essel so t)at t)e AE s'ste" can deter"ine a!ial locations o. sources in as "uc) o. t)e essel as &ossi*leA 10A1 AdSust si(nal &rocessor settin(sA See A&&endi! =1 .or e!a"&leA 10A4 Per.or" a s'ste" &er.or"ance eri!cation at eac) sensor ?see 2AF@A Veri.' t)at &ea- a"&litude is (reater t)an a s&eci!ed alue ?see Ta*le =1A2@A Veri.' t)at t)e AE s'ste" dis&la's a correct location ?see Note F@ .or t)e "ec)anical de ice t)at is used to &roduce stress ,a es ?see 2AG and Ta*le =1A2@A Prior to &ressuriDation% eri.' t)at t)ere is no *ac-(round noise a*o e t)e si(nal &rocessor t)res)old settin(A
11A Re&ort 11A1 Pre&are a ,ritten re&ort .ro" eac) e!a"inationA Re&ort t)e .ollo,in( in.or"ation6 11A1A1 Na"e o. t)e o,ner o. t)e essel and t)e e)icle nu"*er ?i. a&&ro&riate@A 11A1A2 E!a"ination date and locationA 11A1AF Pre ious e!a"ination date and &re ious "a!i# "u" test &ressureA See Note GA
NOTE G M I. t)e o&erator is a,are o. situations ,)ere t)e essel ,as su*Sect to &ressures t)at e!ceeded nor"al !ll &ressure% t)ese s)ould *e descri*ed in t)e re&ortA
NOTE F M I. desired location accurac' cannot *e attained ,it) sensors at t,o a!ial locations% t)en "ore sensors s)ould *e added to reduce sensor s&acin(A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A1AG An' <ASA De&art"ent o. Trans&ortation ?DOT@ s&eci!cation t)at a&&lies to t)e esselA 11A1A1 An' DOT e!e"&tion nu"*ers t)at a&&l' to t)e esselA 11A1A4 Nor"al !ll &ressure and "ar-ed ser ice &ressureA 11A1A5 PressuriDation "ediu"A 11A1A3 Pressure at ,)ic) data acJuisition co"# "encedA 11A1A2 Ma!i"u" e!a"ination &ressureA 11A1A10 Locations o. AE sources t)at e!ceed acce&t# ance criteriaA Location s)all include distance .ro" end o. essel t)at *ears t)e serial nu"*er ?usuall' t)is is sta"&ed in t)e essel ,all@A 11A1A11 Si(nature o. e!a"inerA 11A1A12 Stac-in( c)art t)at s)o,s relati e locations o. essels ?i. a "ulti&le essel arra' is tested@A 11A1A1F Visual e!a"ination resultsA
11A1A1G AE e!a"ination results% includin( e ents ersus location &lots .or eac) essel and cu"ulati e e ents ersus &ressure &lot .or eac) esselA
12A Precision and Bias 12A1 Location accurac' is in!uenced *' .actors t)at a..ect elastic ,a e &ro&a(ation% *' sensor cou&lin(% and *' si(nal &rocessor settin(sA 12A2 It is &ossi*le to "easure AE and &roduce AE source locations t)at cannot *e eri!ed *' ot)er NDT "et)odsA I. suc) e"issions are "easured% and are &roduced *' !a,s% suc) !a,s are s"all and are not o. structural si(ni!canceA
1FA 9e',ords 1FA1 acoustic e"issionR c'lindersR !a,sR (as &ressureR sea"lessR steel
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Mandator' In.or"ation@
A1A INSTR<MENTATION SPECI8ICATIONS A1A1 Sensors A1A1A1 T)e AE sensors s)all )a e )i() sensiti it' ,it)in t)e .reJuenc' *and o. 20 to 1200 -+DA Sensors "a' *e *road *and or resonantA A1A1A2 Sensiti it' s)all *e (reater t)an \55 dBV ?re.erred to 1 V0 *ar% deter"ined *' .ace#to#.ace ultrasonic e!a"ination@ ,it)in t)e .reJuenc' ran(e o. intended useA A1A1AF Sensiti it' ,it)in t)e ran(e o. intended use s)all not ar' "ore t)an F dB o er t)e intended ran(e o. te"&eratures in ,)ic) sensors are usedA A1A1AG Sensors s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(# netic inter.erence t)rou() &ro&er desi(n &ractice or ential ?anticoincidence@ ele"ent desi(n% or *ot)A A1A1A1 Sensors s)all *e electricall' isolated .ro" conducti e sur.aces *' "eans o. a s)oe ?a ,ear &late@A A1A2 Si(nal Ca*le A1A2A1 T)e sensor si(nal ca*le ,)ic) connects sen# sor and &rea"&li!er s)all not sensor out&ut "ore t)an F dB P4 .t ?1A3F "@ is a t'&ical "a!i"u" len(t)QA Inte(ral &rea"&li!er sensors "eet t)is reJuire"entA T)e' )a e in)erentl' s)ort% internal% si(nal ca*lesA A1A2A2 Si(nal ca*le s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro# "a(netic inter.erenceA Standard coa!ial ca*le is (enerall' adeJuateA
A1AGAG T)e &rea"&li!ers o. di..erential desi(n s)all )a e a "ini"u" o. G0#dB co""on "ode reSectionA A1AGA1 T)e &rea"&li!er s)all include a *and&ass !lter ,it) a "ini"u" o. 2G#dB0octa e si(nal attenuation a*o e and *elo, t)e 100 to F00#-+D .reJuenc' *andA A1A1 Po,er0Si(nal Ca*le A1A1A1 T)e &o,er0si(nal ca*les &ro ide &o,er to &rea"&li!ers% and conduct a"&li!ed si(nals to t)e "ain &rocessorA T)ese s)all *e s)ielded a(ainst electro"a(netic inter.erenceA Si(nal loss s)all *e less t)an 1 dB0100 .t ?F0AG3 "@ o. ca*le len(t)A Standard coa!ial ca*le is (ener# all' adeJuateA Si(nal loss .ro" a &o,er0si(nal ca*le s)all *e no (reater t)an F dBA
A1A4 Po,er Su&&l' A1A4A1 A sta*le% (rounded% &o,er su&&l' t)at "eets t)e si(nal &rocessor "anu.acturerEs s&eci!cation s)all *e usedA A1A5 Si(nal Processor A1A5A1 T)e electronic circuitr' (ain s)all *e sta*le ,it)in W2 dB in t)e te"&erature ran(e .ro" G0 to 100[8 ?GAG to F5A3[C@A A1A5A2 T)res)old s)all *e accurate ,it)in W2 dBA A1A5AF Measured AE &ara"eters s)all include6 t)res)old crossin( counts% &ea- a"&litude% arri al ti"e% rise ti"e% and duration .or eac) )itA Also% essel internal &ressure s)all *e "easuredA A1A5AG T)e counter circuit s)all count t)res)old crossin(s ,it)in an accurac' o. W1O o. true countsA A1A5A1 Pea- a"&litude s)all *e accurate ,it)in W2 dBVA A1A5A4 Arri al ti"e at eac) c)annel s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W1A0 sA A1A5A5 Duration s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W10 sA A1A5A3 T)res)old s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W1 dBA A1A5A2 Arri al ti"e s)all *e accurate to 0A1 sA A1A5A10 Rise ti"e s)all *e accurate to W10 sA A1A5A11 Para"etric olta(e readin(s .ro" &ressure transducers s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W1O o. t)e "ar-ed ser ice &ressureA
A1AF Cou&lant A1AFA1 A cou&lant s)all &ro ide adeJuate ultrasonic cou&lin( e.!cienc' t)rou()out t)e e!a"inationA A1AFA2 T)e cou&lant "ust *e te"&erature sta*le o er t)e te"&erature ran(e intended .or useA A1AFAF Ad)esi es "a' *e used i. t)e' satis.' ultra# sonic cou&lin( e.!cienc' and te"&erature sta*ilit' reJuire# "entsA A1AG Prea"&li!er A1AGA1 T)e &rea"&li!er s)all )a e noise le el no (reater t)an 5 V r"s ?re.erred to a s)orted in&ut@ ,it)in t)e *and&ass ran(eA A1AGA2 T)e &rea"&li!er (ain s)all ar' no "ore t)an W1 dB ,it)in t)e .reJuenc' *and and te"&erature ran(e o. useA A1AGAF T)e &rea"&li!er s)all *e s)ielded .ro" elec# tro"a(netic inter.erenceA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A E=AMPLE INSTR<MENT SETTINIS AND RE;ECTION CRITERIA =1A1 A data*ase and reSection criteria are esta*lis)ed .or so"e DOT s&eci!ed esselsA T)ese )a e *een descri*ed in t)e NDT +and*oo-A More recent criteria are descri*ed in t)is sectionA So"e essel t'&es% t'&ical di"ensions% and ser ice &ressures are listed in Ta*le =1A1A
=1A2 Criteria .or deter"inin( t)e need .or secondar' e!a"ination ,ere esta*lis)ed ,)ile ,or-in( ,it) AE eJui&"ent ,it) setu& conditions listed in Ta*le =1A2A =1AF Need .or secondar' e!a"ination is *ased on loca# tion distri*ution &lots ?t)at is% &lots o. AE e ents ersus a!ial location@ a.ter AE data acJuisition is co"&letedA =1AFA1 C'lindrical Portion o. Vessel M T)e DOT FAA= and FT FAA and 105A tu*es are currentl' ree!a"# ined ,it) t)is AE test "et)odA 8or FAA= and FT and FAA tu*es% i. ! e or "ore AE e ents occur ,it)in an 3#inA ?20AF#c"@ a!ial distance% on t)e c'lindrical &ortion o. a tu*e% t)en t)at &art o. t)e tu*e "ust *e e!a"ined ,it) a secondar' NDT "et)od ?.or e!a"&le% ultrasonic e!a"ina# tion@A An' !a, t)at is detected "ust *e &recisel' located% and !a, di"ensions "ust *e deter"inedA
Si(nal &rocessor !lter Dead ti"e Bac-(round noise Sensiti it' c)ec-
usin( secondar' NDT "et)od ?.or e!a"&le% ultrasonic e!a"ination@A =1AFAF T)e DOT 105A tu*es are e!a"ined ,it) sensors "ounted on t)e end !an(esA I. ! e or "ore AE e ents occur ,it)in 3#inA ?20AF#c"@ a!ial distance on t)e c'lindrical &ortion or end o. t)e tu*e% t)en t)at &art o. t)e tu*e "ust *e e!a"ined ,it) a secondar' NDT "et)od ?.or e!a"&le% ultrasonic e!a"ination@A An' !a, t)at is detected "ust *e &recisel' located% and !a, di"ensions "ust *e deter"inedA
=1AFA2 Ends o. Vessel M 8or DOT FAA= and FT and FAA tu*es% i. ! e or "ore AE e ents are "easured out*oard o. a sensor% eac) o. t)ese e ents is detected *' *ot) sensors% and t)e &ea- a"&litude at t)e B!rst )itC sensor is GF dBV or "ore% t)en t)e end o. t)e tu*e at t)e B!rst )it sensorC ?t)at is% t)e sensor ,it) ! e or "ore !rst )its@ "ust *e e!a"inedA An' !a, t)at is detected "ust *e &re# cisel' located% and !a, di"ensions "ust *e deter"ined
=1AG ReSection Criterion6 =1AGA1 Vessels t)at contain !a,s t)at are lar(e enou() to *e B.racture critical !a,s%C or t)at contain !a,s lar(e enou() to (ro, to .racture critical siDe *e.ore anot)er ree!a"ination is &er.or"ed% s)all *e re"o ed .ro" ser iceA
S&eci!cation Outside dia"eter% inA ?c"@ No"inal ,all t)ic-ness% inA ?c"@ Len(t)% .t ?"@ T'&ical ser ice &ressure% &si ?MPa@ T'&ical !ll &ressure% &si ?MPa@ Alternate retest "et)od
22 ?11@22 ?14@2A4F ?21@2A4F ?21@ 0A1G ?1AF5@0AG2 ?1A05@0AF1 ?0A52@0A21 ?0A4G@ 13 to G0 ?0A1 to 12@12 to F2 ?G to 10@ AAA2G00 ?14A4@AAA AAAAAA AAA400 to F000 ?1GA1G to 20A43@AAA
)'drostatic test% at 1A45 ti"es "ar-ed ser ice &ressure e er' ! e 'ears ,it) olu"etric e!&ansion "easure"ent
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
=1AGA2 B8racture criticalC !a, di"ensions are *ased u&on .racture "ec)anics anal'sis o. a essel usin( stren(t) &ro&erties t)at corres&ond to "aterials o. constructionA =1AGAF Anal'ses o. DOT FAA= and FT tu*es are descri*ed *' Blac-*urn and RanaA 8racture critical !a, de&t)s ,ere calculated% and .ati(ue crac- (ro,t) ?under ,orst case conditions@ ,as esti"atedA 8la, de&t)s t)at could (ro, to )al. t)e .racture critical siDe ,ere Sud(ed too lar(eA T)e' s)ould not re"ain in ser iceA Based u&on t)is conser ati e a&&roac)% DOT S&eci!cation FAA= and FT tu*es ,it) "a!i"u" !a, de&t)s o. 0A10 inA ?2A1G ""@% or "ore% s)ould *e &er"anentl' re"o ed .ro" ser iceA
=1AGAFA1 T)e DOT FAA= and FT c'linders )a e *een e aluated *' Blac-*urn and RanaA T)e "a!i"u" allo,a*le !a, de&t) ,as calculated to *e 0A10 inA ?2A1G ""@A =1AGAFA2 T)e DOT FAA and FA c'linders ,ere e aluated *' Blac-*urnA Ma!i"u" allo,a*le de&t)s ,ere calculated and 0A04 inA ?1A12G ""@ ,as s&eci!ed .or *ot) s&eci!cationsA =1AGAFAF T)e DOT 105A c'linders )a e *een e aluated *' Tou()ir'A T)e "a!i"u" !a, de&t) ,as calculated to *e 0A110 inA ?FA31 ""@A
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
1A1 T)is Standard de!nes t)e ter"inolo(' used in t)e standards &re&ared *' t)e E#5 Co""ittee on Nondestruc# ti e Testin(A T)ese nondestructi e testin( ?NDT@ "et)ods include6 acoustic e"ission% electro"a(netic testin(% (a"# "a# and =#radiolo('% lea- testin(% liJuid &enetrant e!a"i# nation% "a(netic &article e!a"ination% neutron radiolo(' and (a(in(% ultrasonic e!a"ination% and ot)er tec)nical "et)odsA
1A2 Section G de!nes ter"s t)at are co""on to "ulti&le NDT "et)ods% ,)ereas% t)e su*seJuent sections de!ne ter"s &ertainin( to s&eci!c NDT "et)odsA An al&)a*etical list o. t)e ter"s de!ned in t)is Standard is (i en in A&&en# di! =l% ,)ic) also identi!es t)e section in ,)ic) eac) ter" is de!nedA
E 2G Iuide .or Radio(ra)ic E!a"ination E 125 Practice .or 8a*ricatin( and C)ec-in( Alu"inu" Allo' <ltrasonic Standard Re.erence Bloc-s E 211 Practice .or StandardiDin( EJui&"ent .or Electro# "a(netic E!a"ination o. Sea"less Alu"inu"#Allo' Tu*e E G2G Practice .or Measurin( <ltrasonic Velocit' in Mate# rials E 144 Practice .or Electro"a(netic ?Edd'#Current@ Sortin( o. 8errous Metals
1AF As s)o,n on t)e c)art *elo,% ,)en nondestructi e testin( &roduces an indication% t)e indication is su*Sect to inter&retation as .alse% nonrele ant% or rele antA I. it )as *een inter&reted as rele ant% t)e necessar' su*seJuent e al# uation ,ill result in t)e decision to acce&t or reSect t)e "aterialA Lit) t)e e!ce&tion o. acce&t and reSect% ,)ic) retain t)e "eanin( .ound in "ost dictionaries% all t)e ,ords used in t)e c)art are de!ned in Section GA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
E 44G Practice .or Measure"ent o. t)e A&&arent Attenua# tion o. Lon(itudinal <ltrasonic La es *' I""ersion Met)od E 510 Practice .or C)aracteriDin( Acoustic E"ission Instru"entation E 30G Practice .or Cali*ration o. t)e <ltrasonic Test S's# te" *' E!tra&olation Bet,een 8lat#Botto" +ole SiDes E 10FF Practice .or Electro"a(netic ?Edd'#Current@ E!a"# ination o. T'&e 8# Continuousl' Lelded ?CL@ 8erro# "a(netic Pi&e and Tu*in( A*o e t)e Curie Te"&erature E 1045 Practice .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. 8i*er(lass Rein.orced Plastic Resin ?8RP@ Tan-s 0Vessels E 1113 Practice .or Acoustic E"ission E!a"ination o. Rein.orced T)er"osettin( Resin Pi&e ?RTRP@ E 121F Test Met)od .or Mini"u" Resol a*le Te"&erature Di..erence .or T)er"al I"a(in( S'ste"s
e!a"ination% n M a &rocedure .or deter"inin( a &ro&ert' ?or &ro&erties@ or ot)er conditions or c)aracteristics o. a "aterial or co"&onent *' direct or indirect "eans
NOTE 1 M E!a"&les include utiliDation o. = ra's or ultrasonic ,a es .or t)e &ur&ose o. deter"inin( ?directl' or *' calculation@ !a, content% densit'% or ?.or ultrasound@ "odulusR or detection o. !a,s *' induction o. edd' currents% o*ser in( t)er"al *e)a ior% AE res&onse% or utiliDation o. "a(netic &articles or liJuid &enetrantsA
.alse indication% n M an NDT indication t)at is inter&reted to *e caused *' a condition ot)er t)an a discontinuit' or i"&er.ection !a,% n M an i"&er.ection or discontinuit' t)at "a' *e detecta*le *' nondestructi e testin( and is not necessaril' reSecta*le !a, c)aracteriDation% n M t)e &rocess o. Juanti.'in( t)e siDe% s)a&e% orientation% location% (ro,t)% or ot)er &ro&er# ties% o. a !a, *ased on NDT res&onse
FA Si(ni!cance and <se FA1 T)e ter"s .ound in t)is &ro&osed standard are intended to *e used uni.or"l' and consistentl' in all nonde# structi e testin( standardsA T)e &ur&ose o. t)is standard is to &ro"ote a clear understandin( and inter&retation o. t)e NDT standards in ,)ic) t)e' are usedA
i"&er.ection% n M a de&ature o. a Jualit' c)aracteristic .ro" its intended condition indication M t)e res&onse or e idence .ro" a nondestruc# ti e e!a"ination
DISC<SSION M An indication is deter"ined *' inter&retation to *e rele ant% nonrele ant% or .alseA
acce&ta*le Jualit' le el M t)e "a!i"u" &ercent de.ecti e or t)e "a!i"u" nu"*er o. units de.ecti e &er )undred units t)at% .or t)e &ur&ose o. sa"&lin( test% can *e consid# ered' as a &rocess a era(e a"or&)ous silicon ? #Si@ =#ra' detector% n M an a"or# &)ous silicon ? #Si@ =#ra' detector consists o. a (lass su*strate ,it) a "atri! o. &)otodiodes .a*ricated .ro" a"or&)ous silicon and s,itc)es arran(ed in ro,s and col# u"ns u&on itR t)e &)otodiodes are acti ated *' li()t &)o# tons e"itted .ro" a scintillator ,)ic) is acti ated *' = ra's and is usuall' in close contact ,it) t)e diode "atri!
ins&ection% n M a &rocedure .or ie,in( or o*ser in( isual c)aracteristics o. a "aterial or co"&onent in a care# .ul% critical "anner
NOTE 2M E!a"&les include &er.or"ance o. a isual0o&tical ins&ection% o*ser in( t)e results o. a "a(netic &article or liJuid &enetrant e!a"ina# tion% or care.ull' o*ser in( a sur.ace condition &rior to &er.or"in( an ultrasonic or edd'#current e!a"inationA ?8ro" t)e sa"e root ,ord as Bs&ectacleC or Bs&ectatorCA@
inter&retation M t)e deter"ination o. ,)et)er indications are rele ant or nonrele ant inter&retation% n M t)e deter"ination o. ,)et)er indica# tions are rele ant% nonrele ant% or .alseA Nondestructi e E aluation M see Nondestructi e Testin( Nondestructi e E!a"ination M see Nondestructi e Testin( Nondestructi e Ins&ection M see Nondestructi e Testin( Nondestructi e Testin( ?NDT@ M t)e de elo&"ent and a&&lication o. tec)nical "et)ods to e!a"ine "aterials or co"&onents in ,a's t)at do not i"&air .uture use.ulness and ser icea*ilit' in order to detect% locate% "easure% and e aluate !a,sR to assess inte(rit'% &ro&erties% and co"&osi# tionR and to "easure (eo"etrical c)aracteristics nonrele ant indication% n M an NDT indication t)at is caused *' a condition or t'&e o. discontinuit' t)at is not reSecta*leA 8alse indications are nonrele antA
cali*ration% instru"ent% n M t)e co"&arison o. an instru# "ent ,it)% or t)e adSust"ent o. an instru"ent to% a -no,n re.erence?s@ o.ten tracea*le to t)e National Institute o. Standards and Tec)nolo(' ?NIST@A ?See also standardiDa# tion% instru"entA@ de.ect% n M one or "ore !a,s ,)ose a((re(ate siDe% s)a&e% orientation% location% or &ro&erties do not "eet s&eci!ed acce&tance criteria and are reSecta*le discontinuit'% n M a lac- o. continuit' or co)esionR an intentional or unintentional interru&tion in t)e &)'sical structure or con!(uration o. a "aterial or co"&onent e aluation M a re ie,% .ollo,in( inter&retation o. t)e indications noted% to deter"ine ,)et)er t)e' "eet s&eci!ed acce&tance criteria
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
rele ant indication% n M an NDT indication t)at is caused *' a condition or t'&e o. discontinuit' t)at reJuires e alu# ation standardiDation% instru"ent% n M t)e adSust"ent o. an instru"ent usin( an a&&ro&riate re.erence standard% to o*tain or esta*lis) a -no,n and re&roduci*le res&onseA ?T)is is usuall' done &rior to an e!a"ination% *ut can *e carried out an'ti"e t)ere is concern a*out t)e e!a"ination or instru"ent res&onseA@ ?See also cali*ration% instru"entA@ tset% n M a &rocedure .or deter"inin( a &ro&ert' or c)arac# teristic o. a "aterial or a co"&onent *' direct "easure"ent
NOTE FM E!a"&les include "ec)anical tests to deter"ine stren(t)% )ardness% or ot)er &ro&ert'R deter"ination o. lea-a(e ?a lea- test@R or c)ec-in( t)e &er.or"ance ?.unction@ o. a &iece o. eJui&"ent
acousto#ultrasonics ?A<@ M a nondestructi e e!a"ination "et)od t)at uses induced stress ,a es to detect and assess di..use de.ect states% da"a(e conditions% and ariations o. "ec)anical &ro&erties o. a test structureA T)e A< "et)od co"*ines as&ects o. acoustic e"ission ?AE@ si(nal anal'sis ,it) ultrasonic "aterials c)aracteriDation tec)niJuesA ada&ti e location M source location *' iterati e use o. si"ulated sources in co"*ination ,it) co"&uted location AE acti it'% n M t)e &resence o. acoustic e"ission durin( a test AE a"&litude M see dBAE AE r"s% n M t)e recti!ed% ti"e a era(ed AE si(nal% "ea# sured on a linear scale and re&orted in olts AE si(nal duration M t)e ti"e *et,een AE si(nal start and AE si(nal end AE si(nal end M t)e reco(niDed ter"ination o. an AE si(nal% usuall' de!ned as t)e last crossin( o. t)e t)res)old *' t)at si(nal AE si(nal (enerator M a de ice ,)ic) can re&eatedl' induce a s&eci!ed transient si(nal into an AE instru"ent AE si(nal rise ti"e M t)e ti"e *et,een AE si(nal start and t)e &ea- a"&litude o. t)at AE si(nal AE si(nal start M t)e *e(innin( o. an AE si(nal as reco(# niDed *' t)e s'ste" &rocessor% usuall' de!ned *' an a"&li# tude e!cursion e!ceedin( t)res)old arra'% n M a (rou& o. t,o or "ore AE sensors &ositioned on a structure .or t)e &ur&oses o. detectin( and locatin( sourcesA T)e sources ,ould nor"all' *e ,it)in t)e arra'A arri al ti"e inter al ? tiS@ M see inter al% arri al ti"e attenuation% n M t)e decrease in AE a"&litude &er unit distance% nor"all' e!&ressed in dB &er unit len(t) a era(e si(nal le el% n M t)e recti!ed% ti"e a era(ed AE lo(arit)"ic si(nal% "easured on t)e AE a"&litude lo(arit)"ic scale and re&orted in dBae units ?,)ere 0 dBae re.ers to 1 V at t)e &rea"&li!er in&ut@ *urst e"ission M see e"ission% *urst c)annel% acoustic e"ission M an asse"*l' o. a sensor% &rea"&li!er% or i"&edance "atc)in( trans.or"er% !lters% secondar' a"&li!er% or ot)er instru"entation as needed% connectin( ca*les% and detector or &rocessor
NOTE G M A c)annel .or e!a"inin( !*er(lass rein.orced &lastic ?8RP@ "a' utiliDe "ore t)an one sensor ,it) associated electronicsA C)annels "a' *e &rocessed inde&endentl' or in &redeter"ined (rou&s )a in( si"i# lar sensiti it' and .reJuenc' c)aracteristicsA
acoustic e"ission ?AE@ M t)e class o. &)eno"ena ,)ere*' transient elastic ,a es are (enerated *' t)e ra&id release o. ener(' .ro" localiDed sources ,it)in a "aterial% or t)e transient ,a es so (eneratedA Acoustic e"ission is t)e reco""ended ter" .or (eneral useA Ot)er ter"s t)at )a e *een used in AE literature include6 ?1@ stress ,a e e"is# sionR ?2@ "icroseis"ic acti it'R and ?F@ e"ission or acoustic e"ission ,it) ot)er Juali.'in( "odi!ersA
acoustic e"ission c)annel M see c)annel% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission count ?e"ission count@ ?N@ M see count% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission count rate M see count rate% acoustic e"ission ?e"ission rate or count rate@ ?N@ acoustic e"ission e ent M see e ent% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission e ent ener(' M see ener('% acoustic e ent acoustic e"ission sensor M see sensor% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission si(nal a"&litude M see si(nal a"&li# tude% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission si(nal ?e"ission si(nal@ M see si(nal% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission si(nature ?si(nature@ M see si(nature% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission transducer M see sensor% acoustic e"ission acoustic e"ission ,a e(uide M see ,a e(uide% acoustic e"ission
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
count% acoustic e"ission ?e"ission count@ ?N@ M t)e nu"# *er o. ti"es t)e acoustic e"ission si(nal e!ceeds a &reset t)res)old durin( an' selected &ortion o. a test count% e ent ?Ne@ M t)e nu"*er o*tained *' countin( eac) discerned acoustic e"ission e ent once count rate% acoustic e"ission ?e"ission rate or count rate@?N@ M t)e ti"e rate at ,)ic) e"ission counts occur count rin(#do,n M see count% acoustic e"ission% t)e &re# .erred ter" cou&lant M a "aterial used at t)e structure#to#sensor inter# .ace to i"&ro e t)e trans"ission o. acoustic ener(' across t)e inter.ace durin( acoustic e"ission "onitorin( cu"ulati e ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude distri*ution 8?V@ M see distri*ution% a"&litude% cu"ulati e cu"ulati e ?acoustic e"ission@ t)res)old crossin( distri*u# tion 8t ?V@ M see distri*ution% t)res)old crossin(% cu"u# lati e dBAE M a lo(arit)"ic "easure o. acoustic e"ission si(nal a"&litude% re.erenced to 1 VA
Si(nal &ea- a"&litude ?dBAE@ & 20 lo(10?A10A0@
distri*ution% t)res)old crossin(% cu"ulati e ?acoustic e"is# sion@ 8t?V@ M t)e nu"*er o. ti"es t)e acoustic e"ission si(nal e!ceeds an ar*itrar' t)res)old as a .unction o. t)e t)res)old olta(e ?V@ distri*ution% di..erential ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude .?V@ M t)e nu"*er o. acoustic e"ission e ents ,it) si(nal a"&litudes *et,een a"&litudes o. V and V X V as a .unction o. t)e a"&litude VA .?V@ is t)e a*solute alue o. t)e deri ati e o. t)e cu"ulati e a"&litude distri*ution 8?V@A distri*ution% di..erential ?acoustic e"ission@ t)res)old crossin( .t ?V@ M t)e nu"*er o. ti"es t)e acoustic e"ission si(nal ,a e.or" )as a &ea- *et,een t)res)olds V and V X V as a .unction o. t)e t)res)old VA .t ?V@ is t)e a*solute alue o. t)e deri ati e o. t)e cu"ulati e t)res)old crossin( distri*ution 8t?V@A distri*ution% lo(arit)"ic ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude (?V@ M t)e nu"*er o. acoustic e"ission e ents ,it) si(nal a"&litudes *et,een V and V ?,)ere is a constant "ulti# &lier@ as a .unction o. t)e a"&litudeA T)is is a ariant o. t)e di..erential a"&litude distri*ution% a&&ro&riate .or lo(arit)"icall' ,indo,ed dataA d'na"ic ran(e M t)e di..erence% in deci*els% *et,een t)e o erload le el and t)e "ini"u" si(nal le el ?usuall' !!ed *' one or "ore o. t)e noise le els% lo,#le el distortion% inter.erence% or resolution le el@ in a s'ste" or sensor e..ecti e elocit'% n M elocit' calculated on t)e *asis o. arri al ti"es and &ro&a(ation distances deter"ined *' arti!cial AE (enerationR used .or co"&uted location e"ission% *urst M a Jualitati e descri&tion o. t)e discrete si(nal related to an indi idual e"ission e ent occurrin( ,it)in t)e "aterial
NOTE 1 M <se o. t)e ter" *urst e"ission is reco""ended onl' .or descri*in( t)e Jualitati e a&&earance o. e"ission si(nalsA 8i(ure 1 s)o,s an oscillosco&e trace o. *urst e"ission si(nals on a *ac-(round o. continu# ous e"issionA
,)ere6 A0 & 1 V at t)e sensor out&ut ?*e.ore a"&li!cation@ A1 & &ea- olta(e o. t)e "easured acoustic e"ission si(nal Acoustic E"ission Re.erence Scale6
dBAE Value 0 20 G0 40 30 100 Volta(e at Sensor Out&ut 1V 10 V 100 V 1 "V 10 "V 100 "V
dead ti"e M an' inter al durin( data acJuisition ,)en t)e instru"ent or s'ste" is una*le to acce&t ne, data .or an' reason ?E 510@ di..erential ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude distri*ution . ?V@ M see distri*ution% di..erential ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude .?V@ di..erential ?acoustic e"ission@ t)res)old crossin( distri# *ution .t?V@ M see distri*ution% di..erential ?acoustic e"is# sion@ t)res)old crossin( distri*ution% a"&litude% cu"ulati e ?acoustic e"ission@ 8?V@ M t)e nu"*er o. acoustic e"ission e ents ,it) si(# nals t)at e!ceed an ar*itrar' a"&litude as a .unction o. a"&litude V
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
e"ission% continuous M a Jualitati e descri&tion o. t)e sustained si(nal le el &roduced *' ra&idl' occurrin( acous# tic e"ission .ro" structural sources% lea-s% or *ot)
NOTE 4 M <se o. t)e ter" continuous e"ission is reco""ended onl' .or descri*in( t)e Jualitati e a&&earance o. e"ission si(nalsA 8i(ures 2 and F s)o, oscillosco&e traces o. continuous e"ission si(nals at t,o di..erent s,ee& ratesA
ener('% acoustic e"ission e ent M t)e total elastic ener(' released *' an e"ission e ent ener('% acoustic e"ission si(nal M t)e ener(' contained in a detected acoustic e"ission *urst si(nal% ,it) units usuall' re&orted in Soules and alues ,)ic) can *e e!&ressed in lo(arit)"ic .or" ?dB% deci*els@
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
e aluation t)res)old M a t)res)old alue used .or anal'sis o. t)e e!a"ination dataA Data "a' *e recorded ,it) a s'ste" e!a"ination t)res)old lo,er t)an t)e e aluation t)res)oldA 8or anal'sis &ur&oses% de&endence o. "easured data on t)e s'ste" e!a"ination t)res)old "ust *e ta-en into considerationA e ent% acoustic e"ission ?e"ission e ent@ M a local "ate# rial c)an(e (i in( rise to acoustic e"ission e ent count ?Ne@ M see count% e ent e ent count rate ?Ne@ M see rate% e ent count e!a"ination area M t)at &ortion o. a structure *ein( "oni# tored ,it) acoustic e"ission e!a"ination re(ion M t)at &ortion o. t)e test article e alu# ated usin( acoustic e"ission tec)nolo('
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
8elicit' e..ect M t)e &resence o. acoustic e"ission% detect# a*le at a !!ed &redeter"ined sensiti it' le el at stress le els *elo, t)ose &re iousl' a&&lied ?E 1045@ 8elicit' e..ect M t)e &resence o. detecta*le acoustic e"is# sion at a !!ed &redeter"ined sensiti it' le el at stress le els *elo, t)ose &re iousl' a&&lied 8elicit' ratio M t)e ratio o. t)e stress at ,)ic) t)e 8elicit' e..ect occurs to t)e &re iousl' a&&lied "a!i"u" stress ?E 1045% E 1113@
NOTE 5 M T)e !!ed sensiti it' le el ,ill usuall' *e t)e sa"e as ,as used .or t)e &re ious loadin( or testA ?E 1113@
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!rst )it location M a Done location "et)od de!ned *' ,)ic) c)annel a"on( a (rou& o. c)annels !rst detects t)e si(nal !oatin( t)res)old M an' t)res)old ,it) a"&litude esta*# lis)ed *' a ti"e a era(e "easure o. t)e in&ut si(nal ?E 510@ )it M t)e detection and "easure"ent o. an AE si(nal on a c)annel inter al% arri al ti"e ? tiS@ M t)e ti"e inter al *et,een t)e detected arri als o. an acoustic e"ission ,a e at t)e it) and St) sensors o. a sensor arra' 9aiser e..ect M t)e a*sence o. detecta*le acoustic e"ission at a !!ed sensiti it' le el% until &re iousl' a&&lied stress le els are e!ceeded location accurac'% n M a alue deter"ined *' co"&arison o. t)e actual &osition o. an AE source ?or si"ulated AE source@ to t)e co"&uted location location% cluster% n M a location tec)niJue *ased u&on a s&eci!ed a"ount o. AE acti it' located ,it)in a s&eci!ed area% .or e!a"&le6 1 e ents ,it)in 12 linear inA% or 12 sJA inA location% co"&uted% n M a source location "et)od *ased on al(orit)"ic anal'sis o. t)e di..erence in arri al ti"es a"on( sensors
NOTE 3 M Se eral a&&roac)es to co"&uted location are used% includin( linear location% &lanar location% t)ree di"ensional location% and ada&ti e locationA ?a@ linear location M one di"ensional source location reJuirin( t,o or "ore c)annelsA ?*@ &lanar location M t,o di"ensional source location reJuirin( t)ree or "ore c)annelsA
?c@ FD location M t)ree di"ensional source location reJuirin( ! e or "ore c)annelsA ?d@ ada&ti e location M source location *' iterati e use o. si"ulated sources in co"*ination ,it) co"&uted locationA
location% continuous AE si(nal% n M a "et)od o. location *ased on continuous AE si(nals% as o&&osed to )it or ence in arri al ti"e location "et)ods
NOTE 2 M T)is t'&e o. location is co""onl' used in lea- location due to t)e &resence o. continuous e"issionA So"e co""on t'&es o. continuous si(nal location "et)ods include si(nal attentuation and correlation anal'# sis "et)odsA ?a@ si(nal attenuation#*ased source location M a source location "et)od t)at relies on t)e attenuation ersus distance &)eno"enon o. AE si(nalsA B' "onitorin( t)e AE si(nal "a(nitudes o. t)e continuous si(nal at arious &oints alon( t)e o*Sect% t)e source can *e deter"ined *ased on t)e )i()est "a(nitude or *' inter&olation or e!tra&olation o. "ulti&le readin(sA ?*@ correlation#*ased source location M a source location "et)od t)at co"&ares t)e c)an(in( AE si(nal le els ?usuall' ,a e.or" *ased a"&litude anal'sis@ at t,o or "ore &oints surroundin( t)e source and deter"ines t)e ti"e dis&lace"ent o. t)ese si(nalsA T)e ti"e dis&lace"ent data can *e used ,it) con entional )it *ased location tec)niJues to arri e at a solution .or t)e source siteA
location% source% n M an' o. se eral "et)ods o. e aluatin( AE data to deter"ine t)e &osition on t)e structure .ro" ,)ic) t)e AE ori(inatedA Se eral a&&roac)es to source location are used% includin( Done location% co"&uted loca# tion% and continuous location location% Done% n M an' o. se eral tec)niJues .or deter"in# in( t)e (eneral re(ion o. an acoustic e"ission source ?.or e!a"&le% total AE counts% ener('% )its% and so .ort)@
NOTE 10 M Se eral a&&roac)es to Done location are used% includin( inde&endent c)annel Done location% !rst )it Done location% and arri al seJuence Done locationA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?a@ inde&endent c)annel Done location% n M a Done location tec)niJue t)at co"&ares t)e (ross a"ount o. acti it' .ro" eac) c)annelA ?*@ !rst#)it Done location% n M a Done location tec)niJue t)at co"&ares onl' acti it' .ro" t)e c)annel !rst detectin( t)e AE e entA ?c@ arri al seJuence Done location% n M a Done location tec)niJue t)at co"&ares t)e order o. arri al a"on( sensorsA
associated ,it) a s&eci!c test article as o*ser ed ,it) a &articular instru"entation s'ste" under s&eci!ed test conditions sti"ulation M t)e a&&lication o. a sti"ulus suc) as .orce% &ressure% )eat% etcA% to a test article to cause acti ation o. acoustic e"ission sources s'ste" e!a"ination t)res)old M t)e electronic instru"ent t)res)old ?see e aluation t)res)old@ at ,)ic) data ,ill *e detected transducers% acoustic e"ission M see sensor% acoustic e"ission eri!cation% AE s'ste"% ?&er.or"ance c)ec-% AE s'ste"@ M t)e &rocess o. testin( an AE s'ste" to assure con.or"ance to a s&eci!ed le el o. &er.or"ance or "easure"ent accu# rac'A ?T)is is usuall' carried out &rior to% durin(% and0or a.ter an AE e!a"ination ,it) t)e AE s'ste" connected to t)e e!a"ination o*Sect% usin( a si"ulated or arti!cial acoustic e"ission sourceA@
lo(arit)"ic ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude distri*ution (?V@ M see distri*ution% lo(arit)"ic ?acoustic e"ission@ a"&litude o erload reco er' ti"e M an inter al o. nonlinear o&era# tion o. an instru"ent caused *' a si(nal ,it) a"&litude in e!cess o. t)e instru"entEs linear o&eratin( ran(e &er.or"ance c)ec-% AE s'ste" M see eri!cation% AE s'ste" &ressure% desi(n M &ressure used in desi(n to deter"ine t)e reJuired "ini"u" t)ic-ness and "ini"u" "ec)anical &ro&erties &rocessin( ca&acit' M t)e nu"*er o. )its t)at can *e &rocessed at t)e &rocessin( s&eed *e.ore t)e s'ste" "ust interru&t data collection to clear *u..ers or ot)er,ise &re# &are .or acce&tin( additional data &rocessin( s&eed M t)e sustained rate ?)its 0s@% as a .unction o. t)e &ara"eter set and nu"*er o. acti e c)annels% at ,)ic) AE si(nals can *e continuousl' &rocessed *' a s'ste" ,it)out interru&tion .or data trans&ort rate% e ent count ?Ne@ M t)e ti"e rate o. t)e e ent count rear" dela' ti"e M see ti"e% rear" dela' rin(#do,n count M see count% acoustic e"ission% t)e &re# .erred ter" sensor% acoustic e"ission M a detection de ice% (enerall' &ieDoelectric% t)at trans.or"s t)e &article "otion &roduced *' an elastic ,a e into an electrical si(nal si(nal% acoustic e"ission ?e"ission si(nal@ M an electrical si(nal o*tained *' detection o. one or "ore acoustic e"is# sion e ents si(nal a"&litude% acoustic e"ission M t)e &ea- olta(e o. t)e lar(est e!cursion attained *' t)e si(nal ,a e.or" .ro" an e"ission e ent si(nal o erload le el M t)at le el a*o e ,)ic) o&eration ceases to *e' as a result o. si(nal distortion% o er)eatin(% or da"a(e si(nal o erload &oint M t)e "a!i"u" in&ut si(nal a"&li# tude at ,)ic) t)e ratio o. out&ut to in&ut is o*ser ed to re"ain ,it)in a &rescri*ed linear o&eratin( ran(e si(nature% acoustic e"ission ?si(nature@ M a c)aracteristic set o. re&roduci*le attri*utes o. acoustic e"ission si(nals
olta(e t)res)old M a olta(e le el on an electronic co"# &arator suc) t)at si(nals ,it) a"&litudes lar(er t)an t)is le el ,ill *e reco(niDedA T)e olta(e t)res)old "a' *e user adSusta*le% !!ed% or auto"atic !oatin(A ?E 510@ ,a e(uide% acoustic e"ission M a de ice t)at cou&les elastic ener(' .ro" a structure or ot)er test o*Sect to a re"otel' "ounted sensor durin( AE "onitorin(A An e!a"# &le o. an acoustic e"ission ,a e(uide ,ould *e a solid ,ire or rod t)at is cou&led at one end to a "onitored structure% and to a sensor at t)e ot)er endA
a*solute coil M a coil ?or coils@ t)at res&ond?s@ to t)e total detected electric or "a(netic &ro&erties% or *ot)% o. a &art or section o. t)e test &art ,it)out co"&arison to anot)er section o. t)e &art or to anot)er &art ?E 144@ a*solute "easure"ents M in electro"a(netic testin(% "ea# sure"ents "ade ,it)out a direct re.erence usin( an a*so# lute coil in contrast to di..erential and co"&arati e "easure"ents ?see also a*solute coil@ a*solute readout M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e si(nal out&ut o. an a*solute coil ?see also a*solute coil@ a*solute s'ste" M a s'ste" t)at uses a coil asse"*l' and associated electronics to "easure t)e total electro"a(netic &ro&erties o. a test &art ,it)out direct co"&arison to anot)er section o. t)e &art or to anot)er &art ?see a*solute coil@ ?E 144@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
acce&tance le el M a test le el a*o e or *elo, ,)ic) test s&eci"ens are acce&ta*le in contrast to reSection le el acce&tance li"its M test le els used in electro"a(netic ins&ection t)at esta*lis) t)e (rou& into ,)ic) a "aterial under test *elon(s acce&tance standard M in tu*in( ins&ection% a tu*e used to esta*lis) t)e acce&tance le el ,it) arti!cial discontinu# ities as s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le &roduct standard acce&tance standard M a tu*e ,it) arti!cial discontinuities s&eci!ed in t)e a&&lica*le &roduct standard used to esta*# lis) t)e acce&tance le el ?E 211@ a"&litude distortion M sa"e as )ar"onic distortion a"&litude res&onse M t)at &ro&ert' o. a test s'ste" ,)ere*' t)e a"&litude o. t)e detected si(nal is "easured ,it)out re(ard to &)ase ?see also )ar"onic anal'sis and &)ase anal'sis@ annular coil clearance M t)e "ean radial distance *et,een adSacent coil asse"*l' and test &art sur.ace in electro"a(# netic encirclin( coil e!a"ination annular coils M see encirclin( coils arti!cial discontinuit' M re.erence discontinuities% suc) as )oles% (roo es% or notc)es t)at are introduced into a re.erence standard to &ro ide accuratel' re&roduci*le sen# siti it' le els .or electro"a(netic test eJui&"ent *and &ass !lter M a ,a e !lter )a in( a sin(le trans"is# sion *and% neit)er o. t)e cut#o.. .reJuencies *ein( Dero or in!nit' *o**in coil M see ID coil *uc-in( coils M sa"e as di..erential coils circu".erential coils M see encirclin( coils coil% a*solute M see a*solute coil coil% re.erence M see re.erence coil coil siDe M t)e di"ension o. a coil% .or e!a"&le% len(t) or dia"eter coil s&acin( M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e a!ial dis# tance *et,een t,o encirclin( coils o. a di..erential s'ste" coil% test M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e section o. t)e &ro*e or coil asse"*l' t)at e!cites and0or detects t)e elec# tro"a(netic !eld in t)e "aterial under test co"&arati e "easure"ents M in electro"a(netic testin(% "easure"ents "ade in ,)ic) t)e un*alance in t)e s'ste"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
is "easured usin( co"&arator coils in contrast to di..eren# tial and a*solute "easure"entsA ?See also co"&arator coilsA@ co"&arati e readout M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e si(nal out&ut o. co"&arator coilsA ?See also co"&arator coilsA@ co"&arati e s'ste" M a s'ste" t)at uses coil asse"*lies and associated electronics to detect an' electric or "a(netic condition% or *ot)% t)at is not co""on to t)e test s&eci"en and t)e standard ?see co"&arator coils@ ?E 144@ co"&arator coils M in electro"a(netic testin(% t,o or "ore coils electricall' connected in series o&&osition *ut arran(ed so t)at t)ere is no "utual induction ?cou&lin(@ *et,een t)e" suc) t)at an' electric or "a(netic condition% or *ot)% t)at is not co""on to t)e test s&eci"en and t)e standard% ,ill &roduce an un*alance in t)e s'ste" and t)ere*' 'ield an indication
conducti it' M t)e intrinsic &ro&ert' o. a &articular "ate# rial to carr' electric currentR it is co""onl' e!&ressed in &ercent IACS ?International Annealed Co&&er Standard@ or MS0" ?Me(asie"ens0"eter@ cou&lin( M t,o electric circuits are said to *e cou&led to eac) ot)er ,)en t)e' )a e an i"&edance in co""on so t)at a current in one causes a olta(e in t)e ot)er cut#o.. le el M sa"e as reSection le el de.ect resolution M a &ro&ert' o. a test s'ste" t)at ena*les t)e se&aration o. indications due to de.ects in a test s&eci# "en t)at are located in close &ro!i"it' to eac) ot)er de&t) o. &enetration M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e de&t) at ,)ic) t)e "a(netic !eld stren(t) or intensit' o. induced edd' currents )as decreased to F5O o. its sur.ace alueA T)e de&t) o. &enetration is an e!&onential .unction o. t)e .reJuenc' o. t)e si(nal and t)e conducti it' and &er"ea*ilit' o. t)e "aterialA S'non'"ous ter"s are stan# dard de&t) o. &enetration and s-in de&t)A ?see also s-in e..ect@
dia"a(netic "aterial M a "aterial ,)ose relati e &er"e# a*ilit' is less t)an unit'
NOTE 11 M T)e intrinsic induction Bi is o&&ositel' directed to t)e a&&lied "a(netiDin( .orce +A
di..erential coils M t,o or "ore coils electricall' con# nected in series o&&osition suc) t)at an' electric or "a(# netic condition% or *ot)% t)at is not co""on to t)e areas o. a s&eci"en *ein( electro"a(neticall' tested ,ill &ro# duce an un*alance in t)e s'ste" and t)ere*' 'ield an indication
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
di..erential "easure"ents M in electro"a(netic testin(% "easure"ents "ade in ,)ic) t)e i"*alance in t)e s'ste" is "easured usin( di..erential coils in contrast to a*solute and co"&arati e "easure"ents ?see also di..erential coils@ di..erential readout M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e si(# nal out&ut o. di..erential coils ?see also di..erential coils@ di..erential si(nal M in electro"a(netic testin(% an out&ut si(nal t)at is &ro&ortional to t)e rate o. c)an(e o. t)e in&ut si(nal di..erential s'ste" M an electro"a(netic testin( s'ste" t)at uses coil asse"*lies and associated electronics to detect an electric or "a(netic condition% or *ot)% t)at is not co""on to t)e areas o. t)e s&eci"en *ein( testedA ?See also di..erential coilsA@ edd' current M an electrical current caused to !o, in a conductor *' t)e ti"e or s&ace ariation% or *ot)% o. an a&&lied "a(netic !eld edd' current testin( M a nondestructi e testin( "et)od in ,)ic) edd' current !o, is induced in t)e test o*SectA C)an(es in t)e !o, caused *' ariations in t)e s&eci"en are re!ected into a near*' coil% coils% or +all e..ect de ice .or su*seJuent anal'sis *' suita*le instru"entation and tec)niJuesA ed(e e..ect M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e distur*ance o. t)e "a(netic !eld and edd' currents due to t)e &ro!i"it' o. an a*ru&t c)an(e in s&eci"en (eo"etr' ?ed(e@A T)is e..ect (enerall' results in t)e "as-in( o. discontinuities ,it)in t)e a..ected re(ionA ?T)is e..ect is also ter"ed t)e end e..ectA@ e..ecti e de&t) &enetration ?EDP@ M in electro"a(netic testin(% .or ?a@ t)ic-ness% t)e "ini"u" de&t) *e'ond ,)ic) a test s'ste" can no lon(er relia*l' detect a .urt)er increase in s&eci"en t)ic-ness% or ?*@ de.ects% t)e li"it .or relia*l' detectin( "etallur(ical or "ec)anical discontinuities *' ,a' o. con entional continuous ,a e ?CL@ edd' current instru"entation and sensorsA T)e EDP &oint is a&&ro!i# "atel' t)ree ti"es t)e standard de&t) o. &enetrationA e..ecti e &er"ea*ilit' M a )'&ot)etical Juantit' t)at descri*es t)e "a(netic &er"ea*ilit' t)at is e!&erienced under a (i en set o. &)'sical conditions suc) as a c'lindri# cal test s&eci"en in an encirclin( coil at a s&eci!c test .reJuenc'A T)is Juantit' "a' *e di..erent .ro" t)e &er"e# a*ilit' o. t)e &articular "etal *ein( tested in t)at it ta-es into account suc) t)in(s as t)e (eo"etr' o. t)e &art% t)e relati e &osition o. t)e encirclin( coil% and c)aracteristics o. t)e "a(netic !eldA electrical center M t)e center esta*lis)ed *' t)e electro# "a(netic !eld distri*ution ,it)in a test coilA A constant intensit' si(nal% irres&ecti e o. t)e circu".erential &osition o. a discontinuit'% is indicati e o. electrical centerin(A T)e electrical center "a' *e di..erent .ro" t)e &)'sical center o. t)e test coilA
electro"a(netic testin( M a nondestructi e test "et)od .or "aterials% includin( "a(netic "aterials% t)at uses elec# tro"a(netic ener(' )a in( .reJuencies less t)an t)ose o. isi*le li()t to 'ield in.or"ation re(ardin( t)e Jualit' o. testin( "aterial encirclin( coils M in electro"a(netic testin(% coil?s@ or coil asse"*l' t)at surround?s@ t)e &art to *e testedA Coils o. t)is t'&e are also re.erred to as annular% circu".erential% or .eed#t)rou() coilsA end e..ect M see ed(e e..ect end e..ect M t)e loss in sensiti it' to discontinuities located near t)e e!tre"e ends o. t)e tu*e as t)e ends o. t)e tu*e enter or lea e t)e test coil ?E 211@ .eed#t)rou() coils M see encirclin( coils .erro"a(netic "aterial M a "aterial t)at% in (eneral% e!)i*its t)e &)eno"ena o. "a(netic )'steresis and satura# tion% and ,)ose &er"ea*ilit' is de&endent on t)e "a(netiD# in( .orce !ll .actor M .or internal &ro*e electro"a(netic testin(% t)e ratio o. t)e e..ecti e cross#sectional area o. t)e &ri"ar' internal &ro*e coil to t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e tu*e interior !ll .actor M .or encirclin( coil electro"a(netic testin(% t)e ratio o. t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e test s&eci"en to t)e e..ecti e cross#sectional core area o. t)e &ri"ar' encirclin( coil ?outside dia"eter o. coil .or"% not inside dia"eter ,)ic) is adSacent to s&eci"en@ !lter M a net,or- t)at &asses electro"a(netic ,a e ener(' o er a descri*ed ran(e o. .reJuencies and attenuates ener(' at all ot)er .reJuencies .reJuenc' M t)e nu"*er o. c'cles &er second o. alternatin( electric current induced into t)e tu*ular &roductA 8or edd'# current testin( descri*ed )erein% t)e .reJuenc' is nor"all' 1 to 121 -+D% inclusi eA ?E 211@ (ate M sa"e as reSection le el )ar"onic anal'sis M an anal'tical tec)niJue ,)ere*' t)e a"&litude or &)ase% or *ot)% o. t)e .reJuenc' co"&onents o. a co"&le! &eriodic si(nal is deter"ined )ar"onic distortion M nonlinear distortion c)aracteriDed *' t)e a&&earance in t)e out&ut o. )ar"onics ot)er t)an t)e .unda"ental co"&onent ,)en t)e in&ut ,a e is sinusoidal IACS M t)e International Annealed Co&&er StandardR an international standard o. electrical conducti it' ID coil M a coil or coil asse"*l' used .or electro"a(netic testin( *' insertion into t)e test &iece as in t)e case o. an
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
inside &ro*e .or tu*in(A Coils o. t)is t'&e are also re.erred to as inside coils% inserted coils% or *o**in coilsA i"&edance M t)e total o&&osition t)at a circuit &resents to t)e !o, o. an alternatin( current% s&eci!call' t)e co"&le! Juotient o. olta(e di ided *' current i"&edance anal'sis M in electro"a(netic testin(% an ana# l'tical "et)od t)at consists o. correlatin( c)an(es in t)e a"&litude% &)ase% or Juadrature co"&onents% or all o. t)ese% o. a co"&le! test si(nal olta(e to t)e electro"a(netic conditions ,it)in t)e test s&eci"en i"&edance &lane dia(ra" M a (ra&)ical re&resentation o. t)e locus o. &oints% indicatin( t)e ariations in t)e i"&ed# ance o. a test coil as a .unction o. *asic test &ara"eters incre"ental &er"ea*ilit' M t)e ratio o. t)e c)an(e in "a(netic induction to t)e corres&ondin( c)an(e in "a(# netiDin( .orce ,)en t)e "ean induction di..ers .ro" Dero indications M edd'#current si(nals caused *' an' c)an(e .ro" uni.or"it' o. a tu*eA T)ese c)an(es .ro" uni.or"it' a..ect t)e electrical c)aracteristic o. t)e tu*e *ut "a' not *e detri"ental to t)e end use o. t)e &roduct ?E 211@ initial &er"ea*ilit' M t)e slo&e o. t)e induction cur e at Dero "a(netiDin( .orce as t)e test s&eci"en is *ein( re"o ed .ro" a de"a(netiDin( condition ?slo&e at ori(in o. B+ cur e *e.ore )'steresis is o*ser ed@ inserted coil M see ID coil inside coil M see ID coil li.t#o.. e..ect M t)e e..ect o*ser ed in an electro"a(netic test s'ste" out&ut due to a c)an(e in "a(netic cou&lin( *et,een a test s&eci"en and a &ro*e coil ,)ene er t)e distance *et,een t)e" is aried "a(netic )istor' M "a(netic condition o. a .erro"a(netic &art under test *ased on &re ious e!&osures to "a(netic !elds ?E 144@ "a(netic lea-a(e !u! M t)e e!cursion o. "a(netic lines o. .orce .ro" t)e sur.ace o. a test s&eci"en "a(netic saturation M t)at de(ree o. "a(netiDation ,)ere a .urt)er increase in "a(netiDin( .orce &roduces no si(# ni!cant increase in "a(netic !u! densit' ?&er"ea*ilit'@ in a s&eci"en "odulation anal'sis M an anal'tical "et)od used in elec# tro"a(netic testin( t)at se&arates res&onses due to arious .actors in!uencin( t)e total "a(netic !eld *' se&aratin( and inter&retin(% indi iduall'% .reJuencies or .reJuenc' *ands in t)e "odulation en elo&e o. t)e ?carrier .re# Juenc'@ si(nal
noise M in electro"a(netic ins&ection% an' nonrele ant si(nal t)at tends to inter.ere ,it) t)e nor"al rece&tion or &rocessin( o. a desired !a, si(nalA It s)ould *e noted t)at suc) noise si(nals "a' *e (enerated *' in)o"o(eneities in t)e ins&ected &art t)at are not detri"ental to t)e end use o. t)e &artA non.erro"a(netic "aterial M a "aterial t)at is not "a(ne# tiDa*le and )ence% essentiall' not a..ected *' "a(netic !eldsA T)is ,ould include &ara"a(netic "aterials and dia# "a(netic "aterialsA nor"al &er"ea*ilit' M t)e ratio o. t)e induction ?,)en c'clicall' "ade to c)an(e s'""etricall' a*out Dero@ to t)e corres&ondin( c)an(e in "a(netiDin( .orce o..#line testin( M edd' current tests conducted on eJui&# "ent t)at includes t)e test coil and "eans to &ro&el indi id# ual tu*es under test t)rou() t)e coil at a&&ro&riate s&eeds and conditions on#line testin( M edd' current tests conducted on eJui&# "ent t)at includes t)e test coil and "eans to &ro&el tu*es under test t)rou() t)e coil at a&&ro&riate s&eeds and condi# tions as an inte(ral &art o. a continuous tu*e "anu.acturin( seJuence o&ti"u" .reJuenc' M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)at .re# Juenc' ,)ic) &ro ides t)e lar(est si(nal#to#noise ratio o*taina*le .or t)e detection o. an indi idual "aterial &ro&# ert'A Eac) &ro&ert' o. a (i en "aterial "a' )a e its o,n o&ti"u" .reJuenc'A &ara"a(netic "aterial M a "aterial t)at )as a relati e &er"ea*ilit' sli()tl' (reater t)an unit' and t)at is &racti# call' inde&endent o. t)e "a(netiDin( .orce &er"ea*ilit'% a#c M a (eneric ter" used to e!&ress arious d'na"ic relations)i&s *et,een "a(netic induction% B% and "a(netiDin( .orce% +% .or "a(netic "aterial su*Sected to a c'clic e!citation *' alternatin( or &ulsatin( currentA T)e alues o. a#c &er"ea*ilit' o*tained .or a (i en "aterial de&end .unda"entall' u&on t)e e!cursion li"its o. d'na"ic e!citation and induction% t)e "et)od and condi# tions o. "easure"ent% and also u&on suc) .actors as resisti# it'% t)ic-ness o. la"inations% .reJuenc' o. e!citation% etcA
NOTE 12 M T)e nu"erical alue .or an' &er"ea*ilit' is "eanin(less unless t)e corres&ondin( B or + e!citation le el is s&eci!edA 8or incre"en# tal &er"ea*ilities not onl' "ust t)e corres&ondin( d#c B or + e!citation le el *e s&eci!ed% *ut also t)e d'na"ic ran(e ? B or +@A
&er"ea*ilit'% d#c M &er"ea*ilit' is a (eneral ter" used to e!&ress relations)i&s *et,een "a(netic induction% B% and "a(netiDin( .orce% +% under arious conditions o. "a(# netic e!citationA T)ese relations)i&s are eit)er ?1@ a*solute &er"ea*ilit'% ,)ic) in (eneral is t)e Juotient o. a c)an(e in "a(netic induction di ided *' t)e corres&ondin( c)an(e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
in "a(netiDin( .orce% or ?2@ relati e &er"ea*ilit'% ,)ic) is t)e ratio o. t)e a*solute &er"ea*ilit' to t)e "a(netic constant ? "@A
NOTE 1F M T)e "a(netic constant " is a scalar Juantit' di..erin( in alue and uniJuel' deter"ined *' eac) electro"a(netic s'ste" o. unitsA In t)e unrationaliDed c(s s'ste" " is 1 (auss 0oersted and t)e "-sa rationaliDed s'ste" " & G10\5 + 0"A NOTE 1G M Relati e &er"ea*ilit' is a &ure nu"*er ,)ic) is t)e sa"e in all unit s'ste"sA T)e alue and di"ension o. a*solute &er"ea*ilit' de&ends on t)e s'ste" o. units e"&lo'edA NOTE 11 M 8or an' .erro"a(netic "aterial% &er"ea*ilit' is a .unction o. t)e de(ree o. "a(netiDationA +o,e er% initial &er"ea*ilit'% 0 and "a!i"u" &er"ea*ilit'% " are uniJue alues .or a (i en s&eci"en under s&eci!ed conditionsA NOTE 14 M E!ce&t .or initial &er"ea*ilit'% 0 % a nu"erical alue .or an' o. t)e d#c &er"ea*ilities is "eanin(less unless t)e corres&ondin( B or + e!citation le el is s&eci!edA NOTE 15 M 8or t)e incre"ental &er"ea*ilitiesandi% a nu"erical alue is "eanin(less unless *ot) t)e corres&ondin( alues o. "ean e!cita# tion le el ?B or +@ and t)e e!cursion ran(e ? B or +@ are s&eci!edA
re.erence standard M a tu*e% &late or &art ,it) arti!cial discontinuities used .or esta*lis)in( t)e test sensiti it' set# tin( and .or &eriodicall' c)ec-in( and adSustin( sensiti it' settin( as reJuired Psee also standard ?1@Q ?E 211@ reSection le el M t)e alue esta*lis)ed .or a test si(nal a*o e or *elo, ,)ic) test s&eci"ens are reSecta*le% or ot)er,ise distin(uis)ed .ro" t)e re"ainin( s&eci"ens selecti it' M t)e c)aracteristic o. a test s'ste" t)at is a "easure o. t)e e!tent to ,)ic) an instru"ent is ca&a*le o. di..erentiatin( *et,een t)e desired si(nal and distur# *ances o. ot)er .reJuencies or &)ases sensiti it' control M t)e control in t)e instru"ent t)at adSusts t)e a"&li!er (ain% and is one o. t)e .actors t)at deter"ines t)e ca&acit' to detect discontinuities ?E 211@ si(nal (radient M sa"e as di..erential readout si(nal#to#noise ratio M t)e ratio o. alues to si(nal ?res&onse containin( rele ant in.or"ation@ to t)at o. noise ?res&onse containin( nonrele ant in.or"ation@ s-in de&t) M see de&t) o. &enetration s-in e..ect M t)e &)eno"enon ,)erein t)e de&t) o. &ene# tration o. electric currents into a conductor decreases as t)e .reJuenc' o. t)e current is increasedA At er' )i() .reJuencies% t)e current !o, is restricted to an e!tre"el' t)in outer la'er o. t)e conductorA ?See also de&t) o. &ene# trationA@ s&eed e..ect M t)e &)eno"enon in electro"a(netic testin( o. ,)ic) t)e e idence is a c)an(e in t)e si(nal olta(e resultin( .ro" a c)an(e in t)e relati e "otion *et,een t)e s&eci"en and a test coil asse"*l' standard M ?1@ a &)'sical re.erence used as a *asis .or co"&arison or cali*rationR ?2@ a conce&t t)at )as *een esta*lis)ed *' aut)orit'% custo"% or a(ree"ent to ser e as a "odel or rule in t)e "easure"ent o. Jualit' or t)e esta*lis)"ent o. a &ractice or &rocedureA standard de&t) o. &enetration M see de&t) o. &enetration standard de&t) o. &enetration ?SDP@ M t)e de&t) at ,)ic) t)e edd' current densit' is reduced to a&&ro!i"atel' F5O o. t)e densit' at t)e sur.aceA Edd'#current testin( is "ost e..ecti e ,)en t)e ,all t)ic-ness does not e!ceed t)e SDP or in )ea ier tu*e ,alls ,)en discontinuities o. interest are ,it)in one SDP ?E 211@ test coil M t)e section o. t)e coil asse"*l' t)at e!a"ines t)e "aterial under test in a co"&arati e s'ste"R t)e coil used to e!a"ine t)e "aterial in an a*solute or di..erential co"&arati e s'ste" ?E 144@
&)ase anal'sis M an anal'tical tec)niJue t)at discri"inates *et,een aria*les in a &art under(oin( electro"a(netic testin( &art *' t)e di..erent &)ase an(le c)an(es t)at t)ese conditions &roduce in t)e test si(nalA See also &)ase detectionA &)ase an(le M t)e an(ular eJui alent o. t)e ti"e dis&lace# "ent *et,een corres&ondin( &oints on t,o sine ,a es o. t)e sa"e .reJuenc' &)ase detection M t)e deri ation o. a si(nal ,)ose a"&li# tude is a .unction o. t)e &)ase an(le *et,een t,o alternat# in( currents% one o. ,)ic) is used as a re.erence &)ase#sensiti e s'ste" M a s'ste" ,)ose out&ut si(nal is de&endent on t)e &)ase relations)i& *et,een t)e olta(e returned .ro" a &ic-u& or sensin( coil and a re.erence olta(e &)ase s)i.t M a c)an(e in t)e &)ase relations)i& *et,een t,o alternatin( Juantities o. t)e sa"e .reJuenc' &ro*e coil M in electro"a(netic testin(% a s"all coil or coil asse"*l' t)at is &laced on or near t)e sur.ace o. test o*Sects &ro*e coil clearance M t)e &er&endicular distance *et,een adSacent sur.aces o. t)e &ro*e and test &artR also li.t#o.. reco er' ti"e M t)e ti"e reJuired .or a test s'ste" to return to its ori(inal state a.ter it )as recei ed a si(nal re.erence coil M a coil or &ro*e% ,)ic) "a' *e used in conSunction ,it) t)e a&&ro&riate "aterial% to electricall' *alance a co"&arati e s'ste"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
test .reJuenc' M in electro"a(netic testin(% t)e nu"*er o. co"&lete c'cles &er unit ti"e o. t)e alternatin( current a&&lied to t)e &ri"ar' test coil test Jualit' le el M see reSection le el t)ree ,a' sort M an electro"a(netic sort *ased on a si(nal res&onse .ro" t)e "aterial under test a*o e or *elo, t,o le els esta*lis)ed *' t)ree or "ore cali*ration standards t)res)old le el M t)e settin( o. an instru"ent t)at causes it to re(ister onl' t)ose c)an(es in res&onse (reater or less t)an a s&eci!ed "a(nitude t)res)old settin( M t)e settin( o. t)e instru"ent t)at causes it to re(ister onl' t)ose c)an(es in edd'#current res&onse (reater t)an a s&eci!ed "a(nitude ?E 211@
NOTE 13 M Sensiti it' and t)res)old settin(s usuall' are indicated *' ar*itrar' nu"*ers on t)e control &anel o. t)e testin( instru"entA T)ese nu"erical settin(s a"on( instru"ents o. di..erent t'&esA It is% t)ere.ore% not &ro&er to translate a nu"erical settin( on one instru"ent to t)at o. anot)er t'&eA E en a"on( instru"ents o. t)e sa"e desi(n and .ro" t)e sa"e "anu.acturer% sensiti it' and t)res)old settin(s "a' ar' sli()tl' ,)en detectin( t)e sa"e discontinuit'A T)ere.ore% undue e"&)asis on t)e nu"erical alue o. sensiti it' and t)res)old settin(s is not Susti!edA ?E 211@
acti ation M in neutron radio(ra&)'% t)e &rocess o. causin( a su*stance to *eco"e arti!ciall' radioacti e *' su*Sectin( it to *o"*ard"ent *' neutrons or ot)er &articles acute radiation s'ndro"e M t)e i""ediate e..ects o. a s)ort ter"% ,)ole *od' o ere!&osure o. a &erson to ioniD# in( radiationA T)ese e..ects include nausea and o"itin(% "alaise% increased te"&erature% and *lood c)an(es al&)anu"eric M ter" &ertainin( to *ot) nu"*ers and al&)a*etical c)aracters% t'&icall' used to desi(nate a de ice ca&a*le o. )andlin( *ot) t'&es o. c)aracters al&)a &article M a &ositi el' c)ar(ed &article e"itted *' certain radio#nuclidesA It consists o. t,o &rotons and t,o neutrons% and is identical to t)e nucleus o. a )eliu" ato" a"or&)ous seleniu" ? #Se@ radiation detector arra' M an arra' e"&lo'in( a *iased a"or&)ous seleniu" &)oto#conductor t)at directl' con erts incident radiation into electrical c)ar(e ,)ic) can t)en *e read to .or" a di(ital i"a(e analo( i"a(e M an i"a(e &roduced *' a continuousl' aria*le &)'sical &rocess ?.or e!a"&le% e!&osure o. !l"@ analo( to di(ital con erter ?a0d@ M a de ice t)at c)an(es an analo( si(nal to a di(ital re&resentation o. t)e si(nal anode M t)e &ositi e electrode o. a disc)ar(e tu*eA In an =#ra' tu*e% t)e anode carries t)e tar(et anode current M t)e electrons &assin( .ro" t)e cat)ode to t)e anode in an =#ra' tu*e% "inus t)e s"all loss incurred *' t)e *ac- scattered .raction a&erture M an o&enin( in "aterial% s&ace% or ti"e o er ,)ic) an ele"ent is considered to *e acti e area o. interest M t)e s&eci!c &ortion o. t)e o*Sect i"a(e on t)e radio(ra&) t)at is to *e e aluated arra' &rocessor M a s&ecial &ur&ose lo(ical &rocessin( de ice t)at &er.or"s e!tre"el' .ast "at)e"atical o&era# tions on di(ital arra's arti.act M s&urious indication on a radio(ra&) arisin( .ro"% *ut not li"ited to% .ault' "anu.acture% stora(e% )andlin(% e!&osure% or &rocessin( autoradio(ra&) M t)e i"a(e o. an o*Sect containin( a radioele"ent o*tained% on a recordin( "ediu"% *' "eans o. its o,n radiation *ac- scattered radiation M radiation ,)ic) is scattered "ore t)an 20 de( ,it) res&ect to t)e incident *ea"% t)at is% *ac-,ard in t)e (eneral direction o. t)e radiation source *etatron M an electron accelerator in ,)ic) acceleration is &ro ided *' a s&ecial "a(netic !eld constrainin( t)e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
transducer M an electro"a(netic de ice .or con ertin( electrical ener(' into "a(netic or "ec)anical ener(' and ice ersa ?E 10FF@ t,o#,a' sort M an electro"a(netic sort *ased on a si(nal res&onse .ro" t)e "aterial under test a*o e or *elo, a le el esta*lis)ed *' t,o or "ore cali*ration standards ,o**le M in electro"a(netic testin(% an e..ect t)at &ro# duces ariations in coil s&acin( ?o&erational li.t#o..@ due to lateral "otion o. t)e test s&eci"en in &assin( t)rou() an encirclin( coil
a*sor*ed dose M t)e a"ount o. ener(' i"&arted *' ioniD# in( radiation &er unit "ass o. irradiated "atterA Denoted *' radR 1 radR & 0A01 S 0-(A SI unit is (ra'R 1 (ra' & 1 S 0-(A a*sor*ed dose rate M t)e a*sor*ed dose &er unit o. ti"eR rads 0sA SI unit% (ra's 0sA a*sor&tion M t)e &rocess ,)ere*' t)e incident &articles or &)otons o. radiation are reduced in nu"*er or ener(' as t)e' &ass t)rou() "atter acceleratin( &otential M t)e di..erence in electric &otential *et,een t)e cat)ode and anode in an =#ra' tu*e t)rou() ,)ic) a c)ar(ed &article is accelerated6 usuall' e!&ressed in units o. -V or MV
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
electrons to a circular or*itA T)is t'&e o. eJui&"ent usuall' o&erates at ener(ies *et,een 10 and F1 MEV *loc-in( or "as-in( M surroundin( s&eci"ens or co erin( t)eir sections ,it) a*sor&ti e "aterial *loo"in( M in radiolo(ic real#ti"e i"a(in(% an undesir# a*le condition e!)i*ited *' so"e i"a(e con ersion de ices and tele ision &ic-u& tu*es *rou()t a*out *' e!ceedin( t)e allo,a*le in&ut *ri()tness .or t)e de ice% causin( t)e i"a(e to (o into saturation% &roducin( a .uDD' i"a(e o. de(raded s&atial resolution and (re' scale rendition *lo, *ac- M t)e enlar(e"ent o. a "ini!ed radio(ra&) to its ori(inal siDe *' use o. an o&tical direct reader cassette M a li()t#ti()t container .or )oldin( radio(ra&)ic recordin( "edia durin( e!&osure% .or e!a"&le% !l"% ,it) or ,it)out intensi.'in( or con ersion screens c)aracteristic cur e M t)e &lot o. densit' ersus lo( o. e!&osure or o. relati e e!&osureA ?Also called t)e D#lo( E cur e or t)e + and D cur eA@
de!nition% i"a(e de!nition M t)e s)ar&ness o. delineation o. i"a(e details in a radio(ra&)A Ienerall' used Jualita# ti el' densito"eter M a de ice .or "easurin( t)e o&tical densit' o. radio(ra&) !l" densit' ?!l"@ M t)e Juantitati e "easure o. !l" *lac-# enin( ,)en li()t is trans"itted or re!ectedA
D & lo( ?Io 0I @ or D & lo( ?Io 0R@
,)ere D Io I R & & & & densit' li()t intensit' incident on t)e !l" li()t intensit' trans"itted li()t intensit' re!ected
densit' co"&arison stri& M alternati e ter" .or ste&#,ed(e co"&arison !l"A di(ital M t)e re&resentation o. data or &)'sical Juantities in t)e .or" o. discrete codes% suc) as nu"erical c)aracters% rat)er t)an a continuous strea" di(ital i"a(e M an i"a(e co"&osed o. discrete &i!els% eac) o. ,)ic) is c)aracteriDed *' a di(itall' re&resented lu"inance le el di(ital i"a(e acJuisition s'ste" M a s'ste" o. electronic co"&onents ,)ic)% *' eit)er directl' detectin( radiation or con ertin( analo( radiation detection in.or"ation% cre# ates an i"a(e o. t)e s&atial radiation intensit' "a& co"# &rised o. an arra' o. discrete di(ital intensit' alues ?see &i!el@ di(ital i"a(e en)ance"ent M an' o&eration used .or t)e &ur&ose o. en)ancin( so"e as&ect o. t)e ori(inal i"a(e di(ital i"a(e &rocessin( s'ste" M a s'ste" ,)ic) uses al(orit)"s to &rocess di(ital i"a(e data di(itiDe ?.or radiolo('@ M t)e act o. con ertin( an analo( i"a(e or si(nal to a di(ital &resentation d'na"ic ran(e ?.or radiolo('@ M t)e s&an o. si(nal inten# sit' ,)ic) de!nes t)e s'ste"Es ran(e o. &er.or"ance eJui alent IAKAIA sensiti it' M t)at t)ic-ness o. IAKAIA e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. t)e section t)ic-ness radiolo(# icall' e!a"ined in ,)ic) a 2T )ole or 2O ,ire siDe eJui a# lent ,ould *e isi*le under t)e sa"e radiolo(ical conditions eJui alent &enetra"eter sensiti it' M t)at t)ic-ness o. &enetra"eter% e!&ressed as a &ercenta(e o. t)e section t)ic-ness radio(ra&)ed% in ,)ic) a 2T )ole ,ould *e isi*le under t)e sa"e radio(ra&)ic conditions
cine#radio(ra&)' M t)e &roduction o. a series o. radio# (ra&)s t)at can *e ie,ed ra&idl' in seJuence% t)us creatin( an illusion o. continuit' colli"ator M a de ice o. radiation a*sor*ent "aterial intended .or de!nin( t)e direction and an(ular di er(ence o. t)e radiation *ea" co"&osite ie,in( M t)e ie,in( o. t,o or "ore su&eri"# &osed radio(ra&)s .ro" a "ulti&le !l" e!&osure co"&ton scatter radiation M t)e scattered =#ra' or (a""a ra'% ,)ic) results .ro" t)e inelastic scatterin( o. an inci# dent =#ra' or (a""a ra' on an electronA Since t)e eSected electron )as s)ort ran(e in "ost "aterials% it is not consid# ered &art o. t)e scattered radiation co"&uted radiolo(' ?&)oto sti"ulated lu"inescence "et)od@ M a t,o#ste& radiolo(ical i"a(in( &rocessR !rst% a stora(e &)os&)or i"a(in( &late is e!&osed to &enetratin( radiationR second% t)e lu"inescence .ro" t)e &lateEs &)oto# sti"ula*le lu"inescent &)os&)or is detected% di(itiDed% and &resented ia )ard co&' or a CRT constant &otential M a "et)od o. electricall' (eneratin( =#ra's *' &lacin( a constant &otential electrical source ? olta(e and current@ across t)e =#ra' tu*e anode and cat)odeR t)e ri&&le co"&onent o. t)e constant &otential electrical source is t'&icall' less t)an 2A0O contrast sensiti it' M a "easure o. t)e "ini"u" &ercent# a(e c)an(e in an o*Sect ,)ic) &roduces a &erce&ti*le densit' 0*ri()tness c)an(e in t)e radiolo(ical i"a(e contrast stretc) M a .unction t)at o&erates on t)e (re'scale alues in an i"a(e to increase or decrease i"a(e contrast
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
erasa*le o&tical "ediu" M an erasa*le and re,rita*le stora(e "ediu" ,)ere t)e di(ital data is re&resented *' t)e de(ree o. re!ecti it' o. t)e "ediu" recordin( la'er6 t)e data can *e altered e!&osure% radio(ra&)ic e!&osure M t)e su*Section o. a recordin( "ediu" to radiation .or t)e &ur&ose o. &roducin( a latent i"a(eA Radio(ra&)ic e!&osure is co""onl' e!&ressed in ter"s o. "illia"&ere#seconds or "illicurie# )ours .or a -no,n source#to#!l" distanceA e!&osure ta*le M a su""ar' o. alues o. radio(ra&)ic e!&osures suita*le .or t)e di..erent t)ic-nesses o. a s&eci# !ed "aterial !l" contrast M a Jualitati e e!&ression o. t)e slo&e or stee&ness o. t)e c)aracteristic cur e o. a !l"R t)at &ro&ert' o. a &)oto(ra&)ic "aterial ,)ic) is related to t)e "a(ni# tude o. t)e densit' di..erence resultin( .ro" a (i en e!&o# sure di..erence !l" s&eed M a nu"erical alue e!&ressin( t)e res&onse o. an i"a(e rece&tor to t)e ener(' o. &enetratin( radiation under s&eci!ed conditions !lter M uni.or" la'er o. "aterial% usuall' o. )i()er ato"ic nu"*er t)an t)e s&eci"en% &laced *et,een t)e radiation source and t)e !l" .or t)e &ur&ose o. &re.erentiall' a*sor*in( t)e so.ter radiations !uorescence M t)e e"ission o. li()t *' a su*stance as a result o. t)e a*sor&tion o. so"e ot)er radiation o. s)orter ,a elen(t)s onl' as lon( as t)e sti"ulus &roducin( it is "aintained !uorescent screen M alternati e ter" .or intensi.'in( screen ?*@ !uorosco&' M t)e isual o*ser ation on a !uorescent screen o. t)e i"a(e o. an o*Sect e!&osed to &enetratin(% ioniDin( radiation .ocal s&ot M .or !#ra' (enerators% t)at area o. t)e anode ?tar(et@ o. an !#ra' tu*e ,)ic) e"its !#ra' ,)en *o"# *arded ,it) electrons .o( M a (eneral ter" used to denote an' increase in o&tical densit' o. a &rocessed &)oto(ra&)ic e"ulsion caused *' an't)in( ot)er t)an direct action o. t)e i"a(e .or"in( radiation and due to one or "ore o. t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ a(in( M deterioration% *e.ore or a.ter e!&osure% or *ot)% resultin( .ro" a recordin( "ediu" t)at )as *een stored .or too lon( a &eriod o. ti"e% or ot)er i"&ro&er conditionsR ?*@ *ase M t)e "ini"u" uni.or" densit' in)erent in a &rocessed e"ulsion ,it)out &rior e!&osure ?c@ c)e"ical M resultin( .ro" un,anted reactions dur# in( c)e"ical &rocessin(R
?d@ dic)roic M c)aracteriDed *' t)e &roduction o. col# loidal sil er ,it)in t)e de elo&ed sensiti e la'erR ?e@ o!idation M caused *' e!&osure to air durin( de el# o&in(R ?.@ e!&osure M arisin( .ro" an' un,anted e!&osure o. an e"ulsion to ioniDin( radiation or li()t at an' ti"e *et,een "anu.acture and !nal !!in(R ?(@ &)oto(ra&)ic M arisin( solel' .ro" t)e &ro&erties o. an e"ulsion and t)e &rocessin( conditions% .or e!a"&le% t)e total e..ect o. in)erent .o( and c)e"ical .o(R ?)@ t)res)old M t)e "ini"u" uni.or" densit' in)erent in a &rocessed e"ulsion ,it)out &rior e!&osureA
.o( densit' M a (eneral ter" used to denote an' increase in t)e o&tical densit' o. a &rocessed !l" caused *' an't)in( ot)er t)an t)e direct action o. t)e i"a(e#.or"in( radiation .or,ard scattered radiation M radiation ,)ic) is scattered less t)an 20 de( ,it) res&ect to t)e incident *ea"% t)at is% .or,ard in t)e (eneral direction o. t)e radiation source (a""a#radio(ra&)' M a tec)niJue o. &roducin( radio# (ra&)s usin( (a""a#ra's (a""a ra' M electro"a(netic &enetratin( radiation )a # in( its ori(in in t)e deca' o. a radioacti e nucleus (eo"etric uns)ar&ness M t)e &enu"*ral s)ado, in a radiolo(ical i"a(e ,)ic) is de&endent u&on6 ?a@ t)e radiation source di"ensionsR ?*@ t)e source to o*Sect distanceR and ?c@ o*Sect to detector distanceA (raininess M t)e isual i"&ression o. irre(ularit' o. sil er de&osit in a &rocessed !l" )al.#li.e M t)e ti"e reJuired .or one )al. o. a (i en nu"*er o. radioacti e ato"s to under(o deca' )al.# alue la'er ?+VL@ M t)e t)ic-ness o. an a*sor*in( "aterial reJuired to reduce t)e intensit' o. a *ea" o. incident radiation to one )al. o. its ori(inal intensit' )al.# alue t)ic-ness M t)e t)ic-ness o. a s&eci!ed su*# stance ,)ic)% ,)en introduced into t)e &at) o. a (i en *ea" o. radiation% reduces its intensit' to one )al. i"a(e data !le M a di(ital !le containin( radiolo(ical i"a(e and te!t in.or"ation i"a(e de!nition M see de!nition i"a(e &rocessin( M a "et)od ,)ere*' di(ital i"a(e data is trans.or"ed t)rou() a "at)e"atical .unction i"a(e Jualit' indicator ?IKI@ M in industrial radiolo('% a de ice or co"*ination o. de ices ,)ose de"onstrated i"a(e or i"a(es &ro ide isual or Juantitati e data% or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*ot)% to deter"ine radiolo(ic Jualit' and sensiti it'A Also -no,n as a &enetra"eter ?dis&ara(ed@A
NOTE 12 M It is not intended .or use in Sud(in( siDe nor esta*lis)in( acce&tance li"its o. discontinuitiesA
line &airs &er "illi"etre M a "easure o. t)e s&atial resolu# tion o. an i"a(e con ersion de iceA A line &air test &attern consistin( o. one or "ore &airs o. eJual ,idt)% )i() contrast lines% and s&aces is utiliDed to deter"ine t)e "a!i"u" densit' o. lines and s&aces t)at can *e success.ull' i"a(edA T)e alue is e!&ressed in line &airs &er "illi"etreA location "ar-er M a nu"*er or letter "ade o. lead ?P*@ or ot)er )i()l' radiation attenuati e "aterial t)at is &laced on an o*Sect to &ro ide tracea*ilit' *et,een a s&eci!c area on t)e i"a(e and t)e &art lo,#ener(' (a""a radiation M (a""a radiation )a in( ener(' less t)an 200 -eV lu"inosit' M a "easure o. e"itted li()t intensit' "A ?"illi a"&ere@ M a unit o. current eJual to 0A001 a"&eres% used to e!&ress t)e tu*e current o. an =#ra' tu*e "a(netic stora(e "ediu" M a stora(e "ediu" t)at uses "a(netic &ro&erties ?"a(netic di&oles@ to store di(ital data ?.or e!a"&le% a "o in( dru"% dis-% or ta&e or a static core or !l"@ MeV ?"e(a or "illion electron olts@ M a unit o. ener(' eJual to one "illion electron olts% used to e!&ress t)e ener(' o. =#ra's% (a""a ra's% electrons% and neutrons "icro .ocus =#ra' tu*e M an =#ra' tu*e )a in( an e..ecti e .ocal s&ot siDe not (reater t)an 100 " "illia"&eres ?"A@ M t)e tec)nical ter" is tu*e current and is de!ned as t)e current &assin( *et,een t)e cat)ode and anode durin( t)e o&eration o. an =#ra' tu*e% "easured in "illia"&eres ?"A@ and usuall' ta-en as a "easure o. =#ra' intensit' "ini.ocus =#ra' tu*e M an =#ra' tu*e )a in( an e..ecti e .ocal s&ot siDe *et,een 100 and G00 " MV ?"e(a or "illion olt@ M a unit o. electrical &otential di..erence eJual to one "illion olts% used to descri*e t)e acceleratin( &otential o. an =#ra' tu*e net densit' M total densit' less .o( and su&&ort ?!l" *ase@ densit' neutron radio(ra&)' ?NRT@ M a &rocess o. "a-in( an i"a(e o. t)e internal details o. an o*Sect *' t)e selecti e attenuation o. a neutron *ea" *' t)e o*Sect noise M t)e data &resent in a radiolo(ical "easure"ent ,)ic) is not directl' correlated ,it) t)e de(ree o. radiation attentuation *' t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined nonerasa*le o&tical data M a nonerasa*le% nonre,ritea*le stora(e "ediu" ,)ere t)e di(ital data is re&resented *' t)e de(ree o. re!ecti it' o. t)e "ediu"Es recordin( la'erA T)e data cannot *e alteredA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
indication% n M t)e res&onse or e idence .ro" a nonde# structi e e!a"ination t)at reJuires inter&retation to deter# "ine rele ance intensi.'in( screen M a "aterial t)at con erts a &art o. t)e radio(ra&)ic ener(' into li()t or electrons and t)at% ,)en in contact ,it) a recordin( "ediu" durin( e!&osure% i"&ro es t)e Jualit' o. t)e radio(ra&)% or reduces t)e e!&osure ti"e reJuired to &roduce a radio(ra&)% or *ot)A T)ree -inds o. screens in co""on use are6 ?a@ "etal screen M a screen consistin( o. dense "etal ?usuall' lead@ or o. a dense "etal co"&ound ?.or e!a"&le% lead o!ide@ t)at e"its &ri"ar' electrons ,)en e!&osed to =# or (a""a#ra'sR ?*@ !uorescent screen M a screen consistin( o. a coatin( o. &)os&)ors ,)ic) !uoresces ,)en e!&osed to = or (a""a radiationR ?c@ !uorescent#"etallic screen M a screen consistin( o. a "etallic .oil ?usuall' lead@ coated ,it) a "aterial t)at !uoresces ,)en e!&osed to = or (a""a radiationA T)e coated sur.ace is &laced ne!t to t)e !l" to &ro ide !uores# cenceR t)e "etal .unctions as a nor"al "etal screenA
IKI sensiti it' M in radio(ra&)'% t)e "ini"u" discerni*le i"a(e and t)e desi(nated )ole in t)e &laJue#t'&e% or t)e desi(nated ,ire i"a(e in t)e ,ire t'&e i"a(e Jualit' indi# cator -eV ?-ilo electron olt@ M a unit o. ener(' eJual to one t)ousand electron olts% used to e!&ress t)e ener(' o. =# ra's% (a""a ra's% electrons% and neutrons -V ?-ilo olt@ M a unit o. electrical &otential di..erence eJual to one t)ousand olts% used to descri*e t)e accelerat# in( &otential o. an =#ra' tu*e latent i"a(e M a condition &roduced and &ersistin( in t)e i"a(e rece&tor *' e!&osure to radiation and a*le to *e con erted into a isi*le i"a(e *' &rocessin( lead screen M see intensi.'in( screen ?a@ line &air test &attern M a &attern o. one or "ore &airs o. o*Sects ,it) )i() contrast lines o. eJual ,idt) and eJual s&acin(A T)e &attern is used ,it) an i"a(in( de ice to "easure s&atial resolutionA linear accelerator M an electron (enerator in ,)ic) t)e acceleration o. t)e &articles is connected ,it) t)e &ro&a(a# tion o. a )i()#.reJuenc' !eld inside a linear or corru(ated ,a e(uide
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
nonscreen#t'&e !l" ?direct#t'&e !l"@ M =#ra' !l" desi(ned .or use ,it) or ,it)out "etal screens% *ut not intended .or use ,it) salt screens nuclear acti it' M t)e nu"*er o. disinte(rations occurrin( in a (i en Juantit' o. "aterial &er unit o. ti"eA Curie is t)e unit o. "easure"entA One curie is eJui alent to FA5 1010 disinte(rations &er secondA o*Sect#!l" distance M t)e distance *et,een t)e sur.ace o. t)e source side o*Sect and t)e &lane o. t)e recordin( "ediu"
NOTE 20 M In t)e case ,)ere t)e recordin( "ediu" is &laced directl' in contact ,it) t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined% t)e distance is eJual to t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e o*SectA
&i!el M t)e s"allest addressa*le ele"ent in an electronic i"a(e &i!el% dis&la' siDe M t)e di"ensions o. t)e s"allest &icture ele"ent co"&risin( t)e dis&la'ed i"a(e% (i en in ter"s o. t)e i"a(ed o*SectEs di"ensions *ein( re&resented *' t)e ele"ent &i!el siDe M t)e len(t) and ,idt) o. a &i!el &ri"ar' radiation M radiation co"in( directl' .ro" t)e source radio(ra&) M a &er"anent% isi*le i"a(e on a recordin( "ediu" &roduced *' &enetratin( radiation &assin( t)rou() t)e "aterial *ein( tested radio(ra&)ic contrast M t)e di..erence in densit' *et,een an i"a(e and its i""ediate surroundin(s on a radio(ra&) radio(ra&)ic eJui alence .actor M t)at .actor *' ,)ic) t)e t)ic-ness o. a "aterial "ust *e "ulti&lied in order to deter"ine ,)at t)ic-ness o. a standard "aterial ?o.ten steel@ ,ill )a e t)e sa"e a*sor&tion radio(ra&)ic e!&osure M see e!&osure radio(ra&)ic ins&ection M t)e use o. =#ra's or nuclear radiation% or *ot)% to detect discontinuities in "aterial% and to &resent t)eir i"a(es on a recordin( "ediu"A radio(ra&)ic Jualit' M a Jualitati e ter" used to descri*e t)e ca&a*ilit' o. a radio(ra&) to s)o, !a,s in t)e area under e!a"ination radio(ra&)ic sensiti it' M a (eneral or Jualitati e ter" re.errin( to t)e siDe o. t)e s"allest detail t)at can *e seen on a radio(ra&)% or t)e ease ,it) ,)ic) details can *e seen radio(ra&)' M t)e art% act% or &rocess o. "a-in( radio# (ra&)s radiolo(ical e!a"ination M t)e use o. &enetratin( ioniDin( radiation to dis&la' i"a(es .or t)e detection o. discontinu# ities or to )el& ensure inte(rit' o. t)e &art radiolo(' M t)e science and a&&lication o. =#ra's% (a""a# ra's% neutrons% and ot)er &enetratin( radiations radiosco&' M t)e electronic &roduction o. a radiolo(ical i"a(e t)at .ollo,s er' closel' t)e c)an(es ,it) ti"e o. t)e o*Sect *ein( i"a(ed rare eart) screens M see intensi.'in( screen real#ti"e radiosco&' M radiosco&' t)at is ca&a*le o. .ol# lo,in( t)e "otion o. t)e o*Sect ,it)out li"itation o. ti"e recordin( "edia M "aterial ca&a*le o. ca&turin( or stor# in(% or *ot)% a radiolo(ical i"a(e in di(ital or analo( .or"
o&tical densit' M t)e de(ree o. o&acit' o. a translucent "ediu" ?dar-enin( o. !l"@ e!&ressed as .ollo,s6
OD & lo( ?Io 0I@
,)ere6 OD & o&tical densit' Io & li()t intensit' incident on t)e !l" I & li()t intensit' trans"itted t)rou() t)e !l" o&tical line &air test &attern M see line &air test &attern &air &roduction M t)e &rocess ,)ere*' a (a""a &)oton ,it) ener(' (reater t)an 1A02 MeV is con erted directl' into "atter in t)e .or" o. an electron#&ositron &airA Su*se# Juent anni)ilation o. t)e &ositron results in t)e &roduction o. t,o 0A111 MeV (a""a &)otonsA &encil *ea" M a radiation *ea" ,)ic) )as little di er# (ence% usuall' created *' colli"atin( an intense source o. radiation &enetra"eter M alternati e ter" .or i"a(e Jualit' indi# catorA &enetra"eter sensiti it' M alternati e ter" .or IKI sensi# ti it'A &)os&)or M an' su*stance t)at can *e sti"ulated to e"it li()t *' incident radiation &)oto !uoro(ra&)' M a &)oto(ra&) o. t)e i"a(e .or"ed on a !uorescent screen &)otosti"ula*le lu"inescence M t)e &)'sical &)eno"enon o. &)os&)ors a*sor*in( incident ioniDin( radiation% storin( t)e ener(' in Juasi#sta*le states and e"ittin( lu"inescent radiation &ro&ortional to t)e a*sor*ed ener(' ,)en sti"u# lated *' radiation o. a di..erent ,a elen(t) &)otosti"ula*le lu"inescent &)os&)or Ma &)os&)or ca&a# *le o. storin( a latent radiolo(ical i"a(e% ,)ic)% u&on laser sti"ulation% ,ill (enerate lu"inescence &ro&ortional to t)e radiation intensit'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
recordin( "ediu" M a !l" or detector t)at con erts radia# tion into a isi*le i"a(e re&resentati e Jualit' indicator ?RKI@ M an actual &art or si"ilar &art o. co"&ara*le (eo"etr' and attentuation c)aracteristics to t)at o. t)e test &art?s@% t)at )as -no,n or "easura*le .eatures% or *ot)% re&resentin( t)e .acets o. noncon.or"ance .or ,)ic) t)e test &art is to *e e!a"ined scintillators and scintillatin( cr'stals M a detector t)at con erts ioniDin( radiation to li()t screen M alternati e ter" .or intensi.'in( screen secondar' radiation M radiation e"itted *' an' su*stance as t)e result o. irradiation *' t)e &ri"ar' source sensiti it' M see contrast sensiti it'% eJui alent IKI sensi# ti it'% eJui alent &enetra"eter sensiti it'% IKI sensiti it'% radio(ra&)ic sensiti it' s)i" M a "aterial% t'&icall' &laced under t)e IKI% ,)ic) is radiolo(icall' si"ilar to t)e o*Sect *ein( i"a(ed si(nal M t)e data &resent in a radiolo(ical "easure"ent ,)ic) is directl' correlated ,it) t)e de(ree o. radiation attenuation *' t)e o*Sect *ein( e!a"ined source M a "ac)ine or radioacti e "aterial t)at e"its &enetratin( radiation source#!l" distance M t)e distance *et,een t)e radiation &roducin( area o. t)e source and t)e !l" ste& ,ed(e M a de ice ,it) discrete ste& t)ic-ness incre# "ents used to o*tain an i"a(e ,it) discrete densit' ste& alues ste&#,ed(e cali*ration !l" M a ste&#,ed(e co"&arison !l" t)e densities o. ,)ic) are tracea*le to a nationall' reco(niDed standardiDin( *od' ste&#,ed(e co"&arison !l" M a stri& o. &rocessed !l" carr'in( a ste&,ise arra' o. increasin( &)oto(ra&)ic densit' ste& ,ed(e co"&arison !l" M a radio(ra&) ,it) discrete densit' ste&s t)at )a e *een eri!ed *' co"&arison ,it) a cali*rated ste& ,ed(e !l" stora(e &)os&)or i"a(in( &late M a !e!i*le or ri(id reus# a*le detector t)at stores a radiolo(ical i"a(e as a result o. e!&osure to &enetratin( radiation su*Sect contrast M t)e ratio ?or t)e lo(arit)" o. t)e ratio@ o. t)e radiation intensities trans"itted *' selected &ortions o. t)e s&eci"en
s'ste" noise M t)e noise &resent in a radiolo(ical "easure# "ent resultin( .ro" t)e indi idual ele"ents o. t)e radiolo(# ical s'ste" tar(et M t)at &art o. t)e anode o. an =#ra' e"ittin( tu*e )it *' t)e electron *ea" tent)# alue#la'er ?TVL@ M t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e la'er o. a s&eci!ed su*stance ,)ic)% ,)en introduced into t)e &at) o. a (i en narro, *ea" o. radiation reduces t)e intensit' o. t)is radiation *' a .actor o. ten to"o(ra&)' M an' radiolo(ic tec)niJue t)at &ro ides an i"a(e o. a selected &lane in an o*Sect to t)e relati e e!clu# sion o. structures t)at lie outside t)e &lane o. interest ?see to"o(ra" and ?CT@ co"&uted to"o(ra&)'@ total i"a(e uns)ar&ness M t)e *lurrin( o. test o*Sect .ea# tures in a radiolo(ical i"a(e resultin( .ro" an' cause?s@ translucent *ase "edia M "aterials ,it) &ro&erties t)at allo, radiolo(ical inter&retation *' trans"itted or re!ected li()t trans"ission densito"eter M an instru"ent t)at "easures t)e intensit' o. t)e trans"itted li()t t)rou() a radio(ra&)ic !l" and &ro ides a readout o. t)e trans"itted !l" densit' trans"itted !l" densit' M t)e densit' o. radio(ra&)ic !l" deter"ined *' "easurin( t)e trans"itted li()t tu*e current M t)e current% "easured in "illia"&eres% &assin( *et,een t)e cat)ode and anode durin( t)e o&era# tion o. an =#ra' tu*e tu*e current M t)e o. electricit'% created *' t)e !o, o. electrons% .ro" t)e !la"ent to t)e anode tar(et in an =#ra' tu*eR usuall' e!&ressed in unit o. "illia"&eres acuu" cassette M a !e!i*le li()t#ti()t container t)at% ,)en o&erated under a acuu"% )olds !l" and screen in inti"ate contact durin( a radio(ra&)ic e!&osure
Lea- Testin(
a*solute "ano"eter M a "ano"eter ,)ose cali*ration can *e calculated .ro" t)e "easura*le &)'sical constants o. t)e instru"ent and .or ,)ic) cali*ration is t)e sa"e .or all ideal (ases a*solute &ressure M &ressure a*o e t)e a*solute Dero cor# res&ondin( to e"&t' s&ace% t)at is% local at"os&)eric &res# sure &lus (a(e &ressure a*sor&tion M in lea- testin(% t)e *indin( or incor&oration o. (as in t)e interior o. a solid ?or liJuid@ accu"ulation test M a lea- test used to detect er' s"all lea-s in ,)ic) (as contained in a co"&onent *ein( tested
s'ste" induced arti.acts M ano"alies t)at are created *' a s'ste" durin( t)e acJuisition% dis&la' &rocessin(% or stora(e o. a di(ital i"a(e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*ac-in( s&ace M t)e s&ace *et,een a *ac-in( &u"& ?.ore &u"&@ and t)e associated di..usion &u"& ?or ot)er t'&e o. &u"& reJuirin( a .ore &u"&@A See also *allastA *ac-in( s&ace tec)niJue M a "et)od o. testin( .or lea-s in ,)ic) t)e lea- detector is connected to t)e *ac-in( s&ace to ta-e ad anta(e o. t)e co"&ression o. (as t)at occurs *et,een t)e acuu" s'ste" and t)e *ac-in( &u"&% due to t)e action o. t)e di..usion &u"& ?or ot)er t'&e o. &u"& o. )i() s&eed relati e to its *ac-in( &u"&@ *a-e#out M in lea- testin(% t)e de(assin( o. a acuu" s'ste" *' )eatin( durin( t)e &u"&in( &rocess *allast M in lea- testin(% a *ac-in( s&ace lar(e enou() to "aintain a lo, .ore&ressure ,)en t)e .ore &u"& is te"&oraril' sto&&ed Ba'ard#Al&ert ioniDation (a(e M see ioniDation acuu" (a(e *ell Sar M a container% o&en at one end ?usuall' t)e *otto"@% ,)ic) is used as a acuu" c)a"*er or test essel *ell Sar testin( M a test used .or detectin( lea-a(e .ro" an o*Sect co"&letel' or &artiall' !lled ,it) a tracer (as and &laced in a acuu" c)a"*er or *ell Sar *o"* test M see &ressure#e acuation test *u**le i""ersion test M a .or" o. lea- test o. (as#con# tainin( enclosures in ,)ic) a lea- is indicated *' t)e .or"a# tion o. a *u**le at t)e site o. a leaclean#u& M in lea- testin(% t)e ti"e reJuired .or a leatestin( s'ste" to reduce its si(nal out&ut to F5O o. t)e si(nal indicated at t)e ti"e t)e tracer (as ceases to enter t)e lea- s'ste"A Also called clean#u& ti"eA clusec M an o*solete unit o. !o, rate eJual to 10#2 lusecs cold#cat)ode ioniDation (a(e M see ioniDation acuu" (a(e concentration ratio M in lea- testin(% t)e ratio o. t)e nu"*er o. ato"s ?"olecules@ o. a (i en constituent o. a ?(as@ "i!ture to t)e total nu"*er o. ato"s ?"olecules@ in t)e "i!tureA 8or ideal (ases t)e concentration ratio )as t)e sa"e alue as t)e olu"e .raction or t)e &artial &ressure o. t)e constituentA conductance M in lea- testin(% t)e ratio o. t)e t)rou()&ut ?under stead' state% conser ati e conditions@ o. a (as !o,# in( t)rou() a conduit or an ori!ce to t)e di..erence in t)e &artial &ressures o. t)e (as at t)e t,o ends o. t)e conduit or on t)e t,o sides o. t)e ori!ce% e!&ressed in olu"e units &er unit ti"e% suc) as cu*ic "etres &er second crac-in( M in lea- testin(% sa"e as dissociation
At sea le el ?at"os&)eric &ressure is 101 -Pa@ O!'(en21?0A21101 &@ 21 Nitro(en53?0A53101 &@ 52 Ot)ers1?0A01101 &@ 1 Total at"os&)eric &ressure% 101 At F500#" altitude ?at"os&)ere &ressure is 4G -Pa@ O!'(en21?0A214G &@ 1F Nitro(en53?0A534G &@ 10 Ot)ers1?0A014G &@1 Total at"os&)eric &ressure% 4G
,ill% i. a lea- is &resent% collect .or a s&eci!ed &eriod o. ti"e in a closed e acuated c)a"*er into ,)ic) t)e co"&onent )as *een &lacedA At t)e end o. t)e test &eriod t)e c)a"*er is o&ened to a lea- detector ,)ic) is sensiti e to t)e (asA al-ali ion diode M a sensor .or )alo(en (asesA See also )alo(en lea- detector ?2@A a&erture lea- M a lea- o. suc) (eo"etric con!(uration t)at t)e len(t) o. t)e lea-a(e &at) is "uc) s"aller t)an t)e s)ortest dia"eter o. t)e &at)% so t)at t)e lea- "a' *e considered t)e eJui alent o. an o&enin( in an in!nitesi# "all' t)in ,all at"os&)ere ?standard@ M t)e &ressure e!erted *' a "er# cur' colu"n 540 "" in )ei()t at 0[C under standard acceleration o. (ra it'R eJui alent to 101 F21 Pa at"os&)eric &ressure M t)e &ressure o. t)e at"os&)ere at a s&eci!ed &lace and ti"e ?see Ta*le 1@ ato"ic "ass unit ?a"u@ M t)e unit o. "easure o. t)e "ass o. a &article ?ato"% "olecule% ion% etcA@% de!ned as 1 0 12 o. t)e "ass o. car*on#12A T)e nu"erical alue o. t)e "ass o. a &article in ter"s o. a"u is identical ,it) t)e older ato"ic ,ei()tA audi*le lea- indicator M an accessor' to a lea- detector ,)ic) con erts t)e out&ut si(nal to an audi*le note ,)ose .reJuenc' is a .unction o. t)e lea-a(e rate *ac- &ressure M sa"e as .ore&ressure *ac- &ressure test M sa"e as &ressure#e acuation test *ac-(round si(nal M in lea- testin(% t)e stead' or !uctuat# in( out&ut si(nal o. t)e lea- detector caused *' t)e &resence o. residual tracer (as or ot)er su*stance to ,)ic) t)e detectin( ele"ent res&onds *ac-in( &u"& M sa"e as .ore &u"&
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
di..erential lea- detector M a lea- detector e"&lo'in( t,o si"ilar (a(e tu*es in a *rid(e circuit ,it) a tra& ,)ic) is selecti e .or t)e tracer (as *et,een t)e s'ste" and one o. t)e tu*es di..erential Pirani (a(e M a lea- detectin( de ice e"&lo'in( t,o si"ilar Pirani tu*es as ar"s o. a L)eatstone *rid(e di..usion M in lea- testin(% t)e !o, o. t)e (as t)rou() a su*stance in ,)ic) t)e (as actuall' "i(rates t)rou() t)e cr'stal lattice o. t)e su*stance rat)er t)an t)rou() a (eo# "etrical lea- ?"olecular dia"eters ersus )ole di"ension@ disc)ar(e &ressure M in lea- testin(% sa"e as .ore&ressure disc)ar(e tu*e lea- indicator M a (lass tu*e attac)ed to a s'ste" *ein( lea- tested% ,it) t)e (lass tu*e )a in( electrodes attac)ed to a source o. )i()#.reJuenc' )i() olta(e% suc) as a Tesla coil or induction coil% so t)at c)an(es in t)e color o. t)e electrical disc)ar(e can *e o*ser ed ,)en a suita*le tracer (as ?"et)ane% car*on dio!# ide% alco)ol@ !o,s t)rou() t)e leadissociation M in lea- testin(% t)e *rea-do,n o. a su*# stance into t,o or "ore constituents
NOTE 21 M Dissociation is so"eti"es re.erred to as crac-in(A
!o, rate M in lea- testin(% ?1@ t)e rate at ,)ic) (as &asses a (i en cross section o. a s'ste"% deter"ined *' t)e &roduct o. t)e olu"e &assin( &er unit ti"e and its ?&artial@ &ressure at t)e cross sectionR ?2@ a &roduct o. t)e ?&artial@ &ressure di..erence o. a (as at t)e ends o. a conduit or across t)e .ace o. an ori!ce% and t)e conductance o. t)e (as .or t)e conduit or ori!ceA E!&ressed in &ressure# olu"e &er unit ti"e% suc) as &ascal cu*ic "etres &er secondA
.ore#line M in lea- testin(% t)e line *et,een a .ore &u"& and t)e &u"& it *ac-s .ore#line al e M in lea- testin(% a acuu" al e &laced in t)e .ore#line to &er"it isolation o. t)e di..usion &u"& .ro" its *ac-in( &u"& .ore&ressure M in lea- testin(% t)e total &ressure on t)e outlet side o. a &u"& "easured near t)e outlet &ortA So"e# ti"es called t)e *ac- &ressure% *ac-in( &ressure% outlet &ressure% e!)aust &ressure% or disc)ar(e &ressureA In dis# cussin( t)e action o. a a&or Set% t)e ter" .ore&ressure "a' *e used to desi(nate t)e total &ressure o. t)e (as a(ainst ,)ic) t)e Set i"&in(esA
.ore &u"& M in lea- testin(% t)e &u"& t)at &roduces t)e necessar' .ore acuu" .or a &u"& ,)ic) is inca&a*le o. disc)ar(in( (ases at at"os&)eric &ressureA So"eti"es called t)e *ac-in( &u"&A (a(e &ressure M di..erence *et,een t)e a*solute &ressure and at"os&)eric &ressure (as M t)e state o. "atter in ,)ic) t)e "olecules are &racticall' unrestricted *' inter"olecular .orces so t)at t)e "olecules are .ree to occu&' all s&ace ,it)in an enclosureA In acuu" tec)nolo('% t)e ,ord (as )as *een loosel' a&&lied to t)e uncondensed (as and a&or ,it)in a acuu" s'ste"A )alo(en M an' ele"ent o. t)e .a"il' o. t)e ele"ents !uorine% c)lorine% *ro"ine% and iodineA Co"&ounds do not .all under t)e strict de!nition o. )alo(enA +o,e er% .or t)e &ur&ose o. t)is standard% t)is ,ord &ro ides a con enient descri&ti e ter" .or )alo(en#containin( co"&oundsA O. si(ni!cance in )alo(en lea- detection are t)ose ,)ic) )a e enou() a&or &ressure to *e use.ul as tracer (asesA
dri.t M in lea- testin(% t)e relati el' slo, c)an(e in t)e *ac-(round out&ut le el o. t)e lea- detector due to t)e electronics rat)er t)an a c)an(e in t)e le el o. t)e tracer (as d'na"ic lea- test M a .or" o. lea- test in ,)ic) so"e o. t)e tracer (as enterin( t)rou() a lea- is continuall' re"o ed .or sensin( &ur&oses
d'na"ic lea-a(e "easure"ent M lea-a(e deter"ined *' "easurin( t)e tracer (as eJuili*riu" &artial &ressure ,)ile t)e s'ste" is acti el' *ein( &u"&ed d'na"ic sensiti it' o. lea- detector M t)e "ini"u" learate t)at t)e detector is ca&a*le o. detectin( ,)ile t)e enclosure under test is acti el' *ein( e acuated continu# ousl' under s&eci!ed conditions eJui alent nitro(en &ressure M t)e calculated &ressure t)at a (a(e or anot)er de ice ,ould indicate i. t)e (as in t)e de ice ,ere re&laced *' nitro(en at t)e sa"e "olecular densit' e!)aust &ressure M in lea- testin(% sa"e as .ore#&ressure e!)aust tu*ulation M sa"e as &u"&#out tu*ulation !ooded s'ste" M a s'ste" ,)ic)% ,)ile *ein( tested% *eco"es so !lled ,it) tracer (as as to "a-e i"&ractica*le .urt)er lea- testin( !o, M sa"e as !o, rate
)alo(en lea- detector M a lea- detector t)at res&onds to )alo(en tracer (asesA Also called )alo(en#sensiti e leadetector or )alide lea- detectorA ?1@ T)e co&&er#!a"e detector or )alide torc) consists o. a *unsen *urner ,it) !a"e i"&in(in( on a co&&er &late or screen% and a )ose ,it) sa"&lin( &ro*e to carr' tracer (as to t)e air inta-e o. t)e *urnerA ?2@ T)e al-ali#ion diode )alo(en detector de&ends on t)e ariation o. &ositi e ion e"ission .ro" a )eated &latinu" anode ,)en )alo(en "olecules enter t)e sensin( ele"entA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
t)e liJuid .or t)e reJuired ti"e and t)e outside o. t)e co"&onent is e!a"ined isuall' .or lea-sA ideal (as M a (as t)at o*e's Bo'leEs la, and )as Dero )eat o. .ree e!&ansion ?or also o*e's C)arlesE la,@A Also -no,n as a &er.ect (asA in#lea-a(e rate M t)e co"*ined lea-a(e rate .ro" all e!istin( lea-s in a s&eci!ed e acuated essel in &ressure olu"e units &er unit o. ti"e inlet M t)e o&enin(% !an(e% connection% or cou&lin( on a lea- detector or lea- testin( s'ste" t)rou() ,)ic) t)e tracer (as "a' enter due to a lea- in an o*Sect under test inlet !an(e M see inlet inlet &ort M see inlet inside#out testin( M see *ell Sar testin( ion &u"& M an electrical de ice .or &u"&in( (as co"&ris# in( a "eans .or ioniDin( t)e (as and a s'ste" o. electrodes at suita*le &otentials% and in so"e cases also a "a(netic !eld% ,)ic) causes t)e ions .or"ed to "o e to,ards a sur.ace on ,)ic) t)e' are a*sor*ed or *uried ion source M in lea- testin(% t)at &art o. a lea- detector tu*e in ,)ic) tracer (as is ioniDed &reli"inar' to *ein( detected ioniDation &otential M t)e "ini"u" ener('% e!&ressed in ?electron@ olts% reJuired to re"o e an electron .ro" an ato" or "olecule to .or" a &ositi e ion ioniDation acuu" (a(e M a acuu" (a(e co"&risin( a "eans o. ioniDin( t)e (as "olecules% electrodes to .acilitate t)e collection o. t)e &ositi e ions .or"ed% and "eans o. indicatin( t)e "a(nitude o. t)e collected ion currentA Vari# ous t'&es o. ioniDation (a(es are distin(uis)ed accordin( to t)e "et)od o. &roducin( t)e ioniDationA T)e co""on t'&es are as .ollo,s6 ?a@ )ot#cat)ode ioniDation (a(e M t)e ions are &ro# duced *' collisions ,it) electrons e"itted .ro" a )ot !la# "ent ?or cat)ode@ and accelerated *' an electric !eldA Also called )ot#!la"ent ioniDation (a(e% or si"&l' ion (a(eA T)e Ba'ard#Al&ert ioniDation (a(e e"&lo's a tu*e ,it) an electrode structure desi(ned to "ini"iDe =#ra'#induced electron e"ission .ro" t)e ion collectorA ?*@ cold#cat)ode ioniDation (a(e M t)e ions are &ro# duced *' a cold#cat)ode disc)ar(e% usuall' in t)e &resence o. a "a(netic !eld ,)ic) len(t)ens t)e &at) o. t)e electrons *et,een cat)ode and anodeA T)e disc)ar(e tu*e is a trans# &arent tu*e in ,)ic) t)e color and .or" o. a cold#cat)ode disc)ar(e ?,it)out t)e &resence o. a "a(netic !eld@ (i es an indication o. t)e &ressure and t)e nature o. t)e (asA T)e P)illi&s ioniDation (a(e is a cold#cat)ode ioniDation (a(e in ,)ic) a "a(netic !eld is directl' &arallel to t)e a!is o.
)eliu" *o"*in( M a &ressure#e acuation test in ,)ic) )eliu" is used as t)e test (as )eliu" dri.t M ?1@ in lea- testin( ,it) a &ro*e% t)e dri.t .ro" a lea- or &er"ea*le (as-et located at so"e distance .ro" t)e end o. t)e &ro*e *ut ,)ic) is detected *' t)e &ro*e and can "islead t)e o&erator into sus&ectin( t)e area near t)e &ro*eR ?2@ a (radual ,anderin( o. t)e out&ut "eter needle o. t)e lea- detector due to slo,l' c)an(in( )eliu" concentrations ?eit)er due to a lea- or out(assin(@ in t)e detector tu*eA E!&ressed in scale di isions &er unit ti"eA
)eliu" lea- detector M a lea- detector usin( )eliu" as t)e tracer (as )er"eticall' ti()t seal M a seal ,)ic) does not e!)i*it lea-a(e ,)en d'na"icall' tested ,it) co""erciall' *uilt lea- detectors t)at are sensiti e to a (as on t)e &ressure side o&&osite to t)e side on ,)ic) t)e lea- detector is located% or ,)ic) does not e!)i*it lea-a(e ,it) an' .or" o. liJuid test )i() acuu" M see Ta*le 2 )oldin( &u"& M a .ore &u"& used to )old a a&or &u"& at o&eratin( conditions ,)ile a rou()in( &u"& reduces t)e s'ste" &ressure to a &oint at ,)ic) t)e al e *et,een t)e a&or &u"& and t)e s'ste" can *e o&ened ,it)out sto&&in( t)e !o, o. a&or .ro" t)e noDDles )ood test M an o erall test in ,)ic) an o*Sect under ac# uu" test is enclosed *' a )ood ,)ic) is !lled ,it) tracer (as so as to su*Sect all &arts o. t)e test o*Sect to e!a"ination at one ti"eA A .or" o. d'na"ic lea- test in ,)ic) t)e entire enclosure or a lar(e &ortion o. its e!ternal sur.ace is e!&osed to t)e tracer (as ,)ile t)e interior is connected to a lea- detector ,it) t)e o*Secti e o. deter"inin( t)e e!istence o. lea-a(eA
)ot#cat)ode ioniDation (a(e M see ioniDation acuu" (a(e )ot#!la"ent ioniDation (a(e M seeioniDation acuu" (a(e )'draulic &ressure test M sa"e as )'drostatic test )'drostatic test M in lea- testin(% a &ressure test in ,)ic) t)e co"&onent *ein( tested is !lled co"&letel' ,it) ,ater or anot)er liJuidA Pressure% i. reJuired% is t)en a&&lied to
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
an annular electrode ?nor"all' t)e anode@ located *et,een t,o &late electrodes &er&endicular to t)e a!isA Various "odi!cations o. t)e Pennin( (a(e are na"ed a.ter t)e in entors% and certain t'&es are re.erred to as "a(netron acuu" (a(esA ?c@ radioacti e ioniDation (a(e M t)e ions are &roduced *' radiations ?usuall' al&)a &articles@ e"itted .ro" a radio# acti e source
isolation test M in lea- testin(% a "et)od o. deter"inin( ,)et)er a lea- is &resent in a s'ste"% or o. o*tainin( an esti"ate o. its "a(nitude% *' o*ser in( t)e rate o. rise o. &ressure in t)e e acuated s'ste" ,)en t)e s'ste" is iso# lated .ro" t)e &u"&A See also rate o. riseA 9r'&ton 31 M a tracer (as used to test .or lea-a(e ,)en t)e radioisoto&e lea- test "et)od is used lea- M a )ole% or oid in t)e ,all o. an enclosure% ca&a*le o. &assin( liJuid or (as .ro" one side o. t)e ,all to t)e ot)er under action o. &ressure or concentration di..erential e!istin( across t)e ,all% inde&endent o. t)e Juantit' o. !uid !o,in( lea- arti.act M a de ice used to introduce (as into a s'ste" at a controlled rate% usuall' 10\5 "ol 0s or less lea- detector M a de ice .or detectin(% locatin(% or "easur# in(% or co"*ination t)ereo.% lea-a(e lea- testin( M co"&rises &rocedures .or detectin( or locat# in( or "easurin( lea-a(e% or co"*inations t)ereo. lea-a(e rate M t)e !o, rate o. a liJuid or (as t)rou() a lea- at a (i en te"&erature as a result o. a s&eci!ed &ressure di..erence across t)e lea-A Standard conditions .or (ases are 21[C and 100 -PaA Lea-a(e rates are e!&ressed in arious units suc) as &ascal cu*ic "etres &er second or &ascal litres &er second ?see Ta*le F@A lo, acuu" M see Ta*le 2 lusec M a unit o. !o, rate eJual to 0A1FF "Pa f "F 0s "as-in( M in lea- testin(% t)e co erin( o. a section o. a test o*Sect so as to &re ent tracer (as .ro" enterin( lea-s t)at "a' e!ist in t)e co ered section "ass nu"*er M t)e ,)ole nu"*er nearest to t)e ato"ic "ass e!&ressed in eit)er ato"ic "ass units or as ?c)e"ical@ ato"ic ,ei()t "ass s&ectro"eter ?MASA@ M an instru"ent t)at is ca&a*le o. se&aratin( ioniDed "olecules o. di..erent "ass to c)ar(e ratio and "easurin( t)e res&ecti e ion currentsA T)e "ass s&ectro"eter "a' *e used as a acuu" (a(e t)at relates an out&ut ,)ic) is &ro&ortioned to t)e &artial &ressure o. a s&eci!ed (as% as a lea- detector sensiti e to a &articular
Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa
tracer (as% or as an anal'tical instru"ent to deter"ine t)e &ercenta(e co"&osition o. a (as "i!tureA Various t'&es are distin(uis)ed *' t)e "et)od o. se&aratin( t)e ionsA T)e &rinci&al t'&es are as .ollo,s6 ?a@ De"&ster ?MASA@ M T)e ions are !rst accelerated *' an electric !eld t)rou() a slit% and are t)en de!ected *' a "a(netic !eld t)rou() 130 de( so as to &ass t)rou() a second slitA ?*@ Bain*rid(e#;ordan ?MASA@ M T)e ions are se&arated *' "eans o. a radial electrostatic !eld and a "a(netic !eld de!ectin( t)e ions t)rou() 40 de( so arran(ed t)at t)e dis&ersion o. ions in t)e electric !eld is e!actl' co"&en# sated *' t)e dis&ersion in t)e "a(netic !eld .or a (i en elocit' di..erenceA ?c@ Blea-ne' ?MASA@ M T)e ions are se&arated *' crossed electric and "a(netic !eldsA Also called cross !elds ?MASA@A ?d@ Nier ?MASA@ M A "odi!cation o. t)e De"&ster ?MASA@ in ,)ic) t)e "a(netic !eld de!ects t)e ionsA ?e@ Ti"e o. 8li()t ?MASA@ M T)e (as is ioniDed *' a &ulse#"odulated electron *ea" and eac) (rou& o. ions is accelerated to,ard t)e ion collectorA Ions o. di..erent "ass to c)ar(e ratios tra erse t)eir &at)s in di..erent ti"esA ?.@ Radio#8reJuenc' ?MASA@ M T)e ions are accelerated into a radio#.reJuenc' anal'Der in ,)ic) ions o. a selected "ass to c)ar(e are accelerated t)rou() o&enin(s in a series o. s&aced &lates alternatel' attac)ed across a Juenc' oscillatorA T)e ions e"er(e into an electrostatic !eld ,)ic) &er"its onl' t)e ions accelerated in t)e anal'Der to reac) t)e collectorA ?(@ O"e(atron ?MASA@ M T)e ions are accelerated *' t)e c'clotron &rinci&leA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ass s&ectro"eter lea- detector M a "ass s&ectro"eter adSusted to res&ond onl' to t)e tracer (as "ass s&ectru" M a record% (ra&)% ta*le% etcA% t)at s)o,s t)e relati e nu"*er o. ions o. arious "ass t)at are &ro# duced ,)en a (i en su*stance is &rocessed in a "ass s&ectro"eter "ean .ree &at) M t)e a era(e distance t)at a "olecule tra els *et,een successi e collisions ,it) ot)er "olecules "ediu" acuu" M see Ta*le 2 "icro"etre M a unit o. len(t) eJual to one "illiont) o. a "etre "icron M a ter" .or "icro"etre "icron o. "ercur' M a unit o. &ressure eJual to t)at e!erted *' a colu"n o. "ercur' standin( one "icro"etre )i() "illi"etre o. "ercur' M a unit o. &ressure corres&ondin( to a colu"n o. "ercur' e!actl' 1 "" )i() under standard acceleration o. (ra it'A So"eti"es called torrA "ini"u" detecta*le lea-a(e rate M t)e "a(nitude o. t)e s"allest lea-a(e rate t)at can *e una"*i(uousl' detected *' a (i en lea- detector in t)e &resence o. conditions e!istin( at ti"e o. test "olecular !o, M t)e !o, o. (as t)rou() a &assa(e under conditions suc) t)at t)e "ean#.ree &at) is (reater t)an t)e lar(est di"ension o. a trans erse section o. t)e &assa(e "olecular lea- M a lea- o. suc) (eo"etric con!(uration t)at (as !o, t)rou() it o*e's t)e la,s o. "olecular !o, ?9nudsenEs la,@A T)e !o, is &ro&ortional to t)e di..erence o. t)e end &ressures and in ersel' &ro&ortional to t)e sJuare root o. t)e "olecular ,ei()t o. t)e (asA ne,ton ?N@ M t)e SI unit o. .orce ?-(f" 0s2@ noncondensa*le (as M a (as ,)ose te"&erature is a*o e its critical te"&erature% so t)at it cannot *e liJue!ed *' increase o. &ressure alone occlusion M t)e tra&&in( o. undissol ed (as in a solid durin( solidi!cation out(assin( M t)e e olution o. (as .ro" a "aterial in a acuu"A outlet &ressure M see .ore&ressure &alladiu" *arrier lea- detector M a lea- detector usin( )'dro(en as t)e tracer (as and usin( t)e &rinci&le o. )'dro# (en di..usin( t)rou() a )ot &alladiu" *arrier into an e acu# ated acuu" (a(e &artial &ressure M t)e &ressure caused *' a (as% eit)er *' itsel.% or in t)e &resence o. ot)er (asesA L)en a second
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
(as is not &resent% t)e &artial &ressure is t)e sa"e as t)e total &ressureA &ascal ?Pa@ M one &ascal is a&&ro!i"atel' eJual to 1 10\1 at" or% "ore &recisel'% 1 Pa & 0A23422 10\1 at" &ascal cu*ic "etres &er second ?Pa f "F 0s@ M t)e &re.erred unit o. (as !o, in t)e SI s'ste"A One Pa f "F 0s is a&&ro!i# "atel' eJual to 10 at" c" F 0 s or% "ore &recisel'% 1 Pa f "F 0s & 2A3422 at"fc"F 0sA Pennin( (a(e M see ioniDation acuu" (a(e &er.ect (as M see ideal (as &er"ea*ilit' coe.!cient M t)e stead'#state rate o. !o, o. (as t)rou() unit area and t)ic-ness o. a solid *arrier &er unit &ressure di..erential at a (i en te"&erature P)illi&s ioniDation (a(e M see ioniDation acuu" (a(e Pirani (a(e M see t)er"al conducti it' acuu" (a(e Poiseuille !o, M t)e &articular case o. la"inar iscous !o, t)rou() a lon( &i&e o. circular cross section &ressure di..erence M in lea- testin(% t)e di..erence *et,een t)e &ressure on t)e inlet side o. t)e lea- and t)e &ressure on t)e e!it side o. t)e lea&ressure d'e test M ?1@ a .or" o. lea- test in ,)ic) t)e ite" or ite"s to *e tested are !lled ,it) a liJuid d'e or !uorescent oil ,)ic) is t)en &ressuriDed .or t)e &ur&ose o. dri in( t)e liJuid t)rou() &ossi*le lea-a(e &at)s ,it) t)e &resence o. t)e lea-s *ein( isi*le ,)en ie,ed .ro" t)e e!teriorR ?2@ a .or" o. lea- test in ,)ic) t)e ite" or ite"s to *e tested are i""ersed in a liJuid d'e or !uores# cent oil ,)ic) is t)en &ressuriDed .or t)e &ur&ose o. dri in( liJuid into &ossi*le lea-a(e &at)s ,it) t)eir &resence *ein( isi*le ,)en t)e e!cess liJuid )as *een re"o ed .ro" t)e e!teriorA
&ressure#e acuation test M a lea- test in ,)ic) one or "ore de ices are &laced under (as &ressure .or a &eriod o. ti"e% t)e o*Secti e *ein( to accu"ulate enou() (as in t)ose de ices t)at "a' lea- to &er"it an indication on a lea- detector sensiti e to t)e (as ,)en t)e de ices are &laced in an e acuated s'ste" Soined to t)e lea- detector &ressure &ro*e M see &ro*e &ressure testin( M a "et)od o. lea- testin( in ,)ic) t)e co"&onent *ein( tested is !lled co"&letel' ,it) a (as or liJuid ,)ic) is t)en &ressuriDedA T)e outside o. t)e co"&onent is e!a"ined .or t)e detection o. an' lea-sA &ro*e M in lea- testin(% a tu*e )a in( an o&enin( at one end% used .or directin( or collectin( a strea" o. tracer (as
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&ro*e (as M in lea- testin(% a tracer (as ,)ic) issues .ro" an ori!ce so as to i"&in(e on a restricted test area &ro*e test M a lea- test in ,)ic) t)e tracer (as is a&&lied *' "eans o. a &ro*e so t)at t)e area co ered *' t)e tracer (as is localiDedA T)is ena*les t)e indi idual lea-s to *e locatedA &ro&ortionin( &ro*e M in lea- testin(% a &ro*e t)at can ar' sa"&le to &ure air ratios *et,een 100O sa"&le and 100O &ure air ,it)out su*stantiall' c)an(in( t)e total !o, .ro" t)e &ro*e &u"&#do,n ti"e M ti"e o. e acuation &u"&#out tu*ulation M a tu*e e!tendin( .ro" an e acuated de ice t)rou() ,)ic) (as is &u"&ed and ,)ic) is usuall' &er"anentl' sealed o.. a.ter t)e de ice )as *een e acuatedA So"eti"es called e!)aust tu*ulationA radioisoto&e lea- test s'ste" M a lea- test s'ste" ,)ic) uses a radioacti e tracer (as and a detector .or "easurin( t)e e"ission .ro" t)e tracer rate o. rise M in lea- testin(% t)e ti"e rate o. &ressure increase at a (i en ti"e in a acuu" s'ste" ,)ic) is suddenl' isolated .ro" t)e &u"& *' a al eA T)e olu"e and te"&erature o. t)e s'ste" are )eld constant durin( t)e rate o. rise "easure"entA See isolation testA resistance ?to !o,@ M t)e reci&rocal o. conductance res&onse .actor M in lea- testin(% t)e res&onse o. t)e )alo(en lea- detector 0AF MPa f "F 0s o. re.ri(erant#12 ?dic)loro#di!uoro"et)ane% CC1282@ or less% di ided *' t)e res&onse to t)e sa"e Juantit' o. anot)er )alo(en test (asA T)us% t)e actual lea- rate o. a detected lea- ,ill *e t)e indication o. t)e detector "ulti&lied *' t)e res&onse .actorA T)e res&onse o. "i!ture o. a tracer and non)alo(en (ases ,ill *e t)e res&onse .actor o. t)e tracer di ided *' t)e .raction o. tracer (as in t)e test (asA
scatterin( M in lea- testin(% dis&ersion or di..usion in arious directions due to inter"olecular or ionic collisions as a&&lied to t)e e..ect o. t)e residual (as in a "ass s&ec# tro"eter tu*e or an ion *ea" tra ersin( t)e tu*e searc)#(as M sa"e as tracer (as sensiti it' M in t)e case o. a lea- detector% t)e res&onse o. t)e detector to tracer (as lea-a(e ?t)at is% scale di isions &er unit o. lea-a(e rate@ sensiti it' o. lea- test M t)e s"allest lea-a(e rate t)at an instru"ent% "et)od% or s'ste" is ca&a*le o. detectin( under s&eci!ed conditionsA See "ini"u" detecta*le lea-a(e rateA sni.!n( &ro*e M sa"e as sa"&lin( &ro*e sor&tion M t)e ta-in( u& o. (as *' a*sor&tion% adsor&tion% c)e"isor&tion% or an' co"*ination o. t)ese &rocesses s&ar- coil lea- detector M a )i()#.reJuenc' disc)ar(e coil o. t)e Tesla t'&e ,)ic) indicates &in )oles in (lass acuu" s'ste"s *' a s&ar- Su"&in( *et,een t)e core o. t)e coil and t)e &in )ole s&ectro"eter tu*e M t)e sensin( ele"ent o. a "ass s&ec# tro"eter lea- detector s&ra' &ro*e M in lea- testin(% a de ice .or directin( a s"all Set o. tracer (as on an o*Sect under acuu" testin( sJuealer M sa"e as audi*le lea- indicator standard lea- M a de ice t)at &er"its a tracer (as to *e introduced into a lea- detector or lea- testin( s'ste" at a -no,n rate to .acilitate cali*ration o. t)e lea- detector standard lea-a(e rate M t)e rate o. !o, o. at"os&)eric air under conditions in ,)ic)6 inlet &ressure is 0A1 MPa W1OR outlet &ressure is less t)an 1 -PaR te"&erature is 21[C W1[CR and de, &oint is less t)an \21[CA t)er"al conducti it' acuu" (a(e M a acuu" (a(e con# tainin( t,o sur.aces at di..erent te"&eratures *et,een ,)ic) )eat can *e trans&orted *' t)e (as "olecules so t)at c)an(es in t)e te"&erature ?or in t)e )eatin( &o,er reJuired to "aintain constant te"&erature@ o. one o. t)e sur.aces can *e correlated ,it) t)e (as &ressureA Various t'&es o. t)er"al conducti it' (a(es are distin(uis)ed accordin( to t)e "et)od o. indicatin( t)e te"&erature c)an(eA T)e co""on t'&es are listed *elo,6 ?a@ Pirani Ia(eA An increase o. &ressure .ro" t)e Dero &oint causes a decrease in t)e te"&erature o. a )eated !la"ent o. "aterial )a in( a lar(e te"&erature coe.!cient o. resistance t)us un*alancin( a L)eatstone *rid(e circuit ?or t)e circuit is adSusted to "aintain t)e !la"ent te"&era# ture constant@A ?*@ T)er"ocou&le Ia(eA T)e decrease in te"&erature o. a )eated !la"ent as t)e &ressure rises is indicated *'
res&onse ti"e M t)e ti"e reJuired .or a lea- detector or lea- testin( s'ste" to 'ield a si(nal out&ut eJual to 4FO o. t)e "a!i"u" si(nal attained ,)en tracer (as is a&&lied continuousl' to t)e s'ste" under testA Also called res&onseA rou()in( M in lea- testin(% t)e initial e acuation o. a acuu" s'ste" rou()in( line M in lea- testin(% a line runnin( .ro" a "ec)anical &u"& to a acuu" c)a"*er t)rou() ,)ic) &reli"inar' &u"&in( is conducted in t)e rou() acuu" ran(e rou()in( &u"& M in lea- testin(% a acuu" &u"& used .or t)e initial e acuation o. a acuu" s'ste" sa"&lin( &ro*e M in lea- testin(% a de ice used to collect tracer (as .ro" an area o. t)e test o*Sect and .eed it to t)e lea- detector at t)e reduced &ressure reJuiredA Also called a sni.!n( &ro*eA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
decreased e". in a t)er"ocou&le circuit )a in( t)e Sunction in t)er"al contact ,it) t)e center o. t)e )eated !la"entA ?c@ T)er"istor Ia(eA A .or" o. Pirani (a(e e"&lo'in( a t)er"istor as t)e )eated ele"entA ?d@ Bi"etallic Stri& Ia(eA De!ection o. a *i"etallic stri& ,it) c)an(in( te"&erature indicates t)e c)an(es in &ressureA
s'ste" caused *' slo, release o. sor*ed or occluded (as or (ases on or in t)e sur.aces and &ores o. all "aterials in a s'ste" ,)ic) )as *een e!&osed to at"os&)eric &ressure &rior to e acuationA iscous !o, M t)e !o, o. (as t)rou() a duct under condi# tions suc) t)at t)e "ean .ree &at) is er' s"all in co"&ari# son ,it) t)e s"allest di"ension o. a trans erse section o. t)e ductA T)is !o, "a' *e eit)er la"inar or tur*ulentA iscous lea- M a lea- o. suc) (eo"etric con!(uration t)at (as !o, t)rou() it is iscous in natureR t)at is% t)e !o, o*e's PoiseuilleEs La,A T)e !o, rate is &ro&ortional to t)e di..erence o. t)e sJuares o. t)e end &ressures% and in ersel' &ro&ortional to t)e (aseous iscosit'A
t)er"ocou&le (a(e M see t)er"al conducti it' acuu" (a(e t)rottlin( M in lea- testin(% reducin( t)e net &u"&in( s&eed o. a &u"&in( s'ste" *' &artiall' closin( a al e or installin( a section o. &i&eline ,it) lo, conductance t)rou()&ut M sa"e as !o, rate ?1@A ti()t M in lea- testin(% .ree .ro" lea-s accordin( to a (i en s&eci!cation
torr M a unit o. &ressure eJual to l 0540t) o. an at"os&)ere tracer (as M a (as ,)ic)% &assin( t)rou() a lea-% can t)en *e detected *' a s&eci!c lea- detector and t)us disclose t)e &resence o. a lea-A Also called searc) (asA tracer &ro*e lea- location M sa"e as &ro*e testA transition !o, M in lea- testin(% t)e !o, o. (ases under conditions inter"ediate *et,een la"inar iscous !o, and "olecular !o, ultra#)i() acuu" M see Ta*le 2 ultrasonic lea- detector M an instru"ent t)at detects ultra# sonic ener(' &roduced *' "olecular tur*ulence t)at occurs in t)e transition .ro" la"inar to tur*ulent !o, o. a (as t)rou() an ori!ce and t)at con erts t)is ener(' to a usa*le si(nal acuu" M in acuu" tec)nolo('% a (i en s&ace !lled ,it) (as at &ressures *elo, at"os&)eric &ressure ?see Ta*le 2@ acuu" testin( M ?1@ a "et)od o. testin( .or lea-s in ,)ic) t)e o*Sect under test is e acuated and t)e tracer (as a&&lied to t)e outside sur.ace o. t)e o*SectR ?2@ a lea-# testin( &rocedure in ,)ic) t)e enclosure under e!a"ination is e acuated% t)e tracer (as a&&lied to t)e outside sur.ace o. t)e enclosure% and t)e (as detected a.ter enterin( t)e enclosureA
2A LiJuid Penetrant E!a"ination h an(stro" unit ?A@ M a unit o. len(t) ,)ic) "a' *e used to e!&ress t)e ,a elen(t) o. electro"a(netic radiation% t)at is% li()tA One an(stro" unit is eJual to 0A1 nano"etresA ?1 n" & 10\2 "A@ *ac-(round M t)e sur.ace o. t)e test &art a(ainst ,)ic) t)e indication is ie,edA It "a' *e t)e natural sur.ace o. t)e test &art or t)e de elo&er coatin( on t)e sur.aceA *lac- li()t M electro"a(netic radiation in t)e near#ultra i# h olet ran(e o. ,a elen(t)A ?FF0UF20 n"@ ?FF00UF200 A@ *lac- li()t !lter M a !lter t)at trans"its near#ultra iolet radiation ,)ile a*sor*in( ot)er ,a elen(t)s *leedout M t)e action o. an entra&&ed liJuid &enetrant in sur.acin( .ro" discontinuities to .or" indications *lottin( M t)e action o. t)e de elo&er in soa-in( u& t)e &enetrant .ro" t)e discontinuit' to accelerate *leedout carrier M a liJuid% eit)er aJueous or nonaJueous% in ,)ic) liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "aterials are dissol ed or sus&ended clean M .ree o. conta"inants conta"inant M an' .orei(n su*stance &resent on t)e test sur.ace or in t)e ins&ection "aterials ,)ic) ,ill ad ersel' a..ect t)e &er.or"ance o. liJuid &enetrant "aterials contrast M t)e di..erence in isi*ilit' ?*ri()tness or color# ation@ *et,een an indication and t)e *ac-(round deter(ent re"o er M a &enetrant re"o er t)at is a solution o. a deter(ent in ,ater de elo&er M a "aterial t)at is a&&lied to t)e test sur.ace to accelerate *leedout and to en)ance t)e contrast o. indica# tions
a&or &ressure M t)e &ressure e!erted *' t)e a&or o. a solid or liJuid ,)en in eJuili*riu" ,it) t)e solid or liJuid er' )i() acuu" M see Ta*le 2 irtual lea- M ?1@ t)e se"*lance o. a lea- in a acuu" s'ste" caused *' slo, release o. tra&&ed (asA ?2@ durin( a rate#o.#rise test% t)e se"*lance o. a lea- in a acuu"
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
de elo&er% aJueous M a sus&ension o. de elo&er &articles in ,ater de elo&er% dr' &o,der M a !ne .ree#!o,in( &o,der used as su&&lied de elo&er% liJuid !l" M a sus&ension o. de elo&er &articles in a e)icle ,)ic) lea es a resin 0&ol'"er !l" on t)e test sur.ace a.ter dr'in( de elo&er% nonaJueous M de elo&er &articles sus&ended in a nonaJueous e)icle &rior to a&&lication de elo&er% solu*le M a de elo&er co"&letel' solu*le in its carrier% not a sus&ension o. &o,der in a liJuid% ,)ic) dries to an a*sor&ti e coatin( de elo&in( ti"e M t)e ela&sed ti"e *et,een t)e a&&lica# tion o. t)e de elo&er and t)e e!a"ination o. t)e &art dra(out M t)e carr'out or loss o. &enetrant "aterials as a result o. t)eir ad)erence to t)e test &ieces drain ti"e M t)at &ortion o. t)e d,ell ti"e durin( ,)ic) t)e e!cess &enetrant or e"ulsi!er drains .ro" t)e &art
etc)in( M t)e re"o al o. sur.ace "aterial *' c)e"ical or electroc)e"ical "et)ods .a"il' M a co"&lete series o. &enetrant "aterials reJuired .or t)e &er.or"ance o. a liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination !uorescence M t)e e"ission o. isi*le radiation *' a su*# stance as a result o.% and onl' durin(% t)e a*sor&tion o. *lac- li()t radiation .ootcandle ?.c@ M t)e illu"ination on a sur.ace% 1 .t2 in area% on ,)ic) is uni.or"l' distri*uted a !u! o. 1 l" ?lu"en@A It eJuals 10A3 l" 0"2A )'dro&)ilic e"ulsi!er M see e"ulsi!er i""ersion rinse M a "eans o. re"o in( sur.ace &enetrant% in ,)ic) t)e test &art is i""ersed in a tan- o. eit)er ,ater or re"o er i""ersion rinse M a "eans o. re"o in( e!cess &enetrant in ,)ic) t)e test &arts are di&&ed into an a(itated tan- o. ,ater or re"o er ins&ection M isual e!a"ination o. t)e test &art a.ter co"# &letion o. t)e liJuid &enetrant &rocessin( ste&s li&o&)ilic e"ulsi!er M see e"ulsi!er li&o&)ilic liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination M a nondestructi e test t)at uses suita*le liJuids t)at &enetrate discontinuities o&en to t)e sur.ace o. solid "aterials and% a.ter a&&ro&riate treat# "ent% indicate t)e &resence o. discontinuities o ere"ulsi!cation M e!cessi e e"ulsi!er d,ell ti"e ,)ic) results in t)e re"o al o. &enetrants .ro" so"e dis# continuities o er,as)in( M too lon( or too i(orous ,as)in(% or *ot)% ,)ic) results in re"o al o. &enetrants .ro" so"e disconti# nuities &enetrant M a solution or sus&ension o. d'e &enetrant co"&arator M an intentionall' !a,ed s&eci"en )a in( se&arate *ut adSacent areas .or t)e a&&lication o. di..erent liJuid &enetrant "aterials so t)at a direct co"&ari# son o. t)eir relati e e..ecti eness can *e o*tained
NOTE 22 M It can also *e used to e aluate liJuid &enetrant tec)niJues% liJuid &enetrant s'ste"s% or test conditionsA
dr'in( o en M an o en used .or increasin( t)e e a&oration rate o. rinse ,ater or an aJueous de elo&er e)icle .ro" test &arts dr'in( ti"e M t)e ti"e reJuired .or a cleaned% rinsed% or ,et de elo&ed test &art to dr' d,ell ti"e M t)e total ti"e t)at t)e &enetrant or e"ulsi!er is in contact ,it) t)e test sur.ace% includin( t)e ti"e reJuired .or a&&lication and t)e drain ti"e electrostatic s&ra'in( M a tec)niJue .or attainin( a uni# .or" coatin( in ,)ic) t)e "aterial s&ra'ed is (i en an electrical c)ar(e eluant M a liJuid used to e!tract one "aterial .ro" anot)er% as in c)ro"ato(ra&)' e"ulsi!cation ti"e M t)e ti"e t)at an e"ulsi!er is &er"it# ted to re"ain on t)e &art to co"*ine ,it) t)e sur.ace &enetrant &rior to re"o alA Also called e"ulsi!cation d,ell ti"eA e"ulsi!er M a liJuid t)at interacts ,it) an oil' su*stance to "a-e it ,ater#,as)a*le e"ulsi!er% )'dro&)ilic M a ,ater#*ased liJuid used in &enetrant e!a"ination ,)ic) interacts ,it) t)e &enetrant oil% renderin( it ,ater#,as)a*le e"ulsi!er% li&o&)ilic M an oil *ased liJuid used in &ene# trant e!a"ination ,)ic) interacts ,it) t)e &enetrant oil% renderin( it ,ater#,as)a*le
&enetrant% !uorescent M a &enetrant t)at e"its isi*le radiation ,)en e!cited *' *lac- li()t &enetrant% &ost e"ulsi!a*le M a liJuid &enetrant t)at reJuires t)e a&&lication o. a se&arate e"ulsi!er to render t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant ,ater#,as)a*le &enetrant% sol ent#re"o a*le M a liJuid &enetrant so .or# "ulated t)at "ost o. t)e e!cess sur.ace &enetrant can *e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
re"o ed *' ,i&in( ,it) a lint#.ree "aterial% ,it) t)e re"ainin( sur.ace &enetrant traces re"o a*le *' .urt)er ,i&in( ,it) a lint#.ree "aterial li()tl' "oistened ,it) sol ent re"o er &enetrant% isi*le M a liJuid &enetrant t)at is c)aracteriDed *' an intense color% usuall' red &enetrant% ,ater#,as)a*le M a liJuid &enetrant ,it) a *uilt#in e"ulsi!er &enetration ti"e M sa"e as d,ell ti"e &oolin( M t)e e!istence o. e!cessi e a"ounts o. &enetrant% e"ulsi!er% or de elo&er in an inco"&letel' drained area &ost#cleanin( M t)e re"o al o. residual liJuid &enetrant e!a"ination "aterials .ro" t)e test &art a.ter t)e &enetrant e!a"ination )as *een co"&leted &ost e"ulsi!cation M a &enetrant re"o al tec)niJue e"&lo'in( a se&arate e"ulsi!er &recleanin( M t)e re"o al o. sur.ace conta"inants .ro" t)e test &art so t)at t)e' ,ill not inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"ina# tion &rocess rinse M t)e &rocess o. re"o in( liJuid &enetrant e!a"ina# tion "aterials .ro" t)e sur.ace o. a test &art *' "eans o. ,as)in( or !oodin( ,it) anot)er liJuid% usuall' ,aterA T)e &rocess is also ter"ed ,as)A sol ent re"o er M a olatile liJuid &enetrant used to re"o e e!cess &enetrant .ro" t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined te"&erature en elo&e M t)e te"&erature ran(e o er ,)ic) a &articular &enetrant ins&ection test ,ill o&erate iscosit' M t)e &ro&ert' o. a !uid t)at &resents a resistance to s)earin( !o, isi*le li()t M electro"a(netic radiation in t)e G00U500 h ?G000U5000 A@ ,a elen(t) ran(e isual ada&tation M t)e adSust"ent o. t)e e'es ,)en one &asses .ro" a *ri()t to a dar-ened &lace ,as) M sa"e as rinse ,ater tolerance M t)e a"ount o. ,ater t)at a &enetrant or e"ulsi!er can a*sor* *e.ore its e..ecti eness is i"&aired ,ettin( action M t)e a*ilit' o. a liJuid to s&read o er and ad)ere to solid sur.aces
a"&ere turns M t)e &roduct o. t)e nu"*er o. turns o. a coil and t)e current in a"&eres !o,in( t)rou() t)e coil arc stri-es M localiDed *urn da"a(e to a &art .ro" an arc caused *' "a-in( or *rea-in( an ener(iDed electrical circuit *ac-(round M in "a(netic &article e!a"ination% t)e a&&earance o. t)e sur.ace o. t)e test &art a(ainst ,)ic) indications are ie,ed *at) M see sus&ension *i&olar !eld M see !eld% *i&olar *lac- li()t M electro"a(netic radiation in t)e near ultra i# h olet ran(e o. ,a elen(t) ?FF0 to F20 n"@ ?FF00 to F200 A@ *lac- li()t !lter M a !lter t)at trans"its near ultra iolet radiation ,)ile a*sor*in( ot)er ,a elen(t)s carrier !uid M t)e !uid in ,)ic) !uorescent and non!uo# rescent "a(netic &articles are sus&ended to .acilitate t)eir a&&lication central conductor M a conductor &assed t)rou() a )ollo, &art and used to &roduce circular "a(netiDation ,it)in t)e &art circular !eld M see !eld% circular circular "a(netiDation M t)e "a(netiDation in a &art resultin( .ro" current &assed directl' t)rou() t)e &art or t)rou() a central conductor coerci e .orce M t)e "a(netiDin( .orce at ,)ic) t)e "a(# netic !u! densit' is eJual to DeroA T)e corres&ondin( !eld intensit' alue is indicati e o. t)e ease o. di.!cult' or de"a(netiDationA coil "et)od M a "et)od o. "a(netiDation in ,)ic) &art% or ,)ole% o. t)e co"&onent is encircled *' a current# carr'in( coil coil tec)niJue M a tec)niJue o. "a(netiDation in ,)ic) all% or a &ortion% o. t)e &art is encircled *' a current# carr'in( coil conditionin( a(ent M an additi e to a ,ater sus&ension t)at ,ill i"&art s&eci!c &ro&erties suc) as &ro&er ,ettin(% &article dis&ersion% or corrosion resistance contact )ead M electrode asse"*l' used to cla"& and su&&ort a &art to .acilitate &assa(e o. electrical current t)rou() t)e &art .or circular "a(netiDation contact &ad M re&lacea*le "etal &ad% usuall' o. co&&er *raid% &laced on electrodes to (i e (ood electrical contact% t)ere*' &re entin( da"a(e% suc) as arc stri-es% to t)e &art under test
a""eter s)unt M a lo,#resistance &recision resistor ,it) )i() current carr'in( ca&acit' connected in &arallel ,it) an a""eter
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
continuous "et)od M ,it) relation to "a(netic &article ins&ection6 a "et)od ,)erein t)e indicatin( "ediu" is a&&lied ,)ile t)e "a(netiDin( .orce is &resentA core ?o. an electro"a(netic ins&ection circuit@ M t)at &art o. t)e "a(netic circuit ,)ic) is ,it)in t)e electrical ,indin( Curie &oint M t)e te"&erature at ,)ic) .erro"a(netic "aterials can no lon(er *e "a(netiDed *' outside .orces% and at ,)ic) t)e' lose t)eir residual "a(netis" Pa&&ro!i# "atel' 1%200 to 1%400[8 ?4G2 to 351[C@ .or "an' "etalsQ current !o, "et)od M a "et)od o. "a(netiDin( *' &assin( a current t)rou() a co"&onent ia &rods or contact )eadsA T)e current "a' *e alternatin(% recti!ed alternatin(% or directA current induction "et)od M a "et)od o. "a(netiDin( in ,)ic) a circulatin( current is induced in a rin( co"&onent *' t)e in!uence o. a !uctuation "a(netic !eld t)at lin-s t)e co"&onent dar- ada&tation M t)e adSust"ent o. t)e e'es ,)en one &asses .ro" a *ri()t to a dar-ened &lace de"a(netiDation M t)e reduction o. residual "a(netis" to an acce&ta*le le el di..use indications M indications t)at are not clearl' de!ned as% .or e!a"&le% indications o. su*sur.ace de.ects direct contact "a(netiDation M a tec)niJue o. "a(netiDin( in ,)ic) t)e current is &assed t)rou() a &art ia &rods or contact )eads dr' "et)od M "a(netic &article ins&ection in ,)ic) t)e .erro"a(netic &articles e"&lo'ed are in t)e dr' &o,der .or" dr' &o,der M !nel' di ided .erro"a(netic &articles suit# a*l' selected and &re&ared .or "a(netic &article ins&ection dr' tec)niJue M in "a(netic &article e!a"ination% t)e e!a"ination tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e .erro"a(netic &articles are a&&lied in t)e dr' &o,der .or" electro"a(net M a so.t iron core surrounded *' a coil o. ,ire t)at te"&oraril' *eco"es a "a(net ,)en an electric current !o,s t)rou() t)e ,ire ener(iDin( c'cle M t)e a&&lication o. a "a(netiDin( .orce to a conductor e!a"ination "ediu" M a &o,der or sus&ension o. "a(# netic &articles t)at is a&&lied to a "a(netiDed test sur.ace to deter"ine t)e &resence or a*sence o. sur.ace or sli()tl' su*sur.ace discontinuities .erro"a(netic M a ter" a&&lied to "aterials t)at can *e "a(netiDed or stron(l' attracted *' a "a(netic !eld
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
!eld% *i&olar M lon(itudinal "a(netic !eld ,it)in a &art t)at )as t,o &oles !eld% circular "a(netic M (enerall'% t)e "a(netic !eld surroundin( an' electrical conductor or &art resultin( .ro" a current *ein( &assed t)rou() t)e &art or conductor .ro" one end to anot)er !eld% lon(itudinal "a(netic M "a(netic !eld ,)erein t)e !u! lines tra erse t)e co"&onent in a direction essentiall' &arallel ,it) its lon(itudinal a!is !eld% "a(netic M t)e s&ace% ,it)in and surroundin( a "a(netiDed &art or a conductor carr'in( current% in ,)ic) t)e "a(netic .orce is e!erted !eld% "a(netic lea-a(e M t)e "a(netic !eld t)at lea es or enters t)e sur.ace o. a &art at a discontinuit' or c)an(e in section con!(uration o. a "a(netic circuit !eld% residual "a(netic M t)e !eld t)at re"ains in a &iece o. "a(netiDa*le "aterial a.ter t)e "a(netiDin( .orce )as *een re"o ed !eld% resultant "a(netic M ?so"eti"es called ector@6 a "a(netic !eld t)at is t)e result o. t,o "a(netiDin( .orces i"&ressed u&on t)e sa"e area o. a "a(netiDa*le o*Sect !eld stren(t) M see "a(netic !eld stren(t) !ll .actor M in "a(netic &article e!a"ination% t)e ratio o. t)e cross#sectional area o. t)e &art *ein( tested to t)e cross# sectional area o. t)e encirclin( coil !as) "a(netiDation M "a(netiDation *' a current !o, o. er' *rie. duration !as) &oint M t)e lo,est te"&erature at ,)ic) a&ors a*o e a olatile co"*usti*le su*stance i(nite in air ,)en e!&osed to a !a"e !uorescence M t)e e"ission o. isi*le radiation *' a su*# stance as t)e result o.% and onl' durin(% t)e a*sor&tion o. *lac- li()t radiation !uorescent e!a"ination "et)od M t)e "a(netic &article e!a"ination "et)od e"&lo'in( a !nel' di ided !uorescent .erro"a(netic ins&ection "ediu" !uorescent "a(netic &article ins&ection M t)e "a(netic &article ins&ection &rocess e"&lo'in( a !nel' di ided !u# orescent .erro"a(netic ins&ection "ediu" t)at !uoresces h ,)en acti ated *' *lac- li()t PF200 to G000 A ?F20 to G00 n"@Q !u! densit'% "a(netic M t)e stren(t) o. a "a(netic !eld% e!&ressed in !u! lines &er unit area !u! lea-a(e !eld M t)e "a(netic !eld t)at lea es or enters t)e sur.ace o. a &art as t)e result o. a discontinuit' or a c)an(e in section
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
!u! lines M see lines o. .orce !u! &enetration M t)e de&t) to ,)ic) a "a(netic !u! e!ists in a &art .ull#,a e direct current ?8LDC@ M a recti!ed t)ree#&)ase alternatin( current .urrin( M *uildu& or *ristlin( o. "a(netic &articles due to e!cessi e "a(netiDation o. t)e co"&onent under e!a"i# nation resultin( in a .urr' a&&earance (auss"eter% n M a de ice t)at "easures "a(netic !u! densit' or "a(netic induction ?a Juantit' directl' related to "a(netic !eld stren(t) or "a(netic .orce@R also -no,n as a Tesla Meter or Ma(neto"eter (auss"eter ?electronic@% n M a (auss"eter t)at uses a )all e..ect &ro*e to "easure "a(netic !u! densit' )al.#,a e current ?+L@ M a recti!ed sin(le#&)ase alternat# in( current t)at &roduces a &ulsatin( unidirectional !eld )all e..ect M a &)eno"enon in ,)ic) a trans erse electric !eld is &roduced in a current#carr'in( conductor &laced in a "a(netic !eld )'steresis M ?1@ t)e la((in( o. t)e "a(netic e..ect ,)en t)e "a(netic .orce actin( u&on a .erro"a(netic *od' is c)an(ed ?2@ t)e &)eno"enon e!)i*ited *' a "a(netic s's# te" ,)erein its state is in!uenced *' its &re ious )istor' indirect "a(netiDation M "a(netiDation induced in a &art ,)en no direct electrical contact is "ade induced current "et)od M see current induction "et)od induced !eld M see indirect "a(netiDation in)erent !uorescence M !uorescence t)at is an intrinsic c)aracteristic o. a "aterial ins&ection "ediu" M see e!a"ination "ediu" lea-a(e !eld M see !eld% "a(netic lea-a(e leec)es M &er"anent "a(nets or electro"a(nets t)at are attac)ed to t)e electrodes carr'in( "a(netiDin( current and t)at are stron( enou() to )old electrode contact !r"l' li()t intensit' M t)e li()t ener(' reac)in( a unit area o. sur.ace &er unit ti"e lines o. .orce M a conce&tual re&resentation o. "a(netic !u! *ased u&on t)e line &attern &roduced ,)en iron !lin(s are s&rin-led on &a&er laid o er a &er"anent "a(net local "a(netiDation M "a(netiDation o. a &rescri*ed ol# u"e or sur.ace o. a &art
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
lon(itudinal "a(netiDation M a "a(netic !eld ,)erein t)e lines o. .orce tra erse t)e &art in a direction essentiall' &arallel ,it) its lon(itudinal a!is "a(net% &er"anent M see &er"anent "a(net "a(netic !eld M t)e olu"e ,it)in and surroundin( eit)er a "a(netiDed &art or a current#carr'in( conductor ,)erein a "a(netic .orce is e!erted "a(netic !eld indicator M a &oc-et "eter t)at is used to locate or deter"ine t)e relati e intensit' o. lea-a(e !eld e"anatin( .ro" a &art "a(netic !eld "eter M an instru"ent desi(ned to "easure t)e !u! densit' o. "a(netic !elds "a(netic !eld stren(t) M t)e "easured intensit' o. a "a(netic !eld at a &oint% e!&ressed in oersteds or a"&eres &er "etre "a(netic )'steresis M in a "a(netic "aterial% as iron% a la((in( in t)e alues o. resultin( "a(netiDation due to a c)an(in( "a(netic .orceA ?See also )'steresisA@ "a(netic &article e!a"ination M a nondestructi e test "et)od utiliDin( "a(netic lea-a(e !elds and suita*le indi# catin( "aterials to disclose sur.ace and near#sur.ace dis# continuit' indications "a(netic &article e!a"ination !a, indications M t)e accu# "ulation o. .erro"a(netic &articles alon( t)e areas o. !a,s or discontinuities due to t)e distortion o. t)e "a(netic lines o. .orce in t)ose areas "a(netic &article !eld indicator M an instru"ent% t'&icall' a *i#"etal ?.or e!a"&le% car*on steel and co&&er@ octa(onal dis-% containin( arti!cial !a,s used to eri.' t)e adeJuac' or direction% or *ot)% o. t)e "a(netiDin( !eld "a(netic &articles M !nel' di ided .erro"a(netic "aterial ca&a*le o. *ein( indi iduall' "a(netiDed and attracted to distortion in a "a(netic !eld "a(netic &ole M one o. t,o or "ore areas o. !u! lea-a(e on a &art "a(netic ,ritin( M a .or" o. nonrele ant indication so"e# ti"es caused ,)en t)e sur.ace o. a "a(netiDed &art co"es in contact ,it) anot)er &iece o. .erro"a(netic "aterial "a(netiDation% circular M see !eld% circular "a(netiDation% lon(itudinal M see !eld% lon(itudinal "a(netiDin( current M t)e !o, o. eit)er alternatin( or direct current used to induce "a(netis" into t)e &art *ein( ins&ected "a(netiDin( .orce M t)e "a(netiDin( !eld a&&lied to a .erro"a(netic "aterial to induce "a(netiDation
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
"ultidirectional "a(netiDation M t)e alternati e a&&lica# tion o. "a(netic !elds in di..erent directions durin( t)e sa"e ti"e .ra"e near sur.ace discontinuit' M a discontinuit' not o&en to% *ut l'in( near% t)e sur.ace o. a &art under(oin( e!a"ination ,)ic) &roduces *road% .uDD'% li()tl' )eld &o,der &atterns o erall "a(netiDation M "a(netiDation o. an entire &art ,it) a sin(le ener(iDin( c'cle &er"anent "a(net M a "a(net t)at retains a )i() de(ree o. "a(netiDation irtuall' unc)an(ed .or a lon( &eriod o. ti"e ?c)aracteristic o. "aterials ,it) )i() retenti it'@ &er"ea*ilit' M t)e ratio o. !u! densit' &roduced to "a(# netiDin( .orce ?t)e ease ,it) ,)ic) a "aterial can *eco"e "a(netiDed@ &ole M t)e area on a "a(netiDed &art .ro" ,)ic) t)e "a(netic !eld is lea in( or returnin( into t)e &art &ol'"er tec)niJue M t)e e!a"ination tec)niJue in ,)ic) a &ol'"er is used as t)e &article sus&ension e)icle &o,der M see dr' &o,der &o,der *lo,er M a co"&ressed air de ice used to a&&l' "a(netic &o,der o er t)e sur.ace o. a &art under(oin( ins&ection &rods M )and#)eld electrodes Juic- *rea- M a sudden interru&tion o. t)e "a(netiDin( current residual "a(netic !eld M t)e !eld t)at re"ains in .erro# "a(netic "aterial a.ter t)e "a(netiDin( .orce )as *een re"o ed residual tec)niJue M t)e a&&lication o. t)e "a(netic &arti# cles a.ter t)e "a(netiDin( .orce )as *een discontinued resultant !eld M see !eld% resultant retenti it' M t)e a*ilit' o. a "aterial to retain a &ortion o. t)e a&&lied "a(netic !eld a.ter t)e "a(netiDin( .orce )as *een re"o ed saturation% "a(netic M t)e total "a(netiDation &roduced in a .erro"a(netic "aterial% at ,)ic) &oint t)e incre"ental &er"ea*ilit' )as &ro(ressi el' decreased to a&&roac) unit' sensiti it' M t)e de(ree o. ca&a*ilit' o. a "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJue .or indicatin( sur.ace or near sur# .ace discontinuities in .erro"a(netic "aterials s)ot M a s)ort ener(iDin( c'cle in a "a(netic &article e!a"ination
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
s-in e..ect M t)e &)eno"enon t)at causes t)e "a(netiDa# tion &roduced *' alternatin( current to *e contained near t)e sur.ace o. a .erro"a(netic &art solenoid M an electrical conductor .or"ed into a coil su*sur.ace discontinuit' M an' de.ect t)at does not o&en onto t)e sur.ace o. t)e &art in ,)ic) it e!ists sur(e "a(netiDation M use o. a )i() initial current .or a s)ort &eriod ?less t)an a second@% t)en a continuous reduced current ,)ile t)e ins&ection "ediu" is a&&lied sus&ension M a t,o#&)ase s'ste" consistin( o. a !nel' di ided solid dis&ersed in a liJuid s,in(in( !eld M see "ultidirectional "a(netiDation test &iece M a s&eci"en containin( -no,n arti!cial or natural de.ects used .or c)ec-in( t)e e.!cienc' o. "a(netic &article !a, detection &rocesses test rin( M a rin( s&eci"en containin( arti!cial su*sur.ace discontinuities ,)ic) is used to e aluate and co"&are t)e o erall &er.or"ance and sensiti it' o. "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJues t)rou()#coil tec)niJue M see coil tec)niJue true continuous tec)niJue M "a(netic &article e!a"ina# tion in ,)ic) t)e "a(netiDin( current is a&&lied &rior to t)e a&&lication o. t)e "a(netic &articles and is "aintained ,it)out interru&tion t)rou()out t)e e!a"ination e)icle M a liJuid "ediu" .or t)e sus&ension o. "a(netic &articles isi*le li()t M radiant ener(' (enerated in G00 to 500 n" h ?G000 to 5000 A@ ,a elen(t) ran(e ,ater *rea- test M a Jualit' control test o. conditioned ,ater ,et slurr' tec)niJue M a "a(netic &article e!a"ination tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e "a(netic &articles are sus&ended in a )i()# iscosit' e)icle ,et tec)niJue M t)e e!a"ination tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e "a(netic &articles are sus&ended in a liJuid e)icle ,)ite li()t M see isi*le li()t 'o-e M a "a(net t)at induces a "a(netic !eld in t)e area o. a &art t)at lies *et,een its &olesA 7o-es "a' *e &er"anent "a(nets or eit)er alternatin(#current or direct# current electro"a(nets 'o-e "a(netiDation M a lon(itudinal "a(netic !eld induced in a &art% or in an area o. a &art% *' "eans o. an e!ternal electro"a(net s)a&ed li-e a 'o-e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Neutron Radiolo('
acti ation M t)e &rocess o. causin( a su*stance to *eco"e arti!ciall' radioacti e *' su*Sectin( it to *o"*ard"ent *' neutrons or ot)er &articles attenuation coe.!cient M related to t)e rate o. c)an(e in t)e intensit' o. a *ea" o. radiation as it &asses t)rou() "atterA See linear and "ass attenuation coe.!cientA attenuation cross section M t)e &ro*a*ilit'% e!&ressed in *arns% t)at a neutron ,ill *e totall' a*sor*ed *' t)e ato"ic nucleus *arn M a unit o. area used .or e!&ressin( t)e area o. nuclear cross sections6 1 *arn & 10\2G c"2A cad"iu" ratio M t)e ratio o. t)e neutron reaction rate "easured ,it) a (i en *are neutron detector to t)e reaction rate "easured ,it) an identical neutron detector enclosed *' a &articular cad"iu" co er and e!&osed in t)e sa"e neutron !eld at t)e sa"e or an eJui alent s&atial location
NOTE 2F M In &ractice% "eanin(.ul e!&eri"ental alues can *e o*tained in an isotro&ic neutron !eld *' usin( a cad"iu" !lter a&&ro!i"atel' 1# "" t)ic-A
)al.#li.e M t)e ti"e reJuired .or one )al. a (i en nu"*er o. radioacti e ato"s to under(o deca' )al.# alue la'er M t)e t)ic-ness o. an a*sor*in( "aterial reJuired to reduce t)e intensit' o. a *ea" o. incident radiation to one#)al. o. its ori(inal intensit' i"a(e Jualit' indicator M a de ice or co"*ination o. de ices ,)ose i"a(e or i"a(es on a neutron radio(ra&) &ro ide isual or Juantitati e data% or *ot)% concernin( t)e radio(ra&)ic sensiti it' o. t)e &articular neutron radio# (ra&) indirect e!&osure M a "et)od in ,)ic) onl' a (a""a# insensiti e con ersion screen is e!&osed to t)e neutron *ea"A A.ter e!&osure% t)e con ersion screen is &laced in contact ,it) t)e i"a(e recorderA L 0D ratio M one "easure o. t)e resolution ca&a*ilit' o. a neutron radio(ra&)ic s'ste"A It is t)e ratio o. t)e distance *et,een t)e entrance a&erture and t)e i"a(e &lane ?L@ to t)e dia"eter o. t)e entrance a&erture ?D@A linear attenuation coe.!cient M a "easure o. t)e .ractional decrease in radiation *ea" intensit' &er unit o. distance tra eled in t)e "aterial ?c"\1@ lo,#ener(' &)oton radiation M (a""a# and =#ra' &)oton radiation )a in( ener(' less t)an 200 -eV ?e!cludin( isi# *le and ultra iolet li()t@ "ass attenuation coe.!cient M a "easure o. t)e .ractional decrease in radiation *ea" intensit' &er unit o. sur.ace densit' c"2 f ("\1 "oderator M a "aterial used to slo, .ast neutronsA Neu# trons are slo,ed do,n ,)en t)e' collide ,it) ato"s o. li()t ele"ents suc) as )'dro(en% deuteriu"% *er'lliu"% and car*on NC M e..ecti e t)er"al neutron content or neutron radio# (ra&)ic contrastA NC is t)e &ercent *ac-(round !l" e!&o# sure due to unscattered t)er"al neutronsA neutron M a neutral ele"entar' &article )a in( an ato"ic "ass close to 1A In t)e .ree state outside o. t)e nucleus% t)e neutron is unsta*le )a in( a )al.#li.e o. a&&ro!i"atel' 10 "inA neutron radio(ra&)' M t)e &rocess o. &roducin( a radio# (ra&) usin( neutrons as t)e &enetratin( radiation o*Sect scattered neutrons M neutrons scattered *' t)e test o*Sects t)at contri*ute to t)e !l" e!&osure P M e..ecti e &air &roduction contentA P is t)e &ercent *ac-(round e!&osure caused *' &air &roduction in 2 "" o. leadA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
cassette M a li()t#ti()t de ice .or )oldin( !l" or con er# sion screens and !l" in close contact durin( e!&osure contrast a(ent M a "aterial added to a co"&onent to en)ance details *' selecti e a*sor&tion o. t)e incident radi# ation con ersion screen M a de ice t)at con erts t)e i"a(ed neutron *ea" to radiation or li()t t)at e!&oses t)e radio# (ra&)ic !l" cross section M t)e a&&arent cross#sectional area o. t)e nucleus as calculated on t)e *asis o. t)e &ro*a*ilit' o. occurrence o. a reaction *' collision ,it) a &articleA It does not necessaril' coincide ,it) t)e (eo"etrical cross# sectional area r2A It is (i en in units o. area% 1 *arn & 10\2G c"2A direct e!&osure i"a(in( M in t)e direct e!&osure i"a(in( "et)od% t)e con ersion screen and i"a(e recorder are si"ultaneousl' e!&osed to t)e neutron *ea" electron olt M t)e -inetic ener(' (ained *' an electron a.ter &assin( t)rou() a &otential di..erence o. 1 V .acilit' scattered neutrons M neutrons scattered in t)e .acilit' t)at contri*ute to t)e !l" e!&osure M e..ecti e (a""a contentA is t)e &ercent *ac-(round !l" dar-enin( caused *' lo,#ener(' &)oton radiation a*sor*ed *' &air &roduction in 2 "" o. lead (a""a ra' M electro"a(netic radiation )a in( its ori(in in an ato"ic nucleus
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
&air &roduction M t)e &rocess ,)ere*' a (a""a &)oton ,it) ener(' (reater t)an 1A02 MeV is con erted directl' into "atter in t)e .or" o. an' electron#&ositron &airA Su*se# Juent anni)ilation o. t)e &ositron results in t)e &roduction o. t,o 0A111 MeV (a""a &)otonsA &rocess control radio(ra&) M a radio(ra&) ,)ic) i"a(es a *ea" &urit' indicator and sensiti it' indicator under identical e!&osure and &rocessin( &rocedures as t)e test o*Sect radio(ra&)A A &rocess control radio(ra&) "a' *e used to deter"ine i"a(e Jualit' &ara"eters in circu"# stances o. lar(e or unusual test o*Sect (eo"etr'A radio(ra&) M a &er"anent% isi*le i"a(e on a recordin( "ediu" &roduced *' &enetratin( radiation &assin( t)rou() t)e "aterial *ein( tested radio(ra&)ic ins&ection M t)e use o. = ra's or nuclear radiation% or *ot)% to detect discontinuities in "aterial% and to &resent t)eir i"a(es on a recordin( "ediu" radio(ra&)' M t)e &rocess o. &roducin( a radio(ra&) usin( &enetratin( radiation radiolo(ical e!a"ination M t)e use o. &enetratin( ioniDin( radiation to dis&la' i"a(es .or t)e detection o. discontinu# ities or to )el& ensure inte(rit' o. t)e &art radiolo(' M t)e science and a&&lication o. =#ra's% (a""a ra's% neutrons% and ot)er &enetratin( radiations radiosco&ic ins&ection M t)e use o. &enetratin( radiation and radiosco&' to detect discontinuities in "aterial radiosco&' M t)e electronic &roduction o. a radiolo(ical i"a(e t)at .ollo,s er' closel' t)e c)an(es ,it) ti"e o. t)e o*Sect *ein( i"a(ed real#ti"e radiosco&' M radiosco&' t)at is ca&a*le o. .ol# lo,in( t)e "otion o. t)e o*Sect ,it)out li"itation o. ti"e S M e..ecti e scattered neutron contentA S is t)e &ercent *ac-(round !l" dar-enin( caused *' scattered neutronsA scattered neutrons M neutrons t)at )a e under(one a scat# terin( collision *ut still contri*ute to !l" e!&osure sensiti it' alue M t)e alue deter"ined *' t)e s"allest standard discontinuit' in an' (i en sensiti it' indicator o*ser a*le in t)e radio(ra&)ic i"a(eA Values are de!ned *' identi!cation o. t'&e o. indicator% siDe o. de.ect% and t)e a*sor*er t)ic-ness on ,)ic) t)e discontinuit' is o*ser edA t)er"aliDation M t)e &rocess o. slo,in( neutron elocities *' &er"ittin( t)e neutrons to co"e to t)er"al eJuili*riu" ,it) a "oderatin( "ediu" t)er"aliDation .actor M t)e in erse ratio o. t)e t)er"al neutron !u! o*tained in a "oderator% &er source neutron
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
t)er"al neutrons M neutrons )a in( ener(ies ran(in( *et,een 0A001 eV and 0A1 eVR neutrons o. t)ese ener(ies are &roduced *' slo,in( do,n .ast neutrons until t)e' are in eJuili*riu" ,it) t)e "oderatin( "ediu" at a te"&era# ture near 20[CA total cross section M t)e su" o. t)e a*sor&tion and scatter# in( cross sections acuu" cassette M a li()t#ti()t de ice )a in( a !e!i*le entrance ,indo,% ,)ic) ,)en o&erated under a acuu"% )olds t)e !l" and con ersion screen in inti"ate contact durin( e!&osure
A#scan M a "et)od o. data &resentation utiliDin( a )ori# Dontal *aseline t)at indicates distance% or ti"e% and a erti# cal de!ection .ro" t)e *aseline ,)ic) indicates a"&litude a"&litude M t)e ertical &ulse )ei()t o. a si(nal% usuall' *ase to &ea-% ,)en indicated *' an A#scan &resentation an(le *ea" M a ter" used to descri*e an an(le o. incidence or re.raction ot)er t)an nor"al to t)e sur.ace o. t)e test o*Sect% as in an(le *ea" e!a"ination% an(le *ea" searc) unit% an(le *ea" lon(itudinal ,a es% and an(le *ea" s)ear ,a es a&&arent attenuation M t)e o*ser ed ultrasound ener(' lossA In addition to t)e true loss% t)e a&&arent attenuation "a' also include losses attri*uta*le to instru"entation% s&eci"en con!(uration% *ea" di er(ence% inter.ace re!ec# tions% and "easure"ent &rocedureA ?E 44G@ area a"&litude res&onse cur e M a cur e s)o,in( t)e c)an(es in a"&litude at nor"al incidence .ro" &lanar re!ectors o. di..erent areas located at eJual distances .ro" t)e searc) unit in an ultrasonic#conductin( "ediu" attenuation M a .actor t)at descri*es t)e decrease in ultra# sound intensit' ,it) distanceA Nor"all' e!&ressed in deci# *el &er unit len(t)A
NOTE 2G M T)e attenuation &ara"eter is so"eti"es e!&ressed in ne&ers ?N&@ &er unit len(t)A T)e alue in deci*els ?dB@ is 3A43 ti"es t)e alue in ne&ersA I. t)e loss o er a &at) is 1 N&% t)en t)e a"&litude )as .allen to 1 0e o. its initial alue ?e & 2A513FA A A@A ?E 44G@
attenuator M a de ice .or alterin( t)e a"&litude o. an ultrasonic indication in -no,n incre"ents% usuall' deci*els B#scan &resentation M a "eans o. ultrasonic data &resenta# tion ,)ic) dis&la's a cross section o. t)e s&eci"en indicat# in( t)e a&&ro!i"ate len(t) ?as detected &er scan@ o. re!ectors and t)eir relati e &ositions *ac- re!ection M indication o. t)e ec)o .ro" t)e .ar *oundar' o. t)e "aterial under test
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
*ac- sur.ace M t)e end o. a re.erence *loc- t)at is o&&osite t)e entr' sur.ace ?E 125@ *ase line M t)e ti"e o. !i()t or distance trace ?)oriDontal@ across t)e A#scan CRT dis&la' ?.or no si(nal condition@ *ea" a!is M t)e acoustic centerline o. a searc) unitEs *ea" &attern as de!ned *' t)e locus o. &oints o. "a!i"u" sound &ressure in t)e .ar !eld% and its e!tension into t)e near !eld *ea" s&read M a di er(ence o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" as t)e sound tra els t)rou() a "ediu" *otto" ec)o M see *ac- re!ection *u**ler M a de ice usin( a liJuid strea" to cou&le an ultrasonic *ea" to t)e test &iece C#scan M an ultrasonic data &resentation ,)ic) &ro ides a &lain ie, o. t)e test o*Sect% and discontinuities t)erein colli"ator M a de ice .or controllin( t)e siDe and direction o. t)e ultrasonic *ea"
da"&in(% searc) unit M li"itin( t)e duration o. a si(nal .ro" a searc) unit su*Sect to a &ulsed in&ut *' electricall' or "ec)anicall' decreasin( t)e a"&litude o. successi e c'cles dB control M a control t)at adSusts t)e a"&litude o. t)e dis&la' si(nal in dB units dead Done M t)e distance in t)e "aterial .ro" t)e sur.ace o. t)e test o*Sect to t)e de&t) at ,)ic) a re!ector can !rst *e resol ed under s&eci!ed conditionsA It is deter"ined *' t)e c)aracteristics o. t)e searc) unit% t)e ultrasonic test instru"entation% and t)e test o*Sect deci*el ?dB@ M t,ent' ti"es t)e *ase ten lo(arit)" o. t)e ratio o. t,o ultrasonic si(nal a"&litudes6 dB & 20 lo(10 ?a"&litude ratio@ dela'ed s,ee& M an A#scan or B#scan &resentation in ,)ic) an initial &art o. t)e ti"e scale is not dis&la'ed DIS ?distance (ain siDe#Ier"an AVI@ M distance a"&li# tude cur es &er"ittin( &rediction o. re!ector siDe co"&ared to t)e res&onse .ro" a *ac- sur.ace re!ection distance a"&litude co"&ensation ?electronic@ M t)e co"# &ensation or c)an(e in recei er a"&li!cation necessar' to &ro ide eJual a"&litude on t)e dis&la' o. t)e ultrasonic !a, detector .or re!ectors o. eJual area ,)ic) are located at di..erent de&t)s in t)e "aterial distance a"&litude res&onse cur e M a cur e s)o,in( t)e relations)i& *et,een t)e di..erent distances and t)e a"&litudes o. ultrasonic res&onse .ro" tar(ets o. eJual siDe in an ultrasonic res&onse .ro" tar(ets o. eJual siDe in an ultrasonic trans"ittin( "ediu" ?E 125@ distance linearit' ran(e M t)e ran(e o. )oriDontal de!ec# tion in ,)ic) a constant relations)i& e!ists *et,een t)e incre"ental )oriDontal dis&lace"ent o. ertical indications on t)e A#scan &resentation and t)e incre"ental ti"e reJuired .or re!ected ,a es to &ass t)rou() a -no,n len(t) in a uni.or" trans"ission "ediu" ?E G2G@
co"&ressional ,a e M see lon(itudinal ,a e contact testin( M a tec)niJue in ,)ic) t)e searc) unit "a-es contact directl' ,it) t)e test &iece t)rou() a t)in la'er o. cou&lant continuous ,a e M a constant !o, o. ultrasonic ,a es% as o&&osed to &ulsed control ec)o M re.erence si(nal .ro" a constant re!ectin( sur.ace% suc) as a *ac- re!ection corner e..ect M t)e re!ection o. an ultrasonic *ea" directed at nor"al incidence to t)e line o. intersection o. t,o &er&endicular &lanes cou&lant M a su*stance used *et,een t)e searc) unit and test sur.ace to &er"it or i"&ro e trans"ission o. ultrasonic ener(' critical an(le M t)e incident an(le o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" *e'ond ,)ic) a s&eci!c re.racted ,a e no lon(er e!ists cross tal- M t)e si(nal lea-a(e ?acoustic or electric@ across an intended acoustic or electric *arrier cr'stal ?see transducer@ M t)e &ieDoelectric ele"ent in an ultrasonic searc) unitA T)e ter" is used to descri*e sin(le cr'stal &ieDoelectrics as ,ell as &ol'cr'stalline &ieDoelec# trics% suc) as .errocera"icsA DAC ?distance a"&litude correction@ ?s,e&t (ain% ti"e corrected (ain% ti"e aria*le (ain% etcA@ M electronic c)an(e o. a"&li!cation to &ro ide eJual a"&litude .ro" eJual re!ectors at di..erent de&t)s
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
dual searc) unit M a searc) unit containin( t,o ele"ents6 one a trans"itter% t)e ot)er a recei er d'na"ic ran(e M a "easure o. t)e ca&a*ilit' o. a test s'ste" to acce&t in&ut si(nals o. ar'in( "a(nitudes% (i en *' t)e ratio o. t)e "a!i"u" to "ini"u" in&ut si(nals ,)ic) at constant (ain ,ill &roduce distortion#.ree out&uts )a in( discerna*le c)an(es ,it) incre"ental ariations in in&ut
NOTE 21 M D'na"ic ran(e "a' *e stated as t)e nu"erical alue o. t)e ratio% )o,e er% t)is is usuall' e!&ressed in deci*elsA
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
NOTE 24 M L)en t)e out&ut indications can *e related to t)e siDe o. reco(niDed tar(ets% suc) as !at#*otto"ed )oles% d'na"ic ran(e is so"e# ti"es e!&ressed in ter"s o. t)e "a!i"u" and "ini"u" )ole siDes t)at can *e dis&la'edA
ec)o M indication o. re!ected ener(' .ar !eld M t)e Done o. t)e *ea" ,)ere eJual re!ectors (i e e!&onentiall' decreasin( a"&litudes ,it) increasin( distance .ocused *ea" M con er(in( ener(' o. t)e sound *ea" at a s&eci!ed distance .reJuenc' ?.unda"ental@ M in resonance testin(% t)e .re# Juenc' at ,)ic) t)e ,a e len(t) is t,ice t)e t)ic-ness o. t)e e!a"ined "aterial .reJuenc' ?ins&ection@ M e..ecti e ultrasonic ,a e .re# Juenc' o. t)e s'ste" used to ins&ect t)e "aterial .reJuenc' ?&ulse re&etition@ M t)e nu"*er o. ti"es &er second an electro#acoustic searc) unit is e!cited *' t)e &ulse (enerator to &roduce a &ulse o. ultrasonic ener('A T)is is also called &ulse re&etition rateA (a& scannin( M s)ort !uid colu"n cou&lin( tec)niJue (ate M an electronic "eans o. selectin( a se("ent o. t)e ti"e ran(e .or "onitorin( or .urt)er &rocessin( (raDin( incidence M i""ersion ins&ection ,it) t)e *ea" directed at a (lancin( an(le to t)e test sur.ace )ar"onics M t)ose i*rations ,)ic) are inte(ral "ulti&les o. t)e .unda"ental .reJuenc' )olo(ra&)' ?acoustic@ M an ins&ection s'ste" usin( t)e &)ase inter.ace *et,een t)e ultrasonic ,a e .ro" an o*Sect and a re.erence si(nal to o*tain an i"a(e o. re!ectors in t)e "aterial under test i""ersion testin( M an ultrasonic e!a"ination "et)od in ,)ic) t)e searc) unit and t)e test &art are su*"er(ed ?at least locall'@ in a !uid% usuall' ,ater i"&edance ?acoustic@ M a "at)e"atical Juantit' used in co"&utation o. re!ection c)aracteristics at *oundariesR &roduct o. ,a e elocit' and "aterial densit' indication M t)at ,)ic) "ar-s or denotes t)e &resence o. a re!ector initial &ulse M t)e res&onse o. t)e ultrasonic s'ste" dis# &la' to t)e trans"itter &ulse ?so"eti"es called "ain *an(@ inter.ace M t)e *oundar' *et,een t,o "aterials La"* ,a e M a s&eci!c "ode o. &ro&a(ation in ,)ic) t)e t,o &arallel *oundar' sur.aces o. t)e "aterial under
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
e!a"ination ?suc) as a &late or t)e ,all o. a tu*e@ esta*lis) t)e "ode o. &ro&a(ationA T)e La"* ,a e can *e (enerated onl' at &articular alues o. .reJuenc'% an(le o. incidence% and "aterial t)ic-nessA T)e elocit' o. t)e ,a e is de&en# dent on t)e "ode o. &ro&a(ation and t)e &roduct o. t)e "aterial t)ic-ness and t)e e!a"ination .reJuenc'A linearit' ?a"&litude@ M a "easure o. t)e &ro&ortionalit' o. t)e a"&litude o. t)e si(nal in&ut to t)e recei er% and t)e a"&litude o. t)e si(nal a&&earin( on t)e dis&la' o. t)e ultrasonic instru"ent or on an au!iliar' dis&la' linearit' ?ti"e or distance@ M a "easure o. t)e &ro&ortion# alit' o. t)e si(nals a&&earin( on t)e ti"e or distance a!is o. t)e dis&la' and t)e in&ut si(nals to t)e recei er .ro" a cali*rated ti"e (enerator or .ro" "ulti&le ec)os .ro" a &late o. "aterial o. -no,n t)ic-ness lon(itudinal ,a e M t)ose ,a es in ,)ic) t)e &article "otion o. t)e "aterial is essentiall' in t)e sa"e direction as t)e ,a e &ro&a(ation ?E G2G@ loss o. *ac- re!ection M an a*sence or si(ni!cant reduc# tion in t)e a"&litude o. t)e indication .ro" t)e *ac- sur.ace o. t)e &art under e!a"ination "ar-ers M t)e electronicall' (enerated ti"e &ulses or ot)er indicators t)at are used on t)e instru"ent dis&la' to "easure distance or ti"e "ode M t)e t'&e o. ultrasonic ,a e &ro&a(atin( in t)e "aterials as c)aracteriDed *' t)e &article "otion ?.or e!a"# &le% lon(itudinal% trans erse% etcA@ "ode con ersion M &)eno"enon *' ,)ic) an ultrasonic ,a e t)at is &ro&a(atin( in one "ode can re!ect or re.ract at an inter.ace to .or" ultrasonic ,a e?s@ o. ot)er "odes "ulti&le *ac- re!ections M successi e re!ections .ro" t)e *ac- sur.ace o. t)e "aterial under e!a"ination "ulti&le re!ections M successi e ec)oes o. ultrasonic ener(' *et,een t,o sur.aces near !eld M t)e re(ion o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" adSacent to t)e transducer and )a in( co"&le! *ea" &ro!lesA Also -no,n as t)e 8resnel DoneA noise M an' undesired si(nal ?electrical or acoustic@ t)at tends to inter.ere ,it) t)e rece&tion% inter&retation% or &ro# cessin( o. t)e desired si(nal nor"al incidence ?also see strai()t *ea"@ M a condition in ,)ic) t)e a!is o. t)e ultrasonic *ea" is &er&endicular to t)e entr' sur.ace o. t)e &art under e!a"ination &enetration de&t) M t)e "a!i"u" de&t) in a "aterial .ro" ,)ic) usa*le ultrasonic in.or"ation can *e o*tained and "easured
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
&late ,a e M see La"* ,a e &ro*e M see searc) unit &ulse M a s)ort ,a e train o. "ec)anical i*rations &ulse ec)o "et)od M an ins&ection "et)od in ,)ic) t)e &resence and &osition o. a re!ector are indicated *' t)e ec)o a"&litude and ti"e &ulse len(t) M a "easure o. t)e duration o. a si(nal as e!&ressed in ti"e or nu"*er o. c'cles &ulse re&etition rate M see .reJuenc' ?&ulse re&etition@ &ulse tunin( M a control used on so"e ultrasonic e!a"ina# tion eJui&"ent to o&ti"iDe t)e res&onse o. t)e searc) unit and ca*le to t)e trans"itter *' adSustin( t)e .reJuenc' s&ectru" o. t)e trans"itted &ulse radio .reJuenc' ?r#.@ dis&la' M t)e dis&la' o. an unrecti!ed si(nal on t)e CRT or recorder ran(e M t)e "a!i"u" sound &at) len(t) t)at is dis&la'ed Ra'lei() ,a e M an ultrasonic sur.ace ,a e in ,)ic) t)e &article "otion is elli&tical and t)e e..ecti e &enetration is a&&ro!i"atel' one ,a elen(t) re.erence *loc- M a *loc- t)at is used *ot) as a "easure# "ent scale and as a "eans o. &ro idin( an ultrasonic re!ec# tion o. -no,n c)aracteristics re!ection M see ec)o re!ector M an inter.ace at ,)ic) an ultrasonic *ea" encounters a c)an(e in acoustic i"&edance and at ,)ic) at least &art o. t)e ener(' is re!ected reSect ?su&&ression@ M a control .or "ini"iDin( or eli"i# natin( lo, a"&litude si(nals ?electrical or "aterial noise@ so t)at lar(er si(nals are e"&)asiDed resolution M t)e a*ilit' o. ultrasonic eJui&"ent to (i e si"ultaneous% se&arate indications .ro" discontinuities )a in( nearl' t)e sa"e ran(e and lateral &osition ,it) res&ect to t)e *ea" a!is resonance "et)od M a tec)niJue in ,)ic) continuous ultrasonic ,a es are aried in .reJuenc' to identi.' reso# nant c)aracteristics in order to discri"inate so"e &ro&ert' o. a &art suc) as t)ic-ness% sti..ness% or *ond inte(rit' saturation M a condition in ,)ic) an increase in in&ut si(nal &roduces no increase in a"&litude on t)e dis&la' saturation le el M see ertical li"it scannin( M t)e "o e"ent o. a searc) unit relati e to t)e test &iece in order to e!a"ine a olu"e o. t)e "aterial
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
scannin( inde! M t)e distance t)e searc) unit is "o ed *et,een scan &at)s a.ter eac) tra erse o. t)e &art scattered ener(' M ener(' t)at is re!ected in a rando" .as)ion *' s"all re!ectors in t)e &at) o. a *ea" o. ultra# sonic ,a es scatterin( M t)e dis&ersion% de!ection% or redirection o. t)e ener(' in an ultrasonic *ea" caused *' s"all re!ectors in t)e "aterial *ein( e!a"ined Sc)lieren s'ste" M an o&tical s'ste" used .or isual dis# &la' o. an ultrasonic *ea" &assin( t)rou() a trans&arent "ediu" SE &ro*e M see dual searc) unit ?t,in &ro*e@ searc) unit M an electro#acoustic de ice used to trans"it or recei e ultrasonic ener('% or *ot)A T)e de ice (enerall' consists o. a na"e&late% connector% case% *ac-in(% &ieDo# electric ele"ent% ,ear.ace% or lens% or ,ed(eA sensiti it' M a "easure o. t)e s"allest ultrasonic si(nal ,)ic) ,ill &roduce a discerni*le indication on t)e dis&la' o. an ultrasonic s'ste" s)ado, M a re(ion in a *od' t)at cannot *e reac)ed *' ultrasonic ener(' tra elin( in a (i en direction *ecause o. t)e (eo"etr' o. t)e *od' or a discontinuit' in it s)ear ,a e M ,a e "otion in ,)ic) t)e &article "otion is &er&endicular to t)e direction o. &ro&a(ation s)ear ,a e searc) unit ?7 cut JuartD searc) unit@ M a strai()t *ea" searc) unit used .or (eneratin( and detectin( s)ear ,a es si(nal#to#noise ratio M t)e ratio o. t)e a"&litude o. an ultrasonic indication to t)e a"&litude o. t)e "a!i"u" *ac-(round noise s-i& distance M in an(le *ea" e!a"ination% t)e distance alon( t)e test sur.ace% .ro" sound entr' &oint to t)e &oint at ,)ic) t)e sound returns to t)e sa"e sur.aceA It can *e considered t)e to& sur.ace distance o. a co"&lete ee &at) o. sound in t)e test "aterialA strai()t *ea" M a i*ratin( &ulse ,a e train tra elin( nor"al to t)e test sur.ace su&&ression M see reSect ?su&&ression@ sur.ace ,a e M see Ra'lei() ,a e s,ee& M t)e uni.or" and re&eated "o e"ent o. an elec# tron *ea" across t)e CRT s,e&t (ain M see DAC testin(% ultrasonic M a nondestructi e "et)od o. e!a"in# in( "aterials *' introducin( ultrasonic ,a es into% t)rou()%
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
or onto t)e sur.ace o. t)e article *ein( e!a"ined and deter"inin( arious attri*utes o. t)e "aterial .ro" e..ects on t)e ultrasonic ,a es test sur.ace M t)at sur.ace o. a &art t)rou() ,)ic) t)e ultrasonic ener(' enters or lea es t)e &art t)rou() trans"ission tec)niJue M a test &rocedure in ,)ic) t)e ultrasonic i*rations are e"itted *' one searc) unit and recei ed *' anot)er at t)e o&&osite sur.ace o. t)e "aterial e!a"ined transducer M an electroacoustical de ice .or con ertin( electrical ener(' into acoustical ener(' and ice ersaA See also cr'stalA trans erse ,a e M see s)ear ,a eA trans erse ,a e M ,a e "otion in ,)ic) t)e &article dis&lace"ent at eac) &oint in a "aterial is &er&endicular to t)e direction o. &ro&a(ation ?E G2G@ true attenuation M t)at &ortion o. t)e o*ser ed ultrasound ener(' loss ,)ic) is intrinsic to t)e "ediu" t)rou() ,)ic) t)e ultrasound &ro&a(atesA True attenuation losses "a' *e attri*uted to t)e *asic "ec)anis"s o. a*sor&tion and scatterin(A ?E 44G@ ultrasonic M &ertainin( to "ec)anical i*rations )a in( a .reJuenc' (reater t)an a&&ro!i"atel' 20%000 +D ultrasonic noise le el M t)e lar(e nu"*er o. unresol ed indications resultin( .ro" structure or &ossi*l' .ro" nu"erous s"all discontinuities% or *ot) ?E 125@ ultrasonic s&ectrosco&' M anal'sis o. t)e .reJuenc' s&ec# tru" o. an ultrasonic ,a e ee &at) M t)e an(le#*ea" &at) in "aterials startin( at t)e searc)#unit e!a"ination sur.ace% t)rou() t)e "aterial to t)e re!ectin( sur.ace% continuin( to t)e e!a"ination sur.ace in .ront o. t)e searc) unit% and re!ection *ac- alon( t)e sa"e &at) to t)e searc) unitA T)e &at) is usuall' s)a&ed li-e t)e letter VA ertical li"it M t)e "a!i"u" reada*le le el o. ertical indications deter"ined eit)er *' an electrical or a &)'sical li"it o. an A#scan &resentation ideo &resentation M dis&la' o. t)e recti!ed% and usuall' !ltered% r#. si(nal ,ater &at) M t)e distance .ro" t)e transducer to t)e test sur.ace in i""ersion or ,ater colu"n testin( ,a e .ront M a continuous sur.ace dra,n t)rou() t)e "ost .or,ard &oints in a ,a e distur*ance ,)ic) )a e t)e sa"e &)ase
,a e train M a succession o. ultrasonic ,a es arisin( .ro" t)e sa"e source% )a in( t)e sa"e c)aracteristics% and &ro&a(atin( alon( t)e sa"e &at) ,ed(e M in ultrasonic an(le#*ea" e!a"ination *' t)e contact "et)od% a de ice used to direct ultrasonic ener(' into t)e "aterial at an an(le ,)eel searc) unit M an ultrasonic de ice incor&oratin( one or "ore &ieDoelectric ele"ents "ounted inside a liJuid# !lled !e!i*le tireA T)e *ea" is cou&led to t)e test sur.ace t)rou() t)e rollin( contact area o. t)e tireA ,ra& around M t)e dis&la' o. "isleadin( re!ections .ro" a &re iousl' trans"itted &ulse% caused *' an e!cessi el' )i() &ulse#re&etition .reJuenc'
a*sor&tance% M t)e ratio o. radiant !u! a*sor*ed *' a sur.ace to t)at incident u&on it a&&arent te"&erature M t)e te"&erature o. an o*Sect as deter"ined solel' .ro" t)e "easured radiance% assu"in( an e"issi it' o. unit' *ac-(round radiation M all radiation recei ed *' t)e in.ra# red sensin( de ice t)at ,as not e"itted *' t)e s&eci!ed area o. t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined *ac-(round% tar(et M t)at &ortion o. t)e *ac-(round ,)ic) is con!ned to t)e !eld o. ie, *lac-*od' M an ideal t)er"al radiator ?e"issi it' & 1A0@ t)at e"its and a*sor*s all o. t)e a aila*le t)er"al radiation at a (i en te"&erature *lac-*od' eJui alent te"&erature M t)e a&&arent te"&era# ture o. an o*Sect as deter"ined .ro" t)e "easured radiance and t)e assu"&tion t)at it is an ideal *lac-*od' ,it) e"is# si it' o. 1A0 di..erential *lac-*od' M an a&&aratus .or esta*lis)in( t,o &arallel isot)er"al &lanar Dones o. di..erent te"&eratures% and ,it) e..ecti e e"issi ities o. 1A0 ?E 121F@ e"issi it'% M t)e ratio o. t)e radiance o. a *od' at a (i en te"&erature to t)e corres&ondin( radiance o. a *lac-*od' at t)e sa"e te"&erature e!tended source M a source o. in.rared radiation ,)ose i"a(e co"&letel' !lls t)e !eld o. ie, o. a detector
NOTE 25 M T)e irradiance is inde&endent o. t)e distance .ro" t)e source to t)e re(ion o. o*ser ationA In &ractice% sources t)at are not e!tended sources are considered to *e &oint sourcesR see &oint sourceA
!eld o. ie, ?8OV@ M t)e s)a&e and an(ular di"ensions o. t)e cone or t)e &'ra"id ,)ic) de!ne t)e o*Sect s&ace
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
i"a(ed *' t)e s'ste"R .or e!a"&le% rectan(ular% G de( ,ide *' F de( )i() i"a(in( line scanner M an a&&aratus t)at scans in a sin(le di"ension and is "o ed &er&endicular to t)e scan direction to &roduce a t,o#di"ensional t)er"o(ra" o. a scene in.rared i"a(in( s'ste" M an a&&aratus t)at con erts t)e t,o#di"ensional s&atial ariations in in.rared radiance .ro" an' o*Sect sur.ace into a t,o#di"ensional t)er"o# (ra" o. t)e sa"e scene% in ,)ic) ariations in radiance are dis&la'ed in (radations o. (ra' tone or in color in.rared re!ector M a "aterial ,it) a re!ectance in t)e in.rared re(ion as close as &ossi*le to 1A00 in.rared sensin( de ice M one o. a ,ide class o. instru# "ents used to dis&la' or record% or *ot)% in.or"ation related to t)e t)er"al radiation recei ed .ro" an' o*Sect sur.aces ie,ed *' t)e instru"entA T)e instru"ent aries in co"# &le!it' .ro" s&ot radio"eters to t,o#di"ensional real#ti"e i"a(in( s'ste"sA in.rared t)er"o(ra&)er M t)e &erson Juali!ed or trained to use in.rared i"a(in( radio"eter in.rared t)er"o(ra&)' M see t)er"o(ra&)'% in.rared instantaneous !eld o. ie, ?I8OV@ M .or a scannin( s's# te"% t)e an(ular di"ensions in o*Sect s&ace ,it)in ,)ic) o*Sects are i"a(ed *' an indi idual detector ?unit & de( or rad@
NOTE 23 M T)e I8OV is eJui alent to t)e )oriDontal and ertical !elds o. ie, o. t)e indi idual detectorA 8or s"all detectors% t)e detector an(ular su*tenses or &roSections% and % are de!ned *' & a 0. and & * 0. ,)ere a and * are t)e )oriDontal and ertical di"ensions o. t)e detector and . is t)e e..ecti e .ocal len(t) o. t)e o&ticA ?I8OV "a' also *e e!&ressed as a solid an(le in units o. srA@
*' its an(ular su*tense% and *ot) tar(et and *ac-(round are isot)er"al *lac-*odiesA
"ini"u" resol a*le te"&erature di..erence ?MRTD@ M a "easure o. t)e a*ilit' o. an in.rared i"a(in( s'ste" and t)e )u"an o*ser er to reco(niDe &eriodic *ar tar(ets on a dis&la'A T)e MRTD is t)e "ini"u" te"&erature di..erence *et,een a standard &eriodic test &attern ?561 as&ect ratio% G *ars@ and its *lac-*od' *ac-(round at ,)ic) an o*ser er can resol e t)e &attern as a .our#*ar &attern ?see 8i(A G@A
"odulation .unction ?MT8@ M in in.rared i"a(in( s'ste"s% t)e "odulus o. a 8ourier trans.or" t)at descri*es t)e s&atial distri*ution o. t)e o erall attenuation in a"&li# tude o. a t)er"al i"a(in( s'ste"
NOTE F0 M MT8 is a sensiti e .unction o. s&atial .reJuenc'A
irradiance% E M t)e radiant !u! ?&o,er@ &er unit area incident on a (i en sur.ace ?unit & L 0"2@ li"itin( resolution M t)e )i()est s&atial .reJuenc' o. a tar(et t)at an i"a(in( sensor is a*le to resol e line scanner M an a&&aratus t)at scans alon( a sin(le line o. a scene to &ro ide a one#di"ensional t)er"al &ro!le o. t)e scene "ini"u" detecta*le te"&erature di..erence ?MDTD@ M a "easure o. t)e co"&ound a*ilit' o. an in.rared i"a(in( s'ste" and an o*ser er to detect a tar(et o. un-no,n location at one te"&erature a(ainst a lar(e uni.or" *ac-# (round at anot)er te"&erature ,)en dis&la'ed on a "onitor .or a li"ited ti"e
NOTE 22 M 8or a (i en tar(et siDe% t)e MDTD is t)e "ini"u" te"&era# ture di..erence *et,een t)e tar(et and its *ac-(round at ,)ic) t)e o*ser er can detect t)e tar(etA T)e standard tar(et is a circle ,)ose siDe is (i en
noise eJui alent te"&erature di..erence ?NETD@ M t)e tar(et#to#*ac-(round te"&erature di..erence *et,een a *lac-*od' tar(et and its *lac-*od' *ac-(round at ,)ic) t)e si(nal#to#noise ratio o. a t)er"al i"a(in( s'ste" or scanner is unit' o*Sect &lane resolution M t)e di"ension in t)e o*Sect &lane t)at corres&onds to t)e &roduct o. a s'ste"Es instantaneous !eld#o.# ie, and a s&eci!ed distance .ro" t)e s'ste" to t)e o*Sect &oint source M a source ,)ose linear di"ensions are er' s"all co"&ared ,it) t)e distance .ro" t)e source to t)e re(ion o. o*ser ation
NOTE F1 M T)e irradiance aries in ersel' ,it) t)e sJuare o. t)e distanceR a uniJue &ro&ert' o. &oint sourcesA
radiance% L M t)e !u! &er unit &roSected area &er unit solid an(le lea in( a source or% in (eneral% an' re.erence sur.aceA I. d2 is t)e !u! e"itted into a solid an(le d
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
i"a(e &lane% it "a' *e e!&ressed in units o. c'cles &er "illi"eter ?c' 0""@ or line &airs &er "illi"eter ?l& 0""@A In an i"a(in( s'ste"% it "a' *e e!&ressed in units o. c'cles &er "illiradian ?c' 0"rad@ or line &airs &er "illira# dian ?l& 0"rad@A t)er"al resolution M t)e s"allest a&&arent te"&erature di..erence *et,een t,o *lac-*odies t)at can *e "easured *' an in.rared sensin( de ice t)er"o(ra" M a isual i"a(e ,)ic) "a&s t)e a&&arent te"&erature &attern o. an o*Sect or scene into a corres&ond# in( contrast or color &attern t)er"o(ra&)'% in.rared M t)e &rocess o. dis&la'in( aria# tions o. a&&arent te"&erature ? ariations o. te"&erature or e"issi it'% or *ot)@ o er t)e sur.ace o. an o*Sect or a scene *' "easurin( ariations in in.rared radiance
NOTE FF M In (eneral% &assi e t)er"o(ra&)' re.ers to e!a"ination o. an o*Sect or s'ste" durin( its nor"al o&erational "ode% ,it)out t)e a&&lication o. an' additional ener(' source .or t)e e!&ress &ur&ose o. i(eneratin( a t)er"al (radient in t)e o*Sect or s'ste"R acti e t)er"o(ra&)' re.ers to t)e e!a"ination o. an o*Sect u&on intentional a&&lication o. an e!ternal ener(' sourceA T)e ener(' source ?acti e or &assi e@ "a' *e a source o. )eat% "ec)anical ener(' ? i*ration or .ati(ue testin(@% electrical current% or an' ot)er .or" o. ener('A
*' a source ele"ent o. &roSected area dA cos % t)e radiance is de!ned as6
L& d2 d f dA cos
,)ere% as s)o,n in 8i(A 1% is t)e an(le *et,een t)e out,ard sur.ace nor"al o. t)e area ele"ent dA and t)e direction o. o*ser ation ?unit & L 0srf "2@A radiant e!itance% M M t)e radiant !u! &er unit area lea in( a sur.aceA T)at is%
M& d dA
trans"ittance% M t)e ratio o. t)e radiant !u! trans"itted t)rou() a *od' to t)at incident u&on it i*rot)er"o(ra&)' M a t)er"o(ra&)ic tec)niJue .or e!a"inin( an o*Sect in ,)ic) te"&erature di..erences are &roduced *' e!citation
O&tical +olo(ra&)'
,)ere6 d & !u! lea in( a sur.ace ele"ent dA ?unit & L 0"2@A
a"&litude )olo(ra" M a recordin( o. t)e ariation o. li()t intensit' caused *' t)e inter.erence *et,een t)e re.erence *ea" and t)e o*Sect *ea"% as li()t or dar- areas on t)e recordin( "ediu"A T)e li()t and dar- inter.erence lines in t)e recordin( "ediu" di..ract laser li()t to &roduce t)e reconstructionA *ea" ratio M t)e "easured intensit' o. t)e re.erence *ea" di ided *' t)e "easured intensit' o. t)e o*Sect *ea" in t)e &lane o. t)e recordin( "ediu" *ea"s&litter M an o&tical de ice .or di idin( a *ea" into t,o or "ore se&arate *ea"s co)erence M a &ro&ert' o. a *ea" o. electro"a(netic radiation in ,)ic) t)e &)ase relations)i& *et,een an' t,o &oints across t)e *ea" or in ti"e re"ains essentiall' con# stant ?see co)erence len(t)@ co)erence len(t) M t)e &at) di..erence *et,een t)e o*Sect *ea" and t)e re.erence *ea" at ,)ic) inter.erence .rin(es reduce in contrast *' a .actor o. 2 02 ?0A505@ .ro" t)e &oint o. "a!i"u" contrastA T)e co)erence len(t) is related
radio"eter M an instru"ent .or "easurin( t)e intensit' o. radiant ener('A In in.rared t)er"o(ra&)'% an a&&aratus t)at "easures t)e a era(e a&&arent te"&erature o. t)e sur# .ace su*tended *' its !eld o. ie,A re!ectance M t)e ratio o. t)e radiant !u! re!ected .ro" a sur.ace to t)at incident u&on it re!ected te"&erature M t)e te"&erature o. t)e ener(' incident u&on and re!ected .ro" t)e "easure"ent sur.ace o. a s&eci"en s&atial .reJuenc' M a "easure o. detail in ter"s o. eJui a# lent% uni.or"l' s&aced% c'clical &atternsA In an o*Sect or
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
to t)e ,idt) o. t)e s&ectral line e"itted .ro" t)e laser6 Lc & c 0 % ,)ere c is t)e s&eed o. li()t and is t)e *and,idt) o. t)e s&ectral e"ission lineA e!&osure M t)e &roduct o. irradiance and ti"e reJuired to &roduce a suita*le &attern on t)e recordin( "ediu" .rin(e M one o. t)e li()t or dar- *ands &roduced *' t)e inter.erence o. t)e li()t scattered *' t)e real o*Sect and t)e irtual i"a(e o. t)e o*Sect )olo(ra&)' ?o&tical@ M a tec)niJue .or recordin(% and reconstructin(% t)e a"&litude and &)ase distri*utions o. a ,a e distur*anceR ,idel' used as a "et)od o. t)ree# di"ensional o&tical i"a(e .or"ationA T)e tec)niJue is acco"&lis)ed *' recordin( t)e &attern o. inter.erence *et,een co)erent li()t re!ected .ro" t)e o*Sect o. interest ?o*Sect *ea"@% and li()t t)at co"es directl' .ro" t)e sa"e source ?re.erence *ea"@A
re.erence *ea" M laser radiation i"&in(in( directl' u&on t)e recordin( "ediu" t)rou() o&tical co"&onents and ,)ic) t'&icall' does not contain in.or"ation a*out t)e test o*SectA In so"e tests% t)e re.erence *ea" "a' *e re!ected or scattered .ro" a &ortion o. t)e o*Sect sur.aceA In t)is case% an' o*Sect in.or"ation contained in t)e re.erence *ea" is cancelled in t)e o*Sect *ea" *' t)e inter.erence *et,een t)e o*Sect *ea" and t)e re.erence *ea"A
re.erence *ea" an(le M t)e an(le .or"ed *et,een t)e centerline o. t)e re.erence *ea" and t)e nor"al to t)e recordin( "ediu" s&ec-le M t)e rando" inter.erence &attern ,)ic) results .ro" t)e illu"ination o. an o&ticall' rou() sur.ace ,it) co)erent radiationA In laser s'ste"s% it results in t)e (ranu# lar e..ect ,)ic) can *e seen in a scattered *ea"A irtual i"a(e M a re&roduction o. an o*Sect *' an o&tical s'ste" ,)ic) (at)ers li()t .ro" an o*Sect &oint and trans# .or"s it into a *ea" t)at a&&ears to di er(e .ro" anot)er &oint
inter.erence M t)e ariation ,it) distance or ti"e o. t)e a"&litude o. a ,a e ,)ic) results .ro" t)e su&er&osition o. t,o or "ore ,a es )a in( t)e sa"e% or nearl' t)e sa"e% .reJuenc' "onoc)ro"atic M a &ro&ert' o. a *ea" o. electro"a(netic radiation in ,)ic) all ,a es in t)e *ea" )a e t)e sa"e ,a elen(t) o*Sect *ea" M t)e &ortion o. laser radiation ,)ic) illu"i# nates t)e test o*Sect sur.ace% is scattered% and carries o*Sect in.or"ation to t)e recordin( "ediu" o*Sect *ea" an(le M t)e an(le *et,een a line .ro" t)e center o. t)e o*Sect to t)e center o. t)e recordin( "ediu" and t)e nor"al to t)e center o. t)e recordin( "ediu" &at) len(t) M t)e distance tra eled *' t)e laser radiation .ro" t)e *ea" s&litter to t)e recordin( "ediu" &at) len(t) di..rerence M t)e di..erence in &at) len(t) *et,een t)e o*Sect *ea" and t)e re.erence *ea" &)ase )olo(ra" M a recordin( o. t)e ariations in li()t intensit' caused *' t)e inter.erence o. t)e re.erence *ea" ,it) t)e o*Sect *ea" as ariations in t)e t)ic-ness or inde! o. re.raction o. t)e recordin( "ediu"A T)e ariations in t)ic-ness or inde! re.ract co)erent li()t to &roduce t)e reconstructionA real i"a(e M a re&roduction o. an o*Sect *' an o&tical s'ste" ,)ic) (at)ers li()t .ro" an o*Sect &oint and trans# .or"s it into a *ea" t)at con er(es to,ard anot)er &oint recordin( "ediu" M a li()t#sensiti e "aterial ,)ic) detects t)e inter.erence *et,een t)e o*Sect *ea" and t)e re.erence *ea"A T'&ical recordin( "edia used in )olo(ra# &)' are sil er )alide !l"% t)er"o&lastic !l"% and electronic detectors suc) as ideo tu*es and CCD arra'sA
acco""odation% isual M adSust"ent o. t)e e'e% eit)er t)e .ocus or t)e iris o&enin(% to o&ti"iDe its &er.or"ance under t)e s&eci!c ie,in( conditions &re ailin( a"*ient li()t M li()t not &ro ided *' t)e isual testin( s'ste" *oresco&e M a !e!i*le or ri(id tu*e#li-e instru"ent used .or a re"ote direct ie,in( isual aidA T)e instru"ent "a' consist o. "irrors% &ris"s% lenses% o&tic#!*ers a "iniature CCD ca"era to trans"it i"a(es to t)e ie,in( or recordin( "ediu" candela M a unit o. lu"inous intensit' ?.or"erl' candle@A One candela is t)e lu"inous intensit' in t)e &er&endicular direction o. a sur.ace o. 10400 000 "2 o. a *lac-*od' radiator at t)e te"&erature o. .reeDin( &latinu" under a &ressure o. 101 F21 PaA One candela &roduces 1 lu"en o. lu"inous !u! &er steradian o. a solid an(le "easured .ro" t)e source
c)ar(e#cou&led de ice ?CCD@% n M a li()t#detectin( ideo de ice in ,)ic) indi idual co"&onents are connected so t)at t)e electrical c)ar(e or si(nal at t)e out&ut o. one co"&onent &ro ides t)e in&ut to t)e ne!t closure M &rocess *' ,)ic) a &erson co(niti el' co"# &letes &atterns or s)a&es t)at are inco"&letel' &ercei ed contrast M t)e di..erence *et,een t)e a"ount o. li()t re!ected or trans"itted *' an o*Sect and *' t)e *ac-(round ,it)in t)e !eld o. ie,
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
de&t) o. !eld M t)e ran(e o. distance o er ,)ic) an i"a(in( s'ste" (i es' de!nition ,)en it is in t)e *est .ocus .or a s&eci!c distance direct ie,in( M a ie, t)at is not rede!ned *' o&tical or electronic "eans .eature e!traction M c)aracteriDation o. o*Sects in an i"a(e% usuall' ,it) t)e (oal o. distin(uis)in( t)ose o*Sects !*er o&tics M "et)od *' ,)ic) li()t is trans"itted t)rou() t)in trans&arent !*ers !eld an(le M t)e included an(le *et,en t)ose &oints on o&&osite sides o. a li()t *ea" at ,)ic) t)e lu"inous inteni# sit' is 10O o. t)e "a!i"u" alue !lter M a &rocessin( co"&onent or .unction t)at e!cludes% &asses% or a"&li!es a selected -ind o. si(nal or &art o. a si(nal !eld coe.!cients M alues ,)ic) de!ne a "as- !lter in i"a(e &rocessin( (lare M e!cessi e *ri()tness ,)ic) inter.eres ,it) clear ision% critical o*ser ation% and Sud("ent (loss"eter M an instru"ent .or "easurin( t)e ratio o. t)e li()t re(ularl' or s&ecularl' re!ected .ro" a sur.ace to t)e total li()t re!ected illu"inance M t)e densit' o. lu"inous !u! on a sur.ace &er unit areaA Measured in t)e SI s'ste" *' lu!A li()t M electro"a(netic radiation in t)e s&ectral ran(e detecta*le *' t)e nor"al )u"an e'e ?,a elen(t)s o. a&&ro!i"atel' F30 to 530 n"@
lu"en M lu"inous !u! e"itted ,it)in one steradian *' a &oint source )a in( a s&atiall' uni.or" lu"inous intensit' o. one candelaA SI unit o. lu"inous !u!A "onoc)ro"ator M a de ice .or isolatin( "onoc)ro"atic radiation .ro" a *ea" o. radiation ,)ic) includes a *road ran(e o. ,a elen(t)s re!ection M t)e &rocess *' ,)ic) t)e incident !u! lea es a sur.ace or "ediu" .ro" incident side% ,it)out a c)an(e in .reJuenc'% *ut "a' c)an(e &olarit'A Re!ection is usuall' a co"*ination o. s&ecular and di..use re!ectionA
saturation M relati e or co"&arati e color c)aracteristic resultin( .ro" a )ueEs dilution ,it) ,)ite li()t isi*ilit' M t)e Jualit' or state o. *ein( &ercei ed *' t)e e'eA In "an' outdoor a&&lications% isi*ilit' is de!ned in ter"s o. t)e distance at ,)ic) an o*Sect can *e relia*l' resol ed .ro" its surroundin(sA In outdoor a&&lications it usuall' is de!ned in ter"s o. contrast or siDe o. a standard test o*Sect% o*ser ed under standardiDed ie,in( condi# tions% )a in( t)e sa"e t)res)old as t)e (i en o*SectA
isual !eld M &oint or &oints in s&ace t)at can *e &ercei ed ,)en t)e )ead and e'es are -e&t !!edA T)e !eld "a' *e "onocular or *inocularA
,)ite li()t M li()t containin( all ,a e len(t)s in t)e isi*le s&ectru" ?in t)e ran(e .ro" F30 to 530 n"@
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Non"andator' In.or"ation@
=1A TERMS DE8INED IN T+IS STANDARD =1A1 T)e .ollo,in( is an al&)a*etiDed list o. ter"s de!ned in t)is standard6
A#scan A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 12 a*solute coil A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 a*solute "ano"eter A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 a*solute "easure"ents A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 a*solute &ressure A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 a*solute readout A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 a*solute s'ste" A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 a*sor*ed dose A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 a*sor*ed dose rate A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1Fa*sor&tance% a*sor&tion A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5% 3 acceleratin( &otentialA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 acce&ta*le Jualit' le el A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G acce&tance le el A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 acce&tance li"its A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 acce&tance standard A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 acco""odation% isual A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11 accu"ulation test A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 acoustic e"ission ?AE@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission c)annel A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission count ?e"ission count@ ?N@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission count rate ?e"ission rate or count rate@ ?N@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission e ent ?e"ission e ent@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission e ent ener(' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission sensor A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission si(nal a"&litude A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission si(nal ?e"ission si(nal@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission si(nal (enerator A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission si(nature ?si(nature@ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission transducer A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acoustic e"ission ,a e(uide A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 acti ation A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5% 11 acute radiation s'ndro"e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 ada&ti e location A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 AE acti it' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 AE a"&litude A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 AE r"s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 AE si(nal duration A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F AE si(nal end A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F AE si(nal riseti"e A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F AE si(nal start A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1F al-ali ion diode A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 3 al&)anu"eric A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 al&)a &article A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 a"*ient li()t A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 11 a""eter s)unt A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 10 a"or&)ous seleniu" ? #Se@ radiation detector arra' A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 a"or&)ous silicon ? #Si@ =#ra' detector A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G a"&ere turns A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 10
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Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
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Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
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Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?Identical ,it) ASTM S&eci!cation E 2241#0FA@
1A Sco&e 1A1 T)is &ractice descri*es &rocedures to *e .ollo,ed durin( alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent e!a"ination o. ,elds .or *aseline and ser ice#induced sur.ace *rea-in( discontinuitiesA 1A2 T)is &ractice is intended .or use on ,elds in an' "etallic "aterialA 1AF T)is &ractice does not esta*lis) ,eld acce&tance criteriaA 1AG T)e alues stated in eit)er inc)#&ound units or SI units are to *e re(arded se&aratel' as standardA T)e alues stated in eac) s'ste" "i()t not *e e!act eJui alentsR t)ere# .ore% eac) s'ste" s)all *e used inde&endentl' o. t)e ot)erA 1A1 T)is standard does not &ur&ort to address all o. t)e' concerns% i. an'% associated ,it) its useA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e user o. t)is standard to esta*lis) a&&ro# &riate' and )ealt) &ractices and deter"ine t)e a&&lica# *ilit' o. re(ulator' li"itations &rior to useA
2A2 ASNT Standard6 SNT#TC#1A Personnel Kuali!cation in Nondestructi e Testin( ANSI0ASNT#CP#132 Standard .or Kuali!cation and Certi# !cation o. Nondestructi e Testin( Personnel
FA Ter"inolo(' FA1 Ieneral de!nitions o. ter"s used in t)is &ractice can *e .ound in Ter"inolo(' E 1F14% Section A% Co""on NDT ter"s% and Section C% Electro"a(netic testin(A FA2 De!nitions6 FA2A1 e!citer M a de ice t)at (enerates a ti"e ar'in( electro"a(netic !eld% usuall' a coil ener(iDed ,it) alter# natin( current ?AC@R also -no,n as a trans"itterA FA2A2 detector M one or "ore coils or ele"ents used to sense or "easure a "a(netic !eldR also -no,n as a recei erA FA2AF uni.or" !eld M as a&&lied to nondestructi e testin(% t)e area o. uni.or" "a(netic !eld o er t)e sur.ace o. t)e "aterial under e!a"ination &roduced *' a &arallel induced alternatin( current% ,)ic) )as *een &assed t)rou() t)e ,eld and is o*ser a*le *e'ond t)e direct cou&lin( o. t)e e!citin( coilA T)e !eld is uni.or" on t)e sur.ace *ut t)e stren(t) deca's e!&onentiall' ,it) de&t)A
2A Re.erenced Docu"ents 2A1 ASTM Standards6 E 1GF Practice .or A(encies Per.or"in( Nondestructi e Testin( E 1F14 Ter"inolo(' .or Nondestructi e E!a"inations
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
FA2AG alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent M a non# destructi e e!a"ination tec)niJue t)at "easures c)an(es in an a&&lied AC uni.or" "a(netic !eld to detect and c)aracteriDe discontinuitiesA FAF De!nitions o. Ter"s S&eci!c to T)is Standard6 FAFA1 alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent s'ste" M t)e electronic instru"entation% so.t,are% &ro*es% and all associated co"&onents and ca*les reJuired .or &er.or"in( ,eld e!a"ination usin( t)e alternatin( current !eld "ea# sure"ent tec)niJueA FAFA2 o&erational standardiDation *loc- M a ence standard ,it) s&eci!ed arti!cial slots% used to con!r" t)e o&erational &ara"eters and to indicate discontinuit' detection sensiti it'A FAFAF B! M t)e ! co"&onent o. t)e "a(netic !eld% &arallel to t)e ,eld toe% t)e "a(nitude o. ,)ic) is &ro&or# tional to t)e current densit' set u& *' t)e electric !eldA FAFAG BD M t)e D co"&onent o. t)e "a(netic !eld nor"al to t)e ,eld toe% t)e "a(nitude o. ,)ic) is &ro&or# tional to t)e cur ature o. t)e current in t)e !#' &laneA FAFA1 =#7 Plot M an =#7 (ra&) ,it) t,o ort)o(onal co"&onents o. "a(netic !eld &lotted a(ainst eac) ot)erA FAFA4 ti"e *ase &lots M t)ese &lot t)e relations)i& *et,een B! or BD alues ,it) ti"eA FAFA5 sur.ace &lot M .or use ,it) arra' &ro*esA T)ese &lot one co"&onent o. "a(netic !eld o er an area% t'&icall' as a color contour &lot or F#D ,ire .ra"e &lotA FAFA3 data sa"&le rate M t)e rate at ,)ic) data is di(itiDed .or dis&la' and recordin(% in data &oints &er secondA
selected .ro" t)e B! and BD traces alon( ,it) t)e standard# iDation data and instru"ent settin(s .ro" eac) indi idual &ro*eA T)is discontinuit' siDin( can *e &er.or"ed auto"at# icall' usin( s'ste" so.t,areA GA2 StandardiDation data and instru"ent settin(s .or eac) indi idual &ro*e are deter"ined at t)e .actor' and stored in a co"&uter !le% ,)ic) is loaded at t)e start o. t)e e!a"inationA S'ste" sensiti it' is eri!ed usin( an o&eration standardiDation *loc-A S'ste" sensiti it' is c)ec-ed and recorded &rior to and at re(ular inter als dur# in( t)e e!a"inationA Note t)at ,)en a unidirectional in&ut current is used% an' deca' in stren(t) o. t)e in&ut !eld ,it) &ro*e li.t#o.. or t)in coatin( is relati el' s"all so t)at ariations o. out&ut si(nal ?as "a' *e associated ,it) a discontinuit'@ are reducedA I. a t)ic- coatin(% t)at is% (reater t)an 0A0G inA P1 ""Q is &resent t)en t)e discontinu# it' siDe &rediction "ust co"&ensate .or t)e coatin( t)ic-# nessA T)is can *e acco"&lis)ed usin( discontinuit'#siDin( ta*les in t)e s'ste" so.t,areA <sin( t)e ,ron( coatin( t)ic-ness ,ould )a e a ne(ati e e..ect on de&t) siDin( accurac' i. t)e discre&anc' ,as 0A0G inA P1 ""Q or "oreA As t)e current !o, is arran(ed nor"al to t)e ,eld toe t)ere is no &ertur*ation in t)at direction so t)at no indica# tion occurs at t)e inter.ace due to c)an(es in &er"ea*ilit'A Data is recorded in a "anner t)at allo,s arc)i in( and su*seJuent recall .or eac) ,eld locationA E aluation o. e!a"ination results "a' *e conducted at t)e ti"e o. e!a"i# nation or at a later dateA T)e e!a"iner (enerates an e!a"i# nation re&ort detailin( co"&lete results o. t)e e!a"inationA
GA Su""ar' o. Practices GA1 In a *asic alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent s'ste"% a s"all &ro*e is "o ed alon( t)e toe o. a ,eldA T)e &ro*e contains an e!citer coil% ,)ic) induces an AC "a(netic !eld in t)e "aterial sur.ace ali(ned to t)e direc# tion o. t)e ,eldA T)is% in turn% causes uni.or" alternatin( current to !o, across t)e ,eld% ort)o(onal to t)e toeA T)e de&t) o. &enetration o. t)is current aries ,it) "aterial t'&e and .reJuenc' *ut is t'&icall' 0A00G inA P0A1 ""Q dee& in "a(netic "aterials and 0A03U0AF inA P2U5 ""Q dee& in non#.errous "aterialsA An' sur.ace *rea-in( dis# continuities ,it)in 0AG inA P10 ""Q o. eit)er side o. t)e scan line at t)is location ,ill interru&t or distur* t)e !o, o. t)e ot)er,ise uni.or" electro"a(netic !eldA Measure# "ent o. t)e a*solute Juantities o. t)e t,o "aSor co"&o# nents o. t)e sur.ace "a(netic !elds ?B! and BD@ deter"ines t)e se erit' o. t)e distur*ance ?see 8i(A 1@ and t)us t)e se erit' o. t)e discontinuit'A Discontinuit' siDes% suc) as crac- len(t) and de&t)% can *e &redicted .ro" -e' &oints
1A Si(ni!cance and <se 1A1 T)e &ur&ose o. t)e alternatin( current !eld "ea# sure"ent "et)od is to e aluate ,elds in t)e area o. t)e toe .or sur.ace *rea-in( discontinuities suc) as .ati(ue
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
crac-sA T)e e!a"ination results "a' t)en *e used *' Juali# !ed or(aniDations to assess ,eld ser ice li.e or ot)er en(i# neerin( c)aracteristics ?*e'ond t)e sco&e o. t)is &ractice@A 1A2 Co"&arison ,it) Con entional Edd' Current E!a"inationA Con entional edd' current coils are t'&icall' con!(ured to sense t)e !eld .ro" t)e ,eld in t)e i""ediate icinit' o. t)e e"ittin( ele"ent% ,)ereas alternatin( cur# rent !eld "easure"ent &ro*es are t'&icall' desi(ned to sense t)e "a(netic !eld .ro" t)e ,eld distant .ro" t)e e!citerA
4A1A1 I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% &er# sonnel &er.or"in( e!a"inations to t)is &ractice s)all *e Juali!ed in accordance ,it) a nationall' reco(niDed NDT &ersonnel Juali!cation &ractice or standard suc) as ANSI0 ASNT#CP#132 or SNT#TC#1A or a si"ilar docu"ent and certi!ed *' t)e e"&lo'er or certi.'in( a(ent% as a&&lica*leA T)e &ractice or standard used and its a&&lica*le re ision s)all *e identi!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent *et,een t)e usin( &artiesA
5A1A5 T'&e o. alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent instru"ent and &ro*eR and descri&tion o. o&erations stan# dardiDation *loc- used% includin( suc) details as di"en# sions and "aterialA 5A1A3 ReJuired o&erator Juali!cations and certi!# cationA 5A1A2 ReJuired ,eld cleanlinessA 5A1A10 En iron"ental conditions% eJui&"ent and &re&arations t)at are t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e clientR co"# "on sources o. noise t)at "a' inter.ere ,it) t)e e!a"i# nationA 5A1A11 Co"&le"entar' "et)ods or tec)niJues "a' *e used to o*tain additional in.or"ationA 5A1A12 Acce&tance criteria to *e used in e aluatin( discontinuitiesA 5A1A1F Dis&osition o. e!a"ination records and ence standardsA 5A1A1G 8or"at and outline contents o. t)e e!a"ina# tion re&ortA
4A2 Kuali!cation o. Nondestructi e E aluation A(en# ciesA I. s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"ent% NDT a(en# cies s)all *e Juali!ed and e aluated as descri*ed in Practice E 1GF% ,it) re.erence to sections on electro"a(netic e!a"i# nationA T)e a&&lica*le edition o. Practice E 1GF s)all *e s&eci!ed in t)e contractual a(ree"entA
3A Inter.erences 3A1 T)is section descri*es ite"s and conditions% ,)ic) "a' co"&ro"ise t)e alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent tec)niJueA 3A2 Material Pro&erties6 3A2A1 Alt)ou() t)ere are &er"ea*ilit' di..erences in a .erro"a(netic "aterial *et,een ,eld "etal% )eat a..ected Done "aterial and &arent &late% t)e &ro*e is nor"all' scanned alon( a ,eld toe and so &asses alon( a line o. relati el' constant &er"ea*ilit'A I. a &ro*e is scanned across a ,eld t)en t)e &er"ea*ilit' c)an(es "a' &roduce indications% ,)ic) could *e si"ilar to t)ose .ro" a disconti# nuit'A Di..erentiation *et,een a trans erse discontinuit' si(nal and t)e ,eld si(nal can *e ac)ie ed *' ta-in( .urt)er scans &arallel to t)e discontinuit'A T)e si(nal .ro" a dis# continuit' ,ill die a,a' Juic-l'A I. t)ere is no si(ni!cant c)an(e in indication a"&litude at 0A3 inA P20 ""Q distance .ro" t)e ,eld t)en t)e indication is li-el' due to t)e &er"ea*ilit' c)an(es in t)e ,eldA
5A ;o* Sco&e and ReJuire"ents 5A1 T)e .ollo,in( ite"s "a' reJuire a(ree"ent *' t)e e!a"inin( &art' and t)eir client and s)ould *e s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)ase docu"ent or else,)ere6 5A1A1 Location and t'&e o. ,elded co"&onent to *e e!a"ined% desi(n s&eci!cations% de(radation )istor'% &re ious nondestructi e e!a"ination results% "aintenance )istor'% &rocess conditions% and s&eci!c t'&es o. disconti# nuities t)at are reJuired to *e detected% i. -no,nA
5A1A2 T)e "a!i"u" ,indo, o. o&&ortunit' .or ,or-A ?Detection o. s"all discontinuities "a' reJuire a slo,er &ro*e scan s&eed% ,)ic) ,ill a..ect &roducti it'A@ 5A1AF SiDe% "aterial (rade and t'&e% and con!(uration o. ,elds to *e e!a"inedA 5A1AG A ,eld nu"*erin( or identi!cation s'ste"A 5A1A1 E!tent o. e!a"ination% .or e!a"&le6 co"&lete or &artial co era(e% ,)ic) ,elds and to ,)at len(t)% ,)et)er strai()t sections onl' and t)e "ini"u" sur.ace cur atureA 5A1A4 Means o. access to ,elds% and areas ,)ere access "a' *e restrictedA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
3AF Ma(netic State 3AFA1 De"a(netiDationA It "ust *e ensured t)at t)e sur.ace *ein( e!a"ined is in t)e non#"a(netiDed stateA T)ere.ore t)e &rocedure .ollo,ed ,it) an' &re ious "a(# netic tec)niJue de&lo'ed "ust include de"a(netiDation o. t)e sur.aceA T)is is *ecause areas o. re"nant "a(netiDa# tion% &articularl' ,)ere t)e le( o. a "a(netic &article e!a"# ination 'o-e ,as sited% can &roduce loo&s in t)e =#7 &lot% ,)ic) "a' so"eti"es *e con.used ,it) a discontinuit' indicationA 3AFA2 Irindin( Mar-sA Ma(netic &er"ea*ilit' can also *e a..ected *' sur.ace treat"ents suc) as (rindin(A
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)ese can cause localiDed areas o. altered &er"ea*ilit' across t)e line o. scan directionA T)e e!tent and &ressure o. an' (rindin( "ar-s s)ould al,a's *e re&orted *' t)e &ro*e o&erator% since t)ese can (i e rise to stron( indica# tions in *ot) B! and BD% ,)ic) "a' *e con.used ,it) a discontinuit' indicationA I. a discontinuit' is sus&ected in a re(ion o. (rindin(% .urt)er scans s)ould *e ta-en &arallel *ut a,a' .ro" t)e ,eld toeA T)e indication .ro" a linear discontinuit' ,ill die a,a' Juic-l' a,a' .ro" t)e location o. t)e discontinuit' so t)at t)e scan a,a' .ro" t)e ,eld toe ,ill *e !atterA I. t)ere is no si(ni!cant c)an(e in indication a"&litude at 0A30 inA P20 ""Q distance .ro" t)e ,eld t)en t)e indication is li-el' due to t)e e..ect o. t)e (rindin(A
alue o. t)e B! si(nal ,ill not *e reducedA T)is )as t)e e..ect o. reducin( t)e ,idt) o. t)e =#7 &lotA 3A2AF Line contact or "ulti&le discontinuities M ,)en contacts occur across a discontinuit' t)en "inor loo&s occur ,it)in t)e "ain =#7 &lot loo& &roduced *' t)e discontinuit'A I. "ore t)an one discontinuit' occurs in t)e scan t)en t)ere ,ill *e a nu"*er o. loo&s returnin( to t)e *ac-(roundA 3A2AG Trans erse discontinuities M i. a trans erse dis# continuit' occurs durin( t)e scan .or lon(itudinal disconti# nuities t)en t)e B! ,ill rise instead o. .allin( and t)e BD si(nal ,ill re"ain t)e sa"e as .or a s)ort lon(itudinal discontinuit'A T)e =#7 &lot ,ill t)en (o u&,ards instead o. do,nA 3A2A1 Alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent end e..ect M t)e !eld .ro" t)e standard ,eld &ro*e is a*le to &ro&a(ate around t)e end o. a ,eld and t)is can result in slo&in( c)an(es in t)e B! and BD tracesA A discontinuit' indication "a' *e o*scured or distorted i. t)e discontinuit' or an' acti e &ro*e ele"ent is close to t)e ,eld endA T)e distance o er ,)ic) t)is e..ect occurs de&ends on &ro*e t'&e% *ut can *e u& to 2 inA P10 ""Q .or lar(e &ro*esA S"aller &ro*es s)ould *e used in t)ese situations as t)e' )a e less susce&ti*ilit' to ed(e e..ectA
3AG Residual stress% ,it) acco"&an'in( &er"ea*ilit' ariations% "a' *e &resent ,it) si"ilar% *ut "uc) s"aller% e..ects to (rindin(A 3A1 Sea" Lelds 3A1A1 Sea" ,elds runnin( across t)e line o. scannin( also &roduce stron( indications in t)e B! and BD% ,)ic) can so"eti"es *e con.used% ,it) a discontinuit' indicationA T)e sa"e &rocedure is used as .or (rindin( "ar-s ,it) .urt)er scans *ein( ta-en a,a' .ro" t)e a..ected areaA I. t)e indication re"ains constant t)en it ,ill not )a e *een &roduced *' a linear discontinuit'A
3A4 8erro"a(netic and Conducti e O*Sects 3A4A1 Pro*le"s "a' arise *ecause o. o*Sects near t)e ,eld t)at are .erro"a(netic or conducti e ,)ic) "a' reduce t)e sensiti it' and accurac' o. discontinuit' c)arac# teriDation ,)en t)e' are in t)e i""ediate icinit' o. t)e ,eldA 3A5 Nei()*orin( Lelds 3A5A1 In areas ,)ere ,elds cross eac) ot)er% t)ere are indications% ,)ic) "a' *e "ista-en .or discontinuitiesA ?See 3A1A@ 3A3 Leld Ieo"etr' 3A3A1 L)en a &ro*e scans into a ti()t an(le *et,een t,o sur.aces t)e B! indication alue ,ill increase ,it) little c)an(e in t)e BDA T)is ,ill cause t)e =#7 &lot to riseA 3A2 Crac- Ieo"etr' E..ects 3A2A1 A discontinuit' at an an(le to t)e scan M a discontinuit' at an an(le to t)e scan ,ill reduce eit)er t)e &ea- or t)e trou() o. t)e BD as t)e sensor &ro*e onl' &asses t)rou() t)e ed(e o. one end o. t)e discontinuit'A T)is &roduces an un#eJual sided =#7 &lotA Additional scans "a' *e "ade alon( t)e ,eld or &arent &late to deter"ine t)e &osition o. t)e ot)er end o. t)e discontinuit'A
3A10 Instru"entation 3A10A1 T)e o&erator s)ould *e a,are o. indicators o. noise% saturation or si(nal distortion &articular to t)e instru"ent *ein( usedA S&ecial consideration s)ould *e (i en to t)e .ollo,in( concerns6 3A10A1A1 8reJuenc' o. o&eration s)ould *e c)osen to "a!i"iDe discontinuit' sensiti it' ,)ilst "aintainin( acce&ta*le noise le elsA 3A10A1A2 Saturation o. electronic co"&onents is a &otential &ro*le" in alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent *ecause si(nal a"&litude can increase ra&idl' as a &ro*e is scanned into ti()t an(le (eo"etr'A T)is could cause t)e B! indication to rise a*o e t)e to& o. t)e ran(e o. t)e A0D con erter in t)e instru"entA Data acJuired under saturation conditions is not acce&ta*leA 3A10A2 Instru"ent#induced P)ase O..setA T)e "ea# sure"ents o. "a(netic !eld are at a c)osen and !!ed &)ase so t)at unli-e durin( edd' current e!a"ination t)e &)ase an(le does not need to *e consideredA T)e &)ase is selected at "anu.acture o. t)e &ro*es and is stored in t)e &ro*e !le and is auto"aticall' con!(ured *' t)e instru"entA 3A11 Coatin( T)ic-ness 3A11A1 I. a t)ic- coatin(% t)at is% (reater t)an 0A0G inA P1 ""Q is &resent t)en t)e discontinuit' siDe &rediction "ust co"&ensate .or t)e coatin( t)ic-nessA T)is can *e acco"&lis)ed usin( discontinuit' ta*les in t)e s'ste" so.t# ,areA <sin( t)e ,ron( coatin( t)ic-ness ,ould reduce t)e
3A2A2 A discontinuit' at an an(le to t)e sur.ace M t)e e..ect o. a discontinuit' at a non# ertical an(le to t)e &ro*e is (enerall' to reduce t)e alue o. t)e B D si(nalA T)e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
de&t) siDin( accurac' i. t)e discre&anc' ,as 0A0G inA P1 ""Q or "oreA
as t)e ,eld &ro*e .or siDin( in o&en (eo"etries suc) as *utt ,eldsA 2AFA1AF Irind re&air &ro*e M desi(ned .or t)e e!a"ination o. dee& re&air (rindsA It )as t)e sa"e *asic (eo"etr' as a standard &ro*e *ut is "ore susce&ti*le to &roduce indications .ro" ertical &ro*e "o e"entA 2AFA1AG Mini#&ro*e M desi(ned .or restricted access areas suc) as cut outs and cruci.or"s and )as a reduced ed(e e..ectA It "a' *e li"ited to s)allo, disconti# nuities onl' and is "ore sensiti e to li.t o..A T)is &ro*e "a' *e in t)e .or" o. a strai()t entr' or 20 de(A 2AFA1A1 Micro#&ro*e M desi(ned .or )i()#sensiti # it' discontinuit' detection in restricted access areas and )as t)e sa"e li"itations as a "ini#&ro*eA T)is &ro*e "a' *e in t)e .or" o. a strai()t entr' or 20 de(A 2AFA1A4 Arra' &ro*e M "ade u& o. a nu"*er o. ele"entsR eac) ele"ent is sensiti e to a discrete section o. t)e ,eld ,idt)A T)e ele"ents "a' *e oriented ,it) t)eir a!es ali(ned lon(itudinall' or trans ersel' ,it) res&ect to t)e ,eld toeA T)e arra' &ro*e is (enerall' used eit)er .or scannin( a ,eld ca& in one &ass or .or co erin( a section o. &lateA 2AFA1A5 Ed(e e..ect &ro*e M desi(ned to reduce t)e ed(e e..ect ,)en carr'in( out e!a"ination onl' near t)e ends o. ,eldsA ?A "ini &ro*e "a' also *e used .or t)e sa"e e!a"inationA@ 2AG Data Dis&la's 2AGA1 T)e data dis&la' s)ould include B! and BD indications as ,ell as an =#7 &lotA 2AGA2 L)en "ulti#ele"ent arra' &ro*es are *ein( used% t)e .acilit' to &roduce color contour "a&s or FD# ,ire .ra"e &lots re&resentin( &ea-s and trou()s s)ould *e a aila*leA
2A Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent S'ste" 2A1 Instru"entation 2A1A1 T)e electronic instru"entation s)all *e ca&a*le o. ener(iDin( t)e e!citer at one or "ore .reJuencies a&&ro# &riate to t)e ,eld "aterialA T)e a&&aratus s)all *e ca&a*le o. "easurin( t)e B! and BD "a(netic !eld a"&litudes at eac) .reJuenc'A T)e instru"ent ,ill *e su&&lied ,it) a &orta*le &ersonal co"&uter ?PC@ t)at )as su.!cient s'ste" ca&a*ilities to su&&ort t)e alternatin( current !eld "easure# "ent so.t,are% ,)ic) ,ill *e suita*le .or t)e instru"ent and &ro*es in use and t)e e!a"ination reJuire"entsA T)e so.t,are &ro ides control o. t)e instru"entation includin( set#u&% data acJuisition% data dis&la'% data anal'sis and data stora(eA T)e so.t,are &ro ides al(orit)"s .or siDin( t)e discontinuities ?see 11A2A2@A T)e so.t,are runs on t)e PC and% on start u&% all co""unications *et,een t)e PC and t)e instru"ent are auto"aticall' c)ec-edA L)en t)e so.t,are starts u& it auto"aticall' sets u& t)e instru"ent connected in t)e correct "ode .or alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent e!a"inationA T)e set u& data .or eac) &ro*e is stored on t)e PC and is trans"itted to t)e instru"ent ,)ene er a &ro*e is selected or c)an(ed ?see 11A2A2@A Once t)e instru"entation is set u& .or a &articular &ro*e% t)e so.t,are can *e used to start and sto& data acJuisitionA Durin( data acJuisition at least t,o &resentations o. t)e data are &resented on t)e PC screen in real ti"e ?see GA1@A Data .ro" t)e &ro*e is dis&la'ed a(ainst ti"e and also as an =#7 &lotA Once collected t)e data can *e .urt)er anal'Ded o.!ine usin( t)e so.t,are to allo,% .or e!a"&le% discontinu# it' siDin( ?see 11A2A2@ or annotation .or to e!a"ina# tion re&ortsA T)e so.t,are also &ro ides .acilities .or all data collected to *e electronicall' stored .or su*seJuent re ie, or reanal'sis% &rintin( or arc)i in(A
2A2 Dri in( Mec)anis" 2A2A1 L)en a "ec)aniDed s'ste" is in o&eration% a "ec)anical "eans o. scannin( t)e &ro*e% or &ro*es in t)e .or" o. an arra'% alon( a ,eld or sur.ace area at a&&ro!i"atel' constant s&eed "a' *e usedA 2AF Pro*es 2AFA1 T)e &ro*es selected s)ould *e a&&ro&riate .or t)e .or" o. e!a"ination to *e carried out de&endent on len(t) o. ,eld% (eo"etr'% siDe o. detecta*le discontinuit' and sur.ace te"&eratureA 2AFA1A1 Standard ,eld &ro*e M co""onl' used .or ,eld e!a"ination ,)ene er &ossi*le as it )as its coils &ositioned ideall' .or discontinuit' siDin(A 2AFA1A2 Ti()t access &ro*e M desi(ned s&eci!call' .or occasions ,)ere t)e area under e!a"ination is not accessi*le ,it) t)e standard ,eld &ro*eA It is not as accurate
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
10A Alternatin( Current 8ield Measure"ent Leld Standards 10A1 Leld standards are not reJuired ,)en t)e tec)# niJue is to *e used to e!a"ine car*on steel ,eldsA 10A2 Materials Ot)er T)an Car*on Steel 10A2A1 I. t)e tec)niJue is to *e used on ot)er "aterial t)en it "a' *e necessar' to standardiDe t)e &ro*es on t)is "aterial as "an' o. t)e &ro*es are onl' standardiDed *' t)e eJui&"ent "anu.acturer .or use ,it) car*on steelA I. t)is is not done t)en t)e siDes o. t)e indications "a' *e too s"all ?so t)at s"all discontinuities "a' *e "issed@ or too lar(e ?so t)at s&urious indications "a' *e called@% or t)e B! indication "a' saturate "a-in( t)e e!a"ination in alidA T)is standardiDation is done usin( a slot o. reason# a*le siDe located at a ,eld toe o. a re&resentati e sa"&leA T)e (ain settin(s are altered until a loo& o. reasona*le siDe is &roduced in t)e =#7 &lot ,)ile *ac-(round noise
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A Leld ca&
10A5 Manu.acture and Care o. t)e O&eration Standard# iDation Bloc-s and Non#car*on Steel Leld Standards 10A5A1 Dra,in(sA 8or eac) o&eration standardiDation *loc- and standard% t)ere s)all *e a dra,in( t)at includes t)e as#*uilt "easured slot di"ensions% "aterial t'&e and (rade% and t)e serial nu"*er o. t)e actual o&eration stan# dardiDation *loc- or ,eld standardA 10A5A2 Serial Nu"*erA Eac) o&eration standardiDa# tion *loc- or ,eld standard s)all *e identi!ed ,it) a uniJue serial nu"*er and stored so t)at it can *e o*tained and used .or re.erence ,)en reJuiredA 10A5AF Slot S&acin(A Arti!cial slots s)ould *e &osi# tioned lon(itudinall' to a oid o erla&&in( o. indications and inter.erence .ro" end e..ectsA 10A5AG Pro&er "ac)inin( &ractices s)all *e used to a oid e!cessi e cold#,or-in(% o er#)eatin(% and undue stress and &er"ea*ilit' ariationsA 10A5A1 Bloc-s s)ould *e stored and s)i&&ed so as to &re ent "ec)anical da"a(eA
indications are -e&t lo,A L)en t)e tec)niJue is to *e used to siDe t)e de&t)s o. discontinuities detected in "aterial ot)er t)an car*on steel% t)en a standardiDation *loc- s)ould *e "anu.actured .ro" t)e "aterial ,it) at least t)ree elli&# tical slots o. di..erin( de&t)A T)is s)ould *e used to &roduce a standardiDation cur e o. actual de&t)s ersus t)e &re# dicted de&t)s .ro" t)e car*on steel so.t,are "odelA 10AF Re.erence ,eld standards .or "aterials ot)er t)an steel s)all not *e used .or discontinuit' c)aracteriDation unless t)e arti!cial discontinuities can *e de"onstrated to *e si"ilar to t)e discontinuities detectedA 10AG T'&ical Arti!cial Discontinuities in Discontinuit' C)aracteriDation Standards 10AGA1 Elli&tical slots#slots o. di..erent de&t)s t'&i# call' 0A03 inA and 0A2 inA P2 "" and 1 ""Q dee& as used in t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- "a' *e used as a Jualit' c)ec- and also .or t)e &roduction o. ne, &ro*e !lesA I. t)e "aterial is ot)er t)an car*on steel t)en t)ese slots "a' *e used in t)e &roduction o. standardiDation cur esA T)ese slots s)ould *e less t)an 0A02 inA P0A1 ""Q ,ideA
11A EJui&"ent Per.or"ance C)ec11A1 Instru"ent Settin(s6 11A1A1 O&eratin( 8reJuenc'A <sin( t)e a&&ro&riate o&eration standardiDation *loc- t)e &rocedure in 11A2A2 *elo, is intended to )el& t)e user select an o&eratin( .reJuenc'A De"onstra*l' eJui alent "et)ods "a' *e usedA T)e standard o&eratin( .reJuenc' is 1 -+D% *ut de&endin( on ,)ic) eJui&"ent is *ein( used t)en )i()er or lo,er o&eratin( .reJuencies are a aila*leA A )i()er o&eratin( .reJuenc' ,ill (i e *etter sensiti it' on (ood sur.acesA I. t)e s'ste" a aila*le is not ca&a*le o. o&eratin( at t)e .reJuenc' descri*ed *' t)is &ractice% t)e ins&ector s)all declare to t)e client t)at conditions o. reduced sensiti it' "a' e!istA
10A1 Re.erence Standards 10A1A1 Discontinuit' de&t)s are s&eci!ed *' (i in( t)e dee&est &oint o. t)e discontinuit'A Discontinuit' de&t)s s)all *e "easured and accurate to W0A010 inA PW0A21 ""Q o. t)e de&t) s&eci!edA All ot)er discontinuit' di"ensions ?suc) as len(t)@ s)all *e accurate to ,it)in W0A0G0 inA PW1A00 ""Q o. t)e di"ension s&eci!edA 10A4 Arti!cial Slots .or t)e O&eration StandardiDation Bloc10A4A1 T)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- )as s&e# ci!c arti!cial discontinuitiesA It is used to c)ec- t)at t)e instru"ent and &ro*e co"*ination is .unctionin( correctl'A <nless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e client% t)e arti!cial dis# continuities .or t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- are as .ollo,s6 10A4A1A1 Elli&tical slots#t,o elli&tical slots &laced in t)e ,eld toe ,it) di"ensions 2A0 inA 0A2 inA P10"" 1""Q and 0A3 inA0A03 inA P20 ""2 ""Q ?8i(A 2% discontinuities A and BA@
11A2 Test S'ste" C)ec- and Procedure 11A2A1 T)e test s'ste" s)all consist o. an alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent instru"ent% t)e PC% t)e &ro*e and t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc-A 11A2A2 T)e eJui&"ent &er.or"ance c)ec- ,ill *e &er.or"ed usin( t)e a&&ro&riate o&eration standardiDation *loc- containin( slots o. 2A0 inA0A20 inA P10 ""1 ""Q and 0A3 inA 0A03 inA P20 "" 2 ""QA T)e &ro*e is &laced at t)e toe o. t)e ,eld ,it) t)e nose o. t)e &ro*e &arallel to t)e lon(itudinal direction o. t)e ,eldA T)e &ro*e is t)en scanned across t)e o&eration standardiDation *locand o er t)e 2A0 inA0A2 inA P10 ""1 ""Q slot &roducin( a standardiDed data &lotA Discontinuit' indica# tions are created ,)en ?1@ t)e *ac-(round le el B ! alue is reduced and t)en returns to t)e no"inal *ac-(round le el% 8i(A 1% and t)is is associated ,it) ?2@ a &ea- or &ositi e ?X e@ indication .ollo,ed *' a trou() or ne(ati e
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A2AF Eac) co"*ination o. alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent unit and &ro*e to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ina# tion s)ould *e used ,it) t)e o&erations standardiDation *loc-A Results o*tained ,it) t)ese co"*inations s)ould *e t)e sa"e as t)e slots in t)e *loc-A I. t)e' *' "ore t)an 10O% c)ec- t)at t)e correct &ro*e !les and (ain )a e *een usedA I. t)e correct &ro*e !les and (ain )a e *een used t)en t)ere is a .ault ,it) t)e s'ste"% ,)ic) ,ill )a e to *e deter"inedA Do not use .or e!a"ination unless standardiDation alidit' is con!r"ed ,it)in 10OA
11AF 8reJuenc' o. S'ste"s C)ec11AFA1 T)e s'ste" s)ould *e c)ec-ed ,it) all o. t)e &ro*es to *e used durin( t)e e!a"ination &rior to e!a"in# in( t)e !rst ,eldA 11AFA2 S'ste" &er.or"ance s)ould *e c)ec-ed at least e er' .our )ours ,it) t)e &ro*e in use or at t)e end o. t)e e!a"ination *ein( &er.or"edA I. t)e discontinuit' res&onses .ro" t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- )a e c)an(ed *' 10O% t)e ,elds e!a"ined since t)e last o&era# tions standardiDation *loc- c)ec- s)all *e re#e!a"ined a.ter .ollo,in( t)e &rocedure in 11A2AFA ?\ e@ indication ?or a trou() .ollo,ed *' a &ea-% de&endin( on direction o. scan@ in t)e BD aluesA T)e resultant e..ect o. t)e c)an(es in B! and BD is a do,n,ard loo& in t)e =# 7 &lot% 8i(A FA T)e &resence o. a discontinuit' is con!r"ed ,)en all t)ree o. t)ese indications are &resent% t)at is% t)e B!% t)e BD and a do,n,ard loo& in t)e =#7 &lotA T)e loo& s)ould !ll a&&ro!i"atel' 10O o. t)e )ei()t and 151O o. t)e ,idt) o. t)e =#7 &lotA T)e scannin( s&eed or data sa"&lin( rate can t)en *e adSusted i. necessar'% de&endin( on t)e len(t) and co"&le!it' o. ,eld to *e e!a"inedA
12A E!a"ination Procedure 12A1 I. necessar'% clean t)e ,eld sur.ace to re"o e o*structions and )ea ' .erro"a(netic or conducti e de*risA 12A2 8ollo,in( t)e (uidelines in 2AF% select a suita*le &ro*e .or t)e e!a"ination tas-% t)en% usin( t)e installed so.t,are% select a data !le and a &ro*e !leA 12A2A1 T)e &ro*e is &laced at t)e toe o. t)e ,eld ,it) t)e nose o. t)e &ro*e &arallel to t)e lon(itudinal direction o. t)e ,eldA 12A2A2 T)e &ro*e is t)en scanned alon( t)e ,eldA Discontinuit' indications are created ,)en t)e .ollo,in( t)ree &oints are indicated6 12A2A2A1 T)e *ac-(round le el B! alue is reduced and t)en returns to t)e no"inal *ac-(round le el% 8i(A 1A
11A2A2A1 Once t)e &resence o. t)e discontinuit' )as *een con!r"ed *' t)e B! and BD indications t)e discon# tinuit' s)ould *e siDedA 11A2A2A2 Discontinuit' siDin( is &er.or"ed in t)e e!a"ination so.t,are and uses loo-#u& ta*les o. e!&ected res&onses ersus discontinuit' siDesA T)ese ta*les can *e *ased u&on "at)e"atical "odels t)at si"ulate t)e current !o, around t)e discontinuities and t)e resultant c)an(e in sur.ace "a(netic !eld *' runnin( t)e "odel .or a lar(e nu"*er o. discrete discontinuities ,it) arious len(t)s and de&t)sA T)e o&erator enters *ac-(round and "ini"u" alues o. B! alon( ,it) t)e BD len(t) and an' coatin( t)ic-ness to allo, t)e so.t,are to &redict discontinuit' len(t) and de&t)A T)e results .ro" t)e "odel "ust *e c)ec-ed a(ainst a li*rar' o. real discontinuities to con!r" t)e alidit' o. t)e siDin( ta*lesA
11A2A2AF I. t)ese alues .ro" t)ose e!&ected .ro" t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- t)en t)e instru# "ent and &ro*e settin(s s)ould *e c)ec-edA Eac) &ro*e s)ould )a e a uniJue &ro*e !le% t)e alidit' o. ,)ic) )as *een c)ec-ed a(ainst t)e discontinuit' siDin( ta*lesA T)e instru"ent settin(s can *e c)ec-ed usin( t)e so.t,are &ac-a(eA
12A2A2A2 T)is is associated ,it) a &ea-% or &ositi e ?X e@ indication .ollo,ed *' a trou()% or ne(ati e ?\ e@ indication ?or a trou() .ollo,ed *' a &ea-% de&endin( on direction o. scan@ in t)e BD alues% 8i(A 1A 12A2A2AF T)e resultant e..ect o. t)e c)an(es in B ! and BD is a do,n,ard loo& in t)e =#7 &lot% 8i(A FA 12A2AF T)e &resence o. a discontinuit' is con!r"ed ,)en all t)ree o. t)ese indications are &resent% t)at is% t)e B!% t)e BD and a do,n,ard loo& in t)e =#7 &lotA T)e scannin( s&eed or data sa"&lin( rate can *e adSusted i. necessar'% de&endin( on t)e len(t) and co"&le!it' o. ,eld to *e e!a"inedA
12AF Co"&ensation .or Material Di..erences 12AFA1 To co"&ensate .or t)e s"all di..erences in readin(s caused *' ariations in &er"ea*ilit'% conducti it'
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
or (eo"etr' .or a (i en "aterial% t)e data "a' *e centered on t)e dis&la' areaA 12AG Co"&ensation .or 8erro"a(netic or Conducti e O*Sects 12AGA1 Tec)niJues t)at "a' i"&ro e alternatin( cur# rent !eld "easure"ent results near inter.erin( .erro"a(# netic or conducti e o*Sects include6 12AGA1A1 Co"&arison o. *aseline or &re ious e!a"ination data ,it) t)e current e!a"ination dataA 12AGA1A2 T)e use o. s&ecial &ro*e coil con!(ura# tionsA 12AGA1AF <se o. )i()er or lo,er .reJuenc' &ro*es "a' su&&ress non#rele ant indicationsA 12AGA1AG T)e use o. a co"&le"entar' "et)od or tec)niJueA
Scan 2
Scan 1
12A1 SiDe and record all discontinuit' indications as descri*ed in Section 1GA 12A4 Note areas o. li"ited sensiti it'% usin( indications .ro" t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- as an indicator o. discontinuit' detecta*ilit'A 12A5 <sin( a discontinuit' c)aracteriDation standard% e aluate rele ant indications in accordance ,it) acce&tance criteria s&eci!ed *' t)e client% i. a&&lica*leA 12A3 I. desired% e!a"ine selected areas usin( an a&&ro# &riate co"&le"entar' "et)od or tec)niJue to o*tain "ore in.or"ation% adSustin( results ,)ere a&&ro&riateA 12A2 Co"&ile and &resent a re&ort to t)e clientA
1FA2 Lidt) o. Scan 1FA2A1 <nless ot)er,ise stated% a non#arra' &ro*e )as a scan ,idt) o. 0A30 inA P20 ""QA Bot) toes o. t)e ,eld s)ould *e scanned and i. t)e ca& is ,ider t)an 0A30 inA P20 ""Q an e!tra scan s)ould *e &er.or"ed alon( t)e ca&A I. t)e ,eld ca& is narro,% t)at is% 0AG0 inA P10 ""Q a central scan onl' could *e &er.or"edA 1FAF Continuous Crac-in( 1FAFA1 Prior to t)e scannin( o. a ,eld% c)ec-s s)ould *e "ade t)at t)e discontinuit' is not continuous *' scan# nin( t)e &ro*e .ro" 2 inA P10 ""Q a,a' .ro" t)e ,eld to,ards t)e toeA I. a discontinuit' is &resent t)e B! indica# tion on t)e co"&uter screen ,ill di& as t)e &ro*e a&&roac)es t)e ,eld toeA I. t)is .or" o. indication occurs t)en t)is &rocedure s)all *e re&eated at inter als alon( t)e toe o. t)e ,eldA
1FA E!a"ination Considerations 1FA1 Scannin( S&eed 1FA1A1 T)e reco""ended scannin( s&eed is 1 inA P21 ""Q0second usin( t)e a&&ro&riate data sa"&lin( rateA T)is ,ill &roduce a re(ular scan on t)e PC screenA I. s)ort ,elds are to *e e!a"ined t)en a .aster data sa"&lin( rate s)ould *e usedA I. lon( ,elds are to *e e!a"ined and t)e ,)ole ,eld needs to *e seen on t)e PC screen t)en a slo,er data# sa"&lin( rate s)ould *e usedA T)e ,eld len(t) and s&eed o. scannin( ,ill (o ern t)e data#sa"&lin( rate selectedA Lit) t)e introduction o. .aster so.t,are it is &ossi*le to select res&ecti e data sa"&lin( rates to &roduce .aster scan# nin( ratesA
1FAG Scannin( Direction 1FAGA1 T)e &ro*e s)ould al,a's *e scanned &arallel to t)e ,eld toe and t)is ,ill (i e reco(niDa*le indications .ro" lon(itudinal discontinuities in t)e ,eld areaA Scannin( in t)is direction ,ill also (i e reco(niDa*le indications .ro" trans erse discontinuities and discontinuities inclined to t)e toe o. t)e ,eldA 1FA1 Circu".erential Lelds 1FA1A1 T)e scannin( &attern .or a circu".erential ,eld is s)o,n in 8i(A GA O erla&&in( scans are reJuired to ensure no discontinuities are "issed i. t)e' occur at t)e end o. a scanA T)e nu"*er o. o erla&&in( scans ,ill ar' de&endin( on t)e co"&onent dia"eterA T)e o erla& s)ould *e *et,een 1 inA P21 ""Q and 2 inA P10 ""Q de&endin( on t)e dia"eter o. t)e tu*e or &i&eA All detection s)all *e
1FA1A2 AcJuire and record data .ro" t)e o&eration standardiDation *loc- at t)e selected e!a"ination s&eedA 1FA1AF AcJuire and record data .ro" t)e ,elds to *e e!a"inedA Maintain as uni.or" a &ro*e s&eed as &ossi*le t)rou()out t)e e!a"ination to &roduce re&eata*le indica# tionsA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
A4 A1 AG
5 4
AF A2 A1
2 1 2
2 F G
BF B2 B1 1 2 F G 1
2 2 2
co"&lete *e.ore an' siDin( o&eration is &er.or"edA Re"e"*er to c)ec- .or continuous discontinuities *e.ore scannin(A 1FA4 Linear Lelds 1FA4A1 T)e scannin( &attern is si"ilar .or t)at o. circu".erential ,elds e!ce&t t)at an ed(e e..ect "a' occur at t)e end o. t)e ,eld or i. t)e ,eld ends at a *uttressA In t)e case o. t)e end o. t)e ,eld an ed(e#e..ect &ro*e s)ould *e used *ut .or t)e *uttress a "ini# or "icro#&ro*e s)ould *e usedA T)ese &ro*es can also *e used as an alternati e to t)e ed(e#e..ect &ro*eA T)e standard ,eld &ro*e s)ould *e used .or siDin( i. at all &ossi*leA
1FA3 Cutouts and Cruci.or" Ieo"etries 1FA3A1 T)e e!a"ination o. t)is (eo"etr' is di.!cult due to t)e access &ro*le"sR t)e scannin( &atterns and iden# ti!cation o. t)e areas are s)o,n in 8i(A 3% 8i(A 2% 8i(A 10% and 8i(A 11A T)e 20 de( "ini# or "icro#&ro*e is essential .or e!a"inin( t)e cutout areasA 1FA2 Iround#out Areas 1FA2A1 T)e re&air or (roundout area is usuall' 0A1 inA P12A1 ""Q ,ide% and t)e (rind re&air &ro*e is desi(ned .or t)e e!a"ination o. t)ese areasA T)e &ro*e s)ould *e scanned into one end o. t)e (roundout area and t)e scan continued t)rou() t)e ot)er endA Areas ,it) discontinuities s)ould *e noted and siDed .or len(t) and de&t) ,it) t)e (rind re&air &ro*eA
1FA5 Attac)"ents% Corners% and Cutouts 1FA5A1 T)e scannin( &atterns .or t)e attac)"ent ,elds and (ussets are s)o,n in 8i(A 1% 8i(A 4% and 8i(A 5 ,)ere lines A1#A4% B1#BF% and C1 and 2 are t)e &ro*e scan lines and &ositions 1#10 are t)e incre"ental &ositions alon( t)e ,eld len(t)A T)e corners are di.!cult to scan and t)e "icro# or "ini#&ro*es s)ould *e used ,)ere &ossi*leA
1GA Discontinuit' SiDin( Procedure 1GA1 Len(t) 1GA1A1 Once an area containin( a discontinuit' )as *een located% a re&eat scan is ta-en co""encin( 2 inA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
B12 B11 B10 B2 B3 B5
D2 DF DG D1 D1 D4
2 1 2
2 F G
2 2
F 2
B4 B1 BG BF B2 B1
P10 ""Q *e.ore t)e discontinuit' and endin( 2 inA P10 ""Q a.ter t)e discontinuit'A T)e BD len(t) o. t)e discontinuit' is deter"ined *' locatin( t)e e!tre"e ends o. t)e disconti# nuit' usin( t)e &ea- ?X e@ and trou() ?\ e@ B D locations on t)e =#7 &lotA Once t)ese &ositions are identi!ed t)e' ,ill *e "ar-ed on t)e ,eld toeA It s)ould *e noted t)at t)ese &ositions s)ould *e Sust inside t)e actual ends o. t)e discontinuit'A Measure t)e distance *et,een t)e t,o &oints6 t)is is -no,n as t)e BD len(t) and is not t)e actual len(t) o. t)e discontinuit'A T)is alue is used in t)e "at)e"atical "odel to deter"ine t)e true len(t) and de&t) o. t)e discon# tinuit'A
2 1 2
2 F G
1GA2 De&t) 1GA2A1 T)e de&t) o. t)e discontinuit' is calculated usin( t)e B! "ini"u" and B! *ac-(round alues and t)e BD len(t) o. t)e discontinuit' "easured .ro" t)e B D dataA T)e B! "ini"u" and B! *ac-(round alues are deter"ined .ro" t)e ori(inal detection scanA Once t)ese alues )a e *een &ut into t)e discontinuit' de&t) ta*le% ,)ic) is &art o. t)e "at)e"atical "odel% to(et)er ,it) t)e BD len(t) alue and coatin( t)ic-ness% i. necessar'% t)en t)e disconti# nuit' de&t) ,ill *e calculated usin( t)is "at)e"atical "odel ,it)in t)e dedicated so.t,areA
2 2
D10UD12 EG
F 2
11A Re&ort 11A1 Re&ortin( ReJuire"entsA A list o. re&ortin( reJuire"ents is (i en in Ta*le 1A Re.erence s)ould *e "ade to t)e Client re&ortin( reJuire"ents ?5A1A1G@A T)e ite"s listed *elo, s)ould *e included in t)e e!a"ination re&ortA All in.or"ation *elo, s)ould *e arc)i ed% ,)et)er or not it is reJuired in t)e re&ortA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
11A1A5 8or t)e initial data acJuisition .ro" t)e o&era# tion standardiDation *loc-% a co"&lete list o. all rele ant instru"ent settin(s and &ara"eters used% suc) as o&eratin( .reJuencies% and &ro*e s&eedA T)e list s)all ena*le settin(s to *e re.erenced to eac) indi idual ,eld e!a"inedA 11A1A3 Serial nu"*ers o. all o. t)e o&erations stan# dardiDation *loc-s usedA 11A1A2 Brie. outline o. all tec)niJues used durin( t)e e!a"inationA 11A1A10 A list o. all areas not e!a"ina*le or ,)ere li"ited sensiti it' ,as o*tainedA Indicate ,)ic) discontinu# ities on t)e o&erations standardiDation *loc- ,ould not )a e *een detecta*le in t)ose re(ionsA L)ere &ossi*le% indicate .actors t)at "a' )a e li"ited sensiti it'A
NOTE 16 8actors ,)ic) in!uence sensiti it' to discontinuities include *ut are not li"ited to6 o&eratin( .reJuenc'% instru"ent noise% instru"ent !lterin(% di(ital sa"&le rate% &ro*e s&eed% coil con!(uration% &ro*e tra el noise and inter.erence descri*ed in Section 3A
Scannin( Data 8ilena"e Pa(e Nu"*er Position on Leld Pro*e Nu"*er Pro*e Direction Ta&e Position E!a"ination Su""ar'
Detailed Record o. Indications0Ano"alies 8ilena"e Pa(e Nu"*er Position on Leld Start o. Discontinuit' ?Ta&e re.erence@ End o. Discontinuit' ?Ta&e re.erence@ Len(t) o. Discontinuit' ?inA0""@ Re"ar-s Dia(ra"0Dra,in( o. co"&onent under e!a"ination
11A1A11 S&eci!c in.or"ation a*out tec)niJues and de&t) siDin( .or eac) discontinuit'A 11A1A12 Acce&tance criteria used to e aluate discon# tinuitiesA 11A1A1F A list o. discontinuities as s&eci!ed in t)e &urc)asin( a(ree"entA 11A1A1G Co"&le"entar' e!a"ination results t)at in!uenced inter&retation and e aluationA
IENERAL NOTE6 T)e data re&ort s)eets (enerated *' t)e alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent e!a"ination ,ill *e s&eci!call' desi(ned ,it) t)e s'ste" and current e!a"ination reJuire"ents in "indA
11A1A1 O,ner% location% t'&e and serial nu"*er o. co"&onent e!a"inedA 11A1A2 SiDe% "aterial t'&e and (rade% and con!(ura# tion o. ,elds e!a"inedA 11A1AF Leld nu"*erin( s'ste"A 11A1AG E!tent o. e!a"ination% .or e!a"&le% areas o. interest% co"&lete or &artial co era(e% ,)ic) ,elds% and to ,)at len(t)A 11A1A1 T)e na"es and Juali!cations o. &ersonnel &er.or"in( t)e e!a"inationA 11A1A4 Models% t'&es% and serial nu"*ers o. t)e co"# &onents o. t)e alternatin( current !eld "easure"ent s'ste" used% includin( all &ro*esA
11A2 Record data and s'ste" settin(s in a "anner t)at allo,s arc)i in( and later recall o. all data and s'ste" settin(s .or eac) ,eldA T)rou()out t)e e!a"ination% data s)all *e &er"anentl' recorded% unless ot)er,ise s&eci!ed *' t)e clientA 11A2A1 Re&ort 8or"A A t'&ical re&ort .or" usin( t)e dedicated so.t,are is s)o,n in Ta*le 2A
14A 9e',ords 14A1 alternatin( current !eld "easure"entR electro"a(# netic e!a"inationR .erro"a(netic ,eldR non#conductin( "aterialR ,eld
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Su""ar' o. discontinuities6
Direction o. Tra el
Leld Position
E!a"ination re&ort0co""ents
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
?a@ T)is A&&endi! &ro ides (uidance to Code users .or su*"ittin( tec)nical inJuiries to t)e Co""itteeA See Iuideline on t)e A&&ro al o. Ne, Materials <nder t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in Section II% Parts C and D .or additional reJuire"ents .or reJuests in ol in( addin( ne, "aterials to t)e CodeA Tec)nical inJuiries include reJuests .or re isions or additions to t)e Code rules% reJuests .or Code Cases% and reJuests .or Code inter# &retations% as descri*ed *elo,A ?1@ Code Re isionsA Code re isions are considered to acco""odate tec)nolo(ical de elo&"ents% address ad"in# istrati e reJuire"ents% incor&orate Code Cases% or to clari.' Code intentA ?2@ Code CasesA Code Cases re&resent alternati es or additions to e!istin( Code rulesA Code Cases are ,ritten as a Juestion and re&l'% and are usuall' intended to *e incor&orated into t)e Code at a later dateA L)en used% Code Cases &rescri*e "andator' reJuire"ents in t)e sa"e sense as t)e te!t o. t)e CodeA +o,e er% users are cautioned t)at not all Surisdictions or o,ners auto"aticall' acce&t Code CasesA T)e "ost co""on a&&lications .or Code Cases are6 ?a@ to &er"it earl' i"&le"entation o. an a&&ro ed Code re ision *ased on an ur(ent need ?*@ to &er"it t)e use o. a ne, "aterial .or Code construction ?c@ to (ain e!&erience ,it) ne, "aterials or alter# nati e rules &rior to incor&oration directl' into t)e Code ?F@ Code Inter&retationsA Code Inter&retations &ro# ide clari!cation o. t)e "eanin( o. e!istin( rules in t)e Code% and are also &resented in Juestion and re&l' .or"atA Inter&retations do not introduce ne, reJuire"entsA In cases ,)ere e!istin( Code te!t does not .ull' con e' t)e "eanin(
t)at ,as intended% and re ision o. t)e rules is reJuired to su&&ort an inter&retation% an Intent Inter&retation ,ill *e issued and t)e Code ,ill *e re isedA ?*@ T)e Code rules% Code Cases% and Code Inter&reta# tions esta*lis)ed *' t)e Co""ittee are not to *e considered as a&&ro in(% reco""endin(% certi.'in(% or endorsin( an' &ro&rietar' or s&eci!c desi(n% or as li"itin( in an' ,a' t)e .reedo" o. "anu.acturers% constructors% or o,ners to c)oose an' "et)od o. desi(n or an' .or" o. construction t)at con.or"s to t)e Code rulesA ?c@ InJuiries t)at do not co"&l' ,it) t)e &ro isions o. t)is A&&endi! or t)at do not &ro ide su.!cient in.or"ation .or t)e Co""itteeEs .ull understandin( "a' result in t)e reJuest *ein( returned to t)e inJuirer ,it) no actionA
Su*"ittals to t)e Co""ittee s)all include6 ?a@ Pur&oseA S&eci.' one o. t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ re ision o. &resent Code rules ?2@ ne, or additional Code rules ?F@ Code Case ?G@ Code Inter&retation ?*@ Bac-(roundA Pro ide t)e in.or"ation needed .or t)e Co""itteeEs understandin( o. t)e inJuir'% *ein( sure to include re.erence to t)e a&&lica*le Code Section% Di ision% Edition% Addenda ?i. a&&lica*le@% &ara(ra&)s% !(ures% and ta*lesA Pre.era*l'% &ro ide a co&' o. t)e s&eci!c re.erenced &ortions o. t)e CodeA ?c@ PresentationsA T)e inJuirer "a' desire or *e as-ed to attend a "eetin( o. t)e Co""ittee to "a-e a .or"al &resentation or to ans,er Juestions .ro" t)e Co""ittee "e"*ers ,it) re(ard to t)e inJuir'A Attendance at a Co"# "ittee "eetin( s)all *e at t)e e!&ense o. t)e inJuirerA T)e inJuirerEs attendance or lac- o. attendance at a "eetin(
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
s)all not *e a *asis .or acce&tance or reSection o. t)e inJuir' *' t)e Co""itteeA
ReJuests .or Code re isions or additions s)all &ro ide t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ Pro&osed Re isions or AdditionsA 8or re isions% identi.' t)e rules o. t)e Code t)at reJuire re ision and su*"it a co&' o. t)e a&&ro&riate rules as t)e' a&&ear in t)e Code% "ar-ed u& ,it) t)e &ro&osed re isionA 8or additions% &ro ide t)e reco""ended ,ordin( re.erenced to t)e e!istin( Code rulesA ?*@ State"ent o. NeedA Pro ide a *rie. e!&lanation o. t)e need .or t)e re ision or additionA ?c@ Bac-(round In.or"ationA Pro ide *ac-(round in.or# "ation to su&&ort t)e re ision or addition% includin( an' data or c)an(es in tec)nolo(' t)at .or" t)e *asis .or t)e reJuest t)at ,ill allo, t)e Co""ittee to adeJuatel' e alu# ate t)e &ro&osed re ision or additionA S-etc)es% ta*les% !(ures% and (ra&)s s)ould *e su*"itted as a&&ro&riateA L)en a&&lica*le% identi.' an' &ertinent &ara(ra&) in t)e Code t)at ,ould *e a..ected *' t)e re ision or addition and identi.' &ara(ra&)s in t)e Code t)at re.erence t)e &ara(ra&)s t)at are to *e re ised or addedA
,)en &ossi*le% co"&osed in suc) a ,a' t)at a B'esC or a BnoC Re&l'% ,it) *rie. &ro isos i. needed% is acce&ta*leA T)e Juestion s)ould *e tec)nicall' and editoriall' correctA ?2@ Re&l'A Pro ide a &ro&osed Re&l' t)at ,ill clearl' and concisel' ans,er t)e InJuir' JuestionA Pre.era*l'% t)e Re&l' s)ould *e B'esC or Bno%C ,it) *rie. &ro isos i. neededA ?F@ Bac-(round In.or"ationA Pro ide an' *ac-# (round in.or"ation t)at ,ill assist t)e Co""ittee in under# standin( t)e &ro&osed InJuir' and Re&l'A ?*@ ReJuests .or Code Inter&retations "ust *e li"ited to an inter&retation o. a &articular reJuire"ent in t)e Code or a Code CaseA T)e Co""ittee cannot consider consultin( t'&e reJuests suc) as t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ a re ie, o. calculations% desi(n dra,in(s% ,eld# in( Juali!cations% or descri&tions o. eJui&"ent or &arts to deter"ine co"&liance ,it) Code reJuire"entsR ?2@ a reJuest .or assistance in &er.or"in( an' Code# &rescri*ed .unctions relatin( to% *ut not li"ited to% "aterial selection% desi(ns% calculations% .a*rication% ins&ection% &ressure testin(% or installationR ?F@ a reJuest see-in( t)e rationale .or Code reJuire# "entsA
ReJuests .or Code Cases s)all &ro ide a State"ent o. Need and Bac-(round In.or"ation si"ilar to t)at de!ned in I#F00?*@ and I#F00?c@% res&ecti el'% .or Code re isions or additionsA T)e ur(enc' o. t)e Code Case ?eA(A% &roSect under,a' or i""inent% ne, &rocedure% etcA@ "ust *e de!ned and it "ust *e con!r"ed t)at t)e reJuest is in connection ,it) eJui&"ent t)at ,ill *e ASME sta"&ed% ,it) t)e e!ce&tion o. Section =I a&&licationsA T)e &ro# &osed Code Case s)ould identi.' t)e Code Section and Di ision% and *e ,ritten as a Kuestion and a Re&l' in t)e sa"e .or"at as e!istin( Code CasesA ReJuests .or Code Cases s)ould also indicate t)e a&&lica*le Code Editions and Addenda to ,)ic) t)e &ro&osed Code Case a&&liesA
?a@ ReJuests .or Code Inter&retations s)all &ro ide t)e .ollo,in(6 ?1@ InJuir'A Pro ide a condensed and &recise Jues# tion% o"ittin( su&er!uous *ac-(round in.or"ation and%
Su*"ittals to and res&onses .ro" t)e Co""ittee s)all "eet t)e .ollo,in(6 ?a@ Su*"ittalA InJuiries .ro" Code users s)all *e in En(lis) and &re.era*l' *e su*"itted in t'&e,ritten .or"R )o,e er% le(i*le )and,ritten inJuiries ,ill also *e consid# eredA T)e' s)all include t)e na"e% address% tele&)one nu"# *er% .a! nu"*er% and e#"ail address% i. a aila*le% o. t)e inJuirer and *e "ailed to t)e .ollo,in( address6 Secretar' ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee T)ree Par- A enue Ne, 7or-% N7 10014#1220 As an alternati e% inJuiries "a' *e su*"itted ia e#"ail to6 Secretar'BPVjas"eAor(A ?*@ Res&onseA T)e Secretar' o. t)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Co""ittee or o. t)e a&&ro&riate Su*co"# "ittee s)all ac-no,led(e recei&t o. eac) &ro&erl' &re&ared inJuir' and s)all &ro ide a ,ritten res&onse to t)e inJuirer u&on co"&letion o. t)e reJuested action *' t)e Code Co"# "itteeA
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
T)e eJuations in t)is Non"andator' A&&endi! are suit# a*le .or use ,it) eit)er t)e <ASA Custo"ar' or t)e SI units &ro ided in Mandator' A&&endi! II% or ,it) t)e units &ro ided in t)e no"enclature associated ,it) t)at eJuationA It is t)e res&onsi*ilit' o. t)e indi idual and or(aniDation &er.or"in( t)e calculations to ensure t)at a&&ro&riate units are usedA Eit)er <ASA Custo"ar' or SI units "a' *e used as a consistent setA L)en necessar' to con ert .ro" one s'ste" o. units to anot)er% t)e units s)all *e con erted to at least t)ree si(ni!cant !(ures .or use in calculations and ot)er as&ects o. constructionA
<ASA Custo"ar' unitsA 8or e!a"&le% F%000 &si )as an i"&lied &recision o. one si(ni!cant !(ureA T)ere.ore% t)e con ersion to SI units ,ould t'&icall' *e to 20 000 -PaA T)is is a di..erence o. a*out FO .ro" t)e Be!actC or so.t con ersion o. 20 43GA25 -PaA +o,e er% t)e &recision o. t)e con ersion ,as deter"ined *' t)e Co""ittee on a case#*'#case *asisA More si(ni!cant di(its ,ere included in t)e SI eJui alent i. t)ere ,as an' JuestionA T)e alues o. allo,a*le stress in Section II% Part D (enerall' include t)ree si(ni!cant !(uresA ?e@ Mini"u" t)ic-ness and radius alues t)at are e!&ressed in .ractions o. an inc) ,ere (enerall' con erted accordin( to t)e .ollo,in( ta*le6
8raction% inA
1VF2 FV4G 1V14 FVF2 1V3 1VF2 FV14 5VF2 1VG 1V14 FV3 5V14 1V2 2V14 1V3 11V14 FVG 5V3
Di..erence% O \0A3 \0A3 1A1 \1A0 1A1 \0A3 \1A0 1A0 1A1 \0A3 \1A0 1A0 \2AG 2A0 \0A3 2A4 0AF 1A0 1A4
T)e .ollo,in( (uidelines ,ere used to de elo& SI eJui # alents6 ?a@ SI units are &laced in &arent)eses a.ter t)e <ASA Custo"ar' units in t)e te!tA ?*@ In (eneral% se&arate SI ta*les are &ro ided i. inter&o# lation is e!&ectedA T)e ta*le desi(nation ?eA(A% ta*le nu"# *er@ is t)e sa"e .or *ot) t)e <ASA Custo"ar' and SI ta*les% ,it) t)e addition o. su.!! BMC to t)e desi(nator .or t)e SI ta*le% i. a se&arate ta*le is &ro idedA In t)e te!t% ences to a ta*le use onl' t)e &ri"ar' ta*le nu"*er ?iAeA% ,it)out t)e BMC@A 8or so"e s"all ta*les% ,)ere inter&ola# tion is not reJuired% SI units are &laced in &arent)eses a.ter t)e <ASA Custo"ar' unitA ?c@ Se&arate SI ersions o. (ra&)ical in.or"ation ?c)arts@ are &ro ided% e!ce&t t)at i. *ot) a!es are di"en# sionless% a sin(le !(ure ?c)art@ is usedA ?d@ In "ost cases% con ersions o. units in t)e te!t ,ere done usin( )ard SI con ersion &ractices% ,it) so"e so.t con ersions on a case#*'#case *asis% as a&&ro&riateA T)is ,as i"&le"ented *' roundin( t)e SI alues to t)e nu"*er o. si(ni!cant !(ures o. i"&lied &recision in t)e e!istin(
?.@ 8or no"inal siDes t)at are in e en incre"ents o. inc)es% e en "ulti&les o. 21 "" ,ere (enerall' usedA Inter"ediate alues ,ere inter&olated rat)er t)an con# ertin( and roundin( to t)e nearest ""A See e!a"&les in t)e .ollo,in( ta*leA PNote t)at t)is ta*le does not a&&l' to no"inal &i&e siDes ?NPS@% ,)ic) are co ered *elo,AQ
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
SiDe% "" 21 22 F2 F3 10 15 4G 51 32 100 11G 121 110 200 F00 G10 100 400 200 1 000 1 F10 1 100 1 300
Area ?SI@ 410 ""2 G 000 ""2 4 100 ""2 0A1 "2
?i@ Volu"es in cu*ic inc)es ?inAF@ ,ere con erted to cu*ic "" ?""F@ and olu"es in cu*ic .eet ?.tF@ ,ere con erted to cu*ic "eters ?"F@A See e!a"&les in t)e .ollo,# in( ta*le6
Volu"e ?<ASA Custo"ar'@ 1 4 10 1 inAF inAF inAF .tF Volu"e ?SI@ 14 000 ""F 100 000 ""F 140 000 ""F 0A1G "F
?S@ Alt)ou() t)e &ressure s)ould al,a's *e in MPa .or calculations% t)ere are cases ,)ere ot)er units are used in t)e te!tA 8or e!a"&le% -Pa is used .or s"all &ressuresA Also% roundin( ,as to one si(ni!cant !(ure ?t,o at t)e "ost@ in "ost casesA See e!a"&les in t)e .ollo,in( ta*leA ?Note t)at 1GA5 &si con erts to 101 -Pa% ,)ile 11 &si con erts to 100 -PaA L)ile t)is "a' see" at !rst (lance to *e an ano"al'% it is consistent ,it) t)e roundin( &)i# loso&)'A@
Pressure ?<ASA Custo"ar'@ 0A1 &si 2 &si F &si 10 &si 1GA5 &si 11 &si F0 &si 10 &si 100 &si 110 &si 200 &si 210 &si F00 &si F10 &si G00 &si 100 &si 400 &si 1%200 &si 1%100 &si
Pressure ?SI@ F -Pa 11 -Pa 20 -Pa 50 -Pa 101 -Pa 100 -Pa 200 -Pa F10 -Pa 500 -Pa 1 MPa 1A1 MPa 1A5 MPa 2 MPa 2A1 MPa F MPa FA1 MPa G MPa 3 MPa 10 MPa
?(@ 8or no"inal &i&e siDes% t)e .ollo,in( relations)i&s ,ere used6
1V3 1VG FV3 1V2 FVG
SI Practice DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN 4 3 10 11 20 21 F2 G0 10 41 30 20 100 121 110 200 210 F00 F10 G00 G10
<ASA Custo"ar' Practice NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS NPS 20 22 2G 24 23 F0 F2 FG F4 F3 G0 G2 GG G4 G3 10 12 1G 14 13 40
SI Practice DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN 100 110 400 410 500 510 300 310 200 210 1000 1010 1100 1110 1200 1210 1F00 1F10 1G00 1G10 1100
?-@ Material &ro&erties t)at are e!&ressed in &si or -si ?eA(A% allo,a*le stress% 'ield and tensile stren(t)% elastic "odulus@ ,ere (enerall' con erted to MPa to t)ree si(# ni!cant !(uresA See e!a"&le in t)e .ollo,in( ta*le6
Stren(t) ?<ASA Custo"ar'@ 21%000 &si Stren(t) ?SI@ 411 MPa
?)@ Areas in sJuare inc)es ?inA @ ,ere con erted to sJuare "" ?""2@ and areas in sJuare .eet ?.t2@ ,ere con# erted to sJuare "eters ?"2@A See e!a"&les in t)e .ollo,# in( ta*le6
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
?l@ In "ost cases% te"&eratures ?eA(A% .or PL+T@ ,ere rounded to t)e nearest 1[CA De&endin( on t)e i"&lied &recision o. t)e te"&erature% so"e ,ere rounded to t)e nearest 1[C or 10[C or e en 21[CA Te"&eratures colder t)an 0[8 ?ne(ati e alues@ ,ere (enerall' rounded to t)e
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
nearest 1[CA T)e e!a"&les in t)e ta*le *elo, ,ere created *' roundin( to t)e nearest 1[C% ,it) one e!ce&tion6
Te"&erature% [8 50 100 120 110 200 210 F00 F10 G00 G10 100 110 400 410 500 510 300 310 200 221 210 1%000 1%010 1%100 1%110 1%200 1%210 1%300 1%200 2%000 2%010 Te"&erature% [C 20 F3 10 41 21 120 110 151 201 2F0 240 220 F11 FG1 F50 G00 G21 G11 G30 G21 110 1G0 141 121 420 410 451 230 1 0G0 1 021 1 120
*' t)e .actor (i en to o*tain t)e SI alueA Si"ilarl'% di ide t)e SI alue *' t)e .actor (i en to o*tain t)e <ASA Custo"# ar' alueA In "ost cases it is a&&ro&riate to round t)e ans,er to t)ree si(ni!cant !(uresA
<ASA Custo"ar' inA .t inA2 .t2 inAF .tF <ASA (al <ASA (al &si
SI "" " ""2 "2 ""F "F "F liters MPa ?N0""2@
8actor 21AG 0AF0G3 4G1A14 0A02220F0G 14%F35A04G 0A023F1431 0A00F531G12 FA531G12 0A00432G3
Notes AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA <sed e!clusi el' in eJuations <sed onl' in te!t and .or na"e&late AAA AAA Not .or te"&erature di..erence 8or te"&erature di..erences onl' A*solute te"&erature AAA AAA <se e!clusi el' in eJuations <se onl' in te!t AAA <se .or *oiler ratin( and )eat AAA
&si &si .t#l* [8 [8 R l*" l*. inA#l* .t#l* -si inA Btu0)r l*0.tF
T)e .ollo,in( ta*le o. Bso.tC con ersion .actors is &ro# ided .or con enienceA Multi&l' t)e <ASA Custo"ar' alue
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
ACO<STIC EMISSION E=AMINATION O8 8IBER#REIN8ORCED PLASTIC VESSELS% Article 11 Cali*ration% Article 11% T#11G1?*@ Attenuation C)aracteriDation% Article 11% T#11G1?*@?1@ Instru"ent Cali*ration% Article 11% Mandator' A&&endi! II Sensor Locations and S&acin(s% Article 11% T#11G1?c@ S'ste" Per.or"ance C)ec-% Article 11% T#11G1?d@ Docu"entation% Article 11% T#1120 En iron"ental Conditions% Article 11% T#112G EJui&"ent and Su&&lies% Article 11% T#11F0 E aluation% Article 11% T#1130 Criteria% Article 11% T#1131 E"issions Durin( Load +old% Article 11% T#1132 8elicit' Ratio Deter"ination% Article 11% T#113F +i() A"&litude E ents Criterion% Article 11% T#113G Total Counts Criterion% Article 11% T#1131 E!a"ination Procedure% Article 11% T#11G2 AE Acti it'% Article 11% T#11G2?d@ Bac-(round Noise% Article 11% T#11G2?*@ Stressin(% Article 11% T#11G2?c@ Test Ter"ination% Article 11% T#11G2?e@ Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 11% Mandator' A&&endi! III Instru"ent Settin(s% Article 11% T#1124 Instru"entation Per.or"ance ReJuire"ents% Article 11% Mandator' A&&endi! I Noise Eli"ination% Article 11% T#1121 Sensor Place"ent Iuidelines% Article 11% Non"andator' A&&endi! A Sensors% Article 11% T#1125 Vessel Conditionin(% Article 11% T#1121 Vessel Stressin(% Article 11% T#1122 Vessel Su&&ort% Article 11% T#112F Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 11% T#1123 Sensor S&acin(% Article 12% T#12GFAG Multic)annel Source Location% Article 12% T#12GFAGA2 None Location% Article 12% T#12GFAGA1 S'ste" Per.or"ance C)ec-% Article 12% T#12GFA1 Docu"entation% Article 12% T#1220 EJui&"ent and Su&&lies% Article 12% T#12F0 E aluation% Article 12% T#1230 Criteria% Article 12% T#1231 E!a"ination Procedure% Article 12% T#12GG Bac-(round Noise% Article 12% T#12GGA2 Durin( E!a"ination% Article 12% T#12GGA2A2 Prior to Loadin(% Article 12% T#12GGA2A1 PressuriDation% Article 12% T#12GGAF SeJuence% Article 12% T#12GGAFA2 Test Ter"ination% Article 12% T#12GGAFAF Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 12% Mandator' A&&endi! III Instru"entation Per.or"ance ReJuire"ents% Article 12% Non"andator' A&&endi! I Noise Reduction% Article 12% T#1222 Sensor Place"ent Iuidelines% Article 12% Non"andator' A&&endi! A Sensors% Article 12% T#122F 8reJuenc'% Article 12% T#122FA1 Mountin(% Article 12% T#122FA2 Sur.ace Contact% Article 12% T#122FAF Vessel Stressin(% Article 12% T#1221 Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 12% T#1221
ACO<STIC EMISSION E=AMINATION O8 METALLIC VESSELS% Article 12 AE Source Location% Article 12% T#122G Cali*ration% Article 12% T#12GF Attenuation C)aracteriDation% Article 12% T#12GFA2 Instru"ent Cali*ration% Article 12% Mandator' A&&endi! II On#Site S'ste" Cali*ration% Article 12% T#12GFA1 Sensor Location% Article 12% T#12GFAF
CONTIN<O<S ACO<STIC EMISSION MONITORINI% Article 1F AE Monitor% Article 1F% T#1FF1 Data Anal'sis and Dis&la'% Article 1F% T#1FF1AG Data Stora(e% Article 1F% T#1FF1AF Installation% Article 1F% T#1FG2 Si(nal Identi!cation% Article 1F% T#1FF1A1 Si(nal Processin(% Article 1F% T#1FF1A2 AE S'ste" O&eration% Article 1F% T#1F11 A"&li!ers% Article 1F% T#1FFG Bac-(round Noise% Article 1F% T#1FG1 Ca*les% Article 1F% T#1FFF Cali*ration% Article 1F% T#1F40 Inter als% Article 1F% T#1F4F Sensors% Article 1F% T#1F41 S'ste"% Article 1F% T#1F42 Detection and Source Location% Article 1F% T#1F42A1
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
8unction Veri!cation% Article 1F% T#1F42A2 Co"&onent Stressin(% Article 1F% T#1F2G Coordination ,it) Plant S'ste" O,ner0O&erator% Article 1F% T#1F24 Data Processin(% Inter&retation% and E aluation% Article 1F% T#1F12 Data Recordin( and Stora(e% Article 1F% T#1F1F EJui&"ent% Article 1F% T#1FF0 EJui&"ent Kuali!cation% Article 1F% T#1FG1 E aluation0Results% Article 1F% T#1F30 Data Processin(% Inter&retation% and E aluation% Article 1F% T#1F31A2 Data ReJuire"ents% Article 1F% T#1F31A1 E!a"ination% Article 1F% T#1F50 Non#Metallic Co"&onents% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! III Non#Nuclear Co"&onents% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! II Nuclear Co"&onents% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! I Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! VII +ostile En iron"ent A&&lications% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! V Lea- Detection A&&lications% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! VI Li"ited None Monitorin(% Article 1F% Mandator' A&&endi! IV Material Attenuation0C)aracteriDation% Article 1F% T#1FGG Noise Inter.erence% Article 1F% T#1F21 O*Secti es% Article 1F% T#1F21 Personnel Kuali!cation% Article 1F% T#1F2F and T#1F51 Plant Startu&% Article 1F% T#1F52 Plant Stead'#State O&eration% Article 1F% T#1F5F AE S'ste" 8unction C)ec-% Article 1F% T#1F5FA2 Data E aluation Inter al% Article 1F% T#1F5FA1 Procedures% Article 1F% T#1F10 Relati e Indications% Article 1F% T#1F22 Re&orts0Records% Article 1F% T#1F20 Cali*ration Records% Article 1F% T#1F4G Kuali!cation Records% Article 1F% T#1FG4 Re&orts to Plant S'ste" O,ner0O&erator% Article 1F% T#1F21 Senser Kuali!cation% Article 1F% T#1FG2 Sensiti it' and 8reJuenc' Res&onse% Article 1F% T#1FG2A1 <ni.or"it' o. Sensor Sensiti it'% Article 1F% T#1FG2A2 Sensors% Article 1F% T#1FF2 8reJuenc'% Article 1F% T#1FF2A1 Di..erential and Tuned Sensors% Article 1F% T#1FF2A2 Installation% Article 1F% T#FG5 Arra' S&acin(% Article 1F% T#1FG5A2 Cou&lin(% Article 1F% T#1FG5A1 8unctional Veri!cation% Article 1F% T#1FG5AF Mountin(% Article 1F% T#FF2AF Source Location and Sensor Mountin(% Article 1F% T#1F25 Si(nal Lead Installation% Article 1F% T#1FG3
EDD7 C<RRENT E=AMINATION O8 T<B<LAR PROD<CTS% Article 3 Cali*ration% Article 3% T#340 Edd' Current E!a"ination Coated 8erritic Materials% Article 3% Mandator' A&&endi! III Installed Non.erro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*in(% Article 3% Mandator' A&&endi! I Non.erro"a(netic +eat E!c)an(er Tu*in(% Article 3% Mandator' A&&endi! II E aluation% Article 3% T#330 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 3% Mandator' A&&endi! IV Personnel Kuali!cation% Article 3% T#322 Re.erence S&eci"en% Article 3% T#3F1 Lritten Procedure% Article 3% T#321 Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 3% T#3G1
IENERAL REK<IREMENTS% Article 1 Acce&tance Standards% Article 1% T#130 ASTM Standards and Reco""ended Practices% Article 1% T#150 Aut)oriDed Ins&ector0Aut)oriDed Code Ins&ector% Article 1% T#150 Cali*ration% Article 1% T#140 EJui&"ent% Article 1% T#1F0 E aluation% Article 1% T#130 E!a"inations and Ins&ections% Article 1% T#150 8a*ricator% Article 1% T#110 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! I Installer% Article 1% T#110 Li"ited Certi!cation% Article 1% T#1G0?d@ Manu.acturer% Article 1% T#110 NDE Personnel Certi!cation% Article 1% T#1G0 Procedure% Article 1% T#110 Procedures% S&ecial% Article T#110?a@ Kualit' Assurance0Kualit' Control S'ste"% Article 1% T#110 Records0Docu"entation% Article 1% T#120 Re.erencin( Code Section% Article 1% T#110
LEA9 TESTINI% Article 10 Bu**le Test Direct Pressure Tec)niJue% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! I Vaccu" Bo! Tec)niJue% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! II Cali*ration% Article 10% T#1040 Cali*ration Lea- Standards% Article 10% T#104F Ca&illar' T'&e Lea- Standard% Article 10% T#104FA2 Per"eation T'&e Lea- Standard% Article 10% T#104FA1 Pressure0Vaccu" Ia(es% Article 10% T#1041 Te"&erature Measurin( De ices% Article 10% T#1042
Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
Cleanliness% Article 10% T#10G1 Docu"entation% Article 10% T#1020 E aluation% Article 10% T#1030 Ia(es% Article 10% T#10F1 Location% Article 10% T#10F1?*@ Ran(e% Article 10% T#10F1?a@ Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! VII +alo(en Diode Detector Pro*e Test% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! III +eliu" Mass S&ectro"eter Test Detector Pro*e Tec)niJue% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! IV Tracer Pro*e and +ood Tec)niJues% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! V Preli"inar' Lea- Test% Article 10% T#1011 Pressure C)an(e Test% Article 10% Mandator' A&&endi! VI Pressure0Vaccu" ?Pressure Li"its@% Article 10% T#10GG Procedure0Tec)niJue% Article 10% T#1010 Sealin( O&enin(s% Article 10% T#10G2 Te"&erature% Article 10% T#10GF Test% Article 10% T#1050 Lritten Procedure% Article 10% T#1021
LIK<ID PENETRANT E=AMINATION% Article 4 Blac- Li()t Intensit'% Article 4% T#454AG?d@ Control o. Conta"inants% Article 4% T#4G1 De elo&in(% Article 4% T#451 Dr' De elo&er A&&lication% Article 4% T#451A1 Let De elo&er A&&lication% Article 4% T#451A2 Docu"entation0Records% Article 4% T#420 Dr'in( A.ter E!cess Penetrant Re"o al% Article 4% T#45G Dr'in( A.ter Pre&aration% Article 4% T#4GF E aluation% Article 4% T#430 E!cess Penetrant Re"o al% Article 4% T#45F Post E"ulsi.'in( Penetrants% Article 4% T#45FA2 Sol ent Re"o a*le Penetrants% Article 4% T#45FAF Later Las)a*le Penetrants% Article 4% T#45FA1 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 4% Mandator' A&&endi! 1 Inter&retation% Article 4% T#454 LiJuid Penetrant Co"&arator% Article 4% T#41FA2 Procedure% Article 4% T#421 Penetrant A&&lication% Article 4% T#451 Penetrant Materials% Article 4% T#4F1 Penetration Ti"e% Article 4% T#452 Sur.ace Pre&aration% Article 4% T#4G2 Tec)niJues% Article 4% T#411 Nonstandard Te"&erature% Article 4% T#41F Standard Te"&erature% Article 4% T#41F Restrictions% Article 4% T#41G
Central Conductor Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#551A2 Ma(netiDin( Current% Article 5% T#551A2?*@ Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#551A2?a@ Direct Contact Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#551A1 Ma(netiDin( Current% Article 5% T#551A1?*@ Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#551A1?a@ De"a(netiDation% Article 5% T#511 EJui&"ent% Article 5% T#5F0 E aluation% Article 5% T#530 E!a"ination% Article 5% T#550 Direction o. E!a"ination% Article 5% T#551 E!a"ination Co era(e% Article 5% T#552 E!a"ination Mediu"% Article 5% T#5F1 Dr' Particles% Article 5% T#5F1?a@ 8luorescent Particles% Article 5% T#5F1?c@ Let Particles% Article 5% T#5F1?*@ Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 5% Mandator' A&&endi! II Li.tin( Po,er o. 7o-es% Article 5% T#542 Lon(itudinal Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#55G Ma(netiDin( Current% Article 5% T#55GAF Ma(netiDin( 8ield Stren(t)% Article 5% T#55GA2 Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#55GA1 Ma(netic Particle 8ield Indicator% Article 5% T#51F Ma(netic Particle E!a"ination o. Coated 8erritic Materials% Article 5% Mandator' A&&endi! I Ma(netiDation Tec)niJues% Article 5% T#512 Met)od o. E!a"ination% Article 5% T#511 Multidirectional Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#555 Ma(netiDin( 8ield Stren(t)% Article 5% T#555A2 Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#555A1 Procedure0Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#510 Prod Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#55F Ma(netiDin( Current% Article 5% T#55FA2 Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#55FA1 Prod S&acin(% Article 5% T#55FAF Records% Article 5% T#520 Recti!ed Current% Article 5% T#51G Sur.ace Conditionin(% Article 5% T#5G1 7o-e Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#554 A&&lication% Article 5% T#554A1 Ma(netiDin( Procedure% Article 5% T#554A2
MAINETIC PARTICLE E=AMINATION% Article 5 Blac- Li()t Intensit'% Article 5% T#5F1?c@?G@ Cali*ration% Article 5% T#540 Circular Ma(netiDation Tec)niJue% Article 5% T#551
RADIOIRAP+IC E=AMINATION% Article 2 Bac-scatter Radiation% Article 2% T#22F E!cessi e Bac-scatter% Article 2% T#23G Castin(s ?E!a"ination@% Article F Densito"eter Cali*ration% Article 2% T#242 Densit' Li"itations% Article 2% T#232A1 Monitorin( Densit' Li"itations% Article 2% T#221 Densit' Variation% Article 2% T#232A2 Di(ital I"a(e AcJuisition% Dis&la'% and Stora(e% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! III Inter&retation% E aluation% and Dis&osition% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! IV
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Direction o. Radiation% Article 2% T#25F Docu"entation% Article 2% T#220 Dou*le#Lall Tec)niJue% Article 2% T#251A2 Dou*le#Lall Vie,in(% Article 2% T#251A2?*@ Sin(le#Lall Vie,in(% Article 2% T#251A2?a@ Ener(' o. Radiation% Article 2% T#252 Ia""a Radiation% Article 2% T#252A2 =#Radiation% Article 2% T#252A1 EJui&"ent and Materials% Article 2% T#2F0 E aluation% Article 2% T#230 B' Manu.acturer% Article 2% T#222 8il" Processin(% Article 2% T#2F1A2 8il" Selection% Article 2% T#2F1A1 8il" Vie,in( 8acilities% Article 2% T#2FG Ieo"etric <ns)ar&ness% Article 2% T#25G Li"itations% Article 2% T#231 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! V Identi!cation S'ste"% Article 2% T#22G I"a(e Kualit' Indicators ?Penetra"eters@ Desi(n% Article 2% T#2FF EJui alent Sensiti it'% Article 2% Non"andator' A&&endi! B Nu"*er% Article 2% T#255A2 Multi&le Penetra"eters% Article 2% T#255A2?a@ S&ecial Cases% Article 2% T#255A2?*@ Place"ent% Article 2% T#255A1 8il" Side% Article 2% T#255A1?*@ +ole#T'&e Penetra"eters% Article 2% T#255A1?c@ Materials Ot)er T)an Lelds% Article 2% T#255A1?e@ S-etc)es% Article 2% Non"andator' A&&endi! C Source Side% Article 2% T#255A1?a@ Lire T'&e Penetra"eters% Article 2% T#255A1?d@ Selection% Article 2% T#254 Dissi"ilar Material Lelds% Article 2% T#254AF Material% Article 2% T#254A1 SiDe% Article 2% T#254A2 S)i"s <nder +ole#T'&e Penetra"eters% Article 2%T#255AF In#Motion Radio(ra&)'% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! I Intensi.'in( Screens% Article 2% T#2F2 Location Mar-ers% Article 2% T#251 Dou*le#Lall Vie,in(% Article 2% T#251A2 Ma&s% Article 2% T#251AF Sin(le#Lall Vie,in(% Article 2% T#251A1 Eit)er side Mar-ers% Article 2% T#251A1?c@ 8il" Side Mar-ers% Article 2% T#251A1?*@ Source Side Mar-ers% Article 2% T#251A1?a@ Penetra"eters ?see I"a(e Kualit' Indicators@ Pi&e or Tu*e Leld Tec)niJue S-etc)es% Article 2% Non"andator' A&&endi! A Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 2% T#231 Kualit' o. Radio(ra&)s% Article 2% T#231 Radio(ra&)ic Tec)niJue% Article 2% T#251 Real#Ti"e Radiosco&ic E!a"ination% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! II
Sensiti it'% Article 2% T#23F Sin(le#Lall Tec)niJue% Article 2% T#251A1 Source SiDe Deter"ination% Article 2% T#241A2 Source SiDe Veri!cation% Article 2% T#241A1 Ste& Led(e 8il" Densit' Veri!cation% Article 2% T#242 Sur.ace Pre&aration% Article 2% T#222 Materials% Article 2% T#222A1 Sur.ace 8inis)% Article 2% T#222AF Lelds% Article 2% T#222A2
<LTRASONIC E=AMINATION MET+ODS 8OR INSERVICE INSPECTION% Article G A"&litude Control Lenearit'% Article G% T#G41A2 and Mandator' A&&endi! II An(le Bea" Cali*rations ?Ieneral Tec)niJues@% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! B Basic Cali*ration Bloc-% Article G% T#GF1 and Non"andator' A&&endi! ; Bloc- Selection% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?a@ Bloc- Kualit'% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?e@ Clad% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?*@ +eat Treat"ent% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?c@ Re!ectors% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#20 Dia"eters Ireater T)an 20 Inc)es% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?e@ Dia"eters 20 Inc)es and Less% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?.@ Sur.ace 8inis)% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! ;% ;#10?d@ Bea" An(le% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! I% I#20 Bea" S&read Measure"ents% Article G% T#GFGA1 Bolts and Studs ?Inser ice E!a"ination@% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! L Cali*ration% Article G% T#G40 S'ste"% Article G% T#G42 Co"&uteriDed I"a(in( Tec)niJues% Article G% T#GF4 and Non"andator' A&&endi! E EJui&"ent% Article G% T#GF0 E aluation% Article G% T#G30 E!a"ination Co era(e% Article G% T#G2GA1 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! III Instru"ent ReJuire"ents% Article G% T#GF1 NoDDle E!a"ination% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! 8 NoDDle Inner Radius and Inner Corner Re(ion E!a"inations% Article G% T#GG2 Personnel ReJuire"ents% Article G% T#G22 Pu"&s and Val es ?Includin( Lelds@% Article G% T#GGG Rate o. Searc) <nit Mo e"ents% Article G% T#G2GA2 Scannin( Sensiti it' Le el% Article G% T#G2GAF Records% Article G% T#G20 Planar Re!ectors
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
Data Record E!a"&le% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! D Recordin( An(le Bea" E!a"ination Data% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! + Recordin( Strai()t Bea" E!a"ination Data% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! 9 Screen +ei()t Linearit'% Article G% T#G41A1 and Mandator' A&&endi! I Strai()t Bea" Cali*rations ?Ieneral Tec)niJues@% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! C Vessel E!a"inations% Article G% T#GG1 Lelds% Article G% T#G51 E!a"ination <sin( An(le Bea" Searc) <nits% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! I Sur.ace Pre&aration% Article G% T#G51A1A2 Vessel Re.erence Points ?La'out@% Article G% Non"andator' A&&endi! A Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article G% T#G10
<LTRASONIC E=AMINATION MET+ODS 8OR MATERIALS AND 8ABRICATION% Article 1 Alternate Cali*ration Bloc- Con!(uration% Article 1% Non"andator' A&&endi! II A"&litude Control Linearit'% Article 1% T#1FF and Mandator' A&&endi! A Basic Cali*ration Bloc- ?Lelds@% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1 Bloc- Selection% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1?a@ Bloc- Kualit'% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1A1?e@ Clad% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1A1?*@ +eat Treat"ent% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1A1?c@ Material% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1A1 Pi&e% Article 1% T#1G2A3A1A1 Re!ectors% Article 1% T#1G2AF Dia"eters Ireater T)an 20 Inc)es% Article 1% T#1G2AFAG Dia"eters 20 Inc)es and Less% Article 1% T#1G2AFA1 Pi&e% Article 1% T#1G2A3A1A2 Sur.ace 8inis)% Article 1% T#1G2A2A1A1?d@ Bea" An(le% Article 1% T#1G2A4A1AG and T#1G2A3A2A2 Bolts and Studs ?Inser ice E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G1A1AF Boltin( Material ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G1A1 Cali*ration ?Ieneral@% Article 1% T#1FG Cali*ration ?Lelds@% Article 1%T#1G2A2 Cali*ration C)ec-% Article 1% T#1G2AGA4 to T#1G2AGA3 DAC Correction% Article 1% T#1G2A1A2 Pi&e% Article 1% T#1G2A3A1 An(le Bea"% Article 1% T#1G2A3A2
Strai()t Bea"% Article 1% T#1G2A3A2A1 S'ste"% Article 1% T#1G2AG An(le Bea"% Article 1% T#1G2AGAG Strai()t Bea"% Article 1% T#1G2AGA1 S,ee& Ran(e Correction% Article 1% T#1G2A1A1 Claddin( ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1GF EJui&"ent and Su&&lies% Article 1% T#1F0 E aluation% Article 1% T#130 E!a"ination Co era(e% Article 1% T#12FA1 8or(in(s and Bars ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G1A2 8reJuenc' ?Instru"ent@% Article 1% T#1F1 Searc) <nit% Article 1% T#1G2A4A1AF and T#1G2A3A2A1 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 1% Mandator' A&&endi! III Plate ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G1A1 Rate o. Searc) <nit Mo e"ent% Article 1% T#12FA2 Recordin( Sensiti it' Le el% Article 1% T#12FAF Re&orts and Records% Article 1% T#120 Screen +ei()t Linearit'% Article 1% T#1F2 and Mandator' A&&endi! I Searc) <nits% Article 1% T#1F1 T)ic-ness Measure"ent% Article 1% T#1GG Tu*ular Products ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G1AF Lelds ?E!a"ination@% Article 1% T#1G2 Austenitic and +i() Nic-el Allo' Lelds% Article 1% T#1G2A3A1 8erritic Lelds in 8erritic Pi&e% Article 1% T#1G2A3 E aluation% Article 1% T#1G2A3AGAF Scannin(% Article 1% T#1G2A3AG Sur.ace Pre&aration% Article 1% T#1G2A3AFA1 Lrou()t and Cast 8erritic Product 8or"s ?E!cludin( Pi&e@% Article 1% T#1G2A4 E aluation% Article 1% T#1G2A5A2A1 Scannin(% Article 1% T#1G2A5A2 Sur.ace Pre&aration% Article 1% T#1G2A5A1 Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 1% T#122
VIS<AL E=AMINATION% Article 2 A&&lications% Article 2% T#211 Direct Visual E!a"ination% Article 2% T#212 E aluation% Article 2% T#230 Ilossar' o. Ter"s% Article 2% Mandator' A&&endi! I Personnel ReJuire"ents% Article 2% T#2G2 Procedure Tec)niJue% Article 2% T#210 Records0Re&orts% Article 2% T#220 Re"ote Visual E!a"ination% Article 2% T#21F Translucent Visual E!a"ination% Article 2% T#21G Lritten Procedure ReJuire"ents% Article 2% T#2G1
Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S Licensee/Sa anna) Ri er Nuclear Solutions01211344001 Not .or Resale% 0502502010 11605612 MDT
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Co&'ri()t ASME International Pro ided *' I+S under license ,it) ASME No re&roduction or net,or-in( &er"itted ,it)out license .ro" I+S
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T)e ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ?BPVC@ is BAn International +istoric Mec)anical En(ineerin( Land"ar-%C ,idel' reco(niDed as a "odel .or codes and standards ,orld,ideA Its de elo&"ent &rocess re"ains o&en and trans&arent t)rou()out% 'ieldin( Bli in( docu"entsC t)at )a e i"&ro ed &u*lic' and .acilitated trade across (lo*al "ar-ets and Surisdictions .or nearl' a centur'A ASME also &ro ides BPVC users ,it) inte(rated suites o. related o..erin(s6 > re.erenced standards> trainin( courses > related standards and (uidelines> ASME &ress *oo-s and Sournals > con.or"it' assess"ent &ro(ra"s> con.erences and &roceedin(s 7ou (ain unri alled insi()t direct .ro" t)e BPVC source% alon( ,it) t)e &ro.essional Jualit' and real#,orld solutions 'ou )a e co"e to e!&ect .ro" ASMEA 8or additional in.or"ation and to order6 P)one61A300A3GFA254F E"ail6in.ocentraljas"eAor( Le*site6 (oAas"eAor(0*& c10
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