Death of A Salesman Rubric
Death of A Salesman Rubric
Death of A Salesman Rubric
Assignment Student has gone Student was able Student failed to Student did not
Instructions over and beyond to follow all follow a few steps provide enough
what has been asked instructions that were asked of information and
of them and has adequately and has them such as there appears to be a
executed the fulfilled the properly labeling lack of information or
assignment perfectly, minimum theme, quote, or effort put into the
following every step. requirement of the relationship. assignment. Come
assignment. see me after class.
Presentation Mind web excels in seems professional shows some shows lacks
professionalism and enough but is minimal effort put professionalism in
is neatly distributed missing pictures or into the organization and
on the Popplet. The another crucial assignment but lacks to show the
images are relevant aspect of the may not be as relationship between
to the content and assignment. The complete as it themes and claims.
add meaning to the images are relevant should be. Some The mind web has no
overall meaning of to the theme of the of the pictures images. See me after
the mind web mind web. may not be related class.
to the mind web.
Textual Strong Textual Some strong Popple has one Popple either is not
Analysis analysis is shown for textual analyses strong textual done or has failed to
each idea and is may be present at analysis or may be go further in depth
properly quoted and times, but some missing textual only providing vague
sited to show a expansion may be analysis for a claim information and not
relationship between needed. posed. analysis of claim.
a theme or claim. Student may have
not read the
material. See me.
Results: _________/ 16
Name: Class: Date:
Further Comments:
Results: _________/ 16