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The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government: With Additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi and Chapters on the Serious and Fatal Blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese Science of the Restoration of Life
The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government: With Additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi and Chapters on the Serious and Fatal Blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese Science of the Restoration of Life
The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government: With Additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi and Chapters on the Serious and Fatal Blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese Science of the Restoration of Life
Ebook525 pages2 hours

The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government: With Additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi and Chapters on the Serious and Fatal Blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese Science of the Restoration of Life

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About this ebook

Written by the American author, Harrie Irving Hancock (1868-1922), this unique manual offers a detailed, practical introduction to the history and essential techniques of Jiu-Jitsu combat and provides an excellent companion for anyone interested in learning about the spirit of the discipline. Tricks are presented in three sections, and the complete contents include: A foreword By H. Irving Hancock - Preface By Katsukuma Higashi - Rules Governing Jiu-Jitsu contests - in Japan - Section I - Section II - Section III - The Serious and Fatal Blows - Kuatsu, Or The Restoration of Life. Featuring the original illustrations from its first publication in 1904, and featuring a new biography, we are republishing the classic text in high quality and affordable edition.
Release dateJun 14, 2011
The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government: With Additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi and Chapters on the Serious and Fatal Blows and on Kuatsu the Japanese Science of the Restoration of Life

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    The Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu - Jiudo - The Official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese Government - H. Irving Hancock




    No. 1. Trick 1. Phase 1

    First of all it is of great importance that the pupil should learn to fall correctly. Skill in this seemingly simple art of throwing himself just right will save the pupil from many injuries, and make his work easier, as he goes on in the practice of the art. Illustration No. 1 shows the standing position for the start in falling.

    Trick 1. Phase 2

    Fall lightly on the palms, with thumbs and fingers pointing invariably forward. Failing with the hands so placed prevents sprains or fractures of the arms. In this fall the left foot should go well back, while the right foot takes a long step forward. The weight of the body is supported, for the most part, on the toes of the right foot, as is shown in illustration No. 2.

    Trick 1. Phase 3

    Quickly bring back the right foot to a position beside the left. Practise strongly sustaining the weight of the body on the toes and palms.

    No. 2. Trick 1. Phase 2

    No. 3. Trick 1. Phase 3

    Trick 1. Phase 4

    Raise your back as high as possible, then lower it again, and repeat as long as this exercise can be continued without strain. Illustration No. 4 shows the back at its highest elevation.

    Trick 1. Phase 5

    Lower the body, as shown in illustration, until it rests on the chest only. No other portion of the trunk may touch the floor, and the feet may touch only at the toes. Do not let the knees touch the floor.

    No. 4. Trick 1. Phase 4

    No. 5. Trick 1. Phase 5

    Trick 2. Phase 1

    Take the starting point as directed in Phase 4 of Trick 1. Fall quickly to the right (or left) side in such way that the shoulder cannot be made to touch the ground. Illustration No. 6 shows the method of falling to the right.

    Trick 2. Phase 2

    Practise falling to the left, as depicted in illustration No. 7.

    Note.—No student of jiu-jitsu should neglect repeated and earnest practice in the two foregoing tricks. Always in landing on the palms, make sure that the fingers and thumbs point forward. Falling upon the hands with fingers and thumbs pointing sideways, or to the rear, involves the risk of breaking wrists, elbows, or shoulders.

    No. 6. Trick 2. Phase 1

    No. 7. Trick 2. Phase 2

    No. 8. Trick 3. Phase 2

    Phase 1 is the same as in Trick 1, Phase 1.

    Phase 2. Practise this slowly at first, but with increasing rapidity as time goes on. Resting the weight of the body on the left leg, advance the right leg well forward, and come down to squatting position, holding your arms well forward, as if trying to throw an adversary over a shoulder or at either side of the body. Then reverse the practice by starting with all the weight borne on the right leg and sending the left leg forward as you come down to the squat. Next practise the same feat by starting with the weight of the body resting on the toes of one foot. The heel of that foot must not touch the floor until the squatting position has been reached, as shown in illustration No. 8. This work must be mastered thoroughly by the beginner, or many of the throws described in the illustrations and text to follow cannot be made with certainty.

    No. 9. Trick 4. Phase 1

    Standing ready to fall, as when thrown by an adversary. Illustration No. 9 shows the right leg to be well forward, and the body held in an easy position.

    No. 10. Trick 4. Phase 2

    Turn to the side on which you are to fall. Lean well forward on the leg of the side to which you are to fall. Study the position as shown in illustration No. 10. It is highly important that, at the very outset of this fall, the head be depressed well against the chest, and turned to the opposite side from that on which you are to fall.

    No. 11. Trick 4. Phase 3

    In continuation throw a somersault backward so that neither the head nor the point of the shoulder touch the ground. Land, instead, on the shoulder-blade. See illustration No. 11.

    No. 12. Trick 4. Phase 4

    In instant continuation of the somersault come up to the position shown in the illustration above. Rest on the knee of the side to which you fall. The other knee is to be slightly extended, as shown. The relative position of the knees must never be varied. The position at recovery that is shown in illustration No. 12 is to be gained with exactness.

    No. 13. Trick 5. Phase 1

    Take the position shown in illustration No. 13, with your left hand at your opponent’s elbow; your right hand seizes him at his upper left arm.

    No. 14. Trick 5. Phase 2

    Swiftly change the hold With your left hand to one under opponent’s elbow, push his elbow up, and drag his arm toward you. This forces your opponent to advance his right foot. Just at the instant before this foot of his touches the floor kick his ankle at the outside and throw him. See illustration No. 14.

    No. 15. Trick 6. Phase 1

    When your opponent seizes you at the under sides of the upper arms make a quick change so as to seize him under his upper arms. See illustration No. 15.

    No. 16. Trick 6. Phase 2

    In the preceding phase the assailant’s left foot was forward. The assailant now quickly steps his left foot backward, at the same time yanking his victim’s left arm toward him. This forces victim to throw his left foot inside of his assailant’s right foot, and the assailant now kicks the exposed ankle, as shown in illustration No. 16, and makes a throw as in preceding trick.

    No. 17. Trick 7. Phase 2

    Phase 1. Stand at the position shown in Phase 1 of Trick 6.

    Phase 2. Move across the floor sideways. Your opponent, in order to keep his balance, is obliged to move his feet with yours. For instance, if you are forcing your adversary to move to his own right, watch until he has moved his right foot and is about to follow it with his left. Just before his left foot can touch the floor kick it at the ankle from the outside with your right foot, thus forcing his two feet together, as shown in illustration No. 17. Instantly, before your opponent has time to move his feet apart, throw him over your extended right foot.

    No. 18. Trick 8. Phase 2

    Phase 1. The position at beginning is the same as in Phase 1 of Trick 6.

    Phase 2. Pull the victim’s left arm forcibly toward you, forcing him to step forward on his left foot. Extend your right leg, so straight that the knee is stretched. Kick your opponent smartly at the outside of his left knee, as in illustration No. 18, and throw him quickly to his left. When kicking for the adversary’s knee in this trick it is of vital importance to make the kick with a very straight leg. Much practice should be had at this trick, kicking first with the right and then with the left foot.

    No. 19. Trick 9. Phase 1

    Give your opponent an opportunity to seize you at the belt with his right hand. With your left hand instantly seize his under right arm just above the elbow. With your right hand seize him, at the same time, at the edge of his coat just below the lapel, as shown in illustration No. 19.

    No. 20. Trick 9. Phase 2

    Move your right leg, with a wide sweep, around to the left of your opponent, seeking opportunity to bring your right knee with smart forceful impact against the outside of his left knee, making it impossible for the adversary to move his left foot quickly. Now, by the control that you have over his body by means of your hold on his right arm and at the left edge of his coat, throw your opponent over your right knee to the ground.

    No. 21. Trick 10. Phase 1

    Give your adversary a chance to seize you at your shoulder. As he does so slip your thumb inside his coat sleeve and take the firmest hold possible. (If he wears regulation street coat the hold can be taken as well as on a coat with sleeve of elbow length.) It makes no difference where you seize him with your other hand. Study illustration No. 21.

    No. 22. Trick 10. Phase 2

    When in the position described in the preceding phase, let go of your adversary with your right hand. Pass this right hand, open, swiftly up before his face in order to confuse him. At the same instantiraise your right foot high and pass it by his right thigh, your right foot landing on the ground well behind your opponent. Now, swiftly turn your back to your opponent, bringing his captured right arm under your right shoulder. Still retaining the original hold with your left hand, use your right hand to seize his right wrist. Bending well forward, as shown in illustration No. 22, straighten your left knee with strong pressure against the outside of your antagonist’s right

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