Reliance - Ada Group Structure

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Think Bigger Think Better The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group is among Indias top three private sector business houses on all major financial parameters !ith a market capitalisation of Rs"#$$ $$$ crore %&'( )) billion* net assets in e+cess of Rs",# -$$ crore %&'( . billion* and net !orth to the tune of Rs"). -$$ crore %&'( / billion*" Across different companies the group has a customer base of over -$ million the largest in India and a shareholder base of over 0 million among the largest in the !orld" Through its products and services the Reliance 1 ADA Group touches the life of # in #$ Indians ever2 single da2" It has a business presence that e+tends to over 3 -$$ to!ns and ,$$ $$$ villages in India and continents across the !orld" The interests of the Group range from communications %Reliance 4ommunications* and financial services %Reliance 4apital 5td* to generation transmission and distribution of po!er %Reliance 6nerg2* infrastructure and entertainment"




Reliance 4apital is one of Indias leading and fastest gro!ing private sector financial services companies and ranks among the top , private sector financial services and banking companies in terms of net !orth" The compan2 has interests in asset management and mutual funds life and general insurance private e7uit2 and proprietar2 investments stock broking and other activities in financial services"


The flagship compan2 of the Reliance ADA Group Reliance 4ommunications 5imited is the realisation of our founders dream of bringing about a digital revolution that !ill provide ever2 Indian !ith affordable means of communication and a read2 access to information" The compan2 began operations in #888 and has over )$ million subscribers toda2" It offers a complete range of integrated telecom services" These include mobile and fi+ed line telephon29 broadband national and international long distance services data services and a !ide range of value added services and applications aimed at enhancing the productivit2 of enterprises and individuals"


Reliance 6nerg2 5imited incorporated in #8)8 is a full2 integrated utilit2 engaged in the generation transmission and distribution of electricit2" It ranks among Indias top listed private companies on all major financial parameters including assets sales profits and market capitali:ation" It is Indias foremost private sector utilit2 !ith aggregate estimated revenues of Rs 8 -$$ crore %&'( )"# billion* and total assets of Rs #$ .$$ crore %&'( )"3 billion*" Reliance 6nerg2 5imited distributes more than )# billion units of electricit2 to over )million consumers in ;umbai Delhi <rissa and Goa across an area that spans # )3 ,$$

s7" kms" It generates 83# ;= of electricit2 through its po!er stations located in ;aharashtra Andhra >radesh ?erala ?arnataka and Goa" The compan2 is currentl2 pursuing several gas coal !ind and h2dro1based po!er generation projects in ;aharashtra &ttar >radesh Arunachal >radesh and &ttaranchal !ith aggregate capacit2 of over #) -$$ ;=" These projects are at various stages of development" Reliance 6nerg2 5imited is vigorousl2 participating in emerging opportunities in the areas of trading and transmission of po!er" It is also engaged in a portfolio of services in the po!er sector in 6ngineering >rocurement and 4onstruction %6>4* through a net!ork of regional offices in India"

In a countr2 !here healthcare is fast becoming a booming industr2 Reliance @ealth is a focused healthcare services compan2 enabling the provision of solution to Indians at affordable prices" The compan2 aims at providing integrated health services that !ill compete !ith the best in the !orld" It also plans to venture into diversified fields like Insurance Administration @ealth care Deliver2 and Integrated @ealth @ealth Informatics and Information ;anagement and 4onsumer @ealth" Reliance @ealth aims at revolutionising healthcare in India b2 enabling a healthcare environment that is both affordable and accessible through partnerships !ith government and private businesses"


As part of the Reliance 1 ADA Group Reliance 6ntertainment is spearheading the Groups fora2 into the media and entertainment space" Reliance 6ntertainments core focus is to build significant presence for Reliance in the 6ntertainment eco1s2stemA across content and distribution platforms" The ke2 content initiative are across ;ovies ;usic 'ports Gaming Internet B mobile portals leading to direct opportunities in deliver2

across the emerging digital distribution platformsA digital cinema I>TC DT@ and ;obile TC" Reliance ADA Group ac7uired Adlabs Dilms 5imited in )$$- one of the largest entertainment companies in India !hich has interests in film processing production e+hibition B digital cinema" Reliance 6ntertainment has made an entr2 into the D; Radio business through Adlabs Radio
the coming months. Having won 45 stations in the recent bidding, BIG 92.7 FM is a read! India"s argest #rivate FM radio networ$ with %2 radio stations across the co&ntr! as on 2'th Febr&ar! 2((7, with man! more to be a&nched in

<ther major group companies E Reliance 4apital and Reliance 6nerg2 E are !idel2 ackno!ledged as the market leaders in their respective areas of operation"

Reliance Energy L !"

Reliance M# #al F#n!


Reliance C%$$#nica i%n&

Reliance General In&#rance

Reliance Anil D'ir#('ai A$(ani Gr%#)

Reliance Li*e In&#rance

Reliance P%r *%li% Manage$en Ser+ice

Pr%!#c & An! Ac i+i ie&

The products of R@R' includes providing complete @R solutions to the follo!ing Reliance GroupsA

Reliance C%$$#nica i%n,

Broad Band 4orporate =ireless Group Direct 'ales Team %@andsets prepaid and postpaid* Direct to @ome %DT@* =i1;a+ Reliance Global %Dor I'D 4alls*

Reliance Ca)i al Ser+ice& P+ " L !",

R4D Reliance 4onsumer Dinance R5I Reliance 5ife Insurance RGI Reliance General Insurance R";one2 Reliance ;one2 R;D Reliance ;utual Dunds

Reliance -e(.%rl! C#& %$er Care


Dor an2 business to run one needs four ;s namel2 ;an ;one2 ;achine and ;aterial" ;anaging other three resources other than men are eas2 to handle" ;en are ver2 difficult to handle because no t!o human beings are similar in all !a2" @uman beings can think feel and give response" @andling humans is more important for an2 business because human being have crucial potential that ma2 be ver2 profitable for the business" And these potential can be developed to an unlimited e+tent if the2 are provided !ith proper environment" 'o the function of managing men is as important as finance or marketing function in an2 business" HRM refers to practices and policies framed for the management of human resources in an organi:ation including Recruiting screening re!arding and appraising"F @uman resources have at least t!o meanings depending on conte+t" The original usage derives from political econom2 and economics !here it !as traditionall2 called labor one of three factors of production" The more common usage !ithin corporations and businesses refers to the individuals !ithin the firm and to the portion of the firmGs

organi:ation that deals !ith hiring firing training and other personnel issues" This article addresses both definitions" T'e %(/ec i+e %* H#$an Re&%#rce& i& % $a0i$i1e 'e re #rn %n in+e& $en *r%$ 'e %rgani1a i%n2& '#$an ca)i al" THE SCOPE OF HRM is indeed ver2 vast" All major activities in the !orking life of a !orker1from the time of his or her entr2 into the organi:ation until he or she leaves1 come under the purvie! of @R;" 'pecificall2 the activities include are @R >lanning Hob anal2sis and design Recruitment and selection <rientation and placement Training and development >erformance Appraisal and Hob evaluation 6mplo2ee and e+ecutive remuneration 6mplo2ee ;otivation 6mplo2ee =elfare

It is the responsibilit2 of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective legal fair and consistent manner" I@uman resource management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals !hile simultaneousl2 attempting to attain other societal and individual emplo2ee objectives"I 'ch!ind Das B =agar %)$$-*"




4<R><RAT6 @R



CORPORATE HR, Activities taken up b2 4orporate @R are >olic2 making Implementing suggestions 1 @6=ITT 4<J'&5TAJT 'trategic planning

ENTITY HR, Activities taken up b2 6ntit2 @R are 6+ecution of policies and practices Targets for recruitment of 4ircle @R

CIRCLE HR, Activities taken up b2 4ircle @R are Recruitment Appointment

Training >a2roll 6mplo2ees issues 6+it full B final

TALENT AC3UASITION 'ourcing activit2

TALENT DE4ELOPMENT >erformance management s2stem Training 4arrier planning 'uggestion planning



A<> %Annual <perating >lan* this process is taken up ever2 2ear" It is taken up at >ersonal 5evel and 6ntit2 5evel" 'everal points like Revenue generation Ac7uisition number etc"


There are three t2pes of sourcing done at Reliance" After the resumes of candidates are chosen then the same is sent to the department head !here the vacanc2 arises" The department head !ill then shortlist the same and the2 ask the @R department to fi+ an intervie! !ith the selected candidates" There are t!o t2pe of intervie! !hich is taken up at Reliance firstl2 the Dunctional intervie! and then the Dunctional @ead and @R @ead takes the intervie!"

6mplo2ee Reference Re1emplo2ment of former emplo2ee


>lacement 4onsultant Ruchika the Age the Avenue" Hob >ortals 1 ;onster JA&?RI" 4ampus Recruitment


The @R e+ecutives !ill Neg% ia e 'e CTC !ith the candidate" The approval is sent to the CRC %4orporate Recruitment 4ell*" Then after it is sent to ECRC" Then the same is sent to CRL" The same is then sent to ;anagement for SAP A))lican C%!e" The applicant code is given to HR CIRCLE" OFFER is made to the candidate !hich leads to the 9%ining Pr%ce!#re"


The process of recruitment takes about #$ #- da2s


6ducation Lualification ;BA !ith an2 speciali:ation Jot fre7uent job changes Tenure of last job should at least be #"- ) 2rs


Reference check is usuall2 done for @igh level job The recruitment ma2 differ !ith the current position of the business

In the event of an open position in Reliance 4ommunication suitable candidates are first searched internall2 !ithin the organi:ation" This is based upon in1house talent !hich could be redeplo2ed" Advertisement for internal vacant position is done b2 follo!ing t!o !a2sA Through sending mail to all Reliance Infocomm emplo2ees across all locations including DA?4 %Dhirubhai Ambani ?no!ledge 4it2* Through DA?4 4ircular

6mplo2ees of Reliance 4ommunication !ho have completed more than #) months of continuous service onl2 those emplo2ees can appl2 for position placed on Intranet" Internal candidates are considered in accordance !ith their abilities and potential" The process is coordinated b2 4R4 %4entral Recruitment 4ell* at 4orporate <ffice" In Reliance 4ommunication 6mplo2ees can refer a candidate !ith !hom heM she have !orked in hisM her previous emplo2ment" 6mplo2ees can check available vacancies on Intranet and can submit the resumes of prospective candidates !ho fit the Hob profile"

@iring of an emplo2ee done in Reliance 4ommunication !ith a vie! to take trained manpo!er back in the compan2" Re @iring is done as per the polic2 issued b2 4entral Recruitment 4ell at 4orporate <ffice

The placement agencies call for resumes of prospective candidates !hich act as a good source of recruitment for the companies" 4onsultants intervie! candidates and shortlist those according to the criteria laid do!n b2 the

companies" This helps the emplo2er to intervie! a limited number of potential candidates the minimi:ing the time taken in receiving and sorting applications etc" Reliance 4ommunication chooses 4onsultants having national presence" This sourcing option is onl2 considered b2 the compan2 !hen there is scarcit2 for candidates !ith re7uisite e+perience and skills" The spread of Internet has enabled emplo2ers to search for candidates globall2 and has made recruitment easier" If vacanc2 arises Reliance 4ommunication bro!ses the profile of candidates from the Hob portal like naukri"com monsterindia"com and then candidates are accessed through e1mail or telephone"

Reliance 4ommunication goes for 4ampus recruitment ever2 2ear for technical department" Dor management level recruitment it goes for campus recruitment as per re7uirement"

Dor filling up position for ;T %;anagement Trainee* follo!ing procedure is follo!ed b2 Reliance 4ommunicationA @R representative of Reliance 4ommunication gives Description about Hob to all candidates =ritten Test i"e" %;AT* ;ental Abilit2 Test is taken for those candidates !ho has got aggregate /$N in all semesters" GD %Group Discussion* is conducted for those candidates !ho had successfull2 pass ;AT" At last >I %>ersonal Intervie!* is conducted for those candidates !ho had passed out GD and >ersonal Intervie! is taken b2 respective head of department and @R @ead"

Dor filling up position for G6T %Graduate 6ngineering Trainee* follo!ing procedure is follo!ed b2 Reliance 4ommunicationA @R representative of Reliance 4ommunication gives Description about Hob to all candidates =ritten Test i"e" %;AT* ;ental Abilit2 Test is taken for those candidates !ho has got aggregate /$N in all semesters" At last >I %>ersonal Intervie!* is conducted and >ersonal Intervie! is taken b2 respective head of department and @R @ead"

;T position includes candidates having 6ducational 7ualification in ;BA and G6T >osition includes candidates having 6ducational 7ualification in B6 %6B4 6lectronics*" ;T is placed in either of the follo!ing departmentsA >repaid >ostpaid

>4< 4ustomer 4are 4ommercial @R =eb !orld

G6T is placed in Jet!ork Department"

INTER4IEIntervie! is the oral assessment of the candidates for emplo2ment" This is the most essential step in the selection process" In this step the intervie!er matches the information obtained about the candidate through various means to the job re7uirements and to the information obtained through his o!n observation during the intervie!" Intervie! gives the recruiter an opportunit2A To si:e up the candidate personall2 To ask 7uestions that are not covered in tests To make judgments on candidates enthusiasm and intelligence" To assess subjective aspects of the candidate facial e+pressions appearance nervousness and so forth" To give facts to the candidate regarding the compan2 the policies programmes etc" and promote good!ill to!ards the compan2"

MODE OF INTER4IE >ersonal Intervie! is a formal in1depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicants acceptabilit2" In a personal intervie! candidates are accessed on behavioral and personalit2 characteristics functional and managerial competencies and other factors like education e+perience etc" Based on the candidates performance in the intervie! the intervie! panel rates the candidate and takes the selection decision"


At Reliance 4ommunication usuall2 face to face intervie!s are conducted but for those candidates !ho are located at other state for them video conference intervie!s are conducted" The use of video

conferencing can add value to the process b2 allo!ing real time face1to1face interactions !ithout the costs associated !ith ph2sicall2 transporting candidates to the campus" Reliance C%$$#nica i%n& #&e& 4i!e% c%n*erence *%r * rea&%n&, Time savings Daster Decision making 4ost savings in candidate travel lodging etc" An opportunit2 to meet the candidates before narro!ing the list

An opportunit2 to see and converse !ith candidates evaluate their responses to 7uestions and gauge their interest in the position"

There are various reasons to take a telephonic intervie!" Dor e+ample in certain location Reliance 4ommunications does not have its =eb!orld so in that case the intervie! of that candidate !ill be taken over telephone" 6ven if the intervie! of a candidate cannot happen through video conference because of unavailabilit2 of an2 =eb!orld timings then telephonic intervie! is taken"

CAMPUS RECRUITMENT, Dor G6T Intervie! is taken b2 respective functional head and @R head and for ;T Intervie! is taken b2 )1, functional heads @R head and final intervie! is taken b2 4ircle 46<"


L5, CI46 >R6'ID6JT 'r" CI46 >R6'ID6JT >R6'ID6JT"%56AD6R'@I> ><'ITI<J'* E7PERIENCE, #. )$ O 2ears

L6, D6>&TK G6J6RA5 ;AJAG6R G6J6RA5 ;AJAG6R"%;AG6RIA5 ><'ITI<J'* E7PERIENCE, ## #- O 2ears

L8, A''I'TAJT ;AJAG6R ;AJAG6R 'r" ;AJAG6R"%6P64&TIC6 ><'ITI<J'* E7PERIENCE, - ## O 2ears

L;, 6P64&TIC6 'r" 6P64&TIC6"%'&>><RT ><'IT<J'* E7PERIENCE, ) 3 O 2ears

GET< MET< DET, Trainees E7PERIENCE, Dresher

REFERENCE CHEC= <nce the hiring decision is taken the candidate is contacted and informed about the decision to conduct a reference check !ith the referees !hose names have been provided in the personal histor2 form" ;an2 emplo2ers re7uest names addresses and telephone numbers of references for the purpose of verif2ing information and perhaps gaining additional background information on an applicant" References are checked for follo!ing reasonsA To check !hether or not the applicant !as truthful about his or her emplo2ment histor2" To kno! !eaknesses strengths of the applicant"

SELECTION DECISION After obtaining information through the preceding steps selection decision is to be made" The other stages of selection process have been used to narro! the number of candidates" The final decision is to be made from the pool of individuals !ho pass the tests intervie!s" MEDICAL CHEC=-UP All selected candidates are re7uired to undergo a pre1emplo2ment medical check1up as a part of selection process"

After the selection decision and before the job offer is made the candidate is re7uired to undergo a ;edical check1up" A job offer is contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after the ;edical test"

Remuneration is the compensation receives in return for hisM her contribution to the organi:ation" Reliance 4ommunication follo!s the cost to compan2 %4T4* structure that reflects the total cost of an emplo2ee to an organi:ation" It is designed to provide fle+ibilit2 to an emplo2ee to structure their benefit package"

=ithin the committed salar2 of an emplo2ee provide ma+imum fle+ibilit2 to an emplo2ee 4ost all per7uisites and benefits to an emplo2ee and make the emplo2ee appreciate the total costs incurred b2 the compan2 on such benefits 6nable the compan2 reali:e and recogni:e the hidden pa2roll costs incurred on such benefits

-'y CTC i& !i+i!e! in .% )ar &>

As per the Indian Income Ta+ Rules the total Basic 'alar2 paid to the emplo2ee is ta+able" 'o 4hoice >a2 can make 2our /$N salar2 non ta+able"


#-N on Di+ed 4T4 !ould be !ould the base figure for >5I" Jormall2 >5I is paid once in a 2ear depending on his performance during the assessment period"


1 2 1

B) *+ , ). 4( / 0 f 1 21 3

1 H 0 I1 + , ) . 4( / 0 f 1 21 3

T'e * are 'e $ain c%$)%nen & % CTC & r#c #re" The 4T4 structure includes costing of all components of 4ompensation and Benefits an emplo2ee is entitled to"

This constitutes up to 3$N o the total annual compensation and it includes Basic 'alar2 6mplo2ers contribution to the >D Q #)N of basic salar2 6mplo2ers contribution to the compan2s gratuit2 fund Q 3"0#N of basic salar2


Basic >a2 R Base pa2Mpf O gratuit2 Base >a2 R #$$ Basic >a2 R #$$M#"#/0#


>rovident fund is to provide 'ocial 'ecurit2 Benefit to the emplo2ee after retirement" >D is deducted from the first da2 of emplo2ment" The 4ompan2 deducts #)N of the emplo2ees basic salar2 and makes an e7ual contribution" The emplo2ee can take loans for specific purposes against hisMher provident fund accumulation" The emplo2ee is also covered under an Insurance 'cheme !hich provides for a pa2ment of Rs" ,. $$$ M 1 in case of his Mher death"

&nder the scheme 4ompan2 contributes 3"0#N of Basic 'alar2 of an emplo2ee to the Gratuit2 Dund" La& !ra.n (a&ic &alaryA6B !ay&C5D !ay&Cn%" %* c%$)le e! year& %* &er+ice" 6mplo2ees !ho have completed - 2ears continuous service !ith the compan2 are eligible to get gratuit2 on separation from the compan2" In case of death the minimum service re7uirement of - 2ears does not appl2" Dor calculating Gratuit2 periods of service greater than / months !ill be considered as e7uivalent to #2ear and less then / months !ill not be counted"

As per Income Ta+ Rules Gratuit2 is not ta+able up to , -$ $$$ M1 " An2 amount paid in addition to , -$ $$$ M1 !ill attract ta+" All emplo2ees !ho have completed # 2ear continuous service !ith the compan2 are eligible to get gratuit2 on separation from the compan2"

This constitutes up to /$N o the total annual compensation and it includes 4ompan2 5eased Accommodation 4ompan2 <!ned Accommodation <ffice =ear Allo!ance 5eave Travel Allo!ance 4ompan2 5eased 4ar 4hildren 6ducation Allo!ance Gift 4oupons 4onve2ance Allo!ance Dood 4oupons ;edical 6+pense @ouse Rent Allo!ance 'uperannuation 'pecial >ersonnel Allo!ance 4ompan2 !ill arrange the house through an authori:ed real estate agent as per the choice of the emplo2ee" 'ecurit2 deposit b2 compan2" #)N percent Interest !ill be charged on deposit amount" The same !ill be debited in 4T4" Rent !ould be e+empted from income ta+" #$N >er7uisite Ta+ !ould be charged to the emplo2ee on his ta+able income"



Jo deposit no interest" Rent !ould be calculated Q ## rupees per '7uare feet" ;onthl2 rental !ould be charged to 4T4 Rental Amount !ill be e+empted from ta+ #$N per7uisite ta+ !ould be charged on emplo2ee" 'ecurit2 Deposit @RA @ouse Rental Allo!ance @RA can be ma+imum 3$N of Basic 'alar2" Deposit and rent has to be paid b2 emplo2ee b2 self

To get the ta+ e+emption the emplo2ee has to produce the rental agreements and rental receipts of the house" The emplo2ee cant claim this benefit if @eM'he has his o!n house"


An amount of Rs"#0 $$$ >"A" is e+empted for income ta+" To get the e+emption original bills to be submitted" Items covered under this head are as follo!sA Attire %)* Ties %,* 'hoes %3* 'ocks %-* Tailoring charges


An 6mplo2ee can block t!o months of Basic 'alar2 as 5eave Travel Allo!ance" @eM'he should take a minimum of - da2s leave %>5*" In case of air travel1econom2 class fare is e+empted and in case of rail travel second class A4 fare is e+empted" @eM'he can travel !ithin India onl2" @eM'he has to produce the original travel tickets"


4ompan2 !ill arrange a car through a car lease agenc2" 6mplo2ee can choose an2 makeMmodel" The 6;I that !ill be charged !ould be Rs" )$8-M1 per 5ac per month" The 6;I amount per Annum !ould be e+empted from Income Ta+"


;aintenance and Duel 4ost !ill be e+empted as follo!s" ;aintenance cant e+ceed Rs" )- $$$ per annum" If 44 of the car is less than #$$$ Rs" # ## $$$ per annum" If 44 of the car is more than #$$$ Rs" # -$ $$$ per annum" The per7uisite Ta+ charged !ould be Rs" #)$$ irrespective of the cc of the car The above e+emption !ould be provided on submission of original bills" There !ould be no ta+ e+emption against if the emplo2ee has his o!n car" The DBT Ta+ %Dringe Benefit Ta+* for fuel and maintenance is /".,N on ho! much 2ou have opted for" At the time of leaving 4<" before 30 months then the emplo2ee has to pa2 D4C %Dor 4loser Calue* to the compan2 from !hom the loan is taken"

If the emplo2ee is still sta2s after 30 months then emplo2ee !ill be charged )$N on the value of the car at that time for changing the name i"e" o!nership"


6mplo2ee can claim e+emption Rs" )3$$ per 2ear" This e+emption is restricted up to t!o children" To pass the claim 6mplo2ee has to submit the original bills" To get this benefit child age should be greater then ,"- 2ears"


A sum of Rs" -$$$M1 !ould be e+empted against the Gift 4oupons" The compan2 !ould provide coupons !orth Rs" -$$$M1 during the months of <ctober B Jovember" Calidit2 of this coupons is one 2ear This coupon is accepted at major outlets in cit2" DBT Ta+ #/"/.N is charged"


If the emplo2ee is not using compan2s car then and onl2 then he can claim this option" To getting the e+emption bills are not re7uired" 4onve2ance allo!ance is up to Rs" 0$$M1 per month"


The 4ompan2 gives '<D6P@< passes in term of Dood 4oupons" Dood coupons are provided on monthl2 basis of Rs" #,$$" A sum of Rs" #-/$$ per annum !ill be e+empted from the income ta+"


The emplo2ee gets an e+emption of Rs" #-$$$ p"a" But to get e+emption the emplo2ee must submit original bills"


;a+imum 3$N of basic salar2 can be calculated as @RA" But if emplo2ee o!ns the house in another state then heMshe can ask for @RA and also opt for 4ompan2 5eased @ouse"


#,1#-N of basic salar2 is transferred to trust" It can be given to emplo2ee onl2 after the completion of - 2ears !ith the compan2" The mone2 is collected b2 a trust" To !ithdra! the mone2 the emplo2ee has t!o options either he can take the mone2 monthl2 or he can take the mone2 after -2ears"


An2 amount !hich e+ceeds the limits of each allo!ance can be transferred under this head" '>A is full2 ta+able as per income ta+ rules"

There are four t2pes of leaves available !ith the emplo2ees"

A!!i i%nal In*%r$a i%nA

Jo leaves can be clubbed !ith another leave" ;inimum 8$ da2s leave should be in balance for the encashment of leaves"

There are ,$ da2s >5 available !ith the emplo2ee after the conformation" The >5 is available after #0$ da2s from the date of joining" The emplo2ee can take onl2 ,1- >5 at a single time


There are - da2s 45 available to an emplo2ee from the date of joining" The emplo2ee can take #1, da2s 45 at a time"


There are #$ da2s '5 available to an emplo2ee from the date of joining" The emplo2ee has to submit doctors certificate if the leave e+tends to ) da2s"


There are , da2s <5 available to an emplo2ee from the date of conformation"

Hoining Da2 is the da2 !hen an emplo2ee recruited on the pa2rolls of the compan2" The @R Rep" should be in constant touch !ith the candidates till the date of joining" 4ollect the information from the candidate regarding the date and mode of arrival to the location

of joining" Arrange for pick1up of the joinee B famil2 from the stationMairport and take them to the hotel as per the re7uirement" If pick1up arrangement cant be arranged then give complete addressMdirections to the hotel B the office to joinee" @R Rep" should give a brief introduction to the ne! joinee on the follo!ingA Geograph2 of the 5ocationM4it2MTo!n" <rgani:ation 'tructure" 'tatus of the >rojectM<perations of the circle" Role of the emplo2ee"


Residential B 4ellular >hone are allotted to emplo2ee based on the role and responsibilit2 level and should not be treated as >er7uisite" The Residential B 4ellular >hone provided b2 the compan2 !ill be on the name of compan2" 4ircle M Business 6ntit2 @ead can take an2 of the follo!ing decisions !ith respect to Residential Telephone 4onnectionA <btain the telephone connection on priorit2 basis b2 pa2ing higher amounts" >rovision of 'TD M I'D Dacilit2" Reimburse onl2 Telephone Rental e+penses" Reimburse the 5ocal 4all 6+penses" Reimburse e+penses related to onl2 official calls" Reimburse all e+penses including 5ong Distance 4alls"


All full time permanent emplo2ees !ho !ill be available at their office desk for more than 0$N of the !orking hours on dail2 basis !ill be provided !ith a desktop >4 on their !orkstation" The circleMBusiness 6ntit2 head can take decision to allotment of 5ap Top in lieu of desktop >4 based on the role of the emplo2ee"


=elcome 5etter"

Hoining Report" Brief >ersonal Details Dorm" Transfer of 6>D Account" Jomination Dorm" Gratuit2 Jomination Dorm" 'uperannuation Transfer Dorm" Application to join 'uperannuation 'cheme" 4hoice >a2 Dorm" >ersonal Accident Insurance Dorm" Jomination for pa2ment of the amount secured under personal accident Insurance >olic2"

@ospitali:ation Insurance Dorm %Applicable for 5, B 53 * @ospitali:ation Insurance 4overage for dependent parents" @ealth Declaration Dorm @ealth 4ertificate >4 Indent Dorm Je! Telephone 6+tension Dorm 6lectronic ;ail Registration Dorm

Re7uisition for Cisiting 4ards"

Induction is also called orientation !hich is designed to provide a ne! emplo2ee !ith the information he or she needs to function comfortabl2 and effectivel2 in the organi:ation"


The @uman Resources Department structures an appropriate induction programmes to orient the ne! emplo2ees to various businesses and services at Reliance communication" A t!o1da2 Induction program %iNEP- In*%c%$$ ne. e$)l%yee& )r%gra$* is offered to all ne! emplo2ees" The compan2 !hich takes the induction program for reliance communications is RELNIS NI SPARTA" The induction program helps the emplo2ee to integrate in the ne! environment and provide an overvie! of the <rgani:ation as a !hole" It also provides an opportunit2 to the ne! entrant to engrain the original values and ethics as !ell as the st2le of functioning" T'i& )r%gra$ i& all a(%# , Developing a shared understanding of Reliance communications vision and mission" &nderstanding their organi:ation and business model" Damiliari:ation !ith leaders at Reliance 4ommunication" Jet!orking and integrating !ith Reliance 4ommunication emplo2ees"

T'i& )r%gra$ )r%+i!e& in*%r$a i%n %n, The histor2 of reliance group The fundamentals of telecom business Introduces technologies and ke2 concepts of the business" This program shares the compan2s strategic objectives organi:ation structure and processes and s2stems"

>resentations are made from representatives from various business units and functions"


Due to business re7uirements emplo2ee ma2 be re7uired to be posted to other location than 2our primar2 location" If such posting re7uires 2ou to relocate from 2our base location be2ond )8 da2s then it is defined as deputation" If such posting re7uires 2ou to relocate from 2our base location be2ond , months then it is defined as Transfer" Deputation letter is given and respective deputation allo!ance is paid to the emplo2ees as per polic2"

Business needs ma2 be re7uired an emplo2ee to be transferred on permanent basis <ne circle to another circle <ne location to another location

Departmental head initiates the re7uest for transfer of an emplo2ee and for!ards the same to the circle @R Representative" 6mplo2ee !ill receive transfer letter from 4ircle @R Representative of the primar2 circleMlocation"

R@R' believes in treating all emplo2ees separating from the compan2 !ith utmost dignit2"

Resignation means emplo2ee voluntaril2 leaving the services of compan2 either for professional or personal reasons" 6mplo2ees must serve a !ritten resignation mentioning the relieving date to hisM her departmental head that !ill discuss and obtain the approval of the circle head" The accepted cop2 of resignation letter !ith the approved relieving date must be for!arded to the respective @R"

4onfirmed emplo2ees are re7uired to give , months notice in advance and emplo2ees on probation are re7uired to provide #- da2s notice in advance"

If an emplo2ee remains absent !ithout leave or remains absent be2ond the period of leave originall2 granted he shall be considered as having voluntaril2 terminated hisM her emplo2ment !ithout giving an2 notice unless heM sheA Returns to !ork !ithin 0 da2s from the commencement of such absence" The emplo2ee gives an e+planation to the satisfaction of the management regarding such absence"


Termination is an undesirable outcome for emplo2ee as !ell as the compan2 but ma2 be necessar2 if the emplo2ee Ciolates the compan2 polic2 Is unable to meet compan2s performance standards


6mplo2ee under training Mcontract !ill be evaluated at the end of specified period b2 @<D and decision !hether to e+tend hisM her service !ill be taken"

An e+it intervie! is t2picall2 a meeting bet!een at least one representative from a compan2Gs human resources %@R* department and a departing emplo2ee" The departing emplo2ee usuall2 has voluntaril2 resigned" The @R representative might ask the emplo2ee 7uestions !hile taking notes" >rior to leaving an e+it intervie! is conducted to gather feedback and recommendations of the outgoing emplo2ee" 6+it intervie! is a one1to1one discussion !here voluntar2 vie!s and suggestions are taken from the outgoing emplo2ee on !hat hisM her e+pectations had been at the time of joining the compan2 and reason for leaving the compan2" The circle @R arranges the e+it intervie!" 5isted belo! are some of the e+it intervie! 7uestions that Reliance 4ommunication asks to departing emplo2ees in 6+it intervie!" T% .'a e0 en !i! 'eA &'e e0)ec i$e %* /%ining 'e c%$)any % e0)erience * *ea #re& %* .%rE a 'e

Hob securit2 4areer prospects Good compensation 'elf development =elfare <perational freedom

To !hat e+tent did heM she find that features of !ork in the compan2 Rea&%n& *%r lea+ing 'e c%$)any in er$& %* rele+ance >ersonal >rofessional gro!th related 5ack of challenge in !ork 5ack of promotional opportunities

<verall opinion about compan2 ho! much hike and other benefits offered b2 ne! compan2 compare the one heMshe is leaving and is heM she is interested in rejoining the Reliance 4ommunication and on !hat conditions are collected"


=hen the emplo2ee leaves hisMher job it is re7uired that all hisMher financial obligations are settled" Financial %(liga i%n& liEe, <utstanding AdvancesMloans An2 undertakings heMshe has given to the compan2 in terms of 4ost of mobile as per compan2 polic2 <pting for compan2 lease car <r an2 other undertaking given b2 himMher

And turn in hisMher identification cards ke2 and an2 other propert2 !hich heMshe had issued" The full B final amount is paid to emplo2ee after recovering all advanceMoutstanding dues"


The Reliance ADA group is on the move to e1enable all @R functions and the emplo2ee interface" =e are in the process of adopting state1of1the art 6R> soft!are 1 'A> across all locations and businesses" As a service to the most valuable assets i"e" the emplo2ees the Group @R is upgrading its e+tensive !eb1enabled services into an internet enabled emplo2ee portal !hich !ill enable emplo2ees from across the countr2 to interact !ith @R B >a2roll for an2 re7uirement i"e" appl2ing for and sanctioning leave information on policies and procedures entering e+pense claims updating their o!n databases etc"


6'' !ill enable 2ou to interact !ith the 'A> database to vie! and maintain 2our personal data" 6'' provides 2ou !ith a host of services in the follo!ing areas" PERSONAL INFORMATION 6mplo2ee can vie! and update their personal data such as 6ducational details Details of previous emplo2ers Damil2 related information 4hange of marital status 4hange of residential address etc"


6mplo2ee can vie! their monthl2 updates on the follo!ingA >a2 slips

Income ta+ projections >D 'tatements


6mplo2ee can submit their claims of follo!ing reimbursement online Telephone bills 5ocal conve2ance ;edical reimbursement

COST TO COMPANY ?CTC@ 4T4 related activities

ENTITLEMENTS ;edical insurance Travel 6ntitlements INCOME TA7 RULES Details of e+emptions and benefits as applicable to emplo2ee"


4ompan2 should focus on 4ampus Recruitment" It has been seen that there has been too much of !ork load recentl2 results into stress" R@R' should come up !ith stress management activities" Refreshers Training B updates regarding the products must be given to each emplo2ee so that the2 can get the proper kno!ledge of the products" Dront end should be there to deal !ith !alk in customers"


For the purpose of the preparation of the project and giving it the valuable paper form, with an intention that this information can be used by other also, a helping hand is taken from the most precious reserve of the knowledge i.e. the books The books concerned for the accomplishment of the project are as below: Human Resource Management b2 A&.a 'a))a< Fi* ' E!i i%n - 6FFB The introduction manual provided by Reliance Communications mployee!s "andbook #oining $it %ook by $okilaben .&. 'mbani, The (an ) $new*

The websites concerned are

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