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MIPS: A Microprocessor Architecture

John Hennessy, Norman Jouppi, Steven Przybylski, Christopher Rowen,

Thomas Gross, Forest Baskett, and John Gill

Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Stanford University

3. The RISC project relies on a straightforward instruction set

and straightforward compiler technology. MIPS will require
more sophisticated compiler technology and will gain
significant performance benefits from that technology. The
compiler technology allows a microcode-level instruction
set to appear like a normal instruction set to both code
generators and assembly language programmers.

MIPS is a new single chip VLSI microprocessor. It aftempts to

achieve high performance with the use of a simplified instruction
set, similar to those found in microengines. The processor is a fast
pipelined engine without pipeline interlocks. Software solutions
to several traditional hardware problems, such as providing
pipeline interlocks, are used.

The MIPS architecture is closer to the 801 architecture in many

aspects. In both machines the macroinstruction set maps very
directly to the microoperations of the processor. Both processors
may be thought of as architectures with micro-level user
instruction sets. Microcode is created by compilers and code
generators as it is needed to implement complex operations. The
primary differences lie in various architectural choices about
pipeline design, registers, opeodes and in the attempt in the MIPS
instruction set to make all the microengine parallelism available at
the user instruction set level. These attempts are most visible
within MIPS in the following ways: the two-part memory/ALU
and A L U / A L U instructions, the explicit pipeline interlocks, and
the conditional jump instructions.

MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipe Stages) is a new
general purpose microprocessor architecture designed to be
implemented on a single VLSI chip. The main goal of the design
is high performance in the execution of comPiled code. The
architecture is experimental since it is a radical break with the
trend of modern computer architectures. The basic philosophy of
MIPS is to present an instruction set that is a co~!apiler-driven
encoding of the microengine. Thus, little or no decoding is
needed and the instructions correspond closely to microeode
instructions. The processor is pipelined but provides no pipeline
interlock hardware; this function must be provided by software.

MIPS is designed for high performance. To allow the user to get

maximum perf~)rmance, the complexity of individual instructions
is minimized. This allows the execution of these instructions at
significantly higher speeds. To take advantage of simpler
hardware and an instruction set that easily maps to the
mieroinstruction set, additional compiler-type translation is
needed. This compiler technology makes a compact and timeefficient mapping between higher level constructs and the
simplified instruction set. The shifting of the complexity from the
hardware to the software has several major advantages:

The MIPS architecture presents the user with a fast machine with
a simple instruction set. This approach has been used by the IBM
8071_project I and is currently being explored by the RISC project
at Berkeley2; it is directly 'opposed to the approach taken by
architectures such as the VAX. However, there are significant
differences between the RISC approach and the approach used in
1. The RISC architecture is simple both in the instruction set
and the hardware needed to implement that instruction set.
Although the MIPS instruction set has a simple hardware
implementation (i.e. it requires a minimal amount of
hardware control), the user level instruction set is not as
straightforward, and the simplicity of the user level
instruction set is secondary to the performance goals.

The complexity is paid for only once during compilation.

When a user runs his program on a complex architecture,
he pays the cost of the architectural overhead cach time he
runs his progrmn.
It allows the concentration of energies on the software,
rather than constructing a complex hardware engine, which
is hard to design, debug, and efficiently utilize. Software is
not necessarily easier to construct, but the WLSI environment makes hardware simplicity important.

2. The thrust of the R I S C design is towards cfficient

implementation of a straightforward instruction set. In the
M1PS design, high performance from the hardware engine
is a primary goal, and the microengine is presented to the
end user with a minimal amount of interpretation. This
makes most of the microcngine's parallelism available at the
instruction set level.


1982 I E E E

The design of a high performance VLSI processor is drarnatically

affected by the technology. Among the most important design
considerations are: the effect of pin limitations, available silicon


area, and size/speed tradeoffs. Pin limitations force the careful

design of a scheme for multiplexing the available pins, especially
when data and instruction fetches are overlapped.
limitations and the speed of off-chip intercommunication require
choices between on- and off-chip functions as well as limiting the
complete on-chip design. With current state-of-the-art iechnology
either some vital component of the processor (such as memory
management) must be off-chip, or the size of the chip will make
both its performance and yields unacceptably low. Choosing what
functions are migrated off-chip must be done carefully so that the
performance effects of the partitioning are minimized. In some
cases, through careful design, the effects may be eliminated at
some extra cost for high speed off-chip functions.

architecture is simplicity of the pipeline structure. The simplified

structure has a fixed number of pipestages, each of the same
length. Because, the stages .can be used in varying (but related)
ways, pipline utilization improves. Also, the absence of
synchronization between stages of the pipe, increases the
performance of the pipeline and simplifies the hardware. The
simplified pipeline eases the handling of both interrupts and page
Although MIPS is a pipelined processor it does not have
hardware pipeline interlocks. This approach is often seen in low
and medium performance microengines. MIPS five stage pipeline
contains three active instructions at any time; either the odd or
even pipestages are active. The major pipestages and their tasks
are shown in Table 1.

Speed/complexity/area tradeoffs are perhaps the most important

and difficult phenomena to deal with. Additional on-chip
functionality requires more area, which also slows down the
performance of every other function. "Ibis occurs for two equally
important reasons: additional control and decoding logic increases the length of the critical path (by increasing the number of
active elements in the path) and each additional function
increases the length of internal wire delays. In the processor's data
path these wire delays can be substantial, since thy accumulate
both from bus delays, which occur when the data path is
lengthed, and control delays, which occur when the decoding and
control is expanded or when the data path is widened. In the
MIPS architecture we have attempted to control these delays;
however, they remain a dominant factor in detexTnining the speed
of the processor.


Table 1" Major pipestages and their functions

I n s t r u c t i o n Fetch

Hnemonic Task
Send out the PC,
increment i t

Instruction Decode


Decode instruction

Operand Decode


Compute effectivo
address and send tO
memory i f load or
store, use ALU

Operand Store/


Store: w r i t e operand/
"Execution: use ALU

Operand Fetch


Load: read operand

Interlocks that are required because of dependencies brought out

by pipelining are not provided by the hardware. Instead, these
interlocks must be statically provided where they areneeded by a
pipeline reorganizer. This has two benefits:
1. A more regular and faster harclware implementation is
possible since it does not have the usual complexity
associated with a pipelined machine. Hardware interlocks
cause small delays for ,all instructions, regardless of their
relationship on other instructions. Also, interlock hardware
tends to be very complex and nonregular 3,4. qhe lack of
such hardware is especially important for VLSI implementations, ~vhere regularity and simplicity is important.



The fastest execution of a task on a microengine would be one in

which all resources of the microengine were used at a 100% duty
cycle performing a nonrcdundant and algorithmically efficient
encoding of the task. The MIPS microengine attempts to achieve
this goal. The user instruction set is an encoding of the
microengine that makes a maximum amount of the microengine
available. This goal motivated many of the design decisions
found in the architecture.

2. Rearranging operations at compile time is better than

delaying them at mn time.
With a good pipeline
reorganizer, most cases where interlocks are avoidable
should be found and taken advantage of. This results in
performance better than a comparable machine with
hardware interlocks, since usage of resources will not be
delayed. In cases where this is not detected or is not
possible, no-ops must be inserted into the code. This does
not slow down execution compared to a similar machine
with- hardware interlocks, but does increase code size. The
shifting of work to a reorganizer would be a disadvantage if
it took excessive amounts of computation. It appears this is
not a problem for our first reorganizer.

MIPS is a load/store architecture, i.e. data may be operated on

only when it is in a register and only load/store instructions access
memory. If data operands are used repeatedly in a basic block of
code, having them in registers will prevent redundant load/stores
and redundant addressing calculations; this allows higher
throughput since more operations directly related to the
computation can be performed. The only addressing modes
supported are immediate, based with offset, indexed, or base
shifted. ~ibese addressing modes may require fields from the
instruction itself, general registers, and one ALU or shifter
~peration. Another ALU operation available in the fourth stage
of every instruction can be used for a (possibly unrelated)
computation. Another major benefit derived from the load/store

In the MIPS pipeline resource usage is permanently allocated to


lions wasattempted in an irregular fashion.

various pipe stages. Rather than having pipeline stages compete

for the ase of resources through queues or priority schemes, the
machine's resources are dedicated to specific stages so that they
are 100% utilized. In Figure I, the allocation of resources to
individual pipe stages is shown. When concurrendy executing
pipe stages are overlayed, all available resources can be used.

MIPS has one instruction size, and all instructions execute in the
.,ame amount of time (one data memory cycle). This choice
simplifies the construction of code generators for the architecture
(by eliminating many nonobvious code sequences for different
functions) and makes the construction of a synchronous regular
pipeline much easier. Additionally, the fact'that each maeromstruction is a single microinstruction of fixed length and execution
time means that a minimum amount of internal state is needed in
the processor. The absence of this internal state leads to a faster
processor and minimizes the difficulty of supporting interrupts
and page faults.

Figure I: Resource Allocation by Pipestage

Resource Allocation by Pipestage

Figure 1



R e s o u r c e s of t h e m i c r o e n g i n e

The major functional components of the microengine include:


ALU resources: A high speed, 32-bit carry lookahead ALU

with hardware support for multiply and divide; and a barrel
shitter with byte insert and extract capabilities. Only one of
the ALU resources is usable at a time. Thus within the class
of ALU resources, functional units can not be fully used
even when the class itself is used 100%.





, icmor'

Internal bus resources: Two 32-bit bidirectional busses,

each connecting almost all functional components.


On chip storage: Sixteen 32-bit general,purpose registers.

Of) EX

~:)en I



Memory resources: Two memory interfaces, one for

instructions and one for data. reach of the parts of the
memory resource can be 100% utilized (subject to packing
and instruction space usage) because either one store or
load form data memol3, and one instruction fetch can occur


ores ALU reserved for use by OOand EX

To achieve 100% utilization primitive operations in the microengine (e.g., load/store, AI.U operations) must be completely
packed into maeroinstructions. This is not possible for three
1. Dependencies can prevent full usage of the microengine,
for example when a sequence of register loads must be done
before an ALU operation or when no-ops must be inserted.

A multistage PC unit: An incrementable current PC with

Storage of ono branch target as well as four previous PC
values. These are required by the pipelining of'instructions
and interupt and exception handling.

The instruction set

Z An encoding that preserved all the parallelism (i.e., the

microcontrol word itsel0 would be too large. This is not
serious problem since many of the possible microinstructions are not useful.

All MIPS instructions are 32-bits. The user instruction set is a

compiler-based encoding of the micromachine.
Static and
dyn,'unie instruction set efficiency, as detcn:ained by a code
generator, is used to decide what micromachine features to
encode into macroinstructim~s in the architecture. Multiple
simple (and possibly unrelated)instruction pieces are packed
togetlter into an instruction word. 'lhe basic instruction pieces
l. ALU pieces - these instructions are all register/register (2
and 3 operand form:=ts). 'lllcy all use less that1 1/2 of an
instruction word.
Included in this category are byte
insert/extract, two b!t l~oolhs multiply step, and one bit
nonrcstoring divide step, ,as well as ,,,taudard AI,U and
logical oper, ttions.

3. The encoding of the microcngine presented in the instruction set ~acrifiees some functional specification for immediate data. In the worst case, space in the instrxlcti.on word
used for loading large immediate values takes up the space
norumlly used for a b;Lse register, displacement, and ALU
operation specification. In this case the memory interface
and AI,U can nut be used during the pipe stage for which
they are dedicated.
Nevertheless, first results on micrucngine utilization am
e,~eouraging. Many instructions fully utilize the major resources
ofthe machine. Other instructions, s~Jch~ Io;id immediate which
use few of the resources of the m:lchine, would mandate greatly
increased control complexity if ovett~tp with surrounding instruc-

2. Load/store picce,~ - these iustrucli,ns load and store


memory operands. They use between 16 and 32 bits of an

instruction word. When a load instruction is less than 32
bits, it may be packaged with an ALU instruction, which is
executed during the Execution stage of the pipeline.

The solution we have chosen to this pl:oblem is to separate the

data and instruction memory systems. Separation of program and
data is a regular practice on many machines; in file MIPS system
it allows us to significantly increase performance. Another benefit
of the separation is that it allows the use of a cache only for
instructions. Because the instruction memory can be treated as
read-only memory (except when a program is being loaded), the
cache control is simple. The use of an instruction cache allows
increased performance by providing more time during the critical
instruction decode pipe stage.

3. Control flow pieces - these include direct jumps and

compare instructions with relative jumps. MIPS does not
have condition codes, but includes a rich collection of set
conditionally and comp,'ire and jump instructions. The set
conditional instructions provide a powerful implementation
for conditional expressions. They set a register to all l's or
O's based on one of 16 possible comparisons done during
the operand decode stage. During the Execution stage an
ALU operation is available for logical operations with other
booleans. The compare and jump instructions are direct
encodings of the micromacfiine: the operand decode stage
computes the address of the branch target and the
Execution cycle does the comparison. All branch instructions have a delay in their effect of one instruction; i.e., the
next sequential instruction is always executed.

Faults and interrupts

The MIPS architecture will support page faults, externally
generated interrupts, and internally generated traps (arithmetic
overflow). The necessary hardware to handle such things in a
pipelined architecture usually large and complex 3,4. Furthermore, this is an area where the lack of sufficient hardware support
makes the construction of systems software impossible. However,
because the MIPS instruction set is not interpreted by a
microengine (with its own state), hardware support for page faults
and interrupts is significantly simplified.

4. Other instructions - inc!ude procedure and interrupt

linkage. The procedure linkage instructions also fit easily
into the micromachine format of effective address calculation and register-register computation instructions.

To handle interrupts and page faults correctly, two important

properties are required. First, the architecture must ensure correct
shutdown of the pipe, without executing any faulted instructions
(such as the instruction which page faulted). Most present
microprocessors can not perform this function correctly (e.g.
Motorola 68000, Zilog ZS000, and the Intel 8086). Second, the
processor must be able to correctly restore the pipe ,and continue
execution as if the interrupt or fault had not occurred.

MIPS is a word-addressed machine. This provides several major

performance advantages over a byte addressed architecture. First,
the use of word addressing simplifies the memory interface since
extraction and insertion hardware is not needed. This is
particularly important, since instruction and data fetch/store are
in a critical path. Second, when byte data (characters) can be
handled in word blocksl the computation is much more efficient.
Last, the effectiveness of short offsets from base register is
multiplied by a factor of four.

These problems are significantly eased in MIPS because of the

location of writes within the pipe stages. In MIPS all instructions
which can page fault do not write to any storage, either registers
or memory, before the fault is detected. The occurrence of a page
fault need only turn off writes generated by this and any
instructions following it which are already in the pipe. These
following instructions also have not written to any storage before
the fault occurs.
The instruction preceding the faulting
instruction is guaranteed to be executable or to fault in a
restartable manner even after the instruction following it faults.
The pipeline is drained and control is transferred to a general
purpose exception handler. To correctly restart execution three
instructions need to be reexecuted. A multistage PC tracks these
instructions and aids in correctly executing them.

MIPS does not directly support floating point arithmetic. For

applications where such computations are infrequent, floating
point operations implemented with integer opcrations and field
insertion/extraction sequences should be sufficient. For more
intensive applications a numeric co-processor similar to the Intel
8087 would be appropriate.

Systems issues
The key systems issues are the memory system, and internal traps
and external interrupt support.

The memory system

Software issues

The use of memory mapping hardware (off chip in the current

design) is needed to support virtual memory. Modern microprocessors (Motorola 68000) are already faced with the problem
that thesum of the memory access time and the memory mapping
time is too long to allow the processor to run at full speed. This
problem is compounded in MIPS; the effect of pipelining is that a
single instruction/data memor3/ must provide acce~ at
approximately twice the normal rate (for 64k RAMS).

The two major components of the MIPS software system are

compilers ,and pipeline reorganizers. The input to a pipeline
reorganizer is a sequence of simple MIPS instructions or
instruction pieces generated without taking the pipeline interlocks
and instruction packing features into account. This relieves the
compiler from the task of dealing with the restrictions that are
imposed by the pipeline constraints on lega! co.';e ~;equences. The


reorganizer reorders the instructions to make maximum use of the

pipeline while enforcing the pipeline interlocks in the code. It also
packs the instruction pieces to maximize use of each instruction
word. Lastly. the pipeline reorganizer handle,s the effect of
branch delays. This software is an important part of the MIPS
architecture. It is responsible for making the low-level
microarchitecture into a usable and comprehensible instruction
seL Since the exact details of pipeline interlocks and branch
delays may change between implementations, the architecture is
actually defined by the input to the pipeline reorganizer.

"l'l~e optimization of delayed branches ks the control-now

conterpart of code reorganization. Our algorithm for branch
delay optimization examines the targets of the branch in an
attempt to obtain useful instructions to execute during the delay
time. "l'he branch delay algorithm6 can obtain space and time
improvements in the range of 10-20% for the MIPS branch

Present status and conclusions

The entire MIPS processor has oeen raid out and partitioned into
a set of six test chips that cover all the data path a n d control
functions on the chip. Four test chips have been sent out for
fabrication as of August 1982; we expect send the remainder to
fabrication during August 1982.

Since all instructions execute in the same time, and most

instructions generated by a code generator will not be full MIPS
instruction set, the instruction packing can be very effective in
reducing execution time. In fully packed instructions, e.g. a load
combined with an ALU instruction, all the major processor
resources (both memory interfaces, the alu, busses and control
logic) are used 100% of the time.

In the software area. code generators have been written for boll:
C and PascaL These code generators produce simple instructions,
relying on a pipeline reorganizer. A complete version of the
pipeline reorganizer is running. An instruction level simulator is
being used to obtain performance estimates.

The basic optimization techniques aoplied to the code sequences

i reorder instruction sequencesto remove pipeline interlocks,

Figure 2 shows the floorplan of the chip. The dimensions of the

chip are approximately 6.9 by 7.2 mm with a minimum feature
size of 4 p. (i.e. }~ = 2 p,). The chip area is heavily dedicated to the
data path as opposed to control structure, but not as radically as
in RISC implementation. -Early estimates of performance seem to
indicate that we should ac;hieve approximately 2 MIPS (using the
Puzzle program7 as a benchmark) compared to other architect~tres
executing compiler generated code. We expect to have more
accurate and complete benchmarks available in the near future.

2. pack together instruction pieces into a single MIPS

3. remove the cffccts of delayed branches
In some cases it may be ncccssary to insert no-ops to prevefit
illegal pipeline interactions or to accomodate delayed branches.
Also, pieces of instructions may be left blank whenever no i)ietm
is available to pack with the instruction.
The reorganization problem is discussed in detail in another
paperS; the problem is shown to be NP-complete and a set of
heuristic solutions is proposed. The reorganization algorithm is
essentially an instruction scheduling algorithm. The basic algorithm is
1. Read in the program in assembly language and create a dag
indicating precedence scheduling relationships among the

Figure 2: MIPS Floorplan




2. Determine which groups of instructions can be schcduled

for exec.ution next and eliminate the others,

3. Heuristically choose an instruction to shcdule from the

,executable instructions. Attempt to choose an instruction
that can be packed with the last instruction executed and
that will allow the rest of the code to be scheduled with a
minimum number of no-ops.



The reorganization problem is made difficult but the potential

presence of overlal~ping resource utilitation in parallel code
streams. This overlap nmst be detected before scheduling of
either stream occurs; once it is detected, a deadlock state where
neither stream can be scheduled for execution is avoidable. "lhese
reorganization techniques (without the instruction packing) can
obtain performance improvements of 5-.10% over code that must
~'ait for co!nplction of a previously dependent instructiolt. The
use of in.qtructiot~ packi,~g increases the relative effcctivenc~ of
this reorganization.


"II~e following chart compares the MIPS proccs,qor to the

Motovt~la 6~00() rtltmin~ Ihe I'u~'zle benclituatk v~ritlett ht C ~ith
no optin~iz,ltinn or regi,~ter atka"ttioP,. 'lhe Portable C Co~,q~iler
(with difl~:rent target machine do~riptions) geuer,lled or:tie tbr


both processors. The M]PS numbers are a close approximation of

our expected perfomaance.
Motorola 68000
8 MHz
16 b i t s

T r a n s i s t o r Count
Clock speed
Data path w i d t h
Static Instruction
S t a t i c I n s t r u c t i o n Bytes
Execution Time (sec)

8 MHz=
32 b i t s 2

The MIPS project has been supported by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency under contract # MDA903-79-C-0680.
Thomas Gross is supported by an IBM Graduate Fellowship.
Many other people have contributed to the success of the MIPS
project; these include Judson Leonard, A l e x Strong,
K. Gopinath, and John Burnett.
An earlier version of this report appears in th,.~Proceedings of the
CMU Conference on VLSI Systems and Computations, 1981.

801 Minicomputer,"
SIGARCIt/SIGPLAN Symposium on Architectural.
Support for Programming Languages and Operating
Systems,, ACM, Palo Alto, March 1982, pp. 39 - 47.
Patterson, D.A. and Sequin C.H., "RISC-I: A Reduced
Instruction Set VLSI Computer," Proc. of the I~Tghth




Computer Architecture

Minneapolis, Minn., May 1981,.

I.arnpson, B.W., McDaniel, G.A. and S.M. Ornstein, "An
Instruction Fetch Unit for a High Performance Personal
C~,mputer," Tech. report CSL-81-1, Xerox PARC, January


Widdoes, LC., "The S-1 Project: Developing high

performance digital computers," Proc. Compcon, IEEE,
San Francisco, February 1980,.


Hennessy, J.L. and Gross, T.R., "Code Generation and

Reorganization in the Presence of Pipeline Constraints,"
Proa Ninth POPL Conference, ACM, January 1982,.


Gross, T.R. and Hennessy, J.L, "Optmizing Delayed

Branches," Proceedingsof Micro-15, IEEE, October 1982,.


Baskett, F., "Puzzle: an informal coalpute bound benchmark", Widely circulated and nln.

LI'he 68(X)0 IC-techr.ology is much better, and the 68000 perfolms across a wide
range of environmental situations. We do not expect to achieve this clock speed across
the same range of environmental factors.
2This advantage is n o t used in the benchrnat'.',:~ i.e. the 68iX.~) version deals with 16 l:i~
objects while MIPS uses 32 bit objects


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