Shiva Marine CV

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Name: Dr. Shivakumar B. Haragi., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Designation: Assistant Professor,
Mailing Address:
Department of Studies in Marine Biology,
Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre,
Kodibag, Karwar - 581303.
Ph & Fax 08382 227352.
Mobile +91-9663037103
Email: [email protected]
Birth place & Citizenship: Sirsi. Karnataka. India
Scientific Interest:

To explore the marine ecosystem for biodiversity monitoring and

conservations of the intertidal marine life, with special interest in field
assisting and documenting the stranding patterns of marine cetacean, status
& ecology, behavior and reproductive physiology.
Educational Qualification:
Ph.D. 2007. Karnatak Univerasity Dharwad, Karnataka. India
M.Sc, 2002. Marine Biology, Karnatak University P.G. Centre, Karwar, Karnataka.
B.Sc (CBZ) 1999. Karnatak Science College, Dharwad. K. U. Dharwad. Karnataka.
Positions held:
1. 2006 - 2009. Research Scientist in Environmental Regulatory Toxicology at Jai
Research Foundation (Contract Research Organization, compliance with Good
Laboratory Practice, Netherlands) Vapi, Gujarat, India.
2. 2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Studies in Marine Biology, Karnatak
University P.G. Centre, Karwar, Karnataka, India.

Field Experience:
1. Involved in the marine mammals study:

Stranding study of sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus at Devbagh beach,

Karwar, West coast of India. 2009. Publication enclosed.

ii. Cuvier beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, stranding and morphometric

assessments for taxonomic identification at Keni beach Ankola, Karnataka, West
coast of India. 2012
iii. Conservation of Rissos dolphin at Karwar beach, West coast of India. 2013.
iv. Distributional status of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), from
Karwar coast, West coast of India. Dissertation guided to M.Sc., Scholar. 2013.
v. Baleen whale carcass documented at Honnavar beach, West coast of India. 2014.
2. Sagar Kanya (SK133) - Cruise Participation in Arabian Sea for the Tsunami Buoy
Maintenance and biological oceanographic sampling. 2012.
3. Inter tidal Biodiversity assessments (Rocky shore) along the Karnataka Coast.
4. Estuary Biodiversity Assessments along the Karnataka Coast. India
Teaching Experience: Since 2009, teaching marine biology course to M.Sc students.
Guided M.Sc., dissertation

Resilient Intertidal Biodiversity Assessments of Majali Rocky Shore Karwar.

Finfish Biodiversity Assessments of Sal Estuary. Goa.
Survey of Indian Humpback Dolphin around Karwar Coast
Trawl Catch Assessment of Karwar Landing Centre
Diversity Assessments of Brachurans and Molluscans of Karwar Coast.
Studies on water born pathogenic contaminants of Kali estuary

Organized National Symposium:

Joint Secretary for the National Symposium on Taxonomy and Biogeography at P.G. Centre,
Dept of Marine Biology, Karnatak University on 7th Dec 2013.
Professional Membership:
1. Indian Journal of Environment and Toxicology
2. Active member of Marine Mammals Conservation of India.
3. Life member of Indian Fisheries Forum.

Details of professional training and research experience, specifying period.

Participated in the Refreshers course on Traditional and Modern Approaches in

Animal Taxonomy from 15/04/2013 to 29-04-2013 organised by Science Academies at
GKVK Bangalore.

Participated in 21 days Summer/Winter Training School on Diagnostics in Fish Health

Management from 10th to 30th January 2012 at Central Institute of Fisheries
Education. Mumbai.

Training on Open sea cage culture of Marine Finfish and Shell fish. Conducted by
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Centre, Karwar. From 10th to 17th
March. 2010.

Special Invitation: Invited as Resource Personnel for the Project of European Food Safety
Authority Parma, Italy, Europe. 2010.
International Seminar Participated:

VIIIth Global Conference on Environmental Education, Panaji, Goa. From 4th to 8th

November 2009.
Paper presented :Lake 2010. Wetlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change from 22nd to

24th December 2010. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Paper presented; International conference on Biodiversity and aquatic toxicology

from 12 to 14th Feb. 2011, at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Vijayawada. AP.

Paper Presented ; International seminar on Emerging threats and challenges to
biodiversity; Policy frame work for sustainable management. 2nd to 4th March 2012.
Shri. Venkateshwara University Tirupati, AP.
Total Symposium, Seminar attended : 16

H.B.Shivakumar, R. Shivakumar, S. B. Mushigeri & M. David.
Toxicity evaluation of cypermethrin and its effect on oxygen consumption of the
freshwater fish, Tilapia mossambica.
Indian J. Environ. Toxicol. Vol (13) - 99-102. 2003. ISSN -0971-2127
H.B.Shivakumar and M.David
Dimethoate induced alterations in the levels of ions and whole animal oxygen
consumption of freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio.
J. Ecophysiol. Occup. Hlth. (5) 217 222. 2005. ISSN - 0972-4397

M.David., H.B.Shivakumar and Ramesh H.

Evaluation of Sodium Cyanide toxicity on the freshwater fish. Cyprinus carpio.
Indian J. Environ. Toxicol. Vol (13) - 99-102. 2005. ISSN -0971-2127
H.B.Shivakumar and M.David.
Static renewal bioassay test of dimethoate on the freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio.
J. Curr. Sci. Vol, 9 (1): 145 - 149. 2006. ISSN 0972-6201
H.B.Shivakumar and M. David
Hepatotoxic potentials of Malthion in the freshwater telost, Cirrhinus Mrigala.
J. Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. Vol(18). No. 4, 2007.
ISSN - 07926855
H.B.Shivakumar and M.David
Effect of dimethoate on toxicity and oxygen consumption of the freshwater teloest,
Cyprinus carpio. J. Ecotoxico. Environ monit. 18 (4) 319 324. 2008. ISSN 09710965-08-18-319
Shivakumar Haragi., Ulhas Naik and U.G. Bhat.
Fin Fish Diversity and Their Abundance in Kali Estuary, West Coast OF India.
Proceedings of Biodiversity and Conservation. 173 180. 2010. ISSBH.B.Shivakumar and M.David et al.
Assessment of sodium cyanide toxicity on freshwater teleosts.
Recent Research in Science and Technology. 2 (2), 20 24. 2010. ISSN-2076-5061
Ulhas G. Naik., J.L.Rathod and Shivakumar Haragi. SPERM WHALE (Physeter
macrocephalus) stranded at Devbagh beach,Karwar, West Coast of India.
Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2 (12) 2010. 1338-1341 ; ISSN - 0974 7893.
Shivakumar Haragi and U.G. Naik.
Brachyuran Diversity in sublittoral zone of tropical estuary Karwar. West coast of India.
Online publication:
Shivakumar Haragi and U.G. Naik.
Resilient intertidal biodiversity profile of Majali coast, Karwar, West coast of India.
International Cibtech Journal of Zoology. 2012 Vol. 1 (1)pp 68-78. ISSN: 2319-3883.
U.G.Naik., Shivakumar B. Haragi and U.G. Bhat
Distribution of Trace Metals in Sediments from the Shelf Region of Karnataka, West
Coast of India. 2013. Indian J. Ecol. 40(1) : 37-44. ISSN: 0304-5250
U.G. Naik and Shivakumar Haragi
Sunfish Ranzania laevis (Pennanta,1776), a Rare catch from Harawada (Ankola),
Karnataka,West Coast of India (Accepted). Indian Journal of Ecology,2013, 40(2): 330332. ISSN: 0304-5250

1. Dr. K.K. Philipose
Principal Scientist & Scientist in Charge
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Karwar Research Centre
Karwar, Karnataka. India.
Mobile: +91 9449817334
Office: +91 8382 221371
E mail: [email protected]

2. 2. Dr. Luke Rendell

MASTS Lecturer (
Tel: (44)(0)1334 463499
E-mail: [email protected]
School of Biology, University of St. Andrews
Sir Harold Mitchell Building,
St. Andrews, Fife
KY16 9TH

Place: Karwar, India

Date: 30-01-2015

Dr. Shivakumar Haragi

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