07-Antennas and Wireless Prop and Measurements

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Department of Applied Informatics & Multimedia TEI-Crete

Course title & identity

Title: Advanced Topics in Antennas and Wireless

Propagation and Measurements

Objectives: Electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and propagation Antenna structure and design Theory and practice of wireless telecommunication systems Measurement methods on wireless telecommunication systems Focus: Networks & telecommunications Members of staff: Dimitrios Stratakis ([email protected])

Three (3) hours lectures: YES Laboratory classes: YES as needed Two days per week free lab access Project work: YES 100%
1st Project 2nd Project 3rd Project 30% 30% 40%

Med-term assessment: NO Final assessment: NO

Specific details (1/4)

Lecturing strategy
Lecture notes supported by transparencies using PowerPoint, Book chapters and selected research papers, Manuals, Dedicated websites

Projects First project (30%):

Individual or group (2-3 students) projects, announced in 1st week, deadline 5th week. Classroom presentation and discussion.

One of two project types: Type 1: Using Matlab to study/model/solve electromagnetic wave propagation problems
Tools/technologies: Matlab Type of learning materials: Book chapters and selected research papers

Specific details (2/4)

Type 2: Using NEC Software to design/study/simulate antenna systems Tools/technologies: NEC Software Type of learning materials: Book chapters, NEC manual

Second project (30%):

Individual or group (2-3 students) projects, announced in 5th week, deadline 9th week. Classroom presentation and discussion.

One of three project types:

Type 1: Using ATDI software to study/simulate 2nd generation cellular

systems Type 2: Using ATDI software to study/simulate 3nd generation cellular systems Type 3: Using ATDI software to study/simulate microwave links
Tools/technologies: ATDI Software Type of learning materials: Book chapters, ATDI software manual

Specific details (3/4)

Third project (40%):
Individual or group (2-3 students) projects, announced in 9th week, deadline the final week. Classroom presentation and discussion.

Project area: Spectrum analyzer programming/measurements on modern telecommunication systems

Tools/technologies: Instrumentation and Software tools of Non Ionizing Radiation laboratory Type of learning materials: Lecture slides, book chapters, selected research papers, Spectrum analyzer operating and programming manuals, dedicated websites

Specific details (4/4)

Expected outcomes
On completion of this course students should: be familiar with electromagnetic engineering principles, be familiar with the fundamental principles/design of antenna systems, be familiar with 2G/3G cellular and microwave networks principles and design, be familiar with the limitations and the use of spectrum analyzers and be able to perform relevant measurements in modern telecommunication systems

R&D project opportunities / relevance

Non Ionizing Radiation Laboratory research and relevant projects

Applicant profile
Knowledge of MATLAB programming language, Background on Electromagnetism and Telecommunication systems

Interest in study, design and taking appropriate measurements in wireless

Telecommunication systems

Expected weekly workload

10-12 hours (average workload including class attendance)

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