Sanc Ti Ty/ Sang (K) Titē/ Is Defined As "The State or Quality of Being
Sanc Ti Ty/ Sang (K) Titē/ Is Defined As "The State or Quality of Being
Sanc Ti Ty/ Sang (K) Titē/ Is Defined As "The State or Quality of Being
people, too. They do people things, like go shopping, park their cars, exercise, have dinner, workstu like that. They don!t go "gay shopping" or eat "gay dinner." #nd sometimes, when they!re in love and have decided they want to commit to each other or the rest o their lives, they want to get married. Some states have decided that they are horri$ly o ended $y people $eing in love and happy, and now the %irst #mendment rights o an entire nation are under attack, even i you aren!t gay. It!s &&king scary that something as $asic as civil rights is $eing decided upon $y popular opinion. 'eep in mind that!s what popular isn!t always right, and what!s right is not always popular. (et!s not orget that this "gay marriage" $an proposed $y the G)* is to "protect the sanctity o marriage," and it!s highly unconstitutional. sanctity/saNG(k)tit/ is de ined as "the state or +uality o $eing holy, sacred, or saintly." holy is de ined as "dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose, sacred." sacred is de ined as "connected with God -or the gods. or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration" or "religious rather than secular." saintly is de ined as "very holy or virtuous", re erring $ack to sacred / holy, which relate to religion. The %irst #mendment says, very clearly, "0ongress shall make no law respecting an esta$lishment o religion, or prohi$iting the ree exercise thereo ." #s i all that wasn!t enough, I!m pretty sure the "sanctity" o marriage has all ready $een destroyed $y 1ritney Spears, 'im 'ardashian, and the "1asket$all 2ives," some o whom aren!t wives. %urthermore, The 3u ington *ost recently reported on some surprising statistics rom a study done $y the 2illiams Institute:
4early 567,777 same8sex couples have either married or registered civil unions or domestic partnerships, which constitutes a$out one8 i th o same8sex couples in the U.S. -or rather, a i th o those who acknowledged themselves as such in recent United States 0ensus reports.. #$out 59 o the total num$er o currently8married or registered same8sex couples get divorced each year, in comparison to a$out :9 o the total num$er o married straight couples. 0ouples are more likely to legally ormali;e their relationship when marriage is an option, as opposed to a marriage8e+uivalent domestic partnership or civil union registration in states where only those options are allowed. # smaller percentage o same8sex couples register or marry in comparison to straight couples, $ut i current trends continue the marriage<registration rates will $e similar in a$out ten years. (ike amily man =ay > said, "?en lie, women lie8num$ers don!t."