Halloween Script
Halloween Script
Halloween Script
Today we will discuss a brief history of the holiday, and a few of the most common things that represent the holiday. Although Halloween has old origins, its name comes from the All Hallows Eve. Halloween has become a fun family-friendly holiday. n the !nited "tates, Halloween means costume parties, tric#-or-treating, pum#in carving, haunted houses, corn ma$es, and more. Traditionally, dressing up as ghosts or witches was fashionable. However, as the popularity of the holiday became more widespread costumes have e%panded to include things li#e monsters, superheroes, princesses, politicians. &ecently, however, some of the most popular costumes have been famous people such as actors or singers, $ombies, and the ma#eup from the traditional 'e%ican holiday- The (ay of the (ead. )efore the night of Halloween, many people prepare by decorating their houses as a haunted house. This may include ghosts, blac# cats, and spider webs. *amilies also have fun by cutting a pump#in to ma#e a +ac#-o-lantern which lights up at night. ,n the night of halloween, children dress up and go out to collect candy from houses. They go house to house and #noc# on the door. -hen the door opens, they say tric# or treat. This is because in the past many people played tric#s on each other on this day. .ow, mostly people participate for the treat, when they receive candy from their neighbors. Today, Halloween is becoming an adult holiday. Halloween parties are more popular than ever with pop culture becoming favorite Halloween costumes. t has been estimated that parents spend /0.12 billion for children3s costumes. And the Halloween industry is getting bigger by the day. *or e%ample, the money spent on Halloween has risen by 42 percent since 5114 and will reach /6.7 billion in 5108. This Halloween, the !.". 9ensus )ureau predicts that 20.0 million tric#-or-treaters between the ages 4 to 02 will go out this year. ,verall, the Halloween holiday has come to represent fun for all people during the Autumn season. There is something for everyone and if you ever visit the !nited "tates in at the end of ,ctober, you will surely be in for a 3treat3. Happy Halloween:
True/False: 0. Halloween is popular around the world. 5. This holiday is only for children. 8. 9urrently, ghosts and witches are the most popular costumes. 2. 'oney spent has risen by thirty-four percent since 5114. 4. Halloween happens at the beginning of .ovember.
Comprehension Questions: 0. -here did the name Halloween come from; 5. -hat are some of the traditional costumes; 8. -hat is one of the most popular costumes now; 2. -hat do people do to prepare for this holiday; 4. How much money do parents spend on this holiday; 6. How many tric#-or-treaters will be out in 5108;
Activity: B groups: <retend that you are at a halloween party. =ou must use >uanifiers to tal# about costumes, you should use descriptions and the vocabulary about materials ?chapter 4 intro and 4a@ C groups: =ou are going to go to a Halloween party this wee#end. 9reate a conversation with your friends about your future plans and predictions ?grammar p.2A@.