Tower Crane Test Report
Tower Crane Test Report
Tower Crane Test Report
This checklist provides an overview of the basic requirements which would help to ensure that a tower crane is safe for use.
Tower crane users should work with suppliers / owners to meet these minimum requirements and address any concerns
before the use of these lifting equipment.
The items in this checklist are non-exhaustive and users are encouraged to make modification and customization to suit to
your work processes and conditions at the workplace.
Risk assessment conducted for the various work processes • Completed risk assessment form
3 (e.g. installation, alteration, use, maintenance and for the various work processes
Risk assessment team comprised of representatives from • Risk assessment form indicating
4 the occupier, equipment supplier, equipment operator etc. the composition of risk assessment
Safe work procedures are effectively communicated to all • Records of briefing / training to
relevant parties (e.g. approved crane contractor, crane
6 relevant parties
operator, lifting supervisor, signalman, rigger etc.)
Layout plan is updated and clearly indicates the zones of • Layout plan complied with
7 influence of the tower crane. requirements outlined in appendix
Layout plan is checked and endorsed by an Authorised • Authorised Examiner’s stamp and
8 Examiner (AE) for full compliance signature to endorse the layout
Tower crane’s foundation is not submerged under water • Inspection to verify requirements
and is cleared of debris / rubbish are met
Post installation inspection carried out by Authorised • Inspection checklist completed and
19 Examiner which include load tests, inspection of safety signed by Authorised Examiner
devices and limit switches (Appendix 2)
• Professional Engineer (PE) refers to a person who has a valid registration with the Professional
Engineers’ Board, Singapore
• Authorised Examiner (AE) refers to a person who is approved from the Commissioner for Workplace
Safety and Health to carry out examination or test as stipulated by the conditions of his approval.
Useful References
Where to find:
• Workplace Safety and Health Act and subsidiary legislations are available for download at:
• In addition, guidelines and technical advisories are also available for download at:
Source: Guidelines for the Notification for Use of Tower Crane in Workplace
The table below shows the acceptance criteria for tower cranes to be used:
Issues Criteria
For Saddle Jib (Hammer-head) Tower Crane
• Slewing limit switches are installed (and indicated on the plan) to prevent the jib
from slewing beyond the factory boundary; i.e. the tower crane shall not slew
360 degrees.
• The collapsed zone lies within uninhabited areas or non-public access areas;
• The tower crane is sited such that it is within or surrounded by the building/s
under construction; i.e. the zone of collapse is mitigated by the building
4. The luffing jib tower crane when not in operation shall be so parked within the
zone of collapsed as proposed in the layout plan.
Crane to crane For factory with more than one tower crane, crane-to-crane interference must
interference be prevented by suitable devices, such as slew or trolley limit switches or
anticollision device. The zone of influence of the counter-weight jib must not
interfere with the zone of influence of another tower crane. The minimum
horizontal buffer distance between the jibs / counter-jibs of both tower cranes
shall not be less than 3 metres.
Height Where the zone of influence of two or more tower cranes interferes with one
Separation another within a site, there must be a height separation of at least 3 metres
vertically between the jib of a tower crane to the highest point of the other tower
crane or structure within the zone of influence.
Note : The zone of collapse refers to the affected area in a worst case scenario should a tower crane collapse
completely, i.e. both mast and jib.
1. The occupier and AE shall ensure that:
a) The jib, counterjib and counterweights of the tower crane shall not over-sail or interfere with any
buildings, structures, bridges, public roads or areas within the railway protection zone (ie
40m from the outermost edge of the rapid transmit system structure), unless the
owner/occupier of the tower crane has obtained the consent from the occupant of the building or
relevant authorities (eg LTA), etc allowing the jib of the tower crane to over-sail the building or
public roads.
b) The written consent shall be accompanied by a proposal by the occupier stating down preventive
measures to be taken if the jib is over-sailing the building or road
(e.g. special hoarding or periodic road closure).
c) The jib or counterjib of the tower crane shall not over-sail any school, petrol station,
community clubs, places of worship or any other public buildings
beyond the factory boundary. This is regardless whether permission had been obtained by the
owner of the establishment.
2 Written approvals shall also be obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Ministry of
Defence for the Installation of the tower crane. This is to ensure that the tower crane, among other things,
will not interfere with their activities.
(b) Manager
Development & Building Control
Land Transport Authority
PSA Building
460 Alexandra Road #19-00
Singapore 119963
Source: Guidelines for the Notification for Use of Tower Crane in Workplace
Factory No.
Name of Approved Crane
Random samples of all bolts/pins or connecting fasteners
used are non-destructively tested for any defects.*
Number of bolts/pins used Sample size
(excluded those used at the bottom 3 required
mast sections)
9 to 15 5
26 to 40 10
41 to 65 15
66 to 110 20
111 to 180 25
181 to 300 30
The operator’s cabin is free from any defects that may affect
its serviceable use.
Pre-Installation Checks Date / Time:
A load-radius indicator with warning signal is installed and in
good working condition.
Other Remarks:
Date : ________________________