The Single Most Important Precaution in Rigging and Hoisting Is To Determine Load Weight Before Attempting Any Lift
The Single Most Important Precaution in Rigging and Hoisting Is To Determine Load Weight Before Attempting Any Lift
The Single Most Important Precaution in Rigging and Hoisting Is To Determine Load Weight Before Attempting Any Lift
Only one person should signal the operator.But anyone can give the STOP signal and it
must be obeyed immediately.
Signals should be clear and, wherever possible,barehanded.
The load should be directed so that it never passes over anyone.
Operators should not make a move until they receive and understand your signal. If
between you and the operator is broken forany reason, the operation must stop.
Some situations call for two signallers. Forinstance, during a concrete pour, one signaller
may be needed to direct the lift while theother directs the drop.
Where a difficult lift demands voice communication, use two-way radios instead of
hand signals.
The single most important precaution in rigging and hoisting is to determine
load weight
before attempting any lift.
At the same time, riggers must also
determine the available capacity of the equipment being used
rig the load so that it is stable (unless the centre of gravity of the load is directly below
the hook,
the load will shift)
make allowances for any unknown factors.
In addition, riggers must be aware of common hazards, factors that reduce capacity, the
and use of slings, and safe practices in rigging, lifting, and landing loads.
Common Hazards
Defective components.Examine all hardware, equipment, tackle, and slings before use.
Destroy any defective components. Equipment merely discarded may be picked up and
by someone unaware of its defects.
Unsafe equipment.Do not use any equipment that is suspected to be unsafe or
unsuitable until
its suitability has been verified by a competent person.
Hazardous wind conditions.Never carry out any hoisting or rigging operation when
create hazards for workers, the general public, or property. Assess load size and shape to
determine whether high winds may cause problems. In particular, avoid handling loads
present large wind-catching surfaces. Even though the weight of the load is within the
capacity of the equipment, high or gusting winds may prevent proper control during the
Wind-loading can be critical to how the load is rigged, lifted, and landed, with
consequences for
the safety of everyone involved. When winds reach 25-30 mph, consider limiting hoisting
Hazardous weather conditions.When the visibility of riggers or hoist crew is impaired
by snow,
fog, rain, darkness, or dust, strict supervision must be exercised and, if necessary, the lift
be suspended. At sub-freezing temperatures, supervision must ensure that no part of the
hoisting device or tackle is shock-loaded or impacted, since brittle fracture of the steel
Electrical contact.One of the most frequent killers of riggers is electrocution caused by
electrical arc or contact between the hoist, load line, or load and a live overhead
When a crane is operating near a live powerline and the load, hoist lines, or any other part
of the
hoisting operation could encroach on the minimum permitted distance (see table below),
measures described in the Construction Regulation must be taken. For example,
must have written procedures to prevent contact whenever equipment operates within
minimum permitted distance from a live overhead powerline. The constructor must have
of the procedure available for every employer on the project.
Never use damaged slings. Inspect slings regularly to ensure their safety. Check wire rope
for kinking(Uljha Howa), wear(Damaged), abrasion(Kharash), broken wires, worn or cracked
fittings, loose seizings and splices,crushing, flattening, and rust or corrosion. Pay special
attention to the areas around thimblesand other fittings.
Slings should be marked with an identification number and their maximum capacity on a
ferrule or permanently attached ring. Mark the capacity of the sling for a vertical load or
at an
angle of 45. Ensure that everyone is aware of how the rating system works.
Avoid sharp bends, pinching, and crushing. Use loops and thimbles at all times. Corner
that prevent the sling from being sharply bent or cut can be made from split sections of
pipe, corner saddles, padding, or blocking.
Never allow wire rope slings, or any wire rope, to lie on the ground for long periods of
time or on
damp or wet surfaces, rusty steel, or near corrosive substances.
Avoid dragging slings out from underneath loads.
Keep wire rope slings away from flame cutting and electric welding.
Never make slings from discarded hoist rope.
Avoid using single-leg wire rope slings with hand-spliced eyes. The load can spin,
causing the
rope to unlay and the splice to pull out. Use slings with Flemish Spliced Eyes.
Never wrap a wire rope completely around a hook. The sharp radius will damage the
L greater than S
Multi-leg slings. Do not assume that a multi-leg bridle sling will safely lift a load equal to
safe load on one leg multiplied by the number of legs. There is no way of knowing that
each leg
is carrying its fair share of the load. With slings having more than two legs and a rigid
load, it is
possible for some of the legs to take practically the full load while the others merely
balance it.
As a result, when lifting rigid objects with three- or four-leg bridle slings, make sure that at
two of the legs alone can support the total load. In other words, consider multi-leg slings
used on
a rigid load as having only two legs. Where the load is flexible and can adjust itself to the
sling legs,
assume that each leg can take its own share of the load.
When using choker hitches, do not force the eye down towards the load once tension is
Rope damage is the invariable result.
Whenever two or more rope eyes must be placed over a hook, install a shackle on the
hook with
the shackle pin resting in the hook and attach the rope eyes to the shackle. This will
prevent the
spread of the sling legs from opening up the hook and prevent the eyes from damaging
other under load.
boom up.
The load block was pulled up into the boom tip
or jib tip sheaves. (This is called twoblocking.)
Incorrect signals were given or the signals were
not understood.
The fastenings were not the correct type or were
the wrong size.
The equipment failed from fatigue or damaged
The boom was raised too high.
The boom snapped back over the carrier cab
because the hoist cable broke.
The ground was not firm or the cribbing was
improperly stacked.
The operator was not trained to operate the
A supervisor did not approve the crane setup or
A supervisor made the decision to make the pick
against the judgment of the crane operator.
The urgency to complete the job overrode good
According to investigators, most of the accidents
are caused by operator error, although many are the
result of poor planning, lack of site supervision, and
mismanagement. Most of these accidents could have
been circumvented if everyone associated with the job
had been alert, knowledgeable, and safety-cautious.
Following are some actions that, if done properly,
would reduce hazards and possibly eliminate
1.Experienced -tajarbaa-kaar