System Information Required by UE: RRC Idle

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System Information is divided into MasterInformationBlock and a number of SystemInformationBlocks.

UE needs to locate and read the system information before establishing any connection to the E-UTR . SystemInformationBlockTy!e" and all SI messages are transmitted on #$-S%&.

UE shall a!!ly the system information ac'uisition !rocedure(

u!on selecting and u!on reselecting) after handover com!letion) after entering E-EUTR from other R T) u!on return from out of coverage) u!on receiving a notification that the system information is changed) u!on receiving an indication about the !resence of an ET*S notification) u!on receiving a re'uest from %#M +,,, u!!er layer and u!on receiving ma-imum validity duration.

System Information Required by UE

The System Information re'uired by an UE de!ends on the RR% state of the UE.

RRC Idle
In RR% Idle state the system information are re'uired(

MasterInformationBlock SystemInformationBlockTy!e" SystemInformationBlockTy!e+ through SystemInformationBlocakTy!e/ de!ending on the ty!e of R Ts su!!orted by UE

RRC Connected
In RR% %onnected state the system information are re'uired(

MasterInformationBlock SystemInformationBlockTy!e"

SyetmInformationBlockTy!e + SystemInformationTy!e/ de!ending on su!!ort of %#M +,,,

The MIB includes a limited number of most essential and most fre'uently transmitted !arameters that are re'uired to ac'uire other information from the cell. MIB uses a fi-ed schedule .ith a !eriodicity of 0, ms and re!etitions made .ithin 0, ms. The first transmission of MIB is scheduled at subframe 1, of radio frame for .hich S23 mod 0 4 ,) and re!etition are scheduled at subframe 1, for all other radio frames. MasterInformationBlock contains the information elements( Downlink Bandwidth (dl Bandwidth! It re!resents the transmission band.idth configuration in do.nlink. Channel bandwidth B"Channel #M$%& Transmission band.idth configuration 3-RB .$IC$ Confi/ The 8&I%& carries the hybrid- R9 %:;3 :. System 0rame 1umber (system0rame1umber! system2rame3umber defines the / most significant bits in S23. '() * + ', '+ -, 5 "6 +6 6, 76 ",,

SystemInformationBlockTy!e" are carried in SystemInformation<SI= message. The SystemInformationBlockTy!e" uses a fi-ed schedule .ith !eriodicity of /, ms and re!etition made .ithin /, ms. The first transmission of SystemInformationBlockTy!e" is schedule in subframe 16 of radio frames for .hich S23 mod/ 4 ,) and re!etition are schedule in all radio frames for .hich S23 mod+ 4 ,. SystemInformationBlockTy!e" configures the SI-.indo. length and transmission !eriodicity for the SI messages. Im!ortant !arameters in SystemInformationBlockTy!e" .4M1 Identity4ist The $ist of 8$M3 identities. The first listed 8$M3 identity is the !rimary 8$M3 identity. 2rackin/ 5rea Code The common tracking area code for all listed 8$M3 CellBarred information %ell is barred or not.

Intra0requencyReselection This is used to control reselection .hen highest ranked cell is barred or treated as barred by UE. sib Ma33in/Info $ist of SIBs ma!!ed to the SystemInformation message. There is no ma!!ing information of SIB+) it is al.ays !resent in the first system information message listed in the schedulingInformation$ist.

SystemInformationBlock2y3eSystemInformationBlockTy!e+ contains common and shared channel information. The im!ortant !arameters !resent in SystemInformationBlockTy!e+ are(

ccess barring information Radio resource configuration of common channels UE times and constants

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e> contains cell re-selection information common for intra-fre'uency) inter-fre'uency and; or inter-R T cell re-selection. S!eed de!endent reselection !arameters are also included for control of UE cell reselection de!ending on UE s!eed.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e0 contains neighbouring cell related information relevant only for intra-fre'uency cell re-selection. The IE includes cells .ith s!ecific reselection !arameters as .ell as blacklisted cells.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e6 contains information relevant only for interfre'uency cell re-selection i.e. information about other E-UTR fre'uencies and interfre'uency neighbouring cells relevant for cell re-selection.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e5 contains information relevant only for inter-R T cell re-selection i.e. information about UTR fre'uencies and UTR neighbouring cells relevant for cell re-selection.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e7 contains information relevant only for inter-R T cell re-selection i.e. information about ?ER 3 fre'uencies relevant for cell re-selection. The IE includes cell re-selection !arameters for each fre'uency.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e/ contains information relevant only for inter-R T cell re-selection i.e. information about %#M +,,, fre'uencies and %#M +,,, neighbouring cells relevant for cell re-selection. The IE includes cell re-selection !arameters common for a fre'uency as .ell as cell s!ecific re-selection !arameters.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e@ contains a home e3B name <&3B 3ame=.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e", contains an ET*S <Earth'uake and Tsunami *arning System= !rimary notification.

The IE SystemInformationBlockTy!e"" contains an ET*S <Earth'uake and Tsunami *arning System= secondary notification.

System Information Modification

%hanges in system information occur only at certain radio frames. The modification !eriod boundaries are defined by S23 values. The !aging message is used to inform UEs in RR%AI#$E and in RR%A%B33E%TE# state about system information change. SystemInformationBlockTy!e" contains value tag) systemInfoCalueTag) that indicates is if a change has occurred in the SI messages. UE also check systemInforCalueTag) u!on return from out of coverage) to verify if the system information messages are still valid. UE considers stored system information to be in:alid after * hours from the moment it was successfully confirmed as :alid(

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