MRSA Final

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Stacy Beharry Microbiology


Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as the much easier to remember MRSA, is a particularly vicious type of staph infection. Staph. aureus is a common bacterium that normally lives on the skin. It may also be found in the nasal passages !uang et al, "##$%. &here are two ma'or ways people become infected with MRSA. &he first is physical contact with someone who is either infected by or carrying MRSA( this is called coloni)ation *aplan et al, "##+%. &he second is for people to physically come into contact with MRSA on any ob'ect that a person infected or coloni)ed came into contact with, like gym e,uipment or bedding. -hile it is normal for staph to live on the skin of a healthy person, if you have a cut or abrasion, it can get into it and enter the body. .nce MRSA enters the body, the place of infection will display what looks like small bumps, a pimple, or a boil. After the infection begins, these pimples or boils will begin to abscess. &he abscess can also grow into the body and reach the tissues, causing

necrosis. &he infection can also reach the bloodstream and organs. .nce it reaches the internal organs or bloodstream it becomes life threatening !uang et al "##$%. MRSA was discovered in the /00#1s. In the /23#1s, medical treatment for staph. aureus infections became routine and successful with the discovery and introduction of the antibiotic medicine, such as penicillin. !owever, use of antibiotics, including misuse and overuse, has aided natural bacterial evolution by helping the microbes become resistant to drugs designed to help fight these infections, which is how this particular strain of staph became resistant to antibiotics ending in 4illin, like penicillin and methicillin *aplan et al, "##+%. It must instead be treated with trimethoprim4sulfametho5a)ole, clindamycin, rifampin, minocycline or do5ycycline, ciproflo5acin, and line)olid !uang et al, "##$%. MRSA has become a predominant cause of staph. auerus infections in both health care and community settings, causing increases in morbidity and mortality across the population. -hile once only found in hospitals and 'ails, community based MRSA cases have been on steadily on the rise, largely because of the fact that MRSA is most commonly spread through contact. &o prevent transmission of MRSA it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. 6se soap and water or hand saniti)er. 7over cuts and scrapes with clean bandages. 8o not touch other people1s wounds or bandages. 8on1t share towels

or ra)ors. 8ry clothes in a dryer rather than air dry !uang et al, "##$%. &reatment for MRSA include, first line treatment for mild abscesses is incision and drainage. 9or much other type of MRSA infections there are certain antibiotics that can be used in combination. Moderate to severe infections need to be treated by intravenous antibiotics in a hospital setting *aplan et al, "##+%.

-orks 7ited

!uang !sin, 9lynn :M, *ing ;!, et al. 7omparisons of 7ommunity4 Associated Methicillin4Resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA% and !ospital4Associated MSRA Infections in Sacramento, 7alifornia. ;ournal of 7linical Microbiology. "##$<"3"=4"3"> *aplan S?, !ulten *@, @on)ale) BA, !ammerman -A, et al. &hree4Bear Surveillance of 7ommunity4Ac,uired Staphylococcus aureus Infections in 7hildren. 7I8. "##+(3#</>0+4/>2/.

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