Voltage and Frequency Relay 7RW80x - Catalog - SIP-2011 - en
Voltage and Frequency Relay 7RW80x - Catalog - SIP-2011 - en
Voltage and Frequency Relay 7RW80x - Catalog - SIP-2011 - en
Protection functions
• Under-/overvoltage protection (27/59)
• Displacement voltage (64/59N)
• Under-/overfrequency protection (81U/O)
• Load restoration
• Overexcitation protection (24)
• Jump of voltage vector
• Phase-sequence monitoring (47)
• Synch-check (25)
• Rate-of-frequency change (81R)
• Rate-of-voltage change
• Lockout (86)
V, f
V/f dV/dt df/dt
Energy meter: 24
by counting pulses
Load restoration
25 Synch-check
1) Not available if function package 'C' or 'E' (synch-check, ANSI 25) is selected.
The relay housing is 1/6 of a 19" rack. Illuminated 6-line display
The housing is thus identical in size to the
7RW600 relays that makes replacement Navigation keys
very easy. The height is 244 mm (9.61").
Pluggable terminals allow for pre-wiring Numerical keypad/9 function keys
and simplify the exchange of devices. 8 programmable LEDs
All binary inputs are independent and the
pick-up thresholds are settable using soft-
ware settings (3 stages). Up to 9 function
keys can be programmed for predefined
menu entries, switching sequences, etc. Control keys
The assigned function of the function keys Standard battery exchangeable from the front
can be shown in the display of the relay.
USB front port
Flexible protection functions For example, the following can be imple- Additional functions, which are not time
mented: critical, can be implemented using the CFC
The 7RW80 enables the user to easily add measured values.
up to 20 additional protective functions. • Rate-of-frequency-change protection
Parameter definitions are used to link (ANSI 81R)
• Rate-of-voltage-change protection Control and automatic functions
standard protection logic with any chosen
characteristic quantity (measured or calcu- Control
lated quantity) (Fig. 4). The standard logic Synch-check (ANSI 25)
consists of the usual protection elements When closing a circuit-breaker, the units In addition to the protection functions,
such as the pickup set point, the set delay can check whether two separate networks the SIPROTEC 4 and SIPROTEC Compact
time, the TRIP command, a block func- are synchronized. Voltage, frequency and units also support all control and monitor-
tion, etc. The mode of operation for phase-angle-differences are checked to de- ing functions that are required for operat-
voltage quantities can be three-phase or termine whether synchronous conditions ing medium-voltage or high-voltage
single-phase. Almost all quantities can be exist. substations.
operated with ascending or descending The main application is reliable control of
pickup stages (e.g. under and overvoltage). Lockout (ANSI 86) switching and other processes.
All stages operate with protection priority. All binary output statuses can be memo- The status of primary equipment or auxil-
rized. The LED reset key is used to reset iary devices can be obtained from auxiliary
the lockout state. The lockout state is also contacts and communicated to the 7RW80
stored in the event of supply voltage fail- via binary inputs. Therefore it is possible
ure. Reclosure can only occur after the to detect and indicate both the OPEN and
lockout state is reset. CLOSED position or a fault or intermedi-
ate circuit-breaker or auxiliary contact po-
The switchgear or circuit-breaker can be
controlled via:
– integrated operator panel
– binary inputs
– substation control and protection system
– DIGSI 4.
Control and automatic functions (cont'd) Assignment of feedback to command Further functions
The positions of the circuit-breaker or
Automation / user-defined logic switching devices and transformer taps are Measured values
With integrated logic, the user can create, acquired through feedback. These indica- The r.m.s. values are calculated from the
through a graphic interface (CFC), specific tion inputs are logically assigned to the acquired voltages along with the frequency.
functions for the automation of switchgear corresponding command outputs. The The following functions are available for
or a substation. Functions are activated us- unit can therefore distinguish whether the measured value processing:
ing function keys, a binary input or indication change is a result of switching
operation or whether it is an undesired • Voltages VL1, VL2, VL3, VL1L2, VL2L3, VL3L1
through the communication interface.
spontaneous change of state. • Symmetrical components
Switching authority V1, V2, V0
Chatter disable
Switching authority is determined by set • Frequency
parameters or through communications to The chatter disable feature evaluates
whether, in a set period of time, the num- • Mean as well as minimum and maximum
the relay. If a source is set to “LOCAL”, voltage values
only local switching operations are possi- ber of status changes of indication input
ble. The following sequence for switching exceeds a specified number. If exceeded, • Operating hours counter
the indication input is blocked for a certain
authority is available: “LOCAL”; DIGSI
period, so that the event list will not record • Limit value monitoring
PC program, “REMOTE”. Limit values can be monitored using pro-
excessive operations.
There is thus no need to have a separate grammable logic in the CFC. Commands
Local/Remote switch wired to the breaker Indication filtering and delay can be derived from this limit value indi-
coils and relay. The local/remote selection cation.
Binary indications can be filtered or de-
can be done using a function key on the layed. • Zero suppression
front of the relay. In a certain range of very low measured
Filtering serves to suppress brief changes in values, the value is set to zero to suppress
Command processing potential at the indication input. The indi- interference.
This relay is designed to be easily integrated cation is passed on only if the indication
into a SCADA or control system. Security voltage is still present after a set period of Commissioning
features are standard and all the function- time. In the event of an indication delay,
Commissioning could not be easier and
ality of command processing is offered. there is a delay for a preset time. The infor-
is supported by DIGSI 4. The status of
This includes the processing of single and mation is passed on only if the indication
the binary inputs can be read individually
double commands with or without feed- voltage is still present after this time.
and the state of the binary outputs can be
back, sophisticated monitoring of the con- set individually. The operation of switch-
Indication derivation
trol hardware and software, checking of ing elements (circuit-breakers, disconnect
the external process, control actions using User-definable indications can be derived devices) can be checked using the switch-
functions such as runtime monitoring and from individual or a group of indications. ing functions of the relay. The analog
automatic command termination after These grouped indications are of great measured values are represented as wide-
output. Here are some typical applications: value to the user that need to minimize the ranging operational measured values. To
number of indications sent to the system prevent transmission of information to
• Single and double commands using 1, or SCADA interface.
1 plus 1 common or 2 trip contacts the control center during maintenance,
the communications can be disabled to
• User-definable bay interlocks prevent unnecessary data from being trans-
• Operating sequences combining several mitted. During commissioning, all indica-
switching operations such as control of tions with test tag for test purposes can be
circuit-breakers, disconnectors and connected to a control and protection
grounding switches system.
• Triggering of switching operations, Test operation
indications or alarm by combination with
existing information. During commissioning, all indications can
be passed to a control system for test pur-
cols like popular Ethernet-based protocols DIGSI.
with ease.
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
USB interface
The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol is an inter-
There is an USB interface on the front of national standard for the transmission of Fig. 5
the relay. All the relay functions can be protective data and fault recordings. All IEC 60870-5-103: Radial fiber-optic connection
set using a PC and DIGSI 4 protection messages from the unit and also control
operation program. Commissioning tools commands can be transferred by means of
and fault analysis are built into the DIGSI published, Siemens-specific extensions to Option: Control
program and are used through this inter- the protocol. PAS
PROFIBUS-DP protocol
PROFIBUS-DP is a widespread protocol
A number of communication modules in industrial automation. Through
suitable for various applications can be switch
fitted at the bottom of the housing. The their information available to a SIMATIC
modules can be easily replaced by the user. controller or receive commands from a
The interface modules support the follow- central SIMATIC controller or PLC.
ing applications: 7RW80
Measured values can also be transferred
• System/service interface to a PLC master.
Communication with a central control
MODBUS RTU protocol
system takes place through this interface.
Radial or ring type station bus topologies This simple, serial protocol is mainly
can be configured depending on the cho- used in industry and by power utilities, and
sen interface. Furthermore, the units can is supported by a number of relay manu-
exchange data through this interface via facturers. SIPROTEC units function as Fig. 6
Ethernet and the IEC 61850 protocol and MODBUS slaves, making their informa- Bus structure for station bus with Ethernet and
can also be accessed using DIGSI. tion available to a master or receiving in- IEC 61850, fiber-optic ring
• Ethernet interface formation from it. A time-stamped event
The Ethernet interface was implemented list is available.
for access to a number of protection units
DNP 3.0 protocol
using DIGSI.
Power utilities use the serial DNP 3.0 (Dis-
tributed Network Protocol) for the station
and network control levels. SIPROTEC
units function as DNP slaves, supplying
their information to a master system or
receiving information from it.
Operating and
System solutions for protection and station monitoring
Units featuring IEC 60870-5-103 interfaces
can be connected to SICAM in parallel via Substation
the RS485 bus or radially by fiber-optic controller
link. Through this interface, the system is
open for the connection to other manufac-
turer systems (see Fig. 5).
Because of the standardized interfaces,
SIPROTEC units can also be integrated
into systems of other manufacturers or in
SIMATIC. Electrical RS485 or optical in-
terfaces are available. The best physical
data transfer medium can be chosen thanks
to opto-electrical converters. Thus, the
RS485 bus allows low-cost wiring in the DIGSI
cubicles and an interference-free optical
connection to the master can be estab-
7RW80 7RW80 7RW80 7RW80
lished. USB
Fig. 8
Optical Ethernet communication module
for IEC 61850 with integrated Ethernet switch
Typical connections
Standard connection
52 52 52 housing
E11 VB
a b VC
Fig. 9
Example for connection type "VAN, VBN, VCN" load-side voltage connection
Fig. 10
Voltage transformer connections to two voltage transformers (phase-to-phase voltages)
and broken data winding (da-dn)
Fig. 11
Example for connection type "VAB, VBC, Vx"
Typical connections
Fig. 12
Example for connection type “VAB, VBC, VSYN”
52 52 52
b housing
E9 VPh-N
a b E12
V-Transformer 2
Fig. 13
Example for connection type "Vph-n, Vsyn"
The connection can be established at any one of the three phases.
The phase must be the same for Vph-n and Vsyn.
Technical data
Input interference suppression 220 V DC across 220 nF at a Radio frequency electromagnetic field, 10 V/m; 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz;
recovery time between two amplitude-modulated, class III 80 % AM; 1 kHz
switching operations W 60 ms IEC 60255-22-3; or IEC 61000-4-3
Fast transient disturbance variables/ 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz;
burst, class IV burst length = 15 ms;
IEC 60255-22-4 and repetition rate 300 ms; both polarities;
IEC 61000-4-4, IEEE C37.90.1 Ri = 50 Ω; test duration 1 min
Technical data
EMC tests for immunity; type tests (cont'd) Climatic stress tests
High-energy surge voltages (SURGE), Impulse: 1.2/50 µs Temperatures
Installation class III
IEC 60255-22-5; IEC 61000-4-5 Standards IEC 60255-6
Auxiliary voltage Common mode: 4 kV; 12 Ω; 9 µF Type test (in acc. with IEC 60068-2-1 –25 °C to +85 °C or –13 °F to +185 °F
Diff. mode: 1 kV; 2 Ω; 18 µF and -2, Test Bd for 16 h)
Measuring inputs, binary inputs Common mode: 4 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
Permissible temporary operating –20 °C to +70 °C or –4 °F to +158 °F
and relay outputs Diff. mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
temperature (tested for 96 h) (clearness of the display may be
HF on lines, amplitude-modulated, 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; impaired from +55 °C or +131 °F)
class III; IEC 60255-22-6; 80 % AM; 1 kHz
Recommended for permanent –5 °C to +55 °C or +23 °F to +131 °F
IEC 61000-4-6,
operation (in acc. with IEC 60255-6)
Power system frequency magnetic 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s
Limit temperatures for storage –25 °C to +55 °C or –13 °F to +131 °F
field; IEC 61000-4-8, class IV
Limit temperatures for transport –25 °C to +70 °C or –13 °F to +158 °F
Damped oscillations IEC 61000-4-18 2.5 kV (peak value)
100 kHz; 40 pulses per s; Storage and transport with factory packaging
test duration 2 s; Ri = 200 Ω Humidity
EMC tests for noise emission; type tests Permissible humidity Mean value per year w 75 % relative
Standard IEC/EN 61000-6-4 humidity; on 56 days of the year up
to 93 % relative humidity; condensa-
Radio noise voltage to lines, only 150 kHz to 30 MHz, limit class A
tion must be avoided!
auxiliary voltage IEC/CISPR 11
It is recommended that all devices be installed such that they are not ex-
Interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz, limit class A
posed to direct sunlight, nor subject to large fluctuations in temperature
that may cause condensation to occur.
Unit design
Mechanical stress tests
Type 7RW80**-*B 7RW80**-*/E
Vibration, shock stress and seismic vibration
Housing 7XP20
During stationary operation
Dimensions See dimension drawings
Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068
Housing width 1/6 1/6
Oscillation Sinusoidal
Weight in kg
IEC 60255-21-1, class II; 10 to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm amplitude;
Surface-mounting 4.5 kg (9.9 lb)
IEC 60068-2-6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
Flush-mounting 4 kg (8.8 lb)
Frequency sweep rate 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes Degree of protection
Shock Semi-sinusoidal acc. to EN 60529
IEC 60255-21-2, class I; 5 g acceleration, duration 11 ms; each For equipment in the IP 50
IEC 60068-2-27 3 shocks (in both directions of 3 axes) surface-mounting housing
Seismic vibration Sinusoidal For equipment in the Front IP 51
IEC 60255-21-3, class II; 1 to 8 Hz: ± 7.5 mm amplitude flush-mounting housing Back IP 50
IEC 60068-3-3 (horizontal axis) For operator protection IP 1x for voltage terminal
1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude
(vertical axis) Degree of pollution, IEC 60255-27 2
8 to 35 Hz: 2 g acceleration
(horizontal axis)
Communication interfaces
8 to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration
(vertical axis) Operating interface (front of unit)
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min Terminal USB, type B
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
Transmission speed Up to 12 Mbit/s
During transport
Bridgeable distance 5m
Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068
Ethernet service interface (Port A)
Vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-1, class II; 5 to 8 Hz: ± 7.5 mm amplitude Ethernet electrical for DIGSI
IEC 60068-2-6 8 to 150 Hz; 2 g acceleration Operation With DIGSI
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes mounting location “A”, RJ45 socket,
Shock Semi-sinusoidal 100BaseT in acc. with IEEE 802.3
IEC 60255-21-2, class I; 15 g acceleration, duration 11 ms, LED yellow: 10/100 Mbit/s (ON/OFF)
IEC 60068-2-27 each 3 shocks (in both directions LED green: connection/no connection
of the 3 axes) (ON/OFF)
Continuous shock Semi-sinusoidal Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz
IEC 60255-21-2, class I; 10 g acceleration, duration 16 ms, Transmission speed 10/100 Mbit/s
IEC 60068-2-29 each 1000 shocks (in both directions
of the 3 axes) Bridgeable distance 20 m (66 ft)
Technical data
Bridgeable distance max. 2 km/1.24 miles Dropout threshold for r · 27-1 (V<) Max. 130 V for phase-to-phase voltage
r · 27-2 (V<<) Max. 225 V for phase-to-ground volt.
r · Vp<
Hysteresis Min. 0.6 V
1) r = Vdropout/Vpickup
Technical data
Technical data
Technical data
Auxiliary voltage
24 V / 48 V DC 1
60 V / 110 V / 125 V / 220 V / 250 V, 115 V AC, 230 V AC 5
Surface-mounting housing, screw-type terminal B
Flush-mounting housing, screw-type terminal E
Measuring/fault recording
With fault recording, average values, min/max values 1
Software for configuration and operation of Siemens protection units
running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional Edition/Vista.
Voltage terminal block C or block E C53207-A406-D181-1
Voltage terminal block D (inverse print) C53207-A406-D182-1
Voltage terminal short-circuit links (6 pieces) C53207-A406-D194-1
Connection diagram
capacitor at
relay outputs,
2.2 nF,
250 V
Connection diagram
capacitor at
relay outputs,
2.2 nF,
250 V
Fig. 16
7RW80 protection relays
for panel flush mounting/cubicle mounting
Fig. 17
7RW80 protection relays
for panel surface mounting