China Reporte

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Guillermo Delgadillo 4c1


Beijing International Airport, Beijing
The U.S embassy in china said that the country will be building 108 new airports between
2008 and 2012, including the largest in the world: the Beijing International Airport,
designed by Foster & Partners.It was set to open at the end of 2007, for the Beijing
Olympics in 2008, the airport terminal will cover more than 1 million square meters, even
bigger than the pentagon in the US or the coliseum in rome.

It's designed to handle 43 million passengers a year initially and 55 million by 2015, this
will probably make the new facility enter into the ranks of the top 10 bussiest airports.
Given the scale and traffic that will come thru this airport, the designers focused on the
traveler's experience, by making sure that walking distances are short, for example.

Foster & Partner’s previous experience designing Hong Kong's new mega-airport and the
massive Residential Lap Kok has helped them to plan better ways to improve beijing’s new
airport, the Beijing terminal is housed under a single roof. This was made to help
passengers distinguish between different sections because of the enormous size of the
airport, skylights have different shades of yellow and red light across walls, this was
intencionally made to act as a navigational aid. The architects also kept sustainability in
mind: An environmental-control system reduces carbon emissions, and skylights situated
on a south-east direction decrease solar heat, keeping the building cool.

And that’s all for me , speaking about Beijing’s International Airport.


Guillermo Delgadillo...

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