Report of English Activity Club 2010
Report of English Activity Club 2010
Report of English Activity Club 2010
The English Club Of SK TUD Sub!ng h!" !n !#ti$e !n" su##essful %e!r & The tot!l nu'ber of 'e'bers (!s )0 !n" the% (ere fro' *e!r +our to Si,&The 'eetings (ere hel" (ee-l% in the s#hool h!ll e$er% .e"nes"!% fro' /&00 0 1&00 p'& The fee (!s R 2&00 per 'onth& Te!#hers in2#h!rge !re 3u!n Nor!4lin 5!siron6 3u!n Su4!n!6 3u!n unir!h !n" 3u!n Suh!n!& The% !re !ll English L!ngu!ge te!#hers& Committee members Ch!ir'!n Se#ret!r% Tre!surer : .!n Ah'!" S%!h'i 7 *e!r 1 U 8 : Nor 9!slin! : Ah'!" :l'!n
There !re t(o !i's of this English Club& +irst is to '!-e use of the English L!ngu!ge !roun" the s#hool #o'poun"& 3upils '!-e use of the l!ngu!ge (hen inter!#ting to e!#h other& Se#on"l%6 te!#hing the' to use English L!ngu!ge unli'ite"l%& The use of this l!ngu!ge #onsists of the ; s-ills su#h !s re!"ing6 (riting !n" spe!-ing& :t is hope th!t th!t use of the l!ngu!ge (ill be i'ple'ente" "uring their "!il% !#ti$ities !n" use #onsistentl%& Therefore6 English Club of SK TUD Sub!ng pl!nne" $!rieties of !#ti$ities to enh!n#e pupils< interests !n" e,pose the' to English (orl"& These !#ti$ities !lso to open their e%es to sho( the i'port!n#e of English L!ngu!ge no(!"!%s& .hen the% en=o% to p!rti#ip!te in the !#ti$it%6 the% (ill gro( lo$e !n" interest upon English L!ngu!ge& These !#ti$ities hel" !lso #!n '!-e the' thin- th!t le!rning English is fun&
Objectives There !re ! nu'ber of ob=e#ti$es of the progr!''es& The !#ti$ities !re b!se" on the !#ti$ities pl!nne" b% the te!#hers in #h!rge"& The !#ti$ities th!t h!$e been #!rrie" out (ere: 1& Chor!l Spe!-ing The ob=e#ti$es of this !#ti$it% !re to enh!n#e pupils< interests upon English L!ngu!ge !n" e,pose the' to $!rieties (!%s of using this l!ngu!ge& :t !lso #!n #re!te #ooper!tion !'ong the'& The t!rgets (ere *e!r / !n" ) pupils&
2& .riting Ess!% Co'petition The ob=e#ti$es !re to e,p!n" pupils< i"e!s !n" #re!te pupils< #re!ti$ities& :t !lso to enh!n#e pupils< The t!rgets (ere *e!r /6 ) !n" 1 pupils&
The ob=e#ti$es !re to i'pro$e #onfi"en#e in front of the !u"ien#e !n" en=o% English L!ngu!ge& Also to #re!te lo$e upon English l!ngu!ge !n" -no( th!t it is fun !n" e!s% to le!rn !n" !ppl% it&
/& Stor% Telling Co'petition The ob=e#ti$es !re to g!in pupils< #onfi"en#e6 !$oi" sh%ness !n" e,pose the' to e,press i"e!s in English& Also to '!-e the' use it fluentl%6 (ith #orre#t pronun#i!tion !n" inton!tion& T!rget (ere *e!r /6 ) !n" 1 pupils&
Duration of Programme The English Club (!s #!rrie" out fro' > !r#h to21 August 2010& The !#ti$ities (ere #!rrie"
out on .e"nes"!%s6 fro' / p&'& to 1 p&'& &T he te!#hers (ere "i$i"e" to groups !n" the% (ere responsible to h!n"le !n" '!-e sure !ll the progr!''es run su##essfull%& E!#h %e!r (ere "i$i"e" to #ert!in #l!sses be#!use the nu'ber of pupils #oul" not !ffor" in ! #l!ssroo'& .hen the% in$ol$e" into the !#ti$ities th!t the% (ere p!rti#ip!te"6 the% (ill 'o$e" to the t!rgete" $enue to pr!#ti#e& The t!ble belo( sho(s the progress of the !#ti$ities&
1 2 ; /
ACT:?:T:ES Singing #o'petition .riting Ess!% Chor!l Spe!-ing Stor% Telling Co'petition
Report on implementation of programme Singing Co'petition The singing #o'petition (!s the first !#ti$it% #!rrie" out& The te!#her 0in2#h!rge (!s 3u!n Nor!4lin 5!siron& The !#ti$it% st!rte" !s s#he"ule" !n" pupils (ere "i$i"e" to ) groups& E!#h group (!s #o'prise" of 10 pupils& The songs (ere gi$en b% the te!#hers !n" pupils (ere reBuire" to #hoose one song fro' the'& E!#h group h!" to perfor' 10 'inutes !n" the% (ere !llo(e" to use gestures !n" !ttr!#ti$e #ostu'es& T(o =u"ges (ere in$ite" to e$!lu!te the perfor'!n#es& The% (ere English !n" usi# te!#hers&
Three best perfor'ers h!$e been sele#te" !n" the% (ere fro' *e!r Si, pupils 6 n!'e" the group !s .on"er Curl4& The% s!ng ! song title" D: .ish : Coul" +l%E& Se#on" (inner (!s T(in-le Croup& The% presente" DCro( perfor'e" ! song D % e Cro(E !n" 9!pp% Croup (on the thir" pl!#e !n" the% on"!%& The% otherE& 3ri4es (ere gi$en !(!% "uring the !sse'bl% on
.riting ess!% (!s #!rrie" out on 2@ April 2010& There (ere 20 p!rti#ip!nts in$ol$e" in the !#ti$it%& The% (ere fro' *e!r si, !n" fi$e pupils& The te!#her in2#h!rge (!s 3u!n unir!h 9ussin& :t (!s !free (riting #o'petition& The p!rti#ip!nts use" $!rities of (riting te#hniBues to be!utif% their l!ngu!ge& The% use" i"io's !n" so forth& The (inners (ere Nur S%!hir!h +ro' *e!r Si, U & The title (!s D % +uture LifeE& Se#on" pl!#e (ent to +!ri" % 3re#ious o'ent .ith isr!n6fro' *e!r Si, U3 & 9e (rote !n ess!% title" D % Cr!n"p!E !n" the thir" % Dre!'E& The =u"ges
pl!#e (ent to *e!r +i$e U 6 Nor N!t!s%! Fistin!6 9er ess!% (!s D
(ere the English *e!r Si, te!#hers& Their ess!%s (ere "ispl!%e" !t the English 5ulletin 5o!r" !n" the% then presente" their ess!% b% re!"ing the' out "uring the !sse'bl%& 3ri4es (ere gi$en !(!% b% our he!"'istress&
Chor!l Spe!-ing Chor!l spe!-ing #o'petition (!s the one (hi#h it (!s sele#te" to represent the s#hool& The te!#hers in2 #h!rge (ere "i$i"e" to three groups !n" the% (ere responsible to #o'e out (ith !n !ttr!#ti$e !n" 'e!ningful #hor!l spe!-ing group& The% (ere gi$en ! 'onth& E!#h group pr!#ti#e" "uring their free ti'e !n" !lso "uring English Club !#ti$it%& Other !#ti$ities (ere #!rrie" out !s pl!nne"& On the ;0th of Aune 20106 !ll the three groups presente" their pro"u#ts& The =u"ges (ere the 9e!"'istress 6 he!" of English Club !n" he!" of English 3!niti!&& The p!rti#ip!nts (ere !llo(e" to use gestures !n" the% "i" (ell in the #o'petition& One group (!s sele#te" to represent the s#hool !n" it (!s St!r4 Croup& :t (!s ! te!' of Le$el 2 pupils& The title (!s D A"$ise L!"%E& The se#on" (inner (!s .-!re Croup& The title (!s D Creen 6Creen6 CreenE !n" the thir" (inner (ent to 5e!ut% Croup& The title (!s D UsefulE&
Stor% Telling Co'petition The te!#her in2#h!rge in stor% telling #o'petition (!s 3u!n Suh!n! !'!t& :t (!s hel" on 21
August 2010& The p!rti#ip!nts (ere to tell ! stor% b!se" on the the'es set b% the org!ni4ers& The the'es (ere #our!ge !n" benefi#i!l& There (ere 20 p!rti#ip!nts !n" the% (ere gi$en 1 to 1)
'inutes to present& :t too- 2 (ee-s to finish the #o'petition& The $enue (!s !t the s#hool h!ll !n" !ll the pupils fro' other #lubs (ere in$ite" to (!t#h !n" gi$e supports& +ro' the #o'petition6 t!lente" pupils (ere sele#te" !n" (ill represent the s#hool for ne,t inter s#hool #o'petition th!t (ill be hel" ne,t %e!r& The =u"ges (ere the te!#hers fro' Kel!b Re-!#ipt! !n" Kel!b T!ri!n& The (inners (ere sele#te" b!se" on their pronun#i!tion6 inton!t!ion 6 fluen#% !n" gestures& The #h!'pion for this #o'petition (!s oh" D!nish fro' *e!r Si, U & !is!r!h fro' *e!r oh" *usuf +ro' 9e tol" ! stor% !bout D Three Cree"% Cro(sE& The se#on" (inner (!s +!tin fi$e U3 & The stor% th!t she presente" (!s D TheTt!les fro' A!p!nE !n"
*e!r fi$e U3 6 (on the thir" pl!#e& The stor% (!s D 9o( The T!pir Cot :ts ColourE& :t (!s !n e,#iting !n" he!lth% #o'petition !n" the pri4es (ere gi$en !(!% "uring the s#hool !sse'bl%& The pupils (ho (on the #o'petition6 presente" their stor% "uring the !sse'bl%& E!#h (inner too- ! (ee- !n" !ll the !u"ien#es (ere h!pp% !n" en=o%e"&
All the !#ti$ities (ere #!rrie" out su##essfull%& E$er% te!#her g!$e full support !n" #o''it'ent& :t (!s ! su##ess& 9o(e$er6 there (ere strengths !n" (e!-nesses in the !#ti$ities& The strengths (ere !ll the te!#hers g!$e support !n" #o''it'ent to(!r"s the !#ti$ities& The te!#hers #ontribute their ti'e !n" energies to '!-e sure the !#ti$ities (ent s'oothl%& The s#hool !lso g!$e so'e h!n"s b% h!n"ling the eBuip'ents su#h !s 3&A s%ste' !n" !lso pri4es& S#hool !"'inistr!tors !lso g!$e support (hen the% !llo(e" the !#ti$ities to #!rr% out "uring the !sse'bl% perio"s& The% !lso spent ti'e to #o'e !n" =oin to (!t#h the #o'petition& The (e!-nesses th!t (ere foun" out (ere !bout the Bu!lit% of the 3&A s%ste' !n" the sponsorships& Recommendations& .e hope the s#hool (ill i'pro$e to better Bu!lit% espe#i!ll% "uring the s#hool !#ti$ities (here there (!s pupils< p!rti#ip!tion&
The se#on" thing th!t !ppe!rs (!s the sponsorship fro' the 3:5C& .e hope to re#ei$e the support fro' the 3:5C in !n% s#hool !#ti$it%& This is to enh!n#e pupils< interests to(!r"s the !#ti$ities& The !ttr!#tion of the pri4es gi$en (ill '!-e the pupils e!ger to =oin the !#ti$ities& :n other h!n"s6 it (ill '!-e the' lo$e English l!ngu!ge !n" intereste" to #ontribute in English !#ti$it%&
:t is hope" th!t !ll the !#ti$ities #!rrie" out b% English Club 2010 (ill benefit the pupils espe#i!ll% the 'e'bers of it& The English #lub #o''ittees !n" 'e'bers hope for better i'pro$e'ent for ne,t %e!r !n" '!-e use of !ll the efforts 'e!ningfull%&