Combat Judo by Robert Carlin
Combat Judo by Robert Carlin
Combat Judo by Robert Carlin
- . ~ --
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Co:nibiLE Condh:i(l<f~if!~ l~~tTl..lC:r,.!:u Un~~ ...... >cl S~il[~ M;a'riiJ"LC' Corps
Ace P'h.nt!ll'J,"I'tlvJLL:T' WlitIb EJ31J1'l ,R.o!1i~IT~
COMBA 1" JUDO is an ELdVl.!iIH,:.;:a tYPE! !J'f bancll·,'oo~hi:md fighti,lIlg p>e rfectf!@ J)Q!I" ffi-od!!!'1'1r.i W~l',fSin:!' and, clviliilJn ddt'Mil:'. Wht:'iI1 f@1I,n:" Uf-e 15: oPt st11ik~ you :!iee]~: the most ,p,ra~lk:i>l1 memJ'lli !!.;If ,p~~:rvl:ng it_ The il:ieat kaown holdGl, throws and hltJ!w$ :Y~'~ tiC'i"e-l(lp~d tOoT' G:i?!lf-de.f~t15!l!! :9:E'e eontainsd in this [book.
Fir,!,:,t of all, I wou'ld Hke to point OLII~ thi_~t thrh. I~ 1110 '·M.Jg~(: Br,.a;'k,'" 'by wlueh y'®!!1 calil :~1lI te-:n QElsy l'G::>OOIIlt; become t~e ~;)ster .oJ ;):t1y :!'l~tuBitiQ'l:l, But biy :~,u~tl:JffLL~\Y r.)t""d'!:~~t:i]]g lnt" les!i~rt~, and ,advke gi ven i:n t.h~!i te.'ii:t_ h" 'tM ~t of' y~ a boll1'ty, yifi.JJ wm be a peni!JIJJ. to be, Il!'i5pE!cted. sinee yO'll w~n 'ha,vII! at YOU!1r fitl!l"l:e!'-il:ipr.l 8. ;;y:s~om ilJIf t:idpp] ~liIg nn:' im'lJ:S~ t:'-!p. able npponarrt.
13e1io[\E! I w,rute t.hi::; bnek, I select·, {l@ fMm t~~ tlJl!lme:rO'lL'~, lypL'!!i: (fir ;alt;';il.:b ;J rid di2'H~llI!liit".5. HliG' mest pr~~t!. tkal and effel:ti ve_ Instead 0:[ havlng (:Il!!mpH~~~d '~rwlt!'l, I chose ~h~ film [JI'k' tYJl'!.:' !J'l jJ;thilil.:iks and dg(GlIls!:':3,
tha:t !!!let !'e5!iUi;!L 11'11 'thE! 11:E!at. o:r bat- e~OIifl S'of'~~"i!i[1II' It"i'>!irl t. C",FiIJilJ
t]e yon h.1'!.'c:i'I't the tlrne w 'I,'l!i!lir;~ iOU~
a oom]J';~k8.t>E\d! hold that !J'n~y an e-x-
pert ot YN.N !3J ~:~i!!ID~!l!' I!:ol!ll~d p!!r:J.IO!l'm_
Ir~ lJ~ttlQ. il yuti! ~.L~nd t.illiU mueh th'r'll} gcttl ng rid of an O:L>[J'D11 e<nt, ,i:Ulul'tilier l'fi~y put 8 ba~rone-t :~1iI y,Du:r 'bSiCk Mrn;i o:~ the hnlds, blows, th:r,;"w!i, !!!'t~_ ccntamed ,~n thls beek s:M~l.;Jj be, E:-y,eell..!ted in 'less th~ n a seccmii;l.
B.e:r)QJ.IE! proeeadirtg, ] w~nt to cautiori you to iI1il"~t execute ,::IIII'"I}" IjJf the ],O!I1C11wIllig d)c1e:r~.;:cs: {IT fi.U:.,'IIck!'l: v.;"lth your !l!I'1.'i:"ir-e !,!,ttl""!l'i,Rth dtlrilJ.g pr,mdit:c, T~~e, :mOi' .. em.e:L..-f<s Sil'~ e~:t:ril!'lIl!Cily d.a.rl(~rull.l$ and! al'f!:" d.esi~m . ..m h~ put ymJr oppo-nE'!l:lt OlJlt w ae'!.:lOgl quii(tl!!:Uy l}y iki Il:irnlj, :mEii'l11!iil1.~' • .or ,~~iJ;~ki:tl~ him 1I1i1;;:tI'~c!®YS,
:S!,S~t- Robe:r~, L.. C8!I."~illll,
'[1" S, Ji,{ • .n:!II'!i!: CO\l'p!,!, '!fteger'!le Combat C'onaiti-!Jtdng Ilils,tTl.u;t~l."
.Q ~~ .. ~ n _ ~ ~ ~
tnl t, iii .
I'll ~L Aut~~.(!I1" Staff St.::r~n~ R.albert Carlin, bll:!> 'LililJg~t '~nOll5andls, 1J(.f UnLted StBlI.mi. li..\ the art '~1: :Je1-r.~d,lefl?onBe_ The M<l'i;' 'n e''!; ;:1;1'(:' ktrnwn for thc~f '1;0, :tight 00 ..... ra have ;;.h. ke.d 8.~_ Cadin~ th fL 'ftl.','Ul 'wil:io tE!'[:Ic\he!l lhel>13 Mffi'"i tli;:fi: CQmiba& Judu, t'IJ' wrmte '~h~!;; ba®!:Il:.
Tlds t~~ is I1IOt, ,oo.m~lillL:S;;.--d. 0'11 ,il .~~le!l !II! [ tr-:i..iik::!! that :l:ILlJloe'tiO,Th pl'operly 'Qlily w'hen ~ t1J opp!Jfi'lmt [:5 in a certain po!iltio:n and, :reae~ iiI'i ;) certain mann :x rt'iiO!i'~ ;conveniGfil.t loO you. '[n Cam bat .Judo, it :mue:s M d!!t~eJ:lel1l ill~ 'What 'po~ililJ<n yo.UiI' ,op;ponen.t. ,£!Is:s~me.'i:. b.eeause ymJl, have the p:r,;:u!if:ieal fundsm'Elnta 1,1; !JI'! ~iiid-ki-'hand oom bill ;)~1d ean cope with any ~iW~Ul'HL.
Due to thi!!" grE:'{l;t ~tm,gg~.e of mtmJclna, the-te is, ~ necealiltiJ' hr.t" li."Ver-)' l-\:meri€:a:FL man, WORl<t'fl and C'hiM. to, ha:...-e .1 ki'i w1ed,e ,of ae-U-deferl&e. T~;ey i!lhoukl h;arVG .i:\ t(!~t tha:l t~ not composed 01 sueh oemplleated nold,l~. and. th_];' ~ws: Uul!t ,it wou1{1l t~ike' yem-s to m~s .. ter, byt ill. tex~ thst SGb. :resulu CfI'-Ilek,fy and tend.:s tOW;)Td . i.mplidty i;:r'iosl -~d ;j)f' complex:iity_
]:Ji' '~here us. anY-QnG we-11k OlF heart or. ,~8.i::ks a £·w 'reO! mrpul:iil:leii, 'W;c: . L1!g~1 l'1'OW befOO'iJ!' you read ~udhe-r ~n this. te~t 'W h:lv,c ~. medJi'ea] C'hct:k:~'U,P ~,ElJUiie Combill ,Ju@ ilii d :-01'1:11,. ,vkmoU!5,.. and gn~~o:me.
We Ame<.dt:'-l.jii~ hoB!\I\e been. knUWlll fo<l" 0< ur 'fah· play tIIl'jd IilIltlr eneJJ!1Jies. ('!Jll' U rrr\Biir. pr.IIi!:'lic:-s. In erdar ('0[' us 'to ICmIllpete 'with our cncm~~ w,e mu-s1 beeeme '~he most vidQus: IJJllld UndiL"j;'~01nded kilfers in ill . wt}l!"ldJ, ~~ :31 mild! EWoi_ffip'l: l~ }'!l)'1J! wi:s:h to ·~hwi- 1I1!1:1i~ ),ii)l1J1:' {! HI Ilml.y , instc:ttld ~~ (l.ving .him B. :hf~y . .jl'iUy !C'h8il1lce" :put olIi kill '~e In hi'5, b~r;::k. Th,!)t iii modern waxfa.1."e----yoi!l n~'e ~~hie\··~d YOUi[' goal. Y'oy must tJai(l;)!2' BdV{ijflt~~'e of E!l,Hi!ry (J~f,lolI'tru:tlJity. ]or! ®Uler wo:rd.:5 kill or bl;l', Wi!I.:r is h<ljll ~'Fid it is the :surviv~J !i)~ ·~he· (i'll :-::;t.
We bel~!l!'~'e i'COmb:i't Judo'- :ils. tho most pr.aetical blJij)~ on ]1;:J1"la-brhandJ li:iJimlMt ye-l. pujblis]:IJI~di" Tne :meE!kes~ pl'jj"S(JfI, re~mle8!i IOf ph::r.lilq.'jJ,~, Il!sn beeome EI. '!XIll!X;;;.,ge.!lllJ[~. [per-· :5'Onal 'ty ~,o, ,E("e:mel'l'L-dl tes~e£t Jl'''o'm hh> "1~!lOCc.i;(!il<es, s::lncE! he ·~·m po. ~e!>S !hoe knowl~clJge • nd abHity 1.0 <l!4;lfll::! 'L'i.'ili.h BIJly' Lm.erjJ,e'J:.Lq· that. may ~~dSle.
F'ltEF ACIF. . - . -
(."hll![11I:f!';'1I' On!';
Fu..-L(ifl.ffle"FI.tals: ot Hand-to-Hand COrn1lDBit 6
'Ch~l!'~eJ' 1'W'I;I'
Ch pt r "l'hlC. 'if;
Fnillal J'U.:f};r ... .Ji ... _ . _ . _ : _ . _ . _ . _ . _ [1
1 l?d~..,~ :Ha~d _. _ . _ . _ .. , _. . j.2
.2 lllbow.9 1:2
J GrrlllDDill1i,g !EiJnd H~'t'ti itiIij 'F'E!! l.~
.i:ll Bnmlt FlI'I.~J;''!'I: _ . . . • . t ~
.5 U~ ~~r 'li."I:!J:!,th ~ 'I.
,6 Kkk to "]['esticlli!:; and Kn~-C.ap.9. ];;1
1 Kkk to S-hin:; . - . - . - . - . - . - . ] fj,
9. KQ A.~I).at!k j 5.
9 Ch..J IrIlg :iFe.i!l1.t and Kmcl~ hI ~di;!];es. 16
'j 0 :F.In .er J!BJD. ElbiDIw. Kn~ 16
11 "Fbe D.;rzyp Kh:.'k: 1'-
l:Z ~[,!V!;!t~ FoUIl)''W Thi!"'oUisn 1 t:
Ii] SI1);n~ A9. W'Bepon ,.. .. _ . . . . I·E:
l.4· !Belt ru Wei:~pflm. 1 S
hi' U. .~i1.i"t>~ .. FroDt~] AUi!1 k.N. . _ . _ , _. 1 [i
l~ On Guaed P'olli.'t.i.4Jh . _ . _. . 20
~G Kir:k to s.temrti!'J~ . _ . _. , ,.. 20>
]7 C~~]~ Thro.w :;n
1 S Clrdin.g Arm 6:!:"~i1]~ ,21
]!jI BBCk H~ip Throw . . . . . . . 22-
2iJ Iltelea!lf!!ii From. .A J:!h..'"ill'" :HUH: 22
21 :Fr<Olilt Strangle' Break w~th Klilee W !3T1:..1.n ,23
:&l m,])ow ~fl LCJWoE!r. RibiS . , ". 2.;;!1i
:1lIl K l';:k. ID eEem.e ~3
1lli!':f(!lIi~Il:!IIiu;!iit HU;Kliili~ AU;ack 25
2.4 l) -I; 1lI!Il,ve Boxing F[~i'LifJn :216
2Ji; SeL:llI! AFm.s and ~1'tI:!£!- lUo T@li;ide:';'; &6
:!l6 Left Hook ~lQct 9JlfId "[,.;!l!g 'f.ri,p 21
21 Le-ft" HQok Blnek Sind Blow W J;;:tw ;27"
".· [FiJ,1lit"
G:.iI!f1rr A'lr~a'Cl4 . __ .. _ .. _ . _ , • , , , , •. - ..... - - . - 29
2~ St;.~iI1tIrE~ to :88£'k: ![If ~lI1i1:,"1! $,(li
29 Knee ~ITI H;ug'k, ..... , , , . . . . . . . J;o
:::ll!ll ,Ja;p.L!Jn~:oo; Cho1Jt:1i! Hold, ,., ,_ .. _ _. 31
:n. Thc.;,l,l'" Leg Trip' ,., • " __ . _ . _ . _ .. _ _. ~1
~ ItabbH Punch _. _ . _ . _ . _ . _ , _ , ., , .. - 3,2 13 Head] hroJ 32 IE} ~eJl!.\n: ,A_g;(llhum RiI.'i!lif "'-U:.u,h . _ , ., ,.. 3$ .14 Flyin,g M<.!~ ,~4 35 It J: ~r Hug iRelml .i!t jOver U:t.e Arms I 34 36 'R~i' BeEir .Hu~ Rd~~e- I Arms. FrG·~, ::il!Jr
:tj' Blow to Jaw _ _ ; _ , . , • , ., ,.,. ~i~J
as Fo["'Wl'l:!''d. Flil ~D w~th KllZ'k k1 'I'~Hel;es; rl:!ir
Clii!il];l'~if.'l" . i'll/e
'llJ:se, 0:1 Utili Clfub !Jl-Ji' nhl<!;~Ik~.[!);rk . . . -
~9 On GYliJId P.o~U()O.l:1 . . _ :!ttl
40 Hap to For:earrm , """,.. _, 38
41 R Ill' to ElIblJoW , '" .., . . . . _ . _. 39'
42 Blew '1;;(11 [.i}J!! ... _ ... _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ , ., 39'
4!J J'ab to So-ler Plex!JlS 40 ·~4 ,[i'l'tDCik;o'I.:!it [!'How te TettlEJ~e
ilin" ... !I:'ril ~If Cl!ijlll UJ[" BliEi,Clkj;Eiltk ., .. , _"'" 'Ill
4.fii Cr"o.svArm. :Bi~['; . _ . _ . _ . _. 42
~6 RoO'lfJ'i.o{f'!'I!!_! ,Aitm » Lrl1>C:.R I bUiDoe) . . ... ;.. 4l'l
.......... 40
1i.',h.· Kn~{c
47 OI:1r Guard! ., '" 48 Ji' b to, S~om .. ~cn
49 Shl!';hr i;AJ IlI1s~de 0,( Wmil: '1'1
.~O .51.310111 tl} EJibow '" ., ,.,',.. _ . _.. .0;1"
51 St!IIJD Dl2t1A"'mm Cl;;Il .U"'b!!· . _ _ _ 43
iF· ~~ Ii t - :5tii.'b ta Rib:!! . _ _ _ _,.,.. ;;I.e
iRelllr TIl:I'O,8t Slash, "', .... _ . _. 48
Stab i;oo ,JI,J!!tI,JlI;,),r V!;:.J r~ . .. . .
Slil~ iBe.twer!!'Jl CoDlubo.-1J£1 SllflIlllJ to ~F..r;jJJ.PO;;:lll:; Mu~h::' J,J b tJ!nggr.- J"iliWDOT11i!
.,e. J ab '00 Tei9'ti~]es , , ,
59' <6~ 6.1
. _ . _ . _. _. 50
;:i,1;i 50.
Stlilb to ";f'hll'"lll' t ... . .. _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ ,. 50 J.,~b to KJ,;;'tnl:!Ys St;Oib Batween Lo-wi;l'r B;"oo Jhtu. H~FL
Dil5;[!jl'm (I' K:nl'~iI,::
~ a~yef.':S!!:, Armkir;:1I; !li3 K:b:i'l: ro' T~tidc 64 Sack ll-II[;I Th.E"O'W 65 Ki~tlIi!kLe· Rap
68 Blow. lo Fmc.ilrro
Cllapt'r SO "'{lIJ
TI.~ Fi' "0'
67 Draw h18 and Flr,llllg Pilitp] >6:tt GU&'Jfding 8. Plris;J.m:-r
1319 Sea[,J::ning' oi! P,tiB)).'t'loe.r"
liJii:s;.olL",n .ef IP.m~"'L!l
'1'0 (.il\!l.taide· "]['wi.::it
'if 1 :lRrnl1' D.i.l!j) p"YI,
12 W!'"~'!,. 'Fh:rnw
!ii:J .!I6 D·t:
." , .... SJIi
59 G,I.
,. , , filL
. ·h!~I~.Jer !E ~~J'~,
rComo-lh1li!: Ruli!l . _ . _ . _ . _ .. r62:
'731 iPil"€.!I,S'LIlI'e A,g llll:5t W',I. s-n 63
14 rs.:mmGTI~l;ok .. '" •. . - . - . _. 63
75 lPoc ·!;j.H;;~ P,qilainst ElblJl'il!i __ ... _ . _ . . .. M 76 Qut5:Llfe [BEl]" .H;.m merlocl!:: . _ . _ , , , • , . _ 64
e, cry tl,m(! he takil!ll a step. he 'has ...... colikl!!-T.Ili!d ce-ril:OJ l~1 pahlt::; ~~r hi!! booy 1:Ji!i~EiJ];m :!,IJud I'llWi sl.r~r'i.,R:t]1!I~n d g,'Lhe.f':!I. Y'!.1:t~ 'W 11 fj n<iJ th at it is CtlJ1],JNIlrathrdl !i~miPIE! iii'!' ,-au '~ t~r(j;w ~~ lii'l.:del':Jy put )"'IlU:l' o.PiPI;:Ht~~t out ~f .t:I.t;:UO'tl, II ern Ctp.pcn~iI1t .stabldis. f cill~ you 'ow i,th both I', t (!!t'iJ ~hE aarne line hG il:! :liln::!ng 0!'11 hts left and :dehi: ah:ilc- Ib'!,!l:~ he is ..... Ii!".£Iik l<u his f[rHll and rear. \Vlie.ti 0piP[.lrLent st,gp 1('IT.\\'al"d. let ILlS 5.!lJl' \'0" th his left 'foot. the ~1I.1'l:lf.lg linlJ L~ fram e III c· foot diriI:C'~ly to 'I.:.ho flither. 0prt~tlent ms .. ,.i~k to nil; h'::Li't rea.!' lJoQl'O.i,Uo.l:1J andi the Ii'~ght fnmt PQsition. The o'pJlIt~!'te: ,31!pplii~s when OPJR"r'lent hElS pm!':: right [Qt!L .furward.
Tl'lere ,oir'G ru'ilt" 'main '~;lfrrh~n,t!i of ~Turlo!
~., ELK ~EN"F OF SoU ~PR]SE. DJ;) not allow ylJ'!.U" oppone-Jl.~ tOo ;;I nllei~a'~ )'Qi,J1;' ;!l'ltt,oek,
i2) ~LEMEN'iI. OF BALANCT;:' Get mu[ ~I?" r onent oil ha1anc@ mC'[Jil'\"'Mle main'La rni'l:1<g YOllr O' .... ·n.
~:3 ~ ELiEM~N'T OF [.~VRIRAc:E. WI1.~ Devecage .1 ~ man man es 11 essHf 1b~11!I[.~e a lal!"g~ liQ!,In.,
~~L I E,LKMENT OF s.p,[E:ED, Moot of the; h-ClJiI':!L L,nro'l;' . .lntH b~ows n~ il. trr,IU:e1!il ~1iI ,th~~ Elook: :mt.'ll~]d '00 l!!'N)E!cutoo Ln ~e:g5. ~hEITI .. second,
FLl"i!lt We! wiU ~~Ii~der the ELEMENI OF SURPRISiE. '11, hot!! J'SiPlilnt(!;Gi2' ,Ire very ardGnt be! lie'vel"$ in tilL element i_nd proved its pj',a~tica~b'iJ~i~y wl~e:t1 '~;he:.' S1'~'I;tI,ebtlo:!d Pearl Harbor. Wi~Jru;n.J t W:ll' "thoey 'PH!:lic81Iy rk'S'tfoy<e'd tmU tlit OUlr entir N;:L'i!',;ll .!ltrellJgi;n in ill :!l,hll,gli:! Idt;l!l,!ik, 'With. Uris ~ame elemfl'n"t <IJ'F. ~ul['pr1se '~hl~'y swepi down tJ;e~ eoast of ChinO tntCt Buxm Oi,l!, occupied N~w Guil'l. ~ Phm,];t.p:ini3 [slands., SoJlJ'Jn(lTI ]~~alilds:, A l(!lmtj~lI~ IGliELn_t:l:!i il<11Id. other im l;!!l]!rLa w. t poaitinna, Iii e'l!lery W fir HI •. Iapanese p;J,"'~ IPiUfticiput:;rl they have 5t.1!"uck w.1tillJ-11t warn ~ng llind .h;)V~! !ileI:uoodi 1 '~jjh:'l: w~th th'13 inltia[ atta·k. In hand-to··bi~nd eombat the ("l~· ment 01 ~urpr.'15J1!o e8'11 b· ;lil)!i;!fl.1'1!Lpli.silri!d iln the [oUu ..... lng manuel";
DIS7RACrJON-!By 5;p:iU,~IJ:g ,~Il! u!!,pcmellt:'::;, ('ace; :silJ;)l.!J,il1j(; lI:~ll·a.Wjn.g dirt 111tl) 0PpiJiJlIBftt;!j: i2yes; [n'et m;UllIg yQU ;-rrc ~uJ.~lg [0 ihH _!!1 m~ Ii w~th ,;J club and til~.n ~l,I:flf~e~ly kick ~jm; 1:hrfII!W :Fig a l·~k i1t nppOl1ent Ell'tti Wh<l,'!f~ n,[;! fliucks fonow Yip i~U:U::!k lilikillg ad;V-OJIiltage or o,p[)Ofill2'nt lJ·i,lII~ !!lift baLance· 'd~.
rS'l'l-tU{[NG lVII'HOm 'WJi.HNINO--Out oil:" VI "'~lIJe ~ky s,urliL1?IlJy ddi\i~ ,a b;'low to a .... 1lJ ll!le .... ,able area. Do iI1' 'I,e]egraph yvur b]~\".
FEIN,['ING._ ·1 nil i~ olle drrll:1!:tiQIlI and go illl
!'tt.'lth·et ~!"id4ild}~. M k"e ['!Jin t.!; g~:.1.Uine. move· rn 'nL'I a:! J1 (he, blow ell!" )'fJUlf body wer ill':;· tLlally gC!j'l1~: 1111 51 <{_';IJII""I;;'I ih IUrection. "fh i~ ig, Lhe only 'mgthon yl;,l!u will Ibe ,1II1blE' to, 14J~i1It ... 11 OIJIJOl'lent (ll!.l't ul pc:!s:UjOl1 or i!:~1 ~h. h tm oH gUil:lJm.
Ii"'RJENDLY. WORDS A ,D AC-TIONS-Instcud 01 geu'in,g violentl::!.' 3Tl,gPY' w~til 8]1 anUguf'liiit
IW1 t~ltde,r til' '~""iQnu!' RIllI ;!l~;'~ II: In oox1ng Oil"' 'Wi!:" !l.tHI:IS. II. pcrsaTi II!ItIIS~ 1,1;:!;J.l'!n the lyndarrt£!l11- til'!S .(!of tJ1Jat ~n~1:! 00: f:i~hUr'~g.. In CiJorrL~[illl. Jude Lhe s;ame mr -. ~rPpHea; Y"J l ~1"iUi5.'t firs' Ja!l"n the ~ 'f1damii!'l1:k!:~~ then p'rol;! .~ wH:n the 8,:hi'I!UIICcd Ieasnna. Mc:.~t !i.)'Stl;lm:<; !):t. Judio ~ffi'ninil :.;Imw a bunch ~·Jt triEk no-ld,., and. ghi~ the pupil 1:1 .. 0 [ou;r:ui:tliUml upon which to i.!~t!JI.aIly" iP~or.f'OJi'm .~h-t::-re [!·tcJ:[:!I, ''['he- pupi] odiUgellUy pi"';!I!::iiei25 Um • manell¥ ~.r. and find::; "'kat in !ac~llal C'OmPlt:t tlon 'hi:; O'pJ;:lOneJlt dlJ~o.;;; not 8Sl:!_Ume ill CI2'r-'l;.;~hJ pa8it~on (ex his tr~c:'k hold 'Dr thi'"(;i .... ' t<o 0fl~ e:ralie pr(li~cr'Wy _ 'j['1:J.o ~il!ldll!nt. does not knlJw what to' d,1J ' .... 'hen thl.~(~ CYCUTn,:s!l.u nees ,or~::; .... • !'lJllI h.E! "bC'Cli~rnl::!i di ·.g~stecl! and de tdll::5. that "Tu~o will ,nc:Jt wook. 'l'l:il.: rearoIJ ttl]" this cond!'t1ofl 1S thil'l the pupa! t.Ja~ not b en laugh.t t.h~ fu:n~tlll· m~fltalEi! and h~ !Il0 fOlJlllldfl:tJoJ"l upon whic.h 'tn, ~UT[leGtly [~I;:'i'"1.6t'm th~c' mS.ll£!U1,l'i;.,"]:":i.
D 'bo}j;,ro i'ii t~~.e iQ,o[,gdi Gh;JVI!..'"<i, 'W]'Ies:Ut:d 1,Qi' te<J:1J yc{Lif'lil, and kJ. :me Comli!llt Judo is 'L'h.e f,,-wst ' If . ·th·~ iypc' CJr ha.nd-i.o-h!fnd Iigb I;.L~:R yet de ... eloped, CJ;Jffloot ,lI'm:!ir! 19. not '~he sama ali< Ji,.i~!(), ,or ,J'iu nts,u, tin. J;;':p.I1!nesa style' of wre.::;mng. Jhu JM. u alon i.-; r~ot enoug~ fQ(t"t,:h IJ d,I_;;)i;31y -typo 'I;if hBl:nd~to~h1o nod comb;,t ,1'l.e.Gdi!Cd! i{iI~~ the toEllt'i:1' :fro:nt. rn .Judo 0.1" Jha ,J:~ts:u tht!re, are m;;lny !body :riie'lVem,el'll't;5, '!1!!'!leTngt.'l5, Ol:id p:Fe:5.l:iu:r;;.:: poitl'~, 'thilll aN i2IXGdlJi!t.U mJiurtl,>'Uve.ra, ;50 :~~ri:! crl' tJ'l se m:meUVGr· ha,\'e been ilflc:luded in C'bmJbat J1!d!~. Combi.~t .[udo is Clln~lJoOSC>d Q.f t!l;.e m.o::;.t geB,,:lly EI n.d ~E'fei!I1~vlJ' mui"'emen es ot @',,r6r}.· k!li@""'11 il:ype' Qf .flgb 'ing.
Be-fuM :p,r.CK!eedillJg with lhe fUfl;darneJ'li~J· .;..f Co:nnb~'~ J'I,l.(l£l, I. wlY!;IM like to ~!.')ilil[ 0'1.11;. Hlat the tt~ll;jl;; .. oing 01."1 menta, eu Cl5 and! advi - !be given SoF"ioeC:.LaJ aUenUon and :r ,fer[lE!di tJ;) ma.l'Ly ttRli~"!i 1l:8i1.l.l'tl1og tne- eeurse 'D'! i;.l."ahlll'fL,g.
•• .... Vhllt ¥~'iU CIiIJl·t H~'t YOli. C~J1't H'UII."~." TM~ p:r-in!:'ipk as one I;r£ '!,he !basic f~iti;dame:tliti'~S (d hand,~'t~hfit1d COIlllJbilL 'lrh.€fre i~ ;;.. :8l'eElit aftliiJiUJl'!lt of g;r;.~iLlll'ld, OOVC"l" .;1 In that enc toit~temQn' ~LI:Hl! mt tuk '. thOllJgl1r' <J/lild tJr&ciicc 1n [~r-der '0' !Q,fI'~~nrlate it~'C'.[!jIl':!O;;:ilt~ ,A.:,g. an ~mn@,1e: mm.ti~ln~ [hR~ yoO'IlI. al'iEl a bl,.lU :fight'G[ "!I1I~ tile bual is your opponent. 'f1he bull. ~P1it~ eba:Ir--.s~ng , .. ~ you Rndi H ~'ou '!:]jyi~~!kl'y li!~dllJ :n,'~ the bull 8't Jihe. lElis~ !"!f!.Om lilt you hfWG' him ,uff bElilLm~-e' and you, ,ftil"lJ in .. , 'vert'] adivUr11..a,geoliE lXlsi tLl:J<r1.. Applyil!"1g t~~i-!l p't'tli\~iple kI ib.and-tl'O-,nl:l!'na !l:!omblii.t mf y~LiJ Ir'i:!ep' dUillgLng th~ :position Qi. .y"oQur boo" In lteEa:I;ji[!J1 ia, yw_,r ,UPlPOtlE!I7I'1..',l>< iAur..c-l!:s Y()!JI w~H !not 'If'CCCIV " tho NUIfi1: ,[if '~lrtc aUack .tIlild '.v H be in ,I, ~)s.i Hon to wp,t'ik ;(Ig,1LtlilS"t h ~lI. weake:LP i!l'IJ~ n'~. NEVER, ]ill;\;ET BRU'E'iE S~RENC:TII WITH BRUTE S,'T'REiNGTF]. ~lthe.l' go with UI r.. toree usinS t!I~ponel:li' 's!;;rCftjJith agaiLliSt "lml'il!le_U ov 5IUddcl!1~~· :.!I~.d.e .:;til!"p"P'oi.nF'l: lmockilil,g yuu:r opponent ll!llclI:t'Isc:kms 'Dr kin:n~ him. EvCTY LI,me you ~kil!" iI:IJ ., -~ you 1iIi!i\"I; ;(!itsmged ;)-'"Our ~dy [position in m~~ WlliY lOr. tl,ifliotli.e.r. ~y IJI!S i i'li ~ i hi:!! krL(lwl-
'rige' ag<i'!Jilll~il yoQur ,opp~n ~,nt. reme:rrrioo:ri!'bg 1.~,9Jt
PIli8't= ::Hx
be ~_~~m ;md OJd, :i!']y. ]] yoU! act lPy,gl'1l~eleus ~t PUlt9, y.our opponent 1n <1 d(;lr\cl'iI!l;I.\!I[~ teu'!Ieness ['eEidy fol'" YO'I,:!;!i'" atto1<l.!k. A~, ali e'xample- '],'cU !lJVE.JQ:I1~DI' ,\.!l dan·~ want, to :light aliid tfh~n .... rjlJ~~~l:"iJly hIt. him witti YUYI' '!J~t~l;I;,!' ~tre1:1Jgth. After using th'8 ehl""c-i'i'~ ilJ'l suepr~!iii! fo.Uow up the 8tt'i!iC~ qn'i'likly III i:liEH y.Q!'u OI:lopetlel1lt is dil!'udl ryr' uneensclous, Take 00- VMli~g.Ei of CYl;,!ry tl\FliP0lftunity.
~nfnS . 'UJ.e E:n....E.M;ENT OF' !BALANCE.
Wlhlen a perron i:s [~tf b~l]anee ~H! ~s :i,n !IIi very weak. pe::;iti9n ;:':!'I1Q i:il {lPI!!J'I, to almost ,SillY ~ypC" 'Qi att .. ek, Tn Chapter 'TMeiJ!\, '·Dd~~~ ,AWl·I~st. J1iJ"'t!(n '~;i, I A:I:. ta e l':: 9..:' iii! 'E! x pol .. il'1;~dl t!h e 'IlJ'I, ,wtlI&I"d. ~~;t Ofil. The :r'e".[Ijdl~I' shl)'!;l!~ 31s;gum~ this 'on gLlll:rd posutio.l'II "...:t1<l::m;."""~r.- ~je .a~tk~p:;jte;s '~ro~Ib]'C. BEING ON ]~ALAl\'I1'C!El AT. ALiL T1M iF.S, IS. nALF TaF. BA,],-TLE,. Aftm- 1.J~ing ~'h.E!' ;e]errte-l:1m' [~f !Sl.u:,p:rJiSe •. by, fuiJ:r~illi_g 1JiL"' '" ~i,i:d)d!Qfl blo ..... , Y0l.!.!llr 6plXlli'ierJ,t; will 00 elf b;;ll:).fI\.'le! and, a.m ~'Ou h;_~""'I.'l ~Q do is to fol~@'W !;ill .... ,~,tli. you.. aHn!:'Lio Lit'!!ilK'" d~l!It!3b'. WJ;A;ili aliil ,[email protected] aU~cl~ }', ,~'IJddJclThty ;;.:t..aI1:f!le ~'O!J.I[, body PQi;~ti~r! by :liMA:!! stepping I1ilm., ,nlia.ving into liJim l;Ii.dc.ker th!lln. he G;:ot;pei::~:ed" ''1g' ~el~w;Eiloo.:!l qll.lid'\l:~¥ rn!It 0.1 ,r~bI'ilU(!' of I.nt1 <1t!;.;Jek, ~).r 1J~ ~odng with tho ,lI!U<.I£'".k i:l!nd lOOii'ng' 4liPiP~nent's ;!Itr~;n;gtl;h .8~<rin:s;~ 'h!!i'r'l!!':l!;!lf. The '~~i:U~ee at. booy posi!i:j,rylli dcpl:llid~ i.lipon the c~r,· cumstances. W~'I;1~i1Ig :L!':, a very good '~11J!D glrr hlllnd-'oo~hElind ~_~,~itilt::J~1: '1ili3lil: w.i!!ll 't;;:acb 'b,._!l;Biill(!e, !3.11.d. bOOtY FioliS,lUG.1:1. If i.t is possible, 1 !'l;u,R":Il:e;s;t. t~;fI,'t tJ~>e' r!l!llLd!er. learn ElS m~]ch OI~ he C&.l1i abDut w~stlhtg" because w~'tU~e d~m;llindli! 'i:ll8.t ih41: l'Qad!!!'l', 'un admtio.U'I tl) tl-t~ above Ilir.iCil1l't"il)ned qUBl'lities., posaess ~~~eii:B. a,b:LU:~y '~)D thil'll.lI. '!:JI~ilil:!!k~ ly, ~I i:ty, tI n.QI tl'i!i! :r.ighti.!ll,g :;:pil".ii~.
Body. Ba.'lal:li~~ C8'11 "'my b;;,:- :;)'OfUI!.lIr~-d, by wo:rkIn,!!:' eut with ,Em opp'~ni,::l'iIt 'thilll: 19, Te£u;;ti'ng 100 ',1 • Thel'llf,!J'rc, I t;LI!~t 'Ulia:t. yO'Il! :iillid, ryfl'8 of' :1'1:.1 ur fl'i!::imlls, tru.!t :iiS ::iR mllJl~'h iL'Wte!r'>8s.tcd :~Ii! C'ol"lmba,t, Jude ;)J~, )"'\UI!J are and pra'!:~ic!il '~gC1:tl~'. ,AIt£a: y~, h;3ive, bot~h comlPld~~.y :1n;j~~.e1:'"8d the- Comit!a.t ,Jhj}dlo, ~O,!;.!irnl;l', n(:!v!!:i !lJj)nil:!T!~D::!! tnelud:ir.i~ OIil]Y hDJds and, thrt!.w:j. DtJ; net a,:pply 'liDO ml,!;~h ~~STU"C ~m ,h~ hQJ.dg, ,5Ind, a~i~~ :f-iDliIir P;)xtn!!;!:'i" Ckl'l, l~!l'!Iw;:: by 'lessening t:.tli8 :.\ili!wlik ii!!1: the' fan .J u~1: be:~ore, h~· '~lI!Ill:h..J..~ '~hl,;l l'r' '\Vhl!tlI you II:ErI a(pp~y yOUI" ho])d::;, tl'i!!i"fI[W!'l: .and ihl-Q"'NS. Olii !i'!. '~I"ron thu~ ~5; ~;'I!!~L<:1:j I:1ig :!LO(Jt~1 • then Y01.!J tm'\<e c::c..'ffi~le'~~iUy m;3i~.t_e-:red. Coonbat ,Judo ~lI1d il;llDi IB!!!> clE'o18- ~Lfleld, ,as .111111 e:-:;pill"I"t. nl<.!t }'\t!U mU!i'tl [plrFOCtft, 'P."r,lIctice~ !mod :p~~tC~~I;,!r,:-. YiQij, wm 'be surp:ri;,;~d iilt the <lITIJ.:ili!!lI;It o:f 1PT.,~we5-a you :nFoive- ,El!c;l:ri.t¥'~d 'cITi~ ;;lyn~i't:I~oi]: lP!l1iwe:i w.j;thin 'Y'!J-l:t:1T b·,~lrn]e, [11@ ]'n3lil:t!l!r ~W' :small or we,nk i.t. mli!)' b·, ,StT~~'t.~th and! w4rl.~~t m''iI!' SIi!i1:0(rtw!!"y ,r,:JI[;!ilb:t'S ag, far' as Go-moot ,Judo i:>i ICI[!I~Cl;,!n~~~.
CQ.:t1.:S!d~ring the El..E_D.JlEN"lf' OF !LElVEl.FtA.!lJE, p:ractically 'evi;lTY hl)la! ,"Ii1~ throw' in . Co~b;J:~ JudQ dcpcHT'lIdi 1Il"P,'il!n it. El:l.gLn~e'IE !II::>e Ul;a px1'r"I;o G'i.P'lo ,g(f 14]!'i,I\~I'",;}g.e ilr:i hUi~ tm'll!i ,00' coq'U~!lli'!le-fit :r!~r. S'tl'u.eil:uTal pU[',PIJ-S~::;' TirrI~ 'wiU J'lA)t bQ 5;pent h!!![Ii! di.s~u".i:RUllig '~.lniG' d{!m~{iit ar: lev!l!il'a;gll!'. h w.iIl ibe' mQ\vlTII [!I:n~ ;e;xpbi.ine.C, tlill 'Iat.e:r .;::hi!i,p"~,{:rl:i,
ThA!: Em..EMENT OF S["'~!OCD oI.'oltil'il bi:: d!!!-Si:'II'1,h'E!di by the q,u~!:'t mo'illr~ (tif 0, '~l9h. If you, h8.'~ lI!'!.;'el:' iC'-CI1li.1ght ~~ li .... ~ (til" te<f:I, ~!IInd, fish ~'"'!Ju 1iI,.1'~"I~
C'~PGiI"~;;:m:cd, the :n':~l,J,h:5 or :o;~cl;.!d. It ~:l; ;j'hnooi ~~Ilipoo~i bl;;,:- M, 1l!~ld .;~ fi.~'I; ehl!;:: ~f~ i.~['~ qlllicl1: 'ma. .... 'iI!'l:nents til!!!> f:L:!Ih e-y.en~. YOlil 'have. :[JIruli)ulbly' heard of the Fish, t~l!I.ti go~ aw,SiY, weHl, the d~mcnt (if :5gi1ccd [l~'!Ji!.:Ii.III,Uiltt; r..g,:r m;;IIT!!.Y 'I.~r '!;he IIs111 t'h;;.t g.c~ ~L""'~~,y.. '~lfl'il~~;iir-,i,njj the we-~gh'~ o:~ a teJJJ po.ut"ilfl fSiib '00 :Y;O-U.1:" fi,W~l, w.eigtit, ~e~ us .lizty ] 0.0 peunda, YOLII c.!Iin eas:ily Bee the ad .... ail1t. '1ndi g:rl?:a:~ iPO-WeI' '",!,it'I'IIiil1 :f'lJV.l"' I!I~y'~'I,}i,III;.:"· ~;r' lilI£iIi~~ thl::' clement, iIliI :5pC~ ytlol,ilr [~,pr~if.I~nil. wm, Find ilu hl!5i .cie..<iiPfLh: that yOUi ;Bjfi'oe the tiJ:U.gJl,e5t 'baby he: ever tang'led wH.h. E!.\re:ry au.ack ,he ;;!'l'b.;-.mlfb; will fail s"~IliC~ ~<Qu ,lU'jJ' IL~t .j_~ iiXlOd. '1;;Lr:itW!I:., but a tEuget th8;~ l:I;iCC1,J15 ~h!"l,gll'il,g '<juy !i"g1ll:Ldi:l.y ll:"ii :fe-h!tj~m \~ 1I:\"e!"~ OI,U,ii(!li:.
]ll,[' to !I!!XJJltliril' thJ~ 'Ch, (]f ,!'i~~l, r.o!JI must P.'raG'~~Qo. ~~~\'h;<I:!: :,~~L<:~ }~I ~~ ~.i.r..aa., ~lQJlI tnl<m, t!h.ol; On GuaM PcSl.t LG.ll" e:KplLiI.!iU1!L"d. ~j'~ CCli,apt!!!or ThrnE:. .iLe1lI".I'IJ to ,OO'E! :5t.~,P to "t~~,:le.ft and! .rj~bt.. 'baielil:wu!rd,s, (~nd 'oQ~;'w~n~~ 1II1'i.'IlU~ ;:"'OU C5]]:1 move wiUl :.;~cb gn;';Jt ~pe;e.d, II:heo oppeniiJTl"t will bo' li;;;lfn~:tI ~:'; tt) if!hi!: dtt''eCtial'i. and p!l.lil"m ,POti.>Il: Q" y(I'Ill' !I!i.!1rli:l,en c1:wnge.a oj peaiti OJ1 'L .... ,hen·' e'>!li::i" he artt8drs.
~.u Keep 'ily€:5 'GIn ~~~puJl~n' Olt all timea. N!;iVi;lI' tUirn ::O"Ql!!I 'b,.1i,:1I-i: ki him I,IM' a ;!Iell:ondl ..
I::'!U MiJ!lit, ;j:lt!:'l,!\",do,p :;j ih_!llrl'ld ]],'-!mi;l' ~1 :rn~l'iId. In Ul~s 'Ily~r: of lightillig thcr~ ~t·c nl) i"u'le-s a.nd ,everythhl.g goc;::;.
~ S, Fol1g~' i!.ip' cV~r,Y attack w,ith. dEi;;!'th-ctl~;;I ~irlJC' blews v.r :!'I.Q!L;;3.s.
1,;i,1 Whl!l:ll .oT:i!!!: t\f.~ of .. ttiiliCl!;; d~]~n~t 'wuiI'k, j111-'
m.ed:~Ei.te'Uy t;.ry .J.umhn.:x" .
(5) ,H~I:"~ ~mplii!:~e· .oonfi.d;el1lce ~n YO!d!r ;I,hm:t~' whEl'i, an ~me:H"gency ariaas.
(H) M"u:;.1. d,z,v'ci~1? @1'i.',n. ~,y~.e uj" techniqlLl_e:. ~'\.f~1'" masot.C'ftlTt.g ~~;e h!l'illrJ!li, thOO"!.·,!';9, and 'D~o"WS 'de''ifle!ii.iiF? (~Wf!l gtY~i:!: ef f'e:ur'.iting; !l.!Jpp'l::rl~g :!'I;i!!~rls QIi" ~hro'!Ml, etc. iLl actual cnm~~l;:t.UOli; t!h.el~ 'Y'O'Ll, hlll'lfe made '!;.'h4~!t ITIane\l,ve."" a p&id oj 'l{!:!-u andJ CiUil ,;)Pp].y 1:.hem 'hiD tillie' ch~~Ili~in~ 'PIJ!';i~i~~mI!"i: iJ.n,d, a.ttacib\::s. ,af a [t1l .. 1 crp'.Floi)!mie'j~:t.
( 7 J Y Il.U hEil.';;'e ,two ,Eurn ::ii" "t' ..... ~~ l~&-~" and Cine h"!!sd Bll1Id so do;;:::; )'Ulli!iI" ~~I~I~O'"[i;Ql"!lt. It depe'.JJ.ds UpilJl1 who liISC!:s. '~'h;em .n~1I. atliOi ~n '!l:he' ibest m:mm!!i".
Ir.~ ~l(hf:-r wo:lfIi:3!l; Dea.t ylJ'\]j" ry[;lp;l.'ii"~Gnt to il:he 1P'i.!,
~:EJ :&i::it dd'IJll!oo is i31!il iQffe'.L'I.!!Ie. S~Li:iil ,idil~",,~ '~~~r1J "m(3, J~itti.oC[[ce should! ~i;l' P-'lfl;]'l:! n~e- f'fi,I1r''l)A;:en, FrO'l:1it.lil A~t.aC'kr:;; ilili Ck;ipt_12-1" Titll'@c. 'These ,EilUac]£5 ~'Cru ~e.J.eC!lied :from e~'"Vry II;:no'WTI. '~ypa ~1 '_~U;lll;:!k tziJ:1U ibee:n tll,;il!.!l11~ to bo' Jht'!, m£l:'!.t pr'.!I:ctieal ~ndl dcud~:)'. They gil:"l !!.'e:'ou'lt5:.
~ fH In Combnt Jud~ '1:'IJ"l,:ryUl~.'n.,g iI!l!leli. U yQ>u ~'IiiiI Li)~;;:k IIII~ .. ~ clii;"b ~n5i~e3Id of a ::.kililc dt~ ~~.. l~
'VOIm 1::3.1'1, :ieC:~r.e;Eli II!; In i, f i;!' in ljJ,:~C:I[:' (If' .II!
Ohl'b u~e U. By t-h'8 :H1)m~ ~[~1~)l!1~, If ya.u Cl.' IIJIse a. pis.'~l. in pk:I.~i!i:' .~ fil knife do. ,it. Ne'l!~i[ J:.D.I'~t ylJ!!) .. f ~nv.oonn'i.'enil: dlljJ~ill1g ;;;! fI:r£tM ,:,;u.'!:h. ~~,: g.i.i!~t. rocks. clubs, chi!.h"~, c~.
I H) ~ FliGH'iI1NG ~:p~~itrT. _·Y'001l are n.ev-e .. H;;:ktd iLl:J1Itil y>Du i!.d1i'~1~ It." •• And h~ i~ d.c-L~dJ wh[~ will I1!Ck~ :f.'i,_g.l'l.[."
'fihe IhllmLl1!fiI lbooy is v' r.y 'Vulrm;ri.l1J..le to nll:"fVI!! ,~ntel' .[,U, ~~~, An ne:my c. n ~!li'ly '00 killedl. I'm;x:]u.-d, IIJ1lCOllIsc:i(i~~. a:r 'pi:1iriJlY21edl by bl;j)',,olrs tjjJi c8;rC.;.I~.n nerve 'J.n:a!i.
Nerve 'OOfilters (milllr'ki·dj .,~ are .i;I!['es.:!! to ~U.aek with 't;'h' ,·fIIge of hili'll!!, elDJI;lo ..... , knee, .f.o~t or club. [n lat)!!!!' '~nillpte:rs it i3, !l;:.KpiaJiil1m h'Ow tlJ' att ek these djf(~n::nt ElI~ n OMem- ttl get ec:Sll.ll~ 'I<LI!I ck~y,.
Learn the- .. e portiooo of the 'bol~d!y so well that eVl'ry Um.eo yO'IJI 'mo,,:ik at ~ lJ'i!ti'SiJ']J, y.~t! !u-
· ... 0Jir.~8.b1ry irmi'ice thu II1aT.V,e rC4:nt!M'1il :i1i'~Uf!lediEllt~lj'. TheIl '~~el:1i you en.C~UlliltC':· 3.1;\ .!Et!:hr'~~a:~ you ean qllJ ~~l\::!y :subd~~ 1'W:n. !!o;Irtce you ,"~ll1 iLnSllucn'vel)' g,tl'ik'G t'J;;e w,ee'kt:r po-tnb of' hki, bOOty WmlOUl, ihe;:;5taih:J;sr. Tn. hElncJ,.tt:p.!hJlind II:.OmDl1it t~e ,goidll:'n '1tILl]e-. ·"8 wno HESlf A TEEi IS LDS'C ~J> ~t['iEimt:ly tmpOFtil,!:'iJI.. lit d[J>~!lJ:l"t :ll\L~!i! any dlUer,enciZ' wliat p0Joi Hon yoi.l1r oppgn~m :may .. S!JUll'l-Il, 'b«:ause hli! :l5. eJiwBlY!l. O'.lJ'Cli'iI te ncnr.e center ~dtacln;,
These n~ ii:elrJb~r ,c::nsJi1s :;!:lwuJd oft['!{fl [bill' ~:'.er]'ed hI< ,clIu!r.ill1g the Com]:).lli Judo QOUl'::>e.
I. "]',emple I E!dg~ of halla" kicl.;;}
,2. hlel' Ji"IJ'l"Rm IJ EclJ.g. Q~r.' hand, kicl:\l: 1 •
3, E! 1;1' IJ':' Cgn,- (Ed,jll'e of band. ki~k I
~_ 1- Aw~~n, the Eyes lEdge of nr1'liIJ
5·" E;y!!!<S F~n,g:ep ,~liIb)
G, UppelJ' Lip ~iE:dJg>l,;l of' "iIi1l'f~ I 7, JflW t~ g '~IOTld)
n.. Ht:J<Ut)w oll!f Tfll'OOt (iFi!l1ge-r j!BJb i 9. BI".!I.!O':hiaJi F'leKII.l,S ~Pinclb ~
llJ), So_ PlilYxL1::i • f'Ungei' J :lb:~ 'I1. F(t~~;Jrnt lEdge· c..f hand)
.t!. Te:;ficies I Sitl:'ikli!', kicJ!l; OF g:rR£pi 13. Kl'lB'a-CliliPSi (Kiil:k ~
H. Shin 4K'ick
~ 5. Tnlus Bone 1 Stamp,. [0, ].'\3:rsus iBone Stamp~ l1. 1"00' ~StijJ,liPpi
L Eh ~ Oor S~U]~ ~ Efllp:tE! o( hand, kiekl ,2_ B~,3(!~tal !PlexuS! (P1mlh f
3. Spil'l8 rKiCok. 5't:ril .. -'C I
4. Kicilm:!y~ jEdlF!4: uf' !latif!!, kLclt) ,;,_ UveP lEdge of band, kick.
IG_ Tail Borne (Ki;;:kl'
1'. Bbl~k (Ii' F;;:nee CK~;j!"k, S'i3mp) .s _ 'I'ars 81 Bona (Kkk)
CHAPTER THRE'E ,Fr'o~tal A.'ttack-s
.0. 1 =. EDGE tOP HAND
The 00lge: ;(if' lllie, hand! tg, aibru-,p i1!.nd ,£j nektllt '8 'the;: Iii£!l've eente;n;. ~.E'hlal"c,tt"tii"ie, it. ~i!i: ;;! ''P't:t'''}' fl!8l~1'OUS Ilndi eU ,;;::t~; v c w ;!1.1jo1)r!I 'I.e! UOO 3j::..Lng,t a:t:Ii opponent,
Hold the hand l"l.cM 'wHh 'thumlb, ex~el1ld!!!d~ ,fi!l1;!!!l'eI'. 'Iii ~"J, .Ilml, f!~ljlIg!i!' It'iJofl, e1~,.,el!'; :hit oppnne,1'IJ w1lh ~g-' 0.1. hand from the fir.s1 kmn::I:I;;~c ~, the, 1fi:tle :fiilt!;r!2'l' to the ~ '~~1"1'" Ding of til • w~ an Photo 1 ,.
A1'W~Y,!l, h t with 'ti.:hli! ann oon~ a' 'the elb~w. ~ - hn ,lPhow. ,2 a I'J a, iPIilUij,tl.::t. iN'f!<'!;i'e1' bit" wIth a &t1' ight arm ,"'~ ::"ilJi.! loo~ power and speed, Wn 11 ill 'liv":rtil'lJi! the blllll'w snap i~ out qwt'!ldy tine e:t1Ili[,f! v;,re:iighi of yotlt" body ~I' 'h~l1Id ~'L See 'ttE!l''!!,e cel'lJ~[' ChiU~ 'fiU' mo;:,;t iCU,Ce;Uve p:u~ to hit, CaUti'fJil rni.M!t, be g ~dI hlJ ];ionLCb.lee ~in'!:l8 'ilic:!!e: hi 10' .... ,:10 W.m
2 ~:iJ~n,Y ,!till, 0:1' :knock a PC'J:".<:JWIl YrJ(tIllIng,;t!1.o.uli,
'lr'l;~ ,J,II);J nese ha.,,"'e de''1l!e~opl;ld UiI' ':d,.!!f~ ~"jf' hand blewa so W r!!'1 I, th'lj~ they ean !l!lI.I.Blly blfeDik a haU-inGch btt.d'41 'L'iIi~hl one b10"11P'. ·J!'h~ pf.fl~-tJoe all d.ay. Uong tou~Jht:'ni!l1g ~hJoSf !i,afld!i1 lInHI, 'Lney can snap II m[ln"51 neck with a :ii.nglc ,5trok .,
Slrlk fij! a p~l'son ,"':i;t:n :yg~'t' rl. t iI!lS,],' l'ljlllre YOUI[' knuckl'!:'li ,;-'111;1 Is: ~}ot as ef:[!eclive in dlcl1'I,rI;:.;r;if.I:Il r:~eatb-dealing b~O'WSi BIi 'lh~Jxl~ O'F title hand. "ril fh; -'lurlt and "~LIl 110" l~!3Iiie1.rRtc l;Ii;:'!;WI,!t:'in II.he muecles and tissue (Io~ ~Ih~ Ibody truro 'tlti:! v.~tal J'l.t"IrY'C ccmtc::.r.::I. Since the edge 00' tnl:i' ~:;I'I'IQ f!CtVet'ii: less BrIM ~t '!JBsily f' -n '~r-ales till!!- m:rV<i!! eanters .ond, iii \;~~y d~J,".
No. 1 ~ ELRQ\VtS
'I1l!Ei lEi lib O"\i'i !:S i'Ji very '!,i' ]C'J.'D l!I:5. '1;','1[';) ~ 0. ~'i. [irl de li '!l'e Ir j I'!i g tib C ~'11Il6w blow P'ttt y~li'l,J,it I;!ntire 'Weight bchill1d ~:~. YO'IIJ r::S.'Illi i2':i:~hcir hit v« H:.h Ule' i:n~lde' ~f O'LIII:!lld.e past of t.1u:: d'b!)w, !!'lee Photo ;j, ~il'H:i 'Phflo'Lil!~. ]1'1 miJI.St eases the kJ't, l> :!>hwJd 'be used with thit!' g~oow OJ,l!.lblllI::!k. Elbcws tUi!d I:':i:nE!ei!! ar'Ei "cd , tid" ,e:l~e 'qj!.!.I31"itrl!'l'S [ightin,g~ When you 'be,j1in an i2"lbt,W
'~~ck dl;Ji nOt "LvI!!' ,"OUI." OPPiJo'rtCl'lt "" ~~Ii;).l'lC:e. keep d£jvjn~ ',ill h hH.a '[.,'hoe [jilUi.'~, :Hlo' ..... a to jaW', side, ilJ<f n~-k" !i()la![' p~eXI!.ISl, ct.e. :;i.n' .Iu'eas: to attaek,
U tm OoP'£l'O~~l1ili: covel'S hiiB face w~'!;.J1 "kIf!: :r1J~h,t ;!I(nII., sri:rik:c him hI. thr;:- .~t«ma(!h wt~h ~"OI!.II[' l'IJU ~~]OOw. A ill: Bin, if OppOTI.e1llr~ pro"I;!l.~ MIi: :sto:mllcb wi,th th~ [c,~ ~rn .~ti'l!k:e his. ja:'W IJ(J;' I!\'IJck 'l!o' i'th ~Uf. :r!~ht e]baw". Ths ,imftl'~t",id lfii)!,T;j:~ to :r.e:memihc"r' i:o;; to [l1i'1iiJ ~!lllU' 'bllD''WSl at vulnernbl!;:" pl~J;"h, or. eppot.'Lel:lt's body that .. ire- n..ail. ,p:t'0'tei!~.ed, By fcill'llling y~JoU I;!;,J n, cause an aasailant to ltl'W r 1)1"!!' bis i!:1IJBId whljil:!h h~;'lV~ him wide open fm all a 'k~ck. Alway,g. fo.]hn,\i' !LIp a :5.lJIddl r:! r ·Ilit Immi"!diIIJiely without b:sjt~'til'1lg, If yOU! he:stt;atil!', tho (lP mru::.d. mil;)}" be able to, d} t. P min ' YO~'f .. 'ill ntentions and wil] b on Sf!LISl'd.
Nt!' 1m ~ttC'J.· MW J;;I_:rgl3' 0[" st.rtm,g Jo'QUl' OP'POIiiil!"n.t. may be, hI!!' wl.ll experie:nA!e great p;a~.I'I, ::.ttcl! iP®..'l!\lb~;t!; U!r:li(!!ll!~I!'l~1£1l!1!it1!es:::: by an attt8ck to the te.sti.cle-s, TheIle axe mBlny Chall:L1I:1!!'El (luri!D,!!:' :II! ,rflt!igh ;;. nd a~ft.n'b 1 c i:ignt 'W ;;tJ;!;hQr .gir,~b, nr hit. tho 't.cstJ.ciLcS, Sei~ the restteles ftrmly and jerk dCllWnw,3ir.\c1I tgllJk'k'~y ,klx SG"El.ollill, 1I!'fi,e;.!:t~ (Fhoto- 6)_
Hit ithe- t!!!gl!.lf!l~ wJ:t:.h '~h~, 1~:11I~ rrc rolll"l o-:~ t~c ~01!ldl ~r tile ,~Ll;inrn!!ldl bst" .D.cG, in Photo. "1.
Am a[~mpliefl lll!~m;w ;j"(;~ se1~ ~ :l.;s ,all;! i;.,"~'QI;n'eQt l'!Jin"t t(lo throw l'l11J ,81:-"58ilanl; ,off ,IDLlJliOO or. ,~, b!i'leali:. ;a grtp that would be illimo5t im,pos::;fbl!3 to iI.Ilrh~.eV!ri without i!I. f:eint to tbiiG! vuHnf::I".!iJ'b'~e, ares.
'Use eB,'!J.'!i;~oo.t in ,p.['actice si'nce· .BIn attack il:6 tMrS ;firea I!I: ,e.x~,rf!.al1l!:!:ly d;;J"'igf.::roY.:s"
". @. -4 ~ BIU1 . .;i\.K fINGERS
'D~iri!!1g a fight '~hiil;r!3 illin!i liliiany Ol:)JJ!ol'h!Jlldtioe:s '!i£j :S13~ze an GP,IPCi-Jlent's :r:Ln8er-: ,;u;ld blBeak il:h~.
'C;:n~b 'lll-o fin__g~, 1P(!"i;::;fc;m'bly tthe 1it-t.,Ue' finge,a', ELI'lidi apply pIIeg"SUN!! fLJYi.EilI~[ II.I~!!!' jtJi r~~ 'Wh,L~.~ I!!i~MI;!I'I~ ~~!I." 'tlr'l~[J!IIlI1'.!il:lt\;:\~. arm, as i~ P.llOtliO.8_ [f YOLII breBiik, a peJ.'!lo~·:!I fl'11i.~!" H. Wl:~~ 1~...:~q~l,>l:il:~~ • hi~ entire ITfiTiT!,
The bendi~g 0[' blleak~ns of' a ,flr.tge'J.' Is: a. very go 00, !foX'-' oi'JliFlp1C' 'Oil lC'j!\orilig~' .. ma, ,ilh!l~~r.ilitl3d ,nlJl'N -III small mi!l.l:lI C'a~ easHy h!l.1:1!cHe .Ill ];gl'~e. m3ln. N;fI ffiat'e:r. h;f!;~...]1~ y@i!lr 'l;I:p'IJjlm!:'l1'l m-l.ll.Y !be- lh~ ~A!i'1/lEil'ag.ri ag8iJ1:5t :his. fi~g,er joont off !I~S h~5' ~,t r'1; m; g~h,
AUel[' Eeizl:D.g tDjpIionent'!i: 't.iri'iJ!::er. ;g, !Stiff J;)Te-a.~tlIr~ 'wHl Sf"t(l!J tt.!~ ti,n!!f: er. A. ::;!;.c.iJdy rn:s;:oum, wm 'CEililJiSe ,gFe!I1t :pai:1lJ and by wutin!!Jll1,g: th~!i: fPTI!!HUr..;- 1'1 L~, :i?linl~~ will break,
Tho gue:r;rillWi (.'If ~1.I!i;!lln ~nk 'f"leir tn .' ] 1i!II.Q ti,hw iIl'l'! .-
mles' tiro t~ 'j'~!}' h 1:\'0 ~i'J!lJ!inl tl1 L;, rn ,th~ moot c[f Lv .
~n d !ltr.[]~ i DJ!: th~ rfli:!'.
"th ~., ,tl1 I]~.' >L~ ,.. ... ·rl/ vkmo!lls 'Wiil\!I!l}IJll and C.[ilii be !l.llliCd in j1'i;l tl'Y ways. II;)T1J ,OppoIlGfI' rabs. you, bl!J!rY Y·OotlT' t etll into hilli fiffil.. eB1'~ thJi'wt, etc. ~ P;]'iiQ!l:fIi ~I il.lJnd ~l'illllj,fj. 10.
'1J.1'1.(! ctlld 'I,!.!If!8,]:M!I11I or 'nltt .wr! ~ingdGm for i!i1l.l~''1!''''' tU
i!il [J'I,! b' 'kLllh_ iMulrl Id _ ,t l't l("!llll a~ ~fl!l."ll!lll] Iy ffl37 ~'IK
.0 d h 'III f '!I gbt of b~. ~n c: iv J1 0ll. ~Olr' illJolki q\la~:en7 luglill:~rt8- '['Nrh~g,')11 inch '~hllO!~ !3'IDeafu: with tlh.e '~!3th n· h.l!i.tr8.l~ 't,'hll::: 'IIld,O!J.I1> ~ .. ~,~ on '. 12' PWj~ !I, fo:l.' h mi..!!.O~]umd ·ttmbil't_
No. >6. ~ KICK. iU 'l':l;ST[_ LIE - AND KNEE~C'\_.-.·
'l'!.!:rn 00 to (!if!if! '~1L'f:Jt ,'UlP hi)[fI~~ f'i:fJ: ib<l]~ n.c:..::; send I ~ t)1Ji~" S'1l8[p' up. (]uickly ill'li ,I, co:lIing munner, and dJd", . leg out ~;t (JIi!'I;X!!Il@I:IJ~' ~ Hdl!s 'D1' k~! !'-~iI~li! ~ Pkl.~ !i 11. ~. "JI'h!!II fDli'ffi o[ l!;,!i.!i!: miIJJY b !.!!1!4"1:i, LQr~irl I, iIll p;!:lpjlliJ1 LI tWI1C'tl ....... lllh blln.:lkjru:k Ii1!f kn i I, .
T1111j) el nn ! ~l r;d LIIl"pri-!!D' Jltn.luld '0' III d in lhl 'l"'~
or ft'-tack. ie. h lr for-e, dt!' not ,i,lHow IO;Ppm).t.1i~11t. 11.0 Rl ticJJ~~te your .;)U;fl,ck, ]t hi 1OIfi:1.I!1l1ly oo~t ~'l1 mlllike In fil!'1nl ~1th ,Your ~U,Ei.lL.!I to. d !lIIF,iif!i QPPDI1: I1!t'~, .ilU ntl 11, 'I:h -!1 .immoo lilt if
c;IJ,gw --~ wLil,b iklG'k 'l;.g vuh :lJb1 pg.-l:o;, WIt~1 IJlJ'B(ltlG . ),Olll
h.(lu'l fII'o abht VI de·li .... e:1i" the kbt:!k h~ lesS] tbm Ii! ~oond_
pg _j; ~lt.:· thill' ~~ I ··kh'ijl Ilttru:k !l1~ll'~t .ll wiIlll. 00' '~m·. ~v~'[Ylimc :.rOy d~1 vel" 8 b~ilJi'L-'" a feint p'J:'~e~Ulilig ~L Y·o.u t"-lHTI f\l!ilch twice ~~~ :ral" wi ih yl)~IC ll!~ rt:han y,IJU1' 'UIJJ1~~h ~t can ~lflth '!'l.[, .Ilif.tl1l1, A.J ill U', H]iI! Ii!'glll ilJiM HIi;' _ tg. '~!I:lJl!lr 'll tllJ. fti srt,lr~m!'l,l!;'r Ilh~ll 't:h· !OJr!,,!,ui ",,1 .!lilly nt· 1iI] pt llJ ~[U"Fy Lh blow 'I.'I.·uul1:l. Ibe- fuUl '.
'll"he fmll1l.1 1. j1it~EiI"k . 1!:fJ'blned abo· v eo Is n(lo~ tJte "old :ti'!!l:ilil:o:r'b kl.:!\t·; w,n.h::" [,J:U0.'W1!l 8XlJ O,~p;!J~1~l'ii~ te 1!:I!21.2.c the- ,kickhl~ leJ;l. J"" lilt !!I mIL! t I~ d 01> ~i~ld1'L,Q: 1.1. Is 1 mtoo ibt· ~tI,r II. oppmlJ nt t~, lIidz '~h 1 ", lnce II.n L 8: mlJ ..... '~_:.; wllhl !l.uc-h. .gtOOJL ~Pf!l'.!d 't;oW4:u",dj opl;K!nent 0[111 .u l.d~i)l 'p~JElillle' l!I.'fI;dJ illl im _ ,mediaCig:y ~l1apped h~dk 6!.U; o~ hi. .I.'N!!'h.
No, 1 _. KICK. TO SH1NS
Wh€1ll an OP;POIlle-l1;~ assumes ~il1~. l;lI:t&IInH pa!i1ticm you must O1::!!;!.!:nI!U th'!.:i .::;';J!!tm PQ~H~O<TI '100:' ;!!j. 'OO~!:o.,g: S'pa[' .~~I,J.nd! w:LitIli opp.:.:r:..e:tl'!: Sind do l:1Ot aU.ow h~m. kl· ~cl '~t!o ,C!!~~ v; ,~~~ ,litie CIii!IJ. d.o d! '~ y-ou. w1th ~ ~'!i!.di!~1i1i :~~f1 ja.h .0[''~ ClIOU I Ph!ll~g. l~). '~hi? Jell (\QO~ :~Q-rw,"oo. ~£ )'~ilj ;J:r~ T~J.I!lI}J1: handled. Ioc;Gp '1;.1;;1;; '!NlI;~~~' Qf the- b~.y on the left :t£iO~! then with !II. :5w'(.~pd,~1; moiliO<I:1i -wit::i:'1i '~e ,r~gbit :~eg ;!lw.iJl1Ig t!b.e bag har:..dJ <1.It.!!i!!1:!>' ~!~F.Kln~J~t's m~1ii witt.! 't;h!3 i.:llli~de ot toot. ''J.''oc: i,l:i i~~~l1Ith'i\Q: 11:6 the Il'.iight,. (Ph4)ttt l~)_ Th~ri. lrn~'-ll!:!l!nately !lwLng f..o.!Mi Iba'!:k intg. pl;;I{';iitiI);_ri, F.'o:U~.oW' up wtll;'h Mi[e of hand 'bJlIJ<W to< :5:~dl;l' 'lJif lI1~k iI'W use the ~ ~ b IJII";::;'" l';; IiiiIlt-I!>, C!~
Y":''ll. :!I~O'ILI~d b~ alble to d!31~v'l:l[, tlhio::;, 'bJetw ~11'i less 'l;.li;oJ1'lI a S'e-OOiI".id.
Wh~i. ,clIi)H'!II!!['I~j{ tbe b~,oW' t!he:n!· :!ihO'!lI~d 'be rig; i[:!'C.f1i.!!:'!f,ltl~le body-movement t,~t will. give l!i!!"'il!(y y(lll,lJr !1l1I:~:-'-'iiI!:LOOiSl" [Fi,['.B;!)tke fJ:'1J\TI1 ~ Ibil.'!Mi:n,~~ r~~it~olll U!illrtU! y01.l ~a:tli d.eli, .... N '~h8 lbiA!lw wh]H)I!..I~ any Ibody-m.ovem.e.mrll: 8Jl'1i wt!i::h groat :s,p~cd.
~C'.iJoo '1JPJ;!!!.!!JH."tIt'::; ~rI'Lt.'"i aoolllT:l,d II:I.:iaps, :so ib.e !&i1ltjJnlJ~. ~tr.i~1! y~. ,:1}1I:dU WI!!!!.lII:ht 'KI' ,O-ill! ~.e..c:, slig;br!i:ly hit ~~iI; o~.e:1t :t'oo.t Sindl send! knee q]l.Jic!Jt;~y u~!ill'ds Ulilto. Qpf,lfHt~illt~!I. til!l!lticle!i fPhDki 141·~.
U d'i!i~:mit :maik.e a:l1(Y diif['Q;ronc~ whl;,·fh~1" ymJl,'t. ,Y.o!ll![, ~mee into. 'h~a tti,t~.C'~G:>' Q'J'" n~!:. Op];l'O~~r:1it wilU bend dJow.F.L l'O 8i'!f!CIid. lbJlOw ;m~, W~ll!!iJj, he; does hi~s :head i::l fO:f"I!I,EU'd 4.!!nd in pl~~,i~ IkjotlJ f(j;.1" a , dleaJ~ng blow to· :sid€' o~' m~il.!k ~.~I" '~mp~~
'l'h.c k!1~ r~ u~ 1.0'1' cLose qI!JBX1tl!!'TS f:i!.glrliting. Whl<lTti apfP-!I"oo[i~dJ~g oppo:nent w,Eillll: in B:1'1I 'ffiliS,y mi.!!nllJi!.:(U· '!.Jti;w~~m h;'~ and do not allow :hirim. 'h:o !3JJi~jjciIP8;k: ytkY!~ ",U"ii;·H.. U ,y.cJu dlll::m'ld !['1iI!!lh lIow,EI!rdl giLJ-lm~!cnt ~~J,:!,gna~iomly l:i,e woo]d eliiai~y d:i.:s!Xl"ler YOtU~11I11:!2-,i'I.tLaJ~ri and WO'I]ld, !bE!' ready fcl' '~h!3 ,~t'LO!iJ:k.
No. 1 Q - FlNGJrn. JAB.
:Run to,wiJrds: iUii'ponent with j_lilte~t:liJIilt; ~[ ..:h.ol:\l;.i,n.,lf ,him, tillen !l>udd 'nzy k l1:'il:: htm :Ln ~h;c' 't:c::;tide:;!, When FLlitlfll,j i"1,g: tl)1l!;r,nrn. opJJ'li'neut h:.i,'i."(! arms il)U!l!Jtretf!h~l fP'h!cto 161.
]{iJl!p 8!['m~, 1'01 lsed in the clL{lktnFr; ',,·i!r.l'l !,:tiltH ~1'!Ou. have lE1lfldedl fb. kkik ~Pillo.tli1l 17J. I{~ck opponent ;')~ H 'OIJ. were rnlilking B, plllnt-imt e'l."E'fj'tb.~nK hi'!;.Q it.
_ IT.!.rtioo until yOU! C" .. 1IiI ,.Il:n;Ql:nj,edy fool ,Y,o.ur ~1J!P'lln' nt with the ,choklng 'F.cilllt. A dUfI-:mlJ,Y (1.1." hag ryj' , wdus!. h.1HlI~ In.lm thc' coilin!!ll' mllikes .&i 'i,;~r,y good tal'_get 00 ,p<r;Jd',c-, your attacles a.~5tn!"~,
The above itDtI'V'@"mE!IIiii.::.! !Ill'll!! pe,r~QI":t'~~ 'd 'Il'!3l',Y qlliic~ly ... r.Ld the- olement ot' 8Uirp:r1!Sr:! L... i!!':?'treme y ImpO,M01!1t_
It ~Tm c ...... er have alii a:rgIlllWlen& .uJnd wish to ellmi ml;)'!.c YO!dl[, ol)'peilleot filu.i 'My, the fo:nowj~i!E llJ'lIeeth(Hli 6 t-hill' ,III n i!iIwe:r-_
St8J'tdiJlili!ll with lila r..d!!' un hips, as In P.hfJob~ ],.Ill" telJ. 0J.lqJ(!JI'IIE!-1l1 yuu tifl~' !. W(;IIlt, to f gilt 'lli'"'n ~uth::l;:anly hit hID1 ;J~ "'-.:rd !;IS you can b(Y j a IJIJ !lig' Y4JI,ll!" liJlge:L'l>l ~ntlj) }; ls oo]4:!J1" plexLJ:.!l. as: j!n :pthoki 19.. This. h~OiW iiJNking him bend QV "'r" imm~di.DiteJy ,'.olkl'w U.~I ...... Hh ~Ibow bl jaw ox side' of' !ilK. , as In ["'hl;)'to 20, and f!nd k.!'!, iJ]to ~i2S~~(' ~,iPhal:.Q ~] I, "Ihese ~luee mt)v(·mr; are done in 1C&5 tOOl a secQT;u3 .ma are done by the ,n umbers One, Two, 'Fhl" ,
Make the ,r:,j ngCOJF jElh a ve-y lbl(lw with y'Our. ~nt'i'r'O w,E'igM: I:Joetilind n.
Per-~cct the el.ement o( :!!lurprise i~ t.hie5 atll:;)(!].e by hitting wlLkmat W,EiIir!Ll't'iJg~
20 Ile.f~'1 - 11
No" :[1 ,~THE DROP' ,[{.lCK
One! of the JTI..D~t hm,t;a, at aeks you C:oOl.IJld inlll~\ I!IpO\t'i, an enemy is tt,.~; '-Dnl] KL.::k.!' If liIiI1 oppon rn ~ arraeka you. ",~llh !!I. kL1I.ife IJT .r;~l!Ib rUn IClw-IIIl[ldi hum. and ~!.!d~l~~i'''''Y f~rop throwing J'Oll.!iI'" 'btJ~, ,'.e.e[ nrst kicking' h~rn j,n the teaHdBS alild :..Wrn ;I~h_
T} ~ attae should Ibe pro, eecl.cdl ~,y a high fein lI!Jndi a bl~ "'-~ (!:U rdUrn,g ,6~!'r::'am 4("h,lltn ~2J_ A Ioud SCT'@'am 'i:~'ill '[N!ez.e lh!i1! opponE!lilt in h~ "n~ck "
l'b boo)' ~Qu]d ~ paraHel to ilia g~lJlLlnfl, when ,gJ!lIin~ tillrrouSh tho uir w:lth the ,Ueg;!l co,iiJ.e;d liIjp' ,~dy I;.(l ~LI:'1k.e 5It '~'l!.i!lI'1Pr.I.M~' ~J.'Yll 411?hot.o. &3 !!I.ndi f"h!:Jo'h~ 2'4J_
LGa .... ~ng t.h· ~0\!1 nd one-and-a-half to two ya:rdli! from oppencnt 'ht'i.JW badly sidC-W,LFS .Q.,t .. t.ter str.kltltj:l: 0PPQncl1lif. Y"lllll. Vi.rlll ~Bind on YOUi[' side .8i1il13 have the ,Btn:n;s til' Dstttib. 'h;"ll.!ik ~r if.Eljlhng ~ :lI1rt~~Lo 25).,
At~er f:amng '00 the ,g ;r'()llndj itl'!! medis:td;:r !>J.1«+ng '1,JiJ! ,Y'io.'Ill'" ,~eet and f,oUO'w Mil attack,
No", 2. - SAVATE FQ] ... LO\V "ROUGH
,A, quick way '!;.o til'lJi:sh ~U ~~I t:!!~,panent when h~ l!1; t~i'i. tbe grou[ld :is by t.h~ 1.l1ie !iltt. savate, With the too of t);;::: !lhoe at the .... tdne::ra ble 81'!l!a<l I [[lffi"'k,=,di ~ I, ... -'1 J.~ Pbom 2>6 and! iPliloil.u ,27., A kjck '00 any of th'~" ~ln,,<!L!I, wm kiU. mrl'im UJ" kntl!l!k an cppenent U.L' cgo]1. ',,"U_,
[rnmedi~ti3ly arWi'" kr.oe.klifi all o,Pp~n~o,nt dl!l!'Wll, to put tn urni£n 'ng, lmJ~hes. 0111 [him, :£aV;;!tc :s'houl,d, ll~ used as [gHIJ'w tl!!!f~p.. 'i£"li.,Q heavier tlile ~hQl:!! tbe betteit' a:ndl ' ..... 11111311'11 ~:h:.'IIi .... ii:"J:irLg,
[;c'ks to tJl!E! vWlilera.b.JJe- <tU·'I;::;;J~ ~:lu'L ya1ll" e'ni~r' w 'I~~d 1.1:'Ito, [he, ~LiJw,
All kick:;s EIT~ dg,m, 'jJ\ ry quickly o tha th, 'I!l[~ffiy w.H. not have an. opp61" to grab j'OIJJ[" Ie,g,
U }'~.lli! ~~~\"C! ever !{~1Jfl tIJ P J:".lIDD lh!;l.t has: 'ooen flog.i!~d ,"1·th Si lihoe you can ~"l.i]y ;a.Prf~l.:'it.: the d .. _magll that can be done with tohis: wea:pon_ ,sU!l off .~jJc· 'qJilii - Y lind hH opponent wittl. the h!!!'E!'l.. H~]dl !il:'i.-all!; hy. tile- 1:1i!!~_ Dr-es~ :;;ht~ or shees with 8. mow Gut CRn be· used i!!!!:!' l!::~lr~Y
WhC'1llI an !OPPolilent !f!Jt~o;:lks yO!!! 8!l;ep b8Ck and q ... -e~d'y .Mip ylWJ !belt 'IYrr iby lPulling 'bo'l1l;!Il;[e enD. uull: tJ :belt ]!C!i)p:>:. "II. &lIld Iln~[t oalml!,mg YUilli!'" b .. m.g allowing about ~welvil!' to. fourteen llilehell ,3i!'l: 1cnSlh of Wol!'<liPOJ], "rhe ~lBir.l?fer and heE'f',r1er. the b'!.:t'!:k:lC' '~hlJ more II!'UJE>I:~i'!,i'i;!' ·t.:hE! 1b1o'W8 wm b~
~fft'iJ ~ .sUpped O'i'~ the f(lti:tt quf.c:k.I~_ ][:~p~I;:;OJ.ny efEec:UVI:!' are· W~.lmoo 's high heeled. S1h0c88.
I'm- iii ]"E'COmme:J'lded to t8.kJ~ ,!;.~. dgbt shoe o-tf !S:1!1~~ til!· len too-t can be· uaed In t~ fn;:J.t:iJii1;I;;!r" desi:'.r.lbecli .h'll F.r.g.:r'i'I!..;J~ A:l't..t~~k. No'_ I!j,; if th!!! oei!.::oil.:;imn lr1G!illuml'@'B.
[f ,;1 ~lCr~O.!'li ~,ttEilcks ),"oOU with a kn!:fe, al10w Iii. mOlilger le:n,gtli. 3:t'ld use g r~gl,!!rn iglIt motion h.~w.1:l:rd;o; "nilo rurm !keeping out of :t'fLi1Ijf.l: gf ;;!'"y sudden mflY -·mCtijl:g.
In 'l!Jn;e "Dn Gt1Ellird Pvt;Ltim'1lr, tihe left ~~I;i!!l iii ~Ugbt:]y .lh~~I.(~ f"~' t.1;~ rj~l~'L F'TCiWl, th]:;!! p.i]~i ~L[~n )'1ll!L11 can s, .step !lIT bring the ~~;:!I FltlS Into aetion quickly for !any typt!· ~,.r. .DIttacik; c PhOioo ~:iI: i,
A.:s sum e' this, pesitinn when y'<lJu <1ntgil,:ip'oi~~r;::' 't:.roubie, p]'";j1I:~~~t!, !:,;I1I;i1:F~F~~I1I~ tht: hands; NJ~ ,Cll.' d®'W:I~ ~1uif!kly IPU:ioro 291" Then. pr.fli~tke side ,9,tepping to ~he' .:ri.glht, l!;U • .f~;rW'i!im Oi!f~d b8!1:kw5!r;;i, 'YJntD! }'!lJi1,.l mill ,i:"nfN~ 17], amy cl!1['ec'!;;Lon with gI'1!!;!l,'t Sp@N.. After you have aceo:mpU:!lih.ecl this yol!.l will be able to m~t a~]:r' ty1P~ Qf ,ueli ;]H;,u"",!;,, ,Y''il'lJl. will s]ways; l;J;e oO~, 8u::i:rd_
Wh'!JD ~j,cl;IJ' ~~I,i!PI~!:n,g dfl l':I$t ¢ltOO!'l; il't;ne- 11!!g i'n rml1lt ~"jf the other slnee you ',"1'11 'be oo·~ badall'ice and! open to an aUaorik by 'thl': on ot"II1(y' , P"r;)'l.! !.J~:>I; :'I;~~~I;;" :::;t~.I}}).hlg Iby placing 'I;.'h~ lCliiletihe:l!" and! step to one :5idi21. After iiit.eppilDg w.ilth one loeg t@ thoe !>ido C;)!'I'irY tj;~ O'~hc:.r lc~ .... ] rJ, ~m:5iH.l,a~j 1ie-s:b:Ie. the- you. fl~Pfll!!fI '~oQ the .side w.ith. Than :~L>B8t the SDi IIiIJ e ]J(f1l>!X'cSS,
Thl!!iiii!! .!ltd£! :i!teps :nn!! dune v'e:D)" quicl1.iy ''Witl'l'Dut any hl;,l:s;i"tatii!1l~ OJ;::; to' lillie' ~.i~tj,alf.l ,If'QU, deeidc 'W .gli" UilIfh,.":T. (;-e:rta~~ elreumstances tilb:l!e step-a wU[ ba:ve to take the {'Onlf of hUl.g>ei5, :5'0 1Pl",~ii!tj!l.:!c ~'!1n~),ng f:roI~m ~'m~' :jidiL'::' t~ tt;~; (Io'I;.r.oi;::i'" and ibll:!' ;!'l'lJ:ro!!' l'ha,t 'yCilJ. are al'ilili!l.y.!l ctU 'bal,ance;
Ph!"~i!.oIl 30 fMIL1.!llr..IIIte.s: the- :F:Lniah Clf .a leU s.:ide, .step, dil!..lI;,ui"ig !3. iIomill3' disarm,
W hor;; ;11'11 r.rp(JoiJin~Ji't d hr~!'i: ,;)1.. }~W: It:!g~ !!rl!" tries to' 1I:~~lkle, YIloU, !ibDp h~a ,,9[\u memarrtum 'by p;t:!~""i'l'1.g ,Eiigliiinst :his ::i11lJiLddler.l:i with DOtlh. hands, AntI:" )'1[1'1.3 'hil'!,.'!2 'I;l!h~t!b~ 'hi~ .f~i;It""';Jl'd a:d'Ll';mii!~nt Imme-dj;Bjtely follow ihooc11jl::h w~th ;II! qulek !kick to 'tine s~omAc'h. chClSt. iilil'" t@!lticl.e5 (PIl'mt@ ,:31).
Ttl!!!' we:i,ght and d:r.i '!foE! O'~ a:;;!lEl'i,lal:ll~ will de!li!::il:mill1e liiow;r Y"Ju W.L~ I be ,i!!~k~ '!;,ui !l;hf!~k iii.!!:'; l;u\i:'W,;:Jlird! ,ad· '!I;) i'i~rili~wt. U ,.:..ppon!!!-llt is. vel",Y Bt.[,'DliJ[ and llll[',ge 'f-DU w.iJilU ha:ViE! tOo ::1M:i.1P bl!icQ.;;wliIrd Ullir-!3~ 'IJ'r [1J'!lr s~p::> until, ,f'QU slryw him aiUi'Wn, As ~ti"lm 'lS, ], i..-; ra:ei .... ~ ,i.s, !l:(;i't!!n~ ~mr.(Lt:!d~;am,I;;:!~}' f'!l;U~.ow ulP' witJ:1 YOlllr ~UJ:JiI!),(ljc.(Ir iby deli'V!ering a 'q]! Ikllik '!.:o tbll;]' abevo !!CJ~i"t~pd ~I['\I;!!J~,
N '.. r 7 - CIRCLE THU.OW
Anoth~ method to counter til !Ch.;lrs;~nH:
BUael';; is: to . ·j:)Z.f· tIoPf~n 'J~tJ!I; ooln5r or ;:I'rrn:!-: a~HL drop under hirn plru::'ing O·!101J ;toot in ~I'L£! tes!j.ld~ ~. how 32 ~_ Pll]! d-own with ~h~ m-.mSi. at the same time straight ... en up ·fue roil~dl Ie-g and ki{;k op~tl,n~F~1. In U~!J t 's!;,L'!:ll;!:j, th:rtvwll"l~ hIm CiveT;' J.~ur h.e-adl ~Pl1oto 3.31.
Af'!;o.r UIln"n,..Ln~ ~p.fi0t"Lent (lovell" the head fCo a baekward 5IIm!leI'5s:ult J"~'Ldjr:!g on h ~ stem _ '1"1. [rpfl"l~J..~t 'ly ehoke €JoPOPOOiJet'i.t OJ' U!lJe edge ~ hand 1b1o,",r,5 ~ Photo 341. W he r,I doing b«!!!ikw:;l'I:-d .Sc~m'!l[:r!l:ai..lln'l ditlo iJOt leesen grip, 0fL C1_ppD]'Ijlmt':s ,!:'loUlIilllg since th~ :rnomcnh!11I1!1 ~~, M!l; "body e(loh!l~ over yli.!!J..IT mU!':.Id wm eu-l'Y ~'OUI[' ·oody on ·IDoIP. o:~ him.
ll~ ,pI'ulUil!i::!2' IPJ .. III!~e' the foot i.n YOUi[' p~:rhi!~t'j; ft'toms.cJ:1J :50 that 110 0.11:-8 will gell. h.1Ui... But ...... lii;!!n. elese to the . l1Cmy ki~k h~nlii in !.lie- testLc:leg as: hard. as you pOS-liibly ¢:lh.
Orne 01 ~E! mil),5t U' t'Ct:hfi' metheda of 'br-.eakiillg ::I ~ro!i !!;jtf.;)lfI:j1le 51 the CiI'cl'j 11J~ A r.m Bre3!k_ BeLflS lin the on gl,iJEl:nll posSt.ion suddenly S'wtng "y0lIT right or len arm over 011 ')I)l't nt·,~ al'Tt1!! i!U So C'irc.tiing· mi~UO\i'I. ·breaiking grip on the thru;'l'!.., as J'I. p.noto ::55, lillilrl thrl:li!N up-;ponent off. b(ijl.anc::e ~rhO"t:o ,::I:6J_ Immedi8tIl!'1~~ .fO'lJo'iY lip w~Uil e.libO"ws. liIodl kn~ (PhlJ !,Ji_~ 37 ~ ..
It makes J'KI' dliffil}LCfI.CIj bew ~~lfOng :Y'OU[' opP'Qlnil<!l"iI1. may bl::! ·ti:oeca.u.seo wib.e,n .y,e\n' arm Is !i!WlIJJ,g' has arms tne- Ot'Jj:IiUi1eJ:lt'S w;ri ·t "j"r.' !{iji,ily f(lr.,~ ~. [rom thE!' ·~.hro~t due- ta the !evenge s,Ig 'lost, ·t.l:lig· wr~'!,:i,
M'lin I;.ai:n. yOU1' own balance a~ all 'i;,i m dllll'"itlg U,.is ei rel in;l ,;U'm lLl~k, Elspedally mamlain :)'1O!JIi!:" h,!lliJ!r.Iee at t!be Ul1liis..h il!t l~'ie- breaik ro you can i_1"!'I._rn~d~M.cly ~.j)Uo.w !.LIp thll!' s.t-t&lZ!k with .iIDlm,'1!3. a.nd! knees,
Another method ~ll ~n:.-..1Ik!:i~g tJlj~ f![\Diliiii: !Sh".;Jn~le Is: La. douibl,e up the fj:si;G, !f!JDd tw.l!I~t thelllli b!3t~1J1'iI ~lJo(ii'ilt:'li t's; ;;nt:iTI~. Th~!l: thrust ~dmi.J!M be, UPW.&lNl:!! and ,(!lJl'd:>l (Piooto ;J B I. b;r't:",'h:~~g ~il.i:il:r'lg],e :lmm!!!dtat~l:y BeJ21!!' [~,p,[email protected]!5i ~]il.t]ring at tn~ Ieft si'ilil.!!!.!JIdil.."l''bladilJ' 'l,'l!i~.h 't:h.c :right h:J'lig :J 1'141 ,~::i,b HiI[!, l'l;gbil: aJF.m Ul~;clii!lI"1:1eath ~01H· Eil'mlP.j:~' (Ph~to 39). At tihe :58.11:18 'time :st;;;-p' belli nd i;Jp'f"Il!1cn:~ ~11:jJJ.:ing: )/®I,u· b;:l~k to hhl: '~:JC[k, ~ijjU ;r30wTI. w:Li:h yo-11.1' 1e:ft arm :!I.nd! UP'Wair,djr:;. witlh the ~.t urm CP.ho1@ 'I (!I I.
'When tihxC!!will.g QPpo''fl'O'''t QVGJ:' the hip' l;Jiuiol:-kly slro.!ug'hlkn Up tJ]o!; ~!!;,gj; illl In t.'!iilli)' thl'O'Witl,s: opponent eJl:1I 'his lll!!ilild or 'back (Fh'Dti;ao 41).
An In"1P'OT.i!,IlIJlt pol]1t. to .rem.e'.l1'l!ti:ler .iis to enQ[\!iurw;W the 'i;.hm,('lIim!g '[!iI;(F\lcrii,onb: 'I;(to.g/l"th<cr .. If' It Ss dif:t.kuH: ito; duO;w an. ,o.p'J;I<!i'nent 'n;b.e t8iU]t ia due '00 iIlO~ 'limin.g '!::he :mlJo¥lEime~tB oj th~ 't.hl'!ll!'W' at! .~:fI.m~ t~;l'I'Ie, S!i;ti ~lr,:l!i;!H~4; i,II~IU~ ::O'1lJu' -lIiil'iJ abl~ te 'rixec-tL1ilB Uli~ tttro'Wing :nliO'V€!,m~n'b;; shTiIiJ:HhJ.nel.:l1JiSm;:y. YmJ '1'O',j,11 be :S:1;1'~:r.i~ how ii!<I;5Y it; .ili! 'tc thriJIW i!L11I oDip~OI:1:i:!iiiil: twj~e yoQlJIl':' we-lRh:t..
Op~Oili~i!d sceurcs a bear hug l:rum the fl'Ckll'fi: 5,ta.lt1Jp the h~!i1:ep Clf :h~!i:: foot and ,000U!n .. ' ter"I' ~ ["'hoio 4:2~.
!EM:be o.P.lX!Ii'"Je:I'Ii~'S e:!L'r" ~.I?hot;Q 43J; ~e-j2.~ ,fiT. hili t.hc h!sti;;:~£"iI:i 1 F't.lIllliI!J 44,l. 01[' i!:!ll.Iddl;lTiily sii!liId RJ'tee tnkl t~ttll:de.~ ~,iP'hfliltl 4!1i I. A.l~, )'oi1!L.IJ 'Mn butt O:P'llt[il1ie-l'1!~'S willh y-!:!-Ul" Iii~.
ArlieI"' each ~I!MI!!l!!' U. 55: im:pO'Mal:1J~ tA1 :rollew ulIJ' imm£!:i:ia:t.{;ly wit-til t.he ii!dge 0:1 h6Jld. e-lltioaw "'~ kn~ attack ..
]'!1, ;;::-:_~h! r!Ck"i!i~e brute ,dil't!~g~h i:s n~t :ne" C'il!!!!sary 8!Ui:I. eaCh i'e-1eS5ii!! 1G: IIll!.lfl't'":!l,i'iJwetl se wor-k if ooi[',I'"Cl"! GI'-"lE"C"uiiBdi., Theil!! is ll(ll~hil1lg !i!o:m~liUc.,3itl!!d :3ibfl'lJ.t thl:!~ ~I~'ir..'tj "~!1Idl t'hiC}' .IIi.fiE! "the' mest effect.:i'v~ met.hods iklf.lO'wln :',(:1.'b~k~i'I.g: ~'hS!j; pO't'1~;C1,l'~,,'I;" ~yp • !!.;if r;PlJnt~~ .I.dt'-8€:k.
At all 1:jme.~, J:lem~nil:J.ei:'" th~'L th~, ~ai!;:;men'ts 0:1 :SUli['pris.~ ,~J1d ':;Pi2;OO, Me vE"ry .LmpCiTumt dJ\:!r1:n.,f): the ~~elild(j;t:1i ~f. .lIn '!:..h4~ u OO'l!'G n,"m~d move:lliliBliihl.
411~ft - ",,3 ri1l;ht Ul'bo ... ·d ~~·~l!!:1;I~~441~rll:,-45 :ri~]'I~ Ib~lCl""·1
Whll;!n :l~ apP'Il'ne[lt i,s clo.:;e 10 YO!IJ and ~p--pJ,·c::; II. froflla. slr.mgll;! gr ... b ~pWflni:l'1rr~ :lrm!i p'~,]]U~g him ~IJW ·ltdS you linel .send knee quiekly into
No, !2 ,_ B O'W 0 l,iOWER, RIBS
SLI:"i.c~ the frotH sLFangle iii! a ... ·ery c..omm~11i hold that .(!JliS[!Jilt.!int'.:;;. fr qu "nlUy '_tt~Ln1"J.~ thlEl'!i! h~ bl:'ifi ;1lI1rded, 3;JiQt't~er J:net'hlod, aof defHli5!<!'.
No. 23 ,_, KICK DEFiE'NS'1IS
If .QP'P'Olililmt attempta to. ,ill;i;;:k you ilI\l·b::k~.)' side step and W~7.C 1C-1lI. ]I?u~hi !iiP'P.'CI~etlIt'B Jeg into t~ - ;) r iI nod throw lrlm on hia back.
,Anothe:r de-Jeme for the kick 1" "0 ~ackward: 'q'I;I,~ctdy. i/;ir.\lJS<s the ar1lnB, ,31iEid :!ltop the bEow. Gl'ah, ctppoJlel:lJl!,'S ~,eg and! tift it :into the ~i['. Fol- 1\Ow Uuou_g)b 'IJiI~Lh OJ; qu.i4ik: to lh -., h!iStI~].e!'l.
tiL~lil;;!~d. I"u~e(Uat!l!.J.J' fuUow lhr-m.l_gh wIth f~tli!l!e lid haud. 00" elbow ~U;;lil:l1;,
R~tL'IlIjR a~m~ a'bove hcnn, h~'l cppo:ne11 t's i!ltld'e!I jUii'~ below lL!Jw'er :rib.!! w.!.l.hi edge of 'th!3 hand!!. ]ll mo:st il:;I~r;!S: 'l'h:l!i ~!I; a m,mo~I!HJ·-u.t\ 'DIo',..., :s:tli lillie 'etJu'ti,gt,! ;1:1 CpH,c't;L51:!.
The ~rlfi1ti.$ ;are coo;:::sed to avaigj bej ifil.1il: kiel'::,eiJ and ] wOUIld ]ike kJ lJ;lllin'l:. 4lUt tJ:tat the !Bi1'ilIlE are V-C-t;;' ~tnJ!llg 'IPihe-n. -tney me !G'JiOl:i:9Ccli in ttt 1.'1 manner. You will 'bl3 ami!~, how e-a.:!ly 1.t :I:!I to -I:i--tQP tll-8 ]:LEn:dh:il!F~ ki~~. JiiII bloEldJlg tl:le iki'lik m~ ~~ FcI'l.Jl1!2;J:l;~'::: with your '~ro··~ til "_l'n1I!l: un h s slllin and, hR v e y.·o~r b~~1f W~U cut ,Q,r reach of his ~IJ·,
No. 24, - DEFENSWV'E '30XI.NG :p>osmTrnON
If ,6 pGT.::;illIri attte.c'l!;a ::lo'Ou, in a. bO:ldJ:ig manner y.alJl, must, alse, flE9!\l11E1:11!!' ~ ~t~XiIl'JK InK:.;iti~lIiI ~~r pcg~~twl1!. ThG bg,xiQg f"O:,\i;ttO'll eonsista {If P]51Ii:irng' one, .t,oal ahead (:If' the Ciotl"i;er- 'W1.~h o<ne a~, e:t::~~lH~ed bi! ~[""(IrJt (til '!:he other. The elibo'W'2l .linou1d, p:rot\'E,!::~ t,'I1J!::l body with the 'h9J1,4:1a li!iro!llec~'~ng '~hl;l' f;;JW ~ ~,'h~tAJ '>1~J-
K~eJi' eyes on OpPGJ1!1!!nt'a e.Y,es: at an tirnas and Y'OU can tell wh~d!i urm ha .iJ::i i§Qj.liIg t~ \~i1 '''I'i~'Lh, K~i!fJi!' ~J~t ~~! t~ r~.g:~~ ~]~ ;J (~y ~i!;!.1(3j:ri ~I;f£l!; j;;ib!"1; {IT rlgM <l!n:.~!'i~_
The :Ueft ja'b. if ylYI:l &ire right h;;!ndcd.. is ,!:lin ~,,"1;I~1 ~C!l1t. 'l;)if,~4!n~d:~ ",,",Q dlcf;;.:;_n~iv~ 'b.bow '00 attaek oppaTie'tlIt w,ith i:i1' 'ro keE!jp him owl: o.f b.itt~ng :range., ,],.h;e left ~!!!.'b is O'KGcutcd in the- toHowi'l'1g m._~lmer'; no<ld:!!r.!g t. .... ~ lel~ arm on g1UlltrdJ ~~~ in F'O'm~] 4(;;, !l';i.ifka~i'II~ ~"l!r.lap the ;um BiI:![',3d,g~:i.t out at .iJ.:!:I1i!'~' ll;!r,.gtt..- '!Put YCj.U,r weight inte tJ1-e bbw by shifting )'CUII:' WIJ1;§ht to' t~~e ~~cl!lng f~a.t. the ~edt '[\[lOot, "l'!.Jfl'!'1I inw;loo m, 'th~ b!JU ~lt '~!h!!!i le'ir!; f'fl6't i:l1J '!J'r;jJ~I" 'k! iPtlt ,the, ~i~ld nr ~'I:h!' bud)' .l.iM:u. tho!!! 'b'~Q.w and '~.o g~~11 II!"xt~~e, r-c!;.'l!l:h with the le:i't arm (f'hDito 41:71. When the 8 .. 1"1n 11:;, il!'dondcd the lett ,!'l.l't;j).U]&~ ahouJ!d :~;tootilct t,'tLO j;jJjw, ;"'fl!:~r. !o;iLidd~.iI]Y !l:nap-pil"i8; Cioul the- left fi::l~ to- (lp-];!ollliclI'1fs j~lIw Smm.edi;:J,tely hr--ltlig '~he aem 'beck 01'.1 ~uB:m.
'The entire a!:~ u!J(1lJ is iJini:! ~lIltir1llJllJ!'!.l.!l:i :r'!fL(I""~~l1It ,;~ rid !"OF~I:![!I'I 1!i1 L~N~O:::!iIdan :is very 'n;;:c~o!,r)'.
'1\1. i:I!¥{)~d bl4:!W';!I, rto body 0.1' hBSid ~'h .tI!!lI [~p'P'lme:r.d,ls ujpiPer arms 00; 'lhc clfltMn,e: WI['oo(l, ,t;.hG' D.~Cj1J!".i B!'!'lUlI.!Il'ely and! U wiH bn jm£J\'IJ~n~J..e :folf :him kl, hit ;::"'Ou ~ ir'hu1:o- ~.f!il_ FiI'XIm tJ:lis: pesition )'''''~ ,c,m n ~lrj,rLe:ldy knee epPO:L1;Olilt [11 th~, h!gl!.k~~eB 49) Ql' 't.:bxiJIW h:lm '[.0 til!!!' goound 'bo'y p,Jlacin.g one ~!~ 'behindi his kg ,:m.n F,!iuHln,g dO'WrI'I Gil'll 10 III e' arm ~'rid up (jifiJ the oihl!!il.' simuttan Cl"lu:'5iy _ ~:Ph;Uitlflo 50)" 0PiPOQGiI1t ~"~!ii b" th.t'!l'i!"'NI ton ~he ,groulild F'rum ~~l:h~J: !i:~de ihy l'eve.:rsLrlIg 'tn8 abo'1!'l;i nrl!t(l'w.~:Il: mO'!f;ementa
Al~n;, YCiU. ean 'butl: CilPlPonl3lli'l. ~Jl lhl; ~.~~G whh U.te '~.CIp of ::,;''0 Wi I' nead, ]of y.ou axe WeBl'iL1Ig <1 .h>l;lm~'l tkL!3. blow is mo:li''e elff~'ti'i!'C, Ui;oI.:; ii:~,'Uti~!li h~ ,p.m!:'~iolJ :;ill'1~~ 'thL'!!l02 :r.t1.:11IFiIl!"IlV£!l'lS axilt e-;d!'l::rnl:!l,Y dan~F{eoolLl!i.
N"o.!~ 6, "1, and 11. il11l Ftl;)iri,~ll AttackB are Vii!Ty good dlcfC'n~ <14;;1:1 n~t a. ooxiJ1Ig a;t:I::t~ck. but are not 'included! tn 'tbio fi1lil1nwllig ;dd~~n.~t.!:'l; IW;I' ... , .... !!ki.d ,repeUII:5;!l_
No:, Z6, '=: LEFT HOOl( iBl.OG1( AND LEG TRll?
"l,Vl; e Ii ;rl, iii ill! if!' f.1'O ~ eJ1.t s.t'~)Eo,rn P liS to' :; tr H.!C you with ,Iii ~eti liwok I 'b]~::H t!l1;f: 'bklw w.~~_h the 'r!~~r.!~~ ,af ,r1Jo":l~t hand and! .5e"lm 'IIIt"j..:t (PlH!I!,Q 511.
Afl.:€.r soi:r.i'l1g fl;~; ]~rt WI,I.;:~ 11Il.aif:1!! the I~r.~.! under oppc~~nt."s ,~iJft !I:.!IrJIl..,p.iit" ,At 'lmol) same 'ti,i'nli:!' !':It!!F~ loil !!~I!!' leU :!Ik3e ~ (Iop~]fll'Il2-.nt OU[ of r.nnge of h~a :righ.t. arm liP~'Dtt!J- 521,
~1;I:l';h 'IJ!p' ,3!nd, bac:l\:: Il!Ibl his arm s:~mu.L~ ~1i.'IH!01JBI1f ki,~JdL'IIg ,left. l;;:g ~I.:! t ~1I'I:lm !.!I"!dl;.'!!'"n~~~h ;;idv~l'!Jary wlth yQUIl" left leg ( ,53)_
lise CiliutiiUlll'll ~u.i fl,g m]J";J;l!H!L~. ThI~ £o9lU Iii 'i!Xtlll!!rn~~}' dlIiiJlge'l'OU!L
BTaltk ]e:~t ihoo-Jt;, with edge of I['ught hand ,)4).
]mH1,oo'i.l.!tl;:,ly !':~ik,~ '!J;~~ ]~U slde (ii' OopJlillH1I!!!-Tit"S j.IIIW wiUl ~e or: b;r~, m~;:J.j'lijl .PhO'~.o ,!55J_ liV'h-en'ildrng acro:oil5 yogiU!:!:" blJdy put y.001J.i:'" e-rr),tire '!A'1!'igh:t. ~l:ito th;e. bkiw tlJ' j "1M,
I~ blllllc"]l;:"ilri_g 0[' L:)lury.iliii!:': t,ne b[ow \1.'".iJtn er]ge ~,. 'h;liIi;i)j ~tl'Ik.e the 'LtlB~oo of flJ'!"i;.'i) r,m ;I~ h!ij:"d) .3i~ YoOu can p;IIIl!'a]y,~iblg 0PPiJ(l'lfi111 t';5, BI'1iIiI.
'il'hl2' l'~ght hook CB:n be' blocked w~th 'c.dg-IJ !!)f 'I~£ll ~~~I~ ;(lJlld '~h!!!' rti;gbi!:. side 'oI oppl'"llnocnt'!l'; j"-J,w 5'L.t'11LC'k wIth My of 1'1,gil:i,t IiiRl:1idl illl the ~m~ ,1'rI~h~e-l'.
A'~ n~[ ti:m~ elW:_!lel,Y 'w;nl!}c:h opp1J:netl'!I.;'a e;y>Bs., since the >eYii!S telc,12!1I'"~Lf~'h ~l,I'eT:Y movement,
Rear AttacJes
Grlilb shoulders (If ~l'Iem.y ,iUlJ!!I st.amp fool .~l1ItO Hili,! bSl~k 'tl.~ n 6: kf:lE!e. Put thE! OT,!tL~ weiill:ht of the ·ood.y .P~;1.rn 'U"u;:' !ltrengitlii 0'1 thc. l'C'g ~ntl) Ull!:' stamp, (Pho~ :i"f;i I.
Tbi.s. blow will cith~i:" break me· leg OJ:" b~1ng g~po.nenil: La. Etile'gI'Quod 'With IIJ g.t'eIIIt s.boc-k. If YOlll wi~h y.~YI r;:.;):n drive both ·feet into back of op.p!JJ16nt~ knee!l"
A:p'p-roachlng ;!!i! !l)!f!ponenl from the rE!'.!ll[ s ~ hi!:!' !l;ho'lllldler,s snd p""l! lmlllck'i.1:~ro. ;!I@l'ld~lTig ikn,.;;o Lnkl hi!!, splne. When :!¥,.8ib'bin.g ,~onent'!i: :51i101!Jh:ict:s pull ~®"'l"'IJ quh::'kJy lill) UWE:r~ Iht.:: L~ ,oomIi'leteJ.;y loff II:! ELI B.I'IiIilO, 1 II? I~ !T!IkI, !!iIi!' I.,
Nevel" Ilie!:lits:t.e du'."; .,g .Biil a.t;tlEt~k, Once r-m.ll [!OO"I'I.l~enll::i!!' an att! ek ttl! ~!!!;SI'u..(:I:!' allows El.dvcl"R~l"y lin ifll!!pin l1i~s II:! I~ fUII~. which plaCl!;!l .Hlim ill B. fa· ... IJ~,i'ibl.e posttton to ~uiIJtc.r·"ek, Take .80:1- vantage or C'!1E!ry oppcl'tl11fnity.
MteIi\!?!ve1' you seclIJl:'E! a r 'II" b(~;;l.It h.u,g· place the :in· steps of YlJotIT Ee·ct d.if~tly be.lrLnd oppone!i!ll'. h e' e' I. lil (Photo' 61~,
IF:ro 1 tl1lili! .pooosilmiJIfi 'udilc;nly "W~!I1g OPPOIiIC'TIt .~~ oU, \e sid;;! .[Ij~d '~hl"lln'll ]; Lt"m'i to ill!!!' ,ground ,(Pihol>1J' ~ I,
OpP'Dl1Ient l'ecei·~1"JEi.Ii .1;1 "h~ln ninllt: j(!!l.t wl'iii!!n 'h~ is ~h_n '!;!n:1J to th g:rtl'~1 Ilcll. TI'ioil.l!'l; you ar..e ~111 !;In ~!lo[ll'ilt ~!i:U.lo:t'L to :rol~ '~IJ 'ii,i' '!lIP' ill ~ ,III U aek,
Th[s ,tlyps (tj otl'ldl l~:lt.l!lk! SJ very :~mpO'Jltill'lll ~1M .~ r m "'-1'Ii~, ;i';3'llM.l:lig na:l'I.d-to-hi!lind 'oomwl, Whe-1ieVe:r' you ElX in the Elb<1I'V,G plJISitiQIlI VJ:" ;1. ImUflJf Olil:!?! put y'om' OPP'lll1lf;J:i·t QUIt ~~r iu,!thl!l IrJwc:kly, In otl'l.!:'1' 'lIO'on:n.. odlj blot v. iJBlie yO'Llf" Sili'1!n [11. holdi n.g BTh OJl'lJoOOC'n" \w'hl;';l11 Y0I!I can throw hi m tn [hoi!- goou.nd. 0[' .~t .rid 4 r hbm 1'1 anot.h,e.r ~1Ilru!f.f". If yOu ,.;tu ooi ifli!:t J.ITLm I;h.nCl} epportent .may ibe ab 1;;' n beeak ~f0'Ulf' lulld! and counte,r·s;tt,ao;:k.
No.. 300 _ A,P NE ~,CHOK.E HOLD
A~!fltooehi8g .lI"Om the real' S'Lldd·eliily dr~ v 'C 1Ln.;e knee into spin ;tl'1;d ,id the 'Im!;!: tl.fttl,;! iii t oP.p;!_)lnc·nl'!'i: ~.hroill1 wIth the 'l:t<my Plirit of the l.tln~·iu."m 1 Pil~ok! 581_
P~!;l~C kh IIiI;J nd 1111 }u':II:.:k uf. rUle- .rigl:l·~ elibO''W BlIild pUIiI!l:Q ~'he r.i,g,ht t.iandi on top of hill< h~=flI (Phot-o Fi1\ll,
Aftell" securing the 'l:'hO]ICl bold illfl~ne(l.lat1!"Uy bring him 00 '.he groumd kC1~.i."g :your.' legii! OJ!!1Idi fbflclly \II.]] beh~nd. opponent 50 lnat he canDDt reach your' teslj;~;;:le-;s iii:!; ~11 PhlJ'~ 60.
,'hi!lO chnk,~ hoilo!~ e.BIfm.ol be- brok·en when ilpIPlied pl'operl>,_ 'Th~ up p;tl:n C'11l , will lese co-n:-;i;.!~tlUSIt:l!i!!'l!5: fluh~'.kLy and in i!il~ probEilibilmty hls n£!~JE. wm be brokii!Jl !by the tll-;)1;'tl!,,'l to tnQ o!!!IlJlmd. 1'il!;.!, l;,!~lt i:l"l~ 1iYiI1Y-.;e.Eii18nt is: .pel'taTm@"d. 'ilil less than a. second.
U~ C!3utillndllLl!['ingp:L'1 ctie • 'IllY; ~iI1il.~kl! 'hold ~lil 6K remeb' dUl'Igc;r4111G;.
No.. 31 ._ R ]EAR LEG 'F1UP.
No. 32, - RAB'BlT ~.JUNCH.
A 'v,en' Gill Clivi!: ;iLnd !l,.1Ient method '1J1i' putting .Oill 1J'Tl<C'~.Y out of a!:"t:~IJ'!1 is '~~'~ s.ppr'Olill:lh enemy lrom the .[Ie or ;:'100 ~uddenly 11irt him .td ~[hJ;: 'base of the :sku]] w.U.h edge ·of lh!l!indlL
No. 13·~ HEAD RA]\.{.
Soizinjif ,opponent's ankles ,h"lJm the- ear 1J·1' i r~~~1:'lH"r'i(g ~he' lingw.!i. iil1 Un!' .p.3Inil: legs 1>'Ct::I,U" ;j firm g:rjlJ! .fIIl!'!d !.;uirMenly nti1l YOUir li!c;;,1,d] i r'I.~.~p!pon n't"S; Ilti.!i'tttl!eks..
A po-w "1; lu 1. hI-o,w to ,tih.ts al'el1l will, in .<iJUi l);i,"~b~1l;!tiJ~1 ~V', !il:li:11p the e.L1Im11Y':;' iI1C!Ck' iimlj kill .hfm_ It you d~o nm· kuJJ! <r!cm,1 ..... .l:~h ~·he· R-alblbi.t, Pu.nlih, he will at l'c.;.1~t ~;J~. Cl;I}O;C'Hedi senseless and! w~n be P'1,I.t (3Ut of aetion :~O[' qil.l_~'i::! awbi1 ,
Thls l'C'I."Cil", .. ft\~ applied ~pcm o.P~t!I'j!f.l~l'1it's (body ow III thl[liJ·w him r!}.gwn '!!hl:! fktOl' mTl 'ngs [e:!ot:~ \,,'j,~h a t.e:Itl"Ule blow.
, r
Nn. l~ - FLYING MAllE
Whocl'1l an 0p'f!'OiIle:ru~ has; a r~1'" st:.r.,'~gli!!" W];'l~ !C1~t'hul'iIg in ,31 firm gr1,p abci'l;'!2' hls :r1"ght. ,eHj;j)w Wm!! U'te, befit ft3lml ,~!i~d, 'wttb. tltlJ :r.~gh;~ hand .sei:ro clothing on o,pp!J~nt';5 rtght ;liMI,dd.c.r'. 'file it:g~ .aro btm'l otIor.ld the li",iI:101'!l. hlp is ~ligJ1.n;;f tQo tlhol.!! 'dght. ~.jr (J;pp6'tl:ent'~, hlp GSL
P,i:'um th L~ ,PQSii.~~~1i :'1i,idd>l,;~ly j ·~k d~w[!, 'gn n~~, ;y.rm~ fI't'u:3 ;5t["l!Iighten up Hte :~ei!!ls t~U'O''''id:ng !:tp]l'Ol1Ie1It oweI' your h.«!'!!ldi iPb.oto 16t~.
O,1t',];ioCII~!M~.t ' .... ·1.11 ,bll on hiiil hi200 ;(IT b::i,e'].t, 'l[lSi;! eBJIJ,t,lDn, in 'pr',ac~ice~ ,s:i:Ii1iC'fi '~hi:s throw is cNh;!:lmcly (llmgl;l[,lJu~. il ~!c-I:l.!!l;odJ fl,.ll1] [~ln;4;'!,
No., :l!$ ~ 'REAR iEnEAB.
ItIUG 'RELEASE ('Ov'(':t' d'!!.e Afm~)
Ii t:l r~ O,lfp;l)I1I~l'i:t. h;ga a 'bMJr' h!.!lg fnllm. thll!' [i!Ji8I, OVCI1" ~h~ 1!I[',m:;, atamp the Ul1Ifrtep of hi!!, rAlOot 'I Phot{j; 651; hill; o:U' roiM:' tIte testiclES tiPhiJiw !tiel) ; 'Ill!" ::;wdd~r~l}' l1il1u the: bad;:: of hNd into iJ'f,!'J;!OrllJfi!t'.::; :r.;:lii;~' ~Fhl;]l~ if:.l71,
"!MiJa.IlY peopLG 'Wihen Ih~ltl, i!ill tho ;a;fu;Qn,.'!;:: ~illrt:le' w.lIl be.06 ,oome frIiiJl/ti,!:: and 'oompk::1:cl~ ,g,i '!l'8 iUl~' The re.a!'l0n fOO!' this :oc~il.!il:iQI'iI i~ fi.h.JI~ loCi, tneill.' s:rrn::; beiil1Joi!' plm'i.ed t:c tneir s~dics;, Ti~ey Eee~, h1!l{] and 'W0I~b; UII!!!-tl!" e.nerID" ilill ,S! f'tJ ti,lt~ aU.empll: 1;0(1, f[lee '~h!Z!' arl'l!Wi. A:J:; ~~ng "_I;;:; f.!p>Ill'!JJH-"flIl h(tllf~!I :y<l'lllT arms ro, YOI.!.IJr .liid~ y~rl,J, hi~\H!' l~J!lIn:b'llillli!!l '~:c 191", S~!iI(,e he wm not be ,!j~JJ,o '!:..4) 'l,.l;.'le- his; ;fi:N;ru! either, Whf'~ beld in '!I;no.:5 p~itiQII1I lJ.t: calm and em[plDY oUorll;l' i;.!!F tho i'lbn.'i.'e l1Iam~, B'lQs;I,liv!!!' r.elell~_
o. 36, = R AR. BEAR. H.! G 'RELEA;g,E (Am:t1S F:r,eoe)
WRen adlv'!1(',SL1irY ~r,1~ 3, :r~81' Dem;[' Ibyg', w.U:h J'IMiIX .n;m.s. ril"eJe, the:re Si[',!<! in r.Jrtrrn;~i" ~f' l'ele,!iI~' you. i;!_ 1~ l2ru,pJ.oy_
F1"OlJ], tlti!ii p~11I: On i!luddenly ~'Il'nge ,~lil!rwal'd (lind kie!k UPlp.or.J!I!'fI,t"31 Ikne!!i ~ ~~iiCrtii~ the instep of r.aOi ~Phoro 68. i :5 t:i:'" k,t! jaW' wB~h '~hi e d!OO\W I Pbiil'till! e9D i i!ii1l.F.~k,e or aeU;e '~i:)!n~lI1t'9: 'te!ltk'les; Ill" iiw.ize ,Ctppa.nent'\!i :~' gbi~ ",;rt~~ wldl Y.OUI' Il'ilg'hl ihafllcli and w.~'n the I ~tt hand grab ·cm-c ,g.f ,th· nf:ig.e:r-~ g~ Q~pl}.'t'I!i!lilt'i!I F.~ghtl hiHiid ,;J.if.uj!, b:r. eRik i,t. 4P~o1:(j. 7m,
~.ri'toc"ff ,(fJi'i!! o'!.l'tcE!r relea~ 1n:!:l the ,0l'I!i!;!I, ;!Ih.o'wn hcr~ air'l:! the ~l effecti,ve s_iinc the l.\el.8i1se!l, are quiek. • ndi go. net req,!tilcc the !Jl5!3 of ~ln.:ngt.h.,
If 'f1~~m1;ent plae s rrigJit h;.LiIlgj UPO([l 'Y'ilUF ]"~t t]:h-o'U]der !¥ll.ii;!IdeniLy swtng '~~ )'i!1IU!I:" :Jfi,~t bitting ilri:m 1,,,,Lt" fm'mst!l'elie.ncd ,lIIrm 'on the ]:L~W ;j)f. 'Ilte~:k (Photo "if].~. :St!r.likJblg GPPDllIiimt wit~ dge u[ !:lsI: immediJa,te-ly {(JlJlf ..... up yOUJI' cO'!Jfnbil'J:'oc;l;l"'3JU~ with '~4}e of bEIIllld.. ,e-lbCIw;s; ,g.:t' knee,
No... .17 _, BLOW TO. JA \-\7
11 in ~~dv~,!uu'Y pushes yO'UI ,from tih..; ,real' ',~n dow:n on yciUil' nEm~ , nd iil'l,li~l;::ly 5dck baekw8I\dl ,into. his 'b.,.oo:'GUI!;! les, f'ace. atOIDl!ich 01' k~~ Cli.!tiL.~ fPhoClto 7:2: _
Whi1!:l foilliii"!~ fli:(1tW3r.d l.o.ok 'baekW8l';;i .sc 'Y~1;!, 1ftID'~ mfSi!! nppo'llE!nt when lcicki!!1.a' to !the :rear.
'Nk~., 39' ,_ ON GUARD PQS;lll,QN
[ill ,tmt:, On G'u;ljjr..i;l! hgj:tlmi :p'la'OO Ul~ 11:~' ,',g~~ !l]I~hUy ahead o:f tlhe right :too~ w.ith. t!hi.e 'left ail:m til:iir .... '~rn ~O' tli~~ thi!! il!lboow ,prntel!;!~f; 'liJ,l:e ~ody ,alnd t!t.i.e hand! pf.\fJiI:.ects: the fau, HoM, c'luib :UIii 'tnG ir~~'hi~ hand. {Photo. 1JL
Fi ['Q f.I1I ~ 11!!>: IP O!l~.tiQn. 'Yo!J!\J, air,e ,8~IiE! 'k! quickly Blild, a;ro on g!J!')iBdi ,t;j"jl,r iI.i'i~' '~y,pi;J' 00 0JI~~(i!i!~. K~p' e"'~:il IOn 'CiIiPO'I:"I'I!inf oi.!t i~1l ~b:fte!3: ws:tC'l:tiing !l!'YeFY' moVI:l' ~ :miii1l::es, so ~Ih.!llit ;:r.'illi~ 'WiU l:i;c' ~@ to ,31:'!i:8lck 0'1' it!tIi"l;L!1IiI:~.-ii!U~£'k..
n an S!dV-E!r.sBI:Y a;t:b!::mplg; l\Q IRr."lIib you ,fJr" y'O'!JIl' !!:Iu'b with, l'i!1~ rlgfi:t hand :;tri~i;l '!ine' iIJ;:,;id~ !l"P:f :hi.!il :foi'.eBIIifii, ~Pnot~ 'j!'4J_ 'Fh~!!il blow wull1 PS:riOljyl'lC' I'!SIS ;:lrm_
A.nli:.g;" .g)e~:L'!.I'e[,~!i:ii!l:: t·he 'biD ..... ' tlJ' :r~.ln,..,.. ,~T.m foUiQ,w 'up' tho 4l!U~it:1{ with a lb!Low 'ki' 'lem.i(!,l!ii 0:1'" ,~,qll: Ii;j;' i'J~-k. If B.d:'iteL',sorry [,cil!ii.:h~~ !l11if1l: with, :hiS! ~,e[H ilI.ittLd :.d:~lf~ t'Ji..:, klEi,lrekles 0]' "'Ultij;id~' ;u;r wi'1sL
No" 4. i-RAP' TO E[J30W
BlolI,I,I';!I to the joints. m ..::e:rt;;rin b-tJIiI:l\' .I:lortd.ons o( the bgdy ;j,IJi'1I; "!I~r,!! !ltunnil1,B" EliOO will tOlkc.: thr# .n.~ht out of any [buny. Vi.fJiu!.t., OppO"l:l~nt aUempts to 'iI!'lzei yQU or throws :a punch ·I:~ _yn1l drlk.t! ids Llbo,,", j 'iii.- 4iPiia.tM 7!'H.
The h.CDW i5J ... .re.l')' .iihocking and. ·wnl lL1.(:5IiPEicito!·· tliw 'U;);!,;" t)~ ,tJ;~ ef.~th:.e arm,
[[ opP"Jl1!!::,n t .d!l.~=:pt~ hl ikleJI:. you 'liI'lIi,i!i!k~}' .!'IJljje !l.tep fiT. jump backwa.~d out of r-a:nge ol ~ni2;nt'li! .~eg and :sh"iklJ 't,hr.:: :'t'h i.1Il willh dub CP'htl>'L!'~ 7ifil I.. ]'m.medilllil:e~'· frillow liIp !' attac-k.
' tYl't!c [lr tI~:r~Y.lS· i 1l.i.i!!Itt uta thelleCiB!iJ;.jt~'· i(Jf being qutck 6n ~'ou![, fe@"t, Tin. Ol'biHly to nil"nrl;_!' 'I."'i.~1r! gr'5<d !'<pccd cannot be CI,ver em.pha~ized !liD praEtk yo~n:' I'l;idl . :::;t :p.l; and b.a;;:kwsrd 11lL1'I@:"-.Ii.
No. 4'3 ,_ JAB TO sot, -s: \.R.
11'11 thi:; ,li~·!U-~~~lIJku· ti:ypn '00 O!:tliJick Uili!J' ~IOJ~;iJJ~'!;;; 'fl;l! be- uSle[] S~.l'i.Oi! :U: :~g, ~O'~ :rigid eJ.'1oOlLl;gh fO'F ~!3J'bi5. "Ehs' polilZllZlmFl..1'1l's r!!ight ,s,ti~]~, ~!" :[i! '11:1~'b ,;)ibQ;U!l 18 :1.!1I1~h~ lo:ng 1!1 the- bast type of' 'WlBI!Jpo:tlI in the 5'tIlm: p1oc;N;IJ~ ;;l't~l;!k. H4.lM i,UI!!:: 'the' I;!Iu.Q ihy- ene ,end, sudde;n]y ]n'b thl!' O'liher. end in'!i.'Q 'IJiIViiJ!!i!IZIir.!'l,',~ ,:fll~~~!" piL~l'!;I!iI~ (Pw..!!r;l4~ 17 J.
T+"~ blew ''Will cause opjXillio2T.l,t; to [1iI.La to his klDe£i1:i, om: d.oyb~!C i.!Ip wit... ~;)'i rfiI. ~ei!l !il!,p, i~ 1111 this pmlit~.oil he is he~plei5.cS B:ndi ·'!.'\!lry VUI!!1CTo1b'l;;,:- I!i~~ ti),ar,'ht!'r ~UiJ~kis.
,J.£Ii~15 to oppryncnt~ 'C'ye~ miCIutlli, 'tc'lit®.[)'i: oQr ~es~b~~e::: are 'eqj!lli!!]~Y ,effiKtive '00 dm5;lIibl.e 001' ikill. an ~~cnt..
Stll'"iike ~!£!it!;(jn~i'~'1!. t'I!~~1t II:h~ t!!!Th:iJ~le, .aT. ;i'l8t1~ 6:r: neck: .&s. ii".i PhDto iii!:. U,:;uIlJ~l:r POOCl;lillcii 'lTho.::iC 'b.l!Ow~ w~,t:h .. ~ 11(!~'ri,t ~(Io 'tl'i.~ sil:,~~h_ The- fe1rnt will ,dl,raw o:pp-one:l1it"s .(IJ[,mG· d'own 1,1J!;! .... ing .his I'ula'li and n ol;l!Li;; i.i!nl}OO'I;~t~. D~]h~~ ij'~~, b~0W~ w~Lh the 1C':!uib 10[' 'O'IB.ckjaek as qui.ckly :ElJnd sa h;;!iI:'d a;:; y>!.!i~ it!.l'l'!I.,
As .Eli c'.iivilil3J:1 you i!ihould 'l1c5r1!' GEI.uUm,l imd I!W\"C!'" d'C~.i: ... ~~i' [;! !bI'l,gW I;"'.dl l(1:1:'~il!. ii1ncte t(h~:;;e blows 81'12 extremely ~i'Jj]iiili['OUS. Cin'Uy use fuJI force w.hen, yiJill f!!mle in ecntaet w.LUl '~hc:lt U't'tl,il! yo!!ll.o!)'iN' OOIil !Of . . . hil!i3.''!.''IBIl.
Disarm 0:( Club Or Blackjack
A '!;I1i!I'-y. iI!']];eeI;J'I$i;:' rm!:'l:.hoUd of d~:5aT.m~ng a ~~ .. imlil ll,'tin E! eltllb 's, the use 0:[ ·ti;_hc· :r.oos-A![',m BiLo~k. A~ I:Ippone,nt 8'!o'!o,:Lng.;:; dyb II:Qwa:rd the ne<a--di ~~r.Qil,ld:li low and! :;~cp in 'Lo'Wan:l.a o.PPi;lol'!iOlilt w ~(h the ,1I1'm~ n1!'1~clJ andl 'E!xten'lit'di. By h~.'i.'-Li1R '~;ne ,"[,rP~; ~xl.el'!lded. ~'GlIl' ht:-.l~dJ will b.e out, (!I[ ['angO' Qf. the dub. "h~ r~lII:l'jji fO:f'eBlI'1111i iii' ~.ttl.~~'"di 'l:1"",el" 'ihG' ~ P 4 :r the ~eH fomarm l h~]i ~ ,:HI I.
Ar.liel'" hliJoC'k~l"iI~ ihl';:' ~]~~. i9:~~ze- 'rJ.)p~1i,mtm't'::; rlgl1ia: fom-carro wl'th your !l'Jght nFjill.m, W!'l;.n y()U!f' Ie-It, Mind. ~io!:ze o];)'[iKlil1eL1I' ':5 fQ~" .l;'m j LII!1,t below tht.'i il:]bfIIW fPihotc, 00),
From. this ,1P1J:.;~'i~m E~Lin <uppQ.J'l.ent's .Bi:F.IIi. ~IJI!"W d ~~11J[1 t,wlst lnwaed 'Until l'hils p!:IJJm is IJJV..... '-It'"d wUIl '~hl!lllil'lh to, thi;!' right. All. h;e. "u'r'ie !time pi vet ki ::.roUl" rig"" ~ <II n ['J~ll'l l£lot placitlJ.g yom' h.,eli; 1.6 li s l":iS;11'1! . .!Ilde (Plwto BU.
Alkr '::;;;"';l.!'U.4'l! fl.g the- firm UCitI!:k Q!Kert plJ:'!Ei,SSuro I,IllW.3Imil on oppon-ent'.s arm. _f.1 ki th· ground! and imm. diately glr.oib th, chdjl' rom 'his r-J~hi hOII~d fP.lhoto 82). By ~C'.;:ming' th~ 1Nt!!DgM (~~ your body ~nt.o _0Ill'I!I'1:m.cnl and pl .. mh, upwaeds Q.1"I his aem it w~ II be \ncry 'io! •. I!.t iL~ b,1:'o!!'o!lk.Q diISlOI1'..J.It, t h G ';J1IT1,
~Ile'p KOFW',liixd ;llJlild ,serl~B o,pp~n~n~~ .rlliilM w.ri~t wJ'lh J!m~!!:" ~!!fr~ h;;:. lid I Photo, iBiS}.,
h!;:h, ~;po.nei1lt·s. l"~gl1 a.:1!'1nJ. ibac-kwa:rn pl:B;~iillg :),liruir :lrJ;eht t1J.-m be-hind 'OPIJil)iiit:ri't's ol"1filTI al~OI Ji:t;iI~.I!1' yOoill" lefil: wr:~!I,t wlth yOlH" right hand lFiliiota. 8>':1!,} ,
'FQ~ 'il~ll"''t1~i1I~·.'l, :::!l'il'il billCkw,8Tdi ;II! 111 d, d.o~n.
IJnmecliately send, right ik~ iT1iOO i[i~pom!·,::. ksti,!::,le,:o ~ ~lIh~ iIS!;i) ~Ji" ki;;,!1k !lJPP[HI;~liIt·.:>' ]j"j:ah,'~
lB,g O'!JJt frO'JIJ. under hSm wt(h yo.ul!" right leg ,'bl!X1wirng him '00 the ,groUind {f'lwk!, 51!1!~. Ang W'he11 '[ :::By kjl!:-]~ 1 rm;C;;!J1 'UA~ kick :titl~ ]~.8: 815: hlU'd as )'!lJi i!.! ,I;ffi L'i ~L I;i ~y ean, A persen 'I; l'y.i I'i ill: to st.-i ~IJ' '~(i1J, with. a clu'b ;Q;Olii!!'I'"Ye'S ,1!!:5 .!in~;f;h ~\l'iiJ~::lh;m~nll: as yill'~~ ~_~1iI il1:tlIt:1I: U.P'i:!Ii~ ldm. T'h€ref-ore\. -8~'ri~e wlt.h ever.y ounce of :strnr!g~h :y'OU ~;;rn, m,"u;:.;t~}' and Iilii!'VCF htJld b;)'1!k W~~r"i; tUsi.iTmhlJJ, an ;!ldve:1i"iSiJ;r.y.
_ .. '.' I, _ _i, ".
Th~re lS no; ab50iutlll' derell'll~ agtliuw.ii: R 'k.IIII.f~ -I.!:t't ¢l'I::, s:peeiallJy when the [p05S£i.SSDI' knlf'ill!-l, how to COl'I'E!!!:t1y "'~ the WE!8.J.:l"Il'D. I1J.cte'~'l,t'e. ttte ,er' ;a.t knLf :ighd:t1,g owrill ibe ogilo';e~, very thoro«ghIy lIlIiId! Blny ttma ,SJ_JII!'nl to '~iJom.e BI. akUUuJ i!'TIOJIn~.~];fi.tGrof 'c::h·13 we"p'm will. [pay il'icin :n;rwW:'t1s: '00 ll:i.e;'fflr.
jni o.f a!l~" I would lik~tD pefnt oU', . 'oat th{!: bl!!:3t tyPE' of iknJJc' '1l.Q use In bl1illd-~lJo-hil-n:d oomm bat il; om; rthat. i5I sJlBi['P on 'ootll! ·d[ge.!1 'l!.apBri.!IJg '1;.0, ~ ~llf:lilt.i' [point. Tn!:! leng~li. nr. the Mliid.e Gihol!ll'l1J be .triJ'm. S ~tl' 10 i:-n.c,hes .. '1!'Mle hillt .&hould i'~ ~he .hnmll ~'CiC>\II:rc~y R-ii) :tJ-:~.ait YOUi[' i!!lil:'ip 1[!Ir:li the kDl.fe Is ·tJ,:r.m and. wUJ not alli.p,
·l~bltl· h.'lind ahljJl!..ll~.d. 00 w>I!!B p,lID,t@'(!'Lt."'!i iB:! !l:a5e :!fUUli" oppouoant ;;s'Ua,~k:!l y,ou with i.~ kt1ilfe OJ" ·d'!.-lb,; A .,.. ery gl1J;1l tJ prot.E!C't;j,g.n 'I~n the MlI!IItd and an ;ar!l!dl~ 8..!I5'1!!'m. :001[' dQS'C q1,l!:l!l:'lera iilgbting aTe· l'::nudde _ a:li:li;achcd t.Q I:h~ haL 'l'hcsc· ImucJd~ ail"'<l 'l."ery er~r,;¢II:I,..e and arc ;rt'J.(J,T.',e ~ If' e c-h kr'i.Ltd;::~e ia ,equipped ..... l'I;.h jaUed edgc:s. W1Ul one. blow yg;UJ QiJn eag,fly crush O',L'" dll~'~oc-a!te a :mslI!"s j~~woone. l[f1, baU!le 'men !tUmetimes forg ~l t~i!:U~!l. and simply Olfn"lA! l.tli 1i ..... i:L1J,ging ~o thl2' jagged kr:n;u.lklcti: ~ro .... er-y ·'!.rahl!~b.1 u'fLd.e1" 'Ii"nos8 conmti~JII'L"I_
TIle On GUi5Ird ?~_i~d,'t~l;)(n, ,~~Jif. the lc;tl!ife- i'5, [JIL"";,;r:w_@ny Ufl~ same as t~e Ou Gwani P-o:l;lll.l(J;fiI w,Lth, the dub. Tn€' k-lt ~Q~' 'L!I; iilUgh,Hy ahead 1J'f: th~ :ri,gh'~ wllI:h ~h~ !kJJ.ee_~ bc1'!l~ so II:b~I,~ Y(ju f.I:r~ able 'DO(I. miJiye qui'!::kly tfil ,amy dir-ection. If o-:p-pon;;:;-nt is 1,:!,n;;i'I:'m~ exteliid hdll ;;!'.f'IT1 ~Ji! fuQ:nt, !l)!f ~i:ld~ 00 ths,t, ,t~ ,el~w [pIlei,tecta I:h~ body and! '~n!3 hEilrul tihe f\9.'~B .lPhlJito ,B7~. H ~~n~nt ~!'l: aemed w.~th ,;_~ lri"i L~(!- Oif. elub 'lLhE! lef~ !hand is he~d dowin at side f.or. balanee and w H ''Will i!1@~ ib~ ~n r;m,.li:r- td ,31 Ii1 Y' 'b~DWi3 iby- opFOj'I~r1:~ I Photo. sa.1.
"I'hii!J'-i3 !;!l'O tw-o !!1!~I;.1;~dft f~r l'iiOliHng :D! :It: l1Jif:;::, ;3:>; !'lloci '!N ,['"I ~n Photo &'9 B:l1-'I1 PnOit.d" gO. The, most II1IDh.llral :Elio!'>.iltiO-I!!! got :nflJ.dhll~ l.1 kliiiic i!S Pl-1I;itfJ; 89" lbii.Jt :l!l, no.t ali! sffee'I!.:Lve_; ,at:l Photo 00; ;5ii-nCG i'1'1I ph'tltiJ! 90 J®~ ha''Il!!3 j\]l'"tnci!'" :I;~~il:h. t:.ui, ,maneU'I,I'eT '!!.he ~mUe, around ,q;!lI~,c[ke:r. and it is alrncst im~ piJi!isj,'biill' to d~:5l.1irm Yl!!I,!,· Bilci~ bfJ;l;.h metho.ds ,tIi~ 'h£lM L"~ '!.he knlie ~:i.-B!'I,I\e· 'I:heite ad¥'!;I_;I'II-' ti;1ii,G~ w tihe t'l,'l'O '::;j'i,;C-ems; !Qf' :f'ighUng ;)TI!'!' ~ i'1.¢lurl;ed in Combat J'uiI.Q_
An, C'Hret:.h.-"'O i!T1dhod gf gc'tling rid! [)"Ii" ;_:m, ,~ni'¢tr.i.y Is 3, quLC:k j:!],tJ; ito the sl!om1L~lL Tl:1:e h~o.w is ter.,~r:izing :!lind! oPPoJ:l!E'"nt will ,dieo ¥NY' q,ul~kly.
'The elerI'i.ent o:~ ~tn'pr.,ise is irnp-:Jrt8nt in '!:ihi~ !!J.'ttt.Dck_ JJ.g, 1iI0'~ t,'QlegI',~ph YOIIJi[ '~Ji!ti;:rrl't'iQ;nt>. hll!l~ ~'tN~d~l11J!y jOJlh kl:ll!f~~ .aut ;J,t, fI:rmlS lengl!..h ~i1to 0PPilil'lA!!lIIt's, '!l-to.tl1IEict. PU,t, the weight of the ibodiy int-o thiil' jab .l!iIl'lG, :skive k; ~.HJ.Cil.!i['C' ~ m!.!iC'h N;)i'i!~ ,(,:-; Y'lJI!i! p~'ih'Ly I;!;m ...... ;'l'hiflul(; th![;\f!w!i:liR y.oo.t'~~f .fifE b;i~aJiC'oi!!. (Photo an, j(j,bb:ln~ !';P~~J'~~ In Ul~ :stf!rna~h :Lmm~bll:~ty $nfl~1? the 1k11l~i'e cut C1f [him and a~umc thn Olii Gu_,lU·-.d, f'!Jl5it~on fPh.otiJ' 9:g:~.
When. Sin enemy s.itcm.pb:.:> 'ill gr~~b }'O'U ii'!ai:ih the inside (if hi-::;. w:r~t. The ~1;;IShi;"ig i1f.!!l1otkl\l'i 19 lJ:li'WSl'd 81'ldi M'I,!,'TI. I :P:h~]~[~ Qi3J. 'Fb:1.:9 'Will e.ll'[!; hia ,1l,.t~['.Y and nil" will bl(!ctl 100 d~:lth :llll tWQ, mUI"!iuilE'.5 if th~ 'bl~~d~'ng 'i~ m~~ :Mo.,pp.ed. At any rate' it wili t!:!kllJ ,;) k;t ~1i' ~I.~H out of Mm and he· 'will h8::;";'lj:atc- in m..,ki:ng a.r.~y more- 9J"1ack!l '!ilDw,llJn:;l Y'lJu. I!'1I aU pit(i~;)~H!1::y hQ wm liur-re-nder. after Y'OJ,!IJ oJ}"t!'t hi m.
Aft\'er' :5I_<1~hiT!g 'IJPrr;mlTi~1:'!~ w!i:':is,t C11!.dck'ly br,~ns knife bruik IJU' 'Of' J."~:ng~ to t~.P.- ifin iII:!lI!I:I!".m, ,P05j:!1.~o:L1J Oil" i:rru:rrIil3di<!i~oQr j .. !lJ [~~,,_ pi!lne:t:i.t ll1 ttl@' stO:lTWIil1:1ii lFhlJt~ 9~,~. 'T'I'!;~ S~;;"!'l~~ ,il[j'J~ jab ;fil!'e i9.C-' cDmplishen illil less th ... .ru ;,I, :i'l~(illlld!_
N'(i, .50 - SLASH TO ELBOW'
'[u k ii ~"J;! 'fiRhih~lIl: :.;'iQU d.o not .aumlP'ly :;!EiiE:h 8. mai ~~ny' ph..,:!!!: fiji) lIfLg, lI:!ady, s_ine~ tho blado prub .. bly w.LH ilOo't :!,"!7!l!l.clil vUi~.nerab~e BJ.'BEWi. U' ;r0l,ll ,do, IlI;llt ...,u;J!l::k VU~J:1.e.I'.B!b~.e ·i!!J['eaB 'ya.u :l:LI!IV@' w~tod NlJflt ~!!!!rgYi' ttme i!Ulidi probably IPlaci2d Y()I)Jn;clf' in .[! pt'l!'o;i~5~.~iiI !ttl, be e:;.iiiiy d~:;;llIrmcd.
An-ail:hel' vulnerable ;!ipO'~ to slesh is 'Il-no h~l!1.:h 'IJ:t ,lil:" 1J']:I;~w' when sdve<.Iistli["y .dh~i'1'J'F~b; i1.(~ j.f~::lb .01' Btr.,Lke you. 'li'he- rna.tiDn. .of .:;9 .. ::;h i n.S ~s: 1 tliw;Ehl"'tl .IIlrlld ,d!iJ,WI1i (Ph'!Jto £11,51. Y:'O'll ~i:lliIJ, :;~;;!sh fr~m thi! inside' O'~ ,glooW' ollif :)'~11!i1 il.:;;I,ri ,!';j~3!1:!! :st~p Q.1t'J;I'C!I~eJ~:t a nd !!;l~agh the e,Loo'M nJ;:l(!i-. ,rrli'~~tnil .. he oLlt5-:i-d!e (Photo DGL The c~tting actio:t1I :~s the s;armQ.
H(ddln8: !kn:~t,e· above YO'!JI:r- '~cild ,di:r1 v 1,';' :i't w.EI![\d! 'kiw.Ellil'dI o,PJ',iQncnt ,I Pihoki. 'Q8~_ Whe11. ,he .llitt~mpt:5 'to ~;J'b y>Q~l' arm a!L1.dd.en~y s~p' and m;jJjkc O!. t:it~Hnlj ltlDUOI1l to '~hi;l' Il'igblt ~i:1;clIlii11!l: kln:l:'~ under' oppo:n-ent's ;I~wti~ j'l1l~' ~:ds ribs: {!Ph.o!!iD. 991'. The 6hnncnt Qf .lilU· prise ~B ",<ery :impO'rtil nt tl"!! thl~ (].'t1:a.e]~ ,~j'j~. i~ ,iltll:hieved !lJr;lly b.1 ,rH:=ikLl1l~ ;Ai ,~lLIiJl!1!! d.oWTLW1!lta-d. feint to'w~. opponent 'wit:h the knife. 'l"h;c· it"n.~~i:'!I: ;::u:;:'!I:J£ln iii (fl:'i:~ ,i!oim'il!'!'i;tol)~tj m~l!:i,Qir.I_
,DIl'i¥'o tin!!; !kll'dte· ,tl!a.w111 W,EI![\dlg. betwoi3'Jl oppO!!ii!;ri,~I'!i; Gi!.iiIl~:rbQ\n.e and, [kill him. U"h~t;.Q ~!'tn_ After :y.a1.1l. hRV.j;! eut the a['llBry bo'tWi[.'!!.:lI!! hlfj; ~fj;nali'i~rI'Ie !i:i1!! Of'le ~i3.:t1l he[p h:irm :5inii;~~ .a .L!3: :hnpoosi'ble to ,E!ilPl'iy a tiiJou!~hiqllil."-"t 'W _'litIi"ilP 'Lhe 'b'I,eed:~liig'"
N,u. ;5 3, - :REAR THltOAT SLASH
Ap;P['I)i,i.t!::h ~ SGliitirY cillJltio!Jl:>l~' iLm;~ill ,Y'ln! ,~:n.:' wh1'lb-. :five Or' iil~ :~ii!C' ,~f Mm. (?ho(ji!l~~ :1 O;(!!l. Th,~ill ~U:f~cl)efll'y ,s;pring on 'him 1>!i!J~l-, :LOg hia head ooet:: with cne hand end, .!illl!ih his throot ~PItvOit_~l 'm!)'m .,
11 '~~he' e:J1amy is woBSirhLg Jli :he.J:m",t It w.iJ~] bG' ¥CI"y ~y tflo ~~11. hi!; ,n;;::ad 'tli.ack:wam. \v':_h;orn 'OI1liJ._'1'1i)" docs iilM. ';JJT liI he]met. plaee the 'haJ:ld ,0,l'L l~~.:: :r..aI'e~ud Q[' gr:Dim. hia 'hair :Dind giive' a 'qjuick. SOB,PO b8ck.WEU'a. The ;;;':L!lm~TIt 9f :;l,l!rp~i:;C" 'i;;; i m~]"l;:!l:n.t hI R"i~i'" ;j)jnilC[l{S ~I) [Jfi.';;l~ti,e.e 'I,1idU y(l~ !!;!fi.l:'lI attaek qu:l.cldy ,:l!i'id kl:~~. the e-ll.e:tIlly when !he :Lis cO:IlIJiP~.etely oo:~ ,IDU.l!JniL
Place 'lI.:he Len 'hS:L1d on o,p,ponoent':s fit(ire~o.;Jd w.iJI:1! ~'ht! ,fin,- 1:0[";:> ''''''''C'X' ,~u !right ~lOli"-iil]~ ~Dd pun the head 11:0 th~ leIt_ At the- same t:hme- stab deriP~Y i~~, oppJ:m'!:'~lt':::i jll!,l~i.i!!~~r 'i!Qan I Photo IIlK2J.
With '~i3' 1'G1t hand ~~~7.~ [~p;p~~n~n'l. i:ll'o'LJ!nd the- thooa:~ o:r h~ ;!Il:"i.d .lWllm~1atf!"ly staib him ibet,wee;n "hi!!' !G-~~nilil"'bIJT.I~ ~Fhoto lO;3,t
H oi!!ppi:l~lli:!ri& :is: we1L1'1:tlig eq,uipmr2'TI:~ i<IIlll his 'b<iJ;!:~ soi.-; • 'l~ fizrn gri,p IIlpCIli '!in!:! eqlJJiiPmel'1i~" p~l~ h~m 1b~[!ltwa .. d ::lind d[',I ..... e'i;hoJ: t;;;ilIi~..: 'liJ;elwoon thii:!! eo] U8l'ibO'tte,_
A slasl1J to the h-aE"t:!zl!lJl!l :rnusc]g wiD iflgflPfi. ci.tiDIlil;l '!:h' i.!i~~ 0:' th!!!' entire' !EIlrm, In liBe:n.'!Io''e'.rin.g Utel:.l.uw .. use a e:bcppi!llg rn.;.t1Qn whl;h the wight of the b~ b·:hin~ 1m .. SUee hI. inn;;! I!:I)!~ the
. ~
An 'Ulpw,o lid: :s!;;.rokilJ W li1:h 'Iil'l;i:! ikr:rite' ul:lidilJC tht!jl!lJw into- t~e i'lo:n fleSh 'Will] q'U_~ek~y 11: til ;fl,n en-
N Q. 5S - ]A13 'fO TESTICLES
NO',. 59 - STAB TO Tl~ROA T
Sta.b oppo:nen-l in 't.h..: iilfli.i!t hollow of: hi llirus.t just D [oW' l1 s adam',&. ,Dipple. Th S i!;1;;il\1i is a .dlo;wn~
No. 60 - ~AB TO l{mDNEYs.
St-rike Op}l'QI1I~L'l ,3Jtl108:!l UlO thir'I)~J wIth YoDUi" ~~n'1~r;-m ;Ilil1ld :!It'['an~:L him. Jj.:t ('he same 'um;u, ~j;rl""e the km.ifc i.ri;~ oppone.n't,'s kidney. By
~n'!;!~ele witt.! s. dowiI1wEIl"d ·til'ok.e towill"d :)"OUI["... ;selLf.
J;. .r!;!hnt '00 the stomach ia a very gooo m~~ve· ment to prooo ~d tITl;!; s]ii!. h.
e-a:ny.. Prul; [pl'!)nitY 00 f · .... 'illighl irJ'!;u th • ~iJWIiJN jab and ,dr.ilv .. kirlllfl;!: Int.o thevkii:im's skull,
A .d~!!!iP cut to. 1:JllI;, IITColi ...... til pl,d opponent out 0.1 B.ctiOfl <E!Jnd he wH~ q IiJlil!1i:l.y m.'em. to death.
W,S![\f1! stooke with '~'h!3' weigM of th(!! g~y lbelnmJ! the knife.
punc-h.l['ing ,t.1J.,c k1clll1i~' oUplPo.n~.M: will iLos:e IOOI'!~ ";;;:gl1!ll,!!t;;I'!."::''l:'l: ~1:1A;1! d~.e ~ui.C']'dy. 1"i1Ji:; aU~ii::k mn~ N!.~, HI aN! l"eQr atitacikSl.
A !blow direcll:y to ..... OL~ the heart :5DI)'U'ld II ~'eJ." 'be !E!ltlil;l m~~~~ :!ll:t1..ei! the hBliirt 1m we[!l ~l",fj;teelii!!d by rib .. In !i~.aibbi]],G: aw:t;:tly I:ow.a.rd!il ':he h~iIJ". tlh~ Made ·win. i't.hcI' !'I,tr.lke 3. :ri'b '0.1" t!oc;CO'.I'!'!iil! w~dged be-tween nit!- :ribS!,
A v iC'ty ,dl.t!!!:tii. ...... e methgd 1!Jl- ir~i9.chLng the hil!'.I!!rl is. 'tg ~t .. h upward! jlls~ h ffiw' '!:he ~.O'We'l!' rID linto. the heaTt. Pillttbc' e~tll:'~' weight i:nto Wl'i' ~lo,w ..
It .gpp~m '.It !ii . e&.r-:Lng equipment QV~.,r, ~l:ii!l: s:ec-.. UOfl. of tj];-El ·oody. M ~.;..t ;;J!t1!.e:rrvpl: thi!l- at,tilli~k, b!lJl~ l1ol!C il.1i1rW1;)' 'I;):F 't]-j.e ottU!'l'51.
II is v,ell'Y implJrti.ln't tu know 8i n:lJ!mber of dH· I'arun' M~lIIek!l: ,~mj,tead 0:1 j u:;t. OI1!iil'. ~i n:1;;'C '1;11i:\C11.Ui.:. ranees lJl.8y atit l' U~ iT£I'e;OI. attack ~:;;;uy f'o-r Ute fJr;c,,~iQ\nl.
n an l!.<SSi:llil ant Eittcmpd:""'1 to kiUi :!full 'IJi.'ith ;1. do·wn'W''=Il'd Ikn tl.e' bhll'll,,' Uu~ re\~C 3T.m].ock:s; are effil:'>l.!t j,ve driS[ljrrrL!l ,:Piloto 104, ,BlIIld.huto IG5!.
Sec <;haptel" i:"~. ·C.lulb Vi "i'm, I tine T<(!verse OLnTIl'Dck I hulide! i~ tholfoug~d.:t ~xplEliI!lC('_
~n 1i'l':1!DS,t luLiJ~t!' [Uaarms !r'(t;lIi win IPl',gbably cee '!O'e milllo,r cuts, but m~nOE t:1J1:~ Biro h.l;;iIler than I:eeei'i.~~ng jabs or ~13s_b€!s kJ, ,.. U:i;1l 8Iii!8J:!l.
Wh""p tl!i3l['m~'!lg :;,Lfi a6Sai~;;l'n.l the ey(';' ~ _'['eo foclilS'~ ed ~n the lnlli'IT~; !Us~e&id ,n,£' aliSlililffill~i~ !l!'yea_ l'JJoe rea!tim fo[' dt'ioS"dy wi!J~cM'I'lg the kn i ',e Is 'Il.nRt ·thl,.! !kffi:fe ill an cx'Letlslon IlJl asslliiiEU1~'!'i: :ll'~, anllil, h.s: ,added, .n;;;.af:h , ~mlOt be ~1:t:~u.['atc11 ,jllLldg!:ll !by watchlrn~ the e.y 5, Als@, ~Ih.e krL~[ is your p:rim~Lry .dElIl1£(ll· '1} ::lh'!.B!YI> il;;e-I2',I-"
yO'LlfI' iJJ'~.:~ u~'i tlt:ie IkJti~t!,_ lOf
No, 63· - : "ICK TO 'TEs.nCI 'ES
A 1:;.Il[ n'iI~!tJ:wdl 'Iro ,d!IS,IUT.l'II . n gpponent :;,Li'lnedi with a k1lU\8 ~~ m:CI Iil:aek. th,-· iest:k:lC5 (~r.' killft"j><;;);l~ W.hoto ifU;I.
By c-rn.~~la.ying lhi£ 'p31'ticU~:iI;r ilype 0.[ defense, tihe vutne ..... ,bBe SI.rG8~ t~r: Y(}UJr b;ljiC!iy are o~d ti.r .1·N!Z.'R ~ tlle lrllli:rll!! and yg.'U !have 3. rle-rr:lfk W -'fi@iJU Biil1!l,;· the lo.gE ape from rt.hl·OO to ' tlm% ~b.'Cluger '~h",n '~h~ a['m::o-
1j;'f.JllilJl1 OJ 1'1, op'POIiIC'I1I~ B:f;n:tC>!i wiDJ~ a .. mil ~t Ls, 'bes.t
to 5'nap the leg ~_ll!.it aDd im_r'!!'l~diJli ely blr",j,F.EJl[ :kt bSIIl::J.t In. tn .pcs.iti.IJ'It t;i.l dalivar OJIi'lQ'ihQ[' blgw U i,t is Jl~sa!F.y, 'The acti!l)rII of 'I:h • l:1.!~ LIi- the ~",.tt1:e 8.a .~ l'IJU ~a b ill '!::"!Jl'!;to g~'ri".ilg. :sin!l;'li!: the I .:g ~~ i!i:!.!Iddil!TI Iy ~!r.IB!p,ped OlUt .;;ir.ld l1:i1imi:!di.;;~' -']y broughil. b.a.;:,J:I;: LIl~ [pO.!Iition for .moHler aU!;l~.
S13C' <ChB!'ple;r- 3. <"FrontfiJi AU3I(!kS'," N~. fj - Kick "l'g. T.esticle5 .mfa Kr:iIi!t.· .. C.:~pg_
No;, 64 - BA,eire\: HIP THROW
II!' an enemy atlacks you with .;_~ • !cll3e liwtng towards J.'"Our Fil:);S stop ~hc' hlftw .... ·tth leI' .1Jm:Jd. r - i1!IkI 1.'071_ Al! 8e,:i.zlng ,QPPOTICrlt" d.llht ~i"I(3. 'Mo!i'lin ~ur ~.eft hand. 51i:.£;p l'Qrw.;_~r.d wlt~~ ~OLllr, :rigl;it :foot ;50 Urn' Y~~'ln' ifl~ht hlp :L.!I dlil:"ectly Di'lhind gP'Pgi1l;~llIt'!l '~g1~:1i. hip. A~ the sarno Um~, _o;:t;l:i!:_E!; .Qpp.QneJ3r~ around hi!; ~~·.n b~l~ YDU:r right .arm~ CPh9~8' i tlSl. IFMm tl-ds. po sit b:m. with yt!'lu·k.rt" ~,n,g:lltDy ibe:n'ti, pull downw'l njI:-; w lU Y@ll' left 5.m1, UP"""-' rn il'n~ ItOiW3:Mt:il vour leo-It
s-ide WjUl lhr,: ,d~ht arm and 1iit:11 igh' n '(Jp yt'loul! knCC:ii all at he SBJIle time, l'VE~T.Y moveme:1l is CiO!Jirdi J'I..J:Ijt- d and exoeuted togethel' 4Pho1o 1091. 'II'-h • hJ.F" throw 'will. throw' oppg..nocnt Ql1 t. iJl al;JC1l-J; o.'r. side. AUer tmro't'i/; I'II~ 41IJp[ml:!-nt ,r,(J]]Qi up UI@ attack ' ...... iUi ;O;-Ulfr~ps, €If. the hee~ to Op}J!ODCJl't':;;; .rib5, .g;ro~1iI [JI" h~aiL Alsc_ you C8.1:1 (\0110'0,1,1' tip ~~t!' thmw 'W1th an ed.i;::e o[ hJand ELtt.i:~ck I Photo. :1 urn_ . Use- ~-!l.llt~iiJln i I'll p!r.3tr!tlc-e. i!ljn~ this back hip t·hl':Uw J~ xtremel' dan ·e-.rOWi ~f eKGCuted. ft~n Iorcc,
0.. 6 . = ](Nl,)CKLE R.AP
U Y.iJ.-11 all!;! liirm.ed. with i8 '1;\!1~b jftf" !have' the ch!Brnc. '00 .p:~c_k up a gggod :;L~ !lIt!C'k: y.'0l.] Billlli'!lle a ''!f!filJ'' gooo wea~ pOlii 'tJ.-~ d!£!-f!i:!'M YCiurseoJ.if 8g.:riIilS~ it!! klil~:r.e iilUliLCk.
W~~I11J-g~l~li];iti:e~t ·tries ·to 5It.ab y·g,u il1ll t!'l ~ [$'!:Onul~h wLl:h ,31 th!I'!lIsi. [rom. th h:[;p. tI'§ ~n UEld~1l.11Jl1ii!l t:l!lifiUs~ aide :st~, llJu1A:.kly. ro 'trhe Ieft StJi'OOliig tho knue~L - gr ltip, ef o.ppone-nt,"1i! billind 'PhliltQ l .1.1. At.1ier hi:t.ti't1ig >C1P.pDlne'l'Iia.;S knuclU!c ~m"'!U!]y step forw<!.:Fd.'.ndl .l<ih:-i!lti!: !!lippc::me.11i1 :llieross ttt.le :to 00 or lh ... ~di;;ams· ~.p:-pl.e (Photo 1121,
No. 66 _, BLOW TO '[f-iOR~ARM
'When -rl-ppilllD -nt :Jt~1 u~p' !,jrnll ove.r l1;~s he-ad! and tiriCl5 to !Stulii YllIuwi'ltb a (fawnwa[l(l] 5iWIDg ·tdk· '1:.11" 11n!i~de' ,of his fO[1Bifii['m as ihiili.-d .. ~ y!i11!1 ;C;IiJrTI vdth the dub tPho:l:{Io l·t 3 I, 'Th 51 blow ·~ ... m 1Pa.:F!al1y;Z:E!' his enJiln:: .f!l'm sud he wUl dYop ·the knife, . o. r P'Ur.ln~r ' hould ~Uli\re his fo;rerlll"m w<eH p.n:f!leded so !he w!m 1r.i0'~ !I'it!I1:ill'h'e !l!il!li ~nj ur,:y dm."ing, .p.l'.llidill:e_ A good<lll1i! IllJ.!!: f.rrtill~~·~ f:QI'~ is "'1;1; pl;;;~el.'i!· l:iio~r-di!i1 O'lfil ·tl:te· :f£l!l"i:!Iii.l'm wl'appe.1i ~Llire:ly. 'with padldilJ,g:. ].1~ this way y~ CYirJ gC't ,t.h~ in :::;triiki!l1l.g Ol,n ;J..;JiV\I;!!f£lal'"j': tCl'l'e~~._ Pe:r':f ~~ I:lmt~1!I: li!il W!!.r'Y Im.portant h~ tJ:ti:!se ,d!is:a1'TI:h!l so pl'!5ICtce u:r.rtiil you cart rm k . the- pn;;.p~ ¢(jil!i1ter-aUS(!t a;no ~hc righ~ mQ,Ml!!iilrt_
TnGi'1i..'i ;fLl"e many d.iifc:.n;..n'll !I'Qs.'irtio:n.s in 'W[I,!,L~tli you II;!~Ul C81'l'Y !!L p.kittl'l 'b1.l'~ we, ...... in onl;; QfI!r.Iside:r dte hlp pOI>i,t'wl'il- In ,flTdel' ,to< 1Ii!<t'~Ii:l' ~ 'fJluk'k dI',~,w' dt~ ho'" '~e[" mlllc:~'1!: 'be- :Si3ClilI~ ,t!{1 tllat it wili 001 :s:1:iJp uecund,
Cairr,)" l~e- IPlstol in ;-1 ]t.a]Bte.r on the :r.L.~t s:i d ill' H ygu are ~i,gh,t hililded and o'n ,~l1;r;' le:r.t side .iii J.'!l]i1iJ ;Bi1'\E!' leU ]lI;;!,n.d~,
'I'h!300 ,!3I.J:''f.' Urnes: wh.e:_1li ~i (l]1!I~£k draw wJiIl ISBI,'IO'e ;your li'i:~ ~, we wili i!.:Ul!itlis:l.der. "th!!!, d;r;;l,wl[1,R: and ,ri~1n~ .of the pislQl 'Fui!" I!:!los:e qlilo!!"~i'£ figl'J.'li.ilnc,
No. 67' ~. DHAW _·'.0 A NO, FIR.mNG 'PISTOL
in tnc rmlring pusJ.tlun you coou,ch low so t!J··t y.o~. ar.£! a ,!lmall llll!l'g,ei a 111 O. em'll mo·ve qujckly in a:t1iy dtrection (ph-oto Hqj~.
Thl;lir . t~ru !itiiyf pll;:'$l~ !Pi . .tIlraw1ng the p:ist!l)l .. md t:;nm.r~R to the :f.irring· J.XIs:i:~~on, 'Tnii!' :Ur-;:~ p.hase Is. drawing the pi6tru from thc' 'ku,Lqter qLliickl~. This is don' by .. ! qul(!k !tlll!t:: or 'li:lle wei" Vrtl,¢t~eC- Js "h~ Qi:ll.y way :yo.u ,!:'EiI!I1 B..'I:'hieV'c Lh~ ~,.peet1l lI:~a:~ IS essantial to mako it qlU~e~ dTEi.W.
11100 sPI;II)'nd ~ha!le: ls to f]re ·tl~e pisto:U :Fro:m the h iEJ hni1'~li!1teny after dl'RWiII.,g, .ut f1i"OII!Ii the hel.!Iter' Pnoto IlJii,.
ConsldJeI'ir.!g HiU~ tMIfd. Jll'llia.~e £·~lo .. re the ar.l1ll (,gn ... , .. rd .3il~d wit ~ the a!l'm bent at thee IE!m11(PW :rtfe ·1!.1Iie· seeend shot {.lP'h~ 116'~,
The final 'pbEilSB of dr w;u~ ",~l.d ·fl.r-:Lng th~ ]J'~tO'] ~!li ilflo fu.ll.}" ~nd the ann .and fire til' tl1..i 00 a Iii ol)'t\, Fll'O!I!1i ·!i:.h i:5 ],Xi si ~ i I;) r1I yq tm t.d:l:: t!. ::.:lnlJ a 111 t1I :tJ r-e thle- ;r,eg!: Qf y'61n" shol)'!s :!if it is L'LD!Z'BSSal'"y 4 Photo II "I'), All. !our pha .~ 08['1]' OM I;fj(nUnL!uus: motmon and me@' exC'C'lJIt, d Ir l'~ ~tu~h.~ "&lndi.
In this: method of dlraw.ins !lIlllld i£iring yQU can fi!'e I:.hl['-.e~ ()[' f'0'u£ oIihots. to 1;)110 woo!! .. i ml;!d .!!;!ht:liL 'Well l~ i rncd ~h~)lts Ifnh,Y Ii). 31.1 rl:F!:h'l: '01' target Pirilt.:1. ol:!e, Ibt'l:t E.o.r. elose qUlilrter.s figl1tinS 11 you Cfl.'l:11 s.nOO't four s:hots IiO an em my;r:; '01JC' .Y'Ou ru.lJ'I'O tlil.e Rd!v,lmtol!Jgc. If }'1.lU hi'~ tht~ t::n~rii1o' any Fl'lilf:e on h'~ iblMiy 11:. w ~m pU:!:. III 1M out or aetion: espe~ ally if YOIJI firrill1g 8. ,45 caliber p ist 0:1. !PRA'CTIC.E N'AKES .!PERFECT,
No-. 6.19· ,_, GUA llOrn.NG APR ~, ONER
[ 4Jld p3stol b(!&:ldle the right h~p wi~h t.he le.ft r.oot si.iglli~ly ahe-l~d [~, the 'r.LglJ:~ foot. Yr.n:L (:,I!'1 usc th· l'ft arm to ward (!.fiR :5l.1:dd 'n ~Ua_ck it. It :lsl n@C!2liSar,r.
J(C(1l IJ,t"L~l).lter 3Iw,ay from Y'ou :50 'l;ha~ be will
not h-ln"~ 'the, oppo:r .. unit.:)' lQ klck the W~~IlT.l Gut ifif your iband m- to t::u:d:d!lllilly di~..!!FitU you ~P.h9tO' 11m. W"ti!11 the prjlW'!n~:r. V.e!r'j" , 00 MI: he mili:::eg the Bligh~ t move.ment to di~rJtl yQU Ol' to ii!:5'C'i~pe' ~l:'i:aO'II to ~j_L t
Atakll!' prison 'r- l,e!i) 1'1 agaffiaL a wan with his .J,"J"IUi (lI.11ti!il~:retchedi and 1 g-.:> ~iP:rl,:ad apa[<~. ]] 'y<CIU search his left :5hl~~ pl..3ic:e· YCtu;r rignt foo~ ligM y un 't.he bock of l'lti5l left. kll-G • HuM p.lsto] .311: yO'IJir" .Ieft liii.1:J' wHh ,th.' ~e:r.i!. ha~d. mill :SI:i!BFl1:ih . .«!r 'w.;th :r'!l1iLllr." :ri\gl1tl !halild (Pn'!Jh" 11.9'. If pruoner aUemp!l;s. to mov. . kil;!k hi~ lJ~H kji8e to tho gll'OIU! nd with y.QUI:" i'"1g)'Lt. ktot and IIH.lsJI rus: f~l;k 001" head .I1CIr.'U,';a:ro. fPb:0t!J' 120). Afiil..'l' th!l:'OiW'bng him d.own ~mmcdi .... t 'Y .:s~!.!t)'t l:iii'l:'ii.
'r£! search the I~T;~l~lll:!!l~·!I. right sudlr.:: u~ t~e .. me 'St. Lem hut ho~d tile pi!':wl bn )'OU right hand and placc tlw m~f[ foot on t hi:!' hoek 'of QI~' PIJo!'liCl'llt',!o; iI".I.Fihl knee.
No. 69 = SEARCHING A PlllS0NlER.
Dis,arrn Of ,Pistol
W'i!tn YO!ilr arma r ais ed, ;suddenly tum, ytlur ood!,y 'i:n u,(~ '.i~j],,~ ;;_~nd ~i:ri:k!C Qr;Jpnl1~!Li~~ ~lJil'il lIIi!inrl. 'IN ~ih[' :r':lgl:J:~ hand, [it 19: 'V~y im]JO.I"Lnl1lt lit.;; ge~ ,)'iDUir ~00;y 'Out '0£ tho, l~nG o~ fir~ !i!ind '~J.:!! ean ~ ::!IeeQ.'.J;J:1,plJs'h~ slf:I~~ iJ~!l8.U~~t·~~ ,~' ~i.ion:;' not .fast enough to ,puU the t:rl,gg!2[, 'Wh~n Y"O'U !'ol,J,cl.det~l:)' m!fii~"1,j '!;,iu. ~bj· !!"~:g'l'!t OcLndl $~t'.r~I;) his !hand! ,I1IW,IlIY frOOYl! y-ou tfihoto ]:2 ],J- AUe-r ~tri[k i hg' gPP'~l1iOI1it':I:i' gun h<.Lndl irnmi2diiately gr<!,b tJ:te h:;md, wIth '1/'o'Ul" :r1,g'ht ha:nd and :!'let~ th~ gun 'b;]Trei 1,ViU~ yot!r ~cit ih~~d i PhQto 1'22). JPIdJ] oppa.1'iel:li[';;: 1l"1J,)";J-'i.'t It;:i!l'ld ~CtV.·;I~ you ...... ith ;y>OU;r tight llinmd -liD1d push dill!' DllIrillel. '00, 'Hte o!.!lil:-s.kLe 1J.J]:li~:U t~~, nlJllIz:dc- [JilJiill1ts 't;gw<:1i['di ilJpiPO',nI3ii1L j[',neTe is !3.
g~ei!!l,t. g.t~,!1Iil:1i P]3!!!e;d, UPOI;), o.J;ii~llI~'t't; 't'i"!;68elf '~!I1!t;or due to '~hiJ' 'tiriggi!if' gU!3.'I"d, Ib~tli.g twisted,
. ... .,
u,p'W;;~I"ld, 'VruJI Ih;;L'!J'L~ tht: ~J:le:Jn,Y ~om:p:leitel;y' at. :lI'O!!I[, merey ,nnd you can ki!ik him in the tC'5~i~ ~1I;s.. ~!;..Qrn;:;.~h of,ii" ¢hce.~,t l't h~ ~&!ftiS '[0(1, much, But 'with the' l~v.el'ag;e ag.aiflSt his b:~~ iirl~ gCi[" he ...... ill ~Qot be ~I,blil.:: 'W :t"~~i.~'t ~~ry rnu~lf fPhoto 1.:23:)_
from lni~ r,ooi'ti'tl:rl 'q~~oekl'y ji\:":l'lk tfal:.!" pl!itJi)'1
dO" ... m,wal'dr;: and aW,IlIY' :from OPPO'Jll(!;tlit I:PJwto 12-41"
It is very easy to 'b:re8k ,8 'per~rl1; :fingel" dlli!lrhi~ ~'~IiCOO ~ l.,\l;>lr'm$ !!l(lo u~~ (SfLl!Iit~tl1!~1 d,UYl~ij pli'",aeJ .. lee 'by :neve-l' :hOlg,eI"~,lng the :tin~[' in. tJl!I!! triggm' ,g-~Ltudl, At fiE"F~ 1P'!".;:I;clk;;:- C''!!-.r;.y m~¥~iI'l'l~n,t ~ll]1N,:r'y t'~)e{j~ spe~dI it up yoo, Ci!l.t1I execute- the entire diseI'm q'lllickly and wiiIJJolJlt ,h!:l~~'li1~:m.c~
o, 71 - R&"\R Dr .ARM
When ,an ~Jie:n,ty 1~1 !I!~ pLstoj kJ . OUI bac'k glE!rM~e 9'L'Gundi ~ n.U ! whlt:!h hond. OOIlJil.8W the- p~:st-gl, It oppon ·'Itt .L'I! no~d,ing fL:'it"'~ illl ~,. right hi'llnd Qudh::I)IiIlil1 ~ ... ,dillg around lr:r.wllrdl y(!!ur right dde .... mi dell, .'iI: IP.jSliJl tiI'r;"m low,ln'1 - QPPOnent'~ 1 .Ii!. sidi2' willh yauL'" irigVil elbow, 1'11;;.:- eblti![lE! Mtlr::rJi ,Ls one movement ~g. 'tliiL't yo!.u bnd:)' is w~jl ,rgmoved £:!:"OCrXL the' Ijj[]!c: flf fh"e- fPnll10 nm, '"une.BI~EIi'tgl)' f{I.'9,b iJ[!'pQnf!nt's. gun hOJJi~, Yhrlr,'tl YOQu!!;" le:ft, hand pJ.aclllg tb~· [bumb of 'i,IID!!.I1' 'I iBf:t hii. n fa Ib ei w· .• n, the i [leN ;]1l.d. itli:r·jjJ lil1l:iil:,er.' J.o.~nts i~mb (wist ![Ippfloifl.~nt's haL'i!d IJackwmd ~M old I", hull) 1.:26; ~r,j!~ze '~lt£!. g~n"! ~1;Jr.r-el with you![' l':Liihl hand Rna t ..... JS[ j,~ w'w' rd oplX'nent. ".lFh~ levcrO!ge- .n open tlp,pcnl!!'Flt 's 1iL·I,nl~m ami if Hn:!' weapon ::-!ill1!uld diGl1:hi~rg,e lb; will lli.1,ure YO'!;LI" ;1~aJ~snt I :hell!) 127t,
Quietly take pi. 101 aw8)" it'Dlim OPIX'm;n:t. ana, S'~p ooe'l:\:: out rylf 'klfl: re:a.-c'h. You ~an [,r,:)t:ljn you[' WiI"I!fl h.o~d, (I'1lJ o pIlInGPt .lil ordar ill! 'oTI,lml, him unt11 ygU ~.Te- o.u~ of d;;I.II'II!ll:er 8J:l.o. well on g~~; (P. MU~, 1:28'1. If i'~ 1!!,; llJeC~5BEY bllit "til aecasrcn shulJ.Ild ~;le'rC!r arm ' lr: thiil' d'i!!<:31'm, is. PWPOf~Y I:!x,ecl1'tilGd, you !GiL!" throw your C'fLe:my te Kb ' p,:i'O'Uind 'b-y twi-sih,g J;.t!l band g.1,!,~ .... 'a~, ,EUi!~ d'OWill ~!'1Id ~ellJdil1lg a ~'bIlC!l:: Iki'l:''k 'W hl~ "~tI~!ea.,
11;,1] ~hf.leJ~' disarms iT'riiLl!lded. in t.'hl~ oth~'l1"ter iBI.n!i ex'C~Ld~d :LIiI 1 sa '!.t;U:I,n a ~!'Jiud and '"~ only way to achie"o'e thil'ii ~rullily Is too :pl"acrtic • ~ [l1',aC!tice snd ~;;.r.f:l-~.,
Never .£Iit1l;~pt to di ;:;'fjn lLt'll e'J'l£imy lt he jl; mot, witltlll1i lll'ms. J:'CbI!l;!h ~hl.C't!o a.ny. il,tte:mp~ woy~.d, ibr;:' [utile duo tQ ll'!r~ e1'E!men ts ef time !i!i!l'lr:'!l d:i;!;t! anee,
'nl!rITrY atFJJ],diJpg b:1 ~roJ]t (;Ii£' you com~;J:lids h.}yj,l!. y.o.u n.i!S r!!- you l' arms, Aft eX' ];;J.l !t1.1l1i g ym.U· ,IIr['.IllS <!~t;.fiInant stc-];»; arms .r.eiRC"lt miillkirr,g i~ poo:9s,1ble f'tlx )Tll!I '1.0 eH:s.i!y disa['m him. Sud!denly sid~ !Step' to~h len and <J'~ 'I;.hr!:' same tiltl~ fUlih ol!!ponEiI'l'·:O; r.1Jj!hrt Iii Illdl ~g. hi'5 l.ef~ !;id~ ~th )',,"Ul" Imt nil~. PIece 'I;.hl! thumb ®f y.D'LU· Idl hllilld i:;;r;.t ween '~n index. ,BlJd fiblgGr jQ 'i'i:
Qf (tlppoiii ent i~ ;r gilt hand, It L!I '!JIE!['Y im porlrlant 'to !llde .st6Ji.l' q~kk'ly 'to, thi • left 50 tlu .. t yau.r bed)' 1.:11
~~y;t of ["BIng D~r the p1~ti!.d·~ m:L.L:Z.7.1c bn ease lI!i?i?Dnent should al:Jlu~ the trigger'.
Gra.b the l'.r; :rr.el. of the: 1P,(sil:o-l with YOUIr rl~hm. ihand ;.r,tlod push muzzle t.o1,l'oitn;]. O,[)'lJ'OO!Tit 5,0 ii' '~~I.!It!Ji~ shot ld rl!l:le ill' will only injiill'\i! Bi~ll!f~;:ni.'t. T:h;",l."c' ls a gF'e~~' oiuMOUblt of Iflres,gIJ.l[,£j or'll oppe"~T:tt"5. t.:L"j~!II:['!'J, :fili1g~;r w~ eh forees him te Iese bis gr.ip gl"l the IPU;"IJ 1.
By t:,"i:!ltMf1I~ appo~eJ'lJIj;I~ l' ght • h;,r r'1~~ . to Ihi~ right aido ;ma, push I r~H: on thre pl!:;;lO~ .. 'nth your :M.i;h' Ih:md you " ... i~l be aJblG U! ~Hy remove the' w~pr:;r.Th from l1i:;; g:r.,BrI:!P,
Aft>er taki:ng p·~lA.ll out of fJ!1[poll£mt';Ej :r,i~t hand step '!'.'·l,), 'ih'om hi m !:ru lhat he 'IN LH mo!l. b~' 1)1tr.le to gr;J'h you or '~Ir::- pistol.
A_f'Lecm'" you have 5.Ub.dlIl.lN an enem" B. good ';:Qrne-iU~iJlnN; held is ..... aluable 8nd] n~sary ~! ,ynu QQ nut have ;IjJ pistol OJj".rom Q·th£-r w t1-1Jit,i~-
'["he f:hl'Sl: ,hold] is v 1::,,/ sili!1plo .a~,d [J'i!".i!'ec:ti'!fl!!·_ SG~2le O'P'f!'!Jli!en'~'r; .:riiUht 'fl>T.if:fI.iffJi ~!2'a1" the WTi~t w,itl!l your ;r.1~ht h:::'.l:ld I P]'tA)iQ 129J_ Theon qu:ic~ly p]I&u::e YiiJil,.!l[' 1~~ ,;;i!l;",m ~ns:Lde .hi5' :rm nod :;;:e;iz;{l ms I"' hi-.! ncQl witt.. YoOUr l(!U hand. Hi:!; clbew 'il.,.m be .s~u.r-ed <on Ute :h-"llide 0:1 ymu!" llEft i?lbG1w W th. IPrG!lSIl.I[,'~ ag,am7lBl IhlB w['ist" B)' applyi!il~ pt"eS.<:ureagainst hi!> hand Uti;)' oppgn'Cot will t~~·t ~lI:rn: ~ }'OOU Wh~l hi~ lG'ft hamd. b ~e;JI;ISe' l!ie can ree:l to his. dism y timt Y.UU Qj) n ei1;}Lly break his w.r~lSl!i. tPhlj)'oo ]])J(rl. Frem '!'> puS: t M~. you can lake Jo'1:lUl' prDliJIlln;;:-r i,(J, tt! • lll'1tCp.~ ,811thoriti,e;g lOr dj5ipO..:i~ of him in any W'IY ,~~I1.J, wls:'h.
~~~~!.t....:.j~:£!.&:l5iI'i~~~~= I.~g,
N~. 1'~ ~ H..'\.M~'(ER]_'OCK
If you are l;v;el!'" mIl. a pO:5itiun 'I,!il put a hammc]'"I'~lil;~ on lin i[lpplJ<r~ 'nil: gltaD I1ma ~eft c1bmll w:lth ymrl' I ·n hanfll and wHh yuuli"' rmght hand ::O;J;:.]:ze his lef ih;JndJ IlIL'liH· the wei '!;. 31I"1d fon:4!' ibis .arm I!iIJ h~i3 baclll:.. A fi;.<"r fct["ci:"soppon nf~, arm ..... -11 I<II~ hl!l, back apL:JIly P'.!"~i.I.r.~' on appo![jC'l'1!t":s wlt,li;t iI:i~ ll.i"li'II JiK 1115 b.Bllild il)utw.hi"-illI with his (inger. pr.!1!i"iting tewarda the g~u'rid ~ Photo 13H. Apply F~lef.ltJ" O'f []ll'iZ!:s5url3 (It! iJ'P'F~~m~1i.t'~ aem and hli! ...... il1 i'ifIt fi:~'~.eL1I1IPI. to· ~1;I::i1P~ fi'QT;Jl, th~.~ positi.on.
Th'l: adv,E!r.!Iary m&iY .atb:·:m F~L i'o, kkk y.Du diO bi? en gtJi:".rd. fuli"' al1Y sudden kich and keep p[ell'lJ;y !(;If pre.!ISW"'e en the priaoncr's shoulder, ellbow nm:!l wt'l:;;~-
I) I
No.. ~':5, ~ PRESSURE AGA~N8T Ew":~OW
[f' ".iIl ~~~n ... rr..'~, ;(j,ttempt~ tCJ. a~Y.i.I!::i:!
Y(j.1JJ 0:1:" ,gH'b yOUl step ha~1!:: 8J1d s:e:U218 hi!; arm, lc~ ~:s: ~~i' hts 1':i~t ;Q't.'t~, with Y>OUl" r:ight hiilJ]lii fiPhoto Hi2),.
Pl1d] ~El'rl!tllllH;;;nll;: l~lJ;"W"'~ jJf:f b .. ,it;mCol; and ;oil: the ~me ~ime i!!tri"ilke: :Mrn ,hll U}i;l' jl.!lW' '!J'.~i'~h ~"ou[, l'!3h e:~b!J-w ~ Photo :t3S~ ..
CiJ'!'!it~Ji!l!i!e '~hl:1' ci-n::lililg motion. of ~Dle. leU arm &ncli ,p'ktii;!Ji::; il:h· ldt fiti'J'"!!.? !Jtm y!i!dIC"L"' op,ponent';!l ['ight 81'mf), above hk;: If':Ubo.w nlli!iillL 8cizc ylJlUE cllJlthilllig 'L'IIIth nile- lefii: h.ullId (WI,d, ilIp,ply pxe:::i5uil'E! w,uth your' TI~ht 1:"i!3:nd, by itwts.ti:LlI.g O'.pIJ!Q~~,"'n V:'i: a.nIJ. 001Ji~Wifiir.d~ ;[iIi1Id d4JW~ ~,PhoW 1.134).
Noti2' the pos:j:KioJl ,a.ppone;rit"!jl ll&:t:i.d ~a f'a.<C'iI1lS w,n!31il t'!;I_j"'rt'L"d outw::..fni:!!$, DrJo Ilitl't .ijj1l1"Jl ..... i1liPpOJl!Eiltt ,~, s~e,p ~n fror.;t ~f' :Y'll!.ll:r' lef[ :f.a~~, wjth l:ti!l! ,r:~glliE; f'OCJ.t, ai[i'J~e hi!!! w:LIl Iiladn Ms b:!l'U:,mee and may bceak )'illil,!!lI" hold, l'h C'L"iL".t(ll 00 , kill€P,' Y'!JILUI' iQyil!S on OPPiJlJ't'Eot':::;, rjgM kg ~ ltg, U' he :ElJUe!mJpt!il to ,P:U::'£"l:!! !l:ll!'l, ,ir.l~h~ l~~ i.n f.rnitiJi ~~I }'OI!l!i.'!I, ql!Jlcikly plaoE! YOYII' ieh ~e.c' in lriJIJl'~ of his right le:g and. l!lliil ~o th-e grelJlnd. iI3,y i n~ 'I:;Q th~ ji!IOlllfu:lI" !i"!!~~O!rieElt'~ ,iJ,Wnn wm ~ iblfo.K:eal at the, elbow j.ol'tlIi :!i!ince the 'WeriJ.g1Jit' ;lJf your eUKUl'e body 18.'1:ldG. IOIi1 l:i:icG, out:!i;tl';Hl1:hed a[,m ..
Ilnse:l"t; ~'Cilll[, :ieft ,Eiil'm between. O'l~l]lCil".ieTli~':S :uight albow so that )'iliiYf Lelt ~~I,Hd :t'(."Stg ~iI1I ~ i:£ :ri~3;t iBhifI,ilMe]'. '['};4]! iIi'iSi~c- Oor ~"'QIJr (!-l~Jw pl"ev.ent5- 0pjponent's :f>OTearm :f:t<m'rll eS:C;!l,pi[i'J~ a:ndl by a,ppiHying P[\Qs.sure ,EIig!'1in:;t his .should'8i'" Y01:1 Caln l~['OO oll1'po;nc!'1i~ flJiEW~irdi (PhO't.'Q i,~~:1i;)_
W.ith th~ i[',ignt hand S'Dio:JlJ QPPIJiJL'!Jnf.:> heh!''L,,",~ and .p"-!lU h~:i' h~ 1bacl\::W8!ro (iP'halkJ .1:3il1i)_
Tl't!3 p;l!iii11 i~ i~ir,ifj,<C' and ),Ot.!Jl' opponnnt wil'U O'bE~Y :fiDur 'iXimm~ii1~!!j: W;t~l .-:Jl8:J!l;Ilfi!!. Keep :p'~enty cd~!I--..u·e: cl!uliAi'ilIW.l[\~ On lh~ o:p:p,[iI1@l'1i~i:s sliio!J1~de<Jf and if !he m:;:j,:,;tl; a,p,ply ,Eli lijykik pn,:,;sun! dowmw~:njtli whi4;.h. wm :r:r~4;.'l1.Lit1: ]; i_.,; ~lbJ,(jw ~l1Id .gJls'!Oo(,~ h ~s, .:s];;(t;I!cI],d<J:I",
]] Ci11;!3my '~:i' 1iiQ.'~ w;;;'!ilI~ng ·111 ,ncLl'!'1;ot sci~C" thl:1 !hail' >!Lndi iPun 'bacik,w,iud •
. '