Creo 2 - 0 Basic 2014

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Copyright 2013 Christopher Sikora

This manual is for educational purposes only. It may be printed, but not resold for profit for its content. Creo Parametric 2.0 is a registered trademark of PTC Corporation. Creo Parametric 2.0 is a product name of PTC Corporation. ACIS is a registered trademark of Spatial Technology Inc. IGES Access Library is a trademark of IGES Data Analysis, Inc.

Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

The information discussed in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered commitments by Christopher F. Sikora. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license.

Pro/ENGINEER (Creo 2.0) Basics 105

Course Description: Pro/ENGINEER (Creo) Basics 3 credit hours Exploration of the theory and application of solid modeling techniques for product design and manufacturing. Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering Drawings 101 or consent of instructor. Course Objectives: Provide the student with the knowledge and practical experience in the areas of 3D CAD modeling of parts, assemblies, and the creation of mechanical drawings from the models. Textbook
Creo Basics free/pdf., parts, and videos provided on Evaluation Scale: A B C D F Points: Exercises Mid Term Final Labs Total 300 pts 300 pts 300 pts 100 pts 1000 pts 90% to 100% 80% to 89% 70% to 79% 60% to 69% Below 60%

General Course Outline

Date Week Topic
1. Introduction to the Interface Lecture Modeling Theory - Sketching and Base Feature Geometry Creation. Lab Revolved Features and Mirroring Part Modeling Secondary Features. Fillets, Chamfers, Draft, Patterns, Mirroring. Sweeps, and Circular Patterns Modeling Quiz and CAD Administration Building Assemblies (Bottom-Up method BU) Creating Drawings. Review for Mid Term Mid Term Exam 3D Curves and Sweeps Swept Blends/Lofting Assemblies Creation (Top-Down Method TD) Assembly/Part Editing (TD & BU Methods) Sheet Metal Intro Assembly Project (continued) Lab time to complete exercise, Review for Final Exam Final Exam

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Required Hardware
16+ Gigabyte USB Flash / Thumb Drive

Required Software
CREO 2.0 Educational Edition

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES We welcome students with disabilities and are committed to supporting them as they attend college. If a student has a disability (visual, aural, speech, emotional/psychiatric, orthopedic, health, or learning), s/he may be entitled to some accommodation, service, or support. While the College will not compromise or waive essential skill requirements in any course or degree, students with disabilities may be supported with accommodations to help meet these requirements. The laws in effect at college level state that a person does not have to reveal a disability, but if support is needed, documentation of the disability must be provided. If none is provided, the college does not have to make any exceptions to standard procedures. All students are expected to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and all other college procedures as stated in the current College Catalog. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING ACCOMMODATIONS: 1. Go to SRC108 and sign release to have documentation sent to the college, or bring in documentation. 2. Attend an appointment that will be arranged for you with the ADA coordinator or designee. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: 1. Attendance of each scheduled class meeting is required unless otherwise specified by the instructor. 2. Daily work problems and hand-outs will be maintained in a notebook and turned in upon the instructors request. 3. Reading assignments will be made prior to discussing the material. 4. Keep your drafting workstation clean and free of miscellaneous materials. 5. Please report any malfunctioning equipment to the instructor. LABORATORY UTILIZATION: 1. Regular daytime hours. The room is open for your use starting at 8:00AM daily. Even though classes are being held, you are encouraged to find an open area and work in the laboratory. 2. There are evening classes, but you may use the lab up to 10:00PM. 3. On weekends, the lab will be available on Saturdays from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The lab will be closed on Sundays. INSTRUCTORS RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Present material in a manner that can be understood by each student. 2. Respect each student as an individual, to be of assistance in any way possible, and to help solve problems, but not to solve problems for the student.

3. Keep records of your progress and to summarize your learning experiences with a final Attendance and Cheating Policies Introduction: Drafting is a technical profession in our society; consequently, presentations in this course are factual and technical, and final grades represent the students accomplishment of the learning activities. Attendance: Attendance at each class meeting is required. Attendance may be a factor when determining the final grade. Your instructor will specify his/her policy concerning the relationship of attendance and the final grade. Each instructor has the option of taking attendance for his/her personal use. If a student misses class because of illness, a field trip, or any other AUTHORIZED reason, the student is obligated to determine what was missed, and will be held responsible for that work. If a student is absent without an excused absence, he/she will also be held responsible, and must obtain all information from some source other than the class instructor. Instructors DO NOT have to accept any make-up work, do individual tutoring, or make special test arrangements for any UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Cheating: Cheating in this department is interpreted to mean the copying, tracing, or use of another persons work for the purpose of completing an assignment. Individual initiative and personal performance in completing all assignments is required of all students. This course may seem to offer situations that are conducive to cheating. However, evidence of cheating on the part of any student will be sufficient cause for an assignment of an F for the course. Instructors reserve the right to change a grade after the end of the semester if there is evidence to warrants.



E1 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 1 - Introduction to sketching, modeling and options menu inside Creo 2.0, Also, basic rendering tools.



E2 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 2 - Introduction to Sketch Mirroring, and Revolved features inside Creo 2.0



E3 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 3 - Secondary feature modeling, Extrusions with (new) taper/draft function. offset datum planes, extrude up to next, engraved text.



E4 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 4 - Introduction to sweeps, revolved features, filleting, circular patterns.



E5 CREO Parametric 2.0 (new) Exercise 5 - Bottom-up assembly creation



E6 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 6 - Introduction to 2D Drawings, Detailing, Layout, Section, Detail, Auxiliary views, Dimensioning.



E7 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 7 - Creating 3D Guide Curves/Path, Sweeps, Mirroring features



E8 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 8 - Swept Blends, Mirroring, using Sketch Splines to create a boat hull sections. Download the free training manual at



E9 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 9 - Introduction to Top-Down Assembly Modeling



E10 CREO Parametric 2.0 Exercise 10 - Top-Down Assembly Modeling



E11 CREO Parametric 2.0 Creo 2.0 Sheet Metal basics, Top-Down method



CREO Parametric 2.0 MIDTERM REVIEW Mid-Term Exam Review - Covers modeling parts, bottom-up assemblies, and drawing creation.



CREO Parametric 2.0 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Final Exam Review

CAD 105 TOTALS (E Exercise, L-Lab, Q-Quiz) E1 - 10pts o L1 10pts o L1b 10pts E2 30pts o L2 5pts o Q1 -10pts E3 30pts o L3 - 5pts o L3b 5pts E4 30pts o L3c-5pts E5 30pts o L5b-10pts E6 30pts o L6-10pts E7 30pts o L3d-5pts E8 30pts E9 30pts o L9 5pts E10 30pts o L11c - 5pts E11 30pts o L11d 5pts MIDTERM 300pts FINAL 300pts TOTAL - 1000pts

Introduction to Pro/E - creo

creo 2.0 Interface

View Options

Ribbon Menu Icons Origin (Axis Center x-0, y-0, z-0)

Feature Manager

View port

Mouse Buttons
Left Button - Most commonly used for selecting objects on the screen or sketching. Right Button Used for activating pop-up menu items, typically used when editing. (Note: you must hold the down button for 2 seconds) Center Button (option) Used for model rotation, dimensioning, zoom when holding Ctrl key, and pan when holding Shift key. It also cancels commands and line chains. Center Scroll Wheel (option) same as Center Button when depressed, only it activates Zoom feature when scrolling wheel.


Options & Properties menus The heart of


Selecting the File Options pull down menu (located at the top left side of the screen) opens the active documents Options.

Model Properties


View options
Zoom In Repaint Objects Spin Center


Shaded Zoom Out Create Cross-sections for a drawing


Rectangle Circle Spline Fillet Point Dim Constraint/ Relations Trim Mirror Apply/Finish

Line Start Sketch Datum Plane

Arcs 3 Point Tangent Concentric

Text Convert Entities & Offset Cancel

NOTE: If you do not see all of these icons on your interface you can customize the toolbars to bring them up. Right mouse button click on the top grey frame of the window and locate the customize option.

Where do you start a sketch? Sketches can be created on any Datum Plane or Planar Face or Surface. Pro/E provides you with three datum planes centralized at the Origin (your zero mark in space) NOTE: Planes can also be created and will be discussed in more detail in the future. Also after completing
a sketch always select the Apply/Finish check mark on the sketch toolbar, this will activate the extrude or revolve feature tools.


To start a sketch Pre-select the plane or face you desire to sketch on and then select the Sketch Icon. NOTE: You can select the planes from the Feature Manager.

Sketch Options

Controlling your geometry

Pro/E uses two methods for constraining geometric entities. Constraints and Dimensions Constraints can be referred to as common elements of geometry such as Tangency, Parallelism, and Concentricity. These elements can be added to geometric entities automatically or manually during the design process.
Here is an example of adding a relationship between two geometric entities.


Cautious sketching can save time. There are 3 primary file types in Creo, which include
1. Part (.prt) Single part or volume. 2. Assembly (.asm) Multiple parts in one file assembled. 3. Drawing (.drw) The 2D layout containing views, dimensions, and annotations.

Switching between documents (Activating a document)

Select the Window pull-down menu and you will see the available documents. Click on the document you wish to work on from the list to activate it.


Sketch Constraints (Relations)

Constraint Horizontal or Vertical Collinear Perpendicular Parallel

Geometric entities to select Resulting Constraint One or more lines or two or The lines become horizontal or vertical (as more points. defined by the current sketch space). Points are aligned horizontally or vertically. Two or more lines. The items lie on the same infinite line. Two lines. The two items are perpendicular to each other. Two or more lines. The items are parallel to each other. A line and a plane (or a planar face) in a 3D sketch. An arc, ellipse, or spline, and a line or arc. Two or more arcs, or a point and an arc. Two lines or a point and a line. A point and a line, arc, or ellipse. Two or more lines or two or more arcs. A centerline and two points, lines, arcs, or ellipses. The line is parallel to the selected plane. The two items remain tangent. The arcs share the same centerpoint. The point remains at the midpoint of the line. The point lies on the line, arc, or ellipse. The line lengths or radii remain equal. The items remain equidistant from the centerline, on a line perpendicular to the centerline.

Tangent Concentric Midpoint Coincident Equal Symmetric


Controlling your geometry with dimensions

Strong versus Weak Dimensions Double click and change to make them Strong!

Dimensioning this way will enable the length of the bracket to change but the holes will always remain positioned to 1.5 off each side.

Dimensioning this way will enable the length of the bracket to change but the holes will always remain positioned to the left side.


Solid Modeling Basics

Layer Cake method
Extruded Boss/Base (Creates/Adds material)

Extruded Cut (Removes material) Ingredients: Profile

Revolve method
Revolve Boss/Base (Creates/Adds material)

Revolve Cut (Removes material) Ingredients: Profile Center Line (Note: The profile cannot cross over the center line!)


EXERCISE 1 Introduction to basic part modeling Base Extrude Features create a 3D solid representation by extruding a 2 dimensional profile of the entity.
Objective: Create a solid model.

This will fail to extrude.

This will create a hole.

1. Start a new part file.

4. Select the Rectangle tool.

3. Select the Sketch icon.

7. Click to finish sketch.

2. Select the Front plane.

6. Double Click to edit the dimensions.

5. Click and drag across. 19

7. Select Boss Extrude.

NOTE: When dimensioning use the dimension tool and make edge selections, mouse center button click to apply dimension.

9. Hit Apply the green check mark to finish. 8. Set to Blind @ .5.


10. To sketch the next feature select the front face of the model and then select the Sketch icon.

Toggle views using the View Orientation toolbar.

Adding a constraint Ctrl Select both left edges of sketch and solid. Select Coincident



2. Enter .5

1. Select the Extrude icon.

Select the face, select sketch icon and draw a circle on the face. Dimension, Hit Ok


Extrude Cut

4. Select the Extrude icon.

6. Select the Cut and reverse options.

7. Select the Apply or hit Enter two times.

5. Select the Through All option.

Go to file save and save-as E1

Update or Regenerate model changes using the Regenerate button. Although it is unnecessary in this instance it is still a very important tool. It will update only dimensional or feature changes made to the model.

Now try LAB1

NOTE: Patterns/Arrays and Mirroring will be covered in the next three chapters. Please try to model LAB 1 without using them. Its good practice to just dimension and sketch all geometry when first starting out learning this software.




EXERCISE 2 Revolved Features Revolved Feature - creates features that add or remove material by revolving one or more profiles around a centerline. The feature can be a solid, a thin feature, or a surface. Tips Profile Centerline, Edge, or Axis of Revolution

The profile should never cross over the centerline, nor should there be profiles on both sides of the centerline.


1. Create a new part file (E2) and then start a sketch on the Front plane.

4 2. Sketch the following. Ctrl select the profile and the horizontal centerline, then using the Mirror tool to create a of the geometry and then mirror it to the other side. Make sure you finish adding the dimensions.


3. Select the Revolve feature icon.

Then select the axis/centerline.


Rounds 4. Select the top and bottom edges and add a R.100





EXERCISE 3 Secondary Feature Modeling 1. Sketch the geometry as show below on the Front plane.


.75 DIA. 1.2


Extrude. Select Mid-Plane, 1.

FINISH Mid-Plane 1



DRAFT: Select the Draft tool, and then References, Ctrl select all side faces of the model. Then Click on the draft hinges dialog box, and select the Front Datum Plane.



Select the top surface (LMB Click 2 x) on the model and start a sketch on it.



OFFSET: Select the Offset tool. Then select Loop. Then select the face.


Enter -.125 and to flip the offset direction.




Select the extrude icon, and then set to cut and .125 depth.

7. Select Concentric (Circle tool), then select the arc edge of the part.


9. Trim the intersection.

10. Select the extrude icon, and cut .700 depth. FINISH



Select the base of the pocket and start a sketch. Draw the following two .375 DIA. circles, and extrude / cut Through-all.


DATUM PLANE OFFSET: Select the Top datum plane, then select the Datum icon. Set to -4 offset. The Datum icon can offset as well as several other options for creating planes.



Start a sketch on DTM 1 and draw a .5 dia. circle centered on the origin.


Extrude boss and use the Up to next option.



Select the circle and use the setting as shown in the illustration below.




Start a sketch on the front datum plane and draw a rectangle with the following dimensions.



Extrude boss using the mid-plane option and .750 thick.



18. Using the Draft tool select the following faces and front plane and put 7 of draft on the side faces of the handle.


19. Rounds: Select the rounds/fillet icon, then select the edges as shown in the illustration below. Add .100.


20. Add .060 Rounds to the following edges.






EXERCISE 4 Secondary Feature Modeling 1. Sketch the geometry as show below on the Front plane. Then Trim.






Constraints: Select the Front datum plane and sketch the following. Use the Constraint tool and select the Tangent option. Then select the left most horizontal line and the arc attached to it to establish a tangent relationship.



Sweeps: Use the pull-down menu Insert/Sweep/Protrusion Select the left side of the curve we just created to create a new sketch datum at the end. Also select: SelectTraj/Curve Chain/Select All/Done/Done



Draw the following sketch and select the finish option once complete.

.5 DIA


Pattern Circular Pattern: 360/3 = 120 (NOTE: First select the spoke to activate the icon.) Select Axis also select the view axis




Fillet all edges at .125 FINISH




Select the Front plane and start a sketch on it. Rebuild after completion.






Add .250 Rounds to the spoke handle sections.





EXERCISE 5 Bottom-Up Assembly Creation 1. Go to File/New and select the Assembly Template.


Assembly Tools.

Assemble (Bottom-Up) Create (Top-Down)



To insert a part into the assembly select the Assemble icon. Select the Sheet_Metal_Bracket.prt, and hit the open button at the bottom.


Select the Automatic pull down and select the Default option.



Select the Assemble

icon and then insert the yoke_male.prt.



Select the radial surface of the yoke_male shaft and then select the surface of the hole on the bracket.

Notice the alignment that takes place.



Select the Placement tab and then select New Constraint option. Then select the top surface of the yoke_male, and the underside face of the top flange of the bracket. Note: make sure you deselect the Allow Assumptions icon to
enable dynamic assembly motion (its located at the bottom of the Placement tab).



After applying the last constraint try moving the component using the Drag Component icon. Click on an edge of the yoke and drag with the left mouse button. It should spin in place only.



Insert the spider.prt and mate the cylindrical faces of the holes.


Select the side face of the spider and then the inside face of the male_yoke leg. You may need to rotate the assembly to see the correct faces. You may need to Regenerate after applying the last mate.



Select the concentric holes. Select the yoke_female leg and open face of the spider.


Use the Drag Component tool to locate the yoke_female near the bottom angled flange of the bracket.



Editing a Mate: RMB select the Spider from the feature tree on the right of the screen. A pull-down menu will appear. Select Edit Definition.


Parallel Mate: Select both bottom faces of the yoke_female and the angled flange of the bracket. Then select the Orient to assembly reference option to align parallel. (Parallel is needed here because there is a small gap between the



Insert the u-joint pin_2.prt, and select the cylindrical faces to mate.


Distance Mate: Select the end face of the pin and then select a parallel flat face the spider. Add a distance of .35




Attach the remainder of the components.


After completion you should be able to use the Drag Component icon to dynamically rotate the assembly.



EXERCISE 6 Fundamental 2D Drawing Creation 1. Open the Exercise 6 part file.


View Layout/Drawing Toolbar. Make sure Exercise 6 is shown in the Default model box, and select Empty with format, then select a_format. You may need to browse to find the part if it does not show automatically.



The standard a sheet should automatically show up.

4. 5. 6.

To insert views RMB (right mouse button) click/hold in the center of the drawing. Or select the General icon in the Layout tab tools ribbon. Select insert general view from the list, and then left click to drop the new view in. Select the FRONT option from the Drawing View dialog box and hit OK. NOTE: If you lose the Drawing View dialog box simply double click on the drawing view itself to return it.


7. 8.

To move the views select the view then RMB click the unlock view option. Projection view: Select the front view of the part then select the Projection option in the Layout tab ribbon.



Section Views: Select the top view and repeat the projection view steps, and then move the pointer up, LMB click to drop the new view. Then double LMB click on the view to activate the options of that view. Turn on/show the Datum Planes



Section Views: Select the section option, in the menu manager select Done, and then create new, then type A in the text box and hit the green check mark at the right of the screen. Then select the Plane option to the right, finally you can select the actual plane (horizontal) on the top view.




Section view arrows: You select and RMB click on the section view, then find Add Arrows, click on the Top view and they should appear .


Detail View: Is added by selecting the Detailed tool in the Layout ribbon. (NOTE: Do not pre-select the view.)


Select a center point for the view, and then sketch a spline around the area, and center mouse button click to close it. Then click to the right of the screen to locate and drop the new detail view.



Auxiliary views: Are created by selecting the option then selecting the edge of the flange on the front view. Then select the drop point. Double click on the view to change its appearance.


Isometric General Views: Are created when you select the general view icon. Then select the location to drop the view. Double click on the view to change the appearance.

4 17. View Display: Can be used to change the views from solid to wireframe or hidden lines/HLR.


18. Dimensions and Annotations (2 Methods): Select the . a. Import (Show Model Annotations) dimensions used to create the model b. Create (New References) dimensions (Note: reference dimensions cannot be changed)


When importing dimensions try using the feature/view option versus inserting all the dimensions for the mode as it will cluster all them together. Feature helps reduce the cluster and yet the dimensions are editable, providing the benefit to edit the actual parts and assemblies in a bi-directional fashion from the drawing.


Editing the Sheet: use the Note tool to enter your name and part number.



Printing: Select the Publish tab for print and print preview options. Note if you find it difficult to print using the Pro Engineer printer tools select the PDF option and print from Adobe instead.


Transitioning from Radius to Diameter when dimensioning, is simply done by double clicking on the desired edge then middle click to drop a Diameter dimension. Versus a single click on an edge will result in a radius.




EXERCISE 7 Projected Curves and Sweeping 1. Sketch this on the Front plane.

2. 3. 4.

Hit Done to exit the sketch. Select the Right plane and start a sketch on it. Draw the following.


Hit Done to exit the sketch.



Extrude the curve Mid-Plane 4. It should extrude as a surface. Hit the green check to apply. FINISH


Go to. Then go to Edit/ Project.



Select References/Project a sketch/Sketch1-Curve that you drew/CTRL select all surfaces/Select the Front Datum/ Flip the arrow




Select the surface and RMB click to find the Hide option.


You should now have a single 3 Dimensional curve.


11. 12.

Hit the Done icon and Sweep/Protrusion using the curve as the Path and the circle as the Profile. Also select: SelectTraj/Curve Chain/Select All/Done/Done


Draw a .500 circle at the intersection/end of the curve. Select Done and OK



Start a sketch on the Front plane. Draw the following.


Select Done to exit the sketch.


19. 20.

Select Sweep/Protrusion using the curve as the Path and the circle as the Profile. Also select: SelectTraj/Curve Chain/Select All/Done/Done


Select the concentric circle icon (buried under the circle tool). Select the edge of the face and click over the ed ge to assume an Equal diameter (R1/R1)



Sweep using the new path and converted entity as the profile.


CTRL Select both Protrusions from the Feature Tree, and then select the Mirror icon. Then select the end face of the body.



Now using the tools you have learned over the past 5 weeks finish the remainder of the model.

Hints to complete the model


Revolve Two Directions


The completed part; check to see if your feature tree looks the same as this one.



EXERCISE 8 Swept Blend/Lofting Swept Blends create a feature by making transitions between profiles. A Swept blend can be a base, boss, cut, or surface.
Objective: Create a boat hull by lofting multiple section profiles.


Create 4 datum planes beginning from the Front plane and offset from each other as shown. DTM Plane 1 6.00 DTM Plane 2 8.00 DTM Plane 3 1.00


Sketch 1 on the Front plane should look like this use the Spline tool.



Sketch 2 on DTM 1 should look like this


Sketch 3 on DTM 2 should look like this


Sketch 4 on DTM 3 should look like this A (.010) profile at the origin.



Select the Right datum plane ad draw a horizontal line at the origin and dimension it 15 long.


Swept Blend: Exit any sketches and select Insert/Swept Blend.



References Trajectories: Select the 15 line. Select the Solid option.


Sections/Selected Sections: Select the 4 sketches in order from back to front. Be sure to select the Insert button for every sketch to be entered.



You should have a boat hull now


Use the Mirror feature and select the flat side face as the plane to mirror from.


Select the hull one more time and hit the green check mark to apply.



You are finished with the boat Hull.


(Optional) Now dress it up for the contest


EXERCISE 9 Top-Down Assembly Modeling Top-Down Assembly Modeling is creating parts inside an assembly.

Objective: Create an assembly of a pencil sharpener. If the width is changed all parts must update.

1. 2. 3.

Create a new assembly file. Go to the Create icon. Save it as E9_Front and drop it on the Front plane. Create the following part from the drawing.


4. 5.

When finished select the Activate option to exit part editing mode. Insert another new component and save it as E9_Reservoir.



Create the following model in the context of the assembly-using offset or convert entities from the E9_Front model.



EXERCISE 10 Assembly Editing This exercise will include both Bottom-Up and Top-Down Assembly Modeling. Objective: To update the MP3 Assembly with the changes requested by the boss as noted on the drawing.


Open the file called E10_asm assembly and modify according to the instructions noted on the drawing provided. You will have to mate the Battery part file.




EXERCISE 11 Sheet Metal Design Sheet Metal part files can be very useful for extracting a flat pattern.
Objective: Model a sheet metal enclosure using Top-Down Assembly methods, and flatten it.


Go to file/open and select E11 for file type and locate Gear Enclosure.
Extrude Unfold Flatten

Trim Edge Flange




Insert a new part into the assembly; drop it on the end face of a gear shaft of the assembly. Name it Cover 2 (This will be the enclosure) then select the front outside face. Convert Entities. Offset


Extrude up to vertex.



Once completed the assembly should look like this. Right Mouse click on the surface of the enclosure and select open.


Convert to sheetmetal Go to an isometric view and ctrl select the four faces as shown.



Rotate the view to select the fourth face.


6. To convert to a sheet metal part, select the pull down menu Application/Sheet metal select the shell option.


Select the bottom face and select the Conversion icon.



Go to the right view orientation and you should have this section view


Click on the Rip parameters and select the two inside edges. Hit apply.



Double click on Bends. Hold the CTRL key while selecting. Hit done and OK.


Select the flatten icon.


12. Return to the assembly.

13. Add holes and additional features.

14. The enclosure is now completed.



BONUS INFORMATION ProE Creo Administration Finding adequate computer hardware to run Inventor can be challenging, this lesson looks at the multiple aspects of selecting hardware as well as modifying settings inside Creo to allow it to run efficiently and trouble free. Selecting an Operating System (OS). Windows XP Professional Windows XP 64-Bit edition (Creo 3.0 is the last release for Windows XP) Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Virtual Memory Settings inside the OS. It may be a good idea to increase or adjust your virtual memory setting. The norm would be x2 x3 your current amount of ram. Example 512MB of Ram 1000 1500 MB Virtual Ram. And keep the initial size the same as the maximum size. It is said that this prevents write errors.


Processors (CPU)
Intel Atom Celeron Pentium Core i3 Core i5 Core i7 Xeon AMD Sempron Athlon II Phenom X2,3,4,6 VISION A4,6,8,10 FX Series Opteron



Most CPU manufacturers are beginning to deliver multiple core processors. This can be seen with the AMD FX which has up to eight processing cores.

Which one will run Creo fastest? You can find benchmarks at specifically for Creo or you can look for the generic OpenGL benchmark results that usually use an OpenGL video game.

The question is: Can Creo benefit from multiple cores? Currently one might find an average of 10 15% performance increase with general modeling. This is because Creo is not fully written to take advantage of multithreaded processes. However, using the Creo Simulation, CFD, or Photolux rendering solutions one may discover 2x 12x faster performance versus a single core processor. This is because these Creo applications do take full advantage of multithreaded processing. The biggest benefit one might find is the ability to multitask while working with an FEA analysis. This is a long process and you could actually open up another window of Creo or Outlook and continue working while the analysis is running with little slow down in performance. To check out what your computer has inside without opening the case download the free version of CPUID CUP-Z Or ctrl-alt-del and start task manager to see how many threads your CPU has, as well as how much RAM.


Graphics Cards
Here are a few brands that are in the Professional Category and actually have specific drivers that are written to run Inventor at its best. NVIDIA Quadro series (not NVS series) Quadro FX K600 erp.$159 (erp- estimated retail price) Quadro FX K2000 erp.$499 Quadro FX K4000 erp.$799

ATI FirePro series (not FireMV series) FirePro 3900 erp.$159 FirePro 5900 erp. $499 FirePro 7900

Intel Xeon P4000 HD integrated graphics (must be P = Professional rated)

These cards are considerably more expensive that mainstream cards but the benefits of experiencing less crashes or visual problems with Pro/E outweigh the cost. If you are using Inventor at work, DONT SKIMP! Buy a professional grade video card. For home use the nVidia Geforce or AMD Radeon series are fair, but you will still experience some graphical glitches. GRAPHICS CARD Creo BENCHMARK (source: MEMORY (RAM) 4.0 16.0 GB From simple machined parts to complex assemblies. The more RAM the better. 3.0 GB+ Requires Windows XP/Vista/7 64 Bit Editions


Bonus EXERCISE 3B Family Tables Family Tables enable you to create multiple part configurations derived from a single part file.
GOAL: Learn how to make multiple part configurations within a single part file. In this exercise we make a cast and machined version of the ratchet.

1. Open the Exercise_4_FAMILY part file.


2. Go to the pull down menu- Tools/Family Tables

3. Select the Insert new insatnce two times. Then hit the Add icon.


4. Select the Feature option, then select the Extrude 4, 5, and 6

5. Select OK. 6. Select Verify 7. In the columns type N for no- to supress the feature, or Y for yes for the feature to be unsupressed. Hit OK.


8. Hit Verify once again on the smaller Family Tree box.

9. To view suppressed features on the tree select settings then Model Tree items.

10. To open the additional instances go to File/Open, and select the original file, when it opens it will prompt you with a list of Family Parts available. FIN


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