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Enterprise Wide Information Systems

Instructor: Richard W. Vawter

University of
Southern California
 To discuss the use of the Accelerated SAP approach
for conducting a rapid R/3 implementation
 To explain how the Accelerated SAP Roadmap is used
to facilitate implementation.
 To identify the tools and accelerators used for
performing ASAP.
 To discuss the integration of the Roadmap with the R/3
Reference Model and the Implementation Guide (IMG).

University of
Southern California
 Quick look at the Original R/3 Procedural Model
 Overview of the ASAP methodology
 The ASAP Roadmap
 The Implementation Assistant

University of
Southern California
The R/3 Procedural Model
 SAP’s original implementation methodology.
 Good for large, complex organizations looking to implement R/3 in stages.

Organization and Detailed Design Preparations for Productive

Conceptual Design and System Set-Up Going Live Operation
Interfaces and
Establish Enhancements
Set Up System
Environment Create
Settings Establish Train
Go - Live
Quality Establish Reporting Quality Users Quality Support
Train Project Plan
Company Productive
Team Con- Establish Appli- Create Establish Pro-
Project Structure Operation
ceptual Archiving cation User System duction
Preparation Define Establish Optimize
Design Management System Documentation Administration System
Functions and Master System
Processes Check Data Establish Check Set Up Transfer Data Check Use
Archiving Production to Production
Design Perform Management Environment System
Interfaces and Final
Enhancements Test Perform
Final Test

Project Management
System Maintenance and Release Upgrade
Copyright, SAP AG. University of
Southern California
The Procedure Model
 The SAP core tool that describes the activities needed when
implementing SAP.
 It’s like a detailed project plan of all the steps and tasks
involved during the implementation process.
Tools  Business Engineering  Customizing
Basic Functions  Procedural Module

 It’s useful for large, complex organizations wishing to

implement R/3 in stages.
 However, this is being replaced with the Accelerated SAP
method of implementation.

University of
Southern California
Accelerated SAP
 In 1996, SAP introduced Accelerated SAP.
 Better suited for medium sized companies looking at a
“Big Bang” approach.
 No “As Is” modeling as with the Procedural Model.
 ASAP is designed for a “To Be” implementation (re-engineering).

 Simplicity and speed of ASAP approach is making this the

implementation method of choice for many companies

University of
Southern California
 Quick look at the Original R/3 Procedural Model
 Overview of the ASAP methodology
 The ASAP Roadmap
 The Implementation Assistant

University of
Southern California
Objectives of Accelerated SAP
 An approach that results in a quick, cost effective
implementation of R/3.
 Minimizes the length of time between installation and start-up.
 Maximizes the utilization of SAP and customer resources.
 Incorporates a process oriented approach to implementation.
 Involves the user community.
 Results in a repeatable “model” that can be used with other
implementations of R/3.

University of
Southern California
What is contained within ?
 The ASAP Roadmap:
 A Step-by-step procedures and recommendations

 Tools:
 The ASAP Implementation Assistant:
 A navigation tool for the Roadmap, questionnaires, templates, and check lists.
 Q&A database for documenting requirements.
 R/3 Business Engineer tools for creating the Business Blueprint (conceptual
design) and for configuration.

 R/3 Services and Training:

 All the services are available for ASAP projects, including consulting, training,
hotline, Early Watch, OSS, Info DB.

University of
Southern California
Accelerated SAP - The Implementation Solution

Implementation Assistant Methodology R/3 Business Engineer

• Q&A Database • Implementation

• ASAP Roadmap PC R/3
Resident • Reference Model
• Knowledge Corner Based
Tools • Profile Generator
• BP Masterlist Tools
• Change Request
• Accelerators Management

Training & Education, InfoDB, SAPNet

OSS Support, Quality Assurance
Class Discussion
ASAP is a Tool designed to speed up the implementation
process. However, there are always other factors which
could affect the speed of an implementation.

 Based upon your individual experience:

 Name as many project “accelerators” as you can
 Name as many project “decelerators” as you can

 What are the top ten in each category?

University of
Southern California
In Summary: Preconditions for Rapid Implementation

 Clearly defined and stable project scope.

 Only reference based re-engineering.
 Implementation uses standard R/3 functions.
 Whole company fully committed
 Committed management (steering committee) and fast decision
 Committed project team, competent, well-trained users and
decision makers.

University of
Southern California
 Quick look at the Original R/3 Procedural Model
 Overview of the ASAP methodology
 The ASAP Roadmap
 The Implementation Assistant

University of
Southern California
The ASAP Roadmap
 Phase 1- Project preparation: initial planning and preparation.
 Phase 2 - Business Blueprint: documentation of the business
process requirements of the company.
 Phase 3 - Realization: implement all business and process
requirements based upon the business blueprint.
 Phase 4 - Final Preparation: complete testing, user training,
system management and cut-over activities.
 Phase 5 - Go-Live & Support: transition from implementation
to production.

University of
Southern California
Key ASAP Deliverables from each phase:
Project Business Final Go
Preparation Blueprint Preparation Live

1 2 3 4 5
that will be req Business Process System
Reports to be Master List Evaluation
Conversions x
Project to be made x
x x
Plan Req. Interfaces x
Business Reports Test Plan
x x
Scope identified x Process written
x Test mat.
x Procedures
Bus. Processes Interfaces
Baseline Test Cases Go-Live Plan
identified established
Org. Structure End User
defined Training
A Working

University of
Southern California
Example of Project Duration
1 Project Preparation 12%
2 Business Blueprint 15%
3 Realization 46%
Baseline 12%
Final Configuration 13%
Integration Test 21%
4 Final Project 19%
5 Go Live & Support 8%
Total 100%

University of
Southern California
 Quick look at the Original R/3 Procedural Model
 Overview of the ASAP methodology
 The ASAP Roadmap
 The Implementation Assistant

University of
Southern California
The Implementation Assistant
 The Implementation Assistant (IA) is a PC based
application made up of numerous tools and templates
developed to support the ASAP implementation approach

 The IA is the primary

tool and framework for
executing the ASAP

University of
Southern California
Organization of the Implementation Assistant
Tree structure
Search tool

• ASAP Roadmap
• Implementation Accelerators
• Project Plan
• Question and Answer Database
• Issues Database
• Business Process Procedures
• Knowledge Corner
• Glossary
• Help

University of
Southern California
Organization w/in the Implementation Assistant


Work Package





Organization w/in the ASAP Roadmap

The structural organization

of the ASAP Roadmap and
the definitions for the
Implementation Assistant
are as follows:

Phase - the major organizational steps of the ASAP Roadmap

Work packages - assigned to specific project teams

Activities - assigned to specific team members

How To’s
& Tools
Phase Information
Phase level information consists of the purpose of the
Phase, general instructions on how to complete it, and the
work packages that are organized to complete the phase.



Work Packages

University of
Southern California
Work Package Information
Work Package level information consists of the purpose of
the work package and the activities that are organized to
complete the Work Package.



University of
Southern California
Activity Information
Activity level information consists of the purpose of the Activity, general
instructions on how to complete it, the trigger for starting this activity, the
input needed, the expected results, and any templates or accelerators that
can be used to complete the activity.




University of
Tool/Accelerator Southern California
Task Information
Task level information consists of the purpose of the Task, the suggested
procedure for completing the task, the personnel responsible, and any
templates, accelerators, or How-To’s that can be used to complete the tasks.


Task Procedure


University of
Tool/Accelerator Southern California
Accelerated SAP Tools and Accelerators
 Implementation Assistant Roadmap

 Tool: A self-contained appl. used to

perform work packages, activities
and larger tasks.
 Accelerator: Templates, models,
questionnaires created with
applications and used to perform
smaller tasks or roles.

University of
Southern California
Examples of ASAP Tools and Accelerators
 Accelerators
 Project Plans (MS Project or MS Excel)
 Cut-over Plan Template
 Products of the Knowledge Corner
 Business Process Procedures

 Tools
 SAP Concept Check Tool
 Question and Answer Database
 Open Issues Database
 Business Process Master List

University of
Southern California
Implementation Assistant Example
Project task: Define the Organizational Structure of the client.

Phase - Phase 2: Business Blueprint

Work packages - Business Organization Structure

Activities - Define Business Organization Structure

Tasks • Schedule Organization Structure Workshop

• Distribute Organization Structure Guidelines
• Conduct Organization Structure Workshop
• Recommend and Approve Organization Structure

University of
Southern California
Implementation Assistant Example (cont.)
Project task: Define the Organizational Structure of the client.

Tasks • Schedule Organization Structure Workshop

• Distribute Organization Structure Guidelines
• Conduct Organization Structure Workshop
• Recommend and Approve Organization Structure

Procedure • Conduct Session 1

• Develop Org Structure
• Conduct Session 2

Tools/ • Q&A db
Accelerators • Enterprise Area Scope Document
• Organization Structure Presentation Template

University of
Southern California

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