Run This Code Below

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ECE 263/264

Lab 8
Due: Friday Oct 31
Warm up exerciseswe will discuss the following
Pointer s
Passing pointers to functions
Returning pointers from functions


Introduction to strings

Run this code below:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a[3] = {10, 12, 10};
printf(" a is %d\n", a);
printf(" a+1 is %d\n",a+1);
printf(" a+2 is %d\n",a+2);
printf(" *a is %d\n",*a);
printf(" *(a+1) is %d\n", *(a+1));
printf(" *(a+2) is %d\n", *(a+2));
printf(" address of a[0] is %d\n", &a[0]);
printf(" address of a[1] is %d\n", &a[1]);
printf(" address of a[2] is %d\n", &a[2]);
return 0;

Given the following declarations:

char AR[10];
short WW[13];
double M[100];
char *cp; short
*sp; short *sp2;
double *dp;
AR is located at address 500
WW is locates at address

2100 M is located at address

Determine the following:
a) dp after executing dp = &M[5];
b) cp after executing cp = &AR[4];
c) dp after executing dp = M+9;
d) Suppose we execute sp=WW; and then we execute sp = sp+5. Now determine sp
e) Determine sp sp2
After executing sp=&WW[7]; and sp2=&WW[2]

Consider the following declarations:

short T[3] = {6, 17, 3};
short *sp =T;
short x;
a) x = 10 - *sp+1;
b) x = 10 - *(sp+1)
c) x = 10 - *(T+2)
d) X = 10 - *(&T[1])
d) What is *(sp+3)

Lab 8 (this is to be turned in)

Palindrome is a string that is the same as backwards or forwards
In this lab we will work with strings (so we will be using character arrays).
In this lab we will define a char array:
1. Write a function computeLength and call this functionin main to ompute the
length of the string str
2. if the string str is of length 0 the program will terminate
3. Call this function with str1 in main and output your result
Now write a function isPalindrome(str) that returns a 1 if str is a palindrome and 0
otherwise. To get full credit use isReversePrefix in your function
int computeLength(char *str);
int isPalindrome (char *str);

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