GR 162187 Villanueva

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Page 1 of 9 PERJURY

SECOND DIVISION CRISTE B. VILLANUEVA, Petitioner, G.R. No. 162187 Present: - versus PUNO, J., Chairman, AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, CALLEJO, SR., TIN A, an! C"ICO-NAZARIO,# JJ. Pro$%&gate!: No(e$)er *+, ,--.


/------------------------------------ --------------/ DECISION CALLEJO, SR., J.$ 0efore t1e Co%rt is a 'etition for re(ie2 on certiorari of t1e 3e4ision5*6 of t1e Co%rt of A''ea&s 7CA8 in CA- .R. SP No. 9:;;; !is$issing t1e 'etition for certiorari assai&ing t1e fin!ing of t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e t1at no 'ro)a)&e 4a%se e/ists against 'ri(ate res'on!ent "orst-=ess&er >on S'rengeisen for 'er?%r<. T%& An'&(& &n') On A'ri& ,, *;;:, t1e Refra4tories Cor'oration of t1e P1i&i''ines 7RCP8 fi&e! a 'rotest )efore t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee on Anti-3%$'ing of t1e 3e'art$ent of @inan4e against 4ertain i$'ortations of "a$)%rg Tra!ing Cor'oration 7"TC8, a 4or'oration !%&< organiAe! an! e/isting %n!er t1e &a2s of t1e P1i&i''ines. T1e $atter in(o&(e! *.*.-9- tons of $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an<. 5,6 T1e 4ase 2as !o4Bete! as Anti-3%$'ing Case No. I-;+. T1e 'rotest 2as referre! to t1e 0%rea% of I$'ort Ser(i4es 70IS8 of t1e 3e'art$ent of Tra!e an! In!%str<, to !eter$ine if t1ere 2as a prima facie 4ase for (io&ation of Re'%)&i4 A4t 7R.A.8 No. 9+CD, t1e Anti-3%$'ing La2. So$eti$e in @e)r%ar< *;;9, t1e 0IS s%)$itte! its re'ort to t1e Tariff Co$$ission, !e4&aring t1at a prima facie 4ase e/iste! an! t1at 4ontin%e! i$'ortation of refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an< 2o%&! 1ar$ t1e &o4a& in!%str<. It a!o'te! t1e a$o%nt of 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton as t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e i$'orte! goo!s.5D6 T1e "TC re4ei(e! a 4o'< of t1e sai! re'ort on @e)r%ar< *C, *;;9. "o2e(er, )efore it 4o%&! res'on!, t1e 41air$an of t1e Tariff Co$$ission 'ro!!e! t1e 'arties to sett&e t1e $atter a$i4a)&<. A 4onferen4e ens%e! )et2een RCP Senior >i4e Presi!ent an! Assistant enera& Manager Criste >i&&an%e(a an! Jes%s 0orgonia, on t1e one 1an!, an! "TC Presi!ent an! enera& Manager "orst-=ess&er >on S'rengeisen an! Sa&es Manager 3ennis onAa&es, on t1e ot1er. 3%ring t1e 4onferen4e, t1e 'arties agree! t1at t1e refra4tor< )ri4Bs 2ere i$'orte! )< t1e "TC at a 'ri4e &ess t1an its nor$a& (a&%e of 3M *,,--, an! t1at s%41 i$'ortation 2as &iBe&< to in?%re t1e &o4a& in!%str<. T1e 'arties a&so agree! to sett&e t1e 4ase to a(oi! e/'enses an! 'rotra4te! &itigation. "TC 2as reE%ire! to refor$ its 'ri4e 'o&i4<Fstr%4t%re of its i$'ortation an! sa&e of refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an< to 4onfor$ to t1e 'ro(isions of R.A. No. 9+CD an! its r%&es an! reg%&ations. Jes%s 0orgonio t1ereafter 're'are! an! signe! a 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 4ontaining t1e ter$s agree! %'on 21i41 >i&&an%e(a an! 0orgonia signe!. 5C6 0ien(eni!o @&ores, an Offi4e C&erB of RCP, !e&i(ere! t1e agree$ent to "TC at t1e ;t1 @&oor of Ra$on Magsa<sa< Center 0%i&!ing, *:+- Ro/as 0o%&e(ar!, Mani&a )< >on S'rengeisenGs a''ro(a&.5.6 "o2e(er, >on S'rengeisen !i! not sign t1e agree$ent. 0orgonia re(ise! t1e agree$ent )< inserting t1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0ISI in 'aragra'1 * t1ereof. >i&&an%e(a an! 0orgonia signe! t1e agree$ent an! 1a! t1e sa$e !e&i(ere! to t1e offi4e of "TC on A'ri& ,,, *;;9 )< Lino M. %tierreA, a te41ni4a& assistant of RCP. onAa&es re4ei(e! t1e agree$ent an!

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!e&i(ere! t1e sa$e to >on S'rengeisen. After ,- $in%tes, onAa&es ret%rne!, 2it1 t1e agree$ent a&rea!< signe! )< >on S'rengeisen.5:6 onAa&es, 21o 1a! a&so signe!, t1en ga(e it to %tierreA. On t1e sa$e !a<, Notar< P%)&i4 Zenai!a P. 3e Z%Jiga notariAe! t1e agree$ent.596 onAa&es !e&i(ere! a 4o'< of t1e notariAe! Agree$ent to "TC. 5+6 RCP s%)$itte! t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent to t1e Tariff Co$$ission. 3%ring t1e Ma< ;, *;;9 1earing )efore t1e Co$$ission for t1e a''ro(a& of t1e agree$ent, a re'resentati(e of "TC a''eare!. "e offere! no o)?e4tion to t1e Agree$ent. T1e Co$$ission s%)$itte! its re'ort to t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee 21i41 ren!ere! a !e4ision !e4&aring t1at, )ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0IS, t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e i$'orte! refra4tor< )ri4Bs 2as 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton. "TC re4ei(e! a 4o'< of t1e !e4ision on Mar41 C, *;;+. Neit1er RCP nor "TC a''ea&e! t1e !e4ision to t1e Co%rt of Ta/ A''ea&s. In t1e $eanti$e, "TC i$'orte! refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an< ane2 an! note! t1at t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e sai! i$'ortation %n!er t1e !e4ision of t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee )ase! on t1e 0IS re'ort 2as 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton. On J%&< ,+, *;;+, t1e "TC fi&e! an Urgent Motion to Set Asi!e an!For >a4ate J%!g$ent 2it1 t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee on Anti-3%$'ing, 'ra<ing t1at s%41 !e4ision )e !e4&are! n%&& an! (oi! on t1e fo&&o2ing gro%n!s: *. ,. T"E @RAU3 "A3 0EEN COMMITTE3 0Y T"E PROTESTANT 3URIN T"E NE OTIATION @OR T"E PREPARATION O@ T"E COMPROMISE A REEMENT. T"AT INSERTIONS AN3FOR SU0STITUTION O@ T"E @ACTS NOT A REE3 UPON KAS 3ELI0ERATELY AN3 SURREPTITIOUSLY MA3E 0Y T"E PROTESTANT IN T"E COMPROMISE A REEMENT KIT"OUT T"E =NOKLE3 E AN3 CONSENT O@ T"E PROTESTEE. 5;6

T1e $otion 2as (erifie! )< >on S'rengeisen. T1e "TC a(erre! t1erein t1at >i&&an%e(a (io&ate! Arti4&e *9, of t1e Re(ise! Pena& Co!e 21en 1e s%rre'titio%s&< inserte! t1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0ISI in t1e agree$ent 2it1o%t t1e Bno2&e!ge an! 4onsent of >on S'rengeisen an! !es'ite t1eir agree$ent to '%t )e1in! t1e$ t1e fin!ings of t1e 0IS. A''en!e! to t1e $otion 2as an Affi!a(it of Merit e/e4%te! )< >on S'rengeisen in 21i41 1e a&&ege!, inter alia, t1at so$eti$e in @e)r%ar< *;;9, t1e 0IS 4a$e o%t 2it1 its Re'ort !e4&aring t1at t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs 2as 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 tonL )efore "TC 4o%&! res'on! to t1e re'ort, >i&&an%e(a in(ite! 1i$ to a 4onferen4e for t1e '%r'ose of fin!ing t1e )est so&%tion to t1e 'en!ing 4ase )efore t1e Co$$issionL 1e an! onAa&es atten!e! t1e $eeting !%ring 21i41 it 2as agree!, )< 2a< of a 4o$'ro$ise, t1at t1e 'arties 2i&& a44e't t1e a$o%nt of 3M *,-.- 'er $etri4 ton as t1e nor$a& (a&%e for a&& $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an<L 21en 1e re4ei(e! t1e !raft of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 're'are! )< >i&&an%e(a, 1e a''ro(e! t1e sa$eL s%)seE%ent&<, >i&&an%e(a trans$itte! a 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent a&rea!< signe! )< 1i$ to >on S'rengeisen for 1is re(ie2, a''ro(a& an! signat%reL )e&ie(ing t1at t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent re'ro!%4e! t1e 4ontents of t1e first 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent, 1e signe! t1e se4on! agree$ent 2it1o%t rea!ing itL 21en 1e re4ei(e!, on Mar41 C, *;;+, a 4o'< of t1e !e4ision of t1e Tariff Co$$ission )ase! on t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent of t1e 'arties 21erein t1e 4o$$ittee a!o'te! t1e fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ations of t1e 0IS 7t1at t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e s1i'$ent 2as 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton8, 1e 2as s1o4Be! )e4a%se 1e ne(er agree! to t1e %se of s%41 fin!ings for t1e refor$ation of its 'ri4e 'o&i4iesL t1ere 2as, in fa4t, an agree$ent )et2een 1i$ an! >i&&an%e(a to '%t )e1in! t1e$ t1e fin!ings of t1e 0ISL 1e 4a&&e! %' >i&&an%e(a at 1is offi4e )%t fai&e! to 4onta4t 1i$ !es'ite se(era& atte$'tsL s%s'e4ting t1at so$et1ing a$iss 1a''ene!, 1e 1a! t1e !raft of t1e first 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent retrie(e! )%t 1is se4retar< fai&e! to &o4ate t1e sa$eL it 2as on&< so$eti$e &ater t1at 1is se4retar< fo%n! t1e fo&!er-fi&e 4ontaining t1e !raft an! 2as a''a&&e! to !is4o(er t1at >i&&an%e(a 1a! s%)stantia&&< a&tere! t1e first !raft of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$entL t1is $a!e 1i$ 4on4&%!e an! 4onfir$ 1is s%s'i4ion t1at >i&&an%e(a, t1r% !e4eit an! fra%!, in!%4e! 1i$ to sign t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent to t1e 're?%!i4e of t1e "TC.5*-6 T1e RCP o''ose! t1e $otion. 0%t, in a 'ara&&e& $o(e, >i&&an%e(a, in 1is 4a'a4it< as Senior >i4e Presi!ent an! Assistant enera& Manager of RCP, fi&e! a 4ri$ina& 4o$'&aint for 'er?%r< against >on S'rengeisen in t1e Offi4e of t1e Cit< Prose4%tor of Mani&a. A''en!e! t1ereto 2as a 4o$'&aint-affi!a(it e/e4%te! )< >i&&an%e(a 21erein 1e !e4&are!, inter alia, t1at >on S'rengeisen $a!e t1e fo&&o2ing fa&se state$ents in t1e Urgent Motion, t1%s: a. ). 4. !. 5Co$'&ainant6 2as t1e one 21o 4a&&e! %' 1is offi4e, in(iting 1i$ to a $eeting for t1e '%r'ose of fin!ing t1e )est an! $ost eE%ita)&e so&%tion to t1e 4ase 7'. D, Urgent Motion8L RCP an! "a$)%rg Tra!ing agree! to '%t )e1in! t1e$ t1e fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ations of t1e 0%rea% of I$'ort Ser(i4es 70IS8 2it1 res'e4t to t1e anti-!%$'ing 'rotest fi&e! )< RCP 7'. D, Urgent Motion8L T1e origina& (ersion of t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent sent to 1i$ 2as $ere&< a !raft 7'. D, Urgent Motion8L T1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0%rea% of I$'ort Ser(i4esI 2as inserte! in 'aragra'1 * of t1e fina& Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent 2it1o%t 1is Bno2&e!ge an! 4onsent 7'. D, Urgent Motion8L an!

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5Co$'&ainant6 2as t1e one 21o s%rre'titio%s&< inserte! t1e aforesai! '1rase 7'. D, Urgent Motion8. 5**6

>i&&an%e(a a&so a&&ege! t1at >on S'rengeisen $a!e t1e fo&&o2ing fa&se state$ents in 1is Affi!a(it of Merit: a. ). 4. !. e. 5Co$'&ainant6 in(ite! 1i$ to a 4onferen4e for t1e '%r'ose of fin!ing t1e )est so&%tion to t1e 4aseL 5Co$'&ainant an! 1e6 agree! to '%t )e1in! 5t1e$6 t1e fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ation of t1e 0IS s%)$itte! to t1e Se4retar< of @inan4eL Ke agree! to t1e a$o%nt of 3M *,-.-Fton as t1e nor$a& (a&%e for a&& $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an<L T1e origina& (ersion of t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent sent to 1i$ 2as $ere&< a !raftL an! T1ro%g1 !e4eit an! fra%!, 54o$'&ainant6 in!%4e! 5res'on!ent6 to sign t1e fina& Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent. 5*,6

In 1is Co%nter-Affi!a(it, >on S'rengeisen a(erre! t1at 21oe(er 4a&&e! t1e ot1er for a 4onferen4e 2as not a $ateria& $atter. Sin4e t1e first !raft of t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent trans$itte! to 1i$ 2as )< fa/, 1e asBe! t1e 4o$'&ainant to sen! to 1i$ t1e 1ar! 4o'< of t1e Agree$ent for 1is signat%re. "e f%rt1er narrate! t1at 21en 1e re4ei(e! t1e 1ar! 4o'< of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent, 1e !i! not )ot1er to re(ie2 sin4e 1e ass%$e! t1at it 4ontaine! t1e sa$e 'ro(isions in t1e fa/e! 4o'<. "e !i! not s%ggest t1at t1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0ISI )e inserte! in t1e 1ar! 4o'< of t1e agree$ent )e4a%se 1e an! >i&&an%e(a 2ere at o!!s on t1e 0IS fin!ing t1e nor$a& 'ri4e of t1e goo!s 2as 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton. "e insiste! t1at it 2o%&! 1a(e )een sense&ess of 1i$ to agree to s%41 insertionL as s%41, 1e !i! not $aBe an< 2i&&f%& an! !e&i)erate assertion of an< fa&se1oo! as to an< $ateria& fa4t.5*D6 In(estigating Prose4%tor @ran4is4o . S%'net fo%n! no 'ro)a)&e 4a%se for 'er?%r< against t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent an! re4o$$en!e! t1e !is$issa& of t1e 4o$'&aint. Se4on! Assistant Cit< Prose4%tor Leon4ia 3i$agi)a re(ie2e! t1e reso&%tion of Prose4%tor S%'net an! fo%n! 'ro)a)&e 4a%se for 'er?%r< against t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent for a&&eging in 1is Affi!a(it of Merit t1at 1e 2as in!%4e! to sign t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent t1ro%g1 fra%! an! !e4eit. A44or!ing to t1e Se4on! Assistant Cit< Prose4%tor, t1e a&&egation of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent Ht1r% !e4eit an! fra%! to sign t1e fina& Co$'ro$ise Agree$entI 2as a !e&i)erate assertion of a fa&se1oo!, !esigne! as it 2as $ere&< to gi(e t1e 0IS t1e i$'ression t1at 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2as $is&e! into agreeing to t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent. S1e f%rt1er o'ine! t1at t1e a&&egation 2as 'er?%rio%s, 4onsi!ering t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 1a! s%ffi4ient ti$e to 'ass %'on t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent an! 4o%&! 1a(e a(ai&e! t1e ser(i4es of &ega& $in!s 21o 4o%&! re(ie2 t1e ter$s an! 4on!itions t1ereof )efore signing t1e sa$eL5*C6 1en4e, s1e re4o$$en!e! t1e re(ersa& of Prose4%tor S%'netGs reso&%tion an! t1e fi&ing of t1e infor$ation. T1e Cit< Prose4%tor a''ro(e! t1e re4o$$en!ation of t1e Se4on! Assistant Cit< Prose4%tor. A44or!ing&<, an Infor$ation for 'er?%r< 2as fi&e! against t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2it1 t1e Metro'o&itan Tria& Co%rt of Mani&a. T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent a''ea&e! t1e reso&%tion to t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e, 21o re(erse! t1e reso&%tion of t1e Cit< Prose4%tor on Se'te$)er ,-, ,--,. A44or!ing to t1e J%sti4e Se4retar<, t1e 4o$'&ainant fai&e! to esta)&is1 t1e $ateria&it< of t1e a&&ege! fa&se assertions an! t1at t1e sai! assertions 2ere 2i&&f%& an! !e&i)erate. Moreo(er, t1e a&&egations in t1e Affi!a(it of Merit are not a&toget1er fa&se sin4e t1e intention of t1e 'arties in e/e4%ting t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 2as 're4ise&< to '%t )e1in! t1e r%&ing of t1e 0IS, !es'ite 21i41 t1e 4o$'&ainant inserte! t1e 4on!ition t1at t1e 'arties 2o%&! )e )o%n! )< s%41 fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ations.5*.6 T1e !e4reta& 'ortion of t1e reso&%tion rea!s: K"ERE@ORE, t1e a''ea&e! reso&%tion of t1e Cit< Prose4%tor of Mani&a is 1ere)< RE>ERSE3. T1e Cit< Prose4%tor is !ire4te! to 2it1!ra2 t1e infor$ation for 'er?%r< against res'on!ent "orst-=ess&er (on S'rengeisen an! to re'ort t1e a4tion taBen 2it1in ten 7*-8 !a<s fro$ re4ei't 1ereof. SO OR3ERE3.5*:6 >i&&an%e(a t1en fi&e! a 'etition for certiorari 2it1 t1e CA assai&ing t1e reso&%tion of t1e J%sti4e Se4retar<, a&&eging t1erein t1at gra(e a)%se of !is4retion, a$o%nting to e/4ess or &a4B of ?%ris!i4tion, 2as 4o$$itte! in iss%ing t1e sai! reso&%tion. 5*96 T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent, for 1is 'art, so%g1t t1e !is$issa& of t1e 'etition a&&eging t1at, as fo%n! )< t1e J%sti4e Se4retar<, t1ere 2as no 'ro)a)&e 4a%se against 1i$ for 'er?%r<. 5*+6 On @e)r%ar< *D, ,--C, t1e CA !is$isse! t1e 'etition an! affir$e! t1e reso&%tion of t1e J%sti4e Se4retar<. 5*;6 T1e CA !e4&are! t1at, as 'osite! )< t1e Offi4e of t1e So&i4itor enera& in its 4o$$ent on t1e 'etition, t1e 'arties 1a! agree! to '%t )e1in! t1e$ t1e fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ations of t1e 0IS 2it1 res'e4t to t1e anti-!%$'ing 'rotest. T1e a''e&&ate 4o%rt state! t1at its fin!ing is )%ttresse! )< t1e fa4t t1at t1e a$o%nt of 3M *,-.- 2as not $entione! in t1e first 4o$'ro$ise

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agree$ent an! t1at, %n!er s%41 agree$ent, t1e "TC o)&ige! itse&f Hto refor$ its 'ri4ing 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re 2it1 res'e4t to refra4tor< 'ro!%4ts )eing i$'orte! to an! so&! in t1e P1i&i''ines in a44or!an4e 2it1 t1e 'ro(isions of R.A. No. 9+CD an! its i$'&e$enting r%&es an! reE%ire$ents.I T1e CA e$'1asiAe! t1at it 2as in4&ine! to )e&ie(e t1at t1ere 2as no $eeting of t1e $in!s of t1e 'arties 21en t1e 'etitioner inserte! t1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0ISI in t1e re(ise! 4o$'ro$ise agree$entL 1en4e, t1ere 4o%&! not 1a(e )een 'er?%r< 21en t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent e/e4%te! t1e Affi!a(it of Merit an! t1e Urgent Motion to Set Asi!e an!For >a4ate J%!g$ent. T1e CA a&so agree! 2it1 t1e fin!ings of t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e t1at t1e insertion of t1e 4on!ition in t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent t1at t1e 'arties 2o%&! )e )o%n! )< t1e 0IS fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ation ga(e t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent reason to )e&ie(e t1at 1e 2as !e4ei(e! )< t1e 'etitioner into signing t1e Agree$entL as s%41, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!entGs a&&egation in 1is Affi!a(it of Merit, t1at 1e 2as in!%4e! to signing t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent t1ro%g1 fra%! an! !e4eit, 2as not a&toget1er fa&se. ConseE%ent&<, t1e CA r%&e!, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !i! not $aBe an< 2i&&f%& an! !e&i)erate assertion of a fa&se1oo!.5,-6 T1e a''e&&ate 4o%rt 4onfor$e! to t1e !isE%isitions of t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e in t1e assai&e! reso&%tion an! 4on4&%!e! t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !i! not, in t1e Affi!a(it of Merit, $aBe a 2i&&f%& an! !e&i)erate assertion of a fa&se1oo!.5,*6 Aggrie(e!, t1e 'etitioner fi&e! a 'etition for re(ie2 on certiorari 2it1 t1is Co%rt against 'ri(ate res'on!ent >on S'rengeisen an! t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e, insisting t1at t1e CA 4o$$itte! gra(e a)%se of !is4retion a$o%nting to e/4ess or &a4B of ?%ris!i4tion in !is$issing t1e 'etition an! affir$ing t1e assai&e! reso&%tion. T1e 'etitioner $aintains t1at, !%ring t1e 're&i$inar< in(estigation, 1e a!!%4e! s%)stantia& e(i!en4e to 'ro(e 'ro)a)&e 4a%se for 'er?%r< against t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent. "e $aintains t1at 'ro)a)&e 4a%se !oes not $ean a4t%a& an! 'ositi(e 4a%sesL nor !oes it i$'ort a)so&%te 4ertaint<. It is $ere&< )ase! on o'inion an! reasona)&e )e&ief. It is eno%g1 t1at it is )e&ie(e! t1at t1e a4t or o$ission 4o$'&aine! of 4onstit%tes t1e offense 41arge!. "e a(ers t1at, 4ontrar< to t1e 4&ai$ of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent in 1is Affi!a(it of Merit, t1e $eeting )et2een 1i$ an! Jes%s 0orgonio, on t1e one 1an!, an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent an! "TC Sa&es Manager 3ennis onAa&es, on t1e ot1er, 2as arrange! )< t1e &atter an! not )< 1i$. As g&eane! fro$ t1e !raft an! fina& 4o'ies of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent, t1e 'arties $a!e e/'ress referen4e to t1e prima facie fin!ings of t1e 0IS t1at t1e a4t%a& e/'ort 'ri4e of "TC 2as )e&o2 t1e fair $arBet (a&%e. 0< agreeing t1at s%41 fin!ings of t1e 0IS )e in4&%!e! in t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent, t1e sai! 'ri(ate res'on!ent i$'&ie!&< agree! to s%41 fin!ings as )asis of t1e 'ri4e for 21i41 "TC 2o%&! se&& t1e er$an-$a!e $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs in t1e P1i&i''ines. T1e 'etitioner a(ers t1at t1e fa4t t1at t1e a$o%nt of 3M *,-.- 'er $etri4 ton 2as not s'e4ifi4a&&< $entione! in t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 2as of no i$'ortan4e, 4onsi!ering t1e 'artiesG a44e'tan4e of s%41 fin!ings is )ase! on R.A. No. 9+CD. "e 'oints o%t t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 4o%&! not 1a(e fai&e! to noti4e t1e !ifferen4e )et2een t1e first !raft an! t1e fina& 4o'< of t1e agree$ent )efore signing it )e4a%se, as a&&ege! )< Lino %tierreA in 1is re'&< affi!a(it, it tooB t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent t2ent< $in%tes or so after re4ei(ing t1e agree$ent to re(ie2 t1e fina& !raft )efore signing it. Moreo(er, t1e Urgent Motion to Set Asi!e an!For >a4ate J%!g$ent signe! )< t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2as fi&e! $ore t1an *. $ont1s fro$ t1e e/e4%tion of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent an! after fo%r $ont1s fro$ t1e Tariff Co$$issionGs a''ro(a& t1ereof. T1e 'etitioner arg%es t1at it is in4re!i)&e t1at !%ring t1e interregnum of *; $ont1s, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent fai&e! to !is4o(er t1e re(isionsFinsertions in t1e fina& !raft of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent. Consi!ering t1e 're$ises, t1e 'etitioner s%)$its, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!entGs fi&ing of t1e Urgent Motion for an! in )e1a&f of "TC 2as $ere&< an aftert1o%g1t, to ena)&e t1e &atter to es4a'e 4o$'&ian4e 2it1 t1e ter$s an! 4on!itions of t1e Agree$ent. T1e 'etitioner f%rt1er insists t1at t1e insertion of t1e 4onteste! '1rase in t1e fina& !raft of t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 2as ne4essar< a&t1o%g1 it $a< not )e in t1e )est interest of "TC. "e 'osits t1at t1e fa&se1oo!s $a!e )< t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent in 1is Urgent Motion an! Affi!a(it of Merit 2ere $ateria& to t1e 'ro4ee!ings in t1e Anti-3%$'ing Offi4e of t1e Tariff Co$$ission )e4a%se t1ese 2ere %se! to set asi!e t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent e/e4%te! )< t1e 'arties. In 1is Co$$ent on t1e 'etition, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent a(ers t1at t1e iss%es raise! )< t1e 'etitioner are fa4t%a&, 1en4e, i$'ro'er in a 'etition for re(ie2 on certiorari %n!er R%&e C. of t1e R%&es of Co%rt. T1e !eter$ination of t1e e/isten4e of a 'ro)a)&e 4a%se is 'ri$ari&< an a!$inistrati(e san4tion of t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e. "e insists t1at t1e fin!ings of t1e J%sti4e Se4retar< s1o%&! )e a44or!e! great res'e4t, es'e4ia&&< sin4e t1e sa$e 2ere %'1e&! )< t1e CA. "e asserts t1at t1e 'etitioner fai&e! to esta)&is1 in t1e CA an! in t1is Co%rt t1at t1e J%sti4e Se4retar< 4o$$itte! a gra(e a)%se of !is4retion a$o%nting to e/4ess or &a4B of ?%ris!i4tion in 1er reso&%tion. T1e 'etition 1as no $erit.

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T1e 'i(ota& iss%e in t1is 4ase is fa4t%a& M 21et1er or not, )ase! on t1e re4or!s, t1ere 2as 'ro)a)&e 4a%se for t1e 'ri(ate res'on!entGs in!i4t$ent for 'er?%r<. R%&e C. of t1e R%&es of Co%rt 'ro(i!es t1at on&< E%estions of fa4t $a< )e raise! in a 'etition for re(ie2 on certiorari. @in!ings of fa4ts of a E%asi-?%!i4ia& agen4<, as affir$e! )< t1e CA, are genera&&< 4on4&%si(e on t1e Co%rt, %n&ess 4ogent fa4ts an! 4ir4%$stan4es of s%41 a nat%re 2arranting t1e $o!ifi4ation or re(ersa& of t1e assai&e! !e4ision 2ere ignore!, $is%n!erstoo! or $isinter'rete!. T1%s, t1e Co%rt $a< !e&(e into an! reso&(e fa4t%a& iss%es in e/4e'tiona& 4ases. T1e 'etitioner 1as fai&e! to esta)&is1 t1at an< s%41 4ir4%$stan4e is 'resent in t1e 4ase at )ar. 5,,6 T1e Co%rt fin!s t1at t1e '%)&i4 res'on!ent !i! not 4o$$it an< gra(e a)%se of !is4retion a$o%nting to e/4ess or &a4B of ?%ris!i4tion in iss%ing t1e assai&e! reso&%tion, an! t1at t1e CA !i! not 4o$$it an< re(ersi)&e error in its assai&e! !e4ision an! reso&%tion. If at a&& t1e '%)&i4 res'on!ent erre! in iss%ing t1e assai&e! reso&%tion, s%41 is $ere&< an error in t1e e/er4ise of ?%ris!i4tion, re(ersi)&e )< a 'etition for re(ie2 %n!er R%&e CD of t1e R%&es of Co%rt es'e4ia&&< so 21ere, as in t1is 4ase, t1e iss%es )efore t1e CA 2ere fa4t%a& an! not &ega&. T1e a)sen4e or e/isten4e of 'ro)a)&e 4a%se in a gi(en 4ase in(o&(es a 4a&i)ration an! a ree/a$ination of t1e e(i!en4e a!!%4e! )< t1e 'arties )efore t1e Offi4e of t1e Cit< Prose4%tor of Mani&a an! t1e 'ro)ati(e 2eig1t t1ereof. T1e CA t1%s r%&e! 4orre4t&< 21en it !is$isse! t1e 'etition )efore it. Pro)a)&e 4a%se, for '%r'oses of fi&ing a 4ri$ina& infor$ation, 1as )een !efine! as s%41 fa4ts as are s%ffi4ient to engen!er a 2e&&-fo%n!e! )e&ief t1at a 4ri$e 1as )een 4o$$itte! an! t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent is 'ro)a)&< g%i&t< t1ereof. It is s%41 a state of fa4ts in t1e $in! of t1e 'rose4%tor as 2o%&! &ea! a 'erson of or!inar< 4a%tion an! 'r%!en4e to )e&ie(e or entertain an 1onest or strong s%s'i4ion t1at a t1ing is so. T1e ter$ !oes not $ean Ha4t%a& or 'ositi(e 4a%seLI nor !oes it i$'ort a)so&%te 4ertaint<. It is $ere&< )ase! on o'inion an! reasona)&e )e&ief. T1%s, a fin!ing of 'ro)a)&e 4a%se !oes not reE%ire an inE%ir< into 21et1er t1ere is s%ffi4ient e(i!en4e to 'ro4%re a 4on(i4tion. It is eno%g1 t1at it is )e&ie(e! t1at t1e a4t or o$ission 4o$'&aine! of 4onstit%tes t1e offense 41arge!. Pre4ise&<, t1ere is a tria& for t1e re4e'tion of e(i!en4e of t1e 'rose4%tion in s%''ort of t1e 41arge.I5,D6 T1e !eter$ination of its e/isten4e &ies 2it1in t1e !is4retion of t1e 'rose4%ting offi4ers after 4on!%4ting a 're&i$inar< in(estigation %'on 4o$'&aint of an offen!e! 'art<. 5,C6 T1e Reso&%tion of t1e Se4retar< of J%sti4e !e4&aring t1e a)sen4e or e/isten4e of a 'ro)a)&e 4a%se affir$e! )< t1e CA is a44or!e! 1ig1 res'e4t. "o2e(er, s%41 fin!ing $a< )e n%&&ifie! 21ere gra(e a)%se of !is4retion a$o%nting to e/4ess or &a4B of ?%ris!i4tion is esta)&is1e!. 5,.6 Per?%r< is !efine! an! 'ena&iAe! in Arti4&e *+D of t1e Re(ise! Pena& Co!e, t1%s: Art. *+D. @a&se testi$on< in ot1er 4ases an! 'er?%r< in so&e$n affir$ation. T1e 'ena&t< of arresto mayor in its $a/i$%$ 'erio! to prision correccional in its $ini$%$ 'erio! s1a&& )e i$'ose! %'on an< 'erson 21o, Bno2ing&< $aBing %ntr%t1f%& state$ents an! not )eing in4&%!e! in t1e 'ro(isions of t1e ne/t 're4e!ing arti4&es, s1a&& testif< %n!er oat1 or $aBe an affi!a(it %'on an< $ateria& $atter )efore a 4o$'etent 'erson a%t1oriAe! to a!$inister an oat1 in 4ases in 21i41 t1e &a2 so reE%ires. An< 'erson 21o, in 4ase of a so&e$n affir$ation $a!e in &ie% of an oat1, s1a&& 4o$$it an< of t1e fa&se1oo!s $entione! in t1is an! t1e t1ree 're4e!ing arti4&es of t1is se4tion s1a&& s%ffer t1e res'e4ti(e 'ena&ties 'ro(i!e! t1erein. Per?%r< is an o)str%4tion of ?%sti4eL its 'er'etration $a< affe4t t1e earnest 4on4erns of t1e 'arties )efore a tri)%na&. T1e fe&on< is 4ons%$$ate! 21en t1e fa&se state$ent is $a!e. 5,:6 T1e se$ina& $o!ern treat$ent of t1e 1istor< of 'er?%r< 4on4&%!es t1at one 4onsi!eration of 'o&i4< o(ers1a!o2s a&& ot1ers M t1e $eas%res taBen against t1e offense $%st not )e so se(ere as to !is4o%rage aggrie(e! 'arties fro$ &o!ging 4o$'&aints or testif<ing.5,96 As E%ote! )< 3ean Kig$ore, a &ea!ing *;t1 Cent%r< Co$$entator, note! t1at Eng&is1 &a2, Ht1ro2s e(er< fen4e ro%n! a 'erson a44%se! of 'er?%r<, for t1e o)&igation of 'rote4ting 2itnesses fro$ o''ression or anno<an4e, )< 41arges, or t1reats of 41arges, of 1a(ing $a!e fa&se testi$on< is far 'ara$o%nt to t1at of gi(ing e(en 'er?%r< its !eserts.I 5,+6 Per?%r< is t1e 2i&&f%& an! 4orr%'t assertion of a fa&se1oo! %n!er oat1 or affir$ation a!$inistere! )< a%t1orit< of &a2 on a $ateria& $atter.5,;6 T1e e&e$ents of t1e fe&on< are: 7a8 T1at t1e a44%se! $a!e a state$ent %n!er oat1 or e/e4%te! an affi!a(it %'on a $ateria& $atter.

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7)8 T1at t1e state$ent or affi!a(it 2as $a!e )efore a 4o$'etent offi4er, a%t1oriAe! to re4ei(e an! a!$inister oat1. 748 T1at in t1at state$ent or affi!a(it, t1e a44%se! $a!e a 2i&&f%& an! !e&i)erate assertion of a fa&se1oo!. 7!8 T1at t1e s2orn state$ent or affi!a(it 4ontaining t1e fa&sit< is reE%ire! )< &a2 or $a!e for a &ega& '%r'ose. 5D-6 A $ere assertion of a fa&se o)?e4ti(e fa4t, a fa&se1oo!, is not eno%g1. T1e assertion $%st )e !e&i)erate an! 2i&&f%&. 5D*6 Per?%r< )eing a fe&on< )< dolo, t1ere $%st )e $a&i4e on t1e 'art of t1e a44%se!. 5D,6 Ki&&f%&&< $eans intentiona&&<L 2it1 e(i& intent an! &ega& $a&i4e, 2it1 t1e 4ons4io%sness t1at t1e a&&ege! 'er?%rio%s state$ent is fa&se 2it1 t1e intent t1at it s1o%&! )e re4ei(e! as a state$ent of 21at 2as tr%e in fa4t. It is eE%i(a&ent to HBno2ing&<.I H3e&i)erate&<I i$'&ies $e!itate! as !isting%is1e! fro$ ina!(ertent a4ts.5DD6 It $%st a''ear t1at t1e a44%se! Bno2s 1is state$ent to )e fa&se or as 4ons4io%s&< ignorant of its tr%t1. 5DC6 Per?%r< 4annot )e 2i&&f%& 21ere t1e oat1 is a44or!ing to )e&ief or 4on(i4tion as to its tr%t1. A fa&se state$ent of a )e&ief is not 'er?%r<. Bona fide )e&ief in t1e tr%t1 of a state$ent is an a!eE%ate !efense. 5D.6 A fa&se state$ent 21i41 is o)(io%s&< t1e res%&t of an 1onest $istaBe is not 'er?%r<.T1ere are t2o essentia& e&e$ents of 'roof for 'er?%r<: 7*8 t1e state$ent $a!e )< t1e !efen!ants $%st )e 'ro(en fa&seL an! 7,8 it $%st )e 'ro(en t1at t1e !efen!ant !i! not )e&ie(e t1ose state$ents to )e tr%e. 5D:6 =no2&e!ge )< t1e a44%se! of t1e fa&sit< of 1is state$ent is an interna& a4t. It $a< )e 'ro(e! )< 1is a!$issions or )< 4ir4%$stantia& e(i!en4e. T1e state of $in! of t1e a44%se! $a< )e !eter$ine! )< t1e t1ings 1e sa<s an! !oes, fro$ 'roof of a $oti(e to &ie an! of t1e o)?e4ti(e fa&sit< itse&f, an! fro$ ot1er fa4ts ten!ing to s1o2 t1at t1e a44%se! rea&&< Bne2 t1e t1ings 1e 4&ai$e! not to Bno2.5D96 A 4on(i4tion for 'er?%r< 4annot )e s%staine! $ere&< %'on t1e 4ontra!i4tor< s2orn state$ents of t1e a44%se!. T1e 'rose4%tion $%st 'ro(e 21i41 of t1e t2o state$ents is fa&se an! $%st s1o2 t1e state$ent to )e fa&se )< ot1er e(i!en4e t1an t1e 4ontra!i4ting state$ent.5D+6 T1e rationa&e of t1is 'rin4i'&e is t1%s: N Proof t1at a44%se! 1as gi(en 4ontra!i4tor< testi$on< %n!er oat1 at a !ifferent ti$e 2i&& not )e s%ffi4ient to esta)&is1 t1e fa&sit< of testi$on< 41arge! as 'er?%r<, for t1is 2o%&! &ea(e si$'&< one oat1 of t1e !efen!ant as against anot1er, an! it 2o%&! not a''ear t1at t1e testi$on< 41arge! 2as fa&se rat1er t1an t1e testi$on< 4ontra!i4tor< t1ereof. T1e t2o state$ents 2i&& si$'&< ne%tra&iAe ea41 ot1erL t1ere $%st )e so$e 4orro)oration of t1e 4ontra!i4tor< testi$on<. S%41 4orro)oration, 1o2e(er, $a< )e f%rnis1e! )< e(i!en4e aliunde ten!ing to s1o2 'er?%r< in!e'en!ent&< of t1e !e4&arations of testi$on< of t1e a44%se!. 5D;6 T1e ter$ H$ateria& $atterI is t1e $ain fa4t s%)?e4t of t1e inE%ir<, or an< 4ir4%$stan4e 21i41 ten!s to 'ro(e t1at fa4t, or an< fa4t or 4ir4%$stan4e 21i41 ten!s to 4orro)orate or strengt1en t1e testi$on< re&ate! to t1e s%)?e4t of t1e inE%ir<, or 21i41 &egiti$ate&< affe4ts t1e 4re!en4e of an< 2itness 21o testifie!. In t1is 4ase, a $atter is $ateria& if it 1as a $ateria& effe4t or ten!en4< to inf&%en4e t1e Co$$ission in reso&(ing t1e $otion of "TC one 2a< or t1e ot1er. T1e effe4ts of t1e state$ent are 2eig1e! in ter$s of 'otentia&it< rat1er t1an 'ro)a)i&it<. 5C-6 T1e 'rose4%tion nee! not 'ro(e t1at t1e fa&se testi$on< a4t%a&&< inf&%en4e! t1e Co$$ission.5C*6 T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !i! err 21en 1e !e4&are!, in t1e $otion of t1e "TC an! 1is affi!a(it, t1at it 2as t1e 'etitioner 21o in(ite! 1i$ to a 4onferen4e. T1e tr%t1 of t1e $atter is t1at it 2as onAa&es 21o !i! so. Nonet1e&ess, t1e iss%e of 21o 4a&&e! for a 4onferen4e is ofde minimis i$'ortan4e )e4a%se, after a&&, t1e 'arties agree! to $eet after 1a(ing )een 'ro!!e! )< t1e C1air$an of t1e Co$$ission to sett&e t1e 4ase instea! of going t1ro%g1 t1e tri)%&ations an! e/'enses of a 'rotra4te! &itigation. No a!(erse inferen4e 7re&ate! to t1e $erits of t1eir res'e4ti(e 4ontention in t1is 4ase8 4an )e as4ri)e! as to 21oe(er 4a&&e! t1e 4onferen4e. After a&&, 'arties are e(en %rge! to sett&e 4ases a$i4a)&<. 0esi!es, as 4orre4t&< !e4&are! )< t1e Se4on! Assistant Cit< Prose4%tor in 1er reso&%tion: T1e a&&egation t1at it 2as 4o$'&ainant 21o in(ite! res'on!ent to t1e $eeting $a< not )e a !e&i)erate &ie. Res'on!ent $a< not 1a(e Bno2n 21o arrange! t1e $eeting, )%t as 1e 2as a)&e to ta&B to 4o$'&ainant, 1e 'res%$e! t1at it 2as 4o$'&ainant 21o e/ten!e! t1e in(itation. Moreo(er, t1e i!entit< of t1e one 21o initiate! t1e $eeting is not $ateria& 4onsi!ering t1at t1ere 2as a $eeting of t1e $in!s of t1e Parties. 5C,6 T1e Co%rt a&so agrees 2it1 t1e 4ontention of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent t1at t1e 4o'< of t1e first agree$ent trans$itte! to 1i$ 2as a fa/ 4o'< of t1e !raft, an! t1at, 4ontrar< to t1e a&&egations of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent, s%41 agree$ent 2as 're'are! )<

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0orgonia an! not )< t1e 'etitioner. As g&eane! fro$ 'age t2o of t1e agree$ent, t1e 'arti4%&ars of t1e resi!en4e 4ertifi4ates of t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2ere not t<'e2ritten, 1en4e, 4annot as <et )e notariAe!. As 4&ai$e! )< t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent, a 4o'< 2as trans$itte! to 1i$ for 1is 'ersona& re(ie2, an! if 1e fo%n! it to )e in or!er, t1e 'etitioner an! 0orgonia 2o%&! 're'are an! sign t1e agree$ent an! gi(e it )a4B to 1i$ for re(ie2 an! signat%re, 2it1 t1e 'arti4%&ars of 1is 4o$$%nit< ta/ 4ertifi4ate in!i4ate! in t1e fina& 4o'<. Un!enia)&<, t1e i!entit< of t1e 'erson 21o 're'are! or 4a%se! to 're'are t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent s%)seE%ent&< signe! )< t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2as of 'ri$e i$'ortan4e because only such person should be charged for perjury. T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent erroneo%s&< state! in 1is Affi!a(it of Merit an! Urgent Motion t1at it 2as t1e 'etitioner 21o 're'are! t1e agree$ent t1at 2as signe! )< t1e 'arties. It t%rne! o%t t1at it 2as 0orgonia 21o 're'are! t1e first an! t1e se4on! 4o'ies. "o2e(er, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 4annot )e 1e&! &ia)&e for 'er?%r< sin4e it 2as 0orgonia 21o 're'are! t1e agree$ent an! not t1e 'etitioner. T1e Co%rt agrees 2it1 t1e fo&&o2ing 4ontention of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent in 1is 4o%nter-affi!a(it: C.: K1i&e 4o$'&ainant 4&ai$s t1at it 2as not 1e )%t Mr. 0orgonia 21o $a!e t1e insertions, t1ere is no !o%)t t1at, in!ee!, t1e insertions 2ere $a!e into t1e !o4%$ent. Sin4e 4o$'&ainant is t1e signator< to t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent, it is )%t nat%ra& for one to 'res%$e t1at 1e 1a! $a!e t1e insertions. At t1e sa$e ti$e, I 4an not )e e/'e4te! to Bno2 t1at it 2as Mr. 0orgonia, as 4&ai$e! )< 4o$'&ainant, 21o $a!e s%41 insertions. 5CD6 In!ee!, 0orgonia 2as $ere&< t1e Manager of t1e Manage$ent Infor$ation ro%' of RCP, 21ereas t1e 'etitioner 2as no &ess t1an its Senior >i4e Presi!ent an! Assistant enera& Manager, 0orgoniaGs s%'erior. Un&ess an! %nti& a''ro(e! )< t1e 'etitioner, an< agree$ent 're'are! )< 0orgonia 2as $ere&< a 'ie4e of 'a'er, )arren of an< &ega& effe4t. In t1is 4ase, t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 're'are! )< 0orgonia 1a! t1e 'etitionerGs imprimatur. 0orgonia 2as $ere&< a 2itness to t1e agree$ent. @or a&& &ega& intents an! '%r'oses, t1e 'etitioner 1a! t1e 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent 're'are! %n!er 1is s%'er(ision an! 4ontro&. It 4annot t1%s )e 4on4&%!e! t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent $a!e a !e&i)erate fa&se1oo! 21en 1e a&&ege! t1at t1e agree$ent 2as 're'are! )< t1e 'etitioner. T1e Co%rt is not 'ers%a!e! )< t1e 'etitionerGs 4&ai$ t1at, !%ring t1e 4onferen4e, 1e an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent agree! t1at, )ase! on t1e 0IS re'ort, t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e i$'orte! refra4tor< )ri4Bs 'er $etri4 ton 2as 3M *,,--, an! t1at s%41 re'ort 2o%&! )e %se! as )asis for t1e re(ision of t1e 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re of "TC. It )ears stressing t1at, !%ring t1e 4onferen4e, t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 1a! agree! on t1ree as'e4ts of t1e 4ase: 7*8 )ase! on t1e prima facie fin!ings of t1e 0IS, t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e goo!s 'er $eter ton 2as 3M *,,-- an! t1at t1e a4t%a& e/'ort 'ri4e of "TC 2as )e&o2 t1e fair $arBet (a&%eL 7,8 to ter$inate t1e 4ase, "TC 2i&& 1a(e to a!?%st an! re(ise its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re for i$'orte! refra4tor< )ri4Bs to 4onfor$ to R.A. No. 9+CD an! r%&es an! reg%&ations i$'&e$enting t1e &a2L an! 7D8 if "TC fai&s or ref%ses to 4o$'&< 2it1 its %n!ertaBing, RCP 2i&& )e entit&e! to a 2rit of e/e4%tion 2it1o%t nee! of !e$an!. "o2e(er, t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 4o%&! not 1a(e agree! on s%41 )ase 'ri4eL t1e 'etitioner insiste! on t1e a$o%nt re4o$$en!e! )< t1e 0IS 73M *,,--8 21i&e t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent insiste! on 3M ;.-. T1ere 2as an i$'asse. 0< 2a< of a 4o$'ro$ise, t1e 'arties agree! to !o a2a< 2it1 t1e 0IS re4o$$en!e! )ase (a&%e an! agree! for "TC to )ase t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e i$'ortation 'er $etri4 ton %n!er R.A. No. 9+CD an! t1e r%&es iss%e! i$'&e$enting t1e &a2. T1is is g&eane! fro$ t1e affi!a(it of 0orgonia: *D. 3%ring t1e $eeting, Mr. (on S'rengeisen s%ggeste! t1at t1e (a&%e of 3M *,-.-Fton )e a''&ie! as t1e 'ri4e at 21i41 "a$)%rg Tra!ing 2o%&! se&& er$an-$a!e $agnesite-)ase! refra4tor< )ri4Bs in t1e P1i&i''ines. Mr. >i&&an%e(a !i! not agree to t1e s%ggeste! (a&%e, as 2e 4onsi!ere! it &o2. In t1e en!, )ot1 'arties !e4i!e! to )ase t1e !eter$ination of t1e 'ri4e on t1e 'ro(isions of Re'%)&i4 A4t No. 9+CD an! its i$'&e$enting r%&es an! reg%&ations. N 5CC6 0orgonia 're'are! t1e first 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent an! in4or'orate! t1erein t1e agree$ent of t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent arri(e! at !%ring t1e 4onferen4e, t1%s: *. @or t1e '%r'ose of )%<ing 'ea4e an! )< 2a< of 4on4ession in or!er to en! &itigation, t1e SECON3 PARTY %n!ertaBes an! 4o$$its to refor$ its 'ri4ing 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re 2it1 res'e4t to refra4tor< 'ro!%4ts )eing i$'orte! interest so&! in t1e P1i&i''ines in a44or!an4e 2it1 t1e 'ro(isions of Re'%)&i4 A4t 9+CD an! its i$'&e$enting r%&es an! reg%&ations.5C.6

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If, as 4&ai$e! )< t1e 'etitioner in 1is Affi!a(it-Co$'&aint, 1e an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 1a! agree! t1at "TC 2i&& %se as )asis for its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%ra& re(ision, t1e 0IS re'ort, for s%re, 0orgonia 2o%&! 1a(e in4or'orate! t1e sai! agree$ent in t1e first 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent. "e !i! not, an! 0orgonia 1as not offere! an< e/'&anation for s%41 fai&%re. T1e 'etitioner signe! t1e !raft of t1e agree$ent 2it1o%t an< '&aint or re(ision. It 2as on&< in t1e se4on! 4o$'ro$ise agree$ent t1at 2as &ater signe! )< t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent t1at 0orgonia in4or'orate! t1e '1rase H)ase! on t1e fin!ings of t1e 0IS.I 0orgonia an! t1e 'etitioner $a!e t1e insertion on t1eir o2n, 2it1o%t t1e a priori 4onsent of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent. T1e Co%rt is not 4on(in4e! )< t1e 'etitionerGs 4ontention 7an! t1at of 0orgonia in 1is Affi!a(it8 t1at t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 1a! agree! to &ea(e t1e fina& !eter$ination of t1e )ase (a&%e or 'ri4e of i$'ortation 'er $etri4 ton to a t1ir! 'art< 70IS8. T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 4o%&! not 1a(e agree! to t1e %se of t1e 0IS re'ort )e4a%se, as $entione!, 1e 1a! stren%o%s&< o)?e4te! to its %se as )asis for t1e re(ision of its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re. @or "TC to a!$it t1at t1e 0IS fin!ing of 3M *,,-- 'er $etri4 ton 2as t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e refra4tor< )ri4Bs fro$ er$an< for t1e '%r'ose of reso&(ing t1e anti!%$'ing 4ase is one t1ingL )%t for "TC to agree to )e )o%n! )< t1e 0IS re4o$$en!ation for t1e '%r'ose of re(ising its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re is 4o$'&ete&< a !ifferent $atter. Kit1 t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!entGs a!$ission of t1e prima facie fin!ings of t1e 0IS, t1e Co$$ission 4an 're'are its re4o$$en!ation to t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee on t1e 'rotest of t1e RCP to t1e "TC i$'ortation s%)?e4t of t1e 4ase. T1ereafter: 3. T1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee s1a&&, 2it1in fifteen 7*.8 !a<s after re4ei't of t1e re'ort of t1e Co$$ission, !e4i!e 21et1er t1e arti4&e in E%estion is )eing i$'orte! in (io&ation of t1is se4tion an! s1a&& gi(e !%e noti4e of s%41 !e4ision. In 4ase t1e !e4ision of !%$'ing is in t1e affir$ati(e, t1e s'e4ia& 4o$$ittee s1a&& !ire4t t1e Co$$issioner of C%sto$s to 4a%se t1e !%$'ing !%t<, to )e &e(ie!, 4o&&e4te! an! 'ai!, as 'res4ri)e! in t1is se4tion, in a!!ition to an< ot1er !%ties, ta/es an! 41arges i$'ose! )< &a2 on s%41 arti4&e, an! on t1e arti4&es of t1e sa$e s'e4ifi4 Bin! or 4&ass s%)seE%ent&< i$'orte! %n!er si$i&ar 4ir4%$stan4es 4o$ing fro$ t1e s'e4ifi4 4o%ntr<. In t1e e(ent t1at t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee fai&s to !e4i!e 2it1in t1e 'erio! 'res4ri)e! 1erein, t1e re4o$$en!ation of t1e Co$$ission s1a&& )e !ee$e! a''ro(e! an! s1a&& )e fina& an! e/e4%tor<. 5C:6 On t1e $atter of t1e re(ision or a!?%st$ent of t1e 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re of "TC, t1e 'arties 1a! agree! to a44o$'&is1 t1e sa$e in !%e ti$e. It goes 2it1o%t sa<ing t1at t1e RCP retaine! t1e rig1t to o)?e4t to or 'rotest to t1e 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re re(ision of "TC. T1e agree$ent of t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent not to )e )o%n! )< t1e )ase (a&%e in t1e 0IS re'ort for t1e re(ision of its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re is not %ne/'e4te! )e4a%se: 7*8 t1e fin!ings of t1e 0IS are on&< prima facie, $eaning to sa<, not 4on4&%si(e, an! "TC 2as a44or!e! a 41an4e to )ase its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re on e(i!en4e an! infor$ations ot1er t1an t1ose 4ontaine! in t1e 0IS re'ortL 7,8 t1e nor$a& (a&%e of t1e i$'orte! refra4tor< )ri4Bs $a< f&%4t%ate fro$ ti$e to ti$e, 1en4e, t1e nee! for an< i$'orter to re(ise its 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re fro$ ti$e to ti$eL an! 7D8 t1e )ase (a&%e to )e %se! )< "TC in re(ising its 'ri4e 'o&i4< 2o%&! )e s4r%tiniAe! an! reso&(e! initia&&< )< t1e Co$$ission, )< t1e S'e4ia& Co$$ittee an! )< t1e Co%rt of Ta/ A''ea&s on a''ea&. T1e 'ro4ess agree! %'on )< t1e 'etitioner an! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2as not on&< 'ra4ti4a& an! fair, )%t in a44or! 2it1 &a2 as 2e&&. In fine, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !i! not 4o$$it an< fa&se1oo! in t1e Urgent Motion an! 1is Affi!a(it of Merit 21en 1e !e4&are! t1at 1e an! t1e 'etitioner '%t )e1in! t1e$ t1e 0IS re'ort, an! agree! to %se R.A. No. 9+CD an! t1e r%&es an! reg%&ations i$'&e$enting t1e sa$e to !eter$ine t1e )ase 'ri4e for t1e re(ision of t1e 'ri4e 'o&i4< an! str%4t%re of "TC. A!$itte!&<, t1e res'on!ent !i! not o)?e4t to t1e offen!ing '1rase )efore an! after signing t1e agree$ent an! for a 4onsi!era)&e stret41 'erio! %nti& "TC fi&e! its $otion. "o2e(er, 2e !o not agree 2it1 t1e 4ontention of t1e 'etitioner t1at s%41 fai&%re of t1e res'on!ent to o)?e4t to t1e offen!ing '1rase for s%41 'erio! of ti$e a$o%nte! to an a!$ission t1at, in!ee!, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent 2as a2are of t1e offen!ing '1rase in t1e Agree$ent, an! to 1is agree$ent t1eretoL an! esto''e! t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent fro$ a&&eging t1at 1e 2as !e4ei(e! )< t1e 'etitioner into signing t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent. In 1is a''ea& to t1e 3OJ, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !e4&are! t1at:

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D.; Tr%e, res'on!ent-a''e&&ant $a< 1a(e )een re$iss an! &a4Bing in 4ir4%$s'e4t in fai&ing to re(ie2 t1e 1ar! 4o'< Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent an! noti4e t1e insertion. 0eing in t1e tra!ing )%siness, res'on!enta''e&&ant 'ersona&&< 1an!&es 1%n!re!s of !o4%$ents !ai&< an! is on t1e te&e'1one for $ost of t1e !a< 4o$$%ni4ating 2it1 s%''&iers an! 4%sto$ers. An! 1e 1a! no reason to )e&ie(e t1at eit1er 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee or Mr. 0orgonia 2o%&! $aBe s%41 an insertion, es'e4ia&&< after res'on!ent-a''e&&ant 1a! a44e'te! t1e fa/ Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent 2or!ing an! 4on(e<e! s%41 a44e'tan4e to 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&eeGs offi4e. Res'on!enta''e&&ant a&so 1a! to reason to e(en t1inB t1at s%41 a s%rre'titio%s insertion 2o%&! )e $a!eL after a&&, 1e 1a! a (er< 2ar$ an! frien!&< $eeting 2it1 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee an! Mr. 0orgonia an! 4a$e o%t of it 2it1 a fee&ing t1at 1e 4o%&! tr%st 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee 7'. C, Anne/ HCI8. D.*- "en4e, 21en res'on!ent-a''e&&ant a&&eges t1at 1e 2as in!%4e! to sign t1e 1ar! 4o'< Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent t1ro%g1 fra%! an! !e4eit, res'on!ent-a''e&&ant 1onest&< )e&ie(es t1at 1e 2as $is&e! into signing it. "e 2as $is&e! )< t1e fa4t t1at 1e 1a! )een sent t1e fa/ Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent )< 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee, t1at 1e 1a! 4on(e<e! its a44e'ta)i&it< to 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee an! no2 reE%este! for t1e 1ar! 4o'< for e/e4%tion, t1at 1e 1a! )een &e! to tr%st t1at t1e fin!ings an! re4o$$en!ation of t1e 0IS 2ere )eing '%t )e1in! t1e$ an! t1at 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee 1a! agree! to s%41 a 4o$'ro$ise. T1e trans$itta& of t1e 1ar! 4o'< Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent, 2it1o%t an< noti4e or $ention )< 4o$'&ainant-a''e&&ee or 4o$'&ainanta''e&&eeGs offi4e t1at it 4ontaine! insertions or 2or!ing !ifferent fro$ t1e fa/ Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent, an! on res'on!ent-a''e&&antGs %n!erstan!ing t1at t1e 2or!ing of t1e 1ar! 4o'< Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent 2o%&! )e e/a4t&< t1e sa$e as t1e fa/ Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent, 4onstit%tes t1e fra%! or !e4eit a&&ege!&< )< res'on!enta''e&&ant.5C96 In 1is re?oin!er-affi!a(it, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent e/'&aine! t1at: ,. Again, 4ontrar< to t1e a&&egations in t1e Re'&<-Affi!a(its, I 2as %na)&e to re(ie2 t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent !e&i(ere! )< Mr. %tierreA on ,, A'ri& *;;9 as I 2as )%s< 2it1 n%$ero%s 4a&&s an! )%siness at t1e ti$e it 2as !e&i(ere!. A&so, I 1a! )een &e! to )e&ie(e in o%r $eetings 2it1 Mr. >i&&an%e(a an! Mr. 0orgonia t1at I 4o%&! tr%st t1e$. So, after 1a(ing seen t1e fa/ Co$'ro$ise Agree$ent an! )eing a$ena)&e to it, I tr%ste! t1at t1e< 2o%&! sen! a gen%ine 1ar! 4o'<. As it t%rne! o%t, I 2as $istaBen.5C+6

Moreo(er, e(en )efore fi&ing t1e Urgent Motion an! signing t1e Affi!a(it of Merit, t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent trie! for se(era& ti$es to 4onta4t t1e 'etitioner, )%t t1e &atter fai&e! to ret%rn 1is 4a&&s. T1is reinfor4e! t1e s%s'i4ion of t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent t1at t1e insertion of t1e offen!ing '1rase 2as not, after a&&, ina!(ertent )%t !e&i)erate, 4a&4%&ate! to !e4ei(e 1i$ to t1e 're?%!i4e of "TC. T1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent $a< )e )&a$e! for '%tting too $%41 tr%st an! 4onfi!en4e on t1e 'etitioner, )%t 1e 4ertain&< 4annot )e in!i4te! for 'er?%r< for &a4B of 'ro)a)&e 4a%se. T1e 'etitioner fai&e! to a''en! to 1is 'etition re4or!s of t1e Co$$ission t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent a''eare! for "TC, on Ma< ;, *;;9, )efore t1e Co$$ission for t1e 1earing on t1e Co$'ro$ise Agree$entL an! s1o2ing t1at t1e 'ri(ate res'on!ent !i! not o)?e4t t1ereto. IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, t1e 'etition is DENIED for &a4B of $erit. T1e assai&e! 3e4ision of t1e Co%rt of A''ea&s in CA- .R. SP No. 9:;;; is AFFIR-ED. Costs against t1e 'etitioner. SO ORDERED.

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