0 2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Procedure Complete
0 2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Procedure Complete
0 2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Procedure Complete
DATA State
Effective Span of Beam L (m) Concrete Compressive Strength Class C?/? Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete, fck (N/mm2) Characteristic strength of Reinforcement, fyk (500 N/mm2) Breadth of Beam b (mm) Overall Depth of Beam h (mm) Characteristic Loadings Dead and Imposed (kN, kN/m, kN/m2) Main Bar 16 - 40mm Link Bar 8 - 12mm
DURABILITY & FIRE RESISTANCE State Exposure Class from T 4.1 (EC2) & Required Fire Resistance (mins) Determine Nominal Cover (mm) from T NA.2 (NA to EC 2) & T 5.2a (EC 2 Part 1-2) Calculate Effective Depth of Beam, d = h cover link main bar (mm) LOADING @ ULS Calculate Design Ultimate Load, F = 1.35DL + 1.5 IL (kN) (=1.35Gk + 1.5Qk MOMENT @ ULS Calculate Design Ultimate Moment, MEd (=FL/8, =FL/4, =FL/6, etc) (kNm) Calculate Show that Calculate Show that Calculate
K = MEd/bd2fck K < 0.167 (K) Lever Arm Factor z/d = 0.5 + ( 0.25 0.882K ) 0.82 z/d 0.95 Lever Arm, z = z/d d (mm) State z/d OK
(use N & mm)
EC 0)
MAIN REINFORCEMENT Calculate Required Area of steel reinforcement, As = MEd / 0.87fykz (mm2) Determine Show that
Number &
of bars, such that Provided As > Required As (e.g. Use 3H25 (1470mm2) ) As is between Max & Min Limits: 0.0013bd 0.00016 fck2/3bd As 0.04bh (mm2) State As OK
CRACKING @ SLS Sketch A section through the beam showing the main bars, links, clear & bar spacing. Show that Calculate Show that
Clear spacing is greater than minimum limits = 25mm, or max bar .
Bar diameter OR bar spacing is less than the maximum values from T5.6 State Cracking OK 1
SHEAR @ ULS Determine Design value of the applied Shear Force, VEd (kN)
= Max SF from SFD, at the support for a SSB
= VEd/bw0.9 d (N/mm2)
State bW
CONCRETE STRUT CHECK Determine Capacity of Concrete Struts, vRd,max (N/mm2) from Table 7.2 (Concise EC2), for o and fck For beams with low shear stress: Show that vEd < vRd,max
State that
cot = 2.5
For beams with high shear stress: 21.8o < column: Show that vEd < vRd,max
Calculate cot
State OK against
Go to Shear Reinforcement
SHEAR REINFORCEMENT For beams with low shear stress Calculate vEd bw/1087 (mm2/mm)
Asw/s (mm2/mm) Asw = Area of Shear Steel, in mm2, & Link Spacing = s, where max s = 0.75d mm, Asw/s vEd bw /1087 (mm2/mm)
Asw/s (mm2/mm) Asw = Area of Shear Steel, in mm2, & Link Spacing = s, where max s = 0.75d mm, Asw/s vEd bw /435cot (mm2/mm)
Show that
Minimum value
Show that
State Asw/s OK
75 < s < 0.75d (mm) Bar Type, , and Spacing of Links Check
Basic span-to-effective-depth ratio, N from Table 15.10. (Concise EC2), for and fck Factor K from Table 15.11. (Concise EC2), for beam type beff/bw beff = bw for rectangular sections
Factor F1 from Table 15.12. (Concise EC2), for flanged beam geometry. Factor F2 = 1 for non brittle partitions over a 7m+ span Service stress, s = 435(Gk + 0.3Qk /1.35Gk + 1.5Qk)(As req /As prov)
As req is the area of tension reinforcement required at the section considered for the ultimate limit state. As prov is the area of reinforcement actually provided.
Factor F3 to account for service stress in tensile reinforcement = 310/ s 1.5 Allowable L/d= N x K x F1 x F2 x F3 Actual L/d Allowable L/d State Deflection OK