Distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to measure the distance between an aircraft and ground stations. DME consists of interrogators in aircraft and transponders on the ground. The interrogator sends pulses that are received by the transponder, which then returns reply pulses. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to make the round trip, the DME can calculate the distance to the ground station. DME operates in the ultra-high frequency band and has a nominal range of over 200 nautical miles, with an accuracy of ±0.3 nautical miles or better.
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Distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to measure the distance between an aircraft and ground stations. DME consists of interrogators in aircraft and transponders on the ground. The interrogator sends pulses that are received by the transponder, which then returns reply pulses. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to make the round trip, the DME can calculate the distance to the ground station. DME operates in the ultra-high frequency band and has a nominal range of over 200 nautical miles, with an accuracy of ±0.3 nautical miles or better.
Distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to measure the distance between an aircraft and ground stations. DME consists of interrogators in aircraft and transponders on the ground. The interrogator sends pulses that are received by the transponder, which then returns reply pulses. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to make the round trip, the DME can calculate the distance to the ground station. DME operates in the ultra-high frequency band and has a nominal range of over 200 nautical miles, with an accuracy of ±0.3 nautical miles or better.
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Distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to measure the distance between an aircraft and ground stations. DME consists of interrogators in aircraft and transponders on the ground. The interrogator sends pulses that are received by the transponder, which then returns reply pulses. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to make the round trip, the DME can calculate the distance to the ground station. DME operates in the ultra-high frequency band and has a nominal range of over 200 nautical miles, with an accuracy of ±0.3 nautical miles or better.
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repared by
8CkIA !ohn !effrey 8
lsLance measurlng equlpmenL (,% used by many
plloLs because of lLs convenlence durlng fllghL conslsLs of alrborne and ground equlpmenL usually colocaLed 1he , provldes dlsLance (and ln some sysLems groundspeed% lnformaLlon only from Lhe ground faclllLy , (% ls preclslon , used ln con[uncLlon wlLh , , operaLes ln Lhe uPl frequency band however lLs frequency can be f wlLh vC8 or l or locallzer (CC% frequencles 1he recelvlng equlpmenL ln mosL alrcrafL provlde for auLomaLlc , selecLlon Lhrough a coupled vC8/l recelver elecLlon of Lhe approprlaLe vC8 or l frequency auLomaLlcally Lunes Lhe , , lnformaLlon can also be recelved from a 1ACAn sLaLlon by Lunlng ln Lhe palred frequency 1hls vPl frequency wlll be found ln Lhe navlgaLlon daLa box for Lhe ground faclllLy llsLed on Lhe en rouLe ll8 charL 1he , operaLes ln Lhe ulLrahlgh frequency (uPl% band and Lherefore ls resLrlcLed Lo llneofslghL Lransmlsslon WlLh adequaLe alLlLude Lhe plloL can recelve en rouLe , slgnals aL dlsLances over 2 n, wlLh an error of 23 nauLlcal mlles (n,% or 123 of Lhe dlsLance whlchever ls greaLer Approach ,s palred wlLh an l or CC have a nomlnal range of abouL 4 n, 8as|c kequ|rement for A|r Nav|gat|on earlng vC8 or Al lsLance radar or by , r|mary kadar a shorL pulse ls LransmlLLed and Lhe Llme lnLerval from Lransmlsslon Lo recepLlon of Lhe reflecLed pulse ls measured Secondary kadar pulses known as lnLerrogaLlon pulses are LransmlLLed when recelved aL Lhe LargeL Lhey are passed Lhrough a 'gaLe' and Lhen Lrlgger Lransmlsslon of reply pulses back Lo Lhe lnlLlal source where Lhe Llme lnLerval may be measured and dlsplayed as dlsLance 1he 'gaLe' ln Lhe LargeL recelver ls an elecLronlc devlce whlch ls preseL Lo recelve only maLchlng pulses 1ACAN 1acLlcal Alr navlgaLlon deslgned ln Lhe uA as an ald Lo mlllLary alrcrafL 1he vC8 fulfllls Lhe bearlng requlremenLs for clvll avlaLlon navlgaLlon hence Lhls componenL of Lhe 1ACAn sysLem ls noL used Lo asslsL clvll alr operaLlons VCk]DML A comblned vC8/1ACAn lnsLallaLlon ls commonly referred Lo as 'vC81AC' 1ACAn ls noL lnsLalled for mlllLary purposes Lhen a , manufacLured Lo Lhe same speclflcaLlons as Lhe , porLlon of 1ACAn ls lnsLalled ln Lhe operaLlon of , Lhere are 2 seLs of equlpmenL needed Cround equlpmenL also called as Lhe transponder Alrborne qulpmenL also called as Lhe |nterrogator IN1LkkCGA1Ck 1he lnLerrogaLor sends ouL Lwo pulses 1hese pulses have Lhe same pulse wldLh Cne pulse ls senL flrsL whlle Lhe oLher pulse ls senL afLer a cerLaln duraLlon AfLer sendlng Lhe second pulse ls senL Lhe lnLerrogaLor sLarLs Lo counL whlle walLlng for Lhe response from Lhe Lransponder 1kANSCNDLk 1he Lransponder recelves Lhe flrsL pulse and walLs for Lhe second pulse Lo conflrm LhaL an lnLerrogaLor ls Lrylng Lo make a communlcaLlon AfLer recelvlng Lhe second pulse Lhe Lransponder walLs for a cerLaln perlod of Llme (Lhe delay ls abouL 3 3s% Lhen sends Lhe same klnd of pulse back Lo Lhe lnLerrogaLor 1he Lransponder also sends ouL an l 2 3s afLer sendlng Lhe reply pulses 1he , sysLem ls composed of a uPl LransmlLLer/recelver (lnLerrogaLor% ln Lhe alrcrafL and a uPl recelver/LransmlLLer (Lransponder% on Lhe ground , onboard recelver LogeLher wlLh Al unlL IN1LkkCGA1Ck 1he lnLerrogaLor walLs for Lhe reply pulses Lhen calculaLes Lhe LoLal Llme lL Look from sendlng Lhe pulses unLll Lhe reply pulses were recelved 8eference ln deLermlnlng Lhe Llme duraLlon ls Lhe second pulse 1he Llme duraLlon covers Lhe Lravel Llme back and forLh Lhe lnLerrogaLor plus Lhe Llme delay lnLroduced by Lhe Lransponder CCMU1A1ICNCI GkCUND SLLD 1he pulses Lravel 162 nauLlcal mlles per second (equal Lo Lhe speed of llghL% 1he pulses need 62 3s per nauLlcal mlle Lo Lravel one way and anoLher 62 3s per nauLlcal mlle Lo Lravel back 1he pulses Lake 124 3s per nauLlcal mlle for Lhe enLlre Lrlp D|stance Measur|ng Lqu|pment 1heory of Cperat|on S|mp||f|ed 8|ock D|agram DML kINCILL each ground sLaLlon handles aL leasL 1 alrcrafLs lnLerrogaLors aL any Llme each lnLerrogaLor can be operaLlng ln one of Lhree modes search mode Lhe lnLerrogaLor does noL know lLs dlsLancelL musL search for replles over a larger Llme span 1he pulse raLe ls allowed Lo go up 13 pulse palrs /s for up Lo s track mode Lhe lnLerrogaLor knows Lhe dlsLance and Lhe relaLlve speed Lo Lhe ground sLaLlon lL can predlcL Lhe Llme of arrlval of replles allowlng lL Lo operaLe wlLh a low pulse raLe of up Lo pulse palrs /s tax| mode alrcrafL on Lhe ground are allowed only 3 pulse palrs /s AUkAL IDLN1IIICA1ICN 1he ground sLaLlon ldenLlfles lLself wlLh ,orse code modulaLlon coded lnLo Lhe pulse raLe Cnce every s all squlLLer and reply pulse palrs are replaced by ldenLlflcaLlon pulse palrs whlch are spaced 4 s aparL durlng keydown (morse code doLs and dashes% 1hls resulLs ln a 13hz ldenLlLy Lone when deLecLed ln Lhe lnLerrogaLor IN1LkkCGA1Ck AkCnI1LC1UkL CCMU1A1ICN ICk GkCUNDSLLD Where an alrcrafL ls proceedlng dlrecLly Lowards or away from a , beacon Lhe groundspeed may be calculaLed by noLlng Lhe mlles flown over a glven Llme noLe LhaL Lhls meLhod wlll be less accuraLe as Lhe , beacon ls neared Lhe slanL range wlll gradually approach Lhe value of Lhe alrcrafL alLlLude lsLance (1ota| t|me de|ay)](124 3s]nm) where W lsLance measured from Lhe lnLerrogaLor Lo Lhe Lransponder W 1oLal Llme Llme measured by Lhe lnLerrogaLor afLer sendlng Lhe 2 nd pulse unLll lL comes back from Lhe Lransponder W elay Llme delay encounLered ln Lhe Lransponder before lL sends back Lhe slgnal Lo Lhe lnLerrogaLor GkCUND kANGL AND SLAN1 kANGL IkLULNC SLC1kUM DML SS1LM 1IMING , operaLes ln Lhe uPl band and Lhe 232 avallable channels are conLalned beLween 96 and 1213 ,Pz lL uLlllzes a double pulse ln boLh Lhe lnLerrogaLor and Lhe Lransponder All pulses are Lhe same duraLlon LhaL ls 3 mlcro seconds Channels are numbered from 1 Lo 126 and each channel number ls furLher dlvlded lnLo Lwo channels deslgnaLed 'x' and '? coded pulse palr of 3 s duraLlon x channel lnLerrogaLlon 12 s spaclng reply 12 s ? channel lnLerrogaLlon 6 s spaclng reply s Lhe reply frequency f r ls equal Lo Lhe lnLerrogaLlon frequency f l 6 ,hz 1he raLe of lnLerrogaLlon ls nomlnally pulse palrs per second referred Lo as pulse repeLlLlon frequency or prf durlng Lhe search perlod Lhls raLe lncreases Lo approxlmaLely 13 pulse palrs per second 1hls deslgn permlLs 1 alrcrafL Lo lnLerrogaLe a ground beacon aL one Llme ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe ground beacon ls ln Lhe form of ,orse Code characLers DML IkLULNC 8ANDS CnANNLL ASSIGNMLN1 VCk]DML DML |us ND8 or VCk ln con[uncLlon wlLh a poslLlon llne from an n or vC8 a , dlsLance can provlde a poslLlve flx Lhe , dlsLance ls a poslLlon llne ln Lhe form of a clrcle wlLh radlus equal Lo Lhe , dlsLance and wlLh lLs cenLer aL Lhe , beacon DML |us DML , dlsLances from Lwo sulLably locaLed , beacons can glve a poslLlve flx aL Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe Lwo , dlsLance poslLlon llnes (arcs% DML w|th other NAVAIDS , CollocaLed wlLh vC8 , CollocaLed wlLh l