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Lampiran 1. Pengambilan dan Pengamatan Sampel.

Stasiun I (Bendungan Bili- Stasiun II (output kecil

bili, Kabupaten Gowa, Bendungan Bili-bili, Kabupaten
Sulawesi Selatan). Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan).

Stasiun III (sekitaran Jembatan Stasiun IV (sekitaran Jembatan

Bili-bili 1, Kabupaten Gowa, Kembar Pallangga, Kabupaten
Sulawesi Selatan) Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan).

Stasiun V (Dermaga Daeng Tata Stasiun VI (sekitaran Jembatan

I, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Barombong, Kota Makassar,
Selatan). Sulawesi Selatan).

Lampiran 2. Gambar Plankton

A. Fitoplankton

Chlorococcus sp. Aphanocapsa sp. Coelosphaerium


Oocystis sp. Pleurotaenium Euglena sp.

Striatella Melosira granulata

Melosira granulata Peridinium sp. Gymnodinium sp.

Navicula sp. Polykrikos sp. Anabaena sp.

B. Zooplankton

Paradyleptus sp. Radiolaria sp. Trichamoeba sp.

Stentor sp. Difflugia sp.

Habrothrocha sp. Rotaria sp. Paraseison sp.

Arctodiaptomus sp Bosminopsis sp.

Lampiran 3. Data Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Plankton

St. I Fitoplankkton
No. Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H'
1 Aphanocapsa sp. Cyanophyceae 1675 -0,288061986
2 Coelosphaerium sp. Cyanophyceae 1575 -0,279775439
3 Chlorococcus sp. Chlorophyceae 1145 -0,236947816
4 Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii Cyanophyceae 1140 -0,236371663
5 Chlamydomonas sp Chlorophyceae 945 -0,212233849
6 Dictiyosphaericum pulchellum Cyanophyceae 910 -0,207529926
7 Chlorogonium sp Chlorophyceae 690 -0,174909287
8 Chlorella sp Chlorophyceae 490 -0,139626407
9 Cryptomonas Flagellata 430 -0,127691674
10 Nitzchia Diatomeae 320 -0,103716486
11 Selenastrum sp Chlorophyceae 320 -0,103716486
12 Hemidinium Flagellata 280 -0,094188395
13 Oocystis sp. Chlorophyceae 230 -0,081527436
14 Synura sp. Flagellata 150 -0,059063137
15 Synedra ulna Diatomeae 140 -0,056013371
16 Mougeotia sp. Conjugatae 120 -0,049711652
17 Amphinidium Flagellata 70 -0,032466272
18 Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanophyceae 70 -0,032466272
19 Dinobryon Diatomeae 60 -0,028678329
20 Actinella sp. Diatomeae 30 -0,016250416
21 Euglena acus Flagellata 30 -0,016250416
22 Encyonema Diatomeae 20 -0,011578951
23 Peridinium sp Flagellata 20 -0,011578951
24 Anabaena sp Cyanophyceae 10 -0,006426559
25 Epithemia sp Diatomeae 10 -0,006426559
Total 10880 2,613207735
St. I Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Bursaria sp. Protozoa 5 -0,116113649
2 Cephalodella auriculata Rotifera 10 -0,184424045
3 Dactylobiotus Tardigrada 5 -0,116113649
4 Filinia opoliensis Rotifera 20 -0,273241582
5 Habrotrocha sp Rotifera 5 -0,116113649
6 Microcyclops sp Arthropoda 5 -0,116113649
7 Plectuss sp. Nematoda 10 -0,184424045
8 Polichaos sp. Protozoa 15 -0,234691401
9 Rotaria neptunia Rotifera 10 -0,184424045
10 Taphrocampa selena Rotifera 15 -0,234691401
11 Tintinnidium flaviatile Protozoa 20 -0,273241582
12 Trichamoeba sp Protozoa 20 -0,273241582

13 Xystonellopsis sp Arthropoda 5 -0,116113649
Total 145 2,422947928
St. II Fitoplankton
No. Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H'
1 Chlorococcus sp. Chlorophyceae 1415 -0,3010519
2 Chlorogonium sp Flagellata 1345 -0,294345949
3 Coleosphaerium sp Cyanophyceae 1090 -0,266031379
4 Aphanocapsa sp, Cyanophyceae 950 -0,24753077
5 Chlamydomonas sp Flagellata 575 -0,184458672
6 Selenastrum sp Chlorophyceae 570 -0,183451948
7 Gymnodinium sp. Flagellata 450 -0,157592927
8 Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii Cyanophyceae 375 -0,139530269
9 Oocystis sp Chlorophyceae 315 -0,123794666
10 Peridinium sp Flagellata 300 -0,119655776
11 Dictiyosphaericum pulchellum Cyanophyceae 225 -0,097507695
12 Nitzchia Diatomeae 170 -0,079389497
13 Synedra ulna Diatomeae 115 -0,059097536
14 Noctiluca Flagellata 95 -0,050997298
15 Dinobryon Diatomeae 65 -0,037852315
16 Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanophyceae 65 -0,037852315
17 Gyrodinium sp. Flagellata 50 -0,030691037
18 Sabulodinium Flagellata 30 -0,020253226
19 Synura sp Flagellata 20 -0,014475073
20 Pleurotaenium sp. Conjugatae 20 -0,014475073
21 Prorocentrum micans Flagellata 15 -0,011374029
22 Euglena acus Flagellata 20 -0,014475073
23 Adenoides Flagellata 15 -0,011374029
24 Synedra acuus Diatomeae 10 -0,008069147
25 Oscillatoria sp Cyanophyceae 10 -0,008069147
26 Melosira granulata Diatomeae 10 -0,008069147
27 Pokykrikos sp. Flagellata 5 -0,004450378
28 Striatella unipunctata Diatomeae 5 -0,004450378
29 Mougeotia acalaria Conjugatae 5 -0,004450378
30 Euglena gracilis Flagellata 5 -0,004450378
31 Pseliodinium sp Flagellata 5 -0,004450378
32 Onychonema sp Chlorophyceae 5 -0,004450378
33 Staurastrum sp Diatomeae 5 -0,004450378
Total 8355 2,552618541

St. II Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Habrotrocha sp Rotifera 15 -0,24917126
2 Radiolaria sp. Protozoa 5 -0,125311405
3 Tintinnidium flaviatile Protozoa 10 -0,197303797
4 Microcyclops sp Arthropoda 5 -0,125311405
5 Stentor sp. Protozoa 5 -0,125311405
6 Plectuss sp. Nematoda 5 -0,125311405
7 Dactylobiotus sp. Tardigrada 15 -0,24917126
8 Trichamoeba sp Protozoa 25 -0,317049736
9 Bursaria sp Protozoa 20 -0,287969566
10 Rotaria sp Rotifera 20 -0,287969566
11 Difflugia Protozoa 5 -0,125311405
Total 130 2,215192209
St. III Fitoplankton
No Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H'
1 Chlorococcus sp. Chlorophyceae 850 -0,34472
2 Coelosphaerium sp. Cyanophyceae 615 -0,30685
3 Aphanocapsa sp. Cyanophyceae 535 -0,28845
4 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Chlorophyceae 485 -0,27523
5 Selenastrum sp. Chlorophyceae 465 -0,26953
6 Chlorogonium sp. Flagellata 255 -0,19202
7 Peridinium sp. Flagellata 110 -0,10952
8 Gymnodinium sp. Flagellata 45 -0,05641
9 Microcystis sp. Cyanophyceae 25 -0,03558
10 Oocystis sp. Chlorophyceae 20 -0,02975
11 Nitzchia sp. Diatomeae 20 -0,02975
12 Amphinidium sp. Flagellata 20 -0,02975
13 Pleurotaenium sp. Conjugatae 15 -0,02356
14 Prorocentrum micans Flagellata 5 -0,00944
Total 3465 2,000575
St. III Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Difflugia sp. Protozoa 5 -0,18054
2 Rotaria sp. Rotifera 20 -0,35247
3 Taphrocampa sp. Rotifera 5 -0,18054
4 Habrothrocha sp. Rotifera 5 -0,18054
5 Trichamoeba sp. Protozoa 5 -0,18054
6 Bosminopsis sp. Arthropoda 5 -0,18054
7 Paradileptus sp. Protozoa 5 -0,18054
8 Nauplius sp. Arthropoda 5 -0,18054
9 Dactyolobiotus sp. Tardigrada 10 -0,26865

10 Arctodiaptomus sp Arthropoda 10 -0,26865
Total 75 2,153532
St.IV Fitoplankton
No Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H‟
1 Cylindrospemopsis raciborskii Cyanophyceae 1015 -0,317830778
2 Coelosphaerium sp. Cyanophyceae 955 -0,310137239
3 Chlorococcus sp. Chlorophyceae 780 -0,283407922
4 Oocystis sp. Chlorophyceae 730 -0,274461348
5 Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanophyceae 420 -0,202174612
6 Gymnodinium sp. Flagellata 400 -0,196268139
7 Peridinium sp. Flagellata 345 -0,179011002
8 Amphidinium sp. Flagellata 275 -0,154579855
9 Synura sp. Flagellata 140 -0,096715793
10 Hydrodicton sp. Diatomeae 80 -0,063801775
11 Girodinium sp. Flagellata 55 -0,047792822
12 Euglena sp. Flagellata 30 -0,029535747
13 Flagilaria sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,006630689
14 Mallomonas sp. Flagellata 5 -0,006630689
15 Polykrikos sp. Flagellata 5 -0,006630689
16 Pleurotaenium sp. Conjugatae 5 -0,006630689
Total 5245 2,182239788
St.IV Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Paradyleptus sp. Protozoa 5 -0,160576209
2 Amoeba sp. Protozoa 15 -0,298626578
3 Difflugia sp. Protozoa 20 -0,334239422
4 Filinia sp. Rotifera 10 -0,244136064
5 Polyathra sp. Rotifera 5 -0,160576209
6 Rotaria sp. Rotifera 30 -0,366204096
7 Taphrocampa sp. Rotifera 5 -0,160576209
Total 90 1,724934786
St. V Fitoplankton
No Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H'
1 Chlorococcus sp. Chlorophyceae 1240 -0,301096686
2 Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanophyceae 640 -0,36392446
3 Peridinium sp. Flagellata 45 -0,084438811
4 Synura sp. Flagellata 45 -0,084438811
5 Anabaena sp. Cyanophyceae 20 -0,045517821
6 Polykrikos sp. Flagellata 10 -0,026173428
7 Pleurotaenium sp. Conjugatae 5 -0,014793973
8 Flagilaria sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,014793973
9 Synedra sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,014793973
10 Nitzchia sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,014793973

11 Navicula sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,014793973
12 Noctiluca sp. Diatomeae 5 -0,014793973
Total 2030 0,994353857
St. V Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Rotaria sp. Rotifera 40 -0,270310072
2 Habritrocha sp. Rotifera 15 -0,34657359
3 Bursaria sp. Protozoa 5 -0,207075554
Total 60 -0,823959217
St. VI Fitoplankton
No Nama spesies Kelas Jumlah ind H'
1 Selenastrum sp. Chlorophyceae 860 -0,367862999
2 Coelosphaerium sp. Cyanophyceae 805 -0,366880326
3 Oocystis sp. Chlorophyceae 495 -0,327593336
4 Gymnodinium sp. Flagellata 80 -0,114725094
5 Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanophyceae 30 -0,055490079
6 Peridinium sp. Flagellata 25 -0,048173105
7 Noctiluca sp. Flagellata 25 -0,048173105
8 Pleurotaenium sp. Conjugatae 20 -0,040429531
9 Spirogyra sp. Chlorophyceae 15 -0,032150636
10 Synura sp. Flagellata 5 -0,013044447
Total 2360 1,414522656
Sta.VI Zooplankton
No Nama spesies Filum Jumlah ind H'
1 Habrotrocha sp. Rotifera 5 -0,207075554
2 Plectuss sp. Nematoda 5 -0,207075554
3 Arctodiaptomus sp. Arthropoda 5 -0,207075554
4 Rotaria sp. Rotifera 15 -0,34657359
5 Filinia sp. Rotifera 5 -0,207075554
6 Difflugia sp. Protozoa 5 -0,207075554
7 Paraseison sp. Rotifera 10 -0,298626578
8 Amoeba sp. Protozoa 5 -0,207075554
9 Tintinnidium sp. Protozoa 5 -0,207075554
Total 60 2,094729048

Lampiran 4. Lembar Hasil Uji Nitrat-Fosfat


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