Introduction To Tanner Tool
Introduction To Tanner Tool
Introduction To Tanner Tool
Tanner tool is a Spice Computer Analysis Programmed for Analogue Integrated Circuits. Tanner tool consists of the following Engine Machines: 1. 2. 3. 4. S-EDIT (Schematic Edit) T-EDIT (Simulation Edit) W-EDIT (Waveforms Edit) L-EDIT (Layout Edit)
Using these engine tools, spice program provides facility to the use to design & simulate new ideas in Analogue Integrated Circuits before going to the time consuming & costly process of chip fabrication. SCHEMATIC EDIT TOOL (S-EDIT) S-Edit is hierarchy of files, modules & pages. It introduces symbol & schematic modes. S-Edit provides the facility of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Beginning a design. Viewing, drawing & editing of objects. Design connectivity. Properties, net lists & simulation. Instance & browse schematic & symbol mode.
Beginning a design: It explains the design process in detail in terms of file module operation and module. Browser: Effective schematic design requires a working knowledge of the S-Edit design hierarchy of files & modules. S-Edit design files consist of modules. A module is a functional unit of design such as a transistor, a gate and an amplifier. Modules contain two components: 1) Primitives: Geometrical objects created with drawing tools. 2) Instances: References to other modules in file. The instanced module is the original.
1. Schematic Mode: to create or view a schematic, we operate in schematic mode. 2. Symbol Mode: it represents symbol of a larger functional unit such as operational amplifier.
T-SPICE PRO CIRCUIT ANALYSIS An introduction to the integrated components of the T- Spice Pro circuit analysis suite: Schematic data files (.sdb): describes the circuits to be analyzed in graphical form, for display and editing by S- Edit" Schematic Editor. Simulation input files (.sp): describes the circuits to be analyzed in textual form, for editing and simulation by T- Spice" Circuit Simulator. Simulation output files (.out): containing the numerical results of the circuit analyses, for manipulation and display by W- Edit" Waveform Viewer.
CIRCUIT SIMULATOR (T-SPICE) T- Spice Pros waveform probing feature integrates S- Edit, T- Spice, and W- Edit to allow individual points in a circuit to be specified and analyzed. A few analysis is described below: The heart of T-Spice operation is the input file (also known as the circuit description, the net list & the input deck). This is a plain text file that contains the device statement & simulation commands, drawn from the SPICE circuit description language with which T-Spice constructs a model of the circuit to be simulated. Input files can be created and modified with any text editor. T-Spice is a tool used for simulation of the circuit. It provides the facility of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Simulation Simulation Commands Device Statements User-Designed External Models Small Signal & Noise Models
T-Spice uses Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) to solve circuit problems. To T-Spice, a circuit is a set of devices attached to nodes. The voltage at all nodes represents the circuit state. T-Spice solves for a set of node voltage that satisfied KCL (implying that sum of currents flowing into each node is zero). In order to evaluate whether a set of node voltages is a solution, T-Spice computers and sums all the current flowing out of each device into nodes connected to it (its terminals). The relationship between the voltages at device terminals and the currents through the terminal is determined by the device model for a resistor of resistance R is I=V/R Where, V represents the voltage difference across the device. A few analyses are discussed below: DC Operating Point Analysis DC operating point analysis finds a circuits steady- state condition, obtained (in principle) after the input voltages have been applied for an infinite amount of time. The .include command causes T- Spice to read in the contents of the model file for the evaluation of NMOS and PMOS transistors. The technology file assigns values to MOSFET model parameters for both n - and p -type devices. When read by the input file, these parameters are used to evaluate MOSFET model equations, and the results are used to construct internal tables of current and charge values. Values read or interpolated from these tables are used in the computations called for by the simulation. Following each transistor name are the names of its terminals. The required order of terminal names is: drain -gate -source -bulk. Then the model name (NMOS or PMOS in this example), and physical characteristics such as length and width, are specified. The .op command performs a DC operating point calculation and writes the results to the file specified in the Simulate > Start Simulation dialog. The output file lists the DC operating point information for the circuit described by the input file. DC Transfer Analysis DC transfer analysis is used to study the voltage or current at one set of points in a circuit as a function of the voltage or current at another set of points. This is done by sweeping the source variables over specified ranges, and recording the output. A list of sources to be swept, and the
voltage ranges across which the sweeps are to take place follow the .dc command, indicating transfer analysis. The transfer analysis will be performed as follows: vdd will be set at 5 volts and vin will be swept over its specified range; vdd will then be incremented and vin will be reswept over its range; and so on, until vdd reaches the upper limit of its range. The .dc command ignores the values assigned to the voltage sources vdd and vin in the voltage source statements, but they must still be declared in those statements. The results for nodes in and out are reported by the .print dc command to the specified destination. Transient Analysis Transient analysis provides information on how circuit elements vary with time. The basic TSpice command for transient analysis has three modes. In the default mode, the DC operating point is computed, and T- Spice uses this as the starting point for the transient simulation. The .tran command specifies the characteristics of the transient analysis to be performed. AC Analysis AC analysis characterizes the circuits behavior dependence on small- signal input frequency. It involves three steps: (1) calculating the DC operating point; (2) linearizing the circuit; and (3) solving the linearized circuit for each frequency. When ac voltage source is to be applied, then vdiff sets the DC voltage difference between nodes the two nodes to -0. 0007 volts; its AC magnitude is 1 volt and its AC phase is 180 degrees. The .ac command performs an AC analysis. Following the .ac keyword is information concerning the frequencies to be swept during the analysis. In case, the frequency is to be swept logarithmically, by decades (DEC); 5 data points are to be included per decade is considered to be the standard The two .print commands write the voltage magnitude (in decibels) and phase (in degrees), respectively, for the node out to the specified file. The .acmodel command writes the small- signal model parameters and operating point voltages and currents for all circuit devices Noise Analysis Real circuits, of course, are never immune from small, random fluctuations in voltage and current levels. In T- Spice, the influence of noise in a circuit can be simulated and reported in conjunction with AC analysis. The purpose of noise analysis is to compute the effect of the noise associated with various circuit devices on an output voltage or voltages as a function of frequency. Noise
analysis is performed in conjunction with AC analysis; if the .ac command is missing, then the .noise command is ignored. With the .ac command present, the .noise command causes noise analysis to be performed at the same frequencies. The .noise command takes two arguments: the output at which the effects of noise are to be computed, and the input at which the .noise can be considered to be concentrated for the purposes of estimating the equivalent noise spectral density. The print command is used to print results.
WAVEFORM EDIT The ability to visualize the complex numerical data resulting from VLSI circuit simulation is critical to testing, understanding & improving these circuits. W-Edit is a waveform viewer that provides ease of use, power & speed in a flexible environment designed for graphical data representation. The advantages of W-Edit include: 1. Tight Integration with T-spice, Tanner EDA_s circuit level simulator. W-Edit can chart data generated by T-spice directly, without modification of the output text data files. The data can also be charted dynamically as it is produced during the simulation. 2. Charts can automatically configure for the type of data being presented. 3. A data is treated by W-Edit as a unit called a trace. Multiple traces from different output files can be viewed simultaneously in single or several windows; traces can be copied and moved between charts & windows. Trace arithmetic can be performed on existed tracing to create new ones. 4. Chart views can be panned back & forth and zoomed in & out, including specifying the exact X-Y co-ordinate range. 5. Properties of axes, traces, rides, charts, text & colors can be customized. Numerical data is input to W-Edit in the form of plain or binary text files. Header & Comment information supplied by T-Spice is used for automatic chart configuration. Runtime update of results is made possible by linking W-Edit to a running simulation in T-Spice. W-Edit saves data with chart, trace, axis & environment settings in files with the WDB (W-Edit Database).
LAYOUT(L-EDIT) It is a tool that represents the masks that are used to fabricate an integrated circuit. It describes a layout design in terms of files, cells & mask primitives. On the layout level, the component parameters are totally different from schematic level. So it provides the facility to the user to analyze the response of the circuit before forwarding it to the time consuming & costly process of fabrication. There are rules for designing layout diagram of a schematic circuit using which user can compare the output response with the expected one. L- Edit: An Integrated Circuit Layout Tool In L- Edit, layers are associated with masks used in the fabrication process. Different layers can be conveniently represented by different colors and patterns. L- Edit describes a layout design in terms of files, cells, instances, and mask primitives. You may load as many files as desired into memory. A file may be composed of any number of cells. A file may be composed of any number of cells. These cells may be hierarchically related, as in a typical design, or they may be independent, as in a library file. Cells may contain any number or combination of mask primitives and instances of other cells. Cells: The Basic Building Blocks The basic building block of the integrated circuit design in L- Edit is a cell. Design layout occurs within cells. A cell can: Contain part or all of the entire design. Be referenced in other cells as a sub- cell, or instance. Be made up entirely of instances of other cells. Contain original drawn objects, or primitives. Be made up entirely of primitives or a combination of primitives and instances of other cells. Hierarchy L- Edit supports fully hierarchical mask design. Cells may contain instances of other cells. An instance is a reference to a cell; should you edit the instanced cell, the change is reflected in all the instances of that cell. Instances simplify the process of updating a design, and also reduce data
storage requirements, because an instance does not need to store all the data within the instanced cell instead, only a reference to the instanced cell is stored, along with information on the position of the instance and on how the instance may be rotated and mirrored. L- Edit does not use a separated hierarchy: instances and primitives may coexist in the same cell at any level in the hierarchy. Design files are self- contained. The pointer to a cell contained in an instance always points to a cell within the same design file. When cells are copied from one file to another, L- Edit automatically copies across any cells that are instanced by the copied cell, to maintain the self- contained nature of the destination file. Design Rules Manufacturing constraints can be defined in L- Edit as design rules. Layouts can be checked against these design rules. Design Features L- Edit is a full- custom mask editor. Manual layout can be accomplished more quickly because of L Edits intuitive user interface. In addition, one can construct special structures to utilize a technology without, worrying about problems caused by automatic transformations.
Phototransistors, guard bars, vertical and horizontal bipolar transistors, static structures, and Schottky diodes, for example, are as easy to design in CMOS- Bulk technology as are conventional MOS transistors. Floor plans L- Edit is a manual floor planning tool. You have the choice of displaying instances in outline, identified only by name, or as fully fleshed- out mask geometry. When you display your design in outline, you can manipulate the arrangement of the cells in your design quickly and easily to achieve the desired floor plan. One can manipulate instances at any level in the hierarchy, with insides hidden or displayed, using the same graphical move/ select operations or rotation/ mirror commands that you use on primitive mask geometry. Memory Limits In L- Edit, one can make your design files as large as one like, given available RAM and disk space.
Hard Copy L- Edit provides the capability to print hard copy of the design. A multiage option allows very large plots to be printed to a specific scale on multiple 8 1/ 2 x 11 inch pages. An L- Edit macro is available to support large- format, high- resolution, color plotting on inkjet plotters. Variable Grid L- Edits grid options support lambda- based design as well as micron- based and mil- based design. Error Recovery L- Edits error- trapping mechanism catches system errors and in most cases provides a means to recover without losing or damaging data. L- Edit Modules L- Edit TM: a layout editor L- Edit Extract TM: a layout extractor L- Edit DRC TM: a design rule checker L- Edit is a full- featured, high-performance, interactive, graphical mask layout editor. L- Edit generates layouts quickly and easily, supports fully hierarchical designs, and allows an unlimited number of layers, cells, and levels of hierarchy. It includes all major drawing primitives and supports 90, 45, and all- angle drawing modes. L- Edit Extract creates SPICE- compatible circuit netlists from L- Edit layouts. It can recognize active and passive devices, sub circuits, and the most common device parameters, including resistance, capacitance, device length, width, and area, and device source and drain area. L- Edit DRC features user- programmable rules and handles minimum width, exact width, minimum space, minimum surround, non- exist, overlap, and extension rules. It can handle full chip and region- only DRC. DRC offers Error Browser and Object Browser functions for quickly and easily cycling through rule- checking errors.