How To Configure Your I-O Module

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How to Configure Your I/O Module

2011 FRC – LogoMotion

© FIRST 2011 FRC How to Configure Your I/O Module Page 1 of 4

How to Configure Your I/O Module
Now that you’ve confirmed that your basic Driver Station hardware and software is functional, add the
I/O layer. Before using your Cypress FirstTouch I/O module, you must first program firmware into the
USB chip on the board. The steps below will walk you through the process. Remember that you only
need to do this step once per board. Make sure that you have the most recent version of the Driver
Station software before proceeding.

1) Log into the Developer account.

2) Plug the USB cable provided in the FirstTouch starter kit into the I/O module and the Classmate.
3) Allow the computer time to find and connect to the new hardware.
4) Next, open the Cypress PSoC Programmer. To do this, click on Start > All Programs > Cypress >
PSoC Programmer. If you get an Update Reminder, cancel it.

5) In the top left of the tool bar, you’ll see a blue folder icon. Click the folder, browse to where you
saved FRC_IO.v1.hex, and select the FRC_IO.v2.hex file.

© FIRST 2011 FRC How to Configure Your I/O Module Page 2 of 4

6) Directly below the tool bar, on the left, there is a Port Selection window with the device listed in
it. Select the FirstTouch device.

7) Click the program button on the tool bar, and wait for the programming operation to complete.
You will see Programming Succeeded in the Results window.

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8) Unplug and replug the USB cable and your I/O module will be ready to use. You can check to
make sure the process was successful by opening the Driver Station software and confirming
that the device is being recognized. With the I/O module plugged in, your I/O tab will indicate
that the Hardware I/O is selected. Without the I/O module plugged in, it will default to the
Virtual I/O.

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