Basic Piping Training: A. Piping Skill Development
Basic Piping Training: A. Piping Skill Development
Basic Piping Training: A. Piping Skill Development
This Training will familiarize you with all aspects of piping systems including:
"Plug "'nion ".lange "Blind flange "/asket "Bolt ) nuts *. 6A!6-S "/ate valve "/lo%e valve "Ball valve "*heck valve "5ther types of valves
B. Piping Basic Design Data and Standards . "amiliari#ation $it% t%e piping co!es an! stan!ar!s
",nternational *odes and Standards "4efinery *odes and Standards
"Sampling *onnection "Steam Trap "!*+!/ Arrangement "P/ Arrangement "Drain and 6ent >.> /eneral $otes >.2 .ree draining9 Sloped line9 $o pockets and /ravity flow 2. Preparation and 'ses of !ine ,nde= "Preparation Procedure ".ull !ine $um%er "-ntry of !ine Data "'ses of !ine ,nde=
&. Piping Material Take * +'' ,Bill o' MaterialD. Piping .le=i%ility
. Stress Analysis
"Specification for .le=i%ility Analysis "Preparation of Sketches for *alculation "*omputer ,nput "-valuation of 4esult
-. *omputer Training
. &DD ",sometric Drawing Preparation "Plan Drawing Preparation &. 5thers
2. Design )n'ormation
&. !oading *alculation for *oncentrated !oad9 'niform !oad and 'nit !oad. &.& ,nformation for *ivil "Pipe Sleeper "Ta%le Top "Pump .oundation Data "Pipe Support "Pipe Trench "Drip .unnel "Penetration <ole at Dike and 4oad *rossing "-m%edded Plate in *oncrete. &.> ,nformation for Structural
"Pipe rack "Structure "Pipe Support "Access Platform "#alkway "Pipe Bridge &.2 -?uipment ,nformation "Platform !ug and !adder ",nstallation !evel "!* and !/ Arrangement
P,P,$/ T4A,$,$/ Piping ,ntroduction 5verview of Pipe Design and Drafting P,P- .,TT,$/S -l%ows *oupling 4educer Tee 5let *ap .!A$/-S .lange types .lange ratings .lange facings Bolts /askets 6A!6-S #hat is valve *ommon valve types 6alve operations SP-*,A!+(,S*-!!$-5'S *5(P5$-$TS Spectacle %lind Strainer 78" type9 T" type9 and Bucket type: Steam trap Sight glass -;ector .lame arrester Silencer
<ose connector -mergency shower (-*<A$,*A! -C',P(-$TS Types of e?uipments -?uipment terminology $ozzle orientations
*5D-S ) STA$DA4DS .amiliarization with the piping codes and standards ,nternational *odes and Standards 4efinery *odes and Standards P,P,$/ ,S5(-T4,*S #hat is isometrics Piping isometrics e=traction Bom 7%ill of material: (aterial specifications for pipes ) piping components. P,P- 4A*D P,P- S'PP54TS /uide support Trunnion Anchor <angers+ Spring support Shoe Support ) etc. P45E-*T #54D Study of P ) id 9 vendor Drawing9 data sheet Pipe Design Thum% 4ules Preparation of piping /ADFS >D /eneration. Piping Software 4esume Preparation /uide lines for interview ?uestions Personality development