Planmeca Promax 3D Max CBVT Product Presentation

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Planmeca ProMax 3D Max

3D technology

CBCT - Cone Beam Computed Tomography CBVT - Cone Beam Volumetric Tomography DVT Digital Volume Tomography A technological advance from traditional CAT Scan, medical CT or fan eam CT

Cone beam 3D
Flat panel detector Line detector axis of rotation Movement of translation and axis of rotation object object X-ray source X-ray source

Cone eam !D ta"e# the $hole !D volume $ith one #can in#tead of many #lice# $ith many #can#%

Planmeca ProMax 3D Max

Dedicated !D unit Simple and ea#y patient po#itioning &o otic SCA&A movement, ad'u#ta le volume place Selecta le image volume #i(e, minimi(e radiated volume )rogram# to match diagno#tic ta#" *ate#t flat panel technology )ul#ed +-ray generator

Easy positioning

, , , ,

-le.i le head and patient #upport )atient #tanding or #itting Vertical fine-ad'u#tment of the volume Automatic vertically driving patient po#itioning #y#tem ma"e# the #titching of a#ic volume# ea#y

3D image volume location

, )re-de#igned imaging program# for different target# Dental program#/ 0nci#or#, Canine#, )remolar#, 1olar#, T12 34T 53ar, 4o#e, Throat6 program#/ Sinu#, 1iddle ear, Temporal one, Verte rae, Air$ay#

SCA&A-arm can po#ition the rotation centre at any place Ad'u#tment of the volume diameter i# po##i le -ine ad'u#tment $ith thum $heel, 'oy#tic" and la#er light# "V7mA automatically #elected according to patient #i(e

3D image volume sizes

-rom #mall 89: . 99 mm to large $hole head #i(e 8;!: . ;<: mm 1a.imum -=V 58;!: . ;<: mm 6 can e reached $ith automatic vertical #titching program% )rogram# match diagno#tic ta#" 1inimi(e radiated volume

3D Dental programs
Tooth , Adult/ 89: mm . 99 mm , Child/ 8>; mm . 9: mm , Vo.el Si(e/ ?::@m, ?9: @m, ;::@m, >::@m

Teeth , Adult/ 8?:: mm . 99 mm, 8?:: mm . A: mm , Child/ 8B9 mm . 9: mm, 8B9 mm . C9 mm , Vo.el Si(e/ ?9: @m, ;::@m, >::@m

Jaw , Adult/ 8?!: mm . 99 mm, 8?!: mm . A: mm, , Child/8??: mm . 9: mm, 8??: mm . C9 mm , Vo.el Si(e/ ;::@m, >::@m

3D Dental programs
Face , Adult/ 8?:: mm . ?!: mm, 8?!: mm . ?!: mm, 8?!: mm . ?<: mm, , Child/ 8B9mm . ??: mm, 8??:mm . ??: mm, 8??:mm . ?!< mm , Vo.el Si(e/ ;::@m, >::@m Skull , Adult D child/ 8;!: mm . ?<: mm, 8;!: mm . ;<: mm , Vo.el #i(e/ >:: @m, <:: @m

Horizontal pair program , Adult/ 89: mm . 99 mm , Child/ 8>; mm . 9: mm , Vo.el #i(e/ ;:: @m, >:: @m

3D ENT programs
Sinus , Adult D child/ 8?:: mm . A: mm, 8?:: mm . ?!: mm, 8?!: . ?!: mm, 8?!: . ?<: mm , Vo.el #i(e/ ;:: @m, >:: @m

Middle ear , Adult/ 89: . 99 mm , Child/ 8>; . 9: mm Vo.el Si(e/ ?:: @m, ?9: @m, ;::@m

Middle ear pair , Adult/ 89: . 99 mm , Child/ 8>; . 9: mm Vo.el Si(e/ ;:: @m, >:: @m

3D ENT programs
Temporal bone , Adult/ 8?:: . A: mm , Child/ 8B9 . C9 mm Vo.el Si(e/ ?9: @m, ;::@m

Temporal bone pair , Adult/ 8?:: . A: mm , Child/ 8B9 . C9 mm Vo.el Si(e/ ;::@m, >:: @m

3D ENT programs
Vertebrae , Adult/ 8?:: . A: mm, 8?:: . ?!: mm , Child/ 8B9 . C9 mm, 8B9 . ??: mm

Vo.el Si(e/ ;::@m, >::@m

Airways , Adult/ 8?:: . A: mm, 8?:: . ?!: mm, 8?!: . ?!: mm, 8?!: . ?<: mm , Child/ 8B9 . C9 mm, 8B9 . ??: mm, 8??: . ??: mm, 8??: . ?!< mm

Vo.el Si(e/ ;::@m, >:: @m

Imaging modes
Eigh re#olution mode , Vo.el #i(e ?:: @m , >:: or >9: frame# , 3ffective e.po#ure time ?; # ED 5Eigh Definition6 mode , Vo.el #i(e ?9: @m , 9:: or <:: frame# , 3ffective e.po#ure time ?9 # 4ormal re#olution mode , Vo.el #i(e ;:: @m , >:: or >9: frame# , 3ffective e.po#ure time ?; # *o$ do#e mode , Vo.el #i(e >:: or <:: @m , !:: or >9: frame# , *o$er e.po#ure value# , 3ffective e.po#ure time ;%> # , &emar"a ly lo$er do#e , Small file #i(e

Planmeca omexis 3D
, )lanmeca &ome.i# i# the #oft$are for capturing, vie$ing, and proce##ing ;D and !D image#% , All patient image# including intraoral and e.traoral +-ray image#, !D image#, #can#, and photograph# are all #tored and proce##ed $ithin one ea#y to u#e #y#tem% , The #oft$are i# fully D0C=1-compati le, and !D image# can e tran#ferred to any other #y#tem that receive# image# in D0C=1 format, #uch a# implant planning #oft$are% , !D image# can e $ritten directly into a CD $ith )lanmeca &ome.i# Vie$er to for$ard image# to a con#ulting doctor% , &ome.i# i# 2ava a#ed #oft$are that run# on Findo$# and 1ac =S operating #y#tem# and em race# modern 0T #tandard#%

Planmeca omexis 3D Explorer

,The #tandard module for !D image acGui#ition and vie$ing% ,!D image# can e freely navigated and re-#liced in real time% Sagittal, coronal and a.ial vie$#, real time re-#licing, free rotation and moving !D rendered vie$ $ith different option# i%e% colouring and cropping Ad'u#ting grey#cale#H rightne##, contra#t and gamma *ine and angle mea#urement# Ver#atile printing feature# for #tunning printout#

Planmeca omexis 3D Panoramic vie!

, The panoramic curve can e ea#ily edited further to match the patient anatomy or the ne$ curve can e dra$n% , The thic"ne## of the panoramic layer can e freely defined and #everal panoramic image# $ith different layer# can e generated in the #ame vie$% Tilting the image in #agittal vie$ !D rendered vie$ $ith panoramic plane Ad'u#ting grey#cale#H rightne##, contra#t and gamma Ver#atile printing

Planmeca omexis 3D Cross "ections module

,)roduce# cro## #ectional, and a.ial #lice# or panoramic vie$# of the !D image% ,The num er of the #lice# a# $ell a# the thic"ne## and di#tance et$een the #lice# can e freely defined% ,The mandi ular nerve can e mar"ed and the mea#urement# can e done in any of the vie$#% ,Ad'u#ting grey#cale#H rightne##, contra#t and gamma ,*ine and angle mea#urement# ,Ver#atile printing

Planmeca omexis 3D Implant planning tools

, )lanmeca &ome.i# !D 0mplant tool# allo$# accurate implant planning% , 0mplant placement i# a##i#ted y implant model# corre#ponding actual #i(e of real implant#% , Selected implant# are al#o availa le in reali#tic !D model#% , 0mplant mea#urement tool , Creating o$n implant li rarie#

Planmeca omexis 3D TM# module

, The )lanmeca &ome.i# T12 module #upport# accurate diagno#i# of T12 area% , The #i(e, location and aligment of the pro'ection# can e freely defined and a dedicated vie$ i# provided for each T12% , Both left and right T12# are availa le in one vie$ for ea#y compari#on% , Defining freely the num er, thic"ne## and di#tance of cro## #ectional and longitudinal #lice#

3D rendering





)lanmeca &ome.i# provide# different rendering #tyle# for different u#er preference#% 0mage# created $ith rendering are ea#y to under#tand and clearly de#criptive al#o for le## e.perienced vie$er% They are very u#eful in patient con#ultation and education% The !D rendered image can e cutted, coloured and ad'u#ted in many $ay#%

Planmeca omexis DIC$M

, D0C=1 0mport73.port for e.porting and importing #ingle image# , D0C=1 D0& 1edia Storage ena le# importing or e.porting all patient image# at the #ame time , D0C=1 Storage i# u#ed to #tore image# into the ho#pital# D0C=1 image archive 5)ACS6% , D0C=1 )rint i# u#ed to print the image# $ith a D0C=1 printer% , D0C=1 Iuery7 &etrieve i# u#ed for retrieving image# from D0C=1 image archive% , D0C=1 For"li#t i# u#ed to import a patient li#t from D0C=1 For"li#t Server% , D0C=1 Storage Commitment i# a confirmation of #ucce##ful image #torage% , D0C=1 1odality )erformed )rocedure Step 51))S6 #end# #tudy 0D, #tatu#, date#, patient name in #tarting the e.po#ure, and date# and complete li#t of image# including +-ray parameter# to the #erver after clo#ing e.po#ure ta#"%

Planmeca omexis compatibility

The !D image# e.ported from )lanmeca )ro1a. !D and )lanmeca &ome.i# in #tandard D0C=1 format can e u#ed in any D0C=1 compati le #oft$are for further diagno#i#, analy#i# or planning% 3.ample#/ 1atriali#e Simplant and 4o el Juide )rocera

Planmeca omexis 3D %ie!er

, )lanmeca &ome.i# !D vie$er i# a light #oft$are $hich you can add on CD7DVD $ith the image data and it offer# almo#t the #ame functionality a# your in#talled )lanmeca &ome.i# !D Ba#ic vie$ing and mea#urement# 0nclude# 3.plorer, )anoramic, Cro## Section and 0mplant vie$# depending on the ma#ter licence

Planmeca ProModel medical models &or true visualisation

, The )lanmeca )ro1odel phy#ical model i# manufactured a#ed on the )lanmeca )ro1a. !D image% , =nline ordering interface integrated into )lanmeca &ome.i#% , 4o need for #pecial imaging protocol# or !D imaging mode#, a normal )lanmeca )ro1a. !D image in any mode of e.po#ure i# #ufficient% , Eigh informative valueH increa#ed under#tanding of challenging ca#e# y revealing the anatomic detail# and relation# efore actual operation% , A##i#ting tool for preoperative planning of demanding operation#% , )erfect tool for communication et$een different treatment #ta"eholder#% , Shorter treatment time#, increa#ed patient #afety and improved re#ult# for demanding operation#% , 3.cellent for training and education%

Cone beam 3D technology

)lanmeca )ro1a. !D $or"# $ith cone eam volumetric tomography 5CBVT6 principle% CBVT u#e# $ide conical or pyramid #haped .-ray eam in#tead of narro$ fan eam% The !D image i# one thic" volume, not a pile of narro$ #lice#% CBVT #can i# only one rotation around the patient% 1edical CT need# #everal round# around the patient% CBVT/ i# fa#ter ha# lo$er do#e ha# etter re#olution
-lat panel detector

a.i# of rotation

o 'ect X-ray #ource

*ine detector

1ovement of tran#lation and a.i# of rotation o 'ect

+-ray #ource

3D Technology
Snap #hot image# ta"en $ith #ynchroni(ed +-ray pul#e# Stro o#copic effect for ma.imum clarity of the image# Accumulated +-ray e.po#ure time i# ;%> ?B # reduced do#e )roprietary !D recon#truction algorithm Vo.el #i(e ?::, ?9:, ;::, >:: or <:: @m depending on re#olution mode and volume #i(e &e#olution up to 9 lp7mm 54yGui#t6

ProMax 3D Max "canning

Symmetric #canning C-ram rotate# 1agnification ?%B. Scan angle ;?: deg !:: frame# 1a.% volume 8?:: . ?!: mm

A#ymmetric off-#et #canning 3l o$ arm rotate# 1agnification ?%>>. Scan angle !<: deg >9: frame# 1a.% volume 8;!: . ?<: mm

'symmetric o&&(set scanning

Sen#or #hift change# the acGui#ition geometry and reduce# the final image Guality

The #hift of $hole c-arm remain# the acGui#ition geometry con#tant and produce# etter final image

Isotropic voxel
, CBVT ha# al$ay# an i#otropic vo.el , The recon#truction can produce any #i(e of vo.el , The vo.el i# al$ay# perfect cu e , The mea#urement# are e.act , Vo.el #i(e i# typically :%? :%9 mm , CT ha# an ani#otropic vo.el , The vo.el i# al$ay# a K ric"L , The pitch 5M di#tance et$een #piral round# M layer thic"ne##6 varie# and cau#e# di#tortion in the !D mea#urement#% , The layer thic"ne## i# typically :%9 :%B mm

Pulsed )(ray

)ul#ed +-ray produce# #harp image# $ith le## do#e%

3D Technology *+lat Panel

)lanmeca )ro1a. !D 1a. flat panel imaging chain Conventional imaging chain $ith 0mage 0nten#ifier

+-ray Tu e )atient -lat )anel - Digital 0mage

+-ray Tu e )atient 0mage 0nten#ifier TV Camera Digital 0mage

1odern -lat )anel Technology for ma.imum performance

3D Technology * +lat Panel

0mage inten#ifier ha# oth di#tortion and rightne## nonuniformity $hich i# a #ent from the flat panel detector 0mage inten#ifier need# periodical maintenance% 0t ha# limited life #pan !-< year#% 0t i# #en#itive to magnetic or electrical field#% 0t i# over <: year# old technology%

3D technology * Tube Current Modulation

Different attenuation propertie# acro## and along the patientN# head Tu e current 5mA#6 can e dynamically ad'u#ted &educe# patient do#e and improve# image Guality



adiation dose

Medical CT 1 !!"##!! uS$

Dr Stuart Fhite, OC*A

&adiation do#e of CBCT !:- A:: @Sv Same level a# full mouth #erie# $ith film 3##entially lo$er than medical CT )ro1a. !D 1a. do#e 99 !:: @Sv

%i&' (an )'*"1)'+ uS$ FMS 1,! uS$

Dr Sharon Broo"#, = of 1ichigan

Planmeca ProMax 3D models

)lanmeca )ro1a. !D family offer# a #olution for the mo#t demanding imaging need#, producing variou# imaging #i(e# $ith one concept an ideal imaging #i(e for different ma.illofacial application#%

The End
1ore information/ 3r""i Eiltunen )roduct 1anager, +-ray# tel/ P!9B ;: CCA9 >9< er""i%hiltunenQplanmeca%com 1ar" 4iemi )roduct 1anager, +-ray# tel/ P!9B ;: CCA9 C>! mar"%niemiQplanmeca%com =#"u SundGvi#t )roduct 1anager, Soft$are tel/ P!9B ;: CCA9 CA! o#"u%#undGvi#tQplanmeca%com


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