Patient Questionnaire

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Patient Questionnaire !

Name: ____________________________ Birthday _______________

Date ____________________

ETSU OB/GYN 325 N. State of Franklin, Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 439-7272

Please complete the questionnaire below:

Reason for visit today: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Please tell us where you would like your prescriptions sent: ________________________________________________________

Primary Care Physician

Who is your primary care doctor? ______________________________________________________________________________

Past Medical History

Please list any medical conditions you have:

Past Surgical History

Please list any surgeries you have had:

Do you have any medication or drug allergies?

Yes No

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any food or environmental allergies?

Yes No

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have an allergy to latex or iodine?

Yes No

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you use any prescription medications?

Yes No
Please flip over and complete the other side

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you use any over the counter medications? (Goodys Powder, Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.)

Yes No

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you use any supplements or vitamins? (Ginko, Ephedra, Glucosamine, etc.)

Yes No

If yes, list: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you wear a seatbelt on a regular basis? Yes No
How many caffeinated drinks to you consume daily?
Do you currently smoke?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

Yes No

If yes, how many packs per day: _______________

How many alcoholic drinks per week do you consume? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

Have you ever used any drugs?

Currently In the past Never

If yes, which drugs: __________________________

Which best describes your nutrition? Good Fair Poor

Which best describes your weight?

Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obese

Do you exercise regularly?

Yes No

If yes, how much how often: ______________________________________

When was your last tetanus booster?


When was your last influenza vaccine?


Have you had varicella (chicken pox) or the vaccine?

Yes No

Have you been immunized against Hepatitis B?

Yes No

Have you ever had the pneumovax vaccine?

Yes No

If your age is 26, have you had the HPV vaccine?

Yes No

Preventative Medicine
If your age is 40, when was your last mammogram?


If your age is 50, when was your last colon cancer screen?


If your age is 50, have you ever had a bone scan?


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