IBM Infosphere Metadata Workbench v8 7 Tutorial

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IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench

Version 8 Release 7



IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench

Version 8 Release 7



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Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Setting up the tutorial environment . . . . . . Copying the installed tutorial files . . . . . Importing assets into the metadata repository . . Importing databases, database tables, data files, and BI models . . . . . . . . . . . . Importing an IBM InfoSphere DataStage job . Creating application and file extended data source assets . . . . . . . . . . . . Importing extension mapping documents . . Module summary . . . . . . . . . . Completing tasks before running lineage reports . Managing lineage . . . . . . . . . . Identifying schemas as identical . . . . . Module summary . . . . . . . . . . Running lineage reports . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 2 . 3 . 3 . 10 . . . . . . . . 11 13 16 16 16 17 20 20 Running data lineage reports . . Running business lineage reports . Module summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . 21 . 22

Product accessibility

. . . . . . . . 23

Accessing product documentation. . . 25 Links to non-IBM Web sites. . . . . . 27 Notices and trademarks . . . . . . . 29 Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2011




Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports

In this series of modules, you use IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench to create a flow of data that can be displayed in a lineage report. You learn how to prepare the data for lineage reports by completing administrative tasks. Lastly, you learn to run lineage reports. These tasks are required to create the flow of data that is displayed in lineage reports: 1. Import all assets that are needed for the tutorial into the metadata repository: v Relational databases with database tables and columns v Data files with structures and fields v Business intelligence (BI) reports with reports and models v Extended data source assets of type file and of type application v Extension mapping documents with source-to-target mappings v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage jobs After you import the assets, you verify that they are in the metadata repository by using InfoSphere Metadata Workbench. 2. Perform administrative tasks that prepare the data for correct lineage: v Define a database alias so that the Manage Lineage utility can set relationships between stages of a job and database tables. v Run the Manage Lineage utility. This step links the target stage in one job to the source stage in the next job, and links views to database tables. v Define two schemas as identical. All database tables and database columns that are contained by identical schemas are also marked as identical when their names match. 3. Run lineage reports: v Run data lineage to display all assets in the complete flow of data. v Run business lineage to display selected assets in the flow of data.

Setting up the tutorial environment

You must prepare your system to run the tutorial. You access IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench by using your Web browser. Other product modules must be installed.

Learning objectives
After you complete the lessons in this module, the tutorial is ready for use.

Time required
The time needed to complete the setup depends on the overall performance of your system and on other IBM InfoSphere Information Server product modules that you installed.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2011

You must know the Web address of IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench and of InfoSphere Information Server. You must know the user name and password of an account that has the Metadata Workbench Administrator role, the Suite Administrator role, and the DataStage and QualityStage Administrator role. These roles might be in different accounts or all roles might be in the same account. The following software must be installed on the appropriate tier for InfoSphere Information Server: v IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage v Istool (This software is typically installed in InfoSphere_installation_directory\Clients\istools\cli where InfoSphere_installation_directory is the top-level installation directory of InfoSphere Information Server.) The following software must be installed on the same computer from which you run the tutorial: v InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer client v IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator v Any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system v Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 6 or 7, or Mozilla Firefox version 2

Copying the installed tutorial files

You must copy the installed tutorial files to a temporary directory on your computer. When IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench was installed on the services tier of IBM InfoSphere Information Server, the tutorial files were also installed. The tutorial files are in a compressed format. To copy the installed tutorial files to your computer: 1. Go to the directory \IS_Installer\is-suite\TutorialData\WorkBench on the installation media. 2. Copy the file,, to a temporary directory on your computer, such as C:\temp\tutorial. 3. Extract all files in to the temporary directory. The scripts are needed to import or to create the assets in the metadata repository. These scripts are extracted from and are in the temporary directory: v EWS.dsx v EWS.isx v EWS1.isx v Report.isx v ExtensionApplication_Source.csv v Extended_File_Source.csv v EWSMapping1.csv v EWSMapping2.csv


Importing assets into the metadata repository

In this module, you import different types of metadata assets into the metadata repository.

Learning objectives
The lessons in this module explain how to do the following actions: v Import databases, database tables, and data files from files that were created by vendor software. v Import business intelligence (BI) reports and models that were created by IBM Cognos. v Create extended data source assets of type application and of type file by importing a file that is in a comma-separated value (CSV) format v Import extension mapping documents with two rows of source-to-target mappings. The extension mapping document is in a CSV format. v Import jobs that were created by IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer. In this tutorial, you import assets into the metadata repository by using import files. Typically however, assets are created or imported into the metadata repository when an IBM InfoSphere Information Server product module connects to the data source.

Time required
This module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Importing databases, database tables, data files, and BI models

You import databases, database tables, data files, and business intelligence (BI) models into the metadata repository. The import files are in an ISX format. To import databases, database tables, data files, and BI models: 1. At the command prompt, go to the directory InfoSphere_installation_directory\istools\cli, where InfoSphere_installation_directory is the top-level installation directory of IBM InfoSphere Information Server. For example, the directory path might be C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli. 2. At the command prompt, type the command istool. 3. Run this command on each tutorial file whose file extension is isx: import -dom SERVERNAME -u USRNAME -p PASSWORD -ar FULL_PATH_TO_FILE -cm where v SERVERNAME is the name or IP address of InfoSphere Information Server. If clustering is set up, use the name or IP address and the port of the front-end dispatcher (either the web server or the load balancer). Do not use the host name and port of a particular cluster member. If clustering is not set up, use the host name or IP address of the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and the port number that is assigned to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console, by default 9080.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports

v USRNAME and PASSWORD is the user name and password of an account on InfoSphere Information Server with the Suite Administrator role. v FULL_PATH_TO_FILE is the file name of an extracted tutorial file with the directory path. An example might be C:\temp\tutorial\EWS.ISX. Note: The command to import Report.isx is import -dom SERVERNAME -u USRNAME -p PASSWORD -ar FULL_PATH_TO_FILE -cm -replace You can check that the databases, database tables, data files, and BI models are in the metadata repository by doing these steps: 1. Open the Web browser and connect to the Web address of IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench. 2. Type your user name and password, and click Login. The Welcome page of the metadata workbench is displayed. 3. In the left pane of the metadata workbench, click the Discover tab. 4. In the Additional Types list, select Database and click Display. The newly created databases are displayed in the right pane of the metadata workbench.

Figure 1. List of new databases in the metadata repository

5. Right-click DW_MART and select Open Details in New Window to display its details in the asset information page.


Figure 2. Asset information page with details about DW_MART

6. In the Additional Types list in the left pane, select Data Files and click Display. The newly created data files are displayed.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports

Figure 3. List of three new data files in the metadata repository

7. Right-click C:\EWS\Prod\GlobalSales and select Open Details in New Window to display its details in the asset information page.


Figure 4. Asset information page for a data file

8. In the Additional Types list in the left pane, select BI Model and click Display. The newly created BI model EWS is listed. 9. Right-click EWS and select Open Details in New Window. Note the BI collections and BI report that are listed in the asset information page of the BI model EWS:

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports

Figure 5. BI collections in BI model EWS

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you imported databases, database tables, data files, and BI models. You can display these imported assets in the Browse tab of the left pane of the metadata workbench. You imported these databases, schemas, database tables, and data files into the metadata repository:


Figure 6. List of imported assets that are displayed in the Browse tab of left pane

You created the BI model EWS that contains BI collections, PROD_MRT and SALES_MRT. You created the BI report ProductionRunReport.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports

Figure 7. List of imported BI model and report assets that are displayed in the Browse tab of left pane

Importing an IBM InfoSphere DataStage job

You must create a project and then import a job into the project. The project and its job are created and then imported into the metadata repository by using IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer. 1. Open IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator in your desktop. Log in with the user name and password of an account with the DataStage and QualityStage Administrator role. 2. Click the Projects tab to list the Projects. Click Add. 3. In the Name field of the Add Project window, type EWS. Click OK. The EWS project is created and added to the list of projects. 4. Click Close to save the new project and to exit the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Administrator. 5. Open IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer in your desktop. Log in with the user name and password of an account with the DataStage and QualityStage Administrator role. Select the project EWS from the Project list. If a New window opens, click Cancel. 6. In the toolbar, click Import > DataStage Components. 7. In the DataStage Repository Import window, browse to the directory where you extracted the tutorial files. Select EWS.dsx as the import file.



Figure 8. DataStage Repository Import window to select the file to import

8. Click OK to import the project. 9. Click File > Exit to close IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer. You can check that the jobs are in the metadata repository by doing these steps in IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench: 1. In the left pane of the metadata workbench, click the Discover tab. 2. In the Additional Types list, select Job and click Display. A list of all jobs is displayed. 3. Narrow your search to display only those jobs whose name begins with EWS by typing this string in the Narrow Your Results field.

Figure 9. List of new jobs that begin with "EWS" in the metadata repository

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you imported InfoSphere DataStage jobs into the metadata repository.

Creating application and file extended data source assets

In this lesson, you import files in a comma-separated value (CSV) format. The files list extended data source assets of type application or of type file. The import creates these assets in the metadata repository. To create application and file extended data source assets:
Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


1. In the left pane of the metadata workbench, click the Advanced tab and select Import Extended Data Sources. 2. Click Add in the Import Extended Data Sources window. Browse to the directory where you extracted the tutorial files and select these files: v ExtensionApplication_Source.csv v Extended_File_Source.csv

Figure 10. Two files whose assets are created in the metadata repository

3. Click OK. The Status window displays the import status as the files are read. File and application assets are created in the metadata repository. 4. Click OK to close the Status window. You can check that the extended data source assets are in the metadata repository by doing these steps: 1. In the left pane of the metadata workbench, click the Discover tab. 2. In the Asset Type list, select Application and click Find. Right-click the newly created application asset CRM and select Open Details in New Window to display its details.



Figure 11. Asset information page of CRM, a new application asset in the metadata repository

3. In the Asset Type list, select File and click Find. Right-click the newly created file asset Customer Data Upload and select Open Details in New Window to display its details.

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you imported two files in a CSV format by using InfoSphere Metadata Workbench. The import created new extended data source assets of type file and of type application in the metadata repository. You learned the following tasks: v How to create extended data source assets in the metadata repository by importing a CSV file. v How to view the new extended data source assets in the metadata repository after the import.

Importing extension mapping documents

In this lesson, you import extension mapping documents into the metadata repository by using IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench. Each mapping row in the document maps a source asset to a target asset. The source assets and the target assets were created or imported into the metadata repository in the previous lessons. To import extension mapping documents: 1. In the left pane of the metadata workbench, click the Advanced tab and select Import Extension Mapping Documents.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


In the Import Extension Mapping Documents window, click Add in the top pane. Browse to the directory where you copied the tutorial files and select EWS Mapping1.csv and EWS Mapping2.csv. Leave the Source, Target, and Configuration fields blank. 3. Click OK and then click Save to save and import the extension mapping document into the metadata repository. 4. Click OK to close the Status window. 5. Right-click the extension mapping document EWS Mapping 2.csv and select Open Details in New Window. In the Extension Mappings pane of the asset information page, the two mapping rows, both called SP Read, are listed. Inventory Data is a source asset of type file and is mapped to the target assets AmericaProd and Plant. AmericaProd is an asset of type file structure. Plant is an asset of type file field. 2.

Figure 12. Asset information page of an extension mapping document with two mapping rows

To see the asset information page of the source or target assets, right-click the asset name and select Open Details in New Window. In this example, the asset information page of InventoryData displays the same information about the extension mapping rows as the asset information page of the extension mapping document.



Figure 13. Asset information page of the source asset InventoryData

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you created an extension mapping document with two mapping rows. You noted the source-to-target mapping assignment by looking at the asset information page of the extension mapping document, or of the source or target assets. You learned the following tasks: v How to import an extension mapping document with source and target assets.
Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


v How to see the source-to-target mappings when you view the asset information page of the extension mapping document.

Module summary
In this module, you imported assets into the metadata repository that are needed to create a lineage report. You imported the following assets: v Database v Database file v v v v IBM Cognos business intelligence (BI) report Extended data source assets of type application and of type file Extension mapping documents with source-to-target mappings Compiled IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage jobs

The metadata repository now has the assets that are needed for the lineage report. The next step is to perform administrative tasks to prepare the data.

Lessons learned
In this module, you learned how to do the following tasks: v Import databases, database files, BI reports, and compiled IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage jobs by using istool command-line interface. v Create extended data source assets of type application and of type file by using IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench. v Import extension mapping documents with source-to-target mappings by using InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.

Completing tasks before running lineage reports

In this module, you perform administrative tasks that are needed to prepare the data in the metadata repository for lineage reports.

Learning objectives
The lessons in this module explain how to do the following actions: v Set relationships between stages and tables or data file structures, between stages, and between database tables and views. v Map a database alias to ensure that stages and database tables are correctly linked in lineage reports. v Run data source identity to identify duplicate database and schemas.

Time required
This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Managing lineage
In this lesson, you learn how to manage lineage by setting relationships between stages and tables or data file structures, between stages, and between database tables and views.



When the target stage in one job is matched to the source stage in the next job, the metadata workbench reports display the cross-job analysis. When views are matched to their source database tables, the metadata workbench displays the relationships in the lineage report. The Manage Lineage utility in the metadata workbench works with stages that connect to databases and data files. The most commonly used stages are supported. To run the Manage Lineage utility: 1. Click the Advanced tab in the left pane of the metadata workbench and then click Manage Lineage. 2. Select the EWS project, which has new jobs, and then click the Detect . Associations icon This step detects associations between stages and data sources. and do the following steps: 3. Click the Map Database Alias icon a. In the Mapped Database Aliases table, locate the row of the database alias, DW_Mart. Click Select in that row. b. In the Select a Database for DW_Mart window, click Find and then select EWS in the results list. Click Select. c. Click Save to define EWS as the alias for the database DW_Mart. d. Repeat step 2 to update the database alias. These steps maps a database name to an alias name. The Last Run field of the row in the Transformation Project results table displays the data and time that Manage Lineage was last run.

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you assigned a database alias to a database to ensure that stages and database tables are correctly linked in lineage reports. You learned how to run the Manage Lineage utility.

Identifying schemas as identical

In this lesson, you learn how to specify that two schemas are identical. Database tables that the schemas contain are also marked as identical if the table names match. To identify schemas as identical: 1. Click the Advanced tab in the left pane of the metadata workbench and then click Data Source Identity. 2. In Select a Database window, click Find. 3. Select DW_MART and click Select. In the Matched Schemas table, the database, DW_MART, has a single schema, SCHEMA1. 4. In the row for SCHEMA1, click Add. 5. In the Select a Schema for SCHEMA1 window, click Find and select SCHEMA1 of database EWS and of host EWS. Click Select. 6. Click Save to save your changes.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


Figure 14. Two schemas from different databases are identified as identical

In the Browse tab of the left pane of the metadata workbench, you can see that the database tables of the matched schemas SCHEMA1 have the same table names. In this case, the database tables are also identified as identical.



Figure 15. Database tables from different schemas are also identified as identical

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you identified SCHEMA1 of database DW_MART and SCHEMA1 of database EWS as identical schemas. Database tables in these schemas have the same name. As a result, these database tables are also identified as identical.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


Module summary
In this module, you performed administrative tasks on the assets that you created or imported into the metadata repository. The administrative tasks prepared the data for correct lineage.

Lessons learned
In this module, you learned how to do the following tasks: v Define a database alias so that the Manage Lineage utility can set relationships between stages of a job and database tables. v Run the Manage Lineage utility. This step links the target stage in one job to the source stage in the next job, and links views to database tables. v Define two schemas as identical. All database tables and database columns that are contained by identical schemas are also marked as identical when their names match.

Running lineage reports

In this module, you create reports that analyze the flow of data from data sources, through jobs and stages, and into databases, data files, and business intelligence (BI) reports.

Learning objectives
The lessons in this module explain how to do the following actions: v Run data lineage reports v Run business lineage reports

Time required
This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Running data lineage reports

Data lineage reports show the movement of data within a job or through multiple jobs and show the order of activities within a run of a job. In this tutorial, the data lineage report includes all assets that flow from an application asset to a business intelligence (BI) report. To run data lineage reports: 1. Click the Discover tab in the left pane of the metadata workbench. 2. In the Asset Type list, select BI Report and click Find. 3. In the Find Results pane, right-click ProductionRunReport and select Data Lineage. 4. Select the Application tab and then select CRM. The results of data lineage report vary according to the assets that you select as your starting point for the data flow. The data lineage report is displayed. A list of assets according to asset type is displayed in the right pane.



Figure 16. Data lineage from an application asset to a BI report

You can display information about the assets in a data lineage report in any of the following ways: v Open each twisty of an asset type (in the right pane) to display the assets. v Move the mouse pointer over the graphic of an asset in the left pane. v Click the graphic of an asset to expand the asset information in the right pane. You can get additional information about an asset by clicking the icons at the bottom of each graphic. The results of data lineage vary according to the asset that you select as your start and end points for the data flow. If, instead of selecting CRM as the starting point for data lineage, you select EWS_SalesStaging job, then the data lineage report would be different.

Figure 17. Data lineage from a job asset to a BI report

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned how to run a data lineage report.

Running business lineage reports

In this lesson, you create a business lineage report that displays only the flow of data, without the details of a full data lineage report.

Tutorial: Preparing data for lineage reports


Business lineage reports show a scaled-down view of lineage without the detailed information that is not needed by a business user. Business lineage reports show data flows only through those assets that have been configured to be included in business lineage reports. In addition, business lineage reports do not include extension mapping documents or jobs from IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage. To 1. 2. 3. run business lineage reports: Click the Discover tab in the left pane of the metadata workbench. In the Asset Type list, select BI Report. Click Find. In the Find Results pane, right-click ProductionRunreport and select Business Lineage.

The business lineage for a BI report is displayed.

Figure 18. Business lineage report for a BI report

Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson you learned how to create a business lineage report.

Module summary
In this module you ran data lineage and business lineage reports.

Lessons learned
In this module, you learned how to do the following tasks: v How to configure and run data lineage reports. v How to run business lineage reports.



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You can get information about the accessibility status of IBM products. The IBM InfoSphere Information Server product modules and user interfaces are not fully accessible. The installation program installs the following product modules and components: v IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary v IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary Anywhere v IBM InfoSphere DataStage v IBM InfoSphere FastTrack v v v v IBM IBM IBM IBM InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere InfoSphere Information Analyzer Information Services Director Metadata Workbench QualityStage

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IBM and accessibility

See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

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Accessing product documentation

Documentation is provided in a variety of locations and formats, including in help that is opened directly from the product client interfaces, in a suite-wide information center, and in PDF file books. The information center is installed as a common service with IBM InfoSphere Information Server. The information center contains help for most of the product interfaces, as well as complete documentation for all the product modules in the suite. You can open the information center from the installed product or from a Web browser.

Accessing the information center

You can use the following methods to open the installed information center. v Click the Help link in the upper right of the client interface. Note: From IBM InfoSphere FastTrack and IBM InfoSphere Information Server Manager, the main Help item opens a local help system. Choose Help > Open Info Center to open the full suite information center. v Press the F1 key. The F1 key typically opens the topic that describes the current context of the client interface. Note: The F1 key does not work in Web clients. v Use a Web browser to access the installed information center even when you are not logged in to the product. Enter the following address in a Web browser: The host_name is the name of the services tier computer where the information center is installed, and port_number is the port number for InfoSphere Information Server. The default port number is 9080. For example, on a Microsoft Windows Server computer named iisdocs2, the Web address is in the following format: iisinfsrv_home.html. A subset of the information center is also available on the IBM Web site and periodically refreshed at index.jsp.

Obtaining PDF and hardcopy documentation

v A subset of the PDF file books are available through the InfoSphere Information Server software installer and the distribution media. The other PDF file books are available online and can be accessed from this support document: v You can also order IBM publications in hardcopy format online or through your local IBM representative. To order publications online, go to the IBM Publications Center at servlet/pbi.wss.

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Providing feedback about the documentation

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Contacting IBM
You can contact IBM for customer support, software services, product information, and general information. You also can provide feedback to IBM about products and documentation. The following table lists resources for customer support, software services, training, and product and solutions information.
Table 1. IBM resources Resource IBM Support Portal Description and location You can customize support information by choosing the products and the topics that interest you at entry/portal/Software/ Information_Management/ InfoSphere_Information_Server You can find information about software, IT, and business consulting services, on the solutions site at businesssolutions/ You can manage links to IBM Web sites and information that meet your specific technical support needs by creating an account on the My IBM site at You can learn about technical training and education services designed for individuals, companies, and public organizations to acquire, maintain, and optimize their IT skills at You can contact an IBM representative to learn about solutions at

Software services


Training and certification

IBM representatives

Providing feedback
The following table describes how to provide feedback to IBM about products and product documentation.
Table 2. Providing feedback to IBM Type of feedback Product feedback Action You can provide general product feedback through the Consumability Survey at consumability-survey

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Index C
customer support contacting 33

legal notices 29

non-IBM Web sites links to 27

product accessibility accessibility 23 product documentation accessing 25

software services contacting 33 support customer 33

trademarks list of 29

Web sites non-IBM 27

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