A Report On Summer Training
A Report On Summer Training
A Report On Summer Training
About the Company History of the Company Sections in HZL Power requirement Organizational Chart Basic Processes Done Mining Roasting Leaching Zinc Electrolysis Melting & Ingots Formation Zinc & Its Uses Project- SWITCHYARD
Zinc Smelter Debari is a Hydrometallurgical zinc smelter situated at Debari, about 13 kms from Udaipur, in Rajasthan, India. The primary product of Debari is High Grade (HG) zinc and it also recovers cadmium and Sulphuric Acid as by-product.
Sections in HZL
The plant has three roasting section, one leaching & purification section, one electrolysis & one melting & casting sections.
Power Requirement
Zinc Smelter Debari also has 14.81 MW captive power plants to supply the power requirements for its metallurgical operations; it also sources additional power requirements from our captive thermal power plants located at Chanderiya and at Zawar.
Raw Material Supplies:(a). Zawar Mines (b). Agucha Mines (c). Rajpura Dariba Mines (d). Sindesar Khurd All in Rajasthan as shown in the map above: -
Zinc Ingots
Mining is the process of extracting valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, usually from an ore body, vein or seam. Materials recovered by mining include metals like Zn, Fe & coal, Diamond etc. Above shown is Rampura Agucha mines.
Roasting Process
Roasting is a process of oxidizing zinc sulfide concentrates at high temperatures into an impure zinc oxide, called "Zinc Calcine". Above shown is Debari Roaster Plant.
Leaching Process
Leaching is the process of converting Zinc Oxide (Calcine) to Zinc Sulphate Solution i.e., ZnO to ZnSO4. According to the reaction as shown: ZnO + SO3 ZnSO4
Zinc Electrolysis
Electrolysis of ZnSO4 solution takes place in electrolysis cells with Al as cathode & Pb as anode.
Project On
HZL, Debari
Intro to Switchyard Switchyard Equipments Power Transformer Circuit Breaker Current Transformer Potential Transformer Isolator (Disconnector) Lightning Arrester
The term switchyard, used in association with the electric power system, or grid, refers to the combination of electrical disconnects, fuses and/or circuit breakers used to isolate electrical equipment.
Switchyard Equipments
Power Transformers Circuit Breaker Current Transformer Potential Transformer Isolators Lightening Arrester A brief detail of each equipment is as below:
Power Transformers
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductorsthe transformer's coils. There are four transformer in the switchyard: 2(Bhel): - Ratings 30 MVA
Circuit Breakers
Two types of Circuit Breakers are used in the switchyard : a). Oil Circuit Breaker b). Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) Circuit Breaker
Current Transformer
A current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of electric currents. When current in a circuit is too high to directly apply to measuring instruments, a current transformer produces a reduced current accurately proportional to the current in the circuit, which can be conveniently connected to measuring and recording instruments and thus the current is measured.
Potential Transformer
A Potential Transformer (PT) steps down voltage of a circuit to a low value that canbe effectively and safely used for operation of instruments such as ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, and relays used for various protective purposes. Basically it is designed monitoring single-phase and three-phase power line voltages in power metering applications.
Isolator are outdoor 3-phase high voltage equipment. They are used to change over power circuit and electrically isolate the equipment under no-load condition. It is used to make sure that an electrical circuit can be completely de-energized for service or maintenance.
Lightning Arrester
Lightning Arrester are protective devices for limiting surge voltages due to lightning strikes or equipment faults or other events, to prevent damage to equipment and disruption of service. Also called surge arresters. These are installed on many different pieces of equipment such as power poles, power transformers, circuit breakers, bus structures, & in substations