Pronunciation: Dja-Be-Tis Instead of Da-Ya-Bi-Tiz (Diabetes) ) - Philippine English Is Used

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Cortez, Ashley Joy C.

Varieties of English

AB ELS 2-4 Session 9

The transplantation that happened in the past introduced English to us Filipinos

which eventually gave birth to a new variety of English called ‘Philippine English”.
Philippine English is solely based in American English but what sets it apart is that it
consist of the various linguistic characteristics of the Filipino language (Ex. Accent &
Pronunciation: Dja-be-tis instead of Da-ya-bi-tiz (Diabetes)). Philippine English is used
intranationally and internationally by many people in the Philippines especially those
who are educated and much more privileged. It is safe to say that social status has
something to do with our usage of language. Philippine English has what we call a
lectal framework. A lectal framework is the distinction between language users and it
is characterized into three parts namely: Acrolect, Mesolect, and Basilect. Acrolect are
those media personalities and educators who uses English on a daily basis as their
first language – in simpler terms, they are considered as elite. Mesolect, (which I
identify myself in) are average speakers who doesn’t use the Philippine English on a
daily basis but thinks that it is a necessity for professional purposes. Lastly are,
Basilect speakers who don’t think that English is necessary. They are those speakers
who identify themselves as poor to average speakers. Concerned with the social
status, Basilect are those who are not properly educated but aware that English is part
of our language.

Philippine English just like any other varieties is not more nor lesser than any
other varieties. Our English despite having many linguistic differences with the
Standard form, is still valid and unique. We should embrace the Philippine English and
be proud of its form and qualities. We may be conscious about how we or others speak
in English but it is also important to know that whatever way we speak as long as it’s
in English is still qualified to be considered as English. Philippine English is what
makes us unique. We should not conform to the standard way because our English is
as valid as any other Englishes: appropriateness is much notable than incorrectness.

Although I do agree that even though we have Philippine English, sometimes,

we still have to observe and correct others on their way of speaking English so that
they can improve as well but if we do this, we have to consider our attitude and assess
our abilities. All of us wants to improve in life and that includes our language so, we
should be accepting of what other teach us because after all, learning is constant and
as we grow individually, we also help our society grow and prosper.

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