Computer Fundamentals For Kids Syllabus

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The document discusses a computer fundamentals course for kids that teaches them to identify computer parts, turn on/off computers, use keyboards and mice, and follow lab rules.

The main parts of a computer include the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and system unit.

Rules for using the computer lab include cleaning up after use, entering the lab orderly, and following all lab rules.

1st Quarter At the end of the quarter, teachers will grade students in the

observed practice of the laboratory rules and their care for the
computer. Only second will be their knowledge of the
Computer Fundamentals for Kids computer parts. It is recommended that a weekly monitor
checklist is found on the student's notebook. Teachers can
place a check mark on which ones they did and a X on which
Course Description:
ones they failed to do. This will allow for self-monitoring and
Computers are a part of everyday
life. How is it a part of a kid's life?
Lesson 1: Introduction to Computer
Computer Fundamentals begins
orienting kids to everyday technology items, their proper use
Topic: Introduction of Computrix, the
and care.
Computers are also used for learning so edutainment
programs are highly encouraged. Get comfortable and have
The personal computer is a common
instrument that most students would
What will the students know?
have seen and can recognize by now.
The opening lesson will introduce the
They can identify the main parts of a computer.
computer as a friendly tool that helps
man and children in their tasks.
What can the students do?
Presenting pictures of computers that help men can be a
good strategy.
They can turn on the PC, start a program, shutdown,
and simple use of the keyboard and mouse.
"The Computer, a helper and a friend"
What habits will be formed?
Lesson 2: Laboratory Rules
Teachers focus on cleaning the workplace after use,
Topic: Laboratory Do's and Dont's
orderly entry into the lab, and following the rules of the
Computers need to be taken Students begin to build their
cared of. As your friend and vocabulary starting with the
helper, they also need help. parts of the computer. This
Students will learn to appreciate name-recall lesson will be able
the importance of the computers to assist in forming good habits.
and how it should be handle. Calling out actions where the
This lesson will set the tone in parts are used is a good
building "habits of use" around activity. Here are some
the computer. Constant review example activities to cap lesson
and reminding is practiced in
class by the teachers and Straighten the Keyboard
students. and mouse.
Wipe the top of the monitor
Lesson 3: Care for Computer put-off the power of the system unit
Talk to the mic and say your name.
Topic: How to take care of Label the parts with Colored Paper
We do not recommend that Grade 1 students be asked to
Computers need to be taken cared PLUG any of the devices into the electrical outlet. It is best
of. As your friend and helper, they that the computer is already ON when they enter the
also need help. Students will learn computer laboratory.
to appreciate the importance of the As enrichment activity, they can cut-out pictures of computers
computers and how it should be from the newspaper and label the parts. It would be
handle. interesting how they will adapt to a laptop when the image in
Easy to remember rules and class is a desktop.
pictures or slides that highlight
what to do or not to do are the tools of the teacher.

Lesson 4: Parts of Computer

Topic: Main Parts

Lesson 5: GCOMPRIS - Keyboard and Mouse Click the mouse
Control hose pipe
Gcompris is a collection of educational programs designed for
the open source community. It has more than 110 programs
where each program focus on the development of a specific Supplemental Internet Lessons:
skill. These set of programs are used for kids aged 4 to 8. (source: Cybersmart Curriculum)
As a starter activity of using the computer, we would like Is this Yours?
students to have some fun while acquiring certain skills. The Children learn that computers, like other objects, are property
focus of the lesson is the activity itself is the repeated use of and should be respected.
the keyboard and mouse with the objective of bringing a level
of comfort and familiarity. At this time, teachers are asked to Go Places Safely
observe how students use the computer watching out for A virtual field trip helps children experience the power and
posture and proper use of mouse and keyboard. excitement of the Internet by taking them places in
cyberspace that might be impractical for a class to visit. They
Make ball go to Tux using two also learn that, just as when traveling in the face-to-face
shift keys world, they should always take an adult with them when
Type falling letters traveling in cyberspace.

Numbers with Dice

2nd Quarter
Type falling words

Click on Me Computer Fundamentals for Kids

Course Description:
Click and draw
The second quarter will give
Move the mouse attention to details about the
different parts of the computer and
how to use it properly. The stress will be both on recognizing, functions. Photos of it being used or actual demonstration in
naming the part and also the proper use. class will help the understanding.

Students having a weekly chart on the proper use where As a way to measure recall, students can draw and state the
teachers can place a check mark will be able to help track the function or have them come up with their own made-up
improvement of the student. "stories" about using the different parts while others listen.

What will the students know?

They can identify other parts of computer including the

input and output devices

What can the students do?

They can manipulate and use basic input devices such

as keyboard and mouse.

What habits will be formed?

Teachers focus on the proper handling and use of devices Lesson 2 : The System Unit and monitor
and peripherals.
It is important for the students at this level to be able to
Lesson 1: Computer Parts and Peripherals recognize the visible parts of the system unit. Without having
to open the unit and see the memory and CPU, the system
Topics: unit has externally visible parts to be familiar with. Among
them are the POWER switch, RESET switch, LED indicators,
The lesson begins by reviewing the previous quarter's topic CD/DVD Drive, USB bay or slot, the FAN at the back to
on the main parts of the computer. Further more, important ensure it is free from obstruction, and recognizing the cables
peripherals are presented in class (or through pictures) such that connect the peripherals.
as USB STICK, speakers and headsets, microphones,
scanner, printer, webcam. Discussion is on their different Identifying the main parts of the system units is the primary
concern and the secondary is being able to recognize if one
cable is not properly connected. Connecting/Fixing the Lesson 4: Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers
problem is done by an adult.
The keyboard, mouse and speakers are some of the most
There are different types of monitors where two are more stable technology present. While there are different
prominent (the CRT and LCD). In 2009, a lot of LED extravagant designs, their function and use remain the same.
(improved LCD monitors) came out. Care for the monitors
begins by making sure they are free from dust and objects are Lesson will focus on the parts of the keyboard, mouse and
NOT PLACED on top of them. Putting the monitor "OFF" speakers and how to use them properly. Headsets are now
when not in use also preserves its life. Recognizing the becoming a regular part of the computer especially for making
adjustments for brightness and contrast is also part of the phone calls. Students should be able to name and label the
lesson. different parts. For the keyboard, special keys like F-keys are
not yet included.
As an enrichment activity, slides showing different
appearances of system units can be presented together with Extension Activity will be presenting how disabled people use
the question "where is the system unit of a laptop?" and also the computers.
discussion or presenting the LCD Projector as a monitor
Use the GCOMPRIS-SOUND activities to practice on using
Lesson 3: GCOMPRIS - Colors the speakers and headsets.

Gcompris has a group of programs that enhances recognition

of colors. This activity will help reinforce computers as
helpers and friends in playing the game on colors. Let the
students have fun while observing again their practice of the
proper habits in using the equipment.

Lesson 5: Ergonomics
Learning proper and how they are used. The lesson is closed by presenting
ergonomics while they are multi-function printers that combine printing-scanning and
young is important. copying.
Developing the right
posture and knowing Students should be able to recognize printers, scanners and
about equipments that multi-function printers, know how to care for these devices, be
claim to be ergonomically concerned about excessive use of ink and paper and can
designed. Focus is given operate them while being assisted by adults.
to the basic fundamentals
of posture and relaxed Supplemental Internet Lessons
work environment. (source: Cybersmart Curriculum)
Students provide A-B-C Searching
appreciation by asking Children search for animal pictures online by clicking letters of
their parents how they feel after a long work in front of the the alphabet. They then print the pictures and, in an offline
computer and sharing it back in class. activity, color them and arrange a display.

Enrichment Activity: Discussion of equipment and devices to The Library

allow the disabled use the computer. Children learn that the library houses many forms of media for
both research and leisure activities. They also learn that an
Lesson 6: Printers and Scanners important resource in the library is the librarian.

Printing is a luxury for most due to the high cost of ink. A

student's ability to see their work printed in color is an
amazing motivational tool. Teachers should use and balance
the two wisely. Asking printed work from the students should
also take into consideration the aspect of cost and grades
should not be biased towards printed works done in
expensive and advanced equipment.

The lessons will discuss about two major types of printers

(laser and inkjets). Slides will present their major operating
keys and how to use them. Scanners will also be presented
3rd Quarter What habits will be formed?

They will continue to apply care in the use of

Computer Fundamentals for Kids technology at home.

Course Description: Lesson 1: Proper computer use

The quarter is divided into two

parts. The first part presents the
The teacher will repeat the lesson
ubiquitous computer. It is used by
on rules and proper use of the
all professions. Every walk of life makes use of the computer
computer. The checklist of proper
even if they don't know it. With these lessons students
habits will be renewed for this
continue to play with GCOMPRIS puzzles.
quarter and a recall on proper
The second part will introduce the concept of using a drawing
ergonomics is done. The teacher
tool. (TUXPAINT is the recommended choice over MS Paint
motivates students to keep
and Open Office Draw) Students will find familiarity in using
practicing proper habits in the use
lines with stress on the use of colors.
of computers and apply in also in
Integrated lessons begin here by asking students to color
technology tools at home.
drawing related to Science, Math, Religion, Culture, Literature,
Example of home technologies are TV, DVD Players, remote
or Health.
control, microwave oven, washing machines, PSP, etc.
What will the students know?
Lesson 2: Computers and Society (Who are the people in
your neighborhood?)
They can describe how different professions make use
of technology and computer in the work place. They
can state 5 different professions with confidence.

What can the students do?

They can draw lines and different shapes using a

drawing tool like TUXPAINT and can confidently
COLOR pre-drawn objects.
LESSON 3: GCOMPRIS - Experiential and Drawing

Gcompris offers experiential activities to play with. These are

games that will heighten the problem-solving skills of the
students. A selection of using 2 to 3 will be enough. It is
recommended that the teacher make the selection before
introducing it to the class.

Introducing a selection of community helpers and how the Drawing programs can help prepare students for the
community helpers are also helped by technology and the succeeding activities. While they will not have to make
computer. The lesson may take up two to three meetings as complex drawing, familiarity with the icons and what they do is
students can consult by interviewing their own parents and the cornerstone of the lesson. Having a quiz on icons will be
other community helpers on how they use the computer. most beneficial. Select only one of the available drawing tools
Students are to develop an appreciation on the for this quarter.
ubiquitousness of computers and can state 3 to 5 different
professions and how these individuals use the computer.

Ex. Engineers and Architects - for drawing; Scientists - for

computing; Astronomers - taking pictures of the sky;

Lesson 4: Technology at home

From the ubiquitous computer found everywhere and used by

every profession, focus is given on finding technology tools in
one's own home. The knowledge leads students to apply the
same care and concern for the equipment at home.
Equipments include smart appliances, game consoles,
cellphones, cameras, MP3s, IPODs and other common Lesson 5: Basic Drawing
Students should be able to state 3 to 5 different technologies Topics:
commonly found at
Students begin learning TUXPAINT or an equivalent drawing
software. The focus of the succeeding series of lessons and
activities will be on coloring ready made pictures, words, or
landscapes. Students are expected to master changing
colors and making use of 3 different brushes.
From coloring, Gcompris offers Math Exercises that are appropriate for
students moves Grade 1 and 2.
into labeling of
parts found in the
ready made
pictures making
use of lines and
text input.
Students are not
expected to make
their own drawing
at this stage but
perform activities of
drawing and Using Integration Activity helps stress the primary lesson that
labeling for computers are helpers and friends.
other subjects.

The use of shapes will only be on the introductory level and

will again be discussed at another stage.

Integration Activity

Students can practice their Coloring skills in different subject

using the prepared Genetic Cares lessons found in another
part of eschool. There are lessons on Religion in relation to
creation. English and Filipino offers reading and drawing or
coloring activities using online ebooks. Supplemental Internet Lessons
(source: Cybersmart Curriculum)
Teachers can also scan their own image that is related to a
desired topic by which students can color and label the items Good Sites
found in the drawing. Children explore and evaluate a children's Web site,
concluding that people's opinions about the quality and
usefulness of a site will vary.
What will the students know?
Find the Ad
Children learn that the purpose of advertisements is to They will apply proper naming conventions in files and
encourage people to use folders to safeguard their work. They will practice
buy something; children also practice differentiating ads from respecting the files of others. They can distinguish
content on Web sites. between the three major O.S. in the market.

What can the students do?

4th Quarter They can start and use common programs by clicking
the file that will start the application. This includes
browsers and media players. They can also start and
Computer Fundamentals for Kids use two of the standard games in their O.S.

Course Description: What habits will be formed?

The quarter consists of several Developing steps in maintaining and ensuring a clean
programs. The repeating theme computer against virus. This is limited to the proper use of
across the different lessons is just USB from only secure and clean sources
opening, using closing (and saving sometimes) a program.
This activity orients the students to using windows and Lesson 1: Computer and the Operating System
manipulating them. It is not recommended to have several
windows open at this stage of development. It is important to Topics:
end one session with one program before beginning another
one. What is an Operating System? Without going into the
technical definitions of Operating Systems, we simply say they
Students will be summarily evaluated not on the details of all are programs that run different computers to make them easy
the programs but merely on the knowledge and skill of starting to use. There are Operating Systems for phones, appliances,
a program through the menu or just by clicking a file that uses cars and also computers. Introduction to the three most
the program. famous PC operating systems is highlighted by the person
behind it and one unique characteristic the operating system
has. Linux is a FREE OS done in collaboration with others. Exercise will be to start and close a program of choice.
MAC under Steve Jobs has been the computer of choice
because its very easy to use. Windows is the most popular
product because of marketing strategy.

Lesson 3: Window

Students will know the parts of the window but will master the
3 command icons at the upper right hand corner of every
When possible, a video presentation of the different desktops window (minimize, maximize and close). Students will
is shown in class for the student's appreciation experience resizing and moving windows. They will not be
using simultaneous windows during this stage. Students will
have a bias in using File explorer windows with thumbnail
Lesson 2: Desktop displays only.

Lesson will focus on using the MENU to start programs and

develop knowledge in using shortcuts or program icons in the
desktop. Knowledge of alternative ways of starting a program
like clicking the program's user file is also acquired.

Students are limited to identifying parts of the desktop,

starting programs through shortcuts, closing the programs
they started and leaving and closing the computer properly
through a SHUTDOWN.
programs to practice with. Calculator can be used to check
their computations for a math assignment.

Lesson 4: Files and Folders

Students will learn the importance of using good filenames

and having their own folder. Stress is given to the "good
manners" of using only your own files and NOT the files of .
other people. Part of good manners is using only your folder.
Lesson 6: Using a Browser
It might be advantageous to have the student's folder on the
desktop for easy reference. The lesson will initiate the use of a browser with the online e-
book integration activities. No significant commands or tricks
File operations are not part of this lesson but is reserved for for the browser will be taught just using it to see a website or
the 2nd Grade. an html page. Students will distinguish that a browser is
needed to view websites and that there are several browsers
Lesson 5: Using Accessories to choose from.

The stress is the student's abilit to recognize a program icon Topic: Browsers
and start it from the desktop or the menu. The programs
Calculator, notepad or wordpad, minesweeper and media
player are of little significance in as much as they are just
Supplemental Internet Lessons
(source: Cybersmart Curriculum)

Children learn what it means to communicate,

Spread the recognize the computer as a communication
News! invention, and plan their own way to
communicate a message.
Children explore the concept of cyberspace as
a means of communicating with real people
at School
within their school.

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