Concept Analysis
Concept Analysis
Concept Analysis
concept, including its uses, defining attributes, related concepts, and its
applicability to the selected discipline (Walker & Avant, 1995). According to Knafl
and Deatrick (2000: 39) concept analysis typically “entails synthesizing existing
views of a concept and distinguishing it from other concepts’ with the purpose of
one means whereby members of the discipline can define or clarify concepts that
relate to their phenomena of interest and make clear their pattern of usage,
work that guides the discipline and forms the links between research, theory and
practice. The concept of reassurance was selected for analysis because of its
meanings, and some controversy over its therapeutic value. Health care
providers always employ the act of “reassuring the patient” but the complexity of
the concept made its use to have different outcomes. The aim of this concept
identify its characteristics, describe cases, and expand on the existing literature
and creating a distinction from its use in other disciplines. A deeper look into this
important term will improve nursing practice and positive use these phrase to
“having confidence restored or freed from any fear or anxiety” (page 1,023). The
Free Online Dictionary by Farlex defines reassurance as, “to restore confidence
to, to assure again and to reinsure”. In this concept analysis, it is crucial to define
the term assurance. Merriam Webster’s Pocket Dictionary defines the word as,
“to give confidence or conviction to, to guarantee” (page 21). The Free Online
is “the tutor reassured the parents that they will do the best they can to get their
In nursing context, health care providers frequently say the phrase,
“reassure the patient,” commonly heard from the nurses but often become a
means of creating and initiating a plan to fulfill the overall outcome. The last
deliberately used to induce optimism in the patient, but the intent to relieve stress
he needs to undergo MRI of the brain. The patient became anxious because he
has an idea that he will be on a tunnel-shaped bed all throughout the procedure.
Now, as a nurse, you will reassure the patient and describe what he has to feel
during the procedure like he will hear a drum-like sound inside the tunnel and it is
normal. In that way, you were able to reassure the patient that he/she will be safe
II. Uses of the Concept
concept of reassurance is directly dependent upon the discipline and the context
in which it is used.
In mass media, the concept is used when they are giving information to
the public through the use of Internet, television, newspapers, and radio when
mass media was during the phenomenal tsunami happened in Japan last March
11, 2011, Friday. The tsunami caused an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude in Richter
scale. Tall building structures in Japan were destructed, many people were
wounded and there were a big number of casualties. Knowing that the
Philippines is just few miles away from the core of the disaster, there were
speculations that huge tsunami will hit Philippines. Many people became anxious
reassured the public through the utilization of mass media that the public should
not be too much worried because they received reports of sea level data
indicating that current trend of observed wave heights suggest that the threat of a
hazardous tsunami has passed. However, they said that the public is still advised
to avoid going to the beach and sailing out to the sea. The media addressed the
report from Phivolcs to reassure the public and diffuse any panic.
sense of security that he/she is protected by the relationship and his/her partner
is eager of lessening his liability; he may procure some other insurer to insure
him from loss, for the insurance he has made this is called reassurance (Burton,
example is when the patient is asking whether his disease will be eliminated and
the nurse’s response is “Don’t worry sir, you are in the hospital I am sure that
your cancer will be eliminated.” This type of response will disregard patient’s
needs and feelings. Statements that promote optimism are typically mechanisms
the nurse perceives an attempt to relieve the patient, but instead is an action to
relieve the nurse. The patient’s behavior may make the nurse anxious and the
emotions or to reduce an unwanted scene (Gregg, 1995). The nurse will use this
defensive tactic because he or she wants to make sure they say the right thing to
mechanism that will be beneficial toward the patient overcoming their fears and
A. Defining Characteristics
the literature are referred to as its defining attributes (Walker & Avant, 1995). An
extensive review of the literature and formal analysis revealed the attributes of
the concept reassurance. The nurse knows that a certain patient needs
subjective and/or objective cues. The patient should have a recognized danger or
threat. The patient should have an altered confidence, is anxious or with fear
before the concept of reassurance would take into place. The patient was in a
normal state of confidence until such time that there was presence of danger or
threat in which it alters the normal state of confidence, making the patient
In nursing, the concept of reassurance occurs when the nurse provides
patient. The fear or anxiety of the patient can be lessened or eliminated when the
In that sense, verbal reassurance does not only apply in giving reassurance but
the concept.
of reassurance can be subjective and varies among patients. In any case, there
is a desired effect to make the anxious patient be satisfied or have sense of relief
from the perceived threat or danger. These characteristics relates with the
communicate with a patient, with the intention for them to feel their anxiety or fear
B. Conceptual Paradigm
Kolcaba (1994, 2001, 2003) has defined comfort as "the immediate state of being
strengthened through having the human needs for relief, ease, and
specific discomforts. To experience ease a child or family does not have to have
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a previous discomfort, although the nurse may be aware of predispositions to
name a few examples. According to the theory, comfort interventions have three
information, instill hope, listen, and help plan for recovery; and (c) comfort food
for the soul, those extra nice things that nurses do to make children/families feel
V. Antecedents
Most of the patients that are admitted to the hospital experience a sort of
reassurance to the patient. The nurse should identify first if there is any presence
of threat or danger based on the patient verbal and non-verbal cues. If there is
any presence of threat, the nurse must identify the cause why the patient is
having such feeling because there are many factors that may cause the
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about their health condition. It is closely related with the patient having
reassurance to the patient or worse may give a bad effect to the patient. Proper
reassurance to take into place. The nurse should have respect on the patient’s
Patients said that the nurse having a good attitude is an important quality when
they undergo health management. The nurse should also be good in establishing
in that sense, the nurse can identify true feelings of the patient.
communication. Research reveals that mere presence of the nurse, allows them
to fully understand the needs of the patient (Fareed, 1996). Presence of the
good behavior of the nurse and mere presence of the nurse are the antecedents
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VI. Consequences
reassurance is quite hard to measure empirically that is why one way to measure
cues that their fear and anxiety was of relief. Another way to measure is through
affected by reassuring the patient but decrease in anxiety can cause normalize
biological process.
patient is that the patient gains control over their body because it is believed that
when a person was hospitalized him/her loses confidence and has a sense that
they have lost over their body. Through the help of the nurse and other members
of the health care management team the patient can restore the confidence
can cause the patient to cognitively reframe their mindset, giving them time to
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The type of reassurance that can cause negative consequences is false
reassurance. This is when the nurse gives statement to the patient such as
“Don’t worry”, “everything is okay”, “I assure you that you are well”. Rendering
this type of reassurance will most likely not cause the patient to feel relief from
each perception of an individual is distinct. The health care provider can apply
the concept of reassurance, but the patient has the final control over if the
A. Model case
when during the end of shift report; the nurse from a certain shift endorsed all
activities happened to the patient including lab follow-ups or result and then
nurse makes rounds to check and receive the patients. When the nurse enters
the room of the a post cerebrovascular accident patient, the nurse notice that
the patient is anxious about his state because of raising too much questions.
The nurse relays to the patient his lab results and doctor’s impression that
they’ve seen no further deterioration and that the clot on his cerebral arteries
gone smaller which revealed by magnetic resonance imaging. After the giving of
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factual information the patient verbalized that he is now of good feeling and less
present in the patient, the nurse does action to alleviate the fear, and the patient
B. Borderline case
while lacking a sufficient number to support its true meaning (Chinn and Kramer,
pain of her right hip, the nurse is giving her medication of fentanyl on time and
even with a rescue dose as ordered by the physician. The patient claims that the
pain medication isn’t working. The nurse reassures the patient that the pain
medication would take effect after several minutes and not right away after giving
the medication. The patient didn’t listen and keep on complaining about the pain
and became more emotionally distraught. The nurse chose to stay with the
patient to ensure her safety. This borderline case shows that the nurse
recognized the patient’s feeling and provides information but the information was
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C. Contrary case
A contrary case demonstrates what the concept is not (Chinn and Kramer,
Bypass Graft procedure. The patient looks very relaxed and not anxious about
the procedure but deep inside he is very anxious with regards to the whole
questions. The nurse recognized him as a patient not under stress so the nurse
just let him continue to relax and send him to the cardiovascular operating room.
In this situation, the nurse does not cover any defining characteristics of
reassurance. The nurse didn’t recognized any fear or anxiety present to the
patient so the nurse didn’t give any action to alleviate fear because in the first
D. Related case
nurse has arrived on the station and another nurse noticed that she is not
comfortable so that old nurse approached the new nurse if she is just okay and
the new nurse just nodded. The old nurse stated that if she wants to talk she is
always available. In the situation, reassurance may or may not be needed and it
could be that, giving the new nurse time to cope with the new environment.
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IX. Conclusion
with regards to the concept and use it correctly will be extremely beneficial to the
nursing profession. Not only will the patient benefit but the nurses as well. They
will have increase clinical competence resulting to high quality of care. The
anxiety and enhance patient’s perceptions of nurse’s ability to care for them.
Analysis of this concept showed that the term is an important nursing skill and
should not be taken for granted. The use of reassurance cannot be avoided in
nursing practice, and with increase knowledge about the concept will surely
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X. Bibliography
Burton, G., (1958). Personalm impersonal and interpersonal relations: a guide for
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