Jan Rydfors MD Facog, Rubi Khilnani MD Facog
Jan Rydfors MD Facog, Rubi Khilnani MD Facog
Jan Rydfors MD Facog, Rubi Khilnani MD Facog
Please complete and bring this questionnaire before your first prenatal visit and bring it with you. We will review it with you.
Name : __________________ Age: ____ Date of Birth: _____ Tel. #-Day: _____- _____- ____ Evening: ___--_____-_______ Partner's Name: ___________________ Partner's date of birth:____________
GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY How old were you when you had you first period ______ How frequently do your periods come? Every ___days How long do your periods last? _____days. When did your last period start? ______ Do you experience cramping with your periods? Yes No
If yes, when during your cycles do you have pain (check all that apply) : Before During After Mild Moderate Yes Severe
No If yes, specify
If yes, please describe:______________________________________________ Have you ever had an abnormal Pap smear result? ________ If yes, what therapy was required : Cone biopsy LEEP Cryotherapy(freezing of cervix) Laser therapy
Other: _____
Have you ever had any of the following infections involving any part of the reproductive tract (vagina,cervix.uterus,ovaries)? Check all that apply Chlamydia Trichomonas Gonorrhea Herpes Genital warts
What treatment did you receive? ________________Year:____ Do you have pain with intercourse? never sometimes frequently always
If yes, does the pain remain in your lower abdomen after intercourse if over ? Yes No if yes, for how many minutes? : ______
How frequently do you and your partner have intercourse? _____per week/Month (circle)
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How frequently do you and your partner have intercourse around ovulation? ____times per month Do you usually use lubrication during intercourse? If yes, please specify: _____________ Have you experienced any difficulties with intercourse that may be contributing to infertility? Yes No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________ Yes No Yes No
Have you ever used contraception in the past? if yes, please check all that apply: Contraceptive pills Withdrawal Condoms IUD
Other ______________
FERTILITY EVALUATION How long have you and your partner been attempting to achieve pregnancy? _____ Have you been using temperature charts? If yes, for how long?____ ____ months Have you been using urine ovulation predictors Yes No if yes, what kind and for how long? _________________________________ Yes No Yes No
Have you ever tried to achieve a pregnancy with a different partner Have you ever conceived with a different partner? Yes No Yes
Has your male partner ever gotten someone else pregnant? Have you been treated for infertility previously Yes
What was the cause of infertility? _______________________________________________ Which of the following tests have allready been performed? Infection test (mycoplasma,Chlamydia) Hysteroscope Hormonal tests Antichlamydia Antibody Ultrasound Sonohysterogram Postcoital test Endometrial biopsy
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
Antisperm antibody
Have you ever taken any of the medications listed below? Clomiphene (Clomid,Serophene) Injectable gonadotropins
(Pergonal,Repronex,Humagon,Fertinex,Gonal-F, Follistim) HCG (Profasi, Pregnyl) GnRH agonist (Lupron,Synarel,Zoladex) GnRH Antagonist (Antagon) Estrogens
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Baby aspirin
Danazol Yes No
Have you ever had Intrauterine inseminations (IUI)? if so, for how many cycles? _____________cycles If yes, specimen was provided by : Check all that apply) Have you ever attempted in vitro fertilization? Yes
_______________________________________________________________________________ OBSTETRICAL HISTORY Have you ever been pregnant (including elective terminations, miscarriages, births? Yes No
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Do you have or have you ever had any of the following (check all that apply): Ovarian cysts Anemia Endometriosis hair loss Seizures hot flashes Gallbladder disease high blood pressure vision problems Arthritis mumps
Heat/cold intolerance
chronic headaches
Chicken Pox
PAST SURGICAL HISTORY Have you ever had any surgeries in the past ? Yes No If yes, please indicate date, type, findings of surgery:
_____________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY Have any of these problems occurred in your family? Check all that apply and indicate relationship to you: High blood pressure _______________ Infertility ________________ Heart disease _______________ diabetes _______________ Ovarian cancer ___________
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REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Have you noted any significant: Heat/Cold intolerance recently? Yes No if yes, please explain:
_____________________________________________ Unusual hair distribution changes or breast nipple discharge ? if yes, please explain: ______________________ Significant weight change in the last year? If so, please describe how many lbs and over what time: ________________________ HABITS Do you smoke? Yes No if yes, how many packs per day? ________ Yes No
Do you take hot baths? ___ Do you drink alcohol Do you smoke marijuana Do you exercise regularly? Yes Yes Yes No if yes, how many alcoholic beverages per week: __________ No if yes, how much per week: ________ No if yes, please indicate type of exercise
and estimate hrs per week spent _________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ALLERGIES to medication Are you allergic to any medication? Yes No
if yes, please indicate name of medication and type of reaction Medication Reaction __________ ________ __________ ________ MEDICATIONS: Are you currently taking any prescription medications Medications Reason ___________ __________ ___________ __________ Do any of you use herbal medications? Yes No Yes No
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Semen analysis
Chromosome test
test (FSH,LH,Prolactin,Testosterone) Ultrasound of testis Antisperm antibody test myco/Ureaplasma culture q Testicular biopsy
Have you ever had any of the following procedures done? (check all that apply)_ Varicocele repair testicular biopsy hernia repair prostate surgery testicular torsion repair
vasectomy reversal
__________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever taken any of the medications listed below?: Clomiphene (Clomid,Serophene) Proxeed Testosterone Viagra
Do you have or have you ever had any of the following (check all that apply): Cystic Fibrosis Delay of puberty Anemia Arthritis Seizures Cancer Neurological problems
Autoimmune disease high blood pressure chronic headaches Regular Measles Immunizations: Tetanus Hepatitis B
German Measles
Chicken Pox
Hepatitis B or C
____________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY Have any of these problems occurred in your family? Check all that apply and indicate relationship to you: High blood pressure _______________ Infertility ________________ Heart disease _____________ diabetes ____________ Ovarian cancer _________
Other ___________
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REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Have you noted any significant: Heat/Cold intolerance recently? Yes No if yes, please explain:
_____________________________________________ Significant weight change in the last year? If so, please describe how many lbs and over what time: ______________________
HABITS Do you smoke? Yes No if yes, how many packs per day? ________ Yes No No if yes, how many alcoholic beverages per week: __________ Yes Yes No if yes, how much per week: ________ No if yes, how much per week: ________ Yes No if yes, please indicate type of exercise and
if yes, please indicate name of medication and type of reaction Medication Reaction __________ ________ __________ ________
MEDICATIONS: Are you currently taking any prescription medications Yes No Medications: ___________ Reason: _____________ Yes No if yes, types of medications used: ________
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