Modelling and Simulation of High Step Up DC-DC Converter For Micro Grid Application
Modelling and Simulation of High Step Up DC-DC Converter For Micro Grid Application
Modelling and Simulation of High Step Up DC-DC Converter For Micro Grid Application
Modelling and Simulation of High Step up Dc-Dc Converter for Micro Grid Application
B.D.S Prasad, 1 Dr. M Siva Kumar2
EEE, Gudlavalleru Engineering College/ JNTUK, INDIA PROFESSOR& HOD Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTUK, INDIA
Abstract: The distributed generation (DG) systems based on the renewable energy sources have rapidly developed in recent
years. These DG systems are powered by micro sources such as fuel cells, photovoltaic (PV) systems, and batteries. The micro grid concept consists of two stages, in the first stage the low level voltage from the pv cell is converted to high level voltage by using DC-DC converter. In the second stage the high level DC voltage is converted into AC voltage by using an inverter and is supplied to load. This paper proposes a novel High Step-up DC-DC converter for micro grid application. The proposed converter is modelled and simulated along with pv cell and inverter through MATLAB/SIMULINK for AC load. The proposed converter has high voltage gain and efficiency. The results are successfully verified.
Keyword: Coupled inductor, distributed generation (DG) system, high step-up, Multilevel Inverter, Cascaded H Bridge
multilevel inverter.
I. Introduction
Distributed generation (DG) systems based on renewable energy sources (RES) have experienced a fast development in recent years. With more DG units being integrated into the power system, a recent concept, called microgrid, is developed by grouping a cluster of loads and parallel DG units in a local area. The microgrid can operate in gridconnected mode or autonomous islanding mode and benefits both the utility and customers in terms of efficiency, reliability and power quality. Each DG system has an energy source and a storage system, a grid-interfacing voltage source inverter (VSI) and output LC filters. In the grid-connected operation, the microgrid is connected to the grid at the point of common coupling (PCC) through a static transfer switch (STS), and each DG unit generates proper real and reactive power (according to the dispatched references or from the maximum power point tracking). In islanding operation, the DG units continue to supply power to the microgrid loads and they should be able to share the total load demand according to their respective ratings. Numerous industrial applications have begun to require higher power apparatus in recent years. Some medium voltage motor drives and utility applications require medium voltage and megawatt power level. For a medium voltage grid, it is troublesome to connect only one power semiconductor switch directly. As a result, a multilevel power converter structure has been introduced as an alternative in high power and medium voltage situations. A multilevel converter not only achieves high power ratings, but also enables the use of renewable energy sources and drive applications. With the advancement of power electronics and emergence of new multilevel converter topologies, it is possible to work at voltage levels beyond the classic semiconductor limits. The multilevel converters achieve high-voltage switching by means of a series of voltage steps, each of which lies within the ratings of the individual power devices. Among the multilevel Converters, the cascaded H-bridge topology (CHB) is particularly attractive in high-voltage applications, because it requires the least number of components to synthesize the same number of voltage levels. These converter topologies can generate high-quality voltage waveforms with power semiconductor switches operating at a frequency near the fundamental [5]. Although, in low-power applications, the switching frequency of the power switches is not restricted, a low switching frequency can increase the efficiency of the converter. Additionally, multilevel converters feature several dc links, making possible the independent voltage controls. In this paper, a load-connected PV power system with high voltage gain is proposed. The steady-state model analysis and the control strategy of the system are presented. The load connected PV system includes two power-processing stages: a high step-up ZVT-interleaved boost converter for boosting a low voltage of PV array up to the high dc-bus voltage, which is not less than load side voltage level; and a multilevel inverter for inverting the dc current into a sinusoidal waveform synchronized with the utility system. The distributed generation (DG) systems based on the renewable energy sources have rapidly developed in recent years [1], [2]. These DG systems are powered by micro sources such as fuel cells, photovoltaic (PV) systems, and batteries [3][7]. Fig. 1 shows a PV distributed system in which the solar source is low dc input voltage. PV sources can also connect in series to obtain sufficient dc voltage for generating actuality voltage; however, it is difficult to realize a series connection of the PV source without incurring a shadow effect [8], [9].high step-up DC-DC converters are generally used as the front end converters to step from low voltage (1240 v) up to high voltage (380400 v) [10]. High step-up DC-DC converters are required to have a large conversion ratio, high efficiency, and small volume. This paper proposes a high efficiency, high step-up voltage gain, and clamp-mode converter and applied to load with the help of multilevel inverter. The proposed converter adds two pairs of additional capacitors and diodes to achieve high step-up voltage gain. The coupled inductor is used as both a forward and fly back type; thus, the two capacitors can be charged in parallel and discharged in series via the coupled inductor. The transit current does not flow through the main switch compared with earlier studies. Thus, the proposed converter has low conduction loss. Additionally, this converter 530 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645 allows significant weight and volume reduction compared with other converters. Another benefit is that the voltage stresses on the main switch and output diode are reduced. However, the leakage inductor of the coupled inductor may cause high power loss and voltage spike. Thus, a passive clamping circuit is needed to recycle the leakage-inductor energy of the coupled inductor and to clamp the voltage across the main switch. The reverse-recovery problems in the diodes are alleviated, and thus, high efficiency can be achieved.
Fig. 2. Circuit configure of the proposed converter. A. Continuous-Conduction Mode (CCM) Operation 1) Mode I [t0, t1]: During this time interval, S is turned on. Diodes D1, D2, and D3 are turned off, and D0 is turned on. The current-flow path is shown in Fig.3. The primary-side current of the coupled inductor iLk is increased linearly. The magnetizing inductor Lm stores its energy from dc source Vin. Due to the leakage inductor Lk, the secondary-side current of the coupled inductor i is decreased linearly. The voltage across the secondary side winding of the coupled inductor VL2, and blocking voltages Vc2 and Vc3 are connected in series to charge the output capacitor Co and to provide the energy to the load R. When the current is becomes zero, dc source Vin begins to charge capacitors C2 and C3 via the coupled inductor. When ilk is equal to iLm at t= t1, this operating mode ends.
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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645
Fig.3. Current flowing path of Mode-I during one switching period at CCM operation. 2) Mode II [t1, t2]: During this time interval, S is still turned on. Diodes D1 and D0 are turned off, and D2 and D3 are turned on. The current-flow path is shown in Fig. 4. The magnetizing inductor Lm is stored energy from dc source Vin. Some of the energy from DC source Vin transfers to the secondary side of the coupled inductor to charge the capacitors C 2 and C3. Voltages Vc2 and Vc3 are approximately equal to nVin. Output capacitor C0 provides the energy to load R. This operating mode ends when switch S is turned off at t = t2.
Fig.4. Current flowing path of Mode-II during one switching period at CCM operation. 3) Mode III [t2, t3]: During this time interval, S is turned off. Diodes D1 and D0 are turned off, and D2 and D3 are turned on. The current-flow path is shown in Fig. 5. The energies of leakage inductor Lk and magnetizing inductor Lm are released to the parasitic capacitor Cds of switch S. The capacitors C2 and C3 are still charged by the DC source Vin via the coupled inductor. The output capacitor C0 provides energy to load R. When the capacitor voltage Vin+Vds is equal to Vc1 at t = t3 , diode D1 conducts and this operating mode ends.
Fig.5. Current flowing path of Mode-III during one switching period at CCM operation. 4) Mode IV [t3, t4]: During this time interval, S is turned off. Diodes D1, D2, and D3 are turned on and D0 is turned off. The current-flow path is shown in Fig.6. The energies of leakage inductor Lk and magnetizing inductor Lm are released to the clamp capacitor C1. Some of the energy stored in Lm starts to release to capacitors C2 and C3 in parallel via the coupled inductor until secondary current is equals to zero. Meanwhile, current i Lk is decreased quickly. Thus, diodes D2 and D3 are cut off at t = t4, and this operating mode ends.
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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645
Fig.6. Current flowing path of Mode-IV during one switching period at CCM operation. 5) Mode V [t4, t5]: During this time interval, S is turned off. Diodes D1 and D0 are turned on, and D2 and D3 are turned off. The current-flow path is shown in Fig.7. The energies of leakage inductor Lk and magnetizing inductor Lm are released to the clamp capacitor C1. The primary and secondary windings of the coupled inductor, DC sources Vin, and capacitors C2 and C3 are in series to transfer their energies to the output capacitor C0 and load R. This operating mode ends when capacitor C1 starts to discharge at t = t5.
Fig.7. Current flowing path of Mode-V during one switching period at CCM operation. 6) Mode VI [t5, t6]: During this time interval, S is still turned off. Diodes D1 and D0 are turned on, and D2 and D3 are turned off. The current-flow path is shown in Fig.8. The primary-side and secondary-side windings of the coupled inductor, DC sources VIN, and capacitors C1, C2, and C3 transfer their energies to the output capacitor C0 and load R. This mode ends at t = t6 when S is turned on at the beginning of the next switching period.
Fig.8. Current flowing path of Mode-VI during one switching period at CCM operation.
D C1
t C1 21 D (1) TS n 1
Where Ts is the switching period, Dc1 is the duty ratio of the switch, and tc1 is the time of modes IV and V. By applying the voltage-second balance principle on Lm, the voltage across the capacitor C1 can be represented by 533 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645
1 K 1 K n D Vin 1 D 2
Since the time durations of modes I, III, and IV are significantly short, only modes II, V, and VI are considered in CCM operation for the steady-state analysis. In the time period of mode II, the following equations can be written based on Fig.: (3)
(5) During the time duration of modes V and VI, the following equation can be formulated based on Fig.: (6) Thus, the voltage across the magnetizing inductor Lm can be derived as (7)
Using the volt-second balance principle on Lm, the following equation is given
(8) Substituting (2), (3), (5), and (7) into (8), the voltage gain is obtained as (9)
The schematic of the voltage gain versus the duty ratio under various coupling coefficients of the coupled inductor is shown in Fig... It is seen that the voltage gain is not very sensitive to the coupling coefficient. When k is equal to 1, the ideal voltage gain is written as (10)
If the proposed converter is operated in boundary condition mode, the voltage gain of CCM operation is equal to the voltage gain of DCM operation. From (10), the boundary normalized magnetizing inductor time constant LmB can be derived as
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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645 Case 1: Proposed high step-up DC/DC converter:
Fig.10. Shows the proposed converter Output waveforms of proposed converter V DS, ILK, IS
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645 Case 2: Proposed high step-up DC/DC converter applied to AC load. The above Fig 10, Fig 11, Fig12 shows the waveforms of current through leakage inductor I LK, current Through secondary IS, current through diode D2 ID2, current through diode D3 ID3,voltage across diode D1 VD1, Voltage across diode D2 VD2, voltage across output diode D0 VD0 Fig.13 shows the MATLAB/SIMULINK circuit of the proposed high step-up DC/DC converter applied to AC load with photo voltaic cell as the input.
Fig.13 SIMULINK model of the micro grid with pv cell,DC-DC converter, inverter
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan-Feb. 2013 pp-530-537 ISSN: 2249-6645
V. Conclusion
This paper proposed a novel, high efficiency, and high step-up DCDC converter applied to AC load with the help of inverter. By using the capacitor charged in parallel and discharged in a series by the coupled inductor, high step-up voltage gain and high efficiency are achieved. The steady-state analyses of voltage gain and boundary operating condition are discussed in detail. A prototype circuit of the proposed converter is built in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The voltage stress on the main switches is 90V; thus, low voltage ratings and low on-state resistance levels RDS (ON) switch can be selected. Moreover, the proposed converter has simple structure.
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