The Design of Structural Transfer Wall
The Design of Structural Transfer Wall
The Design of Structural Transfer Wall
Case study : Kota Kasablanka Mixed Use Project, Jakarta Wiryanto Dewobroto 1, Sugeng Wijanto 2, Toto Ismintarto 3
ABSTRACT: Dissimilar room functions in the mixed-use building can cause the unaligned column gridline from the lowest floor to the top floor. The transfer loading from one column to two columns or vice versa sometimes is unavoidable in architectural design. The reaction force should be transferred from the column is enormous and requires special structure such as transfer-wall or deep-beam. The value of deep-to-span ratio of transfer-wall is not satisfying the flexural-beam criteria so it needs a special design, base on the deep-beam requirement. The detail design of deep beam has not yet incorporated in SNI 03-2847-2002 therefore Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) method from ACI 318-02 Appendix A will be applied. This method was formalized from the research in University of Stuttgart, Germany, by Schlaich et. al. in 1987, since then growing extensively (Adebar et. al. 1990; Jirsa et. al. 1991; K.H. Reineck 1996, 1999, 2002), and now has been adopted by several design standards in Canada, USA, and New Zealand. This paper will provide the application of STM based on ACI 318-02 for the design of transfer-wall in the Kota Kasablanka Mixed Use Project, Jakarta. Finally, the result of the design will be evaluated by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program in order to make a strength comparison. KEY-WORDS: strut-and-tie model, transfer-beam/wall, deep-beam, ACI 318-02 Appendix A ABSTRAK : Perbedaan fungsi ruang pada suatu bangunan multi fungsi sering mengakibatkan askolom tidak bisa satu garis dari lantai terbawah hingga ke lantai atap. Peralihan beban dari kolom tunggal menjadi dua kolom atau sebaliknya sering tidak bisa terhindarkan dalam perencaan desain Arsitektur. Besarnya gaya reaksi kolom yang dialihkan cukup besar dan memerlukan suatu sistem struktur khusus seperti balok transfer atau dinding transfer. Akibat rasio bentang terhadap tinggi balok/dinding transfer yang tidak memenuhi kriteria balok lentur, maka perlu perencanaan khusus sesuai dengan persyaratan balok tinggi. Prosedur perencanaan hal ini belum ada di SNI 03-2847-2002 maka dipakai analisa strut-and-tie model (STM) dari ACI 318-02 Appendix A. Analisa STM awal mulanya adalah hasil penelitian di University of Stuttgart, Jerman, oleh Schlaich et. al. pada tahun 1987, kemudian berkembang pesat (Adebar et. al. 1990; Jirsa et. al. 1991; K.H. Reineck 1996, 1999, 2002), sampai akhirnya diadopsi oleh beberapa standar desain di Negara Canada, USA dan New Zealand. Makalah ini menyajikan aplikasi STM versi ACI 318-02 untuk perencanaan transfer-wall pada Proyek Mixed Use Kota Kasablanka, Jakarta. Kemudian hasil perencanaan tersebut akan dievaluasi dengan program finite element analysis (FEA) dan diperbandingkan hasilnya. KATA KUNCI : strut-and-tie model, balok/dinding transfer, balok tinggi, ACI 318-02 Appendix A
1. STRUCTURAL DESIGN of TRANSFER-WALL Dissimilar room functions in the mixed-use building can cause the unaligned column gridline from the lowest floor to the top floor. The transfer loading from one column to two columns or vice versa sometimes is unavoidable in architectural design. The reaction force from the column that should be transferred is enormous and requires special structure such as transfer-beam/wall. The ratio of deep-tospan of transfer-beam/wall is not satisfying the flexural-beam criteria, so it needs special design base on the deep-beam requirement. The detail design of deep beam has not yet incorporated in SNI 032847-2002 therefore strut-and-tie model (STM) method from ACI 318-02 Appendix A will be applied. This method was formalized from the research in University of Stuttgart, Germany, by Schlaich et. al. in 1987, since then growing extensively (Adebar et. al. 1990; Jirsa et. al. 1991; Reineck 1996, 1999, 2002), and now has been adopted by several design standards in Canada, USA, New Zealand etc.
Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang ; Ph.D student, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, E-mail: [email protected] and blog: Founder / Director, PT. Gistama Intisemesta Consulting Engineer, Jakarta-Surabaya ; Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta; E-mail: [email protected] Director, PT. Gistama Intisemesta Consulting Engineers, Jakarta-Surabaya, E-mail: [email protected]
EACEF - The 1st International Conference of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum
A similar case happened to Kota Kasablanka Project, Jakarta. There is a column supporting several floor above should be stopped in specific floor elevation and shift to the two column below. In transfering the large reaction from the upper column, it need special structure such as transfer-wall. Transfer-wall structure is an integral part of the building structure, so all possible load combination should be considered well. Effect of earthquake will be considered in lateral and vertical direction too. After evaluate various combination of the loading, we concludes that the permanent load combination (DL and LL) is dominanted in load transferring mechanism of the structural transfer-wall. Permanent load combination due to the reaction from the upper column will act as a point load as shown in Fig.1.
2394 ton
COLUMN 1150/1150
Transfer Wall
COLUMN 1150/1150
COLUMN 1150/1150 LEVEL B1
Section A
1197 ton
1197 ton
Because of the ratio of clear span to height < 4 , and the area of loading (column to be supported) in location less than two (2) times of height of the transfer-wall, therefore according ACI 318-02, deepbeam behavior will be dominant than ordinary flexural beam behavior. The deep-beam should be designed considering non-linear strain distribution, which the detail calculation does not include in our SNI 03-2847-2002. American Code, ACI 318-02 mention it in their Appendix and give a comprehensive approach by incorporating the strut-and-tie model (STM) method. 2. STRUT-and-TIE-MODEL for TRANSFER-WALL DESIGN Transfer-wall structure should be isolated from the other part of the building and will be analysis as independent structure in carrying the column load. The interaction of the component due to stiffness of the member will be analysis elsewhere and the results will be added by superposition approach. The transfer-wall will be considered as ordinary deep beam so STM can be created as shown in Fig. 2.
2394 ton
Bottle-shaped strut 575
strut 1057
) (-
1197 ton
Nodal zone
5 11 9
1197 ton
Strut-and-tie will be connected in the node, there is node A and node B, their dimension is governed by the width of support (lb = column width at A or B), and the height of steel ties rebar (wt). In our case, ties rebar should be distributed in height of wt (part below the Level B1). If the anchorage length of ties rebar can be embedded simple in the floor, we do not need a special details for anchorage. Nodal dimension (grey area in Fig.2) have important contribution to the strength of strut, also the node itself. Base on the strut-and-tie-model on Fig. 2, the calculation the force distribution in the strut and ties can be found. Therefore stress in each component will be evaluted by ACI-318 formula. The first author has wrote the evaluation of the STM component in detail and was published (Dewobroto 2006), so only the item to be checked and their reference to ACI-318 will be mentioned again as follow :
No 1 2 3 4 5 Item to be evaluated / check Strength of STRUT in AC or BC Rebar requirement for TIES in AB Strength of NODE at A or B (Node Type CCT) ANCHORAGE LENGTH of Ties at A or B Strength of NODE at C (Node Type CCC) References to ACI 318-02 Section A.1 and A.3 Section A.1 and A.4 Section A.1 and A.5 Section 12.2 Section A.1 and A.5
3. THE REBAR ARRANGEMENT and SECTION of TRANSFER-WALL After STM components (strut, ties, anchorage length and nodes) has been checked and fulfill all of the requirement of Appendix A ACI 318-02, therefore configuration of transfer-wall can be drawn in detailed, as shown in Fig. 3 below. Note : column and slab reinforcement details are not included.
LEVEL LG 2D16-200 11 D32 2D16-200 LEVEL LG
D16-200 (H-V)
Sect. A
4. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (F.E.A) The general-purpose program for finite element analysis, ABAQUS, was used in the present study to investigate the ultimate strength of transfer-wall as configured by STM method. A typical finite element discretization of the transfer wall used in the present study as shown in Fig. 4.
200 500
discrete rigid
1950 1150
t = 1150 mm t = 800 mm
discrete rigid
discrete rigid
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node monitor
Concrete in compression was modeled as an elastic-plastic material with strain softening. The stressstrain relationship for concrete in uniaxial compression proposed by Careira and Chu (1985) as adopted by Qing et. al. (2005) as follows
c =
) 1 + ( c c ) f c ( c c
f and is defined by = c + 1.55 32.4
where c = compression stress in concrete; c = strain in concrete; f c = cylinder compressive strength = strain corresponding to f c (MPa). The strain c is usually taken as 0.002. A stressof concrete; c strain curve for concrete with a compressive strength of 40 MPa is shown in Fig. 5.a.
45 40 35
Stress (MPa)
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
0.003 Strain
In the present study, the stress-strain behavior of concrete in compression was assumed to be linier elastic up to 0.4 f c (Qing et. al. 2005). Beyond this point, it was in the plastic regions in which plastic strain was input to define the stress-strain relationship in the finite element model. 5.2. Concrete in Tension The behavior of concrete and reinforcement in a concrete beam was modeled independently. The interaction between the concrete and reinforcing bars was simulated approximately by the tension stiffening model. The model assumes that the direct stress across a crack gradually reduces to zero as the crack open. Tension stiffening was defined in the present study using stress-strain data. The stressstrain relationship assumes that the tensile increase linearly with an increase in tensile strain up to concrete cracking. After concrete cracking, the tensile stress decrease linearly to zero as the concrete softens. The value of tension stiffening in an important parameter that affects the solution of a nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete. Tension stiffening is influenced by the density of reinforcing bars, the bond, the relative size of the aggregate compared to the rebar diameter and the finite element mesh. For heavily reinforced concrete, the total strain at which the tensile stress is zero is usually taken as 10 times (Hibbit 2004). the strain at failure in the tension stiffening model. In the present study, a total strain of 0.01 was used for reinforced concrete transfer-wall (see Fig.5b). 6. SOLUTION METHOD The nonlinear response of structural concrete is highly discontinuous due to cracking. Local instabilities often occur in the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete elements because of the large amount of cracking. The modified Riks (Hibbit 2004) method was therefore used in the present study to prevent the local instabilities. The automatic load control scheme was employed. The deflection at mid-span of the transfer-wall structure was monitored in the analysis also to control the stopping of Riks procedure.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, INDONESIA - September 26-27th, 2007
Figure 6. The Analysis Progress by Monitoring the DOF U2 at Node 17 (center of structure)
In the Static-General procedure, the initial load increment is the product of the ratio of the initial time increment to the periods and the load magnitude given in the loading options. Therefore, the monitor results of displacement to time almost equal to the displacement to load behavior as shown in Fig. 6a. Unfortunely we cannot use this procedure because it will be fail before fulfill the time completely. Otherwise, in the Riks procedure, actual values of load magnitudes cannot be specified. Instead they are computed as part of solution, as the load proportionality factor, multiplying the load magnitudes given on the loading data lines. User-prescribed load magnitudes serve only to define the direction and to estimate the magnitude of the initial increment of the load for a step. The user can terminate a Riks analysis by specifying either a maximum load proportionality factor or a maximum displacement at a node, or both. When a solution point is computed at which either of these limits is crossed, the analysis will stop. In any event, or if neither option is used, the analysis ends when the maximum number of increment for the steep is exeeded. This situation happened in our study.
In step near ultimate, the stress distribution make a zone like contour, as shown in Fig. 7, similar to the shape of strut-and-tie-model, as illustrated in Fig. 2, that will be used for analysis and design of the transfer-wall using STM method.
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The load deflection curve was derived from FEA analysis base on the data from file *.RSA when the option of DOF monitor have been activated. The file *.RSA record the DOF U2 at node No.17 (at the center of transfer-wall) in every step. After converting the step to magnitude of forces, we can make load-deflection curve as shown in Fig 8. The curve will be compared to the STM design load. It seen that the capacity of transfer wall, design by STM, is slightly below than failure capacity predict by the FEA. Its meant that the STM method give a reasonable amount of safety for design point of views.
From Fig. 8, the load-deflection behavior of the transfer wall provide by FEA non Riks (StaticGeneral) and FEA with Riks (Static-Riks) are almost similar, especially before its failure. Near collapsed region where full of non-linier problem, the procedure analysis using non-Riks approach will be fail but the analysis using Riks approach still continue to proces succesfully. 8. CONCLUSION STM method give a simplify method in designing and detailing of the rebar for transfer-wall. It is due to the structure can be modelled as ordinary deep beam so the strut-and-tie model can be draw directly. After that the number of steel rebar and anchorage length for the ties can be calculated and the dimension of concrete part (struts and nodes) can be checked. In starting the FEA, we need a complete informations of the structure, including the number of steel rebar and so on. As state of the art FEA program, ABAQUS can analysis ultimate load of the structure and produce load-deformation behavior untuk failure. The maximum capacity base on FEA analysis seem somewhat larger than STM prediction. Its meant that the STM give a reasonable amount of safety for design point of views. Contrary to the STM, it is dificult in FEA in checking the adequate or not, the anchorage length of rebar, or the capacity of strut and nodes, especially for ordinary engineer. For daily routine in structural engineering design of structure similar to the transfer-wall, mastering the STM is more simpler, faster and cheaper also maybe more productive than mastering FEA. 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Prof. Harianto Hardjasaputra (UPH) for his introduction to STM, also to Prof. Karl Heinz Reineck (Uni Stuttgart) that guide the first author in research about STM and put it in his publication (Reineck 2002). C-35
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